Erich Fromm - Afterword To George Orwell's 1984

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The key takeaways are that the afterword discusses the history of Utopian thought and its evolution over time, touching on concepts like progress, justice and perfection in society. It also analyzes George Orwell's 1984 and characterizes it as a 'negative Utopia'.

The main ideas discussed in the afterword include the history of ideas around progress and perfection in society from Greek/Roman times through Christianity and the Enlightenment. It also analyzes features of modern Western society reflected in Orwell's 1984.

The author characterizes Utopias written after Thomas More's as giving 'an imaginative picture of the concrete details of a society which corresponds to the deepest longings of man', rather than speaking in abstract principles, and existing in a geographic rather than temporal distance.

AFTERWORD to George Orwells 1984

by Erich Fromm George Orwell's 1984 is the ex ressio! o" # moo$% #!$ it is # w#r!i!g& The moo$ it ex resses is th#t o" !e#r $es #ir #bo't the "'t're o" m#!% #!$ the w#r!i!g is th#t '!less the co'rse o" history ch#!ges% me! #ll o(er the worl$ will lose their most h'm#! )'#lities% will become so'lless #'tom#to!s% #!$ will !ot e(e! be #w#re o" it& The moo$ o" ho eless!ess #bo't the "'t're o" m#! is i! m#r*e$ co!tr#st to o!e o" the most "'!$#me!t#l "e#t'res o" Wester! tho'ght+ the "#ith i! h'm#! rogress #!$ i! m#!'s c# #city to cre#te # worl$ o" ,'stice #!$ e#ce& This ho e h#s its roots both i! Gree* #!$ i! Rom#! thi!*i!g% #s well #s i! the -essi#!ic co!ce t o" the Ol$ Test#me!t ro hets& The Ol$ Test#me!t hiloso hy o" history #ss'mes th#t m#! grows #!$ '!"ol$s i! history #!$ e(e!t'#lly becomes wh#t he ote!ti#lly is& .t #ss'mes th#t he $e(elo s his owers o" re#so! #!$ lo(e "'lly% #!$ th's is e!#ble$ to gr#s the worl$% bei!g o!e with his "ellow m#! #!$ !#t're% #t the s#me time reser(i!g his i!$i(i$'#lity #!$ his i!tegrity& /!i(ers#l e#ce #!$ ,'stice #re the go#ls o" m#!% #!$ the ro hets h#(e "#ith th#t i! s ite o" #ll errors #!$ si!s% e(e!t'#lly this 0e!$ o" $#ys0 will #rri(e% symboli1e$ by the "ig're o" the -essi#h& The ro hetic co!ce t w#s # historic#l o!e% # st#te o" er"ectio! to be re#li1e$ by m#! withi! historic#l time& 2hristi#!ity tr#!s"orme$ this co!ce t i!to # tr#!shistoric#l% 'rely s irit'#l o!e% yet it $i$ !ot gi(e ' the i$e# o" the co!!ectio! betwee! mor#l !orms #!$ olitics& The 2hristi#! thi!*ers o" the l#te -i$$le Ages em h#si1e$ th#t #ltho'gh the 03i!g$om o" Go$0 w#s !ot withi! historic#l time% the soci#l or$er m'st corres o!$ to #!$ re#li1e the s irit'#l ri!ci les o" 2hristi#!ity& The 2hristi#! sects be"ore #!$ #"ter the Re"orm#tio! em h#si1e$ these $em#!$s i! more 'rge!t% more #cti(e #!$ re(ol'tio!#ry w#ys& With the bre#*' o" the me$ie(#l worl$% m#!'s se!se o" stre!gth% #!$ his ho e% !ot o!ly "or i!$i(i$'#l b't "or soci#l er"ectio!% #ss'me$ !ew stre!gth #!$ too* !ew w#ys& O!e o" the most im ort#!t o!es is # !ew "orm o" writi!g which $e(elo e$ si!ce the Re!#iss#!ce% the "irst ex ressio! o" which w#s Thom#s -ore's /to i# 4liter#lly+ 05owhere06% # !#me which w#s the! ge!eric#lly # lie$ to #ll other simil#r wor*s& Thom#s -ore's /to i# combi!e$ # most e!etr#ti!g criticism o" his ow! society% its irr#tio!#lity #!$ its i!,'stice% with the ict're o" # society which% tho'gh erh# s !ot er"ect% h#$ sol(e$ most o" the h'm#! roblems which so'!