Boeing AH-64 Apache

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Military Aircraft Forecast

Boeing AH-64 Apache

Conversions o& U.S. Army A)-*(As to the A)-*(+ standard are contin"ing The &orecast also incl"des 9lock ::: "pgrades &or the U.S. Army
"00 0 60 40 20 0 &e' (ro% Mo%s

! "ear #nit Production Forecast

$!!4 - $! %

2004 ! 7!

2005 "5 74

2006 "! 45

2007 "5 "6

200 "2 4#

200! "# 52

20"0 "5 62

20"" "7 67

20"2 " 7!

20"# "5 77


Description. Twin-engine, tandem-seat attack helicopter. Sponsor. U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala ama, USA. Status. !rod"ction Total Produced. Thro"gh #$$%, a total o& ',$(' A)-*( Apache helicopters had een prod"ced. Application. Anti-armor attack and aerial &ire s"pport. Price Range. U.S. +o+ ,-.( /last year o& proc"rement0 "nit cost o& A)-*(A, 1'*.2* million. U.S. A)-*(+ 3ong ow Apache /with ,CR0 program "nit cost, appro4imately 1'5.# million. 6ew-prod"ction A)*(+, 1'7-1#$ million.

Boeing Army Systems, Newtown Square, PA United States, Prime Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd, http !!www"#hi"$o"jp!eng%ish, Su&aru B%dg, '()(*($home, Nishi(Shinju+u, Shinju+u(+u, ,o+yo, *-.(/0*1apan, ,e% /* 0 002' )3)3, Fa4 /* 0 002' )3//, Li$ensee Agusta5est%and, 5est%and He%i$opters Ltd, http !!www"wh%"$o"u+, Lysander 6oad, 7eovi%, BA). )7B Somerset, United 8ingdom, ,e% 22 *903 2' 3) )), Fa4 22 *903 '. )*0*, Li$ensee :; Air$ra#t ;ngines, http !!www"geae"$om, *... 5estern Avenue, Lynn, <A .*9*.(...* United States, ,e% Fa4 * =-*'> 392(2')9 =,'..(:;('.* ,ur&osha#t? ,'..(:;('.*@ ,ur&osha#t> * =-*'> 392 (.*..,

Ishi+awajima(Harima Heavy Industries @ompany Ltd, http !!www"ihi"$o"jp!aeroeng, ))9 ,onogaya <iAuho(<a$hi, Nishitama(:un, ,o+yo, *9.(*)9' 1apan, ,e% /* 2)3 -/' '... =,'..(:;('.*@ ,ur&osha#t> 6o%%s(6oy$e ,ur&ome$a Ltd, 2, :rosvenor P%a$e, London, S5*B 'HH United 8ingdom, ,e% 22 ).' )03 0-2*, Fa4 22 ).' )23 -0/3 =6,<0)) ,ur&osha#t> 8orea Aerospa$e Industries Ltd, http !!www"+oreaaero"$om, *03, Seosomun(dong, 1ung(gu, Seou%, *..('0' 8orea, 6epu&%i$ o# =South>, ,e% /) ) )..* 0**2, Fa4 /) ) )..* 0.** =Fuse%age>

Technical Data
(AH-64D) Design Features. Twin-t"r osha&t-powered, single main rotor helicopter with single oom and tail rotor. ,i4ed landing gear and high energy a sor ing air&rame str"ct"re are employed. The engines are mo"nted in armored nacelles that incorporate inlet particle separators and e4ha"st s"ppressors. Metric Dimensions U.S.

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Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age #

Metric '2.2% m (.$5 m '(.*% m #.2. m 2,#2$ kg .,5#5 kg ',(#' liters #2% km=h 7$% mpm U.S. 57.'2 &t '%.%$ &t (7.$ &t ..'2 &t '*,$#2 l #',$$$ l

Military Aircraft Forecast

3ength )eight Main rotor diameter Tail rotor diameter )ei*+t !rimary mission ;< Ma4 T-8 weight/a0 ,a-acities Ma4 internal &"el (erformance(.) Ma4 level &light speed Ma4 clim rate (ro-/lsion A)-*(A=A> /#0 /#0 A)-*(+ /#0 /#0 /#0

