2015 TIP Primer
2015 TIP Primer
2015 TIP Primer
Group, Transit Finance Working Group FR: Adam Crenshaw, Programming and Allocations Section RE: Primer on 2015 TIP Development and Schedule
The federally required Transportation Improvement Program or TIP, is a comprehensive listing of all Bay Area surface transportation projects that are to receive federal funding, are subject to a federally required action, or are considered regionally significant for air quality conformity purposes. The 2013 TIP was adopted by the Commission on July 18, 2013 and approved by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on August 12, 2013. It is valid through August 12, 2017. MTC is required by the State to prepare and adopt an updated TIP every two years. To align with the States effort in developing the 2015 Federal-Statewide TIP (FSTIP) MTC is beginning the process to update the regions TIP. The 2015 TIP will cover the four-year period of FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18. Because it takes several months to prepare a new TIP, the 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is set to go into a lockdown on Tuesday, April 01, 2014. This is necessary to provide the time needed to conduct the required air quality conformity analysis and determination, allow for adequate public participation in the development process, provide sufficient time for Caltrans, FHWA and FTA review and approval, and to ensure that programming data is consistent as we move from the current 2013 TIP to the new updated 2015 TIP. This memo is a primer on the TIP development process.
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As a reminder, cities and counties do not have submittal rights in the FMS application. CMAs are required to submit projects on behalf of the cities and counties. Transit operators can submit project revisions directly. To reduce the need of future TIP revisions, CMAs, transit operators and project sponsors need to ensure that all entries are complete and correct before submitting them. Do not submit a project until you are sure that the review of that project is completed. You can save and exit the project and return to complete and submit it at a later date. Projects will be available for review starting Monday, April 14, 2014. Please complete the process as soon as possible, BUT PROJECTS NEEDING REVISIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM on MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014. When your review is complete, please inform Adam Crenshaw via email at [email protected]. All fields in the application are editable. Please make revisions only where necessary.
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Is the RTP ID for each project correct and is the TIP project consistent with the RTP project that it references? 4. Do the project description and expanded project description include enough detail to fully describe the scope of work being implemented? 5. Is the funding information for the project correct? 6. Is the other information in FMS correct? Further details on reviewing these areas of focus are included below. Archiving projects If all federal or state funding for the project have been awarded or obligated, the project has been completed, or if all project funding is prior to FY2014-15 and if no further federal action is anticipated for the project, the project can be archived and removed from the TIP. To archive a completed project: 1. Set the Is project completed/opened to traffic field to Yes 2. In the Reason for Revision field include a note to Archive this project as it has been completed 3. Submit the application If a project in the 2013 TIP has failed and will not be moving forward, it may also be removed from the TIP. To remove these projects from TIP: 1. Leave the Is project completed/opened to traffic field set to No 2. In the Reason for Revision field include a note to Delete this project as it will not be completed 3. Update the funding information to remove all funds that had been programmed for this project, but were not expended. 4. Submit the application This is important, as completed projects must be reported to FHWA, and these archived projects are used to develop the list of completed projects. Projects that are deleted from the TIP as they are not moving forward will be excluded from that list. If a project is included in the TIP more than once please delete one of the duplicate projects using the method described for failed projects, but the Reason for Revision should state that the project is a duplicate project. Please also include the TIP ID number of the project that will remain in the TIP. If the project is not yet completed and you would like it to be included in the new 2015 TIP for informational purposes, even though all funds are in prior year (before FY 2014-15), select the No, project is not complete box and include a note in the Reason for Revision field that the project should be carried forward for informational purposes. In addition, you are requested to justify the need for retaining these projects in the TIP. For projects with delay in phases etc, sponsors are requested to update the project delivery milestones; update the phase years in the funding and point out projects (via email) that will cross the AQ analysis year of FY2014-15. New TIP Projects Please review your projects in the 2013 TIP to see if any projects need to be added. In addition to federally funded projects, the TIP must also include regionally significant locally funded projects. Review your agencys capital improvement program for FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18 to
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determine if your locally funded projects must be included in the TIP. A locally funded project is considered regionally significant if it impacts air quality in the Bay Area or if it will require any federal agency action. For example, the addition of an interchange to the interstate system, which is a capacity increasing project or a project that requires federal permits, would need to be shown in the TIP. To propose a new regionally significant project, go to the Universal Application tab of FMS and select Create New Project. Please then fill out the required fields (fields marked with an *) and submit the project. If any new project impacts air quality, you must email Adam Crenshaw at MTC with the details of the project by Thursday, March 27, 2014. RTP Project Reference Please ensure that each project in the TIP is referencing the correct Plan Bay Area RTP project. All projects in the TIP must also be consistent with the RTP project that they reference. To demonstrate consistency with the RTP, the TIP project must adhere to the following: 1. The scope of the TIP project as included in the project description and expanded description must be within the scope of the project as described in the RTP 2. The total cost of the project shown in the TIP, including funding in prior and later years, should be less than or equal to the cost of the project in the RTP. Please note that the cost of the project in the RTP is not rounded. 3. Funds for the project cannot be programmed in a year that falls after the project completion year as stated in Appendix A of the Final Transportation Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Plan Bay Area. A list of all projects included in Plan Bay Area is available at: http://onebayarea.org/pdf/final_supplemental_reports/FINAL_PBA_Project_List.pdf. The Final Transportation Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Plan Bay Area is available at: http://onebayarea.org/pdf/final_supplemental_reports/FINAL_PBA_Air_Quality_Conformity_A nalysis.pdf For the new TIP to be federally approved, the TIP must meet federal requirements for regional air quality (AQ) conformity. This refers to a set of regulations that require metropolitan planning organizations such as MTC to assess the impact of the projects in the TIP on the regions air quality. Hence lists of any new non-exempt projects or changes to existing non-exempt projects should be submitted to MTC before the deadline of Thursday, March 27, 2014. Project Description Review the project title, the project description, and expanded project description to ensure that the name, limits and scope accurately describe the work that will be implemented. The project description should include the following three elements separated by a colon or semi-colon(: or ;): 1. The jurisdiction where the work is being implemented (e.g. County A, City B, Transit System C, etc) 2. The limits of the project (e.g. On Street X from Avenue Y to Z Road, Citywide, etc) 3. The scope of work that is being implemented or activities undertaken (e.g. Rehabilitate roadway, Install Traffic Signal, Replace 2 trolley buses, etc). Please be sure to