$e$ i!sol'ble to his ow! co!tem or#ries& Wh#t ch#r#cteri1es Thom#s -ore's /to i#% #!$ #ll the others% is th#t they $o !ot s e#* i! ge!er#l terms o" ri!ci les% b't gi(e #! im#gi!#ti(e ict're o" the co!crete $et#ils o" # society which corres o!$s to the $ee est lo!gi!gs o" m#!& .! co!tr#st to ro hetic tho'ght% these er"ect societies #re !ot #t 0the e!$ o" the $#ys0 b't exist #lre#$y 77 tho'gh i! # geogr# hic $ist#!ce r#ther th#! i! the $ist#!ce o" time& Thom#s -ore's /to i# w#s "ollowe$ by two others% the .t#li#! "ri#r 2#m #!ell#'s 2ity o" the 8'!% #!$ the Germ#! h'm#!ist A!$re#e's 2hristi#!o olis% the l#tter bei!g the most mo$er! o" the three& There #re $i""ere!ces i! (iew oi!t #!$ i! origi!#lity i! this trilogy o" /to i#s% yet the $i""ere!ces #re mi!or i! com #riso! with wh#t they h#(e i! commo!& /to i#s were writte! "rom the! o! "or se(er#l h'!$re$ ye#rs% '!til the begi!!i!g o" the twe!tieth ce!t'ry& The l#test #!$ most i!"l'e!ti#l /to i# w#s E$w#r$ 9ell#my's :oo*i!g 9#c*w#r$% 'blishe$ i! 1888& Asi$e "rom /!cle Tom's 2#bi! #!$ 9e! ;'r% it w#s '!$o'bte$ly the most o 'l#r boo* #t the t'r! o" the ce!t'ry% ri!te$ i! m#!y millio!s o" co ies i! the /!ite$ 8t#tes% tr#!sl#te$ i!to o(er twe!ty l#!g'#ges <1=& 9ell#my's /to i# is #rt o" the gre#t Americ#! tr#$itio! #s ex resse$ i! the thi!*i!g o" Whitm#!% Thore#'% #!$ Emerso!& .t is the Americ#! (ersio! o" the i$e#s which #t th#t time "o'!$ their most "orce"'l ex ressio! i! the soci#list mo(eme!t i! E'ro e& This ho e "or m#!'s i!$i(i$'#l #!$ soci#l er"ectibility% which i! hiloso hic#l #!$ #!thro ologic#l terms w#s cle#rly ex resse$ i! the writi!gs o" the E!lighte!me!t hiloso hers o" the eightee!th ce!t'ry #!$ o" the soci#list thi!*ers o" the !i!etee!th% rem#i!e$ '!ch#!ge$ '!til #"ter the First Worl$ W#r& This w#r% i! which millio!s $ie$ "or the territori#l #mbitio!s o" the E'ro e#! owers% #ltho'gh '!$er the ill'sio! o" "ighti!g "or e#ce #!$ $emocr#cy% w#s the begi!!i!g o" th#t $e(elo me!t which te!$e$ i! # rel#ti(ely short time to $estroy # two7tho's#!$7ye#r7ol$ Wester! tr#$itio! o" ho e #!$ to tr#!s"orm it i!to # moo$ o" $es #ir& The mor#l c#llo's!ess o" the First Worl$ W#r w#s o!ly the begi!!i!g& Other e(e!ts "ollowe$+ the

betr#y#l o" the soci#list ho es by 8t#li!'s re#ctio!#ry st#te c# it#lism> the se(ere eco!omic crisis #t the e!$ o" the twe!ties> the (ictory o" b#rb#rism i! o!e o" the ol$est ce!ters o" c'lt're i! the worl$ ? Germ#!y> the i!s#!ity o" 8t#li!ist terror $'ri!g the thirties> the 8eco!$ Worl$ W#r% i! which #ll the "ighti!g !#tio!s lost some o" the mor#l co!si$er#tio!s which h#$ still existe$ i! the First Worl$ W#r> the '!limite$ $estr'ctio! o" ci(ili#! o 'l#tio!s% st#rte$ by ;itler #!$ co!ti!'e$ by the e(e! more com lete $estr'ctio! o" cities s'ch #s ;#mb'rg #!$ Dres$e! #!$ To*yo% #!$ e(e!t'#lly by the 'se o" #tomic bombs #g#i!st @# #!& 8i!ce the! the h'm#! r#ce h#s bee! co!"ro!te$ with #! e(e! gre#ter $#!ger 77 th#t o" the $estr'ctio! o" o'r ci(ili1#tio!% i" !ot o" #ll m#!*i!$% by thermo!'cle#r we# o!s #s they exist to$#y #!$ #s they #re bei!g $e(elo e$ i! i!cre#si!gly "right"'l ro ortio!s& -ost eo le% howe(er% #re !ot co!scio'sly #w#re o" this thre#t #!