Lean Manufacturing

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Beyond manufacturing: The evolution of lean production 95

Beyond manufacturing:
The evolution of lean
Many nonmanufacturing sectors are rapidly adopting lean techniques.
Soon they will no longer be a differentiating factor in themselves; the
important thing will be how well you implement them.
Stephen Corbett
Lean principles were originally developed in industrial operations as a set
of tools and practices that managers and workers could use to eliminate
waste and ineffciency from production systemsreducing costs, improving
quality and reliability, and speeding up cycle times. Toyota Motor pioneered
lean practices, and much of their allure today stems from the fact that
the phenomenal performance of this automaker, in one of the worlds most
competitive sectors, rests to a considerable extent on its ability to develop
and perfect these practices over the past fve decades.
Recently, lean techniques have moved from manufacturing plants to opera-
tions of all kinds, everywhere: insurance companies, hospitals, government
agencies, airline maintenance organizations, high-tech product-development
units, oil production facilities, IT operations, retail buying groups, and
publishing companies, to name just a few. In each case the goal is to improve
the organizations performance on the operating metrics that make a
competitive difference, by drawing employees into the hunt to eliminate
unneeded activities and other forms of operational waste.
The biggest challenges in adopting the lean approach in nonindustrial
environments are to know which of its tools or principles to use and how
to apply them effectively. In emerging markets such as China or India,
The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 3 96
manufacturing managers trying to implement the lean approach also face
these challenges. Differences in everything from culture to infrastructure
mean that managers cant apply the lean tools and techniques used in manu-
facturing operations in Moline or Munich to nonindustrial environments
or to manufacturing plants in the developing world; the approach must be
tailored to the realities of specifc environments.
What follows are excerpts from four articles (the full versions are available
on mckinseyquarterly.com) that show how managers have met the
challenge of applying the lean approach in a variety of operating contexts.
In the public sector, for instance, weve seen managers use lean tools
and frameworks with existing resources to deliver more and better services.
Applications-development organizationsthe units that write new soft-
ware for the IT operations of large companieshave adopted an overall end-
to-end perspective for the coding process. In China multinational and
domestic companies are achieving positive results through frequent kaizen
events (group problem-solving sessions) that help Chinese workers to
participate in discussions more directly. Finance departments have success-
fully used lean principles and tools in accounting and budget processes,
reinforcing a fundamental point of the lean philosophy: everything starts
with the customer.
Finally, as the lean approach percolates into ever wider circles of operations,
it ceases to be about best practice and starts to become a part of the fabric
of doing business. Operating executives in many sectors are adopting lean
techniques rapidly, so soon they will no longer be a differentiating factor;
the important thing, in the heat of competition, will be how well companies
implement them. This next level of the lean journey is managing the softer
side of the equationless about tools and frameworks, more about building
the energy and engagement of employees from the shop foor and the offce
pool upward, tapping into their ideas, focusing them on constant problem
solving, and keeping them open to change and fexibility.
Stephen Corbett is a principal in McKinseys Toronto offce.
Beyond manufacturing: The evolution of lean production 97
Governments around the world want to deliver better education, better
health care, better pensions, and better transportation services. They
know that impatient electorates expect to see change, and fast. But the funds
required to meet such expectations are enormousparticularly in the
many developed economies where populations are aging and the public
sectors productivity hasnt kept pace with that of the private sector. The need
to get value for money from governments at all levels is therefore under
the spotlight as never before. But cost-cutting programs that seek savings
of 1 to 3 percent a year will not be enough and in some cases may even
weaken the quality of service.
To address the problem, public-sector leaders are looking with growing
interest at lean techniques long used in private industry. From the repair of
military vehicles to the processing of income tax returns, from surgery to
urban planning, the lean approach is showing that it can not only improve
public services but also transform them for the better. Crucially for the
public sector, the lean approach breaks with the prevailing view that trade-
offs between the quality of public services and the cost of providing them
are inevitable.
Not surprisingly, the concept and language of lean operations, rooted in
manufacturing, spark cynicism among many civil servants. Some feel that
their priority should be policy, not operations; others resent the notion
that they are somehow part of a production line. Moreover, without the
incentive of the proft motive, government managers may believe that
they have neither reasons nor levers to pursue the lean approach.
Yet practical experience suggests that they can. In a UK government offce
that processes large volumes of standard documents, lean techniques
Applying lean production to the
public sector
Governments at all levels must deliver more for less. The principles of lean
manufacturing offer surprisingly apt solutions.
