Television Colors

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Esther Yong (2 Amber) HOW DIFFERENT TELEVISIONS PRODUCE COLOR Plasma televisions Plasma display panels contain an array

o !"ndreds o t!o"sands o small# l"mino"s cells sand$ic!ed %et$een t$o panes o &lass' T!e cells !old neon# (enon and ot!er inert &ases and )"st a to"c! o merc"ry' Fl"orescent li&!ts !a*e merc"ry' Indeed# t!e cells in plasma TVs are li+e neon lamps ,, t!ey &lo$ $!en electri ied t!ro"&! electrodes' W!en c!ar&ed# merc"ry is *apori-ed and &as in t!e cells orm a plasma' Electrons stri+e merc"ry particles in t!e plasma' T!is momentarily increases t!e ener&y le*el o t!e merc"ry molec"le# $!ic! s!eds t!e ener&y as "ltra*iolet .UV/ p!otons' Lo$er ener&y p!otons are mostly in t!e in rared ran&e' 0"t a%o"t 12 percent are in t!e *isi%le li&!t ran&e# so t!e inp"t ener&y is s!ed# mostly as !eat or in rared# %"t also as *isi%le li&!t' Dependin& on t!e p!osp!ors "sed# di erent colors o *isi%le li&!t are emitted' Varyin& t!e *olta&e to t!e cells allo$s di erent colors' LCD televisions Li3"id crystal displays "se li&!t mod"latin& properties o li3"id crystals# $!ic! don4t emit li&!t directly' LCD tele*isions prod"ce a %lac+ and colored ima&e %y selecti*ely ilterin& a $!ite li&!t' T!e li&!t so"rce comes rom a series o cold cat!ode l"orescent lamps .CCFLs/ at t!e %ac+ o t!e screen' Some LCD TVs !a*e a ro$ o

lamps on an ed&e5 ot!ers t!at o er %etter contrast !a*e ro$s o %ac+li&!ts across t!e %ac+ o t!e screen'

TFT LCD TFT 6lass !as as many TFTs as t!e n"m%er o pi(els displayed# $!ile a Color Filter 6lass !as color ilter $!ic! &enerates color' Li3"id crystals mo*e accordin& to t!e di erence in *olta&e %et$een t!e Color Filter 6lass and t!e TFT 6lass' T!e amo"nt o li&!t s"pplied %y 0ac+ Li&!t is determined %y t!e amo"nt o mo*ement o t!e li3"id crystals in s"c! a $ay as to &enerate color' SED-Television 7 traditional CRT !as a sin&le electron &"n pistol t!at ires at t!e p!osp!or"s screen t!at li&!ts "p to create t!e ima&e %"t t!is ne$ SED !as an e*en %etter electron mac!ine &"n# t!at is t!o"sands o tiny electron &"ns +no$n as 8emitters9 one or eac! s"% pi(el'

OLED Television

In OLED displays# eac! pi(el contains or&anic car%on %ased compo"nds $!ic! prod"ce red# &reen# and %l"e elements m"c! t!e same as plasma# $!ic! $or+ in con)"nction to create t!e millions o colors' Inso ar as eac! pi(el contains all t!e elements needed to prod"ce e*ery color in t!e spectr"m# color in ormation is acc"rately reprod"ces $it! OLED tec!nolo&y' OLED tele*isions "tili-e sli&!t electric c"rrents to e(cite a com%ination o or&anic p!osp!orescence encased in a plastic s"%strate' OLED needs *ery little po$er to operate so in t!eory s!o"ld last or a *ery lon& time as t!e parts are not ta(ed si&ni icantly' Bla ! an" #hite television In a %lac+,and,$!ite TV# t!e screen is coated $it! $!ite p!osp!or and t!e electron %eam :paints: an ima&e onto t!e screen %y mo*in& t!e electron %eam across t!e p!osp!or a line at a time' To :paint: t!e entire screen# electronic circ"its inside t!e TV "se t!e ma&netic coils to mo*e t!e electron %eam in a :raster scan: pattern across and do$n t!e screen' T!e %eam paints one line across t!e screen rom le t to ri&!t' It t!en 3"ic+ly lies %ac+ to t!e le t side# mo*es do$n sli&!tly and paints anot!er !ori-ontal line# and so on do$n t!e screen' In t!is i&"re# t!e %l"e lines represent lines t!at t!e electron %eam is :paintin&: on t!e screen rom le t to ri&!t# $!ile t!e red das!ed lines represent t!e %eam lyin& %ac+ to t!e le t' W!en t!e %eam reac!es t!e ri&!t side o t!e %ottom line# it !as to mo*e %ac+ to t!e "pper le t corner o t!e screen# as represented %y t!e &reen line in t!e i&"re' W!en t!e %eam is :paintin&#: it is on# and $!en it is lyin& %ac+# it is o so t!at it does not lea*e a trail on t!e screen' T!e term horizontal retrace is "sed to re er to

t!e %eam mo*in& %ac+ to t!e le t at t!e end o eac! line# $!ile t!e term vertical retrace re ers to its mo*ement rom %ottom to top' 7s t!e %eam paints eac! line rom le t to ri&!t# t!e intensity o t!e %eam is c!an&ed to create di erent s!ades o %lac+# &ray and $!ite across t!e screen' 0eca"se t!e lines are spaced *ery closely to&et!er# yo"r %rain inte&rates t!em into a sin&le ima&e'

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