%25 U.S. gallons '(2 kt #,*%5 &pm

;? Aircra&t ?ngines T2$$-;?-2$' a4ial-centri&"gal-&low &ree-t"r ine t"r osha&t engines rated ',#*5 k< /',*.* shp0 each@ or ;? Aircra&t ?ngines T2$$-;?-2$'C t"r osha&t engines rated ',('2 k< /',.$$ shp0 each. +ash 2$'C engines standard &rom the *$(th A)-*(A /'..$0. ;? Aircra&t ?ngines T2$$-;?-2$' engines rated ',#*5 k< /',*.* shp0 each@ or ;? Aircra&t ?ngines T2$$-;?-2$'C engines rated ',('2 k< /',.$$ shp0 each@ or Rolls-Royce T"r omeca RTM%## a4ial-centri&"gal &low t"r osha&t engines rated ',5** k< /#,'$$ shp0 each.

Armament M#%$ %$mm Chain ;"nA@ ',#$$ ro"nds. ,o"r "nderwing hard points can accommodate "p to '* )?33,:R? anti-tank missiles, "p to 2* *..75-centimeter /#.25-inch0 air-to-gro"nd rockets, or a com ination o& )?33,:R?s and rockets.
/a0 / 0

<ith T2$$-;?-2$' engines. Sea level, standard day.

98?:6; A)-*( A!AC)?

So"rceB ,orecast :nternational

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Military Aircraft Forecast

Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age %

A)-*( A!AC)?
So"rceB 9oeing

A)-*(A. 9aseline design and original prod"ction model. ,irst &light o& initial prototype occ"rred in Septem er '.25. +eliveries egan in Can"ary '.7(. A)-*(As &rom n"m er *$( are powered y ;eneral ?lectric T2$$-;?-2$'C engines. A)-*(A>. !resent U.S. Army inventory A)-*(A aircra&t are eing "pgraded to the A> con&ig"ration, an interim sol"tion to address sa&ety and relia ility pro lems that emerged d"ring the aircra&tDs deployment d"ring the '..' ;"l& <ar. The A> "pgrades incl"de installation o& an ?m edded ;!S=:nertial 6avigation System /?;:0, Single Channel ;ro"nd and Air orne Radio System /S:6C;ARS0 sec"re comm"nications, ), radios, relocated antennas and radio oosters /&or improved nap-o&-the-earth comm"nications0, AER-# laser warning receivers, AR6-'(. air orne direction &inders, "pgrades to the M#%$ Chain ;"nDs &ire-control comp"ter and amm"nition &eeder, "pgrades to the TA+S=!6ES, e4tended-range &"el tanks, and desert &iltration kits. A)-*(9. Until mid-'..', the Army had planned a lock "pgrade o& the 52. A)-*(As that were not sched"led to e &itted with the 3ong ow system. The "pgrade was to incorporate improved avionics, S:6C;ARS, an Air orne Target )andover System /AT)S0, and ;!S navigation. )owever, congressional concerns with Apache relia ility drove the Army to restr"ct"re the plan to encompass #5( A)-*(As to e "pgraded to a new 9 con&ig"ration. The new A)-*(9 model wo"ld have incorporated the original improvements, pl"s &i4es to pro lems identi&ied d"ring 8peration +esert Shield=Storm. :n '..#, the service dropped the 9 "pgrade in its entirety. A)-*(+. The U.S. Army is c"rrently reman"&act"ring 5$' A)-*(A helicopters in its &leet into the A)-*(+ con&ig"ration. A total o& ##2 o& the A)-*(+s are to e &itted with the 3ong ow &ire control radar /,CR0, while the remaining A)-*(+s are to e eF"ipped to receive the ,CR, sho"ld operational reF"irements dictate. The ,CR is part o& a weapon system package that will ena le the 3ong ow Apache to rapidly detect, classi&y, prioritiGe, and destroy enemy targets &rom e4treme stando&& ranges in virt"ally all weather and thro"gh attle&ield o sc"rants. A Hoint vent"re o& 3ockheed Martin and 6orthrop ;r"mman, called 3ong ow 33C, prod"ces the 3ong ow radar. All ,CR-eF"ipped A)-*(+s will e powered y the T2$$-;?-2$'C engine. !rior to '..(, the non-,CR-eF"ipped con&ig"ration was known as the A)-*(C. )owever, the Army has now

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Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age (

decided to designate all reman"&act"red Apaches as A)-*(+s. Si4 A)-*(+ 3ong ow prototypes were prod"ced. The &irst prototype &lew in April '..#. An Apache &itted with a &"nctional 3ong ow ,CR &lew &or the &irst time in Septem er '..%. The initial A)-*(+ delivery occ"rred in March '..2.

