Discworld 04 - Mort

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UKBIORWDPM Mort Terry Pratchett 12/07/01

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This eBook file was e!erate" #y Mo#iPocket P$#lisher Perso!al %"itio!& This eBook file is for personal use only and cannot be sold. To e!erate eBooks to #e sol" or for cor'orate or '$#lic $sa e( 'lease '$rchase the co))ercial *ersio! at + htt'+//www&)o#i'ocket&co) This is the #ri ht ca!"lelit roo) where the life,ti)ers are store" - shelf $'o! shelf of the)( s.$at ho$r lasses( o!e for e*ery li*i! 'erso!( 'o$ri! their fi!e sa!" fro) the f$t$re i!to the 'ast& The acc$)$late" hiss of the falli! rai!s )akes the roo) roar like the sea& This is the ow!er of the roo)( stalki! thro$ h it with a 'reocc$'ie" air& /is !a)e is Death& B$t !ot a!y Death& This is the Death whose 'artic$lar s'here of o'eratio!s is( well( !ot a s'here at all( #$t the Discworl"( which is flat a!" ri"es o! the #ack of fo$r ia!t ele'ha!ts who sta!" o! the shell of the e!or)o$s star t$rtle 0reat 12T$i!( a!" which is #o$!"e" #y a waterfall that casca"es e!"lessly i!to s'ace& 3cie!tists ha*e calc$late" that the cha!ce of a!ythi! so 'ate!tly a#s$r" act$ally e4isti! are )illio!s to o!e& B$t )a icia!s ha*e calc$late" that )illio!,to,o!e cha!ces cro' $' !i!e ti)es o$t of te!& Death clicks across the #lack a!" white tile" floor o! toes of #o!e( )$tteri! i!si"e his cowl as his skeletal fi! ers co$!t alo! the rows of #$sy ho$r lasses& 5i!ally he fi!"s o!e that see)s to satisfy hi)( lifts it caref$lly fro) its shelf a!" carries it across to the !earest ca!"le& /e hol"s it so that the li ht li!ts off it( a!" stares at the little 'oi!t of reflecte" #rillia!ce& The stea"y a6e fro) those twi!kli! eye,sockets e!co)'asses the worl" t$rtle( sc$lli! thro$ h the "ee's of s'ace( cara'ace scarre" #y co)ets a!" 'itte" #y )eteors& O!e "ay e*e! 0reat 12T$i! will "ie( Death k!ows7 !ow( that would #e a challe! e& B$t the foc$s of his a6e "i*es o!war"s towar"s the #l$e, ree! )a !ifice!ce of the Disc itself( t$r!i! slowly $!"er its ti!y or#iti! s$!& 8ow it c$r*es away towar"s the reat )o$!tai! ra! e calle" the Ra)to's& The Ra)to's are f$ll of "ee' *alleys a!" $!e4'ecte" cra s a!" co!si"era#ly )ore eo ra'hy tha! they k!ow what to "o with& They ha*e their ow! 'ec$liar weather( f$ll of shra'!el rai! a!" whi'lash wi!"s a!" 'er)a!e!t th$!"er,stor)s& 3o)e 'eo'le say it2s all #eca$se the Ra)to's are the ho)e of ol"( wil" )a ic& Mi!" yo$( so)e 'eo'le will say a!ythi! & Death #li!ks( a"9$sts for "e'th of *isio!& 8ow he sees the rassy co$!try o! the t$r!wise slo'es of the )o$!tai!s& 8ow he sees a 'artic$lar hillsi"e&

8ow he sees a fiel"& 8ow he sees a #oy( r$!!i! & 8ow he watches& 8ow( i! a *oice like lea" sla#s #ei! "ro''e" o! ra!ite( he says+ :%3& There was !o "o$#t that there was so)ethi! )a ical i! the soil of that hilly( #roke! area which - #eca$se of the stra! e ti!t that it a*e to the local flora - was k!ow! as the octari!e rass co$!try& 5or e4a)'le( it was o!e of the few 'laces o! the Disc where 'la!ts 'ro"$ce" rea!!$al *arieties& Rea!!$als are 'la!ts that row #ackwar"s i! ti)e& :o$ sow the see" this year a!" they row last year& Mort2s fa)ily s'ecialise" i! "istilli! the wi!e fro) rea!!$al ra'es& These were *ery 'owerf$l a!" )$ch so$ ht after #y fort$!e,tellers( si!ce of co$rse they e!a#le" the) to see the f$t$re& The o!ly s!a was that yo$ ot the ha! o*er the )or!i! before, a!" ha" to "ri!k a lot to et o*er it& Rea!!$al rowers te!"e" to #e #i ( serio$s )e!( )$ch i*e! to i!tros'ectio! a!" close e4a)i!atio! of the cale!"ar& 1 far)er who !e lects to sow or"i!ary see"s o!ly loses the cro'( whereas a!yo!e who for ets to sow see"s of a cro' that has alrea"y #ee! har*este" twel*e )o!ths #efore risks "ist$r#i! the e!tire fa#ric of ca$sality( !ot to )e!tio! ac$te e)#arrass)e!t& It was also ac$tely e)#arrassi! to Mort2s fa)ily that the yo$! est so! was !ot at all serio$s a!" ha" a#o$t the sa)e tale!t for hortic$lt$re that yo$ wo$l" fi!" i! a "ea" starfish& It was!2t that he was $!hel'f$l( #$t he ha" the la!" of *a $e( cheerf$l hel'f$l!ess that serio$s )e! soo! lear! to "rea"& There was so)ethi! i!fectio$s( 'ossi#ly e*e! fatal( a#o$t it& /e was tall( re",haire" a!" freckle"( with the sort of #o"y that see)s to #e o!ly )ar i!ally $!"er its ow!er2s co!trol7 it a''eare" to ha*e #ee! #$ilt o$t of k!ees& O! this 'artic$lar "ay it was h$rtli! across the hi h fiel"s( wa*i! its ha!"s a!" yelli! & Mort2s father a!" $!cle watche" it "isco!solately fro) the sto!e wall& 2What I "o!2t $!"ersta!"(2 sai" father ;e6ek( 2is that the #ir"s "o!2t e*e! fly away& I2" fly away( if I saw it coi!i! towar"s )e&2 21h& The h$)a! #o"y2s a wo!"erf$l thi! & I )ea!( his le s o all o*er the 'lace #$t there2s a fair t$r! of s'ee" there&2 Mort reache" the e!" of a f$rrow& 1! o*erf$ll woo"'i eo! l$rche" slowly o$t of his way& 2/is heart2s i! the ri ht 'lace( )i!"(2 sai" ;e6ek( caref$lly& 21h& 2<o$rse( 2tis the rest of hi) that is!2t&2 2/e2s clea! a#o$t the ho$se& Does!2t eat )$ch(2 sai" ;e6ek& 28o( I ca! see that&2 ;e6ek looke" si"eways at his #rother( who was stari! fi4e"ly at the sky& 2I "i" hear yo$2" ot a 'lace oi! $' at yo$r far)( /a)esh(2 he sai"&

21h& 0ot a! a''re!tice i!( "i"!2t I=2 21h(2 sai" ;e6ek loo)ily( 2whe! was that( the!=2 2:ester"ay(2 sai" his #rother( lyi! with rattles!ake s'ee"& 21ll si !e" a!" seale"& 3orry& ;ook( I ot !othi! a ai!st yo$! Mort( see( he2s as !ice a #oy as yo$ co$l" wish to )eet( it2s 9$st that >2 2I k!ow( I k!ow(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2/e co$l"!2t fi!" his arse with #oth ha!"s&2 They stare" at the "ista!t fi $re& It ha" falle! o*er& 3o)e 'i eo!s ha" wa""le" o*er to i!s'ect it& 2/e2s !ot st$'i"( )i!"(2 sai" /a)esh& 28ot what yo$2" call st$'i"&2 2There2s a #rai! there all ri ht(2 ;e6ek co!ce"e"& 23o)eti)es he starts thi!ki! so har" yo$ has to hit hi) ro$!" the hea" to et his atte!tio!& /is ra!!y ta$ ht hi) to rea"( see& I recko! it o*erheate" his )i!"&2 Mort ha" ot $' a!" tri''e" o*er his ro#e& 2:o$ o$ ht to set hi) to a tra"e(2 sai" /a)esh( reflecti*ely& 2The 'riesthoo"( )ay#e& Or wi6ar"ry& They "o a lot of rea"i! ( wi6ar"s&2 They looke" at each other& I!to #oth their )i!"s stole a! i!kli! of what Mort )i ht #e ca'a#le of if he ot his well,)ea!i! ha!"s o! a #ook of )a ic& 21ll ri ht(2 sai" /a)esh h$rrie"ly& 23o)ethi! else( the!& There )$st #e lots of thi! s he co$l" t$r! his ha!" to&2 2/e starts thi!ki! too )$ch( that2s the tro$#le(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2;ook at hi) !ow& :o$ "o!2t thi!k a#o$t how to scare #ir"s( yo$ 9$st "oes it& 1 !or)al #oy( I )ea!&2 /a)esh scratche" his chi! tho$ htf$lly& 2It co$l" #e so)eo!e else2s 'ro#le)(2 he sai"& ;e6ek2s e4'ressio! "i" !ot alter( #$t there was a s$#tle cha! e aro$!" his eyes& 2/ow "o yo$ )ea!=2 he sai"& 2There2s the hiri! fair at 3hee'ri" e !e4t week& :o$ set hi) as a 're!tice( see( a!" his !ew )aster2ll ha*e the 9o# of k!ocki! hi) i!to sha'e& 2Tis the law& 0et hi) i!"e!t$re"( a!" 2tis #i!"i! &2 ;e6ek looke" across the fiel" at his so!( who was e4a)i!i! a rock& 2I wo$l"!2t wa!t a!ythi! to ha''e! to hi)( )i!"(2 he sai" "o$#tf$lly& 2We2re .$ite fo!" of hi)( his )other a!" )e& :o$ et $se" to 'eo'le&2 2It2" #e for his ow! oo"( yo$2ll see& Make a )a! of hi)&2 21h& Well& There2s certai!ly 'le!ty of raw )aterial(2 si he" ;e6ek& Mort was etti! i!tereste" i! the rock& It ha" c$rly shells i! it( relics of the early "ays of the worl" whe! the <reator ha" )a"e creat$res o$t of sto!e( !o,o!e k!ew why& Mort was i!tereste" i! lots of thi! s& Why 'eo'le2s teeth fitte" to ether so !eatly( for e4a)'le& /e2" i*e! that o!e a lot of tho$ ht& The! there was the '$66le of why the s$! ca)e o$t "$ri! the "ay( i!stea" of at !i ht whe! the li ht wo$l" co)e i! $sef$l& /e

k!ew the sta!"ar" e4'la!atio!( which so)ehow "i"!2t see) satisfyi! & I! short( Mort was o!e of those 'eo'le who are )ore "a! ero$s tha! a #a f$ll of rattles!akes& /e was "eter)i!e" to "isco*er the $!"erlyi! lo ic #ehi!" the $!i*erse& Which was oi! to #e har"( #eca$se there was!2t o!e& The <reator ha" a lot of re)arka#ly oo" i"eas whe! he '$t the worl" to ether( #$t )aki! it $!"ersta!"a#le ha"!2t #ee! o!e of the)& Tra ic heroes always )oa! whe! the o"s take a! i!terest i! the)( #$t it2s the 'eo'le the o"s i !ore who et the really to$ h "eals& /is father was yelli! at hi)( as $s$al& Mort threw the rock at a 'i eo!( which was al)ost too f$ll to l$rch o$t of the way( a!" wa!"ere" #ack across the fiel"& 1!" that was why Mort a!" his father walke" "ow! thro$ h the )o$!tai!s i!to 3hee'ri" e o! /o swatch %*e( with Mort2s rather s'arse 'ossessio!s i! a sack o! the #ack of a "o!key& The tow! was!2t )$ch )ore tha! fo$r si"es to a co##le" s.$are( li!e" with sho's that 'ro*i"e" all the ser*ice i!"$stry of the far)i! co))$!ity& 1fter fi*e )i!$tes Mort ca)e o$t of the tailors weari! a loose fitti! #row! ar)e!t of i)'recise f$!ctio!( which ha" #ee! $!"ersta!"a#ly $!clai)e" #y a 're*io$s ow!er a!" ha" 'le!ty of roo) for hi) to row( o! the ass$)'tio! that he wo$l" row i!to a !i!etee!,le e" ele'ha!t& /is father re ar"e" hi) critically& 2?ery !ice(2 he sai"( 2for the )o!ey&2 2It itches(2 sai" Mort& 2I thi!k there2s things i! here with )e&2 There2s tho$sa!"s of la"s i! the worl"2" #e *ery tha!kf$l for a !ice war) >2 ;e6ek 'a$se"( a!" a*e $' - 2 ar)e!t like that( )y la"&2 2I co$l" share it with the)=2 Mort sai" ho'ef$lly& 2:o$2*e ot to look s)art(2 sai" ;e6ek se*erely& 2:o$2*e ot to )ake a! i)'ressio!( sta!" o$t i! the crow"&2 There was !o "o$#t a#o$t it& /e wo$l"& They set o$t a)o! the thro! crow"i! the s.$are( each liste!i! to his ow! tho$ hts& Us$ally Mort e!9oye" *isiti! the tow!( with its cos)o'olita! at)os'here a!" stra! e "ialects fro) *illa es as far away as fi*e( e*e! te! )iles( #$t this ti)e he felt $!'leasa!tly a''rehe!si*e( as if he co$l" re)e)#er so)ethi! that ha"!2t ha''e!e" yet& The fair see)e" to work like this+ )e! looki! for work stoo" i! ra e" li!es i! the ce!tre of the s.$are& Ma!y of the) s'orte" little sy)#ols i! their hats to tell the worl" the ki!" of work they were trai!e" i! - she'her"s wore a wis' of wool( carters a ha!k of horsehair( i!terior "ecorators a stri' of rather i!teresti! hessia! wallco*eri! ( a!" so o!& The #oys seeki! a''re!ticeshi's were cl$stere" o! the /$# si"e of the s.$are& 2:o$ 9$st o a!" sta!" there( a!" so)eo!e co)es a!" offers yo$ a! a''re!ticeshi'(2 sai" ;e6ek( his *oice tri))e" with $!certai!ty& 2If they like the look of yo$( that is&2 2/ow "o they "o that=2 sai" Mort& 2Well(2 sai" ;e6ek( a!" 'a$se"& /a)esh ha"!2t e4'lai!e" a#o$t this #it& /e "rew o! his

li)ite" k!owle" e of the )arket'lace( which was restricte" to li*estock sales( a!" *e!t$re"( 2I s$''ose they co$!t yo$r teeth a!" that& 1!" )ake s$re yo$ "o!2t whee6e a!" yo$r feet are all ri ht& I sho$l"!2t let o! a#o$t the rea"i! ( it $!settles 'eo'le&2 21!" the! what=2 sai" Mort& 2The! yo$ o a!" lear! a tra"e(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2What tra"e i! 'artic$lar=2 2Well & & & car'e!try is a oo" o!e(2 ;e6ek ha6ar"e"& 2Or thie*ery& 3o)eo!e2s ot to "o it&2 Mort looke" at his feet& /e was a "$tif$l so!( whe! he re)e)#ere"( a!" if #ei! a! a''re!tice was what was e4'ecte" of hi) the! he was "eter)i!e" to #e a oo" o!e& <ar'e!try "i"!2t so$!" *ery 'ro)isi! ( tho$ h - woo" ha" a st$##or! life of its ow!( a!" a te!"e!cy to s'lit& 1!" official thie*es were rare i! the Ra)to's( where 'eo'le were!2t rich e!o$ h to affor" the)& 21ll ri ht(2 he sai" e*e!t$ally( 2I2ll o a!" i*e it a try& B$t what ha''e!s if I "o!2t et 're!tice"=2 ;e6ek scratche" his hea"& 2I "o!2t k!ow(2 he sai"& 2I e4'ect yo$ 9$st wait $!til the e!" of the fair& 1t )i"!i ht& I s$''ose&2 1!" !ow )i"!i ht a''roache"& 1 li ht frost #e a! to cris' the co##lesto!es& I! the or!a)e!tal clock tower that o*erlooke" the s.$are a co$'le of "elicately,car*e" little a$to)ato!s whirre" o$t of tra'"oors i! the clockface a!" str$ck the .$arter ho$r& 5iftee! )i!$tes to )i"!i ht& Mort shi*ere"( #$t the cri)so! fires of sha)e a!" st$##or!!ess flare" $' i!si"e hi)( hotter tha! the slo'es of /ell& /e #lew o! his fi! ers for so)ethi! to "o a!" stare" $' at the free6i! sky( tryi! to a*oi" the stares of the few stra lers a)o! what re)ai!e" of the fair& Most of the stallkee'ers ha" 'acke" $' a!" o!e& %*e! the hot )eat 'ie )a! ha" sto''e" cryi! his wares a!"( with !o re ar" for 'erso!al safety( was eati! o!e& The last of Mort2s fellow ho'ef$ls ha" *a!ishe" ho$rs a o& /e was a wall,eye" yo$! )a! with a stoo' a!" a r$!!i! !ose( a!" 3hee'ri" e2s o!e lice!se" #e ar ha" 'ro!o$!ce" hi) to #e i"eal aterial& The la" o! the other si"e of Mort ha" o!e off to #e a toy)aker& O!e #y o!e they ha" troo'e" off - the )aso!s( the farriers( the assassi!s( the )ercers( coo'ers( hoo"wi!kers a!" 'lo$ h)e!& I! a few )i!$tes it wo$l" #e the !ew year a!" a h$!"re" #oys wo$l" #e starti! o$t ho'ef$lly o! their careers( !ew worthwhile li*es of $sef$l ser*ice rolli! o$t i! fro!t of the)& Mort wo!"ere" )isera#ly why he ha"!2t #ee! 'icke"& /e2" trie" to look res'ecta#le( a!" ha" looke" all 'ros'ecti*e )asters s.$arely i! the eye to i)'ress the) with his e4celle!t !at$re a!" e4tre)ely likea#le .$alities& This "i"!2t see) to ha*e the ri ht effect& 2Wo$l" yo$ like a hot )eat 'ie=2 sai" his father& 28o&2 2/e2s selli! the) chea'&2

28o& Tha!k yo$&2 2Oh&2 ;e6ek hesitate"& 2I co$l" ask the )a! if he wa!ts a! a''re!tice(2 he sai"( hel'f$lly& 2?ery relia#le( the cateri! tra"e&2 2I "o!2t thi!k he "oes(2 sai" Mort& 28o( 'ro#a#ly !ot(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2Bit of a o!e,)a! #$si!ess( I e4'ect& /e2s o!e !ow( a!yway& Tell yo$ what( I2ll sa*e yo$ a #it of )i!e&2 2I "o!2t act$ally feel *ery h$! ry( "a"&2 2There2s har"ly a!y ristle&2 28o& B$t tha!ks all the sa)e&2 2Oh&2 ;e6ek "eflate" a little& /e "a!ce" a#o$t a #it to sta)' so)e life #ack i!to his feet( a!" whistle" a few t$!eless #ars #etwee! his teeth& /e felt he o$ ht to say so)ethi! ( to offer so)e ki!" of a"*ice( to 'oi!t o$t that life ha" its $'s a!" "ow!s( to '$t his ar) aro$!" his so!2s sho$l"er a!" talk e4'a!si*ely a#o$t the 'ro#le)s of rowi! $'( to i!"icate - i! short - that the worl" is a f$!!y ol" lace where o!e sho$l" !e*er( )eta'horically s'eaki! ( #e so 'ro$" as to t$r! "ow! the offer of a 'erfectly oo" hot )eat 'ie& They were alo!e !ow& The frost( the last o!e of the year( ti hte!e" its ri' o! the sto!es& /i h i! the tower a#o*e the) a co e" wheel we!t clonk( tri''e" a le*er( release" a ratchet a!" let a hea*y lea" wei ht "ro' "ow!& There was a "rea"f$l )etallic whee6i! !oise a!" the tra'"oors i! the clock face sli" o'e!( releasi! the clockwork )e!& 3wi! i! their ha))ers 9erkily( as if they were afflicte" with ro#otic arthritis( they #e a! to ri! i! the !ew "ay& 2Well( that2s it(2 sai" ;e6ek( ho'ef$lly& They2" ha*e to fi!" so)ewhere to slee' /o swatch,!i ht was !o ti)e to #e walki! i! the )o$!tai!s& Perha's there was a sta#le so)ewhere& & & & 2It2s !ot )i"!i ht $!til the last stroke(2 sai" Mort( "ista!tly& ;e6ek shr$ e"& The sheer stre! th of Mort2s o#sti!acy was "efeati! hi)& 21ll ri ht(2 he sai"& 2We2ll wait( the!&2 1!" the! they hear" the cli',clo' of hoo*es( which #oo)e" rather )ore lo$"ly aro$!" the chilly s.$are tha! co))o! aco$stics sho$l" really allow& I! fact cli',clo' was a! asto!ishi! ly i!acc$rate wor" for the ki!" of !oise which rattle" aro$!" Mort2s hea"7 cli',clo' s$ este" a rather 9olly little 'o!y( .$ite 'ossi#ly weari! a straw hat with holes c$t o$t for its ears& 1! e" e to this so$!" )a"e it *ery clear that straw hats were!2t a! o'tio!& The horse e!tere" the s.$are #y the /$# roa"( stea) c$rli! off its h$ e "a)' white fla!ks a!" s'arks striki! $' fro) the co##les #e!eath it& It trotte" 'ro$"ly( like a war char er& It was "efi!itely !ot weari! a straw hat& The tall fi $re o! its #ack was wra''e" $' ai!st the col"& Whe! the horse reache" the

ce!tre of the s.$are the ri"er "is)o$!te"( slowly( a!" f$)#le" with so)ethi! #ehi!" the sa""le& %*e!t$ally he - or she - 'ro"$ce" a !ose#a ( faste!e" it o*er the horse2s ears( a!" a*e it a frie!"ly 'at o! the !eck& The air took o! a thick( reasy feel( a!" the "ee' sha"ows aro$!" Mort #eca)e e" e" with #l$e a!" '$r'le rai!#ows& The ri"er stro"e towar"s hi)( #lack cloak #illowi! a!" feet )aki! little clicki! so$!"s o! the co##les& They were the o!ly !oises - sile!ce cla)'e" "ow! o! the s.$are like reat "rifts of cotto! wool& The i)'ressi*e effect was rather s'oilt #y a 'atch of ice& O/( BU00%R& It was!2t e4actly a *oice& The wor"s were there all ri ht( #$t they arri*e" i! Mort2s hea" witho$t #otheri! to 'ass thro$ h his ears& /e r$she" forwar" to hel' the falle! fi $re( a!" fo$!" hi)self ra##i! hol" of a ha!" that was !othi! )ore tha! 'olishe" #o!e( s)ooth a!" rather yellowe" like a! ol" #illiar" #all& The fi $re2s hoo" fell #ack( a!" a !ake" sk$ll t$r!e" its e)'ty eyesockets towar"s hi)& 8ot .$ite e)'ty( tho$ h& Dee' withi! the)( as tho$ h they were wi!"ows looki! across the $lfs of s'ace( were two ti!y #l$e stars& It occ$rre" to Mort that he o$ ht to feel horrifie"( so he was sli htly shocke" to fi!" that he was!2t& It was a skeleto! sitti! i! fro!t of hi)( r$##i! its k!ees a!" r$)#li! ( #$t it was a li*e o!e( c$rio$sly i)'ressi*e #$t !ot( for so)e stra! e reaso!( *ery f ri hte!i! & T/18K :OU( BO:( sai" the sk$ll& W/1T I3 :OUR 81M%= 2Uh(2 sai" Mort( 2Morti)er & & & sir& They call )e Mort&2 W/1T 1 <OI8<ID%8<%( sai" the sk$ll& /%;P M% UP( P;%13%& The fi $re rose $!stea"ily( #r$shi! itself "ow!& 8ow Mort co$l" see there was a hea*y #elt aro$!" its waist( fro) which was sl$! a white,ha!"le" swor"& 2I ho'e yo$ are !ot h$rt( sir(2 he sai" 'olitely& The sk$ll ri!!e"& Of co$rse( Mort tho$ ht( it has!2t )$ch of a choice& 8O /1RM DO8%( I 1M 3UR%& The sk$ll looke" aro$!" a!" see)e" to see ;e6ek( who a''eare" to #e fro6e! to the s'ot( for the first ti)e& Mort tho$ ht a! e4'la!atio! was calle" for& 2My father(2 he sai"( tryi! to )o*e 'rotecti*ely i! fro!t of %4hi#it 1 witho$t ca$si! a!y offe!ce& 2%4c$se )e( sir( #$t are yo$ Death=2 <ORR%<T& 5U;; M1RK3 5OR OB3%R?1TIO8( T/1T BO:& Mort swallowe"& 2My father is a oo" )a!(2 he sai"& /e tho$ ht for a while( a!" a""e"( 2@$ite oo"& I2" rather yo$ left hi) alo!e( if it2s all the sa)e to yo$& I "o!2t k!ow what yo$ ha*e "o!e to hi)( #$t I2" like yo$ to sto' it& 8o offe!ce )ea!t&2 Death ste''e" #ack( his sk$ll o! o!e si"e& I /1?% M%R%;: PUT U3 OUT3ID% TIM% 5OR 1 MOM%8T( he sai"& /% WI;;

3%% 18D /%1R 8OT/I80 T/1T DI3TURB3 /IM& 8O( BO:( IT W13 :OU I <1M% 5OR& 2Me=2 :OU 1R% /%R% 3%%KI80 %MP;O:M%8T= ;i ht "aw!e" o! Mort& 2:o$ are looki! for a! apprentice=2 he sai"& The eyesockets t$r!e" towar"s hi)( their acti!ic 'i!'oi!ts flari! & O5 <OUR3%& Death wa*e" a #o!y ha!"& There was a wash of '$r'le li ht( a sort of *isi#le 2'o'2( a!" ;e6ek $!fro6e& 1#o*e his hea" the clockwork a$to)ato!s ot o! with the 9o# of 'roclai)i! )i"!i ht( as Ti)e was allowe" to co)e cree'i! #ack& ;e6ek #li!ke"& 2Di"!2t see yo$ there for a )i!$te(2 he sai"& 23orry - )i!" )$st ha*e #ee! elsewhere&2 I W13 O55%RI80 :OUR BO: 1 PO3ITIO8( 3ai" Death& I TRU3T T/1T M%%T3 WIT/ :OUR 1PPRO?1;= 2What was yo$r 9o# a ai!=2 sai" ;e6ek( talki! to a #lack,ro#e" skeleto! witho$t showi! e*e! a flicker of s$r'rise& I U3/%R 3OU;3 I8TO T/% 8%AT WOR;D( 3ai" Death& 21h(2 sai" ;e6ek( 2of co$rse( sorry( sho$l" ha*e $esse" fro) the clothes& ?ery !ecessary work( *ery stea"y& %sta#lishe" #$si!ess=2 I2/1?% B%%8 0OI80 5OR 3OM% TIM%( :%3( sai" Death& 20oo"& 0oo"& 8e*er really tho$ ht of it as a 9o# for Mort( yo$ k!ow( #$t it2s oo" work( oo" work( always *ery relia#le& What2s yo$r !a)e=2 D%1T/& 2Da" >2 sai" Mort $r e!tly& 2<a!2t say I reco !ise the fir)(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2Where are yo$ #ase" e4actly=2 5ROM T/% UTT%RMO3T D%PT/3 O5 T/% 3%1 TO T/% /%I0/T3 W/%R% %?%8 T/% %10;% M1: 8OT 0O( sai" Death& 2That2s fair e!o$ h(2 !o""e" ;e6ek& 2Well( I >2 2Da" >2 sai" Mort( '$lli! at his father2s coat& Death lai" a ha!" o! Mort2s sho$l"er& W/1T :OUR 51T/%R 3%%3 18D /%1R3 I3 8OT W/1T :OU 3%% 18D /%1R( he sai"& DO 8OT WORR: /IM& DO :OU T/I8K /% WOU;D W18T TO 3%% M% I8 T/% 5;%3/( 13 IT W%R%= 2B$t yo$2re Death(2 sai" Mort& 2:o$ o aro$!" killi! 'eo'leB2 I= KI;;= sai" Death( o#*io$sly offe!"e"& <%RT1I8;: 8OT& P%OP;% GET KI;;%D( BUT T/1T23 T/%IR BU3I8%33& I CU3T T1K% O?%R 5ROM T/%8 O8& 15T%R 1;;( IT2D B% 1 B;OOD: 3TUPID WOR;D I5 P%OP;% 0OT KI;;%D WIT/OUT D:I80( WOU;D82T IT=

2Well( yes >2 sai" Mort( "o$#tf$lly& Mort ha" !e*er hear" the wor" 2i!tri $e"2& It was !ot i! re $lar $se i! the fa)ily *oca#$lary& B$t a s'ark i! his so$l tol" hi) that here was so)ethi! weir" a!" fasci!ati! a!" !ot e!tirely horri#le( a!" that if he let this )o)e!t o he2" s'e!" the rest of his life re retti! it& 1!" he re)e)#ere" the h$)iliatio!s of the "ay( a!" the lo! walk #ack ho)e& & & & 2%r(2 he #e a!( 2I "o!2t ha*e to "ie to et the 9o#( "o I=2 B%I80 D%1D I3 8OT <OMPU;3OR:& 21!" & & & the #o!es & & &=2 8OT I5 :OU DO82T W18T TO& Mort #reathe" o$t a ai!& It ha" #ee! starti! to 'rey o! his )i!"& 2If father says it2s all ri ht(2 he sai"& They looke" at ;e6ek( who was scratchi! his #ear"& 2/ow "o yo$ feel a#o$t this( Mort=2 he sai"( with the #rittle #ri ht!ess of a fe*er *icti)& 2It2s !ot e*eryo!e2s i"ea of a! occ$'atio!& It2s !ot what I ha" i! )i!"( I a")it& B$t they "o say that $!"ertaki! is a! ho!o$re" 'rofessio!& It2s yo$r choice&2 2U!"ertaki! =2 sai" Mort& Death !o""e"( a!" raise" his fi! er to his li's i! a co!s'iratorial est$re& 2It2s i!teresti! (2 sai" Mort slowly& 2I thi!k I2" like to try it&2 2Where "i" yo$ say yo$r #$si!ess was=2 sai" ;e6ek& 2Is it far=2 8O 5URT/%R T/18 T/% T/I<K8%33 O5 1 3/1DOW( ai" Death& W/%R% T/% 5IR3T PRIM1; <%;; W13( T/%R% W13 I 1;3O& W/%R% M18 I3( T/%R% 1M I& W/%8 T/% ;13T ;I5% <R1W;3 U8D%R 5R%%DI80 3T1R3( T/%R% WI;; I B%& 21h(2 sai" ;e6ek( 2yo$ et a#o$t a #it( the!&2 /e looke" '$66le"( like a )a! str$ re)e)#er so)ethi! i)'orta!t( a!" the! o#*io$sly a*e $'& Death 'atte" hi) o! the sho$l"er i! a frie!"ly fashio! a!" t$r!e" to Mort& /1?% :OU 18: PO33%33IO83( BO:= 2:es(2 sai" Mort( a!" the! re)e)#ere"& 2O!ly I thi!k I left the) i! the sho'& Da"( we left the sack i! the clothes sho'B2 2It2ll #e sh$t(2 sai" ;e6ek& 23ho's "o!2t o'e! o! /o swatch Day& :o$2ll ha*e to o #ack the "ay after to)orrow - well( to)orrow !ow&2 IT is O5 ;ITT;% 1<<OU8T( sai" Death& W% WI;; ;%1?% 8OW& 8O DOUBT I WI;; /1?% BU3I8%33 /%R% 3OO8 %8OU0/& 2I ho'e yo$2ll #e a#le to "ro' i! a!" see $s soo!(2 sai" ;e6ek& /e see)e" to #e str$ with his tho$ hts& 2I2) !ot s$re that will #e a oo" i"ea(2 sai" Mort& 2Well( oo"#ye( la"(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2:o$2re to "o what yo$2re tol"( yo$ $!"ersta!"= 1!" e4c$se )e( sir( "o yo$ ha*e a so!=2 li! li! to

Death looke" rather take! a#ack& 8O( he sai"( I /1?% 8O 3O83& 2I2ll 9$st ha*e a last wor" with )y #oy( if yo$2*e !o o#9ectio!&2 T/%8 I WI;; 0O 18D 3%% TO T/% /OR3%( sai" Death( with )ore tha! !or)al tact& ;e6ek '$t his ar) aro$!" his so!2s sho$l"ers( with so)e "iffic$lty i! *iew of their "iffere!ce i! hei ht( a!" e!tly 'ro'elle" hi) across the s.$are& 2Mort( yo$ k!ow yo$r $!cle /e)esh tol" )e a#o$t this 're!tici! #$si!ess=2 he whis'ere"& 2:es=2 2Well( he tol" )e so)ethi! else(2 the ol" )a! co!fi"e"& 2/e sai" it2s !ot $!k!ow! for a! a''re!tice to i!herit his )aster2s #$si!ess& What "o yo$ thi!k of that( the!=2 2Uh& I2) !ot s$re(2 sai" Mort& 2It2s worth thi!ki! a#o$t(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2I am thi!ki! a#o$t it( father&2 2Ma!y a yo$! la" has starte" o$t that way( /e)esh sai"& /e )akes hi)self $sef$l( ear!s his )aster2s co!fi"e!ce( a!"( well( if there2s a!y "a$ hters i! the ho$se & & & "i" Mr( er( Mr say a!ythi! a#o$t "a$ hters=2 2Mr who=2 sai" Mort& 2Mr & & & yo$r !ew )aster&2 2Oh& /i)& 8o& 8o( I "o!2t thi!k so(2 sai" Mort slowly& 2I "o!2t thi!k he2s the )arryi! ty'e&2 2Ma!y a kee! yo$! )a! owes his a"*a!ce)e!t to his !$'tials(2 sai" ;e6ek& 2/e "oes=2 2Mort( I "o!2t thi!k yo$2re really liste!i! &2 2What=2 ;e6ek ca)e to a halt o! the frosty co##les a!" s'$! the #oy aro$!" to face hi)& 2:o$2re really oi! to ha*e to "o #etter tha! this(2 he sai"& 2Do!2t yo$ $!"ersta!"( #oy= If yo$2re oi! to a)o$!t to a!ythi! i! this worl" the! yo$2*e ot to listen& I2) yo$r father telli! yo$ these thi! s&2 Mort looke" "ow! at his father2s face& /e wa!te" to say a lot of thi! s+ he wa!te" to say how )$ch he lo*e" hi)( how worrie" he was7 he wa!te" to ask what his father really tho$ ht he2" 9$st see! a!" hear"& /e wa!te" to say that he felt as tho$ h he ste''e" o! a )olehill a!" fo$!" that it was really a *olca!o& /e wa!te" to ask what 2!$'tials2 )ea!t& What he act$ally sai" was( 2:es& Tha!k yo$& I2" #etter #e oi! & I2ll try a!" write yo$ a letter&2 2There2s #o$!" to #e so)eo!e 'assi! who ca! rea" it to $s(2 sai" ;e6ek& 20oo"#ye( Mort&2 /e #lew his !ose& 20oo"#ye( "a"& I2ll co)e #ack to *isit(2 sai" Mort& Death co$ he" tactf$lly( altho$ h it

so$!"e" like the 'istol,crack of a! a!cie!t #ea) f$ll of "eath,watch #eetle& W% /1D B%TT%R B% 0OI80( he sai"& /OP UP( MORT& 1s Mort scra)#le" #ehi!" the or!ate sil*er sa""le Death lea!e" "ow! a!" shook ;e6ek2s ha!"& T/18K :OU( he sai"& 2/e2s a oo" la" at heart(2 sai" ;e6ek& 21 #it "rea)y( that2s all& I s$''ose we were all yo$! o!ce&2 Death co!si"ere" this& 8o( he sai"( I DO82T T/I8K so& /e athere" $' the rei!s a!" t$r!e" the horse towar"s the Ri) roa"& 5ro) his 'erch #ehi!" the #lack,ro#e" fi $re Mort wa*e" "es'erately& ;e6ek wa*e" #ack& The!( as the horse a!" its two ri"ers "isa''eare" fro) *iew( he lowere" his ha!" a!" looke" at it& The ha!"shake & & & it ha" felt stra! e& B$t( so)ehow( he co$l"!2t re)e)#er e4actly why& Mort liste!e" to the clatter of sto!e $!"er the horse2s hoo*es& The! there was the soft th$" of 'acke" earth as they reache" the roa"( a!" the! there was !othi! at all& /e looke" "ow! a!" saw the la!"sca'e s'rea" o$t #elow hi)( the !i ht etche" with )oo!li ht sil*er& If he fell off( the o!ly thi! he2" hit was air& /e re"o$#le" his ri' o! the sa""le& The! Death sai"( 1R% :OU /U80R:( BO:= 2:es( sir&2 The wor"s ca)e strai ht fro) his sto)ach witho$t the i!ter*e!tio! of his #rai!& Death !o""e"( a!" rei!e" i! the horse& It stoo" o! the air( the reat circ$lar 'a!ora)a of the Disc litteri! #elow it& /ere a!" there a city was a! ra! e low7 i! the war) seas !earer the Ri) there was a hi!t of 'hos'horesce!ce& I! so)e of the"ee' *alleys the tra''e" "ayli ht of the Disc( which is slow a!" sli htly hea*yE1F( was e*a'orati! like sil*er stea)& B$t it was o$tsho!e #y the low that rose towar"s the stars fro) the Ri) itself& ?ast strea)ers of li ht shi))ere" a!" littere" across the !i ht& 0reat ol"e! walls s$rro$!"e" the worl"& 2It2s #ea$tif$l(2 sai" Mort softly& 2What is it=2 T/% 3U8 is U8D%R T/% Disc( sai" Death& 2Is it like this e*ery !i ht=2 %?%R: 8I0/T( sai" Death& 81TUR%23 ;IK% T/1T& 2Does!2t a!yo!e k!ow=2 M%& :o$& T/% 0OD3& 0OOD( I3 IT= 20oshB2 Death lea!e" o*er the sa""le a!" looke" "ow! at the ki! "o)s of the worl"& I DO82T K8OW 1BOUT :OU( he 3ai"( BUT I <OU;D MURD%R 1 <URR:&

1ltho$ h it was well after )i"!i ht the twi! city of 1!kh,Mor'ork was roari! with life& Mort ha" tho$ ht 3hee'ri" e looke" #$sy( #$t co)'are" to the t$r)oil of the street aro$!" hi) the tow! was( well( a )or $e& Poets ha*e trie" to "escri#e 1!kh,Mor'ork& They ha*e faile"& Perha's it2s the sheer 6estf$l *itality of the 'lace( or )ay#e it2s 9$st that a city with a )illio! i!ha#ita!ts a!" !o sewers is rather ro#$st for 'oets( who 'refer "affo"ils a!" !o wo!"er& 3o let2s 9$st say that 1!kh,Mor'ork is as f$ll of life as a! ol" cheese o! a hot "ay( as lo$" as a c$rse i! a cathe"ral( as #ri ht as a! oil slick( as colo$rf$l as a #r$ise a!" as f$ll of acti*ity( i!"$stry( #$stle a!" sheer e4$#era!t #$sy!ess as a "ea" "o o! a ter)ite )o$!"& There were te)'les( their "oors wi"e o'e!( filli! the streets with the so$!"s of o! s( cy)#als a!"( i! the case of so)e of the )ore co!ser*ati*e f$!"a)e!talist reli io!s( the #rief screa)s of the *icti)s& There were sho's whose stra! e wares s'ille" o$t o! to the 'a*e)e!t& There see)e" to #e rather a lot of frie!"ly yo$! la"ies who co$l"!2t affor" )a!y clothes& There were flares( a!" 9$ lers( a!" assorte" sellers of i!sta!t tra!sce!"e!ce& 1!" Death stalke" thro$ h it all& Mort ha" half e4'ecte" hi) to 'ass thro$ h the crow"s like s)oke( #$t it was!2t like that at all& The si)'le tr$th was that where*er Death walke"( 'eo'le 9$st "rifte" o$t of the way& It "i"!2t work like that for Mort& The crow"s that e!tly 'arte" for his !ew )aster close" a ai! 9$st i! ti)e to et i! his way& /is toes ot tro""e! o!( his ri#s were #r$ise"( 'eo'le ke't tryi! to sell hi) $!'leasa!t s'ices a!" s$ esti*ely,sha'e" *e eta#les( a!" a rather el"erly la"y sai"( a ai!st all the e*i"e!ce( that he looke" a well set,$' yo$! la" who wo$l" like a !ice t$!e& /e tha!ke" her *ery )$ch( a!" sai" that he ho'e" he was ha*i! a !ice t$!e alrea"y& Death reache" the street cor!er( the li ht fro) the flares raisi! #rillia!t hi hli hts o! the olishe" "o)e of his sk$ll( a!" s!iffe" the air& 1 "r$!k sta ere" $'( a!" witho$t .$ite realisi! why )a"e a sli ht "eto$r i! his erratic 'assa e for !o *isi#le reaso!& T/I3 I3 T/% <IT:( BO:( sai" Death& W/1T DO :OU T/I8K= 2It2s *ery #i (2 sai" Mort( $!certai!ly& 2I )ea!( why "oes e*eryo!e wa!t to li*e all s.$ee6e" to ether like this=2 Death shr$ 23ir=2 :%3= 2What2s a c$rry=2 The #l$e fires flare" "ee' i! the eyes of Death& /1?% :OU %?%R BITT%8 1 R%D,/OT I<% <UB%= 28o( sir(2 sai" Mort& <URR:23 ;IK% T/1T& 23ir=2 e"& I ;IK% IT( he sai"& IT23 5U;; O5 ;I5%&

:%3= Mort swallowe" har"& 2%4c$se )e( sir( #$t )y "a" sai"( if I "o!2t $!"ersta!"( I was to ask .$estio!s( sir=2 ?%R: <OMM%8D1B;%( sai" Death& /e set off "ow! a si"e street( the crow"s 'arti! i! fro!t of hi) like ra!"o) )olec$les& 2Well( sir( I ca!2t hel' !otici! ( the 'oi!t is( well( the 'lai! fact of it( sir( is >2 OUT WIT/ IT( BO:& 2/ow ca! yo$ eat thi! s( sir=2 Death '$lle" $' short( so that Mort walke" i!to hi)& Whe! the #oy starte" to s'eak he wa*e" hi) i!to sile!ce& /e a''eare" to #e liste!i! to so)ethi! & T/%R% 1R% TIM%3( :OU K8OW( he sai"( half to hi)self( W/%8 I 0%T R%1;;: UP3%T& /e t$r!e" o! o!e heel a!" set off "ow! a! alleyway at hi h s'ee"( his cloak flyi! o$t #ehi!" hi)& The alley wo$!" #etwee! "ark walls a!" slee'i! #$il"i! s( !ot so )$ch a thoro$ hfare as a )ea!"eri! a'& Death sto''e" #y a "ecre'it water #$tt a!" 'l$! e" his ar) i! at f$ll le! th( #ri! i! o$t a s)all sack with a #rick tie" to it& /e "rew his swor"( a li!e of flickeri! #l$e fire i! the "ark!ess( a!" slice" thro$ h the stri! & I 0%T ?%R: 180R: I8D%%D( he sai"& /e $'e!"e" the sack a!" Mort watche" the 'athetic scra's of so""e! f$r sli"e o$t( to lie i! their s'rea"i! '$""le o! the co##les& Death reache" o$t with his white fi! ers a!" stroke" the) e!tly& 1fter a while so)ethi! like rey s)oke c$rle" $' fro) the kitte!s a!" for)e" three s)all cat,sha'e" clo$"s i! the air& They #illowe" occasio!ally( $!s$re of their sha'e( a!" #li!ke" at Mort with '$66le" rey eyes& Whe! he trie" to to$ch o!e his ha!" we!t strai ht thro$ h it( a!" ti! le"& :OU DO82T 3%% P%OP;% 1T T/%IR B%3T I8 T/I3 COB( ai" Death& /e #lew o! a kitte!( se!"i! it e!tly t$)#li! & Its )iaow of co)'lai!t so$!"e" as tho$ h it ha" co)e fro) a lo! way away *ia a ti! t$#e& They2re so$ls( are!2t they=2 sai" Mort& 2What "o 'eo'le look like=2 P%OP;% 3/1P%D( sai" Death& IT23 B13I<1;;: 1;; OW8 TO T/% </1R1<T%RI3TI< MORP/O0%8%TI< 5I%;D& /e si he" like the swish of a shro$"( 'icke" the kitte!s o$t of the air( a!" caref$lly stowe" the) away so)ewhere i! the "ark recesses of his ro#e& /e stoo" $'& <URR: TIM%( he sai"& It was crow"e" i! the Curry Gardens o! the cor!er of 0o" 3treet a!" Bloo" 1lley( #$t o!ly with the crea) of society - at least( with those 'eo'le who are fo$!" floati! o! the to' a!" who( therefore( it2s wisest to call the crea)& 5ra ra!t #$shes 'la!te" a)o! the ta#les !early co!ceale" the #asic s)ell of the city itself( which has #ee! like!e" to the !asal e.$i*ale!t of a fo hor!& Mort ate ra*e!o$sly( #$t c$r#e" his c$riosity a!" "i"!2t watch to see how Death co$l"

'ossi#ly eat a!ythi! & The foo" was there to start with a!" was!2t there later( so 'res$)a#ly so)ethi! )$st ha*e ha''e!e" i! #etwee!& Mort ot the feeli! that Death was!2t really $se" to all this #$t was "oi! it to '$t hi) at his ease( like a! el"erly #achelor $!cle who has #ee! la!"e" with his !e'hew for a holi"ay a!" is terrifie" of etti! it wro! & The other "i!ers "i"!2t take )$ch !otice( e*e! whe! Death lea!e" #ack a!" lit a rather fi!e 'i'e& 3o)eo!e with s)oke c$rli! o$t of their eye sockets takes so)e i !ori! ( #$t e*eryo!e )a!a e" it& 2Is it )a ic=2 sai" Mort& W/1T DO :OU T/I8K= sai" Death& 1M I R%1;;: /%R%( BO:= 2:es(2 sai" Mort slowly& 2I & & & I2*e watche" 'eo'le& They look at yo$ #$t they "o!2t see yo$( I thi!k& :o$ "o so)ethi! to their )i!"s&2 Death shook his hea"& T/%: DO IT 1;; T/%M3%;?%3( he sai"& T/%R%23 8O M10I<& P%OP;% <18T 3%% M%( T/%: 3IMP;: WO8T 1;;OW T/%M3%;?%3 TO DO IT& U8TI; IT23 TIM%( O5 <OUR3%& WID1RD3 <18 3%% M%( 18D <1T3& BUT :OUR 1?%R10% /UM18 & & & 8O( 8%?%R& /e #lew a s)oke ri! at the sky( a!" a""e"( 3TR180% BUT TRU%& Mort watche" the s)oke ri! wo##le i!to the sky a!" "rift away towar"s the ri*er& 2I ca! see yo$(2 he sai"& T/1T23 DI55%R%8T& The Klatchia! waiter arri*e" with the #ill( a!" 'lace" it i! fro!t of Death& The )a! was s.$at a!" #row!( with a hairstyle like a coco!$t o!e !o*a( a!" his ro$!" face crease" i!to a '$66le" frow! whe! Death !o""e" 'olitely to hi)& /e shook his hea" like so)eo!e tryi! to "islo" e soa' fro) his ears( a!" walke" away& Death reache" i!to the "e'ths of his ro#e a!" #ro$ ht o$t a lar e leather #a f$ll of assorte" co''er coi!a e( )ost of it #l$e a!" ree! with a e& /e i!s'ecte" the #ill caref$lly& The! he co$!te" o$t a "o6e! coi!s& <OM%( he sai"( sta!"i! $'& W% MU3T 0O& Mort trotte" alo! #ehi!" hi) as he stalke" o$t of the ar"e! a!" i!to the street( which was still fairly #$sy e*e! tho$ h there were the first s$ estio!s of "aw! o! the hori6o!& 2What are we oi! to "o !ow=2 BU: :OU 3OM% 8%W <;OT/%3& 2These were !ew to"ay - yester"ay( I )ea!&2 R%1;;:= 25ather sai" the sho' was fa)o$s for its #$" et clothi! (2 sai" Mort( r$!!i! to kee' $'& IT <%RT1I8;: 1DD3 1 8%W T%RROR TO PO?%RT:& They t$r!e" i!to a wi"er street lea"i! i!to a )ore affl$e!t 'art of the city Gthe torches were closer to ether a!" the )i""e!s f$rther a'artH& There were !o stalls a!" alley cor!er tra"ers here( #$t 'ro'er #$il"i! s with si !s ha! i! o$tsi"e& They were!2t )ere sho's( they were e)'oria7 they ha" '$r*eyors i! the)( a!" chairs( a!" s'ittoo!s& Most of the)

were o'e! e*e! at this ti)e of !i ht( #eca$se the a*era e 1!khia! tra"er ca!2t slee' for thi!ki! of the )o!ey he2s !ot )aki! & 2Does!2t a!yo!e e*er o to #e" aro$!" here=2 sai" Mort& T/I3 I3 1 <IT:( sai" Death( a!" '$she" o'e! the "oor of a clothi! store& Whe! they ca)e o$t twe!ty )i!$tes later Mort was weari! a !eatly> itti! #lack ro#e with fai!t sil*er e)#roi"ery( a!" the sho'kee'er was looki! at a ha!"f$l of a!ti.$e co''er coi!s a!" wo!"eri! 'recisely how he ca)e to ha*e the)& 2/ow "o yo$ et all those coi!s=2 aske" Mort& I8 P1IR3& 1! all,!i ht #ar#er sheare" Mort2s hair i!to the latest fashio! a)o! the city2s yo$! #loo"s while Death rela4e" i! the !e4t chair( h$))i! to hi)self& M$ch to his s$r'rise( he felt i! a oo" h$)o$r& I! fact after a while he '$she" his hoo" #ack a!" la!ce" $' at the #ar#er2s a''re!tice( who tie" a towel aro$!" his !eck i! that $!seei! ( hy'!otise" way that Mort was co)i! to reco !ise( a!" sai"( 1 3P;13/ O5 TOI;%T W1T%R 18D 1 PO;I3/( M: 0OOD M18& 1! el"erly wi6ar" ha*i! a #ear",tri) o! the other si"e stiffe!e" whe! he hear" those so)#re( lea"e! to!es a!" sw$! aro$!"& /e #la!che" a!" )$ttere" a few 'rotecti*e i!ca!tatio!s after Death t$r!e"( *ery slowly for )a4i)$) effect( a!" treate" hi) to a ri!& 1 few )i!$tes later( feeli! rather self,co!scio$s a!" chilly aro$!" the ears( Mort was hea"i! #ack towar"s the sta#les where Death ha" lo" e" his horse& /e trie" a! e4'eri)e!tal swa er7 he felt his !ew s$it a!" hairc$t rather "e)a!"e" it& It "i"!2t .$ite work& Mort awoke& /e lay looki! at the ceili! while his )e)ory "i" a fast,rewi!" a!" the e*e!ts of the 're*io$s "ay crystallise" i! his )i!" like little ice c$#es& /e co$l"!2t ha*e )et Death& /e co$l"!2t ha*e eate! a )eal with a skeleto! with lowi! #l$e eyes& It ha" to #e a weir" "rea)& /e co$l"!2t ha*e ri""e! 'illio! o! a reat white horse that ha" ca!tere" $' i!to the sky a!" the! we!t & & & & & & where= The a!swer flowe" i!to his )i!" with all the i!e*ita#ility of a ta4 "e)a!"& Here& /is searchi! ha!"s reache" $' to his cro''e" hair( a!" "ow! to sheets of so)e s)ooth sli''ery )aterial& It was )$ch fi!er tha! the wool he was $se" to at ho)e( which was coarse a!" always s)elle" of shee'7 it felt like war)( "ry ice& /e sw$! o$t of the #e" hastily a!" stare" aro$!" the roo)& 5irst of all it was lar e( lar er tha! the e!tire ho$se #ack ho)e( a!" "ry( "ry as ol" to)#s $!"er a!cie!t "eserts& The air taste" as tho$ h it ha" #ee! cooke" for ho$rs a!" the! allowe" to cool& The car'et $!"er his feet was "ee' e!o$ h to hi"e a tri#e of 'y )ies a!"

crackle" electrically as he 'a""e" thro$ h it& 1!" e*erythi! ha" #ee! "esi !e" i! sha"es of '$r'le a!" #lack& /e looke" "ow! at his ow! #o"y( which was weari! a lo! white !i htshirt& /is clothes ha" #ee! !eatly fol"e" o! a chair #y the #e"7 the chair( he co$l"!2t hel' !otici! ( was "elicately car*e" with a sk$ll,a!",#o!es )otif& Mort sat "ow! o! the e" e of the #e" a!" #e a! to "ress( his )i!" raci! & /e ease" o'e! the hea*y oak "oor( a!" felt o""ly "isa''oi!te" whe! it faile" to creak o)i!o$sly& There was a #are woo"e! corri"or o$tsi"e( with #i yellow ca!"les set i! hol"ers o! the far wall& Mort cre't o$t a!" si"le" alo! the #oar"s $!til he reache" a staircase& /e !e otiate" that s$ccessf$lly witho$t a!ythi! hastly ha''e!i! ( arri*i! i! what looke" like a! e!tra!ce hall f$ll of "oors& There were a lot of f$!ereal "ra'es here( a!" a ra!"father clock with a tick like the heart#eat of a )o$!tai!& There was a! $)#rella sta!" #esi"e it& It ha" a scythe i! it& Mort looke" aro$!" at the "oors& They looke" i)'orta!t& Their arches were car*e" i! the !ow,fa)iliar #o!es )otif& /e we!t to try the !earest o!e( a!" a *oice #ehi!" hi) sai"+ 2:o$ )$st!2t o i! there( #oy&2 It took hi) a )o)e!t to realise that this was!2t a *oice i! his hea"( #$t real h$)a! wor"s that ha" #ee! for)e" #y a )o$th a!" tra!sferre" to his ears #y a co!*e!ie!t syste) of air co)'ressio!( as !at$re i!te!"e"& 8at$re ha" o!e to a lot of tro$#le for si4 wor"s with a sli htly 'et$la!t to!e to the)& /e t$r!e" aro$!"& There was a irl there( a#o$t his ow! hei ht a!" 'erha's a few years ol"er tha! hi)& 3he ha" sil*er hair( a!" eyes with a 'early shee! to the)( a!" the ki!" of i!teresti! #$t i)'ractical lo! "ress that te!"s to #e wor! #y tra ic heroi!es who clas' si! le roses to their #oso) while a6i! so$lf$lly at the )oo!& Mort ha" !e*er hear" the 'hrase 2Pre,Ra'haelite2( which was a 'ity #eca$se it wo$l" ha*e #ee! al)ost the ri ht "escri'tio!& /owe*er( s$ch irls te!" to #e o! the tra!sl$ce!t( co!s$)'ti*e si"e( whereas this o!e ha" a sli ht s$ estio! of too )a!y chocolates& 3he stare" at hi) with her hea" o! o!e si"e( a!" o!e foot ta''i! irrita#ly o! the floor& The! she reache" o$t .$ickly a!" 'i!che" hi) shar'ly o! the ar)& 2OwB2 2/))& 3o yo$2re really real(2 she sai"& 2What2s yo$r !a)e( #oy=2 2Morti)er& They call )e Mort(2 he sai"( r$##i! his el#ow& 2What "i" yo$ "o that for=2 2I shall call yo$ Boy(2 she sai"& 21!" I "o!2t really ha*e to e4'lai! )yself( yo$ $!"ersta!"( #$t if yo$ )$st k!ow I tho$ ht yo$ were "ea"& :o$ look "ea"&2 Mort sai" !othi! & 2;ost yo$r to! $e=2 Mort was( i! fact( co$!ti! to te!& 2I2) !ot "ea"(2 he sai" e*e!t$ally& 21t least( I "o!2t thi!k so& It2s a little har" to tell& Who

are yo$=2 2:o$ )ay call )e Miss :sa#ell(2 she sai" ha$ htily& 25ather tol" )e yo$ )$st ha*e so)ethi! to eat& 5ollow )e&2 3he swe't away towar"s o!e of the other "oors& Mort traile" #ehi!" her at 9$st the ri ht "ista!ce to ha*e it swi! #ack a!" hit his other el#ow& There was a kitche! o! the other si"e of the "oor - lo! ( low a!" war)( with co''er 'a!s ha! i! fro) the ceili! a!" a *ast #lack iro! sto*e occ$'yi! the whole of o!e lo! wall& 1! ol" )a! was sta!"i! i! fro!t of it( fryi! e s a!" #aco! a!" whistli! #etwee! his teeth& The s)ell attracte" Mort2s taste #$"s fro) across the roo)( hi!ti! that if they ot to ether they co$l" really e!9oy the)sel*es& /e fo$!" hi)self )o*i! forwar" witho$t e*e! co!s$lti! his le s& 21l#ert(2 s!a''e" :sa#ell( 2a!other o!e for #reakfast&2 The )a! t$r!e" his hea" slowly( a!" !o""e" at her witho$t sayi! a wor"& 3he t$r!e" #ack to Mort& 2I )$st say(2 she sai"( 2that with the whole Disc to choose fro)( I sho$l" thi!k 5ather co$l" ha*e "o!e rather #etter tha! yo$& I s$''ose yo$2ll 9$st ha*e to "o&2 3he swe't o$t of the roo)( sla))i! the "oor #ehi!" her& 2/a*e to "o what=2 sai" Mort( to !o,o!e i! 'artic$lar& The roo) was sile!t( e4ce't for the si66le of the fryi! 'a! a!" the cr$)#li! of coals i! the )olte! heart of the sto*e& Mort saw that it ha" the wor"s 2The ;ittle Moloch GPt!t"H2 e)#osse" o! its o*e! "oor& The cook "i"!2t see) to !otice hi)( so Mort '$lle" $' a chair a!" sat "ow! at the white scr$##e" ta#le& 2M$shroo)s=2 sai" the ol" )a!( witho$t looki! aro$!"& 2/))= What=2 2I sai"( "o yo$ wa!t )$shroo)s=2 2Oh& 3orry& 8o( tha!k yo$(2 sai" Mort& 2Ri ht yo$ are( yo$! sir&2 /e t$r!e" aro$!" a!" set o$t for the ta#le& %*e! after he ot $se" to it( Mort always hel" his #reath whe! he watche" 1l#ert walki! & Death2s )a!ser*a!t was o!e of those stick,thi!( raw,!ose" ol" )e! who always look as tho$ h they are weari! lo*es with the fi! ers c$t o$t - e*e! whe! they2re !ot a!" his walki! i!*ol*e" a co)'licate" se.$e!ce of )o*e)e!ts& 1l#ert lea!e" forwar" a!" his left ar) starte" to swi! ( slowly at first #$t soo! e*ol*i! i!to a wil" 9erki! )o*e)e!t that fi!ally a!" s$""e!ly( at a#o$t the ti)e whe! a watcher wo$l" ha*e e4'ecte" the ar) to fly off at the el#ow( tra!sferre" itself "ow! the le! th of his #o"y to his le s a!" 'ro'elle" hi) forwar" like a hi h,s'ee" stilt walker& The fryi! 'a! followe" a series of i!tricate c$r*es i! the air a!" was #ro$ ht to a halt 9$st o*er Mort2s 'late&

1l#ert "i" i!"ee" ha*e e4actly the ri ht ty'e of half,)oo! s'ectacles to 'eer o*er the to' of& 2There co$l" #e so)e 'orri" e to follow(2 he sai"( a!" wi!ke"( a''are!tly to i!cl$"e Mort i! the worl" 'orri" e co!s'iracy& 2%4c$se )e2( sai" Mort( 2#$t where a) I( e4actly=2 2Do!2t yo$ k!ow= This is the ho$se of Death( la"& /e #ro$ ht yo$ here last !i ht&2 2I - sort of re)e)#er& O!ly& & & & 2/))=2 2Well& The #aco! a!" e s(2 sai" Mort( *a $ely& 2It "oes!2t see)( well( a''ro'riate&2 2I2*e ot so)e #lack '$""i! so)ewhere(2 sai" 1l#ert& 28o( I )ea! & & &2 Mort hesitate"& 2It2s 9$st that I ca!2t see him sitti! "ow! to a co$'le of rashers a!" a frie" slice&2 1l#ert ri!!e"& 2Oh( he "oes!2t( la"& 8ot as a re $lar thi! ( !o& ?ery easy to cater for( the )aster& I 9$st cook for )e a!" >2 he 'a$se" - 2the yo$! la"y( of co$rse&2 Mort !o""e"& 2:o$r "a$ hter(2 he sai"& 2Mi!e= /a(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2:o$2re wro! there& 3he2s his&2 Mort stare" "ow! at his frie" e s& They stare" #ack fro) their lake of fat& 1l#ert ha" hear" of !$tritio!al *al$es( a!" "i"!2t hol" with the)& 21re we talki! a#o$t the sa)e 'erso!=2 he sai" at last& Tall( wears #lack( he2s a #it & & & ski!!y& 21"o'te"(2 sai" 1l#ert( ki!"ly& 2It2s rather a lo! story >2 1 #ell 9a! le" #y his hea"& 2> which will ha*e to wait& /e wa!ts to see yo$ i! his st$"y& I sho$l" r$! alo! if I were yo$& /e "oes!2t like to #e ke't waiti! & U!"ersta!"a#le( really& U' the ste's a!" first o! the left& :o$ ca!2t )iss it >2 2It2s ot sk$lls a!" #o!es aro$!" the "oor=2 sai" Mort( '$shi! #ack his chair& They all ha*e( )ost of the)(2 si he" 1l#ert& 2It2s o!ly his fa!cy& /e "oes!2t )ea! a!ythi! #y it&2 ;ea*i! his #reakfast to co! eal( Mort h$rrie" $' the ste's( alo! the corri"or a!" 'a$se" i! fro!t of the first "oor& /e raise" his ha!" to k!ock& %8T%R& The ha!"le t$r!e" of its ow! accor"& The "oor sw$! i!war"& Death was seate" #ehi!" a "esk( 'eeri! i!te!tly i!to a *ast leather #ook al)ost #i er tha! the "esk itself& /e looke" $' as Mort ca)e i!( kee'i! o!e calcareo$s fi! er )arki! his 'lace( a!" ri!!e"& There was!2t )$ch of a! alter!ati*e& 1/( he sai"( a!" the! 'a$se"& The! he scratche" his chi!( with a !oise like a fi! er!ail #ei! '$lle" across a co)#& W/O 1R% :OU( BO:=

2Mort( sir(2 sai" Mort& 2:o$r a''re!tice& :o$ re)e)#er=2 Death stare" at hi) for so)e ti)e& The! the 'i!'oi!t #l$e eyes t$r!e" #ack at the #ook& O/ :%3( he sai"( MORT& W%;;( BO:( DO :OU 3I8<%R%;: WI3/ TO ;%1R8 T/% UTT%RMO3T 3%<R%T3 O5 TIM% 18D 3P1<%= 2:es( sir& I thi!k so( sir&2 0OOD& T/% 3T1B;%3 1R% 1ROU8D T/% B1<K& T/% 3/O?%; /1803 CU3T I83ID% T/% DOOR& /e looke" "ow!& /e looke" $'& Mort ha"!2t )o*e"& I3 IT B: 18: </18<% PO33IB;% T/1T :OU 51I; TO U8D%R3T18D M%= 28ot f$lly( sir(2 sai" Mort& DU80( BO:& DU80& 1;B%RT /13 1 <OMPO3T /%1P I8 T/% 01RD%8& I IM10I8% T/%R%23 1 W/%%;B1RROW 3OM%W/%R% O8 T/% PR%MI3%3& 0%T O8 WIT/ IT& Mort !o""e" )o$r!f$lly& 2:es( sir& I see( sir& 3ir=2 :%3= 23ir( I "o!2t see what this has to "o with the secrets of ti)e a!" s'ace&2 Death "i" !ot look $' fro) his #ook& T/1T( he sai"( is B%<1U3% :OU 1R% /%R% TO ;%1R8& It is a fact that altho$ h the Death of the Discworl" is( i! his ow! wor"s( a! 18T/ROPOMORP/I< P%R3O8I5I<1TIO8( he lo! a o a*e $' $si! the tra"itio!al skeletal horses( #eca$se of the #other of ha*i! to sto' all the ti)e to wire #its #ack o!& 8ow his horses were always flesh,a!",#loo" #easts( fro) the fi!est stock& 1!"( Mort lear!e"( *ery well fe"& 3o)e 9o#s offer i!cre)e!ts& This o!e offere" - well( .$ite the re*erse( #$t at least it was i! the war) a!" fairly easy to et the ha! of& 1fter a while he ot i!to the rhyth) of it( a!" starte" 'layi! the 'ri*ate little .$a!tity,s$r*eyi! a)e that e*eryo!e 'lays i! these circ$)sta!ces& ;et2s see( he tho$ ht( I2*e "o!e !early a .$arter( let2s call it a thir"( so whe! I2*e "o!e that cor!er #y the hayrack it2ll #e )ore tha! half( call it fi*e,ei hths( which )ea!s three )ore wheel#arrow loa"s& & & & It "oes!2t 'ro*e a!ythi! *ery )$ch e4ce't that the aweso)e s'le!"o$r of the $!i*erse is )$ch easier to "eal with if yo$ thi!k of it as a series of s)all ch$!ks& The horse watche" hi) fro) its stall( occasio!ally tryi! to eat his hair i! a frie!"ly sort of way& 1fter a while he #eca)e aware that so)eo!e else was watchi! hi)& The irl :sa#ell was lea!,#i o! the half,"oor( her chi! i! her ha!"s& 21re yo$ a ser*a!t=2 she sai"& Mort strai hte!e" $'& 28o(2 he sai"( 2I2) a! a''re!tice&2

That2s silly& 1l#ert sai" yo$ ca!2t #e a! a''re!tice&2 Mort co!ce!trate" o! hefti! a sho*elf$l i!to the wheel#arrow& Two )ore sho*elf$ls( call it three if it2s well 'resse" "ow!( a!" that )ea!s fo$r )ore #arrows( all ri ht( call it fi*e( #efore I2*e "o!e halfway to the & & & 2/e says(2 sai" :sa#ell i! a lo$"er *oice( 2that a''re!tices #eco)e )asters( a!" yo$ ca!2t ha*e )ore tha! o!e Death& 3o yo$2re 9$st a ser*a!t a!" yo$ ha*e to "o what I say&2 & & & a!" the! ei ht )ore #arrows )ea!s it2s all "o!e all the way to the "oor( which is !early two,thir"s of the whole thi! ( which )ea!s& & & & 2Di" yo$ hear what I sai"( #oy=2 Mort !o""e"& 1!" the! it2ll #e fo$rtee! )ore #arrows( o!ly call it fiftee! #eca$se I ha*e!2t swe't $' 'ro'erly i! the cor!er( a!"& & & & 2/a*e yo$ lost yo$r to! $e=2 2Mort(2 sai" Mort )il"ly& 3he looke" at hi) f$rio$sly& 2What=2 2My !a)e is Mort(2 sai" Mort& 2Or Morti)er& Most 'eo'le call )e Mort& Di" yo$ wa!t to talk to )e a#o$t so)ethi! =2 3he was s'eechless for a )o)e!t( stari! fro) his face to the sho*el a!" #ack a ai!& 2O!ly I2*e #ee! tol" to et o! with this(2 sai" Mort& 3he e4'lo"e"& 2Why are yo$ here= Why "i" 5ather #ri! yo$ here=2 2/e hire" )e at the hiri! fair(2 sai" Mort& 21ll the #oys ot hire"& 1!" )e&2 21!" yo$ wa!te" to #e hire"=2 she s!a''e"& 2/e2s Death( yo$ k!ow& The 0ri) Rea'er& /e2s *ery i)'orta!t& /e2s !ot so)ethi! yo$ become( he2s so)ethi! yo$ are&2 Mort est$re" *a $ely at the wheel#arrow& 2I e4'ect it2ll t$r! o$t for the #est(2 he sai"& 2My father always says thi! s e!erally "o&2 /e 'icke" $' the sho*el a!" t$r!e" away( a!" ri!!e" at the horse2s #acksi"e as he hear" :sa#ell s!ort a!" walk away& Mort worke" stea"ily thro$ h the si4tee!ths( ei hths( .$arters a!" thir"s( wheeli! the #arrow o$t thro$ h the yar" to the hea' #y the a''le tree& Death2s ar"e! was #i ( !eat a!" well,te!"e"& It was also *ery( *ery #lack& The rass was #lack& The flowers were #lack& Black a''les lea)e" a)o! the #lack lea*es of a #lack a''le tree& %*e! the air looke" i!ky& 1lter a while Mort tho$ ht he co$l" see - !o( he co$l"!2t 'ossi#ly i)a i!e he co$l" see & & & "iffere!t colo$rs of #lack& That2s to say( !ot si)'ly *ery "ark to!es of re" a!" ree! a!" whate*er( #$t real sha"es of #lack& 1 whole s'ectr$) of colo$rs( all "iffere!t a!" all - well( #lack& /e ti''e" o$t the last loa"( '$t the #arrow away( a!" we!t #ack to the ho$se& %8T%R&

Death was sta!"i! #ehi!" a lecter!( 'ori! o*er a )a'& /e looke" at Mort as if he was!2t e!tirely there& :OU /1?%82T /%1RD O5 T/% B1: O5 M18T%( /1?% :OU= he sai"& 28o( sir(2 sai" Mort& 51MOU3 3/IPWR%<K T/%R%& 2Was there=2 T/%R% WI;; B%( sai" Death( I5 I <18 5I8D T/% D1M8 P;1<%& Mort walke" aro$!" the lecter! a!" 'eere" at the )a'& 2:o$2re oi! to si!k the shi'=2 he sai"& Death looke" horrifie"& <%RT1I8;: 8OT& T/%R% WI;; B% 1 <OMBI81TIO8 O5 B1D 3%1M183/IP( 3/1;;OW W1T%R 18D 1 <O8TR1R: WI8D& 2That2s horri#le(2 sai" Mort& 2Will there #e )a!y "row!e"=2 T/1T23 UP TO 51T%( sai" Death( t$r!i! to the #ookcase #ehi!" hi) a!" '$lli! o$t a hea*y a6etteer& T/%R%23 8OT/I80 I <18 DO 1BOUT IT& W/1T Is T/1T 3M%;;= 2Me(2 sai" Mort( si)'ly& 1/& T/% 3T1B;%3& Death 'a$se"( his ha!" o! the s'i!e of the #ook& 18D W/: DO :OU T/I8K I DIR%<T%D :OU TO T/% 3T1B;%3= T/I8K <1R%5U;;:( 8OW& Mort hesitate"& /e had #ee! thi!ki! caref$lly( i! #etwee! co$!ti! wheel#arrows& /e2" wo!"ere" if it ha" #ee! to coor"i!ate his ha!" a!" eye( or teach hi) the ha#it of o#e"ie!ce( or #ri! ho)e to hi) the i)'orta!ce( o! the h$)a! scale( of s)all tasks( or )ake hi) realise that e*e! reat )e! )$st start at the #otto)& 8o!e of these e4'la!atio!s see)e" e4actly ri ht& 2I thi!k & & &2 he #e a!& :%3= 2Well( I thi!k it was #eca$se yo$ were $' to yo$r k!ees i! horseshit( to tell yo$ the tr$th&2 Death looke" at hi) for a lo! ti)e& Mort shifte" $!easily fro) o!e foot to the other& 1B3O;UT%;: <ORR%<T( s!a''e" Death& <;1RIT: O5 T/OU0/T& R%1;I3TI< 1PPRO1</& ?%R: IMPORT18T I8 1 COB ;IK% OUR3& 2:es( sir& 3ir=2 /MM= Death was str$ li! with the i!"e4& 2Peo'le "ie all the ti)e( sir( "o!2t they= Millio!s& :o$ )$st #e *ery #$sy& B$t >2 Death a*e Mort the look he was co)i! to #e fa)iliar with& It starte" off as #la!k s$r'rise( flickere" #riefly towar"s a!!oya!ce( calle" i! for a "ri!k at reco !itio! a!" settle" fi!ally o! *a $e for#eara!ce& BUT= 2I2" ha*e tho$ ht yo$2" ha*e #ee!( well( o$t a!" a#o$t a #it )ore& :o$ k!ow& 3talki! the streets& My ra!!y2s al)a!ack2s ot a 'ict$re of yo$ with a scythe a!" st$ff&2

