Bio Booster Armor Guyver D&D Version 2
Bio Booster Armor Guyver D&D Version 2
Bio Booster Armor Guyver D&D Version 2
bonuses are not seen fight off the bat. It takes time to discover these abilities and powers. #s the character advances in level they gain new powers as a Guyver that are only usable while the character is in their Guyver form. +egardless of height and weight of the character it is different while in the Guyver form. The characters height and build increases by an inch, they also gain about an extra foot in height with their horn, which doesn(t really count as the characters actual height, their weight doubles. *ach Guyver form is different in looks and color, but all Guyver(s do bear some passing resemblance to each other. Women even have a feminine look.
Transformation: The character is capable of transforming from what seems like an ordinary person into an engine of destruction. Initially the character does not have any of the armors weapons and abilities except for their physical boosts. ,pon becoming a Guyver the character gets a &- to their .trength, and Dexterity. The character(s /onstitution however remains at the normal. #dditionally the characters $ase .peed doubles at level 0, and triples at level 01. #lso while in the Guyver form they are not easy to harm. The character gets a Damage +eduction of !23, but the character may add their /onstitution 4odifier to this number. The character also gets a &- to their #/ while in the Guyver form.
#dditionally the very act of transforming is a very deadly and destructive matter. #nyone or thing with in a -35ft area of the character has a chance of being killed. The act of transforming into the Guyver form, from that of the characters normal form. The process is a full round action, but is instant. Transforming creates a dimensional rift around the character. The armor is then suddenly on them. #ny bulky e%uipment and items have to be dropped or they are destroyed. #nything takes 6d01 points of damage. $ulky armor, medium to heavy, or metal must be removed or it will also be destroyed. 7ight armor like leather and padded are not effected by this. 4agic Items that are close to the body, like rings, and amulets are not harmed, but more bulkier items like gauntlets are. 4agic Items that are worn do retain their bonuses when the character is in the Guyver form, however any #/ bonuses must be natural bonuses only in order for the character to be able to use them in the Guvyer form. #nother down side that while in Guyver form the character can not wear magical items that also provide an #/ boost or anything else unless it is a 8atural #/ bonus.
Guyvers can regenerate, but not in the same sense as a troll or other creature. 7ost limbs regenerate at a rate of 0 inch per half hour. .ame goes for lost chunks of anatomy. )it 9oints however are a bit different. When in their normal :human; form they heal at a normal speed. While in the Guyver form it(s a bit faster. ,pon transforming the character instantly regains )it points as if they had rested for a full day. The Guyver must heal back at least half of the damage taken while in the Guyver form before they can revert back to normal. While in the Guyver form the character heals at a rate e%ual to the /haracter(s /onstitution modifier &', <at least ' points if /on. 4od is in the negatives=, per half hour. .ubdual damage is also healed faster. When assuming the Guyver form any subdual damage that
was taken is all restored. #ny subdual damage taken while in the Guyver form heals at a rate of 0 point per minute. They Guyver can +egenerate as long as the control medal in their forehead remains there. If it is removed the Guyver begins to loose hit points fast as their body begins to melt. It looses )9 at a rate of 0d01&- points per round. <It takes a .trength check D/ !1 to remove the /ontrol 4etal, anything bigger than a 7arge .i>ed creature can not remove the control metal as they are to big to handle such a small ob ect. The /ontrol 4etal is a Tiny target and specific attacks against it must beat an #/ e%ual to the Guyvers normal #/ &?. Grappling on the other hand does not have to worry about this #/ bonus and can ignore it.= )owever so long as the control metal is intact the character can regenerate completely at the normal rate. When they are done however they are in a $erserk mode for 0d@ rounds. Damaging the /ontrol 4etal is a very hard act and can only be done before the Guyver bonds with a host. While in the Guyver form the character can not be turned into a were3creature, or undead. #s a human the character can transform, if they have time. The character can transform to flush their sstem of these effects instantly looses half of their /onstitution as the Guyver form flushes their system in a spray of blood from the no>>les on the mouth. #fter this the character can revert back to normal, but will be very weak and need to rest for a few days <0d6=, after which they can act normally and regain lost /onstitution at a normal rate. If they remain in the Guyver form they can act normally, but are at a 36 to all actions due to the heavy amount of lost blood. The character will regenerate the lost blood but they will still be weak once back in their normal form. 7astly the Guyvers ability to regenerate form disintegration spells2powers is diminished slightly. Guyvers take ! times longer to regenerate from such attacks.
