Chlorella The Emerald Food

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The document discusses Chlorella's high protein content, chlorophyll, and vitamin/mineral content and potential uses as a food supplement, aid in weight control, and applications in space travel and waste management.

Chlorella is a single-celled green algae that is very high in protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. It has almost 3 times the protein of beef and is the richest source of natural chlorophyll.

Chlorella is cultivated through photosynthesis and harvested. It is then processed to remove the outer cell wall for easier digestion. The manufacturing process aims to produce Chlorella economically from waste materials.


B E V.E R L Y A. POT T E R, PHD., et al
Chlorella: The Emerald Food
ISBN: 0-914171-02-X
The Chlorella Story, copyright 1984, Dhyana Bewicke
The Amazing Alchemist, copyright 1984, Beverly A. Potter, Ph.D.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce these books or
portions thereof in any form whatsoever, except for use by a reviewer in
connection with a review.
Publishing by Ronin Publishing Inc. Berkeley, CA
First Printing: November 1984 Current printing 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The material herein is intended for information and study. The publisher
and authors advise any health program be undertaken in conjunction
with your personal physician.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Bewicke, Dhyana.
ChIarella : the emerald food.
Includes bibliographies.-
Contents: The chIarella story / Dhyana Bewicke
The amazing alchemist / Beverly A. Potter.
1. ChIarella as food. 2. ChIarella. 3. Algae
culture. I. Potter, Beverly, A. II. Title.
TX402.B49 1984 641.3 84-22334
ISBN 0-914171-02-X (pbk.)
tke ......
Project Director: Beverly A. Potter
Developmental Editor: Sebastian Orfali
Manuscript Editor: Judith Abrahms
Cover Design: Brian Groppe
Layout & Production: Brian Groppe, Beverly Potter
Data Entry Coordinator: Iris Miller
Typesetting: Generic Typography
Printing: Delta Lithograph
Technical Advisor: Sandy Szabat
Expert Advice: Dr. William Oswald, University of California at
Berkeley; Dr. John West, University of California at Berkeley;
Dr. Mel Avener, NASA; Carole Korb, Sun Chlorella California,
Inc., Redondo Beach, California; Cal Bewicke, Laurel Canyon
Research: Linda Finegold, Anne Moose, David Nonomura
Table Of Contents
Chlorella: The Emerald Food
Book I
The Chlorella Story
Preface by Jeanne Rose 2
A New Frontier'in Food Production 5
The History of Chlorella
What is Chlorella
ChIorella As Food 13
High Protein Content
Analysis of Ingredients
Richest Source of Chlorophyll
Vitamins and Minerals
The Digestibility of Chlorella
Chlorella and Children
How To Use Chlorella As A Daily Food Supplement
Cooking With ChIorella
An Aid In Weight Control 39
How to Use Chlorella with Your Weight-Loss Program
Chlorella and Hunger Control
The Chlorella Slimming Diet
Chlorella and Spirulina: How Do They Compare?
The Chlorella Story Bibliography
Book II
The Amazing Alchemist
Microalgae Production 59
How Chlorella is Manufactured
From Waste to Water 73
The Integrated Park-Pond
From Waste To Food 77
The Integrated Feed Lot
Chlorella in Space 85
Recreating Spaceship Earth
Eliminating World Hunger 91
The Amazing Alchemist Bibliography

The Chlorella Story
1984 Dyana Bewicke
2 CHLORELLA: 'The Emerald Food I Th
Dhyana Bewicke has written an important book in the field of Dr
health and nutrition. Her subject, the Chlorella microalgae, has abc
become the focus of interest and excitement in this country we
through growing awareness of sophisticated technologies of food ch
production, which have been developed in Japan over the past
twenty-five years. In the past two decades Chlorella has become Cr
popular with millions of Japanese people; more recently, its bene- fo(
fits have come to the attention of Americans who are interested in su
nutrition and health. of
One of the greatest factors that make Chlorella an important food
is its extremely high level of chlorophyll, a substance necessary to
good health and detoxification in people and animals alike. I would
even say that chlorophyll is the most important part of microalgae,
providing the most benefits. ChIarella: The Emerald Food explains the
health-giving qualities of Chlorella, and provides much important
information about its nutritional composition. The analyses of
Chlorella are factual and accurate, and the conclusions based on
these analyses provide a framework around which readers can
build nutritional programs for themselves using this potent force
for health.
The Chlorella Story 3
Dhyana Bewicke also provides much easy-to-use information
about the use of Chlorella in weight control and weight loss, as
well as the importance of using Chlorella in dietary programs for
children or older people.
Chlorella is a food of proven benefit, a tremendously promising
food for our time. It has been tested and retested as a food
supplement and as a restorer of health. It is a truly effective means
of insuring health in today's polluted and stressful world.
Jeanne Rose
author of
Jeanne Rose's Herbal {Crossett and Dunlap}
The Herbal {Bantam Books}
The History of Chlorella
In the past few years, many remarkable new foods have become
available to health-conscious American consumers. Soybean prod-
ucts such as tofu and tempeh, nutritional yeasts, and many
traditional healing herbs are widely used by those who seek a
more natural and healthy way of life. The most remarkable New
Age food, which contains the highest concentrations of whole
food nutrition known to exist on Earth, are the single celled
microalgae: Chlorella, Spirulina and Dunianiella.
Microalgae were among the earliest and most primitive life forms
to appear on our planet. They have resided at the very base of the
food chain and have been an indispensable part of the ecosystem
of Earth for about two billion years. Microalgae have been used as
a source of vitamins and protein since ancient times. Early civiliza-
tions, including that of the Aztecs, used microalgae as an impor-
tant part of their diet. Seaweeds (which are another form of algae)
have been used in the Orient for thousands of.years, and are now
well known in the West for their high quality of nutrition.
The Chlorella Story
A New Frontier in
Food Production
6 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food T}
The first scientifically pure cultures of algae were Chlorella vulgaris,
grown in 1890 by the Dutch microbiologist, M.W. Beijerinck. By
1919, Otto Warburg had published articles on his use of dense
laboratory cultures of Chlorella in the study of plant physiology.
After years of intensive research on Chlorella and other micro-
algae, it became clear that microalgae, grown under proper condi-
tions, can produce nutritional benefits more efficiently than those
provided by the higher plants. Early microbiologists speculated
that since algae have such high nutritive value (they contain as
much as 50-600/0 protein), large-scale production could lead to a
revolution in agriculture.
During the 1940s, two researchers, Jorgensen and Convit, fed a
soup made from concentrated Chlorella to 80 patients at a leper
treatment colony in Venezuela. The improvement in those
patients' physical condition was the first documented evidence of
the potential of microalgae as a health supplement.
It was not until the early 1950s, however, that research into the
use of microalgae as a source of food and medicine for human
beings began to gain momentum. This research was spearheaded
by the Japanese, who began with a strain of Chlorella. The use of
Chlorella as a premium-quality natural food supplement quickly
caught on In Japan, where it is used daily by millions of people.
Now, thirty years after serious research on this source of nutri-
tion began, Chlorella is just becoming available to the American
Calloway, a renowned nutritionist, pointed out that microalgae
are technologically attractive because they offer the promise of
increased food production without dependence on traditional
agricultural methods. Numerous studies conducted in the 1950s
and 1960s in the U.S., the U.S.S.R., Japan, Germany, and Israel on
Desired Properties of Algae
As a Source of Single Cell Protein
From: E.W. Becker & L.V. Venkataraman, Production of Algae in Pilot
Plant Scale: Experiences of the Indo-German Project, in Shelef and
Soeder (eds), Algae Biomass, 1980, p.37
High growth rate
High protein content
Resistance to climatic variations
High nutritive value and digestibility; non-toxic
Good acceptability and palatability
Simple harvesting and processing methods
Economical production


7 The Chlorella Story
the mass production of microalgae led to the conclusion, however,
that microalgae were not cost-competitive with protein sources
such as soybeans. This situation may be changing now. Dual-
purpose cultivation, such as the work done by Dr. Oswald of the
University of California (Berkeley) in which algae are used to
simultaneously treat animal waste and produce animal feed and
other new technologies being developed throughout the world
promise to make the cost of production competitive with that of
conventional food sources.
For about thirty years a lucrative industry producing and market-
ing Chlorella products has flourished in Japan and Taiwan. For
example, in 1980 large amounts of Chlorella meal were sold in
bulk for between $5 and $15 per kilogram, for use in pills, extracts,
and other health food items. Japanese consumption of Chlorella
products is over $100 million per year. Chlorella is popularly used
in Japan as an ingredient of wasabi, the hot green horseradish eaten
with sushi. Perhaps its most popular use is as an ingredient in
fortified noodles.
se of
What is Chlorella?
A new surge of Chlorella cultivation has been spurred by the
growth of the profitable health food industry in the United States
and by recent advances in enhancing its digestibility. The recent
popularity of Spirulina has brought fresh attention to the unique
benefits of Chlorella as well.
During the 1960s there was a flurry of research on the use of
Chlorella in outer space for producing oxygen and food. A kind of
"algae space race" developed between the u.s. and the U.S.S.R.
Dr. Oswald demonstrated that algae could support the entire
metabolism of an adult man. His results were soon duplicated by
Kondratyev and others in the Soviet Union. The results pointed to
algae as an ideal food for outer space travel.
CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food 8
From its beginnings, the science of algo-culture, the process of
growing and harvesting microalgae, has pursued a remarkable
visionary goal: a totally new method of food production which
applies advanced concepts of science to SOlne of the most primitive
organisms on our planet. In the near future, this new food source
could help solve many of the problems of a hungry world. Today
we have the opportunity to experience the first fruits of this
vision: the tremendous benefits of the great nutritional value
contained in Chlorella microalgae.
Chlorella is a green micro-alga. Unlike more highly evolved life
forms, it is unicellular which means each cell is a self sufficient
organismwith all the plant's life functions taking place inside each
cell. This structure results in unusually high concentrations of
important nutritional ingredients. Algal Culture, a source book of
microalgae edited by John S. Burlow and published by the Carne-
gie Institute states: C
The Chlorella Story
s of
k of
ne- Microphotograph of purely cultured Chlorella; Courtesy of Sun
Chlorella Company
10 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
In order to understand the interest in algae as a possible
source of food, we must recall the general features of the
structure of higher plants. Except for the leafy vegetables
that are eaten because of their flavor and vitamin content,
man's vegetable foods are derived from a portion of the
plant, such as its fruit, seeds, or roots. These parts contain
the largest concentrations of protein, which is essential for \
the reproduction of the plant, and of fats and carbohy-
drates. which are forms of food stored for the use of the
next generation. The sum total of these nutritive parts of
the plant, however, is usually half or less of the total dry
weight. Most of the plant structure serves mechanical pur-
poses: roots to anchor it and to draw food and water from
the soil, leaves to expose large areas of cells to sunlight, and
stems to support the leaves and fruits in the light and air.
The primitive character of their cellular organization gives
microscopic algae a number of advantages over higher
plants as a source of food. In the first place, the entire plant
is nutritious, for little of it is devoted to indigestible struc-
Each minute Chlorella cell measures only two to eight thou-
sandths of a millimeter (micron) in diameter - about the size of a
human red blood cell. The difference is that Chlorella is ball-
shaped, whereas red blood cells are disk-shaped and about two,
microns thick. In fact, Chlorella cells are so small that one quart of
a bright green, moderately thin suspension of Chlorella contains
over 20 billion cells. While it is growing vigorously on a sunny
summer day, this number of cells may easily double.
