2012 MJC MBT QN Paper For JC2 MBT Revision

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3 FOR 2014 JC2 REVISION 2013 MJC March Block Test Total Marks: 78 Marks Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes

1 A curve is defined by the parametric equations x = sec 2 , y = 2 cot . dy at = . Find the exact value of dx 3


2 3

[Topic not tested in 2014 JC2 MBT]

(i) Given that y = cos 2 x , show that

d2 y = 2cos 2 x . By further differentiation of this dx 2 [4] result, find the Maclaurin series for y , up to and including the term in x4 .
sin 2 x x +4

(ii) Hence, obtain the expansion of

, up to and including the term in x4 .


(a) Evaluate

( ln x )

dx , leaving the answer in exact form.


(b) Find

x2 x 2 x + 2 dx , simplifying your answers.


[Topic not tested in 2014 JC2 MBT]

6 Referred to the origin O, the position vectors of two points A and B are such that OA = a and OB = b . The vectors a and b are given by a = 4ti + 3tk and b = 5i + 2 j 3k , where t is a positive constant.
. +b (i) Give a geometrical interpretation of a


Given that a is a unit vector,

(ii) find the exact value of t , (iii) find the length of projection of b onto a , (iv) find the exact area of triangle OAB.

[2] [2] [3]

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4 7 (a) An open box with a square base is to be made from 100 m2 of cardboard. Assuming that all of the cardboard can be used, find the exact dimensions of the box that will result in the largest volume. [4] (b) The diagram shows an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle. The radius of the circle was initially 15 cm. The figure is continuously shrunk as a whole and the radius of the circle decreases by 0.2 cm/s.

(i) Show that at time t seconds, the area of the inscribed triangle is 3 3 2 (15 0.2t ) cm 2 4


(ii) Calculate the exact rate of change of the area of the inscribed triangle, when [2] t =5. 8 9
[Topic not tested in 2014 JC2 MBT] A plane 1 contains the points A, B and C with coordinates (1, 4, 3) , ( 5, 1, 0 ) and

( 3, 1, 1) respectively.
(i) Find a vector perpendicular to 1 and hence show that the cartesian equation of [3] 1 is x + 2 y + 2 z = 3 .
The plane 2 has equation r = ( 1 2 + 2 ) i + (1 + ) j + ( + 4 ) k .

(ii) Given that 1 and 2 intersect in a line l, find a vector equation of l.

The plane 3 has three possible equations x + y 3 z = 2,
2 x + 3 y z = 1, 2 x 3 y + 3 z = 4. Using part (ii), determine in any order which equation will result in 1 , 2 and 3


(iii) having no point in common, (iv) meeting in the line l, (v) intersecting at only one point and find the coordinates of this point.

[1] [1] [2]

MJC/2012 JC2 March Block Test/9740

5 10
In Singapore, the rate of change of the number of uPhones is proportional to the population of uPhone users at that time. The population of uPhone users was 1.16 million when it was first introduced in 2007, and increased to 1.47 million in 2008. It is assumed that each Singaporean owns no more than one uPhone.

(i) Form a differential equation relating y and t, where y is the population of uPhone users and t is the number of years after the year of introduction. [1] (ii) Solve the differential equation and find the population of uPhone users in 2022. [8] (iii) Explain briefly why the above model is not appropriate. 11
The curve C has equation y = f ( x ) , where f ( x ) = [1] .

(4 + x )

2 2

(i) By using the substitution x = 2 tan t , show that

(4 + x )

2 2

dx =

1 1 x 2x + tan 16 2 4 + x2


where c is an arbitrary constant.

[5] [2]

(ii) Sketch the curve C . (iii) Find the exact value of

f ( x 2 ) dx .


(iv) The region S is bounded by the curve y = f ( x ) , the line y =

x and the y-axis. 16 Find the volume of the solid of revolution formed when S is rotated through 2 radians about the x-axis, giving your answer in an exact form. [3]


(a) A graph is given by the equation ( x + 3) + y 2 = 1 . Determine whether the graph is a function. [1] (b) The function f is defined by
f :x 1

( x a)

x > a, 0 < a < 1.

(i) Find f 1 ( x ) and write down the domain and range of f 1 .


(ii) Sketch on the same diagram the graphs of y = f ( x ) , y = f 1 ( x ) and y = x , giving the equations of all asymptotes. [4]
The function g is defined by g : x e x ,

x < 0.

(iii) Define fg in a similar form and find the range of fg.

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MJC/2012 JC2 March Block Test/9740

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