James M. Robinson....... The Nag Hammadi Library

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1;<.=*>?<+=; @.=) A !"# 9;=B<+? 9=BC#DB E
ly LIaine IageIs
In Decenlei 1945 an Aial peasanl nade an aslonishing aicheoIogicaI discoveiy in Uppei Lgypl.
Runois olscuied lhe ciicunslances of lhis find--peihaps lecause lhe discoveiy vas accidenlaI,
and ils saIe on lhe lIack naikel iIIegaI. Ioi yeais even lhe idenlily of lhe discoveiei ienained
unknovn. One iunoi heId lhal he vas a lIood avengei, anolhei, lhal he had nade lhe find neai
lhe lovn of Naj 'Hannd al lhe }alaI aI-Tiif, a nounlain honeyconled vilh noie lhan 15O
caves. OiiginaIIy naluiaI, sone of lhese caves veie cul and painled and used as giave siles as
eaiIy as lhe sixlh dynasly, sone 4,3OO yeais ago.
Thiily yeais Ialei lhe discoveiei hinseIf, Muhannad 'AI aI-Sannn, loId vhal happened.
ShoilIy lefoie he and his liolheis avenged lheii falhei's nuidei in a lIood feud, lhey had saddIed
lheii caneIs and gone oul lo lhe }alaI lo dig foi B&-&F"G a sofl soiI lhey used lo feiliIize lheii
ciops. Digging aiound a nassive louIdei, lhey hil a ied eailhenvaie jai, aInosl a nelei high.
Muhannad 'AI hesilaled lo lieak lhe jai, consideiing lhal a H+;;, oi spiiil, nighl Iive inside. ul
ieaIizing lhal il nighl aIso conlain goId, he iaised his nallock, snashed lhe jai, and discoveied
inside lhiileen papyius looks, lound in Iealhei. Reluining lo his hone in aI-Qasi, Muhannad
'AII dunped lhe looks and Ioose papyius Ieaves on lhe sliav piIed on lhe giound nexl lo lhe
oven. Muhannad's nolhei, 'Unn-Ahnad, adnils lhal she luined nuch of lhe papyius in lhe
oven aIong vilh lhe sliav she used lo kindIe lhe fiie.
A fev veeks Ialei, as Muhannad 'AI leIIs il, he and his liolheis avenged lheii falhei's dealh ly
nuideiing Ahned Isna'iI. Theii nolhei had vained hei sons lo keep lheii nallocks shaip: vhen
lhey Ieained lhal lheii falhei's eneny vas neaily, lhe liolheis seized lhe oppoilunily, "hacked off
his Iinls . . . iipped oul his heail, and devouied il anong lhen, as lhe uIlinale acl of lIood
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Ieaiing lhal lhe poIice invesligaling lhe nuidei vouId seaich his house and discovei lhe looks,
Muhannad 'AI asked lhe piiesl, aI-Qunnus asiIiyus Ald aI-Masih, lo keep one oi noie foi
hin. Duiing lhe line lhal Muhannad 'AI and his liolheis veie leing inleiiogaled foi nuidei,
Raghil, a IocaI hisloiy leachei, had seen one of lhe looks, and suspecled lhal il had vaIue. Having
ieceived one fion aI-Qunnus asiIiyus, Raghil senl il lo a fiiend in Caiio lo find oul ils voilh.
SoId on lhe lIack naikel lhiough anliquilies deaIeis in Caiio, lhe nanusciipls soon alliacled lhe
allenlion of officiaIs of lhe Lgyplian goveinnenl. Thiough ciicunslances of high diana, as ve
shaII see, lhey loughl one and confiscaled len and a haIf of lhe lhiileen Iealhei-lound looks,
caIIed codices, and deposiled lhen in lhe Coplic Museun in Caiio. ul a Iaige pail of lhe
lhiileenlh codex, conlaining five exliaoidinaiy lexls, vas snuggIed oul of Lgypl and offeied foi
saIe in Aneiica. Woid of lhis codex soon ieached Iiofessoi CiIIes QuispeI, dislinguished hisloiian
of ieIigion al Uliechl, in lhe NelheiIands. Lxciled ly lhe discoveiy, QuispeI uiged lhe }ung
Ioundalion in Zuiich lo luy lhe codex. ul discoveiing, vhen he succeeded, lhal sone pages
veie nissing, he fIev lo Lgypl in lhe spiing of 1955 lo liy lo find lhen in lhe Coplic Museun.
Aiiiving in Caiio, he venl al once lo lhe Coplic Museun, loiioved phologiaphs of sone of lhe
lexls, and huiiied lack lo his holeI lo deciphei lhen. Tiacing oul lhe fiisl Iine, QuispeI vas
slailIed, lhen incieduIous, lo iead: "These aie lhe seciel voids vhich lhe Iiving }esus spoke, and
vhich lhe lvin, }udas Thonas, viole dovn." QuispeI knev lhal his coIIeague H.C. Iuech, using
noles fion anolhei Iiench schoIai, }ean Doiesse, had idenlified lhe opening Iines vilh fiagnenls
of a Cieek 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&B discoveied in lhe 189O's. ul lhe discoveiy of lhe vhoIe lexl iaised
nev queslions: Did }esus have a lvin liolhei, as lhis lexl inpIies` CouId lhe lexl le an aulhenlic
iecoid of }esus' sayings` Accoiding lo ils lilIe, il conlained lhe 9=BC#D 8??=.*+;' <= !"=)&BI yel,
unIike lhe gospeIs of lhe Nev Teslanenl, lhis lexl idenlified ilseIf as a B#?.#< gospeI. QuispeI aIso
discoveied lhal il conlained nany sayings knovn fion lhe Nev Teslanenl, lul lhese sayings,
pIaced in unfaniIiai conlexls, suggesled olhei dinensions of neaning. Olhei passages, QuispeI
found, diffeied enliieIy fion any knovn Chiislian liadilion: lhe "Iiving }esus," foi exanpIe,
speaks in sayings as ciyplic and conpeIIing as Zen koans:
}esus said, "If you liing foilh vhal is vilhin you, vhal you liing foilh viII save you. If you do nol
liing foilh vhal is vilhin you, vhal you do nol liing foilh viII deslioy you."
Whal QuispeI heId in his hand, lhe 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&BG vas onIy one of lhe fifly-lvo lexls
discoveied al Nag Hannadi (lhe usuaI LngIish liansIileialion of lhe lovn's nane). ound inlo lhe
sane voIune vilh il is lhe 9=BC#D =@ J"+D+CG vhich alliilules lo }esus acls and sayings quile
diffeienl fion lhose in lhe Nev Teslanenl:
. . . lhe conpanion of lhe |Savioi isj Maiy MagdaIene. |ul Chiisl Iovedj hei noie lhan |aIIj lhe
discipIes, and used lo kiss hei |oflenj on hei |noulhj. The iesl of |lhe discipIes veie offendedj . . .
They said lo hin, "Why do you Iove hei noie lhan aII of us`" The Savioi ansveied and said lo
lhen, "Why do I nol Iove you as (I Iove) hei`"
Olhei sayings in lhis coIIeclion ciilicize connon Chiislian leIiefs, such as lhe viigin liilh oi lhe
lodiIy iesuiieclion, as nave nisundeislandings. ound logelhei vilh lhese gospeIs is lhe
8C=?./C"=; (IileiaIIy, "seciel look") =@ K=";G vhich opens vilh an offei lo ieveaI "lhe nysleiies
|and lhej lhings hidden in siIence" vhich }esus laughl lo his discipIe }ohn.
Muhannad 'AI Ialei adnilled lhal sone of lhe lexls veie Iosl--luined up oi lhiovn avay. ul
vhal ienains is aslonishing: sone fifly-lvo lexls fion lhe eaiIy cenluiies of lhe Chiislian eia--
incIuding a coIIeclion of eaiIy Chiislian gospeIs, pieviousIy unknovn. esides lhe 9=BC#D =@
!"=)&B and lhe 9=BC#D =@ J"+D+CG lhe find incIuded lhe 9=BC#D =@ !.><" and lhe 9=BC#D <= <"#
6'/C<+&;BG vhich idenlifies ilseIf as "lhe |sacied lookj of lhe Cieal InvisilIe |Spiiilj." Anolhei
gioup of lexls consisls of viilings alliiluled lo }esus' foIIoveis, such as lhe L#?.#< 0==F =@ K&)#BG
lhe 8C=?&D/CB# =@ J&>DG lhe ,#<<#. =@ J#<#. <= J"+D+CG and lhe 8C=?&D/CB# =@ J#<#.M
Whal Muhannad 'AI discoveied al Nag Hannadi, il soon lecane cIeai, veie Coplic
liansIalions, nade aloul 1,5OO yeais ago, of sliII noie ancienl nanusciipls. The oiiginaIs
lhenseIves had leen viillen in Cieek, lhe Ianguage of lhe Nev Teslanenl: as Doiesse, Iuech, and
QuispeI had iecognized, pail of one of lhen had leen discoveied ly aicheoIogisls aloul fifly
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yeais eaiIiei, vhen lhey found a fev fiagnenls of lhe oiiginaI Cieek veision of lhe 9=BC#D =@
Aloul lhe daling of lhe nanusciipls lhenseIves lheie is IillIe delale. Lxaninalion of lhe dalalIe
papyius used lo lhicken lhe Iealhei lindings, and of lhe Coplic sciipl, pIace lhen c. A.D. 35O-4OO.
ul schoIais shaipIy disagiee aloul lhe daling of lhe oiiginaI lexls. Sone of lhen can haidIy le
Ialei lhan cM A.D. 12O-15O, since Iienaeus, lhe oilhodox ishop of Lyons, viiling C. 18O, decIaies
lhal heielics "loasl lhal lhey possess noie gospeIs lhan lheie ieaIIy aie,'' and conpIains lhal in his
line such viilings aIieady have von vide ciicuIalion--fion CauI lhiough Rone, Cieece, and
Asia Minoi.
QuispeI and his coIIaloialois, vho fiisl pulIished lhe 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&BG suggesled lhe dale of c.
A.D. 14O foi lhe oiiginaI. Sone ieasoned lhal since lhese gospeIs veie heielicaI, lhey nusl have
leen viillen Ialei lhan lhe gospeIs of lhe Nev Teslanenl, vhich aie daled c. 6O-I IO. ul iecenlIy
Iiofessoi HeInul Koeslei of Haivaid Univeisily has suggesled lhal lhe coIIeclion of sayings in lhe
9=BC#D =@ !"=)&BG aIlhough conpiIed c. 14O, nay incIude sone liadilions even =D*#. lhan lhe
gospeIs of lhe Nev Teslanenl, "possilIy as eaiIy as lhe second haIf of lhe fiisl cenluiy" (5O-1OO)--
as eaiIy as, oi eaiIiei, lhan Maik, Mallhev, Luke, and }ohn.
SchoIais invesligaling lhe Nag Hannadi find discoveied lhal sone of lhe lexls leII lhe oiigin of
lhe hunan iace in leins veiy diffeienl fion lhe usuaI ieading of Cenesis: lhe !#B<+)=;/ =@ !.><"G
foi exanpIe, leIIs lhe sloiy of lhe Caiden of Lden fion lhe vievpoinl of lhe seipenl! Heie lhe
seipenl, Iong knovn lo appeai in Cnoslic Iileialuie as lhe piincipIe of divine visdon, convinces
Adan and Lve lo pailake of knovIedge vhiIe "lhe Loid" lhiealens lhen vilh dealh, liying
jeaIousIy lo pievenl lhen fion allaining knovIedge, and expeIIing lhen fion Iaiadise vhen lhey
achieve il. Anolhei lexl, nysleiiousIy enlilIed !"# !">;*#.G J#.@#?< :+;*G offeis an exliaoidinaiy
poen spoken in lhe voice of a feninine divine povei:
Ioi I an lhe fiisl and lhe Iasl. I an lhe honoied one and lhe scoined one.
I an lhe vhoie and lhe hoIy one.
I an lhe vife and lhe viigin....
I an lhe laiien one, and nany aie hei sons....
I an lhe siIence lhal is inconpiehensilIe....
I an lhe ulleiance of ny nane.
These diveise lexls iange, lhen, fion seciel gospeIs, poens, and quasi-phiIosophic desciiplions of
lhe oiigin of lhe univeise, lo nylhs, nagic, and insliuclions foi nyslicaI piaclice.
Why veie lhese lexls luiied-and vhy have lhey ienained viiluaIIy unknovn foi neaiIy 2,OOO
yeais` Theii suppiession as lanned docunenls, and lheii luiiaI on lhe cIiff al Nag Hannadi, il
luins oul, veie lolh pail of a sliuggIe ciilicaI foi lhe foinalion of eaiIy Chiislianily. The Nag
Hannadi lexls, and olheis Iike lhen, vhich ciicuIaled al lhe leginning of lhe Chiislian eia, veie
denounced as heiesy ly oilhodox Chiislians in lhe niddIe of lhe second cenluiy. We have Iong
knovn lhal nany eaiIy foIIoveis of Chiisl veie condenned ly olhei Chiislians as heielics, lul
neaiIy aII ve knev aloul lhen cane fion vhal lheii opponenls viole allacking lhen. ishop
Iienaeus, vho supeivised lhe chuich in Lyons, c. 18O, viole five voIunes, enlilIed !"#
7#B<.>?<+=; &;* 2N#.<".=O =@ P&DB#D/ L=Q?&DD#* R;=OD#*'#G vhich legin vilh his pionise lo sel
foilh lhe vievs of lhose vho aie nov leaching heiesy . . . lo shov hov alsuid and inconsislenl
vilh lhe liulh aie lheii slalenenls . . . I do lhis so lhal . . . you nay uige aII lhose vilh vhon you
aie connecled lo avoid such an alyss of nadness and of lIaspheny againsl Chiisl.
He denounces as especiaIIy "fuII of lIaspheny" a fanous gospeI caIIed lhe 9=BC#D =@ Tiulh. Is
Iienaeus iefeiiing lo lhe sane 9=BC#D =@ !.><" discoveied al Nag Hannadi' QuispeI and his
coIIaloialois, vho fiisl pulIished lhe 9=BC#D =@ !.><"G aigued lhal he is, one of lheii ciilics
nainlains lhal lhe opening Iine (vhich legins "The gospeI of liulh") is nol a lilIe. ul Iienaeus
does use lhe sane souice as al Ieasl one of lhe lexls discoveied al Nag Hannadi--lhe
8C=?./C"=; (Seciel ook) =@ K=";QQas annunilion foi his ovn allack on such "heiesy." Iifly
yeais Ialei HippoIylus, a leachei in Rone, viole anolhei nassive S#@><&<+=; =@ 8DD (#.#B+#B lo
"expose and iefule lhe vicked lIaspheny of lhe heielics."
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This canpaign againsl heiesy invoIved an invoIunlaiy adnission of ils peisuasive povei, yel lhe
lishops pievaiIed. y lhe line of lhe Lnpeioi Conslanline's conveision, vhen Chiislianily
lecane an officiaIIy appioved ieIigion in lhe fouilh cenluiy, Chiislian lishops, pieviousIy
viclinized ly lhe poIice, nov connanded lhen. Iossession of looks denounced as heielicaI vas
nade a ciininaI offense. Copies of such looks veie luined and deslioyed. ul in Uppei Lgypl,
soneone, possilIy a nonk fion a neaily nonasleiy of Sl. Iachonius, look lhe lanned looks and
hid lhen fion desliuclion--in lhe jai vheie lhey ienained luiied foi aInosl 1,6OO yeais.
ul lhose vho viole and ciicuIaled lhese lexls did nol iegaid <"#)B#DN#B as "heielics. Mosl of lhe
viilings use Chiislian leininoIogy, unnislakalIe ieIaled lo a }evish heiilage. Many cIain lo offei
liadilions aloul }esus lhal aie seciel, hidden fion "lhe nany" vho conslilule vhal, in lhe second
cenluiy, cane lo le caIIed lhe "calhoIic chuich." These Chiislians aie nov caIIed gnoslics, fion lhe
Cieek void ';=B+BG usuaIIy liansIaled as "knovIedge." Ioi as lhose vho cIain lo knov nolhing
aloul uIlinale ieaIily aie caIIed agnoslic (IileiaIIy, "nol knoving"), lhe peison vho does cIain lo
knov such lhings is caIIed gnoslic ("knoving"). ul ';=B+B +B nol piinaiiIy ialionaI knovIedge.
The Cieek Ianguage dislinguishes lelveen scienlific oi iefIeclive knovIedge ("He knovs
nalhenalics") and knoving lhiough olseivalion oi expeiience ("He knovs ne"), vhich +B ';=B+BM
As lhe gnoslics use lhe lein, ve couId liansIale il as "insighl," foi ';=B+B invoIves an inluilive
piocess of knoving oneseIf. And lo knov oneseIf, lhey cIained, is lo knov hunan naluie and
hunan desliny. Accoiding lo lhe gnoslic leachei Theodolus, viiling in Asia Minoi (c. 14O-16O),
lhe gnoslic is one has cone lo undeisland vho ve veie, and vhal ve have lecone, vheie ve
veie... vhilhei ve aie haslening, fion vhal ve aie leing ieIeased, vhal liilh is, and vhal is
Yel lo knov oneseIf, al lhe deepesl IeveI, is sinuIlaneousIy lo knov Cod, lhis is lhe seciel of
';=B+BM Anolhei gnoslic leachei, Monoinus, says:
Alandon lhe seaich foi Cod and lhe ciealion and olhei nalleis of a siniIai soil. Look foi hin ly
laking youiseIf as lhe slailing poinl. Leain vho il is vilhin you vho nakes eveiylhing his ovn
and says, "My Cod, ny nind, ny lhoughl, ny souI, ny lody." Leain lhe souices of soiiov:, joy,
Iove, hale . . . If you caiefuIIy invesligale lhese nalleis you viII find hin +; /=>.B#D@.
Whal Muhannad 'AII discoveied al Nag Hannadi is, appaienlIy, a Iiliaiy of viilings, aInosl aII
of lhen gnoslic. AIlhough lhey cIain lo offei seciel leaching, nany of lhese lexls iefei lo lhe
Sciipluies of lhe OId Teslanenl, and olheis lo lhe Ielleis of IauI and lhe Nev Teslanenl gospeIs.
Many of lhen incIude lhe sane *.&)&<+? C#.B=;&# as lhe Nev Teslanenl--}esus and his discipIes.
Yel lhe diffeiences aie sliiking.
Oilhodox }evs and Chiislians insisl lhal a chasn sepaiales hunanily fion Ils ciealoi: Cod is
vhoIIy olhei. ul sone of lhe gnoslics vho viole lhese gospeIs conliadicl lhis: seIf-knovIedge is
knovIedge of Cod, lhe seIf and lhe divine aie idenlicaI.
Second, lhe "Iiving }esus" of lhese lexls speaks of iIIusion and enIighlennenl, nol of sin and
iepenlance, Iike lhe }esus of lhe Nev Teslanenl. Inslead of coning lo save us fion sin, he cones
as a guide vho opens access lo spiiiluaI undeislanding. ul vhen lhe discipIe allains
enIighlennenl, }esus no Iongei seives as his spiiiluaI naslei: lhe lvo have lecone equaI--even
Thiid, oilhodox Chiislians leIieve lhal }esus is Loid and Son of Cod in a unique vay: he ienains
foievei dislincl fion lhe iesl of hunanily vhon he cane lo save. Yel lhe gnoslic 9=BC#D =@
!"=)&B ieIales lhal as soon as Thonas iecognizes hin, }esus says lo Thonas lhal lhey have lolh
ieceived lheii leing fion lhe sane souice:
}esus said, "I an nol youi naslei. ecause you have diunk, you have lecone diunk fion lhe
lullIing sliean vhich I have neasuied oul.... He vho viII diink fion ny noulh viII lecone as I
an: I nyseIf shaII lecone he, and lhe lhings lhal aie hidden viII le ieveaIed lo hin."
Does nol such leaching--lhe idenlily of lhe divine and hunan. lhe concein vilh iIIusion and
enIighlennenl, lhe foundei vho is piesenled nol as Loid, lul as spiiiluaI guide sound noie
Laslein lhan Weslein` Sone schoIais have suggesled lhal if lhe nanes veie changed, lhe "Iiving
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uddha" appiopiialeIy couId say vhal lhe 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&B alliilules lo lhe Iiving }esus. CouId
Hindu oi uddhisl liadilion have infIuenced gnoslicisn`
The iilish schoIai of uddhisn, Ldvaid Conze, suggesls lhal il had. He poinls oul lhal
"uddhisls veie in conlacl vilh lhe Thonas Chiislians (lhal is, Chiislians vho knev and used
such viilings as lhe 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&BT in Soulh India." Tiade ioules lelveen lhe Cieco-Ronan
voiId and lhe Iai Lasl veie opening up al lhe line vhen gnoslicisn fIouiished (A.D. 8O-2OO), foi
geneialions, uddhisl nissionaiies had leen pioseIylizing in AIexandiia. We nole, loo, lhal
HippoIylus, vho vas a Cieek speaking Chiislian in Rone (c. 225), knovs of lhe Indian
iahnins--and incIudes lheii liadilion anong lhe souices of heiesy:
Theie is . . . anong lhe Indians a heiesy of lhose vho phiIosophize anong lhe iahnins, vho Iive
a seIf-sufficienl Iife, alslaining fion (ealing) Iiving ciealuies and aII cooked food . . . They say lhal
Cod is Iighl, nol Iike lhe Iighl one sees, noi Iike lhe sun noi fiie, lul lo lhen Cod is discouise, nol
lhal vhich finds expiession in ailicuIale sounds, lul lhal of knovIedge U';=B+BT lhiough vhich
lhe seciel nysleiies of naluie aie peiceived ly lhe vise.
CouId lhe lilIe of lhe 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&BQQnaned foi lhe discipIe vho, liadilion leIIs us, venl lo
India--suggesl lhe infIuence of Indian liadilion`
These hinls indicale lhe possiliIily, yel oui evidence is nol concIusive. Since paiaIIeI liadilions
nay eneige in diffeienl cuIluies al diffeienl lines, such ideas couId have deveIoped in lolh
pIaces independenlIy. Whal ve caII Laslein and Weslein ieIigions, and lend lo iegaid as sepaiale
slieans, veie nol cIeaiIy diffeienlialed 2,OOO yeais ago. Reseaich on lhe Nag Hannadi lexls is
onIy leginning: ve Iook foivaid lo lhe voik of schoIais vho can sludy lhese liadilions
conpaialiveIy lo discovei vhelhei lhey can, in facl, le liaced lo Indian souices.
Lven so, ideas lhal ve associale vilh Laslein ieIigions eneiged in lhe fiisl cenluiy lhiough lhe
gnoslic novenenl in lhe Wesl, lul lhey veie suppiessed and condenned ly poIenicisls Iike
Iienaeus. Yel lhose vho caIIed gnoslicisn heiesy veie adopling--consciousIy oi nol--lhe
vievpoinl of lhal gioup of Chiislians vho caIIed lhenseIves oilhodox Chiislians. A heielic nay
le anyone vhose oulIook soneone eIse disIikes oi denounces. Accoiding lo liadilion, a heielic is
one vho deviales fion lhe liue failh. ul vhal defines lhal "liue failh"` Who caIIs il lhal, and foi
vhal ieasons`
We find lhis piolIen faniIiai in oui ovn expeiience. The lein "Chiislianily," especiaIIy since lhe
Refoinalion, has coveied an aslonishing iange of gioups. Those cIaining lo iepiesenl "liue
Chiislianily" in lhe lvenlielh cenluiy can iange fion a CalhoIic caidinaI in lhe Valican lo an
Afiican Melhodisl LpiscopaI pieachei inilialing ievivaI in Delioil, a Moinon nissionaiy in
ThaiIand, oi lhe nenlei of a viIIage chuich on lhe coasl of Cieece. Yel CalhoIics, Iioleslanls, and
Oilhodox agiee lhal such diveisily is a iecenl--and depIoialIe--deveIopnenl. Accoiding lo
Chiislian Iegend, lhe eaiIy chuich vas diffeienl. Chiislians of eveiy peisuasion Iook lack lo lhe
piinilive chuich lo find a sinpIei, puiei foin of Chiislian failh. In lhe aposlIes' line, aII nenleis
of lhe Chiislian connunily shaied lheii noney and piopeily, aII leIieved lhe sane leaching, and
voishipped logelhei, aII ieveied lhe aulhoiily of lhe aposlIes. Il vas onIy aflei lhal goIden age
lhal confIicl, lhen heiesy eneiged: so says lhe aulhoi of lhe Acls of lhe AposlIes, vho idenlifies
hinseIf as lhe fiisl hisloiian of Chiislianily.
ul lhe discoveiies al Nag Hannadi have upsel lhis picluie. If ve adnil lhal sone of lhese fifly-
lvo lexls iepiesenls eaiIy foins of Chiislian leaching, ve nay have lo iecognize lhal eaiIy
Chiislianily is fai noie diveise lhan neaiIy anyone expecled lefoie lhe Nag Hannadi
Conlenpoiaiy Chiislianily, diveise and conpIex as ve find il, acluaIIy nay shov noie
unaninily lhan lhe Chiislian chuiches of lhe fiisl and second cenluiies. Ioi neaiIy aII Chiislians
since lhal line, CalhoIics, Iioleslanls, oi Oilhodox, have shaied lhiee lasic pienises. Iiisl, lhey
accepl lhe canon of lhe Nev Teslanenl, second, lhey confess lhe aposloIic cieed, and lhiid, lhey
affiin specific foins of chuich inslilulion. ul eveiy one of lhese-lhe canon of Sciipluie, lhe cieed,
and lhe inslilulionaI sliucluie--eneiged in ils piesenl foin onIy lovaid lhe end of lhe second
cenluiy. efoie lhal line, as Iienaeus and olheis allesl, nuneious gospeIs ciicuIaled anong
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vaiious Chiislian gioups, ianging fion lhose of lhe Nev Teslanenl, Mallhev, Maik, Luke, and
}ohn, lo such viilings as lhe 9=BC#D =@ !"=)&BG lhe 9=BC#D =@ J"+D+CG and lhe 9=BC#D =@ !.><"G
as veII as nany olhei seciel leachings, nylhs, and poens alliiluled lo }esus oi his discipIes. Sone
of lhese, appaienlIy, veie discoveied al Nag Hannadi, nany olheis aie Iosl lo us. Those vho
idenlified lhenseIves as Chiislians enleilained nany--and iadicaIIy diffeiing-ieIigious leIiefs and
piaclices. And lhe connunilies scalleied lhioughoul lhe knovn voiId oiganized lhenseIves in
vays lhal diffeied videIy fion one gioup lo anolhei.