Chlorella grows in fresh water the world over. Along with other 1
photosynthetic microalgae which produce chlorphyll and convert f]
carbon dioxide to oxygen through the process of photosynethsis, 0
Chlorella has played a vital role in creating the biosphere, the C4
entire network of life of planet Earth. When microalgae first g
evolved, the atmosphere of the earth contained onlyO.lio oxygen, t
photosynethic microalgae, reproducing for millions of years
before the emergence of higher life forms, are largely responsible (
for the 20A>-oxygen atmosphere in which we now live and
The Chlorella Story
Today these ancient organisms, so vital to the creation of our
life-nurturing biosphere, are playing a newand important role for
mankind. As we look deeper into the qualities of the minute green
ChIarella cell, we get a glimpse of the many unfathomed mysteries
that are woven into Nature's chain of life.
This photograph depicts the structure of a chlorella cell magni-
fied 10,000 times. Its actual diameter is six microns. The surface
of Chlorella is covered by the cell wall (CW), composed chiefly of
cellulose. Within the cell can be seen the nucleus (N), starch
grains (5), and belt-shaped chloroplasts (C) in which photosyn-
thesis takes place. The mitochondrion (M) the part of the cell
where metabolic energy is produced. P oto Courtesy of Sun
Chlorella Company.
The Chlorella Story
ChIarella as Food
High Protein Content
One of the most remarkable nutritional qualities of Chlorella is its
high protein content. Chlorella is over 60% protein, including all
the amino acids essential to human nutrition. This is almost three
times as high as the protein content of beef, which is one of the
most concentrated protein sources available. For its protein alone,
Chlorella is useful as a protein powder, a food supplement, or a
survival food.
In general, dried algae cells yield approximately 50% protein which
is more than can be found in the edible parts of the higher plants.
Algae protein, moreover, has a low molecular weight, which
means that it may readily be digested, provided that the algal cell
walls have been disrupted. A research group led by Dr. Dam
concluded that humans are able to consume algae as their principal
protein source for 20 days with no ill effects. In this study, algae
was used to supply 90-95'> of the protein needs of the human
CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Analysis of Ingredients in
Per 100 grams
General Analysis
Crude protein
Crude fat
Crude fiber
Crude ash
Aspartic acid
Glutanic acid
Amino Acids
421 cal
3.46 w/wolo
1.29 w/w%
3.64 w/w%
5.20 w/wolo
2.70 w/wolo
2.78 w/wolo
6.29 w/w%
2.93 w/wolo
3.40 w/wolo
4.80 w/wolo
0.38 w/wolo
3.64 w/wolo
1.45 w/w%
2.63 w/w%
5.26 w/w%
2.09 w/wolo
3.08 w/w%
0.06 w/w%
0.59 w/w%
e Chlorella Story
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin A activity
Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll b
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Pantothenic acid
Folic acid
Para-amino-benzoic acid
Fatty Acids
55,500 IU/100g
180.8 mg
1.469 mg
613 mg
1.5 mg
1.7 mg
125.9 mcg
15.6 mg
less than 1 IU
23.8 mg
1.3 mg
26.9 mcg
191.6 mcg
165 mg
205 mg
959 mg
315 mg
71 mg
0.08 mg
SUN-CHLORELLA "A" is a product of Sun Chlorella Company.
16 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Foo( Tt
It is almost certain that in the future algo-culture will playa vita pc
role in meeting the food needs of our protein-hungry world ba
Algo-culture systems can produce up to 15,000 kilograms 0: pic
protein per acre per year. This is almost 20 times the per-acre yiel( Fr
of soybeans, which is the highest yield obtainable through con yi4
ventional agriculture. Through alga-culture, in theory, a proteiI th
supply adequate for the entire planet could be produced in an are. 45
the size of the state of Maine. th
Acres Required to Produce Protein Levels Equivalent to
One Acre of Algae Production
1 acre
Based on data from William J. Oswald and Clarence G. Golueke, Large-
Scale Production of Algae, in Mateles and Tannenbaum (eds), Siugle-Cell
Profeiu, The MIT Press, 1968, p.294.
____________________________ at
Drs. Oswald and Golueke report, "In studies with our large-scalE
pilot plant at Richmond, California we demonstrated that wit} 0
proper cultivation, at least 20 tons (dry wt.) of algae having. lit
protein concentration of 50 per cent will be produced per acre 0 ti<
e Chlorella Story
and per year. ~ n terms o ~ yield of digestible protein on an areal
basis! this yield IS 10 to 15 tImes g r t ~ r than that of an acr.e of land
lanted with soybeans and 25 to 50 tImes that planted wIth corn.
tram the standpoint of food energy, our algal cultures have
yielded dietary energy on an areal basis at rates 8 times as great as
that of sugar beets, 22 times as great as great as that of corn, and
45 times as great as that of potatoes. It is therefore quite obvious
that controlled microalgal culture is potentially a more productive
use of land for protein than is conventional agriculture."l
Dr. Lee established that Chlorella could replace one-third of the
protein supplied by eggs and up to two-thirds of the protein
supplied by fish for adult humans, without impairment of nitro-
gen retention. In a study covering ten experimental periods of five
days each, the lowest nitrogen digestion observed was 66% in
diets consisting of algae alone. Higher rates of digestion, up to
75;0, appeared when algae were combined with other protein.
These findings seem to indicate that algae are metabolized more
efficiently when consumed in small amounts or when combined
with more digestible proteins.
Richest Source of Chlorophyll
Although Chlorella and other microalgae such as Spirulina are
perhaps best known for their protein content, they contain many
other nutrients that are more important to us who live in Western
countries with relatively abundant sources of protein.
One particular characteristic of Chlorella has led some to call it
"the supreme whole food supplement." This is its high concentra-
tion of chlorophyll, which is often as high as 70/0 of its total weight.
ChIarella is by far the richest source of chlorophyll available for
CHLORELL : The Emerald Fa 18
human nutrition today. Alfalfa, for instance, contains about 0.2A
chlorophyll. Chlorella contains almost ten times more chlorophyl
than Spirulina (0.7610), and more than most of the processe
chlorophyll supplements available in health food stores whic
rarely contain more than 4-510. Jeanne Rose, the well-know
herbal practitioner and author, believes that chlorophyll is th
most important component of microalgae.
Chlorophyll, as much as any existing biological substance, deserve
the title of "nature's healer." Its effectiveness is recognized by
many naturopathic healers, doctors, and research scientists; it
remarkable benefits have been noted in professional journals suc
as The American Journal of Surgery and The New England Journal of
Medicine. The first comprehensive report on the therapeutic uses
of chlorophyll appeared in the July 1940 issue of The American
Journal of Surgery. In this report, many distinguished doctors
reported on cases that ranged from deep internal infections to ski
disorders to advanced pyorrhea. All these disorders responde
positively to treatment with chlorophyll.
The catalogue of chlorophyll's positive effects is astonishing in its
range. Here are some of its benefits, as detailed by Dr. Bernard
Jensen, respected naturopathic practitioner and author of Health
Magic Through Chlorophyll:
Provides iron, builds red-blood count and improves anemia
Removes toxins, cleans and deodorizes bowel tissue
Purifies the liver and aids hepatitis
Heals sores, soothes inflamed tonsils, ulcers and painful
hemorrhoids and piles
Feeds heart tissues and improves varicose veins
Regulates menstruation and improves milk production
Aids hemophilia, improves diabetes and asthma
A high red blood cell count is one of the prerequisites of good
health, high energy, and immunity to disease. This is why the red
blood cell count is one of the first things routinely tested by
doctors. The chlorophyll provided by Chlorella can play an impor-
tant role in maintaining and improving this vital aspect of health.
Chlorophyll is literally the blood of plants. Its chemical structure
closely resembles that of hemin, which combines with protein to
form hemoglobin in the human bloodstream. Chlorophyll and
hemin molecules are, in fact, almost identical in structure, the only
difference being that the chlorophyll molecule is built 7 around an
atom of magnesium whereas hemin is built around an atom of
iron. For this reason, chlorophyll has proven useful in building up
the red blood cell count in humans. It is the red blood cells that
carry oxygen to the tissues, and a low red blood cell count results
in anemia. Many naturopathic practitioners recommend high-
chlorophyll foods as an important feature of diets designed to
prevent or cure anemia.
Chlorophyll as a Blood Builder
Chlorophyll Detoxifies
e Chlorella Story
Adangerous problem facing humanity today is the rising level of
radiation. We can control our exposure to many forms of pollu-
tion, such as chemicals in food or synthetic drugs, but there is little
we can do to reduce the amount of radiation we receive. Certain
foods, however, appear to have the ability We can control our
exposure to many forms to eliminate radioactive materials from
~ body. Miso, a fermented soybean paste popular in the Orient,
IS one. Its beneficial effects were discovered by the Japanese after
t ~ first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Later it was
dIscovered that the active ingredient, which occurs naturally in
Miso, is a compound called zybicolin.
Tests performed by the u.s. Army showed that chlorophyll-rich
foods may also be effective in decreasing the effects of radiation.
In one o n t r o l l ~ study it was found that a chlorophyll-rich diet
doubled the life span of animals exposed to fatal doses of radiation.
Dr. Bernard Jensen states that chlorophyll can be used as an
antidote to pesticides and can help eliminate drug deposits from
the body.
20 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Chlorophyll is a powerful cleanser and builder of the hemoglobin
in the blood. It helps remove toxic materials from all internal
organs, thereby allowing a natural healing process to take place.
Even people in good health can also experience great benefits from
raising their consumption of chlorophyll because its powerful
action strengthens resistance to all kinds of disease.
As the world around us becomes more industrialized, and a
greater proportion of the population is forced to live in congested
urban areas, we need all the protection we can get against the
many dangerous substances that occur in our food, in our drink-
ing water, and in our air. Chlorella with its high chlorophyll
content and detoxifying properties promises to offer all-round
Chlorella is the most highly concentrated source of natural chlo-
rophyll available; moreover, it is a whole vegetable food that
contains many other protective, health-building vitamins and
minerals. Chlorella enables us to take large amounts of chloro-
phyll without using chemically extracted products. For instance,
one tablet of Chlorella contains as much chlorophyll as about 35
tablets of alfalfa, which is often taken as a chlorophyll supplement.
he ChIorella Story
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)
Dr. Fujimaki of the People's Scientific Research Center at Koganei in
Tokyo discovered a physiologically activating substance which acceler-
ates the growth and development of new cells in organisms in Chlorella
called the Chlorella Growth Factor.
This physiologically activating substance is unique and is produced only
in the process of rapid multiplication with photosynthesis. The structure
of CGF is quite complex. It is composed of a nucleotide-peptide contain-
ing sulphur, polysaccharides and other substances.
Its molecular weight is in the range of 3-13x10 to the 3rd power and it
can be dialyzed with a cellophane membrane. The main sugar element of
the nucleotide is glucose, but it also contains munnose, rhamnose,
arabinose, galactose and zylose. The amino acid structure of the peptide
includes glytamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, serine, glycine and pro-
lamine. The greatest absorption takes place at ultra violet wave lengths
of 260 mu. The least takes place at 240 mu.
Nucleic acids are important to the survival of all things as they are
contained in all cells. It is this nucleic acid which controls reproduction of
new cells, cell division, cell growth and the production of energy. Poly-
saccharides are effective in stimulating the immune system.
CGF is the most valuable substance contained in Chlorella and only in
Chlorella can this substance be found. This is what makes Chlorella the
most beneficial and popular health food today in Japan.