I 3%%& I 1M 15R1ID IT I3 /1RD TO %AP;1I8 U8;%33 :OU K8OW 1BOUT POI8T I8<1R81TIO8 18D 8OD% 5O<U3I80& I DO82T %AP%<T :OU DO= 2I "o!2t thi!k so&2 0%8%R1;;: I2M O8;: %AP%<T%D TO M1K% 18 1<TU1; 1PP%1R18<% O8 3P%<I1; O<<13IO83& 2;ike a ki! ( I s$''ose(2 sai" Mort& 2I )ea!( a ki! is rei !i! e*e! whe! he2s "oi! so)ethi! else or aslee'( e*e!& Is that it( sir=2 IT2;; DO( sai" Death( rolli! $' the )a's& 18D 8OW( BO:( I5 :OU2?% 5I8I3/%D T/% 3T1B;% :OU <18 0O 18D 3%% I5 1;B%RT /13 18: COB3 /% W18T3 DOI80& I5 :OU ;IK%( :OU <18 <OM% OUT O8 T/% ROU8D WIT/ M% T/I3 %?%8I80& Mort !o""e"& Death we!t #ack to his #i leather #ook( took $' a 'e!( stare" at it for a )o)e!t( a!" the! looke" $' at Mort with his sk$ll o! o!e si"e& /1?% :OU M%T M: D1U0/T%R= he sai"& 2%r& :es( sir(2 sai" Mort( his ha!" o! the "oork!o#& 3/% I3 1 ?%R: P;%1318T 0IR;( sai" Death( BUT I T/I8K 3/% @UIT% ;IK%3 /1?I80 3OM%O8% O5 /%R OW8 10% 1ROU8D TO T1;K TO& 23ir=2 18D( O5 <OUR3%( O8% D1: 1;; T/I3 WI;; B%;O80 TO /%R& 3o)ethi! like a s)all #l$e s$'er!o*a flare" for a )o)e!t i! the "e'ths of his eyesockets& It "aw!e" o! Mort that( with so)e e)#arrass)e!t a!" co)'lete lack of e4'ertise( Death was tryi! to wi!k& I! a la!"sca'e that owe" !othi! to ti)e a!" s'ace( which a''eare" o! !o )a'( which e4iste" o!ly i! those far reaches of the )$lti'le4e" cos)os k!ow! to the few astro'hysicists who ha*e take! really #a" aci"( Mort s'e!t the after!oo! hel'i! 1l#ert 'la!t o$t #roccoli& It was #lack( ti!te" with '$r'le& 2/e tries( see(2 sai" 1l#ert( flo$rishi! the "i##er& 2It2s 9$st that whe! it co)es to colo$r( he has!2t ot )$ch i)a i!atio!&2 2I2) !ot s$re I $!"ersta!" all this(2 sai" Mort& 2Di" yo$ say he made all this=2 Beyo!" the ar"e! wall the ro$!" "ro''e" towar"s a "ee' *alley a!" the! rose i!to "ark )oorla!" that )arche" all the way to "ista!t )o$!tai!s( 9a e" as cats2 teeth& 2:eah(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2Mi!" what yo$2re "oi! with that wateri! ca!&2 2What was here #efore=2 2I "$!!o(2 sai" 1l#ert( starti! a fresh row& 25ir)a)e!t( I s$''ose& That2s the fa!cy !a)e for raw !othi! & It2s !ot a *ery oo" 9o# of work( to tell the tr$th& I )ea!( the ar"e!2s okay( #$t the )o$!tai!s are "ow!ri ht sho""y& They2re all f$66y whe! yo$ et $' close& I we!t a!" ha" a look o!ce&2 Mort s.$i!te" har" at the trees !earest hi)& They see)e" co))e!"a#ly soli"& 2What2" he "o it all for=2 he sai"&

1l#ert r$!te"& 2Do yo$ k!ow what ha''e!s to la"s who ask too )a!y .$estio!s=2 Mort tho$ ht for a )o)e!t& 28o(2 he sai" e*e!t$ally( 2what=2 There was sile!ce& The! 1l#ert strai hte!e" $' a!" sai"( 2Da)!e" if I k!ow& Pro#a#ly they et a!swers( a!" ser*e 2e) ri ht&2 2/e sai" I co$l" o o$t with hi) to!i ht(2 sai" Mort& 2:o$2re a l$cky #oy the!( are!2t yo$(2 sai" 1l#ert *a $ely( hea"i! #ack for the cotta e& 2Di" he really )ake all this=2 sai" Mort( ta i! alo! after hi)& 2:es&2 2Why=2 2I s$''ose he wa!te" so)ewhere where he co$l" feel at ho)e&2 21re yo$ "ea"( 1l#ert=2 2Me= Do I look "ea"=2 The ol" )a! s!orte" whe! Mort starte" to i*e hi) a slow( critical look( 2a!" yo$ ca! sto' that& I2) as ali*e as yo$ are& Pro#a#ly )ore&2 23orry&2 2Ri ht&2 1l#ert '$she" o'e! the #ack "oor( a!" t$r!e" to re ar" Mort as ki!"ly as he co$l" )a!a e& 2It2s #est !ot to ask all these .$estio!s(2 he sai"( 2it $'sets 'eo'le& 8ow( how a#o$t a !ice fry,$'=2 The #ell ra! while they were 'layi! "o)i!oes& Mort sat to atte!tio!& 2/e2ll wa!t the horse )a"e rea"y(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2<o)e o!&2 They we!t o$t to the sta#le i! the atheri! "$sk( a!" Mort watche" the ol" )a! sa""le $' Death2s horse& 2/is !a)e2s Bi!ky(2 sai" 1l#ert( faste!i! the irth& 2It 9$st oes to show( yo$ !e*er ca! tell&2 B$lky trie" to eat his scarf i! a! affectio!ate way& Mort re)e)#ere" the woo"c$t i! his ra!")other2s al)a!ack( #etwee! the 'a e o! 'la!ti! ti)es a!" the 'hases of the )oo! sectio!( showi! Dethe thee 0reat ;e*yller <o)es To 1lle Me!!e& /e2" stare" at it h$!"re"s of ti)es whe! lear!i! his letters& It wo$l"!2t ha*e #ee! half so i)'ressi*e if it ha" #ee! e!erally k!ow! that the fla)e, #reathi! horse the s'ectre ro"e was calle" Bi!ky& 2I wo$l" ha*e tho$ ht so)ethi! like 5a! or 3a#re or %#o!y(2 1l#ert co!ti!$e"( 2#$t the )aster will ha*e his little fa!cies( yo$ k!ow& ;ooki! forwar" to it( are yo$=2 2I thi!k so(2 sai" Mort $!certai!ly& 2I2*e !e*er see! Death act$ally at work&2 28ot )a!y ha*e(2 sai" 1l#ert& 28ot twice( at a!y rate&2 Mort took a "ee' #reath&

21#o$t this "a$ hter of his >2 he #e a!& 1/& 0OOD %?%8I80( 1;B%RT( BO:& 2Mort(2 sai" Mort a$to)atically& Death stro"e i!to the sta#le( stoo'i! a little to clear the ceili! & 1l#ert !o""e"( !ot i! a!y s$#ser*ie!t way( Mort !otice"( #$t si)'ly o$t of for)& Mort ha" )et o!e or two ser*a!ts( o! the rare occasio!s he2" #ee! take! i!to tow!( a!" 1l#ert was!2t like a!y of the)& /e see)e" to act as tho$ h the ho$se really #elo! e" to hi) a!" its ow!er was 9$st a 'assi! $est( so)ethi! to #e tolerate" like 'eeli! 'ai!twork or s'i"ers i! the la*atory& Death '$t $' with it too( as tho$ h he a!" 1l#ert ha" sai" e*erythi! that !ee"e" to #e sai" a lo! ti)e a o a!" were si)'ly co!te!t( !ow( to et o! with their 9o#s with the )i!i)$) of i!co!*e!ie!ce all ro$!"& To Mort it was rather like oi! for a walk after a really #a" th$!"erstor) ythi! was .$ite fresh( !othi! was 'artic$larly $!'leasa!t( #$t there was the se!se of *ast e!er ies 9$st e4'e!"e"& 5i!"i! o$t a#o$t 1l#ert ta e" itself o! to the e!" of his list of thi! s to "o& /O;D T/I3( sai" Death( a!" '$she" a scythe i!to his ha!" while he sw$! hi)self $' o! to Bi!ky& The scythe looke" !or)al e!o$ h( e4ce't for the #la"e+ it was so thi! that Mort co$l" see thro$ h it( a 'ale #l$e shi))er i! the air that co$l" slice fla)e a!" cho' so$!"& /e hel" it *ery caref$lly& RI0/T( BO:( sai" Death& <OM% O8 UP& 1;B%RT& DO82T W1IT UP& The horse trotte" o$t of the co$rtyar" a!" i!to the sky& There sho$l" ha*e #ee! a flash or r$sh of stars& The air sho$l" ha*e s'iralle" a!" t$r!e" i!to s'ee"i! s'arks s$ch as !or)ally ha''e!s i! the co))o!( e*ery"ay tra!s, "i)e!sio!al hy'er,9$)'s& B$t this was Death( who has )astere" the art of oi! e*erywhere witho$t oste!tatio! a!" co$l" sli"e #etwee! "i)e!sio!s as easily as he co$l" sli' thro$ h a locke" "oor( a!" they )o*e" at a! easy allo' thro$ h clo$" ca!yo!s( 'ast reat #illowi! )o$!tai!s of c$)$l$s( $!til the wis's 'arte" i! fro!t of the) a!" the Disc lay #elow( #aski! i! s$!li ht& T/1T23 B%<1U3% TIM% I3 1DCU3T1B;%( sai" Death( he! Mort 'oi!te" this o$t& IT23 8OT R%1;;: IMPORT18T& 2I always tho$ ht it was&2 P%OP;% T/I8K IT23 IMPORT18T O8;: B%<1U3% T/%: I8?%8T%D IT( sai" Death so)#rely& Mort co!si"ere" this rather trite( #$t "eci"e" !ot to ar $e& 2What are we oi! to "o !ow=2 he sai"& T/%R%23 1 PROMI3I80 W1R I8 K;1T</I3T18( sai" Death& 3%?%R1; P;10U% OUTBR%1K3& O8% R1T/%R IMPORT18T 133133I81TIO8( I5 :OU2D PR%5%R& 2What( a )$r"er=2 1:%( 1 KI80& 2Oh( ki! s(2 sai" Mort "is)issi*ely& /e k!ew a#o$t ki! s& O!ce a year a #a!" of strolli! 'layers( or at a!y rate a)#li! o!es( ca)e to 3hee'ri" e a!" the 'lays they 'erfor)e" were i!*aria#ly a#o$t ki! s& Ki! s were always killi! o!e a!other( or #ei! kille"& The 'lots were .$ite co)'licate"( i!*ol*i! )istake! i"e!tity( 'oiso!s( #attles( lo! ,lost

so!s( hosts( witches a!"( $s$ally( lots of "a ers& 3i!ce it was clear that #ei! a ki! was !o 'ic!ic it was a)a6i! that half the cast were a''are!tly tryi! to #eco)e o!e& Mort2s i"ea of 'alace life was a little ha6y( #$t he i)a i!e" that !o,o!e ot )$ch slee'& 2I2" .$ite like to see a real ki! (2 he sai"& 2They wear crow!s all the ti)e( )y ra!!y sai"& %*e! whe! they o to the la*atory&2 Death co!si"ere" this caref$lly& T/%R%23 8O T%</8I<1; R%13O8 W/: 8OT( he co!ce"e"& I8 M: %AP%RI%8<%( /OW%?%R( IT I3 0%8%R1;;: 8OT T/% <13%& The horse wheele"( a!" the *ast flat checker#oar" of the 3to 'lai! s'e" $!"er!eath the) at li ht!i! s'ee"& This was rich co$!try( f$ll of silt a!" rolli! ca##a e fiel"s a!" !eat little ki! "o)s whose #o$!"aries wri le" like s!akes as s)all( for)al wars( )arria e 'acts( co)'le4 allia!ces a!" the occasio!al #it of slo''y carto ra'hy cha! e" the 'olitical sha'e of the la!"& 2This ki! (2 sai" Mort( as a forest 6i''e" #e!eath the)( 2is he oo" or #a"=2 I 8%?%R <O8<%R8 M:3%;5 WIT/ 3U</ T/I803( sai" Death& /%23 8O WOR3% T/18 18: OT/%R KI80( I IM10I8%& 2Does he ha*e 'eo'le '$t to "eath=2 sai" Mort( a!" re)e)#eri! who he was talki! to a""e"( 23a*i! y2ho!o$r2s 'rese!ce( of co$rse&2 3OM%TIM%3& T/%R% 1R% 3OM% T/I803 :OU /1?% TO DO( W/%8 :OU2R% 1 KI80& 1 city sli" #elow the)( cl$stere" aro$!" a castle #$ilt o! a rock o$tcro' that 'oke" $' o$t of the 'lai! like a eolo ical 'i)'le& It was o!e h$ e rock fro) the "ista!t Ra)to's( Death sai"( left there #y the retreati! ice i! the le e!"ary "ays whe! the Ice 0ia!ts wa e" war o! the o"s a!" ro"e their laciers across the la!" i! a! atte)'t to free6e the whole worl"& They2" i*e! $' i! the e!"( howe*er( a!" "ri*e! their reat litteri! flocks #ack to their hi""e! la!"s a)o! the ra6or,#acke" )o$!tai!s !ear the /$#& 8o,o!e o! the 'lai!s k!ew why they ha" "o!e this7 it was e!erally co!si"ere" #y the yo$! er e!eratio! i! the city of 3to ;at( the city aro$!" the rock( that it was #eca$se the 'lace was "ea" #ori! & Bi!ky trotte" "ow! o*er !othi! !ess a!" to$che" "ow! o! the fla sto!es of the castle2s to')ost tower& Death "is)o$!te" a!" tol" Mort to sort o$t the !ose#a & 2Wo!2t 'eo'le !otice there2s a horse $' here=2 he sai"( as they strolle" to a stairwell& Death shook his hea"& WOU;D :OU B%;I%?% T/%R% <OU;D B% 1 /OR3% 1T T/% TOP O5 T/I3 TOW%R= he 3ai"& 28o& :o$ co$l"!2t et o!e $' these stairs(2 sai" Mort& W%;;( T/%8= 2Oh& I see& Peo'le "o!2t wa!t to see what ca!2t 'ossi#ly e4ist&2 W%;; DO8%& 8ow they were walki! alo! a wi"e corri"or h$! with ta'estries& Death reache" i!to

his ro#e a!" '$lle" o$t a! ho$r lass( 'eeri! closely at it i! the "i) li ht& It was a 'artic$larly fi!e o!e( its lass c$t i!to i!tricate facets a!" i)'riso!e" i! a! or!ate fra)ework of woo" a!" #rass& The wor"s 2Ki! Oler*e the Bastar"2 were e! ra*e" "ee'ly i!to it& The sa!" i!si"e s'arkle" o""ly& There was!2t a lot left& Death h$))e" to hi)self a!" stowe" the lass away i! whate*er )ysterio$s recess it ha" occ$'ie"& They t$r!e" a cor!er a!" hit a wall of so$!"& There was a hall f$ll of 'eo'le there( $!"er a clo$" of s)oke a!" chatter that rose all the way $' i!to the #a!!er,ha$!te" sha"ows i! the roof& U' i! a allery a trio of )i!strels were "oi! their #est to #e hear" a!" !ot s$ccee"i! & The a''eara!ce of Death "i"!2t ca$se )$ch of a stir& 1 foot)a! #y the "oor t$r!e" to hi)( o'e!e" his )o$th a!" the! frow!e" i! a "istracte" way a!" tho$ ht of so)ethi! else& 1 few co$rtiers la!ce" i! their "irectio!( their eyes i!sta!tly $!foc$si! as co))o! se!se o*err$le" the other fi*e& W%2?% 0OT 1 5%W MI8UT%3( sai" Death( taki! a "ri!k fro) a 'assi! tray( ;%T23 MI80;%& 2They ca!2t see )e eitherB2 sai" Mort& 2B$t I2) realB2 R%1;IT: is 8OT 1;W1:3 W/1T IT 3%%M3( sai" Death& 18:W1:( I5 T/%: DO82T W18T TO 3%% M%( T/%: <%RT1I8;: DO82T W18T TO 3%% :OU& T/%3% 1R% 1RI3TO<R1T3( BO:& T/%:2R% GOOD 1T 8OT 3%%I80 T/I803& W/: I3 T/%R% 1 </%RR: O8 1 3TI<K I8 T/I3 DRI8K= 2Mort(2 sai" Mort a$to)atically& IT23 8OT 13 I5 IT DO%3 18:T/I80 5OR T/% 5;1?OUR& W/: DO%3 18:O8% T1K% 1 P%R5%<T;: 0OOD DRI8K 18D T/%8 PUT I8 1 </%RR: O8 1 PO;%= 2What2s oi! to ha''e! !e4t=2 sai" Mort& 1! el"erly earl #$)'e" i!to his el#ow( looke" e*erywhere #$t "irectly at hi)( shr$ e" a!" walke" away& T1K% T/%3% T/I803( 8OW( sai" Death( fi! eri! a 'assi! ca!a'e& I M%18( MU3/ROOM3 :%3( </I<K%8 :%3( <R%1M :%3( I2?% 8OT/I80 101I83T 18: O5 T/%M( BUT W/: I8 T/% 81M% O5 318IT: MI8<% T/%M 1;; UP 18D PUT T/%M I8 ;ITT;% P13TR: <13%3= 2Par"o!=2 sai" Mort& T/1T23 MORT1;3 5OR :OU( Death co!ti!$e"& T/%:2?% O8;: 0OT 1 5%W :%1R3 I8 T/I3 WOR;D 18D T/%: 3P%8D T/%M 1;; I8 M1KI80 T/I803 <OMP;I<1T%D 5OR T/%M3%;?%3& 513<I81TI80& /1?% 1 0/%RKI8& 2Where2s the ki! =2 sai" Mort( cra!i! to look o*er the hea"s of the co$rt& </1P WIT/ T/% 0O;D%8 B%1RD( sai" Death& /e ta''e" a fl$!ky o! the sho$l"er( a!" as the )a! t$r!e" a!" looke" aro$!" i! '$66le)e!t "eftly 'ilote" a!other "ri!k fro) his tray& Mort cast aro$!" $!til he saw the fi $re sta!"i! i! a little ro$' i! the ce!tre of the

crow"( lea!i! o*er sli htly the #etter to hear what a rather short co$rtier was sayi! to hi)& /e was a tall( hea*ily,#$ilt )a! with the ki!" of stoli"( 'atie!t face that o!e wo$l" co!fi"e!tly #$y a $se" horse fro)& 2/e "oes!2t look a bad ki! (2 sai" Mort& 2Why wo$l" a!yo!e wa!t to kill hi)=2 3%% T/% M18 8%AT TO /IM= WIT/ T/% ;ITT;% MOU3T1</% 18D T/% 0RI8 ;IK% 1 ;ID1RD= Death oi!te" with his scythe& 2:es=2 /I3 <OU3I8( T/% DUK% O5 3TO /%;IT& 8OT T/% 8I<%3T O5 P%OP;%( sai" Death& 1 /18D: M18 WIT/ 1 BOTT;% O5 POI3O8& 5I5T/ I8 ;I8% TO T/% T/RO8% ;13T :%1R( 8OW 3%<O8D I8 ;I8%& BIT O5 1 3O<I1; <;IMB%R( :OU MI0/T 31:& /e f$)#le" i!si"e his ro#e a!" 'ro"$ce" a! ho$r lass i! which #lack sa!" co$rse" #etwee! a s'ike" iro! latticework& /e a*e it a! e4'eri)e!tal shake& 18D DU% TO ;I?% 18OT/%R T/IRT:( T/IRT:,5I?% :%1R3( he sai"( with a si h& 21!" he oes aro$!" killi! 'eo'le=2 sai" Mort& /e shook his hea"& There2s !o 9$stice&2 Death si he"& 8o( he sai"( ha!"i! his "ri!k to a 'a e who was s$r'rise" to fi!" he was s$""e!ly hol"i! a! e)'ty lass( T/%R%23 CU3T M%& /e "rew his swor"( which ha" the sa)e ice #l$e( sha"ow,thi! #la"e as the scythe of office( a!" ste''e" forwar"& 2I tho$ ht yo$ $se" the scythe(2 whis'ere" Mort& KI803 0%T T/% 3WORD( sai" Death& IT23 1 RO:1; W/1T381M%( PR%RO01TI?%& /is free ha!" thr$st its #o!y "i its #e!eath his ro#e a ai! a!" #ro$ ht o$t Ki! Oler*e2s lass& I! the to' half the last few rai!s of sa!" were h$""li! to ether& P1: <1R%5U; 1TT%8TIO8( sai" Death( :OU M1: B% 13K%D @U%3TIO83 15T%RW1RD3& 2Wait(2 sai" Mort( wretche"ly& 2It2s !ot fair& <a!2t yo$ sto' it=2 51IR= sai" Death& W/O 31ID 18:T/I80 1BOUT 51IR= 2Well( if the other )a! is s$ch a >2 ;I3T%8( sai" Death( 51IR DO%382T <OM% I8TO IT& :OU <18T T1K% 3ID%3& 0OOD 0RI%5& W/%8 IT23 TIM%( IT23 TIM%& T/1T23 1;; T/%R% I3 TO IT( BO:& 2Mort(2 )oa!e" Mort( stari! at the crow"& 1!" the! he saw her& 1 ra!"o) )o*e)e!t i! the 'eo'le o'e!e" $' a cha!!el #etwee! Mort a!" a sli)( re",haire" irl seate" a)o! a ro$' of ol"er wo)e! #ehi!" the ki! & 3he was!2t e4actly #ea$tif$l( #ei! o*er,e!"owe" i! the freckle "e'art)e!t a!"( fra!kly( rather o! the ski!!y si"e& B$t the si ht of her ca$se" a shock that hot,wire" Mort2s hi!"#rai! a!" "ro*e it all the way to the 'it of his sto)ach( la$ hi! !astily& IT23 TIM%( sai" Death( i*i! Mort a !$" e with a shar' el#ow& 5O;;OW M%& Death walke" towar" the ki! ( wei hi! his swor" i! his ha!"& Mort #li!ke"( a!" starte" to follow& The irl2s eyes )et his for a seco!" a!" i))e"iately looke" away - the! swi*elle" #ack( "ra i! her hea" aro$!"( her )o$th starti! to o'e! i! a! 2o2 of horror&

Mort2s #ack#o!e )elte"& /e starte" to r$! towar"s the ki! & 2;ook o$tB2 he screa)e"& 2:o$2re i! reat "a! erB2 1!" the worl" t$r!e" i!to treacle& It #e a! to fill $' with #l$e a!" '$r'le sha"ows( like a heatstroke "rea)( a!" so$!" fa"e" away $!til the roar of the co$rt #eca)e "ista!t a!" scritchy( like the )$sic i! so)eo!e else2s hea"'ho!es& Mort saw Death sta!"i! co)'a!io!a#ly #y the ki! ( his eyes t$r!e" $' towar"s > > the )i!strel allery& Mort saw the #ow)a!( saw the #ow( saw the #olt !ow wi! i! thro$ h the air at the s'ee" of a sick s!ail& 3low as it was( he co$l"!2t o$tr$! it& It see)e" like ho$rs #efore he co$l" #ri! his lea"e! le s $!"er co!trol( #$t fi!ally he )a!a e" to et #oth feet to to$ch the floor at the sa)e ti)e a!" kicke" away with all the a''are!t acceleratio! of co!ti!e!tal "rift& 1s he twiste" slowly thro$ h the air Death sai"( witho$t ra!co$r( IT WO82T WORK( :OU K8OW& IT23 O8;: 81TUR1; T/1T :OU 3/OU;D W18T TO TR:( BUT IT WO82T WORK& Drea),like( Mort "rifte" thro$ h a sile!t worl"& & & & The #olt str$ck& Death #ro$ ht his swor" aro$!" i! a "o$#le,ha!"e" swi! that 'asse" e!tly thro$ h the ki! 2s !eck witho$t lea*i! a )ark& To Mort( s'iralli! e!tly thro$ h the twili ht worl"( it looke" as tho$ h a hostly sha'e ha" "ro''e" away& It co$l"!2t #e the ki! ( #eca$se he was )a!ifestly still sta!"i! there( looki! "irectly at Death with a! e4'ressio! of e4tre)e s$r'rise& There was a sha"owy something aro$!" his feet( a!" a lo! way away 'eo'le were reacti! with sho$ts a!" screa)s& 1 0OOD <;%18 COB( sai" Death& RO:1;T: 1R% 1;W1:3 1 PROB;%M& T/%: T%8D TO W18T TO /180 O8& :OUR 1?%R10% P%1318T( 8OW( /% <182T W1IT& 2Who the hell are yo$=2 sai" the ki! & 2What are yo$ "oi! here= %h= 0$ar"sB I "e)a! >2 The i!siste!t )essa e fro) his eyes fi!ally #attere" thro$ h to his #rai!& Mort was i)'resse"& Ki! Oler*e ha" hel" o! to his thro!e for )a!y years a!"( e*e! whe! "ea"( k!ew how to #eha*e& 2Oh(2 he sai"( 2I see& I "i"!2t e4'ect to see yo$ so oo!&2 :OUR M1C%3T:( sai" Death( #owi! ( 5%W DO& The ki! looke" aro$!"& It was .$iet a!" "i) i! this sha"ow worl"( #$t o$tsi"e there see)e" to #e a lot of e4cite)e!t& 2That2s )e "ow! there( is it=2 I 1M 15R1ID 3O( 3IR%& 2<lea! 9o#& <ross#ow( was it=2 :%3& 18D 8OW( 3IR%( I5 :OU WOU;D > 2Who "i" it=2 sai" the ki! & Death hesitate"& 1 /IR%D 133133I8 5ROM 18K/,MORPORK( he sai"& 2/))& <le*er& I co! rat$late 3to /elit& 1!" here2s )e filli! )yself with a!ti"otes& 8o a!ti"ote to col" steel( eh= %h=2

I8D%%D 8OT( 3IR%& 2The ol" ro'e la""er a!" fast horse #y the "raw#ri" e trick( eh=2 3O IT WOU;D 1PP%1R( 3IR%( sai" Death( taki! the ki! 2s sha"e e!tly #y the ar)& I5 IT23 18: <O83O;1TIO8( T/OU0/( T/% /OR3% EED! TO B% 513T& 2%h=2 Death allowe" his fi4e" ri! to wi"e! a little& I /1?% 18 1PPOI8TM%8T WIT/ IT3 RID%R TOMORROW I8 18K/( sai" Death& :OU 3%%( /% 1;;OW%D T/% DUK% TO PRO?ID% /IM WIT/ 1 P1<K%D ;U8</& The ki! ( whose e)i!e!t s$ita#ility for his 9o# )ea!t that he was !ot a$to)atically .$ick o! the $'take( co!si"ere" this for a )o)e!t a!" the! a*e a short la$ h& /e !otice" Mort for the first ti)e& 2Who2s this=2 he sai"( 2/e "ea" too=2 M: 1PPR%8TI<%( sai" Death& W/O WI;; B% 0%TTI80 1 0OOD T1;KI80,TO B%5OR% /%23 MU</ O;D%R( T/% 3<1;;:W10& 2Mort(2 sai" Mort a$to)atically& The so$!" of their talki! washe" aro$!" hi)( #$t he co$l"!2t take his eyes off the sce!e aro$!" the)& /e felt real& Death looke" soli"& The ki! looke" s$r'risi! ly fit a!" well for so)eo!e who was "ea"& B$t the rest of the worl" was a )ass of sli"i! sha"ows& 5i $res were #e!t o*er the sl$)'e" #o"y( )o*i! thro$ h Mort as if they were !o )ore s$#sta!tial tha! a )ist& The irl was k!eeli! "ow!( wee'i! & 2That2s )y "a$ hter(2 sai" the ki! & 2I o$ ht to feel sa"& Why "o!2t I=2 %MOTIO83 0%T ;%5T B%/I8D& IT23 1;; 1 M1TT%R O5 0;18D3& 21h& That wo$l" #e it( I s$''ose& 3he ca!2t see $s( ca! she=2 8O& 2I s$''ose there2s !o cha!ce that I co$l" >=2 8O8%( sai" Death& 2O!ly she2s oi! to #e .$ee!( a!" if I co$l" o!ly let her>2 3ORR:& The irl looke" $' a!" thro$ h Mort& /e watche" the "$ke walk $' #ehi!" her a!" lay a co)forti! ha!" o! her sho$l"er& 1 fa$lt s)ile ho*ere" aro$!" the )a!2s li's& It was the sort of s)ile that lies o! sa!"#a!ks waiti! for i!ca$tio$s swi))ers& I ca!2t )ake yo$ hear )e( Mort sai"& Do!2t tr$st hi)B 3he 'eere" at Mort( screwi! $' her eyes& /e reache" o$t( a!" watche" his ha!" 'ass strai ht thro$ h hers& <OM% 1;O80( BO:& 8O ;1;;:0100I80& Mort felt Death2s ha!" ti hte! o! his sho$l"er( !ot i! a! $!frie!"ly fashio!& /e t$r!e" away rel$cta!tly( followi! Death a!" the ki! &

They walke" o$t thro$ h the wall& /e was halfway after the) #efore he realise" that walki! thro$ h walls was i)'ossi#le& The s$ici"al lo ic of this !early kille" hi)& /e felt the chill of the sto!e aro$!" his li)#s #efore a *oice i! his ear sai"+ ;OOK 1T IT T/I3 W1:& T/% W1;; <18T B% T/%R%& OT/%RWI3% :OU WOU;D82T B% W1;KI80 T/ROU0/ IT& WOU;D :OU( BO:= 2Mort(2 sai" Mort& W/1T= 2My !a)e is Mort& Or Morti)er(2 sai" Mort a! rily( '$shi! forwar"& The chill fell #ehi!" hi)& T/%R%& T/1T W1382T so /1RD( W13 IT= Mort looke" $' a!" "ow! the le! th of the corri"or( a!" sla''e" the wall e4'eri)e!tally& /e )$st ha*e walke" thro$ h it( #$t it felt soli" e!o$ h !ow& ;ittle s'ecks of )ica littere" at hi)& 2/ow "o yo$ "o that st$ff=2 he sai"& 2/ow "o I "o it= Is it )a ic=2 M10I< I3 T/% O8% T/I80 IT I382T( BO:& W/%8 :OU <18 DO IT B: :OUR3%;5( T/%R% WI;; B% 8OT/I80 MOR% T/1T I <18 T%1</ :OU& The ki! ( who was co!si"era#ly )ore "iff$se !ow( sai"( 2It2s i)'ressi*e( I2ll ra!t yo$& By the way( I see) to #e fa"i! &2 IT23 T/% MORP/O0%8%TI< 5I%;D W%1K%8I80( sai" Death& The ki! 2s *oice was !o lo$"er tha! a whis'er& 2Is that what it is=2 IT /1PP%83 TO %?%R:O8%& TR: TO %8CO: IT& 2/ow=2 8ow the *oice was !o )ore tha! a sha'e i! the air& CU3T B% :OUR3%;5& 1t that )o)e!t the ki! colla'se"( rowi! s)aller a!" s)aller i! the air as the fiel" fi!ally colla'se" i!to a ti!y( #rillia!t 'i!'oi!t& It ha''e!e" so .$ickly that Mort al)ost )isse" it& 5ro) host to )ote i! half a seco!"( with a fai!t si h& Death e!tly ca$ ht the litteri! thi! a!" stowe" it away so)ewhere $!"er his ro#e& 2What2s ha''e!e" to hi)=2 sai" Mort& O8;: /% K8OW3( sai" Death& <OM%& 2My ra!!y says that "yi! is like oi! to slee'(2 Mort a""e"( a sha"e ho'ef$lly& I WOU;D82T K8OW& I /1?% DO8% 8%IT/%R& Mort took a last look alo! the corri"or& The #i "oors ha" #ee! fl$! #ack a!" the co$rt was s'illi! o$t& Two ol"er wo)e! were e!"ea*o$ri! to co)fort the 'ri!cess( #$t she was stri"i! ahea" of the) so that they #o$!ce" alo! #ehi!" her like a co$'le of f$ssy #alloo!s& They "isa''eare" $' a!other corri"or& 1;R%1D: 1 @U%%8( sai" Death( a''ro*i! ly& Death like" style& They were o! the roof #efore he s'oke a ai!& :o$ TRI%D TO W1R8 /IM( he sai"( re)o*i! Bi!ky2s !ose#a &

2:es( sir& 3orry&2 :OU <188OT I8T%R5%R% WIT/ 51T%& W/O 1R% :OU TO CUD0% W/O 3/OU;D ;I?% 18D W/O 3/OU;D DI%= Death watche" Mort2s e4'ressio! caref$lly& O8;: T/% 0OD3 1R% 1;;OW%D TO DO T/1T( he a""e"& To TI8K%R WIT/ T/% 51T% O5 %?%8 O8% I8DI?IDU1; <OU;D D%3TRO: T/% W/O;% WOR;D& DO :OU U8D%R3T18D= Mort !o""e" )isera#ly& 21re yo$ oi! to se!" )e ho)e=2 he sai"& Death reache" "ow! a!" sw$! hi) $' #ehi!" the sa""le& B%<1U3% :OU 3/OW%D <OMP133IO8= 8o& I MI0/T /1?% DO8% I5 :OU /1D 3/OW8 P;%13UR%& BUT :OU MU3T ;%1R8 T/% <OMP133IO8 PROP%R TO :OUR TR1D%& 2What2s that=2 1 !H"#$ %D0%& Days 'asse"( altho$ h Mort was!2t certai! how )a!y& The loo)y s$! of Death2s worl" rolle" re $larly across the sky( #$t the *isits to )ortal s'ace see)e" to a"here to !o 'artic$lar syste)& 8or "i" Death *isit o!ly ki! s a!" i)'orta!t #attles7 )ost of the 'erso!al *isits were to .$ite or"i!ary 'eo'le& Meals were ser*e" $' #y 1l#ert( who s)ile" to hi)self a lot a!" "i"!2t say a!ythi! )$ch& :sa#ell ke't to her roo) )ost of the ti)e( or ro"e her ow! 'o!y o! the #lack )oors a#o*e the cotta e& The si ht of her with her hair strea)i! i! the wi!" wo$l" ha*e #ee! )ore i)'ressi*e if she was a #etter horse,wo)a!( or if the 'o!y ha" #ee! rather lar er( or if her hair was the sort that strea)s !at$rally& 3o)e hair has ot it( a!" so)e has!2t& /ers ha"!2t& Whe! he was!2t o$t o! what Death referre" to as T/% DUT: Mort assiste" 1l#ert( or fo$!" 9o#s i! the ar"e! or sta#le( or #rowse" thro$ h Death2s e4te!si*e li#rary( rea"i! with the s'ee" a!" o)!i*oro$s!ess co))o! to those who "isco*er the )a ic of the writte! wor" for the first ti)e& Most of the #ooks i! the li#rary were #io ra'hies( of co$rse& They were $!$s$al i! o!e res'ect& They were writi! the)sel*es& Peo'le who ha" alrea"y "ie"( o#*io$sly( fille" their #ooks fro) co*er to co*er( a!" those who ha"!2t #ee! #or! yet ha" to '$t $' with #la!k 'a es& Those i! #etwee! & & & Mort took !ote( )arki! the 'lace a!" co$!ti! the e4tra li!es( a!" esti)ate" that so)e #ooks were a""i! 'ara ra'hs at the rate of fo$r or fi*e e*ery "ay& /e "i"!2t reco !ise the ha!"writi! & 1!" fi!ally he 'l$cke" $' his co$ra e& 1 W/1T= sai" Death i! asto!ish)e!t( sitti! #ehi!" his or!ate "esk a!" t$r!i! his scythe,sha'e" 'a'erk!ife o*er a!" o*er i! his ha!"s& 21! after!oo! off(2 re'eate" Mort& The roo) s$""e!ly see)e" to #e o''ressi*ely #i ( with hi)self *ery e4'ose" i! the )i""le of a car'et a#o$t the si6e of a fiel"& BUT W/:= sai" Death& IT <18T B% TO 1TT%8D :OUR 0R18DMOT/%R23 5U8%R1;( he a""e"& I WOU;D K8OW& 2I 9$st wa!t to( yo$ k!ow( et o$t a!" )eet 'eo'le(2 sai" Mort( tryi! to o$tstare that $!fli!chi! #l$e a6e&

BUT :OU M%%T P%OP;% %?%R: D1:( 'roteste" Death& 2:es( I k!ow( o!ly( well( !ot for *ery lo! (2 sai" Mort& 2I )ea!( it2" #e !ice to )eet so)eo!e with a life e4'ecta!cy of )ore tha! a few )i!$tes& 3ir(2 he a""e"& Death "r$))e" his fi! ers o! the "esk( )aki! a so$!" !ot $!like a )o$se ta',"a!ci! ( a!" a*e Mort a!other few seco!"s of stare& /e !otice" that the #oy see)e" rather less el#ows tha! he re)e)#ere"( stoo" a little )ore $'ri ht a!"( #l$!tly( co$l" $se a wor" like 2e4'ecta!cy2& It was all that li#rary& 1;; RI0/T( he sai" r$" i! ly& BUT IT 3%%M3 TO M% :OU /1?% %?%R:T/I80 :OU 8%%D RI0/T /%R%& T/% DUT: I3 8OT O8%ROU3( I3 IT= 28o( sir&2 18D :OU /1?% 0OOD 5OOD 18D 1 W1RM B%D 18D R%<R%1TIO8 18D P%OP;% :OUR OW8 10%& 2Par"o!( sir=2 sai" Mort& M: D1U0/T%R( sai" Death& :OU /1?% M%T /%R( I B%;I%?%& 2Oh& :es( sir&2 3/% /13 1 ?%R: W1RM P%R3O81;IT: W/%8 :OU 0%T TO K8OW /%R& 2I a) s$re she has( sir&2 8%?%RT/%;%33( :OU WI3/ - Death la$!che" the wor"s with a s'i! of "istaste - 18 15T%R8OO8 O55= 2:es( sir& If yo$ 'lease( sir&2 ?%R: W%;;& 3o B% IT& :o$ M1: /1?% U8TI; 3U83%T& Death o'e!e" his reat le" er( 'icke" $' a 'e!( a!" #e a! to write& Occasio!ally he2" reach o$t a!" flick the #ea"s of a! a#ac$s& 1fter a )i!$te he looke" $'& :OU2R% 3TI;; /%R%( he sai"& 18D I8 :OUR OW8 TIM%( TOO( he a""e" so$rly& 2U)(2 sai" Mort( 2will 'eo'le #e a#le to see )e( sir=2 I IM10I8% 3O( I2M 3UR%( sai" Death& Is T/%R% 18:T/I80 %;3% I MI0/T B% 1B;% TO 133I3T :OU WIT/ B%5OR% :OU ;%1?% 5OR T/I3 D%B1U</= 2Well( sir( there is o!e thi! ( sir( I "o!2t k!ow how to et to the )ortal worl"( sir(2 sai" Mort "es'erately& Death si he" lo$"ly( a!" '$lle" o'e! a "esk "rawer& CU3T W1;K T/%R%& Mort !o""e" )isera#ly( a!" took the lo! walk to the st$"y "oor& 1s he '$lle" it o'e! Death co$ he"& BO:B he calle"( a!" tosse" so)ethi! across the roo)& Mort ca$ ht it a$to)atically as the "oor creake" o'e!& The "oorway *a!ishe"& The "ee' car'et $!"erfoot #eca)e )$""y co##les& Broa" "ayli ht 'o$re" o*er hi) like .$ick,sil*er&

2Mort(2 sai" Mort( to the $!i*erse at lar e& 2What=2 sai" a stallhol"er #esi"e hi)& Mort stare" aro$!"& /e was i! a crow"e" )arket 'lace( 'acke" with 'eo'le a!" a!i)als& %*ery ki!" of thi! was #ei! sol" fro) !ee"les to G*ia a few iti!era!t 'ro'hetsH *isio!s of sal*atio!& It was i)'ossi#le to hol" a!y co!*ersatio! .$ieter tha! a sho$t& Mort ta''e" the stallhol"er i! the s)all of the #ack& 2<a! yo$ see )e=2 he "e)a!"e"& The stallhol"er s.$i!te" critically at hi)& 2I recko! so(2 he sai"( 2or so)eo!e *ery )$ch like yo$&2 Tha!k yo$(2 sai" Mort( i))e!sely relie*e"& 2Do!2t )e!tio! it& I see lots of 'eo'le e*ery "ay( !o char e& Wa!t to #$y a!y #ootlaces=2 2I "o!2t thi!k so(2 sai" Mort& 2What 'lace is this=2 2:o$ "o!2t k!ow=2 1 co$'le of 'eo'le at the !e4t stall were looki! at Mort tho$ htf$lly& /is )i!" we!t i!to o*er"ri*e& 2My )aster tra*els a lot(2 he sai"( tr$thf$lly& 2We arri*e" last !i ht( a!" I was aslee' o! the cart& 8ow I2*e ot the after!oo! off&2 21h(2 sai" the stallhol"er& /e lea!e" forwar" co!s'iratorially& 2;ooki! for a oo" ti)e( are yo$= I co$l" fi4 yo$ $'&2 2I2" .$ite e!9oy k!owi! where I a)(2 Mort co!ce"e"& The )a! was take! a#ack& 2This is 1!kh,Mor'ork(2 he sai"& 21!yo!e o$ ht to #e a#le to see that& 3)ell it( too&2 Mort s!iffe"& There was a certai! so)ethi! a#o$t the air i! the city& :o$ ot the feeli! that it was air that ha" see! life& :o$ co$l"!2t hel' !oti! with e*ery #reath that tho$sa!"s of other 'eo'le were *ery close to yo$ a!" !early all of the) ha" ar)'its& The stallhol"er re ar"e" Mort critically( !oti! the 'ale face( well,c$t clothes a!" stra! e 'rese!ce( a sort of coile" s'ri! effect& 2;ook( I2ll #e fra!k(2 he sai"& 2I co$l" 'oi!t yo$ i! the "irectio! of a reat #rothel&2 2I2*e alrea"y ha" l$!ch(2 sai" Mort( *a $ely& 2B$t yo$ ca! tell )e if we2re a!ywhere !ear( I thi!k it2s calle" 3to ;at=2 21#o$t twe!ty )iles /$#war"s( #$t there2s !othi! there for a yo$! )a! of yo$r ki"!ey(2 sai" the tra"er h$rrie"ly& 2I k!ow( yo$2re o$t #y yo$rself( yo$ wa!t !ew e4'erie!ces( yo$ wa!t e4cite)e!t( ro)a!ce >2 Mort( )ea!while( ha" o'e!e" the #a Death ha" i*e! hi)& It was f$ll of s)all ol" coi!s( a#o$t the si6e of se.$i!s& 1! i)a e for)e" a ai! i! his )i!"( of a 'ale yo$! face $!"er a hea" of re" hair who ha" so)ehow k!ow! he was there& The $!foc$se" feeli! s that ha" ha$!te" his )i!" for the last few "ays s$""e!ly shar'e!e" to a 'oi!t&

2I wa!t(2 he sai" fir)ly( 2a *ery fast horse&2 5i*e )i!$tes later( Mort was lost& This 'art of 1!kh,Mor'ork was k!ow! as The 3ha"es( a! i!!er,city area sorely i! !ee" either of o*er!)e!tal hel' or( for 'refere!ce( a fla)ethrower& It co$l"!2t #e calle" s.$ali" #eca$se that wo$l" #e stretchi! the wor" to #reaki! 'oi!t& It was #eyo!" s.$alor a!" o$t the other si"e( where #y a sort of %i!stei!ia! re*ersal it achie*e" a )a !ifice!t horri#le!ess that it wore like a! architect$ral awar"& It was !oisy a!" s$ltry a!" s)elle" like a cowshe" floor& It "i"!2t so )$ch ha*e a !ei h#o$rhoo" as a! ecolo y( like a reat la!",#ase" coral reef& There were the h$)a!s( all ri ht( h$)a!oi" e.$i*ale!ts of lo#sters( s.$i"( shri)'s a!" so o!& 1!" sharks& Mort wa!"ere" ho'elessly alo! the wi!"i! streets& 1!yo!e ho*eri! at roofto' hei ht wo$l" ha*e !otice" a certai! 'atter! i! the crow"s #ehi!" hi)( s$ esti! a !$)#er of )e! co!*er i! !o!chala!tly o! a tar et( a!" wo$l" ri htly ha*e co!cl$"e" that Mort a!" his ol" ha" a#o$t the sa)e life e4'ecta!cy as a three,le e" he" eho o! a si4,la!e )otorway& It is 'ro#a#ly alrea"y a''are!t that The 3ha"es was !ot the sort of 'lace to ha*e i!ha#ita!ts& It ha" "e!i6e!s& Perio"ically Mort wo$l" try to e! a e o!e i! co!*ersatio!( to fi!" the way to a oo" horse "ealer& The "e!i6e! wo$l" $s$ally )$tter so)ethi! a!" h$rry away( si!ce a!yo!e wishi! to li*e i! The 3ha"es for lo! er tha! )ay#e three ho$rs "e*elo'e" *ery s'ecialise" se!ses i!"ee" a!" wo$l" !o )ore ha! aro$!" !ear Mort tha! a 'easa!t wo$l" sta!" !ear a tall tree i! th$!"ery weather& 1!" so Mort ca)e at last to the ri*er 1!kh( reatest of ri*ers& %*e! #efore it e!tere" the city it was slow a!" hea*y with the silt of the 'lai!s( a!" #y the ti)e it ot to The 3ha"es e*e! a! a !ostic co$l" ha*e walke" across it& It was har" to "row! i! the 1!kh( #$t easy to s$ffocate& Mort looke" at the s$rface "o$#tf$lly& It see)e" to #e )o*i! & There were #$##les i! it& It ha" to #e water& /e si he"( a!" t$r!e" away& Three )e! ha" a''eare" #ehi!" hi)( as tho$ h e4tr$"e" fro) the sto!ework& They ha" the hea*y( stoli" look of those th$ s whose a''eara!ce i! a!y !arrati*e )ea!s that it2s ti)e for the hero to #e )e!ace" a #it( altho$ h !ot too )$ch( #eca$se it2s also o#*io$s that they2re oi! to #e horri#ly s$r'rise"& They were leeri! & They were oo" at it& O!e of the) ha" "raw! a k!ife( which he wa*e" i! little circles i! the air& /e a"*a!ce" slowly towar"s Mort( while the other two h$! #ack to 'ro*i"e i))oral s$''ort& 20i*e $s the )o!ey(2 he ras'e"& Mort2s ha!" we!t to the #a o! his #elt& 2/a! o! a )i!$te(2 he sai"& 2What ha''e!s the!=2 2What=2 2I )ea!( is it )y )o!ey or )y life=2 sai" Mort& 2That2s the sort of thi! ro##ers are

s$''ose" to "e)a!"& :o$r )o!ey or yo$r life& I rea" that i! a #ook o!ce(2 he a""e"& 2Possi#ly( 'ossi#ly(2 co!ce"e" the ro##er& /e felt he was losi! the i!itiati*e( #$t rallie" )a !ifice!tly& 2O! the other ha!"( it co$l" #e yo$r )o!ey and yo$r life& P$lli! off the "o$#le( yo$ )i ht say&2 The )a! looke" si"eways at his collea $es( who s!i ere" o! c$e& 2I! that case >2 sai" Mort( a!" hefte" the #a i! o!e ha!" 're'aratory to ch$cki! it as far o$t i!to the 1!kh as he co$l"( e*e! tho$ h there was a reaso!a#le cha!ce it wo$l" #o$!ce& 2/ey( what are yo$ "oi! (2sai" the ro##er& /e starte" to r$! forwar"( #$t halte" whe! Mort a*e the #a a threate!i! 9erk& 2Well(2 sai" Mort( 2I look at it like this& If yo$2re oi! to kill )e a!yway( I )i ht as well et ri" of the )o!ey& It2s e!tirely $' to yo$&2 To ill$strate his 'oi!t he took o!e coi! o$t of the #a a!" flicke" it o$t across the water( which acce'te" it with a! $!fort$!ate s$cki! !oise& The thie*es sh$""ere"& The lea"i! thief looke" at the #a & /e looke" at his k!ife& /e looke" at Mort2s face& /e looke" at his collea $es& 2%4c$se )e(2 he sai"( a!" they we!t i!to a h$""le& Mort )eas$re" the "ista!ce to the e!" of the alley& /e wo$l"!2t )ake it& 1!yway( these three looke" as tho$ h chasi! 'eo'le was a!other thi! they were oo" at& It was o!ly lo ic that left the) feeli! a little stretche"& Their lea"er t$r!e" #ack to Mort& /e a*e a fi!al la!ce at the other two& They #oth !o""e" "ecisi*ely& 2I thi!k we kill yo$ a!" take a cha!ce o! the )o!ey(2 he sai"& 2We "o!2t wa!t this sort of thi! to s'rea"&2 The other two "rew their k!i*es& Mort swallowe"& 2This co$l" #e $!wise(2 he sai"& 2Why=2 2Well( I wo!2t like it( for o!e&2 2:o$2re !ot s$''ose" to like it( yo$2re s$''ose" to - "ie(2 sai" the thief( a"*a!ci! & 2I "o!2t thi!k I2) "$e to "ie(2 sai" Mort( #acki! away& 2I2) s$re I wo$l" ha*e #ee! tol"&2 2:eah(2 sai" the thief( who was etti! fe" $' with this& 2:eah( well( yo$ ha*e #ee!( ha*e!2t yo$= 0reat stea)i! ele'ha!t t$r"sB2 Mort ha" 9$st ste''e" #ackwar"s a ai!& Thro$ h a wall& The lea"i! thief lare" at the soli" sto!e that ha" swallowe" Mort( a!" the! threw "ow! his k!ife& 2Well( - - - - )e(2 he sai"& 21 - - - - i! wi6ar"& I hate - - - - i! wi6ar"sB2 2:o$ sho$l"!2t - - - - the)( the!(2 )$ttere" o!e of his he!ch)e!( effortlessly 'ro!o$!ci! a row of "ashes& The thir" )e)#er of the trio( who was a little slow of thi!ki! ( sai"( 2/ere( he walke"

thro$ h the wallB2 21!" we #i! followi! hi) for a es( too(2 )$ttere" the seco!" o!e& 25i!e o!e yo$ are( Pil arlic& I sai" I tho$ ht he was a wi6ar"( o!ly wi6ar"s2" walk ro$!" here #y the)sel*es& Di!t I say he looke" like a wi6ar"= I sai" >2 2:o$2re sayi! a oo" "eal too )$ch(2 rowle" the lea"er& 2I saw him, he walked right through the wall there >2 2Oh( yeah=2 2:eahB2 2#ight through it, dint you see=2 2Thi!k yo$2re shar'( "o yo$=2 23har' e!o$ h( co)e to thatB2 The lea"er scoo'e" his k!ife o$t of the "irt i! o!e s!aky )o*e)e!t& 23har' as this=2 The thir" thief l$rche" o*er to the wall a!" kicke" it har" a few ti)es( while #ehi!" hi) there were the so$!"s of sc$ffle a!" so)e "a)' #$##li! !oises& 2:e'( it2s a wall okay(2 he sai"& That2s a wall if e*er I saw o!e& /ow "2yo$ thi!k they "o it( la"s=2 2;a"s=2 /e tri''e" o*er the 'ro!e #o"ies& 2Oh(2 he sai"& 3low as his )i!" was( it was .$ick e!o$ h to realise so)ethi! *ery i)'orta!t& /e was i! a #ack alley i! The 3ha"es( a!" he was alo!e& /e ra! for it( a!" ot .$ite a lo! way& Death walke" slowly across tiles i! the lifeti)er roo)( i!s'ecti! the serrie" rows of #$sy ho$r lasses& 1l#ert followe" "$tif$lly #ehi!" with the reat le" er o'e! i! his ar)s& The so$!" roare" aro$!" the)( a *ast rey waterfall of !oise& It ca)e fro) the shel*es where( stretchi! away i!to the i!fi!ite "ista!ce( row $'o! row of ho$r lasses 'o$re" away the sa!"s of )ortal ti)e& It was a hea*y so$!"( a "$ll so$!"( a so$!" that 'o$re" like s$lle! c$star" o*er the #ri ht roly,'oly '$""i! of the so$l& ?%R: W%;;( sai" Death at last& I M1K% IT T/R%%& 1 @UI%T 8I0/T& 2That2" #e 0oo"ie /a)stri! ( the 1##ott ;o#sa! a ai!( a!" this Pri!cess Keli(2 sai" 1l#ert& Death looke" at the three ho$r lasses i! his ha!"& I W13 T/I8KI80 O5 3%8DI80 T/% ;1D OUT( he sai"& 1l#ert co!s$lte" his le" er& 2Well( 0oo"ie wo$l"!2t #e a!y tro$#le a!" the 1##ott is what yo$ )i ht call e4'erie!ce"(2 he sai"& 23ha)e a#o$t the 'ri!cess& O!ly fiftee!& <o$l" #e tricky&2

:%3& IT is 1 PIT:& 2Master=2 Death stoo" with the thir" lass i! his ha!"( stari! tho$ htf$lly at the 'lay of li ht across its s$rface& /e si he"& O8% so :OU80& & & & 21re yo$ feeli! all ri ht( )aster=2 sai" 1l#ert( his *oice f$ll of co!cer!& TIM% ;IK% 18 %?%R,RO;;I80 3TR%1M B%1R3 1;; IT3& & & & 2MasterB2 W/1T= sai" Death( s!a''i! o$t of it& 2:o$2*e #ee! o*er"oi! it( )aster( that2s what it is >2 W/1T 1R% :OU B;1T/%RI80 1BOUT( M18= 2:o$ ha" a #it of a f$!!y t$r! there( )aster&2 8O83%83%& I /1?% 8%?%R 5%;T B%TT%R& 8OW( W/1T W%R% W% T1;KI80 1BOUT= 1l#ert shr$ e"( a!" 'eere" "ow! at the e!tries i! the #ook& 20oo"ie2s a witch(2 he sai"& 23he )i ht et a #it a!!oye" if yo$ se!" Mort&2 1ll 'ractitio!ers of )a ic ear!e" the ri ht( o!ce their ow! 'erso!al sa!"s ha" r$! o$t( of #ei! clai)e" #y Death hi)self rather tha! his )i!or f$!ctio!aries& Death "i"!2t a''ear to hear 1l#ert& /e was stari! at Pri!cess Keli2s ho$r lass a ai!& W/1T is T/1T 3%83% I83ID% :OUR /%1D O5 WI3T5U; R%0R%T T/1T T/I803 1R% T/% W1: T/%: 1PP1R%8T;: 1R%= 23a"!ess( )aster& I thi!k& 8ow >2 I 1M 31D8%33& 1l#ert stoo" with his )o$th o'e!& 5i!ally he ot a ri' o! hi)self lo! e!o$ h to #l$rt o$t( 2Master( we were talki! a#o$t MortB2 MORT W/O= 2:o$r a''re!tice( )aster(2 sai" 1l#ert 'atie!tly& Tall yo$! la"&2 O5 <OUR3%& W%;;( W%2;; 3%8D /IM& 2Is he rea"y to o solo( )aster=2 sai" 1l#ert "o$#tf$lly& Death tho$ ht a#o$t it& /% <18 DO IT( he sai" at ast& /%23 K%%8( /%23 @UI<K TO ;%1R8 18D( R%1;;:( e a""e"( P%OP;% <18T %AP%<T TO /1?% M% RU88I80 1ROU8D 15T%R T/%M 1;; T/% TIM%& Mort stare" #la!kly at the *el*et wall ha! i! s a few i!ches fro) his eyes& I2*e walke" thro$ h a wall( he tho$ ht& 1!" that2s i)'ossi#le& /e i! erly )o*e" the ha! i! s asi"e to see if a "oor was l$rki! so)ewhere( #$t there was !othi! #$t cr$)#li! 'laster which ha" cracke" away i! 'laces to re*eal so)e "a)'ish #$t e)'hatically soli" #rickwork&

/e 'ro""e" it e4'eri)e!tally& It was .$ite clear that he was!2t oi! #ack o$t that way& 2Well(2 he sai" to the wall& 2What !ow=2 1 *oice #ehi!" hi) sai"( 2U)& %4c$se 'lease=2 /e t$r!e" aro$!" slowly& 0ro$'e" aro$!" a ta#le i! the )i""le of the roo) was a Klatchia! fa)ily of father( )other a!" half a "o6e! chil"re! of "wi!"li! si6e& %i ht 'airs of ro$!" eyes were fi4e" o! Mort& 1 !i!th 'air #elo! i! to a! a e" ra!"'are!t of i!"eter)i!ate se4 were!2t( #eca$se their ow!er ha" take! a"*a!ta e of the i!terr$'tio! to et so)e el#ow roo) at the co))$!al rice #owl( taki! the *iew that a #oile" fish i! the ha!" was worth a!y a)o$!t of $!e4'lai!e" )a!ifestatio!s( a!" the sile!ce was '$!ct$ate" #y the so$!" of "eter)i!e" )asticatio!& I! o!e cor!er of the crow"e" roo) was a little shri!e to Offler( the si4,ar)e" <roco"ile 0o" of Klatch& It was ri!!i! 9$st like Death( e4ce't of co$rse Death "i"!2t ha*e a flock of holy #ir"s that #ro$ ht hi) !ews of his worshi''ers a!" also ke't his teeth clea!& Klatchia!s 'ri6e hos'itality a#o*e all other *irt$es& 1s Mort stare" the wo)a! took a!other 'late off the shelf #ehi!" her a!" sile!tly #e a! to fill it fro) the #i #owl( s!atchi! a choice c$t of catfish fro) the a!cie!t2s ha!"s after a #rief str$ le& /er kohl, ri))e" eyes re)ai!e" stea"ily o! Mort( howe*er& It was the father who ha" s'oke!& Mort #owe" !er*o$sly& 23orry(2 he sai"& 2%r( I see) to ha*e walke" thro$ h this wall&2 It was rather la)e( he ha" to a")it& 2Please=2 sai" the )a!& The wo)a!( her #a! les 9a! li! ( caref$lly arra! e" a few slices of 'e''er across the 'late a!" s'ri!kle" it with a "ark ree! sa$ce that Mort was afrai" he reco !ise"& /e2" trie" it a few weeks #efore( a!" altho$ h it was a co)'licate" reci'e o!e taste ha" #ee! e!o$ h to k!ow that it was )a"e o$t of fish e!trails )ari!ate" for se*eral years i! a *at of shark #ile& Death ha" sai" that it was a! ac.$ire" taste& Mort ha" "eci"e" !ot to )ake the effort& /e trie" to si"le aro$!" the e" e of the roo) towar"s the #ea",h$! "oorway( all the hea"s t$r!i! to watch hi)& /e trie" a ri!& The wo)a! sai"+ 2Why "oes the "e)o! show his teeth( h$s#a!" of )y life=2 The )a! sai"+ 2It co$l" #e h$! er( )oo! of )y "esire& Pile o! )ore fishB2 1!" the a!cestor r$)#le"+ 2I was eati! that( wretche" chil"& Woe $!to the worl" whe! there is !o res'ect for a eB2 8ow the fact is that while the wor"s e!tere" Mort2s ear i! their s'oke! Klatchia!( with all the c$rlic$es a!" s$#tle "i'htho! s of a la! $a e so a!cie!t a!" so'histicate" that it ha" fiftee! wor"s )ea!i! 2assassi!atio!2 #efore the rest of the worl" ha" ca$ ht o! to the i"ea of #ashi! o!e a!other o*er the hea" with rocks( they arri*e" i! his #rai! as clear a!" $!"ersta!"a#le as his )other to! $e& 2I2) !o "e)o!B I2) a h$)a!B2 he sai"( a!" sto''e" i! shock as his wor"s e)er e" i! 'erfect Klatch& 2:o$2re a thief=2 sai" the father& 21 )$r"erer= To cree' i! th$s( are yo$ a ta%&gatherer=2

/is ha!" sli''e" $!"er the ta#le a!" ca)e $' hol"i! a )eat clea*er ho!e" to 'a'er thi!!ess& /is wife screa)e" a!" "ro''e" the 'late a!" cl$tche" the yo$! est chil"re! to her& Mort watche" the #la"e wea*e thro$ h the air( a!" a*e i!& 2I #ri! yo$ reeti! s fro) the $tter)ost circles of hell(2 he ha6ar"e"& The cha! e was re)arka#le& The clea*er was lowere" a!" the fa)ily #roke i!to #roa" s)iles& 2There is )$ch l$ck to $s if a "e)o! *isits(2 #ea)e" the father& 2What is yo$r wish( O fo$l s'aw! of Offler2s loi!s=2 23orry=2 sai" Mort& 21 "e)o! #ri! s #lessi! a!" oo" fort$!e o! the )a! that hel's it(2 sai" the )a!& 2/ow )ay we #e of assista!ce( O e*il "o s#reath of the !ether 'it=2 2Well( I2) !ot *ery h$! ry(2 sai" Mort( 2#$t if yo$ k!ow where I ca! et a fast horse( I co$l" #e i! 3to ;at #efore s$!set&2 The )a! #ea)e" a!" #owe"& 2I k!ow the *ery 'lace( !o4io$s e4tr$sio! of the #owels( if yo$ wo$l" #e so oo" as to follow )e&2 Mort h$rrie" o$t after hi)& The a!cie!t a!cestor watche" the) o with a critical e4'ressio!( its 9owls rhyth)ically chewi! & 2That was what they call a "e)o! aro$!" here=2 it sai"& 2Offler rot this co$!try of "a)'!ess( e*e! their "e)o!s are thir",rate( !ot a 'atch o! the "e)o!s we ha" i! the Ol" <o$!try&2 The wife 'lace" a s)all #owl of rice i! the fol"e" )i""le 'air of ha!"s of the Offler stat$e Git wo$l" #e o!e i! the )or!i! H a!" stoo" #ack& 2/$s#a!" "i" say that last )o!th at the Curry Gardens he ser*e" a creat$re who was !ot there(2 she sai"& 2/e was i)'resse"&2 Te! )i!$tes later the )a! ret$r!e" a!"( i! sole)! sile!ce( 'lace" a s)all hea' of ol" coi!s o! the ta#le& They re'rese!te" e!o$ h wealth to '$rchase .$ite a lar e 'art of the city& 2/e ha" a #a of the)(2 he sai"& The fa)ily stare" at the )o!ey for so)e ti)e& The wife si he"& 2Riches #ri! )a!y 'ro#le)s(2 she sai"& 2What are we to "o=2 2We ret$r! to Klatch(2 sai" the h$s#a!" fir)ly( 2where o$r chil"re! ca! row $' i! a 'ro'er co$!try( tr$e to the lorio$s tra"itio!s of o$r a!cie!t race a!" )e! "o !ot !ee" to work as waiters for wicke" )asters #$t ca! sta!" tall a!" 'ro$"& 1!" we )$st lea*e ri ht !ow( fra ra!t #losso) of the "ate 'al)&2 2Why so soo!( O har",worki! so! of the "esert=2 2Beca$se(2 sai" the )a!( 2I ha*e 9$st sol" the Patricia!2s cha)'io! racehorse&2 The horse was!2t as fi!e or as fast as Bi!ky( #$t it swe't the )iles away $!"er its hoo*es a!" easily o$t"ista!ce" a few )o$!te" $ar"s who( for so)e reaso!( a''eare" a!4io$s to

talk to Mort& 3oo! the sha!ty s$#$r#s of Mor'ork were left #ehi!" a!" the roa" ra! o$t i!to rich #lack earth co$!try of the 3to 'lai!( co!str$cte" o*er eo!s #y the 'erio"ic floo"i! of the reat slow 1!kh that #ro$ ht to the re io! 'ros'erity( sec$rity a!" chro!ic arthritis& It was also e4tre)ely #ori! & 1s the li ht "istille" fro) sil*er to ol" Mort allo'e" across a flat( chilly la!"sca'e( che.$ere" with ca##a e fiel"s fro) e" e to e" e& There are )a!y thi! s to #e sai" a#o$t ca##a es& O!e )ay talk at le! th a#o$t their hi h *ita)i! co!te!t( their *ital iro! co!tri#$tio!( the *al$a#le ro$ ha e a!" co))e!"a#le foo" *al$e& I! the )ass( howe*er( they lack a certai! so)ethi! 7 "es'ite their clai) to i))e!se !$tritio!al a!" )oral s$'eriority o*er( say( "affo"ils( they ha*e !e*er #ee! a si ht to i!s'ire the 'oet2s )$se& U!less he was h$! ry( of co$rse& It was o!ly twe!ty )iles to 3to ;at( #$t i! ter)s of )ea!i! less h$)a! e4'erie!ce it see)e" like two tho$sa!"& There were $ar"s o! the ates of 3to ;at( altho$ h co)'are" to the o!es that 'atrolle" 1!kh they ha" a shee'ish( a)ate$rish look& Mort trotte" 'ast a!" o!e of the)( feeli! a #it of a fool( aske" hi) who we!t there& 2I2) afrai" I ca!2t sto'(2 sai" Mort& The $ar" was !ew to the 9o#( a!" .$ite kee!& 0$ar"i! was!2t what he2" #ee! le" to e4'ect& 3ta!"i! aro$!" all "ay i! chai! )ail with a! a4e o! a lo! 'ole was!2t what he2" *ol$!teere" for7 he2" e4'ecte" e4cite)e!t a!" challe! e a!" a cross#ow a!" a $!ifor) that "i"!2t o r$sty i! the rai!& /e ste''e" forwar"( rea"y to "efe!" the city a ai!st 'eo'le who "i"!2t res'ect co))a!"s i*e! #y "$ly a$thorise" ci*ic e)'loyees& Mort co!si"ere" the 'ike #la"e ho*eri! a few i!ches fro) his face& There was etti! to #e too )$ch of this& 2O! the other ha!"(2 he sai" cal)ly( 2how wo$l" yo$ like it if I )a"e yo! a 'rese!t of this rather fi!e horse=2 It was!2t har" to fi!" the e!tra!ce to the castle& There were $ar"s there( too( a!" they ha" cross#ows a!" a co!si"era#ly )ore $!sy)'athetic o$tlook o! life a!"( i! a!y case( Mort ha" r$! o$t of horses& /e loitere" a #it $!til they starte" 'ayi! hi) a e!ero$s a)o$!t of atte!tio!( a!" the! wa!"ere" "isco!solately away i!to the streets of the little city( feeli! st$'i"& 1fter all this( after )iles of #rassicas a!" a #acksi"e that !ow felt like a #lock of woo"( he "i"!2t e*e! k!ow why he was there& 3o she2" see! hi) e*e! whe! he was i!*isi#le= Di" it )ea! a!ythi! = Of co$rse it "i"!2t& O!ly he ke't seei! her face( a!" the flicker of ho'e i! her eyes& /e wa!te" to tell her that e*erythi! was oi! to #e all ri ht& /e wa!te" to tell her a#o$t hi)self a!" e*erythi! he wa!te" to #e& /e wa!te" to fi!" o$t which was her roo) i! the castle a!" watch it all !i ht $!til the li ht we!t o$t& 1!" so o!& 1 little later a #lacks)ith( whose #$si!ess was i! o!e of the !arrow streets that looke" o$t o! to the castle walls( la!ce" $' fro) his work to see a tall( a! li! yo$! )a!( rather re" i! the face( who ke't tryi! to walk thro$ h the walls& Rather later tha! that a yo$! )a! with a few s$'erficial #r$ises o! his hea" calle" i! at o!e of the city2s ta*er!s a!" aske" for "irectio!s to the !earest wi6ar"&

1!" it was later still that Mort t$r!e" $' o$tsi"e a 'eeli! 'laster ho$se which a!!o$!ce" itself o! a #lacke!e" #rass 'la.$e to #e the a#o"e of I !eo$s <$twell( DM GU!see!H( Marster of the I!fi!it( Ill$)i!art$s( Wy6ar" to Pri!ces( 0ar"ia! of the 3acre" Portalls( If O$t lea*e Maile with Mrs 8$ e!t 8e4t Door& 3$ita#ly i)'resse" "es'ite his 'o$!"i! heart( Mort lifte" the hea*y k!ocker( which was i! the sha'e of a re'$lsi*e ar oyle with a hea*y iro! ri! i! its )o$th( a!" k!ocke" twice& There was a #rief co))otio! fro) withi!( the series of hasty "o)estic so$!"s that )i ht( i! a less e4alte" ho$se( ha*e #ee! )a"e #y( say( so)eo!e sho*elli! the l$!ch 'lates i!to the si!k a!" ti"yi! the la$!"ry o$t of si ht& %*e!t$ally the "oor sw$! o'e!( slowly a!" )ysterio$sly& 2:o$2" f#etter 'rete!" to #e i)'reffe"(2 sai" the "oork!ocker co!*ersatio!ally( #$t ha)'ere" so)ewhat #y the ri! & 2/e "oes it with '$lleys a!" a #it of ftri! & 8o oo" at o'e!i! ,f'ells( fee=2 Mort looke" at the ri!!i! )etal face& I work for a skeleto! who ca! walk thro$ h walls( he tol" hi)self& Who a) I to #e s$r'rise" at a!ythi! = 2Tha!k yo$(2 he sai"& 2:o$2re welco)e& Wi'e yo$r feet o! the "oor)at( it2s the #ootfcra'er2s "ay off&2 The #i low roo) i!si"e was "ark a!" sha"owy a!" s)elle" )ai!ly of i!ce!se #$t sli htly of #oile" ca##a e ari" el"erly la$!"ry a!" the ki!" of 'erso! who throws all his socks at the wall a!" wears the o!es that "o!2t stick& There was a lar e crystal #all with a crack i! it( a! astrola#e with se*eral #its )issi! ( a rather sc$ffe" octo ra) o! the floor( a!" a st$ffe" alli ator ha! i! fro) the ceili! & 1 st$ffe" alli ator is a#sol$tely sta!"ar" e.$i')e!t i! a!y 'ro'erly,r$! )a ical esta#lish)e!t& This o!e looke" as tho$ h it ha"!2t e!9oye" it )$ch& 1 #ea" c$rtai! o! the far wall was fl$! asi"e with a "ra)atic est$re a!" a hoo"e" fi $re stoo" re*eale"& 2Be!efice!t co!stellatio!s shi!e o! the ho$r of o$r )eeti! B2 it #oo)e"& 2Which o!es=2 sai" Mort& There was a s$""e! worrie" sile!ce& 2Par"o!=2 2Which co!stellatio!s wo$l" these #e=2 sai" Mort& 2Be!efice!t o!es(2 sai" the fi $re( $!certai!ly& It rallie"& 2Why "o yo$ tro$#le I !eo$s <$twell( /ol"er of the %i ht Keys( Tra*eller i! the D$! eo! Di)e!sio!s( 3$'re)e Ma e of >2 2%4c$se )e(2 sai" Mort( 2are yo$ really=2 2Really what=2 2Master of the thi! y( ;or" /i h Woss!a)e of the 3acre" D$! eo!s=2 <$twell '$she" #ack his hoo" with a! a!!oye" flo$rish& I!stea" of the rey,#ear"e" )ystic Mort ha" e4'ecte" he saw a ro$!"( rather 'l$)' face( 'i!k a!" white like a 'ork