$ o" their ow! ho eless!ess& 8ome belie(e th#t ,'st bec#'se mo$er! w#r"#re is so $estr'cti(e% w#r is im ossible> others $ecl#re th#t e(e! i" sixty or se(e!ty millio! Americ#!s were *ille$ i! the "irst o!e or two $#ys o" # !'cle#r w#r% there is !o re#so! to belie(e th#t li"e wo'l$ !ot go o! #s be"ore #"ter the "irst shoc* h#s bee! o(ercome& .t is recisely the sig!i"ic#!ce o" Orwell's boo* th#t it ex resses the !ew moo$ o" ho eless!ess which er(#$es o'r #ge be"ore this moo$ h#s become m#!i"est #!$ t#*e! hol$ o" the co!scio's!ess o" eo le& Orwell is !ot #lo!e i! this e!$e#(or& Two other writers% the R'ssi#! A#my#ti! i! his boo* We% #!$ Al$o's ;'xley i! his 9r#(e 5ew Worl$% h#(e ex resse$ the moo$ o" the rese!t% #!$ # w#r!i!g "or the "'t're% i! w#ys (ery simil#r to Orwell's& This !ew trilogy o" wh#t m#y be c#lle$ the 0!eg#ti(e /to i#s0 o" the mi$$le o" the twe!tieth ce!t'ry is the co'!ter oi!t to the trilogy o" the ositi(e /to i#s me!tio!e$ be"ore% writte! i! the sixtee!th #!$ se(e!tee!th ce!t'ries <B=& The !eg#ti(e /to i#s ex ress the moo$ o" owerless!ess #!$ ho eless!ess o" mo$er! m#! ,'st #s the e#rly /to i#s ex resse$ the moo$ o" sel"7co!"i$e!ce #!$ ho e o" ost7me$ie(#l m#!% There co'l$ be !othi!g more #r#$oxic#l i! historic#l terms th#! this ch#!ge+ m#!% #t the begi!!i!g o" the i!$'stri#l #ge% whe! i! re#lity he $i$ !ot ossess the me#!s "or # worl$ i! which the t#ble w#s set "or #ll who w#!te$ to e#t% whe! he li(e$ i! # worl$ i! which there were eco!omic re#so!s "or sl#(ery% w#r% #!$ ex loit#tio!% i! which m#! o!ly se!se$ the ossibilities o" his !ew scie!ce #!$ o" its # lic#tio! to tech!i)'e #!$ to ro$'ctio! ? !e(ertheless m#! #t the begi!!i!g o" mo$er! $e(elo me!t w#s "'ll o" ho e& Fo'r h'!$re$ ye#rs l#ter% whe! #ll these ho es #re re#li1#ble% whe! m#! c#! ro$'ce e!o'gh "or e(erybo$y% whe! w#r h#s become '!!ecess#ry bec#'se tech!ic#l rogress c#! gi(e #!y co'!try more we#lth th#! c#! territori#l co!)'est% whe! this globe is i! the rocess o" becomi!g #s '!i"ie$ #s # co!ti!e!t w#s "o'r h'!$re$ ye#rs #go% #t the (ery mome!t whe! m#! is o! the (erge o" re#li1i!g his ho e% he begi!s to lose it& .t is the esse!ti#l oi!t o" #ll the three !eg#ti(e /to i#s !ot o!ly to $escribe the "'t're tow#r$ which we #re mo(i!g% b't #lso to ex l#i! the historic#l #r#$ox& The three !eg#ti(e /to i#s $i""er "rom e#ch other i! $et#il #!$ em h#sis& A#my#ti!'s We% writte! i! the twe!ties% h#s more "e#t'res i! commo! with 1984 th#! with ;'xley's 9r#(e 5ew Worl$& We #!$ 1984 both $e ict the com letely b're#'cr#ti1e$ society% i! which m#! is # !'mber #!$ loses #ll se!se o" i!$i(i$'#lity& This is bro'ght #bo't by # mixt're o" '!limite$ terror 4i! A#my#ti!'s boo* # br#i! o er#tio! is #$$e$ e(e!t'#lly which ch#!ges m#! e(e! hysic#lly6 combi!e$ with i$eologic#l #!$ sychologic#l m#!i 'l#tio!& .! ;'xley's wor* the m#i! tool "or t'r!i!g m#! i!to #! #'tom#to! is the # lic#tio! o" hy !oi$ m#ss s'ggestio!% which #llows $is e!si!g with terror& O!e c#! s#y th#t A#my#ti!'s #!$ Orwell's ex#m les resemble more the 8t#li!ist #!$ 5#1i $ict#torshi s% while ;'xley's 9r#(e 5ew Worl$ is # ict're o" the $e(elo me!t o" the Wester! i!$'stri#l worl$% ro(i$e$ it co!ti!'es to "ollow the rese!t tre!$ witho't "'!$#me!t#l ch#!ge& .! s ite o" this $i""ere!ce there is o!e b#sic )'estio! commo! to the three !eg#ti(e /to i#s% The )'estio! is # hiloso hic#l% #!thro ologic#l #!$ sychologic#l o!e% #!$ erh# s #lso # religio's o!e& .t is+ c#! h'm#! !#t're be ch#!ge$ i! s'ch # w#y th#t m#! will "orget his lo!gi!g "or "ree$om% "or $ig!ity% "or i!tegrity% "or lo(e ? th#t is to s#y% c#! m#! "orget th#t he is h'm#!C Or $oes h'm#! !