Hairdressing Salons and Barbers Fact Sheet
Hairdressing Salons and Barbers Fact Sheet
Hairdressing Salons and Barbers Fact Sheet
Although hairdressers and barbers do not intentionally pierce the skin infections can occur from accidental cuts or be transferred from one client to another as a result of poor infection control. This fact sheet provides an overview of simple steps your business can take to ensure the health and safety of your staff and clients.
A well designed and constructed premise can help to reduce the risk of infection. At a minimum the following construction standards are required. Walls, floors and ceiling must be constructed of materials that are smooth, impervious to moisture and capable of being easily and effectively cleaned. Fixtures, fittings and equipment are to be constructed of materials that are smooth, impervious to moisture, durable and capable of being easily and effectively cleaned. An equipment cleaning basin is to be provided with a supply of warm water mixed from a hot and cold water supply through a single spout.
Infection control
Hand washing
Effective hand washing is one of the most important steps to preventing infection. At a minimum, hands must be washed: o o o Before commencing work Before and after each client Any other time hands are likely to be contaminated e.g. after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing etc
Equipment handling
o o o o o Dispose of soiled single use items e.g. blades/razors immediately after the procedure. Store soiled reusable equipment separate to clean equipment. Thoroughly scrub reusable equipment e.g. combs, scissors in warm soapy water between each client. Rinse equipment under hot water and let air dry. Store all clean reusable and single use equipment in a clean, dry, dust free environment.
Blood spills
To ensure your premises is prepared for potential blood spills: Maintain a first aid kit; and Establish connections with a number of medical centres within the area who can be called upon should further medical attention be required. In the event of a blood spill:
Wear single use gloves Apply a clean dressing to the wound and apply pressure to stop the bleeding Seek medical advice Place soiled disposable sharp/s into a sharps container Clean the immediate area with warm soapy water Clean and disinfect any soiled reusable equipment.
Head lice
Head lice are small insects approximately 1-2mm in length that can attach firmly to clean or dirty hair. Once attached improperly treated head lice can breed rapidly and spread from one person to another through contaminated combs, hairbrushes or close contact.
Towels and other washable fabrics are machine washed using the hottest water temperature available and further heated in a dryer for at least 20 minutes. For delicate fabrics that cannot be subjected to such heat soak in warm soapy water for several hours prior to normal laundering.
All hair is swept up and placed in a plastic bag for immediate disposal.
Waste disposal
Any waste generated throughout the day is to be promptly disposed. Any sharps waste generated e.g. blades are to be disposed into a yellow Australian Standards approved sharps container for collection by a licensed clinical waste contractor. Disposal of sharps into the general waste stream is dangerous and illegal.
Business registration
Hairdressing businesses that offer additional treatments such as ear piercing, waxing, manicures or pedicures are required to register their business with Council. To register your business simply complete and return Council's Business Registration Form.
Useful resources
A number of useful fact sheets and codes of best practice are available through the following websites: City of Canada Bay - NSW Department of Health -
Further information
Should you have any enquiries regarding the above information please do not hesitate to contact Council's Environmental Health Team on 9911 6555 between 8:30am and 10am, weekdays.
1a Marlborough Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Tel 9911 6555 Fax 9911 6550