Malay History

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Subject: Malayness "Contesting Malayness"? Written by a Professor from National University of Singapore. Costs about S !".

#t reflects t$e %nt$ropologists vie&s t$at t$ere is no suc$ race as t$e "Malays" to begin &it$. #f &e follo& t$e original migration of t$e Sout$ern C$inese of '())) yrs ago( t$ey move* into +ai&an( ,no& t$e %lisan-( t$en into t$e P$illipines ,no& t$e %eta- an* move* into .orneo ,/(0))yrs ago- ,1aya2-.+$ey also split into Sula&esi an* progresse* into 3a&a( an* Sumatera. +$e final migration &as to t$e Malayan Peninsular !()))yrs ago. % sub4group from .orneo also move* to C$ampa in Cambo*ia about /(0))yrs ago. #nterestingly( t$e C$ampa *eviant group move* bac2 to present *ay 5elantan.+$ere are also traces of t$e 1ong Song an*$ migration from 7ietnam an* Cambo*ia. +o confuse t$e issue(t$ere &as also t$e Sout$ern +$ai migration( from &$at &e 2no& as Pattani to*ay. ,see also "8arly 5ing*oms of t$e #n*onesian %rc$ipelago an* t$e Malay Peninsular"-. 9f course( &e also $ave t$e Minang2abau:s &$ic$ come from t$e *escen*ants of %le;an*er t$e <reat an* a West #n*ian Princess. ,Sejara$ Melayu page =4!- So t$e million 1ollar >uestion #s t$ere really a race calle* t$e "Malays"? %ll ant$ropologists 19 N9+ S88M +9 +6#N5 S9.Neit$er *o t$e "Malays" &$o live on t$e West Coast of 3o$or. +$ey:* rat$er be calle* 3avanese. W$at about t$e &est coast 5e*a$ in$abitants &$o prefer to be 2no&n as "%c$enese"? or t$e #bans &$o simply &ant to be 2no&n as #.%NS. +ry calling a 5elabit a "Malay" an* see &$at response you get? you:ll be so gla* t$at t$eir 6ea*46unting *ays are over. +$e *efinition of "Malay" is t$erefore simply a collection of people:s &$o spea2 a similar type language. Wit$ &$at is meant by a similar type language *oes not mean t$at t$e &or*s are similar. ?inguists call t$is t$e "?ego4type" language( &$ere &or*s are a**e* on to t$e root &or* to ma2e meaning an* give tenses an* suc$. Some$o&( t$e #n*onesians *isagree &it$ t$is classification. +$ey refuse to be calle* Malay. %ny$o& you may *efine it. Watc$ "Malays in %frica"@ a Museum Negara pro*uce* 171. %lso( t$e "C$ampa Malays" by t$e same. Wit$ t$is classification( t$ey MUS+ also inclu*e t$e P$illipinos( t$e Papua Ne& <uineans( t$e %ustralian %boroginies( as &ell as t$e Polynesian %boroginies. +$ese are of t$e %ustralo Melanesians &$o migrate* out of %frica ')()))yrs ago. "Malay" s$oul* also inclu*e t$e +ai&anese singer "%$ Mei" &$o is %lisan as $er tribe are t$e anscestors of t$e "Malays". %n* finally( you &ill nee* to *efine t$e Sout$ern C$inese ,Aunan Province- as Malay also( since t$ey are from t$e samestoc2 '()))yrs ago. +ry calling t$e .ugis a "Malay". #nterestingly( t$e .ugis( &$o pre*ominantly live on Sula&esi are not even #n*onesians. Neit$er *o t$ey fall into t$e same group as t$e migrating Sout$ern C$inese of '()))yrs ago nor t$e %ustralo Melanesian group from %frica. +$e .ugis are t$e cross4bree* bet&een t$e C$inese an* t$e %rabs. ,AB#( a runa&ay Ming 1ynasty official &$om C$eng 6o &as sent to $unt *o&n- #nterestingly( t$e .ugis &ere career Pirates in t$e 3o$or4Ciau #slan* areas. No& t$e nep$e& of 1aeng 5emboja &as appointe* t$e Airst Sultan of Selangor. +$at ma2es t$e entire Selangor Sultanate part %rab( part C$ineseD +ry tal2ing to t$e .ugis Museum curator near 5u2up in 3o$or. 5u2up is locate* near t$e most sout$4&estern tip of 3o$or.,1ue sout$ of Pontian 5ec$il-. ?et:s not even get into t$e 6ang +ua$( 6ang 3ebat( 6ang 5asturi( 6ang ?e2iu( an* 6ang ?e2ir( &$o s$are* t$e same family last name as t$e ot$er super famous "6ang" family member 6ang ?i Po$. %n* &$o &as s$e 4 t$e princess of a Ming 1ynasty 8mperor &$o &as sent to marry t$e Sultan of Malacca. Won:t t$at ma2e t$e entire Malacca Sultanate *o&nline ".abaE?

