Abhig Ba MMC

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Abhi Gaur

Nearly 8+years of IT experience with expertise in Business Analysis/Data Modeling/Data Analysis.
xtensi!e success in translating "usiness re#uire$ents and user expectations into detailed
specifications e$ploying %nified Modeling &anguage '%M&( in an )*A en!iron$ent.
+o$prehensi!e ,nowledge of and solid experience in Deri!ati!es including +redit Deri!ati!es-
Interest .ate Deri!ati!es- /0 Deri!ati!es- #uity Deri!ati!es and +o$$odity Deri!ati!es.
)trong "usiness analysis s,ills and an understanding of the software de!elop$ent life cycle ')D&+(
utili1ing .ational %nified 2rocess '.%2(.
xperience designing and de!eloping )3& state$ents and #ueries for *racle )y"ase and )3& )er!er
4555 data"ase.
xperience in writing )3& #ueries and opti$i1ing the #ueries in )y"ase- *racle and )3& )er!er
xtensi!e experience in )y"ase Data"ase )er!ers- de!eloping and $aintaining auto$ated software
used to $onitor the data"ase
xperienced in conducting re#uire$ent analysis- use case design- designing test plans and de!eloped
data"ase sche$as "ased on the logical $odels.
6nowledge of Mortgage 2roducts- 2ricing- &oan origination- .is, co$pliance and Docu$ent
Manage$ent )yste$s
7or,ing ,nowledge of i$ple$enting software de!elop$ent pro8ects using $ethodologies such as
7aterfall- .ational %nified 2rocess- Agile/)cru$.
xtensi!e experience in configuring data $apping "etween different Data"ases.
A"ility to gather "usiness and technical re#uire$ents fro$ "oth for$al and infor$al sessions
utili1ing a !ariety of software tools including- %se +ases and the .ational %nified 2rocess.
xtensi!e experience in conducting 9oint Application De!elop$ent '9AD( sessions.
2erfor$ed :ap Analysis to chec, the co$pati"ility of the existing syste$ infrastructure with the new
"usiness re#uire$ents.
2articipation in the +redit .is, Analysis li,e sti$ation of 2D- &:D and AD
xpertise in "road range of technologies- including "usiness process tools such as Microsoft 2ro8ect-
2ri$a!era- 2ro$odel- M) xcel- M) Access- M) ;isio- technical assess$ent tools- Data
7arehousing concepts and we" design and de!elop$ent.
2roficient in de!eloping %se +ase Model- Analysis Model- Design Model- I$ple$entation Model-
%se +ase Diagra$s- Beha!ior Diagra$s ')e#uence diagra$s- +olla"oration diagra$s- )tate chart
diagra$s- Acti!ity diagra$s(- +lass Diagra$s "ased on %M& using .ational .ose
7or,ed extensi!ely on user re#uire$ents gathering- gap analysis- and de!elop$ent of functional
speculations for critical $ission acco$plishing pro8ects.
2roficient in /unctionality Testing- Blac, Box Testing- )yste$ Testing- Integration Testing- and
.egression Testing.
xcellent experience in Manual Testing and Auto$ation Testing using Mercury Interacti!e Tools.
2roficient in %nit Test 2lans '%T2(- Integrated Test 2lans 'IT2( xtensi!e experience in %ser
Acceptance Testing '%AT(.
xpertise in &ogical Modeling- 2hysical Modeling- Di$ensional Modeling- )tar and )now</la,e
2roficient in progra$$ing languages li,e +- +++- 9a!a and .NT T+=N*&*:I)
2ro!ided technical and functional consulting to corporate and di!isional users for +ognos.
)trong experience in +lient interaction and understanding "usiness applications- "usiness data flow
and data relations for the$.
