Bone and Bone Substitutes

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Periodonlology 2000, Viol.

19, 1999, 74-86 C o p y r i g h t 0 M u n k s g a a r d 1999

Pririted in Denmark All rights reserved
I S S N 0906-6713

Bone and bone substitutes


The ultimate goal in periodontal therapy is creation use of bone replacement grafts an attractive choice
of an environment that is conducive to maintaining in certain periodontal defect configurations.
the patient’s dentition in health, comfort, and func- Increasing demand and interest in market share
tion. The shift in therapeutic concepts from resec- stimulated tissue banks and manufacturers to claim
tion to regeneration has significantly impacted the superiority of one product over another (Fig. 1).Due
practice of periodontology in the last quarter of this to the variable physical and chemical nature among
century. The objective of this text is to provide an bone replacement grafts (Table 11, the goal of repro-
overview of bone and bone substitutes intended for duction or reconstitution of lost periodontal struc-
periodontal reconstructive therapy and their biologi- ture (alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and ce-
cal potential. mentum) has been met with varying success or with
failure. Historically, autogenous and allogeneic bone
have been used with some success (11, 23, 44, 57).
The role of bone replacement Several other bone replacement grafts have been de-
grafts veloped for use in periodontal therapy to support
bone formation and defect fill. These latter ma-
Interest in bone replacement grafts has emerged terials, synthetically derived (alloplastic or synthetic)
from the desire to “fill” an intrabony or furcation de- or processed from skeletal structures of other species
fect rather than radically resect surrounding intact (xenogeneic), are biocompatible and non-organic.
bone tissue. Albeit true or false, the assumption that Their purpose is to substitute for autogenous bone.
their application would potentially manipulate the Oftentimes sufficient autogenous bone is unavail-
biological response into a regenerative rather than a able, or harvesting would require additional surgical
predominantly reparative pattern has rendered the sites, increasing patient morbidity and clinician
chair time. Allogeneic bone obtained from a different
person and commonly processed by tissue banks
provides an alternative to autogenous bone, but the
fear of disease transmission persists despite evi-
dence to the contrary (15, 62). This concern has
driven the market to produce biocompatible alterna-
tives to allograft bone. Bone substitutes have filled
this niche in periodontal practice, providing defect
fillers of variable biological activity. Plaster of Paris
(81) and Boplant (bovine derived) (80) represent
some of the early non-human bone replacement
grafts. Both are associated with inherent difficulties
and minimal clinical success. The focus began to
shift to calcium phosphate ceramics in the 1970s
(69). With the exploration of bioceramics; biocom-
patible, generally inert materials became available.
Fig. 1. Samples of commercially available bone replace- Clinical success has been reported in terms of defect
ment grafts (the samples do not represent any particular bone fill, but with little evidence of periodontal re-
preference by the authors) generation.