Military Aircraft Forecast 9esides the 3ong ow ,CR, the A)-*(+ con&ig"ration also incl"des an AS6-'52 +oppler navigation system, a glass cockpit with m"lti&"nction displays, an :mproved +ata Modem, a M:3-ST+-'55%9 data "s, and provisions &or carrying Stinger or other air-to-air missiles. The A)-*(+ is armed with a new radar &reF"ency /R,0, &ire-and-&orget )?33,:R? anti-armor missile.

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Military Aircraft Forecast

Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age 5

Progra* Re+ie,
Bac&ground. The A)-*( Apache attack helicopter was developed ased "pon a U.S. Army reF"irement &or an Advanced Attack )elicopter /AA)0. The AA) competition was &ormally anno"nced d"ring A"g"st '.2# and, in C"ne '.2%, )"ghes )elicopters and 9ell were awarded 12$.% million and 1((.2 million, respectively, to develop two prototypes and a single static test air&rame each. The &irst )"ghes -A)-*(A &lew in Septem er '.25, &ollowed y the second two months later. 9oth companies delivered their &light test "nits to the Army in May '.2*, and )"ghes was selected as the winner in +ecem er '.2*. At that time, a 5*-month !hase :: engineering development cycle egan, which involved modi&ication o& the prototypes to prod"ction standard, and constr"ction o& three additional &light test "nits. The last o& these entered the &light test program in April '.7$. :n 6ovem er '.7$, a mid-air collision with a company photo chase plane destroyed prototype n"m er &o"r. :n '.7(, )"ghes )elicopters was acF"ired y Mc+onnell +o"glas. :n '..2, Mc+onnell +o"glas was merged with 9oeing. A)-*(A ,eat"res. The A)-*(ADs &o"r- lade tail rotor is mo"nted o&&set in order to red"ce noise generated y the rotor. The helicopter also incorporates a retracta le rotor mast &or easier air transporta ility, and &eat"res &olding lades and a main landing gear, which &olds rearward to permit the cra&t to sF"at in a low pro&ile. The helicopter was originally to &eat"re a T-tail, "t this posed some sta ility pro lems, and in 8cto er '.2. )"ghes egan &light-testing a new sta ilator design, which ena les the A)-*(A to maintain near-level attit"des while ascending, descending, and accelerating to higher speeds. The new tail also red"ces the pilot workload d"ring nap-o&-the-earth /68?0 operations. A Mc+onnell +o"glas M#%$ Chain ;"n %$mm weapon is located in a t"rret eneath the &"selage, midway etween the two crew stations. The A)-*(A also carries "p to '* )?33,:R? anti-armor missiles or "p to 2* "ng"ided, *..75-centimeter /#.25-inch0 rockets with e4plosive, marker, or cha&& heads. The aircra&t is heavily armored and &eat"res red"ndancy o& vital systems as spelled o"t in the AA) speci&ications. As an e4ample, the two cockpits are isolated y oth armor plate and last-proo& glass so that a #%mm shell e4ploding in one part o& the cockpit will not inH"re the other crewman. The A)-*(A is &itted with the A!R-%. radar warning system, and the aircra&tDs :R signat"re is greatly red"ced y the 9lack )ole e4ha"st cooler system. The A)-*(A Apache is also &itted with a Teledyne &ire control comp"ter, a Iear&ott lightweight +oppler navigation system, a 3itton 3R-7$ /AS6-'(%0 strapdown attit"de and heading re&erence system /A)RS0, )oneywell digital a"tomatic sta iliGation eF"ipment /+AS?0, a Sanders A3J-'(( in&rared Hammer, an Astrona"tics Corp )S:, and a !acer Systems omnidirectional air data system. As standard eF"ipment, the aircra&t has an AlliedSignal /;arrett0 ;TC! %*-55) single-sha&t a"4iliary power "nit /A!U0 and !arker 9ertea d"al hydra"lic systems. TA+S=!6ES. Also developed d"ring the 5*-month !hase :: time&rame were the AA)Ds Target AcF"isition and +esignation System /TA+S0 and the !ilot 6ight Eision System /!6ES0. The TA+S, located in a chin t"rret, consists o& an optical telescope, a ,3:R system, a high-de&inition TE, a laser designator=ranger, and a laser and TE tracker. The TA+S t"rret can look '#$ o to either side, *$o down, or %$o "p, and is controlled either y the copilot=g"nnerDs sighting &i4t"re or y either crewmanDs helmet-mo"nted sight. The latter, known as the :ntegrated )elmet & +isplay Sighting System /:)A+SS0, was developed y )oneywell. Mo"nted a ove the TA+S is the !ilot 6ight Eision System, an independent ,3:R imager slaved to the pilotDs head movements thro"gh his :)A+SS. The !6ES can slew (5o down, #$o "p, and .$o to either side. Martin Marietta and 6orthrop were selected &rom seven competing &irms &or development o& TA+S=!6ES prototype "nits, with Martin Marietta "ltimately chosen as the winner in April '.7$. The company delivered the &irst system in '.7%. ?4port Market. ?4port c"stomers &or new- "ild A)-*(s incl"de ?gypt /%* A)-*(As0, ;reece /#$ A)-*(As and '# A)-*(+s0, :srael /'7 A)-*(As and eight A)-*(+s0, Sa"di Ara ia /'# A)-*(As0, the United Ara ?mirates /%$ A)-*(As0, Capan /&o"r A)-*(+s0, I"wait /'* A)-*(+s0, the 6etherlands /%$ A)-*(+s0, Singapore /#$ A)-*(+s0, and the United Iingdom /*2 <A)-*(+s0. :srael also received #( e4U.S. Army A)-*(As. A)-*(A !rod"ction Completed. !rod"ction o& the A)-*(A was completed in '..*. :n April o& that year, Mc+onnell +o"glas delivered to the U.S. Army the serviceDs &inal A)-*(A helicopter, marking the completion o& a prod"ction r"n o& 7#' aircra&t /not incl"ding prototypes and preprod"ction models0. !rod"ction o& the A version contin"ed, with all remaining aircra&t destined &or non-U.S. c"stomers. The last A)-*(A was delivered y the end o& '..*. A)-*(+ Reman"&act"ring !rogram. The initial A)-*(+ delivery to the U.S. Army occ"rred in March '..2. The Army is reman"&act"ring 5$' A)-*(A Apaches in its &leet to the A)-*(+ con&ig"ration.