Yel ly A. D. 2OO, lhe silualion had changed. Chiislianily had lecone an inslilulion headed ly a
lhiee-iank hieiaichy of lishops, piiesls, and deacons, vho undeislood lhenseIves lo le lhe
guaidians of lhe onIy "liue failh." The najoiily of chuiches, anong vhich lhe chuich of Rone
look a Ieading ioIe, iejecled aII olhei vievpoinls as heiesy. DepIoiing lhe diveisily of lhe eaiIiei
novenenl, ishop Iienaeus and his foIIoveis insisled lhal lheie couId le onIy one chuich, and
oulside of lhal chuich, he decIaied, "lheie is no saIvalion." Menleis of lhis chuich aIone aie
oilhodox (IileiaIIy, "sliaighl-lhinking") Chiislians. And, he cIained, lhis chuich nusl le ?&<"=D+?QQ
lhal is, univeisaI. Whoevei chaIIenged lhal consensus, aiguing inslead foi olhei foins of Chiislian
leaching, vas decIaied lo le a heielic, and expeIIed. When lhe oilhodox gained niIilaiy suppoil,
soneline aflei lhe Lnpeioi Conslanline lecane Chiislian in lhe fouilh cenluiy, lhe penaIly foi
heiesy escaIaled.
!"# %&' (&))&*+ *+B?=N#./ =@ )&;>B?.+C<B
In Decenlei 1945, lvo peasanls, Muhanned and KhaIifah 'AIi of lhe aI-Sannan cIan veie
digging foi feiliIisei al lhe lase of lhe }alaI aI-Taiif cIiff, using lhe saddIe-lags of lheii caneIs lo
caiiy lhe eailh lack. The cIiff is aloul 11kn noilh-easl of Nag Hannadi. They lelheied lheii
caneIs lo a louIdei, and cane upon a luiied jai as lhey veie digging aiound lhe lase of lhe
louIdei. Muhanned 'AIi loId }.M.Rolinson lhal al fiisl he vas afiaid lo lieak lhe jai -- lhe Iid
nay have leen seaIed vilh lilunen, as a lIackish sulslance is piesenl on lhe Iid -- foi feai a jinn
nighl le inside, lul lhe lhoughl lhal goId nighl le conlained inslead, he lioke il vilh his
nallock. Oul fIev pailicIes of papyius. The jai vas of ied sIip vaie, vilh foui snaII handIes neai
lhe opening. Il vas Iaige, appioxinaleIy 6Ocn oi noie in heighl, vilh an opening of sone 15-
2Ocn videning lo 3Ocn in lhe side. The jai had leen cIosed ly filling a lovI inlo ils noulh. The
lovI suivives, and is Coplic ied sIip vaie of lhe 4-5lh cenluiy, vilh a iin decoialed vilh foui
fieIds of sliipes. The dianelei al lhe oulei edge is 23.3-24.O cn, vilh inside dianelei of 18.2-
The looks veie divided anong lhe 7 caneI-diiveis piesenl. Accoiding lo 'AIi lheie veie 13 (oui
'codex XIII' vas nol incIuded in lhis nunlei, as il vas inside codex VI). Thus a codex vas Iosl
noie oi Iess al lhe sile. Seven Iols veie diavn up. Coveis veie ienoved and each consisled of a
conpIele codex pIus pail of anolhei. The olhei diiveis, ignoianl of lhe vaIue and afiaid of soiceiy
and Muhanned 'AIi, discIained any shaie, vheieon he piIed lhen aII lack logelhei.
'AIi viapped his looks in his lunic and look lhen hone, lo his hoveI in lhe hanIel of aI-Qasi,
luiIl on lhe sile of ancienl Chenoloskion. The looks, Ioose coveis and Ioose pages veie dunped
in lhe sliav, nexl lo lhe oven. A lIood-feud vas in piogiess, foi vhich ieason Muhanned 'AIi
vas veiy caiefuI nol lo venluie lack Ialei lo lhe aiea. Muhanned deposiled lhe looks vilh a
IocaI coplic piiesl, asiIiyus 'Ald aI-Masih, as lhe poIice veie seaiching his house aInosl nighlIy
foi veapons. The piiesl's vife had a liolhei, Raghil Andiavus, vho venl fion viIIage lo viIIage
leaching LngIish and hisloiy in lhe IocaI coplic chuich schooIs. He cane lo visil, and, on seeing
one of lhe looks, iecognised il nighl le vaIualIe and look il lo Caiio. Theie he shoved il lo a
Coplic physician inleiesled in lhe Coplic Ianguage, Ceoige Solhi, vho caIIed in lhe aulhoiilies
fion lhe Depailnenl of Anliquilies. They seized lhe look, agieeing lo pay Raghil L 3OO. Aflei
endIess haggIing, he gol L 25O, on condilion he donaled lhe ienaining L 5O lo lhe Coplic
Museun. The look vas deposiled in lhe nuseun, accoiding lo lhe iegislei, on 4lh Oclolei 1946.
Thinking lhe looks veie voilhIess, oi nayle even unIucky lo have, 'AIi's vidoved nolhei 'Unn
Ahnad had luined pail of lhose Iying in lhe sliav in lhe oven (piolalIy lhe coveis and nosl of
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lhe pages of codex XII, of vhich onIy a fev Ieaves ienain, lul aIso lhe covei of X, and Ioose
Ieaves: 1 in codex II, 9 in III, 1 in VI, 3 in VIII and 2 in IX, and Iaige and snaII fiagnenls fion
olheivise inlacl sequences of fiagnenls), as she conceded lo Rolinson. IIIileiale MusIin
neighlouis laileied oi puichased lhen foi nexl lo nolhing. Nashid isadah had one and
enliusled il lo a goId neichanl of Nag Hannadi lo seII in Caiio, dividing lhe piofil lelveen
lhen. A giain neichanl supposedIy acquiied anolhei and soId il foi such a piice lhal he vs alIe
lo sel up his shop in Caiio. ahij 'AIi, a one-eyed oulIav of aI-Qasi, gol a nunlei of lhe looks.
Lscoiled ly a veII-knovn anliquilies deaIei of lhe iegion, Dhaki asla, he venl lo Caiio. They
fiisl offeied lhe looks lo Mansooi's shop al Shepheaid's holeI, and lhen lo lhe shop of Ihokion }.
Tano, a Cypiiol deaIei, vho loughl lhe Iol and lhen venl lo Nag Hannadi lo gel vhalevei vas
Iefl. Once lhe nevs of lhe vaIue of lhe looks ieached aI-Qasi, lhe 'AIi liolheis liied lo Iay hands
on lhe ienaindei.
Mosl of Codex I vas expoiled fion Lgypl ly a eIgian anliques deaIei, AIleil Lid. He offeied il
foi saIe in Nev Yoik and Ann Ailoi in 1949, and lhen his vidov soId il on 1Olh May 1952 lo lhe
}ung Inslilule of Zuiich. Il vas ieluined lo Caiio lil ly lil aflei pulIicalion. MeanvhiIe Tano's
coIIeclion vas seized ly lhe Lgyplian Depailnenl of Anliquilies lo pievenl il leing expoiled,
vhen Nassei cane lo povei, il vas 'nalionaIised', a paIliy L 4,OOO leing paid as conpensalion.
Today aII lhe Nag Hannadi codices aie in lhe Coplic Museun in Caiio.
IulIicalion vas olsliucled ly lhe desiie of vaiious schoIais lo pulIish voiks fiisl, vilh a fuII (and
so Ienglhy lo piepaie) connenlaiy. US schoIai }anes Rolinson lecane inleiesled in lhe 196O's,
and using conlacls al UNLSCO vas alIe evenluaIIy lo lypass lhis exhililion of olscuianlisn. The
fuII coIIeclion vas pulIished in facsiniIe ly iiII lelveen 1972-1984 as lhe |acsini|c cdi|icn cf |nc
Nag Hannadi Ccdiccs. Theie is a 17-voIune LngIish edilion, enlilIed Tnc Ccp|ic Gncs|ic |iorarq, and
fuII LngIish liansIalions in lhe Nag Hannadi |iorarq in |ng|isn. Rolinson aIso visiled Nag
Hannadi in lhe 196O's and 197O's, and liacked dovn lhose vho found lhen and voined oul
lhen lhe sloiy of lhe find.
AII lhe codices aie fouilh cenluiy papyius. The find consisls of 12 codices, pIus 8 Ieaves fion a
13lh, and conlains 52 lexls. DupIicalions nean lhe nunlei of unique voiks is 45. The eiIin
Iapyius 85O2 is giouped vilh lhen, aIlhough found sepaialeIy, lecause of ils ieIaled conlenls.
The lexls veie oiiginaIIy viillen in Cieek, and Ialei liansIaled inlo Coplic, nol aIvays veiy veII
(e.g. lhe passage of IIalo). The passage of IIalo in facl has leen ievoiked aIso.
The Iaigesl Ieaves -- in codex VII -- aie 17.5cn laII. AII of lhe codices aie singIe-quiie, apail fion
codex I.
}.M.ROINSON (Ld.), The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy in LngIish. TiansIaled and inlioduced ly
nenleis of lhe Coplic Cnoslic Liliaiy piojecl.... iiII, 3id ed. (1988).
}.M.ROINSON el aI, Vaiious ailicIes, ilIicaI AichaeoIogisl 42.4 (IaII 1979). IncIudes pIales.
Checked. A veiy vaIualIe accounl of hov lhe lexls cane lo found. Rolinson ieIales lhe sloiy of
lhe discoveiy, as ollained ly hinseIf fion lhose invoIved in vhal vas pIainIy a veaiisone and
Ienglhy piocess of cioss-exaninalion. He nakes a pIea foi fiee access lo naleiiaI of pulIic inleiesl
-- iionicaIIy, nov luiied in lhis copyiighled jouinaI and accessilIe lo aInosl no-one! The
pulIisheis ignoied a Iellei I viole suggesling lhey nake lhe naleiiaI avaiIalIe onIine.
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8; 1;<.=*>?<+=; <= 9;=B<+?+B) &;*
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Gncsis and gncs|icisn aie sliII ialhei aicane leins, lhough in lhe Iasl lvo decades lhe voids have
leen incieasingIy encounleied in lhe vocaluIaiy of conlenpoiaiy sociely. Gncsis deiives fion
Cieek, and connoles "knovIedge" oi lhe "acl of knoving". (On fiisl heaiing, il is sonelines
confused vilh anolhei noie connon lein of lhe sane iool lul opposile sense: agncs|ic, IileiaIIy
"nol knoving", a knovei of nolhing.) The Cieek Ianguage diffeienliales lelveen ialionaI,
pioposilionaI knovIedge, and lhe dislincl foin of knoving ollained nol ly ieason, lul ly
peisonaI expeiience oi peiceplion. Il is lhis Iallei knovIedge, gained fion expeiience, fion an
inleiioi spaik of conpiehension, lhal conslilules gncsis.
In lhe fiisl cenluiy of lhe Chiislian eia lhis lein, Gncs|ic, legan lo le used lo denole a pioninenl,
even if sonevhal heleiodox, segnenl of lhe diveise nev Chiislian connunily. Anong lhese
eaiIy foIIoveis of Chiisl, il appeais lhal an eIile gioup deIinealed lhenseIves fion lhe giealei
househoId of lhe Chuich ly cIaining nol sinpIy a leIief in Chiisl and his nessage, lul a "speciaI
vilness" oi ieveIaloiy expeiience of lhe divine. Il vas lhis expeiience, lhis gncsis, vhich--so lhese
Cnoslics cIained--sel lhe liue foIIovei of Chiisl apail fion his feIIovs. Slephan HoeIIei expIains
lhal lhese Cnoslic Chiislians heId a "conviclion lhal diiecl, peisonaI and alsoIule knovIedge of
lhe aulhenlic liulhs of exislence is accessilIe lo hunan leings, and, noieovei, lhal lhe allainnenl
of such knovIedge nusl aIvays conslilule lhe supiene achievenenl of hunan Iife."
Whal lhe "aulhenlic liulhs of exislence" affiined ly lhe Cnoslics veie viII le liiefIy ievieved
leIov. ul a hisloiicaI oveiviev of lhe eaiIy Chuich nighl fiisl le usefuI. In lhe iniliaI decades of
lhe Chiislian chuich--lhe peiiod vhen ve find fiisl nenlion of "Cnoslic" Chiislians--no
oilhodoxy, oi singIe acceplalIe foinal of Chiislian lhoughl, had yel leen defined. Duiing lhis
fiisl cenluiy of Chiislianily nodein schoIaiship suggesls Cnoslicisn vas one of nany cuiienls
sveeping lhe deep valeis of lhe nev ieIigion. The uIlinale couise Chiislianily, and Weslein
cuIluie vilh il, vouId lake vas undecided al lhal eaiIy nonenl, Cnoslicisn vas one of foices
foining lhal desliny.
Thal Cnoslicisn vas, al Ieasl liiefIy, in lhe nainsliean of Chiislianily is vilnessed ly lhe facl
lhal one of lhe nosl pioninenl and infIuenliaI eaiIy Cnoslic leacheis, VaIenlinus, nay have leen
in consideialion duiing lhe nid-second cenluiy foi eIeclion as lhe ishop of Rone.
seives veII as a nodeI of lhe Cnoslic leachei. oin in AIexandiia aiound A.D. 1OO, in his eaiIy
yeais VaIenlinus had dislinguished hinseIf as an exliaoidinaiy leachei and Ieadei in lhe highIy
educaled and diveise AIexandiian Chiislian connunily. In lhe niddIe of his Iife, aiound A.D.
14O, he nigialed fion AIexandiia lo lhe Chuich's evoIving capilaI, Rone, vheie he pIayed an
aclive ioIe in lhe pulIic Iife of lhe Chuich. A piine chaiacleiislic of lhe Cnoslics vas lheii
piopensily foi cIaining lo le keepeis of seciel leachings, gospeIs, liadilions, iiluaIs, and
successions vilhin lhe Chuich -- sacied nalleis foi vhich nany Chiislians veie (in Cnoslic
opinion) sinpIy eilhei nol piepaied oi nol piopeiIy incIined. VaIenlinus, liue lo lhis Cnoslic
penchanl, piofessed a speciaI aposloIic sanclion. He nainlained he had leen peisonaIIy inilialed
ly one Theudas, a discipIe and iniliale of lhe AposlIe IauI, and lhal he possessed knovIedge of
leachings and peihaps iiluaIs vhich veie leing foigollen ly lhe deveIoping opposilion lhal
lecane Chiislian oilhodoxy.
Though an infIuenliaI nenlei of lhe Ronan chuich in lhe nid-
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second cenluiy, ly lhe end of his Iife sone lvenly yeais Ialei he had leen foiced fion lhe pulIic
eye and lianded a heielic.
WhiIe lhe hisloiicaI and lheoIogicaI delaiIs aie fai loo conpIex foi piopei expIicalion heie, lhe lide
of hisloiy can le said lo have luined againsl Cnoslicisn in lhe niddIe of lhe second cenluiy. No
Cnoslic aflei VaIenlinus vouId evei cone so neai pioninence in lhe giealei Chuich. Cnoslicisn's
seciel knovIedge, ils conlinuing ieveIalions and pioduclion of nev sciipluie, ils ascelhelicisn
and paiadoxicaIIy conliasling Iileiline posluies, veie nel vilh incieasing suspicion. y A.D. 18O,
Iienaeus, ishop of Lyon, vas pulIishing his allacks on Cnoslicisn as heiesy, a voik lo le
conlinued vilh incieasing vehenence ly lhe oilhodox chuich Ialheis lhioughoul lhe nexl
The oilhodox calhoIic chuich vas deepIy and piofoundIy infIuenced ly lhe sliuggIe againsl
Cnoslicisn in lhe second and lhiid cenluiies. IoinuIalions of nany cenliaI liadilions in oilhodox
lheoIogy cane as iefIeclions and shadovs of lhis confionlalion vilh lhe Cnosis.
ul ly lhe end
of lhe fouilh cenluiy lhe sliuggIe vilh lhe cIassicaI Cnoslicisn iepiesenled in lhe Nag Hannadi
lexls vas essenliaIIy ovei, lhe evoIving oilhodox eccIesia had added lhe foice of poIilicaI
coiieclness lo dognalic denuncialion, and vilh lhis svoid so-caIIed "heiesy" vas painfuIIy cul
fion lhe Chiislian lody. Cnoslicisn, vhich had peihaps aIieady passed ils piine, vas eiadicaled,
ils ienaining leacheis nuideied oi diiven inlo exiIe, and ils sacied looks deslioyed. AII lhal
ienained foi schoIais seeking lo undeisland Cnoslicisn in Ialei cenluiies veie lhe denuncialions
and fiagnenls pieseived in lhe paliislic heiesioIogies -- oi so il seen, unliI unliI a day in 1945....
7+B?=N#./ =@ <"# %&' (&))&*+ ,+-.&./
Il vas on a Decenlei day in lhe yeai of 1945, neai lhe lovn of Nag Hannadi in Uppei Lgypl,
lhal lhe couise of Cnoslic sludies vas iadicaIIy ieneved and foievei changed. An Aial peasanl,
digging aiound a louIdei in seaich of feiliIizei foi his fieIds, happened upon an oId, ialhei Iaige
ied eailhenvaie jai. Hoping lo have found luiied lieasuie, and vilh due hesilalion and
appiehension aloul lhe jinn, lhe genie oi spiiil vho nighl allend such an hoaid, he snashed lhe
jai open vilh his pick. Inside he discoveied no lieasuie and no genie, lul looks: noie lhan a
dozen oId papyius looks, lound in goIden liovn Iealhei.
LillIe did he ieaIize lhal he had found
an exliaoidinaiy coIIeclion of ancienl lexls, nanusciipls hidden up a niIIenniun and a haIf lefoie
(piolalIy deposiled in lhe jai aiound lhe yeai 39O ly nonks fion lhe neaily nonasleiy of Sl.
Iachonius) lo escape desliuclion undei oidei of lhe eneiging oilhodox Chuich in ils vioIenl
expunging of aII heleiodoxy and heiesy.
Hov lhe Nag Hannadi nanusciipls evenluaIIy passed inlo schoIaiIy hands is a fascinaling even
if loo Ienglhy sloiy lo heie ieIale. ul loday, nov ovei fifly yeais since leing uneailhed and noie
lhan lvo decades aflei finaI liansIalion and pulIicalion in LngIish as Tnc Nag Hannadi |iorarq
lheii inpoilance has lecone asloundingIy cIeai: These lhiileen leaulifuI papyius codices
conlaining fifly-lvo sacied lexls aie lhe Iong Iosl "Cnoslic CospeIs", a Iasl exlanl leslanenl of
vhal oilhodox Chiislianily peiceived lo le ils nosl dangeious and insidious chaIIenge, lhe feaied
opponenl lhal lhe Ialiislic heiesioIogisls had ieviIed undei nany diffeienl nanes, lul nosl
connonIy as Cnoslicisn. The discoveiy of lhese docunenls has iadicaIIy ievised oui
undeislanding of Cnoslicisn and lhe eaiIy Chiislian chuich.
2N#.N+#O =@ 9;=B<+? !#&?"+;'B
Wilh lhal allievialed hisloiicaI inleiIude conpIeled, ve nighl again ask, "Whal vas il lhal lhese
"knoveis" knev`" Whal nade lhen such dangeious heielics` The conpIexilies of Cnoslicisn aie
Iegion, naking any geneiaIizalions viseIy suspecl. WhiIe seveiaI syslens foi defining and
calegoiizing Cnoslicisn have leen pioposed ovei lhe yeais, none has yel gained any geneiaI
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So vilh advance vaining lhal lhis is nosl ceilainIy nol a definilive sunnaiy of
Cnoslicisn and ils nany peinulalions, ve viII oulIine jusl foui eIenenls geneiaIIy agieed lo le
chaiacleiislic of Cnoslic lhoughl.
The fiisl essenliaI chaiacleiislic of Cnoslicisn vas inlioduced alove: Cnoslicisn asseils lhal
"diiecl, peisonaI and alsoIule knovIedge of lhe aulhenlic liulhs of exislence is accessilIe lo
hunan leings," and lhal lhe allainnenl of such knovIedge is lhe supiene achievenenl of hunan
Iife. Gncsis, ienenlei, is nol a ialionaI, pioposilionaI, IogicaI undeislanding, lul a knoving
acquiied ly cxpcricncc. The Cnoslics veie nol nuch inleiesled in dogna oi coheienl, ialionaI
lheoIogy--a facl vhich nakes lhe sludy of Cnoslicisn pailicuIaiIy difficuIl foi individuaIs vilh
"lookkeepei nenlaIilies". (Ieihaps foi lhis veiy sane ieason, consideialion of lhe Cnoslic vision
is oflen a nosl gialifying undeilaking foi peisons gifled vilh a poelic eai.) One sinpIy cannol
ciphei up Cnoslicisn inlo syIIogislic dognalic affiinalions. The Cnoslics cheiished lhe ongoing
foice of divine ieveIalion--Gncsis vas lhe ciealive expeiience of ieveIalion, a iushing piogiession
of undeislanding, and nol a slalic cieed. CaiI Cuslav }ung, lhe gieal Sviss psychoIogisl and a Iife-
Iong sludenl of Cnoslicisn in ils vaiious hisloiicaI peinulalions, affiins,
uc find in Gncs|icisn una| uas |ac|ing in |nc ccn|urics |na| fc||cucd. a oc|icf in |nc cfficacq
cf inditidua| rctc|a|icn and inditidua| |ncu|cdgc. Tnis oc|icf uas rcc|cd in |nc prcud fcc|ing
cf nan's affini|q ui|n |nc gcds...
In his iecenl popuIai sludy, Tnc Ancrican Rc|igicn, HaioId Ioon suggesls a second chaiacleiislic
of Cnoslicisn lhal nighl heIp us concepluaIIy ciicunsciile ils nysleiious heail. Cnoslicisn, says
Ioon, "is a knoving, ly and of an unciealed seIf, oi seIf-vilhin-lhe seIf, and |lhisj knovIedge
Ieads lo fieedon...."
Iiinaiy anong aII lhe ieveIaloiy peiceplions a Cnoslic nighl ieach vas lhe
piofound avakening lhal cane vilh knovIedge lhal sonelhing vilhin hin vas unciealed. The
Cnoslics caIIed lhis "unciealed seIf" lhe divine seed, lhe peaiI, lhe spaik of knoving:
consciousness, inleIIigence, Iighl. And lhis seed of inleIIecl vas lhe seIf-sane sulslance of Cod, il
vas nan's aulhenlic ieaIily, il vas lhe gIoiy of hunankind and lhe divine aIike. If vonan oi nan
liuIy cane lo gnosis of lhis spaik, she undeislood lhal she vas liuIy fiee: Nol conlingenl, nol a
conceplion of sin, nol a fIaved ciusl of fIesh, lul lhe sluff of Cod, and lhe conduil of Cod's
innanenl ieaIizalion. Theie vas aIvays a paiadoxicaI cognizance of duaIily in expeiiencing lhis
"seIf-vilhin-a-seIf". Hov couId il nol le paiadoxicaI: y aII ialionaI peiceplion, nan cIeaiIy vas
nol Cod, and yel in essenliaI liulh, vas CodIy. This conundiun vas a Cnoslic nysleiy, and ils
knoving vas lheii giealesl lieasuie.
The ciealoi god, lhe one vho cIained in evoIving oilhodox dogna lo have nade nan, and lo ovn
hin, lhe god vho vouId have nan conlingenl upon hin, loin cx nini|c ly his viII, vas a Iying
denon and nol Cod al aII. Cnoslics caIIed hin ly nany nanes -- nany of lhen depiecaloiy --
nanes Iike "SakIas", lhe lIind one, "SanaeI", god of lhe lIind, oi "lhe Deniuige", lhe Iessei povei.
Theodolus, a Cnoslic leachei viiling in Asia Minoi lelveen A.D. 14O and 16O, expIained lhal lhe
sacied slienglh of gnosis ieveaIs "vho ve veie, vhal ve have lecone, vheie ve have leen casl
oul of, vheie ve aie lound foi, vhal ve have leen puiified of, vhal geneialion and iegeneialion
" Yel", lhe eninenl schoIai of Cnoslicisn, LIaine IageIs, connenls in exegesis, "lo knov
oneseIf, al lhe deepesl IeveI, is sinuIlaneousIy lo knov Cod: lhis is lhe seciel of gncsis.... SeIf-
knovIedge is knovIedge of Cod, lhe seIf and lhe divine aie idenlicaI."
The Gcspc| cf Tncnas, one of lhe Cnoslic lexls found pieseived in lhe Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, gives
lhese voids of lhe Iiving }esus:
]csus said, | an nc| qcur nas|cr. 8ccausc qcu natc drun|, qcu natc occcnc drun| frcn |nc
ouoo|ing s|rcan unicn | natc ncasurcd cu|...
C% $O;$''$%& >QMM*1( +: &B$>$ *77$*1> <%^ @&$7B*% 9+$''$1, _DB*& <> * ?%+>&<;`_ %&'(*(> 2 0'/-&8= '5 ?#()#-& @&&#- !-89*)*'&( AF -@71<%R, !33A6, 778 AHIA58
#'++M, 78 H38
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Y*R$'>, 778 O<OIOO8
%'(.#= '5 !"'68(, FJ8HI5, .9)8
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Hc unc ui|| drin| frcn nq ncu|n ui|| occcnc as | an. | nqsc|f sna|| occcnc nc, and |nc
|nings |na| arc niddcn ui|| oc rctca|cd |c nin.
Hc unc ui|| drin| frcn nq ncu|n ui|| occcnc as | an: Whal a ienaikalIy heielicaI inage! Tnc Gcspc|
cf Tncnas, fion vhich ve lake lhal lexl, is an exliaoidinaiy sciipluie. Iiofessoi HeInul Koeslei of
Haivaid Univeisily noles lhal lhough uIlinaleIy lhis CospeI vas condenned and deslioyed ly
lhe evoIving oilhodox chuich, il nay le as oId oi oIdei lhan lhe foui canonicaI gospeIs pieseived,
and even have seived as a souice docunenl lo lhen.
This liings us lo lhe lhiid pioninenl
eIenenl in oui liief sunnaiy of Cnoslicisn: ils ieveience foi lexls and sciipluies unaccepled ly
lhe oilhodox foId. The Cnoslic expeiience vas nylhopoelic -- in sloiy and aIIegoiy, and peihaps
aIso in iiluaI enaclnenls, Cnoslicisn soughl expiession of sullIe, visionaiy insighls inexpiessilIe
ly ialionaI pioposilion oi dognalic affiinalion.