'ie( which it so)ewhat rese)#le" i! other res'ects& 5or e4a)'le( like )ost 'ork 'ies( it "i"!2t ha*e a #ear" a!"( like )ost 'ork 'ies( it looke" #asically oo",h$)o$re"& 2I! a fi $rati*e se!se(2 he sai"& 2What "oes that )ea!=2 2Well( it )ea!s !o(2 sai" <$twell& 2B$t yo$ sai" >2 2That was a"*ertisi! (2 sai" the wi6ar"& 2It2s a ki!" of )a ic I2*e #ee! worki! o!& What was it yo$ were wa!ti! ( a!yway=2 /e leere" s$ esti*ely& 21 lo*e 'hiltre( yes= 3o)ethi! to e!co$ra e the yo$! la"ies=2 2Is it 'ossi#le to walk thro$ h walls=2 sai" Mort "es'erately& <$twell 'a$se" with his ha!" alrea"y halfway to a lar e #ottle f$ll of sticky li.$i"& 2Usi! )a ic=2 2U)(2 sai" Mort( 2I "o!2t thi!k so&2 The! 'ick *ery thi! walls(2 sai" <$twell& 2Better still( $se the "oor& The o!e o*er there wo$l" #e fa*o$rite( if yo$2*e 9$st co)e here to waste )y ti)e&2 Mort hesitate"( a!" the! '$t the #a of ol" coi!s o! the ta#le& The wi6ar" la!ce" at the)( )a"e a little whi!!yi! !oise i! the #ack of his throat( a!" reache" o$t( Mort2s ha!" shot across a!" ra##e" his wrist& 2I2*e walke" thro$ h walls(2 he sai"( slowly a!" "eli#erately& 2Of co$rse yo$ ha*e( of co$rse yo$ ha*e(2 )$)#le" <$twell( !ot taki! his eyes off the #a & /e flicke" the cork o$t of the #ottle of #l$e li.$i" a!" took a! a#se!t,)i!"e" swi & 2O!ly #efore I "i" it I "i"!2t k!ow that I co$l"( a!" whe! I was "oi! it I "i"!2t k!ow I was( a!" !ow I2*e "o!e it I ca!2t re)e)#er how it was "o!e& 1!" I wa!t to "o it a ai!&2 2Why=2 2Beca$se(2 sai" Mort( 2if I co$l" walk thro$ h walls I co$l" "o a!ythi! &2 2?ery "ee'(2 a ree" <$twell& 2Philoso'hical& 1!" the !a)e of the yo$! la"y o! the other si"e of this wall=2 23he2s >2 Mort swallowe"& 2I "o!2t k!ow her !a)e& %*e! if there is a irl(2 he a""e" ha$ htily( 2a!" I2) !ot sayi! there is&2 2Ri ht(2 sai" <$twell& /e took a!other swi ( a!" sh$""ere"& 25i!e& /ow to walk thro$ h walls& I2ll "o so)e research& It )i ht #e e4'e!si*e( tho$ h&2 Mort caref$lly 'icke" $' the #a a!" '$lle" o$t o!e s)all ol" coi!& 21 "ow! 'ay)e!t(2 he sai"( '$tti! it o! the ta#le& <$twell 'icke" $' the coi! as if he e4'ecte" it to o #a! or e*a'orate( a!" e4a)i!e" it caref$lly& 2I2*e !e*er see! this sort of coi! #efore(2 he sai" acc$si! ly& 2What2s all this c$rly writi! =2 2It2s ol"( tho$ h( is!2t it=2 sai" Mort& 2I )ea!( yo$ "o!2t ha*e to acce't it >2 23$re( s$re( it2s ol"(2 sai" <$twell h$rrie"ly& 2It2s ol" all ri ht& I 9$st wo!"ere" where it

ha" co)e fro)( that2s all&2 2:o$ wo$l"!2t #elie*e )e(2 sai" Mort& 2What ti)e2s s$!set aro$!" here=2 2We !or)ally )a!a e to fit it i! #etwee! !i ht a!" "ay(2 sai" <$twell( still stari! at the coi! a!" taki! little si's fro) the #l$e #ottle& 21#o$t !ow&2 Mort la!ce" o$t of the wi!"ow& The street o$tsi"e alrea"y ha" a twili ht look to it& 2I2ll #e #ack(2 he )$ttere"( a!" )a"e for the "oor& /e hear" the wi6ar" call o$t so)ethi! ( #$t Mort was hea"i! "ow! the street at a "ea" r$!& /e starte" to 'a!ic& Death wo$l" #e waiti! for hi) forty )iles away& There wo$l" #e a row& There wo$l" #e a terri#le > 1/( BO:& 1 fa)iliar fi $re ste''e" o$t fro) the flare aro$!" a 9ellie" eel stall( hol"i! a 'late of wi!kles& T/% ?I8%01R I3 P1RTI<U;1R;: PI@U18T& /%;P :OUR3%;5( I /1?% 18 %ATR1 PI8& B$t( of co$rse( 9$st #eca$se he was forty )iles away "i"!2t )ea! he was!2t here as well& & & & 1!" i! his $!ti"y roo) <$twell t$r!e" the ol" coi! o*er a!" o*er i! his fi! ers( )$tteri! 2walls2 to hi)self( a!" "rai!i! the #ottle& /e a''eare" to !otice what he was "oi! o!ly whe! there was !o )ore to "ri!k( at which 'oi!t his eyes foc$se" o! the #ottle a!"( thro$ h a risi! 'i!k )ist( rea" the la#el which sai" 20ra!!y Weatherwa42s Ra)r$# I!*i oratore a!" Passio!2s Philtre( O!!e 3'oo!f$l O!lie #efore #e" a!" that 3)alle2& 2By )yself=2 sai" Mort& <%RT1I8;:& I /1?% %?%R: 51IT/ I8 :OU& 20oshB2 The s$ estio! '$t e*erythi! else o$t of Mort2s )i!"( a!" he was rather s$r'rise" to fi!" that he "i"!2t feel 'artic$larly s.$ea)ish& /e2" see! .$ite a few "eaths i! the last week or so( a!" all the horror we!t o$t of it whe! yo$ k!ew yo$2" #e s'eaki! to the *icti) afterwar"s& Most of the) were relie*e"( o!e or two of the) were a! ry( #$t they were all la" of a few hel'f$l wor"s& T/I8K :OU <18 DO IT= 2Well( sir& :es& I thi!k&2 T/1T23 T/% 3PIRIT& I2?% ;%5T Bl8K: B: T/% /OR3%TROU0/ ROU8D T/% <OR8%R& T1K% /IM 3TR1I0/T /OM% W/%8 :OU2?% 5I8I3/%D& 2:o$2re stayi! here( sir=2 Death looke" $' a!" "ow! the street& /is eye,sockets flare"& I T/OU0/T I MI0/T 3TRO;; 1ROU8D 1 BIT( he sai" )ysterio$sly& I DO82T 3%%M TO 5%%; @UIT% RI0/T& I <OU;D DO WIT/ T/% 5R%3/ 1IR& /e see)e" to re)e)#er so)ethi! ( reache" i!to the )ysterio$s sha"ows of his cloak( a!" '$lle" o$t three ho$r lasses& 1;; 3TR1I0/T5ORW1RD( he sai"& %8CO: :OUR3%;5&

/e t$r!e" a!" stro"e off "ow! the street( h$))i! & 2U)& Tha!k yo$(2 sai" Mort& /e hel" the ho$r lasses $' to the li ht( !oti! the o!e that was o! its *ery last few rai!s of sa!"& 2Does this )ea! I2) i! char e=2 he calle"( #$t Death ha" t$r!e" the cor!er& Bi!ky reete" hi) with a fai!t whi!!y of reco !itio!& Mort )o$!te" $'( his heart 'o$!"i! with a''rehe!sio! a!" res'o!si#ility& /is fi! ers worke" a$to)atically( taki! the scythe o$t of its sheath a!" a"9$sti! a!" locki! the #la"e Gwhich flashe" steely #l$e i! the !i ht( slici! the starli ht like sala)iH& /e )o$!te" caref$lly( wi!ci! at the sta# fro) his sa""lesores( #$t Bi!ky was like ri"i! a 'illow& 1s a! aftertho$ ht( "r$!k with "ele ate" a$thority( he '$lle" Death2s ri"i! cloak o$t of its sa""le#a a!" faste!e" it #y its sil*er #rooch& /e took a!other look at the first ho$r lass( a!" !$" e" Bi!ky with his k!ees& The horse s!iffe" the chilly air( a!" #e a! to trot& Behi!" the) <$twell #$rst o$t of his "oorway( accelerati! "ow! the frosty street with his ro#es flyi! o$t #ehi!" hi)& 8ow the horse was ca!teri! ( wi"e!i! the "ista!ce #etwee! its hoo*es a!" the co##les& With a swish of its tail it cleare" the ho$seto's a!" floate" $' i!to the chilly sky& <$twell i !ore" it& /e ha" )ore 'ressi! thi! s o! his )i!"& /e took a flyi! lea' a!" la!"e" f$ll le! th i! the free6i! waters of the horsetro$ h( lyi! #ack ratef$lly a)o! the #o##i! ice s'li!ters& 1fter a while the water #e a! to stea)& Mort ke't low for the sheer e4hilaratio! of the s'ee"& The slee'i! co$!trysi"e roare" so$!"lessly $!"er!eath& Bi!ky )o*e" at a! easy allo'( his reat )$scles sli"i! $!"er his ski! as easily as alli ators off a sa!"#a!k( his )a!e whi''i! i! Mort2s face& The !i ht swirle" away fro) the s'ee"i! e" e of the scythe( c$t i!to two c$rli! hal*es& They s'e" $!"er the )oo!li ht as sile!t as a sha"ow( *isi#le o!ly to cats a!" 'eo'le who "a##le" i! thi! s )e! were !ot )ea!t to wot of& Mort co$l"!2t re)e)#er afterwar"s( #$t *ery 'ro#a#ly he la$ he"& 3oo! the frosty 'lai!s a*e way to the #roke! la!"s aro$!" the )o$!tai!s( a!" the! the )archi! ra!ks of the Ra)to's the)sel*es race" across the worl" towar"s the)& Bi!ky '$t his hea" "ow! a!" o'e!e" his stri"e( ai)i! for a 'ass #etwee! two )o$!tai!s as shar' as o#li!s2 teeth i! the sil*er li ht& 3o)ewhere a wolf howle"& Mort took a!other look at the ho$r lass& Its fra)e was car*e" with oak lea*es a!" )a!"rake roots( a!" the sa!" i!si"e( e*e! #y )oo!li ht( was 'ale ol"& By t$r!i! the lass this way a!" that( he co$l" 9$st )ake o$t the !a)e 21))eli!e /a)stri! 2 etche" i! the fai!test of li!es& Bi!ky slowe" to a ca!ter& Mort looke" "ow! at the roof of a forest( "$ste" with s!ow that was either early or *ery( *ery late7 it co$l" ha*e #ee! either( #eca$se the Ra)to's hoar"e" their weather a!" "ole" it o$t with !o real refere!ce to the ti)e of year& 1 a' o'e!e" $' #e!eath the)& Bi!ky slowe" a ai!( wheele" aro$!" a!" "esce!"e" towar"s a cleari! that was white with "rifte" s!ow& It was circ$lar( with a ti!y cotta e i! the e4act )i""le& If the ro$!" aro$!" it ha"!2t #ee! co*ere" i! s!ow( Mort wo$l" ha*e !otice" that there were !o tree st$)'s to #e see!7 the trees ha"!2t #ee! c$t "ow! i! the

circle( they2" si)'ly #ee! "isco$ra e" fro) rowi! there& Or ha" )o*e" away& <a!"leli ht s'ille" fro) o!e "ow!stairs wi!"ow( )aki! a 'ale ora! e 'ool o! the s!ow& Bi!ky to$che" "ow! s)oothly a!" trotte" across the free6i! cr$st witho$t si!ki! & /e left !o hoof'ri!ts( of co$rse& Mort "is)o$!te" a!" walke" towar"s the "oor( )$tteri! to hi)self a!" )aki! e4'eri)e!tal swee's with the scythe& The cotta e roof ha" #ee! #$ilt with wi"e ea*es( to she" s!ow a!" co*er the lo 'ile& 8o "weller i! the hi h Ra)to's wo$l" "rea) of starti! a wi!ter witho$t a lo 'ile o! three si"es of the ho$se& B$t there was!2t a lo 'ile here( e*e! tho$ h s'ri! was still a lo! way off& There was( howe*er( a #$!"le of hay i! a !et #y the "oor& It ha" a !ote attache"( writte! i! #i ( sli htly shaky ca'itals+ 5OR T/%% /OR3& It wo$l" ha*e worrie" Mort if he2" let it& 3o)eo!e was e4'ecti! hi)& /e2" lear!e" i! rece!t "ays( tho$ h( that rather tha! "row! i! $!certai!ty it was #est to s$rf ri ht o*er the to' of it& 1!yway( Bi!ky was!2t worrie" #y )oral scr$'les a!" #it strai ht i!& It "i" lea*e the 'ro#le) of whether to k!ock& 3o)ehow( it "i"!2t see) a''ro'riate& 3$''osi! !o,o!e a!swere"( or tol" hi) to o away= 3o he lifte" the th$)# latch a!" '$she" at the "oor& It sw$! i!war"s .$ite easily( witho$t a creak& There was a low,ceili! e" kitche!( its #ea)s at tre'a!!i! hei ht for Mort& The li ht fro) the solitary ca!"le li!te" off crockery o! a lo! "resser a!" fla sto!es that ha" #ee! scr$##e" a!" 'olishe" i!to iri"esce!ce& The fire i! the ca*e,like i! le!ook "i"!2t a"" )$ch li ht( #eca$se it was !o )ore tha! a hea' of white ash $!"er the re)ai!s of a lo & Mort k!ew( witho$t #ei! tol"( that it was the last lo & 1! el"erly la"y was sitti! at the kitche! ta#le( writi! f$rio$sly with her hooke" !ose o!ly a few i!ches fro) the 'a'er& 1 rey cat c$rle" o! the ta#le #esi"e her #li!ke" cal)ly at Mort& The scythe #$)'e" off a #ea)& The wo)a! looke" $'& 2Be with yo$ i! a )i!$te(2 she sai"& 3he frow!e" at the 'a'er& 2I ha*e!2t '$t i! the #it a#o$t #ei! of so$!" )i!" a!" #o"y yet( lot of foolish!ess a!yway( !o,o!e so$!" i! )i!" a!" #o"y wo$l" #e "ea"& Wo$l" yo$ like a "ri!k=2 2Par"o!=2 sai" Mort& /e recalle" hi)self( a!" re'eate" 2P1RDO8=2 2If yo$ "ri!k( that is& It2s ras'#erry 'ort& O! the "resser& :o$ )i ht as well fi!ish the #ottle&2 Mort eye" the "resser s$s'icio$sly& /e felt he2" rather lost the i!itiati*e& /e '$lle" o$t the ho$r lass a!" lare" at it& There was a little hea' of sa!" left& There2s still a few )i!$tes yet(2 sai" the witch( witho$t looki! $'& 2/ow( I )ea!( /OW DO :OU K8OW=2 3he i !ore" hi)( a!" "rie" the i!k i! fro!t of the ca!"le( seale" the letter with a "ri' of wa4( a!" t$cke" it $!"er the ca!"lestick& The! she 'icke" $' the cat&

20ra!!y Bee"le will #e aro$!" "irectly to)orrow to ti"y $' a!" yo$2re to o with her( $!"ersta!"= 1!" see she lets 0a))er 8$tley ha*e the 'i!k )ar#le washsta!"( she2s ha" her eye o! it for years&2 The cat yaw'e" k!owi! ly& 2I ha*e!2t( that is( I /1?%82T 0OT 1;; 8I0/T( :OU K8OW(2 sai" Mort re'roachf$lly& 2:o$ ha*e( I ha*e!2t( a!" there2s !o !ee" to sho$t(2 sai" the witch& 3he sli" off her stall a!" the! Mort saw how #e!t she was( like a #ow& With so)e "iffic$lty she $!hooke" a tall 'oi!te" hat fro) its !ail o! the wall( skewere" it i!to 'lace o! her white hair with a #attery of hat'i!s( a!" ras'e" two walki! sticks& 3he tottere" across the floor towar"s Mort( a!" looke" $' at hi) with eyes as s)all a!" #ri ht as #lackc$rra!ts& 2Will I !ee" )y shawl= 3hall I !ee" a shawl( "2yo$ thi!k= 8o( I s$''ose !ot& I i)a i!e it2s .$ite war) where I2) oi! &2 3he 'eere" closely at Mort( a!" frow!e"& 2:o$2re rather younger tha! I i)a i!e"(2 she sai"& Mort sai" !othi! & The! 0oo"ie /a)stri! sai"( .$ietly( 2:o$ k!ow( I "o!2t thi!k yo$2re who I was e4'ecti! at all&2 Mort cleare" his throat& 2Who were yo$ e4'ecti! ( 'recisely=2 he sai"& 2Death(2 sai" the witch( si)'ly& 2It2s 'art of the arra! e)e!t( yo$ see& O!e ets to k!ow the ti)e of o!e2s "eath i! a"*a!ce( a!" o!e is $ara!tee" - 'erso!al atte!tio!&2 2I2) it(2sai" Mort& 2It=2 2The 'erso!al atte!tio!& /e se!t )e& I work for hi)& 8o,o!e else wo$l" ha*e )e&2 Mort 'a$se"& This was all wro! & /e2" #e se!t ho)e a ai! i! "is race& /is first #it of res'o!si#ility( a!" he2" r$i!e" it& /e co$l" alrea"y hear 'eo'le la$ hi! at hi)& The wail starte" i! the "e'ths of his e)#arrass)e!t a!" #lare" o$t like a fo hor!& 2O!ly this is )y first real 9o# a!" it2s all o!e wro! B2 The scythe fell to the floor with a clatter( slici! a 'iece off the ta#le le a!" c$tti! a fla sto!e i! half& 0oo"ie watche" hi) for so)e ti)e( with her hea" o! o!e si"e& The! she sai"( 2I see& What is yo$r !a)e( yo$! )a!=2 2Mort(2 s!iffe" Mort& 23hort for Morti)er&2 2Well( Mort( I e4'ect yo$2*e ot a! ho$r lass so)ewhere a#o$t yo$r 'erso!(2 Mort !o""e" *a $ely& /e reache" "ow! to his #elt a!" 'ro"$ce" the lass& The witch i!s'ecte" it critically& 23till a )i!$te or so(2 she sai"& 2We "o!2t ha*e )$ch ti)e to lose& C$st i*e )e a )o)e!t to lock '&2 2B$t yo$ "o!2t $!"ersta!"B2 Mort waile"& 2I2ll )ess it all $'B I2*e !e*er "o!e this #eforeB2 3he 'atte" his ha!"& 28either ha*e I(2 she sai"& 2We ca! lear! to ether& 8ow 'ick $' the

scythe a!" try to act yo$r a e( there2s a oo" #oy&2 1 ai!st his 'rotestatio!s she shooe" hi) o$t i!to the s!ow a!" followe" #ehi!" hi)( '$lli! the "oor sh$t a!" locki! it with a hea*y iro! key which she h$! o! a !ail #y the "oor& The frost ha" ti hte!e" its ri' o! the forest( s.$ee6i! it $!til the roots creake"& The )oo! was setti! ( #$t the sky was f$ll of har" white stars that )a"e the wi!ter see) col"er still& 0oo"ie /a)stri! shi*ere"& 2There2s a! ol" lo o*er there(2 she sai" co!*ersatio!ally& 2There2s .$ite a oo" *iew across the *alley& I! the s$))erti)e( of co$rse& I sho$l" like to sit "ow!&2 Mort hel'e" her thro$ h the "rifts a!" #r$she" as )$ch s!ow as 'ossi#le off the woo"& They sat "ow! with the ho$r lass #etwee! the)& Whate*er the *iew )i ht ha*e #ee! i! the s$))er( it !ow co!siste" of #lack rocks a ai!st a sky fro) which little flakes of s!ow were !ow t$)#li! & 2I ca!2t #elie*e all this(2 sai" Mort& 2I )ea! yo$ so$!" as if yo$ wa!t to "ie&2 2There2s so)e thi! s I shall )iss(2 she sai"& 2B$t it ets thi!( yo$ k!ow& ;ife( I2) referri! to& :o$ ca!2t tr$st yo$r ow! #o"y a!y )ore( a!" it2s ti)e to )o*e o!& I recko! it2s a#o$t ti)e I trie" so)ethi! else& Di" he tell yo$ )a ical folk ca! see hi) all the ti)e=2 28o(2 sai" Mort( i!acc$rately& 2Well( we ca!&2 2/e "oes!2t like wi6ar"s a!" witches )$ch(2 Mort *ol$!teere"& 28o#o"y likes a s)artass(2 she sai" with so)e satisfactio!& 2We i*e hi) tro$#le( yo$ see& Priests "o!2t( so he likes 'riests&2 2/e2s !e*er sai"(2 sai" Mort& 21h& They2re always telli! folk how )$ch #etter it2s oi! to #e whe! they2re "ea"& 'e tell the) it co$l" #e 'retty oo" ri ht here if o!ly they2" '$t their )i!"s to it&2 Mort hesitate"& /e wa!te" to say+ yo$2re wro! ( he2s !ot like that at all( he "oes!2t care if 'eo'le are oo" or #a" so lo! as they2re '$!ct$al& 1!" ki!" to cats( he a""e"& B$t he tho$ ht #etter of it& It occ$rre" to hi) that 'eo'le !ee"e" to #elie*e thi! s& The wolf howle" a ai!( so !ear that Mort looke" aro$!" a''rehe!si*ely& 1!other o!e across the *alley a!swere" it& The chor$s was 'icke" $' #y a co$'le of others i! the "e'ths of the forest& Mort ha" !e*er hear" a!ythi! so )o$r!f$l& /e la!ce" si"eways at the still fi $re of 0oo"ie /a)stri! a!" the!( with )o$!ti! 'a!ic( at the ho$r lass& /e s'ra! to his feet( s!atche" $' the scythe( a!" #ro$ ht it aro$!" i! a two,ha!"e" swi! & The witch stoo" $'( lea*i! her #o"y #ehi!"& 2Well "o!e(2 she sai"& 2I tho$ ht yo$2" )isse" it( for a )i!$te( there&2 Mort lea!e" a ai!st a tree( 'a!ti! hea*ily( a!" watche" 0oo"ie walk aro$!" the lo to look at herself& 2/))(2 she sai" critically& Ti)e has ot a lot to a!swer for&2 3he raise" her ha!" a!"

la$ he" to see the stars thro$ h it& The! she cha! e"& Mort ha" see! this ha''e! #efore( whe! the so$l realise" it was !o lo! er #o$!" #y the #o"y2s )or'hic fiel"( #$t !e*er $!"er s$ch co!trol& /er hair $!wo$!" itself fro) its ti ht #$!( cha! i! colo$r a!" le! the!i! & /er #o"y strai hte!e" $'& Wri!kles "wi!"le" a!" *a!ishe"& /er rey woolle! "ress )o*e" like the s$rface of the sea a!" e!"e" $' traci! e!tirely "iffere!t a!" "ist$r#i! co!to$rs& 3he looke" "ow!( i le"( a!" cha! e" the "ress i!to so)ethi! leaf, ree! a!" cli! y& 2What "o yo$ thi!k( Mort=2 she sai"& /er *oice ha" so$!"e" cracke" a!" .$a*ery #efore& 8ow it s$ este" )$sk a!" )a'le syr$' a!" other thi! s that set Mort2s a"a)2s a''le #o##i! like a r$##er #all o! a! elastic #a!"& 2& & &2 he )a!a e"( a!" ri''e" the scythe $!til his k!$ckles we!t white& 3he walke" towar"s hi) like a s!ake i! a fo$r,wheel "rift& 2I "i"!2t hear yo$(2 she '$rre"& 2?,*,*ery !ice(2 he sai"& 2Is that who yo$ were=2 2It2s who I2*e always #ee!&2 2Oh&2 Mort stare" at his feet& 2I2) s$''ose" to take yo$ away(2 he sai"& 2I k!ow(2 she sai"( 2#$t I2) oi! to stay&2 2:o$ ca!2t "o thatB I )ea! >2 he f$)#le" for wor"s - 2yo$ see( if yo$ stay yo$ sort of s'rea" o$t a!" et thi!!er( $!til >2 2I shall e!9oy it(2 she sai" fir)ly& 3he lea!e" forwar" a!" a*e hi) a kiss as i!s$#sta!tial as a )ayfly2s si h( fa"i! as she "i" so $!til o!ly the kiss was left( 9$st like a <heshire cat o!ly )$ch )ore erotic& 2/a*e a care( Mort(2 sai" her *oice i! his hea"& 2:o$ )ay wa!t to hol" o! to yo$r 9o#( #$t will yo$ e*er #e a#le to let o=2 Mort stoo" i"iotically hol"i! his cheek& The trees aro$!" the cleari! tre)#le" for a )o)e!t( there was the so$!" of la$ hter o! the #ree6e( a!" the! the free6i! sile!ce close" i! a ai!& D$ty calle" o$t to hi) thro$ h the 'i!k )ists i! his hea"& /e ra##e" the seco!" lass a!" stare" at it& The sa!" was !early all o!e& The lass itself was 'atter!e" with lot$s 'etals& Whe! Mort flicke" it with his fi! er it we!t 2O)))2& /e ra! across the crackli! s!ow to Bi!ky a!" h$rle" hi)self i!to the sa""le& The horse threw $' his hea"( reare"( a!" la$!che" itself towar"s the stars& 0reat sile!t strea)ers of #l$e a!" ree! fla)e h$! fro) the roof of the worl"& <$rtai!s of octari!e low "a!ce" slowly a!" )a9estically o*er the Disc as the fire of the 1$rora <oriolis( the *ast "ischar e of )a ic fro) the Disc2s sta!"i! fiel"( earthe" itself i! the ree! ice )o$!tai!s of the /$#& The ce!tral s'ire of <ori <elesti( ho)e of the o"s( was a te! )ile hi h col$)! of col" cor$scati! fire&

It was a si ht see! #y few 'eo'le( a!" Mort was!2t o!e of the)( #eca$se he lay low o*er Bi!ky2s !eck a!" cl$! o! for his life as they 'o$!"e" thro$ h the !i ht sky ahea" of a co)et trail of stea)& There were other )o$!tai!s cl$stere" aro$!" <ori& By co)'ariso! they were !o )ore tha! ter)ite )o$!"s( altho$ h i! reality each o!e was a )a9estic assort)e!t of cols( ri" es( faces( cliffs( screes a!" laciers that a!y !or)al )o$!tai! ra! e wo$l" #e ha''y to associate with& 1)o! the hi hest of the)( at the e!" of a f$!!el,sha'e" *alley( "welt the ;iste!ers& They were o!e of the ol"est of the Disc2s reli io$s sects( altho$ h e*e! the o"s the)sel*es were "i*i"e" as to whether ;iste!i! was really a 'ro'er reli io!( a!" all that 're*e!te" their te)'le #ei! wi'e" o$t #y a few well,ai)e" a*ala!ches was the fact that e*e! the o"s were c$rio$s as to what it was that the ;iste!ers )i ht /ear& If there2s o!e thi! that really a!!oys a o"( it2s !ot k!owi! so)ethi! & It2ll take Mort se*eral )i!$tes to arri*e& 1 row of "ots wo$l" fill i! the ti)e !icely( #$t the rea"er will alrea"y #e !otici! the stra! e sha'e of the te)'le - c$rle" like a reat white a))o!ite at the e!" of the *alley - a!" will 'ro#a#ly wa!t a! e4'la!atio!& The fact is that the ;iste!ers are tryi! to work o$t 'recisely what it was that the <reator sai" whe! /e )a"e the $!i*erse& The theory is .$ite strai htforwar"& <learly( !othi! that the <reator )akes co$l" e*er #e "estroye"( which )ea!s that the echoes of those first sylla#les )$st still #e aro$!" so)ewhere( #o$!ci! a!" re#o$!"i! off all the )atter i! the cos)os #$t still a$"i#le to a really oo" liste!er& %o!s a o the ;iste!ers ha" fo$!" that ice a!" cha!ce ha" car*e" this o!e *alley i!to the 'erfect aco$stic o''osite of a! echo *alley( a!" ha" #$ilt their )$lti,cha)#ere" te)'le i! the e4act 'ositio! that the o!e co)fy chair always occ$'ies i! the ho)e of a ra#i" hi,fi fa!atic& <o)'le4 #affles ca$ ht a!" a)'lifie" the so$!" that was f$!!elle" $' the chilly *alley( steeri! it e*er i!war"s to the ce!tral cha)#er where( at a!y ho$r of the "ay or !i ht( three )o!ks always sat& ;iste!i! & There were certai! 'ro#le)s ca$se" #y the fact that they "i"!2t hear o!ly the s$#tle echoes of the first wor"s( #$t e*ery other so$!" )a"e o! the Disc& I! or"er to reco !ise the so$!" of the Wor"s( they ha" to lear! to reco !ise all the other !oises& This calle" for a certai! tale!t( a!" a !o*ice was o!ly acce'te" for trai!i! if he co$l" "isti! $ish #y so$!" alo!e( at a "ista!ce of a tho$sa!" yar"s( which si"e a "ro''e" coi! la!"e"& /e was!2t act$ally acce'te" i!to the or"er $!til he co$l" tell what colo$r it was& 1!" altho$ h the /oly ;iste!ers were so re)ote( )a!y 'eo'le took the e4tre)ely lo! a!" "a! ero$s 'ath to their te)'le( tra*elli! thro$ h fro6e!( troll,ha$!te" la!"s( for"i! swift icy ri*ers( cli)#i! for#i""i! )o$!tai!s( trekki! across i!hos'ita#le t$!"ra( i! or"er to cli)# the !arrow stairway that le" i!to the hi""e! *alley a!" seek with a! o'e! heart the secrets of #ei! & 1!" the )o!ks wo$l" cry $!to the)( 2Kee' the #loo"y !oise "ow!B2 Bi!ky ca)e thro$ h the )o$!tai! to's like a white #l$r( to$chi! "ow! i! the s!owy

e)'ti!ess of a co$rtyar" )a"e s'ectral #y the "isco li ht fro) the sky& Mort lea't fro) his #ack a!" ra! thro$ h the sile!t cloisters to the roo) where the IIth a##ot lay "yi! ( s$rro$!"e" #y his "e*o$t followers& Mort2s footste's #oo)e" as he h$rrie" across the i!tricate )osaic floor& The )o!ks the)sel*es wore woolle! o*ershoes& /e reache" the #e" a!" waite" for a )o)e!t( lea!i! o! the scythe( $!til he co$l" et his #reath #ack& The a##ot( who was s)all a!" totally #al" a!" ha" )ore wri!kles tha! a sackf$l of 'r$!es( o'e!e" his eyes& 2:o$2re late(2 he whis'ere"( a!" "ie"& Mort swallowe"( fo$ ht for #reath( a!" #ro$ ht the scythe aro$!" i! a slow arc& 8e*ertheless( it was acc$rate e!o$ h7 the a##ot sat $'( lea*i! his cor'se #ehi!"& 28ot a )o)e!t too soo!(2 he sai"( i! a *oice o!ly Mort co$l" hear& 2:o$ ha" )e worrie" for a )o)e!t there&2 2Okay=2 sai" Mort& 2O!ly I2*e ot to r$sh >2 The a##ot sw$! hi)self off the #e" a!" walke" towar"s Mort thro$ h the ra!ks of his #erea*e" followers& 2Do!2t r$sh off(2 he sai"& 2I always look forwar" to these talks& What2s ha''e!e" to the $s$al fellow=2 2Us$al fellow=2 sai" Mort( #ewil"ere"& Tall cha'& Black cloak& Does!2t et e!o$ h to eat( #y the look of hi)(2 sai" the a##ot& ()sual fellow= :o$ )ea! Death=2 sai" Mort& 2That2s hi)(2 sai" the a##ot( cheerf$lly& Mort2s )o$th h$! o'e!& 2Die a lot( "o yo$=2 he )a!a e"& 21 fair #it& 1 fair #it& Of co$rse(2 sai" the a##ot( 2o!ce yo$ et the ha! of it( it2s o!ly a )atter of 'ractice&2 2It is=2 2We )$st #e off(2 sai" the a##ot& Mort2s )o$th s!a''e" sh$t& 2That2s what I2*e #ee! tryi! to say(2 he sai"& 23o if yo$ co$l" 9$st "ro' )e off "ow! i! the *alley(2 the little )o!k co!ti!$e" 'laci"ly& /e swe't 'ast Mort a!" hea"e" for the co$rtyar"& Mort stare" at the floor for a )o)e!t( a!" the! ra! after hi) i! a way which he k!ew to #e e4tre)ely $!'rofessio!al a!" $!"i !ifie"& 28ow look >2 he #e a!& 2The other o!e ha" a horse calle" Bi!ky( I re)e)#er(2 sai" the a##ot 'leasa!tly& 2Di" yo$ #$y the ro$!" off hi)=2 The ro$!"=2 sai" Mort( !ow co)'letely lost& 2Or whate*er& 5or i*e )e(2 sai" the a##ot( 2I "o!2t really k!ow how these thi! s are

or a!ise"( la"&2 2Mort(2 sai" Mort( a#se!tly& 21!" I thi!k yo$2re s$''ose" to co)e #ack with )e( sir& If yo$ "o!2t )i!"(2 he a""e"( i! what he ho'e" was a fir) a!" a$thoritati*e )a!!er& The )o!k t$r!e" a!" s)ile" 'leasa!tly at hi)& 2I wish I co$l"(2 he sai"& 2Perha's o!e "ay& 8ow( if yo$ co$l" i*e )e a lift as far as the !earest *illa e( I i)a i!e I2) #ei! co!cei*e" a#o$t !ow&2 2<o!cei*e"= B$t yo$2*e 9$st "ie"B2 sai" Mort& 2:es( #$t( yo$ see( I ha*e what yo$ )i ht call a seaso! ticket(2 the a##ot e4'lai!e"& ;i ht "aw!e" o! Mort( #$t *ery slowly& 2Oh(2 he sai"( 2I2*e rea" a#o$t this& Rei!car!atio!( yes=2 That2s the wor"& 5ifty,three ti)es so far& Or fifty,fo$r&2 Bi!ky looke" $' as they a''roache" a!" a*e a short !ei h of reco !itio! whe! the a##ot 'atte" his !ose& Mort )o$!te" $' a!" hel'e" the a##ot $' #ehi!" hi)& 2It )$st #e *ery i!teresti! (2 he sai"( as Bi!ky cli)#e" away fro) the te)'le& O! the a#sol$te scale of s)all talk this co))e!t )$st rate )i!$s .$ite a lot( #$t Mort co$l"!2t thi!k of a!ythi! #etter& 28o( it )$st!2t(2 sai" the a##ot& 2:o$ thi!k it )$st #e #eca$se yo$ #elie*e I ca! re)e)#er all )y li*es( #$t of co$rse I ca!2t& 8ot while I2) ali*e( a!yway&2 2I ha"!2t tho$ ht of that(2 Mort co!ce"e"& 2I)a i!e toilet trai!i! fifty ti)es&2 28othi! to look #ack o!( I i)a i!e(2 sai" Mort& 2:o$2re ri ht& If I ha" )y ti)e all o*er a ai! I wo$l"!2t rei!car!ate& 1!" 9$st whe! I2) etti! the ha! of thi! s( the la"s co)e "ow! fro) the te)'le looki! for a #oy co!cei*e" at the ho$r the ol" a##ot "ie"& Talk a#o$t $!i)a i!ati*e& 3to' here a )o)e!t( 'lease&2 Mort looke" "ow!& 2We2re i! )i",air(2he sai" "o$#tf$lly& 2I wo!2t kee' yo$ a )i!$te&2 The a##ot sli" "ow! fro) Bi!ky2s #ack( walke" a few ste's o! thi! air( a!" sho$te"& It see)e" to o o! for a lo! ti)e& The! the a##ot cli)#e" #ack a ai!& 2:o$ "o!2t k!ow how lo! I2*e #ee! looki! forwar" to that(2 he sai"& There was a *illa e i! a lower *alley a few )iles fro) the te)'le( which acte" as a sort of ser*ice i!"$stry& 5ro) the air it was a ra!"o) scatteri! of s)all #$t e4tre)ely well, so$!"'roofe" h$ts& 21!ywhere will "o(2 the a##ot sai"& Mort left hi) sta!"i! a few feet a#o*e the s!ow at a 'oi!t where the h$ts a''eare" to #e thickest& 2/o'e the !e4t lifeti)e i)'ro*es(2 he sai"& The a##ot shr$ e"& 2O!e ca! always ho'e(2 he sai"& 2I et a !i!e,)o!th #reak( a!yway& The sce!ery is!2t

)$ch( #$t at least it2s i! the war)&2 20oo"#ye( the!(2 sai" Mort& 2I2*e ot to r$sh&2 21$ re*oir(2 sai" the a##ot( sa"ly( a!" t$r!e" away& The fires of the /$# ;i hts were still casti! their flickeri! ill$)i!atio! across the la!"sca'e& Mort si he"( a!" reache" for the thir" lass& The co!tai!er was sil*er( "ecorate" with s)all crow!s& There was har"ly a!y sa!" left& Mort( feeli! that the !i ht ha" throw! e*erythi! at hi) a!" co$l"!2t et a!y worse( t$r!e" it aro$!" caref$lly to et a li)'se of the !a)e& & & & Pri!cess Keli awoke& There ha" #ee! a so$!" like so)eo!e )aki! !o !oise at all& 5or et 'eas a!" )attresses - sheer !at$ral selectio! ha" esta#lishe" o*er the years that the royal fa)ilies that s$r*i*e" lo! est were those whose )e)#ers co$l" "isti! $ish a! assassi! i! the "ark #y the !oise he was cle*er e!o$ h !ot to )ake( #eca$se( i! co$rt circles( there was always so)eo!e rea"y to c$t the heir with a k!ife& 3he lay i! #e"( wo!"eri! what to "o !e4t& There was a "a er $!"er her 'illow& 3he starte" to sli"e o!e ha!" $' the sheets( while 'eeri! aro$!" the roo) with half,close" eyes i! search of $!fa)iliar sha"ows& 3he was well aware that if she i!"icate" i! a!y way that she was !ot aslee' she wo$l" !e*er wake $' a ai!& 3o)e li ht ca)e i!to the roo) fro) the #i wi!"ow at the far e!"( #$t the s$its of ar)o$r( ta'estries a!" assorte" 'ara'her!alia that littere" the roo) co$l" ha*e 'ro*i"e" co*er for a! ar)y& The k!ife ha" "ro''e" "ow! #ehi!" the #e"hea"& 3he 'ro#a#ly wo$l"!2t ha*e $se" it 'ro'erly a!yway& 3crea)i! for the $ar"s( she "eci"e"( was !ot a oo" i"ea& If there was a!yo!e i! the roo) the! the $ar"s )$st ha*e #ee! o*er'owere"( or at least st$!!e" #y a lar e s$) of )o!ey& There was a war)i! 'a! o! the fla sto!es #y the fire& Wo$l" it )ake a wea'o!= There was a fai!t )etallic so$!"& Perha's screa)i! wo$l"!2t #e s$ch a #a" i"ea after all& & & & The wi!"ow i)'lo"e"& 5or a! i!sta!t Keli saw( fra)e" a ai!st a hell of #l$e a!" '$r'le fla)es( a hoo"e" fi $re cro$che" o! the #ack of the lar est horse she ha" e*er see!& There was so)eo!e sta!"i! #y the #e"( with a k!ife half raise"& I! slow )otio!( she watche" fasci!ate" as the ar) we!t $' a!" the horse allo'e" at lacier s'ee" across the floor& 8ow the k!ife was a#o*e her( starti! its "esce!t( a!" the horse was reari! a!" the ri"er was sta!"i! i! the stirr$'s a!" swi! i! so)e sort of wea'o! a!" its #la"e tore thro$ h the slow air with a !oise like a fi! er o! the ri) of a wet lass > The li ht *a!ishe"& There was a soft th$)' o! the floor( followe" #y a )etallic clatter& Keli took a "ee' #reath&

1 ha!" was #riefly lai" across her )o$th a!" a worrie" *oice sai"( 2If yo$ screa)( I2ll re ret it& Please= I2) i! e!o$ h tro$#le as it is&2 1!yo!e who co$l" et that a)o$!t of #ewil"ere" 'lea"i! i!to their *oice was either e!$i!e or s$ch a oo" actor they wo$l"!2t ha*e to #other with assassi!atio! for a li*i! & 3he sai"( 2Who are yo$=2 2I "o!2t k!ow if I2) allowe" to tell yo$(2 sai" the *oice& 2:o$ are still ali*e( are!2t yo$=2 3he #it "ow! the sarcastic re'ly 9$st i! ti)e& 3o)ethi! a#o$t the to!e of the .$estio! worrie" her& 2<a!2t yo$ tell=2 she sai"& 2It2s !ot easy& & & &2 There was a 'a$se& 3he strai!e" to see i! the "ark!ess( to '$t a face aro$!" that *oice& 2I )ay ha*e "o!e yo$ so)e terri#le har)(2it a""e"& 2/a*e!2t yo$ 9$st sa*e" )y life=2 2I "o!2t k!ow what I ha*e sa*e"( act$ally& Is there so)e li ht aro$!" here=2 The )ai" so)eti)es lea*es )atches o! the )a!tel'iece(2 sai" Keli& 3he felt the 'rese!ce #esi"e her )o*e away& There were a few hesita!t footste's( a co$'le of th$)'s( a!" fi!ally a cla! ( altho$ h the wor" is!2t s$fficie!t to "escri#e the real ri'e caco'ho!y of falli! )etal that fille" the roo)& It was e*e! followe" #y the tra"itio!al little ti!kle a co$'le of seco!"s after yo$ tho$ ht it was all o*er& The *oice sai"( rather i!"isti!ctly( 2I2) $!"er a s$it of ar)o$r& Where sho$l" I #e=2 Keli sli" .$ietly o$t of #e"( felt her way towar"s the fire'lace( locate" the #$!"le of )atches #y the fai!t li ht fro) the "yi! fire( str$ck o!e i! a #$rst of s$l'h$ro$s s)oke( lit a ca!"le( fo$!" the 'ile of "is)e)#ere" ar)o$r( '$lle" its swor" fro) its sca##ar" a!" the! !early swallowe" her to! $e& 3o)eo!e ha" 9$st #low! hot a!" wetly i! her ear& That2s Bi!ky(2 sai" the hea'& 2/e2s 9$st tryi! to #e frie!"ly& I e4'ect he2" like so)e hay( if yo$2*e ot a!y&2 With royal self,co!trol( Keli sai"( This is the fo$rth floor& It2s a la"y2s #e"roo)& :o$2" #e a)a6e" at how )a!y horses we "o!2t et $' here&2 2Oh& <o$l" yo$ hel' )e $'( 'lease=2 3he '$t the swor" "ow! a!" '$lle" asi"e a #reast'late& 1 thi! white face stare" #ack at her& 25irst( yo$2" #etter tell )e why I sho$l"!2t se!" for the $ar"s a!yway(2 she sai"& 2%*e! #ei! i! )y #e"roo) co$l" et yo$ tort$re" to "eath&2 3he lare" at hi)& 5i!ally he sai"( 2Well - co$l" yo$ let )y ha!" free( 'lease= Tha!k yo$ - firstly( the $ar"s 'ro#a#ly wo$l"!2t see )e( seco!"ly( yo$2ll !e*er fi!" o$t why I2) here a!" yo$ look as tho$ h yo$2" hate !ot to k!ow( a!" thir"ly& & & &2 Thir"ly what=2 she sai"& /is )o$th o'e!e" a!" sh$t& Mort wa!te" to say+ thir"ly( yo$2re so #ea$tif$l( or at least

*ery attracti*e( or a!yway far )ore attracti*e tha! a!y other irl I2*e e*er )et( altho$ h a")itte"ly I ha*e!2t )et *ery )a!y& 5ro) this it will #e see! that Mort2s i!!ate ho!esty will !e*er )ake hi) a 'oet7 if Mort e*er co)'are" a irl to a s$))er2s "ay( it wo$l" #e followe" #y a tho$ htf$l e4'la!atio! of what "ay he ha" i! )i!" a!" whether it was rai!i! at the ti)e& I! the circ$)sta!ces( it was 9$st as well that he co$l"!2t fi!" his *oice& Keli hel" $' the ca!"le a!" looke" at the wi!"ow& It was whole& The sto!e fra)es were $!#roke!& %*ery 'a!e( with its stai!e", lass re'rese!tati*es of the 3to ;at coat of ar)s( was co)'lete& 3he looke" #ack at Mort& 28e*er )i!" thir"ly(2 she sai"( 2let2s et #ack to seco!"ly&2 1! ho$r later "aw! reache" the city& Dayli ht o! the Disc flows rather tha! r$shes( #eca$se li ht is slowe" ri ht "ow! #y the worl"2s sta!"i! )a ical fiel"( a!" it rolle" across the flat la!"s like a ol"e! sea& The city o! the )o$!" stoo" o$t like a sa!"castle i! the ti"e for a )o)e!t( $!til the "ay swirle" aro$!" it a!" cre't o!war"s& Mort a!" Keli sat si"e #y si"e o! her #e"& The ho$r lass lay #etwee! the)& There was !o sa!" left i! the to' #$l#& 5ro) o$tsi"e ca)e the so$!"s of the castle waki! $'& 2I still "o!2t $!"ersta!" this(2 she sai"& 2Does it )ea! I2) "ea"( or "oes!2t it=2 2It )ea!s yo$ o$ ht to #e "ea"(2 he sai"( 2accor"i! to fate or whate*er& I ha*e!2t really st$"ie" the theory(2 21!" yo$ sho$l" ha*e kille" )e=2 28oB I )ea!( !o( the assassi! sho$l" ha*e kille" yo$& I "i" try to e4'lai! all that(2 sai" Mort& 2Why "i"!2t yo$ let hi)=2 Mort looke" at her i! horror& 2Di" yo$ want to "ie=2 2Of co$rse I "i"!2t& B$t it looks as tho$ h what 'eo'le wa!t "oes!2t co)e i!to it( "oes it= I2) tryi! to #e se!si#le a#o$t this&2 Mort stare" at his k!ees& The! he stoo" $'& 2I thi!k I2" #etter #e oi! (2 he sai" col"ly& /e fol"e" $' the scythe a!" st$ck it i!to its sheath #ehi!" the sa""le& The! he looke" at the wi!"ow& 2:o$ ca)e thro$ h that(2 sai" Keli( hel'f$lly& 2;ook( whe! I sai" >2 2Does it o'e!=2 28o& There2s a #alco!y alo! the 'assa e& B$t 'eo'le will see yo$B2 Mort i !ore" her( '$lle" o'e! the "oor a!" le" Bi!ky o$t i!to the corri"or& Keli ra! after the)& 1 )ai" sto''e"( c$rtsie"( a!" frow!e" sli htly as her #rai! wisely "is)isse" the si ht of a *ery lar e horse walki! alo! the car'et& The #alco!y o*erlooke" o!e of the i!!er co$rtyar"s& Mort la!ce" o*er the 'ara'et( a!"

the! )o$!te"& 2Watch o$t for the "$ke(2 he sai"& 2/e2s #ehi!" all this&2 2My father always war!e" )e a#o$t hi)(2 sai" the 'ri!cess& 2I2*e ot a foo"taster&2 2:o$ sho$l" et a #o"y $ar" as well(2 sai" Mort& 2I )$st o& I ha*e i)'orta!t thi! s to "o& 5arewell(2 he a""e"( i! what he ho'e" was the ri ht to!e of i!9$re" 'ri"e& 23hall I see yo$ a ai!=2 sai" Keli& 2There2s lots I wa!t to >2 That )i ht !ot #e a oo" i"ea( if yo$ thi!k a#o$t it(2 sai" Mort ha$ htily& /e clicke" his to! $e( a!" Bi!ky lea't i!to the air( cleare" the 'ara'et a!" ca!tere" $' i!to the #l$e )or!i! sky& 2I wa!te" to say tha!k yo$B2 Keli yelle" after hi)& The )ai"( who co$l"!2t et o*er the feeli! that so)ethi! was wro! a!" ha" followe" her( sai"( 21re yo$ all ri ht( )a2a)=2 Keli looke" at her "istracte"ly& 2What=2 she "e)a!"e"& 2I 9$st wo!"ere" if - e*erythi! was all ri ht=2 Keli2s sho$l"ers sa e"& 28o(2 she sai"& 2%*erythi! 2s all wro! & There2s a "ea" assassi! i! )y #e"roo)& <o$l" yo$ 'lease ha*e so)ethi! "o!e a#o$t it= 21!" >2 she hel" $' a ha!" - 2I "o!2t wa!t yo$ to say JDea"( )a2a)=J or J1ssassi!( )a2a)=J or screa) or a!ythi! ( I 9$st wa!t yo$ to et so)ethi! "o!e a#o$t it& @$ietly& I thi!k I2*e ot a hea"ache& 3o 9$st !o"&2 The )ai" !o""e"( #o##e" $!certai!ly( a!" #acke" away& Mort was!2t s$re how he ot #ack& The sky si)'ly cha! e" fro) ice #l$e to s$lle! rey as Bi!ky ease" hi)self i!to the a' #etwee! "i)e!sio!s& /e "i"!2t la!" o! the "ark soil of Death2s estate( it was si)'ly there( $!"erfoot( as tho$ h a! aircraft carrier ha" e!tly )a!oe$*re" itself $!"er a 9$)' 9et to sa*e the 'ilot all the tro$#le of to$chi! "ow!& The reat horse trotte" i!to the sta#leyar" a!" halte" o$tsi"e the "o$#le "oor( swishi! his tail& Mort sli" off a!" ra! for the ho$se& 1!" sto''e"( a!" ra! #ack( a!" fille" the hayrack( a!" ra! for the ho$se( a!" sto''e" a!" )$ttere" to hi)self a!" ra! #ack a!" r$##e" the horse "ow! a!" checke" the water #$cket( a!" ra! for the ho$se( a!" ra! #ack a!" fetche" the horse#la!ket "ow! fro) its hook o! the wall a!" #$ckle" it o!& Bi!ky a*e hi) a "i !ifie" !$66le& 8o,o!e see)e" to #e a#o$t as Mort sli''e" i! #y the #ack "oor a!" )a"e his way to the li#rary( where e*e! at this ti)e of !i ht the air see)e" to #e )a"e of hot "ry "$st& It see)e" to take years to locate Pri!cess Keli2s #io ra'hy( #$t he fo$!" it e*e!t$ally& It was a "e'ressi! ly sli) *ol$)e o! a shelf o!ly reacha#le #y the li#rary la""er( a wheele" rickety str$ct$re that stro! ly rese)#le" a! early sie e e! i!e& With tre)#li! fi! ers he o'e!e" it at the last 'a e( a!" roa!e"& 2The 'ri!cess2s assassi!atio! at the a e of fiftee!(2 he rea"( 2was followe" #y the $!io! of

3to ;at with 3to /elit a!"( i!"irectly( the colla'se of the city states of the ce!tral 'lai! a!" the rise of>2 /e rea" o!( $!a#le to sto'& Occasio!ally he roa!e" a ai!& 5i!ally he '$t the #ook #ack( hesitate"( a!" the! sho*e" it #ehi!" a few other *ol$)es& /e co$l" still feel it there as he cli)#e" "ow! the la""er( shrieki! its i!cri)i!ati! e4iste!ce to the worl"& There were few ocea!, oi! shi's o! the Disc& 8o ca'tai! like" to *e!t$re o$t of si ht of a coastli!e& It was a sorry fact that shi's which looke" fro) a "ista!ce as tho$ h they were oi! o*er the e" e of the worl" were!2t i! fact "isa''eari! o*er the hori6o!( they were i! fact "ro''i! o*er the e" e of the worl"& %*ery e!eratio! or so a few e!th$siastic e4'lorers "o$#te" this a!" set o$t to 'ro*e it wro! & 3tra! ely e!o$ h( !o!e of the) ha" e*er co)e #ack to a!!o$!ce the res$lt of their researches& The followi! a!alo y wo$l"( therefore( ha*e #ee! )ea!i! less to Mort& /e felt as if he2" #ee! shi'wrecke" o! the Titanic #$t i! the !ick of ti)e ha" #ee! resc$e"& By the *usitonia& /e felt as tho$ h he2" throw! a s!ow#all o! the s'$r of the )o)e!t a!" watche" the e!s$i! a*ala!che e! $lf three ski resorts& /e felt history $!ra*elli! all aro$!" hi)& /e felt he !ee"e" so)eo!e to talk to( .$ickly& That ha" to )ea! either 1l#ert or :sa#ell( #eca$se the tho$ ht of e4'lai!i! e*erythi! to those ti!y #l$e 'i!'oi!ts was !ot o!e he care" to co!te)'late after a lo! !i ht& O! the rare occasio!s :sa#ell "ei !e" to look i! his "irectio! she )a"e it clear that the o!ly "iffere!ce #etwee! Mort a!" a "ea" toa" was the colo$r& 1s for 1l#ert& & & & 1ll ri ht( !ot the 'erfect co!fi"a!t( #$t "efi!itely the #est i! a fiel" of o!e& Mort sli" "ow! the ste's a!" threa"e" his way #ack thro$ h the #ookshel*es& 1 few ho$rs2 slee' wo$l" #e a oo" i"ea( too& The! he hear" a as'( the #rief 'atter of r$!!i! feet( a!" the sla) of a "oor& Whe! he 'eere" aro$!" the !earest #ookcase there was !othi! there e4ce't a stool with a co$'le of #ooks o! it& /e 'icke" o!e $' a!" la!ce" at the !a)e( the! rea" a few 'a es& There was a "a)' lace ha!"kerchief lyi! !e4t to it& Mort rose late( a!" h$rrie" towar"s the kitche! e4'ecti! at a!y )o)e!t the "ee' to!es of "isa''ro*al& 8othi! ha''e!e"& 1l#ert was at the sto!e si!k( a6i! tho$ htf$lly at his chi' 'a!( 'ro#a#ly wo!"eri! whether it was ti)e to cha! e the fat or let it #i"e for a!other year& /e t$r!e" as Mort sli" i!to a chair& 2:o$ ha" a #$sy t$!e of it( the!(2 he sai"& 20alli*a!ti! all o*er the 'lace $!til all ho$rs( I hear"& I co$l" "o yo$ a! e & Or there2s 'orri" e&2 2% ( 'lease(2 sai" Mort& /e2" !e*er 'l$cke" $' the co$ra e to try 1l#ert2s 'orri" e( which le" a 'ri*ate life of its ow! i! the "e'ths of its sa$ce'a! a!" ate s'oo!s&

2The )aster wa!ts to see yo$ after(2 1l#ert a""e"( 2#$t he sai" yo$ was!2t to r$sh&2 2Oh&2 Mort stare" at the ta#le& 2Di" he say a!ythi! else=2 2/e sai" he ha"!2t ha" a! e*e!i! off i! a tho$sa!" years(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2/e was h$))i! & I "o!2t like it& I2*e !e*er see! hi) like this&2 2Oh&2 Mort took the 'l$! e& 21l#ert( ha*e yo$ #ee! here lo! =2 1l#ert looke" at hi) o*er the to' of his s'ectacles& 2May#e(2 he sai"& 2It2s har" to kee' track of o$tsi"e ti)e( #oy& I #i! here si!ce 9$st after the ol" ki! "ie"&2 2Which ki! ( 1l#ert=2 21rtorollo( I thi!k he was calle"& ;ittle fat )a!& 3.$eaky *oice& I o!ly saw hi) the o!ce( tho$ h&2 2Where was this=2 2I! 1!kh( of co$rse&2 2What=2 sai" Mort& They "o!2t ha*e ki! s i! 1!kh,Mor'ork( e*eryo!e k!ows thatB2 2This was #ack a #it( I sai"(2 sai" 1l#ert& /e 'o$re" hi)self a c$' of tea fro) Death2s 'erso!al tea'ot a!" sat "ow!( a "rea)y look i! his cr$ste" eyes& Mort waite" e4'ecta!tly& 21!" they was ki! s i! those "ays( real ki! s( !ot like the sort yo$ et !ow& They was monarchs(2 co!ti!$e" 1l#ert( caref$lly 'o$ri! so)e tea i!to his sa$cer a!" fa!!i! it 'ri)ly with the e!" of his )$ffler& 2I )ea!( they was wise a!" fair( well( fairly wise& 1!" they wo$l"!2t thi!k twice a#o$t c$tti! yo$r hea" off soo! as look at yo$(2 he a""e" a''ro*i! ly& 21!" all the .$ee!s were tall a!" 'ale a!" wore the) #alacla*a hel)et thi! s >2 2Wi)'les=2 sai" Mort& 2:eah( the)( a!" the 'ri!cesses were #ea$tif$l as the "ay is lo! a!" so !o#le they( they co$l" 'ee thro$ h a "o6e! )attresses >2 2What=2 1l#ert hesitate"& 23o)ethi! like that( a!yway(2 he co!ce"e"& 21!" there was #alls a!" to$r!a)e!ts a!" e4ec$tio!s& 0reat "ays&2 /e s)ile" "rea)ily at his )e)ories& 28ot like the sort of "ays yo$ et !ow(2 he sai"( e)er i! fro) his re*erie with #a" race& 2/a*e yo$ ot a!y other !a)es( 1l#ert=2 sai" Mort& B$t the #rief s'ell ha" #ee! #roke! a!" the ol" )a! was!2t oi! to #e "raw!& 2Oh( I k!ow(2 he s!a''e"( 2 et 1l#ert2s !a)e a!" yo$2ll o a!" look hi) $' i! the li#rary( wo!2t yo$= Pryi! a!" 'oki! & I k!ow yo$( sk$lki! i! there at all ho$rs rea"i! the li*es of yo$! wi))e! >2 The heral"s of $ilt )$st ha*e flo$rishe" their tar!ishe" tr$)'ets i! the "e'ths of Mort2s eyes( #eca$se 1l#ert cackle" a!" 'ro""e" hi) with a #o!y fi! er& 2:o$ )i ht at least '$t the) #ack where yo$ fi!" 2e)(2 he sai"( 2!ot lea*e 'iles of 2e) aro$!" for ol" 1l#ert to '$t #ack& 1!yway( it2s !ot ri ht( o li! the 'oor "ea" thi! s& It 'ro#a#ly t$r!s yo$ #li!"&2

2B$t I o!ly >2 Mort #e a!( a!" re)e)#ere" the "a)' lace ha!"kerchief i! his 'ocket( a!" sh$t $'& /e left 1l#ert r$)#li! to hi)self a!" "oi! the washi! $'( a!" sli''e" i!to the li#rary& Pale s$!li ht la!ce" "ow! fro) the hi h wi!"ows( e!tly fa"i! the co*ers o! the 'atie!t( a!cie!t *ol$)es& Occasio!ally a s'eck of "$st wo$l" catch the li ht as it floate" thro$ h the ol"e! shafts( a!" flare like a )i!iat$re s$'er!o*a& Mort k!ew that if he liste!e" har" e!o$ h he co$l" hear the i!sect,like scritchi! of the #ooks as they wrote the)sel*es& O!ce $'o! a ti)e Mort wo$l" ha*e fo$!" it eerie& 8ow it was - reass$ri! & It "e)o!strate" that the $!i*erse was r$!!i! s)oothly& /is co!scie!ce( which ha" #ee! looki! for the o'e!i! ( leef$lly re)i!"e" hi) that( all ri ht( it )i ht #e r$!!i! s)oothly #$t it certai!ly was!2t hea"i! i! the ri ht "irectio!& /e )a"e his way thro$ h the )a6e of shel*es to the )ysterio$s 'ile of #ooks( a!" fo$!" it was o!e& 1l#ert ha" #ee! i! the kitche!( a!" Mort ha" !e*er see! Death hi)self e!ter the li#rary& What was :sa#ell looki! for( the!= /e la!ce" $' at the cliff of shel*es a#o*e hi)( a!" his sto)ach we!t col" whe! he tho$ ht of what was starti! to ha''e!& & & & There was !othi! for it& /e2" ha*e to tell so)eo!e& Keli( )ea!while( was also fi!"i! life "iffic$lt& This was #eca$se ca$sality ha" a! i!cre"i#le a)o$!t of i!ertia& Mort2s )is'lace" thr$st( "ri*e! #y a! er a!" "es'eratio! a!" !asce!t lo*e( ha" se!t it "ow! a !ew track #$t it ha"!2t !otice" yet& /e2" kicke" the tail of the "i!osa$r( #$t it wo$l" #e so)e ti)e #efore the other e!" realise" it was ti)e to say 2o$ch2& Bl$!tly( the $!i*erse k!ew Keli was "ea" a!" was therefore rather s$r'rise" to fi!" that she ha"!2t sto''e" walki! a!" #reathi! yet& It showe" it i! little ways& The co$rtiers who a*e her f$rti*e o"" looks "$ri! the )or!i! wo$l" !ot ha*e #ee! a#le to say why the si ht of her )a"e the) feel stra! ely $!co)forta#le& To their ac$te e)#arrass)e!t a!" her a!!oya!ce they fo$!" the)sel*es i !ori! her( or talki! i! h$she" *oices& The <ha)#erlai! fo$!" he2" i!str$cte" that the royal sta!"ar" #e flow! at half )ast a!" for the life of hi) co$l"!2t e4'lai! why& /e was e!tly le" off to his #e" with a )il" !er*o$s afflictio! after or"eri! a tho$sa!" yar"s of #lack #$!ti! for !o a''are!t reaso!& The eerie( $!real feeli! soo! s'rea" thro$ ho$t the castle& The hea" coach)a! or"ere" the state #ier to #e #ro$ ht o$t a ai! a!" 'olishe"( a!" the! stoo" i! the sta#le yar" a!" we't i!to his cha)ois leather #eca$se he co$l"!2t re)e)#er why& 3er*a!ts walke" softly alo! the corri"ors& The cook ha" to fi ht a! o*er'oweri! $r e to 're'are si)'le #a!.$ets of col" )eat& Do s howle" a!" the! sto''e"( feeli! rather st$'i"& The two #lack stallio!s who tra"itio!ally '$lle" the 3to ;at f$!eral corte e rew resti*e i! their stalls a!" !early kicke" a roo) to "eath& I! his castle i! 3to /elit( the "$ke waite" i! *ai! for a )esse! er who ha" i! fact set o$t( #$t ha" sto''e" halfway "ow! the street( $!a#le to re)e)#er what it was he was

s$''ose" to #e "oi! & Thro$ h all this Keli )o*e" like a soli" a!" i!creasi! ly )ore irritate" host& Thi! s ca)e to a hea" at l$!chti)e& 3he swe't i!to the reat hall a!" fo$!" !o 'lace ha" #ee! set i! fro!t of the royal chair& By s'eaki! lo$"ly a!" "isti!ctly to the #$tler she )a!a e" to et that rectifie"( the! saw "ishes #ei! 'asse" i! fro!t of her #efore she co$l" et a fork i!to the)& 3he watche" i! s$lle! "is#elief as the wi!e was #ro$ ht i! a!" 'o$re" first for the ;or" of the Pri*y <loset& It was a! $!re al thi! to "o( #$t she st$ck o$t a foot a!" tri''e" the wi!e waiter& /e st$)#le"( )$ttere" so)ethi! $!"er his #reath( a!" stare" "ow! at the fla sto!es& 3he lea!e" the other way a!" sho$te" i!to the ear of the :eo)a! of the Pa!try+ 2<a! yo$ see )e( )a!= Why are we re"$ce" to eati! col" 'ork a!" ha)=2 /e t$r!e" asi"e fro) his h$she" co!*ersatio! with the ;a"y of the 3)all /e4a o!al Roo) i! the 8orth T$rret( a*e her a lo! look i! which shock )a"e way for a sort of $!foc$se" '$66le)e!t( a!" sai"( 2Why( yes & & & I ca! & & & er& & & &2 2:o$r Royal /i h!ess(2 'ro)'te" Keli& 2B$t & & & yes & & & /i h!ess(2 he )$ttere"& There was a hea*y 'a$se& The!( as if switche" #ack o!( he t$r!e" his #ack o! her a!" res$)e" his co!*ersatio!& Keli sat for a while( white with shock a!" a! er( the! '$she" the chair #ack a!" stor)e" away to her cha)#ers& 1 co$'le of ser*a!ts shari! a .$ick roll$' i! the 'assa e o$tsi"e were k!ocke" si"eways #y so)ethi! they co$l"!2t .$ite see& Keli ra! i!to her roo) a!" ha$le" o! the ro'e that sho$l" ha*e se!t the "$ty )ai" r$!!i! i! fro) the sitti! roo) at the e!" of the corri"or& 8othi! ha''e!e" for so)e ti)e( a!" the! the "oor was '$she" o'e! slowly a!" a face 'eere" i! at her& 3he reco !ise" the look this ti)e( a!" was rea"y for it& 3he ra##e" the )ai" #y the sho$l"ers a!" ha$le" her #o"ily i!to the roo)( sla))i! the "oor sh$t #ehi!" her& 1s the fri hte!e" wo)a! stare" e*erywhere #$t at Keli she ha$le" off a!" fetche" her a sti! i! sla' across the cheek& 2Di" yo$ feel that= Di" yo$ feel it=2 she shrieke"& 2B$t & & & yo$ & & &2 the )ai" whi)'ere"( sta eri! #ackwar"s $!til she hit the #e" a!" sitti! "ow! hea*ily o! it& 2;ook at )eB ;ook at )e whe! I talk to yo$B2 yelle" Keli( a"*a!ci! o! her& 2:o$ ca! see )e( ca!2t yo$= Tell )e yo$ ca! see )e or I2ll ha*e yo$ e4ec$te"B2 The )ai" stare" i!to her terrifie" eyes& 2I ca! see yo$(2 she sai"( 2#$t& & & &2 2B$t what= B$t what=2 23$rely yo$2re & & & I hear" & & & I tho$ ht& & & &2 2What "i" yo$ thi!k=2 s!a''e" Keli& 3he was!2t sho$ti! a!y )ore& /er wor"s ca)e o$t like white,hot whi's& The )ai" colla'se" i!to a so##i! hea'& Keli stoo" ta''i! her foot for a )o)e!t( a!"

the! shook the wo)a! e!tly& 2Is there a wi6ar" i! the city=2 she sai"& 2;ook at )e( at me& There2s a wi6ar"( is!2t there= :o$ irls are always sk$lki! off to talk to wi6ar"sB Where "oes he li*e=2 The wo)a! t$r!e" a tear,stai!e" face towar"s her( fi hti! a ai!st e*ery i!sti!ct that tol" her the 'ri!cess "i"!2t e4ist& 2Uh & & & wi6ar"( yes & & & <$twell( i! Wall 3treet& Keli2s li's co)'resse" i!to a thi! s)ile& 3he wo!"ere" where her cloaks were ke't( #$t col" reaso! tol" her it was oi! to #e a "a)! si ht easier to fi!" the) herself tha! try to )ake her 'rese!ce felt to the )ai"& 3he waite"( watchi! closely( as the wo)a! sto''e" so##i! ( looke" aro$!" her i! *a $e #ewil"er)e!t( a!" h$rrie" o$t of the roo)& 3he2s for otte! )e alrea"y( she tho$ ht& 3he looke" at her ha!"s& 3he see)e" soli" e!o$ h& It ha" to #e )a ic& 3he wa!"ere" i!to her ro#i! roo) a!" e4'eri)e!tally o'e!e" a few c$'#oar"s $!til she fo$!" a #lack cloak a!" hoo"& 3he sli''e" the) o! a!" "arte" o$t i!to the corri"or a!" "ow! the ser*a!ts2 stairs& 3he ha"!2t #ee! this way si!ce she was little& This was the worl" of li!e! c$'#oar"s( #are floors a!" "$)#,waiters& It s)elle" of sli htly stale cr$sts& Keli )o*e" thro$ h it like a! earth#o$!" s'ook& 3he was aware of the ser*a!ts2 .$arters( of co$rse( i! the sa)e way that 'eo'le are aware at so)e le*el i! their )i!"s of the "rai!s or the $tteri! ( a!" she wo$l" #e .$ite 're'are" to co!ce"e that altho$ h ser*a!ts all looke" 'retty )$ch alike they )$st ha*e so)e "isti! $ishi! feat$res #y which their !earest a!" "earest co$l"( 'res$)a#ly( i"e!tify the)& B$t she was !ot 're'are" for si hts like Mo he"ro! the wi!e #$tler( who) she ha" hitherto see! o!ly as a stately 'rese!ce )o*i! like a alleo! $!"er f$ll sail( sitti! i! his 'a!try with his 9acket $!"o!e a!" s)oki! a 'i'e& 1 co$'le of )ai"s ra! 'ast her witho$t a seco!" la!ce( i li! & 3he h$rrie" o!( aware that i! so)e stra! e way she was tres'assi! i! her ow! castle& 1!" that( she realise"( was #eca$se it was!2t her castle at all& The !oisy worl" aro$!" her( with its stea)i! la$!"ries a!" chilly stillroo)s( was its ow! worl"& 3he co$l"!2t ow! it& Possi#ly it ow!e" her& 3he took a chicke! le fro) the ta#le i! the #i est kitche!( a ca*er! li!e" with so )a!y 'ots that #y the li ht of its fires it looke" like a! ar)o$ry for tortoises( a!" felt the $!fa)iliar thrill of theft& TheftB I! her ow! ki! "o)B 1!" the cook looke" strai ht thro$ h her( eyes as la6e" as 9$ e" ha)& Keli ra! across the sta#le yar"s a!" o$t of the #ack ate( 'ast a co$'le of se!tries whose ster! a6e .$ite faile" to !otice her& O$t i! the streets it was!2t so cree'y( #$t she still felt o""ly !ake"& It was $!!er*i! ( #ei! a)o! 'eo'le who were oi! a#o$t their ow! affairs a!" !ot #otheri! to look at o!e( whe! o!e2s e!tire e4'erie!ce of the worl" hitherto was that it re*ol*e" aro$!" o!e& Pe"estria!s #$)'e" i!to o!e a!" re#o$!"e" away( wo!"eri! #riefly what it was they

ha" hit( a!" o!e se*eral ti)es ha" to sc$rry away o$t of the 'ath of wa o!s& The chicke! le ha"!2t o!e far to fill the hole left #y the a#se!ce of l$!ch( a!" she filche" a co$'le of a''les fro) a stall( )aki! a )e!tal !ote to ha*e the cha)#erlai! fi!" o$t how )$ch a''les cost a!" se!" so)e )o!ey "ow! to the stallhol"er& Dishe*elle"( rather r$##y a!" s)elli! sli htly of horse "$! ( she ca)e at last to <$twell2s "oor& The k!ocker a*e her so)e tro$#le& I! her e4'erie!ce "oors o'e!e" for yo$7 there were s'ecial 'eo'le to arra! e it& 3he was so "istra$ ht she "i"!2t e*e! !otice that the k!ocker wi!ke" at her& 3he trie" a ai!( a!" tho$ ht she hear" a "ista!t crash& 1fter so)e ti)e the "oor o'e!e" a few i!ches a!" she ca$ ht a li)'se of a ro$!" fl$stere" face to''e" with c$rly hair& /er ri ht foot s$r'rise" her #y i!telli e!tly i!serti! itself i! the crack& 2I "e)a!" to see the wi6ar"(2 she a!!o$!ce"& 2Pray a")it )e this i!sta!t&2 2/e2s rather #$sy at 'rese!t(2 sai" the face& 2Were yo$ after a lo*e 'otio!=2 21 what=2 2I2*e - we2*e ot a s'ecial o! <$twell2s 3hiel" of Passio! oi!t)e!t(2 sai" the face( a!" wi!ke" i! a startli! fashio!& 2Pro*i"es yo$r wil" oats while $ara!teei! a cro' fail$re( if yo$ k!ow what I )ea!&2 Keli #ri"le"& 28o(2 she lie" col"ly( 2I "o !ot&2 2Ra)r$#= Mai"e!s2 ;o! sto'= Bella"o!!a eye"ro's=2 2I "e)a!" >2 23orry( we2re close"(2 sai" the face( a!" sh$t the "oor& Keli with"rew her foot 9$st i! ti)e& 3he )$ttere" so)e wor"s that wo$l" ha*e a)a6e" a!" shocke" her t$tors( a!" th$)'e" o! the woo"work& The tattoo of her ha))eri! s$""e!ly slowe" as realisatio! "aw!e"& /e2" see! herB /e2" hear" herB 3he #eat o! the "oor with re!ewe" *i o$r( yelli! with all the 'ower i! her l$! s& 1 *oice #y her ear sai"( 2It wo!2t work& /e 2eef *ery fst$##or!&2 3he looke" aro$!" slowly a!" )et the i)'erti!e!t a6e of the "oork!ocker& It wa le" its )etal eye#rows at her a!" s'oke i!"isti!ctly thro$ h its wro$ ht,iro! ri! & 2I a) Pri!cess Keli( heir to the thro!e of 3to ;at(2 she sai" ha$ htily( hol"i! "ow! the li" o! her terror& 21!" I "o!2t talk to "oor f$r!it$re&2 25well( I(m 9$st a "oork!ocker a!" I ca! talk to fwhoe*er I 'lease(2 sai" the ar oyle 'leasa!tly& 21!" I ca! ftell yo$ the f)aster iff ha*i! a tryi! "ay a!" "$ff f!ot fwa!t to #e "ist$r#e"& B$t yo$ co$l" ftry to $se the )a ic wor"(2 it a""e"& 2<o)i! fro) a! attractiff fwo)a! it works !i!e ti)es o$t of ei ht&2 2Ma ic wor"= What2s the )a ic wor"=2 The k!ocker 'erce'ti#ly s!eere"& 2/aff yo$ #ee! ta$ ht !othi! ( )iss=2 3he "rew herself $' to her f$ll hei ht( which was!2t really worth the effort& 3he felt she2"

ha" a tryi! "ay too& /er father ha" 'erso!ally e4ec$te" a h$!"re" e!e)ies i! #attle& 3he sho$l" #e a#le to )a!a e a "oork!ocker& 2I ha*e #ee! educated(2 she i!for)e" it with icy 'recisio!( 2#y so)e of the fi!est scholars i! the la!"&2 The "oork!ocker "i" !ot a''ear to #e i)'resse"& 2Iff they "i"!2t teach yo$ the )a ic wor"(2 it sai" cal)ly( 2they co$l"!2t haff f#ee! all that fi!e&2 Keli reache" o$t( ra##e" the hea*y ri! ( a!" 'o$!"e" it o! the "oor& The k!ocker leere" at her& 25treat )e ro$ h(2 it lis'e"& 2That2f the way I like itB2 2:o$2re "is $sti! B2 2:eff& Ooo( that waff !ife( "o it a ai!& & & &2 The "oor o'e!e" a crack& There was a sha"owy li)'se of c$rly hair& 2Ma"a)( I sai" we2re cl >2 Keli sa e"& ($lease hel' )e(2 she sai"& 2PleaseB2 23ee=2 sai" the "oork!ocker tri$)'ha!tly& 23oo!er or later e+eryone re)e)#ers the )a ic wor"B2 Keli ha" #ee! to official f$!ctio!s i! 1!kh,Mor'ork a!" ha" )et se!ior wi6ar"s fro) U!see! U!i*ersity( the Disc2s 're)ier colle e of )a ic& 3o)e of the) ha" #ee! tall( a!" )ost of the) ha" #ee! fat( a!" !early all of the) ha" #ee! richly "resse"( or at least tho$ ht they were richly "resse"& I! fact there are fashio!s i! wi6ar"ry as i! )ore )$!"a!e arts( a!" this te!"e!cy to look like el"erly al"er)e! was o!ly te)'orary& Pre*io$s e!eratio!s ha" o!e i! for looki! 'ale a!" i!teresti! ( or "r$i"ical a!" r$##y( or )ysterio$s a!" sat$r!i!e& B$t Keli was $se" to wi6ar"s as a sort of f$r,tri))e" s)all )o$!tai! with a whee6y *oice( a!" I !eo$s <$twell "i"!2t .$ite fit the )a e i)a e& /e was yo$! & Well( that co$l"!2t #e hel'e"7 'res$)a#ly e*e! wi6ar"s ha" to start off yo$! & /e "i"!2t ha*e a #ear"( a!" the o!ly thi! his rather r$##y ro#e was tri))e" with was fraye" e" es& 2Wo$l" yo$ like a "ri!k or so)ethi! =2 he sai"( s$rre'titio$sly kicki! a "iscar"e" *est $!"er the ta#le& Keli looke" aro$!" for so)ewhere to sit that was!2t occ$'ie" with la$!"ry or $se" crockery( a!" shook her hea"& <$twell !otice" her e4'ressio!& 2It2s a #it alfresco( I2) afrai"(2 he a""e" h$rrie"ly( el#owi! the re)ai!s of a arlic sa$sa e o! to the floor& 2Mrs 8$ e!t $s$ally co)es i! twice a week a!" "oes for )e #$t she2s o!e to see her sister who2s ha" o!e of her t$r!s& 1re yo$ s$re= It2s !o tro$#le& I saw a s'are c$' here o!ly yester"ay&2 2I ha*e a 'ro#le)( Mr <$twell(2 sai" Keli&