Research is being done, not only in Japan, but all over the world to
further understand the positive effects that CGF has on the functioning
of the human body.
Copyright: Sun Chlorella CA. Inc., 2641 Manhattan Beach Blvd.,
Redondo Beach, CA 90278, (213)536-0088. Reprinted by permission.
Flow sheet for CGF production. Reprinted by permission from:
Production and Development of Chlorella and Spirulina in Tai-
wan, Pinnan Soong in Shelef and Soeder (eds), Algae Biomass,
Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1980, p. 103.
22 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food

heat exchange
Crude ex tract __---'- Wet
I I drying
Protein mud -.LClear liquid 2nd Grade chlorella powder
drying I
In the vacuum
Feed protein Crude CGF

Idrying Ifreeze drying
Feed CGF powder
Vitamins and Minerals
ChIarella is a rich, all-vegetable source of many nutritive sub-
stances. One of the most important of these is pro-vitamin-A, the
form of Vitamin A which is most easily digested and which cannot
build up to toxic levels in the body.
After protein deficiency, lack of Vitamin A is the most common
deficiency on the planet. A United States Department of Agricul-
ture survey in 1968 revealed that even in America, 25% of the
population were deficient in this vitamin. Today an adequate
source of Vitamin A is particularly important because this sub-
stance is depleted in the body by a number of environmental
factors. For example, its assimilation and storage are inhibited by
low-level exposure to pesticides.
Vitamin A plays several significant roles in the functioning of the
body. It is essential, for example, for the formation of visual purple
in the retina of the eye. Visual purple is the substance that enables
us to see at night. It is also important for healthy lungs. MIT
scientists, at a symposium on lung biochemistry in 1970, reported
that Vitamin A helps protect the lungs from the two major com-
ponents of air pollution, ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Strong indi-
cations have been found that Vitamin A prevents the formation of
pre-cancerous cells. Dr. Saffioti, a director of the National Cancer
Institute, reported at the Ninth International Cancer Congress
that Vitamin A can help prevent lung cancer. Additionally,
Vitamin A is important to the growth of infants and children.
Consequently, it is important that there be an adequate supply of
it in the milk of nursing mothers.
The Chlorella Story
Just one tablespoon of Chlorella provides about 200A, of the
minimum daily requirement of Vitamin A in its safest form,
A Perfect Food?
Chlorella is remarkable in that it contains nearly all the nutritional
elements required for a healthy life. For example, Chlorella contains the
following basic nutritional ingredients: Nutrition Information (per 100g)
Vitamin A
400-460k cal
55, 500 IU
Analysis from Sun Chlorella Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan
Niacin has been used in massive doses to treat schizophrenia.
Smaller doses are calming and contribute to emotional balance.
The MiamI Heart Institute has reported success in using niacin as
a nutritional supplement in a program designed for people who
have suffered heart attacks. Chlorella is one of the richest natural
sources of niacin. One tablespoon provides 100
iU of the daily adult
Another common deficiency is folic acid. Chlorella contains almost
twice as much folic acid as beef liver, which is usually thought of as
the richest source. During pregnancy inadequate amounts of folic
acid can lead to miscarriage. Many women with histories of mis-
carriages have had normal deliveries after folic acid deficiencies
were corrected. The November 1970 issue of the Journal of the
American Medical Associationreported that folic acid deficiencies are
more common among women who use birth control pills. These
drugs appear to inhibit absorption of folic acid.
24 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Vitamin B12 has the most complex chemical structure of all the
vitamins and is the only vitamin which has not yet been synthes-
ized. Adequate levels of B12 promote feelings of well-being, good
appetite, and a high energy level. It helps prevent deterioration of
the cells.
Muscle meats and beef liver are the richest traditional sources of
B12 liver, but it is found in much smaller quantities in milk and
cheese. The threat of B12 deficiency and the possibility of perni-
cious anemia in extreme cases is a common argument against
vegetarian diets. However, the availability of microalgae products
are great news for vegetarians. Chlorella contains more B12 than
beef liver, and is an excellent, clean source of this important
"feel-good" vitamin. One tablespoon of Chlorella provides 333%
of the daily adult requirement of Vitamin B12.
The Chlorella Story
Calcium, the most plentiful mineral in the body, is the basic
substance of bones, teeth and nails, and is essential for the correct
functioning of the nervous system. Hyper-nervousness and diffi-
culty in sleeping are often related to calcium deficiencies. Since all
the calcium in the body is replaced every six years, and may not be
replaced adequately, such deficiencies are quite common. Although
milk is high in calcium, the process of pasteurization creates
changes in its chemical structure which make the calcium hard to
digest. Many naturopathic practitioners believe that this hard-to-
digest calcium from milk bl.lilds up in the joints and contributes to
arthritis. Chlorella contains significant amounts of calcium. One
tablespoon provides 120% of the daily adult requirement.
Iron is essential to the formation of the red blood cells that carry
oxygen to all parts of the body and is naturally associated with
vitality and a healthy-looking complexion. Chlorella is an excellent
source of iron. This fact, in addition to the high chlorophyll con-
tent of Chlorella, makes it a potent tonic for the bloodstream. Low
energy levels and feelings of depression can result from an inade-
quate intake of iron. Extreme iron deficiency leads to anemia. Iron
is particularly important for women, who need one and one-half
times as much as do men. One tablespoon of Chiorella provides
320% of the adult daily requirement of iron.
Chlorella is also a good source of zinc, which is essential to the
proper functioning of the brain, and is frequently recommended
for those who are recuperating from illnesses or operations affect-
ing the brain.
Chlorella is more than a collection of important vitamins and
minerals. Being a whole plant, it contains all the complex chemical
compounds necessary to the protoplasm of life. Usually we eat the
seed, the root, the leaf, or the fruit of a plant. When eating
Chlorella or other microalgae we eat the whole plant, getting the
elements necessary for the plant's reproduction, its growth, and
the maintenance of its life cycle.
The nutrition contained in the Chlorella cell is highly concen-
trated, but the durable cell without special processing wall makes
Chlorella hard to digest. Most of the digestibility problems
reported have arisen from sun-dried Chlorella. Over a period of
more than twenty years of Chlorella production and use in Japan,
many advances have been made in processing the cells to improve
26 CHLORELLA: The Emerald F
The Digestibility of Chlorella
Drs. Tannenbaum and Miller demonstrated that the nutritional
value and the degree of utilization of unicellular protein can be
enhanced by processing it. Protein digestibility, biological value,
and net protein utilization (NPU) were improved when the cells
were ruptured by passing them through a homogenizer. Digesti-
bility was increased from 55.6% to 67.3
, biological value from
62.3% to 70.0
, and NPU from 34.5% to 47.1;6. Dr. Labuza
discovered that spray drying resulted in less nutritive and func-
tional change than other methods, and therefore recommended
this process for commercial use.
The spray-fed, single-drum dryers, however, that are generally
used to process the algae, are expensive to buy and to operate.
Efforts are currently in progress to find simpler alternatives.
According to Dr. Venkataraman, one breakthrough is drum dry-
ing. In this process the cell walls explode when the algae is exposed
to 120 degrees Fahrenheit for about ten seconds.
Dr. Enebo recently published a report on methods of breaking the
cell wall and releasing the protein from the microalgae. Among
the methods he describes are the use of mechanical breakdown
using the stomach juice of the snail Helix pomatia. Researchers
Mitsuda, Yasumoto, and Nakamura claim that urea soaking is an
excellent method of processing algae to release nutrients. Re-
searchers Cook, Lau, and Bailey have demonstrated that steam
cooking for about 20 minutes improves digestibility.
The Chlorella Story
The Sun Chlorella Company of Kyoto, Japan has developed a
process for breaking down the cell wall. The process involves a
physical disintegration of the wall without use of chemicals, acids
or other impurities. They have patented the process.
Clearly, further research into the processing of algae should be a
high priority. All that is necessary to make the high protein availa-
ble is a low cost processing technology.
Chlorella and Children
Young children seem to be naturally attracted to Chlorella. Once
they've tried it, they often insist on eating it every day. This may
be because children still have the inborn instinct that impels them
to eat what is good for them. Chlorella is packed with the kind of
nutrition that growing children need, such as protein, Vitamin A,
calcium, iron, and Vitamin B12, in a natural, unrefined form. In
addition, many children are more susceptible than adults to colds,
flus, and excess mucus. The abundant chlorophyll in Chlorella
helps in the prevention and cure of all these disorders. Jeanne Rose
suggests that a child's health, energy level, and resistance to colds
are all improved by a diet that includes Chlorella and Vitamin C.
The effects of Chlorella on children were investigated in a pro-
gram at the Medical Division of Nagasaki University in Japan. One
group of children was given a Chlorella supplement with their
daily diet. The control group received the same diet without
Chlorella. The researchers reported that after six weeks the chil-
dren who received Chlorella showed a measurable increase over
the control group in muscular strength, measured by hand-grab
and back-muscle tests. They also caught fewer colds and flus than
did the control group during the course of the experiment.
How to Use Chlorella as a
Daily Food Supplement
Chlorella provides many unique benefits unavailable in processed
multi-vitamin. Most notably, it contains elements, such as chloro-
phyll, that are not included in any multi-vitamin currently on the
market. Chlorella's high concentration of nutrition is not pro-
duced by any process of refinement or chemical extraction; it
occurs naturally in the Chlorella cell.
CHLORELLA: The Emerald Fo
Chlorella powder can be mixed directly with water or with fruit or
vegetable juices. And it can be used in a number of cooked dishes.
For example, a spoonful or two can be added to soups, salad
dressings, and dips. Some people keep the powder in a shaker next
to their salt and pepper so that they can easily sprinkle it into
cooking food. When a small amount of Chlorella is added to a dip
mix, the dip takes on a pleasant pale green color similar to that of a
creamy Guacamole. Chlorella is especially beneficial when used
with wheat products, such as noodles, because its high lysine
content compensates for the low level of lysine in wheat.
Because Chlorella is a whole food, there is little danger tha
children will take too much of it, as they might with many syn
thetic or highly processed vitamin supplements. It is difficult to
determine the sources or processing methods used to produce
most vitamins available today. Chlorella, on the other hand, is one
of the few potent food supplements for children that is totally
Chlorella powder is often pressed into tablets, without the use of
any binders or fillers. Tablets provide a convenient way to take
Chlorella with, or instead of, other vitamin products. The tablet
form is especially useful for traveling, because it can provide
substantial nutrition wheN it is difficult to find the kinds of
healthy foods prepared at home.
The Chlorella Story
Recommended Dosage
Although you may take as many Chlorella tablets per day as you like, the
typical user in Japan reports that they use:
-For general prevention and maintenance: approximately 15-20
tablets (3-4 grams) per day.
-When actual symptoms become apparent indicating the neces-
sity of Chlorella treatment: approximately 25-30 tablets (5-6
grams) per day.
From: Japan Chlorella Treatment Center, Kyoto, Japan.
Taken as a daily food supplement, Chlorella produces noticeable
health benefits. It provides the highest level of chlorophyll availa-
ble in any form. Because chlorophyll is such a powerful detoxifier
and so greatly aids the entire digestive process, a high-chlorophyll
diet increases our ability to absorb all the other nutrients in
Chlorella and in other foods. Indeed, thousands of people who
have used Chlorella regularly report that it is the one food sup-
plement that really makes a difference in the way they feel.
30 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Fa
Possible Temporary Reactions
Chlorella may be taken alone or in conjunction with medications. No
negative side-effects have been found in using Chlorella.