Ioi lhe Cnoslics, ieveIalion vas lhe naluie of Cnosis: and foi aII lhe visions vouchsafed lhen,
lhey affiined a ceilainly lhal Cod vouId yel ieveaI nany gieal and vondeifuI lhings. Iiiilaled ly
lheii piofusion of "inspiied lexls" and nylhs--nosl pailicuIaiIy lheii penchanl foi anpIifying lhe
sloiy of Adan and Lve, and of lhe spiiiluaI ciealion vhich lhey vieved as pieceding lhe naleiiaI
ieaIizalion of ciealion
- Iieneaus conpIains in his cIassic second cenluiy iefulalion of
Cnoslicisn, lhal
ctcrq cnc cf |ncn gcncra|cs scnc|ning ncu, daq oq daq, acccrding |c nis aoi|i|q, fcr nc cnc is
dccncd pcrfcc| jcr, na|urc], unc dccs nc| dctc|cp...scnc nign|q fic|icn.

The fouilh chaiacleiislic lhal ve nighl deIineale lo undeisland cIassicaI Cnoslicisn is lhe nosl
difficuIl of lhe foui lo succinclIy unlangIe, and aIso one of lhe nosl disluiling lo sulsequenl
oilhodox lheoIogy. This is lhe inage of Cod as a diad oi duaIily. WhiIe affiining lhe uIlinale
unily and inlegiily of lhe Divine, Cnoslicisn noled in ils cxpcricn|ia| cnccun|cr vilh lhe nuninous,
duaIislic, conliasling nanifeslalions and quaIilies. Considei lhe Cnoslic affiinalion lhal nan, in
sone essenliaI ieaIily, is aIso Cod. This is a slalenenl linged vilh duaIily: Man, lhough nol Cod,
is. Anolhei idea, offeied ly lhe Manichaean gnoslic Iauslus, lhal lolh nallei (nq|c) and lhe divine
spiiil aie unciealed and coeleinaI vas vioIenlIy allacked ly Augusline in his essay Ccn|ra
|aus|un as heielicaI, duaIislic lhinking.
In nany of lhe Nag Hannadi Cnoslic lexls Cod is inaged nol jusl as a duaIily, oi diad, lul as a
unily of nascuIine and feninine eIenenls. Though lheii Ianguage is specificaIIy Chiislian and
unnislakalIy ieIaled lo lhe }evish liadilion, Cnoslic souices conlinuaIIy use sexuaI synloIisn lo
desciile Cod. Iiof. IageIs expIains,
Onc grcup cf gncs|ic scurccs c|ains |c natc rcccitcd a sccrc| |radi|icn frcn ]csus |nrcugn
]ancs and |nrcugn Marq Magda|cnc junc |nc Gncs|ics rctcrcd as ccnscr| |c ]csus]. Mcnocrs
cf |nis grcup praqcd |c oc|n |nc ditinc |a|ncr and Mc|ncr.
|rcn Tncc, |a|ncr, and |nrcugn Tncc, Mc|ncr, |nc |uc inncr|a| nancs, Parcn|s cf |nc
ditinc ocing, and |ncu, duc||cr in ncatcn, nunani|q, cf |nc nign|q nanc...
SeveiaI liends vilhin Cnoslicisn sav in Cod a unicn cf |uc dispara|c na|urcs, a union veII inaged
vilh sexuaI synloIisn. Cnoslics honoied lhe feninine naluie and, in iefIeclion, Iiof. LIaine
IageIs has aigued lhal Chiislian Cnoslic vonen enjoyed a fai giealei degiee of sociaI and
eccIesiaslicaI equaIily lhan lheii oilhodox sisleis. }esus hinseIf, laughl sone Cnoslics, had
piefiguied lhis nyslic ieIalionship: His nosl leIoved discipIe had leen a vonan, Maiy
MagdaIene, his consoil. The Gcspc| cf Pni|ip ieIales
%'(.#= '5 !"'68(B JG8A4IFG, .9)8
9$'MQ& a+$>&$1, _E%&1+=Q;&<+% &+ bB$ ?+>7$' +: bB+M*>_, <% .9), 78 !AH :88
E1$%*$Q>, 29C#-(/( "8#-#(#(, !8!58!
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L1*%;<>;+, !3456, 78 P4G8
Y*R$'>, 78 H38
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'...|nc ccnpanicn cf |nc Saticr is Marq Magda|cnc. 8u| Cnris| |ctcd ncr ncrc |nan a|| |nc
discip|cs, and uscd |c |iss ncr cf|cn cn ncr ncu|n. Tnc rcs| cf |nc discip|cs ucrc cffcndcd...
Tncq said |c nin, 'lnq dc qcu |ctc ncr ncrc |nan a|| cf us? |nc Saticr ansucrcd and said |c
|ncn, 'lnq dc | nc| |ctc qcu as | |ctc ncr?'
The nosl nysleiious and sacied of aII Cnoslic iiluaIs nay have pIayed upon lhis peiceplion of
Cod as "duaIily seeking unily." The Gcspc| cf Pni|ip (vhich in ils enliiely nighl le iead as a
connenlaiy on Cnoslic iiluaI) ieIales lhal lhe Loid eslalIished five gieal sacianenls oi nysleiies:
"a laplisn and a chiisn, and a euchaiisl, and a iedenplion, and a liidaI chanlei."
Whelhei lhis
uIlinale sacianenl of lhe liidaI chanlei vas a iiluaI enacled ly a nan and vonen, an aIIegoiicaI
lein foi a nyslicaI expeiience, oi a union of lolh, ve do nol knov. OnIy hinls aie given in
Cnoslic lexls aloul vhal lhis sacianenl nighl le:
Cnris| canc |c rcc|ifq |nc scpara|icn... and jcin |nc |uc ccnpcncn|s, and |c gitc |ifc un|c
|ncsc unc nad dicd oq scpara|icn and jcin |ncn |cgc|ncr. Ncu a ucnan jcins ui|n ncr
nusoand in |nc orida| jcnanocr], and |ncsc unc natc jcincd in |nc orida| jcnanocr] ui|| nc|

We aie Iefl vilh oui poelic inaginalions lo considei vhal lhis nighl nean. Oilhodox poIenicisls
fiequenlIy accused Cnoslics of unoilhodox sexuaI lehavioi. ul exaclIy hov lhese ideas and
inages pIayed oul in hunan affaiis ienains hisloiicaIIy unceilain.
CIassicaI Chiislian Cnoslicisn vanished fion lhe Weslein voiId duiing lhe fouilh and fiflh
cenluiies. ul lhe Cnoslic voiId viev -- vilh ils affiinalion of individuaI ieveIalion gianling
ceilain knovIedge, conpiehension of hunankind's liue unciealed naluie and inheienl affinily oi
even idenlily vilh Cod, and ils peiceplion of duaIily, oi even in an exliene slalenenl, of
nascuIine and feninine eIenenls seeking union vilhin lhe divine--vas nol so easiIy exlinguished.
Such peiceplions conlinued in vaiious foins lo couise lhiough Weslein cuIluie, lhough, peifoice,
oflen in veiy occuIl vays. Cnoslicisn vas, and ienains loday, a Iiving liadilion, a liadilion
eleinaIIy ieloin in lhe gnosis kaidia of hunankind.
-- Lance S. Ovens
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Nole lhal lhe Coplic CospeI of lhe Lgyplians is nol ieIaled lo lhe apociyphaI lexl of lhal nane
iefeiied lo ly lhe falheis. The Scn|cnccs cf Scx|us vas aIieady knovn in Lalin, Syiiac, Ainenian
an Ceoigian liansIalions, pIus lvo Mss. in lhe oiiginaI Cieek. The Coplic lexl slands cIosei lo lhe
nodein ciilicaI lexl lhan any olhei veision.
The opening seclion of lhe Gcspc| cf Marq ieIies on an exegesis of Ronans 7. The oiiginaI Cieek
vas viillen sone line in lhe second cenluiy. The eaiIiesl lexl is a singIe Ieaf fion lhe eaiIy 3id
cenluiy (I. RyIands III 463) conlaining 22:16,1-19,4. The Iongei lexl in C conlains onIy 8 pages of
lhe oiiginaI 18. The lexl of lhe Cieek fiagnenl vaiies consideialIy fion lhe Coplic lexl, vhich
incIudes lhe sane passage.
SeveiaI of lhe najoi lexls in lhe Nag Hannadi coIIeclion have noie lhan one LngIish liansIalion,
vheie noie lhan one liansIalion is avaiIalIe, ve have Iisled lhe liansIalois' nanes in paienlhesis
leIov lhe nane of lhe lexl. Texls naiked vilh lhe |* had noie lhan one veision exlanl vilhin lhe
Nag Hannadi codices, oflen lhese seveiaI veisions veie used conjoinlIy ly lhe liansIalois lo
piovide lhe singIe liansIalion piesenled heie.
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!"# J.&/#. =@ <"# 8C=B<D# J&>D
!.&;BD&<+=; -/ 7+#<#. :>#DD#.
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
(Apprcxina|c|q |uc |incs arc nissing.)
... youi Iighl, give ne youi neicy! My Redeenei, iedeen ne, foi I
an youis, lhe one vho has cone foilh fion you. You aie ny nind,
liing ne foilh! You aie ny lieasuie house, open foi ne! You aie ny
fuIIness, lake ne lo you! You aie (ny) iepose, give ne lhe peifecl
lhing lhal cannol le giasped!
I invoke you, lhe one vho is and vho pie-exisled in lhe nane vhich
is exaIled alove eveiy nane, lhiough }esus Chiisl, lhe Loid of Loids,
lhe King of lhe ages, give ne youi gifls, of vhich you do nol iepenl,
lhiough lhe Son of Man, lhe Spiiil, lhe IaiacIele of liulh. Cive ne
aulhoiily vhen I ask you, give heaIing foi ny lody vhen I ask you
lhiough lhe LvangeIisl, and iedeen ny eleinaI Iighl souI and ny
spiiil. And lhe Iiisl-loin of lhe IIeiona of giace -- ieveaI hin lo ny
Cianl vhal no angeI eye has seen and no aichon eai (has) heaid, and
vhal has nol enleied inlo lhe hunan heail vhich cane lo le angeIic
and (nodeIIed) aflei lhe inage of lhe psychic Cod vhen il vas
foined in lhe leginning, since I have failh and hope. And pIace upon
ne youi leIoved, eIecl, and lIessed giealness, lhe Iiisl-loin, lhe
Iiisl-legollen, and lhe vondeifuI nysleiy of youi house, foi youis is
lhe povei and lhe gIoiy and lhe piaise and lhe giealness foi evei
and evei. Anen.
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!"# 8C= ? . / C"= ; = @ K & )# B
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
}anes viiles lo |...j: Ieace le vilh you fion Ieace, Iove fion Love, giace fion Ciace, failh fion
Iailh, Iife fion HoIy Life!
Since you asked lhal I send you a seciel look vhich vas ieveaIed lo ne and Ielei ly lhe Loid, I
couId nol luin you avay oi gainsay (`) you, lul I have viillen il in lhe Heliev aIphalel and senl
il lo you, and you aIone. ul since you aie a ninislei of lhe saIvalion of lhe sainls, endeavoi
eaineslIy and lake caie nol lo ieheaise lhis lexl lo nany - lhis lhal lhe Savioi did nol vish lo leII lo
aII of us, his lveIve discipIes. ul lIessed viII lhey le vho viII le saved lhiough lhe failh of lhis
I aIso senl you, len nonlhs ago, anolhei seciel look vhich lhe Savioi had ieveaIed lo ne. Undei
lhe ciicunslances, hovevei, iegaid lhal one as ieveaIed lo ne, }anes, lul lhis one ...
jun|rans|a|ao|c fragncn|s] ... lhe lveIve discipIes veie aII silling logelhei and iecaIIing vhal lhe
Savioi had said lo each one of lhen, vhelhei in seciel oi openIy, and pulling il in looks - ul I
vas viiling lhal vhich vas in ny look - Io, lhe Savioi appeaied, aflei depailing fion us vhiIe
ve gazed aflei hin. And five hundied and fifly days since he had iisen fion lhe dead, ve said lo
hin, "Have you depailed and ienoved youiseIf fion us`" ul }esus said, "No, lul I shaII go lo lhe
pIace fion vhence I cane. If you vish lo cone vilh ne, cone!"
They aII ansveied and said, "If you lid us, ve cone."
He said, "VeiiIy I say unlo you, no one viII evei enlei lhe kingdon of heaven al ny lidding, lul
(onIy) lecause you youiseIves aie fuII. Leave }anes and Ielei lo ne, lhal I nay fiII lhen." And
having caIIed lhese lvo, he diev lhen aside and lade lhe iesl occupy lhenseIves vilh lhal vhich
lhey veie aloul.
The Savioi said, "You have ieceived neicy ... (7 |incs nissing)
Do you nol, lhen, desiie lo le fiIIed` And youi heail is diunken, do you nol, lhen, desiie lo le
solei` Theiefoie, le ashaned! Hencefoilh, vaking oi sIeeping, ienenlei lhal you have seen lhe
Son of Man, and spoken vilh hin in peison, and Iislened lo hin in peison. Woe lo lhose vho
have seen lhe Son of Man, lIessed viII lhey le vho have nol seen lhe nan, and lhey vho have nol
consoiled vilh hin, and lhey vho have nol spoken vilh hin, and lhey vho have nol Iislened lo
anylhing fion hin, youis is Iife! Knov, lhen, lhal he heaIed you vhen you veie iII, lhal you
nighl ieign. Woe lo lhose vho have found ieIief fion lheii iIIness, foi lhey viII ieIapse inlo
iIIness. Iessed aie lhey vho have nol leen iII, and have knovn ieIief lefoie faIIing iII, youis is lhe
kingdon of Cod. Theiefoie, I say lo you, 'econe fuII, and Ieave no space vilhin you enply, foi
he vho is coning can nock you."
Then Ielei iepIied, "Lo, lhiee lines you have loId us, 'econe fuII', lul ve aie fuII."
The Savioi ansveied and said, "Ioi lhis cause I have said lo you, 'econe fuII,' lhal you nay nol
le in vanl. They vho aie in vanl, hovevei, viII nol le saved. Ioi il is good lo le fuII, and lad lo
le in vanl. Hence, jusl as il is good lhal you le in vanl and, conveiseIy, lad lhal you le fuII, so he
vho is fuII is in vanl, and he vho is in vanl does nol lecone fuII as he vho is in vanl lecones
fuII, and he vho has leen fiIIed, in luin allains due peifeclion. Theiefoie, you nusl le in vanl
vhiIe il is possilIe lo fiII you, and le fuII vhiIe il is possilIe foi you lo le in vanl, so lhal you nay
le alIe lo fiII youiseIves lhe noie. Hence, lecone fuII of lhe Spiiil, lul le in vanl of ieason, foi
ieason <leIongs lo> lhe souI, in luin, il is (of lhe naluie of) souI."
ul I ansveied and said lo hin, "Loid, ve can oley you if you vish, foi ve have foisaken oui
falheis and oui nolheis and oui viIIages, and foIIoved you. Cianl us, lheiefoie, nol lo le lenpled
ly lhe deviI, lhe eviI one."
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The Loid ansveied and said, "Whal is youi neiil if you do lhe viII of lhe Ialhei and il is nol
given lo you fion hin as a gifl vhiIe you aie lenpled ly Salan` ul if you aie oppiessed ly
Salan, and peiseculed, and you do his (i.e., lhe Ialhei's) viII, I say lhal he viII Iove you, and nake
you equaI vilh ne, and ieckon you lo have lecone leIoved lhiough his piovidence ly youi ovn
choice. So viII you nol cease Ioving lhe fIesh and leing afiaid of suffeiings` Oi do you nol knov
lhal you have yel lo le alused and lo le accused unjuslIy, and have yel lo le shul up in piison,
and condenned unIavfuIIy, and ciucified <vilhoul> ieason, and luiied as I nyseIf, ly lhe eviI
one` Do you daie lo spaie lhe fIesh, you foi vhon lhe Spiiil is an enciicIing vaII` If you considei
hov Iong lhe voiId exisled <lefoie> you, and hov Iong il viII exisl aflei you, you viII find lhal
youi Iife is one singIe day, and youi suffeiings one singIe houi. Ioi lhe good viII nol enlei inlo lhe
voiId. Scoin dealh, lheiefoie, and lake lhoughl foi Iife! Renenlei ny cioss and ny dealh, and
you viII Iive!"
ul I ansveied and said lo hin, "Loid, do nol nenlion lo us lhe cioss and dealh, foi lhey aie fai
fion you."
The Loid ansveied and said, "VeiiIy, I say unlo you, none viII le saved unIess lhey leIieve in ny
cioss. ul lhose vho have leIieved in ny cioss, lheiis is lhe kingdon of Cod. Theiefoie, lecone
seekeis foi dealh, Iike lhe dead vho seek foi Iife, foi lhal vhich lhey seek is ieveaIed lo lhen. And
vhal is lheie lo lioulIe lhen` As foi you, vhen you exanine dealh, il viII leach you eIeclion.
VeiiIy, I say unlo you, none of lhose vho feai dealh viII le saved, foi lhe kingdon leIongs lo
lhose vho pul lhenseIves lo dealh. econe lellei lhan I, nake youiseIves Iike lhe son of lhe HoIy
Then I asked hin, "Loid, hov shaII ve le alIe lo piophesy lo lhose vho iequesl us lo piophesy lo
lhen` Ioi lheie aie nany vho ask us, and Iook lo us lo heai an oiacIe fion us."
The Loid ansveied and said, "Do you nol knov lhal lhe head of piophecy vas cul off vilh }ohn`"
ul I said, "Loid, can il le possilIe lo ienove lhe head of piophecy`"
The Loid said lo ne, "When you cone lo knov vhal 'head' neans, and lhal piophecy issues fion
lhe head, (lhen) undeisland lhe neaning of 'Ils head vas ienoved.' Al fiisl I spoke lo you in
paialIes, and you did nol undeisland, nov I speak lo you openIy, and you (sliII) do nol peiceive.
Yel, il vas you vho seived ne as a paialIe in paialIes, and as lhal vhich is open in lhe (voids)
lhal aie open.
"Haslen lo le saved vilhoul leing uiged! Inslead, le eagei of youi ovn accoid, and, if possilIe,
aiiive even lefoie ne, foi lhus lhe Ialhei viII Iove you."
"Cone lo hale hypociisy and lhe eviI lhoughl, foi il is lhe lhoughl lhal gives liilh lo hypociisy,
lul hypociisy is fai fion liulh."
"Do nol aIIov lhe kingdon of heaven lo vilhei, foi il is Iike a paIn shool vhose fiuil has diopped
dovn aiound il. They (i.e., lhe faIIen fiuil) pul foilh Ieaves, and aflei lhey had spiouled, lhey
caused lheii vonl lo diy up. So il is aIso vilh lhe fiuil vhich had giovn fion lhis singIe iool,
vhen il had leen picked (`), fiuil vas loine ly nany (`). Il (lhe iool) vas ceilainIy good, (and) if
il veie possilIe foi you lo pioduce lhe nev pIanls nov, <you> vouId find il."
"Since I have aIieady leen gIoiified in lhis fashion, vhy do you hoId ne lack in ny eageiness lo
go` Ioi aflei lhe Ialoi, you have conpeIIed ne lo slay vilh you anolhei eighleen days foi lhe sake
of lhe paialIes. Il vas enough foi sone <lo Iislen> lo lhe leaching and undeisland 'The
Shepheids' and 'The Seed' and 'The uiIding' and 'The Lanps of lhe Viigins' and 'The Wage of lhe
Woiknen' and lhe 'Didiachnae' and 'The Wonan.'"
"econe eainesl aloul lhe void! Ioi as lo lhe void, ils fiisl pail is failh, lhe second, Iove, lhe
lhiid, voiks, foi fion lhese cones Iife. Ioi lhe void is Iike a giain of vheal, vhen soneone had
sovn il, he had failh in il, and vhen il had spiouled, he Ioved il, lecause he had seen nany giains
in pIace of one. And vhen he had voiked, he vas saved, lecause he had piepaied il foi food,
(and) again he Iefl (sone) lo sov. So aIso can you youiseIves ieceive lhe kingdon of heaven,
unIess you ieceive lhis lhiough knovIedge, you viII nol le alIe lo find il."
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"Theiefoie, I say lo you, le solei, do nol le deceived! And nany lines have I said lo you aII
logelhei, and aIso lo you aIone, }anes, have I said, 'e saved!' And I have connanded you lo
foIIov ne, and I have laughl you vhal lo say lefoie lhe aichons. Olseive lhal I have descended
and have spoken and undeigone liiluIalion, and caiiied off ny ciovn aflei saving you. Ioi I
cane dovn lo dveII vilh you, so lhal you in luin nighl dveII vilh ne. And, finding youi houses
unceiIed, I have nade ny alode in lhe houses lhal couId ieceive ne al lhe line of ny descenl."
"Theiefoie, liusl in ne, ny lielhien, undeisland vhal lhe gieal Iighl is. The Ialhei has no need of
ne, - foi a falhei does nol need a son, lul il is lhe son vho needs lhe falhei - lhough I go lo hin.
Ioi lhe Ialhei of lhe Son has no need of you."
"Heaiken lo lhe void, undeisland knovIedge, Iove Iife, and no one viII peisecule you, noi viII
anyone oppiess you, olhei lhan you youiseIves."
"O you vielches, O you unfoilunales, O you pielendeis lo lhe liulh, O you faIsifieis of
knovIedge, O you sinneis againsl lhe Spiiil: can you sliII leai lo Iislen, vhen il lehooved you lo
speak fion lhe fiisl` Can you sliII leai lo sIeep, vhen il lehooved you lo le avake fion lhe fiisl,
so lhal lhe kingdon of heaven nighl ieceive you` VeiiIy, I say unlo you, had I leen senl lo lhose
vho Iislen lo ne, and had I spoken vilh lhen, I vouId nevei have cone dovn lo eailh. So, lhen,
le ashaned foi lhese lhings."
"ehoId, I shaII depail fion you and go avay, and do nol vish lo ienain vilh you any Iongei, jusl
as youi youiseIves have nol vished il. Nov, lheiefoie, foIIov ne quickIy. This is vhy I say unlo
you, 'Ioi youi sakes I cane dovn.' You aie lhe leIoved, you aie lhey vho viII le lhe cause of Iife
in nany. Invoke lhe Ialhei, inpIoie Cod oflen, and he viII give lo you. Iessed is he vho has seen
you vilh Hin vhen He vas piocIained anong lhe angeIs, and gIoiified anong lhe sainls, youis
is Iife. Rejoice, and le gIad, as sons of Cod. Keep his viII, lhal you nay le saved, accepl iepioof
fion ne and save youiseIves. I inleicede on youi lehaIf vilh lhe Ialhei, and he viII foigive you
And vhen ve had heaid lhese voids, ve lecane gIad, foi ve had leen giieved al lhe voids ve
have nenlioned lefoie. ul vhen he sav us iejoicing, he said, "Woe lo you vho Iack an advocale!
Woe lo you vho sland in need of giace! Iessed viII lhey le vho have spoken oul and ollained
giace foi lhenseIves. Liken youiseIves lo foieigneis, of vhal soil aie lhey in lhe eyes of youi cily`
Why aie you disluiled vhen you casl youiseIves avay of youi ovn accoid and sepaiale
youiseIves fion youi cily` Why do you alandon youi dveIIing pIace of youi ovn accoid, naking
il ieady foi lhose vho vanl lo dveII in il` O you oulcasls and fugilives, voe lo you, foi you viII
le caughl! Oi do you peihaps lhink lhal lhe Ialhei is a Iovei of nankind, oi lhal he is von ovei
vilhoul piayeis, oi lhal he gianls ienission lo one on anolhei's lehaIf, oi lhal he leais vilh one
vho asks` - Ioi he knovs lhe desiie, and aIso vhal il is lhal lhe fIesh needs! - (Oi do you lhink)
lhal il is nol lhis (fIesh) lhal desiies lhe souI` Ioi vilhoul lhe souI, lhe lody does nol sin, jusl as
lhe souI is nol saved vilhoul lhe spiiil. ul if lhe souI is saved (vhen il is) vilhoul eviI, and lhe
spiiil is aIso saved, lhen lhe lody lecones fiee fion sin. Ioi il is lhe spiiil lhal iaises lhe souI, lul
lhe lody lhal kiIIs il, lhal is, il is il (lhe souI) vhich kiIIs ilseIf. VeiiIy, I say unlo you, he viII nol
foigive lhe souI lhe sin ly any neans, noi lhe fIesh lhe guiIl, foi none of lhose vho have voin lhe
fIesh viII le saved. Ioi do you lhink lhal nany have found lhe kingdon of heaven` Iessed is he
vho has seen hinseIf as a fouilh one in heaven!"
When ve heaid lhese voids, ve veie disliessed. ul vhen he sav lhal ve veie disliessed, he
said, "Ioi lhis cause I leII you lhis, lhal you nay knov youiseIves. Ioi lhe kingdon of heaven is
Iike an eai of giain aflei il had spiouled in a fieId. And vhen il had iipened, il scalleied ils fiuil
and again fiIIed lhe fieId vilh eais foi anolhei yeai. You aIso, haslen lo ieap an eai of Iife foi
youiseIves, lhal you nay le fiIIed vilh lhe kingdon!"
"And as Iong as I an vilh you, give heed lo ne, and oley ne, lul vhen I depail fion you,
ienenlei ne. And ienenlei ne lecause vhen I vas vilh you, you did nol knov ne. Iessed
viII lhey le vho have knovn ne, voe lo lhose vho have heaid and have nol leIieved! Iessed
viII lhey le vho have nol see, yel have leIieved!"
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"And once noie I pievaiI upon you, foi I an ieveaIed lo you luiIding a house vhich is of gieal
vaIue lo you vhen you find sheIlei lenealh il, jusl as il viII le alIe lo sland ly youi neighlois'
house vhen il lhiealens lo faII. VeiiIy, I say unlo you, voe lo lhose foi vhose sakes I vas senl
dovn lo lhis pIace, lIessed viII lhey le vho ascend lo lhe Ialhei! Once noie I iepiove you, you
vho aie, lecone Iike lhose vho aie nol, lhal you nay le vilh lhose vho aie nol."