Bone and bone substitutes

Table 1. Bone replacement grafts duction, which is the stimulation of phenotypic con-
version of progenitor cells within the healing wound
Human bone
Autogenous grafts (autografts) to those that can form osseous tissue. Currently, de-
Extraoral mineralized freeze-dried human bone and bone
morphogenetic proteins may fulfill this role (95, 96).
Allogeneic grafts (allografts)
Fresh frozen bone Most bone replacement grafts are osteoconductive,
Freeze-dried bone all relatively inert filling materials, and integrate with
Demineralized freeze new bone. Osteoconductive materials provide a scaf-
Bone substitutes fold to allow bone ingrowth and deposition and may
Xenogeneic grafts (xenografts)
Bovine-derived hydroxyapatite support significant improvement in clinical probing
Coralline calcium carbonate depth and attachment levels. Histologically, these
Alloplastic grafts (alloplasts) bone replacement grafts have produced limited re-
Bioceramics generation.
Tricalcium phosphate
dense, nonporous, nonresorbable
porous, nonresorbable (xenograft)
resorbable hydroxyapatite derived at
History of bone replacement grafts
low temperature
Bioactive glasses Historically, autogenous bone grafts were the first
bone replacement grafts to be reported for peri-
odontal applications. Autogenous bone from extra-
oral and intraoral sources was the focus of initial
attention, being an accessible and desirable graft.
Rationale and objectives of Allogeneic freeze-dried bone was introduced to peri-
bone replacement grafts odontics in the early 1970s, while demineralized
allogeneic freeze-dried bone gained wider appli-
Periodontal therapy is directed not only at inflam- cation in the late 1980s with an even increasing mar-
mation control but also at pocket reduction and cor- ket share in the 1990s. The introduction of xeno-
rection of associated bone defects. Moderate to se- geneic and alloplastic bone replacement grafts for
vere periodontal defects are often not amenable to periodontal use occurred during the same time.
osseous resection without further compromising the Regenerative therapy with bone replacement
support of the involved and adjacent teeth. When grafts did not gain acceptance as predictable therapy
applicable, regeneration of the lost bone and peri- until the 1980s. Controversy still remains as to
odontal attachment improves the support of the whether new attachment (regeneration) at a coronal
tooth and hopefully its long-term prognosis. Bone level is achieved or whether primarily a long junc-
replacement grafts have been used to achieve this tional epithelium (repair) occurs as found with flap
end. Bone replacement grafts have been shown to debridement surgery alone. Currently, the ability of
produce greater clinical bone defect fill than flap de- bone replacement grafts to bond to bone and to be-
bridement alone (11, 23, 44, 57). Histological reports come slowly replaced with host bone is being exam-
have confirmed their ability to support new attach- ined. Hence, resorbability and the ability of a graft
ment in the apical portion of periodontal defects (18, material to enhance osteoconduction are the im-
23, 68). Complete restitution is not likely; however, petus behind the development of bone replacement
with bone replacement grafts some regeneration or grafts available today.
new attachment is more likely to occur (12).
The ideal bone replacement graft should be able
to trigger osteogenesis, cementogenesis and forma- Autogenous grafts (autografts)
tion of a functional periodontal ligament. Osteogen-
esis, the formation of mineralized bone by trans- The use of extraoral autogenous bone grafts has
planted osteoblasts, is only achieved with autogen- been scarcely reported in the periodontal literature.
ous grafts (76). Cellular elements or progenitor cells Iliac cancellous bone and marrow were of initial in-
of the autogenous graft have to be present for this to terest due to a high potential for true osteogenesis
occur. Other types of bone replacement grafts do not (20, 87). Despite a relatively low frequency of root
provide any cellular elements. The best case scenario resorption associated with the use of fresh iliac grafts
for these bone replacement grafts would be osteoin- (45), this observation has limited their clinical use.