Since t$e ol*er son of t$e collapse* Malaccan Sultanate got 2ille* in 3o$or( ,t$e current Sultanate is t$e *o&nline of t$e t$en( .en*a$ara- t$e only ot$er son became t$e Sultan of Pera2. 1o &e see any C$inese4ness in Caja %Flan? #s $e t$e *escen*ant of 6ang ?i Po$? Ne;t Guestion. #f t$e .aba:s are part Malay( &$y $ave t$ey been marginaliFe* by N9+ .8#N< .UM#PU+8C%? W$ic$ part of "Malay" are t$ey not? W$atever t$e ans&er( &$y t$en are t$e Portugese of Malacca .UM#PU+8C%? 1i* t$ey not come =))yrs %A+8C t$e arrival of t$e first .aba:s? Parames&ara foun*e* Malacca in =/==. +$e Portugese came in =0==( an* t$e 1utc$ in t$e =')):s. Strangely( t$e .aba:s &ere in fact once classifie* a .umiputera( but *eci*e* t$at t$ey &ere strangely "*eclassifie*" in t$e =H'):s. W6B? +$e Sultan of 5elantan $a* similar roots to t$e Pattani 5ing*om ma2ing $im of +$ai origin. %n* &$at is t$is "coffee table boo2" by t$e Sultan of Perlis claiming to be t$e *irect *escen*ant of t$e prop$et Mu$amme*? 6o& many of you $ave met &it$ orang %slis? +$e more nort$ern you go( t$e more %frican t$ey loo2. W$y are t$ey calle* Negrito:s? #t is a Spanis$ &or*( from &$ic$ *irectly transalates "mini Negros". +$e more sout$ern you go( t$e more "#n*onesian" t$ey loo2. %n* t$e ones &$o live at Cameron 6ig$lan*s 2in*a loo2 0)40). Bou can see t$e .ate2 at +aman Negara( &$o really loo2 li2e 8**ie Murp$y to a certain *egree. 9r t$e Negritos &$o live at t$e +$ai bor*er near +emenggor ?a2e ,nort$ Pera2-. +$e Ma$ Meri in Carrie #slan* loo2 almost li2e t$e 3a2uns in 8n*au Compin. 6alf %frican( $alf #n*onesian. .y *efinition(t$ere &as a 6in*u Malay 8mpire in 5e*a$. #t &as( by t$e ol* name ?ang2asu2a. +o*ay 2no&n as ?emba$ .ujang. +$is 6in*u Malay 8mpire &as "())) yrs ol*. Pre4*ating .orrobu*or %N1 %ng2or Watt. W$o came about aroun* 0))4'))yrs later. ?emba$ .ujang &as +$e mig$ty tra*ing empire( an* its biggest influence &as by t$e #n*ians &$o &ere $ere to $elp start it. .y *efinition( t$is s$oul* ma2e t$e #n*ians .UM#PU+8C%S too since t$ey &ere $ere "()))yrs agoD W$y are t$ey marginaliFe*? So( in a nuts$ell( t$e "Malays" ,ant$ropologists &ill *isagree &it$ t$is "race" *efinition- are +CU?B %S#% DDD

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