Program HMMTFebruary2014
Program HMMTFebruary2014
Sincerely, Sam Trabucco, MIT Joy Zheng, Harvard Tournament Directors Mitchell Lee, MIT Anderson Wang, MIT Alex Zhu, MIT Problem Czars
Problem Contributors Josh Alman Eric Chen Yongyi Chen Calvin Deng Casey Fu Mitchell Lee Carl Lian Pakawut Jiradilok Eli Ross Mark Velednitsky Justin Venezuala Anderson Wang Victor Wang Kai Xiao George Xing Patrick Yang Allen Yuan Alex Zhu ... and a special thanks to all of our day-of volunteers!
Two Sigma
Belvedere Trading
Harvard-MIT Coop
Choate Rosemary Hall Collierville High Daqing Zhong Xue EMS League Fairfax Math Circle Floriday Student Ass. of Mathematics Gaosi Education Gauss Math Circle Germantown Academy Glen Whitney Groton School HS. of Math Dr. Petar Beron Varna Horace Mann School Hunter College High School
Illinois/Indiana Math Team Illinois Math and Science Academy Kent School KGSEA Las Cruces Public Schools Lehigh Valley
Lexington High School Livingston High School Longfellow Middle School Loomis Chaee LSU MathCircle MathTree MN All-State Math Team
# 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101
Organization Montgomery Blair High School NC School of Science & Math New York City Math Team Newton South Niulanshan North Houston Academy Northern Secondary School Phillips Academy Phillips Exeter Academy Princeton High School Princeton Intl. School of Math and Science QHFZ Reaching for Excellence Rochester Area Math Circle Saint Louis Seattle Innity Math Circle Shenzhen Foreign Language School Shenzhen Middle School Shiyan Zhong Xue St. Marks School of Texas Star League A-Star
Tabor Academy The Hotchkiss School The Lawrenceville School The Roxbury Latin School Thomas Jeerson HS for Science and Tech
Toronto-Ottawa Schools Transitions Lab Prep School University School of NSU Upper Canada College West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North Western Mass ARML Western PA ARML WWP-High School South Yaohua Zendo All Individuals
Team Minnesota Gold 2 Montgomery Blair A Montgomery Blair B NCSSM Murph and the Magictones Party Posse Newton South Sines Niulanshan 1 Terrible Toads Toads Too Juicy Penguins Rationals Irrationals PEA Red Lion PEA-Ideamath PHS Math Team PRISMS Falcons QHFZ1 Reaching RAMC East St. Louis Washington Gold SFLS Math Club SZ Flame Tree 1 SZ Flame Tree 2 Shiyan1 SMMath A Air A Fire A Earth Seawolf Hotchkiss Lawrenceville Roxbury Latin Thomas Jeerson A Thomas Jeerson B Thomas Jeerson C Les Canadiens AB-TLUPS University School of NSU The Chuninators French from Finch Knights A Knights B WM ARML Stars AlgoRhythm & Blues Western PA ARML 1 Pirates A Pirates B Yaohua1 RDFZXS
Individual Room Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center C Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Sci. Center D Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Emerson 105
Team Room Sever 210 Sever 112 Sever 111 Sever 212 Sever 104 Sever 103 Sci. Center 103B Boylston 105 Sever 302 Sever 306 Sever 109 Sever 110 Boylston 104 Boylston 103 Sever 110 Sever 103 Sever 310 Sci. Center 113 Sci. Center 110 Sci. Center 110 Sci. Center 111 Sever 209 Sever 207 Sever 206 Sever 308 Sever 210 Grays 6 Grays 5 Grays 3 Sci. Center 103B Emerson 105 Emerson 105 Sever 115 Sever 207 Sever 208 Sever 209 Emerson 106 Sever 113 Emerson 105 Sever 303 Sever 113 Sever 106 Sever 107 Sever 201 Sever 206 Sever 204 Grays 1 Grays 2 Sever 308 Grays 3 Emerson 210
Schedule of Events
Time 8:008:45am 8:008:45am 8:509:00am 9:0012:00am 11:0011:30am 12:301:30pm 1:302:30pm 3:004:30pm Event Registration and proctor check-in Breakfast Competitors to Individual Round Rooms Individual rounds Proctor meeting Team round Lunch Guts round Location Science Center Lobby Science Center Lobby Science Center & Emerson (see previous pages) Science Center 110 Various locations Science Center B (Teams 1-65) Science Center C (Teams 65-101, Individuals) Science Center D (Parents and Coaches) Science Center B & C
Awards ceremony
Rules Highlights
Calculators and Computational Aids You may not use books, notes, calculators, pocket organizers, slide-rules, abaci, or any other computational aids. Similarly, you may not use graph paper, rulers, protractors, compasses, architectural tools, or any other drawing aids. Translators are also prohibited. Grading Policy Answers must be simplied and exact unless otherwise specied. Rational numbers should be given in lowest terms. An nth root should be simplied so that the radicand contains no fractions and is not divisible by the nth power of any prime. Denominators do not need to be rationalized. Correct mathematical notation must be used. No partial credit will be given unless otherwise specied. Protests If a student believes that an answer given on the answer key for a morning event is incorrect, an appeal must be submitted at the Science Center Lobby by 2:30 pm. If the protest concerns an afternoon event, the appeal must be submitted as soon as possible after the Guts Round. Decisions of the coordinators of the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament February are nal.