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Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age *

The Army awarded Mc+onnell +o"glas initial &"nding in late '..5 &or the &irst '7 reman"&act"red A)-*(+s. This contract incl"ded provisions &or a &ive-year agreement &or at least #%# aircra&t. :n A"g"st '..*, the Army and Mc+onnell +o"glas signed a &ive-year contract worth 1'.. illion &or the reman"&act"re o& #%# Apaches. :n #$$$ the Army awarded 9oeing a second &ive-year contract, worth more than 1#.% illion, &or the reman"&act"re o& #*. A)-*(As to the A)-*(+ con&ig"ration. This ro"ght the total n"m er o& U.S. Army A)-*(As to e converted to the new standard to 5$'. The &irst helicopter reman"&act"red "nder the new contract was redelivered to the Army in April #$$#. +"tch A)-*(+s. :n April '..5, the +"tch Ca inet selected the A)-*(+ &or the Royal 6etherlands Air ,orce /R63A,0. !arliamentary approval o& the decision was received in May '..5, and was soon &ollowed y the signing o& a 3etter o& 8&&er and Acceptance. The 6etherlands p"rchased %$ A)-*(+s "nder an 63;'.% illion /17$2 million0 program. +eliveries egan in May '..7, and were completed in C"ne #$$#. The +"tch leased '# U.S. Army A)-*(As /at a cost o& 1'.$$ each0 to provide an early operational capa ility@ all o& these have since een ret"rned. The A)-*(+ was selected &or the +"tch p"rchase over the 9ell A)-'< Co ra, the ?"rocopter Tiger, and the Ag"sta A'#.. 8riginally, none o& the +"tch Apaches were to e eF"ipped with the 3ong ow &ire control radar. )owever, in 6ovem er '..., the !entagon anno"nced that the +"tch government had reF"ested a possi le sale o& %$ 3ong ow radars. The radars wo"ld e installed on the A)-*(+s. :n C"ne #$$%, the +"tch Ministry o& +e&ense anno"nced plans to withdraw si4 o& the A)-*(+s &rom service and sell them.