The following initial reactions may be noticed:
-Intestinal gases may be released due to rejuvenation of the
peristaltic action of the intestines. This will cease as the intes-
tines become cleansed.
-Irregularity of bowel movement, nausea or slight fever may be
noticed in a small number of people. This symptom usually
disappears within 2-3 days, very occasionally taking up to ten.
Again, this is merely an indication that the Chlorella is actively
working. These reactions are most prevelant in those persons
who need the Chlorella the most.
-Allergy sufferers sometimes break out in pimples, rashes, boils
or eczema, in some cases accompanied by itching. This means
that the drive to regain homeostasis is being accelerated and the
body is actively working to expel toxins.
-Bowel movements may become greenish in color. This simply
means that excess chlorophyll is being expelled.
The above reactions should not be taken as side-effects but as favorable
reactions which appear as part of the body's process while taking Chlo-
rella. These indications show that the Chlorella is working.
FROM The Japan Chlorella Treatment Center.
The Chlorella Story
Cooking with Chlorella
The most striking thing about Chlorella is its color. A very small
amount will turn anything containing it green. It may be mixed
with foods of similar colors, such as green pasta; or its color may be
masked by darker colors, such as that of brownies, or it can be used
in recipes that take advantage of its color, such as Aquamole, a
guacamole-style chlorella-tofu dip.
Chlorella's taste is distinctive. To get accustomed to it, you may
wish to start by using it lightly - just a little each day. In the
course of developing a taste, you can mix it with strongly-flavored
foods such as onions, garlic, and spices. You will find that it has a
rich aftertaste.
If the Chlorella has been processed, as is the case with virtually all
commercially available Chlorella, you will receive the maximum
value of its vitamins by cooking it lightly or not at all, or serving it
in a drink or as a dressing. (Should you have any unprocessea
Chlorella, you can break down its cell walls by steaming it for 20
minutes.) Blend or sprinkle Chlorella into well-cooked dishes just
before serving. It is important to store it in air-tight and lightproof
containers at cool temperatures. Remember, you get the best
nutritive value from the protein in Chlorella if you eat it in
combination with other proteins.
How you use Chlorella is limited only by your imagination and
taste. If you've never tried cooking with microalgae try the follow-
ing delicious recipes which will help you get started. Many of the
recipes are based on those in Earthrise Spirulina promotional
brochure. Try themwith Spirulina, another nutricious microalgae
available at your local health food store.
32 CHLORELL : The Emerald F
Emerald Nectar
8 oz. apple juice
1-2 tablespoon lemon juice
tablespoon Chlorella
1-3 dashes cinnamon
Mix in blender for ten seconds. Drink the sweet green-
apple foam as fresh as possible.
The Chlorella Story
Emerald Veggie
8 oz. tomato and/or carrot juice
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon ChIarella
Dash of cayenne
Blend until smooth and enjoy.
34 CHLORELLA: The Emerald F
Emerald Pesto
1 bunch fresh basil
1 tablespoon Chlorella
14-lh head garlic (more if you dare)
114 cup olive oil
lh cup Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon lemon juice
114 cup pine nuts
lIb. pasta
Combine basil, Chlorella, garlic and olive oil in blender
and puree. Lightly toast pine nuts in olive oil. Combine
emerald puree, cheese, lemon juice and pine nuts. Stir
into hot pasta. The heat from the pasta will cook the
garlic lightly, removing its bite. Delicious!
The Chlorella Story
Emerald Miso-Mushroom Soup
For Two
2 tablespoon butter
lh cup diced mushrooms
lh thinly slice onion
;4 cup bouillon/soup stock
7 tablespoon miso (mix varieties)
1 tablespoon Chlorella
2 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon minced parsley
In a skillet, melt the butter; add mushrooms and onion
and saute until lightly brown (about 4 minutes). Add
l-lh cups soup stock and bring to boil. In a bowl, add
miso and Chlorella to remaining soup stock and mix
until dissolved. Mix into hot soup. Add cheese, Worces-
tershire sauce, salt and pepper and bring to boil. Remove
from heat and stir in lemon juice and garnish with
36 CHLORELLA: The Emerald F
Emerald Clam Dip
1 small package cream cheese
l-lh teaspoon lemon juice
lh teaspoon soy sauce
1 small can minced clams
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon Chlorella
1-2 large garlic cloves
Pepper or tabasco sauce
Drain the clams and mince the garlic cloves and blend
into the cream cheese. Add lemon juice, soy sauce,
melted butter. Season to taste with pepper or tabasco.
Serve with raw fresh vegetables or chips.
The Chlorella Story

Aquamo e
1 minced garlic clove
2 tablespoon Chlorella
2 tablespoon yogurt or mayonnaise
1 cube chicken bouillon (crushed)
teaspoon sugar or honey
2 teaspoons soy sauce
Ground pepper
cup tofu
Optional: 3-4 tablespoon ground toasted sesame
seeds, cayenne or tabasco
Combine all ingredients and puree. This is delicious in
tacos or on crackers.
38 CHLORELLA. The Emerald Food
Emerald Candy
1 cup unsalted nut butter (peanut, almond or cashew)
1 cup honey or maple syrup
1 cup carob powder
lh cup toasted sesame seeds
lh cup Chlorella
Melt nut butter and honey over low flame. Stir fre-
quently to prevent burning. Stir in carob, sesame seeds
and Chlorella. Blend thoroughly until mixture begins to
shine. Pour into pan and refrigerate at least 2 hours. Cut
into squares. Great for parties and snacks.
Being overweight is one of the major health problems facing
America today. Fortunately, it is one of the easiest to remedy.
When the functions of the body are balanced, and the processes of
assimilation and elimination are working correctly, the body will
naturally revert to its ideal weight. Moreover, the desire for food
will manifest itself in harmony with the maintenance of this
The ChIorella Story
An Aid in Weight Control
Unfortunately, this natural way of functioning is often upset by
the processed foods that constitute the bulk of the American diet
today. The nutritionally empty calories of sugar, fats, white flour,
and denatured food products do not provide the nutrition we need
for health. In many people this lack of nutrition results in cravings
for more food, which can lead to overeating. The effects of over-
eating spiral upward, because a diet heavy in refined foods tends to
create a sluggish digestion, constipation, and a build-up of toxic
materials in the digestive tract. In turn, this process inhibits
proper assimilation of vitamins and other vital elements in food,
which leads to an even greater desire to overeat. A hard-to-break
cycle is thus established, one that most dieters quickly recognize.
Chlorella tables are not "diet pills" that inhibit appetite. They work
to restore the natural balance of the body so that a real and
permanent change can be made in overall health and weight. Thus
Chlorella can be incorporated as a healthy and effective addition to
any well-balanced weight loss program.
40 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Real progress can be made toward permanent weight loss when
the intestinal tract is cleansed and functioning properly, when the
excess material that caused the congestion has been eliminated
from the intestines and they can once more function normally.
Drs. Saito and Okanao found that Chlorella actually stimulates
the peristaltic action of the intestines, thus promoting a speedy,
healthy digestive process. Interestingly, Dr. Bernard Jensen
reports that chlorophyll has this effect. It may be, then, that the
high chlorophyll content of Chlorella is responsible for this stimu-
lation. The chlorophyll in Chlorella feeds the friendly bacteria in
the stomach, and it is well known that chlorophyll is a good
neutralizer of stomach acids. A grandmother from San Francisco
I am 73 years old and have always had difficulty with my
digestion, and have also suffered from severe constipation.
Now that I take Chlorella regularly, I no longer experience
any of these problems. I also have greatly increased energy
and have lost several pounds of excess weight.
The fact that Chlorella stimulates peristalsis in the intestines is
undoubtedly one reason it is such an effective addition to any
weight-loss program. Sluggish digestion is often one of the con-
tributing causes of overweight. It is hard to make real progress
toward a permanently normal weight until this problem is cleared
up. When the digestive system is functioning properly, the body
can effectively eliminate the excess material that contributes to
overweight. Chlorella's beneficial effects on the peristaltic action
of the intestines will immediately assist in the cleansing action
vital to this process. In addition, the high levels of easily assimi-
lated nutrition in Chlorella provide the real food needed by the
body, thus reducing the cravings that lead to "eating binges."
Yamagishi, head of the Clinic Hospital of Tokyo, studied infants
who were unable to digest milk formula and who even developed
allergic reactions to it. When a formula made with Chlorella was
used, the infants digested it with no problems. If even these babies
can assimilate Chlorella, anyone can!
Through scientific testing - and through its use over the past 25
years by millions of people of all ages - it has been proven that the
super-nutrition in Chlorella can be assimilated by even the most
delicate systems. In fact, Chlorella has positive effects that actually
improve the entire digestive process. The stomach is the "power
plant" of the body, and the benefits it receives from the regular use
of Chlorella are reflected in higher levels of health and energy.
The Chlorella Story
Many people have experienced great success in using Chlorella as
part of a weight-loss program. An award-winning television pro-
ducer wrote:
I was about a hundred pounds overweight and, though I had
tried numerous diets, I was unable to lose this excess weight.
However, when I began to include one-fifth of an ounce of
Chlorella in my natural diet, I noted an immediate improve-
ment. After one year I had lost all of the excess one hundred
pounds. My mother had a similar problem and also achieved
excellent results in weight loss with a combination of Chlo-
rella and natural foods.
Because Chlorella works to restore the natural balance of the
body, it is also very good for people who need to build appetite and
muscle. For those who are weak or debilitated, Chlorella is an
excellent food supplement for restoring the energy necessary to
rebuild health and strength.
42 CHLOREL A: The Emerald F
How to Use Chlorella With Your
Weight-Loss Program
Chlorella can be used effectively with any well-balanced weight-
loss program. The beneficial effects of its cleansing properties
often bring results without any strict changes in the daily diet. For
the best results, four or five tablets should be taken three times a
day before meals. If powdered Chlorella is used, about one tea-
spoon can be stirred into a glass of water or juice.
Because Chlorella is a whole food, it does not suppress the appe-
tite. Rather it satisfies appetite while providing the energy and
well-being that result from good nutrition. Many people who use
Chlorella discover that they simply lose their desire for unneces-
sary meals and snacks, and do not even miss them!
There are hundreds of slimming diets, and almost as many theor-
ies as to how to lose weight. The experience of most dieters
indicates that strict diets do not usually work permanently. Once
the dieting period is over, the old habits, which caused the over-
weight in the first place, return. The real necessity for long-term
weight control is to establish new, more enjoyable, healthier eat-
ing habits.
A good daily diet should contain large proportions of whole,
unprocessed foods such as whole-grain breads, salads, fresh fruit
and juices. These will naturally encourage the dieter to eat less
sugar, sweet baked good$, and heavy foods such as fats and meats.
As we discover the wide range and the delicious flavors of the
many foods Nature has to offer, our cravings for "junk food"
naturally diminish.
Chlorella and Hunger Control
A diet such as this tends to re-establish the natural balance of the
body, so that severe weight problems can be permanently relieved.
ChIarella is a powerful tool that works with other natural foods to
accelerate this process.
The Chlorella Story
Much has been written recently about the ability of the amino acid
phenylalanine to suppress the appetite center of the brain. A
recent article in a major national magazine actually connected the
high phenylalanine content of Spirulina with its ability to aid in the
loss of weight. Chlorella contains a slightly higher percentage of
phenylalanine in its protein than does Spirulina. However, it is
premature to make definite claims that this amino acid is effective
in weight control, because research into the question is still in
Whether or not research proves these claims to be true, however,
it would be a mistake to focus on this "miracle pill" aspect of
ChIarella in relation to weight-loss programs. Although the
manufacturers of diet pills would have us believe otherwise, there
really is no such thing as a miracle diet pill. Chlorella performs
miracles, by aiding our bodies, the real miracle workers, to tune
into the natural energies and instincts for health that lie within
each one of us.