2/a! o! a )o)e!t&2 /e reache" $' to a hook o*er the fire'lace a!" took "ow! a 'oi!ty hat that ha" see! #etter "ays( altho$ h fro) the look of it they ha"!2t #ee! *ery )$ch #etter( a!" the! sai"( 2Ri ht& 5ire away&2 2What2s so i)'orta!t a#o$t the hat=2 2Oh( it2s *ery 2esse!tial& :o$2*e ot to ha*e the 'ro'er hat for wi6ar"i! & We wi6ar"s k!ow a#o$t this sort of thi! &2 2If yo$ say so& ;ook( ca! yo$ see )e=2 /e 'eere" at her& 2:es& :es( I wo$l" "efi!itely say I ca! see yo$&2 21!" hear )e= :o$ ca! hear )e( ca! yo$=2 2;o$" a!" clear& :es& %*ery sylla#le ti!kli! i!to 'lace& 8o 'ro#le)s&2 2The! wo$l" yo$ #e s$r'rise" if I tol" yo$ that !o,o!e else i! this city ca!=2 2%4ce't )e=2 Keli s!orte"& 21!" yo$r "oork!ocker&2 <$twell '$lle" o$t a chair a!" sat "ow!& /e s.$ir)e" a little& 1 tho$ htf$l e4'ressio! 'asse" o*er his face& /e stoo" $'( reache" #ehi!" hi) a!" 'ro"$ce" a flat re""ish )ass which )i ht ha*e o!ce #ee! half a 'i66aE2F& /e stare" at it sorrowf$lly& 2I2*e #ee! looki! for that all )or!i! ( wo$l" yo$ #elie*e=2 he sai"& 2It was a! 1il,O! with e4tra 'e''ers( too&2 /e 'icke" sa"ly at the s.$ashe" sha'e( a!" s$""e!ly re)e)#ere" Keli& 20osh( sorry(2 he sai"( 2where2s )y )a!!ers= Whate*er will yo$ thi!k of )e= /ere& /a*e a! a!cho*y& Please&2 2/a*e yo$ #ee! liste!i! to )e=2 s!a''e" Keli& 2Do yo$ feel i!*isi#le= I! yo$rself( I )ea!=2 sai" 0$twell( i!"isti!ctly& 2Of co$rse !ot& I 9$st feel a! ry& 3o I wa!t yo$ to tell )y fort$!e&2 2Well( I "o!2t k!ow a#o$t that( it all so$!"s rather medical to )e a!" >2 2I ca! 'ay&2 2It2s ille al( yo$ see(2 sai" <$twell wretche"ly& 2The ol" ki! e4'ressly for#a"e fort$!e telli! i! 3to ;at& /e "i"!2t like wi6ar"s )$ch&2 2I ca! 'ay a lot&2 2Mrs 8$ e!t was telli! )e this !ew irl is likely to #e worse& 1 ri ht ha$ hty o!e( she sai"& 8ot the sort to look ki!"ly o! 'ractitio!ers of the s$#tle arts( I fear&2 Keli s)ile"& Me)#ers of the co$rt who ha" see! that s)ile #efore wo$l" ha*e haste!e" to "ra 0$twell o$t of the way a!" i!to a 'lace of safety( like the !e4t co!ti!e!t( #$t he 9$st sat there tryi! to 'ick #its of )$shroo) o$t of his ro#e& 2I $!"ersta!" she2s ot a fo$l te)'er o! her(2 sai" Keli& 2I wo$l"!2t #e s$r'rise" if she "i"!2t t$r! yo$ o$t of the city a!yway&2 2Oh "ear(2 sai" <$twell( 2"o yo$ really thi!k so=2 2;ook(2 sai" Keli( 2yo$ "o!2t ha*e to tell )y f$t$re( 9$st )y 'rese!t& %*e! she co$l"!2t

o#9ect to that& I2ll ha*e a wor" with her if yo$ like(2 she a""e" )a !a!i)o$sly& <$twell #ri hte!e"& 2Oh( "o yo$ k!ow her=2 he sai"& 2:es& B$t so)eti)es( I thi!k( !ot *ery well&2 <$twell si he" a!" #$rrowe" aro$!" i! the "e#ris o! the ta#le( "islo" i! casca"es of el"erly 'lates a!" the lo! ,)$))ifie" re)ai!s of se*eral )eals& %*e!t$ally he $!earthe" a fat leather wallet( st$ck to a cheese slice& 2Well(2 he sai" "o$#tf$lly( 2these are <aroc car"s& Distille" wis"o) of the 1!cie!ts a!" all that& Or there2s the <hi! 1li! of the /$#la!"ish& It2s all the ra e i! the s)art set& I "o!2t "o tealea*es&2 2I2ll try the <hi! thi! &2 2:o$ throw these yarrow stalks i! the air( the!&2 3he "i"& They looke" at the e!s$i! 'atter!& 2/))(2 sai" <$twell after a while& 2Well( that2s o!e i! the fire'lace( o!e i! the cocoa )$ ( o!e i! the street( sha)e a#o$t the wi!"ow( o!e o! the ta#le( a!" o!e( !o( two #ehi!" the "resser& I e4'ect Mrs 8$ e!t will #e a#le to fi!" the rest&2 2:o$ "i"!2t say how har"& 3hall I "o it a ai!=2 28o,ooo( I "o!2t thi!k so&2 <$twell th$)#e" thro$ h the 'a es of a yellowe" #ook that ha" 're*io$sly #ee! s$''orti! the ta#le le & 2The 'atter! see)s to )ake se!se& :es( here we are( Octo ra) I(II7+ Ille ality( the U!ato!i! 0oose& Which we cross refere!ce here & & & hol" o! & & & hol" o! & & & yes& 0ot it&2 2Well=2 2'ithout +ertically, wisely the cochineal emperor goes forth at teatime, at e+ening the mollusc is silent among the almond blossom-2 2:es=2 sai" Keli( res'ectf$lly& 2What "oes that )ea!=2 2U!less yo$2re a )oll$sc( 'ro#a#ly !ot a lot(2 sai" <$twell& 2I thi!k 'erha's it lost so)ethi! i! tra!slatio!&2 21re yo$ s$re yo$ k!ow how to "o this=2 2;et2s try the car"s(2 sai" <$twell h$rrie"ly( fa!!i! the) o$t& 2Pick a car"& 1!y car"&2 2It2s Death(2sai" Keli& 21h& Well& Of co$rse( the Death car" "oes!2t act$ally )ea! death i! all circ$)sta!ces(2 <$twell sai" .$ickly& 2:o$ )ea!( it "oes!2t )ea! "eath i! those circ$)sta!ces where the s$#9ect is etti! o*er,e4cite" a!" yo$2re too e)#arrasse" to tell the tr$th( h))=2 2;ook( take a!other car"&2 2This o!e2s Death as well(2 sai" Keli& 2Di" yo$ '$t the other o!e #ack=2 28o& 3hall I take a!other car"=2 2May as well&2

2Well( there2s a coi!ci"e!ceB2 2Death !$)#er three=2 2Ri ht& Is this a s'ecial 'ack for co!9$ri! tricks=2 Keli trie" to so$!" co)'ose"( #$t e*e! she co$l" "etect the fai!t ti!kle of hysteria i! her *oice& <$twell frow!e" at her a!" caref$lly '$t the car"s #ack i! the 'ack( sh$ffle" it( a!" "ealt the) o$t o! to the ta#le& There was o!ly o!e Death& 2Oh "ear(2 he sai"( 2I thi!k this is oi! to #e serio$s& May I see the 'al) of yo$r ha!"( 'lease=2 /e e4a)i!e" it for a lo! ti)e& 1lter a while he we!t to the "resser( took a 9eweller2s eye lass o$t of a "rawer( wi'e" the 'orri" e off it with the slee*e of his ro#e( a!" s'e!t a!other few )i!$tes e4a)i!i! her ha!" i! )i!$test "etail& %*e!t$ally he sat #ack( re)o*e" the lass( a!" stare" at her& 2:o$2re "ea"(2 he sai"& Keli waite"& 3he co$l"!2t thi!k of a!y s$ita#le re'ly& 2I2) !ot2 lacke" a certai! style( while 2Is it serio$s=2 see)e" so)ehow too fri*olo$s& 2Di" I say I tho$ ht this was oi! to #e serio$s=2 sai" <$twell& 2I thi!k yo$ "i"(2 sai" Keli caref$lly( kee'i! her to!e totally le*el& 2I was ri ht&2 2Oh&2 2It co$l" #e fatal&2 2/ow )$ch )ore fatal(2 sai" Keli( 2tha! #ei! "ea"=2 2I "i"!2t )ea! for yo$&2 2Oh&2 23o)ethi! *ery f$!"a)e!tal see)s to ha*e o!e wro! ( yo$ see& :o$2re "ea" i! e*ery se!se #$t the( er( act$al& I )ea!( the car"s thi!k yo$2re "ea"& :o$r lifeli!e thi!ks yo$2re "ea"& %*erythi! a!" e*eryo!e thi!ks yo$2re "ea"&2 2I "o!2t(2 sai" Keli( #$t her *oice was less tha! co!fi"e!t& 2I2) afrai" yo$r o'i!io! "oes!2t co$!t&2 2B$t 'eo'le ca! see a!" hear )eB2 The first thi! yo$ lear! whe! yo$ e!roll at U!see! U!i*ersity( I2) afrai"( is that 'eo'le "o!2t 'ay )$ch atte!tio! to that sort of thi! & It2s what their )i!"s tell the) that2s i)'orta!t&2 2:o$ )ea! 'eo'le "o!2t see )e #eca$se their )i!"s tell the) !ot to=2 2 25rai" so& It2s calle" 're"esti!atio!( or so)ethi! &2 <$twell looke" at her wretche"ly& 2I2) a wi6ar"& We k!ow a#o$t these thi! s&2 21ct$ally it2s !ot the first thi! yo$ lear! whe! yo$ e!roll(2 he a""e"( 2I )ea!( yo$ lear! where the la*atories are a!" all that sort of thi! #efore that& B$t after all that( it2s the first thi! &2

2.ou ca! see )e( tho$ h&2 21h& Well& Wi6ar"s are s'ecially trai!e" to see thi! s that are there a!" !ot to see thi! s that are!2t& :o$ et these s'ecial e4ercises >2 Keli "r$))e" her fi! ers o! the ta#le( or trie" to& It t$r!e" o$t to #e "iffic$lt& 3he stare" "ow! i! *a $e horror& <$twell h$rrie" forwar" a!" wi'e" the ta#le with his slee*e& 23orry(2 he )$ttere"( 2I ha" treacle sa!"wiches for s$''er last !i ht&2 2What ca! I do=2 28othi! &2 2 othing=2 2Well( yo$ co$l" certai!ly #eco)e a *ery s$ccessf$l #$r lar & & & sorry& That was tasteless of )e&2 2I tho$ ht so&2 <$twell 'atte" her i!e'tly o! the ha!"( a!" Keli was too 'reocc$'ie" e*e! to !otice s$ch fla ra!t les/ ma0est1& 2:o$ see( e*erythi! 2s fi4e"& /istory is all worke" o$t( fro) start to fi!ish& What the facts act$ally are is #esi"e the 'oi!t7 history 9$st rolls strai ht o*er the to' of the)& :o$ ca!2t cha! e a!ythi! #eca$se the cha! es are alrea"y 'art of it& :o$2re "ea"& It2s fate"& :o$2ll 9$st ha*e to acce't it&2 /e a*e a! a'olo etic ri!& 2:o$2re a lot l$ckier tha! )ost "ea" 'eo'le( if yo$ look at it o#9ecti*ely(2 he sai"& 2:o$2re ali*e to e!9oy it&2 2I "o!2t wa!t to acce't it& Why sho$l" I acce't it= It2s !ot )y fa$ltB2 2:o$ "o!2t $!"ersta!"& /istory is )o*i! o!& :o$ ca!2t et i!*ol*e" i! it a!y )ore& There is!2t a 'art i! it for yo$( "o!2t yo$ see= Best to let thi! s take their co$rse&2 /e 'atte" her ha!" a ai!& 3he looke" at hi)& /e with"rew his ha!"& 2What a) I s$''ose" to "o the!=2 she sai"& 28ot eat( #eca$se the foo" was!2t "esti!e" to #e eate! #y )e= 0o a!" li*e i! a cry't so)ewhere=2 2Bit of a 'oser( is!2t it=2 a ree" <$twell& 2That2s fate for yo$( I2) afrai"& If the worl" ca!2t se!se yo$( yo$ "o!2t e4ist& I2) a wi6ar"& We k!ow >2 2Do!2t say it&2 Keli stoo" $'& 5i*e e!eratio!s a o o!e of her a!cestor ha" halte" his #a!" of !o)a"ic c$tthroats a few )iles fro) the )o$!" of 3to ;at a!" ha" re ar"e" the slee'i! city with a 'ec$liarly "eter)i!e" e4'ressio! that sai"+ This2ll "o& C$st #eca$se yo$2re #or! i! the sa""le "oes!2t )ea! yo$ ha*e to "ie i! the #loo"y thi! & 3tra! ely e!o$ h( )a!y of his "isti!cti*e feat$res ha"( #y a trick of here"ity( #ee! #e.$eathe" to his "esce!"a!tEKF( acco$!ti! for her rather i"iosy!cratic attracti*e!ess& They were !e*er )ore a''are!t tha! !ow& %*e! <$twell was i)'resse"& Whe! it ca)e to "eter)i!atio!( yo$ co$l" ha*e cracke" rocks o! her 9aw&

I! e4actly the sa)e to!e of *oice that her a!cestor ha" $se" whe! he a""resse" his weary( sweaty followers #efore the attackELF( she sai"+ 28o& 8o( I2) !ot oi! to acce't it& I2) !ot oi! to "wi!"le i!to so)e sort of host& :o$2re oi! to hel' )e( wi6ar"&2 <$twell2s s$#co!scio$s reco !ise" that to!e& It ha" har)o!ics i! it that )a"e e*e! the woo"wor) i! the floor#oar"s sto' what they were "oi! a!" sta!" to atte!tio!& It was!2t *oici! a! o'i!io!( it was sayi! + thi! s will #e th$s& 2Me( )a"a)=2 he .$a*ere"( 2I "o!2t see what I ca! 'ossi#ly>2 /e was 9erke" off his chair a!" o$t i!to the street( his ro#es #illowi! aro$!" hi)& Keli )arche" towar"s the 'alace with her sho$l"ers set "eter)i!e"ly( "ra i! the wi6ar" #ehi!" her like a rel$cta!t '$''y& It was with s$ch a walk that )others $se" to #ear "ow! o! the local school whe! their little #oy ca)e ho)e with a #lack eye7 it was $!sto''a#le7 it was like the March of Ti)e& 2What is it yo$ i!te!"=2 <$twell st$ttere"( horri#ly aware that there was oi! to #e !othi! he co$l" "o to resist( whate*er it was& 2It2s yo$r l$cky "ay( wi6ar"&2 2Oh& 0oo"(2 he sai" weakly& 2:o$2*e 9$st #ee! a''oi!te" Royal Reco !iser&2 2Oh& What "oes that e!tail( e4actly=2 2:o$2re oi! to re)i!" e*eryo!e I2) ali*e& It2s *ery si)'le& There2s three s.$are )eals a "ay a!" yo$r la$!"ry "o!e& 3te' li*ely( )a!&2 2Royal=2 2:o$2re a wi6ar"& I thi!k there2s so)ethi! yo$ o$ ht to k!ow(2 sai" the 'ri!cess& T/%R% is= sai" Death& GThat was a ci!e)atic trick a"a'te" for 'ri!t& Death was!2t talki! to the 'ri!cess& /e was act$ally i! his st$"y( talki! to Mort& B$t it was .$ite effecti*e( was!2t it= It2s 'ro#a#ly calle" a fast "issol*e( or a crossc$t/6oo)& Or so)ethi! & 1! i!"$stry where a se!ior tech!icia! is calle" a Best Boy )i ht call it a!ythi! &H 18D W/1T I3 T/1T= he a""e"( wi!"i! a #it of #lack silk aro$!" the wicke" hook i! a little *ice he2" cla)'e" to his "esk& Mort hesitate"& Mostly this was #eca$se of fear a!" e)#arrass)e!t( #$t it was also #eca$se the si ht of a hoo"e" s'ectre 'eacef$lly tyi! "ry flies was e!o$ h to )ake a!yo!e 'a$se& Besi"es( :sa#ell was sitti! o! the other si"e of the roo)( oste!si#ly "oi! so)e !ee"lework #$t also watchi! hi) thro$ h a clo$" of s$lle! "isa''ro*al& /e co$l" feel her re",ri))e" eyes #ori! i!to the #ack of his !eck& Death i!serte" a few crow hackles a!" whistle" a #$sy little t$!e thro$ h his teeth( !ot ha*i! a!ythi! else to whistle thro$ h& /e looke" $'& /MM=

They - "i"!2t o as s)oothly as I tho$ ht(2 sai" Mort( sta!"i! !er*o$sly o! the car'et i! fro!t of the "esk& :o$ /1D TROUB;%= sai" Death( s!i''i! off a few scra's of feather& 2Well( yo$ see( the witch wo$l"!2t co)e away( a!" the )o!k( well( he starte" o$t all o*er a ai!&2 T/%R%23 8OT/I80 TO WORR: 1BOUT T/%R%( ;1D > 2> Mort >2 > :OU 3/OU;D /1?% WORK%D OUT B: 8OW T/1T %?%R:O8% 0%T3 W/1T T/%: T/I8K I3 <OMI80 TO T/%M& IT23 3O MU</ 8%1T%R T/1T W1:& 2I k!ow( sir& B$t that )ea!s #a" 'eo'le who thi!k they2re oi! to so)e sort of 'ara"ise act$ally "o et there& 1!" oo" 'eo'le who fear they2re oi! to so)e ki!" of horri#le 'lace really s$ffer& It "oes!2t see) like 9$stice&2 W/1T is IT I2?% 31ID :OU MU3T R%M%MB%R( W/%8 :OU2R% OUT O8 T/% DUT:= 2Well( yo$ >2 /MM= Mort st$ttere" i!to sile!ce& T/%R%23 8O CU3TI<%& T/%R%23 CU3T :OU& 2Well( I >2 :OU MU3T R%M%MB%R T/1T& 2:es( #$t >2 I %AP%<T IT 1;; WORK3 OUT PROP%R;: I8 T/% %8D& I /1?% 8%?%R M%T T/% <R%1TOR( BUT I2M TO;D /%23 @UIT% KI8D;: DI3PO3%D TO P%OP;%& Death s!a''e" the threa" a!" starte" to $!wi!" the *ice& PUT 3U</ T/OU0/T3 OUT O5 :OUR MI8D( he a""e"& 1T ;%13T T/% T/IRD O8% 3/OU;D82T /1?% 0I?%8 :OU 18: TROUB;%& This was the )o)e!t& Mort ha" tho$ ht a#o$t it for a lo! t$!e& There was !o se!se i! co!ceali! it& /e2" $'set the whole f$t$re co$rse of history& 3$ch thi! s te!" to "raw the)sel*es to 'eo'le2s atte!tio!& Best to et it off his chest& Ow! $' like a )a!& Take his )e"ici!e& <ar"s o! ta#le& Beati! a#o$t #$sh( !o!e of& Mercy( throw hi)self o!& The 'ierci! #l$e eyes littere" at hi)& /e looke" #ack like a !oct$r!al ra##it tryi! to o$tstare the hea"li hts of a si4tee!, wheele" artic whose "ri*er is a twel*e,ho$r caffei!e freak o$tr$!!i! the tacho)eters of hell& /e faile"& 28o( sir(2he sai"& 0OOD& W%;; DO8%& 8ow T/%8( W/1T DO :OU T/I8K O5 T/I3=

1! lers recko! that a oo" "ry fly sho$l" c$!!i! ly )i)ic the real thi! & There are the ri ht flies for )or!i! & There are "iffere!t flies for the e*e!i! rise& 1!" so o!& B$t the thi! #etwee! Death2s tri$)'ha!t "i its was a fly fro) the "aw! of ti)e& It was the fly i! the 'ri)or"ial so$'& It ha" #re" o! )a))oth t$r"s& It was!2t a fly that #a! s o! wi!"ow 'a!es( it was a fly that "rills thro$ h walls& It was a! i!sect that wo$l" crawl o$t fro) #etwee! the slats of the hea*iest swat "ri''i! *e!o) a!" seeki! re*e! e& 3tra! e wi! s a!" "a! li! #its st$ck o$t all o*er it& It see)e" to ha*e a lot of teeth& 2What2s it calle"=2 sai" Mort& I 3/1;; <1;; IT - D%1T/23 0;OR:& Death a*e the thi! a fi!al a")iri! la!ce a!" st$ck it i!to the hoo" of his ro#e& I 5%%; I8<;I8%D TO 3%% 1 ;ITT;% BIT O5 ;I5% T/I3 %?%8I80( he 3ai"& :OU <18 T1K% T/% DUT:( 8OWT/1T:OU2?%0OTT/%/180O5IT&13 IT W%R%& 2:es& 3ir(2 sai" Mort( )o$r!f$lly& /e saw his life stretchi! o$t i! fro!t of hi) like a !asty #lack t$!!el with !o li ht at the e!" of it& Death "r$))e" his fi! er o! the "esk( )$ttere" to hi)self& 1/ :%3( he sai"& 1;B%RT T%;;3 M% 3OM%O8%23 B%%8 M%DD;I80 I8 T/% ;IBR1R:& 2Par"o!( sir=2 T1KI80 BOOK3 o$r( ;%1?I80 T/%M ;:I80 1ROU8D& BOOK3 1BOUT :OU80 WOM%8& /% 3%%M3 TO T/I8K IT I3 1MU3I80& 1s has alrea"y #ee! re*eale"( the /oly ;iste!ers ha*e s$ch well "e*elo'e" heari! that they ca! #e "eafe!e" #y a oo" s$!set& C$st for a few seco!"s it see)e" to Mort that the ski! o! the #ack of his !eck was "e*elo'i! si)ilar stra! e 'owers( #eca$se he co$l" see :sa#ell free6e i! )i",stitch& /e also hear" the little i!take of #reath that he2" hear" #efore( a)o! the shel*es& /e re)e)#ere" the lace ha!"kerchief& /e sai"( 2:es( sir& It wo!2t ha''e! a ai!( sir&2 The ski! o! the #ack of his !eck starte" to itch like f$ry& 3P;%8DID& 8ow( :OU TWO <18 RU8 1;O80& 0%T 1;B%RT TO DO :OU 1 PI<8I< ;U8</ OR 3OM%T/I80& 0%T 3OM% 5R%3/ 1IR& I2?% 8OTI<%D T/% W1: :OU TWO 1;W1:3 1?OID %1</ OT/%R& /e a*e Mort a co!s'iratorial !$" e - it was like #ei! 'oke" with a stick - a!" a""e"( 1;B%RT23 TO;D M% W/1T T/1T M%183& 2/as he=2 sai" Mort loo)ily& /e2" #ee! wro! ( there was a li ht at the e!" of the t$!!el( a!" it was a fla)ethrower& Death a*e hi) a!other of his s$'er!o*a wi!ks& Mort "i"!2t ret$r! it& I!stea" he t$r!e" a!" 'lo""e" towar"s the "oor( at a e!eral s'ee" a!" ait that )a"e 0reat 12T$i! look like a s'ri! la)#& /e was halfway alo! the corri"or #efore he hear" the soft r$sh of footste's #ehi!" hi) a!" a ha!" ca$ ht his ar)& 2Mort=2

/e t$r!e" a!" a6e" at :sa#ell thro$ h a fo of "e'ressio!& 2Why "i" yo$ let hi) thi!k it was yo$ i! the li#rary=2 2Do!2t k!ow&2 2It was & & & *ery & & & ki!" of yo$(2 she sai" ca$tio$sly& 2Was it= I ca!2t thi!k what ca)e o*er )e&2 /e felt i! his 'ocket a!" 'ro"$ce" the ha!"kerchief& This #elo! s to yo$( I thi!k&2 2Tha!k yo$&2 3he #lew her !ose !oisily& Mort was alrea"y well "ow! the corri"or( his sho$l"ers h$!che" like *$lt$re2s wi! s& 3he ra! after hi)& 2I say(2 she sai"& 2What=2 2I wa!te" to say tha!k yo$&2 2It "oes!2t )atter(2 he )$ttere"& 2It2" 9$st #e #est if yo$ "o!2t take #ooks away a ai!& It $'sets the)( or so)ethi! &2 /e a*e what he co!si"ere" to #e a )irthless la$ h& 2/aB2 2/a what=2 2C$st haB2 /e2" reache" the e!" of the corri"or& There was the "oor i!to the kitche!( where 1l#ert wo$l" #e leeri! k!owi! ly( a!" Mort "eci"e" he co$l"!2t face that& /e sto''e"& 2B$t I o!ly took the #ooks for a #it of co)'a!y(2 she sai" #ehi!" hi)& /e a*e i!& 2We co$l" ha*e a walk i! the ar"e!(2 he sai" i! "es'air( a!" the! )a!a e" to har"e! his heart a little a!" a""e"( 2Witho$t o#li atio!( that is&2 2:o$ )ea! yo$2re !ot oi! to )arry )e=2 she sai"& Mort was horrifie"& 2Marry=2 2Is!2t that what father #ro$ ht yo$ here for=2 she sai"& 2/e "oes!2t !ee" a! a''re!tice( after all&2 2:o$ )ea! all those !$" es a!" wi!ks a!" little co))e!ts a#o$t so)e "ay )y so! all this will #e yo$rs=2 sai" Mort& 2I trie" to i !ore the)& I "o!2t wa!t to et )arrie" to a!yo!e yet(2 he a""e"( s$''ressi! a fleeti! )e!tal 'ict$re of the 'ri!cess& 21!" certai!ly !ot to yo$( !o offe!ce )ea!t&2 2I wo$l"!2t )arry yo$ if yo$ were the last )a! o! the Disc(2 she sai" sweetly& Mort was h$rt #y this& It was o!e thi! !ot to wa!t to )arry so)eo!e( #$t .$ite a!other to #e tol" they "i"!2t wa!t to )arry you& 21t least I "o!2t look like I2*e #ee! eati! "o$ h!$ts i! a war"ro#e for years(2 he sai"( as they ste''e" o$t o! to Death2s #lack law!& 21t least I walk as if )y le s o!ly ha" o!e k!ee each(2 she sai"& 22y eyes are!2t two 9$$ ly 'oache" e s&2 :sa#ell !o""e"& 2O! the other ha!"( my ears "o!2t look like so)ethi! rowi! o! a "ea"

tree& What "oes 9$$ ly )ea!=2 2:o$ k!ow( e s like 1l#ert "oes the)&2 2With the white all sticky a!" r$!!y a!" f$ll of sli)y #its=2 2:es&2 21 oo" wor"(2 she co!ce"e" tho$ htf$lly& 2B$t my hair( I '$t it to yo$( "oes!2t look like so)ethi! yo$ clea! a 'ri*y with&2 2<ertai!ly( #$t !either "oes )i!e look like a wet he" eho &2 2Pray !ote that )y chest "oes !ot a''ear to #e a toast rack i! a wet 'a'er #a &2 Mort la!ce" si"eways at the to' of :sa#ell2s "ress( which co!tai!e" e!o$ h '$''y fat for two litters of Rotweilers( a!" for#ore to co))e!t& 22y eye#rows "o!2t look like a 'air of )ati! cater'illars(2 he ha6ar"e"& Tr$e& B$t my le s( I s$ 23orry >=2 2They2re !ot #a!"y(2 she e4'lai!e"& 21h&2 They strolle" thro$ h the lily #e"s( te)'orarily lost for wor"s& %*e!t$ally :sa#ell co!fro!te" Mort a!" st$ck o$t her ha!"& /e shook it i! tha!kf$l sile!ce& 2%!o$ h=2 she sai"& 2C$st a#o$t&2 20oo"& O#*io$sly we sho$l"!2t et )arrie"( if o!ly for the sake of the chil"re!&2 Mort !o""e"& They sat "ow! o! a sto!e seat #etwee! so)e !eatly cli''e" #o4 he" es& Death ha" )a"e a 'o!" i! this cor!er of the ar"e!( fe" #y a! icy s'ri! that a''eare" to #e *o)ite" i!to the 'ool #y a sto!e lio!& 5at white car' l$rke" i! the "e'ths( or !ose" o! the s$rface a)o! the *el*ety #lack water lilies& 2We sho$l" ha*e #ro$ ht so)e #rea"cr$)#s(2 sai" Mort alla!tly( o'ti! for a totally !o!,co!tro*ersial s$#9ect& 2/e !e*er co)es o$t here( yo$ k!ow(2 sai" :sa#ell( watchi! the fish& 2/e )a"e it to kee' )e a)$se"&2 2It "i"!2t work=2 2It2s !ot real(2 she sai"& 28othi! 2s real here& 8ot really real& /e 9$st likes to act like a h$)a! #ei! & /e2s tryi! really har" at the )o)e!t( ha*e yo$ !otice"& I thi!k yo$2re ha*i! a! effect o! hi)& Di" yo$ k!ow he trie" to lear! the #a!9o o!ce=2 2I see hi) as )ore the or a! ty'e&2 2/e co$l"!2t et the ha! of it(2 sai" :sa#ell( i !ori! hi)& 2/e ca!2t create( yo$ see&2 2:o$ sai" he create" this 'ool&2 2It2s a co'y of o!e he saw so)ewhere& %*erythi! 2s a co'y&2 est( co$l" at least sto' a 'i i! a 'assa eway&2

Mort shifte" $!easily& 3o)e s)all i!sect ha" crawle" $' his le & 2It2s rather sa"(2 he sai"( ho'i! that this was a''ro4i)ately the ri ht to!e to a"o't& 2:es&2 3he scoo'e" a ha!"f$l of ra*el fro) the 'ath a!" #e a! to flick it a#se!t,)i!"e"ly i!to the 'ool& 21re )y eye#rows that #a"=2 she sai"& 2U)(2 sai" Mort( 2afrai" so&2 2Oh&2 5lick( flick& The car' were watchi! her "is"ai!f$lly& 21!" )y le s=2 he sai"& 2:es& 3orry&2 Mort sh$ffle" a!4io$sly thro$ h his li)ite" re'ertoire of s)all talk( a!" a*e $'& 28e*er )i!"(2 he sai" alla!tly& 21t least yo$ ca! $se twee6ers&2 2/e2s *ery ki!"(2 sai" :sa#ell( i !ori! hi)( 2i! a sort of a#se!t,)i!"e" way&2 2/e2s !ot e4actly yo$r real father( is he=2 2My 'are!ts were kille" crossi! the 0reat 8ef years a o& There was a stor)( I thi!k& /e fo$!" )e a!" #ro$ ht )e here& I "o!2t k!ow why he "i" it&2 2Perha's he felt sorry for yo$=2 2/e !e*er feels a!ythi! & I "o!2t )ea! that !astily( yo$ $!"ersta!"& It2s 9$st that he2s ot !othi! to feel with( !o what"2yo$callits( !o la!"s& /e 'ro#a#ly thought sorry for )e&2 3he t$r!e" her 'ale ro$!" face towar"s Mort& 2I wo!2t hear a wor" a ai!st hi)& /e tries to "o his #est& It2s 9$st that he2s always ot so )$ch to thi!k a#o$t&2 2My father was a #it like that& Is( I )ea!&2 2I e4'ect he2s ot la!"s( tho$ h&2 2I i)a i!e he has(2 sai" Mort( shifti! $!easily& 2Its !ot so)ethi! I2*e e*er really tho$ ht a#o$t( la!"s&2 They stare" si"e #y si"e at the tro$t& The tro$t stare" #ack& 2I2*e 9$st $'set the e!tire history of the f$t$re(2 sai" Mort& 2:es=2 2:o$ see( whe! he trie" to kill her I kille" hi)( #$t the thi! is( accor"i! to the history she sho$l" ha*e "ie" a!" the "$ke wo$l" #e ki! ( #$t the worst #it( the worst #it is that altho$ h he2s a#sol$tely rotte! to the core he2" $!ite the cities a!" e*e!t$ally they2ll #e a fe"eratio! a!" the #ooks say there2ll #e a h$!"re" years of 'eace a!" 'le!ty& I )ea!( yo$2" thi!k there2" #e a rei ! of terror or so)ethi! ( #$t a''are!tly history !ee"s this ki!" of 'erso! so)eti)es a!" the 'ri!cess wo$l" 9$st #e a!other )o!arch& I )ea!( !ot #a"( .$ite oo" really( #$t 9$st !ot ri ht a!" !ow it2s !ot oi! to ha''e! a!" history is fla''i! aro$!" loose a!" it2s all )y fa$lt&2

/e s$#si"e"( a!4io$sly awaiti! her re'ly& 2:o$ were ri ht( yo$ k!ow&2 2I was=2 2We o$ ht to ha*e #ro$ ht so)e #rea"cr$)#s(2 she sai"& 2I s$''ose they fi!" thi! s to eat i! the water& Beetles a!" so o!&2 2Di" yo$ hear what I sai"=2 2What a#o$t=2 2Oh& 8othi! & 8othi! )$ch( really& 3orry&2 :sa#ell si he" a!" stoo" $'& 2I e4'ect yo$2ll #e wa!ti! to et off(2 she sai"& 2I2) la" we ot this )arria e #$si!ess sorte" o$t& It was .$ite !ice talki! to yo$&2 2We co$l" ha*e a sort of hate,hate relatio!shi'(2 sai" Mort& 2I "o!2t !or)ally et to talk with the 'eo'le father works with&2 3he a''eare" to #e $!a#le to "raw herself away( as tho$ h she was waiti! for Mort to say so)ethi! else& 2Well( yo$ wo$l"!2t(2 was all he co$l" thi!k of& 2I e4'ect yo$2*e ot to o off to work !ow&2 2More or less&2 Mort hesitate"( aware that i! so)e i!"efi!a#le way the co!*ersatio! ha" "rifte" o$t of the shallows a!" was !ow floati! o*er so)e "ee' #its he "i"!2t .$ite $!"ersta!"& There was a !oise like > It )a"e Mort recall the ol" yar" at ho)e( with a 'a! of ho)esick!ess& D$ri! the harsh Ra)to' wi!ters the fa)ily ke't har"y )o$!tai! tharga #easts i! the yar"( ch$cki! i! straw as !ecessary& 1fter the s'ri! thaw the yar" was se*eral feet "ee' a!" ha" .$ite a soli" cr$st o! it& :o$ co$l" walk across it if yo$ were caref$l& If yo$ were!2t( a!" sa!k k!ee "ee' i! the co!ce!trate" y''o( the! the so$!" yo$r #oot )a"e as it ca)e o$t( ree! a!" stea)i! ( was as )$ch the so$!" of the t$r!i! year as #ir"so! a!" #ee#$66& It was that !oise& Mort i!sti!cti*ely e4a)i!e" his shoes& :sa#ell was cryi! ( !ot i! little la"ylike so#s( #$t i! reat yaw!i! $l's( like #$##les fro) a! $!"erwater *olca!o( fi hti! o!e a!other to #e the first to the s$rface& They were so#s esca'i! $!"er 'ress$re( )at$re" i! h$)"r$) )isery& Mort sai"(2%r=2 /er #o"y was shaki! like a water#e" i! a! earth.$ake 6o!e& 3he f$)#le" $r e!tly i! her slee*es for the ha!"kerchief( #$t it was !o )ore $se i! the circ$)sta!ces tha! a 'a'er hat i! a th$!"erstor)& 3he trie" to say so)ethi! ( which #eca)e a strea) of co!so!a!ts '$!ct$ate" #y so#s& Mort sai"( 2U)=2 2I sai"( how ol" "o yo$ thi!k I a)=2 25iftee!=2 he ha6ar"e"&

2I2) si4tee!(2 she waile"& 21!" "o yo$ k!ow how lo! I2*e #ee! si4tee! for=2 2I2) sorry( I "o!2t $!"er >2 28o( yo$ wo$l"!2t& 8o,o!e wo$l"&2 3he #lew her !ose a ai!( a!" "es'ite her shaki! ha!"s !e*ertheless caref$lly t$cke" the rather "a)' ha!ky #ack $' her slee*e& 2.ou(re allowe" o$t(2 she sai"& 2:o$ ha*e!2t #ee! here lo! e!o$ h to !otice& Ti)e sta!"s still here( ha*e!2t yo$ !otice"= Oh( something 'asses( #$t it2s !ot real ti)e& /e ca!2t create real ti)e&2 2Oh&2 Whe! she s'oke a ai! it was i! the thi!( caref$l a!" a#o*e all bra+e *oice of so)eo!e who has '$lle" the)sel*es to ether "es'ite o*erwhel)i! o""s #$t )i ht let o a ai! at a!y )o)e!t& 2I2*e #ee! si4tee! for thirty,fi*e years&2 2Oh=2 2It was #a" e!o$ h the first year&2 Mort looke" #ack at his last few weeks( a!" !o""e" i! sy)'athy& 2Is that why yo$2*e #ee! rea"i! all those #ooks=2 he sai"& :sa#ell looke" "ow!( a!" twi""le" a sa!"alle" toe i! the ra*el i! a! e)#arrasse" fashio!& 2They2re *ery ro)a!tic(2 she sai"& 2There2s so)e really lo*ely stories& There was this irl who "ra!k 'oiso! whe! her yo$! )a! ha" "ie"( a!" there was o!e who 9$)'e" off a cliff #eca$se her father i!siste" she sho$l" )arry this ol" )a!( a!" a!other o!e "row!e" herself rather tha! s$#)it to>2 Mort liste!e" i! asto!ish)e!t& To 9$" e #y :sa#ell2s caref$l choice of rea"i! )atter( it was a )atter of !ote for a!y Disc fe)ale to s$r*i*e a"olesce!ce lo! e!o$ h to wear o$t a 'air of stocki! s& 2> a!" the! she tho$ ht he was "ea"( a!" she kille" herself a!" the! he woke $' a!" so he "i" kill hi)self( a!" the! there was this irl >2 <o))o! se!se s$ este" that at least a few wo)e! reache" their thir" "eca"e witho$t killi! the)sel*es for lo*e( #$t co))o! se!se "i"!2t see) to et e*e! a walk,o! 'art i! these "ra)as&EMF Mort was alrea"y aware that lo*e )a"e yo$ feel hot a!" col" a!" cr$el a!" weak( #$t he ha"!2t realise" that it co$l" )ake yo$ st$'i"& 2 - swa) the ri*er e*ery !i ht( #$t o!e !i ht there was this stor)( a!" whe! he "i"!2t arri*e she >2 Mort felt i!sti!cti*ely that so)e yo$! co$'les )et( say( at a *illa e "a!ce( a!" hit it off( a!" we!t o$t to ether for a year or two( ha" a few rows( )a"e $'( ot )arrie" a!" "i"!2t kill the)sel*es at all& /e #eca)e aware that the lita!y of star,crosse" lo*e ha" wo$!" "ow!& 2Oh(2 he sai"( weakly& 2Does!2t a!yo!e 9$st( yo$ k!ow( 9$st et alo! a!y )ore=2 To lo*e is to s$ffer(2 sai" :sa#ell& There2s ot to #e lots of "ark 'assio!&2

2/as there=2 21#sol$tely& 1!" a! $ish&2 :sa#ell a''eare" to recall so)ethi! & 2Di" yo$ say so)ethi! a#o$t so)ethi! fla''i! aro$!" loose=2 she sai"( i! the ti ht *oice of so)eo!e '$lli! the)sel*es to ether& Mort co!si"ere"& 28o(2 he sai"& 2I2) afrai" I was!2t 'ayi! )$ch atte!tio!&2 2It "oes!2t )atter at all&2 They strolle" #ack to the ho$se i! sile!ce& Whe! Mort we!t #ack to the st$"y he fo$!" that Death ha" o!e( lea*i! fo$r ho$r lasses o! the "esk& The #i leather #ook was lyi! o! a lecter!( sec$rely locke" sh$t& There was a !ote t$cke" $!"er the lasses& Mort ha" i)a i!e" that Death2s ha!"writi! wo$l" either #e othic or else to)#sto!e a! $lar( #$t Death ha" i! fact st$"ie" a classic work o! ra'holo y #efore selecti! a style a!" ha" a"o'te" a ha!" that i!"icate" a #ala!ce"( well,a"9$ste" 'erso!ality& It sai"+ Gone fyshing- Theyre ys ane e%ecution in $seudopoiis, a naturral in 3rull, a faytal fall in the Carrick 2tns, ane ague in Ell&3inte- Thee rest of thee day(s your ownMort tho$ ht that history was thrashi! aro$!" like a steel hawser with the te!sio! off( twa! i! #ackwar"s a!" forwar"s across reality i! reat "estr$cti*e swee's& /istory is!2t like that& /istory $!ra*els e!tly( like a! ol" sweater& It has #ee! 'atche" a!" "ar!e" )a!y ti)es( rek!itte" to s$it "iffere!t 'eo'le( sho*e" i! a #o4 $!"er the si!k of ce!sorshi' to #e c$t $' for the "$sters of 'ro'a a!"a( yet it always - e*e!t$ally )a!a es to s'ri! #ack i!to its ol" fa)iliar sha'e& /istory has a ha#it of cha! i! the 'eo'le who thi!k they are cha! i! it& /istory always has a few tricks $' its fraye" slee*e& It2s #ee! aro$!" a lo! ti)e& This is what was ha''e!i! + The )is'lace" stroke of Mort2s scythe ha" c$t history i!to two se'arate realities& I! the city of 3to ;at Pri!cess Keli still r$le"( with a certai! a)o$!t of "iffic$lty a!" with the f$ll ti)e ai" of the Royal Reco !iser( who was '$t o! the co$rt 'ayroll a!" char e" with the "$ty of re)e)#eri! that she e4iste"& I! the la!"s o$tsi"e( tho$ h - #eyo!" the 'lai!( i! the Ra)to's( aro$!" the <ircle 3ea a!" all the way to the Ri) - the tra"itio!al reality still hel" sway a!" she was .$ite "efi!itely "ea"( the "$ke was ki! a!" the worl" was 'rocee"i! se"ately accor"i! to 'la!( whate*er that was& The 'oi!t is that #oth realities were tr$e& The sort of historical e*e!t hori6o! was c$rre!tly a#o$t twe!ty )iles away fro) the city( a!" was!2t yet *ery !oticea#le& That2s #eca$se the ( call it the "iffere!ce i! historical 'ress$res - was!2t yet *ery reat& B$t it was rowi! & O$t i! the "a)' ca##a e fiel"s there was a shi))er i! the air a!" a fai!t si66le( like fryi! rassho''ers&

Peo'le "o!2t alter history a!y )ore tha! #ir"s alter the sky( they 9$st )ake #rief 'atter!s i! it& I!ch #y i!ch( i)'laca#le as a lacier a!" far col"er( the real reality was ri!"i! #ack towar"s 3to ;at& Mort was the first 'erso! to !otice& It ha" #ee! a lo! after!oo!& The )o$!tai!eer ha" hel" o! to his icy ha!"hol" $!til the last )o)e!t a!" the e4ec$tee ha" calle" Mort a lackey of the )o!archist state& O!ly the ol" la"y of 10K( who ha" o!e to her rewar" s$rro$!"e" #y her sorrowi! relati*es( ha" s)ile" at hi) a!" sai" he was looki! a little 'ale& The Disc s$! was close to the hori6o! #y the ti)e Bi!ky ca!tere" wearily thro$ h the skies o*er 3to ;at( a!" Mort looke" "ow! a!" saw the #or"erla!" of reality& It c$r*e" away #elow hi)( a cresce!t of fai!t sil*er )ist& /e "i"!2t k!ow what it was( #$t he ha" a !asty fore#o"i! that it ha" so)ethi! to "o with hi)& /e rei!e" i! the horse a!" allowe" hi) to trot e!tly towar"s the ro$!"( to$chi! "ow! a few yar"s #ehi!" the wall of iri"esce!t air& It was )o*i! at so)ethi! less tha! walki! 'ace( hissi! e!tly as it "rifte" host,like across the stark "a)' ca##a e fiel"s a!" fro6e! "rai!a e "itches& It was a col" !i ht( the ty'e of !i ht whe! frost a!" fo fi ht for "o)i!atio! a!" e*ery so$!" is )$ffle"& Bi!ky2s #reath )a"e fo$!tai!s of clo$" i! the still air& /e whi!!ie" e!tly( al)ost a'olo etically( a!" 'awe" at the ro$!"& Mort sli" o$t of the sa""le a!" cre't $' to the i!terface& It crackle" softly& Weir" sha'es cor$scate" across it( flowi! a!" shifti! a!" "isa''eari! & 1fter so)e searchi! he fo$!" a stick a!" 'oke" it ca$tio$sly i!to the wall& It )a"e stra! e ri''les that wo##le" slowly o$t of si ht& Mort looke" $' as a sha'e "rifte" o*erhea"& It was a #lack owl( 'atroll! the "itches for a!ythi! s)all a!" s.$eaky& It hit the wall with a s'lash of s'arkli! )ist( lea*i! a! owl,sha'e" ri''le that rew a!" s'rea" $!til it 9oi!e" the #oili! kalei"osco'e& The! it *a!ishe"& Mort co$l" see thro$ h the tra!s'are!t i!terface( a!" certai!ly !o owl rea''eare" o! the other si"e& C$st as he was '$66li! o*er this there was a!other so$!"less s'lash a few feet away a!" the #ir" #$rst i!to *iew a ai!( totally $!co!cer!e"( a!" ski))e" away across the fiel"s& Mort '$lle" hi)self to ether( a!" ste''e" thro$ h the #arrier which was !o #arrier at all& It ti! le"& 1 )o)e!t later Bi!ky #$rst thro$ h after hi)( eyes rolli! i! "es'eratio! a!" te!"rils of i!terface catchi! o! his hoo*es& /e reare" $'( shaki! his )a!e like a "o to re)o*e cli! i! fi#res of )ist( a!" looke" at Mort #eseechi! ly& Mort ca$ ht his #ri"le( 'atte" hi) o! the !ose( a!" f$)#le" i! his 'ocket for a rather r$##y s$ ar l$)'& /e was aware that he was i! the 'rese!ce of so)ethi! i)'orta!t( #$t he was!2t yet .$ite s$re what it was& There was a roa" r$!!i! #etwee! a! a*e!$e of "a)' a!" loo)y willow trees& Mort re)o$!te" a!" steere" Bi!ky across the fiel" i!to the "ri''i! "ark!ess $!"er the

#ra!ches& I! the "ista!ce he co$l" see the li hts of 3to /elit( which really was!2t )$ch )ore tha! a s)all tow!( a!" a fai!t low o! the e" e of si ht )$st #e 3to ;at& /e looke" at it lo! i! ly& The #arrier worrie" hi)& /e co$l" see it cree'i! across the fiel" #ehi!" the trees& Mort was o! the 'oi!t of $r i! Bi!ky #ack i!to the air whe! he saw the li ht i))e"iately ahea" of hi)( war) a!" #ecko!i! & It was s'illi! fro) the wi!"ows of a lar e #$il"i! set #ack fro) the roa"& It was 'ro#a#ly a cheerf$l sort of li ht i! a!y case( #$t i! these s$rro$!"i! s a!" co)'are" with Mort2s )oo" it was 'ositi*ely ecstatic& 1s he ro"e !earer he saw sha"ows )o*i! a ai!st it( a!" )a"e o$t a few s!atches of so! & It was a! i!!( a!" i!si"e there were 'eo'le ha*i! a oo" ti)e( or what 'asse" for a oo" ti)e if yo$ were a 'easa!t who s'e!t )ost of yo$r ti)e closely co!cer!e" with ca##a es& <o)'are" to #rassicas( 'ractically a!ythi! is f$!& There were h$)a! #ei! s i! there( "oi! $!co)'licate" h$)a! thi! s like etti! "r$!k a!" for etti! the wor"s of so! s& Mort ha" !e*er really felt ho)esick( 'ossi#ly #eca$se his )i!" ha" #ee! too occ$'ie" with other thi! s& B$t he felt it !ow for the first ti)e - a sort of lo! i! ( !ot for a 'lace( #$t for a state of )i!"( for #ei! 9$st a! or"i!ary h$)a! #ei! with strai htforwar" thi! s to worry a#o$t( like )o!ey a!" sick!ess a!" other 'eo'le& & & & 2I shall ha*e a "ri!k(2 he tho$ ht( 2a!" 'erha's I shall feel #etter&2 There was a! o'e!,fro!te" sta#le at o!e si"e of the )ai! #$il"i! ( a!" he le" Bi!ky i!to the war)( horse,s)elli! "ark!ess that alrea"y acco))o"ate" three other horses& 1s Mort $!faste!e" the !ose#a he wo!"ere" if Death2s horse felt the sa)e way a#o$t other horses which ha" rather less s$'er!at$ral lifestyles& /e certai!ly looke" i)'ressi*e co)'are" to the others( which re ar"e" hi) watchf$lly& Bi!ky was a real horse - the #listers of the sho*el ha!"le o! Mort2s ha!"s were a testi)o!y to that - a!" co)'are" to the others he looke" )ore real tha! e*er& More soli"& More horsey& 3li htly lar er tha! life& I! fact( Mort was o! the *er e of )aki! a! i)'orta!t "e"$ctio!( a!" it is $!fort$!ate that he was "istracte"( as he walke" across the yar" to the i!!2s low "oor( #y the si ht of the i!! si !& Its artist ha"!2t #ee! 'artic$larly ifte"( #$t there was !o )istaki! the li!e of Keli2s 9aw or her )ass of fiery hair i! the 'ortrait of The @$e!e2s /e"& /e si he"( a!" '$she" o'e! the "oor& 1s o!e )a!( the asse)#le" co)'a!y sto''e" talki! a!" stare" at hi) with the ho!est r$ral stare that s$ ests that for two 'i!s they2ll hit yo$ aro$!" the hea" with a sho*el a!" #$ry yo$r #o"y $!"er a co)'ost hea' at f$ll )oo!& It )i ht #e worth taki! a!other look at Mort( #eca$se he2s cha! e" a lot i! the last few cha'ters& 5or e4a)'le( while he still has 'le!ty of k!ees a!" el#ows a#o$t his 'erso!( they see) to ha*e )i rate" to their !or)al 'laces a!" he !o lo! er )o*es as tho$ h his 9oi!ts were loosely faste!e" to ether with elastic #a!"s& /e $se" to look as if he k!ew !othi! at all7 !ow he looks as tho$ h he k!ows too )$ch& 3o)ethi! a#o$t his eyes s$ ests that he has see! thi! s that or"i!ary 'eo'le !e*er see( or at least !e*er see )ore

tha! o!ce& 3o)ethi! a#o$t all the rest of hi) s$ ests to the watchers that ca$si! a! i!co!*e!ie!ce for this #oy )i ht 9$st #e as wise as kicki! a was' !est& I! short( Mort !o lo! er looks like so)ethi! the cat #ro$ ht i! a!" the! #ro$ ht $'& The la!"lor" rela4e" his ri' o! the sto$t #lackthor! 'eace)aker he ke't $!"er the #ar a!" co)'ose" his feat$res i!to so)ethi! rese)#li! a cheerf$l welco)i! ri!( altho$ h !ot *ery )$ch& 2%*e!i! ( yo$r lor"shi'(2 he sai"& 2What2s yo$r 'leas$re this col" a!" frosty !i ht=2 2What=2 sai" Mort( #li!ki! i! the li ht& 2What he )ea!s is( what "2yo$ wa!t to "ri!k=2 sai" a s)all ferret,face" )a! sitti! #y the fire( who was i*i! Mort the ki!" of look a #$tcher i*es a fiel" f$ll of la)#s& 2U)& I "o!2t k!ow(2 sai" Mort& 2Do yo$ sell star"ri'=2 28e*er hear" of it( lor"shi'&2 Mort looke" aro$!" at the faces watchi! hi)( ill$)i!ate" #y the fireli ht& They were the sort of 'eo'le e!erally calle" the salt of the earth& I! other wor"s( they were har"( s.$are a!" #a" for yo$r health( #$t Mort was too 'reocc$'ie" to !otice& 2What "o 'eo'le like to "ri!k here( the!=2 The la!"lor" looke" si"eways at his c$sto)ers( a cle*er trick i*e! that they were "irectly i! fro!t of hi)& 2Why( lor"shi'( we "ri!k sc$)#le( for 'refere!ce&2 23c$)#le=2 sai" Mort( faili! to !otice the )$ffle" s!i ers& 21ye( lor"shi'& Ma"e fro) a''les& Well( )ai!ly a''les&2 This see)e" healthy e!o$ h to Mort& 2Oh( ri ht(2 he sai"& 21 'i!t of sc$)#le( the!&2 /e reache" i!to his 'ocket a!" with"rew the #a of ol" that Death ha" i*e! hi)& It was still .$ite f$ll& I! the s$""e! h$sh of the i!! the fai!t cli!k of the coi!s so$!"e" like the le e!"ary Brass 0o! s of ;esh'( which ca! #e hear" far o$t to sea o! stor)y !i hts as the c$rre!ts stir the) i! their "row!e" towers three h$!"re" fatho)s #elow& 21!" 'lease ser*e these e!tle)e! with whate*er they wa!t(2 he a""e"& /e was so o*erwhel)e" #y the chor$s of tha!ks that he "i"!2t take )$ch !otice of the fact that his !ew frie!"s were ser*e" their "ri!k i! ti!y( thi)#le,si6e" lasses( while his alo!e t$r!e" $' i! a lar e woo"e! )$ & 1 lot of stories are tol" a#o$t sc$)#le( a!" how it is )a"e o$t o! the "a)' )arshes accor"i! to a!cie!t reci'es ha!"e" "ow! rather $!stea"ily fro) father to so!& It2s !ot tr$e a#o$t the rats( or the s!ake hea"s( or the lea" shot& The o!e a#o$t the "ea" shee' is a co)'lete fa#ricatio!& We ca! lay to rest all the *ariatio!s of the o!e a#o$t the tro$ser #$tto!& B$t the o!e a#o$t !ot letti! it co)e i!to co!tact with )etal is a#sol$tely tr$e( #eca$se whe! the la!"lor" fla ra!tly shortcha! e" Mort a!" 'lo!ke" the s)all hea' of co''er i! a '$""le of the st$ff it i))e"iately #e a! to froth& Mort s!iffe" his "ri!k( a!" the! took a si'& It taste" so)ethi! like a''les( so)ethi! like a$t$)! )or!i! s( a!" .$ite a lot like the #otto) of a lo 'ile& 8ot wishi! to a''ear

"isres'ectf$l( howe*er( he took a swi & The crow" watche" hi)( co$!ti! $!"er its #reath& Mort felt so)ethi! was #ei! "e)a!"e" of hi)& 28ice(2 he sai"( 2*ery refreshi! &2 /e took a!other si'& 2Bit of a! ac.$ire" taste(2 he a""e"( 2#$t well worth the effort( I2) s$re&2 There were o!e or two )$tters of "isco!te!t fro) the #ack of the crow"& 2/e2s #ee! wateri! the sc$)#le( that2s what 2tis&2 28ay( tho$ k!owst what ha''e!s if yo$ lets a "ro' of water to$ch sc$)#le&2 The la!"lor" trie" to i !ore this& 2:o$ like it=2 he sai" to Mort( i! 'retty )$ch the sa)e to!e of *oice 'eo'le $se" whe! they sai" to 3t 0eor e( 2:o$ kille" a what=2 2It2s .$ite ta! y(2 sai" Mort& 21!" sort of !$tty&2 2%4c$se )e(2 sai" the la!"lor"( a!" e!tly took the )$ o$t of Mort2s ha!"& /e s!iffe" at it( the! wi'e" his eyes& 2U$$!!ya (2 he sai"& 2It2s the ri ht st$ff all ri ht&2 /e looke" at the #oy with so)ethi! *er i! o! a")iratio!& It was!2t that he2" "r$!k a thir" of a 'i!t of sc$)#le i! itself( it was that he was still *ertical a!" a''are!tly ali*e& /e ha!"e" the 'ot #ack a ai!+ it was as if Mort was #ei! i*e! a tro'hy after so)e i!cre"i#le co!test& Whe! the #oy took a!other )o$thf$l se*eral of the watchers wi!ce"& The la!"lor" wo!"ere" what Mort2s teeth were )a"e of( a!" "eci"e" it )$st #e the sa)e st$ff as his sto)ach& 2:o$2re !ot a wi6ar" #y a!y cha!ce=2 he e!.$ire"( 9$st i! case& 23orry( !o& 3ho$l" I #e=2 Di"!2t thi!k so( tho$ ht the la!"lor"( he "oes!2t walk like a wi6ar" a!" a!yway he is!2t s)oki! a!ythi! & /e looke" at the sc$)#le 'ot a ai!& There was so)ethi! wro! a#o$t this& There was so)ethi! wro! a#o$t the #oy& /e "i"!2t look ri ht& /e looke" > > )ore soli" tha! he sho$l" "o& That was ri"ic$lo$s( of co$rse& The #ar was soli"( the floor was soli"( the c$sto)ers were as soli" as yo$ co$l" wish for& :et Mort( sta!"i! there looki! rather e)#arrasse" a!" cas$ally si''i! a li.$i" yo$ co$l" clea! s'oo!s with( see)e" to e)it a 'artic$larly 'ote!t sort of soli"!ess( a! e4tra "i)e!sio! of real!ess& /is hair was )ore hairy( his clothes )ore clothy( his #oots the e'ito)e of #oot!ess& It )a"e yo$r hea" ache 9$st to look at hi)& /owe*er( Mort the! "e)o!strate" that he was h$)a! after all& The )$ "ro''e" fro) his stricke! fi! ers a!" clattere" o! the fla sto!es( where the "re s of sc$)#le starte" to eat its way thro$ h the)& /e 'oi!te" at the far wall( his )o$th o'e!i! a!" sh$tti! wor"lessly& The re $lars t$r!e" #ack to their co!*ersatio!s a!" a)es of sho*el,$'( reass$re" that thi! s were as they sho$l" #e7 Mort was acti! 'erfectly !or)ally !ow& The la!"lor"( relie*e" that the #rew ha" #ee! *i!"icate"( reache" across the #ar to' a!" 'atte" hi)

co)'a!io!a#ly o! the sho$l"er& 2It2s all ri ht(2 he sai"& 2It ofte! takes 'eo'le like this( yo$2ll 9$st ha*e a hea"ache for a few weeks( "o!2t worry a#o$t it( a "ro' of sc$)#le2ll see yo$ all ri ht a ai!&2 It is a fact that the #est re)e"y for a sc$)#le ha! o*er is a hair of the "o ( altho$ h it sho$l" )ore acc$rately #e calle" a tooth of the shark or 'ossi#ly a trea" of the #$ll"o6er& B$t Mort )erely we!t o! 'oi!ti! a!" sai"( i! a tre)#li! *oice( 2<a!2t yo$ see it= It2s co)i! thro$ h the wallB It2s co)i! ri ht thro$ h the wallB2 21 lot of thi! s co)e thro$ h the wall after yo$r first "ri!k of sc$)#le& 0ree! hairy thi! s( $s$ally&2 2It2s the )istB <a!2t yo$ hear it si66li! =2 21 si66li! )ist( is it=2 The la!"lor" looke" at the wall( which was .$ite e)'ty a!" $!)ysterio$s e4ce't for a few co#we#s& The $r e!cy i! Mort2s *oice $!settle" hi)& /e wo$l" ha*e 'referre" the !or)al scaly )o!sters& 1 )a! k!ew where he stoo" with the)& 2It2s co)i! ri ht across the roo)B <a!2t yo$ feel it=2 The c$sto)ers looke" at o!e a!other& Mort was )aki! the) $!easy& O!e or two of the) a")itte" later that they "i" feel so)ethi! ( rather like a! icy ti! le( #$t it co$l" ha*e #ee! i!"i estio!& Mort #acke" away( a!" the! ri''e" the #ar& /e shi*ere" for a )o)e!t& 2;ook(2 sai" the la!"lor"( 2a 9oke2s a 9oke( #$t >2 2:o$ ha" a ree! shirt o! #eforeB2 The la!"lor" looke" "ow!& There was a! e" e of terror i! his *oice& 2Before what=2 he .$a*ere"& To his asto!ish)e!t( a!" #efore his ha!" co$l" co)'lete its s$rre'titio$s 9o$r!ey towar"s the #lackthor! stick( Mort l$! e" across the #ar a!" ra##e" hi) #y the a'ro!& 2:o$2*e ot a ree! shirt( ha*e!2t yo$=2 he sai"& 2I saw it( it ha" little yellow #$tto!sB2 2Well( yes& I2*e ot two shirts&2 The la!"lor" trie" to "raw hi)self $' a little& 2I2) a )a! of )ea!s(2 he a""e"& 2I 9$st "i"!2t wear it to"ay&2 /e "i"!2t wa!t to k!ow how Mort k!ew a#o$t the #$tto!s& Mort let hi) o a!" s'$! ro$!"& 2They2re all sitti! i! "iffere!t 'lacesB Where2s the )a! who was sitti! #y the fire= It2s all cha! e"B2 /e ra! o$t thro$ h the "oor a!" there was a )$ffle" cry fro) o$tsi"e& /e "ashe" #ack( wil",eye"( a!" co!fro!te" the horrifie" crow"& 2Who cha! e" the si != 3o)eo!e cha! e" the si !B2 The la!"lor" !er*o$sly ra! his to! $e across his li's& 21fter the ol" ki! "ie"( yo$ )ea!=2 he sai"& Mort2s look chille" hi)( the #oy2s eyes were two #lack 'ools of terror& 2It2s the !a)e I )ea!B2