Military Aircraft Forecast 9ritish A)-*(+s. :n C"ly '..5, the 9ritish Ministry o& +e&ence selected the A)-*(+ to meet the U.I.Ds reF"irement &or a new attack helicopter. :n a program worth appro4imately ;9!#.5 illion /1(.$ illion0, the U.I. is acF"iring a total o& *2 Apaches. 9esides the Apache, other competitors &or the 9ritish proc"rement had incl"ded the 9ell=;?C-Marconi Co ra Eenom / ased on the A)-'<0 and the Tiger. 9oeing was teamed with Ag"sta<estland on the U.I. program. The initial eight 9ritish Apaches were prod"ced y 9oeing in the U.S., while Ag"sta<estland assem led the remaining 5. in the U.I. "sing 9oeings"pplied kits. The 9ritish Apaches are called <A)-*(+s. The 9ritish decision to proc"re the Apache was partic"larly nota le in that only *2 rotorcra&t were p"rchased. The government had set aside &"nding &or .' Apaches, "t co"ld only a&&ord *2, as it chose to make an "p-&ront investment in the 3ong ow &ire control radar. All *2 helicopters are eF"ipped with the 3ong ow radar. Another noteworthy &eat"re o& the 9ritish anno"ncement was the decision to power the Apaches with the Rolls-Royce T"r omeca RTM%## engine. The powerplant &or U.S. Army and all other Apaches is the ;eneral ?lectric T2$$. The &irst &light o& an RTM%##powered Apache occ"rred in May '..7. This helicopter was a re-engined A)-*(+ on loan &rom the U.S. Army. The initial delivery o& a <A)-*(+ to the 9ritish Army occ"rred in March #$$$. This helicopter was one o& the eight <A)-*(+s that had een prod"ced y 9oeing in Mesa, AriGona. The &irst o& the 5. <A)-*(+s "ilt y Ag"sta<estland made its initial &light in mid-C"ly #$$$. :t was delivered to the 9ritish Army later that month. +eliveries o& the *2 <A)-*(+s to the service were completed in C"ly #$$(.

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Military Aircraft Forecast

Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age 2

Recent and planned U.S. Army A)-*( &"nding is as &ollowsB U.S. FUNDING QTY FY02 AMT 908.4 -44.8 863.6 32.& 45.8 QTY FY03 AMT 885.0 -32.& 852.8 46.& &25.9 QTY FY04 AMT 795.3 -46.& 749.& &4.& 65.0 FY05 (Req) QTY AMT 668.6 -&4.& 654.5 37.2

Longbow Less: A !"n#e $%o# ($Y) To'"( Longbow A !"n#e $%o# ()Y) A*-64 Mo s

A(( + "%e ,n -,((,ons.

Recent Contracts
,ontractor 9oeing 9oeing 9oeing A'ar% (0 millions) 1%.% 1#'#.7 1#%.' Date1Descri-tion Sep #$$% - :ncrement as part o& a 1'(.2 million contract &rom U.S. Army &or A)-*(+ Coint Tactical Radio System development and demonstration. Sep #$$% - Contract modi&ication &rom U.S. Army &or '* A)-*(+ Apache 3ong ow aircra&t. 8ct #$$% - Contract modi&ication &rom U.S. Army &or three reman"&act"red A)-*(+ Apache 3ong ow aircra&t.