=ighly $oti!ated- result oriented professional with a short learning cur!e and strong co$$unication
Abhi Gaur
M) in +o$puter )cience
.7IN- T&> Ascential Data)tage '?.x- @.x- A.x(- )tar<)che$a Modeling- )nowfla,e Modeling- /A+T
and di$ension ta"les- rwin B.5- Business *"8ects- Micro strategy- rwin B.x- +/+++- 9a!a ) C.B-
T%.B* 2A)+A& ?.5- ;B.Net- =TM&- +*B*&- )3& )er!er- )*A- )A2 )D- My)3&- *racle 8i-;isio-
)y"ase A)A '@ < D(.A)2/A)2.net- 2=2- Microprocessors 858A E 858@- %nix- M;)- M)
7indows/DA/D8/NT/4555/02- M) D*)- M) *ffice 4555- Mercury Test Director- 3uic,Test2ro-
7in.unner- &oad .unner
PNC Bank, Pittsburh, PA
!u"y #$$% & Current
Sr' Business Ana"yst
2N+ is A$ericaFs CCth largest "an, "y deposits and is the third largest "an, off<pre$ise ATM pro!ider in
the country. It offers retail "an,ing- corporate and institutional "an,ing- asset $anage$ent- and glo"al
fund processing ser!ices.
The pro8ect was to design and de!elop a 2ortfolio Manage$ent )yste$ for 2N+ Ban,ing and /inancial
)er!ices Business. The syste$ pro!ides enhanced Business 2rocess Manage$ent 'B2M(- new 2ortfolio
.eporting )yste$ for =igh Net worth +lients and +redit .is, Manage$ent.
Analy1ed the existing clai$s process and specific "usiness rule logic will "e applied in the A+2
+reated Data )tage 8o"s to extract- transfor$ and load data into data warehouses fro$ !arious
sources li,e relational data"ases- application syste$s- te$p ta"les- flat files etc.
%sed the Data)tage Designer to de!elop processes for extracting- cleansing- transfor$s-
integrating and loading data into data warehouse data"ase.
In!ol!ed depth understanding of +redit .is, $anage$ent for the application
+onducted %ser Inter!iews and 7or, )hops to gather accurate Business .e#uire$ents
)er!ed as a liaison "etween the "usiness tea$ and the technical tea$ "y identifying-
understanding- and docu$enting their needs.
Assisted in identifying and #uantifying +redit .is,- *perational .is, and Mar,et .is,
Analy1e re#uire$ents utili1ing !arious $ethods. '.g. sa$ple data fro$ )3& #ueries- )creen
)hots- reports- prototype screens- sourcing infor$ation- and other data $odels.(
+olla"orated with Basel II tea$ on credit ris, analysis and issue resolution.
%sed )D&+ ')yste$ De!elop$ent &ife +ycle( $ethodologies li,e the .%2 and the waterfall.
+o$$unicated the i$ple$entation of the new calculation fra$ewor, of .is, 7eight Asset under
Basel II
De!eloped B.D docu$ents for )ecuriti1ed In!entory '+M*- AB)- MB)- and AB+2(. B.D
targeted new Basel +o$pliance re#uire$ents.
+reated the )3& scripts for de$onstrating the prototypes and for !erifying the result sets
+ollected infor$ation and re#uire$ents a"out different ntities and attri"utes fro$ /D).
+o$pleted :A2 analysis in detail on all entities in ++& for a source syste$.
2repared #uestionnaire "ased on the )yste$ Analysis 2erfor$ed for all entities.
Abhi Gaur
+onducted extensi!e 9oint Application De!elop$ent '9AD( sessions for all "usiness related
%tili1ed corporation de!eloped Agile )D&+ $ethodology. %sed )cru$7or, 2ro and Microsoft
*ffice software to perfor$ re#uired 8o" functions.
xperienced in $anual and auto$ated testing for "oth front<end and "ac,end. xtensi!ely used
auto$ated test tools of Mercury li,e 3uality +enter- 3uic, Test 2ro- 7in .unner- Test Director-
2erfor$ance and &oad .unner Testing.
Analy1ed syste$ perfor$ance and initiated process i$pro!e$ent $easures for $ainfra$e and
7e"<"ased applications.
