Sample Exemption Test
Sample Exemption Test
Sample Exemption Test
USE OF ENGLISH In questions 1 2 !"oose t"e #ord or #ords t"$t %est !omp&ete t"e senten!e'
_________ average, dolphins eat about one-third __________ their weight in food __________ day. a. For / from / in c. With / about / on b. In / with / in d. n / of / per
In "ecember !###, s$ydiver %drian &icholas landed in 'outh %frica _____________ a parachute built from (eonardo da )inci*s designs. a. used b. using c. which was using d. by the use
+. %t the center of almost every snow crystal is a tiny piece of dust, ____________ anything from volcanic ash to a particle from outer space. a. which can be c. from which comes b. that should be d. those of
,. -he bag in ___________________ was found 1## meters away from the ban$. a. that the robbers put the money c. which the robbers put the money b. where the robbers put the money d. what the robbers put the money
.. /alf of the people _____________ to the party did not come. a. which invited b. inviting c. were invited d. invited
0. % si1-year study of a million adults showed that people who get only si1 to seven hours of sleep a night have ____________________ those who get eight hours. a. a low death rate than c. much lower a death rate with b. the lowest death rate among d. a lower death rate than
2. %ccording to an old wives* tale, a bee entering your house means a visitor is on his way, and ________________, the visitor won*t be a pleasant one. a. if you $ill the bee c. if you $illed the bee b. if you had $illed the bee d. if you would $ill the bee
3. -he amount of food __________________ would astonish us now. a. consuming a wrestler in ttoman times b. was being consumed at ttoman times c. was consumed by a wrestler in ttoman times d. consumed by a wrestler in ttoman times
5andhi, who never received the &obel 6eace 6ri7e, ____________________ when he was assassinated. a. was considering the &obel 8ommittee b. was being considered by the &obel 8ommittee c. considered the &obel 8ommittee d. had considered the &obel 8ommittee
1#. I totally agree with ____________________________. a. that my father wrote in his letter b. what the prime minister said in his speech yesterday c. what did you say to me after the meeting d. that is the earth going to dry up in a few decades 11. _______________ losing my 9ob was a great shoc$ at first, I thin$ I am slowly getting over it. a. :ecause b. 'ince c. %lthough d. %s
1!. -he more you water this plant, the ___________ it will grow. a. more fast b. fastest c. faster d. fast
1+. %fter finishing his engineering studies with high honors, :ura$ _____________ a 9ob in a big company, but he preferred to open a pi77a restaurant in a small seaside town. a. could have found b. must have found c. might find d. should find
1,. -he waiter in the restaurant told me two different ways of getting to the station but _______ of them ________ correct. a. each / were b. either / was c. both / was d. neither / was
1.. ;ane did not $now __________________________ because her father, who paid it for her, never told her. a. b. c. d. how how how how much much much much was the rent of her apartment the rent of her apartment was is the rent of the apartment costs the rent of the apartment
10. If you can*t afford to ______________________, why don*t you do it yourself< a. ma$e your house painted c. have your house painted b. paint your house d. do painting in your house
-his car is usually chosen because of its low fuel costs _____________ its safety features. a. the same as b. as well c. 9ust as d. as well as
13. =ichael and his wife _____________________ ever since they ____________. a. fought / have been married b. have been fighting / got married c. have been fighting / had been married d. are fighting / are married 14. %9lan says she does not remember _______________ her boo$ to "idem last wee$. a. lend b. lending c. lent d. to lend
!#. 'encer, who is not very healthy, ___________ he ________________ more vegetables when he was a child. a. wished / ate c. wishes / had eaten b. was wishing / was eating d. wishes / would eat
(O)*+UL*,Y In questions 21 2- !"oose t"e #ord t"$t %est !omp&etes t"e senten!e'
!1. %lthough I tried to concentrate on what the lecturer was saying, I was ___________ by the noise from outside. a. interfered b. stopped c. distracted d. bloc$ed
!!. -here are several old bridges across the river, which may easily __________ if a big earth>ua$e occurs. a. pull down b. destroy c. collapse d. interrupt
!+. :efore you __________ for a 9ob, it is a good idea to get some information about the company and the wor$ing conditions there. a. assign b. struggle c. re>uire d. apply
!,. ;oanna is loo$ing for a 9ob that offers a _____________ schedule because with two young children at home, she cannot wor$ from nine to five every day. a. compulsory b. notorious c. fle1ible d. smooth