Since periodontal regenerative procedures gener- Demineralized freeze-dried bone allografts
ally are conducted in an outpatient environment, in-
traoral autogenous bone grafts are utilized widely Demineralization of allografts was performed be-
and have been shown to produce favorable defect cause the bone mineral blocked the effect of the fac-
fill (31). Common donor sources are the maxillary tors stimulating bone growth sequestered in bone
tuberosity and other edentulous alveolar areas, in- matrix including bone morphogenetic proteins (97).
cluding healing extraction sockets (33),and osseous Bone morphogenetic proteins are a group of acidic
coagulum harvested from osteoplasty procedures at polypeptides belonging to the transforming growth
the surgical site. Other donor sites for cortical and/ factor-p gene super-family. They stimulate bone for-
or cancellous bone include mental and mandibular mation through osteoinduction by inducing pleuri-
retromolar areas. While autogenous bone is still the potential stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts
standard, the relatively limited amount of con- (38, 98). Experimental animal studies have shown
veniently available autogenous bone and the harvest that demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft has
time involved in obtaining these grafts have led clini- osteogenic potential (59, 60). Further experimental
cians to utilize other bone replacement grafts. Often- studies have indicated that the addition of autogen-
times whatever amount of autogenous bone that can ous bone to demineralized freeze-dried bone allo-
be obtained is used in combination with other bone graft does not dramatically enhance its osteogenic
replacement grafts (75). potential (61). The bioactivity of demineralized
freeze-dried bone allograft appears to be age de-
pendent. Bone from younger animals has been
shown to have an increased osteogenic potential
compared with bone from older animals (22, 48, 91).
AUogeneic grafts (allografts) A major concern with allografts in general is the
potential for disease transfer, particularly viral trans-
Frozen iliac cancellous bone and marrow
mission, and even more particularly HIV. Tissue
The possibility of disease transfer, antigenicity and banks have adopted rigorous exclusionary tech-
the need for extensive cross-matching has precluded niques, testing for HIV antigen, and HIV antibody
the use of frozen iliac allografts in modern peri- and lymph node biopsy in order to reduce this po-
odontics. tential risk. Additionally, mere freezing of bone allo-
grafts reduces the risk of disease transfer to 1 in 8
million (15). Treatment of cadaveric bone spiked
Mineralized freeze-dried bone allografts
with viral particles and cortical bone procured from
The evidence that freeze-drying markedly reduces a donor who had died of AIDS with a viricidal agent
the health risks associated with fresh frozen bone and demineralization in HC1 has been found to inac-
(27),as well as the favorable results obtained in field tivate HIV in both cases (62). The probability of HIV
trials with freeze-dried bone allografts (581, have led transfer following appropriate demineralized freeze-
to the extensive use of freeze-dried bone allografts dried bone allograft preparation has been calculated
in the treatment of periodontal osseous defects. Cor- to be 1 in 2.8 billion (74).To date there is no reported
tical bone allografts preserved by freeze-drying do case of disease transmission from freeze-dried bone
not appear to elicit an immune response in nonhu- allografts used for dental purposes in over 1 million
man primates (94). Freeze-drying may partially dis- cases over 25 years of use.
tort the three-dimensional presentation of human A rare disease entity, Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease,
leukocyte antigens on freeze-dried bone allografts, transmitted via preons (smallest proteinaceous in-
affecting immune recognition (28, 71). The American fectious particles) has also never been reported from
Academy of Periodontology recommends use of cor- a bone-derived material. However, due to difficult
tical rather than cancellous bone allografts since exclusionary technicalities, Creutzfeldt-Jacobs dis-
cancellous bone is more antigenic and there is more ease may remain a remote potential risk.
bone matrix and consequently more inductive com- The availability of bone morphogenetic proteins
ponents in cortical bone (2). Moreover, experimental in demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft has
studies have shown that addition of autogenous raised the issue of whether use of demineralized
bone to freeze-dried bone allografts enhances its freeze-dried bone allograft over other bone replace-
osteogenic potential (61). Freeze-dried bone allograft ment grafts is advantageous in periodontal therapy
is regarded as osteoconductive (2, 36). (8) and of additional value when combined with

Bone and bone substitutes

guided tissue regeneration (34). Schwartz et al. have Currently available bovine-derived hydroxyapatite
found that while demineralized freeze-dried bone is deproteinated, retaining its natural microporous
allograft samples from some tissue banks showed os- structure, which supports cell-mediated resorption
teoinductive potential in mice, samples from other (47). This becomes important if the product is to be
tissue banks did not (84).At this time, demineralized replaced with new bone. Two products are currently
freeze-dried bone allograft remains the only bone re- available, Osteograf/N (CeraMed Dental, LLC, Lake-
placement graft proven to result in periodontal re- wood, CO) and Bio-OsP (Osteohealth Co., Shirley,
generation in a controlled human histological study NY).Both have been reported to have good tissue
(11) and is recognized in the consensus report by acceptance with natural osteotrophic properties (17,
the 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics to fulfill 19). Histologically, no fibrous tissue or space be-
all criteria considered for promotion of periodontal tween the hydroxyapatite and newly formed bone is
regeneration (3). found (17).
In summary, bovine-derived hydroxypatite bone
replacement grafts increase the available surface
Xenogeneic grafts (xenografts) area that can act as an osteoconductive scaffold due
to their porosity and have a mineral content com-
Xenografts are grafts shared between different spe- parable to that of human bone, allowing them to in-
cies. Currently, there are two available sources of tegrate with host bone. They have been used with
xenografts used as bone replacement grafts in peri- success for the treatment of intrabony defects and
odontics; bovine bone and natural coral. Both ridge augmentation (14).
sources, through different processing techniques,
provide products which are biocompatible and
Coralline calcium carbonate
structurally similar to human bone. Xenografts are
osteoconductive, readily available and risk free of Biocoral (Inoteb, Saint Gonnery, France) is calcium
disease transmission. The latter point has been carbonate obtained from a natural coral, genus Por-
questioned with the discovery of bovine spongiform ites, and is composed primarily of aragonite (>98%
encephalopathy, particularly in Great Britain. Ma- CaCO,). Its pore size of 100 to 200 pm is similar to
terials marketed in the United States certify that they the porosity of spongy bone (37). Its porosity, at
originate in the United States as bovine-derived greater than 45%, provides a large surface area for
bone material from animals approved by the US De- resorption and replacement by bone (104). Unlike
partment of Agriculture. Since United States cattle porous hydroxyapatite, derived from the same coral
have remained unaffected, the risk of disease trans- by heat conversion and made non-resorbable, cal-
mission should be nonexistent with materials pro- cium carbonate is resorbable. It does not require a
duced in the United States. surface transformation into a carbonate phase as do
other bone replacement grafts to initiate bone for-
mation (37); hence, it should more rapidly initiate
Bovine derived bone replacement grafts
bone formation. Biocoral has a high osteoconductive
Commercially available bovine bone is processed to potential because no fibrous encapsulation has been
yield natural bone mineral minus the organic com- reported (70). Coralline calcium carbonate produces
ponent. A purported advantage of these products is comparable results to other bone replacement grafts
that they provide structural components similar to with significant gain in clinical attachment, reduc-
that of human bone, with improved osteoconductive tion of probing depth and defect fill (35, 51, 64).
capability compared with synthetically derived ma-
terials. Anorganic bovine bone is the hydroxylapatite
“skeleton” that retains the macroporous and micro-
porous structure of cortical and cancellous bone (47) Alloplastic (synthetic) grafts
remaining after chemical or low-heat extraction of (alloplasts)
the organic component. Historically, bovine xeno-
grafts have failed due to rejection (561, probably be- The 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics has con-
cause earlier materials used chemical detergent ex- cluded that “synthetic graft materials function pri-
traction, which left residual protein and therefore marily as defect fillers. If regeneration is the desired
produced adverse reactions and clinically unaccept- treatment outcome, other materials are rec-
able results (25). ommended” (3).