CHLORELLA: The Emerald F
The Chlorella Slimming Diet
Each of us has an individual set of nutritional requirements: we all
need different quantities and kinds of food. These requirements
arise from factors such as lifestyle, metabolism, and persona
preferences. For this reason, it would be impossible to impose one
diet successfully on everyone. Nevertheless, some guidelines can
be helpful. Here is the outline of a weight-loss and health-building
diet which is satisfying, effective, and flexible eI)ough for almost
anyone to follow.
Start the day with one teaspoon of Chlorella dissolved in fresh-
squeezed fruit juice (such as orange, grapefruit, or pineapple), or
in fresh lemonade made from lemon juice and water, sweetened
with a little maple syrup or honey to taste. If you like, you may
substitute five Chlorella tablets taken with herbal tea. Follow this
wi'th a meal of whole grain toast, fruit salad with yogurt, a portion
of hot or cold whole-grain cereal, or any desired combination of
these dishes.
If you feel hungry at this time, eat some fresh fruit with tea or
Again, begin your meal with a teaspoon of Chlorella dissolved in
fruit juice, or with five Chlorella tablets. Follow with a satisfying
meal made up of one or more of the following: salad, steamed
vegetables, soup, sandwich on whole-grain bread with plenty of
greens and sprouts, baked potato, fresh fruit.
The Chlorella Story
Once more, start with one teaspoon or five tablets of Chlorella.
Satisfy your hunger with a meal that includes a good salad as well
as any vegetable dishes (for example, beans, lentils, or baked
potato) that appeal to you.
As you can see, this is not the kind of strict diet usually recom-
mended for weight loss, in which calories are religiously counted
and painful deprivation is demanded. Rather it emphasizes the
importance of eating a satisfying amount of the right kinds of
light, healthful, and unprocessed foods. Dairy foods, such as
cheese and milk, can be eaten in moderation, but it is best to avoid
meat and eggs when trying to lose weight. These foods are high in
fat, and tend to congest the system at a time when the dieter is
seeking to correct the imbalances caused by sluggish elimination.
The Chlorella Slimming Diet is a newconcept in weight loss. It has
been followed successfully by many people who were unable to
make progress with any other method.
The ChIarella Story
Chlorella and Spirulina:
How Do They Compare?
In the future, we will be able to choose among many kinds of
microalgae foods, each with a different nutritional profile and
many different applications in food preparation. At present, the
choices are limited basically to Chlorella and Spirulina. (Duna-
niella, another unicellular green alga, is gaining in popularity.) In
many areas, these two popular microalgae are similar, although
there are a number of important differences. Both contain
between 55% and 65% protein. Measurements vary from one
batch to another because nutrients in the algae are influenced
greatly by growth conditions. In general, Spirulina tends to have a
slighly higher percentage of protein, but the difference is so small
as to be of little significance. For instance, the Chlorella imported
into the U.S. contains slightly over 60% protein; most of the
Spirulina available at present comes from Lake Texcoco in Mexico,
where the growing conditions produce considerable variations in
the protein level, between 60% and 68%.
48 CHLOREL A: The Emerald F
Difference Between Chlorella and Spirulina
Spirulina is a multi-cell spiral shaped plant, and is completely different
from the round single cell of Chlorella. Although Spirulina and Chlorella
may look similar, they are scientifically different. They belong to differ-
ent systems, different class and different order.
Chlorella belongs to the Chlorophyceae class and Chlorococales order,
whereas Spirulina belongs to the Cyanophyceae class and Nostocales
order. Chlorella is single-celled while Spirulina is multi-celled. Chlorella
has a nucleus and measures three to eight microns in size, whereas
Spirulina is a hundred times larger than Chlorella and has no true
nucleus. Spirulina is herical while Chlorella is spherical.
The main pigmentations produced by photosynthesis differ somewhat.
Chlorella produces chlorophyll a, band B-Carotene, whereas Spirulina
produces chlorophyll a, b, B-Carotene and phycocyanin. They also differ
in structure, Spirulina has neither chloroplasts nor a nuclear membrane.
Chlorella provides twelve times more iron than Spirulina, five times the
chlorophyll and three times more calcium.
It has been stated that the high phenylalanine content of Spirulina
suppresses the appetite center of the brain and aids in weight loss.
Chlorella also contains a high percentage of phenylalanine to aid in
weight loss. However, definite claims that this amino acid is actually
effective in weight control are premature, as research is still in progress.
The Chlorella Story
Protein Content of Chlorella and Spirulina
Chlorella Spirulina
0/0 Protein 57A, 600/0
Amino Acids:
6.09A, 4.59%
1.27% 1.40%
Thr 3.25A, 4.56%
Met 1.55A, 1.370/0
His 1.550/0 1.770/0
Val 4.58A, 6.49%
4.00% 6.03%
Leu 6.00A, 8.02%
4.03% 4.97%
6.30% 6.50%
Based on data from Park Waldrup, "tv1;icroorganism as Feed and Food
Protein," in Altschul and Wilcke (eds), New Protein Foods, Volume 4, Part B:
Animal Protein Supplies, Academic Press, New York: 1981, p.244
Spirulina contains more Vitamin B12 than Chlorella, although the
amount of B12 in Chlorella is considerable. Again, large variations
are observed from one batch to another. According to one large
importer of Spirulina, who has had a number of analyses per-
formed by independent laboratories, the amounts of this vitamin
found in different batches varied by as much as 50A,.
Vitamin B12 1.02 mg/kg 2.00 mg/kg
Niacin 240.00 mg/kg 118.00 mg/kg
Calcium 3450.00 mg/kg 1315.00 mg/kg
Iron 570.00 mg/kg 528.00 mg/kg
Zinc 39.00 mg/kg 46.50 mg/kg
CHLORELLA: The Emerald Fo 50
Comparison of Chlorella and Spirulina
Chlorella Spirulina
Nutritional profiles are very similar, except in the case of chloro-
phyll. Chlorella contains almost ten times as much chlorophyll as
Spirulina. By comparison with other common sources
of chlorophyll, Spirulina contains large amounts (for example,
Spirulina contains 0.7616, alfalfa contains 0.2%). Chlorella, how-
ever, is a green alga, as opposed to a blue-green one, and contains
up to 70/0 chlorophyll.
In combination with this high level of chlorophyll, Chlorella's high
iron content makes it an unusually effective builder of red blood
cells in humans. The red blood cell count is one of the primary
factors on which health, resistance to infection, and the circulation
of oxygen to the muscles and brain.
It is important to consider the differences in the methods of
cultivation used to produce Chlorella and Spirulina. Although the
Spirulina from Lake Texcoco is heat-sterilized to eliminate live
bacterial contamination, it is not possible when harvesting a wild
crop of this kind to exclude all other foreign organisms or mate-
51 The Chlorella Story
For example, scientists Becker and Venkataraman, in their report
on the results of their Indo-German pilot plant, caution that 1/algae
are able to accumulate high amounts of substances from the
medium which may lead to harmful side-effects in humans after
consuming [them]. Most attention in this respect is given to the
amount of heavy metals... found in algae. Contamination sources
are: the water, the fertilizer, or emissions from industrial waste
gases. Besides the fact that varying quantities of metals have been
detected in algae grown under outdoor conditions, wrong and
exaggerated estimations of this hazard have brought discredit
upon potential utilization of microalgae.//
At present there is considerable controversy over the matter of
contamination. Marketers of wild Spirulina claim that Spirulina
pond contamination is minimal or nonexistent. However, several
leading microbiologists specializing in algo-culture have cautioned
that contamination can be a considerable problem in wild strains
of microalgae harvested for commercial use.
Earthrise Farms in the Imperial Valley in southern California, the
only commercial producers of Spirulina in the United States, have
solved this problem. Their Spirulina is grown under controlled
conditions and tested several times a day and before bottling by
qualified scientists. Earthrise Spirulina has had no contamina-
tion problems. Similarly, Chlorella produced by the Sun Chlorella
Company in Japan is cultivated in large modern facilities under
sterile conditions. Consumption of products from these compan-
ies is safe.
A number of news features on television have reported gastroin-
testinal problems experienced by people who consumed wild Spiru-
lina. All unicellular algae are known to cause some minor gastroin-
testinal disturbance during the first few days of use in large
quantities. However, controlled studies show that this is part of
the adjustment process and quickly passes. When Chlorella is
integrated into one's diet in small quantities, it rarely causes
intestinal discomfort.
1 Oswald, W. J. and C. G. Golueke, Large-Scale Production of
Algae, in Mateles and Tannenbaum (eds), Single-Cell Protein, The
MIT Press, Cambridge, 1968, p.294-295
52 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
2 Becker, E.W., and L. V. Venkataraman, Production of Algae in
Pilot Plant Scale: Experiences of the Indo-German Product, in
Shelef and Soeder (eds), Algae Biomass, North-Holland Biomedi-
cal Press, Elsevier, 1980, p.39
The Chlorella Story
Altschul, Aaron M. and Harold L. Wilcke, New Protein Foods, V. 4,
Part B, Academic Press, 1981
Bender, A. E., (ed), Evaluation Of Novel Protein Products, Perganon
Burlew, John S., (ed), Algal Culture: From Laboratory To Pilot Plant,
Carnegie Institute, Washington D.C., 1953
Becker, W. E., and L. V. Venkataraman, Production and Processing
of Algae in Pilot Plant Scale: Experiences of the Indo-German
Project, in Shelef and Soeder (eds), Algae Biomass, Elsevier/North-
Holland Biomedical Press, 1980
Calloway, D. H., The Place of SCP in Man's Diet, in Davis (ed),
Single Cell Protein, Academic Press, 1974, p. 129-146
The Chlorella Story 53
Enebo, L., Evolution of Novel Protein Sources, Pergamon Press, New
York, 1968,p. 93-103
George, Uwe, In The Deserts Of This Earth, Harcourt Brace Jovano-
Hills, Christopher and Hiroshi Nakamura, Food From Sunlight, Uni-
versity of the Trees, 1978
Jensen, Bernard, in Goldman (ed), Health Magic Through Chlorophyll
Jorgensen, J., and J. Convit, Cultivation of Complexes of Algae
With Other Freshwater Microorganisms, in Burlew (ed), Algae
Culture: From Laboratory To Pilot Plant, Carnegie Institute, Washington
D.C., 1955,p. 190-196
Lee, S. K., H. M. Fox, C. Kies and R. Dam, The Supplementary
Value of Algae in Human Diets, Journal of Nutrition, 1967, v. 92, p.
McDowal, Marion G., and Gilbert A. Leville, Feeding Experiments
With Algae, U. S. Army Medical Research and Nutrition Labora-
tory, Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, Co., 1963
Milner, Max, Nevin S. Scrimshaw, and Daniel I. C: Wang, Protein
Resources and Technology: Status and Research Needs, MIT Press
Morimura, Yuji, and Nobuko Tamiya, Preliminary Experiments in
the Use of Chlorella, Food Technology, 1954, v. 8, # 4, p. 179-182
54 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Oswald, W. }., and C. G. Golueke, Large-Scale Production of
Algae, in Mateles and Tannenbaum (eds), Single-Cell Protein, The
MIT Press, Cambridge, 1968
Oswald, W. }., Advances in Environmental Control Studies With A
Closed Ecological System, American Biology Teacher, 1963, Oct., v. 25,
Soong, Pinnan, Production and Development of Chlorella and
Spirulina in Taiwan, in Shelef and Soeder (eds), Algae Biomass,
Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1980, p. 97-121
Waldrup, Park W., Microorganisms As Feed and Food Protein, in
Altschul and Wilcke (eds), New Protein Foods, Academic Press, 1981,
v. 4, Part B, p. 228-249
The Atnazing Alchemist
1984 Potter
The Amazing Alchemist
Microalgae Production
Most commercial production of microalgae involves Chlorella
cultivation ponds in the Far East and Spirulina ponds in Mexico,
California, and Israel. Until recently, progress was retarded by a
number of technical and economic problems.