!.. %lthough =?9de has always been ______________ to her husband, I have heard rumours that her husband has cheated on her several times in the past. a. loyal b. sophisticated c. distinct d. fierce
!0. 'ome airline companies have a better ______________ for safety than others. a. legacy b. reputation c. superiority d. dispute
!2. :efore being chosen to become an astronaut, a military pilot has to go through numerous _____________ tests. a. poverty b. proposal c. endurance d. epidemic
!3. 'mo$ing in closed public places has been _______________ by law. a. performed b. prompted c. promoted d. prohibited
!4. =any women find it difficult to ________________ wor$ing outside and doing housewor$ at the same time. a. cope with c. depend on b. withdraw from d. ta$e into account
In questions . .- !"oose t"e #ord t"$t "$s t"e !&osest me$nin/ to t"e under&ined #ord' +#. Ferit ran down the street with a police officer pursuing him. a. completing b. reinforcing c. following d. urging
+1. %t first 'abiha 5@$Aen %irport was mostly used for domestic flights, but nowadays some companies have shifted their international flights to that airport, too. a. internal b. multicultural c. outdated d. foreign
+!. "eprivation of sunlight causes serious bone problems in children. a. b9ection b. 6resence c. (ac$ d. 5ap
++. Bnfortunately, there is no remedy for the type of illness /enry is suffering from. a. cure b. retreat c. interval d. delay
+,. 'alt enhances the flavor of food, but too much of it is harmful to the body. a. increases b. withdraws c. confirms d. diminishes
+.. :efore you buy a house in the country and start living far from the city center, you should seriously consider the implications of such a change in your lifestyle. a. confirmations b. settlements c. stereotypes d. conse>uences
+0. -he fires that bro$e out in the southern region of the country caused e1tensive damage to the forests. a. anonymous b. great c. e1clusive d. incompetent
+2. -he e1hibition of contemporary -ur$ish painting held in "ubai attracted many visitors. a. consecutive b. potential c. modern d. national
+3. Cnvironmental issues have been neglected for too long and now many people are worried about the future of the planet. a. ignored b. convinced c. accused d. suspected
+4. -he traffic police who stopped /?seyin used a simple instrument to detect alcohol in his blood. a. conceal b. appeal c. clear d. find
SENTEN)E *N*LYSIS In questions 0 0- !"oose t"e p"r$se t"$t %est !omp&etes e$!" senten!e'
,#. Dou won*t be able to understand this show a. b. c. d. so you should probably watch it unless you have seen the previous episodes it is too confusing for anyone to understand even if you have never seen it before
,1. __________________ that thirty percent of adults have a fear of flying to lesser or greater degrees. a. b. c. d. It is not easy %lthough it is a fact Eesearch has shown Whatever e1perts say
,!. -he construction of safe buildings continues _______________________. a. b. c. d. ,+. to be the main goal of architects and engineers an impossible goal of architects and engineers while architects and engineers do their 9obs improperly the problems caused by poorly trained engineers and architects .
While I understand your opinion, a. b. c. d. I completely agree which is very logical your opinion ma$es no sense I cannot accept it
,,. &ew safety regulations in airports do not allow passengers __________. a. b. c. d. ,.. economic uncertainty. a. It is often said that c. 8onsidering that b. What is often said d. It has been considered who will pay for e1cess baggage that are spending too much time in the toilets came from all parts of the world to carry li>uids and gels in their hand luggage gold is a good investment in times of high inflation or
,0. -he "utch architect ;an9aap Eui9ssenaars has designed a bed ________________ . a. b. c. d. for a while that floats in the air without him who wor$s in modern, high-tech factories
,2. &ot surprisingly, ;ane had great difficulty finding a low-priced flat _______________. a. b. c. d. ,3. in such a horrible neighbourhood after her family offered to lend her the money that was both near her wor$ and in good condition because she wasn*t concerned with the location a few of the students ignored their teacher*s
"espite $nowing that the e1am was easy, %ssuming the e1am would be fairly easy, :ecause they forgot about the e1am, %s they didn*t $now there would be an e1am,
in the world that ma$es me happier than a good boo$ and a b. Few things d. nly one thing
In questions 1 2 1- !"oose t"e senten!e #it" t"e !&osest me$nin/ to t"e /iven senten!e'
.#. For all the effort we made, we failed to achieve any significant results. a. "espite our hard wor$, we did not accomplish anything important. b. We were unsuccessful because we didn*t wor$ hard enough. c. With a little effort, we managed to achieve some significant results. d. ur efforts almost resulted in a significant achievement.