Nasr et al.

Polymers: HTR polymer tites have been marketed in a variety of forms, pri-
marily as a porous nonresorbable, a dense or solid
HTR"M Synthetic Bone (Bioplant, Norwalk, CT) is a nonresorbable, and a resorbable (non-ceramic, po-
biocompatible microporous composite of poly- rous) form. Processing of the basic calcium phos-
methylmethacrylate, polyhydroxylethylmethacrylate phate mixture dictates which of the listed properties
and calcium hydroxide. Favorable clinical results it will possess. Hydroxyapatite resorbability is deter-
have been achieved with HTRTM (the acronym mined by the temperature at which it is processed.
stands for hard tissue replacement) in the treatment Resorbability is desirable if the graft is eventually to
of intrabony and furcation defects (102, 105). How- be replaced by the host bone.
ever, improved clinical results with this bone re- When prepared at high temperature (sintered), hy-
placement graft have not always been achieved (82). droxyapatite is nonresorbable, nonporous, dense,
Histologically, new bone growth has been found de- and has a larger crystal size (53). Dense hydroxyapa-
posited on HTRTMparticles (29, 89, 106). Its hydro- tite grafts are osteophillic, osteoconductive and act
philicity enhances clotting, and its negative particle primarily as inert biocompatible fillers. They have
surface charge allows adherence to bone. It appears produced clinical defect fill greater than flap de-
to serve as a scaffold for bone formation when in bridement alone in the treatment of intrabony de-
close contact with alveolar bone. Clinical defect fill fects (55, 72). Histologically, new attachment is not
and resolution can be achieved supporting its use as achieved (30). They yield similar defect fill as other
a biocompatible alloplastic bone substitute (15, 67). bone replacement grafts and the clinical improve-
ment is more stable than with debridement alone.
Yukna et al. demonstrated over a five-year period
that open flap debridement was not stable and re-
Bioceramic alloplasts are comprised primarily of cal- gressed three to five times faster than sites having
cium phosphate, with the proportion of calcium and received hydroxyapatite (108).
phosphate similar to bone. The two most widely Porous hydroxyapatite (Interpore 200, Irvine, CA)
used forms are tricalcium phosphate and hydroxy- is obtained by the hydrothermal conversion of the
apatite. calcium carbonate exoskeleton of the natural coral
genus Porites into the calcium phosphate hydroxy-
apatite. It has a pore size of 190 to 200 pm, which
Tricalcium phosphate
allows bone ingrowth (63, 100) into the pores and
Tricalcium phosphate is a porous form of calcium ultimately within the lesion itself (50). Clinical defect
phosphate, the most commonly used form of which fill, probing depth reduction, and attachment gain
is p-tricalcium phosphate. It serves as a biological have been reported (49). As with dense hydroxyapa-
filler which is partially resorbable and allows bone tite, any regeneration appears limited to the apical
replacement. Conversion of the graft is pivotal to aspect of the defect. Kenney et al. provided histologi-
periodontal regeneration; first, serving as a scaffold cal evidence suggesting that porous hydroxyapatite
for bone formation, and then permitting replace- supports bone formation, but since no evidence of a
ment with bone (39, 83). new connective tissue attachment or cementum was
Tricalcium phosphate as a bone substitute has noted, it should be considered a biocompatible fill-
gained clinical acceptance, but the results are not al- ing material (50).
ways predictable. In direct comparison with allogen- Another form of synthetic hydroxyapatite is a re-
eic cancellous grafts, the allogeneic grafts appear to sorbable, particulate material processed at a low
outperform tricalcium phosphate (90). The tricalci- temperature (OsteoGen, Impladent, Holliswood, NY;
um phosphate particles generally become encapsu- OsteoGraf LD, CeraMed Dental, LLC, Lakewood,
lated by fibrous connective tissue and do not stimu- CO). This resorbable form is a non-sintered (non-
late bone growth (4, 6). However, some bone depo- ceramic) precipitate with particles measuring 300 to
sition has been reported with tricalcium phosphate 400 pm. It has been proposed that non-sintered hy-
grafts (4, 6, 13, 88, 90). droxyapatite resorbs acting as a mineral reservoir in-
ducing bone formation via osteoconductive mech-
anisms (73, 99). Its reported advantage is the slow
resorption rate, allowing it to act as a mineral reser-
Hydroxyapatite, Calo (PO4I6 (OH12, is the primary voir at the same time acting as a scaffold for bone
mineral component of bone. Synthetic hydroxyapa- replacement (73, 99).