#t're h#(e # $y!#mism which will re#ct to the (iol#tio! o" these b#sic h'm#! !ee$s by #ttem ti!g to ch#!ge #! i!h'm#! society i!to # h'm#! o!eC .t m'st be !ote$ th#t the three #'thors $o !ot t#*e the sim le ositio! o" sychologic#l rel#ti(ism which is commo! to so m#!y soci#l scie!tists to$#y> they $o !ot st#rt o't with the #ss'm tio! th#t there is !o s'ch thi!g #s h'm#! !#t're> th#t there is !o s'ch thi!g #s )'#lities esse!ti#l to m#!> #!$ th#t m#! is bor! #s !othi!g b't # bl#!* sheet o" # er o! which #!y gi(e! society writes its text& They $o #ss'me th#t m#! h#s #! i!te!se stri(i!g "or lo(e% "or ,'stice% "or tr'th% "or soli$#rity% #!$ i! this res ect they #re )'ite

$i""ere!t "rom the rel#ti(ists& .! "#ct% they #""irm the stre!gth #!$ i!te!sity o" these h'm#! stri(i!gs by the $escri tio! o" the (ery me#!s they rese!t #s bei!g !ecess#ry to $estroy them& .! A#my#ti!'s We # br#i! o er#tio! simil#r to lobotomy is !ecess#ry to get ri$ o" the h'm#! $em#!$s o" h'm#! !#t're& .! ;'xley's 9r#(e 5ew Worl$ #rti"ici#l biologic#l selectio! #!$ $r'gs #re !ecess#ry% #!$ i! Orwell's 1984 it is the com letely '!limite$ 'se o" tort're #!$ br#i!w#shi!g& 5o!e o" the three #'thors c#! be #cc'se$ o" the tho'ght th#t the $estr'ctio! o" the h'm#!ity withi! m#! is e#sy& Det #ll three #rri(e #t the s#me co!cl'sio!+ th#t it is ossible% with me#!s #!$ tech!i)'es which #re commo! *!owle$ge to$#y& .! s ite o" m#!y simil#rities to A#my#ti!'s boo*% Orwell's 1984 m#*es its ow! origi!#l co!trib'tio! to the )'estio!% ;ow c#! h'm#! !#t're be ch#!ge$C . w#!t to s e#* !ow #bo't some o" the more s eci"ic#lly 0Orwelli#!0 co!ce ts& The co!trib'tio! o" Orwell which is most imme$i#tely rele(#!t "or the ye#r 19E1 #!$ "or the !ext "i(e to "i"tee! ye#rs is the co!!ectio! he m#*es betwee! the $ict#tori#l society o" 1984 #!$ #tomic w#r& Atomic w#rs h#$ "irst # e#re$ #s e#rly #s the "orties> # l#rge7sc#le #tomic w#r bro*e o't #bo't te! ye#rs l#ter% #!$ some h'!$re$s o" bombs were $ro e$ o! i!$'stri#l ce!ters i! E'ro e#! R'ssi#% Wester! E'ro e% #!$ 5orth Americ#& A"ter this w#r% the go(er!me!ts o" #ll co'!tries bec#me co!(i!ce$ th#t the% co!ti!'#tio! o" the w#r wo'l$ me#! the e!$ o" org#!i1e$ society% #!$ he!ce o" their ow! ower& For these re#so!s !o more bombs were $ro e$% #!$ the three existi!g big ower blocs 0merely co!ti!'e$ to ro$'ce #tomic bombs #!$ store$ them ' #g#i!st the $ecisi(e o ort'!ity which they #ll belie(e will come soo!er or l#ter&0 .t rem#i!s the #im o" the r'li!g #rty to $isco(er how 0to *ill se(er#l h'!$re$ millio! eo le i! # "ew seco!$s witho't gi(i!g w#r!i!g be"oreh#!$&0 Orwell wrote 1984 be"ore the $isco(ery o" thermo!'cle#r We# o!s% #!$ it is o!ly # historic#l "oot!ote to s#y th#t i! the "i"ties the (ery #im which w#s ,'st me!tio!e$ h#$ #lre#$y bee! re#che$& The #tomic bomb which w#s $ro e$ o! the @# #!ese cities seems sm#ll #!$ i!e""ecti(e whe! com #re$ with the m#ss sl#'ghter which c#! be #chie(e$ by thermo!'cle#r we# o!s with the c# #city to wi e o't 9F er ce!t or 1FF er ce!t o" # co'!try's o 'l#tio! withi! mi!'tes& The im ort#!ce o" Orwell's co!ce t o" w#r lies i! # !'mber o" (ery *ee! obser(#tio!s& First o" #ll% he shows the eco!omic sig!i"ic#!ce o" co!ti!'o's #rms ro$'ctio!% witho't which the eco!omic system c#!!ot "'!ctio!& F'rthermore% he gi(es #! im ressi(e ict're o" how # society m'st $e(elo which is co!st#!tly re #ri!g "or w#r% co!st#!tly #"r#i$ o" bei!g #tt#c*e$% #!