.1. -he reporters were shoc$ed to hear the president announce that there was no solution but war. a. b. c. d. -he reporters did not e1pect the president to say that war was the only solution. -he reporters were surprised when the president said that war was not a solution. -he reporters shoc$ed the president by saying there was no solution to the war. -he reporters e1pected the president to say that war was a solution.
.!. We must solve the problem of overpopulation >uic$ly, or else it will be too late. a. -he population is growing so >uic$ly that there is not enough time to solve the problem. b. If we don*t solve the overpopulation problem soon, we won*t be able to solve it later. c. We don*t have time, so someone else should solve the problem of overpopulation. d. -he population is growing very >uic$ly, but we can solve this problem later.
nly after they reach the age of three or four do children start to dream about themselves. a. b. c. d. 8hildren 8hildren 8hildren 8hildren who have not reached the age of three or four do not dream at all. do not dream about themselves before they are three or fours years old. under the age of four dream more about themselves than others. who dream about themselves have not reached the age of three or four.
.,. =o7art*s parents pushed him very hard and turned him into a brilliant musician but an unbalanced person with no idea of how to relate to people. a. =o7art*s parents were responsible for his unbalanced social life because they forced him to concentrate only on becoming a good musician. b. Without his parents, =o7art could not be a balanced person. c. If his parents had not forced him to study music, =o7art might not have become such a brilliant musician. d. =o7art*s parents $new that he was an unbalanced boy, so they tried to provide an alternative for him and turned him into a brilliant musician. ... -he award-winning -ur$ish film director &uri :ilge 8eylan has often been critici7ed on the basis of limiting himself to festival films. a. &uri :ilge 8eylan, the award-winning -ur$ish film director, is often critici7ed for ta$ing his films to festivals. b. &uri :ilge 8eylan, the award-winning -ur$ish film director, often critici7es the festival committees for having limited views. c. =any people critici7e &uri :ilge 8eylan, the award-winning -ur$ish film director, for ma$ing films to be shown in festivals only. d. -he award-winning -ur$ish film director &uri :ilge 8eylan has a limited understanding of films. .0. &o sooner did ;ohn enter the room than I spilled coffee on his shirt. a. b. c. d. ;ohn had already entered the room before I spilled coffee on his shirt. :efore ;ohn entered the room, I spilled coffee on his shirt. If ;ohn had entered the room sooner, I wouldn*t have spilled coffee on his shirt. ;ust after ;ohn entered the room, I spilled coffee on his shirt.
.2. When you reach a final decision on a certain sub9ect, it is best not to thin$ too much about it afterwards. a. Dou should not thin$ too long before ma$ing your decisions. b. Dou cannot change your mind after deciding what to do. c. f course you should thin$ carefully about your decision before ma$ing it. d. "on*t thin$ too much about it after you decide to do something. .3. We made a fortune at the horse races, but we foolishly lost it playing po$er. a. We stupidly lost all the money that we had made at the horse races in a po$er game. b. We are luc$y at horse races but we play po$er li$e fools. c. Fortunately, we went to a horse race before losing our money in a po$er game. d. We made some money at the horse races, but the fools too$ it from us in a game of po$er. .4. &ot all types of dog ma$e suitable pets for people whose apartments are very small. a. nly some people who live in small apartments should have dogs for pets. b. 6eople who own small apartments should not have dogs for pets. c. nly some dogs are suitable for people who live in small apartments. d. "ogs are not suitable pets for people whose apartments are small.
,E*3ING *ns#er questions 7 8 $!!ordin/ to t"e re$din/ p$ss$/es' OU, LI4UI3 GOL3 6etroleum has often been called li>uid gold because of its value in our modern civili7ation. It is, of course, far more useful than gold. ur agriculture, industry, transportation, and communication depend upon petroleum in hundreds of ways, and the possession or lac$ of it can 1 vitally affect the fortunes of a nation in peace and war. %lthough the first commercial oil well was sun$ as recently as 13.4, man has been ma$ing use of petroleum for various purposes as far bac$ as our records go. "ar$, stic$y crude oil has long &e$5ed from crac$s in the earth in many parts of the world. %rchaeologists have found that petroleum was used in what is now Iran 1 thousands of years ago as a $ind of glue. -hroughout t"$t p$rt o6 t"e #or&d, there were a great many lea$ages. -hese sometimes started to burn by chance and became the Feternal firesG of the 6ersian people, who worshipped fire. -he ancient 6ersians also used petroleum in warfareH they shot arrows that had tips with burning asphalt at their enemies. 11 -he early e1plorers of &orth %merica found oil &e$5in/ out of the ground or floating on the surface of water in many places. -he Indians used to rub their bodies with this mineral oil, believing that it strengthened their muscles. -he immigrants who settled in the eastern part of the continent also began to use the oil to a certain e1tent. 'ome merchants, for e1ample, offered it under the name FIndian oilG, and it was supposed 2 to be a wonderful health tonic. il for burning was obtained from coal in 13,0. -his brought about a new interest in petroleum. In 13.4, the first oil well was drilled. -his was the birth of the oil industry.