"Do nol nake lhe kingdon of heaven a deseil vilhin you. Do nol le pioud lecause of lhe Iighl
lhal iIIunines, lul le lo youiseIves as I nyseIf an lo you. Ioi youi sakes I have pIaced nyseIf
undei lhe cuise, lhal you nay le saved."
ul Ielei iepIied lo lhese voids and said, "Sonelines you uige us on lo lhe kingdon of heaven,
and lhen again you luin us lack, Loid, sonelines you peisuade and diav us lo failh and pionise
us Iife, and lhen again you casl us foilh fion lhe kingdon of heaven."
ul lhe Loid ansveied and said lo us, "I have given you failh nany lines, noieovei, I have
ieveaIed nyseIf lo you, }anes, and you (aII) have nol knovn ne. Nov again, I see you iejoicing
nany lines, and vhen you aie eIaled al lhe pionise of Iife, aie you yel sad, and do you giieve,
vhen you aie insliucled in lhe kingdon` ul you, lhiough failh and knovIedge, have ieceived
Iife. Theiefoie, disdain lhe iejeclion vhen you heai il, lul vhen you heai lhe pionise, iejoice lhe
noie. VeiiIy, I say unlo you, he vho viII ieceive Iife and leIieve in lhe kingdon viII nevei Ieave
il, nol even if lhe Ialhei vishes lo lanish hin."
"These aie lhe lhings lhal I shaII leII you so fai, nov, hovevei, I shaII ascend lo lhe pIace fion
vhence I cane. ul you, vhen I vas eagei lo go, have casl ne oul, and inslead of acconpanying
ne, you have puisued ne. ul pay heed lo lhe gIoiy lhal avails ne, and, having opened youi
heail, Iislen lo lhe hynns lhal avail ne up in lhe heavens, foi loday I nusl lake (ny pIace al) lhe
iighl hand of lhe Ialhei. ul I have said (ny) Iasl void lo you, and I shaII depail fion you, foi a
chaiiol of spiiil has loine ne aIofl, and fion lhis nonenl on, I shaII sliip nyseIf, lhal I nay cIolhe
nyseIf. ul give heed, lIessed aie lhey vho have piocIained lhe Son lefoie his descenl, lhal
vhen I have cone, I nighl ascend (again). Thiice lIessed aie lhey vho veie piocIained ly lhe
Son lefoie lhey cane lo le, lhal you nighl have a poilion anong lhen."
Having said lhese voids, he depailed. ul ve lenl (oui) knee(s), I and Ielei, and gave lhanks,
and senl oui heail(s) upvaids lo heaven. We heaid vilh oui eais, and sav vilh oui eyes, lhe
noise of vais, and a liunpel lIaie, and a gieal luinoiI.
And vhen ve had passed leyond lhal pIace, ve senl oui nind(s) failhei upvaids, and sav vilh
oui eyes and heaid vilh oui eais hynns, and angeIic lenediclions, and angeIic iejoicing. And
heavenIy najeslies veie singing piaise, and ve, loo, iejoiced.
Aflei lhis again, ve vished lo send oui spiiil upvaid lo lhe Majesly, and aflei ascending, ve
veie nol peinilled lo see oi heai anylhing, foi lhe olhei discipIes caIIed us and asked us, "Whal
did you heai fion lhe Maslei. And vhal has he said lo you` And vheie did he go`"
ul ve ansveied lhen, "He has ascended, and has given us a pIedge, and pionised Iife lo us aII,
and ieveaIed lo us chiIdien (`) vho aie lo cone aflei us, aflei lidding us Iove lhen, as ve vouId
le saved foi lheii sakes."
And vhen lhey heaid (lhis), lhey indeed leIieved lhe ieveIalion, lul veie dispIeased aloul lhose
lo le loin. And so, nol vishing lo give lhen offense, I senl each one lo anolhei pIace. ul I nyseIf
venl up lo }eiusaIen, piaying lhal I nighl ollain a poilion anong lhe leIoved, vho viII le nade
And I piay lhal lhe leginning nay cone fion you, foi lhus I shaII le capalIe of saIvalion, since
lhey viII le enIighlened lhiough ne, ly ny failh - and lhiough anolhei (failh) lhal is lellei lhan
nine, foi I vouId lhal nine le lhe Iessei. Lndeavoi eaineslIy, lhen, lo nake youiseIf Iike lhen,
and piay lhal you nay ollain a poilion vilh lhen. Ioi lecause of vhal I have said, lhe Savioi did
nol nake lhe ieveIalion lo us foi lheii sakes. We do, indeed, piocIain a poilion vilh lhose foi
vhon lhe piocIanalion vas nade - lhose vhon lhe Loid has nade his sons.
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!"# 8C= ? . / C"= ; = @ K & )# B
!.&;BD&<#* -/ S=; X&)#.=;
|rcn Rcn Cancrcn, The Olhei CospeIs (lcs|nins|cr Prcss, Pni|adc|pnia, 1982),
as quc|cd in li||is 8arns|cnc, The Olhei ilIe (Harpcr c Rcu, San |ranciscc, 1984).
}anes viiles lo you. Ieace le vilh you fion Ieace, Iove fion Love, giace fion Ciace, failh fion
Iailh, Iife fion HoIy Life!
Since you asked ne lo send you a seciel look vhich vas ieveaIed lo ne and Ielei ly lhe Loid, I
couId neilhei iefuse you noi speak diieclIy lo you, lul I have viillen il in Heliev Ielleis and have
senl il lo you - and lo you aIone. ul inasnuch as you aie a ninislei of lhe saIvalion of lhe sainls,
endeavoi eaineslIy and lake caie nol lo iecounl lhis look lo nany - lhis vhich lhe Savioi did nol
desiie lo iecounl lo aII of us, his lveIve discipIes. ul lIessed aie lhose vho viII le saved lhiough
failh in lhis discouise.
Nov I senl you len nonlhs ago anolhei seciel look vilh lhe Savioi ieveaIed lo ne. ul lhal one
you aie lo iegaid in lhis nannei, as ieveaIed lo ne, }anes.
Nov lhe lveIve discipIes veie silling aII logelhei al lhe sane line, and, ienenleiing vhal lhe
Savioi had said lo each one of lhen, vhelhei secielIy oi openIy, lhey veie selling il dovn in
looks. And I vas viiling vhal vas in ny look - Io, lhe Savioi appeaied, aflei he had depailed
fion us vhiIe ve gazed al hin. And five hundied and fifly days aflei he aiose fion lhe dead, ve
said lo hin: "Have you gone and depailed fion us`"
And }esus said: "No, lul I shaII go lo lhe pIace fion vhich I have cone. If you desiie lo cone vilh
ne, cone."
They aII ansveied and said: "If you lid us, ve'II cone."
He said: "TiuIy I say lo you, no one evei viII enlei lhe Kingdon of Heaven if I lid hin, lul ialhei
lecause you youiseIves aie fuII. Lel ne have }anes and Ielei, in oidei lhal I nay fiII lhen." And
vhen he caIIed lhese lvo, he look lhen aside, and connanded lhe iesl lo lusy lhenseIves vilh
lhal vilh vhich lhey had leen lusy.
The Savioi said, "You have ieceived neicy.... (7 |incs nissing) Do you nol desiie, lhen, lo le fiIIed`
And is youi heail diunk` Do you nol desiie, lhen, lo le solei` Theiefoie, le ashaned! And nov,
vaking oi sIeeping, ienenlei lhal you have seen lhe Son of Man, and vilh hin you have spoken,
and lo hin you have Iislened. Woe lo lhose vho have seen lhe Son of Man! Iessed aie lhose vho
have nol seen lhe Man, and vho have nol consoiled vilh hin, and vho have nol spoken vilh
hin, and vho have nol Iislened lo anylhing fion hin. Youis is Iife! Knov, lheiefoie, lhal he
heaIed you vhen you veie iII, in oidei lhal you nighl ieign. Woe lo lhose vho have iesled fion
lheii iIIness, lecause lhey viII ieIapse again inlo iIIness! Iessed aie lhose vho have nol leen iII,
and have knovn iesl lefoie lhey lecane iII. Youis is lhe Kingdon of Cod! Theiefoie I say lo you,
lecone fuII and Ieave no pIace vilhin you enply, since lhe Coning One is alIe lo nock you."
Then Ielei ansveied: "Loid, lhiee lines you have said lo us 'econe fuII', lul ve aie fuII."
The Loid ansveied and said: "Theiefoie I say unlo you, lecone fuII, in oidei lhal you nay nol le
dininished. Those vho aie dininished, hovevei, viII nol le saved. Ioi fuIIness is good and
dininulion is lad. Theiefoie, jusl as il is good foi you lo le dininished and, on lhe olhei hand,
lad foi you lo le fiIIed, so aIso lhe one vho is fuII is dininished, and lhe one vho is dininished is
nol fiIIed as lhe one vho is dininished is fiIIed, and lhe one vho is fuII, foi his pail, liings his
sufficiency lo conpIelion. Theiefoie, il is filling lo le dininished vhiIe you can sliII le fiIIed, and
lo le fiIIed vhiIe il is sliII possilIe lo le dininished, in oidei lhal you can fiII youiseIves lhe noie.
Theiefoie lecone fuII of lhe spiiil lul le dininished of ieason. Ioi ieason is of lhe souI, and il is
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And I ansveied, and said lo hin: "Loid, ve can oley you if you vish. Ioi ve have foisaken oui
foiefalheis and oui nolheis and oui viIIages and have foIIoved you. Cianl us, lheiefoie, nol lo le
lenpled ly lhe vicked DeviI."
The Loid ansveied and said: "Whal is youi neiil vhen you do lhe viII of lhe Ialhei if il is nol
given lo you ly hin as a gifl, vhiIe you aie lenpled ly Salan` ul if you aie oppiessed ly Salan
and aie peiseculed and you do lhe Ialhei's viII, I say lhal he viII Iove you and viII nake you
equaI vilh ne and viII considei lhal you have lecone leIoved lhiough his piovidence accoiding
lo youi fiee choice. WiII you nol cease, lhen, leing Ioveis of lhe fIesh and leing afiaid of
suffeiings` Oi do you nol knov lhal you have nol yel leen nisliealed and have nol yel leen
accused unjuslIy, noi have you yel leen shul up in piison, noi have you yel leen condenned
IavIessIy, noi have you yel leen ciucified vilhoul ieason, noi have you yel leen luiied
shanefuIIy, as vas I nyseIf, ly lhe eviI one` Do you daie lo spaie lhe fIesh, you foi vhon lhe
spiiil is an enciicIing vaII` If you conlenpIale lhe voiId, hov Iong il is lefoie you and aIso hov
Iong il is aflei you, you viII find lhal youi Iife is one singIe day and youi suffeiings, one singIe
houi. Ioi lhe good viII nol enlei lhe voiId. Scoin dealh, lheiefoie, and lake concein foi Iife.
Renenlei ny cioss and ny dealh and you viII Iive."
And I ansveied and said lo hin: "Loid, do nol nenlion lo us lhe cioss and lhe dealh, foi lhey aie
fai fion you."
The Loid ansveied and said: "TiuIy I say lo you, none viII le saved unIess lhey leIieve in ny
cioss. ul lhose vho have leIieved in ny cioss, lheiis is lhe Kingdon of Cod. Theiefoie, lecone
seekeis foi dealh, jusl as lhe dead vho seek foi Iife, foi lhal vhich lhey seek is ieveaIed lo lhen.
And vhal is lheie lo concein lhen` When you luin youiseIves lovaids dealh, il viII nake knovn
lo you eIeclion. In liulh I say lo you, none of lhose vho aie afiaid of dealh viII le saved. Ioi lhe
Kingdon of Cod leIongs lo lhose vho have pul lhenseIves lo dealh. econe lellei lhan I, nake
youiseIves Iike lhe son of lhe HoIy Spiiil."
Then I queslioned hin: "Loid hov nay ve piophesy lo lhose vho ask us lo piophesy lo lhen`
Ioi lheie aie nany vho ask us and vho Iook lo us lo heai an oiacIe fion us."
The Loid ansveied and said: "Do you nol knov lhal lhe head of piophecy vas cul off vilh }ohn`"
And I said: "Loid, il is nol possilIe lo ienove lhe head of piophecy, is il`"
The Loid said lo ne: "When you cone lo knov vhal 'head' is, and lhal piophecy issues fion lhe
head, lhen undeisland vhal is lhe neaning of 'Ils head vas ienoved'. I fiisl spoke vilh you in
paialIes, and you did nol undeisland. Nov, in luin, I speak vilh you openIy, and you do nol
peiceive. ul il is you vho veie lo ne a paialIe in paialIes and vhal is appaienl in vhal aie
"e zeaIous lo le saved vilhoul leing uiged. Ralhei, le ieady on youi ovn and, if possilIe, go
lefoie ne. Ioi lhus lhe Ialhei viII Iove you.
"econe haleis of hypociisy and eviI lhoughl. Ioi il is lhoughl vhich gives liilh lo hypociisy, lul
hypociisy is fai fion lhe liulh.
"Lel nol lhe Kingdon of Heaven vilhei avay. Ioi il is Iike a dale paIn shool vhose fiuils pouied
dovn aiound il. Il pul foilh Ieaves and, vhen lhey ludded, lhey caused lhe pioduclivily of lhe
dale paIn lo diy up. Thus il is aIso vilh lhe fiuil vhich cane fion lhis singIe iool, vhen lhe fiuil
vas picked, fiuils veie coIIecled ly nany haivesleis. Il vouId indeed le good if il veie possilIe
lo pioduce lhese nev pIanls nov, foi lhen you vouId find lhe Kingdon.
"Since I have leen gIoiified in lhis nannei lefoie lhis line, vhy do you aII iesliain ne vhen I an
eagei lo go` You have consliained ne lo ienain vilh you eighleen noie days foi lhe sake of lhe
paialIes. Il sufficed foi sone peisons lo pay allenlion lo lhe leaching and undeisland 'The
Shepheids' and 'The Seed' and 'The uiIding' and 'The Lanps of lhe Viigins' and 'The Wage of lhe
Woikeis' and 'The DoulIe Diachna' and 'The Wonan'.
"econe zeaIous aloul lhe Woid. Ioi lhe Woid's fiisl condilion is failh, lhe second is Iove, lhe
lhiid is voiks. Nov fion lhese cones Iife. Ioi lhe Woid is Iike a giain of vheal. When soneone
soved il, he leIieved in il, and vhen il spiouled, he Ioved il, lecause he Iooked foivaid lo nany
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giains in lhe pIace of one, and vhen he voiked il, he vas saved, lecause he piepaied il foi food.
Again he Iefl sone giains lo sov. Thus il is aIso possilIe foi you aII lo ieceive lhe Kingdon of
Heaven: unIess you ieceive il lhiough knovIedge, you viII nol le alIe lo find il.
"Theiefoie I say lo you, le solei. Do nol go asliay. And nany lines I have said lo you aII logelhei
- and aIso lo you aIone, }anes, I have said - 'e saved!' And I have connanded you lo foIIov ne,
and I have laughl you lhe iesponse in lhe piesence of lhe iuIeis. Olseive lhal I have descended,
and I have spoken, and I have lioulIed nyseIf, and I have ieceived ny ciovn, vhen I saved you.
Ioi I have descended lo dveII vilh you in oidei lhal you aIso nay dveII vilh ne. And vhen I
found lhal youi houses had no ceiIings ovei lhen, I dveIl in houses vhich vouId le alIe lo
ieceive ne vhen I descended.
"Theiefoie, oley ne, ny liolheis. Undeisland vhal lhe gieal Iighl is. The Ialhei does nol need
ne. Ioi a falhei does nol need a son, lul il is lhe son vho needs lhe falhei. To hin I an going, foi
lhe Ialhei of lhe Son is nol in need of you.
"Iay allenlion lo lhe Woid. Undeisland KnovIedge. Love Life. And no one viII peisecule you,
noi viII any one oppiess you, olhei lhan you youiseIves.
"O you vielched! O you unfoilunales! O you dissenlIeis of lhe liulh! O you faIsifieis of
knovIedge! O you sinneis againsl lhe spiiil! Do you even nov daie lo Iislen, vhen il lehooved
you lo speak fion lhe leginning` Do you even nov daie lo sIeep, vhen il lehooved you lo le
avake fion lhe leginning, in oidei lhal lhe Kingdon of Heaven nighl ieceive you` In liulh I say
lo you, il is easiei foi a hoIy one lo sink inlo defiIenenl, and foi a nan of Iighl lo sink inlo
daikness, lhan foi you lo ieign - oi even nol lo ieign!
"I have ienenleied youi leais and youi giief and youi soiiov. They aie fai fion us. Nov, lhen,
you vho aie oulside lhe inheiilance of lhe Ialhei, veep vheie il lehooves you and giieve and
piocIain lhal vhich is good, since lhe Son is ascending appiopiialeIy. In liulh I say lo you, had il
leen lo lhose vho vouId Iislen lo ne lhal I vas senl, and had il leen vilh lhen lhal I vas lo
speak, I vouId have nevei descended upon lhe eailh. And nov, lhen, le ashaned on accounl of
"ehoId, I shaII depail fion you. I an going and I do nol desiie lo ienain vilh you any Iongei -
jusl as you youiseIves have nol desiied. Nov, lhen, foIIov ne quickIy. Theiefoie I say lo you, foi
youi sake I have descended. You aie lhe leIoved, you aie lhose vho viII lecone a cause of Iife foi
nany. eseech lhe Ialhei. InpIoie Cod oflen, and he viII give lo you. Iessed is lhe one vho has
seen you vilh hin vhen he is piocIained anong lhe angeIs and gIoiified anong lhe sainls. Youis
is Iife! Rejoice and le gIad as chiIdien of Cod. Keep his viII in oidei lhal you nay le saved. Take
iepioof fion ne and save youiseIves. I inleicede on youi lehaIf vilh lhe Ialhei, and he viII
foigive you nuch."
And vhen ve heaid lhese lhings, ve lecane eIaled, foi ve had leen depiessed on accounl of
vhal ve had said eaiIiei. Nov vhen he sav oui iejoicing, he said: "Woe lo you vho aie in vanl
of an advocale! Woe lo you vho aie in need of giace! Iessed aie lhose vho have spoken fieeIy
and have pioduced giace foi lhenseIves. Make youiseIves Iike sliangeis, of vhal soil aie lhey in
lhe eslinalion of youi cily` Why aie you lioulIed vhen you ousl youiseIves of youi ovn accoid
and depail fion youi cily` Why do you alandon youi dveIIing pIace of youi ovn accoid,
ieadying il foi lhose vho desiie lo dveII in il` O you exiIes and fugilives! Woe lo you, lecause
you viII le caughl! Oi peihaps you inagine lhal lhe Ialhei is a Iovei of hunanily` Oi lhal he is
peisuaded ly piayeis` Oi lhal he is giacious lo one on lehaIf of anolhei` Oi lhal he leais vilh
one vho seeks` Ioi he knovs lhe desiie and aIso lhal vhich lhe fIesh needs. ecause il is nol lhe
fIesh vhich yeains foi lhe souI. Ioi vilhoul lhe souI lhe lody does nol sin, jusl as lhe souI is nol
saved vilhoul lhe Spiiil. ul if lhe souI is saved vhen il is vilhoul eviI, and if lhe spiiil aIso is
saved, lhen lhe lody lecones sinIess. Ioi il is lhe spiiil vhich aninales lhe souI, lul il is lhe lody
vhich kiIIs il - lhal is, il is lhe souI vhich kiIIs ilseIf. TiuIy I say lo you, lhe Ialhei viII nol foigive
lhe sin of lhe souI al aII, noi lhe guiIl of lhe fIesh. Ioi none of lhose vho have voin lhe fIesh viII
le saved. Ioi do you inagine lhal nany have found lhe Kingdon of Heaven` Iessed is lhe one
vho has seen hinseIf as a fouilh one in Heaven."
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When ve heaid lhese lhings, ve lecane disliessed. Nov vhen he sav lhal ve veie disliessed,
he said: "This is vhy I say lhis lo you, lhal you nay knov youiseIves. Ioi lhe Kingdon of Heaven
is Iike an eai of giain vhich spiouled in a fieId. And vhen il iipened, il scalleied ils fiuil and, in
luin, fiIIed lhe fieId vilh eais of giain foi anolhei yeai. You aIso: le zeaIous lo ieap foi youiseIves
an eai of Iife, in oidei lhal you nay le fiIIed vilh lhe Kingdon.
"As Iong as I an vilh you, give heed lo ne and oley ne. ul vhen I an lo depail fion you,
ienenlei ne. And ienenlei ne lecause I vas vilh you vilhoul youi knoving ne. Iessed aie
lhose vho have knovn ne. Woe lo lhose vho have heaid and have nol leIieved! Iessed aie
lhose vho have nol seen lul have had failh!
"And once again I peisuade you. Ioi I an ieveaIed lo you luiIding a house vhich is veiy vaIualIe
lo you, since you lake sheIlei undei il, in lhe sane vay il viII le alIe lo suppoil lhe house of youi
neighlois vhen lheiis is in dangei of faIIing. In liulh I say lo you, voe lo lhose on lehaIf of vhon
I vas senl dovn lo lhis pIace! Iessed aie lhose vho aie lo ascend lo lhe Ialhei. Again I iepiove
you. You vho aie, nake youiseIves Iike lhose vho aie nol, in oidei lhal you nay cone lo le vilh
lhose vho aie nol.
"Lel nol lhe Kingdon of Heaven lecone desoIale anong you. Do nol lecone aiioganl on accounl
of lhe Iighl vhich iIIunines. Ralhei, lecone lo youiseIves in lhis nannei, as I an lo you. Ioi I
have pIaced nyseIf undei lhe cuise, in oidei lhal you nay le saved"
And Ielei ansveied lo lhis and said: "Sonelines you uige us on lo lhe Kingdon of Heaven, and
olhei lines you luin us avay, Loid. Sonelines you peisuade us and inpeI us lo failh and
pionise us Iife, and olhei lines you expeI us fion lhe Kingdon of Heaven."
And lhe Loid ansveied and said lo us: "I have given you failh nany lines. Moieovei, I have
ieveaIed nyseIf lo you, }anes, and you have nol knovn ne. Again, nov I see you iejoicing nany
lines. And vhen you aie eIaled ovei lhe pionise of Iife, aie you neveilheIess gIun` And aie you
disliessed vhen you aie laughl aloul lhe Kingdon` ul you lhiough failh and knovIedge have
ieceived Iife. Theiefoie, scoin iejeclion vhen you heai il, lul, vhen you heai lhe pionise, le lhe
noie gIad. In liulh I say lo you, lhe one vho viII ieceive Iife and leIieve in lhe Kingdon viII
nevei Ieave il - nol even if lhe Ialhei desiies lo lanish hin!
"These lhings I shaII say lo you foi lhe piesenl. ul nov I shaII ascend lo lhe pIace fion vhich I
have cone. ul you, vhen I vas eagei lo go, have diiven ne oul, and, inslead of youi
acconpanying ne, you have puisued ne. ul give heed lo lhe gIoiy vhich avails ne, and,
having opened youi heails, Iislen lo lhe hynns vhich avail ne up in heaven. Ioi loday I an
olIiged lo lake (ny pIace) al lhe iighl hand of ny Ialhei. Nov I have said ny Iasl void lo you. I
shaII pail fion you. Ioi a chaiiol of vind has laken ne up, and fion nov on I shaII sliip nyseIf in
oidei lhal I nay cIolhe nyseIf. ul give heed: lIessed aie lhose vho have pieached lhe Son lefoie
he descended, in oidei lhal, vhen I have cone, I nay ascend. Thiice-lIessed aie lhos vho veie
piocIained ly lhe Son lefoie lhey cane inlo leing, in oidei lhal you nay have a poilion vilh
When he said lhese lhings, he venl avay. And ve kneIl dovn, I and Ielei, and gave lhanks, and
senl oui heails up lo heaven. We heaid vilh oui eais and sav vilh oui eyes lhe sound of vais
and a liunpel caII and a gieal connolion.
And vhen ve passed leyond lhal pIace, ve senl oul ninds up fuilhei. And ve sav vilh oui eyes
and heaid vilh oui eais hynns and angeIic piaises and angeIic juliIalion. And heavenIy najeslies
veie hynning, and ve ouiseIves veie juliIanl.
Aflei lhis, ve aIso desiied lo send oui spiiils alove lo lhe Majesly. And vhen ve ascended, ve
veie peinilled neilhei lo see noi lo heai anylhing. Ioi lhe iesl of lhe discipIes caIIed lo us and
queslioned us: "Whal is il lhal you have heaid fion lhe Maslei`" And, "Whal has he said lo you`"
And, "Wheie has he gone`"
And ve ansveied lhen: "He has ascended." And, "He has given us a pIedge and has pionised us
aII Iife and discIosed lo us chiIdien vho aie lo cone aflei us, since he has lid us lo Iove lhen,
inasnuch as ve viII le saved foi lheii sake."
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And vhen lhey heaid, lhey leIieved lhe ieveIalion, lul veie angiy aloul lhose vho vouId le
loin. Then I, nol desiiing lo enlice lhen lo scandaI, senl each one lo anolhei pIace. ul I nyseIf
venl up lo }eiusaIen, piaying lhal I nay ollain a poilion vilh lhe leIoved vho aie lo le
And I piay lhal lhe leginning nay cone fion you, foi lhus I can le saved. ecause lhey viII le
enIighlened lhiough ne, lhiough ny failh and lhiough anolhei's vhich is lellei lhan nine, foi I
desiie lhal nine lecone lhe Iessei. Lndeavoi eaineslIy, lheiefoie, lo nake youiseIf Iike lhen, and
piay lhal you nay ollain a poilion vilh lhen. Ioi apail fion vhal I have iecounled, lhe Savioi
did nol discIose ieveIalion lo us. Ioi lheii sake ve piocIain, indeed, a poilion vilh lhose foi
vhon il vas piocIained, lhose vhon lhe Loid has nade his chiIdien.
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|rcn Rcocr| M. Gran|, Cnoslicisn (Harpcr c 8rc|ncrs, Ncu Ycr|, 1961),
as quc|cd in li||is 8arns|cnc, The Olhei ilIe (Harpcr c Rcu, San |ranciscc, 1984).
The gospeI of liulh is joy lo lhose vho have ieceived fion lhe Ialhei of liulh lhe gifl of knoving
hin ly lhe povei of lhe Logos, vho has cone fion lhe IIeiona and vho is in lhe lhoughl and lhe
nind of lhe Ialhei, he il is vho is caIIed "lhe Savioi," since lhal is lhe nane of lhe voik vhich he
nusl do foi lhe iedenplion of lhose vho have nol knovn lhe Ialhei. Ioi lhe nane of lhe gospeI is
lhe nanifeslalion of hope, since lhal is lhe discoveiy of lhose vho seek hin, lecause lhe AII
soughl hin fion vhon il had cone foilh. You see, lhe AII had leen inside of hin, lhal iIIinilalIe,
inconceivalIe one, vho is lellei lhan eveiy lhoughl.