$ re #ri!g to "i!$ the me#!s o" com lete #!!ihil#tio! o" its o o!e!ts& Orwell's ict're is so erti!e!t bec#'se it o""ers # telli!g #rg'me!t #g#i!st the o 'l#r i$e# th#t we c#! s#(e "ree$om #!$ $emocr#cy by co!ti!'i!g the #rms r#ce #!$ "i!$i!g # 0st#ble0 $eterre!t& This soothi!g ict're ig!ores the "#ct th#t with i!cre#si!g tech!ic#l 0 rogress0 4which cre#tes e!tirely !ew we# o!s #bo't e(ery G ye#rs% #!$ will soo! ermit the $e(elo me!t o" 1FF or 1FFF i!ste#$ o" 1F meg#to! bombs6% the whole society will be "orce$ to li(e% '!$ergro'!$% b't th#t the% $estr'cti(e stre!gth o" thermo!'cle#r bombs will #lw#ys rem#i! gre#ter th#! the $e th o" the c#(es% th#t the milit#ry will become $omi!#!t 4i! "#ct% i" !ot i! l#w6% th#t "right #!$ h#tre$ o" # ossible #ggressor will $estroy the b#sic #ttit'$es o" # $emocr#tic% h'm#!istic society& .! other wor$s% the co!ti!'e$ #rms r#ce% e(e! i" it wo'l$ !ot le#$ to the o'tbre#* o" # thermo!'cle#r w#r% wo'l$ le#$ to the $estr'ctio! o" #!y o" those )'#lities o" o'r society which c#! be c#lle$ 0$emocr#tic%0 0"ree%0 or 0i! the Americ#! tr#$itio!&0 Orwell $emo!str#tes the ill'sio! o" the #ss'm tio! th#t $emocr#cy c#! co!ti!'e to exist i! # worl$ re #ri!g "or !'cle#r w#r% #!$ he $oes so im#gi!#ti(ely #!$ brilli#!tly& A!other im ort#!t #s ect is Orwell's $escri tio! o" the !#t're o" tr'th% which o! the s'r"#ce is # ict're o" 8t#li!'s tre#tme!t o" tr'th% es eci#lly i! the thirties& 9't #!yo!e who sees i! Orwell's $escri tio! o!ly #!other $e!'!ci#tio! o" 8t#li!ism is missi!g #! esse!ti#l eleme!t o" Orwell's #!#lysis& ;e is #ct'#lly t#l*i!g #bo't # $e(elo me!t which is t#*i!g l#ce i! the wester! i!$'stri#l co'!tries #lso% o!ly #t # slower #ce th#! it is t#*i!g l#ce i! R'ssi# #!$ 2hi!#& The b#sic )'estio! which Orwell r#ises is whether there is #!y s'ch thi!g #s 0tr'th&0 0Re#lity%0 so the r'li!g #rty hol$s% 0is !ot exter!#l& Re#lity exists i! the h'm#! mi!$ #!$ !owhere else &&& wh#te(er the H#rty hol$s to be tr'th is tr'th&0 ." this is so% the! by co!trolli!g me!'s mi!$s% the H#rty co!trols tr'th& .! # $r#m#tic co!(ers#tio! betwee! the rot#go!ist o" the H#rty #!$ the be#te! rebel% # co!(ers#tio! which is # worthy #!#logy to Dostoye(s*y's co!(ers#tio! betwee! the .!)'isitor #!$ @es's% the b#sic ri!ci les o" the H#rty #re ex l#i!e$& .! co!tr#st to the .!)'isitor% howe(er% the le#$ers o" the H#rty $o !ot e(e! rete!$ th#t their system is i!te!$e$ to m#*e m#! h# ier% bec#'se me!% bei!g "r#il #!$ cow#r$ly cre#t'res% w#!t to esc# e "ree$om #!$ #re '!#ble to "#ce the tr'th& The

le#$ers #re #w#re o"% the "#ct th#t they themsel(es h#(e o!ly o!e #im% #!$ th#t is ower& To them 0 ower is !ot # me#!s> it is #! e!$& A!$ ower me#!s the c# #city to i!"lict '!limite$ #i! #!$ s'""eri!g to #!other h'm#! bei!g0<I=& Hower% the!% "or them cre#tes re#lity% it cre#tes tr'th& The ositio! which Orwell #ttrib'tes here to the ower elite c#! be s#i$ to be #! extreme "orm o" hiloso hic#l i$e#lism% b't it is more to the oi!t to recog!i1e th#t the co!ce t o" tr'th #!$ re#lity which exists i! 1984 is #! extreme "orm o" r#gm#tism i! which tr'th becomes s'bor$i!#te$ to the H#rty& A! Americ#! writer% Al#! ;#rri!gto!% who i! :i"e i! the 2ryst#l H#l#ce <4= gi(es # s'btle #!$ e!etr#ti!g ict're o" li"e i! # big Americ#! cor or#tio!