Nina Bhatia and John Drew
The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 3 98
achieved double-digit productivity gains in the number of documents
processed per hour and improved customer service by slashing lead times
to fewer than 12 days, from about 40, thus eliminating backlogs. The
proportion of documents processed correctly the frst time increased by
roughly 30 percent and lead times for processing incoming mail decreased
to 2 days, from 15. In a UK military armored-vehicle repair shop, a
lean transformation raised the availability of equipment by 44 percent and
right frst time production by 40 percent and cut turnaround times by
16 percent.
Persuading people to embark on the lean journey, where the last stop may
be their own removal or reassignment, isnt easy. To succeed, public-sector
organizations must fnd a way to align their growth strategyproviding
new and better services at limited costwith a regard for the interests of
their workers. Although lean programs may cut the number of public-
sector jobs, the goal is to make the remaining ones more rewarding. Incen-
tives come from the prospect of more meaningful work, potentially with
room for greater autonomy or a chance to develop new skills.
To be sure, some countries bar layoffs of public-sector workers. In other
cases, union contracts make layoffs diffcult. Even so, increasing the opera-
tional effectiveness of a public-sector organization can free its employees
to deliver new or better services in other areas, within existing budgets and
without layoffs. Organizations can apply lean principles in almost any
environment where a process can be defned at the working level. The
processes of many public servicesmilitary logistics, employment agencies,
hospital tests, social-security benefts, airport security checkslend
themselves to effciency and quality improvements. Lean principles even
apply in specialized felds such as legal casework and the development
of policy. From an operational viewpoint, the aim is to smooth out the
work fow.
Nina Bhatia is a principal and John Drew is a principal in McKinseys London offce.
Beyond manufacturing: The evolution of lean production 99
Application development and maintenance (ADM)the part of IT
that writes software applications and keeps them running smoothlyis an
ideal candidate for a lean transformation. ADM involves lots of loose
processes that can be improved; some companies develop applications much
more effectively than others do, suggesting big differences in productivity;
and the whole process can be seen as a kind of factory that takes raw
materials (developers, code) and builds software requested by a companys
businesses. Our work shows that applying the principles of lean manu-
facturing to ADM can increase its productivity by 20 to 40 percent.
Each category of waste in manufacturing has a counterpart in ADM. Rework
is among the most common: when a business unit that has asked for an
application decides to change what it wants midstream, software developers
must write and test new code while unmet requests wait. In application
development as in manufacturing, eliminating this type of waste improves
the delivery times, quality, and effciency of the process.
Transforming ADM begins with a diagnostic phase to fnd waste. Since most
groups dont track it, managers rely on interviews and questionnaires to
learn how information (such as the requirements for new applications) and
materials (such as the code under development) move through the system.
The wasted time is then examined to discover the root causes and to assess
the opportunity for improving productivity (exhibit).
A large fnancial institution going through this process discovered two
main causes of waste. First, the process for defning project requirements was
chaotic and ineffcient. IT had no standard way to get a comprehensive
description of the requirements for maintenance requests, so developers had
to keep asking questions to clarify them, which led to delays and rework.
There was also no clear way to prioritize projects. As businesses requested
exceptions and rush jobs, developers shifted focus from one application
to another, and some projects were never fnished.
Applying lean to application
development and maintenance
IT managers are getting lean.
Noah B. Kindler, Vasantha Krishnakanthan,
and Ranjit Tinaikar
The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 3 100
After the diagnostic phase, IT managers launched a pilot program focused
on three lean principles: improving the work fow, balancing workloads,
and managing performance. To make the work fow smoother, the manag-
ers scheduled bimonthly software releases, with clearly defned steps
and a capacity based on the available resources (designers, coders, and
testers). This predictable schedule allowed the business to plan for current
and future releases and diminished the tendency to rush late requests
into the process.
To even out the workload, the managers defned work groups more fexibly.
Developers and testers were cross-trained to work on projects throughout
the organization. Managers could now deploy people more effciently; when
one group was busy, it could borrow developers or testers from another.
Finally, to manage performance and track waste more successfully, a
new dashboardessentially, a spreadsheet that tracked performance and
highlighted trouble spotswas created so that problems could be recog-
nized early. In one case, managers saw that a task was taking longer than
estimated and therefore redistributed the developers workload to mini-
mize the disruption. The decision to track the performance of individuals
encouraged developers to take on additional tasks, since their efforts were
now more visible.
