BBC Magazine Feb 2014

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Boulevard Baptist


points about logistics



Anniversary Celebrations

We are Gods Poem

My Salvation Testimony

Patrick N. Anderson:

Mission Statement:
To develop our spiritual lives, evangelize the wider community and influence the world through Christ by organized preaching, public and private worship, Christian education and fellowship, while co-operating with other Christian bodies.

Boulevard Baptist Church

Boulevard Baptist Church 2 Washington Boulevard, Kingston 20 Tel.: 905-2422, 905-0118 or 832-1522 Email: [email protected] | Website: Pastor: Rev. Dr. Devon Dick Opportunities For Worship Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School: 8:00 a.m. 8:50 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Prayer and Fasting: 1st Saturdays, 7:00 a.m. Editor-in-Chief: Sophia Williams Other Team Members: Hyacinth Brown, Carla Wilson-Redden, Francine Dallas, Simone Hull-Lloyd, Verna Edwards, Ricardo Holness, Claudette Reid , Duvaughn Dick, Petrona Faulknor, Claudette Reid and Lorna Fraser.

The only source of knowledge is experience.

Albert Einstein

Head Office: 26 Belmont Road, Kingston 5, Tel: 876.908.3800-2 Mandeville Branch: 5-7 Ward Avenue, Tel: 876.625.0845-6 Montego Bay Branch: Unit 11, Suite B, Fairview II Shopping Centre, Bogue, Montego Bay, Tel: 876.908.3800-2 [email protected]



Anniversary Celebrations
The Joy of Remembering
The 45th Anniversary of the Boulevard Baptist Church was marked on February 9, 2014 with signicant activities and achievements forming part of the celebrations. Signicant to the 45 years existence of the Church, the foundation members were recognized with the unveiling of a plaque. The nine surviving foundation members of the thirty two members who formed the membership 45 years ago are Rev. Luther Gibbs, Sylvester Brown, Leleka Champagnie, Gloria Walters, Ronald Walters, Constance Weathers, Dorleen Williams and Elaine Williams. A new Church sign was also unveiled. A major achievement celebrated by the Church was the Blessing and Tour of the Kings Manor Townhouse Development. Anniversary Message The 45th Anniversary message by Rev. Wilmer Jackson, former General Secretary of the Church of God of Jamaica, exhorted us to Be faithful to the unnished task. This he stated, was a call for Christian action and commitment. He focused on Hebrews 10:22-25 and indicated that each verse introduced something to Christian living.
Foundation Members L-R: Dorleen Williams, Elaine Williams, Sylvester Brown and Gloria Walters

We were encouraged to draw near to God, avoiding the distractions and ensuring that we are connected to the source of power. His second point was for us to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. Our faith and hope must be grounded, and Christian hope, is standing on the promises of God. Rev. Wilmer Jacksons third point urged us to consider how we may spur one another unto love and good deed, indicating that it takes kind words to stir up love and good deeds. A kind word spurs kindness and you should do unto others as you would like them do unto you. Positing his fourth point, Rev. Jackson advised us not to give up meeting together. Church attendance, he stated, is an example set by Jesus Christ, asserting that we must not get in the habit of not attending Church. Lastly we were urged to encourage one another. A word of encouragement can have a powerful effect on others, he added. Let these ve things remain in your mind as a Church, declared Rev. Jackson. God is adding His blessings for years to come.


Kings Manor Development Project ~ Hugh Reid

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he - (Proverbs 29:18)
The vision for this project was that of our Pastor Rev. Dr. Devon Dick and began to take shape in 2009. The project vision was to make a contribution to the housing needs of Jamaicans and also to provide an income generating asset for the church by converting property (half of an acre) situated at 15 Kings Drive, the former Boulevard Baptist church manse into a townhouse development. Ground breaking for the project took place in February 2011 but the proposed townhouse units were subsequently redesigned and KSAC re-approval obtained in 2013. Construction work commenced on July 22, 2013 and practical completion is scheduled for the third week of February 2014. Kings Manor Development Company Limited (KMDC) was incorporated in 2012 to manage the project and its Board of Directors of KMDC comprises Hugh Reid, Chairman, Donald Williams, Evon Brown and Jassel Dunstan, all members of the church. Their mandate was to oversee the construction of ve two bedrooms Townhouses at a development cost of more than 100 Million Dollars. 2.