Mont+ A"g 6ov Sep May +ec 3ate Apr Apr Can Apr Mar 9eyond $ear '.2# '.2# '.25 '.2* '.2* '.2. '.7$ '.7# '.7( '..# '..2 #$$( Ma2or De3elo-ment AA) competition anno"nced R,!s iss"ed to ind"stry -A)-*(A &irst &light 9ell=)"ghes competitive &ly-o&& egins )"ghes -A)-*(A selected as winning design :nitial )?33,:R? missile &iring tests egin Martin Marietta TA+S=!6ES selected &or prod"ction aircra&t !rod"ction decision@ initial proc"rement ,irst A)-*(A delivery ,irst &light o& initial A)-*(+ prototype :nitial A)-*(+ 3ong ow Apache delivery to U.S. Army !rod"ction=reman"&act"ring to contin"e

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Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age 7

Military Aircraft Forecast

.orld,ide Distri-ution
/C"ly #$$(0 4*y-t 5reece 6srael &et+erlan%s Sa/%i Ara.ia Sin*a-ore UA4 U.7. U.S. #2 7 #$ ($ %$ '# 7 %$ *2 %*% %** A)-*(A A)-*(+@ conversions A)-*(A A)-*(A A)-*(+ A)-*(A A)-*(+ A)-*(A <A)-*(+ A)-*(A A)-*(+@ conversions

Forecast Rationale
:n Septem er #$$%, the ;reek Ministry o& +e&ense signed a contract with 9oeing &or the p"rchase o& '# A)-*(+s with an option to p"rchase a &"rther &o"r helicopters. +eliveries are sched"led to egin in #$$2. ?4ercise o& the option &or the &o"r additional Apaches will likely not occ"r "ntil #$$* at the earliest. Also in Septem er #$$%, 9oeing was awarded a 1#'#.7 million contract y the U.S. Army to prod"ce '* A)-*(+s &or I"wait. The '* helicopters are e4pected to e delivered y the end o& #$$*. The last o& #$ A)-*(+s is sched"led to e delivered to Singapore y early #$$*. ?ight o& the helicopters had een delivered y mid-#$$(. +eliveries o& *2 <A)-*(+s to the 9ritish Army were concl"ded in C"ly #$$(. ?arly <A)-*(+s are c"rrently receiving a n"m er o& modi&ications, incl"ding installation o& a new comm"nications s"ite &rom Thales, a Smiths health and "sage monitoring system, and the 9A? Systems )elicopter :ntegrated +e&ensive Aids S"ite /):+AS0. The &irst '7 <A)-*(+s were "ilt to the aseline design, and will receive all o& the modi&ications. The ne4t '. helicopters will reF"ire only some o& the modi&ications, as these helicopters were delivered with at least some o& the systems already installed. All <A)-*(+s &rom the %7th aircra&t onward were delivered with all o& the enhancements already &itted. Retro&its o& the %2 early <A)-*(+s are sched"led to e completed y mid-#$$5. The retro&it program is eing cond"cted at Ag"sta<estlandDs prod"ction plant in -eovil. :srael is acF"iring eight new-prod"ction A)-*(+s, pl"s &o"r A)-*(+s that are to e reman"&act"red &rom e4isting :sraeli A)-*(As. +eliveries are sched"led to egin in #$$5. ?vent"ally, si4 more :sraeli A)-*(As may also e converted to the + standard. :n A"g"st #$$', the Capan +e&ense Agency /C+A0 anno"nced that the selection o& the A)-*(+ to replace 9ell A)-'s in the Capan ;ro"nd Sel&-+e&ense ,orce /C;S+,0 &leet. Up to 7$ A)-*(+s are to e proc"red. +eliveries are sched"led to egin in #$$*. ,"Hi )eavy :nd"stries is "ilding the helicopters in Capan "nder license. :shikawaHima-)arima )eavy :nd"stries /:):0 is "ilding the helicoptersD T2$$-;?-2$'C engines in Capan "nder license. ,"nding &or the initial two A)-*(+s was incl"ded in the C+ADs ,-$# "dget. Two more were &"nded in the ,-$% "dget. :n its ,-$( "dget reF"est, the C+A reF"ested &"nding &or two additional A)-*(+s. Considera le potential e4ists &or &"rther A)-*(+ sales. ?gypt and Singapore might each acF"ire '# new- "ild A)-*(+s to add to their respective Apache &leets. Sa"di Ara ia co"ld also acF"ire additional Apaches. The A)-*(+ can also e e4pected to compete to &ill reF"irements in ,inland, 6orway, So"th Iorea, Sweden, Taiwan, and T"rkey. As &or A)-*(+ reman"&act"ring, the U.S. Army awarded 9oeing a 1#(# million contract in #$$' to modi&y %5 ?gyptian A)-*(As to the A)-*(+ con&ig"ration. At least eight have een converted so &ar. :t is possi le that all %5 helicopters may not e converted. Sa"di Ara ia and the UA? have had disc"ssions with 9oeing a o"t "pgrading their e4isting A)-*(As to the + con&ig"ration. The UA?, tho"gh, co"ld decide to acF"ire new- "ild A)-*(+s instead. ;reece might also decide to convert its e4isting Apaches to the + standard.