2We2*e - it2s always #ee! the sa)e !a)e(2 sai" the )a!( looki! "es'erately at his c$sto)ers for s$''ort& 2Is!2t that so( la"s= The D$ke2s /ea"&2 There was a )$r)$re" chor$s of a ree)e!t& Mort stare" at e*eryo!e( *isi#ly shaki! & The! he t$r!e" a!" ra! o$tsi"e a ai!& The liste!ers hear" hoof #eats i! the yar"( which rew fai!ter a!" the! "isa''eare" e!tirely( 9$st as tho$ h a horse ha" left the face of the earth& There was !o so$!" i!si"e the i!!& Me! trie" to a*oi" o!e a!other2s a6e& 8o,o!e wa!te" to #e the first to a")it to seei! what he tho$ ht he ha" 9$st see!& 3o it was left to the la!"lor" to walk $!stea"ily across the roo) a!" reach o$t a!" r$! his fi! ers across the fa)iliar( reass$ri! woo"e! s$rface of the "oor& It was soli"( $!#roke!( e*erythi! a "oor sho$l" #e& %*eryo!e ha" see! Mort r$! thro$ h it three ti)es& /e 9$st ha"!2t o'e!e" it& Bi!ky fo$ ht for hei ht( risi! !early *ertically with his hoo*es thrashi! the air a!" his #reath c$rli! away #ehi!" hi) like a *a'o$r trail& Mort h$! o! with k!ees a!" ha!"s a!" )ostly with will'ower( his face #$rie" i! the horse2s )a!e& /e "i"!2t look "ow! $!til the air aro$!" hi) was free6i! a!" thi! as workho$se ra*y& O*erhea" the /$# ;i hts flickere" sile!tly across the wi!ter sky& Below > > a! $'t$r!e" sa$cer( )iles across( sil*ery i! the starli ht& /e co$l" see li hts thro$ h it& <lo$"s were "rifti! thro$ h it& 8o& /e watche" caref$lly& <lo$"s were certai!ly "rifti! i!to it( a!" there were clo$"s in it( #$t the clo$"s i!si"e were wis'ier a!" )o*i! i! a sli htly "iffere!t "irectio! a!"( i! fact( "i"!2t see) to ha*e )$ch to "o with the clo$"s o$tsi"e& There was so)ethi! else & & & oh yes( the /$# ;i hts& They a*e the !i ht o$tsi"e the hostly he)is'here a fai!t ree! ti!t( #$t there was !o si ! of it $!"er the "o)e& It was like looki! i!to a 'iece of a!other worl"( al)ost i"e!tical( that ha" #ee! rafte" o! to the Disc& The weather was sli htly "iffere!t i! there( a!" the ;i hts were!2t o! "is'lay to!i ht& 1!" the Disc was rese!ti! it( a!" s$rro$!"i! it( a!" '$shi! it #ack i!to !o!,e4iste!ce& Mort co$l"!2t see it rowi! s)aller fro) $' here( #$t i! his )i!"2s ear he co$l" hear the loc$st si66le of the thi! as it ro$!" across the la!"( cha! i! thi! s #ack to where they sho$l" #e& Reality was heali! itself& Mort k!ew( witho$t e*e! ha*i! to thi!k a#o$t it( who was at the ce!tre of the "o)e& It was o#*io$s e*e! fro) here that it was ce!tre" fir)ly o! 3to ;at& /e trie" !ot to thi!k what wo$l" ha''e! whe! the "o)e ha" shr$!k to the si6e of the roo)( a!" the! the si6e of a 'erso!( a!" the! the si6e of a! e & /e faile"& ;o ic wo$l" ha*e tol" Mort that here was his sal*atio!& I! a "ay or two the 'ro#le) wo$l" sol*e itself7 the #ooks i! the li#rary wo$l" #e ri ht a ai!7 the worl" wo$l" ha*e s'r$! #ack i!to sha'e like a! elastic #a!"a e& ;o ic wo$l" ha*e tol" hi) that i!terferi! with the 'rocess a seco!" ti)e aro$!" wo$l" o!ly )ake thi! s worse& ;o ic wo$l" ha*e sai" all that( if o!ly ;o ic ha"!2t take! the !i ht off too& ;i ht tra*els .$ite slowly o! the Disc( "$e to the #raki! effect of the h$ e )a ical fiel"(

a!" c$rre!tly that 'art of the Ri) carryi! the isla!" of Kr$ll was "irectly $!"er the little s$!2s or#it a!" it was( therefore( still early e*e!i! & It was also .$ite war)( si!ce the Ri) 'icks $' )ore heat a!" e!9oys a e!tle )ariti)e cli)ate& I! fact Kr$ll( with a lar e 'art of what for wa!t of a #etter wor" )$st #e calle" its coastli!e sticki! o$t o*er the %" e( was a fort$!ate isla!"& The o!ly !ati*e Kr$llia!s who "i" !ot a''reciate this were those who "i"!2t look where they were oi! or who walke" i! their slee' a!"( #eca$se of !at$ral selectio!( there were!2t *ery )a!y of the) a!y )ore& 1ll societies ha*e their share of "ro'o$ts( #$t o! Kr$ll they !e*er ha" a cha!ce to "ro' #ack i! a ai!& Ter'sic Mi)s was !ot a "ro'o$t& /e was a! a! ler& There is a "iffere!ce7 a! li! is )ore e4'e!si*e& B$t Ter'sic was ha''y& /e was watchi! a feather o! a cork #o# e!tly o! the e!tle( ree",li!e" waters of the /akr$ll ri*er a!" his )i!" was *ery !early a #la!k& The o!ly thi! that co$l" ha*e "ist$r#e" his )oo" was act$ally catchi! a fish( #eca$se catchi! fish was the o!e thi! a#o$t a! li! that he really "rea"e"& They were col" a!" sli)y a!" 'a!icky a!" ot o! his !er*es( a!" Ter'sic2s !er*es were!2t *ery oo"& 3o lo! as he ca$ ht !othi! Ter'sic Mi)s was o!e of the Disc2s ha''iest a! lers( #eca$se the /akr$ll ri*er was fi*e )iles fro) his ho)e a!" therefore fi*e )iles fro) Mrs 0wla"ys Mi)s( with who) he ha" e!9oye" si4 ha''y )o!ths of )arrie" life& That ha" #ee! so)e twe!ty years 're*io$sly& Ter'sic "i" !ot 'ay $!"$e hee" whe! a!other a! ler took $' statio! f$rther alo! the #a!k& Of co$rse( so)e fisher)e! )i ht ha*e o#9ecte" to this #reach of eti.$ette( #$t i! Ter'sic2s #ook a!ythi! that re"$ce" his cha!ce of act$ally catchi! a!y of the "a)!e" thi! s was all ri ht #y hi)& O$t of the cor!er of his eye he !ote" that the !ewco)er was fly,fishi! ( a! i!teresti! 'asti)e which Ter'sic ha" re9ecte" #eca$se o!e s'e!t alto ether far too )$ch ti)e at ho)e )aki! the e.$i')e!t& /e ha" !e*er see! fly,fishi! like this #efore& There were wet flies( a!" there were "ry flies( #$t this fly a$ $re" i!to the water with a saw,toothe" whi!e a!" "ra e" the fish o$t #ackwar"s& Ter'sic watche" i! horrifie" fasci!atio! as the i!"isti!ct fi $re #ehi!" the willow trees cast a!" cast a ai!& The water #oile" as the ri*er2s e!tire 'isci!e 'o'$latio! fo$ ht to et o$t of the way of the #$66i! terror a!"( $!fort$!ately( a lar e a!" )a""e!e" 'ike took Ter'sic2s hook o$t of sheer co!f$sio!& O!e )o)e!t he was sta!"i! o! the #a!k( a!" the !e4t he was i! a ree!( cla! i! loo)( #$##li! his #reath away a!" watchi! his life flash #efore his eyes a!"( e*e! i! the )o)e!t of "row!i! ( "rea"i! the tho$ ht of watchi! the #it #etwee! the "ay of his we""i! a!" the 'rese!t& It occ$rre" to hi) that 0wla"ys wo$l" soo! #e a wi"ow( which cheere" hi) $' a little #it& I! fact Ter'sic ha" always trie" to look o! the #ri ht si"e( a!" it str$ck hi)( as he sa!k ratef$lly i!to the silt( that fro) this 'oi!t o! his whole life co$l" o!ly i)'ro*e& & & & 1!" a ha!" ra##e" his hair a!" "ra e" hi) to the s$rface( which was s$""e!ly f$ll of 'ai!& 0hastly #l$e a!" #lack #lotches swa) i! fro!t of his eyes& /is l$! s were o! fire& /is throat was a 'i'e of a o!y& /a!"s - col" ha!"s( free6i! ha!"s( ha!"s that felt like a lo*e f$ll of "ice - towe" hi)

thro$ h the water a!" threw hi) "ow! o! to the #a!k where( after so)e a)e atte)'ts to et o! with "row!i! ( he was e*e!t$ally #$llie" #ack i!to what 'asse" for his life& Ter'sic "i"!2t ofte! et a! ry( #eca$se 0wla"ys "i"!2t hol" with it& B$t he felt cheate"& /e2" #ee! #or! witho$t #ei! co!s$lte"( he2" #ee! )arrie" #eca$se 0wla"ys a!" her father ha" see! to it( a!" the o!ly )a9or h$)a! achie*e)e!t that was $!i.$ely his ha" #ee! r$"ely s!atche" away fro) hi)& 1 few seco!"s a o it ha" all #ee! so si)'le& 8ow it was all co)'licate" a ai!& 8ot that he wa!te" to "ie( of co$rse& The o"s were *ery fir) o! the s$#9ect of s$ici"e& /e 9$st ha"!2t wa!te" to #e resc$e"& Thro$ h re" eyes i! a )ask of sli)e a!" "$ckwee" he 'eere" at the #l$rre" for) a#o*e hi)( a!" sho$te"( 2Why "i" yo$ ha*e to sa*e )e=2 The a!swer worrie" hi)& /e tho$ ht a#o$t it as he s.$elche" all the way ho)e& It sat at the #ack of his )i!" while 0wla"ys co)'lai!e" a#o$t the state of his clothes& It s.$irrelle" aro$!" i! his hea" as he sat a!" s!ee6e" $iltily #y the fire( #eca$se #ei! ill was a!other thi! 0wla"ys "i"!2t hol" with& 1s he lay shi*eri! i! #e" it settle" i! his "rea)s like a! ice#er & I! the )i"st of his fe*er he )$ttere"( 2What "i" he )ea!( J5OR ;1T%RJ=2 Torches flare" i! the city of 3to ;at& Whole s.$a"s of )e! were char e" with the task of co!sta!tly re!ewi! the)& The streets lowe"& The si66li! fla)es '$she" #ack sha"ows that ha" #ee! #la)elessly )i!"i! their ow! #$si!ess e*ery !i ht for ce!t$ries& They ill$)i!ate" a!cie!t cor!ers where the eyes of #ewil"ere" rats littere" i! the "e'ths of their holes& They force" #$r lars to stay i!"oors& They lowe" o! the !i ht )ists( for)i! a !i)#$s of yellow li ht that #lotte" o$t the col" hi h fla)es strea)i! fro) the /$#& B$t )ai!ly they sho!e o! the face of Pri!cess Keli& It was e*erywhere& It 'lastere" e*ery flat s$rface& Bi!ky ca!tere" alo! the lowi! streets #etwee! Pri!cess Keli o! "oors( walls a!" a#le e!"s& Mort a'e" at 'osters of his #elo*e" o! e*ery s$rface where work)e! ha" #ee! a#le to )ake 'aste stick& %*e! stra! er( !o,o!e see)e" to #e 'ayi! the) )$ch atte!tio!& While 3to ;at2s !i ht life was !ot as colo$rf$l a!" f$ll of i!ci"e!t as that of 1!kh,Mor'ork( i! the sa)e way that a waste'a'er #asket ca!!ot co)'ete with a )$!ici'al ti'( the streets were !e*ertheless a,#$stle with 'eo'le a!" shrill with the cries of h$cksters( a)#lers( sellers of sweet)eats( 'ea,a!",thi)#le )e!( la"ies of assi !atio!( 'ick'ockets a!" the occasio!al ho!est tra"er who ha" wa!"ere" i! #y )istake a!" co$l"!2t !ow raise e!o$ h )o!ey to lea*e& 1s Mort ro"e thro$ h the) s!atches of co!*ersatio! i! half,a,"o6e! la! $a es floate" i!to his ears7 with !$)# acce'ta!ce he realise" he co$l" $!"ersta!" e*ery o!e of the)& /e e*e!t$ally "is)o$!te" a!" le" the horse alo! Wall 3treet( searchi! i! *ai! for <$twell2s ho$se& /e fo$!" it o!ly #eca$se a l$)' o! the !earest 'oster was )aki! )$ffle" sweari! !oises& /e reache" o$t i! erly a!" '$lle" asi"e a stri' of 'a'er& Ta!ks *ery )$ch(2 sai" the ar oyle "oork!ocker& 2:o$ wo$l"!2t cre"it it( wo$l" yo$= O!e )i!$te life as !or)al( !e4ft )i!$te a )o$thf$l of l$e&2

2Where2s <$twell=2 2/e2s o!e off to the 'alace&2 The k!ocker leere" at hi) a!" wi!ke" a cast,iro! eye& 23o)e )e! ca)e a!" took all his fst$ff away& The! so)e o**er )e! starte" 'asti! 'ict$res of his irlfrie!" all o*er the 'lace& Barft$"s(2 it a""e"& Mort colo$re"& 2/is irlfrie!"=2 The "oork!ocker( #ei! of the "e)o!ic 'ers$asio!( s!i ere" at his to!e& It so$!"e" like fi! er!ails #ei! "ra e" o*er a file& 2:eff(2 it sai"& They fee)e" i! a #it of a h$rry( if yo$ ask )e&2 Mort was alrea"y $' o! Bi!ky2s #ack& 2I fayB2 sho$te" the k!ocker at his retreati! #ack& 2I fayB <o$l" yo$ $!ftick )e( #oy=2 Mort t$ e" o! Bi!ky2s rei!s so har" that the horse reare" a!" "a!ce" cra6ily #ackwar"s across the co##les( the! reache" o$t a!" ra##e" the ri! of the k!ocker& The ar oyle looke" $' i!to his face a!" s$""e!ly felt like a *ery fri hte!e" "oork!ocker i!"ee"& Mort2s eyes lowe" like cr$ci#les( his e4'ressio! was a f$r!ace( his *oice hel" e!o$ h heat to )elt iro!& It "i"!2t k!ow what he co$l" "o( #$t felt that it wo$l" 'refer !ot to fi!" o$t& 2What "i" yo$ call )e=2 Mort hisse"& The "oork!ocker tho$ ht .$ickly& 25ir=2 it sai"& 2What "i" yo$ ask )e to "o=2 2U!ftick )e=2 2I "o!2t i!te!" to&2 25i!e(2 sai" the "oork!ocker( 2fi!e& That2s okay #y )e& I2ll 9$st ftick aro$!"( the!&2 It watche" Mort ca!ter off alo! the street a!" sh$""ere" with relief( k!ocki! itself e!tly i! its !er*o$s!ess& 21 !aaaarrow s.eeeak(2 sai" o!e of the hi! es& 25$t $'B2 Mort 'asse" !i ht watch)e!( whose 9o# !ow a''eare" to co!sist of ri! i! #ells a!" sho$ti! the !a)e of the Pri!cess( #$t a little $!certai!ly( as if they ha" "iffic$lty re)e)#eri! it& /e i !ore" the)( #eca$se he was liste!i! to *oices i!si"e his hea" which we!t+ 3he2s o!ly )et yo$ o!ce( yo$ fool& Why sho$l" she #other a#o$t yo$= :es( #$t I "i" sa*e her life& That )ea!s it #elo! s to her& 8ot to yo$& Besi"es( he2s a wi6ar"& 3o what= Wi6ar"s are!2t s$''ose" to - to o o$t with irls( they2re cele#rate& & & & <ele#rate= They2re !ot s$''ose" to yo$k!ow& & & &

What( !e*er a!y yo$k!ow at all= sai" the i!ter!al *oice( a!" it so$!"e" as if it was ri!!i! & It2s s$''ose" to #e #a" for the )a ic( tho$ ht Mort #itterly& 5$!!y 'lace to kee' )a ic& Mort was shocke"& Who are yo$= he "e)a!"e"& I2) yo$( Mort& :o$r i!!er self& Well( I wish I2" et o$t of )y hea"( it2s .$ite crow"e" e!o$ h with )e i! here& 5air e!o$ h( sai" the *oice( I was o!ly tryi! to hel'& B$t re)e)#er( if yo$ e*er !ee" yo$( yo$2re always aro$!"& The *oice fa"e" away& Well( tho$ ht Mort #itterly( that )$st ha*e #ee! )e& I2) the o!ly o!e that calls )e Mort& The shock of the realisatio! .$ite o#sc$re" the fact that( while Mort ha" #ee! locke" i!to the )o!olo $e( he ha" ri""e! ri ht thro$ h the ates of the 'alace& Of co$rse( 'eo'le ro"e thro$ h the ates of the 'alace e*ery "ay( #$t )ost of the) !ee"e" the thi! s to #e o'e!e" first& The $ar"s o! the other si"e were ri i" with fear( #eca$se they tho$ ht they ha" see! a host& They wo$l" ha*e #ee! far )ore fri hte!e" if they ha" k!ow! that a host was al)ost e4actly what they ha"!2t see!& The $ar" o$tsi"e the "oors of the reat hall ha" see! it ha''e! too( #$t he ha" ti)e to ather his wits( or s$ch that re)ai!e"( a!" raise his s'ear as Bi!ky trotte" across the co$rtyar"& 2/alt(2 he croake"& 2/alt& What oes where=2 Mort saw hi) for the first ti)e& 2What=2 he sai"( still lost i! tho$ ht& The $ar" ra! his to! $e o*er his "ry li's( a!" #acke" away& Mort sli" off Bi!ky2s #ack a!" walke" forwar"& 2I )ea!t( what oes there=2 the $ar" trie" a ai!( with a )i4t$re of "o s$ici"al st$'i"ity that )arke" hi) for early 'ro)otio!& e"!ess a!"

Mort ca$ ht the s'ear e!tly a!" lifte" it o$t of the way of the "oor& 1s he "i" so the torchli ht ill$)i!ate" his face& 2Mort(2 he sai" softly& It sho$l" ha*e #ee! e!o$ h for a!y !or)al sol"ier( #$t this $ar" was officer )aterial& 2I )ea!( frie!" or foe=2 he st$ttere"( tryi! to a*oi" Mort2s a6e& 2Which wo$l" yo$ 'refer=2 he ri!!e"& It was!2t .$ite the ri! of his )aster( #$t it was a 'retty effecti*e ri! a!" "i"!2t ha*e a trace of h$)o$r i! it& The $ar" sa e" with relief( a!" stoo" asi"e& 2Pass( frie!"(2 he sai"& Mort stro"e across the hall towar"s the staircase that le" to the royal a'art)e!ts& The hall

ha" cha! e" a lot si!ce he last saw it& Portraits of Keli were e*erywhere7 they2" e*e! re'lace" the a!cie!t a!" cr$)#li! #attle #a!!ers i! the sha"owy hei hts of the roof& 1!yo!e walki! thro$ h the 'alace wo$l" ha*e fo$!" it i)'ossi#le to o )ore tha! a few ste's witho$t seei! a 'ortrait& Part of Mort2s )i!" wo!"ere" why( 9$st as a!other 'art worrie" a#o$t the flickeri! "o)e that was stea"ily closi! o! the city( #$t )ost of his )i!" was a hot a!" stea)y low of ra e a!" #ewil"er)e!t a!" 9ealo$sy& :sa#ell ha" #ee! ri ht( he tho$ ht( this )$st #e lo*e& 2The walk,thro$ h,walls #oyB2 /e 9erke" his hea" $'& <$twell was sta!"i! at the to' of the stairs& The wi6ar" ha" cha! e" a lot too( Mort tho$ ht #itterly& Perha's !ot that )$ch( tho$ h& 1ltho$ h he was weari! a #lack a!" white ro#e e)#roi"ere" with se.$i!s( altho$ h his 'oi!ty hat was a yar" hi h a!" "ecorate" with )ore )ystic sy)#ols tha! a "e!tal chart( a!" altho$ h his re" *el*et shoes ha" sil*er #$ckles a!" toes that c$rle" like s!ails( there were still a few stai!s o! his collar a!" he a''eare" to #e chewi! & /e watche" Mort cli)# the stairs towar"s hi)& 21re yo$ a! ry a#o$t so)ethi! =2 he sai"& 2I starte" work( #$t I ot rather tie" $' with other thi! s& ?ery "iffic$lt( walki! thro$ h - why are yo$ looki! at )e like that=2 2What are yo$ "oi! here=2 2I )i ht ask yo$ the sa)e .$estio!& Wo$l" yo$ like a straw#erry=2 Mort la!ce" at the s)all woo"e! '$!!et i! the wi6ar"2s ha!"s& 2I! )i",wi!ter=2 21ct$ally( they2re s'ro$ts with a "ash of e!cha!t)e!t&2 They taste like straw#erries=2 <$twell si he"& 28o( like s'ro$ts& The s'ell is!2t totally efficie!t& I tho$ ht they )i ht cheer the 'ri!cess $'( #$t she threw the) at )e& 3ha)e to waste the)& Be )y $est&2 Mort a'e" at hi)& 23he threw the) at yo$=2 2?ery acc$rately( I2) afrai"& ?ery stro! ,)i!"e" yo$! la"y&2 /i( sai" a *oice i! the #ack of Mort2s )i!"( it2s yo$ a ai!( 'oi!ti! o$t to yo$rself that the cha!ces of the 'ri!cess e*e! co!te)'lati! yo$ k!ow with this fellow are o! the far si"e of re)ote& 0o away( tho$ ht Mort& /is s$#co!scio$s was worryi! hi)& It a''eare" to ha*e a "irect li!e to 'arts of his #o"y that he wa!te" to i !ore at the )o)e!t& 2Why are yo$ here=2 he sai" alo$"& 2Is it so)ethi! to "o with all these 'ict$res=2 20oo" i"ea( was!2t it=2 #ea)e" <$twell& 2I2) rather 'ro$" of it )yself&2 2%4c$se )e(2 sai" Mort weakly& 2I2*e ha" a #$sy "ay& I thi!k I2" like to sit "ow! so)ewhere&2 2There2s the Thro!e Roo)(2 sai" <$twell& 2There2s !o,o!e i! there at this ti)e of !i ht& %*eryo!e2s aslee'&2

Mort !o""e"( a!" the! looke" s$s'icio$sly at the yo$! wi6ar"& 2What are yo$ "oi! $'( the!=2 he sai"& 2U)(2 sai" <$twell( 2$)( I 9$st tho$ ht I2" see if there was a!ythi! i! the 'a!try&2 /e shr$ e"&ENF 8ow is the ti)e to re'ort that <$twell too !otices that Mort( e*e! a Mort weary with ri"i! a!" lack of slee'( is so)ehow lowi! fro) withi! a!" i! so)e stra! e way $!co!!ecte" with si6e is !e*ertheless lar er tha! life& The "iffere!ce is that <$twell is( #y trai!i! ( a #etter $esser tha! other 'eo'le a!" k!ows that i! occ$lt )atters the o#*io$s a!swer is $s$ally the wro! o!e& Mort ca! )o*e a#se!t)i!"e"ly thro$ h walls a!" "ri!k !eat wi"ow)aker so#erly !ot #eca$se he is t$r!i! i!to a host( #$t #eca$se he is #eco)i! "a! ero$sly real& I! fact( as the #oy st$)#les while they walk alo! the sile!t corri"ors a!" ste's thro$ h a )ar#le 'illar witho$t !otici! ( it2s o#*io$s that the worl" is #eco)i! a 'retty i!s$#sta!tial 'lace fro) his 'oi!t of *iew& 2:o$ 9$st walke" thro$ h a )ar#le 'illar(2 o#ser*e" <$twell& 2/ow "i" yo$ "o it=2 2Di" I=2 Mort looke" aro$!"& The 'illar looke" so$!" e!o$ h& /e 'oke" a! ar) towar"s it( a!" sli htly #r$ise" his el#ow& 2I co$l" ha*e swor! yo$ "i"(2 sai" <$twell& 2Wi6ar"s !otice these thi! s( yo$ k!ow&2 /e reache" i!to the 'ocket of his ro#e& The! ha*e yo$ !otice" the )ist "o)e aro$!" the co$!try=2 sai" Mort& <$twell s.$eake"& The 9ar i! his ha!" "ro''e" a!" s)ashe" o! the tiles7 there was the s)ell of sli htly ra!ci" sala" "ressi! & 2"lready=2 2I "o!2t k!ow a#o$t alrea"y(2 sai" Mort( 2#$t there2s this sort of crackli! wall sli"i! o*er the la!" a!" !o,o!e else see)s to worry a#o$t it a!">2 2/ow fast was it )o*i! =2 2> it cha! es thi! sB2 2:o$ saw it= /ow far away is it= /ow fast is it )o*i! =2 2Of co$rse I saw it& I ro"e thro$ h it twice& It was like >2 2B$t yo$2re !ot a wi6ar"( so why >2 2What are yo$ "oi! here( a!yway >2 <$twell took a "ee' #reath& 2%*eryo!e sh$t $'B2 he screa)e"& There was sile!ce& The! the wi6ar" ra##e" Mort2s ar)& 2<o)e o!(2 he sai"( '$lli! hi) #ack alo! the corri"or& 2I "o!2t k!ow who yo$ are e4actly a!" I ho'e I2*e ot ti)e to fi!" o$t o!e "ay #$t so)ethi! really horri#le is oi! to ha''e! soo! a!" I thi!k yo$2re i!*ol*e"( so)ehow&2 23o)ethi! horri#le= Whe!=2 That "e'e!"s o! how far away the i!terface is a!" how fast it2s )o*i! (2 sai" <$twell(

"ra i! Mort "ow! a si"e 'assa e& Whe! they were o$tsi"e a s)all oak "oor he let o of his ar) a!" f$)#le" i! his 'ocket a ai!( re)o*i! a s)all har" 'iece of cheese a!" a! $!'leasa!tly s.$ashy to)ato& 2/ol" these( will yo$= Tha!k yo$&2 /e "el*e" a ai!( 'ro"$ce" a key a!" $!locke" the "oor& 2It2s oi! to kill the 'ri!cess( is!2t it=2 sai" Mort& 2:es(2 sai" <$twell( 2a!" the! a ai!( !o&2 /e 'a$se" with his ha!" o! the "oorha!"le& 2That was 'retty 'ers'icacio$s of yo$& /ow "i" yo$ k!ow=2 2I >2 Mort hesitate"& 23he tol" )e a *ery stra! e story(2 sai" <$twell& 2I e4'ect she "i"(2 sai" Mort& 2If it was $!#elie*a#le( it was tr$e&2 2:o$2re hi)( are yo$= Death2s assista!t=2 2:es& Off "$ty at the )o)e!t( tho$ h&2 2Please" to hear it&2 <$twell sh$t the "oor #ehi!" the) a!" f$)#le" for a ca!"lestick& There was a 'o'( a flash of #l$e li ht a!" a whi)'er& 23orry(2 he sai"( s$cki! his fi! ers& 25ire s'ell& 8e*er really ot the ha! of it&2 2:o$ were e4'ecti! the "o)e thi! ( were!2t yo$=2 sai" Mort $r e!tly& 2What will ha''e! whe! it closes i!=2 The wi6ar" sat "ow! hea*ily o! the re)ai!s of a #aco! sa!"wich& 2I2) !ot e4actly s$re(2 he sai"& 2It2ll #e i!teresti! to watch& B$t !ot fro) i!si"e( I2) afrai"& What I think will ha''e! is that the last week will !e*er ha*e e4iste"&2 23he2ll s$""e!ly "ie=2 2:o$ "o!2t .$ite $!"ersta!"& 3he will ha*e #ee! "ea" for a week& 1ll this >2 he wa*e" his ha!"s *a $ely i! the air - 2will !ot ha*e ha''e!e"& The assassi! will ha*e "o!e his 9o#& :o$ will ha*e "o!e yo$rs& /istory will ha*e heale" itself& %*erythi! will #e all ri ht& 5ro) /istory2s 'oi!t of *iew( that is& There really is!2t a!y other&2 Mort stare" o$t of the !arrow wi!"ow& /e co$l" see across the co$rtyar" i!to the lowi! streets o$tsi"e( where a 'ict$re of the 'ri!cess s)ile" at the sky& 2Tell )e a#o$t the 'ict$res(2 he sai"& That looks like so)e sort of wi6ar" thi! &2 2I2) !ot s$re if it2s worki! & :o$ see( 'eo'le were #e i!!i! to et $'set a!" they "i"!2t k!ow why( a!" that )a"e it worse& Their )i!"s were i! o!e reality a!" their #o"ies were i! a!other& ?ery $!'leasa!t& They co$l"!2t et $se" to the i"ea that she was still ali*e& I tho$ ht the 'ict$res )i ht #e a oo" i"ea #$t( yo$ k!ow( 'eo'le 9$st "o!2t see what their )i!" tells the) is!2t there&2 2I co$l" ha*e tol" yo$ that(2 sai" Mort #itterly& 2I ha" the tow! criers o$t "$ri! the "ayti)e(2 <$twell co!ti!$e"& 2I tho$ ht that if 'eo'le co$l" co)e to #elie*e i! her( the! this !ew reality co$l" #eco)e the real o!e&2

2M))'h=2 sai" Mort& /e t$r!e" away fro) the wi!"ow& 2What "o yo$ )ea!=2 2Well( yo$ see - I recko!e" that if e!o$ h 'eo'le #elie*e" i! her( they co$l" cha! e reality& It works for o"s& If 'eo'le sto' #elie*i! i! a o"( he "ies& If a lot of the) #elie*e i! hi)( he rows stro! er&2 2I "i"!2t k!ow that& I tho$ ht o"s were 9$st o"s&2 2They "o!2t like it talke" a#o$t(2 sai" <$twell( sh$ffli! thro$ h the hea' of #ooks a!" 'arch)e!ts o! his workta#le& 2Well( that )i ht work for o"s( #eca$se they2re s'ecial(2 sai" Mort& 2Peo'le are - )ore soli"& It wo$l"!2t work for 'eo'le&2 That2s !ot tr$e& ;et2s s$''ose yo$ we!t o$t of here a!" 'rowle" aro$!" the 'alace& O!e of the $ar"s wo$l" 'ro#a#ly see yo$ a!" he2" thi!k yo$ were a thief a!" he2" fire his cross#ow& I )ea!( i! his reality yo$2" #e a thief& It wo$l"!2t act$ally #e tr$e #$t yo$2" #e 9$st as "ea" as if it was& Belief is 'owerf$l st$ff& I2) a wi6ar"& We k!ow a#o$t these thi! s& ;ook here&2 /e '$lle" a #ook o$t of the "e#ris i! fro!t of hi) a!" o'e!e" it at the 'iece of #aco! he2" $se" as a #ook)ark& Mort looke" o*er his sho$l"er( a!" frow!e" at the c$rly )a ical writi! & It )o*e" aro$!" o! the 'a e( twisti! a!" writhi! i! a! atte)'t !ot to #e rea" #y a !o!,wi6ar"( a!" the e!eral effect was $!'leasa!t& 2What2s this=2 he sai"& 2It2s the Book of the Ma ick of 1l#erto Malich the Ma e(2 sai" the wi6ar"( 2a sort of #ook of )a ical theory& It2s !ot a oo" i"ea to look too har" at the wor"s( they rese!t it& ;ook( it says here >2 /is li's )o*e" so$!"lessly& ;ittle #ea"s of sweat s'ra! $' o! his forehea" a!" "eci"e" to et to ether a!" o "ow! a!" see what his !ose was "oi! & /is eyes watere"& 3o)e 'eo'le like to settle "ow! with a oo" #ook& 8o,o!e i! 'ossessio! of a co)'lete set of )ar#les wo$l" like to settle "ow! with a #ook of )a ic( #eca$se e*e! the i!"i*i"$al wor"s ha*e a 'ri*ate a!" *i!"icti*e life of their ow! a!" rea"i! the)( i! short( is a ki!" of )e!tal I!"ia! wrestli! & Ma!y a yo$! wi6ar" has trie" to rea" a ri)oire that is too stro! for hi)( a!" 'eo'le who2*e hear" the screa)s ha*e fo$!" o!ly his 'oi!ty shoes with the classic wis' of s)oke co)i! o$t of the) a!" a #ook which is( 'erha's( 9$st a little fatter& Thi! s ca! ha''e! to #rowsers i! )a ical li#raries that )ake ha*i! yo$r face '$lle" off #y te!tacle" )o!strosities fro) the D$! eo! Di)e!sio!s see) a )ere li ht )assa e #y co)'ariso!& 5ort$!ately <$twell ha" a! e4'$r ate" e"itio!( with so)e of the )ore "istressi! 'a es cla)'e" sh$t Galtho$ h o! .$iet !i hts he co$l" hear the i)'riso!e" wor"s scritchi! irrita#ly i!si"e their 'riso!( like a s'i"er tra''e" i! a )atch#o47 a!yo!e who has e*er sat !e4t to so)eo!e weari! a Walk)a! will #e a#le to i)a i!e e4actly what they so$!"e" likeH& 2This is the #it(2 sai" <$twell& 2It says here that e*e! o"s >2 2I2*e see! hi) #eforeB2 2What=2

Mort 'oi!te" a shaki! fi! er at the #ook& 2/i)B2 <$twell a*e hi) a! o"" look a!" e4a)i!e" the left,ha!" 'a e& There was a 'ict$re of a! el"erly wi6ar" hol"i! a #ook a!" a ca!"lestick i! a! attit$"e of !ear,ter)i!al "i !ity& 2That2s !ot 'art of the )a ic(2 he sai" testily( 2that2s 9$st the a$thor&2 2What "oes it say $!"er the 'ict$re=2 2%r( It says J:ff yo$e ha*e e!9oye" thiss Boke( yo$e )aye #e i!tereste"e y! othere Titles #y >2 28o( ri ht $!"er the 'ict$re is what I )ea!tB2 2That2s easy& It2s ol" Malich hi)self& %*ery wi6ar" k!ows hi)& I )ea!( he fo$!"e" the U!i*ersity&2 <$twell ch$ckle"& There2s a fa)o$s stat$e of hi) i! the )ai! hall( a!" "$ri! Ra Week o!ce I cli)#e" $' it a!" '$t a >2 Mort stare" at the 'ict$re& 2Tell )e(2 he sai" .$ietly( 2"i" the stat$e ha*e a "ri' o! the e!" of its !ose=2 2I sho$l"!2t thi!k so(2 sai" <$twell& 2It was )ar#le& B$t I "o!2t k!ow what yo$2re etti! so worke" $' a#o$t& ;ots of 'eo'le k!ow what he looke" like& /e2s fa)o$s&2 2/e li*e" a lo! ti)e a o( "i" he=2 2Two tho$sa!" years( I thi!k& ;ook( I "o!2t k!ow why >2 2I #et he "i"!2t "ie( tho$ h(2 sai" Mort& 2I #et he 9$st "isa''eare" o!e "ay& Di" he=2 <$twell was sile!t for a )o)e!t& 25$!!y yo$ sho$l" say that(2 he sai" slowly& There was a le e!" I hear"& /e ot $' to so)e weir" thi! s( they say& They say he #lew hi)self i!to the D$! eo! Di)e!sio!s while tryi! to 'erfor) the Rite of 1shk%!te #ackwar"s& 1ll they fo$!" was his hat& Tra ic( really& The whole city i! )o$r!i! for a "ay 9$st for a hat& It was!2t e*e! a 'artic$larly attracti*e hat7 it ha" #$r! )arks o! it&2 21l#erto Malich(2 sai" Mort( half to hi)self& 2Well& 5a!cy that&2 /e "r$))e" his fi! ers o! the ta#le( altho$ h the so$!" was s$r'risi! ly )$te"& 23orry(2 sai" <$twell& 2I ca!2t et the ha! of treacle sa!"wiches( either&2 2I recko! the i!terface is )o*i! at a slow walki! 'ace(2 sai" Mort( licki! his fi! ers a#se!t,)i!"e"ly& 2<a!2t yo$ sto' it #y )a ic=2 <$twell shook his hea"& 28ot )e& It2" s.$ash )e flat(2 he sai" cheerf$lly& 2What2ll ha''e! to yo$ whe! it arri*es( the!=2 2Oh( I2ll o #ack to li*i! i! Wall 3treet& I )ea!( I !e*er will ha*e left& 1ll this wo!2t ha*e ha''e!e"& Pity( tho$ h& The cooki! here is 'retty oo"( a!" they "o )y la$!"ry for free& /ow far away "i" yo$ say it was( #y the way=2 21#o$t twe!ty )iles( I $ess&2& <$twell rolle" his eyes hea*e!war"s a!" )o*e" his li's& %*e!t$ally he sai"+ 2That )ea!s it2ll arri*e aro$!" )i"!i ht to)orrow( 9$st i! ti)e for the coro!atio!&2

2Whose=2 2/ers&2 2B$t she2s .$ee! alrea"y( is!2t she=2 2I! a way( #$t officially she2s !ot .$ee! $!til she2s crow!e"&2 <$twell ri!!e"( his face a 'atter! of sha"e i! the ca!"leli ht( a!" a""e"( 2If yo$ wa!t a way of thi!ki! a#o$t it( the! it2s like the "iffere!ce #etwee! sto''i! li*i! a!" #ei! "ea"&2 Twe!ty )i!$tes earlier Mort ha" #ee! feeli! tire" e!o$ h to take root& 8ow he co$l" feel a fi66i! i! his #loo"& It was the ki!" of late,!i ht( fra!tic e!er y that yo$ k!ew yo$ wo$l" 'ay for aro$!" )i""ay to)orrow( #$t for !ow he felt he ha" to ha*e so)e actio! or else his )$scles wo$l" s!a' o$t of sheer *itality& 2I wa!t to see her(2 he sai"& 2If yo$ ca!2t "o a!ythi! ( there )i ht #e so)ethi! I ca! "o&2 There2s $ar"s o$tsi"e her roo)(2 sai" <$twell& 2I )e!tio! this )erely as a! o#ser*atio!& I "o!2t i)a i!e for o!e )i!$te that they2ll )ake the sli htest "iffere!ce&2 It was )i"!i ht i! 1!kh,Mor'ork( #$t i! the reat twi! city the o!ly "iffere!ce #etwee! !i ht a!" "ay was( well( it was "arker& The )arkets were thro! e"( the s'ectators were still thickly cl$stere" aro$!" the whore 'its( r$!!ers,$' i! the city2s eter!al a!" #y6a!ti!e a! warfare "rifte" sile!tly "ow! thro$ h the chilly waters of the ri*er with lea" wei hts tie" to their feet( "ealers i! *ario$s ille al a!" e*e! illo ical "eli hts 'lie" their si"elo! tra"e( #$r lars #$r le"( k!i*es flashe" starli ht i! alleyways( astrolo ers starte" their "ay2s work a!" i! the 3ha"es a !i htwatch,)a! who ha" lost his way ra! his #ell a!" crie" o$t+ 2Twel*e o2clock a!" all2s arrrrr hhhh( & & &2 /owe*er( the 1!kh,Mor'ork <ha)#er of <o))erce wo$l" !ot #e ha''y at the s$ estio! that the o!ly real "iffere!ce #etwee! their city a!" a swa)' is the !$)#er of le s o! the alli ators( a!" i!"ee" i! the )ore select areas of 1!kh( which te!" to #e i! the hilly "istricts where there is a cha!ce of a #it of wi!"( the !i hts are e!tle a!" sce!te" with ha#isci!e a!" <ecillia #losso)s& O! this 'artic$lar !i ht they were sce!te" with salt'etre( too( #eca$se it was the te!th a!!i*ersary of the accessio! of the Patricia!E7F a!" he ha" i!*ite" a few frie!"s ro$!" for a "ri!k( fi*e h$!"re" of the) i! this case( a!" was letti! off fireworks& ;a$ hter a!" the occasio!al $r le of 'assio! fille" the 'alace ar"e!s( a!" the e*e!i! ha" 9$st ot to that i!teresti! sta e where e*eryo!e ha" "r$!k too )$ch for their ow! oo" #$t !ot e!o$ h act$ally to fall o*er& It is the ki!" of state i! which o!e "oes thi! s that o!e will recall with cri)so! sha)e i! later life( s$ch as #lowi! thro$ h a 'a'er s.$eaker a!" la$ hi! so )$ch that o!e is sick& I! fact so)e two h$!"re" of the Patricia!2s $ests were !ow sta eri! a!" kicki! their way thro$ h the 3er'e!t Da!ce( a .$ai!t Mor'orkia! folkway which co!siste" of etti! rather "r$!k( hol"i! the waist of the 'erso! i! fro!t( a!" the! wo##li! a!" i li! $'roario$sly i! a lo! croco"ile that wo$!" thro$ h as )a!y roo)s as 'ossi#le( 'refera#ly o!es with #reaka#les i!( while kicki! o!e le *a $ely i! ti)e with the #eat( or at least i! ti)e with so)e other #eat& This "a!ce ha" o!e o! for half a! ho$r a!" ha" wo$!" thro$ h e*ery roo) i! the 'alace( 'icki! $' two trolls( the cook( the Patricia!2s hea" tort$rer( three waiters( a #$r lar who ha''e!e" to #e 'assi! a!" a s)all 'et swa)' "ra o!&

3o)ewhere aro$!" the )i""le of the "a!ce was fat ;or" Ro"ley of @$ir)( heir to the fa#$lo$s @$ir) estates( whose c$rre!t 'reocc$'atio! was with the thi! fi! ers ri''i! his waist& U!"er its #ath of alcohol his #rai! ke't tryi! to attract his atte!tio!& 2I say(2 he calle" o*er his sho$l"er( as they oscillate" for the te!th hilario$s ti)e thro$ h the e!or)o$s kitche!( 2!ot so ti ht( 'lease&2 I 1M MO3T T%RRIB;: 3ORR:& 28o offe!ce( ol" cha'& Do I k!ow yo$=2 sai" ;or" Ro"ley( kicki! *i oro$sly o! the #ack #eat& I T/I8K IT U8;IK%;:& T%;; M%( P;%13%( W/1T I3 T/% M%18I80 O5 T/I3 1<TI?IT:= 2What=2 sho$te" ;or" Ro"ley( a#o*e the so$!" of so)eo!e kicki! i! the "oor of a lass ca#i!et a)i" shrieks of )erri)e!t& W/1T is T/I3 T/I80 T/1T W% DO= sai" the *oice( with lacial 'atie!ce& 2/a*e!2t yo$ #ee! to a 'arty #efore= Mi!" the lass( #y the way&2 I 1M 15R1ID I DO 8OT 0%T OUT 13 MU</ 13 I WOU;D ;IK% TO& P;%13% %AP;1I8 T/I3& DO%3 IT /1?% TO DO WIT/ 3%A= 28ot $!less we '$ll $' shar'( ol" #oy( if yo$ k!ow what I )ea!=2 sai" his lor"shi'( a!" !$" e" his $!see! fellow $est with his el#ow& 2O$ch(2 he sai"& 1 crash $' ahea" )arke" the "e)ise of the col" #$ffet& 8O& 2What=2 I DO 8OT K8OW W/1T :OU M%18& 2Mi!" the crea) there( it2s sli''ery - look( it2s 9$st a "a!ce( all ri ht= :o$ "o it for f$!&2 5U8& 2That2s ri ht& Da"a( "a"a( "a - kickB2 There was a! a$"i#le 'a$se& W/O I3 T/I3 5U8= 28o( f$! is!2t a!y#o"y( f$! is what yo$ ha*e&2 W% 1R% /1?I80 5U8= 2I tho$ ht I was(2 sai" his lor"shi' $!certai!ly& The *oice #y his ear was *a $ely worryi! hi)7 it a''eare" to #e arri*i! "irectly i!to his #rai!& W/1T is T/I3 5U8= 2This isB2 TO KI<K ?I0OROU3;: I3 5U8= 2Well( 'art of the f$!& KickB2 TO /%1R ;OUD MU3I< I8 /OT ROOM3 I3 5U8= 2Possi#ly&2 /OW I3 T/I3 5U8 M18I5%3T=

2Well( it - look( either yo$2re ha*i! f$! or yo$2re !ot( yo$ "o!2t ha*e to ask )e( yo$ 9$st k!ow( all ri ht= /ow "i" yo$ et i! here( a!yway=2 he a""e"& 21re yo$ a frie!" of the Patricia!=2 ;%T U3 31:( /% PUT3 BU3I8%33 M: W1:& I 5%;T I OU0/T TO ;%1R8 3OM%T/I80 O5 /UM18 P;%13UR%3& 23o$!"s like yo$2*e ot a lo! way to o&2 I K8OW& P;%13% %A<U3% M: ;1M%8T1B;% I08OR18<%& I WI3/ O8;: TO ;%1R8& 1;; T/%3% P%OP;%( P;%13% - T/%: 1R% /1?I80 5U8= 2:esB2 T/%8 T/I3 is 5U8& 2I2) la" we2*e ot that sorte" o$t& Mi!" the chair(2 s!a''e" ;or" Ro"ley( who was !ow feeli! *ery $!f$!!y a!" $!'leasa!tly so#er& 1 *oice #ehi!" hi) sai" .$ietly+ T/I3 I3 5U8& TO DRI8K %A<%33I?%;: I3 5U8& W% 1R% /1?I80 5U8& /% I3 /1?I80 5U8& T/I3 I3 3OM% 5U8& W/1T 5U8& Behi!" Death the Patricia!2s s)all 'et swa)' "ra o! hel" o! ri)ly to the #o!y hi's a!" tho$ ht+ $ar"s or !o $ar"s( !e4t ti)e we 'ass a! o'e! wi!"ow I2) oi! to r$! like #$ ery& Keli sat #olt $'ri ht i! #e"& 2Do!2t )o*e a!other ste'(2 she sai"& 20$ar"sB2 2We co$l"!2t sto' hi)(2 sai" the first $ar"( 'oki! his hea" sha)e,face"ly aro$!" the "oor'ost& 2/e 9$st '$she" i! & & &2 sai" the other $ar"( fro) the other si"e of the "oorway& 21!" the wi6ar" sai" it was all ri ht( a!" we were tol" e*eryo!e )$st liste! to hi) #eca$se& 21ll ri ht( all ri ht& Peo'le co$l" et )$r"ere" aro$!" here(2 sai" Keli testily( a!" '$t the cross#ow #ack o! the #e"si"e ta#le witho$t( $!fort$!ately( o'erati! the safety catch& There was a click( the thwack of si!ew a ai!st )etal( a 6i' of air( a!" a roa!& The roa! ca)e fro) <$twell& Mort s'$! ro$!" to hi)& 21re yo$ all ri ht=2 he sai"& 2Di" it hit yo$=2 28o(2 sai" the wi6ar"( weakly& 28o( it "i"!2t& /ow "o yo$ feel=2 21 #it tire"& Why=2 2Oh( !othi! & 8othi! & 8o "ra$ hts a!ywhere= 8o sli ht leaki! feeli! s=2 28o& Why=2 2Oh( !othi! ( !othi! &2 <$twell t$r!e" a!" looke" closely at the wall #ehi!" Mort& 21re!2t the "ea" allowe" a!y 'eace=2 sai" Keli #itterly& 2I tho$ ht o!e thi! yo$ co$l" #e s$re of whe! yo$ were "ea" was a oo" !i ht2s slee'&2 3he looke" as tho$ h she ha" #ee! cryi! & With a! i!si ht that s$r'rise" hi)( Mort realise" that she k!ew this a!" that it was )aki! her e*e! a! rier tha! #efore&

That2s !ot really fair(2 he sai"& 2I2*e co)e to hel'& Is!2t that ri ht( <$twell=2 2/))=2 sai" <$twell( who ha" fo$!" the cross#ow #olt #$rie" i! the 'laster a!" was looki! at it with "ee' s$s'icio!& 2Oh( yes& /e has& It wo!2t work( tho$ h& %4c$se )e( has a!yo!e ot a!y stri! =2 2/el'=2 s!a''e" Keli& 2/el'= If it was!2t for yo$ >2 2:o$2" still #e "ea"(2 sai" Mort& 3he looke" at hi) with her )o$th o'e!& 2I wo$l"!2t k!ow a#o$t it( tho$ h(2 she sai"& That2s the worst 'art&2 2I thi!k yo$ two ha" #etter o(2 sai" <$twell to the $ar"s( who were tryi! to a''ear i!co!s'ic$o$s& 2B$t I2ll ha*e that s'ear( 'lease& Tha!k yo$&2 2;ook(2 sai" Mort( 2I2*e ot a horse o$tsi"e& :o$2" #e a)a6e"& I ca! take yo$ a!ywhere& :o$ "o!2t ha*e to wait aro$!" here&2 2:o$ "o!2t k!ow )$ch a#o$t )o!archy( "o yo$(2 sai" Keli& 2U)& 8o=2 2 3he )ea!s #etter to #e a "ea" .$ee! i! yo$r ow! castle tha! a li*e co))o!er so)ewhere else(2 sai" <$twell( who ha" st$ck the s'ear i!to the wall #y the #olt a!" was tryi! to si ht alo! it& 2Wo$l"!2t work( a!yway& The "o)e is!2t ce!tre" o! the 'alace( it2s ce!tre" o! her&2 2O! who=2 sai" Keli& /er *oice co$l" ha*e ke't )ilk fresh for a )o!th& 2O! her /i h!ess(2 sai" <$twell a$to)atically( s.$i!ti! alo! the shaft& 2Do!2t yo$ for et it&2 2I wo!2t for et it( #$t that2s !ot the 'oi!t(2 sai" he wi6ar"& /e '$lle" the #olt o$t of the 'laster a!" teste" the 'oi!t with his fi! er& 2B$t if yo$ stay here yo$2ll "ieB2 sai" Mort& The! I shall ha*e to show the Disc how a .$ee! ca! "ie(2 sai" Keli( looki! as 'ro$" as was 'ossi#le i! a 'i!k k!itte" #e" 9acket& Mort sat "ow! o! the e!" of the #e" with his hea" i! his ha!"s& 2I know how a .$ee! ca! "ie(2 he )$ttere"& They "ie 9$st like other 'eo'le& 1!" so)e of $s wo$l" rather !ot see it ha''e!&2 2%4c$se )e( I 9$st wa!t to look at this cross#ow(2 sai" <$twell co!*ersatio!ally( reachi! across the)& 2Do!2t )i!" )e&2 2I shall o 'ro$"ly to )eet )y "esti!y(2 sai" Keli( #$t there was the #arest flicker of $!certai!ty i! her *oice& 28o yo$ wo!2t& I )ea!( I k!ow what I2) talki! a#o$t& Take it fro) )e& There2s !othi! 'ro$" a#o$t it& :o$ 9$st "ie&2 2:es( #$t it2s how yo$ "o it& I shall "ie !o#ly( like @$ee! %6eriel&2 Mort2s forehea" wri!kle"& /istory was a close" #ook to hi)& 2Who2s she=2 23he li*e" i! Klatch a!" she ha" a lot of lo*ers a!" she sat o! a s!ake(2 sai" <$twell( who

was wi!"i! $' the cross#ow& 23he )ea!t toB 3he was crosse" i! lo*eB2 21ll I ca! re)e)#er was that she $se" to take #aths i! asses2 )ilk& 5$!!y thi! ( history(2 sai" <$twell reflecti*ely& 2:o$ #eco)e a .$ee!( rei ! for thirty years( )ake laws( "eclare war o! 'eo'le a!" the! the o!ly thi! yo$ et re)e)#ere" for is that yo$ s)elle" like yo h$rt a!" were #itte! i! the>2 23he2s a "ista!t a!cestor of )i!e(2 s!a''e" Keli& 2I wo!2t liste! to this sort of thi! &2 2Will yo$ #oth #e .$iet a!" liste! to )eB2 sho$te" Mort& 3ile!ce "esce!"e" like a shro$"& The! <$twell si hte" caref$lly a!" shot Mort i! the #ack& The !i ht she" its early cas$alties a!" 9o$r!eye" o!war"s& %*e! the wil"est 'arties ha" e!"e"( their $ests l$rchi! ho)e to their #e"s( or so)eo!e2s #e" at a!y rate& 3hor! of these fellow tra*ellers( )ere "ayti)e 'eo'le who ha" straye" o$t of their te)'oral t$rf( the tr$e s$r*i*ors of the !i ht ot "ow! to the serio$s co))erce of the "ark& This was!2t so *ery "iffere!t fro) 1!kh,Mor'ork2s "ayti)e #$si!ess( e4ce't that the k!i*es were )ore o#*io$s a!" 'eo'le "i"!2t s)ile so )$ch& The 3ha"es were sile!t( sa*e o!ly for the whistle" si !als of thie*es a!" the *el*ety h$sh of "o6e!s of 'eo'le oi! a#o$t their 'ri*ate #$si!ess i! caref$l sile!ce& 1!"( i! /a) 1lley( <ri''le Wa2s fa)o$s floati! cra' a)e was 9$st etti! $!"er way& 3e*eral "o6e! cowle" fi $res k!elt or s.$atte" aro$!" the little circle of 'acke" earth where Wa2s three ei ht,si"e" "ice #o$!ce" a!" s'$! their )islea"i! lesso! i! statistical 'ro#a#ility& 2ThreeB2 2T$'hal2s %yes( #y loB2 2/e2s ot yo$ there( /$))okB This $y k!ows how to roll his #o!esB2 IT23 1 K81<K& /$))ok M2 $k( a s)all flat,face" )a! fro) o!e of the /$#la!"ish tri#es whose skill at "ice was fa)e" where*er two )e! athere" to ether to fleece a thir"( 'icke" $' the "ice a!" lare" at the)& /e sile!tly c$rse" Wa( whose ow! skill at switchi! "ice was e.$ally !otorio$s a)o! the co !osce!ti #$t ha"( a''are!tly( faile" hi)( wishe" a 'ai!f$l a!" $!ti)ely "eath o! the sha"owy 'layer seate" o''osite a!" h$rle" the "ice i!to the )$"& 2Twe!ty,o!e the har" wayB2 Wa scoo'e" $' the "ice a!" ha!"e" the) to the stra! er& 1s he t$r!e" to /$))ok o!e eye flickere" e*er so sli htly& /$))ok was i)'resse" - he2" #arely !otice" the #l$r i! Wa2s "ece'ti*ely !arle" fi! ers( a!" he(d #ee! watchi! for it& It was "isco!certi! the way the thi! s rattle" i! the stra! er2s ha!" a!" the! flew o$t of it i! a slow arc that e!"e" with twe!ty,fo$r little s'ots 'oi!ti! at the stars& 3o)e of the )ore streetwise i! the crow" sh$ffle" away fro) the stra! er( #eca$se l$ck like that ca! #e *ery $!l$cky i! <ri''le Wa2s floati! cra' a)e&

Wa2s ha!" close" o*er the "ice with a !oise like the click of a tri er& 21ll the ei hts(2 he #reathe"& 23$ch l$ck is $!ca!!y( )ister&2 The rest of the crow" e*a'orate" like "ew( lea*i! o!ly those hea*y,set( $!sy)'athetic, looki! )e! who( if Wa ha" e*er 'ai" ta4( wo$l" ha*e o!e "ow! o! his ret$r! as %sse!tial Pla!t a!" B$si!ess %.$i')e!t& 2May#e it2s !ot l$ck(2 he a""e"& 2May#e it2s wi6ar"i! =2 I MO3T 3TRO80;: R%3%8T T/1T& 2We ha" a wi6ar" o!ce who trie" to et rich(2 sai" Wa& 2<a!2t see) to re)e)#er what ha''e!e" to hi)& Boys=2 2We i*e hi) a oo" talki! ,to >2 2> a!" left hi) i! Pork Passa e >2 2> a!" i! /o!ey ;a!e >2 2> a!" a co$'le other 'laces I ca!2t re)e)#er&2 The stra! er stoo" $'& The #oys close" i! aro$!" hi)& T/I3 I3 U8<1;;%D 5OR& I 3%%K O8;: TO ;%1R8& W/1T P;%13UR% <18 /UM183 5I8D I8 1 M%R% R%IT%R1TIO8 O5 T/% ;1W3 O5 </18<%= 2<ha!ce "oes!2t co)e i!to it& ;et2s ha*e a look at hi)( #oys&2 The e*e!ts that followe" were recalle" #y !o li*i! so$l e4ce't the o!e #elo! i! to a feral cat( o!e of the city2s tho$sa!"s( that was crossi! the alley e! ro$te to a tryst& It sto''e" a!" watche" with i!terest& The #oys fro6e i! )i",sta#& Pai!f$l '$r'le li ht flickere" aro$!" the)& The stra! er '$she" his hoo" #ack a!" 'icke" $' the "ice( a!" the! '$she" the) i!to Wa2s $!resisti! ha!"& The )a! was o'e!i! a!" sh$tti! his )o$th( his eyes $!s$ccessf$lly tryi! !ot to see what was i! fro!t of the)& 0ri!!i! & T/ROW& Wa )a!a e" to look "ow! at his ha!"& 2What are the stakes=2 he whis'ere"& I5 :OU WI8( :OU WI;; R%5R1I8 5ROM T/%3% RIDI<U;OU3 1TT%MPT3 TO 3U00%3T T/1T </18<% 0O?%R83 T/% 1551IR3 O5 M%8& 2:es& :es& 1!" & & & if I lose=2 :OU WI;; WI3/ :OU /1D WO8& Wa trie" to swallow( #$t his throat ha" o!e "ry& 2I k!ow I2*e ha" lots of 'eo'le )$r"ere" >2 TW%8T:,T/R%%( TO B% PR%<I3%& 2Is it too late to say I2) sorry=2 3U</ T/I803 DO 8OT <O8<%R8 M%& 8OW T/ROW T/% DI<%& Wa sh$t his eyes a!" "ro''e" the "ice o! to the ro$!"( too !er*o$s e*e! to try the

s'ecial flick,a!",twist throw& /e ke't his eyes sh$t& 1;; T/% %I0/T3& T/%R%( T/1T W1382T TOO DI55I<U;T( W13 IT= Wa fai!te"& Death shr$ e"( a!" walke" away( 'a$si! o!ly to tickle the ears of a! alley cat that ha''e!e" to #e 'assi! & /e h$))e" to hi)self& /e "i"!2t .$ite k!ow what ha" co)e o*er hi)( #$t he was e!9oyi! it& 2:o$ co$l"!2t #e s$re it wo$l" workB2 <$twell s'rea" his ha!"s i! a co!ciliatory est$re& 2Well( !o(2 he co!ce"e"( 2#$t I tho$ ht( what ha*e I ot to lose=2 /e #acke" away& 2What ha*e yo$ ot to lose=2 sho$te" Mort& /e sta)'e" forwar" a!" t$ e" the #olt o$t of o!e of the 'osts i! the 'ri!cess2s #e"& 2:o$2re !ot oi! to tell )e this we!t thro$ h )e=2 he s!a''e"& 2I was 'artic$larly watchi! it(2 sai" <$twell& 2I saw it too(2 sai" Keli& 2It was horri#le& It ca)e ri ht o$t of where yo$r heart is&2 21!" I saw yo$ walk thro$ h a sto!e 'illar(2 sai" <$twell& 21!" I saw yo$ ri"e strai ht thro$ h a wi!"ow&2 2:es( #$t that was o! #$si!ess(2 "eclare" Mort( wa*i! his ha!"s i! the air& That was!2t e*ery"ay( that2s "iffere!t& 1!" >2 /e 'a$se"& The way yo$2re looki! at )e(2 he sai"& They looke" at )e the sa)e way i! the i!! this e*e!i! & What2s wro! =2 2It was the way yo$ wa*e" yo$r ar) strai ht thro$ h the #e"'ost(2 sai" Keli fai!tly& Mort stare" at his ha!"( a!" the! ra''e" it o! the woo"& 23ee=2 he sai"& 23oli"& 3oli" ar)( soli" woo"&2 2:o$ sai" 'eo'le looke" at yo$ i! a! i!!=2 sai" <$twell& 2What "i" yo$ "o( the!= Walk thro$ h the wall=2 28oB I )ea!( !o( I 9$st "ra!k this "ri!k( I thi!k it was calle" scr$)#le >2 23c$)#le=2 2:es& Tastes like rotte! a''les& :o$2" ha*e tho$ ht it was so)e sort of 'oiso! the way they ke't stari! &2 2/ow )$ch "i" yo$ "ri!k( the!=2 sai" <$twell& 21 'i!t( 'erha's( I was!2t really 'ayi! )$ch atte!tio! >2 2Di" yo$ k!ow sc$)#le is the stro! est alcoholic "ri!k #etwee! here a!" the Ra)to's=2 the wi6ar" "e)a!"e"& 28o& 8o,o!e sai"(2 sai" Mort& 2What2s it ot to "o with>2 28o(2 sai" <$twell( slowly( 2yo$ "i"!2t k!ow& /))& That2s a cl$e( is!2t it=2 2/as it ot a!ythi! to "o with sa*i! the 'ri!cess=2

2Pro#a#ly !ot& I2" like to ha*e a look at )y #ooks( tho$ h&2 2I! that case it2s !ot i)'orta!t(2 sai" Mort fir)ly& /e t$r!e" to Keli( who was looki! at hi) with the fai!t #e i!!i! s of a")iratio!& 2I thi!k I ca! hel'(2 he sai"& 2I thi!k I ca! lay )y ha!"s o! so)e 'owerf$l )a ic& Ma ic will hol" #ack the "o)e( wo!2t it( <$twell=2 2My )a ic wo!2t& It2" ha*e to #e 'retty stro! st$ff( a!" I2) !ot s$re a#o$t it e*e! the!& Reality is to$ her tha! >2 2I shall o(2 sai" Mort& 2U!til to)orrow( farewellB2 2It is to)orrow(2 Keli 'oi!te" o$t& Mort "eflate" sli htly& 21ll ri ht( to!i ht the!(2 he sai"( sli htly '$t o$t( a!" a""e"( 2I will #e o!eB2 2Be o!e what=2 2It2s hero talk(2 sai" <$twell( ki!"ly& 2/e ca!2t hel' it&2 Mort scowle" at hi)( s)ile" #ra*ely at Keli a!" walke" o$t of the roo)& 2/e )i ht ha*e o'e!e" the "oor(2 sai" Keli( after he ha" o!e& 2I thi!k he was a #it e)#arrasse"(2 sai" <$twell& 2We all o thro$ h that sta e&2 2What( of walki! thro$ h thi! s=2 2I! a )a!!er of s'eaki! & Walki! i!to the)( a!yway&2 2I2) oi! to et so)e slee'(2 Keli sai"& 2%*e! the "ea" !ee" so)e rest& <$twell( sto' fi""li! with that cross#ow( 'lease& I2) s$re it2s !ot wi6ar"ly to #e alo!e i! a la"y2s #o$"oir&2 2/))= B$t I2) !ot alo!e( a) I= :o$2re here&2 2That(2 she sai"( 2is the 'oi!t( is!2t it=2 2Oh& :es& 3orry& U)& I2ll see yo$ i! the )or!i! ( the!&2 20oo"!i ht( <$twell& 3h$t the "oor #ehi!" yo$&2 The s$! cre't o*er the hori6o!( "eci"e" to )ake a r$! for it( a!" #e a! to rise& B$t it wo$l" #e so)e ti)e #efore its slow li ht rolle" across the slee'i! Disc( her"i! the !i ht ahea" of it( a!" !oct$r!al sha"ows still r$le" the city& They cl$stere" !ow aro$!" The Me!"e" Dr$) i! 5ili ree 3treet( fore)ost of the city2s ta*er!s& It was fa)e" !ot for its #eer( which looke" like )ai"e!2s water a!" taste" like #attery aci"( #$t for its clie!tele& It was sai" that if yo$ sat lo! e!o$ h i! the Dr$)( the! soo!er or later e*ery )a9or hero o! the Disc wo$l" steal yo$r horse& The at)os'here i!si"e was still lo$" with talk a!" hea*y with s)oke altho$ h the la!"lor" was "oi! all those thi! s la!"lor"s "o whe! they thi!k it2s ti)e to close( like t$r! so)e of the li hts o$t( wi!" $' the clock( '$t a cloth o*er the '$)'s a!"( 9$st i! case( check the wherea#o$ts of their cl$# with the !ails ha))ere" i! it& 8ot that the c$sto)ers were taki! the sli htest #it of !otice( of co$rse& To )ost of the Dr$)2s clie!tele e*e! the !aile" cl$# wo$l" ha*e #ee! co!si"ere" a )ere hi!t&

/owe*er( they were s$fficie!tly o#ser*a!t to #e *a $ely worrie" #y the tall "ark fi $re sta!"i! #y the #ar a!" "ri!ki! his way thro$ h its e!tire co!te!ts& ;o!ely( "e"icate" "ri!kers always e!erate a )e!tal fiel" which e!s$res co)'lete 'ri*acy( #$t this 'artic$lar o!e was ra"iati! a ki!" of fatalistic loo) that was slowly e)'tyi! the #ar& This "i"!2t worry the #ar)a!( #eca$se the lo!ely fi $re was e! a e" i! a *ery e4'e!si*e e4'eri)e!t& %*ery "ri!ki! 'lace thro$ ho$t the )$lti*erse has the) - those shel*es of weir"ly, sha'e"( sticky #ottles that !ot o!ly co!tai! e4otically,!a)e" li.$i"( which is ofte! #l$e or ree!( #$t also o""s a!" e!"s that #ottles of real "ri!k wo$l" !e*er stoo' to co!tai!( s$ch as whole fr$its( #its of twi a!"( i! e4tre)e cases( s)all "row!e" li6ar"s& 8o,o!e k!ows why #ar)e! stock so )a!y( si!ce they all taste like treacle "issol*e" i! t$r'e!ti!e& It has #ee! s'ec$late" that they "rea) of a "ay whe! so)eo!e will walk i! off the street $!#i""e! a!" ask for a lass of Peach <or!iche with 1 /i!t Of Mi!t a!" o*er!i ht the 'lace will #eco)e so)ewhere To Be 3ee! 1t& The stra! er was worki! his way alo! the row& W/1T is T/1T 0R%%8 O8%= The la!"lor" 'eere" at the la#el& 2It says it2s Melo! Bra!"y(2 he sai" "o$#tf$lly& 2It says it2s #ottle" #y so)e )o!ks to a! a!cie!t reci'e(2he a""e"& I WI;; TR: IT& The )a! looke" si"eways at the e)'ty lasses o! the co$!ter( so)e of the) still co!tai!i! #its of fr$it sala"( cherries o! a stick a!" s)all 'a'er $)#rellas& 21re yo$ s$re yo$ ha*e!2t ha" e!o$ h=2 he sai"& It worrie" hi) *a $ely that he co$l"!2t see) to )ake o$t the stra! er2s face& The lass( with its "ri!k crystallisi! o$t o! the si"es( "isa''eare" i!to the hoo" a!" ca)e o$t a ai! e)'ty& 8o& W/1T is T/% :%;;OW O8% WIT/ T/% W13P3 I8 IT= 23'ri! <or"ial( it says& :es=2 :%3& 18D T/%8 T/% B;U% O8% WIT/ T/% 0O;D 5;%<K3& 2%r& Ol" O*ercoat=2 :%3& 18D T/%8 T/% 3%<O8D ROW& 2Which o!e "i" yo$ ha*e i! )i!"=2 1;; O5 T/%M& The stra! er re)ai!e" #olt $'ri ht( the lasses with their #$r"e!s of syr$' a!" assorte" *e etatio! "isa''eari! i!to the hoo" o! a 'ro"$ctio! li!e #asis& This is it( the la!"lor" tho$ ht( this is style( this is where I #$y a re" 9acket a!" )ay#e '$t so)e )o!key !$ts a!" a few herki!s o! the co$!ter( et a few )irrors aro$!" the 'lace( re'lace the saw"$st& /e 'icke" $' a #eer,soake" cloth a!" a*e the woo"work a few

e!th$siastic wi'es( s'ea"i! the "ri's fro) the cor"ial lasses i!to a rai!#ow s)ear that took the *ar!ish off& The last of the $s$al c$sto)ers '$t o! his hat a!" sta ere" o$t( )$tteri! to hi)self& I DO82T 3%% T/% POI8T( the stra! er sai"& 23orry=2 W/1T is 3UPPO3%D TO /1PP%8= 2/ow )a!y "ri!ks ha*e yo$ ha"=2 5ORT:,3%?%8& 2C$st a#o$t a!ythi! ( the!(2 sai" the #ar)a! a!"( #eca$se he k!ew his 9o# a!" k!ew what was e4'ecte" of hi) whe! 'eo'le "ra!k alo!e i! the s)all ho$rs( he starte" to 'olish a lass with the slo's cloth a!" sai"( 2:o$r la"y throw! yo$ o$t( has she=2 P1RDO8= 2Drow!i! yo$r sorrows( are yo$=2 I /1?% 8O 3ORROW3& 28o( of co$rse !ot& 5or et I )e!tio!e" it&2 /e a*e the lass a few )ore wi'es& 2C$st tho$ ht it hel's to ha*e so)eo!e to talk to(2 he sai"& The stra! er was sile!t for a )o)e!t( thi!ki! & The! he sai"+ :o$ W18T TO T1;K TO M%= 2:es& 3$re& I2) a oo" liste!er&2 8O,O8% %?%R W18T%D TO T1;K TO M% B%5OR%& 2That2s a sha)e&2 T/%: 8%?%R I8?IT% M% TO P1RTI%3( :OU K8OW& 2Tch&2 T/%: 1;; /1T% M%& %?%R:O8% /1T%3 M%& I DO8T /1?% 1 3I80;% 5RI%8D& 2%*eryo!e o$ ht to ha*e a frie!"(2 sai" the #ar)a! sa ely& I T/I8K > 2:es=2 I T/I8K & & & I T/I8K I <OU;D B% 5RI%8D3 WIT/ T/% 0R%%8 BOTT;%& The la!"lor" sli" the octa o!,#ottle alo! the co$!ter& Death took it a!" tilte" it o*er the lass& The li.$i" ti!kle" o! the ri)& :OU DRU8K I2M T/I8K( DO82T :OU= 2I ser*e a!yo!e who ca! sta!" $'ri ht #est o$t of three(2 sai" the la!"lor"& :OURRR% 1B3OROOT;: RI0/T& BUT I > The stra! er 'a$se"( o!e "ecla)atory fi! er i! the air& W13 W/1T I 31:I80=

2:o$ sai" I tho$ ht yo$ were "r$!k&2 1/& :%3( 4)T I <18 B% 3/OB%R 18: TIM% I ;IK%& T/I3 I3/ 18 %AP%RIM%8T& 18D 8OW I WOU;D ;IK%3 TO %AP%RIM%8T WIT/ T/% OR180% BR18D: 101I8& The la!"lor" si he"( a!" la!ce" at the clock& There was !o "o$#t that he was )aki! a lot of )o!ey( es'ecially si!ce the stra! er "i"!2t see) i!cli!e" to worry a#o$t o*erchar i! or short cha! e& B$t it was etti! late7 i! fact it was etti! so late that it was etti! early& There was also so)ethi! a#o$t the solitary c$sto)er that $!settle" hi)& Peo'le i! The Me!"e" Dr$) ofte! "ra!k as tho$ h there was !o to)orrow( #$t this was the first ti)e he2" act$ally felt they )i ht #e ri ht& I M%18( W/1T /1?% I 0OT TO ;OOK 5ORW1RD TO= W/%R%23 T/% 3%83% I8 IT 1;;= W/1T I3 IT R%1;;: 1;; 1BOUT= 2<a!2t say( )y frie!"& I e4'ect yo$2ll feel #etter after a oo" !i ht2s slee'&2 3;%%P= 3;%%P= I 8%?%R 3;%%P& I2M WO3381M%( PRO?%RBI1; 5OR IT& 2%*eryo!e !ee"s their slee'& %*e! )e(2 he hi!te"& T/%: 1;; /1T% M%( :OU K8OW& 2:es( yo$ sai"& B$t it2s a .$arter to three&2 The stra! er t$r!e" $!stea"ily a!" looke" aro$!" the sile!t roo)& T/%R%23 8O,O8% I8 T/% P;1<% BUT :OU 18D I( he sai"& The la!"lor" lifte" $' the fla' a!" ca)e aro$!" the #ar( hel'i! the stra! er "ow! fro) his stool& I /1?%82T 0OT 1 3I80;% 5RI%8D& %?%8 <1T3 5I8D M% 1MU3I80& 1 ha!" shot o$t a!" ra##e" a #ottle of 1)a!ita ;i.$or #efore the )a! )a!a e" to 'ro'el its ow!er to the "oor( wo!"eri! how so)eo!e so thi! co$l" #e so hea*y& I DO82T /1?% TO B% DRU8K( I 31ID& W/: DO P%OP;% ;IK% TO B% DRU8K= I3 IT 5U8= 2/el's the) for et a#o$t life( ol" cha'& 8ow 9$st yo$ lea! there while I et the "oor o'e! >2 5OR0%T 1BOUT ;I5%& /1& /1& 2:o$ co)e #ack a!y ti)e yo$ like( y2hear=2 :OU2D R%1;;: ;IK% TO 3%% M% 101I8= The la!"lor" looke" #ack at the s)all hea' of coi!s o! the #ar& That was worth a little weir"!ess& 1t least this o!e was a .$iet o!e( a!" see)e" to #e har)less& 2Oh( yes(2 he sai"( 'ro'elli! the stra! er i!to the street a!" retrie*i! the #ottle i! o!e s)ooth )o*e)e!t& 2Dro' i! a!yti)e&2 T/1T23 T/% 8I<%/%3T T/I80 > The "oor sla))e" o! the rest of the se!te!ce& :sa#ell sat $' i! #e"&

The k!ocki! ca)e a ai!( soft a!" $r e!t& 3he '$lle" the co*ers $' to her chi!& 2Who is it=2 she whis'ere"& 2It2s )e( Mort(2 ca)e the hiss $!"er the "oor& 2;et )e i!( 'leaseB2 2WaitB2 :sa#ell scra)#le" fra!tically o! the #e"si"e ta#le for the )atches( k!ocki! o*er a #ottle of toilet water a!" "islo" i! a #o4 of chocolates that was !ow )ostly "iscar"e" wra''ers& O!ce she2" ot the ca!"le ali ht she a"9$ste" its 'ositio! for )a4i)$) effect( tweake" the li!e of her !i ht"ress i!to so)ethi! )ore re*eali! ( a!" sai"+ 2It2s !ot locke"&2 Mort sta ere" i!to the roo)( s)elli! of horses a!" frost a!" sc$)#le& 2I ho'e(2 sai" :sa#ell archly( 2that yo$ ha*e !ot force" yo$r way i! here i! or"er to take a"*a!ta e of yo$r 'ositio! i! this ho$sehol"&2 Mort looke" aro$!" hi)& :sa#ell was hea*ily i!to frills& %*e! the "ressi! ta#le see)e" to #e weari! a 'etticoat& The whole roo) was!2t so )$ch f$r!ishe" as li! erie"& 2;ook( I ha*e!2t ot ti)e to )ess aro$!"(2 he sai"& 2Bri! that ca!"le i!to the li#rary& 1!" for hea*e!2s sake '$t o! so)ethi! se!si#le( yo$2re o*erflowi! &2 :sa#ell looke" "ow!( a!" the! her hea" s!a''e" $'& 2WellB2 Mort 'oke" his hea" #ack ro$!" the "oor& 2It2s a )atter of life a!" "eath(2 he a""e"( a!" "isa''eare"& :sa#ell watche" the "oor creak sh$t after hi)( re*eali! the #l$e "ressi! ow! with the tassels that Death ha" tho$ ht $' for her as a 'rese!t last /o swatch a!" which she ha"!2t the heart to throw away( "es'ite the fact that it was a si6e too s)all a!" ha" a ra##it o! the 'ocket& 5i!ally she sw$! her le s o$t of #e"( sli''e" i!to the sha)ef$l "ressi! 'a""e" o$t i!to the corri"or& Mort was waiti! for her& 2Wo!2t father hear $s=2 she sai"& 2/e2s !ot #ack& <o)e o!&2 2/ow ca! yo$ tell=2 2The 'lace feels "iffere!t whe! he2s here& It2s - it2s like the "iffere!ce #etwee! a coat whe! it2s #ei! wor! a!" whe! it2s ha! i! o! a hook& /a*e!2t yo$ !otice"=2 2What are we "oi! that2s so i)'orta!t=2 Mort '$she" o'e! the li#rary "oor& 1 $st of war)( "ry air "rifte" o$t( a!" the "oor hi! es iss$e" a 'rotesti! creak& 2We2re oi! to sa*e so)eo!e2s life(2 he sai"& 21 'ri!cess( act$ally&2 :sa#ell was i!sta!tly fasci!ate"& 21 real 'ri!cess= I )ea! ca! she feel a 'ea thro$ h a "o6e! )attresses=2 2<a! she >=2 Mort felt a )i!or worry "isa''ear& 2Oh& :es& I tho$ ht 1l#ert ha" ot it ow!( a!"