Funding for the housing development was provided by the Church and the National Housing Trust which approved an interim construction loan in June 2012. Special commendation is due to the directors of KMDC who provided personal guarantees to the NHT as part of the security for the construction loan. The construction project team is comprised of Taylor Architects, Burrowes & Wallace, Quantity Surveyors, Surrey Paving & Aggregates Co. Ltd., Contractors, Ainsworth Dick, Land Surveyor, and Carl Chin, Structural Engineer. I am sure you will agree with me that the construction team has done their job well. The ve 2 bedroom, 2 and half bathroom townhouse units are 1,153 sq. ft. situated on lots of 1,630 sq. ft.) and were initially priced at 21 million dollars subject to certied escalation, which we estimate will be 10%. In this regard it should be noted that the initial design was based on on-site sewage disposal using a reed bed but this has now been upgraded and the development is now connected into the NWC central sewage line. The development is a gated community with guard house and features, inter alia, a front garden (on which the unit owners will work their magic), a back patio, internal laundry area, solid surface kitchen counter tops and ceramic tiles. Each unit has 2 parking bays assigned. Four units will be sold and the fth unit will be retained by the church. Provisions have also been made for the construction of a sixth unit by the Church and we will await Gods direction in this regard.

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127:1) 3.

Boulevard Baptist Junior Choir, one of the star performers!

The Annual Festival of Choirs was held on February 2, 2014, under the distinguished patronage of Her Excellency the Most Honourable Lady Allen. It was another stellar presentation featuring local Church Choirs, guest Choirs, renowned Jamaican Soloists, acclaimed Music Directors, and Musicians. An event which started in 2010 under the theme: A Journey of Faith, culminates with the Churchs yearly anniversary celebrations.
The Festival of Choirs this year was held under the theme: The Journey Continues God and God alone, and had first time performers such as the Jamaica Youth Chorale, Jamaica Folk Singers and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Jamaica. A new feature of this years staging was the inclusion of the Combined Male Choir comprising 45 voices, significant to the 45 years of Boulevard Baptist Church witness. Compere for the evening, Dr. Melody Williams, skillfully took us on the journey as we re-lived moments of the past themes from previous years and embraced the current theme with outstanding performances from the Boulevard Baptist Senior and Junior choirs, the Tarrant and Bethel Baptist choirs, also the Haven Hill

and East Queens Street Baptist Choirs, the Diocesan Festival Choir, the Andrews Seventh Day Adventist Choir, Nexxus, Lori Burnett and the aforementioned first time performers.

The musical treat included popular pieces such as, Jah is my keeper, A fi wi culture, Daniels God, Everytime I feel the Spirit, Hallelujah, Great is Thy faithfulness, We are rejoicing, Total Praise and the congregation presenting O Praise Ye the Lord. The Festival also featured choir master and conductor extraordinaire, Franklin Halliburton, and organist, Livingston Burnett. It was a festival where we were revived, renewed and inspired, certainly through the efforts of our Music Director, Joseph McIntyre who developed and choreographed the theme each year, along with a Planning Committee chaired by Jasmin Ramsay.


Photo Caption: Patrick Anderson with wife, Diana and granddaughter Zoe

Patrick N. Anderson

I thank God for Christian parents. As a child going to Church on Sunday was just something the family did, no debate. As children we HAD to go to Sunday school, which was at 3:00 oclock in the afternoon. On a Sunday evening we got the chance to visit other Churches. My parents were members of the Olivet Brethren Assembly (Waltham Park Road) and that is where we attend Church and Sunday school.
It was made clear to us that we couldnt be saved by virtue of our parents salvation. This was something we had to take care of ourselves. We visited Ms. Ethels Church off Waltham Park Road when we could get a young adult to go with us. Another favourite for Sunday evening visitation was the Church of God on Waltham Park Road. These services were attractive because of the lively Pentecostal flavour. It was on a Sunday evening at Church, at age eight or nine years old that I became convicted of the need to surrender my life to Jesus Christ.

I cannot remember anything about the sermon, but the hymn,A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord, haunted me. The thought that God loved me so much that he would protect me from danger and sin in such a way overwhelmed me. I left the Church, ran home to my mother and, in tears, told her that I wanted to give my life to Jesus. She was so happy to lead me to Christ then and there. I was not baptized until age sixteen while living in London. My brother and two sisters were baptized with me at a Baptist Church in North London (even though our parents were still Brethren). Between my initial conversion and baptism (and after) there were many ups and downs in my spiritual walk. However, I came to understand the truth of Romans 8:38-39: For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor power. shall be able to separate us (me) from the love of God.. This has been my lifes testimony. In 1978 while teaching at Calabar High School during the summer a few of us decided to go to the beach after school to