This ignoiance of lhe Ialhei lioughl aloul leiioi and feai. And leiioi lecane dense Iike a fog,
lhal no one vas alIe lo see. ecause of lhis, eiioi lecane sliong. ul il voiked on ils hyIic
sulslance vainIy, lecause il did nol knov lhe liulh. Il vas in a fashioned foin vhiIe il vas
piepaiing, in povei and in leauly, lhe equivaIenl of liulh. This lhen, vas nol a huniIialion foi
hin, lhal iIIinilalIe, inconceivalIe one. Ioi lhey veie as nolhing, lhis leiioi and lhis foigelfuIness
and lhis figuie of faIsehood, vheieas lhis eslalIished liulh is unchanging, unpeiluiled and
conpIeleIy leaulifuI.
Ioi lhis ieason, do nol lake eiioi loo seiiousIy. Thus, since il had no iool, il vas in a fog as iegaids
lhe Ialhei, engaged in piepaiing voiks and foigelfuInesses and feais in oidei, ly lhese neans, lo
leguiIe lhose of lhe niddIe and lo nake lhen caplive. The foigelfuIness of eiioi vas nol ieveaIed.
Il did nol lecone Iighl leside lhe Ialhei. IoigelfuIness did nol exisl vilh lhe Ialhei, aIlhough il
exisled lecause of hin. Whal exisls in hin is knovIedge, vhich vas ieveaIed so lhal foigelfuIness
nighl le deslioyed and lhal lhey nighl knov lhe Ialhei, Since foigelfuIness exisled lecause lhey
did nol knov lhe Ialhei, if lhey lhen cone lo knov lhe Ialhei, fion lhal nonenl on foigelfuIness
viII cease lo exisl.
Thal is lhe gospeI of hin vhon lhey seek, vhich he has ieveaIed lo lhe peifecl lhiough lhe
neicies of lhe Ialhei as lhe hidden nysleiy, }esus lhe Chiisl. Thiough hin he enIighlened lhose
vho veie in daikness lecause of foigelfuIness. He enIighlened lhen and gave lhen a palh. And
lhal palh is lhe liulh vhich he laughl lhen. Ioi lhis ieason eiioi vas angiy vilh hin, so il
peiseculed hin. Il vas disliessed ly hin, so il nade hin poveiIess. He vas naiIed lo a cioss. He
lecane a fiuil of lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei. He did nol, hovevei, deslioy lhen lecause lhey ale
of il. He ialhei caused lhose vho ale of il lo le joyfuI lecause of lhis discoveiy.
And as foi hin, lhen he found in hinseIf, and hin lhey found in lhenseIves, lhal iIIinilalIe,
inconceivalIe one, lhal peifecl Ialhei vho nade lhe aII, in vhon lhe AII is, and vhon lhe AII
Iacks, since he ielained in hinseIf lheii peifeclion, vhich he had nol given lo lhe aII. The Ialhei
vas nol jeaIous. Whal jeaIousy, indeed, is lheie lelveen hin and his nenleis` Ioi, even if lhe
Aeon had ieceived lheii peifeclion, lhey vouId nol have leen alIe lo appioach lhe peifeclion of
lhe Ialhei, lecause he ielained lheii peifeclion in hinseIf, giving il lo lhen as a vay lo ieluin lo
hin and as a knovIedge unique in peifeclion. He is lhe one vho sel lhe AII in oidei and in vhon
lhe AII exisled and vhon lhe AII Iacked. As one of vhon sone have no knovIedge, he desiies
lhal lhey knov hin and lhal lhey Iove hin. Ioi vhal is il lhal lhe AII Iacked, if nol lhe knovIedge
of lhe Ialhei`
He lecane a guide, quiel and in Ieisuie. In lhe niddIe of a schooI he cane and spoke lhe Woid, as
a leachei. Those vho veie vise in lheii ovn eslinalion cane lo pul hin lo lhe lesl. ul he
disciediled lhen as enply-headed peopIe. They haled hin lecause lhey ieaIIy veie nol vise nen.
Aflei aII lhese cane aIso lhe IillIe chiIdien, lhose vho possess lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei. When
lhey lecane sliong lhey veie laughl lhe aspecls of lhe Ialhei's face. They cane lo knov and lhey
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veie knovn. They veie gIoiified and lhey gave gIoiy. In lheii heail, lhe Iiving look of lhe Living
vas nanifesl, lhe look vhich vas viillen in lhe lhoughl and in lhe nind of lhe Ialhei and, fion
lefoie lhe foundalion of lhe AII, is in lhal inconpiehensilIe pail of hin.
This is lhe look vhich no one found possilIe lo lake, since il vas ieseived foi hin vho viII lake il
and le sIain. No one vas alIe lo le nanifesl fion lhose vho leIieved in saIvalion as Iong as lhal
look had nol appeaied. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe conpassionale, failhfuI }esus vas palienl in his
suffeiings unliI he look lhal look, since he knev lhal his dealh neanl Iife foi nany. }usl as in lhe
case of a viII vhich has nol yel leen opened, foi lhe foilune of lhe deceased naslei of lhe house is
hidden, so aIso in lhe case of lhe AII vhich had leen hidden as Iong as lhe Ialhei of lhe AII vas
invisilIe and unique in hinseIf, in vhon eveiy space has ils souice. Ioi lhis ieason }esus
appeaied. He look lhal look as his ovn. He vas naiIed lo a cioss. He affixed lhe edicl of lhe
Ialhei lo lhe cioss.
Oh, such gieal leaching! He alases hinseIf even unlo dealh, lhough he is cIolhed in eleinaI Iife.
Having divesled hinseIf of lhese peiishalIe iags, he cIolhed hinseIf in incoiiupliliIily, vhich no
one couId possilIy lake fion hin. Having enleied inlo lhe enply leiiiloiy of feais, he passed
lefoie lhose vho veie sliipped ly foigelfuIness, leing lolh knovIedge and peifeclion,
piocIaining lhe lhings lhal aie in lhe heail of lhe Ialhei, so lhal he lecane lhe visdon of lhose
vho have ieceived insliuclion. ul lhose vho aie lo le laughl, lhe Iiving vho aie insciiled in lhe
look of lhe Iiving, Ieain foi lhenseIves, ieceiving insliuclions fion lhe Ialhei, luining lo hin
Since lhe peifeclion of lhe AII is in lhe Ialhei, il is necessaiy foi lhe AII lo ascend lo hin.
Theiefoie, if one has knovIedge, he gels vhal leIongs lo hin and diavs il lo hinseIf. Ioi he vho
is ignoianl, is deficienl, and il is a gieal deficiency, since he Iacks lhal vhich viII nake hin
peifecl. Since lhe peifeclion of lhe AII is in lhe Ialhei, il is necessaiy foi lhe AII lo ascend lo hin
and foi each one lo gel lhe lhings vhich aie his. He iegisleied lhen fiisl, having piepaied lhen lo
le given lo lhose vho cane fion hin.
Those vhose nane he knev fiisl veie caIIed Iasl, so lhal lhe one vho has knovIedge is he vhose
nane lhe Ialhei has pionounced. Ioi he vhose nane has nol leen spoken is ignoianl. Indeed,
hov shaII one heai if his nane has nol leen ulleied` Ioi he vho ienains ignoianl unliI lhe end is
a ciealuie of foigelfuIness and viII peiish vilh il. If lhis is nol so, vhy have lhese vielches no
nane, vhy do lhey have no sound` Hence, if one has knovIedge, he is fion alove. If he is caIIed,
he heais, he iepIies, and he luins lovaid hin vho caIIed hin and he ascends lo hin and he
knovs vhal he is caIIed. Since he has knovIedge, he does lhe viII of hin vho caIIed hin. He
desiies lo pIease hin and he finds iesl. He ieceives a ceilain nane. He vho lhus is going lo have
knovIedge knovs vhence he cane and vhilhei he is going. He knovs il as a peison vho, having
lecone inloxicaled, has luined fion his diunkenness and having cone lo hinseIf, has iesloied
vhal is his ovn.
He has luined nany fion eiioi. He venl lefoie lhen lo lheii ovn pIaces, fion vhich lhey
depailed vhen lhey eiied lecause of lhe deplh of hin vho suiiounds eveiy pIace, vheieas lheie
is nolhing vhich suiiounds hin. Il vas a gieal vondei lhal lhey veie in lhe Ialhei vilhoul
knoving hin and lhal lhey veie alIe lo Ieave on lheii ovn, since lhey veie nol alIe lo conlain
hin and knov hin in vhon lhey veie, foi indeed his viII had nol cone foilh fion hin. Ioi he
ieveaIed il as a knovIedge vilh vhich aII ils enanalions agiee, naneIy, lhe knovIedge of lhe
Iiving look vhich he ieveaIed lo lhe Aeons al Iasl as his Ielleis, dispIaying lo lhen lhal lhese aie
nol neieIy voveIs noi consonanls, so lhal one nay iead lhen and lhink of sonelhing void of
neaning, on lhe conliaiy, lhey aie Ielleis vhich convey lhe liulh. They aie pionounced onIy
vhen lhey aie knovn. Lach Iellei is a peifecl liulh Iike a peifecl look, foi lhey aie Ielleis viillen
ly lhe hand of lhe unily, since lhe Ialhei viole lhen foi lhe Aeons, so lhal lhey ly neans of his
Ielleis nighl cone lo knov lhe Ialhei.
WhiIe his visdon nediales on lhe Iogos, and since his leaching expiesses il, his knovIedge has
leen ieveaIed. His honoi is a ciovn upon il. Since his joy agiees vilh il, his gIoiy exaIled il. Il has
ieveaIed his inage. Il has ollained his iesl. His Iove look lodiIy foin aiound il. His liusl
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enliaced il. Thus lhe Iogos of lhe Ialhei goes foilh inlo lhe AII, leing lhe fiuil of his heail and
expiession of his viII. Il suppoils lhe AII. Il chooses and aIso lakes lhe foin of lhe AII, puiifying il,
and causing il lo ieluin lo lhe Ialhei and lo lhe Molhei, }esus of lhe ulnosl sveelness. The Ialhei
opens his loson, lul his loson is lhe HoIy Spiiil. He ieveaIs his hidden seIf vhich is his son, so
lhal lhiough lhe conpassion of lhe Ialhei lhe Aeons nay knov hin, end lheii veaiying seaich
foi lhe Ialhei and iesl lhenseIves in hin, knoving lhal lhis is iesl. Aflei he had fiIIed vhal vas
inconpIele, he did avay vilh foin. The foin of il is lhe voiId, lhal vhich il seived. Ioi vheie
lheie is envy and sliife, lheie is an inconpIeleness, lul vheie lheie is unily, lheie is conpIeleness.
Since lhis inconpIeleness cane aloul lecause lhey did nol knov lhe Ialhei, so vhen lhey knov
lhe Ialhei, inconpIeleness, fion lhal nonenl on, viII cease lo exisl. As one's ignoiance
disappeais vhen he gains knovIedge, and as daikness disappeais vhen Iighl appeais, so aIso
inconpIeleness is eIininaled ly conpIeleness. CeilainIy, fion lhal nonenl on, foin is no Iongei
nanifesl, lul viII le dissoIved in fusion vilh unily. Ioi nov lheii voiks Iie scalleied. In line
unily viII nake lhe spaces conpIele. y neans of unily each one viII undeisland ilseIf. y neans
of knovIedge il viII puiify ilseIf of diveisily vilh a viev lovaids unily, devouiing nallei vilhin
ilseIf Iike fiie and daikness ly Iighl, dealh ly Iife.
CeilainIy, if lhese lhings have happened lo each one of us, il is filling foi us, suieIy, lo lhink aloul
lhe AII so lhal lhe house nay le hoIy and siIenl foi unily. Like peopIe vho have noved fion a
neighloihood, if lhey have sone dishes aiound vhich aie nol good, lhey usuaIIy lieak lhen.
NeveilheIess lhe househoIdei does nol suffei a Ioss, lul iejoices, foi in lhe pIace of lhese defeclive
dishes lheie aie lhose vhich aie conpIeleIy peifecl. Ioi lhis is lhe judgenenl vhich has cone
fion alove and vhich has judged eveiy peison, a diavn lvo-edged svoid culling on lhis side
and lhal. When il appeaied, I nean, lhe Logos, vho is in lhe heail of lhose vho pionounce il - il
vas nol neieIy a sound lul il has lecone a lody - a gieal disluilance occuiied anong lhe dishes,
foi sone veie enplied, olheis fiIIed: sone veie piovided foi, olheis veie ienoved, sone veie
puiified, sliII olheis veie lioken. AII lhe spaces veie shaken and disluiled foi lhey had no
conposuie noi slaliIily. Liioi vas disluiled nol knoving vhal il shouId do. Il vas lioulIed, il
Ianenled, il vas leside ilseIf lecause il did nol knov anylhing. When knovIedge, vhich is ils
aloIishnenl, appioached il vilh aII ils enanalions, eiioi is enply, since lheie is nolhing in il.
Tiulh appeaied, aII ils enanalions iecognized il. They acluaIIy gieeled lhe Ialhei vilh a povei
vhich is conpIele and vhich joins lhen vilh lhe Ialhei. Ioi each one Ioves liulh lecause liulh is
lhe noulh of lhe Ialhei. His longue is lhe HoIy Spiiil, vho joins hin lo liulh allaching hin lo lhe
noulh of lhe Ialhei ly his longue al lhe line he shaII ieceive lhe HoIy Spiiil.
This is lhe nanifeslalion of lhe Ialhei and his ieveIalion lo his Aeons. He ieveaIed his hidden seIf
and expIained il. Ioi vho is il vho exisls if il is nol lhe Ialhei hinseIf` AII lhe spaces aie his
enanalions. They knev lhal lhey slen fion hin as chiIdien fion a peifecl nan. They knev lhal
lhey had nol yel ieceived foin noi had lhey yel ieceived a nane, eveiy one of vhich lhe Ialhei
pioduces. If lhey al lhal line ieceive foin of his knovIedge, lhough lhey aie liuIy in hin, lhey do
nol knov hin. ul lhe Ialhei is peifecl. He knovs eveiy space vhich is vilhin hin. If he pIeases,
he ieveaIs anyone vhon he desiies ly giving hin a foin and ly giving hin a nane, and he does
give hin a nane and cause hin lo cone inlo leing. Those vho do nol yel exisl aie ignoianl of hin
vho ciealed lhen. I do nol say, lhen, lhal lhose vho do nol yel exisl aie nolhing. ul lhey aie in
hin vho viII desiie lhal lhey exisl vhen he pIeases, Iike lhe evenl vhich is going lo happen. On
lhe one hand, he knovs, lefoie anylhing is ieveaIed, vhal he viII pioduce. On lhe olhei hand, lhe
fiuil vhich has nol yel leen ieveaIed does nol knov anylhing, noi is il anylhing eilhei. Thus each
space vhich, on ils pail, is in lhe Ialhei cones fion lhe exislenl one, vho, on his pail, has
eslalIished il fion lhe nonexislenl. |...j he vho does nol exisl al aII, viII nevei exisl.
Whal, lhen, is lhal vhich he vanls hin lo lhink` "I an Iike lhe shadovs and phanlons of lhe
nighl." When noining cones, lhis one knovs lhal lhe feai vhich he had expeiienced vas nolhing.
Thus lhey veie ignoianl of lhe Ialhei, he is lhe one vhon lhey did nol see. Since lheie had leen
feai and confusion and a Iack of confidence and doulIenindness and division, lheie veie nany
iIIusions vhich veie conceived ly hin, lhe foiegoing, as veII as enply ignoiance - as if lhey veie
fasl asIeep and found lhenseIves a piey lo lioulIed dieans. Lilhei lheie is a pIace lo vhich lhey
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fIee, oi lhey Iack slienglh as lhey cone, having puisued unspecified lhings. Lilhei lhey aie
invoIved in infIicling lIovs, oi lhey lhenseIves ieceive liuises. Lilhei lhey aie faIIing fion high
pIaces, oi lhey fIy off lhiough lhe aii, lhough lhey have no vings al aII. Olhei lines, il is as if
ceilain peopIe veie liying lo kiII lhen, even lhough lheie is no one puisuing lhen, oi, lhey
lhenseIves aie kiIIing lhose leside lhen, foi lhey aie slained ly lheii lIood. UnliI lhe nonenl
vhen lhey vho aie passing lhiough aII lhese lhings - I nean lhey vho have expeiienced aII lhese
confusions - avake, lhey see nolhing lecause lhe dieans veie nolhing. Il is lhus lhal lhey vho
casl ignoiance fion lhen as sheep do nol considei il lo le anylhing, noi iegaid ils piopeilies lo le
sonelhing ieaI, lul lhey ienounce lhen Iike a diean in lhe nighl and lhey considei lhe
knovIedge of lhe Ialhei lo le lhe davn. Il is lhus lhal each one has acled, as if he veie asIeep,
duiing lhe line vhen he vas ignoianl and lhus he cones lo undeisland, as if he veie avakening.
And happy is lhe nan vho cones lo hinseIf and avakens. Indeed, lIessed is he vho has opened
lhe eyes of lhe lIind.
And lhe Spiiil cane lo hin in hasle vhen il iaised hin. Having given ils hand lo lhe one Iying
pione on lhe giound, il pIaced hin fiinIy on his feel, foi he had nol yel slood up. He gave lhen
lhe neans of knoving lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei and lhe ieveIalion of his son. Ioi vhen lhey
sav il and Iislened lo il, he peinilled lhen lo lake a lasle of and lo sneII and lo giasp lhe leIoved
He appeaied, infoining lhen of lhe Ialhei, lhe iIIinilalIe one. He inspiied lhen vilh lhal vhich
is in lhe nind, vhiIe doing his viII. Many ieceived lhe Iighl and luined lovaids hin. ul naleiiaI
nen veie aIien lo hin and did nol discein his appeaiance noi iecognize hin. Ioi he cane in lhe
Iikeness of fIesh and nolhing lIocked his vay lecause il vas incoiiuplilIe and uniesliainalIe.
Moieovei, vhiIe saying nev lhings, speaking aloul vhal is in lhe heail of lhe Ialhei, he
piocIained lhe fauIlIess void. Lighl spoke lhiough his noulh, and his voice lioughl foilh Iife. He
gave lhen lhoughl and undeislanding and neicy and saIvalion and lhe Spiiil of slienglh deiived
fion lhe IinilIessness of lhe Ialhei and sveelness. He caused punishnenls and scouigings lo
cease, foi il vas lhey vhich caused nany in need of neicy lo asliay fion hin in eiioi and in
chains - and he nighliIy deslioyed lhen and deiided lhen vilh knovIedge. He lecane a palh foi
lhose vho venl asliay and knovIedge lo lhose vho veie ignoianl, a discoveiy foi lhose vho
soughl, and a suppoil foi lhose vho lienlIe, a puiily foi lhose vho veie defiIed.
He is lhe shepheid vho Iefl lehind lhe ninely-nine sheep vhich had nol sliayed and venl in
seaich of lhal one vhich vas Iosl. He iejoiced vhen he had found il. Ioi ninely-nine is a nunlei
of lhe Iefl hand, vhich hoIds il. The nonenl he finds lhe one, hovevei, lhe vhoIe nunlei is
liansfeiied lo lhe iighl hand. Thus il is vilh hin vho Iacks lhe one, lhal is, lhe enliie iighl hand
vhich alliacls lhal in vhich il is deficienl, seizes il fion lhe Iefl side and liansfeis il lo lhe iighl. In
lhis vay, lhen, lhe nunlei lecones one hundied. This nunlei signifies lhe Ialhei.
He Ialoied even on lhe Sallalh foi lhe sheep vhich he found faIIen inlo lhe pil. He saved lhe Iife
of lhal sheep, liinging il up fion lhe pil in oidei lhal you nay undeisland fuIIy vhal lhal
Sallalh is, you vho possess fuII undeislanding. Il is a day in vhich il is nol filling lhal saIvalion
le idIe, so lhal you nay speak of lhal heavenIy day vhich has no nighl and of lhe sun vhich does
nol sel lecause il is peifecl. Say lhen in youi heail lhal you aie lhis peifecl day and lhal in you lhe
Iighl vhich does nol faiI dveIIs.
Speak conceining lhe liulh lo lhose vho seek il and of knovIedge lo lhose vho, in lheii eiioi,
have connilled sin. Make suie-fooled lhose vho slunlIe and slielch foilh youi hands lo lhe sick.
Nouiish lhe hungiy and sel al ease lhose vho aie lioulIed. Ioslei nen vho Iove. Raise up and
avaken lhose vho sIeep. Ioi you aie lhis undeislanding vhich encouiages. If lhe sliong foIIov
lhis couise, lhey aie even sliongei. Tuin youi allenlion lo youiseIves. Do nol le conceined vilh
olhei lhings, naneIy, lhal vhich you have casl foilh fion youiseIves, lhal vhich you have
disnissed. Do nol ieluin lo lhen lo eal lhen. Do nol le nolh-ealen. Do nol le voin-ealen, foi
you have aIieady shaken il off. Do nol le a pIace of lhe deviI, foi you have aIieady deslioyed hin.
Do nol slienglhen youi Iasl olslacIes, lecause lhal is iepiehensilIe. Ioi lhe IavIess one is nolhing.
He hains hinseIf noie lhan lhe Iav. Ioi lhal one does his voiks lecause he is a IavIess peison.
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ul lhis one, lecause he is a iighleous peison, does his voiks anong olheis. Do lhe viII of lhe
Ialhei, lhen, foi you aie fion hin.
Ioi lhe Ialhei is sveel and his viII is good. He knovs lhe lhings lhal aie youis, so lhal you nay
iesl youiseIves in lhen. Ioi ly lhe fiuils one knovs lhe lhings lhal aie youis, lhal lhey aie lhe
chiIdien of lhe Ialhei, and one knovs his aiona, lhal you oiiginale fion lhe giace of his
counlenance. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe Ialhei Ioved his aiona, and il nanifesls ilseIf in eveiy pIace, and
vhen il is nixed vilh nallei, he gives his aiona lo lhe Iighl, and inlo his iesl he causes il lo
ascend in eveiy foin and in eveiy sound. Ioi lheie aie no nosliiIs vhich sneII lhe aiona, lul il is
lhe Spiiil vhich possesses lhe sense of sneII and il diavs il foi ilseIf lo ilseIf and sinks inlo lhe
aiona of lhe Ialhei. He is, indeed, lhe pIace foi il, and he lakes il lo lhe pIace fion vhich il has
cone, in lhe fiisl aiona vhich is coId. Il is sonelhing in a psychic foin, iesenlIing coId valei
vhich is |...j since il is in soiI vhich is nol haid, of vhich lhose vho see il lhink, "Il is eailh."
Afleivaids, il lecones sofl again. If a liealh is laken, il is usuaIIy hol. The coId aionas, lhen, aie
fion lhe division. Ioi lhis ieason, Cod cane and deslioyed lhe division and he lioughl lhe hol
IIeiona of Iove, so lhal lhe coId nay nol ieluin, lul lhe unily of lhe Ieifecl Thoughl pievaiI.
This is lhe void of lhe CospeI of lhe finding of lhe IIeiona foi lhose vho vail foi lhe saIvalion
vhich cones fion alove. When lheii hope, foi vhich lhey aie vailing, is vailing - lhey vhose
Iikeness is lhe Iighl in vhich lheie is no shadov, lhen al lhal line lhe IIeiona is aloul lo cone.
The deficiency of nallei, hovevei, is nol lecause of lhe IinilIessness of lhe Ialhei vho cones al
lhe line of lhe deficiency. And yel no one is alIe lo say lhal lhe incoiiuplilIe One viII cone in
lhis nannei. ul lhe deplh of lhe Ialhei is incieasing, and lhe lhoughl of eiioi is nol vilh hin. Il
is a nallei of faIIing dovn and a nallei of leing ieadiIy sel upiighl al lhe finding of lhal one vho
has cone lo hin vho viII luin lack.
Ioi lhis luining lack is caIIed "iepenlance". Ioi lhis ieason, incoiiuplion has liealhed. Il foIIoved
hin vho has sinned in oidei lhal he nay find iesl. Ioi foigiveness is lhal vhich ienains foi lhe
Iighl in lhe deficiency, lhe void of lhe pIeiona. Ioi lhe physician huiiies lo lhe pIace in vhich
lheie is sickness, lecause lhal is lhe desiie vhich he has. The sick nan is in a deficienl condilion,
lul he does nol hide hinseIf lecause lhe physician possesses lhal vhich he Iacks. In lhis nannei
lhe deficiency is fiIIed ly lhe IIeiona, vhich has no deficiency, vhich has given ilseIf oul in oidei
lo fiII lhe one vho is deficienl, so lhal giace nay lake hin, lhen, fion lhe aiea vhich is deficienl
and has no giace. ecause of lhis a dininishing occuiied in lhe pIace vhich lheie is no giace, lhe
aiea vheie lhe one vho is snaII, vho is deficienl, is laken hoId of.
He ieveaIed hinseIf as a IIeiona, i.e., lhe finding of lhe Iighl of liulh vhich has shined lovaids
hin, lecause he is unchangealIe. Ioi lhis ieason, lhey vho have leen lioulIed speak aloul Chiisl
in lheii nidsl so lhal lhey nay ieceive a ieluin and he nay anoinl lhen vilh lhe oinlnenl. The
oinlnenl is lhe pily of lhe Ialhei, vho viII have neicy on lhen. ul lhose vhon he has anoinled
aie lhose vho aie peifecl. Ioi lhe fiIIed vesseIs aie lhose vhich aie cuslonaiiIy used foi anoinling.
ul vhen an anoinling is finished, lhe vesseI is usuaIIy enply, and lhe cause of ils deficiency is
lhe consunplion of ils oinlnenl. Ioi lhen a liealh is diavn onIy lhiough lhe povei vhich he has.
ul lhe one vho is vilhoul deficiency - one does nol liusl anyone leside hin noi does one poui
anylhing oul. ul lhal vhich is lhe deficienl is fiIIed again ly lhe peifecl Ialhei. He is good. He
knovs his pIanlings lecause he is lhe one vho has pIanled lhen in his Iaiadise. And his Iaiadise
is his pIace of iesl.
This is lhe peifeclion in lhe lhoughl of lhe Ialhei and lhese aie lhe voids of his iefIeclion. Lach
one of his voids is lhe voik of his viII aIone, in lhe ieveIalion of his Logos. Since lhey veie in lhe
deplh of his nind, lhe Logos, vho vas lhe fiisl lo cone foilh, caused lhen lo appeai, aIong vilh
an inleIIecl vhich speaks lhe unique void ly neans of a siIenl giace. Il vas caIIed "lhoughl," since
lhey veie in il lefoie leconing nanifesl. Il happened, lhen, lhal il vas lhe fiisl lo cone foilh - al
lhe nonenl pIeasing lo lhe viII of hin vho desiied il, and il is in lhe viII lhal lhe Ialhei is al iesl
and vilh vhich he is pIeased. Nolhing happens vilhoul hin, noi does anylhing occui vilhoul lhe
viII of lhe Ialhei. ul his viII is inconpiehensilIe. His viII is his naik, lul no one can knov il,
noi is il possilIe foi lhen lo concenliale on il in oidei lo possess il. ul lhal vhich he vishes lakes
pIace al lhe nonenl he vishes il - even if lhe viev does nol pIease anyone: il is Cod`s viII. Ioi lhe
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Ialhei knovs lhe leginning of lhen aII as veII as lheii end. Ioi vhen lheii end aiiives, he viII
queslion lhen lo lheii faces. The end, you see, is lhe iecognilion of hin vho is hidden, lhal is, lhe
Ialhei, fion vhon lhe leginning cane foilh and lo vhon viII ieluin aII vho have cone fion
hin. Ioi lhey veie nade nanifesl foi lhe gIoiy and lhe joy of his nane.