Bone and bone substitutes

Combinations of the two primary forms of cal- Observations of the material suggest good manage-
cium phosphate have been studied to take advan- ability, hemostatic properties, and the possibility
tage of the rapid resorption of p-tricalcium phos- that PerioGlas@not only is osteoconductive, but may
phate and the inert scaffold of dense hydroxyapatite. also act as a barrier retarding epithelial downgrowth.
In a histological study, Hashimoto-Uoshima et al. re- BiogranTMhas a narrower range of particle sizes
ported that biphasic calcium phosphate supported of the purportedly critical 300 to 355 pm size range
active bone replacement from surrounding bone which has been reported to be advantageous for
which may have been triggered by macrophages guiding osteogenesis (78). Formation of hollow cal-
(39). However, further studies are needed before cium phosphate growth chambers occurs with this
clinical acceptance. particle size because phagocytosing cells can pen-
Generally, hydroxyapatite is not osteoinductive, etrate the outer silica gel layer by means of small
but osteoconductive. A few studies demonstrate os- cracks in the calcium-phosphorous layer and par-
teoinductive activity associated with porous hy- tially resorb the gel. This resorption leads to the for-
droxyapatite (43, 101). Takata et al. provided evi- mation of protective pouches where osteoprogenitor
dence that cementum could be deposited on porous cells can adhere, differentiate and proliferate. Ac-
hydroxyapatite in uitro (92). However, this report cording to the manufacturer, larger particles do not
does not claim cementum induction, because the resorb in the same manner which slows the healing
study included periodontal ligament cells which may process theoretically because bone healing must
inherently differentiate into cementoblasts. progress from the bony walls of the defect (79); and
In summary, there are three available forms of hy- smaller particles cause a transient inflammatory re-
droxyapatite, a solid particulate, nonresorbable sponse, which retards the stimulation of osteopro-
form; a porous nonresorbable form derived from the genitor cells.
exoskeleton of coral; and a resorbable non-ceramic It is argued that the more uniform sized BiogranT"
hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is not osteogenic nor would have a clinical advantage over the PerioGlas@
osteoinductive, but rather is osteophillic and osteo- preparation, which has multiple particle sizes. Clin-
conductive. It acts as a trellis for the ingrowth and ically, no comparison has been made between the
subsequent deposition of new bone. products, and no human periodontal studies are
available. Schepers et al. have demonstrated that Bi-
ogranTMcan be used successfully in the treatment of
Bioactive glasses
human oral osseous defects (79).
There are two forms of bioactive glass currently
available. PerioGlas@(Block Drug Co., Jersey City, NJ)
and BiogranTM(Orthovita, Malvern, PA). Bioactive
glasses are composed of CaO, Na,O, SiO,, P205 and Morphological and biological
bond to bone through the development of a surface implications
layer of carbonated hydroxyapatite (40, 41). When
exposed to tissue fluids, bioactive glasses are covered The morphology of bone replacement grafts has
by a double layer composed of silica gel and a cal- been postulated to contribute to their osteoconduc-
cium-phosphorous rich (apatite) layer. The calcium tive capacity mainly due to the influence of particle
phosphate-rich layer promotes adsorption and con- size and shape on the resorption and replacement
centration of proteins utilized by osteoblasts to form phenomenon, as well as the influence of interpar-
a mineralized extracellular matrix (24). It has been ticulate space on infiltration of vascular cellular ele-
theorized that these bioactive properties guide and ments and bone formation. It would seem rational
promote osteogenesis (50, 51), allowing rapid forma- to suggest that particles too large in size will resorb
tion of bone (42). at a slower rate and offer an overall reduced surface
PerioGlaP has a particle size ranging from 90 to area, while particles too small in size may induce
710 pm, which facilitates manageability and packing inflammation, be readily resorbed or phagocytosed
into osseous defects. In surgically created defects in and result in an interparticulate space of a reduced
nonhuman primates, 68% defect repair was achieved dimension that would not be conducive to cellular
as new attachment (26). Compared to tricalcium migration and ingrowth. Trabeculae of bone vary in
phosphate, hydroxyapatite and unimplanted con- size from 20 to over 100 pm. When a trabecula
trols, Fetner et al. showed that PerioGlasa produced reaches about 100 pm, it carries its own blood ves-
significantly greater bone and cementum repair (26). sels, much in the same way an osteon does via the