cool off. The nearest decent beach was Cable Hut on the Bull Bay Road. I didnt know at the time that many so-called swimmers had lost their lives to the wicked undertow, that could drag you out to sea if it held you, and you were not a very strong swimmer. It was a very windy day and the waves were very high. A middle aged English looking gentleman said he would love to take a dip but he wouldnt go in by himself. In my youthful exuberance I volunteered to go in with him. We swam out about sixty to eighty metres then decided to turn back. When I tried to turn back I couldnt!! The undertow got hold of me and was pulling me out to sea. I told the gentleman that I was in trouble and asked if he could help. That was the last I saw of him. I learned later that he was also struggling and was afraid that we would both drown if he came near me. So it was me and the LORD, alone. Having first decided to give up and accept that it was my fate to drown at sea, my foot touched a rock. That spurred me on to keep going. I made up my mind not to give up, then that was the last thing I remember. My next memory was waking up on the beach surrounded by people cheering Hes Alive, Hes Alive !!. There is quite a bit more to the story. Only to say that I was seen to be swimming out there, fighting the undertow (unknown to me) and a young gentleman on a tyre tube managed to get to me, put me on the tube, and we both came ashore. I knew nothing of all of this.

God had kept me alive. I resolved that since God must have kept me alive for some purpose. I felt a call to continue working with children, particularly in the Church, and also to do what I could to help the underprivileged. This would be the practical working of my Salvation. I have been teaching in the Sunday school at Boulevard Baptist for over 20 years. Also, in the 1990s we started the Prison Ministry at Boulevard Baptist; I led a team of Church men to General Penitentiary (Tower Street) for several years, moving later to the Tamarind Farm prison in St. Catherine. We offered counselling, advice, prayer, as well as a word of exhortation. We sourced second hand computers for the warders at GP and taught the basics of Word Processing and General Computing. God has a purpose for all our lives. He has never failed me yet! I continue to seek His will for my life daily in prayer. I urge you all to look to Jesus to discover His purpose for your life, and recommend that you pray daily for the grace to fulfill that purpose.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved - (Acts 4:12)



the centenary of late patriarch,


Lived a life synonymous of Gods kindness towards us.

The Dick family celebrated the centenary of their late father, Williard Dick on Sunday, January 26, 2014 during the worship service at the Boulevard Baptist Church. Rev. Dr. Devon Dick while delivering his sermon remembered his father as someone who demonstrated kindness and love, not a wishy washy kind of affection, he stated, but one motivated by love. He lived a life synonymous to Gods kindness towards us. His admiration for his father was seen as one who embraced individuals even when they were characterized as a rogue. He noted that his parents would take persons in the family and cared for them. They protected those who were less fortunate. Rev. Devon Dick expressed that kindness is an attribute of God, which does not come naturally to human beings. He posited that we are not normally kind, it is the fruit of the Spirit. We admire from a far but we do not desire it.

He underscored the sacrifice his Mom and Dad made to further their education. In a similar manner Gods kindness is marked by sacrifice manifested in the full salvation through Christ. He did not spare His Son. God did not withhold anything from us, he added. Throughout the Bible we see kindness. To be kind is to show that we are dependent on God. In our kindness it may lead to us suffering. The crowning moment of this kindness is extended to all ages. When we make that final transition we will get that crown. That will be my fathers crowning moment, he declared. I led them with kindness and love. I did not lead them with ropes. I lifted the heavy loads from their shoulders. I bent down and fed them - (Hosea 11:4)


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How Marriage Reminds Me of Gods Love and Grace

Tanielle Mullings Love Note
Being married and being in love is a beautiful dynamic experience, but more importantly its a daily reminder of Gods love for me. Marriage reminds me of Gods love. The warmth and beauty of a husbands love, is like Gods unconditional love for us. Marriage serves as a reminder to me of Gods redeeming power expressed through a husbands love. God chooses us above all others, calls us to Him, choosing to love us and restoring us to our place as heirs in Christ. Marriage serves to remind me that I dont have to be in control. God promises to direct our paths if we trust in Him. Marriage reminds me that we are Gods offspring, a reection of Him. Each day of marriage provides a chance to reect the glory of God to your spouse and to reect that love to others. Marriage reminds me to be grateful. God through the Apostle Paul urges us to be godly and content. Each day of marriage reminds me that its the little things that my spouse does that makes my day.