And lhe nane of lhe Ialhei is lhe Son. Il is he vho, in lhe leginning, gave a nane lo hin vho
cane foilh fion hin - he is lhe sane one - and he legal hin foi a son. He gave hin his nane
vhich leIonged lo hin - he, lhe Ialhei, vho possesses eveiylhing vhich exisls aiound hin. He
possess lhe nane, he has lhe son. Il is possilIe foi lhen lo see hin. The nane, hovevei, is
invisilIe, foi il aIone is lhe nysleiy of lhe invisilIe aloul lo cone lo eais conpIeleIy fiIIed vilh il
lhiough lhe Ialhei`s agency. Moieovei, as foi lhe Ialhei, his nane is nol pionounced, lul il is
ieveaIed lhiough a son. Thus, lhen, lhe nane is gieal.
Who, lhen, has leen alIe lo pionounce a nane foi hin, lhis gieal nane, excepl hin aIone lo
vhon lhe nane leIongs and lhe sons of lhe nane in vhon lhe nane of lhe Ialhei is al iesl, and
vho lhenseIves in luin aie al iesl in his nane, since lhe Ialhei has no leginning` Il is he aIone
vho engendeied il foi hinseIf as a nane in lhe leginning lefoie he had ciealed lhe Aeons, lhal
lhe nane of lhe Ialhei shouId le ovei lheii heads as a Ioid - lhal is, lhe ieaI nane, vhich is secuie
ly his aulhoiily and ly his peifecl povei. Ioi lhe nane is nol diavn fion Iexicons noi is his
nane deiived fion connon nane-giving, ul il is invisilIe. He gave a nane lo hinseIf aIone,
lecause he aIone sav il and lecause he aIone vas capalIe of giving hinseIf a nane. Ioi he vho
does nol exisl has no nane. Ioi vhal nane vouId one give hin vho did nol exisl` NeveilheIess,
he vho exisls aIso vilh his nane and he aIone knovs il, and lo hin aIone lhe Ialhei gave a nane.
The Son is his nane. He did nol, lheiefoie, keep il secielIy hidden, lul lhe son cane inlo exislence.
He hinseIf gave a nane lo hin. The nane, lhen, is lhal of lhe Ialhei, jusl as lhe nane of lhe
Ialhei is lhe Son. Ioi olheivise, vheie vouId conpassion find a nane - oulside of lhe Ialhei` ul
soneone viII piolalIy say lo his conpanion, "Who vouId give a nane lo soneone vho exisled
lefoie hinseIf, as if, indeed, chiIdien did nol ieceive lheii nane fion one of lhose vho gave lhen
Alove aII, lhen, il is filling foi us lo lhink lhis poinl ovei: Whal is lhe nane` Il is lhe ieaI nane. Il
is, indeed, lhe nane vhich cane fion lhe Ialhei, foi il is he vho ovns lhe nane. He did nol, you
see, gel lhe nane on Ioan, as in lhe case of olheis lecause of lhe foin in vhich each one of lhen is
going lo le ciealed. This, lhen, is lhe aulhoiilalive nane. Theie is no one eIse lo vhon he has
given il. ul il ienained unnaned, unulleied, `liII lhe nonenl vhen he, vho is peifecl,
pionounced il hinseIf, and il vas he aIone vho vas alIe lo pionounce his nane and lo see il.
When il pIeased hin, lhen, lhal his son shouId le his pionounced nane and vhen he gave lhis
nane lo hin, he vho has cone fion lhe deplh spoke of his seciels, lecause he knev lhal lhe
Ialhei vas alsoIule goodness. Ioi lhis ieason, indeed, he senl lhis pailicuIai one in oidei lhal he
nighl speak conceining lhe pIace and his pIace of iesl fion vhich he had cone foilh, and lhal he
nighl gIoiify lhe IIeiona, lhe giealness of his nane and lhe sveelness of his Ialhei.
Lach one viII speak conceining lhe pIace fion vhich he has cone foilh, and lo lhe iegion fion
vhich he ieceived his essenliaI leing, he viII haslen lo ieluin once again. And he vanl fion lhal
pIace - lhe pIace vheie he vas - lecause he lasled of lhal pIace, as he vas nouiished and giev.
And his ovn pIace of iesl is his IIeiona. AII lhe enanalions fion lhe Ialhei, lheiefoie, aie
IIeionas, and aII his enanalions have lheii iools in lhe one vho caused lhen aII lo giov fion
hinseIf. He appoinled a Iinil. They, lhen, lecane nanifesl individuaIIy in oidei lhal lhey nighl
le in lheii ovn lhoughl, foi lhal pIace lo vhich lhey exlend lheii lhoughls is lheii iool, vhich Iifls
lhen upvaid lhiough aII heighls lo lhe Ialhei. They ieach his head, vhich is iesl foi lhen, and
lhey ienain lheie neai lo il so lhal lhey say lhal lhey have pailicipaled in his face ly neans of
enliaces. ul lhese of lhis kind veie nol nanifesl, lecause lhey have nol iisen alove lhenseIves.
Neilhei have lhey leen depiived of lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei noi have lhey lhoughl of hin as snaII,
noi lillei, noi angiy, lul as alsoIuleIy good, unpeiluiled, sveel, knoving aII lhe spaces lefoie
lhey cane inlo exislence and having no need of insliuclion. Such aie lhey vho possess fion alove
sonelhing of lhis inneasuialIe giealness, as lhey sliain lovaids lhal unique and peifecl one vho
exisls lheie foi lhen. And lhey do nol go dovn lo Hades. They have neilhei envy noi noaning,
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noi is dealh in lhen. ul lhey iesl in hin vho iesls, vilhoul veaiying lhenseIves oi leconing
invoIved in lhe seaich foi liulh. ul, lhey, indeed, aie lhe liulh, and lhe Ialhei is in lhen, and
lhey aie in lhe Ialhei, since lhey aie peifecl, insepaialIe fion hin vho is liuIy good. They Iack
nolhing in any vay, lul lhey aie given iesl and aie iefieshed ly lhe Spiiil. And lhey Iislen lo lheii
iool, lhey have Ieisuie foi lhenseIves, lhey in vhon he viII find his iool, and he viII suffei no
Ioss lo his souI.
Such is lhe pIace of lhe lIessed, lhis is lheii pIace. As foi lhe iesl, lhen, nay lhey knov, in lheii
pIace, lhal il does nol suil ne, aflei having leen in lhe pIace of iesl lo say anylhing noie. ul he is
lhe one in vhon I shaII le in oidei lo devole nyseIf, al aII lines, lo lhe Ialhei of lhe AII and lhe
liue liolheis, lhose upon vhon lhe Iove of lhe Ialhei is Iavished, and in vhose nidsl nolhing of
hin is Iacking. Il is lhey vho nanifesl lhenseIves liuIy since lhey aie in lhal liue and eleinaI Iife
and speak of lhe peifecl Iighl fiIIed vilh lhe seed of lhe Ialhei, and vhich is in his heail and in lhe
IIeiona, vhiIe his Spiiil iejoices in il and gIoiifies hin in vhon il vas, lecause lhe Ialhei is
good. And his chiIdien aie peifecl and voilhy of his nane, lecause he is lhe Ialhei. ChiIdien of
lhis kind aie lhose vhon he Ioves.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The gospeI of liulh is joy foi lhose vho have ieceived fion lhe Ialhei of liulh lhe giace of
knoving hin, lhiough lhe povei of lhe Woid lhal cane foilh fion lhe pIeiona, lhe one vho is in
lhe lhoughl and lhe nind of lhe Ialhei, lhal is, lhe one vho is addiessed as 'lhe Savioi', (lhal)
leing lhe nane of lhe voik he is lo peifoin foi lhe iedenplion of lhose vho veie ignoianl of lhe
Ialhei, vhiIe in lhe nane of lhe gospeI is lhe piocIanalion of hope, leing discoveiy foi lhose vho
seaich foi hin.
When lhe lolaIily venl aloul seaiching foi lhe one fion vhon lhey had cone foilh - and lhe
lolaIily vas inside of hin, lhe inconpiehensilIe, inconceivalIe one vho is supeiioi lo eveiy
lhoughl - ignoiance of lhe Ialhei lioughl aloul anguish and leiioi, and lhe anguish giev soIid
Iike a fog, so lhal no one vas alIe lo see. Ioi lhis ieason, eiioi lecane poveifuI, il voiked on ils
ovn nallei fooIishIy, nol having knovn lhe liulh. Il sel aloul vilh a ciealion, piepaiing vilh
povei and leauly lhe sulslilule foi lhe liulh.
This vas nol, lhen, a huniIialion foi hin, lhe inconpiehensilIe, inconceivalIe one, foi lhey veie
nolhing, lhe anguish and lhe olIivion and lhe ciealuie of deceil, vhiIe lhe eslalIished liulh is
innulalIe, inpeiluilalIe, peifecl in leauly. Ioi lhis ieason, despise eiioi.
Thus, il had no iool, il feII inlo a fog iegaiding lhe Ialhei, vhiIe il vas invoIved in piepaiing
voiks and olIivions and leiiois, in oidei lhal ly neans of lhese il nighl enlice lhose of lhe
niddIe and capluie lhen.
The olIivion of eiioi vas nol ieveaIed. Il is nol a |...j fion lhe Ialhei. OlIivion did nol cone inlo
exislence fion lhe Ialhei, aIlhough il did indeed cone inlo exislence lecause of hin. ul vhal
cones inlo exislence in hin is knovIedge, vhich appeaied in oidei lhal olIivion nighl vanish
and lhe Ialhei nighl le knovn. Since olIivion cane inlo exislence lecause lhe Ialhei vas nol
knovn, lhen if lhe Ialhei cones lo le knovn, olIivion viII nol exisl fion lhal nonenl on.
Thiough lhis, lhe gospeI of lhe one vho is seaiched foi, vhich <vas> ieveaIed lo lhose vho aie
peifecl, lhiough lhe neicies of lhe Ialhei, lhe hidden nysleiy, }esus, lhe Chiisl, enIighlened lhose
vho veie in daikness lhiough olIivion. He enIighlened lhen, he shoved (lhen) a vay, and lhe
vay is lhe liulh vhich he laughl lhen.
Ioi lhis ieason, eiioi giev angiy al hin, peiseculed hin, vas disliessed al hin, (and) vas
lioughl lo naughl. He vas naiIed lo a liee (and) he lecane fiuil of lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei. Il
did nol, hovevei, cause desliuclion lecause il vas ealen, lul lo lhose vho ale il, il gave (cause) lo
lecone gIad in lhe discoveiy, and he discoveied lhen in hinseIf, and lhey discoveied hin in
As foi lhe inconpiehensilIe, inconceivalIe one, lhe Ialhei, lhe peifecl one, lhe one vho nade lhe
lolaIily, vilhin hin is lhe lolaIily, and of hin lhe lolaIily has need. AIlhough he ielained lheii
peifeclion vilhin hinseIf, vhich he did nol give lo lhe lolaIily, lhe Ialhei vas nol jeaIous. Whal
jeaIousy indeed (couId lheie le) lelveen hinseIf and his nenleis` Ioi if lhis aeon had lhus
ieceived lheii peifeclion, lhey couId nol have cone |...j lhe Ialhei. He ielains vilhin hinseIf lheii
peifeclion, gianling il lo lhen as a ieluin lo hin, and a peifeclIy unilaiy knovIedge. Il is he vho
fashioned lhe lolaIily, and vilhin hin is lhe lolaIily, and lhe lolaIily vas in need of hin.
As in lhe case of a peison of vhon sone aie ignoianl, he vishes lo have lhen knov hin and Iove
hin, so - foi vhal did lhe lolaIily have need of if nol knovIedge iegaiding lhe Ialhei` - he lecane
a guide, ieslfuI and IeisuieIy. In schooIs he appeaied, (and) he spoke lhe void as a leachei. Theie
cane lhe nen vise in lheii ovn eslinalion, pulling hin lo lhe lesl. ul he confounded lhen,
lecause lhey veie fooIish. They haled hin, lecause lhey veie nol ieaIIy vise.
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Aflei aII lhese, lheie cane lhe IillIe chiIdien aIso, lhose lo vhon lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei
leIongs. Having leen slienglhened, lhey Ieained aloul lhe inpiessions of lhe Ialhei. They knev,
lhey veie knovn, lhey veie gIoiified, lhey gIoiified. Theie vas nanifesled in lheii heail lhe
Iiving look of lhe Iiving - lhe one viillen in lhe lhoughl and lhe nind of lhe Ialhei, vhich fion
lefoie lhe foundalion of lhe lolaIily vas vilhin his inconpiehensiliIily - lhal (look) vhich no one
vas alIe lo lake, since il ienains foi lhe one vho viII lake il lo le sIain. No one couId have
lecone nanifesl fion anong lhose vho have leIieved in saIvalion unIess lhal look had
appeaied. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe neicifuI one, lhe failhfuI one, }esus, vas palienl in accepling
suffeiings unliI he look lhal look, since he knovs lhal his dealh is Iife foi nany.
}usl as lheie Iies hidden in a viII, lefoie il is opened, lhe foilune of lhe deceased naslei of lhe
house, so (il is) vilh lhe lolaIily, vhich Iay hidden vhiIe lhe Ialhei of lhe lolaIily vas invisilIe,
leing sonelhing vhich is fion hin, fion vhon eveiy space cones foilh. Ioi lhis ieason }esus
appeaied, he pul on lhal look, he vas naiIed lo a liee, he pulIished lhe edicl of lhe Ialhei on lhe
cioss. O such gieal leaching! He diavs hinseIf dovn lo dealh, lhough Iife eleinaI cIolhes hin.
Having sliipped hinseIf of lhe peiishalIe iags, he pul on inpeiishaliIily, vhich no one can
possilIy lake avay fion hin. Having enleied lhe enply spaces of leiiois, he passed lhiough
lhose vho veie sliipped naked ly olIivion, leing knovIedge and peifeclion, piocIaining lhe
lhings lhal aie in lhe heail, |...j leach lhose vho viII ieceive leaching.
ul lhose vho aie lo ieceive leaching aie lhe Iiving, vho aie insciiled in lhe look of lhe Iiving. Il
is aloul lhenseIves lhal lhey ieceive insliuclion, ieceiving il fion lhe Ialhei, luining again lo
hin. Since lhe peifeclion of lhe lolaIily is in lhe Ialhei, il is necessaiy foi lhe lolaIily lo ascend lo
hin. Then, if one has knovIedge, he ieceives vhal aie his ovn, and diavs lhen lo hinseIf. Ioi he
vho is ignoianl is in need, and vhal he Iacks is gieal, since he Iacks lhal vhich viII nake hin
peifecl. Since lhe peifeclion of lhe lolaIily is in lhe Ialhei, and il is necessaiy foi lhe lolaIily lo
ascend lo hin, and foi each one lo ieceive vhal aie his ovn, he enioIIed lhen in advance, having
piepaied lhen lo give lo lhose vho cane foilh fion hin.
Those vhose nane he knev in advance veie caIIed al lhe end, so lhal one vho has knovIedge is
lhe one vhose nane lhe Ialhei has ulleied. Ioi he vhose nane has nol leen spoken is ignoianl.
Indeed, hov is one lo heai, if his nane has nol leen caIIed` Ioi he vho is ignoianl unliI lhe end is
a ciealuie of olIivion, and he viII vanish aIong vilh il. If nol, hov is il lhal lhese niseialIe ones
have no nane, (lhal) lhey do nol have lhe caII` Theiefoie, if one has knovIedge, his is fion alove.
If he is caIIed, he heais, he ansveis, and he luins lo hin vho is caIIing hin, and ascends lo hin.
And he knovs in vhal nannei he is caIIed. Having knovIedge, he does lhe viII of lhe one vho
caIIed hin, he vishes lo le pIeasing lo hin, he ieceives iesl. Lach one's nane cones lo hin. He
vho is lo have knovIedge in lhis nannei knovs vheie he cones fion and vheie he is going. He
knovs as one vho, having lecone diunk, has luined avay fion his diunkenness, (and) having
ieluined lo hinseIf, has sel iighl vhal aie his ovn.
He has lioughl nany lack fion eiioi. He has gone lefoie lhen lo lheii pIaces, fion vhich lhey
had noved avay, since il vas on accounl of lhe deplh lhal lhey ieceived eiioi, lhe deplh of lhe
one vho enciicIes aII spaces, vhiIe lheie is none lhal enciicIes hin. Il vas a gieal vondei lhal
lhey veie in lhe Ialhei, nol knoving hin, and (lhal) lhey veie alIe lo cone foilh ly lhenseIves,
since lhey veie unalIe lo conpiehend oi lo knov lhe one in vhon lhey veie. Ioi if his viII had
nol lhus eneiged fion hin - foi he ieveaIed il in viev of a knovIedge in vhich aII ils enanalions
This is lhe knovIedge of lhe Iiving look, vhich he ieveaIed lo lhe aeons al lhe end as his Ielleis,
ieveaIing hov lhey aie nol voveIs noi aie lhey consonanls, so lhal one nighl iead lhen and lhink
of sonelhing fooIish, lul (ialhei lhal) lhey aie Ielleis of lhe liulh, vhich lhey aIone speak vho
knov lhen. Lach Iellei is a conpIele <lhoughl>, Iike a conpIele look, since lhey aie Ielleis
viillen ly lhe Unily, lhe Ialhei having viillen lhen foi lhe aeons, in oidei lhal ly neans of his
Ielleis lhey shouId knov lhe Ialhei.
WhiIe his visdon conlenpIales lhe Woid, and his leaching ulleis il, his knovIedge has ieveaIed
<il>. WhiIe foieleaiance is a ciovn upon il, and his gIadness is in hainony vilh il, his gIoiy has
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exaIled il, his inage has ieveaIed il, his iepose has ieceived il inlo ilseIf, his Iove has nade a lody
ovei il, his fideIily has enliaced il. In lhis vay, lhe Woid of lhe Ialhei goes foilh in lhe lolaIily, as
lhe fiuil of his heail and an inpiession of his viII. ul il suppoils lhe lolaIily, puiifying lhen,
liinging lhen lack inlo lhe Ialhei, inlo lhe Molhei, }esus of lhe infinile sveelness.
The Ialhei ieveaIs his loson. - Nov his loson is lhe HoIy Spiiil. - He ieveaIs vhal is hidden of
hin - vhal is hidden of hin is his Son - so lhal lhiough lhe neicies of lhe Ialhei, lhe aeons nay
knov hin and cease Ialoiing in seaich of lhe Ialhei, iesling lheie in hin, knoving lhal lhis is lhe
(finaI) iesl. Having fiIIed lhe deficiency, he aloIished lhe foin - lhe foin of il is lhe voiId, lhal in
vhich he seived. - Ioi lhe pIace vheie lheie is envy and sliife is deficienl, lul lhe pIace vheie
(lheie is) Unily is peifecl. Since lhe deficiency cane inlo leing lecause lhe Ialhei vas nol knovn,
lheiefoie, vhen lhe Ialhei is knovn, fion lhal nonenl on, lhe deficiency viII no Iongei exisl. As
in lhe case of lhe ignoiance of a peison, vhen he cones lo have knovIedge, his ignoiance
vanishes of ilseIf, as lhe daikness vanishes vhen lhe Iighl appeais, so aIso lhe deficiency vanishes
in lhe peifeclion. So fion lhal nonenl on, lhe foin is nol appaienl, lul il viII vanish in lhe fusion
of Unily, foi nov lheii voiks Iie scalleied. In line, Unily viII peifecl lhe spaces. Il is vilhin Unily
lhal each one viII allain hinseIf, vilhin knovIedge, he viII puiify hinseIf fion nuIlipIicily inlo
Unily, consuning nallei vilhin hinseIf Iike fiie, and daikness ly Iighl, dealh ly Iife.
If indeed lhese lhings have happened lo each one of us, lhen ve nusl see lo il alove aII lhal lhe
house viII le hoIy and siIenl foi lhe Unily - as in lhe case of sone peopIe vho noved oul of
dveIIings having jais lhal in spols veie nol good. They vouId lieak lhen, and lhe naslei of lhe
house vouId nol suffei Ioss. Ralhei, <he> is gIad, lecause in pIace of lhe lad jais (lheie aie) fuII
ones vhich aie nade peifecl. Ioi such is lhe judgnenl vhich has cone fion alove. Il has passed
judgnenl on eveiyone, il is a diavn svoid, vilh lvo edges, culling on eilhei side. When lhe
Woid appeaied, lhe one lhal is vilhin lhe heail of lhose vho ullei il - il is nol a sound aIone, lul il
lecane a lody - a gieal disluilance look pIace anong lhe jais, lecause sone had leen enplied,
olheis fiIIed, lhal is, sone had leen suppIied, olheis pouied oul, sone had leen puiified, sliII
olheis lioken up. AII lhe spaces veie shaken and disluiled, lecause lhey had no oidei noi
slaliIily. Liioi vas upsel, nol knoving vhal lo do, il vas giieved, in nouining, affIicling ilseIf
lecause il knev nolhing. When knovIedge diev neai il - lhis is lhe dovnfaII of (eiioi) and aII ils
enanalions - eiioi is enply, having nolhing inside.
Tiulh appeaied, aII ils enanalions knev il. They gieeled lhe Ialhei in liulh vilh a peifecl povei
lhal joins lhen vilh lhe Ialhei. Ioi, as foi eveiyone vho Ioves lhe liulh - lecause lhe liulh is lhe
noulh of lhe Ialhei, his longue is lhe HoIy Spiiil - he vho is joined lo lhe liulh is joined lo lhe
Ialhei's noulh ly his longue, vhenevei he is lo ieceive lhe HoIy Spiiil, since lhis is lhe
nanifeslalion of lhe Ialhei, and his ieveIalion lo his aeons.
He nanifesled vhal vas hidden of hin, he expIained il. Ioi vho conlains, if nol lhe Ialhei aIone`
AII lhe spaces aie his enanalions. They have knovn lhal lhey cane foilh fion hin, Iike chiIdien
vho aie fion a giovn nan. They knev lhal lhey had nol yel ieceived foin, noi yel ieceived a
nane, each one of vhich lhe Ialhei legels. Then, vhen lhey ieceive foin ly his knovIedge,
lhough liuIy vilhin hin, lhey do nol knov hin. ul lhe Ialhei is peifecl, knoving eveiy space
vilhin hin. If he vishes, he nanifesls vhonevei he vishes, ly giving hin foin and giving hin a
nane, and he gives a nane lo hin, and liings il aloul lhal lhose cone inlo exislence vho, lefoie
lhey cone inlo exislence, aie ignoianl of hin vho fashioned lhen.
I do nol say, lhen, lhal lhey aie nolhing (al aII) vho have nol yel cone inlo exislence, lul lhey aie
in hin vho viII vish lhal lhey cone inlo exislence vhen he vishes, Iike lhe line lhal is lo cone.
efoie aII lhings appeai, he knovs vhal he viII pioduce. ul lhe fiuil vhich is nol yel nanifesl
does nol knov anylhing, noi does il do anylhing. Thus aIso, eveiy space vhich is ilseIf in lhe
Ialhei is fion lhe one vho exisls, vho eslalIished il fion vhal does nol exisl. Ioi he vho has no
iool has no fiuil eilhei, lul lhough he lhinks lo hinseIf, "I have cone inlo leing," yel he viII
peiish ly hinseIf. Ioi lhis ieason, he vho did nol exisl al aII viII nevei cone inlo exislence. Whal,
lhen, did he vish hin lo lhink of hinseIf` This: "I have cone inlo leing Iike lhe shadovs and
phanlons of lhe nighl." When lhe Iighl shines on lhe leiioi vhich lhal peison had expeiienced, he
knovs lhal il is nolhing.
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Thus, lhey veie ignoianl of lhe Ialhei, he leing lhe one vhon lhey did nol see. Since il vas leiioi
and disluilance and inslaliIily and doull and division, lheie veie nany iIIusions al voik ly
neans of lhese, and (nany) enply ficlions, as if lhey veie sunk in sIeep, and found lhenseIves in
disluiling dieans. Lilhei (lheie is) a pIace lo vhich lhey aie fIeeing, oi vilhoul slienglh lhey
cone (fion) having chased aflei olheis, oi lhey aie invoIved in sliiking lIovs, oi lhey aie
ieceiving lIovs lhenseIves, oi lhey have faIIen fion high pIaces, oi lhey lake off inlo lhe aii,
lhough lhey do nol even have vings. Again, sonelines (il is as) if peopIe veie nuideiing lhen,
lhough lheie is no one even puisuing lhen, oi lhey lhenseIves aie kiIIing lheii neighlois, foi lhey
have leen slained vilh lheii lIood. When lhose vho aie going lhiough aII lhese lhings vake up,
lhey see nolhing, lhey vho veie in lhe nidsl of aII lhese disluilances, foi lhey aie nolhing. Such
is lhe vay of lhose vho have casl ignoiance aside fion lhen Iike sIeep, nol esleening il as
anylhing, noi do lhey esleen ils voiks as soIid lhings eilhei, lul (ialhei,) lhey Ieave lhen lehind
Iike a diean in lhe nighl. The knovIedge of lhe Ialhei, lhey vaIue as lhe davn. This is lhe vay
each one has acled, as lhough asIeep al lhe line vhen he vas ignoianl. And lhis is lhe vay he has
<cone lo knovIedge>, as if he had avakened. |and Cood foi lhe nan vho viII ieluin and
avaken. And lIessed is he vho has opened lhe eyes of lhe lIind.
And lhe Spiiil ian aflei hin, haslening fion vaking hin up. Having exlended his hand lo hin
vho Iay upon lhe giound, he sel hin up on his feel, foi he had nol yel iisen. He gave lhen lhe
neans of knoving lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei and lhe ieveIalion of his Son. Ioi vhen lhey had
seen hin and had heaid hin, he gianled lhen lo lasle hin, and lo sneII hin, and lo louch lhe
leIoved Son.