8cto er #$$(

Military Aircraft Forecast The U.S. Army is c"rrently reman"&act"ring 5$' o& its A)-*(As into A)-*(+s. At present, the service does not plan to e4tend this program eyond the 5$' conversions. The ArmyDs initial #7( A)-*(+s, encompassing 3ots '-* o& the reman"&act"ring program, were "ilt in the original con&ig"ration now known as 9lock :. Starting with 3ot 2, and contin"ing thro"gh the remainder o& the 5$' planned conversions, A)-*(+s are eing delivered to the service in a 9lock :: con&ig"ration. 9lock :: incl"des new avionics, digital enhancements, and comm"nications "pgrades. Among the systems added are a digital map, a high-&reF"ency radio, and CEM, messaging. The initial 9lock :: aircra&t was delivered to the Army in ,e r"ary #$$%.

Boeing AH-64 Apache' !age .

The Army also plans a 9lock ::: "pgrade o& the A)-(+. 9lock ::: is to incl"de a series o& str"ct"ral, prop"lsion, and avionics modi&ications to the helicopter. :nitially, the service had planned that only the #7( 9lock : aircra&t wo"ld "ndergo the 9lock ::: modi&ications. )owever, with &"nding &reed "p &rom the cancellation o& the RA)-** Comanche, the Army now intends to modi&y all 5$' A)-*(+s to the 9lock ::: standard. Redeliveries o& 9lock ::: aircra&t are slated to egin in 8cto er #$$2. Among other items, the 9lock ::: "pgrade may incl"de an open system avionics architect"re, the Coint Tactical Radio System /CTRS0, &ly- y-wire &light controls, the ;eneral ?lectric T2$$-;?-2$'+ engine, a new transmission, and composite rotor lades.

Ten-"ear Outloo&
/e, Production
High Confidence Le!el Ai"c"af BC;IN: AH(-2D =;BPC6,> 5AH(-2D =U"8"> Su&tota% ( BC;IN: #Engine$ ,'..(:;('.*@ 6,<0)) h"u %& 0/ / 2**-./ )*/ 92) 30 30 . . *.2* %' 0 . 0 . . . . . . 9 %( *3 . *3 . . . . . . . . *3 %) *' . *' . . . . . . ) ) *9 %* *0 . *0 . . . . . . ) ) *3 Good Confidence Le!el %+ *. . *. . . . . . . ) ) *) %, 9 . 9 . . . . . . 2 2 *0 -% *. . *. . . . . . . 3 3 *3 Specula i!e -** . ** . . . . . . *' -. *) . *) . . . . . . */ -& *. . *. . . . . . . 3 3 *3 To al %'/-& **. . **. . . . . 0) 0) *2/

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0a1or 0odi2ications
High Confidence Le!el Ai"c"af BC;IN: AH(-2D =;BPC6, <CD>=a> AH(-2D =U"S" A6<7 <CD>=a> AH(-2D BL 0 =US A6<7 <CD>=a> ,ota% Produ$tion #Engine$ ,'..(:;('.*@ ,'..(:;('.*!'.*@ ,'..(:;('.*D =<CD> h"u %& . 02. . 02. %' ** -/ . '9 %( *. -2 . '2 %) *. 03 . 23 %* / . / *Good Confidence Le!el %+ ' . 020 %, ' . 23 3) -% / . 32 -) Specula i!e -' . -. -' -. ' . ') '9 -& 3 . ') '' To al %'/-& /. *-' 02' 392

=a><odi#i$ation program? not new produ$tion air$ra#t"

8cto er #$$(

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