Nasr et al.

Human periodontal ligament fibroblasts were

grown on a variety of bone replacement grafts in-
cluding demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft,
freeze-dried bone allograft, coral, silicon-glass, poly-
mers, and various hydroxyapatites in order to ana-
lyze differences in cell binding and spreading as a
function of the bone replacement graft substrata.
Scanning electron microscopy observations demon-
strated that adherence dynamics varied among bone
replacement grafts, with cell spreading occurring
most rapidly on materials derived directly from bone
(Fig. 2). Cell spreading was slower on non-osseous
hydroxylapatites and other synthetic surfaces, al-
though there was considerable variability within
Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of a human peri- classes of these materials (65). Evaluation of the time
odontal ligament fibroblast cultured on freeze-dried bone course of cell spreading indicated that periodontal
allografts for four hours. Cells are well spread and display ligament fibroblasts cultured on bovine-derived
numerous processes ( ~ 7 5 0 )Micrograph
. courtesy of R. L. natural bone mineral with a synthetic cell-binding
peptide (P-15) attached to its surface spread as
rapidly as those seeded onto bone of human origin.
Haversian canal. Compact bone has Haversian sys- These results suggested that the addition of P-15 to
tems or osteons of between 50 to 250 pm. Thus, to bone replacement graft surfaces may enhance bind-
support trabecular bone ingrowth, the pores would ing of periodontal ligament fibroblasts during the
need to be at least 40 to 100 pm, and to support early stages of wound repair (66).
osteonal bone ingrowth, pores of at least 100 pm Current studies at Louisiana State University are
would appear necessary (52). Particle sizes of about utilizing fluorescently labeled human periodontal
380 pm in diameter would yield this minimal dimen- ligament fibroblasts in order to quantify cell binding
sion (46).To date, little or no histological evidence is to different bone replacement grafts, as well as using
available to support this claim. fluorescent techniques to assess periodontal liga-
In a small clinical study, Fucini et al. found that ment fibroblasts for the presence of bone specific
there was no difference in defect fill between demin- cell products such as alkaline phosphatase and os-
eralized freeze-dried bone allograft particles of 250 teonectin.
to 500 pm size compared to those of 850 to 1000 pm
(32). In uitro analysis of the interparticulate space
among bone replacement grafts condensed under a Technical implications
uniform standard force showed that autogenous
bone harvested by low- and high-speed rotary in- The success rates with clinical application of bone
struments, freeze-dried bone allograft (250-7 10 pm), replacement grafts could be enhanced by appropri-
Bio-Oss@ (cancellous and cortical), Osteograf LD, ate selection of a defect configuration that is amen-
PerioGlasa and Osteogen yielded a 40 to 100 pm in- able to grafting and by following a thorough surgical
terparticulate space. Autogenous bone harvested by technique. While bone replacement grafts have been
back action chisels, demineralized freeze-dried bone used in a combined approach with guided tissue re-
allograft (350-500 pm), Osteograf N (300 and 700 generation barriers, both to benefit from the biologi-
pm), Biocoral, BiogranTM,Interpore 200 and Calcitite cal effects of each material and maintain a blood clot
(40-60 pm) hydroxyapatite granules yielded an inter- space beneath membranes, bone replacement grafts
particulate space that was equal to or greater than used exclusively in osseous defects may result in dis-
100 pm (54). Thus, evaluated bone replacement appointing outcomes if not appropriately nego-
grafts seem to yield an interparticulate space large tiated. The bone graft technique has been previously
enough for osteoid cells to migrate and for bone to outlined to include many of the basic periodontal
form. Hypothetically, particles yielding under 100 surgery procedures and recommendations that
pm space dimensions may possess less mineraliza- should lead to success a majority of the time (103).
tion potential (52); however, recent animal studies This section is intended to address some of the criti-
appear to challenge this assumption (9). cal procedures that may enhance clinical outcomes.