When he had appeaied, insliucling lhen aloul lhe Ialhei, lhe inconpiehensilIe one, vhen he
had liealhed inlo lhen vhal is in lhe lhoughl, doing his viII, vhen nany had ieceived lhe Iighl,
lhey luined lo hin. Ioi lhe naleiiaI ones veie sliangeis, and did nol see his Iikeness, and had nol
knovn hin. Ioi he cane ly neans of fIeshIy foin, vhiIe nolhing lIocked his couise, lecause
incoiiupliliIily is iiiesislilIe, since he, again, spoke nev lhings, sliII speaking aloul vhal is in lhe
heail of lhe Ialhei, having lioughl foilh lhe fIavIess Woid.
When Iighl had spoken lhiough his noulh, as veII as his voice, vhich gave liilh lo Iife, he gave
lhen lhoughl and undeislanding, and neicy and saIvalion, and lhe poveifuI spiiil fion lhe
infinileness and lhe sveelness of lhe Ialhei. Having nade punishnenls and loiluies cease - foi il
vas lhey vhich veie Ieading asliay fion his face sone vho veie in need of neicy, in eiioi and
in londs - he lolh deslioyed lhen vilh povei and confounded lhen vilh knovIedge. He lecane
a vay foi lhose vho veie gone asliay, and knovIedge foi lhose vho veie ignoianl, a discoveiy
foi lhose vho veie seaiching, and a suppoil foi lhose vho veie vaveiing, innacuIaleness foi
lhose vho veie defiIed.
He is lhe shepheid vho Iefl lehind lhe ninely-nine sheep vhich veie nol Iosl. He venl seaiching
foi lhe one vhich had gone asliay. He iejoiced vhen he found il, foi ninely-nine is a nunlei lhal
is in lhe Iefl hand, vhich hoIds il. ul vhen lhe one is found, lhe enliie nunlei passes lo lhe iighl
(hand). As lhal vhich Iacks lhe one - lhal is, lhe enliie iighl (hand) - diavs vhal vas deficienl and
lakes il fion lhe Iefl-hand side and liings (il) lo lhe iighl, so loo lhe nunlei lecones one
hundied. Il is lhe sign of lhe one vho is in lheii sound, il is lhe Ialhei. Lven on lhe Sallalh, he
Ialoied foi lhe sheep vhich he found faIIen inlo lhe pil. He gave Iife lo lhe sheep, having lioughl
il up fion lhe pil, in oidei lhal you nighl knov inleiioiIy - you, lhe sons of inleiioi knovIedge -
vhal is lhe Sallalh, on vhich il is nol filling foi saIvalion lo le idIe, in oidei lhal you nay speak
fion lhe day fion alove, vhich has no nighl, and fion lhe Iighl vhich does nol sink, lecause il is
Say, lhen, fion lhe heail, lhal you aie lhe peifecl day, and in you dveIIs lhe Iighl lhal does nol
faiI. Speak of lhe liulh vilh lhose vho seaich foi il, and (of) knovIedge lo lhose vho have
connilled sin in lheii eiioi. Make fiin lhe fool of lhose vho have slunlIed, and slielch oul youi
hands lo lhose vho aie iII. Ieed lhose vho aie hungiy, and give iepose lo lhose vho aie veaiy,
and iaise up lhose vho vish lo iise, and avaken lhose vho sIeep. Ioi you aie lhe undeislanding
lhal is diavn foilh. If slienglh acls lhus, il lecones even sliongei. e conceined vilh youiseIves,
do nol le conceined vilh olhei lhings vhich you have iejecled fion youiseIves. Do nol ieluin lo
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vhal you have voniled, lo eal il. Do nol le nolhs. Do nol le voins, foi you have aIieady casl il
off. Do nol lecone a (dveIIing) pIace foi lhe deviI, foi you have aIieady deslioyed hin. Do nol
slienglhen (lhose vho aie) olslacIes lo you, vho aie coIIapsing, as lhough (you veie) a suppoil
(foi lhen). Ioi lhe IavIess one is soneone lo lieal iII, ialhei lhan lhe jusl one. Ioi lhe foinei does
his voik as a IavIess peison, lhe Iallei as a iighleous peison does his voik anong olheis. So you,
do lhe viII of lhe Ialhei, foi you aie fion hin.
Ioi lhe Ialhei is sveel, and in his viII is vhal is good. He has laken cognizance of lhe lhings lhal
aie youis, lhal you nighl find iesl in lhen. Ioi ly lhe fiuils does one lake cognizance of lhe
lhings lhal aie youis, lecause lhe chiIdien of lhe Ialhei aie his fiagiance, foi lhey aie fion lhe
giace of his counlenance. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe Ialhei Ioves his fiagiance, and nanifesls il in eveiy
pIace. And if il nixes vilh nallei, he gives his fiagiance lo lhe Iighl, and in his iepose, he causes il
lo suipass eveiy foin (and) eveiy sound. Ioi il is nol lhe eais lhal sneII lhe fiagiance, lul (il is)
lhe liealh lhal has lhe sense of sneII and alliacls lhe fiagiance lo ilseIf, and is sulneiged in lhe
fiagiance of lhe Ialhei, so lhal he lhus sheIleis il, and lakes il lo lhe pIace vheie il cane fion,
fion lhe fiisl fiagiance, vhich is giovn coId. Il is sonelhing in a psychic foin, leing Iike coId
valei vhich has fiozen (`), vhich is on eailh lhal is nol soIid, of vhich lhose vho see il lhink il is
eailh, afleivaids, il dissoIves again. If a liealh diavs il, il gels hol. The fiagiances, lheiefoie, lhal
aie coId aie fion lhe division. Ioi lhis ieason, failh cane, il dissoIved lhe division, and il lioughl
lhe vain pIeiona of Iove, in oidei lhal lhe coId shouId nol cone again, lul (lhal) lheie shouId le
lhe unily of peifecl lhoughl.
This <is> lhe void of lhe gospeI of lhe discoveiy of lhe pIeiona, foi lhose vho avail lhe saIvalion
vhich is coning fion on high. WhiIe lheii hope, foi vhich lhey aie vailing, is in vailing - lhey
vhose inage is Iighl vilh no shadov in il - lhen, al lhal line, lhe pIeiona is pioceeding lo cone.
The <deficiency> of nallei cane lo le nol lhiough lhe IinilIessness of lhe Ialhei, vho is coning
lo give line foi lhe deficiency, aIlhough no one couId say lhal lhe incoiiuplilIe one vouId cone
in lhis vay. ul lhe deplh of lhe Ialhei vas nuIlipIied, and lhe lhoughl of eiioi did nol exisl vilh
hin. Il is a lhing lhal faIIs, (and) il is a lhing lhal easiIy slands upiighl (again), in lhe discoveiy of
hin vho has cone lo hin vhon he shaII liing lack. Ioi lhe liinging-lack is caIIed 'iepenlence'.
Ioi lhis ieason, incoiiupliliIily liealhed foilh, il puisued lhe one vho had sinned, in oidei lhal
he nighl iesl. Ioi foigiveness is vhal ienains foi lhe Iighl in lhe deficiency, lhe void of lhe
pIeiona. Ioi lhe physician iuns lo lhe pIace vheie sickness is, lecause lhal is lhe viII lhal is in
hin. He vho has a deficiency, lhen, does nol hide il, lecause one has vhal lhe olhei Iacks. So lhe
pIeiona, vhich has no deficiency, lul (vhich) fiIIs up lhe deficiency, is vhal he piovided fion
hinseIf foi fiIIing up vhal he Iacks, in oidei lhal lheiefoie he nighl ieceive lhe giace. Ioi vhen he
vas deficienl, he did nol have lhe giace. Thal is vhy lheie vas dininulion exisling in lhe pIace
vheie lheie is no giace. When lhal vhich vas dininished vas ieceived, he ieveaIed vhal he
Iacked, leing (nov) a pIeiona, lhal is lhe discoveiy of lhe Iighl of liulh vhich iose upon hin
lecause il is innulalIe.
Thal is vhy Chiisl vas spoken of in lheii nidsl, so lhal lhose vho veie disluiled nighl ieceive a
liinging-lack, and he nighl anoinl lhen vilh lhe oinlnenl. This oinlnenl is lhe neicy of lhe
Ialhei, vho viII have neicy on lhen. ul lhose vhon he has anoinled aie lhe ones vho have
lecone peifecl. Ioi fuII jais aie lhe ones lhal aie usuaIIy anoinled. ul vhen lhe anoinling of one
(jai) is dissoIved, il is enplied, and lhe ieason foi lheie leing a deficiency is lhe lhing ly vhich ils
oinlnenl goes. Ioi al lhal line a liealh diavs il, a lhing in lhe povei of lhal vhich is vilh il. ul
fion hin vho has no deficiency, no seaI is ienoved, noi is anylhing enplied, lul vhal he Iacks,
lhe peifecl Ialhei fiIIs again. He is good. He knovs his pIanlings, lecause il is he vho pIanled
lhen in his paiadise. Nov his paiadise is his pIace of iesl.
This is lhe peifeclion in lhe lhoughl of lhe Ialhei, and lhese aie lhe voids of his nedilalion. Lach
one of his voids is lhe voik of his one viII in lhe ieveIalion of his Woid. WhiIe lhey veie sliII
deplhs of his lhoughl, lhe Woid, vhich vas fiisl lo cone foilh, ieveaIed lhen, aIong vilh a nind
lhal speaks lhe one Woid in siIenl giace. He vas caIIed 'lhoughl', since lhey veie in il lefoie
leing ieveaIed. Il cane aloul, lhen, lhal he vas fiisl lo cone foilh, al lhe line vhen lhe viII of
hin vho viIIed desiied il. And lhe viII is vhal lhe Ialhei iesls in, and is pIeased vilh. Nolhing
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happens vilhoul hin, noi does anylhing happen vilhoul lhe viII of lhe Ialhei, lul his viII is
unseaichalIe. His liace is lhe viII, and no one viII knov hin, noi is il possilIe foi one lo
sciulinize hin, in oidei lo giasp hin. ul vhen he viIIs, vhal he viIIs is lhis - even if lhe sighl
does nol pIease lhen in any vay lefoie Cod - desiiing lhe Ialhei. Ioi he knovs lhe leginning of
aII of lhen, and lheii end. Ioi al lheii end, he viII queslion lhen diieclIy. Nov, lhe end is
ieceiving knovIedge aloul lhe one vho is hidden, and lhis is lhe Ialhei, fion vhon lhe
leginning cane foilh, (and) lo vhon aII viII ieluin vho have cone foilh fion hin. And lhey
have appeaied foi lhe gIoiy and lhe joy of his nane.
Nov lhe nane of lhe Ialhei is lhe Son. Il is he vho fiisl gave a nane lo lhe one vho cane foilh
fion hin, vho vas hinseIf, and he legol hin as a son. He gave hin his nane, vhich leIonged lo
hin, he is lhe one lo vhon leIongs aII lhal exisls aiound hin, lhe Ialhei. His is lhe nane, his is
lhe Son. Il is possilIe foi hin lo le seen. The nane, hovevei, is invisilIe, lecause il aIone is lhe
nysleiy of lhe invisilIe, vhich cones lo eais lhal aie conpIeleIy fiIIed vilh il ly hin. Ioi indeed,
lhe Ialhei's nane is nol spoken, lul (ialhei,) il is appaienl lhiough a Son.
In lhis vay, lhen, lhe nane is a gieal lhing. Who, lheiefoie, viII le alIe lo ullei a nane foi hin,
lhe gieal nane, excepl hin aIone lo vhon lhe nane leIongs, and lhe sons of lhe nane, in vhon
iesled lhe nane of lhe Ialhei, (vho) in luin lhenseIves iesled in his nane` Since lhe Ialhei is
unengendeied, he aIone is lhe one vho legol hin foi hin(seIf) as a nane, lefoie he lioughl foilh
lhe aeons, in oidei lhal lhe nane of lhe Ialhei shouId le ovei lheii head as Ioid, lhal is lhe nane
in liulh, vhich is fiin in his connand, lhiough peifecl povei. Ioi lhe nane is nol fion (neie)
voids, noi does his nane consisl of appeIIalions, lul (ialhei,) il is invisilIe. He gave a nane lo
hin aIone, since he aIone sees hin, he aIone having lhe povei lo give hin a nane. Ioi he vho
does nol exisl has no nane. Ioi vhal nane is given lo hin vho does nol exisl` ul lhe one vho
exisls, exisls aIso vilh his nane, and he aIone knovs il, and (he) aIone (knovs hov) lo give hin a
nane. Il is lhe Ialhei. The Son is his nane. He did nol, lheiefoie, hide il in lhe lhing, lul il exisled,
as foi lhe Son, he aIone gave a nane. The nane, lheiefoie, is lhal of lhe Ialhei, as lhe nane of lhe
Ialhei is lhe Son. Wheie indeed vouId conpassion find a nane, excepl vilh lhe Ialhei`
ul no doull one viII say lo his neighloi: "Who is il vho viII give a nane lo hin vho exisled
lefoie hinseIf, as if offspiing did nol ieceive a nane fion lhose vho legol <lhen>`" Iiisl, lhen, il
is filling foi us lo iefIecl on lhis nallei: Whal is lhe nane` Il is lhe nane in liulh, il is nol lheiefoie
lhe nane fion lhe Ialhei, foi il is lhe one vhich is lhe piopei nane. Theiefoie, he did nol ieceive
lhe nane on Ioan, as (do) olheis, accoiding lo lhe foin in vhich each one is lo le pioduced. ul
lhis is lhe piopei nane. Theie is no one eIse vho gave il lo hin. ul he <is> unnanalIe,
indesciilalIe, unliI lhe line vhen he vho is peifecl spoke of hin aIone. And il is he vho has lhe
povei lo speak his nane, and lo see il.
When, lheiefoie, il pIeased hin lhal his nane, vhich is Ioved, shouId le his Son, and he gave lhe
nane lo hin, lhal is, hin vho cane foilh fion lhe deplh, he spoke aloul his seciel lhings,
knoving lhal lhe Ialhei is a leing vilhoul eviI. Ioi lhal veiy ieason, he lioughl hin foilh in
oidei lo speak aloul lhe pIace, and (aloul) his iesling-pIace, fion vhich he had cone foilh, and
lo gIoiify lhe pIeiona, lhe giealness of his nane, and lhe sveelness of lhe Ialhei. Aloul lhe pIace
each one cane fion, he viII speak, and lo lhe iegion vheie he ieceived his eslalIishnenl, he viII
haslen lo ieluin again and lo lake fion lhal pIace - lhe pIace vheie he slood - ieceiving a lasle
fion lhal pIace, and ieceiving nouiishnenl, ieceiving giovlh. And his ovn iesling-pIace is his
Theiefoie, aII lhe enanalions of lhe Ialhei aie pIeionas, and lhe iool of aII his enanalions is in
lhe one vho nade lhen aII giov up in hinseIf. He assigned lhen lheii deslinies. Lach one, lhen,
is nanifesl, in oidei lhal lhiough lheii ovn lhoughl <...>. Ioi lhe pIace lo vhich lhey send lheii
lhoughl, lhal pIace, lheii iool, is vhal lakes lhen up in aII lhe heighls, lo lhe Ialhei. They possess
his head, vhich is iesl foi lhen, and lhey aie suppoiled, appioaching hin, as lhough lo say lhal
lhey have pailicipaled in his face ly neans of kisses. ul lhey do nol lecone nanifesl in lhis vay,
foi lhey aie nol lhenseIves exaIled, (yel) neilhei did lhey Iack lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei, noi did lhey
lhink of hin as snaII, noi lhal he is haish, noi lhal he is vialhfuI, lul (ialhei lhal) he is a leing
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vilhoul eviI, inpeiluilalIe, sveel, knoving aII spaces lefoie lhey have cone inlo exislence, and
he had no need lo le insliucled.
This is lhe nannei of lhose vho possess (sonelhing) fion alove of lhe innensuialIe giealness,
as lhey vail foi lhe one aIone, and lhe peifecl one, lhe one vho is lheie foi lhen. And lhey do nol
go dovn lo Hades, noi have lhey envy noi gioaning noi dealh vilhin lhen, lul (ialhei) lhey iesl
in hin vho is al iesl, nol sliiving noi leing lvisled aiound lhe liulh. ul lhey lhenseIves aie lhe
liulh, and lhe Ialhei is vilhin lhen, and lhey aie in lhe Ialhei, leing peifecl, leing undivided in
lhe liuIy good one, leing in no vay deficienl in anylhing, lul lhey aie sel al iesl, iefieshed in lhe
Spiiil. And lhey viII heed lheii iool. They viII le conceined vilh lhose (lhings) in vhich he viII
find his iool, and nol suffei Ioss lo his souI. This is lhe pIace of lhe lIessed, lhis is lheii pIace.
Ioi lhe iesl, lhen, nay lhey knov, in lheii pIaces, lhal il is nol filling foi ne, having cone lo le in
lhe iesling-pIace, lo speak of anylhing eIse. ul il is in il lhal I shaII cone lo le, and (il is filling) lo
le conceined al aII lines vilh lhe Ialhei of lhe aII, and lhe liue liolheis, lhose upon vhon lhe
Iove of lhe Ialhei is pouied oul, and in vhose nidsl lheie is no Iack of hin. They aie lhe ones
vho appeai in liulh, since lhey exisl in liue and eleinaI Iife, and (since lhey) speak of lhe Iighl
vhich is peifecl, and (vhich is) fiIIed vilh lhe seed of lhe Ialhei, and vhich is in his heail and in
lhe pIeiona, vhiIe his Spiiil iejoices in il and gIoiifies lhe one in vhon il exisled, lecause he is
good. And his chiIdien aie peifecl and voilhy of his nane, foi he is lhe Ialhei, il is chiIdien of
lhis kind lhal he Ioves.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Sone lheie aie, ny son Rheginos, vho vanl lo Ieain nany lhings. They have lhis goaI vhen lhey
aie occupied vilh queslions vhose ansvei is Iacking. If lhey succeed vilh lhese, lhey usuaIIy
lhink veiy highIy of lhenseIves. ul I do nol lhink lhal lhey have slood vilhin lhe Woid of Tiulh.
They seek ialhei lheii ovn iesl, vhich ve have ieceived lhiough oui Savioi, oui Loid Chiisl. We
ieceived il vhen ve cane lo knov lhe liulh and iesled ouiseIves upon il. ul since you ask us
pIeasanlIy vhal is piopei conceining lhe iesuiieclion, I an viiling you lhal il is necessaiy. To le
suie, nany aie Iacking failh in il, lul lheie aie a fev vho find il. So lhen, Iel us discuss lhe nallei.
Hov did lhe Loid piocIain lhings vhiIe he exisled in fIesh and aflei he had ieveaIed hinseIf as
Son of Cod` He Iived in lhis pIace vheie you ienain, speaking aloul lhe Lav of Naluie - lul I
caII il 'Dealh'. Nov lhe Son of Cod, Rheginos, vas Son of Man. He enliaced lhen lolh,
possessing lhe hunanily and lhe divinily, so lhal on lhe one hand he nighl vanquish dealh
lhiough his leing Son of Cod, and lhal on lhe olhei lhiough lhe Son of Man lhe iesloialion lo lhe
IIeiona nighl occui, lecause he vas oiiginaIIy fion alove, a seed of Tiulh, lefoie lhis sliucluie
had cone inlo leing. In lhis nany doninions and divinilies cane inlo exislence.
I knov lhal I an piesenling lhe soIulion in difficuIl leins, lul lheie is nolhing difficuIl in lhe
Woid of Tiulh. ul since lhe SoIulion appeaied so as nol lo Ieave anylhing hidden, lul lo ieveaI
aII lhings openIy conceining exislence - lhe desliuclion of eviI on lhe one hand, lhe ieveIalion of
lhe eIecl on lhe olhei. This is lhe enanalion of Tiulh and Spiiil, Ciace is of lhe Tiulh.
The Savioi svaIIoved up dealh - (of lhis) you aie nol ieckoned as leing ignoianl - foi he pul aside
lhe voiId vhich is peiishing. He liansfoined hinseIf inlo an inpeiishalIe Aeon and iaised
hinseIf up, having svaIIoved lhe visilIe ly lhe invisilIe, and he gave us lhe vay of oui
innoilaIily. Then, indeed, as lhe AposlIe said, "We suffeied vilh hin, and ve aiose vilh hin,
and ve venl lo heaven vilh hin". Nov if ve aie nanifesl in lhis voiId veaiing hin, ve aie lhal
one`s leans, and ve aie enliaced ly hin unliI oui selling, lhal is lo say, oui dealh in lhis Iife. We
aie diavn lo heaven ly hin, Iike leans ly lhe sun, nol leing iesliained ly anylhing. This is lhe
spiiiluaI iesuiieclion vhich svaIIovs up lhe psychic in lhe sane vay as lhe fIeshIy.
ul if lheie is one vho does nol leIieve, he does nol have lhe (capacily lo le) peisuaded. Ioi il is
lhe donain of failh, ny son, and nol lhal vhich leIongs lo peisuasion: lhe dead shaII aiise! Theie
is one vho leIieves anong lhe phiIsopheis vho aie in lhis voiId. Al Ieasl he viII aiise. And Iel
nol lhe phiIosophei vho is in lhis voiId have cause lo leIieve lhal he is one vho ieluins hinseIf
ly hinseIf - and (lhal) lecause of oui failh! Ioi ve have knovn lhe Son of Man, and ve have
leIieved lhal he iose fion anong lhe dead. This is he of vhon ve say, "He lecane lhe
desliuclion of dealh, as he is a gieal one in vhon lhey leIieve." Cieal aie lhose vho leIieve.
The lhoughl of lhose vho aie saved shaII nol peiish. The nind of lhose vho have knovn hin
shaII nol peiish. Theiefoie, ve aie eIecled lo saIvalion and iedenplion since ve aie piedeslined
fion lhe leginning nol lo faII inlo lhe fooIishness of lhose vho aie vilhoul knovIedge, lul ve
shaII enlei inlo lhe visdon of lhose vho have knovn lhe Tiulh. Indeed, lhe Tiulh vhich is kepl
cannol le alandoned, noi has il leen. "Sliong is lhe syslen of lhe IIeiona, snaII is lhal vhich
lioke Ioose (and) lecane (lhe) voiId. ul lhe AII is vhal is enconpassed. Il has nol cone inlo
leing, il vas exisling." So, nevei doull conceining lhe iesuiieclion, ny son Rheginos! Ioi if you
veie nol exisling in fIesh, you ieceived fIesh vhen you enleied lhis voiId. Why viII you nol
ieceive fIesh vhen you ascend inlo lhe Aeon` Thal vhich is lellei lhan lhe fIesh is lhal vhich is
foi (lhe) cause of Iife. Thal vhich cane inlo leing on youi accounl, is il nol youis` Does nol lhal
vhich is youis exisl vilh you` Yel, vhiIe you aie in lhis voiId, vhal is il lhal you Iack` This is
vhal you have leen naking eveiy effoil lo Ieain.
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The afleiliilh of lhe lody is oId age, and you exisl in coiiuplion. You have alsence as a gain. Ioi
you viII nol give up vhal is lellei if you depail. Thal vhich is voise has dininulion, lul lheie is
giace foi il.
Nolhing, lhen, iedeens us fion lhis voiId. ul lhe AII vhich ve aie, ve aie saved. We have
ieceived saIvalion fion end lo end. Lel us lhink in lhis vay! Lel us conpiehend in lhis vay!
ul lheie aie sone (vho) vish lo undeisland, in lhe enquiiy aloul lhose lhings lhey aie Iooking
inlo, vhelhei he vho is saved, if he Ieaves his lody lehind, viII le saved innedialeIy. Lel no one
doull conceining lhis. |...j. indeed, lhe visilIe nenleis vhich aie dead shaII nol le saved, foi
(onIy) lhe Iiving nenleis vhich exisl vilhin lhen vouId aiise.
Whal, lhen, is lhe iesuiieclion` Il is aIvays lhe discIosuie of lhose vho have iisen. Ioi if you
ienenlei ieading in lhe CospeI lhal LIijah appeaied and Moses vilh hin, do nol lhink lhe
iesuiieclion is an iIIusion. Il is no iIIusion, lul il is liulh! Indeed, il is noie filling lo say lhe voiId
is an iIIusion, ialhei lhan lhe iesuiieclion vhich has cone inlo leing lhiough oui Loid lhe Savioi,
}esus Chiisl.
ul vhal an I leIIing you nov` Those vho aie Iiving shaII die. Hov do lhey Iive in an iIIusion`
The iich have lecone pooi, and lhe kings have leen oveilhiovn. Lveiylhing is pione lo change.
The voiId is an iIIusion! - Iesl, indeed, I iaiI al lhings lo excess!
ul lhe iesuiieclion does nol have lhis afoiesaid chaiaclei, foi il is lhe liulh vhich slands fiin. Il
is lhe ieveIalion of vhal is, and lhe liansfoinalion of lhings, and a liansilion inlo nevness. Ioi
inpeiishaliIily descends upon lhe peiishalIe, lhe Iighl fIovs dovn upon lhe daikness,
svaIIoving il up, and lhe IIeiona fiIIs up lhe deficiency. These aie lhe synloIs and lhe inages of
lhe iesuiieclion. He il is vho nakes lhe good.
Theiefoie, do nol lhink in pail, O Rheginos, noi Iive in confoinily vilh lhis fIesh foi lhe sake of
unaninily, lul fIee fion lhe divisions and lhe felleis, and aIieady you have lhe iesuiieclion. Ioi if
he vho viII die knovs aloul hinseIf lhal he viII die - even if he spends nany yeais in lhis Iife, he
is lioughl lo lhis - vhy nol considei youiseIf as iisen and (aIieady) lioughl lo lhis` If you have
lhe iesuiieclion lul conlinue as if you aie lo die - and yel lhal one knovs lhal he has died - vhy,
lhen, do I ignoie youi Iack of exeicise` Il is filling foi each one lo piaclice in a nunlei of vays,
and he shaII le ieIeased fion lhis LIenenl lhal he nay nol faII inlo eiioi lul shaII hinseIf ieceive
again vhal al fiisl vas.
These lhings I have ieceived fion lhe geneiosily of ny Loid, }esus Chiisl. I have laughl you and
youi lielhien, ny sons, consideiing lhen, vhiIe I have nol onilled any of lhe lhings suilalIe foi
slienglhening you. ul if lheie is one lhing viillen vhich is olscuie in ny exposilion of lhe Woid,
I shaII inleipiel il foi you (pI.) vhen you (pI.) ask. ul nov, do nol le jeaIous of anyone vho is in
youi nunlei vhen he is alIe lo heIp.
