CAP Regulation 52-10 - 03/14/2008

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POLICY This regulation is the official policy on cadet protection for the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and describes CAPs policies concerning the procedures for identifying, reporting, and responding to cadet abuse situations. Supplements to this regulation require NHQ CAP/CP approval with the concurrence of NHQ CAP/GC. Note: Shaded areas identify new or revised material. SUMMARY OF CHANGES. Update to contact phone numbers (paragraph 1a). CAP Cadet Protection Policy. CAP is committed to doing everything reasonably possible to combat the potential for child abuse within our organization and to discourage our cadets from illegal use of alcohol and other drugs. CAP members are expected to avoid even the appearance of impropriety involving cadets and report suspected abuse immediately. For the purpose of this policy, abuse is defined in three categories: Sexual abuse, physical abuse and hazing. 1. Reporting Requirements. Senior members, cadets, and parents/guardians should immediately report incidents of observed or suspected abuse to the unit commander or commander at the next higher level of command. Whenever a commander has received a report of abuse, suspects that abuse has occurred or may occur, or believes there is an appearance of impropriety in the nature of cadet abuse by a member of CAP, the commander will immediately suspend the member from CAP and will report the abuse as follows: a. Sexual Abuse. Sexual abuse is defined as sexual molestation, touching, contact, exposure, suggestions, or other incidents of a sexually oriented nature. The unit commander will immediately notify the wing commander who will immediately notify the wing legal officer, and the General Counsel (at 877-227-9142, ext 234) during business hours or the National Operations Center (NOC) at 888-211-1812, ext 300 after hours, weekends, and holidays) or the Executive Director (at 877-227-9142, ext 222). No investigation will be conducted nor statements taken until specifically directed by the General Counsel. The General Counsel will notify the region commander, the National Commander, other appropriate officials, and state agencies as required. b. Physical Abuse. Physical abuse is defined as any conduct whereby someone physically strikes or assaults another in any way. The unit commander will immediately notify the wing commander who will immediately notify the region commander, the wing legal officer, and the General Counsel. The wing commander will consult with the wing legal officer before directing an investigation or administrative action. In cases where physical injuries are involved,

Supersedes CAPR 52-10, 11 January 2006. Distribution:

OPR: CP Approved by: CAP/CC

CAPR 52-10 14 MARCH 2008

follow the notification and reporting procedures in CAPR 62-2, Mishap Reporting and Investigation. Members who have observed or believe they have been subject to physical abuse may file a complaint in accordance with CAPR 123-2, Complaints. c. Hazing. Hazing is defined as any conduct whereby someone causes another to suffer or to be exposed to any activity that is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful. Actual or implied consent to acts of hazing does not eliminate the culpability of the perpetrator. Examples of hazing include using exercise as punishment or assigning remedial training that does not fit the deficiency (such as making a cadet run laps for having poorly shined shoes). Hazing, as defined in this policy, is considered a form of physical abuse and the reporting procedures for physical abuse must be followed. d. Reporting to State Agency. There may be a mandatory requirement to report certain types of physical, sexual or emotional abuse to a designated state agency. Requirements vary from state to state. Members having knowledge of abuse must follow reporting requirements under their states laws. Your wing legal officer can help you to know what laws apply. 2. Personnel Actions. Commanders will initiate appropriate personnel actions when they determine there is cause to suspend any member. Personnel actions involving sexual abuse cases must be coordinated in advance with the General Counsel. The personnel action will depend on the nature and seriousness of the incident. 3. Standards for Leadership.

a. Senior members, cadets, and persons who supervise cadet activities or serve in leadership positions must possess high moral and ethical standards, be emotionally stable, and demonstrate leadership qualities necessary to serve as positive role models. b. All senior members must be screened in accordance with CAPM 39-2 and undergo Cadet Protection Program Training (CPPT) before working with cadets (CAPR 50-17, CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program). Members who have not completed the screening process and received their FBI approved status will not be permitted to act as the primary supervisor at cadet activities or associate with cadets in any way without the in-person supervision of a senior member who is currently in FBI approved status. FBI approved status is defined by a leadership code of A on the monthly membership listing and the issuance of a membership card that does not reflect the word temporary. c. All cadets, within 6 months following their eighteenth birthday, must undergo the same Cadet Protection Program Training (CPPT) that senior members must complete. If a cadet promotion is due during that 6-month period, then this CPPT must be completed prior to the promotion. d. Exceptions to this policy: (1) FAA certified flight instructors participating in National special activities. These individuals must have received their temporary membership card and completed Cadet Protection Program Training prior to the start of the activity; however, the in-person supervision of an FBI approved member is not required during periods of dual flight instruction or orientation flights where the cadet is accompanied by one of these instructor pilots.

CAPR 52-10 14 MARCH 2008

(2) Activity instructors. At times, non-CAP adults are invited to participate in activities where CAP youth are involved. For example, a unit may ask a certified first aid instructor to teach our youth, or a unit may invite an Air Force recruiter to share with our youth the benefits of joining the Air Force, or an activity may seek individuals to assist with the activity. Non-CAP adults can be present with our CAP youth as long as there is a CAP senior member physically present with the non-CAP adult at all times. The CAP senior member must currently be in FBI approved status. 4. Commander Responsibilities. Commanders must be sensitive to the potential for cadet abuse and carry out the policies and procedures set forth in this regulation. As a minimum, commanders will: a. Exercise judgment and discretion when selecting senior members, cadets, and other persons to conduct or supervise cadet activities. b. Encourage members to report any observed or alleged abuse. c. When cadet abuse is alleged and/or verified, suspend the member from all CAP activities, make immediate notification, and take appropriate personnel actions in accordance with the provision of paragraph 2 above. d. Ensure that at least two approved senior members are present at all overnight cadet activities. Encourage at least two senior members to be present at all cadet activities (with the exception of chaplain counseling or cadet orientation flights). This policy is for the protection of the senior members as well as the cadets. e. Conduct periodic orientations for senior members to ensure they understand the procedures and policies set forth in this regulation. f. g. Ensure cadets are informed of the policies contained in this regulation. Spot-check signatures on permission slips.

h. Provide parents with a calendar of activities and notify the parents when a scheduled activity is cancelled, relocated, or changed. i. Give the parents an opportunity to personally meet the senior members by periodically designating meetings as parents night. j. Mail parents a current roster of members who supervise or conduct cadet activities.

5. Parental Involvement. Parental involvement is one of the most effective deterrents of child abuse. The following suggestions are ways to encourage parental involvement: a. Conduct periodic meetings with other parents to discuss child abuse. Let the other parents know CAP is making an effort to prevent such abuse. b. Establish a parents committee to provide input on cadet activities. Membership in CAP is not necessary to be a part of this committee. c. Require a permission slip, signed by the parent or guardian, for each activity outside of the regular squadron meetings.

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