The pilot surpassed expectations, boosting productivity in the targeted
application maintenance areas by 40 percent in less than two months. ITs
Waste in application development and maintenance (ADM)
Type Example
Q3 2007
Lean ops
Exhibit 1 of 2
Glance: The time-tested principles of lean manufacturing can be applied to rooting out and
eliminating waste from the application development and maintenance production process.
Exhibit title: Waste land
Overproduction/overprocessing Fulllment of requests that wont be used within next 3 months
Unnecessary functionality
Rework Changes in business requirements during development
Application bugs
Wasted motion Requests not tied to business priorities
Ineffective prioritization of maintenance requests
Unplanned task switching
Wasted intellect Limited cross-training of developers across different applications
Poor usage of employees and offshoring resources
Wasted time Key resources not available
Developers idling because of incomplete information on the request forms
Inventory waste Maintenance backlogs
Many partially completed requests
e x h i b i t
Beyond manufacturing: The evolution of lean production 101
business counterparts were more satisfed with the process, and employee
morale reportedly rose. As a result of this success, the company rolled
out the effort to the rest of the application maintenance organization and
to other parts of IT.
Noah Kindler is a consultant in McKinseys London offce,
Krish Krishnakanthan is an associate principal in the Silicon Valley offce, and
Ranjit Tinaikar is a principal the New York offce.
Better manufacturing in China:
An interview with two of PLPs
top executives
James R. Hexter
Leading manufacturers in Chinadomestic and multinational alike
are beginning to adopt proven global-management techniques, such as lean
manufacturing, to make their factories more effcient. One company that
has pioneered a lean transformation in its Chinese operations is Preformed
Line Products (PLP), a Cleveland-based midsize manufacturer of equip-
ment for communications and power companies. In this interview, Bill Haag,
PLPs vice president for international operations, and Wu Yu, the manag-
ing director of PLPs plant near Beijing, explored some lessons learned.
The Quarterly: How did you decide to take a lean approach to solve your
capacity issues?
Bill Haag and Wu Yu explain the lessons of a lean transformation at the
Chinese plant of a manufacturer based in Cleveland.
The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 3 102
Bill Haag: We were looking at traditional ways of solving the problem
putting up another factory, buying more equipment, hiring more people.
But we also knew there was another way to deal with this. Our US factories
had, at that time, been spending a couple of years working on lean
transformations to reduce costs.
But we wondered how we would do that in China, where there arent many
resources related to lean. Also, our situation was different in China. We
have done a signifcant amount of lean work in our North Carolina facility
in the United States and, just recently, in our Brazilian location. Neither
was under the capacity crunch we had here. They were stable, proftable busi-
nesses that wanted to do something better. They had systems in place
everything from computer systems to quality and maintenance systems. They
were not under signifcant production pressure. The goal at those loca-
tions was to reduce work in progress, reduce inventories, reduce lead times,
and reduce costs.
But in China we were fghting fres on all fronts. The business was grow-
ing, and every system in the business was under stress. The computer system,
the maintenance and quality systemseverything was overloaded. Our
people and our managers were overloaded. Its hard to step back from fre-
fghting and say, OK, now lets try to implement a structured program.
The Quarterly: Would you say that the lean work you did here was more
about creating room for growth?
Production lead
time, days
Inspection, stocking
of incoming
materials, days
Q3 2007
Lean ops
Exhibit 2 of 2
Glance: The lean transformation has greatly improved process.
Exhibit title: Greater efciency
Capacity utilization,
On-time delivery,
Improvement after lean transformation
e x h i b i t
Greater efficiency
Beyond manufacturing: The evolution of lean production 103
Wu Yu: Yes, but something else too. Our need to reduce lead times is a
competitive strategy. The type of product we make is not an advanced-
technology product. We now have many competitors in China and other low-
cost countries. To be successful against them we have to react quickly
in the market. How fast we can meet a massive order is important not only
for PLP-China but for PLP as a whole. While product knowledge isnt
the sole area where we can compete, having production capacity for global-
market orders can be a focus for how we compete.
The Quarterly: How did you begin the lean transformation?
Wu Yu: We pulled together a team to look at the problem carefully and
defne a new plan. The team included production, maintenance, and
purchasing supervisors. We wanted people who would be very enthusiastic
about the change. We dedicated these people 100 percent to the project.