Production is expensive. Chlorella is produced primarily as a high-
value health food which means that maintaining product quality is
more important than reducing product cost. Health food prices
can support markups of as much as 10000/0 from production costs
of $10/kg. Consequently, there has been little incentive to reduce
prices in this industry. Although the use of algae for animal feed
holds great protential, early hopes for large-scale production of
feed have not yet borne fruit. A market for algae in tropical fish
foods exists but it is economically restricted, and has not attracted
large commercial investments.
There are technical problems too. Besides the problem of breaking
Chlorella's cell-wall, harvesting requires technically sophisticated
and expensive centrifugation or chemical flocculation processes
for separating the algae from the water. Another area of great
potential is industrial chemicals but the low cost of oil-based
products has suppressed their production. On the other hand, the
rising price of oil, the search for natural product substitutes, and
the growth of new agricultural technology are beginning to turn
these problems around.
60 The Amazing Alchemis
Open Air Ponding Systems
Cultivation of algae usually takes place in a shallow open air pond
with channels that direct the flow of the water. Paddlewheels stir
the water to keep the culture uniformly distributed, to even out
the temperature, to prevent in-pond settling, and to distribute
nutrients. Most of the expense is incurred in harvesting and
drying the algae, purchasing high-quality chemical nutrients,
reconditioning the water, and maintaining the integrity of the
pond channels. Several hundred acres must cultivated in order
to support these costs.
Building concrete ponds is one of the main factors in the high cost
of Chlorella production. Pinnan Soong, in Taiwan, developed a
"red mud plastic," which is resistant to the sun's ultraviolet rays, as
an inexpensive alternative to concrete ponds. In pilot tests the "red
mud plastic" ponds have not corroded after five years of intense
exposure to the elements.
Venkataraman, in India, constructed a modified tank system using
brick and mortar which occupy an area of 128 square meters, and
have a capacity of 12,000 liters. The system is divided into three
sections: an outer shoulder, a middle tank with a sloping floor, and
the central storage tank, which contains a sump pit. The tanks are
connected td one another by a series of evenly spaced conduits
(holes) in the walls of the middle tank and the central storage tank.
A centrifugal pump, fitted on the bridge of the tank, moves the
culture medium from the sump pit out to the shoulder. The algae
medium then flows back to the center through the conduits
between the tanks. The rate of flow is regulated by the size of the
holes between the sections which reduces the energy required to
agitate the cultures merely reduces production costs.
The Amazing Alchemist
1600 i1\

A schematic of the tank cultivation system built by Dr.
Venkataramar, using gravity to stir this medium, resulting in
significant energy savings (see text).
rl '
62 CHLORELLA: The Emerald F
Closed System Fermenters
Chlorella may be cultivated in closed systems as well as in open
ponds. Lack of sunlight to produce chlorophyll production is the
major problem in closed fermenting systems. At the Weiwang
Company, in Taiwan, Chlorella is produced in completely closed
systems, from test tubes to small tanks to large fermenters. The
concentrated stream of Chlorella is pumped from the large fer-
menter onto the roof of the factory where it then flows down
through translucent plastic tubes while exposing the algae to
sunlight and then returns to the fermenter. The sunlight trans-
mitted into the medium through the plastic tubes produces a
chlorophyll concentration that compares favorably with that of
Chlorella grown in open ponds.
The Airlift Method
Genevieve Clement set up the first airlift algo-culture basin in
southern France, using injected combustion gas. The device con-
sists of a horizontal platform with a well at each end; the wells are
each separated into two compartments that connect only at the
bottom. Combustion gas is injected through the algae providing
the nutritient carbon dioxide and causing circulation between the
compartments which is necessary for efficient photosynthesis.
Depending on velocity, mechanical stirring with paddle wheels,
which is used in all other large-scale culture projects, uses consid-
erable energy. By comparison, combustion gas uses less energy to
circulate the algae mixture. However, Dr. Oswald, leading sani-
tary engineer, notes that paddlewheel stirring at c.Sft/sec requires
less energy than the airlift method.
The Amazing Alchemist
Air and CO
Schematic drawing of an airlife type culture pond (left) and a
meandering raceway pond in which the flow is generated by
means of a paddle wheel (right). Reprinted by permission from
Pinnan Soong, Production and Development of ChIorella and
Spirulina in Taiwan, in Shelef and Soeder (eds), Algae Biomass,
Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1980, p.108.
CHLORELLA: The Emerald 64
Dr. Clement claims an average daily yield of 12 grams of drie
matter per square meter (80 lbs./acre). This means that one hec
: tare can produce between 40 and 45 tons of dried matter per yea
(16 to 18 metric tons per acre) with more than 650/0 protei
content. The cost of algae produced by this ingenious method i
low enough to attract further research.
Use of Flocculants
Separating the algae from the water can be difficult. Large fila-
mented algae, such as Spirulina, are comparatively easy to remove
from water. Unicellular algae such as Chlorella, on the other hand,
are very small and therefore harder to harvest. Flocculants are
often used in the separation process. A flocculant is a substance
added to an algae culture which causes the algae to clump up or
cluster, thereby making it easier and cheaper to separate algae
from water.
A disadvantage of using flocculants is that they change the pH of
the water, making it necessary to treat the water before reusing it
or discharging it into the environment. Another problem with
chemical flocculants is that they may be absorbed by the algae
resulting in a high concentration of calcium or aluminum. The
absorption problem may be overcome by using organic floccu-
lants, or by using paddlewheel mixing techniques to promote
"autoflocculation" by algae cultures that flocculate without addi-
The technology developed by the Sun Chlorella Company in
Kyoto, Japan is designed with quality control at every stage of
production to insure the purest and most consistently high quality
Chlorella on the market.
The Amazing Alchemist
How Chlorella is Manufactured
By The Sun Chlorella Company in Japan
Step One: Flask Seed Culture
First the culture is grown indoors in flasks. Chlorella from an
agar slant medium is implanted in small culture flasks containing
nutrient solution. The culture is grown under fluorescent light
and is treated with bubbling air and carbon dioxide.
CHLOREL A: The Emerald F
Step Two: Factory Seed Culture
The factory seed culturing basin is a round shallowpond, made of
concrete. A stirrer in the center supplies a continuous flow of
nutrients to the Chlorella and stirs the culture medium. As the
concentration of Chiorella increases, the depth of the culture
pool is gradually increased.
The Amazing Alchemist
Step Three: Main Culture
The main culture is grown in a concrete pool whose diameter is
between 40 and 55 meters. Again, a mechanical stirrer is used in
the center. Most Chlorella produced in Japan is manufactured in
this way. This method is known as the open circulation culture
system, to differentiate it from the closed culture system. In the
closed system, culturing is accomplished with aeration, but with-
out light.
CHLORELLA: The Emerald
Step Four: Purification and Condensing Process
The culture in the main pool is condensed to about one gram of
raw Chlorella per liter of medium. At this stage, efficient remo-
val of the water is crucial. It is not desirable to use a coagulant or
flocculant, because the Chlorella is capable of absorbing large
amounts of coagulant. The most efficient method is to condense
the material by means of several steps of differential centrifuga-
tion and to wash it with a DeLaval-type centrifuge.
Step Five: Cell-Wall Disintegrating Process
Next, it is necessary to break down the durable cell walls charac-
teristic of Chlorella so that its nutritive components will be
available for digestion. The Sun Chlorella Company, of Kyoto
(Japan), has a patented process for cell wall disruption.
The Amazing Alchemist
70 CHLORELL : The Emerald Food
Step Six: The Drying Process
Since rawChlorella decomposes easily, it is necessary to keep it at
a low temperature and to dry it as rapidly as possible. Spray-
drying is the most common method of producing powdered Chlor-
ella. The Chlorella concentrate is sprayed into hot air, which
dries it instantaneously with little damage to its vital nutritive
elements. Once dry, Chlorella is quite stable. If preserved prop-
erly, it will retain its nutritive value for several years.
The Amazing Alchemist 71
Step Seven: Tableting and Packing Process
After drying, the Chlorella powder is inspected for mutation or
contamination. It is then pressed into tablets by a machine. No
binding substances are added to the Chlorella. The tablets are
packed in poly-propylene-coated aluminum foil, and finally in a
poly-propylene case. Preceding photo-series courtesy of Sun
Chlorella Company.
The Amazing Alchemist
From Waste to Water
One of the most fascinating features of algae is its ability to
transform toxic human, agricultural sewage into fresh water and
food. Algae is truly the emerald alchemist. Algae promises to
provide solutions to problems of waste removal and world hunger
problems. Let's take a look.
Systemdesign for large scale algae production. Diagramcourtesy
of Dr. William Oswald, University of California at Berkeley.
CHLORELLA: The Emerald 74
Domestic sewage is an excellent source of nutrients for algae. B
first, the organic substances present in sewage must be broke
down by bacteria in order to render the vital nutrients available t
the algae. Dr. William Oswald, professor of sanitary engineerin
at the University of California, Berkeley, developed the concept 0
"integrated ponding systems" as a low-cost, energy-efficien
approach to algal-bacterial interaction in waste treatment. Here'
how it works. In a series of several ponds, bacteria oxidize organi
wastes into nutrients usable by algae. Algae use sunlight energy t
incorporate these nutrients during photosynthesis into their cells,
giving off oxygen as a byproduct, which the bacteria then use in
the oxidation of additional wastes. The outcome is that the ele-
ments of waste organic matter are converted into algal cells.
Surprisingly, the weight of the algae yield usually exceeds the
weight of the waste that has been converted. The difference is
made up of water and carbon dioxide given off by the bacteria.
Integrated ponding systems can be designed to treat domestic or
agricultural wastes.
The Integrated Park-Pond
Integrated ponding systems may prove to be the ideal solution for
treating wastes in outlying residential areas far from urban sewer
lines. A basic pond design concept consists of a series of six ponds
surrounded by a large park-like area integrated into the housing
The sewage lagoon system is constructed as a treatment and
disposal plant for domestic wastes at the end of a relatively long
"outfall" or sewer system. Typically, they are designed as expand-
able so they can be enlarged to meet future population growth. By
comparison, most traditional sewage treatment systems are not
meant to be expanded. They are designed to serve a specific and
fixed population in a definite area. Sewage lagoons, on the other
hand, are made an integral part of the plan of the subdivision or
trailer park it is to serve, in much the same way as septic tank-
leaching field systems are integrated into the designs of single lots.
The integrated park-pond concept has several advantages over
septic systems, including avoidance of excessive lot size, reduction
in future expenditures required if connection with a major sewer
system becomes possible, and avoidance of discomfort, property
devaluation, or health hazards resulting from the failure of indi-
vidual septic tanks. In addition, the integrated system guarantees
that the area that has been set aside around it remains a "green
belt" or open space.
