Prabodhananda Sarasvati Sri Caitanya Candramrta Excerpts PDF

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r Caitanya-candmta (excerpts)
The Nectar Moon of Lord Caitanya by rla Prabodhnanda Sarasvat (Translation marked with an * is by rla Prabhupda.) Translated by Kuakratha dsa

kaivalya narakyate tri-daa-pr ka-pupyate durdntendriya-kla-sarpa-paal protkhta-dastryate viva pra-sukhyate vidhi-mahendrdi ca kyate yat-kruya-kaka-vaibhavavat ta gauram eva stuma kaivalyamimpersonal liberation; narakyatebecomes like hell; tridaa-pthe cities of the demigods; kain the sky; pupyatebecomes like a flower; durdntauntameable; kla-sarpaof poisonous snakes; paalthe multitude; protkhtaremoved; dastryateteeth; vivamthe universe; prabecomes full; sukhyateof joy; vidhiBrahm; mah-indraand Indra; dithe demigods headed by; caalso; kyatebecome like tiny insects; yat of whom; kruyaof mercy; kaa-akaof the sidelong glance; vaibhava-vatmof those who have attained the opulence; tamHim; gauramthe golden-complexioned Lord Caitanya; evacertainly; stumawe glorify. For those who have attained the merciful sidelong glance of Lord Caitanya, impersonal liberation becomes as palatable as going to hell, the heavenly cities of the demigods become as enticing as flowers imagined to be floating in the sky, the poisonous fangs of the untameable black snakes of the senses are broken, the whole world becomes full of joy, and Brahm, Indra, and all the other great demigods become as insignificant as tiny insects. Let us glorify that golden-complexioned Lord Caitanya.

nama caitanya-candrya ko-candrnana-tvie premnandbdhi-candrya cru-candru-hsine namaobeisances; caitanaya-candryaunto Lord Caitanyacandra; komillions; candraof moons; nana whose face; tviethe splendor; premaof pure love of god; nandaof the bliss; abdhiof the ocean; candryathe moon; crubeautiful; candraof the moon; auof the splendor; hsinewith a smile. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Caitanyacandra, whose face is as splendid as millions of moons and whose smile is as charming as moonshine. He is like a moon that has just risen from the ocean of the bliss of pure love of God.

yasyaiva pdmbuja-bhakti-lbhya prembhidhna parama pum-artha tasmai jagan-magala-magalya caitanyacandrya namo namas te yasyaof whom; evacertainly; pdaafaeet; ambujalotus; bhaktiby devotion; lbhyaattainable; prema pure love for Ka; abhidhnanamed; paramasupreme; pumof men; arthathe goal; tasmaito Him; jagat in this world; magalaof auspiciousness; magalayathe greatest auspiciousness; caitanyacandryato Lord Caitanyacandra; namaobeisances; namaobeisances; teunto You. O Lord Caitanyacandra, by devotedly serving Your lotus feet, one can attain the pure love for Lord Ka that is the ultimate goal of life for all human beings. O Lord Caitanyacandra, O great auspiciousness of the world, I offer

my respectful obeisances unto You again and again.

uccair sphlayanta kara-caraam aho hema-daa-prakau bhu proddhtya sat-tava-tarala-tanu puarkyatkam vivasymagala-ghna kim api hari harty unmadnanda-ndair vande ta deva-cmaim atula-rasvia-caitanyacandram uccailoudly; sphlayantammoving; karahands; caraamand feet; ahoah!; hemagolden; daarods; prakaularge; bhuarms; proddhtyaraising; sattranscendental; tavawith dancing; taralamoving; tanumbody; puarkalotus; yatalarge; akameyes; vivasyaof the universe; amagalainauspiciousness; ghnamdestroying; kim apisomething; hariHari!; hariHari!; itithus; unmadamad; nandaof bliss; ndai with sounds; vandeI offer my respectful obeisances; tamto Him; devaof all forms of God; cthe crest; maim jewel; atulapeerless; rasanectar; viaentered; caitanyacandramto Lord Caitanyacandra. I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Caitanyacandra. Moving His hands and feet here and there, raising the two golden rods of His arms, and trembling as He dances, He loudly calls out Hari! Hari! in the madness of ecstatic bliss, vanquishing all inauspiciousness in the universe. In this way that lotus-eyed Lord, the crest jewel of all incarnations, immerses Himself in tasting the sweet nectar of unparalleled pure love for Ka.