Guyvers have ' orb(s in their head that can move back and forth. These orbs allow the Guyver to move about and know their surroundings even in total darkness. They can also detect movement around the Guyver. Thus a Guyver does not loose their Dex bonus to their #/ while in the Guyver form. #dditionally the Guyver gains a &0 insight bonus to their #/ at every 6 levels of advancement in a class. The character also can fight normally even if blinded, or in complete darkness simply by using the sensors. The Guyver can sense anything moving with in 01ft of them, and if they make /oncentration check <D/ '1= then can extend that range out to 61ft. The Guyver can tell how many beings there are, as well as positions, but nothing more beyond that. These orbs effectively provide the Guyver with $indsight, but can work in any conditions. $ecause of these things the Guyver can not be the target of sneak attacks so long as the attacker is with in 01ft of the Guyver, or so long as the Guyver is not flanked. "ut side of this the attacker can make ranged sneak attacks. 7astly the sensors provide a &6 bonus to 7isten, .earch and .pot checks made while in the Guyver form.
The Guyver has ' no>>les located on one side or both sides of the face. These are how the Guyver breaths. They can filter water for oxygen, as well as gasses. In a vacuum however the Guyver will have to hold their breath, but can do so for 'x longer than they normally could in their normal form.
Unarmed Strikes
The Guyver can make unarmed attacks as if they were armed and do not draw attacks of opportunity. #dditionally the Guyvers unarmed attacks are stronger than those of other characters <except for the monkAunless the 4onk is a Guyver as well=. The character can do an extra !d6 points of damage with their ,narmed #ttacks. Thus the Damage for a Guyver(s unarmed attack would beB 0d! &!d6 &.tr. 4odifier. If a 4onk <say level 0= then they would doB 0d@ &!d6 &.tr. 4odifier.
Po ers
The character starts play with access to only the 4ega3.masher. *very ! levels of advancement allows the character access to 0 more power of their choice. The power should be discovered in game as part of a battle.
The 4ega3.masher is the :ultimate; weapon of the Guyver. #s the character advances in level the power of this weapon increases as well. The 4ega3.masher is made up of ' orbs located under the Guyver(s chest plates. The plates have to be opened in order to use it. DamageB 'd01 starting at level 0. Gains 'd01 every level hitting its max at level 01. Damage is considered disintegration damage and can not be regenerated and must be healed normally. <Cor other Guyvers hit by this, or nicked by it they still regenerate but it takes ! times longer.= # roll to hit is not re%uired. #nything in front of the '1ft wide beam is effected. "ne 4ega3.masher has a 01ft wide beam, with both its '1ft wide. +angeB 0 mile, gains another mile in range every other mile. The 4ega3.masher is a high degree of power. The 4ega3.masher can only be used once per day. #lso when used the 4ega3.masher draw(s out a lot of the Guyver(s energy. The Guyver looses its .trength, and Dexterity $onus, and the character also looses access to all of their weapons2powers that being in the Guyver form offers. #fter all of this the form can only be maintained for a number of minutes e%ual to the characters /onstitution 4od, &0. The character can choose to use only 0 4ega3.masher rather than both. The Guyver does not suffer all of the penalties listed above until both are used. When one is used the character only looses D of their .trength and Dexterity bonuses, but can still use all of their other abilities. This blast is at half the full amount of power. <.o if both can doe @d01, then one will do only !d01. ,sing the 4ega3.masher, either one at a time or both at once counts as a full round action.
Sonic S ords
The spikes on the forearms, although small instantly extend out to long sword like blades. These blades generate a field of sonic energy, making the blade far sharper than an ordinary sword. The character however is at a 36 to hit with these blades that is until they gain an *xotic Weapons 9roficiency in the .onic .words. )owever there is one thing. .ome Guyvers have ' blades rather than 0. These blades are slightly curved. <When the arm lays flat along the body the tip of the blade or blades point up and outward when extended.= The number of blades is determined at the characters initial creation with having the unit. +oll 0d@, on a 03! the character has only 0 blade on each arm, on a 63@ the character has ' blades on each arm. DamageB With 0 blade the damage is 0d?, /ritical of 053'12x'. With ' blades the damage is 0d01, /ritical of 053'12x'. Damage is also considered sonic damage. If a structure or creature is
immune to sonic damage then the critical hit is reduced to 0E3'12x', and normal damage is reduced to 0d@ for a single blade and 0d? for ' blades. $oth types are slashing weapons. The .onic .words can be used as often as the character desires. The .onic .words gain an effective enchantment bonus of &0 at every 6 levels of advancement, this bonus is not an actual bonus to hit or damage. This damage is also considered sonic damage.