Designed and Ad$inistered Teradata )cripts- Ta"les- Indices and Data"ase *"8ects
+onfigured the Data $apping "etween *racle and )3& )er!er 455A.
Built $odels containing #uery su"8ects- #uery ite$s- and na$espaces fro$ scratch as well as
fro$ i$ported $etadata.
2ro!ided data $odeling support for nu$erous strategic application de!elop$ent pro8ects.
2repared %se cases and acti!ity diagra$s for a source syste$ using nterprise Architecture 'A(
+reated the test cases for all the %se +ases using A tool.
+reated test scripts for all the test cases in 2&/)3&.
Ascential Data)tage ?.A- 'Designer- Director- Manager- 2arallel xtender( De"ugger- Autosys B.C-
7in+;) C.G-Microstrategy- nterprise Architect B.A- )y"ase- ;isio- Toad 8.5- rwin- =TM&- 7indows
NT B.5-%NI0- *racle 8i- 2&/)3&- 9a!a- D*) and %NI0 )e#uential /iles- M) Access- +); /iles- 0M&
+e""s Ca)ita" ,anaement ,innea)o"is, ,N
!u" #$$- . !un #$$%
Sr' Business//A Ana"yst
As the In!est$ent Manage$ent Di!ision of 7ells /argo E +o$pany- 7ells +apital Manage$ent has
o!er HCDG "illion under $anage$ent. The pro8ect ai$ed at integrating Bloo$"erg *rder Manage$ent
)yste$ to support /ixed Inco$e trading '+orp. Bond- Muni Bond- %) Treasury- AB)- MB)/+M*/2ass
Through/TBA( and to support #uity and Deri!ati!e trading '*ptions- /utures- /orwards and +redit
Default )7A2)( to reali1e )traight Through 2rocessing internally fro$ /ront *ffice to Downstrea$
)yste$s 'e.g. AD2 E 2M.( and +ustodian Agents. The new syste$ helps portfolio and asset $anagers-
financial ad!isors and traders gain a si$ple- cohesi!e and transparent !iew of ser!ice data and ena"le
$ultiple specialists and "an,ers to colla"orate $ore sea$lessly to ser!ice custo$ers with co$plex $oney
$anage$ent and in!est$ent concerns.
In!ol!ed in Managing Data $odeling pro8ect fro$ &ogical design and i$ple$entation of )y"ase
Identified source syste$s- their connecti!ity- related ta"les and fields and ensure data suita"ly for
)trong usage of )u"8ect Matter expertise in /ixed Inco$e- #uities- #uity )waps- #uity
/inance- )toc,s Trading +ycle- 2ortfolio Analysis- Asset $anage$ent- Bonds and Bond Trading
+ycle- Bond 2ricing- Deri!ati!es '*ptions<Including ;anilla and xotic and /utures//orwards(-
+redit Deri!ati!es- Interest Deri!ati!es- Alternati!e in!est$ent- 2ortfolio Manage$ent- )ales and
Abhi Gaur
.esponsi"le for creating and re!iewing "usiness re#uire$ent docu$entation- functional
specifications- pro8ect schedules and test plans
xpertise in de!elop$ent of =igh le!el design- +onceptual design- &ogical and 2hysical design
for Data"ase- Data warehousing and $any Distri"uted IT syste$s
2repared for :A2 AnalysisI identified and docu$ented i$pro!ed areas to $eet capital
re#uire$ent regulations for Basel II +o$pliance.
nhancing supporting docu$entation 'policies- fra$ewor,s- standards- $ethodologies- and
$odeling docu$ents( to de$onstrate co$pliance with the Basel II Accord.
Identify custo$er $ar,eting opportunities "y applying data $ining $odels and writing ad!anced
T<)3& stored procedures and #ueries.
sta"lish docu$entation for Agile $ethodology for i$ple$entation with a !ery water<fall<centric
de!elop$ent tea$.