The Amazing Alchemist
Pond system P rk m Intenance cottage
Buffer pond
...............fIIrHt--iiill........,.,........- Subdl vI alon
esidential sewage lagoon system. Courtesy of Dr. William
Oswald, University of California at Berkeley.
Wastewater enters the centrally located primary pond at the bot-
tom center through a vertical riser. Bacteria located at the pond
bottom begin breaking down the waste and releasing nutrients
essential for algal growth. Primary-treated wastewater is drawn
from near the bottom of the first pond to insure that heat and
grease are retained within this pond. The outflow from the first
pond is transferred into the middle of one end of the second pond.
It then moves in sequence to the third, fourth, and fifth ponds.
Except in the transfer between Pond 1 and Pond 2, the surface
water, which is the clearest, warmest water in the pond, is
decanted and transferred to the next pond. Transfer to the sixth
and last "buffer pond" is always indirect because this outermost
pond may be used for water sports, such as sailing or fishing.
76 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
How the Integrated System Works
Amazing as it may seem, odors are virtually absent from the
disposal area. In fact, the ponds give off less odor than a properly
vented septic tank. Additionally, the ponds add to the beauty of
the area as well because they often become havens for fish, ducks
and other birds.
The major impediment to widespread adoption of sewage lagoons
is acceptance by local authorities, who must approve developers'
plans for waste disposal. Fortunately, authorities are becoming
more knowledgeable and many now agree that properly designed
ponding systems perform better than any other combination of
treatment and disposal systems available at present for use in
outlying areas.
The Amazing Alchemist
From Waste to Food
Chlorella has tremendous potential as a feed for animals because,
like other algae it efficiently ~ ~ v r t s sunlight and minerals into
high-quality food. The durable cell wall is less problematic when
using Chlorella as feed because grazing animals, such as livestock
with multiple stomachs, can break down its cell walls and digest its
nutrients just as they do when they eat grasses.
Prior to 1960 most animal feeding research with algae was per-
formed on rats and chicks. The Grain Processing Corporation of
Muscatine, Iowa produced about two million pounds of algae
(grown on corn liquor) and fed it to chickens to enhance formation
of yellow pigment in egg yolks. At about the same time, Dr.
Combs fed chicks a diet containing Chlorella as a substitute for
soybean meal. He found that when algae were substituted for 10%
of the soybeans in the diet, a more efficient utilization of protein
resulted and led to a significant improvement in growth. In 1957
Drs. Grau and Klein documented the nutritive value of algae
grown on sewage and fed to baby chicks.
Dr. Leveille and others fed chicks and baby rats on diets containing
various mixtures of Chlorella and other algae. They discovered
that a mixture of several algal species was superior to any single
species used alone. The Chlorella algae mixture was found to be
especially effective when supplemented with methionine, an
amino acid.
78 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Fa
Dr. Lubitz, in 1963, experimented with freeze-dried Chlorella. He
reported that digestibility was high and that the protein content
was 55%. In 1973 Dr. Yamaguchi demonstrated that properly
prepared Chlorella was an effective source of protein and that
boiling the algae for 15 minutes improved digestibility and availa-
bility of protein.
Most raw powdered algae was not very palatable to livestock. This
problem was almost entirely overcome by a University of Califor-
nia at Davis research group which included Drs. Harold Hintz,
Hugh Heitman, James Meyers, Bill Wein and Dick Grau, when
they made pellets from processed algae and' steam-rolled barley.
The cost of pelletizing algae is about ten dollars per ton of final
feed or about one dollar per ton of algae.
These numerous early studies supported the conclusion that algae
can be used as a high-quality feed for animals. At the same time,
extensive systematic experimental work was being carried out
with waste-grown algae. The use of algae to treat wastes opened
up the intriguing possibility of multiple uses of Chlorella cultures
- to break down waste and to create feed as a byproduct of the
purification process. Between 1960 and 1966, Dr. Oswald culti-
vated algae in a one-million-liter production pilot pond in Rich-
mond, California, and with the previously mentioned animal
nutritionists at the University of California at Davis fed large
animals with algae grown on waste products. The most interest-
ing model developed by Dr. Oswald was the integrated feed lot, in
which the manure of the livestock was used to feed Chlorella
cultures, which were subsequently harvested and fed back to the
The Amazing Alchemist
The Integrated Feed Lot
ponding has been used to raise fish culture for hundreds of years
and in waste disposal for over 70 years. Yet until Oswald's
groundbreaking research over the last three decades, little scien-
tific work had been done on combining a series of ponds into a
waste to food alternative. In these systems algae are an integral
tool in the management of key nutrients important to life, such as
nitrogen and phosphorus. Algae production is a way to "fix" the
nutrients after bacteria release them into water. When organic
matter is decomposed by bacteria, carbon dioxide, ammonia,
phosphate, and other substances are released. Typically, in classi-
cal agriculture and waste treatment, these nutrients are lost. The
nitrogen and carbon dioxide go back into the atmosphere, and the
phosphorus washes through the soil or is discarded with"sludge,"
the solid residue produced during sewage treatment. By contrast,
in the integrated system, the nutrients are absorbed by the algae
as soon as they are released.
Of course, most people are reluctant to use sewage-grown algae
as food. Moreover, even though very few diseases can be trans-
mitted between animals and humans, there is concern that domes-
tic sewage may be hazardous when used as animal feed for domes-
tic livestock. The real danger, however, is the buildup of heavy
metals, herbicides, and pesticides found in sewage, rather than
Human waste constitutes only a small fraction of the organic
waste available. In the United States there is about five times as
much industrial waste and 25 times as much agricultural organic
waste as there is domestic sewage. Animal waste from large feed
lots and vegetable waste from canneries provide an enormous
amount of organic material. This means that a virtually unlimited
supply of nutrients is available.
The use of Chlorella to convert waste into clean water and feed i
perhaps the best demonstration of Chlorella's alchemical power
of creating the "emerald food."
CHLORELLA: The Emerald F 80
The technology to convert animal wastes into feed with a series
ponds exists but has not been implemented on a broad scal
Instead, in the feed lots, the manure is scraped into large piles an
left to decompose, which means nutrients are lost. If the manur
were put into large algae ponds, its nutrients could be recovered i
the form of algae, which could then be put to use in a variety 0
Since algae is 50-60% protein, it could serve as a feed supplemen
for animals in the feed lot. Additionally, a portion of the alga
culture could be diverted from the algal-bacterial pond to
covered "digester pond," where anaerobic bacteria would fermen
the algae into methane gas. The gas would then be "scrubbed"
with water (to remove corrosive sulfur compounds) and burned t
generate electricity to meet the power needs of the feed lot. Th
liquid that flows out of the digester after methane fermentatio
has enough nutrients left in it to be used as a liquid fertilizer.
Finally, an additional stream of concentrated algae could be separ
ated from the growth unit for recovery of useful chemicals, suc
as beta-carotene.
In the waste conversion system designed by Dr. Oswald (se
diagram) liquid organic wastes enter a settling tank (1) for remova
of floatable and settleable solids. The resulting liquid, rich i
dissolved organic matter, is pumped into a pond (2) in which alga
supply oxygen for bacteria to oxidize the dissolved organics an
release nutrients that promote algal growth. A stream of algae-
rich liquid flows into a separation tank (3) in which de-watering
(concentration) of algae occurs. Excess water is used for irrigatio
and concentrated algae for chemical production. A more dilut
stream of algae flows into a "digester pond" (4) where anaerobi
bacteria ferment algae to methane gas. The gas flows through a
"scrubber" (5) and is subsequently burned to generate electricity.

the A azing Alchemist
Five step process for converting ml:lnicipal agricultural and
organic industrial wastes to algae, chemicals, fertilizer and natu-
ral gas. Courtesy of Dr. William Oswald, University of California
at Berkeley.
82 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Microorganisms As Feed and Food Protein Conclusions
Plants with a total capacity for producing 300,000 tons/year of microor-
ganisms for protein from ethanol, methanol, and n-parafins as sub-
strates were operating worldwide in 1976. Another 300,000 ton/year
capacity was either in trial production or under construction. Construc-
tion of capacity for another 200,000 tons/year was either delayed or
stopped (Dimmling and Seipenbusch, 1978). At that point, the future of
microorganisms grown on petroleum substrates seemed uncertain.
It would seem, however, that ultimately usage will increase for microbial
protein sources. The largest increase will come in livestock feeding with
some continued development of these products to supplement the
human diet. Although this field of development was given its impetus by
the production of various organisms on hydrocarbon media, the growing
trend is to use other types for substrates. This is due in no small measure
to the problems imposed by the presence of various aromatic polycyclic
hydrocarbon residues often found in single cell proteins, even though
these have not been shown to be harmful in extensive feeding trials and
in fact often occur in higher quantities in naturally occurring products.
Animal feeding studies have generally demonstrated that the various
types of single cell proteins may be fed effectively to virtually all types of
domestic animals. Physical form and level of inclusion in the diet appear
to play almost as great a role in their acceptance by the animal as does
their nutritional balance. Additional studies to improve the texture and
form of the various products would aid in increased usage.
To date the major research emphasis has been upon the protein or amino
acid composition of the various products. The energy contribution has
also been recognized and studied extensively although voids in this area
are evident. Much more needs to be done to determine the extent and
value of other nutritive components of microbial protein, specifically
minerals and vitamins. For example, the controversy surrounding the
ability of animals to utilize the considerable quantity of phosphorus
found in many single cell products should be resolved. More extensive
delineation of the nutrient components of the products needs to be
The Amazing Alchemist
For human feeding, the problem of increased nucleic acid ingestion with
the accompanying risk of increased blood uric acid levels will inhibit the
increased usage of microbial proteins for some time to come. The more
conventional single cell products will continue to be modest dietary
supplements, but it does not appear likely that these products will make a
major contribution to the daily protein needs for some time to come.
Techniques have been developed and are avaialble which can markedly
reduce the nucleic acid levels; these may be quite useful in the future
when greater demand for microorganism products will develop.
Much progress has been made in the development of algae growing
systems based on sewage by-products and effluent. Such systems appear
capable of reducing some of the problems associated with concentrated
animal production as well as contributing a valuable feed ingredient.
However, more extensive studies need to be made regarding the accumu-
lation of heavy metals in such systems.
One of the advantages of hydrocarbon substrates for production of
single cell proteins is that they can be fairly well defined chemically and
production procedures can be reasonably well controlled. As other sub-
strates begin to be used and less elaborate production systems are deve-
loped, care must be taken to ensure that production of undesirable or less
desirable species does not take place at the expense of organisms whose
quality is known. It is well documented that the nutritive quality of the
various single cell products is influenced by processing techniques; this
may be a limiting factor in making more extensive usage of microbial
proteins from less sophisticated systems.
Reprinted by permission from Park W. Waldroup, "Microorganisms As
Feed and Food Protein, in Altschul & Wilcke, (eds), New Protein Foods, Vo1.4,
Animal Protein, Part B, Academic Press, New York, 1981, p.244-246
84 CHLORELLA. The Emerald Food
The Amazing Alchemist
Chlorella in Space
One of the most intriguing aspects of Chlorella is its potential use
for survival in outer space. Among the major problems of space
travel are waste removal and obtaining adequate supplies of air,
water, and food. There are two basic approaches to these life
support problems: carrying along the necessary air, water, and
food, and storing the waste for later removal, or creating the
necessities for survival while the craft travels through space. The
latter approach requires development of a "Controlled Ecological
Life Support System" (CELSS), in which waste is recycled and
food is grown on board the ship.
Alga, Dr1'r.