Sonic #mitters
The ' orbs at where the mouth should be emit a high pitched sonic signal that is devastating to those with in range for the attack. The attack has no noise, but attacks the person by their atoms at a high rate often causing the targets head to explode. DamageB The attack does 0d? points of .onic damage every ' levels. Does a maximum amount of -d? damage. # Cortitude save may be made to save for half damage, D/ 0-. #lternatively the character can use this to stun an opponent rather than do damage. The D/ is 0-, should the save be made the target is not effected, if they fail then reduce their .T+, F D*G, by 0d6&0 points for 0d@ minutes. If used a second time to stun the same target <unless they were successful the first time= the target instead of making a Cortitude save must make a Will save. .hould they fail they are rendered unconscious for 'd@ minutes, if they make the save reduce their stats again by an additional 0d6&0 points, for an additional 0d@ minutes. If used a third time against the same target in this manner then there is no save and they fall unconscious for 0 hour. +angeB The attack unfortunately has a very limited range affecting any targets that are directly in front of the user, and is only -ft away. *ffects a -ft area directly in front of the character, anyone occupying the same space is affected. The attack counts as a free action, but may only be used once per round. The attack does not re%uire a roll to hit, anyone within melee combat with the character can be affected, only targets attacking with reach weapons aren(t effected. This attack only be used once per day initially. It can be used another time at levels -, 01, 0-, and '1.
This weapon is something of a reaction weapon It fires a green beam out of a small green orb right above the control metal. The character can control the blasts, or the control metal can fire blasts off to protect itself. While the beam isnHt very powerful it is incredibly accurate. DamageB 0d6&0, /ritical on 0E3'12x' +angeB ?1ft. The beam has a -1I chance of firing when ever an attack specifically targets the /ontrol 4etal of the Guyver. This is purely a reflexive action controlled not by the host, but by the Guyver itself. This action can cancel an attack aimed at the control metal. $onusB &6 to hit. Ciring the $eam counts as a standard action and can be fired a number of times e%ual to the characters number of actions, if the character has the +apid .hot feat they can make use of the extra actions.
%ravit& %ro'e
This is a small baseball si>ed orb located at the waist. This orb allows the host to control gravitational forces to some extent. This gives the person flight capabilities at a speed of about !-. It can also be used to create a Jpressure cannonJ, or more accurately a gravity bomb. What happens is when it hits it creates a loud pop and damages what ever it hit by ways of a perfect circular shaped hole. The bomb is launched in anyway the user likes, but it is always done from the hands. ,sually done in a :)adoken; like fashion. $ut that(s not the end of it. The Gravity Grobe can be used to create a gravity shield. 9ressure /annonB The pressure cannon can only be fired up to @ times a day, and only up to ! shots may be fired in a row with in 0 round. ,p to ! shots can thusly be fired rapidly in a single melee, but no more may be fired until the next round. This attack is considered a full action if used as such. 9ressure /annon DamageB 0d01 &0d01 every ' levels. 4ax damage is !d01. 9ressure /annon +angeB Thrown, !1 feet. The 9ressure /annon re%uires a roll to hit fore each attack. Gravity .hieldB The gravity shield is a handy thing to use. It can stop anything. #fter all what can stand up to something that can generate a mini black hole. This shield can only be used a curtain number of times a day, using the same allotted numbers as the 9ressure /annon, it does not have its own set. "nce created, the shield can remain active for ' rounds in a row but the character can take no other actions, and is considered to be on Cull Defense. The shield however again only protects the front half of the character. In order for it to intercept an attack the character must be facing their enemy or have the shield in the general direction. This is sort of like the .hield spell. If the character uses up all of their daily allotted number of actions with the gravity grobe to use the 9ressure cannon, then they can not use the Gravity .hield, same goes for the .hield. 7astly the gravity grobe is capable of enhancing upon the characters normal umping capabilities. The Guyver can leap triple their normal height once they learn how to use the gravity grobe. ,se of either abilities, namely the 9ressure /annon and the Gravity .hield counts a s full round action.