In!ol!ed in $entoring specific pro8ects in application of the new )D&+ "ased on the Agile
%nified 2rocess- especially fro$ the pro8ect $anage$ent- re#uire$ents and architecture
+onducted 9AD sessions for co$$unicating with )ta,eholders and 2ro8ect directors
+on!erted !arious )3& state$ents into stored procedures there"y reducing the Nu$"er of
data"ase accesses.
7or,ed in $ainfra$e en!iron$ent and used )3& to #uery !arious reporting data"ases.
%sed 3uery Analy1er- xecution 2lan to opti$i1e )3& 3ueries.
De!eloped 3A Test 2lan- test conditions and test cases- as well as assisted with 3A tea$ in
)yste$ Testing using Mercury Test Director
na"led 2roper selection of the hash ta"le design para$eters for faster ta"le loo,<up.
+reated re<usa"le co$ponents using shared containers for local use or shared use.
I$ported and exported repositories across pro8ects.
+reated rror /iles and &og Ta"les containing data with discrepancies to analy1e and re<process
the data.
%sed Aggregator stages to su$ the ,ey perfor$ance indicators used in decision support syste$s.
:enerated 0M& docu$ents using the 0M& *utput )tage.
Trou"leshot the designed 8o"s using the Data)tage De"ugger.
+reated 8o"s se#uences.
+reated 8o" schedules to auto$ate the T& process.
nhanced the 8o" properties for perfor$ance tuning.
Ascential Data)tage ?.A- 'Designer- Director- Manager- 2arallel xtender( De"ugger- Data)tage BA)I+
language xpressions- )A2 )D- )3& )er!er- 7indows NT B.5- ;isio- )y"ase- %NI0- 9a!a- *racle 8i-
2&/)3&- IBM DB4- D"aseG- rwin- M) Access- 0M& /iles- M;)- IM).
Northern 0rust Cor)oration, Chicao, 12
A)r #$$3 . !un #$$-
Business//ua"ity Ana"yst
Northern Trust +orporation is a leading pro!ider of in!est$ent $anage$ent- asset and fund
ad$inistration- fiduciary and "an,ing solutions for corporations- institutions and affluent indi!iduals
worldwide. /ast&ane is Northern TrustJs we"<"ased trading '*T+( platfor$ designed specifically for
acti!e traders. It pro!ides a real<ti$e online trading syste$ with integrated trade window to get $ar,et
Abhi Gaur
#uote and place an order fast. By utili1ing /ast&aneJs dyna$ic charting capa"ilities the traders can
analy1e and deter$ine the $ar,et direction. I wor,ed on enhancing their new issues functionality which
pro!ides #ualified clients the a"ility to participate in new issues including e#uity offerings 'I2*(- fixed
inco$e offerings and Deri!ati!es.
In!ol!ed in de!elop$ent phase $eetings for Business Analysis and .e#uire$ents :athering.
xtensi!ely in!ol!ed with the trading acti!ities of +redit Deri!ati!es- Interest .ate Deri!ati!es-
/0 Deri!ati!es- #uity Deri!ati!es and +o$$odity Deri!ati!esI and /utures including
+o$$odity /utures +ontracts and /inancial /utures
xtensi!e wor, experience with 2ortfolio Managers- xperienced Traders- and +o$pliance
Manager to configure the rule<"ased scenarios for capturing $ar,et and credit ris,- general $ulti<
factor sensiti!ity analyses- and 2n&.
De!eloped and i$ple$ented processes and tools for re#uire$ents gathering- analysis- planning-
trac,ing and deli!ery using .ational .ose re#uisite pro K .%2
.e!erse ngineered the existing *D) in to rwin.
+onducted $eetings for the Data Modeling and Analysis.
nforced na$ing standards.
+reated the logical $odels and generated the physical $odels in the data"ases using rwin.
In!ol!ed in 8o"s and analy1ing scope of application- defining relationship within E "etween
groups of data- )tar )che$a etc
2erfor$ed extensi!e data $odelling to differentiate "etween the *&T2 and Data 7arehouse data
=elped with data $odeling and defining the conceptual and logical $odel of the data warehouse.