We are Gods Poem

Not one that we were quite accustomed to. The title of Rev. Devon Dicks sermon We are Gods Poem, was beyond our imagination, and drew our curiosity for a while, as he sought a few love poems from the congregation. Gradually our curiosity was laid to rest as he delivered a gem of a sermon. Poetry, Reverend Devon Dick stated, comes from a Greek word, which means making. He explained that God can make us into a masterpiece if we permit Him. God is our coach and He knows what He wants us to be. We are Gods poem. God is doing an excellent work. We are not perfect yet; He is working on us gradually. We were ordained for a particular purpose. Human Beings are the zenith of Gods creation. We are made to manage complex things. The human body is a masterpiece being in Christ, taking us from who we are to be someone wonderful. Being good and gracious is not naturally in us. It has to be divine intervention in us, the work of the Spirit of God. Reverend Devon Dick posited that we must be directed to a particular path - good work. It does not justify us, but the Saints are created unto good works. What cannot be done in honour must be left undone. Brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, . and if there be any praise, think on these things Philippians 4:8. Do things in good motivation, in honour for the Lord. Ones work must have a strong impact on someones character and behavior; impactful, inuential, memorable. We ought to be poetry in motion, he asserted; a thing of beauty, uidity, exibility, creativity, surprise, sophistication, style, commitment to excellence, make a statement. Might not be in fashion but we can be fashionable. We are called to offer more than ordinary service. We want to be known as reliable and passionate.


The BUT in Your Life

The BUT and solutions
The word BUT, a preposition, when used in a sentence, means you are to get ready for a different perspective, explained Sis. Dorrett Campbell as she sought to lay the foundation of her sermon delivered to the Boulevard Baptist congregation on Sunday January 19, 2014. Referring to Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-15, Dorrett Campbell stated that Naaman was a respected man but he was a leper. Naaman, she stated, was handsome and well-built before becoming a leper, a man of great position and prestige but one thing stopped the flow of his life and crippled his progress from there on. As Christians sometimes we develop a fault that over-shadows our achievements, affecting how we grow spiritually, declared Sis. Dorrett. She asserted that we become characterized by that fault. What is the BUT in our lives? Too critical, too judgmental and complain too much. Unforgiving and do not know how to drop things from years ago. Many times we blame the system and bad luck for not getting ahead. This she indicated has nothing to do with where we end up. It is our own attitude and response. THE SOLUTIONS: Admit that we have a fault. Naaman acknowledged his. Admit our personal failures that alienate us from others. Confess our faults one to another, talking to Christians. Be willing to seek help and take advice. Be ready, and obey the source of Gods help, humbly submitting to Him. Let us go forward so the Church can move forward, she declared. When we make that change there are others to remind us of your past, but when God mentions you He talks about what you have become. To change you must make the choice to reect.




God and Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law. Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement. - Marcus Garvey I dont stand for the black mans side, I dont stand for the white mans side. I stand for Gods side. - Bob Marley I would rather die in yonder gallows, than live for a minute more in slavery. - Samuel Sharpe I know what I can do, so it doesnt bother me what other people think or their opinion on the situation. - Usain Bolt I want to be the king of sprints because I think I am. - Asafa Powell I dont think about times, I just focus on execution. I know once Ive executed what I can do, I know that Ill set a good time. - Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated. - Coretta Scott King I have learned over the years that when ones mind is made up, this diminishes fear. - Rosa Parks Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr. Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. - Booker T. Washington


10 Points about LOGISTICS

A Logistics Seminar was held at the Boulevard Baptist Church on February 15, 2014 with over fty people in attendance. Presenter was Dr. Fritz Pinnock of the Caribbean Maritime Institute. The participants gained much knowledge from his presentation, which is summarized in ten points below.
Supply Chain: This is a network of trading partners, and logistics is the glue that hold them together. Logistics involves the movement of information, communication, distribution and storage, getting goods services and information from primary manufacturers to consumers at the right time, in the right quantities and at the right price. Logistics Hub: This is a concept of development which Jamaica will adopt. It involves development of air and sea ports as gateways through which global companies can utilize and provide value added services. Process: Lets say a major manufacturer in China ships 10 million white umbrellas to Jamaicas economic zone. When an order comes in from Dallas for two million pink umbrellas, the dying of these white umbrellas, packaging and shipping them to Dallas represent the valueadded service and income to be facilitated and earned through the physical infrastructure of a logistics hub. Implementation: This is being done on a phased basis, led by a skilled task force made up of a wide range of key staff. Existing infrastructure restored and new ones developed. The Environment: The government will work in partnership with the Environment Ministry and be guided by environmental impact assessment to minimize risks to the natural environment. Certication: Training and global certication in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will increase your chance of employment. Skill rather than just book knowledge is important. Institutions: Some have already revised their curriculum to include Logistics and Supply Chain. Check the academic or vocational institution nearest you. Jobs: There will be thousands of jobs in several categories, some which are new. Foreign Language: A useful skill in a logistics centered environment. Having two or more languages will put you a step ahead of the pack.


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