nanda-llmaya-vigrahya hembha-divya-cchavi-sundarya tasmai mah-prema-rasa-pradya caitanyacandrya namo namas te nandabliss; llpastimes; mayaconsisting; vigrahyawhose form; hemaof gold; abhathe splendor; divya transcendental; chavisplendor; sundaryahandsome; tasmaito Him; mahgreat; premaof pure love for Ka; rasathe nectar; pradyagiving; caitanyacandryato Lord Caitanyacandra; namaobeisances; nama obeisances; teunto You. O Lord Caitanyacandra, Your form is full of blissful pastimes, Your beautiful complexion is as splendid as gold, and You give the nectar of pure love for Ka in charity. O Lord, again and again I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.

antar-dhvnta-caya samasta-jagatm unmlayant haht premnanda-rasmbudhi niravadhi-prodevalayant balt viva talayanty atva vikala tpa-trayenia yumka hdaye cakstu satata caitanyacandra-ccha antawithin the heart; dhvntathe darkness; cayamgreat; samastaof all; jagatmthe universes; unmlayantuprooting; hahtviolently; premaof love; nandaof bliss; rasaof nectar; ambudhimthe ocean; niravadhieternally; prodvelayantincreasing; baltviolently; vivamthe world; talayantcooling; atva greatly; vikalamovercome; tpa-trayeaby the threefold miseries; aniamcontinually; yumkamof all of you; hdayein the heart; cakstumay become manifest; satatameternally; caitanyaof Lord Caitanya; candraof the moon; chathe effulgence. The splendid effulgence of the moon of Lord Caitanya violently uproots the dense darkness in the hearts of the entire world, forces the nectar ocean of the bliss of pure love of Ka to overflow its shores without limit, and continuously cools this universe, which is tormented by the burning threefold miseries. May that moon of Lord Caitanya forever shine within your hearts.

avatrne gauracandre

vistrne prema-sgare su-prakita-ratnaughe yo dno dna eva sa avatrnein the descent; gauracandreof Lord Gauracandra; vistrneexpanded; premaof pure love; sgarethe ocean; su-prakitamanifested; ratnaof jewels; augheabundance; yaone who; dnais poor; dnais poor; evaindeed; sahe. The advent of r Caitanya Mahprabhu is like an expanding ocean of nectar. One who does not collect the valuable jewels within that ocean is certainly the poorest of the poor.*

vacito smi vacito smi vacito smi na saaya viva gaura-rase magna sparo pi mama nbhavat vacitacheated; asmiI am; vacitacheated; asmiI am; vacitacheated; asmiI am; nano; saaya doubt; vivamthe entire world; gaurafrom Lord Gauracandra; rasein the nectar; magnamplunged; spara touch; apieven; mamaof me; nanot; abhavathas been. I am cheated! I am cheated! I am cheated! Of this there is no doubt. For although Lord Gauracandra has plunged the entire world into a flood of love for Ka, not a single drop has touched me.

kla kalir balina indriya-vairi-varg r-bhakti-mrga iha kaaka-koi-ruddha h h kva ymi vikala kim aha karomi caitanyacandra yadi ndya kp karoi kla kaliKali-yuga; balinavery strong; indriyasenses; vairi-vargenemies; r-bhaktiof devotional service; mrgathe path; ihahere; kaakaof thorns; koiwith millions; ruddhaobstructed; halas; h alas; kvawhere?; ymishall I go; vikalaweak and agitated; kimwhat?; ahamshall I; karomido; caitanyacandraO Lord Caitanyacandra; yadiif; nanot; adyanow; kpmmercy; karoiYou do. It is now the Age of Kali, and my enemiesmy senseshave become very strong. The splendid path of pure devotional service to Ka is blocked by millions of brambles [of false doctrines]. Alas! Alas! I am overwhelmed! O Lord Caitanyacandra, if You do not immediately give me Your mercy, what can I do, where can I go?