wro! &2 21re yo$ i! lo*e with her=2 Mort ca)e to a sta!"still #etwee! the shel*es( aware of the #$sy little scritchi! s i!si"e the #ook co*ers& 2It2s har" to #e s$re(2 he sai"& 2Do I look it=2 2:o$ look a #it fl$stere"& /ow "oes she feel a#o$t yo$=2 2Do!2t k!ow&2 21h(2 sai" :sa#ell k!owi! ly( i! the to!es of a! e4'ert& 2U!re.$ite" lo*e is the worst ki!"& It2s 'ro#a#ly !ot a oo" i"ea to o taki! 'oiso! or killi! yo$rself( tho$ h(2 she a""e" tho$ htf$lly& 2What are we "oi! here= Do yo$ wa!t to fi!" her #ook to see if she )arries yo$=2 2I2*e rea" it( a!" she2s "ea"(2 sai" Mort& 2B$t o!ly tech!ically& I )ea!( !ot really "ea"&2 20oo"( otherwise that wo$l" #e !ecro)a!cy& What are we looki! for=2 21l#ert2s #io ra'hy&2 2What for= I "o!2t thi!k he2s ot o!e&2 2%*eryo!e2s ot o!e&2 2Well( he "oes!2t like 'eo'le aski! 'erso!al .$estio!s& I looke" for it o!ce a!" I co$l"!2t fi!" it& 1l#ert #y itself is!2t )$ch to o o!& Why is he so i!teresti! =2 :sa#ell lit a co$'le of ca!"les fro) the o!e i! her ha!" a!" fille" the li#rary with "a!ci! sha"ows& 2I !ee" a 'owerf$l wi6ar" a!" I thi!k he2s o!e&2 2What( 1l#ert=2 2:es& O!ly we2re looki! for 1l#erto Malich& /e2s )ore tha! two tho$sa!" years ol"( I thi!k&2 2What( 1l#ert=2 2:es& 1l#ert&2 2/e !e*er wears a wi6ar"2s hat(2 sai" :sa#ell "o$#tf$lly& 2/e lost it& 1!yway( the hat is!2t co)'$lsory& Where "o we start looki! =2 2Well( if yo$2re s$re & & & the 3tack( I s$''ose& That2s where father '$ts all the #io ra'hies that are )ore tha! fi*e h$!"re" years ol"& It2s this way&2 3he le" the way 'ast the whis'eri! shel*es to a "oor set i! a c$l,"e,sac& It o'e!e" with so)e effort a!" the roa! of the hi! es re*er#erate" aro$!" the li#rary7 Mort fa!cie" for a )o)e!t that all the #ooks 'a$se" )o)e!tarily i! their work 9$st to liste!& 3te's le" "ow! i!to the *el*et loo)& There were co#we#s a!" "$st( a!" air that s)elle" as tho$ h it ha" #ee! locke" i! a 'yra)i" for a tho$sa!" years& 2Peo'le "o!2t co)e "ow! here *ery ofte!(2 sai" :sa#ell& 2I2ll lea" the way&2 Mort felt so)ethi! was owe"& 2I )$st say(2 he sai"( 2yo$2re a real #rick&2

2:o$ )ea! 'i!k( s.$are a!" "$)'y= :o$ really k!ow how to talk to a irl( )y #oy&2 2Mort(2 sai" Mort a$to)atically& The 3tack was as "ark a!" sile!t as a ca*e "ee' $!"er ro$!"& The shel*es were #arely far e!o$ h a'art for o!e 'erso! to walk #etwee! the)( a!" towere" $' well #eyo!" the "o)e of ca!"leli ht& They were 'artic$larly eerie #eca$se they were sile!t& There were !o )ore li*es to write7 the #ooks sle't& B$t Mort felt that they sle't like cats( with o!e eye o'e!& They were aware& 2I ca)e "ow! here o!ce(2 sai" :sa#ell( whis'eri! & 2If yo$ o far e!o$ h alo! the shel*es the #ooks r$! o$t a!" there2s clay ta#lets a!" l$)'s of sto!e a!" a!i)al ski!s a!" e*eryo!e2s calle" U a!" Do &2 The sile!ce was al)ost ta! i#le& Mort co$l" feel the #ooks watchi! the) as they tra)'e" thro$ h the hot( sile!t 'assa es& %*eryo!e who ha" e*er li*e" was here so)ewhere( ri ht #ack to the first 'eo'le that the o"s ha" #ake" o$t of )$" or whate*er& They "i"!2t e4actly rese!t hi)( they were 9$st wo!"eri! a#o$t why he was here& 2Di" yo$ et 'ast U a!" Do =2 he hisse"& There2s a lot of 'eo'le wo$l" #e *ery i!tereste" to k!ow what2s there&2 2I ot fri hte!e"& It2s a lo! way a!" I "i"!2t ha*e e!o$ h ca!"les&2 2Pity&2 :sa#ell sto''e" so shar'ly that Mort ca!!o!e" i!to the #ack of her& This wo$l" #e a#o$t the ri ht area(2 she sai"& 2What !ow=2 Mort 'eere" at the fa"e" !a)es o! the s'i!es& 2They "o!2t see) to #e i! a!y or"erB2 he )oa!e"& They looke" $'& They wa!"ere" "ow! a co$'le of si"e alleys& They '$lle" a few #ooks off the lowest shel*es at ra!"o)( raisi! 'illows of "$st& 2This is silly(2 sai" Mort at last& There2s )illio!s of li*es here& The cha!ces of fi!"i! his are worse tha! >2 :sa#ell lai" her ha!" a ai!st his )o$th& 2;iste!B2 Mort )$)#le" a #it thro$ h her fi! ers a!" the! ot the )essa e& /e strai!e" his ears( stri*i! to hear a!ythi! a#o*e the hea*y hiss of a#sol$te sile!ce& 1!" the! he fo$!" it& 1 fai!t( irrita#le scratchi! & /i h( hi h o*erhea"( so)ewhere i! the i)'e!etra#le "ark!ess o! the cliff of shel*es( a life was still #ei! writte!& They looke" at each other( their eyes wi"e!i! & The! :sa#ell sai"( 2We 'asse" a la""er #ack there& O! wheels&2 The little castors o! the #otto) s.$eake" as Mort rolle" it #ack& The to' e!" )o*e" too( as if it was fi4e" to a!other set of wheels so)ewhere $' i! the "ark!ess& 2Ri ht(2 he sai"& 20i*e )e the ca!"le( a!" >2 2If the ca!"le2s oi! $'( the! so a) I(2 sai" :sa#ell fir)ly& 2:o$ sto' "ow! here a!" )o*e the la""er whe! I say& 1!" "o!2t ar $e&2

2It )i ht #e "a! ero$s $' there(2 sai" Mort alla!tly& 2It )i ht #e "a! ero$s "ow! here(2 :sa#ell 'oi!te" o$t& 23o I2ll #e $' the la""er with the ca!"le( tha!k yo$&2 3he set her foot o! the #otto) r$! a!" was soo! !o )ore tha! a frilly sha"ow o$tli!e" i! a halo of ca!"leli ht that soo! #e a! to shri!k& Mort stea"ie" the la""er a!" trie" !ot to thi!k of all the li*es 'ressi! i! o! hi)& Occasio!ally a )eteor of hot wa4 wo$l" th$)' i!to the floor #esi"e hi)( raisi! a crater i! the "$st& :sa#ell was !ow a fai!t low far a#o*e( a!" he co$l" feel e*ery footste' as it *i#rate" "ow! the la""er& 3he sto''e"& It see)e" to #e for .$ite a lo! ti)e& The! her *oice floate" "ow!( "ea"e!e" #y the wei ht of sile!ce aro$!" the)& 2Mort( I2*e fo$!" it&2 20oo"& Bri! it "ow!&2 2Mort( yo$ were ri ht&2 2Okay( tha!ks& 8ow #ri! it "ow!(2 2:es( Mort( #$t which o!e=2 2Do!2t )ess a#o$t( that ca!"le wo!2t last )$ch lo! er&2 2MortB2 2What=2 2Mort( there2s a whole shelfB2 8ow it really was "aw!( that c$s' of the "ay that #elo! e" to !o,o!e e4ce't the sea $lls i! Mor'ork "ocks( the ti"e that rolle" i! $' the ri*er( a!" a war) t$r!wise wi!" that a""e" a s)ell of s'ri! to the co)'le4 o"o$r of the city& Death sat o! a #ollar"( looki! o$t to sea& /e ha" "eci"e" to sto' #ei! "r$!k& It )a"e his hea" ache& /e2" trie" fishi! ( "a!ci! ( a)#li! a!" "ri!k( alle e"ly fo$r of life2s reatest 'leas$res( a!" was!2t s$re that he saw the 'oi!t& 5oo" he was ha''y with - Death like" a oo" )eal as )$ch as a!yo!e else& /e co$l"!2t thi!k of a!y other 'leas$res of the flesh or( rather( he co$l"( #$t they were( well( fleshy( a!" he co$l"!2t see how it wo$l" #e 'ossi#le to o a#o$t the) witho$t so)e )a9or #o"ily restr$ct$ri! ( which he was!2t oi! to co!te)'late& Besi"es( h$)a!s see)e" to lea*e off "oi! the) as they rew ol"er( so 'res$)a#ly they co$l"!2t #e that attracti*e& Death #e a! to feel that he wo$l"!2t $!"ersta!" 'eo'le as lo! as he li*e"& The s$! )a"e the co##les stea) a!" Death felt the fai!test ti! li! of that little s'ri! ti)e $r e that ca! se!" a tho$sa!" to!s of sa' '$)'i! thro$ h fifty feet of ti)#er i! a forest& The sea $lls swoo'e" a!" "i*e" aro$!" hi)& 1 o!e,eye" cat( "ow! to its ei hth life a!" its last ear( e)er e" fro) its lair i! a hea' of a#a!"o!e" fish #o4es( stretche"( yaw!e"( a!" r$##e" itself a ai!st his le s& The #ree6e( c$tti! thro$ h 1!kh2s fa)o$s s)ell(

#ro$ ht a hi!t of s'ices a!" fresh #rea"& Death was #ewil"ere"& /e co$l"!2t fi ht it& /e was act$ally feeli! *ery rel$cta!t to #e Death& I MU3T B% 3I<K%8I80 5OR 3OM%T/I80( he tho$ ht& Mort ease" hi)self $' the la""er alo! si"e :sa#ell& It was shaky( #$t see)e" to #e safe& 1t least the hei ht "i"!2t #other hi)7 e*erythi! #elow was 9$st #lack!ess& 3o)e of 1l#ert2s earlier *ol$)es were *ery !early falli! a'art& /e reache" o$t for o!e at ra!"o)( feeli! the la""er tre)#le $!"er!eath the) as he "i" so( #ro$ ht it #ack a!" o'e!e" it so)ewhere i! the )i""le& 2Mo*e the ca!"le this way(2 he sai"& 2<a! yo$ rea" it=2 23ort of >2 > Jt$r!ere" hys ha!"( #$tt was sorelie *e4e" that alle )e!!e at laste co))e to !ort( *i6& Deathe( a!" *owe" hy))e to seke I)ortalitie y! his 'ri"e& 2Th$s(2 he tol"e the yo$! e wi66er"s( 2we )ay take $!to o$rselfes the )a!tel of 0o""es&2 Thee !e4t "ay( yt #ei! rai!i! ( 1l#ertoJ > 2It2s writte! i! Ol"(2 he sai"& 2Before they i!*e!te" s'elli! & ;et2s ha*e a look at the latest o!e&2 It was 1l#ert all ri ht& Mort ca$ ht se*eral refere!ces to frie" #rea"& 2;et2s ha*e a look at what he2s "oi! !ow(2 sai" :sa#ell& 2Do yo$ thi!k we sho$l"= It2s a #it like s'yi! &2 23o what= 3care"=2 21ll ri ht&2 /e flicke" thro$ h $!til he ca)e to the $!fille" 'a es( a!" the! t$r!e" #ack $!til he fo$!" the story of 1l#ert2s life( crawli! across the 'a e at s$r'risi! s'ee" co!si"eri! it was the )i""le of the !i ht7 )ost #io ra'hies "i"!2t ha*e )$ch to say a#o$t slee'( $!less the "rea)s were 'artic$larly *i*i"& 2/ol" the ca!"le 'ro'erly( will yo$= I "o!2t wa!t to et rease o! his life&2 2Why !ot= /e likes rease&2 23to' i li! ( yo$2ll ha*e $s #oth off& 8ow look at this #it& & & & > 2/e cre't thro$ h the "$sty "ark!ess of the 3tack >2 :sa#ell rea" - 2his eyes fi4e" o! the ti!y low of ca!"leli ht hi h a#o*e& Pryi! ( he tho$ ht( 'oki! away at thi! s that sho$l"!2t co!cer! the)( the little "e*ils2 > 2MortB /e2s >2 23h$t $'B I2) rea"i! B2 > 2soo! '$t a sto' to this& 1l#ert cre't sile!tly to the foot of the la""er( s'at o! his ha!"s( a!" ot rea"y to '$sh& The )aster2" !e*er k!ow7 he was acti! stra! e these "ays a!" it was all that la"2s fa$lt( a!"2 > la" to #e ali*e( a!"

Mort looke" $' i!to :sa#ell2s horrifie" eyes& The! the irl took the #ook o$t of Mort2s ha!"( hel" it at ar)2s le! th while her a6e re)ai!e" fi4e" woo"e!ly o! his( a!" let it o& Mort watche" her li's )o*e a!" the! realise" that he( too( was co$!ti! $!"er his #reath& Three( fo$r > There was a "$ll th$)'( a )$ffle" cry( a!" sile!ce& 2Do yo$ thi!k yo$2*e kille" hi)=2 sai" Mort( after a while& 2What( here= 1!yway( I "i"!2t !otice a!y #etter i"eas co)i! fro) yo$&2 28o( #$t - he is a! ol" )a!( after all&2 28o( he2s !ot(2 sai" :sa#ell shar'ly( starti! "ow! the la""er& 2Two tho$sa!" years=2 28ot a "ay o*er si4ty,se*e!&2 2The #ooks sai" >2 2I tol" yo$( ti)e "oes!2t a''ly here& 8ot real ti)e& Do!2t yo$ liste!( #oy=2 2Mort(2 sai" Mort& 21!" sto' trea"i! o! )y fi! ers( I2) oi! as fast as I ca!&2 23orry&2 21!" "o!2t act so wet& /a*e yo$ a!y i"ea how #ori! it is li*i! here=2 2Pro#a#ly !ot(2 sai" Mort( a""i! with e!$i!e lo! i! ( 2I2*e hear" a#o$t #ore"o) #$t I2*e !e*er ha" a cha!ce to try it&2 2It2s "rea"f$l&2 2If it co)es to that( e4cite)e!t is!2t all it2s cracke" $' to #e&2 21!ythi! 2s ot to #e #etter tha! this&2 There was a roa! fro) #elow( a!" the! a strea) of swearwor"s& :sa#ell 'eere" i!to the loo)& 2O#*io$sly I "i"!2t "a)a e his c$rsi! )$scles(2 she sai"& 2I "o!2t thi!k I o$ ht to liste! to wor"s like that& It co$l" #e #a" for )y )oral fi#re&2 They fo$!" 1l#ert sl$)'e" a ai!st the foot of the #ookshelf( )$tteri! a!" hol"i! his ar)& 2There2s !o !ee" to )ake that ki!" of f$ss(2 sai" :sa#ell #riskly& 2:o$2re !ot h$rt7 father si)'ly "oes!2t allow that ki!" of thi! to ha''e!&2 2What "i" yo$ ha*e to o a!" "o that for=2 he )oa!e"& 2I "i"!2t )ea! a!y har)&2 2:o$ were oi! to '$sh $s off(2 sai" Mort( tryi! to hel' hi) $'& 2I rea" it& I2) s$r'rise" yo$ "i"!2t $se )a ic&2 1l#ert lare" at hi)& 2Oh( so yo$2*e fo$!" o$t( ha*e yo$=2 he sai" .$ietly& The! )$ch oo" )ay it "o yo$&

:o$2*e !o ri ht to o 'ryi! &2 /e str$ le" to his feet( shook off Mort2s ha!"( a!" st$)#le" #ack alo! the h$she" shel*es& 28o( wait(2 sai" Mort( 2I !ee" yo$r hel'B2 2Well( of co$rse(2 sai" 1l#ert o*er his sho$l"er& 2It sta!"s to reaso!( "oes!2t it= :o$ tho$ ht( I2ll 9$st o a!" 'ry i!to so)eo!e2s 'ri*ate life a!" the! I2ll "ro' it o! hi) a!" the! I2ll ask hi) to hel' )e&2 2I o!ly wa!te" to fi!" o$t if yo$ were really yo$(2 sai" Mort( r$!!i! after hi)& 2I a)& %*eryo!e is&2 2B$t if yo$ "o!2t hel' )e so)ethi! terri#le will ha''e!B There2s this 'ri!cess( a!" she >2 Terri#le thi! s ha''e! all the ti)e( #oy >2 2> Mort >2 2> a!" !o,o!e e4'ects )e to "o a!ythi! a#o$t it&2 2B$t yo$ were the reatestB2 1l#ert sto''e" for a )o)e!t( #$t "i" !ot look aro$!"& 2'as the reatest( was the reatest& 1!" "o!2t yo$ try to #$tter )e $'& I ai!2t #$ttera#le&2 2They2*e ot stat$es to yo$ a!" e*erythi! (2 sai" Mort( tryi! !ot to yaw!& 2More fool the)( the!&2 1l#ert reache" the foot of the ste's i!to the li#rary 'ro'er( sta)'e" $' the) a!" stoo" o$tli!e" a ai!st the ca!"leli ht fro) the li#rary& 2:o$ )ea! yo$ wo!2t hel'=2 sai" Mort& 28ot e*e! if yo$ ca!=2 20i*e the #oy a 'ri6e(2 rowle" 1l#ert& 21!" it2s !o oo" thi!ki! yo$ ca! a''eal to )y #etter !at$re $!"er this here cr$sty e4terior(2 he a""e"( 2cos )y i!terior2s 'retty "a)! cr$sty too&2 They hear" hi) cross the li#rary floor as tho$ h he ha" a r$" e a ai!st it( a!" sla) the "oor #ehi!" hi)& 2Well(2 sai" Mort( $!certai!ly& 2What "i" yo$ e4'ect=2 s!a''e" :sa#ell& 2/e "oes!2t care for a!yo!e )$ch e4ce't father&2 2It2s 9$st that I tho$ ht so)eo!e like hi) wo$l" hel' if I e4'lai!e" it 'ro'erly(2 sai" Mort& /e sa e"& The r$sh of e!er y that ha" 'ro'elle" hi) thro$ h the lo! !i ht ha" e*a'orate"( filli! his )i!" with lea"& 2:o$ k!ow he was a fa)o$s wi6ar"=2 That "oes!2t )ea! a!ythi! ( wi6ar"s are!2t !ecessarily !ice& Do !ot )e""le i! the affairs of wi6ar"s #eca$se a ref$sal ofte! offe!"s( I rea" so)ewhere&2 :sa#ell ste''e" closer to Mort a!" 'eere" at hi) with so)e co!cer!& 2:o$ look like so)ethi! left o! a 'late(2 she sai"& 2 2M okay(2 sai" Mort( walki! hea*ily $' the ste's a!" i!to the scratchi! sha"ows of the li#rary& 2:o$2re !ot& :o$ co$l" "o with a oo" !i ht2s slee'( )y la"&2

2M2t(2 )$r)$re" Mort& /e felt :sa#ell sli' his ar) o*er her sho$l"er& The walls were )o*i! e!tly( e*e! the so$!" of his ow! *oice was co)i! fro) a lo! way off( a!" he "i)ly felt how !ice it wo$l" #e to stretch o$t o! a !ice sto!e sla# a!" slee' fore*er& Death2" #e #ack soo!( he tol" hi)self( feeli! his $!'rotesti! #o"y #ei! hel'e" alo! the corri"ors& There was !othi! for it( he2" ha*e to tell Death& /e was!2t s$ch a #a" ol" stick& Death wo$l" hel'7 all he !ee"e" to "o was e4'lai! thi! s& 1!" the! he co$l" sto' all this worryi! a!" o to slee& & & & 21!" what was yo$r 're*io$s 'ositio!=2 I B%0 :OUR P1RDO8= 2What "i" yo$ "o for a li*i! =2 sai" the thi! yo$! )a! #ehi!" the "esk& The fi $re o''osite hi) shifte" $!easily& I U3/%R%D 3OU;3 I8TO T/% 8%AT WOR;D& I W13 T/% 0R1?% O5 1;; /OP%& I W13 T/% U;TIM1T% R%1;IT:& I W13 T/% 133133I8 101I83T W/OM 8O ;O<K WOU;D /O;D& 2:es( 'oi!t take!( #$t "o yo$ ha*e a!y 'artic$lar skills=2 Death tho$ ht a#o$t it& I 3UPPO3% 1 <%RT1I8 1MOU8T O5 %AP%RTI3% WIT/ 10RI<U;TUR1; IMP;%M%8T3= he *e!t$re" after a while& The yo$! )a! shook his hea" fir)ly& 8O= 2This is a city( Mr >2 he la!ce" "ow!( a!" o!ce a ai! felt a fai!t $!ease that he co$l"!2t .$ite '$t his fi! er o! - 2Mr - Mr - Mr( a!" we2re a #it short of fiel"s&2 /e lai" "ow! his 'e! a!" a*e the ki!" of s)ile that s$ #ook& este" he2" lear!e" it fro) a

1!kh,Mor'ork was!2t a"*a!ce" e!o$ h to 'ossess a! e)'loy)e!t e4cha! e& Peo'le took 9o#s #eca$se their fathers )a"e roo) for the)( or #eca$se their !at$ral tale!t fo$!" a! o'e!i! ( or #y wor",of,)o$th& B$t there was a call for ser*a!ts a!" )e!ial workers( a!" with the co))ercial sectio!s of the city #e i!!i! to #oo) the thi! yo$! )a! - a Mr ;io!a Kee#le - ha" i!*e!te" the 'rofessio! of 9o# #roker a!" was( ri ht at this )o)e!t( fi!"i! it "iffic$lt& 2My "ear Mr >2 he la!ce" "ow! - 2Mr( we et )a!y 'eo'le co)i! i!to the city fro) o$tsi"e #eca$se( alas( they #elie*e life is richer here& %4c$se )e for sayi! so( #$t yo$ see) to )e to #e a e!tle)a! "ow! o! his l$ck& I wo$l" ha*e tho$ ht yo$ wo$l" ha*e 'referre" so)ethi! rather )ore refi!e" tha! >2 he la!ce" "ow! a ai!( a!" frow!e" - 2 Jso)ethi! !ice worki! with cats or flowersJ&2 I2M 3ORR:& I 5%;T IT W13 TIM% 5OR 1 </180%& 2<a! yo$ 'lay a )$sical i!str$)e!t =2 8O&

2<a! yo$ "o car'e!try=2 I DO 8OT K8OW( I /1?% 8%?%R TRI%D& Death tare" at his feet& /e was #e i!!i! to feel "ee'ly e)#arrasse"& Kee#le sh$ffle" the 'a'er o! his "esk( a!" si he"& I <18 W1;K T/ROU0/ W1;;3( Death *ol$!teere"( aware that the co!*ersatio! ha" reache" a! i)'asse& Kee#le looke" $' #ri htly& 2I2" like to see that(2 he sai"& 2That co$l" #e .$ite a .$alificatio!&2 RI0/T& Death '$she" his chair #ack a!" stalke" co!fi"e!tly towar"s the !earest wall& OU</& Kee#le watche" e4'ecta!tly& 20o o!( the!(2 he sai"& UM& T/I3 I3 18 ORDI81R: W1;;( I3 IT= 2I ass$)e so& I2) !ot a! e4'ert&2 IT 3%%M3 TO B% PR%3%8TI80 M% WIT/ 3OM% DI55I<U;T:& 23o it wo$l" a''ear&2 W/1T DO :OU <1;; T/% 5%%;I80 O5 B%I80 ?%R: 3M1;; 18D /OT= Kee#le twi""le" his 'e!cil& 2Py )y=2 B%0I83 WIT/ 18 M& 2%)#arrassi! =2 2:es(2 sai" Death( I M%18 :%3& 2It wo$l" see) that yo$ ha*e !o $sef$l skill or tale!t whatsoe*er(2 he sai"& 2/a*e yo$ tho$ ht of oi! i!to teachi! =2 Death2s face was a )ask of terror& Well( it was always a )ask of terror( #$t this ti)e he )ea!t it to #e& 2:o$ see(2 sai" Kee#le ki!"ly( '$tti! "ow! his 'e! a!" stee'li! his ha!"s to ether( 2it2s *ery sel"o) I e*er ha*e to fi!" a !ew career for a! - what was it a ai!=2 18T/ROPOMORP/I< P%R3O8I5I<1TIO8& 2Oh( yes& What is that( e4actly=2 Death ha" ha" e!o$ h& T/I3( he sai"& 5or a )o)e!t( 9$st for a )o)e!t( Mr Kee#le saw hi) clearly& /is face we!t !early as 'ale as Death2s ow!& /is ha!"s 9erke" co!*$lsi*ely& /is heart a*e a st$tter& Death watche" hi) with )il" i!terest( the! "rew a! ho$r lass fro) the "e'ths of his ro#e a!" hel" it $' to the li ht a!" e4a)i!e" it critically&

3%TT;% DOW8( he sai"( :OU2?% 0OT 1 0OOD 5%W :%1R3 :%T& 2B###### >2 I <OU;D T%;; :OU /OW M18: I5 :OU ;IK%& Kee#le( fi hti! to #reathe( )a!a e" to shake his hea"& DO :OU W18T M% TO 0%T :OU 1 0;133 O5 W1T%R( T/%8= 2!!8 - !!8&2 The sho' #ell 9a! le"& Kee#le2s eyes rolle"& Death "eci"e" that he owe" the )a! so)ethi! & /e sho$l"!2t #e allowe" to lose c$sto)( which was clearly so)ethi! h$)a!s *al$e" "early& /e '$she" asi"e the #ea" c$rtai! a!" stalke" i!to the o$ter sho'( where a s)all fat wo)a!( looki! rather like a! a! ry cotta e loaf( was ha))eri! o! the co$!ter with a ha""ock& 2It2s a#o$t that cook2s 9o# $' at the U!i*ersity(2 she sai"& 2:o$ tol" )e it was a oo" 'ositio! a!" it2s a "is race $' there( the tricks the) st$"e!ts 'lay( a!" I "e)a!" - I wa!t yo$ to - I2) !ot& /er *oice traile" off& 2 2%re(2 she sai"( #$t yo$ co$l" tell her heart was!2t i! it( 2yo$2re !ot Kee#le( are yo$=2 Death stare" at her& /e2" !e*er #efore e4'erie!ce" a! $!satisfie" c$sto)er& /e was at a loss& 5i!ally he a*e $'& B%0O8%( :OU B;1<K 18D MID8I0/T /10( he sai"& The cook2s s)all eyes !arrowe"& 2 2Oo are yo$ calli! a )i"!i ht #a =2 she sai" acc$si! ly( a!" hit the co$!ter with the fish a ai!& 2;ook at this(2 she sai"& 2;ast !i ht it was )y #e"war)er( i! the )or!i! it2s a fish& I ask yo$&2 M1: 1;; T/% D%MO83 O5 /%;; R%8D :OUR ;I?I80 3PIRIT I5 :OU DO82T 0%T OUT O5 T/% 3/OP T/I3 MI8UT%( Death trie"& 2I "o!2t k!ow a#o$t that( #$t what a#o$t )y #e"war)er= It2s !o 'lace for a res'ecta#le wo)a! $' there( they trie" to >2 I5 :OU WOU;D <1R% TO 0O 1W1:( sai" Death "es'erately( I WI;; 0I?% :OU 3OM% MO8%:& 2/ow )$ch=2 sai" the cook( with a s'ee" that wo$l" ha*e o$t"ista!ce" a striki! rattles!ake a!" i*e! li ht!i! a !asty shock& Death '$lle" o$t his coi! #a a!" ti''e" a hea' of *er"i rise" a!" "arke!e" coi!s o! the co$!ter& 3he re ar"e" the) with "ee' s$s'icio!& 8OW ;%1?% UPO8 T/% I83T18T( sai" Death( a!" a""e"( B%5OR% T/% 3%1RI80 WI8D3 O5 I85I8IT: 3<OR</ T/: WORT/;%33 <1R<133& 2My h$s#a!" will #e tol" a#o$t this(2 sai" the cook "arkly( as she left the sho'& It see)e" to Death that !o threat of his co$l" 'ossi#ly #e as "ire&

/e stalke" #ack thro$ h the c$rtai!s& Kee#le( still sl$)'e" i! his chair( a*e a ki!" of stra! le" $r le& 2It was tr$eB2 he sai"& 2I tho$ ht yo$ were a !i ht)areB2 I <OU;D T1K% O55%8<% 1T T/1T( sai" Death& 2:o$ really are Death=2 sai" Kee#le& :%3& 2Why "i"!2t yo$ say=2 P%OP;% U3U1;;: PR%5%R M% 8OT TO& Kee#le scra##le" a)o! his 'a'ers( i li! hysterically& 2:o$ wa!t to "o so)ethi! else=2 he sai"& Tooth fairy= Water s'rite= 3a!")a!=2 DO 8OT B% 5OO;I3/& I 3IMP;: - 5%%; I W18T 1 </180%& Kee#le2s fra!tic r$stli! at last t$r!e" $' the 'a'er he2" #ee! searchi! for& /e a*e a )a!iacal la$ h a!" thr$st it i!to Death2s ha!"s& Death rea" it& T/I3 is 1 COB= P%OP;% 1R% P1ID TO DO T/I3= 2:es( yes( o a!" see hi)( yo$2re 9$st the ri ht ty'e& O!ly "o!2t tell hi) I se!t yo$&2 Bi!ky )o*e" at a har" allo' across the !i ht( the Disc $!rolli! far #elow his hoo*es& 8ow Mort fo$!" that the swor" co$l" reach o$t f$rther tha! he ha" tho$ ht( it co$l" reach the stars the)sel*es( a!" he sw$! it across the "ee's of s'ace a!" i!to the heart of a yellow "warf which we!t !o*a )ost satisfactorily& /e stoo" i! the sa""le a!" whirle" the #la"e aro$!" his hea"( la$ hi! as the #l$e fla)e fa!!e" across the sky lea*i! a trail of "ark!ess a!" e)#ers& 1!" "i"!2t sto'& Mort str$ le" as the swor" c$t thro$ h the hori6o!( ri!"i! "ow! the )o$!tai!s( "ryi! $' the seas( t$r!i! ree! forests i!to '$!k a!" ashes& /e hear" *oices #ehi!" hi)( a!" the #rief screa)s of frie!"s a!" relati*es as he t$r!e" "es'erately& D$st stor)s whirle" fro) the "ea" earth as he fo$ ht to release his ow! ri'( #$t the swor" #$r!e" icy col" i! his ha!"( "ra i! hi) o! i! a "a!ce that wo$l" !ot e!" $!til there was !othi! left ali*e& 1!" that ti)e ca)e( a!" Mort stoo" alo!e e4ce't for Death( who sai"( 21 fi!e 9o#( #oy&2 1!" Mort sai"( MORT& 2MortB MortB Wake $'B2 Mort s$rface" slowly( like a cor'se i! a 'o!"& /e fo$ ht a ai!st it( cli! i! to his 'illow a!" the horrors of slee'( #$t so)eo!e was t$ i! $r e!tly at his ear& 2M))'h=2 he sai"& 2MortB2 2'sst=2 2Mort( it2s fatherB2 /e o'e!e" his eyes a!" stare" $' #la!kly i!to :sa#ell2s face& The! the e*e!ts of the

're*io$s !i ht hit hi) like a sock f$ll of "a)' sa!"& Mort sw$! his le s o$t of #e"( still wreathe" i! the re)ai!s of his "rea)& 2:eah( okay(2 he sai"& 2I22 o a!" see hi) "irectly&2 2/e2s !ot hereB 1l#ert2s oi! cra6yB2 :sa#ell stoo" #y the #e"( t$ i! a ha!"kerchief #etwee! her ha!"s& 2Mort( "o yo$ thi!k so)ethi! #a" has ha''e!e" to hi)=2 /e a*e her a #la!k look& 2Do!2t #e #loo"y st$'i"(2 he sai"( 2he2s Death&2 /e scratche" his ski!& /e felt hot a!" "ry a!" itchy& 2B$t he2s !e*er #ee! away this lo! B 8ot e*e! whe! there was that #i 'la $e i! Pse$"o'olisB I )ea!( he has to #e here i! the )or!i! s to "o the #ooks a!" work o$t the !o"es a!" >2 Mort ra##e" her ar)s& 21ll ri ht( all ri ht(2 he sai"( as soothi! ly as he co$l" )a!a e& 2I2) s$re e*erythi! 2s okay& C$st settle "ow!( I2ll o a!" check & & & why ha*e yo$ ot yo$r eyes sh$t=2 2Mort( 'lease '$t so)e clothes o!(2 sai" :sa#ell i! a ti ht little *oice& Mort looke" "ow!& 23orry(2 he sai" )eekly( 2I "i"!2t realise & & & Who '$t )e to #e"=2 2I "i"(2 she sai"& 2B$t I looke" the other way&2 Mort "ra e" o! his #reeches( shr$ e" i!to his shirt a!" h$rrie" o$t towar"s Death2s st$"y with :sa#ell o! his heels& 1l#ert was i! there( 9$)'i! fro) foot to foot like a "$ck o! a ri""le& Whe! Mort ca)e i! the look o! the ol" )a!2s face co$l" al)ost ha*e #ee! ratit$"e& Mort saw with a)a6e)e!t that there were tears i! his eyes& 2/is chair has!2t #ee! sat i!(2 1l#ert whi!e"& 23orry( #$t is that i)'orta!t=2 sai" Mort& 2My ra!"a" "i"!2t $se" to co)e ho)e for "ays if he2" ha" a oo" sale at the )arket&2 2B$t he2s always here(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2%*ery )or!i! ( as lo! as I2*e k!ow! hi)( sitti! here at his "esk a,worki! o! the !o"es& It2s his 9o#& /e wo$l"!2t )iss it&2 2I e4'ect the !o"es ca! look after the)sel*es for a "ay or two(2 sai" Mort& The "ro' i! te)'erat$re tol" hi) he was wro! & /e looke" at their faces& They ca!2t=2 he sai"& Both hea"s shook& 2If the !o"es are!2t worke" o$t 'ro'erly all the Bala!ce is "estroye"(2 sai" :sa#ell& 21!ythi! co$l" ha''e!&2 2Di"!2t he e4'lai!=2 sai" 1l#ert& 28ot really& I2*e really o!ly "o!e the 'ractical si"e& /e sai" he2" tell )e a#o$t the theoretical st$ff later(2 sai" Mort& :sa#ell #$rst i!to tears& 1l#ert took Mort2s ar) a!"( with co!si"era#le "ra)atic wa li! of his eye#rows( i!"icate" that they sho$l" ha*e a little talk i! the cor!er& Mort traile" after hi)

rel$cta!tly& The ol" )a! r$))a e" i! his 'ockets a!" at last 'ro"$ce" a #attere" 'a'er #a & 2Pe''er)i!t=2 he e!.$ire"& Mort shook his hea"& 2/e !e*er tell yo$ a#o$t the !o"es=2 sai" 1l#ert& Mort shook2 his hea" a ai!& 1l#ert a*e his 'e''er)i!t a s$ck7 it so$!"e" like the 'l$ hole i! the #ath of 0o"& 2/ow ol" are yo$( la"=2 2Mort& I2) si4tee!&2 2There2s so)e thi! s a la" o$ ht to #e tole #efore he2s si4tee!(2 sai" 1l#ert( looki! o*er his sho$l"er at :sa#ell( who was so##i! i! Death2s chair& 2Oh( I k!ow a#o$t that& My father tol" )e all a#o$t that whe! we $se" to take the thar as to #e )ate"& Whe! a )a! a!" a wo)a! >2 21#o$t the $!i*erse is what I )ea!t(2 sai" 1l#ert h$rrie"ly& 2I )ea!( ha*e yo$ e*er tho$ ht a#o$t it=2 2I k!ow the Disc is carrie" thro$ h s'ace o! the #acks of fo$r ele'ha!ts that sta!" o! the shell of 0reat 12T$i!(2 sai" Mort& 2That2s 9$st 'art of it& I )ea!t the whole $!i*erse of ti)e a!" s'ace a!" life a!" "eath a!" "ay a!" !i ht a!" e*erythi! &2 2<a!2t say I2*e e*er i*e! it )$ch tho$ ht(2 sai" Mort& 21h& :o$ o$ ht& The 'oi!t is( the !o"es are 'art of it& They sto' "eath fro) etti! o$t of co!trol( see& 8ot hi)( !ot Death& C$st "eath itself& ;ike( $h >2 1l#ert str$ le" for wor"s - 2like( "eath sho$l" co)e e4actly at the e!" of life( see( a!" !ot #efore or after( a!" the !o"es ha*e to #e worke" o$t so that the key fi $res & & & yo$2re !ot taki! this i!( are yo$=2 23orry&2 2They2*e ot to #e worke" o$t(2 sai" 1l#ert flatly( 2a!" the! the correct li*es ha*e ot to #e ot& The ho$r lasses( yo$ call the)& The act$al D$ty is the easy 9o#&2 2<a! yo$ "o it=2 28o& <a! yo$=2 28oB2 1l#ert s$cke" reflecti*ely at his 'e''er)i!t& That2s the whole worl" i! the y''o( the!(2 he sai"& 2;ook( I ca!2t see why yo$2re so worrie"& I e4'ect he2s 9$st ot hel" $' so)ewhere(2 sai" Mort( #$t it so$!"e" fee#le e*e! to hi)& It was!2t as tho$ h 'eo'le #$tto!hole" Death to tell hi) a!other story( or cla''e" hi) o! the #ack a!" sai" thi! s like 2:o$2*e ot ti)e for a .$ick half i! there( )y ol" )ate( !o !ee" to r$sh off ho)e2 or i!*ite" hi) to )ake $' a skittles tea) a!" co)e o$t for a Klatchia! take,away afterwar"s( or & & & It str$ck Mort with s$""e!( terri#le 'oi !a!cy that Death )$st #e the lo!eliest creat$re i! the $!i*erse& I! the reat 'arty of <reatio!( he was always i! the kitche!&

2I2) s$re I "o!2t k!ow what2s co)e o*er the )aster lately(2 )$)#le" 1l#ert& 2O$t of the chair( )y irl& ;et2s ha*e a look at these !o"es&2 They o'e!e" the le" er& They looke" at it for a lo! ti)e& The! Mort sai"( 2What "o all those sy)#ols )ea!=2 23o"o)y !o! sa'ie!s(2 sai" 1l#ert $!"er his #reath& 2What "oes that )ea!=2 2Mea!s I2) #$ ere" if I k!ow&2 That was wi6ar" talk( was!2t it=2 sai" Mort& 2:o$ sh$t $' a#o$t wi6ar" talk& I "o!2t k!ow a!ythi! a#o$t wi6ar" talk& :o$ a''ly yo$r #rai! to this here&2 Mort looke" "ow! a ai! at the tracery of li!es& It was as if a s'i"er ha" s'$! a we# o! the 'a e( sto''i! at e*ery 9$!ctio! to )ake !otes& Mort stare" $!til his eyes h$rt( waiti! for so)e s'ark of i!s'iratio!& 8o!e *ol$!teere"& 21!y l$ck=2 2It2s all Klatchia! to )e(2 sai" Mort& 2I "o!2t e*e! k!ow whether it sho$l" #e rea" $'si"e "ow! or si"eways&2 23'iralli! fro) the ce!tre o$twar"s(2 s!iffe" :sa#ell fro) her seat i! the cor!er& Their hea"s colli"e" as they #oth 'eere" at the ce!tre of the 'a e& They stare" at her& 3he shr$ e"& 25ather ta$ ht )e how to rea" the !o"e chart(2 she sai"( 2whe! I $se" to "o )y sewi! i! here& /e $se" to rea" #its o$t&2 2:o$ ca! hel'=2 sai" Mort& 28o(2 sai" :sa#ell& 3he #lew her !ose& 2What "o yo$ )ea!( !o=2 rowle" 1l#ert& This is too i)'orta!t for a!y fli hty >2 2I )ea!(2 sai" :sa#ell( i! ra6or to!es( 2that I ca! "o the) a!" yo$ ca! hel'&2 The 1!kh,Mor'ork 0$il" of Mercha!ts has take! to hiri! lar e a! s of )e! with ears like fists a!" fists like lar e #a s of wal!$ts whose 9o# it is to re,e"$cate those )is $i"e" 'eo'le who '$#licly fail to reco !ise the )a!y attracti*e 'oi!ts of their fi!e city& 5or e4a)'le the 'hiloso'her <atroaster was fo$!" floati! face "ow!war" i! the ri*er withi! ho$rs of $tteri! the fa)o$s li!e( 2Whe! a )a! is tire" of 1!kh,Mor'ork( he is tire" of a!kle,"ee' sl$rry&2 Therefore it is 'r$"e!t to "well o! o!e - of the *ery )a!y( of co$rse - o! o!e of the thi! s that )akes 1!kh,Mor'ork re!ow!e" a)o! the reat cities of the )$lti*erse& This is its foo"& The tra"e ro$tes of half the Disc 'ass thro$ h the city or "ow! its rather sl$ ish ri*er& More tha! half the tri#es a!" races of the Disc ha*e re'rese!tati*es "welli! withi! its s'rawli! acres& I! 1!kh,Mor'ork the c$isi!es of the worl" colli"e+ o! the )e!$ are o!e

tho$sa!" ty'es of *e eta#le( fiftee! h$!"re" cheeses( two tho$sa!" s'ices( three h$!"re" ty'es of )eat( two h$!"re" fowl( fi*e h$!"re" "iffere!t ki!"s of fish( o!e h$!"re" *ariatio!s o! the the)e of 'asta( se*e!ty e s of o!e ki!" or a!other( fifty i!sects( thirty )oll$scs( twe!ty assorte" s!akes a!" other re'tiles( a!" so)ethi! 'ale #row! a!" warty k!ow! as the Klatchia! )i ratory #o tr$ffle& Its eati! esta#lish)e!ts ra! e fro) the o'$le!t( where the 'ortio!s are ti!y #$t the 'lates are sil*er( to the secreti*e( where so)e of the Disc2s )ore e4otic i!ha#ita!ts are r$)o$re" to eat a!ythi! they ca! et "ow! their throat #est o$t of three& /ar a2s /o$se of Ri#s "ow! #y the "ocks is 'ro#a#ly !ot !$)#ere" a)o! the city2s lea"i! eateries( cateri! as it "oes for the ty'e of #eefy clie!tele that 'refers .$a!tity a!" #reaks $' the ta#les if it "oes!2t et it& They "o!2t o i! for the fa!cy or e4otic( #$t stick to co!*e!tio!al foo" like fli htless #ir" e)#ryos( )i!ce" or a!s i! i!testi!e ski!s( slices of ho flesh a!" #$r!t ro$!" rass see"s "i''e" i! a!i)al fats7 or( as it is k!ow! i! their 'atois( e ( soss a!" #aco! a!" a frie" slice& It was the ki!" of eati! ho$se that "i"!2t !ee" a )e!$& :o$ 9$st looke" at /ar a2s *est& 3till( he ha" to a")it( this !ew cook see)e" to #e the #$si!ess& /ar a( a! e4'a!si*e a"*ert for his ow! hi h car#ohy"rate )ercha!"ise( #ea)e" at a roo) f$ll of satisfie" c$sto)ers& 1!" a fast worker( tooB I! fact( "isco!certi! ly fast& /e ra''e" o! the hatch& 2Do$#le e ( chi's( #ea!s( a!" a troll#$r er( hol" the o!io!s(2 he ras'e"& RI0/T& The hatch sli" $' a few seco!"s later a!" two 'lates were '$she" thro$ h& /ar a shook his hea" i! ratifie" a)a6e)e!t& It ha" #ee! like that all e*e!i! & The e s were #ri ht a!" shi!y( the #ea!s liste!e" like r$#ies( a!" the chi's were the cris' ol"e! #row! of s$!#$r!e" #o"ies o! e4'e!si*e #eaches& /ar a2s last cook ha" t$r!e" o$t chi's like little 'a'er #a s f$ll of '$s& /ar a looke" aro$!" the stea)y cafe& 8o,o!e was watchi! hi)& /e was oi! to et to the #otto) of this& /e ra''e" o! the hatch a ai!& 21lli ator sa!"wich(2 he sai"& 21!" )ake it s!a >2 The hatch shot $'& 1fter a few seco!"s to 'l$ck $' e!o$ h co$ra e( /ar a 'eere" $!"er the to' slice of the lo! sar!y i! fro!t of hi)& /e was!2t sayi! that it was alli ator( a!" he was!2t sayi! it was!2t& /e k!$ckle" the hatch a ai!& 2Okay(2 he sai"( I2) !ot co)'lai!i! ( I 9$st wa!t to k!ow how yo$ "i" it so fast&2 TIM% I3 8OT IMPORT18T& 2:o$ say=2 RI0/T& /ar a "eci"e" !ot to ar $e& 2Well( yo$2re "oi! a "a)! fi!e 9o# i! there( #oy(2 he sai"& W/1T is IT <1;;%D W/%8 :OU 5%%; W1RM 18D <O8T%8T 18D WI3/ T/I803 WOU;D 3T1: T/1T W1:=

2I $ess yo$2" call it ha''i!ess(2 sai" /ar a& I!si"e the ti!y( cra)'e" kitche!( strata2" with the rease of "eca"es( Death s'$! a!" whirle"( cho''i! ( slici! a!" flyi! & /is skillet flashe" thro$ h the feti" stea)& /e2" o'e!e" the "oor to the col" !i ht air( a!" a "o6e! !ei h#o$rhoo" cats ha" strolle" i!( attracte" #y the #owls of )ilk a!" )eat - so)e of /ar a2s #est( if he2" k!ow! - that ha" #ee! strate ically 'lace" aro$!" the floor& Occassio!ally Death wo$l" 'a$se i! his work a!" scratch o!e of the) #ehi!" the ears& 2/a''i!ess(2 he sai"( a!" '$66le" at the so$!" of his ow! *oice& <$twell( the wi6ar" a!" Royal Reco !iser #y a''oi!t)e!t( '$lle" hi)self $' the last of the tower ste's a!" lea!e" a ai!st the wall( waiti! for his heart to sto' th$)'i! & 1ct$ally it was!2t 'artic$larly hi h( this tower( 9$st hi h for 3to ;at& I! e!eral "esi ! a!" o$tli!e it looke" the sta!"ar" sort of tower for i)'riso!i! 'ri!cesses i!7 it was )ai!ly $se" to store ol" f$r!it$re& /owe*er( it offere" $!s$r'asse" *iews of the city a!" the 3to 'lai!( which is to say( yo$ co$l" see a! awf$l lot of ca##a es& <$twell )a"e it as far as the cr$)#li! cre!el,latio!s ato' the wall a!" looke" o$t at the )or!i! ha6e& It was( )ay#e( a little ha6ier tha! $s$al& If he trie" har" he co$l" i)a i!e a flicker i! the sky& If he really strai!e" his i)a i!atio! he co$l" hear a #$66i! o$t o*er the ca##a e fiel"s( a so$!" like so)eo!e fryi! loc$sts& /e shi*ere"& 1t a ti)e like this his ha!"s a$to)atically 'atte" his 'ockets( a!" fo$!" !othi! #$t half a #a of 9elly #a#ies( )elte" i!to a sticky )ass( a!" a! a''le core& 8either offere" )$ch co!solatio!& What <$twell wa!te" was what a!y !or)al wi6ar" wa!te" at a ti)e like this( which was a s)oke& /e2" ha*e kille" for a ci ar( a!" wo$l" ha*e o!e as far as a flesh wo$!" for a s.$ashe" "o ,e!"& /e '$lle" hi)self to ether& Resol$tio! was oo" for the )oral fi#re7 the o!ly tro$#le was the fi#re "i"!2t a''reciate the sacrifices he was )aki! for it& They sai" that a tr$ly reat wi6ar" sho$l" #e 'er)a!e!tly $!"er te!sio!& :o$ co$l" ha*e $se" <$twell for a #owstri! & /e t$r!e" his #ack o! the #rassica,e" la!"sca'e a!" )a"e his way #ack "ow! the wi!"i! ste's to the )ai! 'art of the 'alace& 3till( he tol" hi)self( the ca)'ai ! a''eare" to #e worki! & The 'o'$latio! "i"!2t see) to #e resisti! the fact that there was oi! to #e a coro!atio!( altho$ h they were!2t e4actly clear a#o$t who was oi! to #e crow!e"& There was oi! to #e #$!ti! i! the streets a!" <$twell ha" arra! e" for the tow! s.$are2s )ai! fo$!tai! to r$!( if !ot with wi!e( the! at least with a! acce'ta#le #eer )a"e fro) #roccoli& There was oi! to #e folk "a!ci! ( at swor" 'oi!t if !ecessary& There wo$l" #e races for chil"re!& There wo$l" #e a! o4 roast& The royal coach ha" #ee! re il"e" a!" <$twell was o'ti)istic that 'eo'le co$l" #e 'ers$a"e" to !otice it as it we!t #y& The /i h Priest at the Te)'le of Bli!" Io was oi! to #e a 'ro#le)& <$twell ha" )arke" hi) "ow! as a "ear ol" so$l whose e4'ertise with the k!ife was so $!relia#le that half of the sacrifices ot tire" of waiti! a!" wa!"ere" away& The last ti)e he2" trie" to sacrifice a oat it ha" ti)e to i*e #irth to twi!s #efore he co$l" foc$s( a!" the! the

co$ra e of )otherhoo" ha" res$lte" i! it chasi! the e!tire 'riesthoo" o$t of the te)'le& The cha!ces of hi) s$ccee"i! i! '$tti! the crow! o! the ri ht 'erso! e*e! i! !or)al circ$)sta!ces were o!ly a*era e( <$twell ha" calc$late"7 he2" ha*e to sta!" alo! si"e the ol" #oy a!" try tactf$lly to $i"e his shaki! ha!"s& 3till( e*e! that was!2t the #i 'ro#le)& The #i 'ro#le) was )$ch #i er tha! that& The #i 'ro#le) ha" #ee! s'r$! o! hi) #y the <ha!cellor after #reakfast& 25ireworks=2 <$twell ha" sai"& 2That2s the sort of thi! yo$ wi6ar" fellows are s$''ose" to #e oo" at( is!2t it=2 sai" the <ha!cellor( as cr$sty as a week,ol" loaf& 25lashes a!" #a! s a!" what!ot& I re)e)#er a wi6ar" whe! I was a la" >2 2I2) afrai" I "o!2t k!ow a!ythi! a#o$t fireworks(2 sai" <$twell( i! to!es "esi !e" to co!*ey that he cherishe" this i !ora!ce& 2;ots of rockets(2 the <ha!cellor re)i!isce" ha''ily& 21!khia! ca!"les& Th$!"erflashes& 1!" thi! ies that yo$ ca! hol" i! yo$r ha!"& It2s !ot a 'ro'er coro!atio! witho$t fireworks&2 2:es( #$t( yo$ see >2 20oo" )a!(2 sai" the <ha!cellor #riskly( 2k!ew we co$l" rely o! yo$& Ple!ty of rockets( yo$ $!"ersta!"( a!" to fi!ish with there )$st #e a set,'iece( )i!" yo$( so)ethi! really #reathtaki! like a 'ortrait of - of >2 his eyes la6e" o*er i! a way that was #eco)i! "e'ressi! ly fa)iliar to <$t,well& 2The Pri!cess Keli(2 he sai" wearily& 21h& :es& /er(2 sai" the <ha!cellor& 21 'ortrait of - who yo$ sai" - i! fireworks& Of co$rse( it2s 'ro#a#ly all 'retty si)'le st$ff to yo$ wi6ar"s( #$t the 'eo'le like it& 8othi! like a oo" #lowo$t a!" a #low$' a!" a #it of #alco!y wa*i! to kee' the loyalty )$scles i! ti',to' sha'e( that2s what I always say& 3ee to it& Rockets& With r$!es o!&2 1! ho$r a o <$twell ha" th$)#e" thro$ h the i!"e4 of The 2onster 5un Grimoire a!" ha" ca$tio$sly asse)#le" a !$)#er of co))o! ho$sehol" i! re"ie!ts a!" '$t a )atch to the)& 5$!!y thi! a#o$t eye#rows( he )$se"& :o$ !e*er really !otice" the) $!til they2" o!e& Re" aro$!" the eyes( a!" s)elli! sli htly of s)oke( <$twell a)#le" towar"s the royal a'art)e!ts 'ast #e*ies of )ai"s e! a e" i! whate*er it was )ai"s "i"( which always see)e" to take at least three of the)& Whe!e*er they saw <$twell they wo$l" $s$ally o sile!t( h$rry 'ast with their hea"s "ow! a!" the! #reak i!to )$ffle" i les alo! the corri"or& This a!!oye" <$twell& 8ot - he tol" hi)self .$ickly - #eca$se of a!y 'erso!al co!si"eratio!s( #$t #eca$se wi6ar"s o$ ht to #e show! )ore res'ect& Besi"es( so)e of the )ai"s ha" a way of looki! at hi) which ca$se" hi) to thi!k "isti!ctly $!wi6ar"ly tho$ hts& Tr$ly( he tho$ ht( the way of e!li hte!)e!t is like $!to half a )ile of #roke! lass& /e k!ocke" o! the "oor of Keli2s s$ite& 1 )ai" o'e!e" it& 2Is yo$r )istress i!=2 he sai"( as ha$ htily as he co$l" )a!a e&

The )ai" '$t her ha!" to her )o$th& /er sho$l"ers shook& /er eyes s'arkle"& 1 so$!" like esca'i! stea) cre't #etwee! her fi! ers& I ca!2t hel' it( <$twell tho$ ht( I 9$st see) to ha*e this a)a6i! effect o! wo)e!& 2Is it a )a!=2 ca)e Keli2s *oice fro) withi!& The )ai"2s eyes la6e" o*er a!" she tilte" her hea"( as if !ot s$re of what she ha" hear"& 2It2s )e( <$twell(2 sai" <$twell& 2Oh( that2s all ri ht( the!& :o$ ca! co)e i!&2 <$twell '$she" 'ast the irl a!" trie" to i !ore the )$ffle" la$ hter as the )ai" fle" the roo)& Of co$rse( e*eryo!e k!ew a wi6ar" "i"!2t !ee" a cha'ero!& It was 9$st the to!e of the 'ri!cess2s 2Oh( that2s all ri ht the!2 that )a"e hi) writhe i!si"e& Keli was sitti! at her "ressi! ta#le( #r$shi! her hair& ?ery few )e! i! the worl" e*er fi!" o$t what a 'ri!cess wears $!"er her "resses( a!" <$twell 9oi!e" the) with e4tre)e rel$cta!ce #$t with re)arka#le self,co!trol& O!ly the fra!tic #o##i! of his a"a)2s a''le #etraye" hi)& There was !o "o$#t a#o$t it( he2" #e !o oo" for )a ic for days& 3he t$r!e" a!" he ca$ ht a whiff of talc$) 'ow"er& 5or weeks( "a))it( for weeks& 2:o$ look a #it hot( <$twell& Is so)ethi! the )atter=2 28aar &2 2I2) sorry=2 /e shook hi)self& <o!ce!trate o! the hair#r$sh( )a!( the hair#r$sh& 2C$st a #it of )a ical e4'eri)e!ti! ( )a2a)& O!ly s$'erficial #$r!s&2 2Is it still )o*i! =2 2I a) afrai" so&2 Keli t$r!e" #ack to the )irror& /er face was set& 2/a*e we ot ti)e=2 This was the #it he2" #ee! "rea"i! & /e2" "o!e e*erythi! he co$l"& The Royal 1strolo er ha" #ee! so#ere" $' lo! e!o$ h to i!sist that to)orrow was the o!ly 'ossi#le "ay the cere)o!y co$l" take 'lace( so <$twell ha" arra! e" for it to #e i! o!e seco!" after )i"!i ht& /e2" r$thlessly c$t the score of the royal tr$)'et fa!fare& /e2" ti)e" the /i h Priest2s i!*ocatio! to the o"s a!" the! s$#e"ite" hea*ily7 there was oi! to #e a row whe! the o"s fo$!" o$t& The cere)o!y of the a!oi!ti! with sacre" oils ha" #ee! c$t to a .$ick "a# #ehi!" the ears& 3kate#oar"s were a! $!k!ow! i!*e!tio! o! the Disc7 if they ha"!2t #ee!( Keli2s tri' $' the aisle wo$l" ha*e #ee! $!co!stit$tio!ally fast& 1!" it still was!2t e!o$ h& /e !er*e" hi)self& 2I thi!k 'ossi#ly !ot(2 he sai"& 2It co$l" #e a *ery close thi! &2 /e saw her lare at hi) i! the )irror& 2/ow close=2 2U)& ?ery&2 21re yo$ tryi! to say it )i ht reach $s at the sa)e ti)e as the cere)o!y=2

2U)& More sort of( $)( #efore it(2 sai" <$twell wretche"ly& There was !o so$!" #$t the "r$))i! of Keli2s fi! ers o! the e" e of the ta#le& <$twell wo!"ere" if she was oi! to #reak "ow!( or s)ash the )irror& I!stea" she sai"+ 2/ow "o yo$ k!ow=2 /e wo!"ere" if he co$l" et away with sayi! so)ethi! like( I2) a wi6ar"( we k!ow these thi! s( #$t "eci"e" a ai!st it& The last ti)e he2" sai" that she2" threate!e" hi) with the a4e& 2I aske" o!e of the $ar"s a#o$t that i!! Mort talke" a#o$t(2 he sai"& The! I worke" o$t the a''ro4i)ate "ista!ce it ha" to tra*el& Mort sai" it was )o*i! at a slow walki! 'ace( a!" I recko! his stri"e is a#o$t >2 21s si)'le as that= :o$ "i"!2t $se )a ic=2 2O!ly co))o! se!se& It2s a lot )ore relia#le i! the lo! r$!&2 3he reache" o$t a!" 'atte" his ha!"& 2Poor ol" <$twell(2 she sai"& 2I a) o!ly twe!ty( )a2a)&2 3he stoo" $' a!" walke" o*er to her "ressi! roo)& O!e of the thi! s yo$ lear! whe! yo$2re a 'ri!cess is always to #e ol"er tha! a!yo!e of i!ferior ra!k& 2:es( I s$''ose there )$st #e s$ch thi! s as yo$! wi6ar"s(2 she sai" o*er her sho$l"er& 2It2s 9$st that 'eo'le always thi!k of the) as ol"& I wo!"er why this is=2 2Ri o$rs of the calli! ( )a2a)(2 sai" <$twell( rolli! his eyes& /e co$l" hear the r$stle of silk& 2What )a"e yo$ "eci"e to #eco)e a wi6ar"=2 /er *oice was )$ffle"( as if she ha" so)ethi! o*er her hea"& 2It2s i!"oor work with !o hea*y lifti! (2 sai" <$twell& 21!" I s$''ose I wa!te" to lear! how the worl" worke"&2 2/a*e yo$ s$ccee"e"( the!=2 28o&2 <$twell was!2t )$ch oo" at s)all talk( otherwise he2" !e*er ha*e let his )i!" wa!"er s$fficie!tly to allow hi) to say+ 2What )a"e yo$ "eci"e to #eco)e a 'ri!cess=2 1fter a tho$ htf$l sile!ce she sai"( 2It was "eci"e" for )e( yo$ k!ow&2 23orry( I >2 2Bei! royal is a sort of fa)ily tra"itio!& I e4'ect it2s the sa)e with )a ic7 !o "o$#t yo$r father was a wi6ar"=2 <$twell ritte" his teeth& 2U)& 8o(2 he sai"( 2!ot really& 1#sol$tely !ot( i! fact&2 /e k!ew what she wo$l" say !e4t( a!" here it ca)e( relia#le as the s$!set( i! a *oice ti! e" with a)$se)e!t a!" fasci!atio!& 2Oh= Is it really tr$e that wi6ar"s are!2t allowe" to >2 2Well( if that2s all I really sho$l" #e oi! (2 sai" <$twell lo$"ly& 2If a!yo!e wa!ts )e( 9$st follow the e4'losio!s& I - gnnnhB2

Keli ha" ste''e" o$t of the "ressi! roo)& 8ow( wo)e!2s clothes were !ot a s$#9ect that 'reocc$'ie" <$twell )$ch - i! fact( $s$ally whe! he tho$ ht a#o$t wo)e! his )e!tal 'ict$res sel"o) i!cl$"e" a!y clothes at all - #$t the *isio! i! fro!t of hi) really "i" take his #reath away& Whoe*er ha" "esi !e" the "ress "i"!2t k!ow whe! to sto'& They2" '$t lace o*er the silk( a!" tri))e" it with #lack *er)i!e( a!" str$! 'earls a!ywhere that looke" #are( a!" '$ffe" a!" starche" the slee*es a!" the! a""e" sil*er fili ree a!" the! starte" a ai! with the silk& I! fact it really was a)a6i! what co$l" #e "o!e with se*eral o$!ces of hea*y )etal( so)e irritate" )oll$scs( a few "ea" ro"e!ts a!" a lot of threa" wo$!" o$t of i!sects2 #otto)s& The "ress was!2t so )$ch wor! as occ$'ie"7 if the o$tlyi! flo$!ces were!2t s$''orte" o! wheels( the! Keli was stro! er tha! he2" i*e! her cre"it for& 2What "o yo$ thi!k=2 she sai"( t$r!i! slowly& 2This was wor! #y )y )other( a!" )y ra!")other( a!" her )other&2 2What( all to ether=2 sai" <$twell( .$ite 're'are" to #elie*e it& /ow ca! she et i!to it= he wo!"ere"& There )$st #e a "oor ro$!" the #ack& & & & 2It2s a fa)ily heirloo)& It2s ot real "ia)o!"s o! the #o"ice&2 2Which #it2s the #o"ice=2 This #it&2 <$twell sh$""ere"& 2It2s *ery i)'ressi*e(2 he sai"( whe! he co$l" tr$st hi)self to s'eak& 2:o$ "o!2t thi!k it2s 'erha's a #it )at$re( tho$ h=2 2It2s .$ee!ly&2 2:es( #$t 'erha's it wo!2t allow yo$ to )o*e *ery fast=2 2I ha*e !o i!te!tio! of r$!!i! & There )$st #e "i !ity&2 O!ce a ai! the set of her 9aw trace" the li!e of her "esce!t all the way to her co!.$eri! a!cestor( who 'referre" to )o*e *ery fast at all ti)es a!" k!ew as )$ch a#o$t "i !ity as co$l" #e carrie" o! the 'oi!t of a shar' s'ear& <$twell s'rea" his ha!"s& 21ll ri ht(2 he sai"& 25i!e& We all "o what we ca!& I 9$st ho'e Mort has co)e $' with so)e i"eas&2 2It2s har" to ha*e co!fi"e!ce i! a host(2 sai" Keli& 2/e walks thro$ h wallsB2 2I2*e #ee! thi!ki! a#o$t that(2 sai" <$twell& 2It2s a '$66le( is!2t it= /e walks thro$ h thi! s o!ly if he "oes!2t k!ow he2s "oi! it& I thi!k it2s a! i!"$strial "isease&2 2What=2 2I was !early s$re last !i ht& /e2s #eco)i! real&2 2B$t we2re all realB 1t least( yo$ are( a!" I s$''ose I a)&2 2B$t he2s #eco)i! )ore real& %4tre)ely real& 8early as real as Death( a!" yo$ "o!2t et )$ch realler& 8ot )$ch realler at all&2 21re yo$ s$re=2 sai" 1l#ert( s$s'icio$sly& 2Of co$rse(2 sai" :sa#ell& 2Work it o$t yo$rself if yo$ like&2

1l#ert looke" #ack at the #i #ook( his face a 'ortrait of $!certai!ty& 2Well( they co$l" #e a#o$t ri ht(2 he co!ce"e" with #a" race( a!" co'ie" o$t the two !a)es o! a scra' of 'a'er& There2s o!e way to fi!" o$t( a!yway&2 /e '$lle" o'e! the to' "rawer of Death2s "esk a!" e4tracte" a #i iro! keyri! & There was o!ly o!e key o! it& W/1T /1PP%83 8OW= sai" Mort& 2We2*e ot to fetch the lifeti)ers(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2:o$ ha*e to co)e with )e&2 2MortB2 hisse" :sa#ell& 2What=2 2What yo$ 9$st sai" >2 3he la'se" i!to sile!ce( a!" the! a""e"( 2Oh( !othi! & It 9$st so$!"e" & & & o""&2 2I o!ly aske" what ha''e!s !ow(2 sai" Mort& 2:es( #$t - oh( !e*er )i!"+2 1l#ert #r$she" 'ast the) a!" si"le" o$t i!to the hallway like a two,le e" s'i"er $!til he reache" the "oor that was always ke't locke"& The key fitte" 'erfectly& The "oor sw$! o'e!& There was!2t so )$ch as a s.$eak fro) its hi! es( 9$st a swish of "ee'er sile!ce& 1!" the roar of sa!"& Mort a!" :sa#ell stoo" i! the "oorway( tra!sfi4e"( as 1l#ert sta)'e" off #etwee! the aisles of lass& The so$!" "i"!2t 9$st e!ter the #o"y *ia the ears( it ca)e $' thro$ h the le s a!" "ow! thro$ h the sk$ll a!" fille" $' the #rai! $!til all that it co$l" thi!k of was the r$shi! ( hissi! rey !oise( the so$!" of )illio!s of li*es #ei! li*e"& 1!" r$shi! towar"s their i!e*ita#le "esti!atio!& They stare" $' a!" o$t at the e!"less ra!ks of lifeti)ers( e*ery o!e "iffere!t( e*ery o!e !a)e"& The li ht fro) torches ra! e" alo! the walls 'icke" hi hli hts off the)( so that a star lea)e" o! e*ery lass& The far walls of the roo) were lost i! the ala4y of li ht& Mort felt :sa#ell2s fi! ers ti hte! o! his ar)& Whe! she s'oke( her *oice was strai!e"& 2Mort( so)e of the) are so small&2 I K8OW& /er ri' rela4e"( *ery e!tly( like so)eo!e '$tti! the to' ace o! a ho$se of car"s a!" taki! their ha!" away i! erly so as !ot to #ri! the whole e"ifice "ow!& 23ay that a ai!=2 she sai" .$ietly& 2I sai" I k!ow& There2s !othi! I ca! "o a#o$t it& /a*e!2t yo$ #ee! i! here #efore=2 28o&2 3he ha" with"raw! sli htly( a!" was stari! at his eyes& 2It2s !o worse tha! the li#rary(2 sai" Mort( a!" al)ost #elie*e" it& B$t i! the li#rary yo$ o!ly rea" a#o$t it7 i! here yo$ co$l" see it ha''e!i! & 2Why are yo$ looki! at )e like that=2 he a""e"& 2I was 9$st tryi! to re)e)#er what colo$r yo$r eyes were(2 she sai"( 2#eca$se >2 2If yo$ two ha*e .$ite ha" e!o$ h of each otherB2 #ellowe" 1l#ert a#o*e the roar of the

sa!"& 2This wayB2 2Brow!(2 sai" Mort to :sa#ell& 2They2re #row!& Why=2 2/$rry $'B2 2:o$2" #etter o a!" hel' hi)(2 sai" :sa#ell& 2/e see)s to #e etti! .$ite $'set&2 Mort left her( his )i!" a s$""e! swa)' of $!easi!ess( a!" stalke" across the tile" floor to where 1l#ert stoo" i)'atie!tly ta''i! a foot& 2What "o I ha*e to "o=2 he sai"& 2C$st follow )e&2 The roo) o'e!e" o$t i!to a series of 'assa es( each o!e li!e" with the ho$r lasses& /ere a!" there the shel*es were "i*i"e" #y sto!e 'illars i!scri#e" with a! $lar )arki! s& 1l#ert la!ce" at the) occasio!ally7 )ai!ly he stro"e thro$ h the )a6e of sa!" as tho$ h he k!ew e*ery t$r! #y heart& 2Is there o!e lass for e*eryo!e( 1l#ert=2 2:es&2 2This 'lace "oes!2t look #i e!o$ h&2 2Do yo$ k!ow a!ythi! a#o$t ),"i)e!sio!al to'o ra'hy=2 2U)& 8o&2 The! I sho$l"!2t as'ire to hol" a!y o'i!io!s( if I was yo$(2 sai" 1l#ert& /e 'a$se" i! fro!t of a shelf of lasses( la!ce" at the 'a'er a ai!( ra! his ha!" alo! the row a!" s$""e!ly s!atche" $' a lass& The to' #$l# was al)ost e)'ty& 2/ol" this(2 he sai"& 2If this is ri ht( the! the other sho$l" #e so)ewhere !ear& 1h& /ere&2 Mort t$r!e" the two lasses aro$!" i! his ha!"s& O!e ha" all the )arki! s of a! i)'orta!t life( while the other o!e was s.$at a!" .$ite $!re)arka#le& Mort rea" the !a)es& The first see)e" to refer to a !o#le)a! i! the 1 atea! %)'ire re io!s& The seco!" was a collectio! of 'icto ra)s that he reco !ise" as ori i!ati! i! T$r!wise Klatch& 2O*er to yo$(2 1l#ert s!eere"& The soo!er yo$ et starte"( the soo!er yo$2ll #e fi!ishe"& I2ll #ri! Bi!ky ro$!" to the fro!t "oor&2 2Do )y eyes look all ri ht to yo$=2 sai" Mort( a!4io$sly& 28othi! wro! with the) that I ca! see(2 sai" 1l#ert& 2Bit re" ro$!" the e" es( #it #l$er tha! $s$al( !othi! s'ecial&2 Mort followe" hi) #ack 'ast the lo! shel*es of lass( looki! tho$ htf$l& :sa#ell watche" hi) take the swor" fro) the rack #y the "oor a!" test its e" e #y swishi! it thro$ h the air( 9$st as Death "i"( a!" ri!!i! )irthlessly at the satisfactory so$!" of the th$!"ercla'& 3he reco !ise" the walk& /e was stalking& 2Mort=2 she whis'ere"& :%3=