Damaged )ontrol !etal: This is a very serious condition for anyone who has bonded with a Guyver. The control metal can only be damaged before the symbiot can bond with someone. #fter this the control metal is virtually indestructible, <has a )ardness of -1, and -1 hit 9oints=. The metal that makes up the control metal actually isn(t so much a metal as it is an organic alloy of some sort. When damaged it can regenerate. That is unless it was damaged before it bonded with a host. $efore bonding the Guyver is inert and can not regenerate or do much else. In its inactive form, prier to bonding, the symbiot has a has the #/ of a rock, but its still dense and hard to damage, <)ardness of '-, D+ '1 and -1 hit points=. Damaging the control metal in this form simply re%uires at least half of the inactive Guyver(s )9 to be lost. "nce bonded with a host the damaged /ontrol 4etal has some unusual effects on the host. The host can only remain active in the armor for a number of rounds e%ual to their /onstitution score before they are suddenly wracked with pain. The Guyver can take no actions and are for the most part helpless for 0d@ rounds. There is no save for this it ust happens. The D/ to remove a control metal also decreases by - points at this time. Striking a )ontrol !etal: This task re%uires a specific attack against the control metal. "r as it was once called, a called shot. If the control metal is struck the Guyver is wracked with pain and looses their actions, <they can still move, but that(s it=, for that round or for the next round if they have already taken their action. They loose their Dex bonus to their #/, and can be sneak attacked by anyone. The Guyver is not helpless though. #fter that round the Guyver recovers, unless the control metal is struck again. Time Limit: The host can only assume their Guyver form a curtain number of times in a day. 7ike many other things with the Guyver, the character can only assume their transformed Guyver state a number of times a day e%ual to their /onstitution 4odifier &0. The character can remain in the form as long as they like or have to as is the case of healing and regenerating. Scar& looking: The massive trade off is that while in the Guyver form they aren(t exactly going to be winning any beauty pageants. The character is at a 3@ to any social interaction skills while in the Guyver form. They do however get a &@ to Intimidation skill checks while in the form. The character can easily be considered a demon or other monster. #ating: The character still needs to eat and drink, and thusly can not remain in the Guyver form indefinitely. 4agic items like a +ing of .ustenance does not work while the character is in their Guyver form. The same thing goes for other bodily functions including sleeping, or meditating if an *lf. !agic* S+ecial A'ilities and Po ers: The most massive trade off for the Guyver is the characters loss of any special abilities, spells, or powers. .pells can not be cast while in the Guyver form. .pecial abilities like +aging, $ardic 4usic, Turn2+ebuke ,ndead, Domain .pecial #bilities, #ll Druidic #bilities, 4onk .uper 8atural #bilities only, all 9aladin .pecial #bilities, and 9sychic 9owers. 8one of these can be used while in the Guyver form. In this trade off the Guyver grants abilities of its own. The Guyver does not get .pell +esistance or anything, instead, regardless of the spell the Guyver .ymbiot will resist the spell, even if it could help. This uses the characters ad usted .aving Throws while in the Guyver form. 7uckily the character retains all their Ceats and .kills. Cighters retain their bonus feats, and +ogues retain all of their abilities as well, however if they gain any supernatural abilities through level advancement in a prestige class or as normal they can not access those abilities while in the Guyver form. #ny other abilities that are not supernaturally linked can be used. Racial A'ilities: While in the Guyver form .ome racial abilities are not usable. .uch things would be dark vision, and so on. )umans, are not effected by this rule. Dwarves loose their
darkvision <as it(s not needed in the Guyver form=. *lves loose their low3light vision, and their &' bonus to listen, .earch and .pot checks. Gnomes loose their low3light vision, &' bonus to 7isten checks, their ability to cast spells <cantrips=. )alf *lves loose their low3light vision, &0 bonus to 7isten, .earch and .pot /hecks. )alf "rcs loose their darkvision. )alflings loose their &0 bonus to all saving throws, and &' bonus to 7isten checks. That is they loose these abilities while in the Guyver form as its abilities are far greater than their racial abilities and thus overrides them while in the Guyver form only. #ny racial super natural abilities that may be gained from being say a )alf /elestial are also lost while in the Guyver form. $ut )alf /elestials can(t be Guyvers anyway so it doesn(t matter. )an ,ot Bond: # Guyver can only and will only bond with specific beings. Those being the ones listed in the DFD 9layer(s )andbook. The Guyver will not bond with any other being, especially the undead, like vampires. 9retty much any race in the 4onstrous 4anual can not bond with the Guyver. The Guyver will preferable bond to a human rather than most other races. $ut it will still bond with the first person that comes in contact with it that it finds agreeable. Rarit&: Guyver symbiots are very rare creatures. They are often found in caves or other places that are ust out of the way and odd to find such things. They are also found underground usual buried only a few feet from the surface.