Tuned the "atch progra$s and online transactions to alle!iate perfor$ance pro"le$s.
De!eloped E executed se!eral *pti$i1ed #ueries in )3& on this data.
Tested 2erfor$ance E Accuracy related #ueries under )3& )er!er.
Assist other pro8ect tea$s with data analysis- data $ining and data profiling as needed.
+onducted 9AD sessions with $anage$ent- )M- !endors- users and other sta,eholders for open
and pending issues.
Analy1ed the gi!en source Di$ensions and target /act ta"le structures to de!elop )urrogate 6ey
ta"les referencing re#uired di$ensions.
+reated =ash ta"les referencing the )urrogate 6ey ta"les for #uic,er and $ore efficient loo,up to
De!eloped !arious 8o"s using *DB+- =ashed file- Aggregator- )e#uential file- Transfor$er
%sing )hared +ontainers and creating reusa"le co$ponents for local and shared use in the T&
I$ported and exported .epositories across Data)tage pro8ects.
Analy1ed data with discrepancies through rror files and &og files further data processing and
Trou"le<shooted 8o"s using Data)tage De"ugger.
7or,ed on perfor$ance tuning and enhance$ent of Data)tage 8o" transfor$ations.
)u$$ed ,ey perfor$ance indicators using Aggregator stages as an aid to Decision )upport
%sed Data)tage Director run ti$e engine to schedule and execute de!eloped 8o"s and 8o"
se#uences- and use &og e!ents to $onitor 8o" progress and perfor$ance.
Abhi Gaur
2articipated in wee,ly status $eetings- and conducting internal and external re!iews as well as
for$al wal,throughs a$ong !arious tea$s- and docu$enting the proceedings.
Ascential Data)tage @.5'Manager- Director(- ;isio- IBM DB4/%DB %ni!ersal Data"ase *racle 8/Di- M)
)3& )er!er ?.5- =TM&- 0M&- %NI0- =TM&- 7indows NT- )y"ase.
So*erein Bank, PA
Se) #$$# . ,ar #$$3
Business Ana"yst/4ata Ana"yst
The +redit .is, !aluator 2ro8ect is an integrated custo$er < controlled platfor$ for credit ris,
$anage$ent. It is a powerful tool for $easuring and $onitoring and $anaging credit ris,- there"y
offering a "road range of analytical +apa"ilities and user control. The platfor$ ena"led institutions to
esti$ate and stress credit ris, $easures and rating esti$ates "y using scorecards/$odels.
Identified and !alidated high potential "usiness opportunities for sta,eholders.
%sed .ational %nified 2rocess '.%2( for strea$lining the tea$Js de!elop$ent acti!ities.
:athered "usiness .e#uire$ents- analy1e data/wor,flows. Defined the scope and progressed
fro$ pro"le$ )tate$ent to well<docu$ented Designs.
2lanned and defined syste$ re#uire$ents to %se +ase- %se +ase )cenario and %se +ase
Narrati!e using the %M& '%nified Modeling &anguage( $ethodologies.
+reated standard test case te$plate according to the co$pany re#uire$ents and standards.
7or,ed with "usiness analysts to deli!er "usiness use cases according to the pro8ect
xtensi!e wor, experience with 2ortfolio Managers- xperienced Traders- and +o$pliance
Manager to configure the rule<"ased scenarios for capturing $ar,et and credit ris,- general $ulti<
factor sensiti!ity analyses- and 2n&.
:enerations of )urrogate ID are for the di$ensions in the fact ta"le for indexed and faster access
of data.
+on!erted !arious )3& state$ents into stored procedures there"y reducing the Nu$"er of
data"ase accesses 'since )tored 2rocedures passes the whole "loc, at one ti$e.(
%sed Data)tage Manager for i$porting $etadata fro$ repository- new 8o" categories and
creating new data ele$ents.