% h#s coi!e$ #! excelle!t ex ressio! "or the co!tem or#ry co!ce t o" tr'th+ 0mobile tr'th&0 ." . wor* "or # big cor or#tio! which cl#ims th#t its ro$'ct is better th#! th#t o" #ll com etitors% the )'estio! whether this cl#im is ,'sti"ie$ or !ot i! terms o" #scert#i!#ble re#lity becomes irrele(#!t& Wh#t m#tters is th#t #s lo!g #s . ser(e this #rtic'l#r cor or#tio!% this cl#im becomes 0my0 tr'th% #!$ . $ecli!e to ex#mi!e whether it is #! ob,ecti(ely (#li$ tr'th& .! "#ct% i" . ch#!ge my ,ob #!$ mo(e o(er to the cor or#tio! which w#s '!til !ow 0my0 com etitor% . sh#ll #cce t the !ew tr'th% th#t its ro$'ct is the best% #!$ s'b,ecti(ely s e#*i!g% this !ew tr'th will be #s tr'e #s the ol$ o!e& .t is o!e o" the most ch#r#cteristic #!$ $estr'cti(e $e(elo me!ts o" o'r ow! society th#t m#!% becomi!g more #!$ more o" #! i!str'me!t% tr#!s"orms re#lity more #!$ more i!to somethi!g rel#ti(e to his ow! i!terests #!$ "'!ctio!s& Tr'th is ro(e! by the co!se!s's o" millio!s> to the slog#! 0how c#! millio!s be wro!g0 is #$$e$ 0#!$ how c#! # mi!ority o" o!e be right&0 Orwell shows )'ite cle#rly th#t i! # system i! which the co!ce t o" tr'th #s #! ob,ecti(e ,'$gme!t co!cer!i!g re#lity is #bolishe$% #!yo!e who is # mi!ority o" o!e m'st be co!(i!ce$ th#t he is i!s#!e& .! $escribi!g the *i!$ o" thi!*i!g which is $omi!#!t i! 1984% Orwell h#s coi!e$ # wor$ which h#s #lre#$y become #rt o" the mo$er! (oc#b'l#ry+ 0$o'blethi!*&0 0Do'blethi!* me#!s the ower o" hol$i!g two co!tr#$ictory belie"s i! o!e's mi!$ sim'lt#!eo'sly% #!$ #cce ti!g both o" them& &&& This rocess h#s to be co!scio's% or it wo'l$ !ot be c#rrie$ o't with s'""icie!t recisio!& 9't it #lso h#s to be '!co!scio's% or it wo'l$ bri!g with it # "eeli!g o" "#lsity #!$ he!ce o" g'ilt&0 .t is recisely the '!co!scio's #s ect o" $o'blethi!* which will se$'ce m#!y # re#$er o" 1984 i!to belie(i!g th#t the metho$ o" $o'blethi!* is em loye$ by the R'ssi#!s #!$ the 2hi!ese% while it is somethi!g )'ite "oreig! to himsel"& This% howe(er% is #! ill'sio!% #s # "ew ex#m les c#! $emo!str#te& We i! the West s e#* o" the 0"ree worl$%0 i! which we i!cl'$e !ot o!ly systems li*e those o" the /!ite$ 8t#tes #!$ E!gl#!$% which #re b#se$ o! "ree electio!s #!$ "ree$om o" ex ressio!% b't we i!cl'$e #lso 8o'th Americ#! $ict#torshi s 4#t le#st we $i$ #s lo!g #s they existe$6> we #lso i!cl'$e (#rio's "orms o" $ict#torshi li*e those o" Fr#!co #!$ 8#l#1#r% #!$ those i! 8o'th A"ric#% H#*ist#! #!$ Abyssi!i#& While we s e#* #bo't the "ree worl$% we #ct'#lly me#! #ll those st#tes which #re #g#i!st R'ssi# #!$ 2hi!# #!$ !ot #t #ll% #s the wor$s wo'l$ i!$ic#te% st#tes which h#(e olitic#l "ree$om& A!other co!tem or#ry ex#m le o" hol$i!g two co!tr#$ictory belie"s i! o!e's mi!$ sim'lt#!eo'sly #!$ #cce ti!g them c#!% be "o'!$ i! o'r $isc'ssio! #bo't #rm#me!t& We s e!$ # co!si$er#ble #rt o" o'r i!come #!$ e!ergy i! b'il$i!g thermo!'cle#r we# o!s% #!$ close o'r mi!$s to the "#ct th#t they might go o"" #!$ $estroy o!e thir$ or o!e h#l" or most o" o'r o 'l#tio! 4#!$ th#t o" the e!emy6& 8ome go e(e! "'rther> th's ;erm#! 3#h!% o!e o" the most i!"l'e!ti#l writers o! #tomic str#tegy to$#y% st#tes% 0&&& i! other wor$s% w#r is horrible% there is !o )'estio! #bo't it% b't so is e#ce% #!$ it is ro er with the *i!$ o" c#lc'l#tio!s we #re m#*i!g to$#y to com #re the horror o" w#r #!$ the horror o" e#ce% #!$ see how m'ch worse it is0 <G=& 3#h! #ss'mes th#t thermo!'cle#r w#r might me#! the $estr'ctio! o" sixty millio! Americ#!s% #!$ yet he "i!