Case Study CTTS - Introduction

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SADM 7/ed CTTS CASE STUDY - Introduction

Page: I-1

Client Technology Tracking System


n this section you will learn background information that will prepare you to understand and complete each of the milestones of this case study. This information includes a history of the business, a description of the businesss current facilities, and the descriptions of the problems that triggered the pro ect.

Case Background !oastline "ystems !onsulting is a pro#ider of managed computer networks and web ser#ices located in $estin, %lorida. The staff of se#en IT technicians, web designers, and systems integrators pro#ides a range of networking, computer hardware, and software solutions to area businesses. !oastline works with clients to analy&e their business needs. They then pro#ide a packaged solution that often combines web ser#ices, networking and computer hardware, purchased software, and custom programming. In addition to the se#en technicians, !oastline has one receptionist'bookkeeper. (s a small organi&ation, !oastline is an informal, )shirt-slee#e) en#ironment. *#eryone is on a firstname basis, e#en with Peter !harles, the president.

Prepa r e d by +ary ,. -andolph for "yste m s (nalysis . $esign /ethods 0ed by 1. 2. 3hitte n, 2. $. ,entle y, . 4. !. $ittma n

!opyright Irwin'/c+raw- 5ill 6770

SADM 7/ed CTTS CASE STUDY - Introduction

Page: I-6

Organization Structure Coastline Systems Consulting

Information Systems Facilities P!s *ach technician works uses a $ell notebook: o Pentium / class machines with 816 /, -(/, 97-87 +, hard dri#es The bookkeeper'receptionist has a $ell :ptiple; desktop running a Pentium <, 68= /, -(/, and an >7 +, hard dri#e: :perating systems - /" 3indows 3indows ?P Professional Tools - /" :ffice 6779 suite plus other software depending on use Internet ,rowser @ I* = and /o&illa %ire%o; *-mail !lient - /o&illa Thunderbird Aarious ink et and laser printers "er#ers $ell Power*dge 6>77 "er#er o 1 +, of -(/, >7 +, -(I$-8 hard dri#e storage o :perating system - /" 3indows "er#er 6779 o Pro#iding $5!P, "ecurity, and Internet (ccess, and $atabase /anagement B"C2 "er#er 6777D $ell Power*dge 1>87 "er#er
Prepa r e d by +ary ,. -andolph for "yste m s (nalysis . $esign /ethods 0ed by 1. 2. 3hitte n, 2. $. ,entle y, . 4. !. $ittma n

!opyright Irwin'/c+raw- 5ill 6770

SADM 7/ed CTTS CASE STUDY - Introduction

Page: I-9

o Pro#iding 3eb hosting o :perating system @ 3indows "er#er 6779 with II" Eetworking The company headFuarters is eFuipped with wireless networking so notebooks can roam throughout the building. Eotebooks also ha#e integrated *thernet EI!s and modems so they can connect to the Internet at home and at clientsG places of business. The ro!lem (s !oastlineGs client base and the comple;ity of installations ha#e grown, keeping track of the clientsG hardware and software configurations has become a nightmare. *ach client P! contains #arious components, such as #ideo cards, EI!s, and keyboards which are replaced at different times and so ha#e differing warranty periods that must be tracked. *#ery client has multiple P!s and network de#ices, whose passwords and configurations must be accessible by technicians in the !oastline office and in the field. :ne technician is )on-call) e#ery weekend, meaning the data has to be accessible from home as well. This has to be organi&ed in a way that is easily accessible by any technician at any time or place but secure from unauthori&ed users. In addition to tracking components and passwords, clients call and e-mail the !oastline office whene#er they ha#e any kind of hardware or software problem. These reFuests and the work done to resol#e them need to be organi&ed and documented. The president, Peter !harles, wants to de#elop a system that is both responsi#e to clients and helpful to technicians. 5e would like to see a system that allows technicians to access and update client eFuipment hardware and software configurations. 5e wants an easy way for technicians to track the installation of new hardware components, possibly using barcode scanning. 5e wants the system to allow clients to directly enter their ser#ice reFuests, allow technicians to document the work done on those reFuests, and for e#eryone to be able to see the history and status of each reFuest. /r. !harles also wants the system to be able to generate statistics and reports so he can pursue continuous impro#ement in this area.

Prepa r e d by +ary ,. -andolph for "yste m s (nalysis . $esign /ethods 0ed by 1. 2. 3hitte n, 2. $. ,entle y, . 4. !. $ittma n

!opyright Irwin'/c+raw- 5ill 6770

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