%sed the Data)tage Director and its run<ti$e engine to schedule running the solution- testing and
de"ugging its co$ponents- and $onitoring the resulting executa"le !ersions 'on an ad hoc or
scheduled "asis(.
Maintained on<going technical assistance and pro!ided help des, support to custo$erJs
$ainfra$e syste$s software that included pro"le$ deter$ination and resolution.
I$ple$ented local containers to si$plify the 8o" design.
I$ple$ented shared containers to use in $ultiple 8o"s- which ha!e sa$e "usiness logic.
In!ol!ed in writing 9o" Auto$ation process i.e. writing shell scripts using 6orn shell- as
scheduled daily- wee,ly- $onthly- and sending these 8o"s to clients e$ail<ids.
In!ol!ed in DBA tas,s such as ta"le creation and $aintenance- create indexes- opti$i1e #ueries-
and grant pri!ileges.
In!ol!ed in creation of Data"ase Ta"les- :lo"al Te$porary Ta"les- +luster Ta"les- 2artition
Ta"les- and Index<"y Ta"les using storage para$eters.
7rote $any )tored procedures- )tored functions- 2ac,ages and used in $any /or$s and .eports.
Abhi Gaur
+reated indexes on ta"les and *pti$i1ing )tored procedure #ueries.
In!ol!ed in interaction with the nd %sers and i$ple$ented re!iews of the application.
Data )tage A.4- *racle 8i- 7indows NT- )3& )er!er- ;isio- M)< excel- +); files- %NI0 - )y"ase.
American E5)ress, Phoeni5, A6
Au #$$7&Au #$$#
Business Ana"yst
My pro8ect with A$erica xpress was to "uild an nterprise .eporting )yste$ to support asset
$anage$ent and credit ris, $anage$ent. Any application has three $a8or co$ponents T& i.e.
xtraction of data fro$ data source- transfor$ation- loading in to the data"ase and then reporting on it.
Identify source syste$s- their connecti!ity- related ta"les and fields and ensure data suita"ly
for $apping.
xtensi!ely in!ol!ed in the $odeling and de!elop$ent of .eporting Data 7arehousing
In!ol!ed in Inception 2hase and prepared !ision state$ent and initial data $odels that
contain Business .e#uire$ent Docu$ents and supporting docu$ents that contain the
essential "usiness ele$ents and detailed definitions.
7or,ing with clients to "etter understand their needs and present solutions using structured
)D&+ approach.
+reated surrogate ,ey ta"les to $ap the re#uired di$ensions.
+onducted 9AD sessions with $anage$ent- )M- !endors- users and other sta,eholders for
open and pending issues.
+reated re<usa"le co$ponents using shared containers for local use or shared use.
I$ported and exported repositories across pro8ects.
+reated rror /iles and &og Ta"les containing data with discrepancies to analy1e and re<
process the data.
%sed Aggregator stages to su$ the ,ey perfor$ance indicators used in decision support
Trou"leshot the designed 8o"s using the Data)tage De"ugger.
Tuned Data)tage transfor$ations and 8o"s to enhance their perfor$ance.
7rote 2&/)3& state$ent and stored procedures in *racle for extracting as well as writing
%sed the Data)tage Director and its run<ti$e engine to schedule running the solution- testing
and de"ugging its co$ponents- and $onitoring the resulting executa"le !ersions on an ad hoc
or scheduled "asis.
+reated 8o"s se#uences.
+reated 8o" schedules to auto$ate the T& process.
nhanced the 8o" properties for perfor$ance tuning.
2repared the docu$entation of Data Ac#uisition and Interface )yste$ Design.
Ascential Data)tage @.C/A.C-Metastage 'nterprise Metadata directory(- 'Designer- Director- Manager-
2arallel xtender( De"ugger- Data)tage BA)I+ language xpressions- 7indows NT B.5-%NI0- *racle
8i- 2&/)3&- IBM DB4- D"aseG- D*) and %NI0 )e#uential /iles- M) Access- .cs! /iles- 0M& /iles-
Abhi Gaur

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