0#. -he reason petroleum is described as Fli>uid goldG is that ______________. aI fire-worshippers adored it cI advanced societies cannot do without it bI it helped cure all sorts of illnesses dI 9ust li$e coal, it is used for burning
01. -he verb to &e$5 in lines 3 and 1. is closest in meaning to ______________. aI to escape or pass through a small opening bI to be poured into a container cI to fall down below the surface dI to disappear into the air 0!. What is meant by t"$t p$rt o6 t"e #or&d in line 1#< aI the part of the land where there is petroleum bI Iran cI archeological sites dI places with a great many lea$ages 0+. Which of the following is not an e1ample from the te1t of the uses of petroleum< aI stic$ing ob9ects together bI ma$ing muscles strong cI ma$ing archaeological investigations dI fighting a war
0,. Which of the following statements is F*LSE< aI % nation*s success in peace and war may depend upon the petroleum it has. bI 6etroleum has been used by man since the beginning of recorded history. cI 6etroleum coming out of the ground may catch fire accidentally. dI Indian oil, which was sold by merchants to cure many different illnesses, was obtained from coal. HE*LING SI)9 :IN3S -here was a time when insane people were treated li$e wild animals. -hese unfortunates were $ept in dirty madhouses, their food was insu66i!ient and they were often beaten by cruel $eepers. -oday we have come to reali7e that these people are sic$ and that we should try to help them with all the resources at our command. % special branch of medicine, psychiatry, deals e1clusively with the causes and the treatment of mental diseases as well as the problem of prevention. It is hard to define mental health and mental disease. In those suffering from mental disease, the personality is disorgani7ed. 'uch people have poor control over their emotionsH they do not ad9ust well to their environmentH their energy is wasted on internal conflicts. In addition, their memories can be faulty, or they may see things that do not really e1ist. % typical e1ample of mental disorder is psychopathic personality. -he behavior of some psychopaths resembles that of small children in certain respects, yet they may be individuals of superior intelligence. =any vicious criminals and leaders of undesirable organi7ations are psychopaths. 'ome other psychopaths are pathological liars who cannot distinguish clearly between fact and fantasy. 'uch behavior is normal in a small child, but not in a grown-up person. -he most effective way of dealing with mental disorders is to prevent t"em. It is particularly important to set the patterns of a well-ordered mental life in childhood. -he small child needs affection and a feeling of security for mental health 9ust as much as he needs food and drin$ for physical growth. If he lac$s such feelings, his mental health will suffer.
0.. -he m$in reason mentally sic$ people used to be treated badly was that _____________. a. these people were li$e wild animals b. madhouses were run by cruel people c. it had not been reali7ed that these people were, in fact, sic$ d. there were not enough resources available for the treatment of these people 00. -he word insu66i!ient in line ! is closest in meaning to_______. a. not enough b. e1pensive c. inconsistent d. varied
02. Which of the following statements about psychopaths is F*LSE< a. 'ome psychopaths are very intelligent. b. 'ome psychopaths are childish. c. 6sychopaths are lonely people who can never be sociali7ed. d. 6sychopaths can be dangerous and they may commit crimes.
03. Which of the following is NOT an effective way of dealing with mental disorders< a. showing love and warmth to children b. feeding children ade>uately c. protecting children from potential threats d. ta$ing precautions to prevent mental disorders before they appear 04. -he word t"em in line !# refers to ______________. a. mental disorders c. effective ways of dealing b. children d. patterns of well-ordered mental life
%ccording to a recent study, teenagers with a bedroom television tend to have poorer diet and e1ercise habits and lower grades in school than those without one. % group of researchers at the Bniversity of =innesota >uestioned 231 teenagers, 0! percent of whom reported having a television in their bedroom. &ot surprisingly, those with a bedroom -) were li$ely to spend four to five hours more watching -) per wee$ than those without one. 5irls with a bedroom television reported getting less vi/orous e1ercise, 1.3 hours a wee$ compared with !.. hours for girls without a -). -hey also ate fewer vegetables, dran$ more sweetened drin$s, and ate meals with their family less often. :oys with a bedroom -) reported having a lower grade point average than boys without one, as well as eating fewer greens, drin$ing more sweetened drin$s and having fewer family meals. :oth boys and girls with a bedroom -) reported spending less time reading and doing homewor$. :oys were more li$ely to have a television in their bedroom than girlsJ 03 percent versus .3 percent. -eenagers from the highest income families were far less li$ely than t"ose from all other income levels to have a bedroom -). -he researchers also trac$ed body mass inde1, a measure that relates height to weight, and found that having a bedroom -) had no influence on whether teens were obese. -he head of the research team, =s :arr-%nderson said this finding was a surprise, considering that previous studies on elementary school children found that having a bedroom -) was a strong predictor of obesity in younger children.