Also, we wanted people who were dedicated to the company for the long
term. In China there is a high level of turnover, and we didnt want
people who would see this as an opportunity to gain experience and sell it
elsewhere as soon as the project was fnished.
Bill Haag: The team came up with the design to move from nearly four
production lines to twoone for domestic orders and one for international
and to adopt a lean pull system to move orders through the factory.
I have to say we were surprised by that design recommendation and more
than a little nervous. After all, just six weeks earlier we were looking at
requests for more equipment and people.
James Hexter is a director in McKinseys Beijing offce.
The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 3 104
The finance function eludes a standardized lean approach. We have,
however, found three ideas from the lean-manufacturing world that are
particularly helpful in eliminating waste and improving effciency.
First, many fnance departments can become more effcient by making
external customers the referee of which activities add value or create
waste. Consider how one manufacturing company dealt with late or delin-
quent accounts. The sales department claimed that customers were
sensitive to reminders and that an overly aggressive approach could sour
relations. As a result, the sales group allowed accounting to approach
only a few, mostly smaller customers; for all others, accounting needed
explicit approval from sales. This arrangement frustrated the account-
ing managers, and no one would accept responsibility when sales outstand-
ing rose to above-average levels.
The company broke the tension by asking its customers what they thought.
They understood perfectly well that the company wanted its money and
were often grateful to the accounting department for unearthing their own
process problems. In the end, accounting assumed responsibility for
servicing all customers and for most outstanding accounts. The sales depart-
ment kept responsibility for the few key accounts remaining and agreed
to conduct regular account reviews to re-sort the lists.
Second, the power of an effciency-focused mind-set is cumulative, for a
single initiative frequently exposes deeper problems. At another manu-
facturing company, the accounting department followed one small initiative
with others that ultimately generated cost savings of 60 percent. This
department had entered the expenses for a foreign subsidiarys transporta-
tion services under the heading other indirect costs and then applied
the daily exchange rate to translate these fgures into euros. This approach
lost detail because the parent companys consolidation program broke
down transportation costs individually, but the subsidiarys costs were
buried in a generic line item. Also, the consolidation software used an
Toward a leaner finance
Richard Dobbs, Herbert Pohl, and
Florian Wolff
Borrowing key principles from lean manufacturing can help the nance
function to eliminate waste.
Beyond manufacturing: The evolution of lean production 105
average monthly rate to translate foreign currencies, so even if the data had
been available, the numbers wouldnt have matched those at the subsidiary.
Resolving those problems for just a single subsidiary would have been
an improvement. But this initiative also revealed that similar issues plagued
most line items. The efforts real power became clear later, when the
company standardized the chart of accounts, set clear principles for the
treatment of currencies, and established governance systems to ensure
that the changes would last.
Third, the fnance functions answer to many problems is often to add a
system or data warehouse. While such moves may help companies deal with
diffcult situations, they seldom tackle the real issues.
The experience of one company in the services industry illustrates the
circuitous route that problem solving takes. Everyone involved in budgeting
complained about the endless loops in the process and the poor quality
of the data. The frst bottom-up proposals didnt meet fundamental quality
checks, let alone the budget targets. Desperate for improvement, the
companys CFO requested a budgeting tool to streamline the process and a
data warehouse to hold all relevant information.
Since responsibility for different parts of the budget was poorly defned,
reports still had to be circulated among various departments to align
overlapping analyses; the outcome was fragmented because each function
translated the fgures back into its own key performance indicators
(KPIs) using its own defnitions. The next push also fell short, even though
managers agreed on a single budgeting language, defned KPIs, and
assigned responsibility for different sections of the budget.
The root problem was that middle management and the controllers offce
received little direction from top management and had to clarify the
companys strategic direction themselves. The result was a muddled strategy
with no clear connection to the budget numbers. Instead of having each
unit establish and defne its own KPIs and only then aligning strategic plans,
top management needed to link the KPIs to the companys strategic
direction from the beginning. Once it did, the strategic direction and the
budget assumptions were set in less than half a day. The result was a
more streamlined process.
Richard Dobbs is a director in McKinseys London offce,
Herbert Pohl is a principal in the Dubai offce, and Florian Wolff is an associate
principal in the Munich offce.
Copyright 2007 McKinsey & Company.
All rights reserved.

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