$s th#t e(e! i! s'ch # c#se 0the co'!try wo'l$ reco(er r#ther r# i$ly #!$ e""ecti(ely%0 <E= #!$ th#t 0!orm#l #!$ h# y li(es "or the% m#,ority o" the s'r(i(ors #!$ their $esce!$#!ts0 <J= wo'l$ !ot be recl'$e$ by the tr#ge$y o" thermo!'cle#r w#r& This (iew hol$s+ #6 th#t we re #re "or w#r i! or$er to reser(e e#ce% b6 th#t e(e! i" w#r bre#*s o't #!$ the R'ssi#!s *ill o!e thir$ o" o'r o 'l#tio! #!$ we $o the s#me to them 4#!$ i" we c#!% o" co'rse% more6 still% eo le will li(e h# y li(es #"terw#r$s% c6 th#t !ot o!ly w#r b't #lso e#ce is horrible% #!$ it is !ecess#ry to ex#mi!e how m'ch more horrible w#r is th#! e#ce& Heo le who #cce t this *i!$ o" re#so!i!g #re c#lle$ 0sober0> those who $o'bt th#t i" two millio! or sixty millio! $ie$ it wo'l$ le#(e Americ# esse!ti#lly '!to'che$ #re !ot 0sober0> those who oi!t to the olitic#l #!$ sychologic#l #!$ mor#l co!se)'e!ces o" s'ch $estr'ctio! #re c#lle$ 0'!re#listic&0 While this is !ot the l#ce "or # le!gthy $isc'ssio! o! the roblem o" $is#rm#me!t% these ex#m les most be gi(e! i! or$er to m#*e the oi!t which is esse!ti#l "or the '!$erst#!$i!g o" Orwell's boo*% !#mely th#t

0$o'blethi!*0 is #lre#$y with 's% #!$ !ot merely somethi!g which will h# $ict#torshi s&

e! i! the "'t're% #!$ i!

A!other im ort#!t oi!t i! Orwell's $isc'ssio! is closely rel#te$ to 0$o'blethi!*%0 !#mely th#t i! # s'ccess"'l m#!i 'l#tio! o" the mi!$ the erso! is !o lo!ger s#yi!g the o osite o" wh#t he thi!*s% b't he thi!*s the o osite o" wh#t is tr'e& Th's% "or i!st#!ce% i" he h#s s'rre!$ere$ his i!$e e!$e!ce #!$ his i!tegrity com letely% i" he ex erie!ces himsel" #s # thi!g which belo!gs either to the st#te% the #rty or the cor or#tio!% the! two l's two #re "i(e% or 08l#(ery is Free$om%0 #!$ he "eels "ree bec#'se there is !o lo!ger #!y #w#re!ess o" the $iscre #!cy betwee! tr'th #!$ "#lsehoo$& 8 eci"ic#lly this # lies to i$eologies& @'st #s the .!)'isitors who tort're$ their riso!ers belie(e$ th#t they #cte$ i! the !#me o" 2hristi#! lo(e% the H#rty 0re,ects #!$ (ili"ies e(ery ri!ci le "or which the soci#list mo(eme!t origi!#lly stoo$% #!$ it chooses to $o this i! the !#me o" soci#lism&0 .ts co!te!t is re(erse$ i!to its o osite% #!$ yet eo le belie(e th#t the i$eology me#!s wh#t it s#ys& .! this res ect Orwell )'ite ob(io'sly re"ers to the "#lsi"ic#tio! o" soci#lism by R'ssi#! comm'!ism% b't it m'st be #$$e$ th#t the West is #lso g'ilty o" # simil#r "#lsi"ic#tio!& We rese!t o'r society #s bei!g o!e o" "ree i!iti#ti(e% i!$i(i$'#lism #!$ i$e#lism% whe! i! re#lity these #re mostly wor$s& We #re # ce!tr#li1e$ m#!#geri#l i!$'stri#l society% o" #! esse!ti#lly b're#'cr#tic !#t're% #!$ moti(#te$ by # m#teri#lism which is o!ly slightly mitig#te$ by tr'ly s irit'#l or religio's co!cer!s& Rel#te$ to this is #!other ex#m le o" 0$o'blethi!*%0 !#mely th#t "ew writers% $isc'ssi!g #tomic str#tegy% st'mble o(er the "#ct th#t *illi!g% "rom # 2hristi#! st#!$ oi!t% is #s e(il or more e(il th#! bei!g *ille$& The re#$er will "i!$ m#!y other "e#t'res o" o'r rese!t Wester! society i! Orwell's $escri tio! i! 1984% ro(i$e$ he c#! o(ercome e!o'gh o" his ow! 0$o'blethi!*&0 2ert#i!ly Orwell's ict're is excee$i!gly $e ressi!g% es eci#lly i" o!e recog!i1es th#t #s Orwell himsel" oi!ts o't% it is !ot o!ly # ict're o" #! e!emy b't o" the whole h'm#! r#ce #t the e!$ o" the twe!tieth ce!t'ry& O!e c#! re#ct to this ict're i! two w#ys+ either by becomi!g more ho eless #!