h hanta hanta paramoara citta-bhmau vyarth bhavanti mama sdhana-koayo pi sarvtman tad aham adbhuta-bhakti-bja r-gauracandra-caraa araa karomi halas; hantaalas; paramagreat; uaradesert; cittaheart; bhmauin the place; vyarthuseless; bhavantibecome; mamaof me; sdhanathe religious practices; koayamillions; apieven; sarvawith all; tmanmy heart; tat therefore; ahamI; adbhutawonderful; bhaktiof pure devotional service; bjamthe seed; r-gauracandraof Lord Gauracandra; caraamthe feet; araamshelter; karomiI do. Alas! Alas! Alas! Millions of the seeds of material pious deeds fail to sprout when I try to plant them in the desert of my heart. I shall give up trying to plant them, and with all my heart I shall take shelter of Lord Gauracandras lotus feet, which are the wonderful seed of pure devotional service.

sasra-dukha-jaladhau patitasya kmakrodhdi-nakra-makrai kaval-ktasya durvsan-nigaitasya-nirrayasya caitanyacandra mama dehi padvalambam sasraof repeated birth and death; dukhaof suffering; jaladhauinto the ocean; patitasyafallen; kma lust; krodhaand anger; dibeginning with; nakracrocodiles; makaraiand sharks; kavala mouthful; ktasya being made; durvsanof sinful thoughts and desires; nigaditasyachained; nirrayasyawithout shelter; caitanyacandraO Lord Caitanycandra; mamato me; dehiplease give; padaof the feet; avalambamshelter. I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death, which is full of all kinds of sufferings, and am being devoured alive by the sharks and crocodiles of lust and anger. not only that, but I am chained by my sinful thoughts and desires. In this condition I have no shelter. O Lord Caitanyacandra, please rescue me by giving me the shelter of Your lotus feet.

yat tad vadantu stri yat tad vykhyantu trkik jvana mama caitanyapdmbhoja-sudhaiva tu yatwhat; tat that; vadantulet them say; strithe scriptures; yatwhat; tat that; vykhyantulet them comment; trkiklogicians; jvanamlife and soul; mamaof me; caitanyaof Lord Caitanya; pdafeet; ambhojalotus; sudhnectar; evacertainly; tuindeed. Let the Vedic scriptures say whatever they like! Let the learned logicians comment as they like! Whatever they say, the nectar of Lord Caitanyas lotus feet shall always remain my life and soul.

caitanyeti kpmayeti paramodreti nn-vidhapremveita-sarva-bhta-hdayety carya-dhmann iti gaurgeti guraveti rasa-rpeti sva-nma-priyety arnta mama jalpato janir iya yyd iti prrthaye caitanyaO Lord Caitanya; itithus; kpmayaO merciful one; itithus; parama-udraO supremely generous one; itithus; nnvarious; vidhakinds; premalove; veitaentered; sarvaall; bhtaliving entities; hdayaheart; itithus; caryawonderful; dhmansplendor; itithus; gaura-agafair complexioned; itithus; guaof transcendental virtues; aravaocean; itithus; rasaof necrtar; rpaform; itithus; svaown; nma names; priyadear; itithus; arntamwithout becoming fatigued; mamaof me; jalpatachanting; janilife; iyamthis; yytmay pass; itithus; prrthayeI pray. O Lord Caitanya, O merciful one, O supremely generous one, O Lord who fill the heart of the living entities with the different mellows of devotional love, O wonderfully splendid Lord, O golden-complexioned Lord, o ocean of transcendental virtues, O personified nectar of devotional love, O Lord who are fond of chanting Your own holy names, I pray that without ever becoming tired I may pass my life always chanting Your holy names in this way.

uddma-dmanaka-dma gabhirmam rma-rmam avirma-ghta-nma kruya-dhma kanakojjvala-gaura-dhma caitanya-nma parama kalaymi dhma uddmablossomed; dmanakadmanaka flowers; dmawith a garland; gaathe people; abhirmam delighting; rmain a garden; rmamfilled with bliss; avirmawithout stopping; ghtachanting; nmathe

holy name; kruyaof mercy; dhmathe abode; kanakaof gold; ujjvalawith the splendor; gaurafair; dhma complexon; caitanyaCaitanya; nmabearing the name; paramamthe Supreme; kalaymiI meditate; dhma transcendence. I meditate on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who bears the name Caitanya. Pleasing to everyone, He wears a garland of fully blossomed dmanaka flowers and enjoys pastimes in a secluded garden, continuously chanting the holy names of Lord Ka. He is the abode of compassion, and His fair complexion is as effulgent as gold.

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