Bone and bone substitutes

Preparation of graft material level of the defect walls. There is little suggestion that
overfilling with these materials results in supracres-
It is suggested that bone replacement grafts be wet- tal bone formation. Overfilling may actually be
ted with the patient’s own blood from the surgical counterproductive in that it may preclude proper
site, rather than saturated with sterile water or sa- flap closure, thereby retarding healing and possibly
line, which may hinder vascular infiltration of the resulting in loss of the graft material.
saturated particles.

Promotion of a bleeding surface

This is generally already accomplished by proper de-
fect debridement (Fig. 3, 4). However, if the defect
walls are relatively dry, and/or glistening, healing
may be enhanced by intramarrow penetration to en-
courage bleeding and allow the ingress of reparative
cells, vessels and other tissues. Such penetration can
be accomplished with a small round bur or hand in-

Fig. 3. Intrabony defect on mandibular right first molar
Loose placement of sutures, left untied, prior to the
filling of the defect reduces the possibility of dis-
placing the bone replacement graft during the sutur-
ing process. It also simplifies the last steps of the
procedure, in that once defect fill has been com-
pleted, the already placed sutures need only to be
tied to complete the surgical procedure. Vertical
mattress sutures that pass over the incision would
offer an alternative to presuturing that would not
displace the bone replacement graft.

Adequate condensation of graft material

The commercial availability of allogeneic and allo-
plastic materials eliminates the problem of not
having enough graft material. The graft material Fig*4* Lingud view Of defect
should be placed in small increments. Useful in this
regard are sterile plastic or Teflon-lined amalgam
carriers to place the material and sterile amalgam
squeeze-cloths to use over the suction tip to dry the
defect without removing any of the bone replace-
ment graft material. Small increments of material are
placed in the defect, gently packed into the angles
and base of the defect with small pluggers or cu-
rettes and dried with a squeeze-cloth covered suc-
tion tip. The process is repeated until the defect is
filled (Fig. 5).

Fill to a realistic level

Except in unusual circumstances, defects should be
filled with the bone replacement grafts only to the Fig. 5. Bone replacement graft in place

Nasr et al.