23o)ethi! 2s ha''e!i! to yo$&2 I K8OW( sai" Mort& 2B$t I thi!k I ca! co!trol it&2 They hear" the so$!" of hoo*es o$tsi"e( a!" 1l#ert '$she" the "oor o'e! a!" ca)e i! r$##i! his ha!"s& 2Ri ht( la"( !o ti)e to >2 Mort sw$! the swor" at ar)2s le! th& It scythe" thro$ h the air with a !oise like ri''i! silk a!" #$rie" itself i! the "oor'ost #y 1l#ert2s ear& O8 :OUR K8%%3( 1;B%RTO M1;I</& 1l#ert2s )o$th "ro''e" o'e!& /is eyes rolle" si"eways to the shi))eri! #la"e a few i!ches fro) his hea"( a!" the! !arrowe" to ti ht little li!es& 2:o$ s$rely wo$l"!2t "are( #oy(2 he sai"& MORT& The sylla#le s!a''e" o$t as fast as a whi'lash a!" twice as *icio$s& There was a 'act(2 sai" 1l#ert( #$t there was the #arest !at,so! of "o$#t i! his *oice& There was a! a ree)e!t&2 28ot with )e&2 There was a! a ree)e!tB Where wo$l" we #e if we co$l" !ot ho!o$r a! a ree)e!t=2 2I "o!2t k!ow where I wo$l" #e(2 sai" Mort softly& BUT I K8OW W/%R% :OU WOU;D 0O& That2s !ot fairB2 8ow it was a whi!e& T/%R%23 8O CU3TI<%& T/%R%23 CU3T M%& 23to' it(2 sai" :sa#ell& 2Mort( yo$2re #ei! silly& :o$ ca!2t kill a!yo!e here& 1!yway( yo$ "o!2t really wa!t to kill 1l#ert&2 28ot here& B$t I co$l" se!" hi) #ack to the worl"&2 1l#ert we!t 'ale& 2:o$ wo$l"!2tB2 28o= I ca! take yo$ #ack a!" lea*e yo$ there& I sho$l"!2t thi!k yo$2*e ot )$ch ti)e left( ha*e yo$=2 /1?% :OU= 2Do!2t talk like that(2 sai" 1l#ert( .$ite faili! to )eet his a6e& 2:o$ so$!" like the )aster whe! yo$ talk like that&2 2I co$l" #e a lot worse tha! the )aster(2 sai" Mort e*e!ly& 2:sa#ell( o a!" et 1l#ert2s #ook( will yo$=2 2Mort( I really thi!k yo$2re >2 3/1;; I 13K :OU 101I8= 3he fle" fro) the roo)( white,face"& 1l#ert s.$i!te" at Mort alo! the le! th of the swor"( a!" s)ile" a lo',si"e"( h$)o$rless s)ile& 2:o$ wo!2t #e a#le to co!trol it fore*er(2 he sai"& 2I "o!2t wa!t to& I 9$st wa!t to co!trol it for lo! e!o$ h&2

2:o$2re rece'ti*e !ow( see= The lo! er the )aster is away( the )ore yo$2ll #eco)e 9$st like hi)& O!ly it2ll #e worse( #eca$se yo$2ll re)e)#er all a#o$t #ei! h$)a! a!" >2 2What a#o$t yo$( the!=2 s!a''e" Mort& 2What ca! yo$ re)e)#er a#o$t #ei! h$)a!= If yo$ we!t #ack( how )$ch life ha*e yo$ ot left=2 28i!ety,o!e "ays( three ho$rs a!" fi*e )i!$tes(2 sai" 1l#ert 'ro)'tly& 2I k!ew he was o! )y trail( see= B$t I2) safe here a!" he2s !ot s$ch a #a" )aster& 3o)eti)es I "o!2t k!ow what he2" "o witho$t )e&2 2:es( !o,o!e "ies i! Death2s ow! ki! "o)& 1!" yo$2re 'lease" with that=2 sai" Mort& 2I2) )ore tha! two tho$sa!" years ol"( I a)& I2*e li*e" lo! er tha! a!yo!e i! the worl"&2 Mort shook his hea"& 2:o$ ha*e!2t( yo$ k!ow(2 he sai"& 2:o$2*e 9$st stretche" thi! s o$t )ore& 8o,o!e really li*es here& The ti)e i! this 'lace is 9$st a sha)& It2s !ot real& 8othi! cha! es& I2" rather "ie a!" see what ha''e!s !e4t tha! s'e!" eter!ity here&2 1l#ert 'i!che" his !ose reflecti*ely& 2:es( well( yo$ )i ht(2 he co!ce"e"( 2#$t I was a wi6ar"( yo$ k!ow& I was 'retty oo" at it& They '$t $' a stat$e to )e( yo$ k!ow& B$t yo$ "o!2t li*e a lo! life as a wi6ar" witho$t )aki! a few e!e)ies( see( o!es who2ll & & & wait o! the Other 3i"e&2 /e s!iffe"& They ai!2t all ot two le s( either& 3o)e of the) ai!2t ot le s at all& Or faces& Death "o!2t fri hte! )e& It2s what co)es after&2 2/el' )e( the!&2 2What oo" will that "o )e=2 2O!e "ay yo$ )i ht !ee" so)e frie!"s o! the Other 3i"e(2 sai" Mort& /e tho$ ht for a few seco!"s a!" a""e"( 2If I were yo$( it wo$l"!2t "o a!y har) to i*e )y so$l a #it of a last,)i!$te 'olish& 3o)e of those waiti! for yo$ )i ht !ot like the taste of that&2 1l#ert sh$""ere" a!" sh$t his eyes& 2:o$ "o!2t k!ow a#o$t that what yo$ talk a#o$t(2 he a""e"( with )ore feeli! tha! ra))ar( 2else yo$ wo$l"!2t say that& What "o yo$ wa!t fro) )e=2 Mort tol" hi)& 1l#ert cackle"& 2C$st that= C$st cha! e Reality= :o$ ca!2t& There is!2t a!y )a ic stro! e!o$ h a!y )ore& The 0reat 3'ells co$l" of "o!e it& 8othi! else& 1!" that2s it( so yo$ )i ht as well "o as yo$ 'lease a!" the #est of l$ck to yo$&2 :sa#ell ca)e #ack( a little o$t of #reath( cl$tchi! the latest *ol$)e of 1l#ert2s life& 1l#ert s!iffe" a ai!& The ti!y "ri' o! the e!" of his !ose fasci!ate" Mort& It was always o! the 'oi!t of "ro''i! off #$t !e*er ha" the co$ra e& C$st like hi)( he tho$ ht& 2:o$ ca!2t "o a!ythi! to )e with the #ook(2 sai" the ol" wi6ar" warily& 2I "o!2t i!te!" to& B$t it strikes )e that yo$ "o!2t et to #e a 'owerf$l wi6ar" #y telli! the tr$th all the ti)e& :sa#ell( rea" o$t what2s #ei! writte!&2 2 J1l#ert looke" at hi) $!certai!lyJ(2 :sa#ell rea"&

2:o$ ca!2t #elie*e e*erythi! writ "ow! there >2 2> Jhe #$rst o$t( k!owi! i! the fli!ty 'it of his heart that Mort certai!ly co$l"J(2 :sa#ell rea"& 23to' itB2 2 Jhe sho$te"( tryi! to '$t at the #ack of his )i!" the k!owle" e that e*e! if Reality co$l" !ot #e sto''e" it )i ht #e 'ossi#le to slow it "ow! a littleJ&2 /OW= 2 Ji!to!e" Mort i! the lea"e! to!es of DeathJ(2 #e a! :sa#ell "$tif$lly& 2:es( yes( all ri ht( yo$ !ee"!2t #other with )y #it(2 s!a''e" Mort irrita#ly& 2Par"o! )e for li*i! ( I2) s$re&2 8O,O8% 0%T3 P1RDO8%D 5OR ;I?I80& 21!" "o!2t talk like that to )e( tha!k yo$& It "oes!2t fri hte! )e(2 she sai"& 3he la!ce" "ow! at the #ook( where the )o*i! li!e of writi! was calli! her a liar& Tell )e how( wi6ar"(2 sai" Mort& 2My )a ic2s all I2*e ot leftB2 waile" 1l#ert& 2:o$ "o!2t !ee" it( yo$ ol" )iser&2 2:o$ "o!2t fri hte! )e( #oy >2 ;OOK I8TO M: 51<% 18D T%;; M% T/1T& Mort s!a''e" his fi! ers i)'erio$sly& :sa#ell #e!t her hea" o*er the #ook a ai!& 2 J1l#ert looke" i!to the #l$e low of those eyes a!" the last of his "efia!ce "rai!e" awayJ(2 she rea"( 2 Jfor he saw !ot 9$st Death #$t Death with all the h$)a! seaso!i! s of *e! ea!ce a!" cr$elty a!" "istaste( a!" with a terri#le certai!ty he k!ew that this was the last cha!ce a!" Mort wo$l" se!" hi) #ack i!to Ti)e a!" h$!t hi) "ow! a!" take hi) a!" "eli*er hi) #o"ily i!to the "ark D$! eo! Di)e!sio!s where creat$res of horror wo$l" "ot "ot "ot "ot "otJ(2 she fi!ishe"& 2It2s 9$st "ots for half a 'a e&2 That2s #eca$se the #ook "are!2t e*e! )e!tio! the)(2 whis'ere" 1l#ert& /e trie" to sh$t his eyes #$t the 'ict$res i! the "ark!ess #ehi!" his eyeli"s were so *i*i" that he o'e!e" the) a ai!& %*e! Mort was #etter tha! that& 21ll ri ht(2 he sai"& There is o!e s'ell& It slows "ow! ti)e o*er a little area& I2ll write it "ow!( #$t yo$2ll ha*e to fi!" a wi6ar" to say it&2 2I ca! "o that&2 1l#ert ra! a to! $e like a! ol" loofah o*er his "ry li's& There is a 'rice( tho$ h(2 he a""e"& 2:o$ )$st co)'lete the D$ty first&2 2:sa#ell=2 sai" Mort& 3he looke" at the 'a e i! fro!t of her& 2/e )ea!s it(2 she sai"& 2If yo$ "o!2t the! e*erythi! will o wro! a!" he2ll "ro' #ack i!to Ti)e a!yway&2 1ll three of the) t$r!e" to look at the reat clock that "o)i!ate" the hallway& Its 'e!"$l$) #la"e sawe" slowly thro$ h the air( c$tti! ti)e i!to little 'ieces&

Mort roa!e"& 2There is!2t e!o$ h ti)eB2 he roa!e"& 2I ca!2t "o #oth of the) i! ti)eB2 2The )aster wo$l" ha*e fo$!" ti)e(2 o#ser*e" 1l#ert& Mort wre!che" the #la"e fro) the "oorway a!" shook it f$rio$sly #$t i!effect$ally towar"s 1l#ert( who fli!che"& 2Write "ow! the s'ell( the!(2 he sho$te"& 21!" "o it fastB2 /e t$r!e" o! his heel a!" stalke" #ack i!to Death2s st$"y& There was a lar e "isc of the worl" i! o!e cor!er( co)'lete "ow! to soli" sil*er ele'ha!ts sta!"i! o! the #ack of a 0reat 12T$i! cast i! #ro!6e a!" )ore tha! a )etre lo! & The reat ri*ers were re'rese!te" #y *ei!s of 9a"e( the "eserts #y 'ow"ere" "ia)o!" a!" the )ost !ota#le cities were 'icke" o$t i! 'recio$s sto!es7 1!kh,Mor'ork( for i!sta!ce( was a car#$!cle& /e 'lo!ke" the two lasses "ow! at the a''ro4i)ate locatio!s of their ow!ers a!" flo''e" "ow! i! Death2s chair( lari! at the)( willi! the) to #e closer to ether& The chair s.$eake" e!tly as he swi*elle" fro) si"e to si"e( loweri! at the little "isc& 1fter a while :sa#ell ca)e i!( trea"i! softly& 21l#ert2s writte! it "ow!(2 she sai" .$ietly( 2I2*e checke" the #ook& It is!2t a trick& /e2s o!e a!" locke" hi)self i! his roo) !ow a!" >2 2;ook at these twoB I )ea!( will yo$ look at the)B2 2I thi!k yo$ sho$l" cal) "ow! a #it( Mort&2 2/ow ca! I cal) "ow! with( look( this o!e o*er here al)ost i! the 0reat 8ef( a!" this o!e ri ht i! Bes Pelar ic a!" the! I2*e ot to et #ack to 3to ;at& That2s a te! tho$sa!" )ile ro$!" tri' howe*er yo$ look at it& It ca!2t #e "o!e&2 2I2) s$re yo$2ll fi!" a way& 1!" I2ll hel'&2 /e looke" at her for the first ti)e a!" saw she was weari! her o$t"oor coat( the $!s$ita#le o!e with the #i f$r collar& 2:o$= What co$l" yo$ "o=2 2Bi!ky ca! easily carry two(2 sai" :sa#ell )eekly& 3he wa*e" a 'a'er 'acka e *a $ely& 2I2*e 'acke" $s so)ethi! to eat& I co$l" - hol" o'e! "oors a!" thi! s&2 Mort la$ he" )irthlessly& T/1T WO82T B% 8%<%331R:& 2I wish yo$2" sto' talki! like that&2 2I ca!2t take 'asse! ers& :o$2ll slow )e "ow!&2 :sa#ell si he"& 2;ook( how a#o$t this= ;et2s 'rete!" we2*e ha" the row a!" I2*e wo!& 3ee= It sa*es a lot of effort& I act$ally thi!k yo$ )i ht fi!" Bi!ky rather rel$cta!t to o if I2) !ot there& I2*e fe" hi) a! awf$l lot of s$ ar l$)'s o*er the years& 8ow - are we oi! =2 1l#ert sat o! his !arrow #e"( loweri! at the wall& /e hear" the so$!" of hoof#eats( a#r$'tly c$t off as Bi!ky ot air#or!e( a!" )$ttere" $!"er his #reath& Twe!ty )i!$tes 'asse"& %4'ressio!s flitte" across the ol" wi6ar"2s face like clo$" sha"ows across a hillsi"e& Occasio!ally he2" whis'er so)ethi! to hi)self( like 2I tol"

2e)2 or 28e*er wo$l" of stoo" for it2 or The )aster o$ ht to #e tole2& %*e!t$ally he see)e" to reach a! a ree)e!t with hi)self( k!elt "ow! i! erly a!" '$lle" a #attere" tr$!k fro) $!"er his #e"& /e o'e!e" it with "iffic$lty a!" $!fol"e" a "$sty rey ro#e that scattere" )oth#alls a!" tar!ishe" se.$i!s across the floor& /e '$lle" it o!( #r$she" off the worst of the "$st( a!" crawle" $!"er the #e" a ai!& There was a lot of )$ffle" c$rsi! a!" the occasio!al cli!k of chi!a a!" fi!ally 1l#ert e)er e" hol"i! a staff taller tha! he was& It was thicker tha! a!y !or)al staff( )ai!ly #eca$se of the car*i! s that co*ere" it fro) to' to #otto)& They were act$ally .$ite i!"isti!ct( #$t a*e the i)'ressio! that if yo$ co$l" see the) #etter yo$ wo$l" re ret it& 1l#ert #r$she" hi)self "ow! a ai! a!" e4a)i!e" hi)self critically i! the washsta!" )irror& The! he sai"( 2/at& 8o hat& 0ot to ha*e a hat for the wi6ar"i! & Da)!&2 /e sta)'e" o$t of the roo) a!" ret$r!e" after a #$sy fiftee! )i!$tes which i!cl$"e" a circ$lar hole c$t o$t of the car'et i! Mort2s #e"roo)( the sil*er 'a'er take! o$t fro) #ehi!" the )irror i! :sa#ell2s roo)( a !ee"le a!" threa" fro) the #o4 $!"er the si!k i! the kitche! a!" a few loose se.$i!s scra'e" $' fro) the #otto) of the ro#e chest& The e!" res$lt was !ot as oo" as he wo$l" ha*e like" a!" te!"e" to sli' rakishly o*er o!e eye( #$t it was #lack a!" ha" stars a!" )oo!s o! it a!" 'roclai)e" its ow!er to #e( witho$t a!y "o$#t( a wi6ar"( altho$ h 'ossi#ly a "es'erate o!e& /e felt 'ro'erly "resse" for the first ti)e i! two tho$sa!" years& It was a "isco!certi! feeli! a!" ca$se" hi) a seco!"2s reflectio! #efore he kicke" asi"e the ra r$ #esi"e the #e" a!" $se" the staff to "raw a circle o! the floor& Whe! the ti' of the staff 'asse" it left a li!e of lowi! octari!e( the ei hth colo$r of the s'ectr$)( the colo$r of )a ic( the 'i )e!t of the i)a i!atio!& /e )arke" ei ht 'oi!ts o! its circ$)fere!ce a!" 9oi!e" the) $' to for) a! octo ra)& 1 low thro##i! #e a! to fill the roo)& 1l#erto Malich ste''e" i!to the ce!tre a!" hel" the staff a#o*e his hea"& /e felt it wake to his ri'( felt the ti! le of the slee'i! 'ower $!fol" itself slowly a!" "eli#erately( like a waki! ti er& It tri ere" ol" )e)ories of 'ower a!" )a ic that #$66e" thro$ h the co#we##e" attics of his )i!"& /e felt ali*e for the first ti)e i! ce!t$ries& /e licke" his li's& The thro##i! ha" "ie" away( lea*i! a stra! e( waiti! ki!" of sile!ce& Malich raise" his hea" a!" sho$te" o!e si! le sylla#le& Bl$e, ree! fire flashe" fro) #oth e!"s of the staff& 3trea)s of octari!e fla)e s'o$te" fro) the ei ht 'o$its of the octo ra) a!" e!*elo'e" the wi6ar"& 1ll this was!2t act$ally !ecessary to acco)'lish the s'ell( #$t wi6ar"s co!si"er a''eara!ces are *ery i)'orta!t& & & & 3o are "isa''eara!ces& /e *a!ishe"& 3tratohe)is'heric wi!"s whi''e" at Mort2s cloak& 2Where are we oi! first=2 yelle" :sa#ell i! his ear&

2Bes Pelar icB2 sho$te" Mort( the ale whirli! his wor"s away& 2Where2s that=2 21 atea! %)'ireB <o$!terwei ht <o!ti!e!tB2 /e 'oi!te" "ow!war"& /e was!2t forci! Bi!ky at the )o)e!t( k!owi! the )iles that lay ahea"( a!" the #i white horse was c$rre!tly r$!!i! at a! easy allo' o$t o*er the ocea!& :sa#ell looke" "ow! at roari! ree! wa*es to''e" with white foa)( a!" cl$! ti hter to Mort& Mort 'eere" ahea" at the clo$"#a!k that )arke" the "ista!t co!ti!e!t a!" resiste" the $r e to h$rry Bi!ky alo! with the flat of his swor"& /e2" !e*er str$ck the horse a!" was!2t at all co!fi"e!t a#o$t what wo$l" ha''e! if he "i"& 1ll he co$l" "o was wait& 1 ha!" a''eare" $!"er his ar)( hol"i! a sa!"wich& 2There2s ha) or cheese a!" ch$t!ey(2 she sai"& 2:o$ )i ht as well eat( there2s !othi! else to "o&2 Mort looke" "ow! at the so y tria! le a!" trie" to re)e)#er whe! he last ha" a )eal& 3o)e ti)e #eyo!" the reach of a clock( a!yway - he2" !ee" a cale!"ar to calc$late it& /e took the sa!"wich& 2Tha!ks(2 he sai"( as racio$sly as he co$l" )a!a e& The ti!y s$! rolle" "ow! towar"s the hori6o!( towi! its la6y "ayli ht #ehi!" it& The clo$"s ahea" rew( a!" #eca)e o$tli!e" i! 'i!k a!" ora! e& 1fter a while he co$l" )ake o$t the "arker #l$r of la!" #elow the)( with here a!" there the li hts of a city& /alf a! ho$r later he was s$re he co$l" see i!"i*i"$al #$il"i! s& 1 atea! architect$re i!cli!e" towar"s s.$at 'yra)i"s& Bi!ky lost hei ht $!til his hoo*es were #arely a few feet a#o*e the sea& Mort e4a)i!e" the ho$r lass a ai!( a!" e!tly t$ e" o! the rei!s to "irect the horse towar"s a sea'ort a little Ri)war"s of their 'rese!t co$rse& There were a few shi's at a!chor( )ostly si! le,saile" coastal tra"ers& The %)'ire "i"!2t e!co$ra e its s$#9ects to o far away( i! case they saw thi! s that )i ht "ist$r# the)& 5or the sa)e reaso! it ha" #$ilt a wall aro$!" the e!tire co$!try( 'atrolle" #y the /ea*e!ly 0$ar" whose )ai! f$!ctio! was to trea" hea*ily o! the fi! ers of a!y i!ha#ita!ts who felt they )i ht like to ste' o$tsi"e for fi*e )i!$tes for a #reath of fresh air& This "i"!2t ha''e! ofte!( #eca$se )ost of the s$#9ects of the 3$! %)'eror were .$ite ha''y to li*e i!si"e the Wall& It2s a fact of life that e*eryo!e is o! o!e si"e or other of a wall( so the o!ly thi! to "o is for et a#o$t it or e*ol*e stro! er fi! ers& 2Who r$!s this 'lace=2 sai" :sa#ell( as they 'asse" o*er the har#o$r& 2There2s so)e ki!" of #oy e)'eror(2 sai" Mort& 2B$t the to' )a! is really the 0ra!" ?i6ier( I thi!k&2 28e*er tr$st a 0ra!" ?i6ier(2 sai" :sa#ell wisely& I! fact the 3$! %)'eror "i"!2t& The ?i6ier( whose !a)e was 8i!e T$r!i! Mirrors( ha" so)e *ery clear *iews a#o$t who sho$l" r$! the co$!try( e& &( that it sho$l" #e hi)( a!" !ow the #oy was etti! #i e!o$ h to ask .$estio!s like 2Do!2t yo$ thi!k the wall wo$l"

look #etter with a few ates i! it=2 a!" 2:es( #$t what is it like o! the other si"e=2 he ha" "eci"e" that i! the %)'eror2s ow! #est i!terests he sho$l" #e 'ai!f$lly 'oiso!e" a!" #$rie" i! .$ickli)e& Bi!ky la!"e" o! the rake" ra*el o$tsi"e the low( )a!y,roo)e" 'alace( se*erely rearra! i! the har)o!y of the $!i*erse&EIF Mort sli" off his #ack a!" hel'e" :sa#ell "ow!& 2C$st "o!2t et i! the way( will yo$=2 he sai" $r e!tly& 21!" "o!2t ask .$estio!s either&2 /e ra! $' so)e lac.$ere" ste's a!" h$rrie" thro$ h the sile!t roo)s( 'a$si! occasio!ally to take his #eari! s fro) the ho$r lass& 1t last he si"le" "ow! a corri"or a!" 'eere" thro$ h a! or!ate lattice i!to a lo! low roo) where the <o$rt was at its e*e!i! )eal& The yo$! 3$! %)'eror was sitti! crossle e" at the hea" of the )at with his cloak of *er)i!e a!" feathers s'rea" o$t #ehi!" hi)& /e looke" as tho$ h he was o$t rowi! it& The rest of the <o$rt was sitti! aro$!" the )at i! strict a!" co)'licate" or"er of 'rece"e!ce( #$t there was !o )istaki! the ?i6ier( who was t$cki! i!to his #owl of s6uishi a!" #oile" seawee" i! a hi hly s$s'icio$s fashio!& 8o,o!e see)e" to #e a#o$t to "ie& Mort 'a""e" alo! the 'assa e( t$r!e" the cor!er a!" !early walke" i!to se*eral lar e )e)#ers of the /ea*e!ly 0$ar"( who were cl$stere" aro$!" a s'yhole i! the 'a'er wall a!" 'assi! a ci arette fro) ha!" to ha!" i! that 'al),c$''e" way of sol"iers o! "$ty& /e ti'toe" #ack to the lattice a!" o*erhear" the co!*ersatio! th$s+ 2I a) the )ost $!fort$!ate of )ortals( O I))a!e!t Prese!ce( to fi!" s$ch as this i! )y otherwise satisfactory s6uishi(2 sai" the ?i6ier( e4te!"i! his cho'sticks& The <o$rt cra!e" to see& 3o "i" Mort& Mort co$l"!2t hel' a reei! with the state)e!t( tho$ h - the thi! was a sort of #l$e, ree! l$)' with r$##ery t$#es "a! li! fro) it& The 're'arer of foo" will #e "isci'li!e"( 8o#le Perso!a e of 3cholarshi'(2 sai" the %)'eror& 2Who ot the s'are ri#s=2 28o( O Perce'ti*e 5ather of :o$r Peo'le( I was rather referri! to the fact that this is( I #elie*e( the #la""er a!" s'lee! of the "ee'water '$ff eel( alle e"ly the )ost tasty of )orsels to the e4te!t that it )ay #e eate! o!ly #y those #elo*e" of the o"s the)sel*es or so it is writte!( a)o! s$ch co)'a!y of co$rse I "o !ot i!cl$"e )y )isera#le self&2 With a "eft flick he tra!s'orte" it to the #owl of the %)'eror( where it wo##le" to a sta!"still& The #oy looke" at it for so)e ti)e( a!" the! skewere" it o! a cho'stick& 21h(2 he sai"( 2#$t is it !ot also writte! #y !o!e other tha! the reat 'hiloso'her ;y Ti! Whee"le that a scholar )ay #e ra!ke" a#o*e 'ri!ces= I see) to re)e)#er yo$ i*i! )e the 'assa e to rea" o!ce( O 5aithf$l a!" 1ssi"$o$s 3eeker of K!owle" e&2 The thi! followe" a!other #rief arc thro$ h the air a!" flo''e" a'olo etically i!to the ?i6ier2s #owl& /e scoo'e" it $' i! a .$ick )o*e)e!t a!" 'oise" it for a seco!" ser*ice& /is eyes !arrowe"& 23$ch )ay #e e!erally the case( O Ca"e Ri*er of Wis"o)( #$t s'ecifically I ca!!ot #e ra!ke" a#o*e the %)'eror who) I lo*e as )y ow! so! a!" ha*e "o!e e*er si!ce his late

father2s $!fort$!ate "eath( a!" th$s I lay this s)all offeri! at yo$r feet&2 The eyes of the co$rt followe" the wretche" or a! o! its thir" fli ht across the )at( #$t the %)'eror s!atche" $' his fa! a!" #ro$ ht off a )a !ifice!t *olley that e!"e" #ack i! the ?i6ier2s #owl with s$ch force that it se!t $' a s'ray of seawee"& 2!omebody eat it( for hea*e!2s sake(2 sho$te" Mort( totally $!hear"& 2I2) i! a h$rryB2 Tho$ art i!"ee" the )ost tho$ htf$l of ser*a!ts( 0 De*ote" a!" I!"ee" O!ly <o)'a!io! of My ;ate 5ather a!" 0ra!"father Whe! They Passe" O*er( a!" therefore I "ecree that yo$r rewar" shall #e this )ost rare a!" e4.$isite of )orsels&2 The ?i6ier 'ro""e" the thi! $!certai!ly( a!" looke" i!to the %)'eror2s s)ile& It was #ri ht a!" terri#le& /e f$)#le" for a! e4c$se& 21las( it wo$l" see) that I ha*e alrea"y eate! far too )$ch >2 he #e a!( #$t the %)'eror wa*e" hi) i!to sile!ce& 2Do$#tless it re.$ires a s$ita#le seaso!i! (2 he sai"( a!" cla''e" his ha!"s& The wall #ehi!" hi) ri''e" fro) to' to #otto) a!" fo$r /ea*e!ly 0$ar"s ste''e" thro$ h( three of the) #ra!"ishi! cando swor"s a!" the fo$rth tryi! h$rrie"ly to swallow a li hte" "o ,e!"& The ?i6ier2s #owl "ro''e" fro) his ha!"s& 2My )ost faithf$l of ser*a!ts #elie*es he has !o s'ace left for this fi!al )o$thf$l(2 sai" the %)'eror& 2Do$#tless yo$ ca! i!*esti ate his sto)ach to see if this is tr$e& Why has that )a! ot s)oke co)i! o$t of his ears=2 21!4io$s for actio!( O 3ky %)i!e!ce(2 sai" the ser ea!t .$ickly& 28o sto''i! hi)( I2) afrai"&2 The! let hi) take his k!ife a!" - oh( the ?i6ier see)s to #e h$! ry after all& Well "o!e&2 There was a#sol$te sile!ce while the ?i6ier2s cheeks #$l e" rhyth)ically& The! he $l'e"& 2Delicio$s(2 he sai"& 23$'er#& Tr$ly the foo" of the o"s( a!" !ow( if yo$ will e4c$se )e >2 /e $!fol"e" his le s a!" )a"e as if to sta!" $'& ;ittle #ea"s of sweat ha" a''eare" o! his forehea"& 2:o$ wish to "e'art=2 sai" the %)'eror( raisi! his eye#rows& 2Pressi! )atters of state( O Pers'icacio$s Perso!a e of >2 2Be seate"& Risi! so soo! after )eals ca! #e #a" for the "i estio!(2 sai" the %)'eror( a!" the $ar"s !o""e" a ree)e!t& 2Besi"es( there are !o $r e!t )atters of state $!less yo$ refer to those i! the s)all re" #ottle )arke" J1!ti"oteJ i! the #lack lac.$ere" ca#i!et o! the #a)#oo r$ i! yo$r .$arters( O ;a)' of Mi"!i ht Oil&2 There was a ri! i! i! the ?i6ier2s ears& /is face #e a! to o #l$e& 2:o$ see=2 sai" the %)'eror& 2U!ti)ely acti*ity o! a hea*y sto)ach is co!"$ci*e to ill h$)o$rs& May this )essa e o swiftly to all cor!ers of )y co$!try( that all )e! )ay k!ow of yo$r $!fort$!ate co!"itio! a!" "eri*e i!str$ctio! there#y&2 2I & & & )$st & & & co! rat$late yo$r & & & Perso!a e o! s$ch & & & co!si"eratio!(2 sai" the ?i6ier( a!" fell forwar" i!to a "ish of #oile" soft,shelle" cra#s&

2I ha" a! e%cellent teacher(2 sai" the %)'eror& 1BOUT TIM%( TOO( sai" Mort( a!" sw$! the swor"& 1 )o)e!t later the so$l of the ?i6ier ot $' fro) the )at a!" looke" Mort $' a!" "ow!& 2Who are yo$( #ar#aria!=2 he s!a''e"& D%1T/& 28ot )y Death(2sai" the ?i6ier fir)ly& 2Where2s the Black <elestial Dra o! of 5ire=2 /% <OU;D82T <OM%( sai" Mort& There were sha"ows for)i! i! the air #ehi!" the ?i6ier2s so$l& 3e*eral of the) wore e)'eror2s ro#es( #$t there were 'le!ty of others 9ostli! the)( a!" they all looke" )ost a!4io$s to welco)e the !ewco)er to the la!"s of the "ea"& 2I thi!k there2s so)e 'eo'le here to see yo$(2 sai" Mort( a!" h$rrie" away& 1s he reache" the 'assa eway the ?i6ier2s so$l starte" to screa)& & & & :sa#ell was sta!"i! 'atie!tly #y Bi!ky( who was )aki! a late l$!ch of a fi*e,h$!"re", year,ol" #o!sai tree& 2O!e "ow!(2 sai" Mort( cli)#i! i!to the sa""le& 2<o)e o!& I2*e ot a #a" feeli! a#o$t the !e4t o!e( a!" we ha*e!2t )$ch ti)e&2 1l#ert )aterialise" i! the ce!tre of U!see! U!i*ersity( i! the sa)e 'lace( i! fact( fro) which he ha" "e'arte" the worl" so)e two tho$sa!" years #efore& /e r$!te" with satisfactio! a!" #r$she" a few s'ecks of "$st off his ro#e& /e #eca)e aware that he was #ei! watche"7 o! looki! $'( he "isco*ere" that he ha" flashe" i!to e4iste!ce $!"er the ster! )ar#le a6e of hi)self& /e a"9$ste" his s'ectacles a!" 'eere" "isa''ro*i! ly at the #ro!6e 'la.$e screwe" to his 'e"estal& It sai"+ 21l#erto Malich( 5o$!"er of This U!i*ersity& 1M 1(222,1(2IO& JWe Will 8ot 3ee /is ;ike 1 ai!J&2 3o )$ch for 're"ictio!( he tho$ ht& 1!" if they tho$ ht so )$ch of hi) they co$l" at least ha*e hire" a "ece!t sc$l'tor& It was "is racef$l& The !ose was all wro! & <all that a le = Peo'le ha" #ee! car*i! their !a)es o! it( too& /e wo$l"!2t #e see! "ea" i! a hat like that( either& Of co$rse( if he co$l" hel' it( he wo$l"!2t #e see! "ea" at all& 1l#ert ai)e" a! octari!e th$!"er#olt at the hastly thi! a!" ri!!e" e*illy as it e4'lo"e" i!to "$st& 2Ri ht(2 he sai" to the Disc at lar e( 2I2) #ack&2 The ti! le fro) the )a ic co$rse" all the way $' his ar) a!" starte" a war) low i! his )i!"& /ow he2" )isse" it( all these years& Wi6ar"s ca)e h$rryi! thro$ h the #i "o$#le "oors at the so$!" of the e4'losio! a!" cleare" the wro! co!cl$sio! fro) a sta!"i! start& There was the 'e"estal( e)'ty& There was a clo$" of )ar#le "$st o*er e*erythi! & 1!" stri"i! o$t of it( )$tteri! to hi)self( was 1l#ert& The wi6ar"s at the #ack of the crow" starte" to ha*e it away as .$ickly a!" .$ietly as 'ossi#le& There was!2t o!e of the) that ha"!2t( at so)e ti)e i! his 9olly yo$th( '$t a

co))o! #e"roo) $te!sil o! ol" 1l#ert2s hea" or car*e" his !a)e so)ewhere o! the stat$e2s chilly a!ato)y( or s'ille" #eer o! the 'e"estal& Worse tha! that( too( "$ri! Ra Week whe! the "ri!k flowe" .$ickly a!" the 'ri*y see)e" too far to sta er& These ha" all see)e" hilario$s i"eas at the ti)e& They s$""e!ly "i"!2t( !ow& O!ly two fi $res re)ai!e" to face the stat$e2s wrath( o!e #eca$se he ha" ot his ro#e ca$ ht i! the "oor a!" the other #eca$se he was( i! fact( a! a'e a!" co$l" therefore take a rela4e" attit$"e to h$)a! affairs& 1l#ert ra##e" the wi6ar"( who was tryi! "es'erately to walk i!to the wall& The )a! s.$eale"& 21ll ri ht( all ri ht( I a")it itB I was "r$!k at the ti)e( #elie*e )e( "i"!2t )ea! it( osh( I2) sorry( I2) so sorry >2 2What are yo$ #leati! a#o$t( )a!=2 sai" 1l#ert( e!$i!ely '$66le"& 2> so sorry( if I trie" to tell yo$ how sorry I a) we2" >2 23to' this #loo"y !o!se!seB2 1l#ert la!ce" "ow! at the little a'e( who a*e hi) a war) frie!"ly s)ile& 2What2s yo$r !a)e( )a!=2 2:es( sir( I2ll sto'( sir( ri ht away( !o )ore !o!se!se( sir & & & Ri!cewi!"( sir& 1ssista!t li#raria!( if it2s all ri ht #y yo$&2 1l#ert looke" hi) $' a!" "ow!& The )a! ha" a "es'erate sc$ffe" look( like so)ethi! left o$t for the la$!"ry& /e "eci"e" that if this was what wi6ar"i! ha" co)e to( so)eo!e o$ ht to "o so)ethi! a#o$t it& 2What sort of li#raria! wo$l" ha*e yo$ for assista!t=2 he "e)a!"e" irrita#ly& 2Oook&2 3o)ethi! like awar) soft leather lo*e trie" to hol" his ha!"& 21 )o!keyB I! )y $!i*ersityB2 2Ora! ,o$ta! ( sir& /e $se" to #e a wi6ar" #$t ot ca$ ht i! so)e )a ic( sir( !ow he wo!2t let $s t$r! hi) #ack( a!" he2s the o!ly o!e who k!ows where all the #ooks are(2 sai" Ri!cewi!" $r e!tly& 2I look after his #a!a!as(2 he a""e"( feeli! so)e a""itio!al e4'la!atio! was calle" for& 1l#ert lare" at hi)& 23h$t $'&2 23h$tti! $' ri ht away( sir&2 21!" tell )e where Death is&2 2Death( sir=2 sai" Ri!cewi!"( #acki! a ai!st the wall& Tall( skeletal( #l$e eyes( stalks( T1;K3 ;IK% T/I3 & & & Death& 3ee! hi) lately=2 Ri!cewi!" swallowe"& 28ot lately( sir&2 2Well( I wa!t hi)& This !o!se!se has ot to sto'& I2) oi! to sto' it now( see= I wa!t the ei ht )ost se!ior wi6ar"s asse)#le" here( ri ht( i! half a! ho$r with all the !ecessary e.$i')e!t to 'erfor) the Rite of 1shk%!te( is that $!"erstoo"= 8ot that the si ht of yo$ lot i*es )e a!y co!fi"e!ce& B$!ch of 'a!tywaisters the lot of yo$( a!" sto' tryi! to hol" )y ha!"B2

2Oook&2 21!" !ow I2) oi! to the '$#(2 s!a''e" 1l#ert& 2Do they sell a!y halfway "ece!t cat2s 'iss a!ywhere these "ays=2 There2s the Dr$)( sir(2 sai" Ri!cewi!"& 2The Broke! Dr$)= I! 5ili ree 3treet= 3till there=2 2Well( they cha! e the !a)e so)eti)es a!" re#$il" it co)'letely #$t the site has #ee!( er( o! the site for years& I e4'ect yo$2re 'retty "ry( eh( sir=2 Ri!cewi!" sai"( with a! air of hastly ca)ara"erie& 2What wo$l" yo$ k!ow a#o$t it=2 sai" 1l#ert shar'ly& 21#sol$tely !othi! ( sir(2 sai" Ri!cewi!" 'ro)'tly& 2I2) oi! to the Dr$)( the!& /alf a! ho$r( )i!"& 1!" if they2re !ot waiti! for )e whe! I co)e #ack( the! well( they2" 9$st #etter #eB2 /e stor)e" o$t of the hall i! a clo$" of )ar#le "$st& Ri!cewi!" watche" hi) o& The li#raria! hel" his ha!"& 2:o$ k!ow the worst of it=2 sai" Ri!cewi!"& 2Oook=2 2I "o!2t e*e! remember walki! $!"er a )irror&2 1t a#o$t the ti)e 1l#ert was i! The Me!"e" Dr$) ar $i! with the la!"lor" o*er a yellowi! #ar ta# that ha" #ee! ha!"e" "ow! caref$lly fro) father to so! thro$ h o!e re ici"e( three ci*il wars( si4ty,o!e )a9or fires( fo$r h$!"re" a!" !i!ety ro##eries a!" )ore tha! fiftee! tho$sa!" #arroo) #rawls to recor" the fact that 1l#erto Malich still owe" the )a!a e)e!t three co''er 'ieces 'l$s i!terest c$rre!tly sta!"i! at the co!te!ts of )ost of the Disc2s lar er stro! roo)s( which 'ro*e" o!ce a ai! that a! 1!khia! )ercha!t with a! $!'ai" #ill has the ki!" of )e)ory that wo$l" )ake a! ele'ha!t #li!k & & & at a#o$t this ti)e( Bi!ky was lea*i! a *a'o$r trail i! skies a#o*e the reat )ysterio$s co!ti!e!t of Klatch& 5ar #elow "r$)s so$!"e" i! the sce!te"( sha"owy 9$! les a!" col$)!s of c$rli! )ist rose fro) hi""e! ri*ers where !a)eless #easts l$rke" $!"er the s$rface a!" waite" for s$''er to walk 'ast& 2There2s !o )ore cheese( yo$2ll ha*e to ha*e the ha)(2 sai" :sa#ell& 2What2s that li ht o*er there=2 The ;i ht Da)s(2 sai" Mort& 2We2re etti! closer&2 /e '$lle" the ho$r lass o$t of his 'ocket a!" checke" the le*el of the sa!"& 2B$t !ot close e!o$ h( "a))itB2 The ;i ht Da)s lay like 'ools of li ht h$#war"s of their co$rse( which is e4actly what they were7 so)e of the tri#es co!str$cte" )irror walls i! the "esert )o$!tai!s to collect the Disc s$!li ht( which is slow a!" sli htly hea*y& It was $se" as c$rre!cy& Bi!ky li"e" o*er the ca)'fires of the !o)a"s a!" the sile!t )arshes of the Tsort ri*er& 1hea" of the) "ark( fa)iliar sha'es #e a! to re*eal the)sel*es i! the )oo!li ht&

The Pyra)i"s of Tsort #y )oo!li htB2 #reathe" :sa#ell( 2/ow ro)a!ticB2 MORT1R%D WIT/ T/% B;OOD O5 T/OU318D3 O5 3;1?%3( o#ser*e" Mort& 2Please "o!2t&2 2I2) sorry( #$t the 'ractical fact of the )atter is that these >2 21ll ri ht( all ri ht( yo$2*e )a"e yo$r 'oi!t(2 sai" :sa#ell irrita#ly& 2It2s a lot of effort to o to to #$ry a "ea" ki! (2 sai" Mort( as they circle" a#o*e o!e of the s)aller 'yra)i"s& They fill the) f$ll of 'reser*ati*e( yo$ k!ow( so they2ll s$r*i*e i!to the !e4t worl"&2 2Does it work=2 28ot !oticea#ly&2 Mort lea!e" o*er Bi!ky2s !eck& 2Torches "ow! there(2 he sai"& 2/a! O!&2 1 'rocessio! was wi!"i! away fro) the a*e!$e of 'yra)i"s( le" #y a ia!t stat$e of Offler the <roco"ile 0o" #or!e #y a h$!"re" sweati! sla*es& Bi!ky ca!tere" a#o*e it( e!tirely $!!otice"( a!" 'erfor)e" a 'erfect fo$r,'oi!t la!"i! o! the har",'acke" sa!" o$tsi"e the 'yra)i"2s e!tra!ce& 2They2*e 'ickle" a!other ki! (2 sai" Mort& /e e4a)i!e" the lass a ai! i! the )oo!li ht& It was .$ite 'lai!( !ot the sort !or)ally associate" with royalty& That ca!2t #e hi)(2 sai" :sa#ell& They "o!2t 'ickle the) whe! they2re still ali*e( "o they=2 2I ho'e !ot( #eca$se I rea" where( #efore they "o the 'reser*i! ( they( $)( c$t the) o'e! a!" re)o*e >2 2I "o!2t wa!t to hear it >2 2> all the soft #its(2 Mort co!cl$"e" la)ely& 2It2s 9$st as well the 'ickli! "oes!2t work( really( 9$st i)a i!e ha*i! to walk aro$!" with !o >2 23o it is!2t the ki! yo$2*e co)e to take(2 sai" :sa#ell lo$"ly& 2Who is it( the!=2 Mort t$r!e" towar"s the "ark e!tra!ce& It wo$l"!2t #e seale" $!til "aw!( to i*e ti)e for the "ea" ki! 2s so$l to lea*e& It looke" "ee' a!" fore#o"i! ( hi!ti! at '$r'oses co!si"era#ly )ore "ire tha!( say( kee'i! a ra6or #la"e !ice a!" shar'& 2;et2s fi!" o$t(2 he sai"& 2;ook o$tB /e2s co)i! #ackB2 The U!i*ersity2s ei ht )ost se!ior wi6ar"s sh$ffle" i!to li!e( trie" to s)ooth o$t their #ear"s a!" i! e!eral )a"e a! $!s$ccessf$l effort to look 'rese!ta#le& It was!2t easy& They ha" #ee! s!atche" fro) their workroo)s( or a 'ost'ra!"ial #ra!"y i! fro!t of a roari! fire( or .$iet co!te)'latio! $!"er a ha!"kerchief i! a co)fy chair so)ewhere( a!" all of the) were feeli! e4tre)ely a''rehe!si*e a!" rather #ewil"ere"& They ke't la!ci! at the e)'ty 'e"estal& O!ly o!e creat$re co$l" ha*e "$'licate" the e4'ressio!s o! their faces( a!" that wo$l" #e a 'i eo! who has hear" !ot o!ly that ;or" 8elso! has ot "ow! off his col$)! #$t has also #ee! see! #$yi! a 12,#ore re'eater a!" a #o4 of cartri" es& 2/e2s co)i! $' the corri"orB2 sho$te" Ri!cewi!"( a!" "i*e" #ehi!" a 'illar& The asse)#le" )a es watche" the #i "o$#le "oors as if they were a#o$t to e4'lo"e(

which shows how 'rescie!t they were( #eca$se they e4'lo"e"& Matchstick,si6e" #its of oak rai!e" "ow! a)o! the) a!" a s)all thi! fi $re stoo" o$tli!e" a ai!st the li ht& It hel" a s)oki! staff i! o!e ha!"& The other hel" a s)all yellow toa"& 2Ri!cewi!"B2 #awle" 1l#ert& 23irB2 2Take this thi! away a!" "is'ose of it&2 The toa" crawle" i!to Ri!cewi!"2s ha!" a!" a*e hi) a! a'olo etic look& That2s the last ti)e that #loo"y la!"lor" i*es a!y li' to a wi6ar"(2 sai" 1l#ert with s)$ satisfactio!& 2It see)s I t$r! )y #ack for a few h$!"re" years a!" s$""e!ly 'eo'le i! this tow! are e!co$ra e" to thi!k they ca! talk #ack to wi6ar"s( eh=2 O!e of the se!ior wi6ar"s )$)#le" so)ethi! & 2What was that= 3'eak $'( that )a!B2 21s the #$rsar of this $!i*ersity I )$st say that we2*e always e!co$ra e" a oo" !ei h#o$r 'olicy with res'ect to the co))$!ity(2 )$)#le" the wi6ar"( tryi! to a*oi" 1l#ert2s i)let stare& /e ha" a! $'t$r!e" cha)#er 'ot o! his co!scie!ce( with three cases of o#sce!e raffiti to #e take! i!to co!si"eratio!& 1l#ert let his )o$th "ro' o'e!& 2Why=2 he sai"& 2Well( er( a se!se of ci*ic "$ty( we feel it2s *itally i)'orta!t that we show a! e4a)'> arr hB2 The wi6ar" trie" "es'erately to #eat o$t the fla)es i! his #ear"& 1l#ert lowere" his staff a!" looke" slowly alo! the row of )a es& They swaye" away fro) his stare like rass i! a ale& 21!yo!e else wa!t to show a se!se of ci*ic "$ty=2 he sai"& 20oo" !ei h#o$rs( a!y#o"y=2 /e "rew hi)self $' to his f$ll hei ht& 2:o$ s'i!eless )a otsB I "i"!2t fo$!" this U!i*ersity so yo$ co$l" le!" 'eo'le the #loo"y law!)owerB What2s the $se of ha*i! the 'ower if yo$ "o!2t wiel" it= Ma! "oes!2t show yo$ res'ect( yo$ "o!2t lea*e e!o$ h of his "a)! i!! to roast chest!$ts o!( $!"ersta!"=2 3o)ethi! like a soft si h we!t $' fro) the asse)#le" wi6ar"s& They stare" sa"ly at the toa" i! Ri!cewi!"2s ha!"& Most of the)( i! the "ays of their yo$th( ha" )astere" the art of etti! rascally "r$!k at the Dr$)& Of co$rse( all that was #ehi!" the) !ow( #$t the 0$il" of Mercha!ts2 a!!$al k!ife,a!",fork s$''er wo$l" ha*e #ee! hel" i! the Dr$)2s $'stairs roo) the followi! e*e!i! ( a!" all the %i hth ;e*el wi6ar"s ha" #ee! se!t co)'li)e!tary tickets7 there wo$l" ha*e #ee! roast swa! a!" two ki!"s of trifle a!" lots of frater!al toasts to 2O$r estee)e"( !ay( "isti! $ishe" $ests2 $!til it was ti)e for the colle e 'orters to t$r! $' with the wheel#arrows& 1l#ert str$tte" alo! the row( 'oki! the occasio!al 'a$!ch with his staff& /is )i!" "a!ce" a!" sa! & 0o #ack= 8e*erB This was 'ower( this was li*i! 7 he2" challe! e ol" #o!iface a!" s'it i! his e)'ty eye& 2By the 3)oki! Mirror of 0ris)( there2s oi! to #e a few cha! es aro$!" hereB2 Those wi6ar"s who ha" st$"ie" history !o""e" $!co)forta#ly& It wo$l" #e #ack to the sto!e floors a!" etti! $' whe! it was still "ark a!" !o alcohol $!"er a!y circ$)sta!ces

a!" )e)orisi! the tr$e !a)es of e*erythi! $!til the #rai! s.$eake"& 2'hat(s that man doing72 1 wi6ar" who ha" a#se!t,)i!"e"ly reache" for his to#acco 'o$ch let the half,for)e" ci arette fall fro) his tre)#li! fi! ers& It #o$!ce" whe! it hit the floor a!" all the wi6ar"s watche" it roll with lo! i! eyes $!til 1l#ert ste''e" forwar" s)artly a!" s.$ashe" it& 1l#ert s'$! ro$!"& Ri!cewi!"( who ha" #ee! followi! hi) as a sort of $!official a"9$ta!t( !early walke" i!to hi)& 2:o$B Ri!cethi! B D2yer s)oke=2 28o( sirB 5ilthy ha#itB2 Ri!cewi!" a*oi"e" the a6e of his s$'eriors& /e was s$""e!ly aware that he ha" )a"e so)e lifelo! e!e)ies( a!" it was !o co!solatio! to k!ow that he 'ro#a#ly wo$l"!2t ha*e the) for *ery lo! & 2Ri htB /ol" )y staff& 8ow( yo$ #$!ch of )isera#le #ack,sli"ers( this is oi! to sto'( "2yer hear= 5irst thi! to)orrow( $' at "aw!( three ti)es ro$!" the .$a"ra! le a!" #ack here for 'hysical 9erksB Bala!ce" )ealsB 3t$"yB /ealthy e4erciseB 1!" that #loo"y )o!key oes to a circ$s( first thi! B2 2Oook=2 3e*eral of the ol"er wi6ar"s sh$t their eyes& 2B$t first(2 sai" 1l#ert( loweri! his *oice( 2yo$2ll o#li e )e #y setti! $' the Rite of 1shk%!te&2 2I ha*e so)e $!fi!ishe" #$si!ess(2 he a""e"& Mort stro"e thro$ h the cat,#lack corri"ors of the 'yra)i"( with :sa#ell h$rryi! alo! #ehi!" hi)& The fai!t low fro) his swor" ill$)i!ate" $!'leasa!t thi! s7 Offler the <roco"ile 0o" was a cos)etics a"*ert co)'are" to so)e of the thi! s the 'eo'le of Tsort worshi''e"& I! alco*es alo! the way were stat$es of creat$res a''are!tly #$ilt of all the #its 0o" ha" left o*er& 2What are they here for=2 whis'ere" :sa#ell& 2The Tsortea! 'riests say they co)e ali*e whe! the 'yra)i" is seale" a!" 'rowl the corri"ors to 'rotect the #o"y of the ki! fro) to)# ro##ers(2 sai" Mort& 2What a horri#le s$'erstitio!&2 2Who sai" a!ythi! a#o$t s$'erstitio!=2 sai" Mort a#se!tly& 2They really co)e ali*e=2 21ll I2ll say is that whe! the Tsortea!s '$t a c$rse o! a 'lace( they "o!2t )ess a#o$t&2 Mort t$r!e" a cor!er a!" :sa#ell lost si ht of hi) for a heart,sto''i! )o)e!t& 3he sc$rrie" thro$ h the "ark!ess a!" ca!!o!e" i!to hi)& /e was e4a)i!i! a "o ,hea"e" #ir"& 2Ur h(2 she sai"& 2Does!2t it se!" shi*ers $' yo$r s'i!e=2 28o(2 sai" Mort flatly& 2Why !ot=2

B%<1U3% I 1M MORT& /e t$r!e"( a!" she saw his eyes low like #l$e 'i!'oi!ts& 23to' itB2 I - <182T& 3he trie" to la$ h& It "i"!2t work& 2:o$2re !ot Death(2 she sai"& 2:o$2re o!ly "oi! his 9o#&2 D%1T/ is W/O%?%R DO%3 D%1T/23 COB& The shocke" 'a$se that followe" this was #roke! #y a roa! fro) f$rther alo! the "ark 'assa e& Mort t$r!e" o! his heel a!" h$rrie" towar"s it& /e2s ri ht( tho$ ht :sa#ell& %*e! the way he )o*es& & & & B$t the fear of the "ark!ess that the li ht was "ra i! towar"s her o*erca)e a!y other "o$#ts a!" she cre't after hi)( aro$!" a!other cor!er a!" i!to what a''eare"( i! the fitf$l low fro) the swor"( to #e a cross #etwee! a treas$ry a!" a *ery cl$ttere" attic& 2What2s this 'lace=2 she whis'ere"& 2I2*e !e*er see! so )$ch st$ffB2 T/% KI80 T1K%3 IT WIT/ /IM I8TO T/% 8%AT WOR;D( sai" Mort& 2/e certai!ly "oes!2t #elie*e i! tra*elli! li ht& ;ook( there2s a whole #oat& 1!" a ol" #atht$#B2 DOUBT;%33 /% WI;; WI3/ TO K%%P <;%18 W/%8 /% 0%T3 T/%R%& 21!" all those stat$esB2 T/O3% 3T1TU%3( I2M 3ORR: TO 31:( W%R% P%OP;%& 3%R?18T3 5OR T/% KI80( :OU U8D%R3T18D& :sa#ell2s face set ri)ly& T/% PRI%3T3 0I?% T/%M POI3O8& There was a!other roa!( fro) the other si"e of the cl$ttere" roo)& Mort followe" it to its so$rce( ste''i! awkwar"ly o*er rolls of car'et( #$!ches of "ates( crates of crockery a!" 'iles of e)s& The lo! o#*io$sly ha"!2t #ee! a#le to "eci"e what he was oi! to lea*e #ehi!" o! his 9o$r!ey( so ha" "eci"e" to 'lay safe a!" take e*erythi! & O8;: IT DO%38T 1;W1:3 WORK @UI<K;:( Mort a""e" so)#rely& :sa#ell cla)#ere" a)ely after hi)( a!" 'eere" o*er a ca!oe at a yo$! irl s'rawle" across a 'ile of r$ s& 3he was weari! a$6e tro$sers( a waistcoat c$t fro) !ot e!o$ h )aterial( a!" e!o$ h #a! les to )oor a "ece!t,si6e" shi'& There was a ree! stai! aro$!" her )o$th& 2Does it h$rt=2 sai" :sa#ell .$ietly& 8o& T/%: T/I8K IT T1K%3 T/%M TO P1R1DI3%& 2Does it=2 M1:B%& W/O K8OW3= Mort took the ho$r lass o$t of a! i!!er 'ocket a!" i!s'ecte" it #y the lea) of the swor"& /e see)e" to #e co$!ti! to hi)self( a!" the! with a s$""e! )o*e)e!t tosse" the lass o*er his sho$l"er a!" #ro$ ht the swor" "ow! with his other ha!"& The irl2s sha"e sat $' a!" stretche"( with a cli!k of hostly 9ewellery& 3he ca$ ht si ht of Mort( a!" #owe" her hea"&

2My lor"B2 8O,O8%23 ;ORD( sai" Mort& 8OW RU8 1;O80 TO W/%R%?%R :OU B%;I%?% :OU2R% 0OI80& 2I shall #e a co!c$#i!e at the hea*e!ly co$rt of Ki! Detes'h$t( who will "well a)o! the stars fore*er(2 she sai" fir)ly& 2:o$ "o!2t ha*e to #e(2 sai" :sa#ell shar'ly& The irl t$r!e" to her( wi"e,eye"& 2Oh( #$t I )$st& I2*e #ee! trai!i! for it(2 she sai"( as she fa"e" fro) *iew& 2I2*e o!ly )a!a e" to #e a ha!")ai"e! $' till !ow&2 3he *a!ishe"& :sa#ell stare" with "ark "isa''ro*al at the s'ace she ha" occ$'ie"& 2WellB2 she sai"( a!"( 2Di" yo$ see what she ha" o!=2 ;%T23 0%T OUT O5 /%R%& 2B$t it ca!2t #e tr$e a#o$t Ki! Whosis "welli! a)o! the stars(2 she r$)#le" as they fo$!" their way o$t of the crow"e" roo)& 2There2s !othi! #$t e)'ty s'ace $' there&2 IT23 /1RD TO %AP;1I8( sai" Mort& /%2;; DW%;; 1MO80 T/% 3T1R3 I8 /I3 OW8 MI8D& 2With sla*es=2 I5 T/1T23 W/1T T/%: T/I8K T/%: 1R%& That2s !ot *ery fair&2 T/%R%23 8O CU3TI<%( sai" Mort& CU3T $s& They h$rrie" #ack alo! the a*e!$es of waiti! ho$ls a!" were !early r$!!i! whe! they #$rst o$t i!to the "esert !i ht air& :sa#ell lea!e" a ai!st the ro$ h sto!ework a!" 'a!te" for #reath& Mort was!2t o$t of #reath& /e was!2t #reathi! & I WI;; T1K% :OU W/%R%?%R :OU W18T( he sai"( 18D T/%8 I MU3T ;%1?% :OU& 2B$t I tho$ ht yo$ wa!te" to resc$e the 'ri!cessB2 Mort shook his hea"& I /1?% 8O </OI<%& T/%R% 1R% 8O </OI<%3& 3he ra! forwar" a!" ra##e" his ar) as he t$r!e" towar"s the waiti! Bi!ky& /e re)o*e" her ha!" e!tly& I /1?% 5I8I3/%D M: 1PPR%8TI<%3/IP& 2It2s all i! yo$r ow! )i!"B2 yelle" :sa#ell& 2:o$2re whate*er yo$ thi!k yo$ areB2 3he sto''e" a!" looke" "ow!& The sa!" aro$!" Mort2s feet was #e i!!i! to whi' $' i! little s'$rts a!" twirli! "$st "e*ils& There was a crackle i! the air( a!" a reasy feel& Mort looke" $!easy& 3OM%O8% is P%R5ORMI80 T/% RIT% O5 13/ >

It hit like a ha))er( a force fro) o$t of the sky that #lew the sa!" i!to a crater& There was a low #$66i! a!" the s)ell of hot ti!& Mort looke" aro$!" hi)self i! the ale of r$shi! sa!"( t$r!i! as if i! a "rea)( alo!e i! the cal) ce!tre of the ale& ;i ht!i! flashe" i! the whirli! clo$"& Dee' i!si"e his ow! )i!" he str$ le" to #reak free( #$t so)ethi! ha" hi) i! its ri' a!" he co$l" !o )ore resist tha! a co)'ass !ee"le ca! i !ore the co)'$lsio! to 'oi!t towar"s the /$#& 1t last he fo$!" what he was searchi! for& It was a "oorway e" e" i! octari!e li ht( lea"i! to a short t$!!el& There were fi $res at the other e!"( #ecko!i! to hi)& I <OM%( he sai"( a!" the! t$r!e" as he hear" the s$""e! !oise #ehi!" hi)& %le*e! sto!e of yo$! wo)a!hoo" hit hi) s.$arely i! the chest( lifti! hi) off the ro$!"& Mort la!"e" with :sa#ell k!eeli! o! hi)( hol"i! o! ri)ly to his ar)s& ;%T M% 0O( he i!to!e"& I /1?% B%%8 3UMMO8%D& 28ot yo$( i"iotB2 3he stare" i!to the #l$e( '$'il,less 'ools of his eyes& It was like looki! "ow! a r$shi! t$!!el& Mort arche" his #ack a!" screa)e" a c$rse so a!cie!t a!" *ir$le!t that i! the stro! )a ical fiel" it act$ally took o! a for)( fla''e" its leathery wi! s a!" sl$!k away& 1 'ri*ate th$!"erstor) crashe" aro$!" the sa!" "$!es& /is eyes "rew her a ai!& 3he looke" away #efore she "ro''e" like a sto!e "ow! a well )a"e of #l$e li ht& I <OMM18D :OU& Mort2s *oice co$l" ha*e c$t holes i! rock& 25ather trie" that to!e o! )e for years(2 she sai" cal)ly& 20e!erally whe! he wa!te" )e to clea! )y #e"roo)& It "i"!2t work the!( either&2 Mort screa)e" a!other c$rse( which flo''e" o$t of the air a!" trie" to #$ry itself i! the sa!"& T/% P1I8 > 2It2s all i! yo$r hea"(2 she sai"( #raci! herself a ai!st the force that wa!te" to "ra the) towar"s that flickeri! "oorway& 2:o$2re !ot Death& :o$2re 9$st Mort& :o$2re whate*er I thi!k yo$ are&2 I! the ce!tre of the #l$rre" #l$e!ess of his eyes were two ti!y #row! "ots( risi! at the s'ee" of si ht& The stor) aro$!" the) rose a!" waile"& Mort screa)e"& The Rite of 1shk%!te( .$ite si)'ly( s$))o!s a!" #i!"s Death& 3t$"e!ts of the occ$lt will #e aware that it ca! #e 'erfor)e" with a si)'le i!ca!tatio!( three s)all #its of woo" a!" Lcc of )o$se #loo"( #$t !o wi6ar" worth his 'oi!ty hat wo$l" "rea) of "oi! a!ythi! so $!i)'ressi*e7 they k!ew i! their hearts that if a s'ell "i"!2t i!*ol*e #i yellow ca!"les( lots of rare i!ce!se( circles "raw! o! the floor with ei ht "iffere!t colo$rs of chalk a!" a few ca$l"ro!s aro$!" the 'lace the! it si)'ly was!2t worth co!te)'lati! & The ei ht wi6ar"s at their statio!s o! the 'oi!ts of the reat cere)o!ial octo ra) swaye" a!" cha!te"( their ar)s hel" o$t si"eways so they were 9$st to$chi! the fi! erti's of the

)a es o! either si"e& B$t so)ethi! was oi! wro! & Tr$e( a )ist ha" for)e" i! the *ery ce!tre of the li*i! octo ra)( #$t it was writhi! a!" t$r!i! i! o! itself( ref$si! to foc$s& 2More 'owerB2 sho$te" 1l#ert& 20i*e it )ore 'owerB2 1 fi $re a''eare" )o)e!tarily i! the s)oke( #lack,ro#e" a!" hol"i! a litteri! swor"& 1l#ert swore as he ca$ ht a li)'se of the 'ale face $!"er the cowl7 it was!2t 'ale e!o$ h& 28oB2 1l#ert yelle"( "$cki! i!to the octo ra) a!" flaili! at the flickeri! sha'e with his ha!"s& 28ot yo$( !ot yo$& & & &2 1!"( i! faraway Tsort( :sa#ell for ot she was a la"y( #$!che" her fist( !arrowe" her eyes a!" ca$ ht Mort s.$arely o! the 9aw& The worl" aro$!" her e4'lo"e"& & & & I! the kitche! of /ar a2s /o$se of Ri#s the fryi! 'a! crashe" to the floor( se!"i! the cats sc$rryi! o$t of the "oor& & & & I! the reat hall of the U!see! U!i*ersity e*erythi! ha''e!e" at o!ce&EOF The tre)e!"o$s force the wi6ar"s ha" #ee! e4erti! o! the sha"ow real) s$""e!ly ha" o!e foc$s& ;ike a rel$cta!t cork fro) a #ottle( like a "ollo' of fiery ketch$' fro) the $'t$r!e" sa$ce #ottle of I!fi!ity( Death la!"e" i! the octo ra) a!" swore& 1l#ert realise" 9$st too late that he was i!si"e the char)e" ri! a!" )a"e a "i*e for the e" e& B$t skeletal fi! ers ca$ ht hi) #y the he) of his ro#e& The wi6ar"s( s$ch of the) who were still o! their feet a!" co!scio$s( were rather s$r'rise" to see that Death was weari! a! a'ro! a!" hol"i! a s)all kitte!& 2Why "i" yo$ ha*e2 TO 3POI; IT 1;;= 23'oil it all= /a*e yo$ see! what the la" has "o!e=2 s!a''e" 1l#ert( still tryi! to reach the e" e of the ri! & Death raise" his sk$ll a!" s!iffe" the air& The so$!" c$t thro$ h all the other !oises i! the hall a!" force" the) i!to sile!ce& It was the ki!" of !oise that is hear" o! the twili ht e" es of "rea)s( the sort that yo$ wake fro) i! a col" sweat of )ortal horror& It was the s!$ffli! $!"er the "oor of "rea"& It was like the s!$ffli! of a he" eho ( #$t if so the! it was the ki!" of he" eho that crashes o$t of the *er es a!" flatte!s lorries& It was the ki!" of !oise yo$ wo$l"!2t wa!t to hear twice7 yo$ wo$l"!2t wa!t to hear it once& Death strai hte!e" $' slowly& I3 T/I3 /OW /% R%P1:3 M: KI8D8%33= TO 3T%1; M: D1U0/T%R( I83U;T M: 3%R?18T3( 18D RI3K T/% 51BRI< O5 R%1;IT: O8 1 P%R3O81; W/IM= O/( 5OO;I3/( 5OO;I3/( I /1?% B%%8 5OO;I3/ TOO ;O80B 2Master( if yo$ wo$l" 9$st #e so oo" as to let o of )y ro#e >2 #e a! 1l#ert( a!" the wi6ar" !otice" a 'lea"i! e" e to his *oice that ha"!2t #ee! there #efore& Death i !ore" hi)& /e s!a''e" his fi! ers like a casta!et a!" the a'ro! aro$!" his waist e4'lo"e" i!to #rief fla)es& The kitte!( howe*er( he '$t "ow! *ery caref$lly a!" e!tly '$she" away with his foot&

DID I 8OT 0I?% /IM T/% 0R%1T%3T OPPORTU8IT:= 2%4actly( )aster( a!" !ow if yo$ co$l" see yo$r way clear >2 3KI;;3= 1 <1R%%R 3TRU<TUR%= PRO3P%<T3= 1 COB OR ;I5%= 2I!"ee"( a!" if yo$ wo$l" #$t let o >2 The cha! e i! 1l#ert2s *oice was co)'lete& The tr$)'ets of co))a!" ha" #eco)e the 'iccolos of s$''licatio!& /e so$!"e" terrifie"( i! fact( #$t he Ma!a e" to catch Ri!cewi!"2s eye a!" hiss+ 2My staffB Throw )e )y staffB While he is i! the circle he is !ot i!*i!ci#leB ;et )e ha*e )y staff a!" I ca! #reak freeB2 Ri!cewi!" sai"+ 2Par"o!=2 O/( MI8% I3 T/% 51U;T 5OR 0I?I80 I8 TO T/%3% W%1K8%33%3 O5 W/1T 5OR W18T O5 1 B%TT%R WORD I 3/1;; <1;; T/% 5;%3/B 2My staff( yo$ i"iot( )y staffB2 i##ere" 1l#ert& 23orry=2 W%;; DO8%( M: 3%R?18T( 5OR <1;;I80 M% TO M: 3%83%3& sai" Death& ;%T $s ;O3% 8O TIM%& 2My sta,B2 There was a! i)'losio! a!" a! i!r$sh of air& The ca!"le fla)es stretche" o$t like li!es of fire for a )o)e!t( a!" the! we!t o$t& 3o)e ti)e 'asse"& The! the #$rsar2s *oice fro) so)ewhere !ear the floor sai"( 2That was *ery $!ki!"( Ri!cewi!"( losi! his staff like that& Re)i!" )e to "isci'li!e yo$ se*erely o!e of these "ays& 1!yo!e ot a li ht=2 2I "o!2t k!ow what ha''e!e" to itB I 9$st lea!e" it a ai!st the 'illar here a!" !ow it2s >2 2Oook&2 2Oh(2 sai" Ri!cewi!"& 2%4tra #a!a!a ratio!( that a'e(2 sai" the #$rsar le*elly& 1 )atch flare" a!" so)eo!e )a!a e" to et a ca!"le ali ht& Wi6ar"s starte" to 'ick the)sel*es off the floor& 2Well( that was a lesso! to all of $s(2 the #$rsar co!ti!$e"( #r$shi! "$st a!" ca!"lewa4 off his ro#e& /e looke" $'( e4'ecti! to see the stat$e of 1l#erto Malich #ack o! its 'e"estal& 2<learly e*e! stat$es ha*e feeli! s(2 he sai"& 2I )yself recall( whe! I was #$t a first,year st$"e!t( writi! )y !a)e o! his well( !e*er )i!"& The 'oi!t is( I 'ro'ose here a!" !ow we re'lace the stat$e&2 Dea" sile!ce reete" this s$ estio!& 2With( say( a! e4act like!ess cast i! ol"& 3$ita#ly e)#ellishe" with 9ewels( as #efits o$r reat fo$!"er(2 he we!t o! #ri htly& 21!" to )ake s$re !o st$"e!ts "eface it i! a!y way I s$ "ee'est cellar(2 he co!ti!$e"& est we the! erect it i! the

21!" the! lock the "oor(2 he a""e"& 3e*eral wi6ar"s #e a! to cheer $'& 21!" throw away the key=2 sai" Ri!cewi!"& 21!" wel" the "oor(2 the #$rsar sai"& /e ha" 9$st re)e)#ere" a#o$t The Me!"e" Dr$)& /e tho$ ht for a while a!" re)e)#ere" a#o$t the 'hysical fit!ess re i)e as well& 21!" the! #rick $' the "oorway(2 he sai"& There was a ro$!" of a''la$se& 21!" throw away the #ricklayerB2 chortle" Ri!cewi!"( who felt he was etti! the ha! of this& The #$rsar scowle" at hi)& 28o !ee" to et carrie" away(2 he sai"& I! the sile!ce a lar er tha! $s$al sa!" "$!e h$)'e" $' awkwar"ly a!" the! fell away to re*eal Bi!ky( #lowi! the sa!" o$t of his !ostrils a!" shaki! his )a!e& Mort o'e!e" his eyes& There sho$l" #e a wor" for that #rief 'erio" 9$st after waki! whe! the )i!" is f$ll of war) 'i!k !othi! & :o$ lie there e!tirely e)'ty of tho$ ht( e4ce't for a rowi! s$s'icio! that hea"i! towar"s yo$( like a sockf$l of "a)' sa!" i! a !oct$r!al alleyway( are all the recollectio!s yo$2" really rather "o witho$t( a!" which a)o$!t to the fact that the o!ly )iti ati! factor i! yo$r horri#le f$t$re is the certai!ty that it will #e .$ite short& Mort sat $' a!" '$t his ha!"s o! to' of his hea" to sto' it $!screwi! & The sa!" #esi"e hi) hea*e" a!" :sa#ell '$she" herself i!to a sitti! 'ositio!& /er hair was f$ll of sa!" a!" her face was ri)y with 'yra)i" "$st& 3o)e of her hair ha" fri66le" at the ti's& 3he stare" listlessly at hi)& 2Di" yo$ hit )e=2 he sai"( e!tly testi! his 9aw& 2:es&2 2Oh&2 /e looke" at the sky( as tho$ h it co$l" re)i!" hi) a#o$t thi! s& /e ha" to #e so)ewhere( soo!( he recalle"& The! he re)e)#ere" so)ethi! else& Tha!k yo$(2 he sai"& 21!y ti)e( I ass$re yo$&2 :sa#ell )a"e it to her feet a!" trie" to #r$sh the "irt a!" co#we#s off her "ress& 21re we oi! to resc$e this 'ri!cess of yo$rs=2 she sai" "iffi"e!tly& Mort2s ow! 'erso!al( i!ter!al reality ca$ ht $' with hi)& /e shot to his feet with a stra! le" cry( watche" #l$e fireworks e4'lo"e i! fro!t of his eyes( a!" colla'se" a ai!& :sa#ell ca$ ht hi) $!"er the sho$l"ers a!" ha$le" hi) #ack o! his feet& 2;et2s o "ow! to the ri*er(2 she sai"& 2I thi!k we co$l" all "o with a "ri!k&2 2What ha''e!e" to )e=2 3he shr$ e" as #est she co$l" while s$''orti! his wei ht& 23o)eo!e $se" the Rite of 1shk%!te& 5ather hates it( he says they always s$))o! hi) at i!co!*e!ie!t )o)e!ts& The 'art of yo$ that was Death we!t a!" yo$ staye" #ehi!"& I thi!k& 1t least yo$2*e ot yo$r ow! *oice #ack&2