$ resig!e$% or by "eeli!g there is still time% #!$ by res o!$i!g with gre#ter cl#rity #!$ gre#ter co'r#ge& All three !eg#ti(e /to i#s m#*e it # e#r th#t it is ossible to $eh'm#!i1e m#! com letely% #!$ yet "or li"e to go o!& O!e might $o'bt the correct!ess o" this #ss'm tio!% #!$ thi!* th#t while it might be ossible to $estroy the h'm#! core% o" m#!% o!e wo'l$ #lso i! $oi!g this $estroy the "'t're o" m#!*i!$& 8'ch me! wo'l$ be so tr'ly i!h'm#! #!$ l#c*i!g i! (it#lity th#t they wo'l$ $estroy e#ch other% or $ie o't o" sheer bore$om #!$ #!xiety& ." the worl$ o" 1984 is goi!g to be the $omi!#!t "orm o" li"e o! this globe% it will me#! # worl$ o" m#$me!% #!$ he!ce !ot # (i#ble worl$ 4Orwell i!$ic#tes this (ery s'btly by oi!ti!g to the m#$ gle#m i! the H#rty le#$er's eyes6& . #m s're th#t !either Orwell !or ;'xley or A#my#ti! w#!te$ to i!sist th#t this worl$ o" i!s#!ity is bo'!$ to come& O! the co!tr#ry% it w#s )'ite ob(io'sly their i!te!tio! to so'!$ # w#r!i!g by showi!g where we #re he#$e$ "or '!less we s'ccee$ i! # re!#iss#!ce o" the s irit o" h'm#!ism #!$ $ig!ity which is #t the (ery roots o" Occi$e!t#l c'lt're& Orwell% #s well #s the two other #'thors% is sim ly im lyi!g th#t the !ew "orm o" m#!#geri#l i!$'stri#lism% i! which m#! b'il$s m#chi!es which #ct li*e me! #!$ $e(elo s me! who #ct li*e m#chi!es% is co!$'ci(e to #! er# o" $eh'm#!i1#tio! #!$ com lete #lie!#tio!% i! which me! #re tr#!s"orme$ i!to thi!gs #!$ become # e!$ices to the rocess o" ro$'ctio! #!$ co!s'm tio! <8=& All three #'thors im ly th#t this $#!ger exists !ot o!ly i! 2omm'!ism o" the R'ssi#! or 2hi!ese (ersio!s% b't th#t it is # $#!ger i!here!t i! the mo$em mo$e o" ro$'ctio! #!$ org#!i1#tio!% #!$ rel#ti(ely i!$e e!$e!t o" the (#rio's i$eologies& Orwell% li*e the #'thors o" the other !eg#ti(e /to i#s% is !ot # ro het o" $is#ster& ;e w#!ts to w#r! #!$ to #w#*e! 's& ;e still ho es 77 b't i! co!tr#st to the writers o" the /to i#s i! the e#rlier h#ses o" Wester! society% his ho e is # $es er#te o!e& The ho e c#! be re#li1e$ o!ly by recog!i1i!g% so 1984 te#ches 's% the $#!ger with which #ll me! #re co!"ro!te$ to$#y% the $#!ger o" # society o" #'tom#to!s who will h#(e lost e(ery tr#ce o" i!$i(i$'#lity% o" lo(e% o" critic#l tho'ght% #!$ yet who will !ot be #w#re o" it bec#'se o" 0$o'blethi!*&0 9oo*s li*e Orwell's #re ower"'l w#r!i!gs% #!$ it wo'l$ be most '!"ort'!#te i" the re#$er sm'gly i!ter rete$ 1984 #s #!other $escri tio! o" 8t#li!ist b#rb#rism% #!$ i" he $oes !ot see th#t it me#!s 's% too&
Foot!otes+ <1= The l#test e$itio! w#s 'blishe$ by the 5ew Americ#! :ibr#ry o" Worl$ :iter#t're% .!c&% 5ew Dor*% 19EF 42DBE6& <B= .t sho'l$ be #$$e$ th#t @#c* :o!$o!'s The .ro! ;eel% the re$ictio! o" "#scism i! Americ#% is the e#rliest o" the mo$er! !eg#ti(e /to i#s& <I= 2"& this $e"i!itio! o" oWer i! Erich Fromm% Esc# e "rom Free$om& 5ew Dor*+ Ri!eh#rt K 2o&% .!c&% 1941& Also 8imo!e Weil's $e"i!itio! th#t ower is the c# #city to tr#!s"orm # li(i!g erso! i!to # cor se% th#t is to s#y% i!to # thi!g& <4= Al#! ;#rri!gto!% :i"e i! the 2ryst#l H#l#ce& 5ew Dor*+ Al"re$ A& 3!o " .!c&% 19G9> :o!$o!+ @o!#th#! 2# e% :t$&%

19EF& <G= 2"& ;& 3#h!% O! Thermo!'cle#r W#r& Hri!ceto!+ Hri!ceto! /!i(ersity Hress% 19EF% & 4J% !& 1 <E= .bi$&% & J4& <J= .bi$&% & B1& <8= This roblem is #!#ly1e$ i! $et#il i! Erich Fromm% The 8#!e 8ociety& 5ew Dor*+ Ri!eh#rt K 2o&% .!c&% 19GG&

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