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specifically call out any regionally non-exempt activities such as road extensions or road diets and the installation of any new traffic signals. Project Funding Please also review your projects funding information to confirm that the dollar amounts, fund sources and programming years are correct. Please note that only funding and phases programmed in the active four-year TIP period (FY2014-15 to FY2017-18) are considered to be programmed in the TIP. Funds programmed in years before or after these years are included for informational purposes only and are not eligible for actions that require TIP programming. One example of this is that funding programmed in FY2018-19 cannot be obligated using Expedited Project Selection Procedures, but funding programmed in FY2017-18 may be obligate in certain circumstances. If you have unobligated FHWA funds or FTA funds that have not been put into grants yet and those funds are currently programmed in FY2013-14 or earlier, please be sure to reprogram those funds into the active four-year TIP period. Federal regulations require that TIP project listings show the total cost of all phases (e.g. ENV, PS&E, PE, ROW or CON) for projects in the TIP, even if those phases are programmed outside of the TIP period or if they are funded using only local funds. If a project listing does not show any amount programmed for a capital phase, (ROW or CON) a TIP amendment and perhaps a new conformity analysis may be required to amend a capital phase into the TIP if necessary in the future. Funds for a single phase of a project (e.g. ENV, PS&E, PE, ROW or CON) must be listed in the same year, which is the year of allocation/obligation for that phase. Exceptions are for preapproved corridor projects (as listed in the RTP), annual ongoing service/operations projects (such as the Freeway Service Patrol), multi-year program of projects (such a various streets and roads rehabilitation, or bus rehabilitation/replacement programs), or projects with multiple segments (in which case the project description or expanded description must include a statement noting the number of segments such as segments 1 through 3). Federal regulations also require that the cost of the project and each of the phases be shown in year of expenditure (YOE) dollars. The total cost of the project must also be consistent with the total cost of the project as indicated in the RTP, Plan Bay Area. MTC also requires that only committed funding be included in the active four years of the TIP. For federal and state funding in the TIP period, please ensure that the funds have been approved through their respective programs. Local funds in the active four years of the TIP need to be committed to the project through an approved capital improvement program (CIP) or similar board-approved action. If you have more than $2 million in local funds programmed to a single project please upload the relevant pages from the appropriate CIP or board-approved action in the Miscellaneous Documents section of the Project Documents tab in FMS. This is very critical to ensuring that the projects are fully funded and the TIP is fiscally constrained. Even if the funding for future project phases has not been committed to a project, federal regulations still require that the full cost of the project, including those phases, be shown in the TIP. If specific funding has not been identified or secured, please show it as RTP-Long Range
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Plan funds (RTP-LRP) funds programmed in FY2018-19 or later. When submitting a project application, please ensure that RTP-LRP funds are not programmed within the four-year TIP period (FY2014-15 through FY17-18). Other Information in the TIP Location Information Ensure that the State Assembly, State Senate and Congressional district information included for your projects is correct. This information is helpful when your legislators request transportation funding data. Project Milestones Sponsors are requested to review the project delivery milestones as well the years the various phases are programmed in the TIP. If there is a schedule delay for a non-exempt project, sponsors should notify MTC via email, by Thursday, March 27, 2014. Contact Information Please also ensure that the contact information for your projects is up to date. The Sponsoring Agency contact should be the project manager or someone else from the sponsoring agency who is able to answer questions about all aspects about the project. If your agency is partnering with another agency to implement the project, please include a similar contact from the partner agency as the Implementing Agency contact. If the implementing agency is the same as the sponsoring agency, please include an alternate contact as the Implementing Agency contact. Project Level AQ While you are not required to complete the project-level PM2.5 air quality conformity information for your project in order to include the project in the 2015 TIP, you will need to have completed the project-level conformity process before you complete your environmental review. As such, this review of projects is a good time to begin the process by clicking on the Edit Project Conformity button on the Air Quality tab in FMS and answering the six questions available under Step 1: Project Identification. Please note that your answers to some questions may cause the answers to other questions to be auto-populated as the categories described in questions 3, 4, and 5 are mutually exclusive.
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MTC staff will then review all of the projects to be included in the new TIP and develop the Draft 2015 TIP and Draft Air Quality Conformity Analysis. These documents will be released for public review and comment on Thursday, June 26, 2014, with a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, July 9, 2014. In order to accommodate this schedule, no edits will be accepted after Monday, April 28, 2014.
Shruti Hari
(510) 817-5960
Kristen Mazur
(510) 817-5789
Adam Crenshaw
(510) 817-5794
We appreciate your help updating the TIP. Time spent now getting the TIP entries correct will save time in the future by minimizing additional changes, preventing additional air quality conformity analyses, and avoiding potential project delivery delays.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Attachment 1: Draft TIP Development Schedule Attachment 2: Process of generating the Project Detail Report
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