Pc/obI, Wo/tr
S/oragt TOnk
Wolf' Oxldoflon
The Closed Ecological Research Facility. Courtesy of Dr. William
Oswald, University of California at Berkeley.
In the 1950s, Air Force funded research indicated that algae offer a
number of special advantages for use in a CELSS. This research
spurred further investigation of the use of ChIarella to create a
regenerative life support system in which waste output (carbon
dioxide, feces, and urine) is converted into oxygen, clean water,
and food - the essentials of human survival.
86 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food





Loop-closing flow sheet for generalized closed life-support sys-
tem. Courtesy of Dr. William Oswald of University of California
at Berkeley.
The Amazing Alchemist 87
In the 1960s and early 1970s, Dr. William Oswald demonstrated
that 60 liters of Chlorella culture could support the entire metabo-
lism of an adult male. The life support system he pioneered uses
algae and bacterial culture grown in an "algatron," a transparent
rotating cylinder. Rotation forces the material to spread vertically
up the walls of the cylinder, which increases the amount of light
energy reaching the culture. Waste material enters the algatron
and is broken down by the bacteria and algae, resulting in regen-
eration of oxygen, water, and food (in the form of new algae).
Schematic design of toroidal space station showing algatron in
illumination chamber. Courtesy of Dr. William Oswald of Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley.
The possibility of growing algae for food during long space flights
encouraged research around the world. After reviewing four
major Japanese nutrition publications, three Russian microbiolo-
gists, Boykov, Klyushkina, and Kondratyev, concluded that single
cell algae can supplement to human nutrition in quantities of 30 to
40 grams per day. Furthermore, findings of Dr. Powell's research
team indicated that man can survive on a diet containing up to 100
grams of dry algae for substantial periods of time. All these results
pointed to algae as an ideal food for outer space travel.
88 CHLORELLA: he Emerald food
During the race for the moon in the 1960s, when NASAshifted its
emphasis from biological approaches to physical/chemical systems
. to provide short-term life support for orbital flights and moon
shots. The physio-chemical systems offered a good solution
because their technology was more advanced and less costly to
In the late 1970s, the prospect of long-term space mISSIons
renewed interest in regenerative systems. Scientists began to
focus on a hybrid system, one that would combine biological
processes with physical/chemical devices.
The Soviet research, as reviewed by Sheryl Bergstrom of NASA,
leaves no doubt that algae can be used as the vital link in a
regenerative life support system. Current research is focused on
designing such hybrid systems to meet changing human needs. A
small group asleep in a ship, for example, has different needs from
a large crew working outside on the same ship. Mel Avener of
NASAis developing methods of using photosynthesis to revitalize
the air in the spacecraft taking into account such changing
requirements. Developing such a gas exchange process requires
ingenuity. When oxygen is too plentiful, toxicity may result,
whereas too much carbon dioxide acidosis causes psychic distress
and ultimate suffocation. Yet, if the carbon dioxide level is too low,
algae and other plants cannot survive.
The Amazing Alchemist
Once this basic life support problem is solved, NASA is likely to
resume work on questions of food production. Dr. Oswald's dis-
coveries in the conversion of waste to clean water and food will
undoubtedly playa key role.
The Japanese Chlorella industry has developed the technological
ability to create food products of high nutritive value that are both
tasty and esthetically pleasing. But one of the stumbling blocks
space scientists must overcome, while in flight, is unlocking Chlor-
ella's rich store of nutrients from within its rigid cell wall.
Although there have been many advances in this technology,
replicating it on a spaceship may present special problems. For this
reason, attention has turned recently to another alga, Dunaliella,
which has no cell wall. Another problem yet to be solved is the
adequate purification of the alga to make it safe for human con-
sumption. Pasteurization would probably be required to destroy
bacterial contaminants.
Recreating Spaceship Earth
In space travel, Chlorella and other algae seem to hold the secret of
recreating Spaceship Earth. To allow exploration of the outer
reaches of the universe, a way must be found to duplicate terres-
trial biological processes that will support human life indefinitely.
Such a system will replicate the earth's own ecology, involving
interaction among all the ship's organisms: the humans, the
plants, and the bacteria.
90 CHLOREL A: The Emerald F
The Idealized Life Support System
Drs. Acker and Stern employed Dr. Oswald's discoveries to con-
ceptualize an idealized algae life support system in which about
four pounds of waste yield one and one-half pounds of food. In
this system, liquid and solid bodily wastes are fed into a treatment
tank where they are decomposed by bacteria. Nutrients released
from the waste are fed into algae culture tanks to stimulate algal
growth. Gases produced by the bacteria include methane, which
can be burned for cooking food on board the craft, and carbon
dioxide. This carbon dioxide, as well as that exhaled by the crew, is
percolated through the algae tank. The algae use this carbon
dioxide in photosynthesis, during which newcells and oxygen are
produced. The oxygen is then carried to a dehumidifier and is
circulated for the crew to breathe, while the algae are harvested,
dried, and used for food. These carbon dioxide/oxygen and waste/
food conversions form the basis of a CELSS s ~ d on algae.
The Amazing Alchemist
Eliminating World Hunger
Chlorella and other microalgae can help solve the problem of
malnutrition in the world. One-third of the world's population
lacks adequate food, and five hundred million people suffer from
acute malnutrition. The prodigal productivity of Chlorella and
other microalgae may very well help solve this serious problem.
Many micro-algae thrive on arid, unproductive land, under condi-
tions where it is often impossible to growconventional crops. The
searing sun of the desert, and the brackish water (which is often
the only water available in such regions), constitute an excellent
environment for algo-culture. Today one of the most successful
algo-culture systems in the world harvests Dunaliella algae from
the concentrated brine of the Dead Sea in Israel. Dunaliella has no
cell wall, yet survives in highly saline environments by producing
large amounts of glycerol. Glycerol may be used as a sweetener in
foods, as a lubricant, or as a building block for the production of
more complex chemicals and fuels. When artificially stressed,
Dunaliella produces high concentrations of beta-carotene, the
precursor for Vitamin A. Recent studies have shown that Vitamin
A plays a role in cancer prevention. Unfortunately, large doses of
Vitamin A can be toxic to the liver. The advantage of using
beta-carotene is that it is not toxic and is converted to Vitamin A
by the body only as needed.
92 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
In the United States, the first commercial algae plants are now
being developed in the inhospitable desert regions of southern
California. Tropical countries such as India are well suited for
algae cultivation throughout the year. In view of the widespread
nutritional deficiency in Peru, and the geographic and climatic
conditions that impede production of traditional foodstuffs there,
mass culture of microalgae may help ease that country's food
shortages. The results of a study by Drs. Castillo, Merino, and
Heussler clearly show the ecological appropriateness of algo-
culture to Peru's arid regions. The prevailing climatic conditions
insure high and stable yields, estimated at 80 tons of biomass per
hectare yearly. In addition, algo-cultures open the possibility of
producing high-quality protein with an efficiency of water utiliza-
tion far superior to that of traditional crops cultivated on desert
terrain. Cultivation techniques can be adapted to local conditions,
since the evaporation rate and salinity of the water vary from
place to place.
The Poor World Development Group*, a nonprofit organization
for improving health, education and commerce in the rural com-
munities of developing countries, has conducted some interesting
experiments using Spirulina cultivation in small rural villages as
part of a holistic solution to the problems of sanitation, fuel,
fertilizer, and food.
*The Poor World Development Group depends on the generosity of
individuals to carry out its projects. We urge you to make your contribu-
tion to the most economical and most efficient form of diplomacy, good
will: the kind that goes directly to the villages. Send your tax-deductible
donations to the Poor World Development Group, Country Rt. 5, New
Lebanon Center, Columbia County, Y 12126, (518) 794-8913.
The Amazing Alchemist 93
Malnutrition among villagers results from insufficient protein
intake and parasite infestation. One of the main causes of intesti-
nal parasites and other diseases in warm climates is the lack of
hygienic facilities for waste disposal. The parasites drain a huge
amount of energy from the rural population and consume up to
30% of the food ingested by humans. Many designs for simple
latrines are tested in the Poor World Development Group's pilot
projects. The parasites are eliminated by the proper handling of
sewage. Among the most promising, safe methods of handling
sewage are biogas digesters and algae ponds.
The waste digesters, constructed of thin-walled ferrous cement,
use thermal destruction as the first step in eliminating disease-
producing microorganisms. With solar heating, a digester oper-
ates at about 55 degrees Centigrade. At this temperature the
thermophilic ("heat-loving") bacteria replace the disease-causing
microorganisms. This is the first of a series of barriers to the
spread of disease between the sanitation system and the edible
algae. Dr. William Oswald whose pioneering research serves as
the foundation of most of these systems has serious reservations
about the advisability of consuming algae grown of animal waste.
The waste from plants, latrines, and livestock is pumped into "the
waste digester" containing bacteria, which produce liquid effluent,
biogas, and solid wastes. The solids are made into compost. The
biogas is separated into methane for burning and carbon dioxide
for the algae pond. The liquid effluent is filtered and used as
fertilizer for the fields or for the algae pond. The algae basin
converts waste to algal mass. The algae are harvested and dried
with solar energy and produce a nutritious powder rich in proteins
and vitamins.
94 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
Cow Dung
Bacteria Digester
Methane Algae
Electricity Fish Food
Using Dr. Oswald's model of the integrated feed lot, Pinnan
Soong in Taiwan developed a model for an integrated farm. Here,
cow dung was converted to methane gas and algae. The methane
was burned to produce electricity. The algae was fed to fish.
Villagers then ate the fish.
The Amazing Alchemist
In India Ripley Fox helps villages become self-sufficient by using
self-contained production facilities such as this raceway pond.
Photo courtesy of Earthrise Spirulina.
96 CHLORELLA: The Emerald Food
We have yet to see algo-culture systems producing tons of high-
grade protein in the poor Third World countries where it is most
needed. Perhaps the most important reason is that technology for
harvesting these foods is still in the experimental stage. This
means that constant quality control monitoring, and the high cost
of research and development, add tremendously to production
costs. At present it is still more expensive to produce protein by
means of algo-culture than through conventional systems of agri-
Fortunately, protein is only one of the significant components of
Chlorella. Interest in this new food source is growing on a world-
wide basis. Sales of Chlorella and other microalgae in the health
food markets of the wealthier nations are nowproviding financing
and economic incentives for further research. In the future this
will lead to lower production costs and ultimately to operating
systems capable of turning out tons of this proteinand v.itamin-
rich food where it is most needed -not just as a health-enhancing
supplement, but for survival.
The Amazing Alchemist
The Amazing Alchemist
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hlorella is the high tech food that is as old as life itself. Discover
why this single celled microaigae is called the emerald food.
ChIorella is the highest source'of natural chlorophyll and has almost
three times as much protein as beef
The Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) has intriguing regenerative
Chiorella promises to solve world hunger - One acre of Chiorella
produces 15,000 kilograms of protein, almost 20 times the per-acre
yield of s o y ~ n s
Chiorella's ability to purify water and air while producing food make
traveling and living in outer space possible
Chlorella can transform animal waste to animal feed
Chiorella ponds clean waste water while providing sanctuaries for
birds and fish
Long a highly prized health food in Japan where millions of people eat it
daily, Chlorella is now being introduced to Americans.
Even if you don't take advantage of Chlorella's,nutritional value, you'll
be fascinated by the st9ry of Nature's amazing alchemist.
tt an important book in tIle field of Ilealtil and nutrition.
provides muell easy--to--use information . "
J e
auth )r of The Herbal

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