2#. -he purpose of the te1t is to _________________________. a. state that many families can afford to buy a separate television set for their children b. e1plain that having -)s in their bedrooms does not ma$e a difference in children*s lives c. draw attention to the negative effects of putting -) sets in children*s bedrooms d. give detailed sales information to electronics companies that produce -) sets 21. %ccording to one of the studies mentioned in the te1t, ______________________. a. 'urprisingly, teenagers who have -)s in their bedrooms get better grades at school than those who don*t b. teenagers with -)s in their rooms are not allowed to have meals with their families c. almost all children belonging to rich families have -)s in their bedrooms d. not having -) sets in their rooms encourages teenagers to live healthier lives
2!. Which is NOT true< a. Watching too much television leads to obesity in teenagers. b. :oys and girls with -)s in their rooms share the same eating habits. c. 'tudies e1amining the effects of having -)s in teenagers* and younger children*s bedrooms showed different results. d. =ore boys than girls are allowed to have -) sets in their rooms. 2+. -he word vi/orous in line 2 is closest in meaning to _________________. a. violent 2,. b. energetic c. e1traordinary d. peaceful
-he word t"ose in line 10 refers to __________________. a. boys b. families c. teenagers d. girls
2.. Which of the following would be the best title for this te1t< a. 8hildren and -) c. % =innesota 'tudy b. &o -) in -eenagers* :edrooms d. -) (eads to besity in Doung :odies
INNO(*TION In business, innovation is typically defined as the introduction of new ideas, products or methods. Increased global competition is forcing companies to consider different ways to stimulate product ideas. In theory, innovation sounds li$e a good idea. In practice, however, things are not so easy. %nalysts believe that the structure of large organi7ations wor$s against innovation. Indeed, large organi7ations are conservative, and new ideas are often ris$y. =oreover, new products may threaten the profits from e1isting products and services. %nother reason why innovation pro9ects fail is e1plained by the fact that many innovators have technical $nowledge but lac$ conceptual abilities. In fact, these innovators may not even see the business benefits of their ideas until t"ey are pointed out to them. %n important decision to ma$e is whether to introduce a product or service before anyone else, or to wait for others to introduce similar products first. 8ompanies that introduce a product or service before others are called pioneers. 'ome say that if you bring a product to mar$et first, you have first mover advantageJ you can influence the way the mar$et develops. %lso, the pioneering product is a nove&ty when it appears on the mar$et, and is therefore more li$ely to capture customer attention than those that follow. thers say that it is better to wait for pioneers to introduce a new product, and simply be a market follower. In this way, followers can learn from the mista$es of pioneers.
20. Which one of the following best e1plains the reason behind companies* recent innovation efforts< a. -here is a strong rivalry among companies throughout the world. b. -here is a lac$ of innovation in the mar$et. c. -here is a lac$ of innovative ideas among employees. d. Innovation does not bring about any business benefits. 22. %ll of the following are mentioned in the te1t to e1plain why many innovation pro9ects fail E;)E<T= a. (arge, conservative organi7ations are afraid of innovation. b. =anagers may hesitate to launch new products because they may decrease the profits from their e1isting products. c. Innovative employees lac$ technical s$ills. d. Innovative employees lac$ conceptual s$ills. 23. %ll of the following are benefits of launching a new product before facing competition E;)E<T= a. -here is a first mover advantage. b. -he company can learn from its mista$es. c. -he company can shape the mar$et. d. -he company can easily attract attention. 24. What does t"ey in line 1# refer to< a. innovative employees b. technical and conceptual abilities c. business benefits d. innovation pro9ects 3#. -he word nove&ty in line 12 is closest in meaning toJ a. a short boo$ c. something usual and common b. an e1pensive ob9ect d. something new and different
>,ITING ?2
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