2What ti)e is it=2 2What ti)e "i" yo$ say the 'riests close $' the 'yra)i"=2 Mort s.$i!te" thro$ h strea)i! eyes #ack towar"s the to)# of the ki! & 3$re e!o$ h( torchlit fi! ers were worki! o! the "oor& 3oo!( accor"i! to the le e!"( the $ar"ia!s wo$l" co)e to life a!" #e i! their e!"less 'atrol& /e knew they wo$l"& /e re)e)#ere" the k!owle" e& /e re)e)#ere" his )i!" feeli! as col" as ice a!" li)itless as the !i ht sky& /e re)e)#ere" #ei! s$))o!e" i!to rel$cta!t e4iste!ce at the )o)e!t the first creat$re li*e"( i! the certai! k!owle" e that he wo$l" o$tli*e life $!til the last #ei! i! the $!i*erse 'asse" to its rewar"( whe! it wo$l" the! #e his 9o#( fi $rati*ely s'eaki! ( to '$t the chairs o! the ta#les a!" t$r! aU the li hts off& /e re)e)#ere" the lo!eli!ess& 2Do!2t lea*e )e(2 he sai" $r e!tly& 2I2) here(2 she sai"& 25or as lo! as yo$ !ee" )e&2 2It2s )i"!i ht(2 he sai" "$lly( si!ki! "ow! #y the Tsort a!" loweri! his achi! hea" to the water& Besi"e hi) there was a !oise like a #ath e)'tyi! as Bi!ky also took a "ri!k& 2Does that )ea! we2re too late=2 2:es&2 2I2) sorry& I wish there was so)ethi! I co$l" "o&2 There is!2t&2 21t least yo$ ke't yo$r 'ro)ise to 1l#ert&2 2:es(2 sai" Mort( #itterly& 21t least I "i" that&2 8early all the way fro) o!e si"e of the Disc to the other& & & & There sho$l" #e a wor" for the )icrosco'ic s'ark of ho'e that yo$ "are !ot e!tertai! i! case the )ere act of ack!owle" i! it will ca$se it to *a!ish( like tryi! to look at a 'hoto!& :o$ ca! o!ly si"le $' to it( looki! 'ast it( walking 'ast it( waiti! for it to et #i e!o$ h to face the worl"& /e raise" his "ri''i! hea" a!" looke" towar"s the s$!set hori6o!( tryi! to re)e)#er the #i )o"el of the Disc i! Death2s st$"y witho$t act$ally letti! the $!i*erse k!ow what he was e!tertai!i! & 1t ti)es like this it ca! see) that e*e!t$ality is so fi!ely #ala!ce" that )erely thi!ki! too lo$" ca! s'oil e*erythi! & /e orie!tate" hi)self #y the thi! strea)ers of /$#li ht "a!ci! a ai!st the stars( a!" )a"e a! i!s'ire" $ess that 3to ;at was & & & o*er there& & & & 2Mi"!i ht(2 he sai" alo$"& 20o!e )i"!i ht !ow(2 sai" :sa#ell& Mort stoo" $'( tryi! !ot to let the "eli ht ra"iate o$t fro) hi) like a #eaco!( a!" ra##e" Bi!ky2s har!ess& 2<o)e o!(2 he sai"& 2We ha*e!2t ot )$ch ti)e&2

2What are yo$ talki! a#o$t=2 Mort reache" "ow! to swi! her $' #ehi!" hi)& It was a !ice i"ea( #$t )erely )ea!t that he !early '$lle" hi)self o$t of the sa""le& 3he '$she" hi) #ack e!tly a!" cli)#e" $' #y herself& Bi!ky skittere" si"eways( se!si! Mort2s fe*erish e4cite)e!t( a!" s!orte" a!" 'awe" at the sa!"& 2I sai"( what are yo$ talki! a#o$t=2 Mort t$r!e" the horse to face the "ista!t low of the s$!set& 2The s'ee" of !i ht(2 he sai"& 0$twell 'oke" his hea" o*er the 'alace #attle)e!ts a!" roa!e"& The i!terface was o!ly a street away( clearly *isi#le i! the octari!e( a!" he "i"!2t ha*e to i)a i!e the si66li! & /e co$l" hear it - a !asty( saw,toothe" #$66 as ra!"o) 'articles of 'ossi#ility hit the i!terface a!" a*e $' their e!er y as !oise& 1s it ro$!" its way $' the street the 'early wall swallowe" the #$!ti! ( the torches a!" the waiti! crow"s( lea*i! o!ly "ark streets& 3o)ewhere o$t there( <$twell tho$ ht( I2) fast aslee' i! )y #e" a!" !o!e of this has ha''e!e"& ;$cky )e& /e "$cke" "ow!( ski""e" "ow! the la""er to the co##les a!" le e" it #ack to the )ai! hall with the skirts of his ro#e fla''i! aro$!" his a!kles& /e sli''e" i! thro$ h the s)all 'oster! i! the reat "oor a!" or"ere" the $ar"s to lock it( the! ra##e" his skirts a ai! a!" 'o$!"e" alo! a si"e 'assa e so that the $ests wo$l"!2t !otice hi)& The hall was lit with tho$sa!"s of ca!"les a!" crow"e" with 3to Plai! "i !itaries( !early all of the) sli htly $!s$re why they were there& 1!"( of co$rse( there was the ele'ha!t& It was the ele'ha!t that ha" co!*i!ce" <$twell that he ha" o!e off the rails of sa!ity( #$t it see)e" like a oo" i"ea a few ho$rs a o( whe! his e4as'eratio! at the /i h Priest2s 'oor eyesi ht ha" r$! i!to the recollectio! that a l$)#er )ill o! the e" e of tow! 'ossesse" sai" #east for the '$r'oses of hea*y ha$la e& It was el"erly( arthritic a!" ha" a! $!certai! te)'er( #$t it ha" o!e i)'orta!t a"*a!ta e as a sacrificial *icti)& The /i h Priest sho$l" #e a#le to see it& /alf a "o6e! $ar"s were i! erly tryi! to restrai! the creat$re( i! whose slow #rai! the realisatio! ha" "aw!e" that it sho$l" #e i! its fa)iliar sta#le( with 'le!ty of hay a!" water a!" ti)e to "rea) of the hot "ays o! the reat khaki 'lai!s of Klatch& It was etti! restless& It will shortly #eco)e a''are!t that a!other reaso! for its rowi! friski!ess is the fact that( i! the 're,cere)o!y co!f$sio!( its tr$!k fo$!" the cere)o!ial chalice co!tai!i! a allo! of stro! wi!e a!" "rai!e" the lot& 3tra! e hot i"eas are #e i!!i! to #$##le i! fro!t of its cr$ste" eyes( of $'roote" #ao#a#s( )ati! fi hts with other #$lls( lorio$s sta)'e"es thro$ h !ati*e *illa es a!" other half,re)e)#ere" 'leas$res& 3oo! it will start to see 'i!k 'eo'le& 5ort$!ately this was $!k!ow! to <$twell( who ca$ ht the eye of the /i h Priest2s assista!t - a forwar",looki! yo$! )a! who ha" the foresi ht to 'ro*i"e hi)self with a lo! r$##er a'ro! a!" wa"ers - a!" si !alle" that the cere)o!y sho$l" #e i!& /e "arte" #ack i!to the 'riest2s ro#i! roo) a!" str$ le" i!to the s'ecial cere)o!ial ro#e the 'alace sea)stress ha" )a"e $' for hi)( "i i! "ee' i!to her work#asket for

scra's of lace( e.$i!s a!" ol" threa" to 'ro"$ce a ar)e!t of $ch "a66li! tasteless!ess that e*e! the 1rch<ha!cellor of U!see! U!i*ersity wo$l"!2t ha*e #ee! asha)e" to wear it& <$twell allowe" hi)self fi*e seco!"s to a")ire hi)self i! the )irror #efore ra))i! the 'oi!ty hat o! his hea" a!" r$!!i! #ack to the "oor( sto''i! 9$st i! ti)e to e)er e at a se"ate 'ace as #efitte" a 'erso! of s$#sta!ce& /e reache" the /i h Priest as Keli starte" her a"*a!ce $' the ce!tral aisle( fla!ke" #y )ai"ser*a!ts who f$sse" aro$!" her like t$ s aro$!" a li!er& Des'ite the "raw#acks of the here"itary "ress( <$twell tho$ ht she looke" #ea$tif$l& There was so)ethi! a#o$t her that )a"e hi) > /e ritte" his teeth a!" trie" to co!ce!trate o! the sec$rity arra! e)e!ts& /e ha" '$t $ar"s at *ario$s *a!ta e 'oi!ts i! the hall i! case the D$ke of 3to /elit trie" a!y last, )i!$te rearra! e)e!t of the royal s$ccessio!( a!" re)i!"e" hi)self to kee' a s'ecial eye o! the "$ke hi)self( who was sitti! i! the fro!t row of seats with a stra! e .$iet s)ile o! his face& The "$ke ca$ ht <$twell2s eye( a!" the wi6ar" hastily looke" away& The /i h Priest hel" $' his ha!"s for sile!ce& <$twell si"le" towar"s hi) as the ol" )a! t$r!e" towar"s the /$# a!" i! a cracke" *oice #e a! the i!*ocatio! to the o"s& <$twell let his eyes sli' #ack towar"s the "$ke& 2/ear )e( ))( O o"s >2 Was 3to /elit looki! $' i!to the #at,ha$!te" "ark!ess of the rafters= 2> hear )e( O Bli!" Io of the /$!"re" %yes7 hear )e( O 0reat Offler of the Bir", /a$!te" Mo$th+ hear )e( O Mercif$l 5ate7 hear )e( O <ol"( ))& Desti!y7 hear )e( O 3e*e!,ha!"e" 3ek7 hear )e( O /oki of the Woo"s7 hear )e( O >2 With "$ll horror <$twell realise" that the "aft ol" fool( a ai!st all i!str$ctio!( was oi! to )e!tio! the whole lot& There were )ore tha! !i!e h$!"re" k!ow! o"s o! the Disc( a!" research theolo ia!s were "isco*eri! )ore e*ery year& It co$l" take ho$rs& The co! re atio! was alrea"y #e i!!i! to sh$ffle its feet& Keli was sta!"i! i! fro!t of the altar with a look of f$ry o! her face& <$twell !$" e" the /i h Priest i! the ri#s( which ha" !o !oticea#le effect( a!" the! wa le" his eye#rows ferocio$sly at the yo$! acolyte& 23to' hi)B2 he hisse"& 2We ha*e!2t ot ti)eB2 The o"s wo$l" #e "is'lease" >2 28ot as "is'lease" as )e( a!" I2) here&2 The acolyte looke" at <$twell2s e4'ressio! for a )o)e!t a!" "eci"e" that he2" #etter e4'lai! to the o"s later& /e ta''e" the /i h Priest o! the sho$l"er a!" whis'ere" so)ethi! i! his ear& 2> O 3teikhe el( o" of( ))( isolate" cow #yres7 hear )e( O - hello= What=2 M$r)$r( )$r)$r& This is( ))( *ery irre $lar& ?ery well( we shall o strai ht to the( ))( Recitatio! of the ;i!ea e&2 M$r)$r( )$r)$r&

The /i h Priest scowle" at <$twell( or at least where he #elie*e" <$twell to #e& 2Oh( all ri ht& M)( 're'are the i!ce!se a!" fra ra!ces for the 3hri*i! of the 5o$rfol", Path&2 M$r)$r( )$r)$r& The /i h Priest2s face "arke!e"& 2I s$''ose( ))( a short 'rayer( ))( is totally o$t of the .$estio!=2 he sai" aci"ly& 2If so)e 'eo'le "o!2t et a )o*e o!(2 sai" Keli "e)$rely( 2there is oi! to #e tro$#le&2 M$r)$r& 2I "o!2t k!ow( I2) s$re(2 sai" the /i h Priest& 2Peo'le )i ht as well !ot #other with a reli io$s( ))( cere)o!y at all& 5etch the #loo"y ele'ha!t( the!&2 The acolyte a*e <$twell a fra!tic look a!" wa*e" at the $ar"s& 1s they $r e" their e!tly,swayi! char e forwar" with sho$ts a!" 'oi!te" sticks the yo$! 'riest si"le" towar"s <$twell a!" '$she" so)ethi! i!to his ha!"& /e looke" "ow!& It was a water'roof hat& 2Is this !ecessary=2 2/e2s *ery "e*o$t(2 sai" the acolyte& 2We )ay !ee" a s!orkel&2 The ele'ha!t reache" the altar a!" was force"( witho$t too )$ch "iffic$lty( to k!eel& It hicc$''e"& 2Well( where is it( the!=2 s!a''e" the /i h Priest& 2;et2s et this( ))( farce o*er withB2 M$r)$r we!t the acolyte& The /i h Priest liste!e"( !o""e" ra*ely( 'icke" $' his white, ha!"le" sacrificial k!ife a!" raise" it "o$#le,ha!"e" o*er his hea"& The whole hall watche"( hol"i! its #reath& The! he lowere" it a ai!& 2'here i! fro!t of )e=2 M$r)$r& 2I certai!ly "o!2t !ee" yo$r hel'( )y la"B I2*e #ee! sacrifici! )a! a!" #oy - a!"( ))( wo)e! a!" a!i)als - for se*e!ty years( a!" whe! I ca!2t $se the( ))( k!ife yo$ ca! '$t )e to #e" with a sho*elB2 1!" he #ro$ ht the #la"e "ow! i! a wil" swee' which( #y sheer l$ck( a*e the ele'ha!t a )il" flesh wo$!" o! the tr$!k& The creat$re awoke fro) its 'leasa!t reflecti*e st$'or a!" s.$eale"& The acolyte t$r!e" i! horror to look at two ti!y #loo"shot eyes s.$i!ti! "ow! the le! th of a! e!ra e" tr$!k( a!" cleare" the altar i! o!e sta!"i! 9$)'& The ele'ha!t was e!ra e"& ?a $e co!f$si! recollectio!s floo"e" its achi! hea"( of fires a!" sho$ts a!" )e! with !ets a!" ca es a!" s'ears a!" too )a!y years ha$li! hea*y tree tr$!ks& It #ro$ ht its tr$!k "ow! across the altar sto!e a!" so)ewhat to its ow! s$r'rise s)ashe" it i! two( le*ere" the two 'arts i!to the air with its t$sks( trie" $!s$ccessf$lly to $'root a sto!e 'illar a!" the!( feeli! the s$""e! !ee" for a #reath of fresh air( starte" to char e arthritically "ow! the le! th of the hall& It hit the "oor at a "ea" r$!( its #loo" lo$" with the call of the her" a!" fi66i! with

alcohol( a!" took it off at the hi! es& 3till weari! the fra)e o! its sho$l"ers it caree!e" across the co$rtyar"( s)ashe" the o$ter ates( #$r'e"( th$!"ere" thro$ h the slee'i! city a!" was still slowly accelerati! whe! it s!iffe" the "ista!t "ark co!ti!e!t of Klatch o! the !i ht #ree6e a!"( tail raise"( followe" the a!cie!t call of ho)e& Back i! the hall there was "$st a!" sho$ts a!" co!f$sio!& <$twell '$she" his hat o$t of his eyes a!" ot to his ha!"s a!" k!ees& 2Tha!k yo$(2 sai" Keli( who ha" #ee! lyi! $!"er!eath hi)& 21!" why "i" yo$ 9$)' o! to' of )e=2 2My first i!sti!ct was to 'rotect yo$( yo$r Ma9esty&2 2:es( i!sti!ct it )ay ha*e #ee!( #$t >2 3he starte" to say that )ay#e the ele'ha!t wo$l" ha*e wei he" less( #$t the si ht of his #i ( serio$s a!" rather fl$she" face sto''e" her& 2We will talk a#o$t this later(2 she sai"( sitti! $' a!" #r$shi! the "$st off her& 2I! the )ea!ti)e( I thi!k we will "is'e!se with the sacrifice& I2) !ot yo$r Ma9esty yet( 9$st yo$r /i h!ess( a!" !ow if so)eo!e will fetch the crow! >2 There was the s!ick of a safety catch #ehi!" the)& The wi6ar" will '$t his ha!"s where I ca! see the)(2 sai" the "$ke& <$twell stoo" $' slowly( a!" t$r!e" aro$!"& The "$ke was #acke" #y half a "o6e! lar e serio$s )e!( the ty'e of )e! whose o!ly f$!ctio! i! life is to loo) #ehi!" 'eo'le like the "$ke& They ha" a "o6e! lar e serio$s cross#ows( whose )ai! '$r'ose was to a''ear to #e o! the 'oi!t of oi! off& The 'ri!cess s'ra! to her feet a!" la$!che" herself at her $!cle( #$t <$twell ra##e" her& 28o(2 he sai"( .$ietly& This is!2t the ki!" of )a! who ties yo$ $' i! a cellar with 9$st e!o$ h ti)e for the )ice to eat yo$r ro'es #efore the floo",waters rise& This is the ki!" of )a! who 9$st kills yo$ here a!" !ow&2 The "$ke #owe"& 2I thi!k it ca! #e tr$ly sai" that the o"s ha*e s'oke!(2 he sai"& 2<learly the 'ri!cess was tra ically cr$she" #y the ro $e ele'ha!t& The 'eo'le will #e $'set& I will 'erso!ally "ecree a week of )o$r!i! &2 2:o$ ca!2t "o that( all the $ests ha*e see! - B2 the 'ri!cess #e a!( !early i! tears& <$twell shook his hea"& /e co$l" see the $ar"s )o*i! thro$ h the crow"s of #ewil"ere" $ests& They ha*e!2t(2 he sai"& 2:o$2ll #e a)a6e" at what they ha*e!2t see!& %s'ecially whe! they lear! that #ei! tra ically cr$she" to "eath #y ro $e ele'ha!ts ca! #e catchi! & :o$ ca! e*e! "ie of it i! #e"&2 The "$ke la$ he" 'leasa!tly& 2:o$ really are .$ite i!telli e!t for a wi6ar"(2 he sai"& 28ow( I a) )erely 'ro'osi! #a!ish)e!t >2 2:o$ wo!2t et away with this(2 sai" <$twell& /e tho$ ht for a #it( a!" a""e"( 2Well( yo$ will 'ro#a#ly et away with it( #$t yo$2ll feel #a" a#o$t it o! yo$r "eath#e" a!" yo$2ll

wish >2 /e sto''e" talki! & /is 9aw "ro''e"& The "$ke half t$r!e" to follow his a6e& 2Well( wi6ar"= What ha*e yo$ see!=2 2:o$ wo!2t et away with it(2 sai" <$twell hysterically& 2:o$ wo!2t e*e! #e here& This is oi! to ha*e !e*er ha''e!e"( "o yo$ realise=2 2Watch his ha!"s(2 sai" the "$ke& 2If he e*e! )o*es his fi! ers( shoot the)&2 /e looke" aro$!" a ai!( '$66le"& The wi6ar" ha" so$!"e" e!$i!e& Of co$rse( it was sai" wi6ar"s co$l" see thi! s that were!2t there& & & & 2It "oes!2t e*e! )atter if yo$ kill )e(2 <$twell #a##le"( 2#eca$se to)orrow I2ll wake $' i! )y ow! #e" a!" this wo!2t ha*e ha''e!e" a!yway& It2s co)e thro$ h the wallB2 8i ht rolle" o!war"s across the Disc& It was always there( of co$rse( l$rki! i! sha"ows a!" holes a!" cellars( #$t as the slow li ht of "ay "rifte" after the s$! the 'ools a!" lakes of !i ht s'rea" o$t( )et a!" )er e"& ;i ht o! the Discworl" )o*es slowly #eca$se of the *ast )a ical fiel"& ;i ht o! the Discworl" is!2t like li ht elsewhere& It2s row! $' a #it( it2s #ee! aro$!"( it "oes!2t feel the !ee" to r$sh e*erywhere& It k!ows that howe*er fast it oes "ark!ess always ets there first( so it takes it easy& Mi"!i ht li"e" across the la!"sca'e like a *el*et #at& 1!" faster tha! )i"!i ht( a ti!y s'ark a ai!st the "ark worl" of the Disc( Bi!ky 'o$!"e" after it& 5la)es roare" #ack fro) his hoo*es& M$scles )o*e" $!"er his liste!i! ski! like s!akes i! oil& They )o*e" i! sile!ce& :sa#ell took o!e ar) fro) aro$!" Mort2s waist a!" watche" s'arks litter aro$!" her fi! ers i! all ei ht colo$rs of the rai!#ow& ;ittle crackli! ser'e!ts of li ht flowe" "ow! her ar) a!" flashe" off the ti's of her hair& Mort took the horse "ow! lower( lea*i! a #oili! wake of clo$" that e4te!"e" for )iles #ehi!" the)& 28ow I k!ow I2) oi! )a"(2 he )$ttere"& 2Why=2 2I 9$st saw a! ele'ha!t "ow! there& Whoa( #oy& ;ook( yo$ ca! see 3to ;at $' ahea"&2 :sa#ell 'eere" o*er his sho$l"er at the "ista!t lea) of li ht& 2/ow lo! ha*e we ot=2 she sai" !er*o$sly& 2I "o!2t k!ow& 1 few )i!$tes( 'erha's&2 2Mort( I ha"!2t aske" yo$ #efore >2 2Well=2 2What are yo$ oi! to do whe! we et there=2 2I "o!2t k!ow(2 he sai"& 2I was sort of ho'i! so)ethi! wo$l" s$ 2/as it=2 28o& B$t it is!2t ti)e yet& 1l#ert2s s'ell )ay hel'& 1!" I>2 est itself at the ti)e&2

The "o)e of reality s.$atte" o*er the 'alace like a colla'si! 9ellyfish& Mort2s *oice traile" i!to horrifie" sile!ce& The! :sa#ell sai"( 2Well( I thi!k it2s nearly ti)e& What are we oi! to "o=2 2/ol" ti htB2 Bi!ky li"e" thro$ h the s)ashe" ates of the o$ter co$rtyar"( sli" across the co##les i! a trail of s'arks a!" lea't thro$ h the ra*a e" "oorway of the hall& The 'early wall of the i!terface loo)e" $' a!" 'asse" like a shock of col" s'ray& Mort ha" a co!f$se" *isio! of Keli a!" <$twell a!" a ro$' of lar e )e! "i*i! for their li*es& /e reco !ise" the feat$res of the "$ke a!" "rew his swor"( *a$lti! fro) the sa""le as soo! as the stea)i! horse ski""e" to a halt& 2Do!2t yo$ lay a fi! er o! herB2 he screa)e"& 2I2ll ha*e yo$r hea" offB2 2This is certai!ly )ost i)'ressi*e(2 sai" the "$ke( "rawi! his ow! swor"& 21!" also *ery foolish& I >2 /e sto''e"& /is eyes la6e" o*er& /e to''le" forwar"& <$twell '$t "ow! the #i sil*er ca!"lestick he2" wiel"e" a!" a*e Mort a! a'olo etic s)ile& Mort t$r!e" towar"s the $ar"s( the #l$e fla)e of Death2s swor" h$))i! thro$ h the air& 21!yo!e else wa!t so)e=2 he s!arle"& They #acke" away( a!" the! t$r!e" a!" ra!& 1s they 'asse" thro$ h the i!terface they *a!ishe"& There were !o $ests o$tsi"e there( either& I! the real reality the hall was "ark a!" e)'ty& The fo$r of the) were left i! a he)is'here that was ra'i"ly rowi! s)aller& Mort si"le" o*er to <$twell& 21!y i"eas=2 he sai"& 2I2*e ot a )a ic s'ell here so)ewhere >2 25or et it& If I try a!y )a ic i! here !ow it2ll #low o$r hea"s off& This little reality is too s)all to co!tai! it&2 Mort sa e" a ai!st the re)ai!s of the altar& /e felt e)'ty( "rai!e"& 5or a )o)e!t he watche" the si66li! wall of the i!terface "rifti! !earer& /e2" s$r*i*e it( he ho'e"( a!" so wo$l" :sa#ell& <$twell wo$l"!2t( #$t a <$twell wo$l"& O!ly Keli > 21) I oi! to #e crow!e" or !ot=2 she sai" icily& 2I2*e ot to "ie a .$ee!B It2" #e terri#le to #e "ea" and co))o!B2 Mort a*e her a! $!foc$se" look( tryi! to re)e)#er what o! earth she was talki! a#o$t& :sa#ell fishe" aro$!" i! the wrecka e #ehi!" the altar( a!" ca)e $' with a rather #attere" ol" circlet set with s)all "ia)o!"s& 2Is this it=2 she sai"& That2s the crow!(2 sai" Keli( !early i! tears& 2B$t there2s !o 'riest or a!ythi! &2 Mort si he" "ee'ly& 2<$twell( if this is o$r ow! reality we ca! rearra! e it the way we wa!t( ca!2t we=2 2What ha" yo$ i! )i!"=2 2:o$2re !ow a 'riest& 8a)e yo$r ow! o"&2

<$twell c$rtsie"( a!" took the crow! fro) :sa#ell& 2:o$2re all )aki! f$! of )eB2 s!a''e" Keli& 23orry(2 sai" Mort( wearily& 2It2s #ee! rather a lo! "ay&2 2I ho'e I ca! "o this ri ht(2 sai" <$twell sole)!ly& 2I2*e !e*er crow!e" a!yo!e #efore&2 2I2*e !e*er #ee! crow!e" #eforeB2 20oo"(2 sai" <$twell soothi! ly& 2We ca! lear! to ether&2 /e starte" to )$tter so)e i)'ressi*e wor"s i! a stra! e to! $e& It was i! fact a si)'le s'ell for ri""i! the clothi! of fleas( #$t he tho$ ht( what the hell& 1!" the! he tho$ ht( osh( i! this reality I2) the )ost 'owerf$l wi6ar" there e*er was( that2" #e so)ethi! to tell )y ra!"ch & & & /e ritte" his teeth& There2" #e so)e r$les cha! e" i! this reality( that was for s$re& :sa#ell sat "ow! #esi"e Mort a!" sli''e" her ha!" i! his& 2Well=2 she sai" .$ietly& This is the ti)e& /as a!ythi! s$ 28o&2 The i!terface was )ore tha! halfway "ow! the hall( slowi! sli htly as it rele!tlessly ro$!" "ow! the 'ress$re of the i!tr$"i! reality& 3o)ethi! wet a!" war) #lew i! Mort2s ear& /e reache" $' a!" to$che" Bi!ky2s )$66le& 2Dear ol" horse(2 he sai"& 21!" I2) ri ht o$t of s$ ar l$)'s& :o$2ll ha*e to fi!" yo$r way ho)e #y yo$rself >2 /is ha!" sto''e" i! )i",'at& 2We ca! all o ho)e(2 he sai"& 2I "o!2t thi!k father wo$l" like that *ery )$ch(2 sai" :sa#ell( #$t Mort i !ore" her& 2<$twellB2 2:es=2 2We2re lea*i! & 1re yo$ co)i! = :o$2ll still e4ist whe! the i!terface closes&2 2Part of )e will(2 sai" the wi6ar"& 2That2s what I )ea!t(2 sai" Mort( swi! i! hi)self $' o! to Bi!ky2s #ack& 2B$t s'eaki! as the 'art that wo!2t( I2" like to 9oi! yo$(2 sai" <$twell .$ickly& 2I i!te!" to stay here to "ie i! )y ow! ki! "o)(2 sai" Keli& 2What yo$ i!te!" "oes!2t si !ify(2 sai" Mort& 2I2*e co)e all the way across the Disc to resc$e yo$( "2yo$ see( a!" yo$2re oi! to #e resc$e"&2 2B$t I2) the .$ee!B2 sai" Keli& U!certai!ty welle" $' i! her eyes( a!" she s'$! ro$!" to <$twell( who lowere" his ca!"le,stick $iltily& 2I hear" yo$ say the wor"sB I a) .$ee!( are!2t I=2 2Oh( yes(2 sai" <$twell i!sta!tly7 a!" the!( #eca$se a wi6ar"2s wor" is s$''ose" to #e har"er tha! cast iro!( a""e" *irt$o$sly( 21!" totally free fro) i!festatio!( too&2 2<$twellB2 s!a''e" Mort& The wi6ar" !o""e"( ca$ ht Keli aro$!" the waist a!" #o"ily hoiste" her o! to Bi!ky2s #ack& /oisti! his skirts aro$!" his waist he cla)#ere" $' este" itself=2

#ehi!" Mort a!" reache" "ow! a!" sw$! :sa#ell $' #ehi!" hi)& The horse 9i e" across the floor( co)'lai!i! a#o$t the o*erloa"i! ( #$t Mort t$r!e" hi) towar"s the #roke! "oorway a!" $r e" hi) forwar"& The i!terface followe" the) as they clattere" "ow! the hall a!" i!to the co$rtyar"( risi! slowly& Its 'early fo was o!ly yar"s away( ti hte!i! #y i!ches& 2%4c$se )e(2 sai" <$twell to :sa#ell( raisi! his hat& 2I !eo$s <$twell( Wi6ar" Ist 0ra"e GUUH( for)er Royal Reco !iser a!" soo! to #e #ehea"e" 'ro#a#ly& Wo$l" yo$ ha''e! to k!ow where we are oi! =2 To )y father2s co$!try(2 sho$te" :sa#ell( a#o*e the wi!" of their 'assa e& 2/a*e I e*er )et hi)=2 2I "o!2t thi!k so& :o$2" ha*e re)e)#ere"&2 The to' of the 'alace wall scra'e" Bi!ky2s hoo*es as( )$scles strai!i! ( he so$ ht for )ore hei ht& <$twell lea!e" #ackwar" a ai!( hol"i! o! to his hat& 2Who is this e!tle)a! of which we s'eak=2 he yelle"& 2Death(2 sai" :sa#ell& 28ot >2 2:es&2 2Oh&2 <$twell 'eere" "ow! at the "ista!t roofto's( a!" a*e her a lo'si"e" s)ile& 2Wo$l" it sa*e ti)e if I 9$st 9$)'e" off !ow=2 2/e2s .$ite !ice if yo$ et to k!ow hi)(2 sai" :sa#ell "efe!si*ely& 2Is he= Do yo$ thi!k we2ll et the cha!ce=2 2/ol" o!B2 sai" Mort& 2We sho$l" #e oi! across 9$st a#o$t >2 1 hole f$ll of #lack!ess r$she" o$t of the sky a!" ca$ ht the)& The i!terface #o##e" $!certai!ly( e)'ty as a 'a$'er2s 'ocket( a!" carrie" o! shri!ki! & The fro!t "oor o'e!e"& :sa#ell 'oke" her hea" o$t& 2There2s !o,o!e at ho)e(2 she sai"& 2:o$2" #etter co)e i!&2 The other three file" i!to the hallway& <$twell co!scie!tio$sly wi'e" his feet& 2It2s a #it s)all(2 sai" Keli( critically& 2It2s a lot #i er i!si"e(2 sai" Mort( a!" t$r!e" to :sa#ell& 2/a*e yo$ looke" e*erywhere=2 2I ca!2t e*e! fi!" 1l#ert(2 she sai"& 2I ca!2t re)e)#er hi) e*er !ot #ei! here&2 3he co$ he"( re)e)#eri! her "$ties as hostess& 2Wo$l" a!yo!e like a "ri!k=2 she sai"& Keli i !ore" her& 2I was e4'ecti! a castle at least(2 she sai"& 2Bi a!" #lack( with reat "ark towers& 8ot a! $)#rella sta!"&2 2It has ot a scythe i! it(2 <$twell 'oi!te" o$t& 2;et2s all o i!to the st$"y a!" sit "ow! a!" I2) s$re we2ll all feel #etter(2 sai" :sa#ell h$rrie"ly( a!" '$she" o'e! the #lack #ai6e "oor&

<$twell a!" Keli ste''e" thro$ h( #ickeri! & :sa#ell took Mort2s ar)& 2What are we oi! to "o !ow=2 she sai"& 25ather will #e *ery a! ry if he fi!"s the) here&2 2I2ll thi!k of so)ethi! (2 sai" Mort& 2I2ll rewrite the a$to#io ra'hies or so)ethi! &2 /e s)ile" weakly& 2Do!2t worry& I2ll thi!k of so)ethi! &2 The "oor sla))e" #ehi!" hi)& Mort t$r!e" to look i!to 1l#ert2s ri!!i! face& The #i leather ar)chair #ehi!" the "esk re*ol*e" slowly& Death looke" at Mort o*er stee'le" fi! ers& Whe! he was .$ite certai! he ha" their f$ll( horrifie" atte!tio!( he sai"+ :OU /1D B%TT%R 3T1RT 8OW& /e stoo" $'( a''eari! to row lar er as the roo) "arke!e"& DO82T BOT/%R TO 1PO;O0I3%( he a""e"& Keli #$rie" her hea" i! <$twell2s a)'le chest& I 1M 4"C3& 18D I 1M " G#.& 2Master( I >2 Mort #e a!& 3/UT UP( sai" Death& /e #ecko!e" Keli with a calcareo$s forefi! er& 3he t$r!e" to look at hi)( her #o"y !ot "ari! to "iso#ey& Death reache" o$t a!" to$che" her chi!& Mort2s ha!" we!t to his swor"& I3 T/I3 T/% 51<% T/1T ;1U8</%D 1 T/OU318D 3/IP3( 18D BUR8%D T/% TOP;%33 TOW%R3 O5 P3%UDO> PO;I3= wo!"ere" Death& Keli stare" hy'!otise" at the re" 'i!'oi!ts )iles "ee' i! those "ark sockets& 2%r( e4c$se )e(2 sai" <$twell( hol"i! his hat res'ectf$lly( Me4ica! fashio!& W%;;= sai" Death( "istracte"& 2It is!2t( sir& :o$ )$st #e thi!ki! a#o$t a!other face&2 W/1T is :OUR 81M%= 2<$twell( sir& I2) a wi6ar"( sir&2 I2M 1 WID1RD( 3IR( Death s!eere"& B% 3I;%8T( WID1RD& 23ir&2 <$twell ste''e" #ack& Death t$r!e" to :sa#ell& D1U0/T%R( %AP;1I8 :OUR3%;5& W/: DID :OU 1ID T/I3 5OO;= :sa#ell c$rtsie" !er*o$sly& 2I - lo*e hi)( father& I thi!k&2 2:o$ "o=2 sai" Mort( asto!ishe"& 2:o$ !e*er sai"B2 There "i"!2t see) to #e ti)e(2 sai" :sa#ell& 25ather( he "i"!2t )ea! >2 B% 3I;%8T& :sa#ell "ro''e" her a6e& 2:es( father&2 Death stalke" aro$!" the "esk $!til he was sta!"i! "irectly i! fro!t of Mort& /e stare" at

hi) for a lo! ti)e& The! i! o!e #l$rre" )o*e)e!t his ha!" str$ck Mort across the face( k!ocki! hi) off his feet& I I8?IT% :OU I8TO M: /OM%( he sai"( I TR1I8 :OU( I 5%%D :OU( I <;OT/% :OU( I 0I?% :OU OPPORTU8ITI%3 :OU <OU;D 8OT DR%1M O5( 18D T/U3 :OU R%P1: M%& :OU 3%DU<% M: D1U0/T%R 5ROM M%( :OU 8%0;%<T T/% DUT:( :OU M1K% RIPP;%3 I8 R%1;IT: T/1T WI;; T1K% 1 <%8TUR: TO /%1;& :OUR I;;,TIM%D 1<TIO83 /1?% DOOM%D :OUR <OMR1D%3 TO OB;I?IO8& T/% 0OD3 WI;; D%M18D 8OT/I80 ;%33& 1;; I8 1;;( BO:( 8OT 1 0OOD 3T1RT TO :OUR 5IR3T COB& Mort str$ le" i!to a sitti! 'ositio!( hol"i! his cheek& It #$r!e" col"ly( like co)et ice& 2Mort(2 he sai"& IT 3P%1K3B W/1T DO%3 IT 31:= 2:o$ co$l" let the) o(2 sai" Mort& They 9$st ot i!*ol*e"& It was!2t their fa$lt& :o$ co$l" rearra! e this so >2 W/: 3/OU;D I DO T/1T= T/%: B%;O80 TO M% 8OW& 2I2ll fi ht yo$ for the)(2 sai" Mort& ?%R: 8OB;%& MORT1;3 5I0/T M% 1;; T/% TIM%& :OU 1R% DI3MI33%D& Mort ot to his feet& /e re)e)#ere" what #ei! Death ha" #ee! like& /e ca$ ht hol" of the feeli! ( let it s$rface& & & & 8O( he sai"& 1/& :OU </1;;%80% M% 13 B%TW%%8 %@U1;3( T/%8= Mort swallowe"& B$t at least the way was clear !ow& Whe! yo$ ste' off a cliff( yo$r life takes a *ery "efi!ite "irectio!& 2If !ecessary(2 he sai"& 21!" if I wi! >2 I5 :OU WI8( :OU WI;; B% I8 1 PO3ITIO8 TO DO W/1T%?%R :OU P;%13%( sai" Death& 5O;;OW M%& /e stalke" 'ast Mort a!" o$t i!to the hall& The other fo$r looke" at Mort& 21re yo$ s$re yo$ k!ow what yo$2re "oi! =2 sai" <$twell& 28o&2 2:o$ ca!2t #eat the )aster(2 sai" 1l#ert& /e si he"& Take it fro) )e&2 2What will ha''e! if yo$ lose=2 sai" Keli& 2I wo!2t lose(2 sai" Mort& That2s the tro$#le&2 25ather wa!ts hi) to wi!(2 sai" :sa#ell #itterly& 2:o$ )ea! he2ll let Mort wi!=2 sai" <$twell& 2Oh( !o( he wo!2t let hi) wi!& /e 9$st wa!ts hi) to wi!&2

Mort !o""e"& 1s they followe" Death2s "ark sha'e he reflecte" o! a! e!"less f$t$re( ser*i! whate*er )ysterio$s '$r'ose the <reator ha" i! )i!"( li*i! o$tsi"e Ti)e& /e co$l"!2t #la)e Death for wa!ti! to .$it the 9o#& Death ha" sai" the #o!es were !ot co)'$lsory( #$t 'erha's that wo$l"!2t )atter& Wo$l" eter!ity feel like a lo! ti)e( or were all li*es - fro) a 'erso!al *iew'oi!t - e!tirely the sa)e le! th= /i( sai" a *oice i! his hea"& Re)e)#er )e= I2) yo$& I ot yo$ i!to this& 2Tha!ks(2 he sai" #itterly& The others la!ce" at hi)& :o$ co$l" co)e thro$ h this( the *oice sai"& :o$2*e ot a #i a"*a!ta e& :o$2*e #ee! hi)( a!" he2s !e*er #ee! yo$& Death swe't thro$ h the hall a!" i!to the ;o! Roo)( the ca!"les o#e"ie!tly flicki! i!to fla)e as he e!tere"& 1;B%RT& 2Master=2 5%T</ T/% 0;133%3& 2Master&2 <$twell ra##e" the ol" )a!2s ar)& 2:o$2re a wi6ar"(2 he hisse"& 2:o$ "o!2t ha*e to "o what he saysB2 2/ow ol" are yo$( la"=2 sai" 1l#ert( ki!"ly& 2Twe!ty&2 2Whe! yo$2re )y a e yo$2ll see yo$r choices "iffere!tly&2 /e t$r!e" to Mort& 23orry&2 Mort "rew his swor"( its #la"e al)ost i!*isi#le i! the li ht fro) the ca!"les& Death t$r!e" a!" stoo" faci! hi)( a thi! silho$ette a ai!st a toweri! rack of ho$r lasses& /e hel" o$t his ar)s& The scythe a''eare" i! the) with a ti!y th$!"ercla'& 1l#ert ca)e #ack "ow! o!e of the lass,li!e" alleys with two ho$r lasses( a!" set the) "ow! wor"lessly o! a le" e o! o!e of the 'illars& O!e was se*eral ti)es the si6e of the or"i!ary lasses - #lack( thi! a!" "ecorate" with a co)'licate" sk$ll,a!",#o!es )otif& That was!2t the )ost $!'leasa!t thi! a#o$t it& Mort roa!e" i!war"ly& /e co$l"!2t see a!y sa!" i! there& The s)aller lass #esi"e it was .$ite 'lai! a!" $!a"or!e"& Mort reache" for it& 2May I=2 he sai"& B% M: 0U%3T& The !a)e Mort was e! ra*e" o! the to' #$l#& /e hel" it $' to the li ht( !oti! witho$t a!y real s$r'rise that there was har"ly a!y sa!" left& Whe! he hel" it to his ear he tho$ ht he co$l" hear( e*e! a#o*e the e*er,'rese!t roar of the )illio!s of lifeti)ers aro$!" hi)( the so$!" of his ow! life 'o$ri! away& /e '$t it "ow! *ery caref$lly&

Death t$r!e" to <$twell& MR WID1RD( 3IR( :OU WI;; B% 0OOD %8OU0/ TO 0I?% U3 1 <OU8T O5 T/R%%& <$twell !o""e" l$)ly& 21re yo$ s$re this co$l"!2t all #e sorte" o$t #y etti! aro$!" a ta#le >2 he #e a!& 8O& 28o&2 Mort a!" Death circle" o!e a!other warily( their reflectio!s flickeri! across the #a!ks of ho$r lasses& 2O!e(2sai" <$twell& Death s'$! his scythe )e!aci! ly& 2Two&2 The #la"es )et i! )i",air with a !oise like a cat sli"i! "ow! a 'a!e of lass& 2They #oth cheate"B2 sai" Keli& :sa#ell !o""e"& 2Of co$rse(2 she sai"& Mort 9$)'e" #ack( #ri! i! the swor" ro$!" i! a too,slow arc that Death easily "eflecte"( t$r!i! the 'arry i!to a wicke" low swee' that Mort a*oi"e" o!ly #y a cl$)sy sta!"i! 9$)'& 1ltho$ h the scythe is!2t 're,e)i!e!t a)o! wea'o!s of war( a!yo!e who has #ee! o! the wro! e!" of( say( a 'easa!ts2 re*olt will k!ow that i! skille" ha!"s it is fearso)e& O!ce its ow!er ets it wea*i! a!" s'i!!i! !o,o!e - i!cl$"i! the wiel"er - is .$ite certai! where the #la"e is !ow a!" where it will #e !e4t& Death a"*a!ce"( ri!!i! & Mort "$cke" a c$t at hea" hei ht a!" "i*e" si"eways( heari! a ti!kle #ehi!" hi) as the ti' of the scythe ca$ ht a lass o! the !earest shelf& & & & & & & i! a "ark alley i! Mor'ork a !i ht soil e!tre're!e$r cl$tche" at his chest a!" 'itche" forwar" o*er his cart& & & & Mort rolle" a!" ca)e $' swi! i! the swor" "o$#le,ha!"e" o*er his hea"( feeli! a twa! of "ark e4hilaratio! as Death "arte" #ackwar"s across the checkere" tiles& The wil" swi! c$t thro$ h a shelf7 o!e after a!other its #$r"e! of lasses starte" to sli"e towar"s the floor& Mort was "i)ly aware of :sa#ell sc$rryi! 'ast hi) to catch the) o!e #y o!e& & & & & & & across the Disc fo$r 'eo'le )irac$lo$sly esca'e" "eath #y falli! & & & & & & & a!" the! he ra! forwar"( 'ressi! ho)e his a"*a!ta e& Death2s ha!"s )o*e" i! a #l$r as he #locke" e*ery cho' a!" thr$st( a!" the! cha! e" ri' o! the scythe a!" #ro$ ht the #la"e swi! i! $' i! a! arc that Mort si"este''e" awkwar"ly( !icki! the fra)e of a! ho$r lass with the hilt of his swor" a!" se!"i! it flyi! across the roo)& & & & & & & i! the Ra)to' )o$!tai!s a thar a,her"er( searchi! #y la)'li ht i! the hi h )ea"ows for a lost cow( )isse" his footi! a!" 'l$! e" o*er a tho$sa!" foot "ro'& & & & & & & 0$twell "i*e" forwar" a!" ca$ ht the t$)#li! lass i! o!e "es'erately o$tstretche" ha!"( hit the floor a!" sli" alo! o! his sto)ach& & & &

& & & a !arle" syca)ore )ysterio$sly loo)e" $!"er the screa)i! her"er a!" #roke his fall( re)o*i! his )a9or 'ro#le)s - "eath( the 9$" e)e!t of the o"s( the $!certai!ty of Para"ise a!" so o! - a!" re'laci! the) with the co)'arati*ely si)'le o!e of cli)#i! #ack $' a#o$t o!e h$!"re" feet of sheer( icy cliff i! 'itch "ark!ess& There was a 'a$se as the co)#ata!ts #acke" away fro) each other a!" circle" a ai!( looki! for a! o'e!i! & 23$rely there2s so)ethi! we ca! "o=2 sai" Keli& 2Mort will lose either way(2 sai" :sa#ell( shaki! her hea"& <$twell shook the sil*er ca!"lestick o$t of his #a y slee*e a!" tosse" it tho$ htf$lly fro) ha!" to ha!"& Death hefte" the scythe threate!i! ly( i!ci"e!tally s)ashi! a! ho$r lass #y his sho$l"er& & & & & & & i! Bes Pelar ic the %)'eror2s chief tort$rer sl$)'e" #ackwar"s i!to his ow! aci" 'it& & & & & & & a!" took a!other swi! which Mort "o" e" #y sheer l$ck& B$t o!ly 9$st& /e co$l" feel the hot ache i! his )$scles a!" the !$)#i! rey!ess of fati $e 'oiso!s i! his #rai!( two "isa"*a!ta es that Death "i" !ot ha*e to co!si"er& Death !otice"& :I%;D( he sai"& I M1: B% M%R<I5U;& To ill$strate the 'oi!t he )a"e a ro$!"ar) slash that Mort ca$ ht( cl$)sily( o! the e" e of his swor"& The scythe #la"e #o$!ce" $'( s'li!tere" a lass i!to a tho$sa!" shar"s& & & & & & & the D$ke of 3to /elit cl$tche" at his heart( felt the icy sta# of 'ai!( screa)e" so$!"lessly a!" t$)#le" fro) his horse& & & & Mort #acke" away $!til he felt the ro$ h!ess of a sto!e 'illar o! his !eck& Death2s lass with its "a$!ti! ly e)'ty #$l#s was a few i!ches fro) his hea"& Death hi)self was!2t 'ayi! )$ch atte!tio!& /e was looki! "ow! tho$ htf$lly at the 9a e" re)ai!s of the D$ke2s life& Mort yelle" a!" sw$! his swor" $'( to the fai!t cheers of the crow" that ha" #ee! waiti! for hi) to "o this for so)e ti)e& %*e! 1l#ert cla''e" his wri!kle" ha!"s& B$t i!stea" of& the ti!kle of lass that Mort ha" e4'ecte" there was - !othi! & /e t$r!e" a!" trie" a ai!& The #la"e 'asse" ri ht thro$ h the lass witho$t #reaki! it& The cha! e i! the te4t$re of the air )a"e hi) #ri! the swor" aro$!" a!" #ack i! ti)e to "eflect a *icio$s "ow!war" swee'& Death s'ra! away i! ti)e to "o" e Mort2s co$!ter thr$st( which was slow a!" weak& T/U3 IT %8D3( BO:& 2Mort(2 sai" Mort& /e looke" $'& 2Mort(2 he re'eate"( a!" #ro$ ht the swor" $' i! a stroke that c$t the scythe2s ha!"le i! two& 1! er #$##le" $' i!si"e hi)& If he was oi! to "ie( the! at least he2" "ie with the ri ht !a)e& 2Mort( yo$ #astar"B2 he screa)e"( a!" 'ro'elle" hi)self strai ht towar"s the ri!!i!

sk$ll with the swor" whirri! i! a co)'licate" "a!ce of #l$e li ht& Death sta ere" #ackwar"s( la$ hi! ( cro$chi! $!"er the rai! of f$rio$s strokes that slice" the scythe ha!"le i!to )ore 'ieces& Mort circle" hi)( cho''i! a!" thr$sti! a!" "$lly aware( e*e! thro$ h the re" )ists of f$ry( that Death was followi! his e*ery )o*e( hol"i! the or'ha!e" scythe#la"e like a swor"& There was !o o'e!i! ( a!" the )otor of his a! er wo$l"!2t last& :o$2ll !e*er #eat hi)( he tol" hi)self& The #est we ca! "o is hol" hi) off for a while& 1!" losi! is 'ro#a#ly #etter tha! wi!!i! & Who !ee"s eter!ity( a!yway= Thro$ h the c$rtai! of his fati $e he saw Death $!fol" the le! th of his #o!es a!" #ri! his #la"e a$!" i! a slow( leis$rely arc as tho$ h it was )o*i! thro$ h treacle& 25atherB2 screa)e" :sa#ell& Death t$r!e" his hea"& Perha's Mort2s )i!" welco)e" the 'ros'ect of the life to co)e #$t his #o"y( which )ay#e felt it ha" )ost to lose i! the "eal( o#9ecte"& It #ro$ ht his swor" ar) $' i! o!e $!sto''a#le stroke that flicke" Death2s #la"e fro) his ha!"( a!" the! 'i!!e" hi) a ai!st the !earest 'illar& I! the s$""e! h$sh Mort realise" he co$l" !o lo! er hear a! i!tr$si*e little !oise that ha" #ee! 9$st at his threshol" of heari! for the last te! )i!$tes& /is eyes "arte" si"eways& The last of his sa!" was r$!!i! o$t& 3TRIK%& Mort raise" the swor"( a!" looke" i!to the twi! #l$e fires& /e lowere" the swor"& 28o&2 Death2s foot lashe" o$t at roi! hei ht with a s'ee" that e*e! )a"e <$twell wi!ce& Mort sile!tly c$rle" i!to a #all a!" rolle" across the floor& Thro$ h his tears he saw Death a"*a!ci! ( scythe#la"e i! o!e ha!" a!" Mort2s ow! ho$r lass i! the other& /e saw Keli a!" :sa#ell swe't "is"ai!f$lly asi"e as they )a"e a ra# for the ro#e& /e saw <$twell el#owe" i! the ri#s( his ca!"lestick clatteri! across the tiles& Death stoo" o*er hi)& The ti' of the #la"e ho*ere" i! fro!t of Mort2s eyes for a )o)e!t( a!" the! swe't $'war"s& 2:o$2re ri ht& There2s !o 9$stice& There2s 9$st yo$&2 Death hesitate"( a!" the! slowly lowere" the #la"e& /e t$r!e" a!" looke" "ow! i!to :sa#ell2s face& 3he was shaki! with a! er& :OUR M%18I80= 3he lowere" $' at Death2s face a!" the! her ha!" sw$! #ack a!" sw$! aro$!" a!" sw$! forwar" a!" co!!ecte" with a so$!" like a "ice #o4& It was !othi! like as lo$" as the sile!ce that followe" it& Keli sh$t her eyes& <$twell t$r!e" away a!" '$t his ar)s o*er his hea"& Death raise" a ha!" to his sk$ll( *ery slowly&

:sa#ell2s chest rose a!" fell i! a )a!!er that sho$l" ha*e )a"e <$twell i*e $' )a ic for life& 5i!ally( i! a *oice e*e! )ore hollow tha! $s$al( Death sai"+ W/:= 2:o$ sai" that to ti!ker with the fate of o!e i!"i*i"$al co$l" "estroy the whole worl"(2 sai" :sa#ell& :%3= 2:o$ )e""le" with his& 1!" )i!e&2 3he 'oi!te" a tre)#li! fi! er at the s'li!ters of lass o! the floor& 21!" those( too&2 W%;;= 2What will the o"s "e)a!" for that=2 5ROM M%= 2:esB2 Death looke" s$r'rise"& T/% 0OD3 <18 D%M18D 8OT/I80 O5 2E& %?%8 0OD3 183W%R TO M%( %?%8TU1;;:& 2Does!2t see) *ery fair( "oes it= Do!2t the o"s #other a#o$t 9$stice a!" )ercy=2 s!a''e" :sa#ell& Witho$t a!yo!e .$ite !otici! she ha" 'icke" $' the swor"& Death ri!!e"& I 1PP;1UD :OUR %55ORT3( he sai"( BUT T/%: 1?1I; :OU 81U0/T& 3T18D 13ID%& 28o&2 :OU MU3T B% 1W1R% T/1T %?%8 ;O?% I3 8O D%5%8<% 101I83TM%& I 1M 3ORR:& :sa#ell raise" the swor"& 2.ou (re sorry=2 3T18D 13ID%( I 31:& 28o& :o$2re 9$st #ei! *i!"icti*e& It2s !ot fairB2 Death #owe" his sk$ll for a )o)e!t( the! looke" $' with his eyes #la6i! & .O) 'I** DO "! .O) "4E TO*D2I will !ot&2 :OU2R% M1KI80 T/I3 ?%R: DI55I<U;T& 20oo"&2 Death2s fi! ers "r$))e" i)'atie!tly o! the scythe#la"e( like a )o$se ta'"a!ci! o! a ti!& /e see)e" to #e thi!ki! & /e looke" at :sa#ell sta!"i! o*er Mort( a!" the! t$r!e" a!" looke" at the others cro$chi! a ai!st a shelf& 8o( he sai" e*e!t$ally& 8o& I <188OT B% BIDD%8& I <188OT B% 5OR<%D& I WI;; DO O8;: T/1T W/I</ I K8OW TO B% RI0/T& /e wa*e" a ha!"( a!" the swor" whirre" o$t of :sa#ell2s ras'& /e )a"e a!other co)'licate" est$re a!" the irl herself was 'icke" $' a!" 'resse" e!tly #$t fir)ly a ai!st the !earest 'illar&

Mort saw the "ark rea'er a"*a!ce o! hi) a ai!( #la"e swi! i! #ack for the fi!al stroke& /e stoo" o*er the #oy& :OU DO82T K8OW /OW 3ORR: T/I3 M1K%3 M%( he ai"& Mort '$lle" hi)self o! to his el#ows& 2I )i ht(2 he sai"& Death a*e hi) a s$r'rise" look for se*eral seco!"s( a!" the! starte" to la$ h& The so$!" #o$!ce" eerily aro$!" the roo)( ri! i! off the shel*es as Death( still la$ hi! like a! earth.$ake i! a ra*eyar"( hel" Mort2s ow! lass i! fro!t of its ow!er2s eyes& Mort trie" to foc$s& /e saw the last rai! of sa!" ski" "ow! the lossy s$rface( teeter o! the e" e a!" the! "ro'( t$)#li! i! slow )otio!( towar"s the #otto)& <a!"leli ht flickere" off its ti!y silica facets as it s'$! e!tly "ow!war"& It la!"e" so$!"lessly( throwi! $' a ti!y crater& The li ht i! Death2s eyes flare" $!til it fille" Mort2s *isio! a!" the so$!" of his la$ hter rattle" the $!i*erse& 1!" the! Death t$r!e" the ho$r lass o*er& O!ce a ai! the reat hall of 3to ;at was #rillia!t with ca!"leli ht a!" lo$" with )$sic& 1s the $ests flocke" "ow! the ste's a!" "esce!"e" o! the col" #$ffet the Master of <ere)o!ies was i! !o!,sto' *oice( i!tro"$ci! those who( #y reaso! of i)'orta!ce or si)'le a#se!t,)i!"e"!ess( ha" t$r!e" $' late& 1s for e4a)'le+ The Royal Reco !iser( Master of the @$ee!2s Be"cha)#er( /is I'ississ$)$ss!ess I !eo$s <$twell( Wi6ar" Ist 0ra"e GUUH&2 <$twell a"*a!ce" o! the royal co$'le( ri!!i! ( a lar e ci ar i! o!e ha!"& 2May I kiss the #ri"e=2 he sai"& 2If it2s allowe" for wi6ar"s(2 sai" :sa#ell( offeri! a cheek& 2We tho$ ht the fireworks were )ar*ello$s(2 sai" Mort& 21!" I e4'ect they2ll soo! #e a#le to re#$il" the o$ter wall& 8o "o$#t yo$2ll #e a#le to fi!" yo$r way to the foo"&2 2/e2s looki! a lot #etter these "ays(2 sai" :sa#ell #ehi!" her fi4e" ri!( as <$twell "isa''eare" i!to the thro! & 2<ertai!ly there2s a lot to #e sai" for #ei! the o!ly 'erso! who "oes!2t #other to o#ey the .$ee!(2 sai" Mort( e4cha! i! !o"s with a 'assi! !o#le)a!& 2They say he2s the real 'ower #ehi!" the thro!e(2 sai" :sa#ell& 21! e)i!e!ce so)ethi! &2 2%)i!e!ce rease(2 sai" Mort a#se!tly& 28otice how he "oes!2t "o a!y )a ic these "ays=2 23h$t$'heresheco)es&2 2/er 3$'re)e Ma9esty( @$ee! Kelirehe!!a I( ;or" of 3to ;at( Protector of the %i ht Protectorates a!" %)'ress of the ;o! Thi! De#ate" Piece /$#war"s of 3to Kerri &2 :sa#ell #o##e"& Mort #owe"& Keli #ea)e" at #oth of the)& They co$l"!2t hel' !otici! that she ha" co)e $!"er so)e i!fl$e!ce that i!cli!e" her towar"s clothes that at least ro$ hly followe" her sha'e( a!" away fro) hairstyles that looke" like the offs'ri! of a 'i!ea''le a!" a ca!"yfloss&

3he 'ecke" :sa#ell o! the cheek a!" the! ste''e" #ack a!" looke" Mort $' a!" "ow!& 2/ow2s 3to /elit=2 she sai"& 25i!e( fi!e(2 sai" Mort& 2We2ll ha*e to "o so)ethi! a#o$t the cellars( tho$ h& :o$r late $!cle ha" so)e $!$s$al - ho##ies( a!"& & & &2 23he )ea!s yo$(2 whis'ere" :sa#ell& That2s yo$r official !a)e&2 2I 'referre" Mort(2 sai" Mort& 23$ch a! i!teresti! coat of ar)s( too(2 sai" the .$ee!& 2<rosse" scythes o! a! ho$r lass ra)'a!t a ai!st a sa#le fiel"& It a*e the Royal <olle e .$ite a hea"ache&2 2It2s !ot that I )i!" #ei! a "$ke(2 sai" Mort& 2Its #ei! )arrie" to a "$chess that co)es as a shock&2 2:o$2ll et $se" to it&2 2I ho'e !ot&2 20oo"& 1!" !ow( :sa#ell(2 sai" Keli( setti! her 9aw( 2if yo$ are to )o*e i! royal circles there are so)e 'eo'le yo$ si)'ly )$st )eet& :sa#ell a*e Mort a "es'airi! look as she was swe't away i!to the crow"( a!" was soo! lost to *iew& Mort ra! a fi! er aro$!" the i!si"e of his collar( looke" #oth ways( a!" the! "arte" i!to a fer!,sha"e" cor!er !ear the e!" of the #$ffet where he co$l" ha*e a .$iet )o)e!t to hi)self& Behi!" hi) the Master of <ere)o!ies cleare" his throat& /is eyes took o! a "ista!t( la6e" look& The 3tealer of 3o$ls(2 he sai" i! the faraway *oice of o!e whose ears are!2t heari! what his )o$th is sayi! ( 2Defeater of %)'ires( 3wallower of Ocea!s( Thief of :ears( The Ulti)ate Reality( /ar*ester of Ma!ki!"( the >2 1;; RI0/T( 1;; RI0/T& I <18 3%% M:3%;5 I8& Mort 'a$se" with a col" t$rkey le halfway to his )o$th& /e "i"!2t t$r! aro$!"& /e "i"!2t !ee" to& There was !o )istaki! that *oice( felt rather tha! hear"( or the way i! which the air chille" a!" "arke!e"& The chatter a!" )$sic of the we""i! rece'tio! slowe" a!" fa"e"& 2We "i"!2t thi!k yo$2" co)e(2 he sai" to a 'otte" fer!& TO M: OW8 D1U0/T%R23 W%DDI80= 18:W1:( IT W13 T/% 5IR3T TIM% I2?% %?%R /1D 18 I8?IT1TIO8 TO 18:T/I80& IT /1D 0O;D %D0%3 18D R3?P 18D %?%R:T/I80& 2:es( #$t whe! yo$ were!2t at the ser*ice >2 I T/OU0/T P%R/1P3 IT WOU;D 8OT B% %8TIR%;: 1PPROPRI1T%& 2Well( yes( I s$''ose so >2 TO B% 5R18K( I T/OU0/T :OU W%R% 0OI80 TO M1RR: T/% PRI8<%33& Mort #l$she"& 2We talke" a#o$t it(2 he sai"& 2The! we tho$ ht( 9$st #eca$se yo$ ha''e! to

resc$e a 'ri!cess( yo$ sho$l"!2t r$sh i!to thi! s&2 ?%R: WI3%& Too M18: :OU80 WOM%8 ;%1P I8TO T/% 1RM3 O5 T/% 5IR3T :OU80 M18 TO W1K% T/%M 15T%R 1 /U8DR%D :%1R32 3;%%P( 5OR %A1MP;%& 21!"( well( we tho$ ht that all i! all( well( o!ce I really ot to k!ow :sa#ell( well& :%3( :%3( I 1M 3UR%& 18 %A<%;;%8T D%<I3IO8& /OW%?%R( I /1?% D%<ID%D 8OT TO I8T%R%3T M:3%;5 I8 /UM18 1551IR3 18: 5URT/%R& Really=2 %A<%PT O55I<I1;;:( O5 <OUR3%& IT W13 <;OUDI80 M: CUD0%M%8T& 1 skeletal ha!" a''eare" o! the e" e of Mort2s *isio! a!" skilf$lly s'eare" a st$ffe" e & Mort s'$! aro$!"& 2What ha''e!e"=2 he sai"& 2I2*e ot to k!owB O!e )i!$te we were i! the ;o! Roo) a!" the !e4t we were i! a fiel" o$tsi"e the city( a!" we were really $sB I )ea!( reality ha" #ee! altere" to fit $s i!B Who "i" it=2 I /1D 1 WORD WIT/ T/% 0OD3& Death looke" $!co)forta#le& 2Oh& :o$ "i"( "i" yo$=2 sai" Mort& Death a*oi"e" his a6e& :%3& 2I sho$l"!2t thi!k they were *ery 'lease"&2 T/% 0OD3 1R% CU3T& T/%: 1R% 1;3O 3%8TIM%8T1;I3T3& I /1?% 8%?%R B%%8 1B;% TO M13T%R IT( M:3%;5& BUT :OU 1R%82T 5R%% :%T& :OU MU3T 3%% TO IT T/1T /I3TOR: T1K%3 P;1<%& 2I k!ow(2 sai" Mort& 2U!iti! the ki! "o)s a!" e*erythi! &2 :OU MI0/T %8D UP WI3/I80 :OU2D 3T1:%D WIT/ M%& 2I certai!ly lear!e" a lot(2 Mort a")itte"& /e '$t his ha!" $' to his face a!" a#se!t, )i!"e"ly stroke" the fo$r thi! white scars across his cheek& 2B$t I "o!2t thi!k I was c$t o$t for that sort of work& ;ook( I2) really sorry >2 I /1?% 1 PR%3%8T 5OR :OU& Death '$t "ow! his 'late of hors "2oe$*res a!" f$)#le" i! the )ysterio$s recesses of his ro#e& Whe! his skeletal ha!" e)er e" it was hol"i! a little lo#e #etwee! th$)# a!" forefi! er& It was a#o$t three i!ches across& It co$l" ha*e #ee! the lar est 'earl i! the worl"( e4ce't that the s$rface was a )o*i! swirl of co)'licate" sil*er sha'es( fore*er o! the 'oi!t of resol*i! the)sel*es i!to so)ethi! reco !isa#le #$t always )a!a i! to a*oi" it& Whe! Death "ro''e" it i!to Mort2s o$tstretche" 'al) it felt s$r'risi! ly hea*y a!" sli htly war)& 5OR :OU 18D :OUR ;1D:& 1 W%DDI80 PR%3%8T& 1 DOWR:&

2It2s #ea$tif$lB We tho$ ht the sil*er toast rack was fro) yo$&2 T/1T W13 1;B%RT& I2M 15R1ID /% DO%382T /1?% MU</ IM10I81TIO8& Mort t$r!e" the lo#e o*er a!" o*er i! his ha!"s& The sha'es #oili! i!si"e it see)e" to res'o!" to his to$ch( se!"i! little strea)ers of li ht archi! across the s$rface towar"s his fi! ers& 2Is it a 'earl=2 he sai"& :%3& W/%8 3OM%T/I80 IRRIT1T%3 18 O:3T%R 18D <182T B% R%MO?%D( T/% POOR T/I80 <O1T3 IT WIT/ MU<U3 18D TUR83 IT I8TO 1 P%1R;& T/I3 I3 1 P%1R; O5 1 DI55%R%8T <O;OUR& 1 P%1R; O5 R%1;IT:& 1;; T/1T 3/I8: 3TU55 I3 <O80%1;%D 1<TU1;IT:& :OU OU0/T TO R%<O08I3% IT - :OU <R%1T%D IT( 15T%R 1;;& Mort tosse" it e!tly fro) ha!" to ha!"& 2We will '$t it with the castle 9ewels(2 he sai"& 2We ha*e!2t ot that )a!y&2 O8% D1: IT WI;; B% T/% 3%%D O5 1 8%W U8I?%R3%& Mort f$)#le" the catch( #$t reache" "ow! with li ht!i! refle4es a!" ca$ ht it #efore it hit the fla sto!es& 2What=2 T/% PR%33UR% O5 THI! R%1;IT: K%%P3 IT <OMPR%33%D& T/%R% M1: <OM% 1 TIM% W/%8 T/% U8I?%R3% %8D3 18D R%1;IT: DI%3( 18D T/%8 T/I3 O8% WI;; %AP;OD% 18D & & & W/O K8OW3= K%%P IT 315%& IT23 1 5UTUR% 13 W%;; 13 1 PR%3%8T& Death '$t his sk$ll o! o!e si"e& IT23 1 3M1;; T/I80( he a""e"& :o$ CO)*D /1?% /1D %T%R8IT:& 2I k!ow(2 sai" Mort& 2I2*e #ee! *ery l$cky&2 /e '$t it *ery caref$lly o! the #$ffet ta#le( #etwee! the .$ails2 e s a!" the sa$sa e rolls& T/%R% W13 18OT/%R T/I80( sai" Death& /e reache" $!"er his ro#e a ai! a!" '$lle" o$t a! o#lo! sha'e i!e4'ertly wra''e" a!" tie" with stri! & IT23 5OR :OU( he sai"( P%R3O81;;:& :OU 8%?%R 3/OW%D 18: I8T%R%3T I8 IT B%5OR%& DID :OU T/I8K IT DID82T %AI3T= Mort $!wra''e" the 'acket a!" realise" he was hol"i! a s)all leather,#o$!" #ook& O! the s'i!e was #locke"( i! shi!y ol" leaf( the o!e wor"+ 2ort& /e leafe" #ackwar"s thro$ h the $!fille" 'a es $!til he fo$!" the little trail of i!k( wi!"i! 'atie!tly "ow! the 'a e( a!" rea"+ 2ort shut the book with a little snap that sounded, in the silence, like the crack of creation, and smiled uneasilyThere(s a lot of pages still to fill,( he said- (How much sand ha+e I got left8 Only .sabell said that since you turned the glass o+er that means I shall die when I(m 9( .O) H":E !)55ICIE T, said Death coldly- 2"THE2"TIC! I! T "** IT(! C#"C3ED )$ TO 4E(How do you feel about being in+ited to christenings8(

I THI 3 OT- I '"! (T C)T O)T TO 4E " 5"THE#, " D CE#T"I *. OT " G#" D"D- I H":E (T GOT THE #IGHT 3I D O5 3 EE!He put down his wine giass and nodded at 2ort2. #EG"#D! TO .O)4 GOOD *"D., he said- " D O' I #E"**. 2)!T 4E O55("re you sure8 .ou(re welcome to stay-( IT(! ICE O5 .O) TO !". !O, 4)T D)T. C"**!- He e%tended a bony hand- .O) 3 O' HO' IT I!2ort gripped the hand and shook it, ignoring the chill(*ook,( he said- (If e+er you want a few days off, you know, if you(d like a holiday 9( 2" . TH" 3! 5O# THE O55E#, said Death graciously- I !H"** THI 3 "4O)T IT 2O!T !E#IO)!*.- " D O' 9 (Goodbye,( 2art said, and was surprised to find a l;ump in his throat- (It(s such an unpleasant word, isn(t it8( <)ITE !O- Death grinned because, as has so often been remarked, he didn(t ha+e much option- 4ut possibly he meant it, this timeI $#E5E# ") #E:OI#, he said-= The End >?@ $ractically anything can go faster than Disc light, which is laAy and tame, unlike ordinary light- The only thing known to go faster than ordinary light is monarchy, according to the philosopher *y Tin 'heedle- He reasoned like thisB you can(t ha+e more than one king, and tradition demands that there is no gap between kings, so when a king dies the succession must therefore pass to the heir instantaneously- $resumably, he said, there must be some elementary particles C kingons, or possibly 6ueons C that do this 0ob, but of course succession sometimes fails if, in mid&flight, they strike an anti&particle, or republicon- His ambitious plans to use his disco+ery to send messages, in+ol+ing the careful torturing of a small king in order to modulate the signal, were ne+er fully e%pounded because, at that point, the bar closed>D@ The first piAAa was created on the Disc by the 3latchian mystic #onron (#e+elation ;oe( !huwadhi, who claimed to ha+e been gi+en the recipe in a dream by the Creator of the Discworld Himself, 'ho had apparently added that it was what He had intended all along- Those desert tra+ellers who had seen the original, which is reputedly miraculously preser+ed in the 5orbidden City of Ee, say that what the Creator had in mind then was a fairly small cheese and pepperoni affair with a few black oli+esE and things like mountains and seas got added out of last&minute enthusiasm, as so often happensE "fter the !chism of the Turnwise Ones and the deaths of some DF,GGG people in the ensuing 0ihad the faithful were allowed to add one small bayleaf to the recipe>H@ "lthough not the droopy moustache and round furry hat with the spike on it-

>I@ The speech has been passed on to later generations in an epic poem commissioned by his son, who wasn(t born in a saddle and could eat with a knife and fork- It beganB (!ee yonder the stolid foemen slumber 5at with stolen gold, corrupt of mind*et the spears of your wrath be as the steppe fire on a windy day in the dry season, *et your honest blade thrust like the horns of a fi+e&year old yok with se+ere toothache- - - -( "nd went on for three hours- #eality, which can(t usually afford to pay poets, records that in fact the entire speech ranB (*ads, most of them are still in bed, we should go through them like kAak fruit through a short grandmother, and I for one ha+e had it right up to here with yurts, okay8( >F@ The Disc(s greatest lo+ers were undoubtedly 2ellius and Gretelina, whose pure, passionate and soul&searing affair would ha+e scorched the pages of History if they had not, because of some une%plained 6uirk of fate, been born two hundred years apart on different continents- Howe+er, the gods took pity on them and turned him into an ironing boardE and her into a small brass bollardE 'hen you(re a god, you don(t ha+e to ha+e reasons>J@ There had been half a 0ar of elderly mayonnaise, a piece of +ery old cheese, and a tomato with white mould growing on it- !ince during the day the pantry of the palace of !to *at normally contained fifteen whole stags, one hundred brace of partridges, fifty hogsheads of butter, two hundred 0ugs of hares, se+enty&fi+e sides of beef, two miles of assorted sausages, +arious fowls, eighty doAen eggs, se+eral Circle !ea sturgeon, a +at of ca+iar and an elephant(s leg stuffed with oli+es, Cutwell had learned once again that one uni+ersal manifestation of raw, natural magic throughout the uni+erse is this, that any domestic food store, raided furti+ely in the middle of the night, always contains, no matter what its daytime in+entory, half a 0ar of elderly mayonnaise, a piece of +ery old cheese, and a tomato with white mould growing on it>K@ "nkh&2orpork had dallied with many forms of go+ernment and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One 2an, One :ote- The $atrician was the 2an, he had the :ote>L@ The stone garden of )ni+ersal $eace and !implicity, laid out to the orders of the old Emperor One !un 2irrorE, used economy of position and shadow to symbolise the basic unity of soul and matter and the harmony of all things- It was said the secrets at the +ery heart of reality lay hidden in the precise ordering of its stonesE 'hose other claim to fame was his habit of cutting off his enemies( lips and legs and

then promising them their freedom if they could run through the city playing a trumpet>M@ This is not precisely true- It is generally agreed by philosophers that the shortest time in which e+erything can happen is one thousand billion yearse4ook Info Identifier: )34IO#'D$2 Title: 2ort Creator: Terry $ratchett Date: ?DNGKNG?

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