Achievement of tissue coverage tiveness among bone replacement grafts (70). Surgi-
cal debridement alone yields between 10-30% defect
With adequate flap design, primary closure with re- fill (11, 55, 57, 72). Human derived graft materials,
placed flaps and contact of the interproximal papil- autogenous or allogeneic, when placed in intrabony
lae can usually be obtained. If tissue coverage of the defects yield similar clinical defect fill as do the other
bone replacement graft is not satisfactory, additional types of bone replacement grafts (7, 10). Overall,
releasing incisions and/or flap reflection may be probing depth reduction and attachment level gain
necessary. Another possible treatment is the use of are similar for all bone replacement grafts.
an autogenous free gingival graft, freeze-dried skin Differences between graft materials become ap-
or dura mater allograft, or collagen barrier to cover parent when considering histological observations.
the bone graft site. Modification of incision designs Hydroxyapatite has been one of the most criticized
has been suggested to reduce exfoliation potential due to product exfoliation, problematic manage-
and aid in primary coverage (93). ability and limited ability to promote new attach-
ment. And yet, clinical success in the form of re-
duced probing depth, bony defect fill, and gain in
Placement of a periodontal dressing
clinical attachment are repeated findings (49, 50, 55,
The use of a firm, protective periodontal dressing for 72, 108).Histologically, dense hydroxyapatite has not
ten days following bone replacement graft surgery is produced new attachment. Healing is generally by
suggested. An antibiotic ointment under the dress- formation of a long junctional epithelium and hy-
ing to help seal the area may be useful. It has be- droxyapatite particles are generally found encapsu-
come popular not to use dressing for many peri- lated in fibrous connective tissue and may be associ-
odontal surgical procedures, but prudence would ated with some osseous regeneration, but new bone
seem to suggest that the possible impingement of formation is not a predictable result.
foreign materials into the graft site, flap displace- Human histology of bone replacement grafts is
ment and loss of the bone replacement graft ma- limited. Most comparative histology of bone replace-
terial that would jeopardize the success of treatment ment grafts is found in animal models. In a single
make the use of protective dressings preferable. human case report by Froum that compared HTRTM
polymer with freeze-dried bone allograft in a patient
that had not been directly monitored for two years,
Administration of antibiotics
neither graft material produced new attachment.
A growing body of evidence lends support to empiri- HTRTM particles were surrounded by connective
cal clinical use of antibiotics in conjunction with the tissue capsules and lamellar bone with evidence of
use of bone replacement grafts. In our judgment, te- new bone formation, but no evidence of cemento-
tracyclines represent a group of antibiotics of choice genesis (29). In a controlled human histological
for immediate post-surgery plaque suppression due study, Bowers et al. reported formation of a new
to their broad spectrum of activity, attraction to attachment apparatus averaging 1.2 mm from the
healing wound sites, and concentration in gingival calculus notch in sites with implanted demineralized
crevicular fluid. They may be administered in thera- freeze-dried bone allograft, while limited regenera-
peutic doses for the first 20 days post-surgery or un- tion was found in non-grafted sites (11).
til the patient can practice proper plaque control in Other comparative studies involving coralline cal-
the area. cium carbonate, bioactive glass, p-tricalcium phos-
phate and hydroxyapatite have been conducted in
animal models. In a sheep tibia1 model, coralline cal-
cium carbonate showed better integration and more
Clinical comparison and haversian systems than tricalcium phosphate and
comparative histology of bone both had no interposed fibrous tissue ( 3 5 ) . A com-
replacement grafts parison of bioactive glass, dense hydroxyapatite and
tricalcium phosphate in monkeys showed more
Clinical performance of bone replacement grafts for favorable results for PerioGlasa with respect to new
the treatment of periodontal osseous defects has attachment (26). With limited human histological
usually been reported relative to surgical debride- studies available, it is difficult to make generalities
ment (11, 26, 35, 42, 64, 108). A mean defect fill of regarding any bone replacement grafts except for de-
60-70% can be anticipated with similar clinical effec- mineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (11).

Bone and bone substitutes

The clinical significance of the histological differ- Overall, probing depth reduction, attachment level
ences among bone replacement grafts may be more gain and degree of defect fill are similar for all bone
dependent on the clinician’s objective. At dental im- replacement grafts.
plant site preparation, bone density may have
greater importance, but not the same significance as
for the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects. Acknowledgment
Likewise, new attachment would have greater im-
portance for the treatment of periodontal defects. We thank Connie Holland Gandy for assistance in
Clinical bone fill with graft material encapsulated preparing this manuscript.
within fibrous connective tissue have produced clin-
ically acceptable results. The future of newer bone
replacement grafts will be based on both the clinical
and histological results obtained. References
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