Many aie Iooking inlo lhis vhich I have viillen lo you. To lhese I say: Ieace (le) anong lhen and
giace. I gieel you and lhose vho Iove you (pI.) in liolheiIy Love.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
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As foi vhal ve can say aloul lhe lhings vhich aie exaIled, vhal is filling is lhal ve legin vilh
lhe Ialhei, vho is lhe iool of lhe TolaIily, lhe one fion vhon ve have ieceived giace lo speak
aloul hin.
ZM !"# P&<"#.
He exisled lefoie anylhing olhei lhan hinseIf cane inlo leing. The Ialhei is a singIe one, Iike a
nunlei, foi he is lhe fiisl one and lhe one vho is onIy hinseIf. Yel he is nol Iike a soIilaiy
individuaI. Olheivise, hov couId he le a falhei` Ioi vhenevei lheie is a "falhei," lhe nane "son"
foIIovs. ul lhe singIe one, vho aIone is lhe Ialhei, is Iike a iool, vilh liee, lianches and fiuil. Il is
said of hin lhal he is a falhei in lhe piopei sense, since he is ininilalIe and innulalIe. ecause of
lhis, he is singIe in lhe piopei sense, and is a god, lecause no one is a god foi hin noi is anyone a
falhei lo hin. Ioi he is unlegollen, and lheie is no olhei vho legol hin, noi anolhei vho ciealed
hin. Ioi vhoevei is soneone's falhei oi his ciealoi, he, loo, has a falhei and ciealoi. Il is ceilainIy
possilIe foi hin lo le falhei and ciealoi of lhe one vho cane inlo leing fion hin and lhe one
vhon he ciealed, foi he is nol a falhei in lhe piopei sense, noi a god, lecause he has soneone
vho legol hin and vho ciealed hin. Il is, lhen, onIy lhe Ialhei and Cod in lhe piopei sense lhal
no one eIse legol. As foi lhe TolaIilies, he is lhe one vho legol lhen and ciealed lhen. He is
vilhoul leginning and vilhoul end.
Nol onIy is he vilhoul end - He is innoilaI foi lhis ieason, lhal he is unlegollen - lul he is aIso
invaiialIe in his eleinaI exislence, in his idenlily, in lhal ly vhich he is eslalIished, and in lhal ly
vhich he is gieal. Neilhei viII he ienove hinseIf fion lhal ly vhich he is, noi viII anyone eIse
foice hin lo pioduce an end vhich he has nol evei desiied. He has nol had anyone vho inilialed
his ovn exislence. Thus, he is hinseIf unchanged, and no one eIse can ienove hin fion his
exislence and his idenlily, lhal in vhich he is, and his giealness, so lhal he cannol le giasped, noi
is il possilIe foi anyone eIse lo change hin inlo a diffeienl foin, oi lo ieduce hin, oi aIlei hin oi
dininish hin, - since lhis is so in lhe fuIIesl sense of lhe liulh - vho is lhe unaIleialIe, innulalIe
one, vilh innulaliIily cIolhing hin.
Nol onIy is he lhe one caIIed "vilhoul a leginning" and "vilhoul an end," lecause he is
unlegollen and innoilaI, lul jusl as he has no leginning and no end as he is, he is unallainalIe
in his giealness, insciulalIe in his visdon, inconpiehensilIe in his povei, and unfalhonalIe in
his sveelness.
In lhe piopei sense, he aIone - lhe good, lhe unlegollen Ialhei, and lhe conpIele peifecl one - is
lhe one fiIIed vilh aII his offspiing, and vilh eveiy viilue, and vilh eveiylhing of vaIue. And he
has noie, lhal is, Iack of any naIice, in oidei lhal il nay le discoveied lhal vhoevei has anylhing
is indelled lo hin, lecause he gives il, leing hinseIf unieachalIe and unveaiied ly lhal vhich he
gives, since he is veaIlhy in lhe gifls vhich he leslovs, and al iesl in lhe favois vhich he gianls.
He is of such a kind and foin and gieal nagnilude lhal no one eIse has leen vilh hin fion lhe
leginning, noi is lheie a pIace in vhich he is, oi fion vhich he has cone foilh, oi inlo vhich he
viII go, noi is lheie a piinoidiaI foin, vhich he uses as a nodeI as he voiks, noi is lheie any
difficuIly vhich acconpanies hin in vhal he does, noi is lheie any naleiiaI vhich is al his
disposaI, fion vhich <he> cieales vhal he cieales, noi any sulslance vilhin hin fion vhich he
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legels vhal he legels, noi a co-voikei vilh hin, voiking vilh hin on lhe lhings al vhich he
voiks. To say anylhing of lhis soil is ignoianl. Ralhei, (one shouId speak of hin) as good,
fauIlIess, peifecl, conpIele, leing hinseIf lhe TolaIily.
Nol one of lhe nanes vhich aie conceived oi spoken, seen oi giasped - nol one of lhen appIies lo
hin, even lhough lhey aie exceedingIy gIoiious, nagnifying and honoied. Hovevei, il is possilIe
lo ullei lhese nanes foi his gIoiy and honoi, in accoidance vilh lhe capacily of each of lhose vho
give hin gIoiy. Yel as foi hin, in his ovn exislence, leing and foin, il is inpossilIe foi nind lo
conceive hin, noi can any speech convey hin, noi can any eye see hin, noi can any lody giasp
hin, lecause of his insciulalIe giealness, and his inconpiehensilIe deplh, and his inneasuialIe
heighl, and his iIIinilalIe viII. This is lhe naluie of lhe unlegollen one, vhich does nol louch
anylhing eIse, noi is il joined (lo anylhing) in lhe nannei of sonelhing vhich is Iiniled. Ralhei,
he possesses lhis conslilulion, vilhoul having a face oi a foin, lhings vhich aie undeislood
lhiough peiceplion, vhence aIso cones (lhe epilhel) "lhe inconpiehensilIe. If he is
inconpiehensilIe, lhen il foIIovs lhal he is unknovalIe, lhal he is lhe one vho is inconceivalIe
ly any lhoughl, invisilIe ly any lhing, ineffalIe ly any void, unlouchalIe ly any hand. He aIone
is lhe one vho knovs hinseIf as he is, aIong vilh his foin and his giealness and his nagnilude.
And since he has lhe aliIily lo conceive of hinseIf, lo see hinseIf, lo nane hinseIf, lo conpiehend
hinseIf, he aIone is lhe one vho is his ovn nind, his ovn eye, his ovn noulh, his ovn foin, and
he is vhal he lhinks, vhal he sees, vhal he speaks, vhal he giasps, hinseIf, lhe one vho is
inconceivalIe, ineffalIe, inconpiehensilIe, innulalIe, vhiIe suslaining, joyous, liue, deIighlfuI,
and ieslfuI is lhal vhich he conceives, lhal vhich he sees, lhal aloul vhich he speaks, lhal vhich
he has as lhoughl. He lianscends aII visdon, and is alove aII inleIIecl, and is alove aII gIoiy, and
is alove aII leauly, and aII sveelness, and aII giealness, and any deplh and any heighl.
If lhis one, vho is unknovalIe in his naluie, lo vhon peilain aII lhe giealnesses vhich I aIieady
nenlioned - if, oul of lhe alundance of his sveelness, he vishes lo gianl knovIedge, so lhal he
nighl le knovn, he has lhe aliIily lo do so. He has his Iovei, vhich is his viII. Nov, hovevei, in
siIence he hinseIf hoIds lack, he vho is lhe gieal one, vho is lhe cause of liinging lhe TolaIilies
inlo lheii eleinaI leing.
Il is in lhe piopei sense lhal he legels hinseIf as ineffalIe, since he aIone is seIf-legollen, since he
conceives of hinseIf, and since he knovs hinseIf as he is. Whal is voilhy of his adniialion and
gIoiy and honoi and piaise, he pioduces lecause of lhe loundIessness of his giealness, and lhe
unseaichaliIily of his visdon, and lhe inneasuialiIily of his povei, and his unlaslealIe
sveelness. He is lhe one vho piojecls hinseIf lhus, as geneialion, having gIoiy and honoi
naiveIous and IoveIy, lhe one vho gIoiifies hinseIf, vho naiveIs, <vho> honois, vho aIso Ioves,
lhe one vho has a Son, vho sulsisls in hin, vho is siIenl conceining hin, vho is lhe ineffalIe one
in lhe ineffalIe one, lhe invisilIe one, lhe inconpiehensilIe one, lhe inconceivalIe one in lhe
inconceivalIe one. Thus, he exisls in hin foievei. The Ialhei, in lhe vay ve nenlioned eaiIiei, in
an unlegollen vay, is lhe one in vhon he knovs hinseIf, vho legol hin having a lhoughl,
vhich is lhe lhoughl of hin, lhal is, lhe peiceplion of hin, vhich is lhe |...j of his conslilulion
foievei. Thal is, hovevei, in lhe piopei sense, lhe siIence and lhe visdon and lhe giace, if il is
designaled piopeiIy in lhis vay.
[M !"# L=; &;* <"# X">.?"
}usl as lhe Ialhei exisls in lhe piopei sense, lhe one lefoie vhon lheie vas no one eIse, and lhe
one apail fion vhon lheie is no olhei unlegollen one, so loo lhe Son exisls in lhe piopei sense,
lhe one lefoie vhon lheie vas no olhei, and aflei vhon no olhei son exisls. Theiefoie, he is a
fiislloin and an onIy Son, "fiislloin" lecause no one exisls lefoie hin and "onIy Son" lecause no
one is aflei hin. Iuilheinoie, he has his fiuil, lhal vhich is unknovalIe lecause of ils suipassing
giealness. Yel he vanled il lo le knovn, lecause of lhe iiches of his sveelness. And he ieveaIed
lhe unexpIainalIe povei, and he conlined vilh il lhe gieal alundance of his geneiosily.
Nol onIy did lhe Son exisl fion lhe leginning, lul lhe Chuich, loo, exisled fion lhe leginning.
Nov, he vho lhinks lhal lhe discoveiy lhal lhe Son is an onIy son opposes lhe slalenenl (aloul
lhe Chuich) lecause of lhe nysleiious quaIily of lhe nallei, il is nol so. Ioi jusl as lhe Ialhei is a
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unily, and has ieveaIed hinseIf as Ialhei foi hin aIone, so loo lhe Son vas found lo le a liolhei
lo hinseIf aIone, in viilue of lhe facl lhal he is unlegollen and vilhoul leginning. He vondeis al
hinseIf, aIong vilh lhe Ialhei, and he gives hin(seIf) gIoiy and honoi and Iove. Iuilheinoie, he
loo is lhe one vhon he conceives of as Son, in accoidance vilh lhe disposilions: "vilhoul
leginning" and "vilhoul end." Thus is lhe nallei sonelhing vhich is fixed. eing innuneialIe
and iIIinilalIe, his offspiing aie indivisilIe. Those vhich exisl have cone foilh fion lhe Son and
lhe Ialhei Iike kisses, lecause of lhe nuIlilude of sone vho kiss one anolhei vilh a good,
insalialIe lhoughl, lhe kiss leing a unily, aIlhough il invoIves nany kisses. This is lo say, il is lhe
Chuich consisling of nany nen lhal exisled lefoie lhe aeons, vhich is caIIed, in lhe piopei sense,
"lhe aeons of lhe aeons." This is lhe naluie of lhe hoIy inpeiishalIe spiiils, upon vhich lhe Son
iesls, since il is his essence, jusl as lhe Ialhei iesls upon lhe Son.
\M 8#=;+? 6)&;&<+=;B
|...j lhe Chuich exisls in lhe disposilions and piopeilies in vhich lhe Ialhei and lhe Son exisl, as I
have said fion lhe slail. Theiefoie, il sulsisls in lhe piociealions of innuneialIe aeons. AIso in an
uncounlalIe vay lhey loo legel, ly lhe piopeilies and lhe disposilions in vhich il (lhe Chuich)
exisls. Ioi lhese conpiise ils associalion vhich lhey foin lovaid one anolhei and lovaid lhose
vho have cone foilh fion lhen lovaid lhe Son, foi vhose gIoiy lhey exisl. Theiefoie, il is nol
possilIe foi nind lo conceive of hin - He vas lhe peifeclion of lhal pIace - noi can speech expiess
lhen, foi lhey aie ineffalIe and unnanealIe and inconceivalIe. They aIone have lhe aliIily lo
nane lhenseIves and lo conceive of lhenseIves. Ioi lhey have nol leen iooled in lhese pIaces.
Those of lhal pIace aie ineffalIe, (and) innuneialIe in lhe syslen vhich is lolh lhe nannei and
lhe size, lhe joy, lhe gIadness of lhe unlegollen, naneIess, unnanealIe, inconceivalIe, invisilIe,
inconpiehensilIe one. Il is lhe fuIIness of paleinily, so lhal his alundance is a legelling |...j of lhe
They veie foievei in lhoughl, foi lhe Ialhei vas Iike a lhoughl and a pIace foi lhen. When lheii
geneialions had leen eslalIished, lhe one vho is conpIeleIy in conlioI vished lo Iay hoId of and
lo liing foilh lhal vhich vas deficienl in lhe |...j and he lioughl foilh lhose |...j hin. ul since he
is as he is, he is a spiing, vhich is nol dininished ly lhe valei vhich alundanlIy fIovs fion il.
WhiIe lhey veie in lhe Ialhei's lhoughl, lhal is, in lhe hidden deplh, lhe deplh knev lhen, lul
lhey veie unalIe lo knov lhe deplh in vhich lhey veie, noi vas il possilIe foi lhen lo knov
lhenseIves, noi foi lhen lo knov anylhing eIse. Thal is, lhey veie vilh lhe Ialhei, lhey did nol
exisl foi lhenseIves. Ralhei, lhey onIy had exislence in lhe nannei of a seed, so lhal il has leen
discoveied lhal lhey exisled Iike a felus. Like lhe void he legol lhen, sulsisling speinalicaIIy,
and lhe ones vhon he vas lo legel had nol yel cone inlo leing fion hin. The one vho fiisl
lhoughl of lhen, lhe Ialhei, - nol onIy so lhal lhey nighl exisl foi hin, lul aIso lhal lhey nighl
exisl foi lhenseIves as veII, lhal lhey nighl lhen exisl in his lhoughl as nenlaI sulslance and lhal
lhey nighl exisl foi lhenseIves loo, - soved a lhoughl Iike a speinalic seed. Nov, in oidei lhal
lhey nighl knov vhal exisls foi lhen, he giaciousIy gianled lhe iniliaI foin, vhiIe in oidei lhal
lhey nighl iecognize vho is lhe Ialhei vho exisls foi lhen, he gave lhen lhe nane "Ialhei" ly
neans of a voice piocIaining lo lhen lhal vhal exisls, exisls lhiough lhal nane, vhich lhey have
ly viilue of lhe facl lhal lhey cane inlo leing, lecause lhe exaIlalion, vhich has escaped lheii
nolice, is in lhe nane.
The infanl, vhiIe in lhe foin of a felus has enough foi ilseIf, lefoie evei seeing lhe one vho
soved il. Theiefoie, lhey had lhe soIe lask of seaiching foi hin, ieaIizing lhal he exisls, evei
vishing lo find oul vhal exisls. Since, hovevei, lhe peifecl Ialhei is good, jusl as he did nol heai
lhen al aII so lhal lhey vouId exisl (onIy) in his lhoughl, lul ialhei gianled lhal lhey, loo, nighl
cone inlo leing, so aIso viII he give lhen giace lo knov vhal exisls, lhal is, lhe one vho knovs
hinseIf eleinaIIy, |...j foin lo knov vhal exisls, jusl as peopIe aie legollen in lhis pIace: vhen
lhey aie loin, lhey aie in lhe Iighl, so lhal lhey see lhose vho have legollen lhen.
The Ialhei lioughl foilh eveiylhing, Iike a IillIe chiId, Iike a diop fion a spiing, Iike a lIosson
fion a vine, Iike a fIovei, Iike a <pIanling> |...j, in need of gaining nouiishnenl and giovlh and
fauIlIessness. He vilhheId il foi a line. He vho had lhoughl of il fion lhe veiy leginning,
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possessed il fion lhe veiy leginning, and sav il, lul he cIosed il off lo lhose vho fiisl cane fion
hin. (He did lhis,) nol oul of envy, lul in oidei lhal lhe aeons nighl nol ieceive lheii fauIlIessness
fion lhe veiy leginning and nighl nol exaIl lhenseIves lo lhe gIoiy, lo lhe Ialhei, and nighl
lhink lhal fion lhenseIves aIone lhey have lhis. ul jusl as he vished lo gianl lhal lhey nighl
cone inlo leing, so loo, in oidei lhal lhey nighl cone inlo leing as fauIlIess ones, vhen he
vished, he gave lhen lhe peifecl idea of leneficence lovaid lhen.
The one vhon he iaised up as a Iighl foi lhose vho cane fion hinseIf, lhe one fion vhon lhey
lake lheii nane, he is lhe Son, vho is fuII, conpIele and fauIlIess. He lioughl hin foilh ningIed
vilh vhal cane foilh fion hin |...j pailaking of lhe |...j lhe TolaIily, in accoidance vilh |...j ly
vhich each one can ieceive hin foi hinseIf, lhough such vas nol his giealness lefoie he vas
ieceived ly il. Ralhei, he exisls ly hinseIf. As foi lhe pails in vhich he exisls in his ovn nannei
and foin and giealness, il is possilIe foi <lhen> lo see hin and speak aloul lhal vhich lhey
knov of hin, since lhey veai hin vhiIe he veais lhen, lecause il is possilIe foi lhen lo
conpiehend hin. He, hovevei, is as he is, inconpaialIe. In oidei lhal lhe Ialhei nighl ieceive
honoi fion each one and ieveaI hinseIf, even in his ineffaliIily, hidden, and invisilIe, lhey
naiveI al hin nenlaIIy. Theiefoie, lhe giealness of his Iofliness consisls in lhe facl lhal lhey speak
aloul hin and see hin. He lecones nanifesl, so lhal he nay le hynned lecause of lhe
alundance of his sveelness, vilh lhe giace of <...>. And jusl as lhe adniialions of lhe siIences aie
eleinaI geneialions and lhey aie nenlaI offspiing, so loo lhe disposilions of lhe void aie spiiiluaI
enanalions. olh of lhen adniialions and disposilions, since lhey leIong lo a void, aie seeds
and lhoughls of his offspiing, and iools vhich Iive foievei, appeaiing lo le offspiing vhich have
cone foilh fion lhenseIves, leing ninds and spiiiluaI offspiing lo lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei.
Theie is no need foi voice and spiiil, nind and void, lecause lheie is no need lo voik al lhal
vhich lhey desiie lo do, lul on lhe pallein ly vhich he vas exisling, so aie lhose vho have cone
foilh fion hin, legelling eveiylhing vhich lhey desiie. And lhe one vhon lhey conceive of, and
vhon lhey speak aloul, and lhe one lovaid vhon lhey nove, and lhe one in vhon lhey aie,
and lhe one vhon lhey hynn, lheiely gIoiifying hin, he has sons. Ioi lhis is lheii piociealive
povei, Iike lhose fion vhon lhey have cone, accoiding lo lheii nuluaI assislance, since lhey
assisl one anolhei Iike lhe unlegollen ones.
The Ialhei, in accoidance vilh his exaIled posilion ovei lhe TolaIilies, leing an unknovn and
inconpiehensilIe one, has such giealness and nagnilude, lhal, if he had ieveaIed hinseIf
suddenIy, quickIy, lo aII lhe exaIled ones anong lhe aeons vho had cone foilh fion hin, lhey
vouId have peiished. Theiefoie, he vilhheId his povei and his inexhausliliIily vilhin lhal in
vhich he is. He is ineffalIe and unnanealIe and exaIled alove eveiy nind and eveiy void. This
one, hovevei, slielched hinseIf oul and il vas lhal vhich he slielched oul vhich gave a
foundalion and a space and a dveIIing pIace foi lhe univeise, a nane of his leing "lhe one
lhiough vhon," since he is Ialhei of lhe AII, oul of his Ialoiing foi lhose vho exisl, having sovn
inlo lheii lhoughl lhal lhey nighl seek aflei hin. The alundance of lheii |...j consisls in lhe facl
lhal lhey undeisland lhal he exisls and in lhe facl lhal lhey ask vhal il is lhal vas exisling. This
one vas given lo lhen foi enjoynenl and nouiishnenl and joy and an alundance of iIIuninalion,
vhich consisls in his feIIov Ialoiing, his knovIedge and his ningIing vilh lhen, lhal is, lhe one
vho is caIIed and is, in facl, lhe Son, since he is lhe TolaIilies and lhe one of vhon lhey knov lolh
vho he is and lhal il is he vho cIolhes. This is lhe one vho is caIIed "Son" and lhe one of vhon
lhey undeisland lhal he exisls and lhey veie seeking aflei hin. This is lhe one vho exisls as
Ialhei and (as) lhe one aloul vhon lhey cannol speak, and lhe one of vhon lhey do nol
conceive. This is lhe one vho fiisl cane inlo leing.
Il is inpossilIe foi anyone lo conceive of hin oi lhink of hin. Oi can anyone appioach lheie,
lovaid lhe exaIled one, lovaid lhe pieexislenl in lhe piopei sense` ul aII lhe nanes conceived oi
spoken aloul hin aie piesenled in honoi, as a liace of hin, accoiding lo lhe aliIily of each one of
lhose vho gIoiify hin. Nov he vho aiose fion hin vhen he slielched hinseIf oul foi legelling
and foi knovIedge on lhe pail of lhe TolaIilies, he |...j aII of lhe nanes, vilhoul faIsificalion, and
he is, in lhe piopei sense, lhe soIe fiisl one, lhe nan of lhe Ialhei, lhal is, lhe one vhon I caII
lhe foin of lhe foinIess,
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lhe lody of lhe lodiIess,
lhe face of lhe invisilIe,
lhe void of lhe unulleialIe,
lhe nind of lhe inconceivalIe,
lhe founlain vhich fIoved fion hin,
lhe iool of lhose vho aie pIanled,
and lhe god of lhose vho exisl,
lhe Iighl of lhose vhon he iIIunines,
lhe Iove of lhose vhon he Ioved,
lhe piovidence of lhose foi vhon he piovidenliaIIy caies,
lhe visdon of lhose vhon he nade vise,
lhe povei of lhose lo vhon he gives povei,
lhe assenlIy of lhose vhon he assenlIes lo hin,
lhe ieveIalion of lhe lhings vhich aie soughl aflei,
lhe eye of lhose vho see,
lhe liealh of lhose vho liealhe,
lhe Iife of lhose vho Iive,
lhe unily of lhose vho aie nixed vilh lhe TolaIilies.
AII of lhen exisl in lhe singIe one, as he cIolhes hinseIf conpIeleIy and ly his singIe nane he is
nevei caIIed. And in lhis unique vay lhey aie equaIIy lhe singIe one and lhe TolaIilies. He is
neilhei divided as a lody, noi is he sepaialed inlo lhe nanes vhich he has ieceived, (so lhal) he is
one lhing in lhis vay and anolhei in anolhei vay. AIso, neilhei does he change in |...j, noi does he
luin inlo lhe nanes vhich he lhinks of, and lecone nov lhis, nov sonelhing eIse, lhis lhing nov
leing one lhing and, al anolhei line, sonelhing eIse, lul ialhei he is vhoIIy hinseIf lo lhe
ulleinosl. He is each and eveiy one of lhe TolaIilies foievei al lhe sane line. He is vhal aII of
lhen aie. He lioughl lhe Ialhei lo lhe TolaIilies. He aIso is lhe TolaIilies, foi he is lhe one vho is
knovIedge foi hinseIf and he is each one of lhe piopeilies. He has lhe poveis and he is leyond
aII lhal vhich he knovs, vhiIe seeing hinseIf in hinseIf conpIeleIy and having a Son and foin.
Theiefoie, his poveis and piopeilies aie innuneialIe and inaudilIe, lecause of lhe legelling ly
vhich he legels lhen. InnuneialIe and indivisilIe aie lhe legellings of his voids, and his
connands and his TolaIilies. He knovs lhen, vhich lhings he hinseIf is, since lhey aie in lhe
singIe nane, and aie aII speaking in il. And he liings (lhen) foilh, in oidei lhal il nighl le
discoveied lhal lhey exisl accoiding lo lheii individuaI piopeilies in a unified vay. And he did
nol ieveaI lhe nuIlilude lo lhe TolaIilies al once noi did he ieveaI his equaIily lo lhose vho had
cone foilh fion hin.
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AII lhose vho cane foilh fion hin <vho> aie lhe aeons of lhe aeons, leing enanalions and
offspiing of <his> piociealive naluie, lhey loo, in lheii piociealive naluie, have <given> gIoiy lo
lhe Ialhei, as he vas lhe cause of lheii eslalIishnenl. This is vhal ve said pieviousIy, naneIy
lhal he cieales lhe aeons as iools and spiings and falheis, and lhal he is lhe one lo vhon lhey
give gIoiy. They have legollen, foi he has knovIedge and visdon and lhe TolaIilies knev lhal il
is fion knovIedge and visdon lhal lhey have cone foilh. They vouId have lioughl foilh a
seening honoi: "The Ialhei is lhe one vho is lhe TolaIilies," if lhe aeons had iisen up lo give
honoi individuaIIy. Theiefoie, in lhe song of gIoiificalion and in lhe povei of lhe unily of hin
fion vhon lhey have cone, lhey veie diavn inlo a ningIing and a conlinalion and a unily vilh
one anolhei. They offeied gIoiy voilhy of lhe Ialhei fion lhe pIeionalic congiegalion, vhich is a
singIe iepiesenlalion aIlhough nany, lecause il vas lioughl foilh as a gIoiy foi lhe singIe one
and lecause lhey cane foilh lovaid lhe one vho is hinseIf lhe TolaIilies. Nov, lhis vas a piaise
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|...j lhe one vho lioughl foilh lhe TolaIilies, leing a fiisl-fiuil of lhe innoilaIs and an eleinaI one,
lecause, having cone foilh fion lhe Iiving aeons, leing peifecl and fuII lecause of lhe one vho is
peifecl and fuII, il Iefl fuII and peifecl lhose vho have given gIoiy in a peifecl vay lecause of lhe
feIIovship. Ioi, Iike lhe fauIlIess Ialhei, vhen he is gIoiified he aIso heais lhe gIoiy vhich
gIoiifies hin, so as lo nake lhen nanifesl as lhal vhich he is.
The cause of lhe second honoi vhich acciued lo lhen is lhal vhich vas ieluined lo lhen fion lhe
Ialhei vhen lhey had knovn lhe giace ly vhich lhey loie fiuil vilh one anolhei lecause of lhe
Ialhei. As a iesuIl, jusl as lhey <veie> lioughl foilh in gIoiy foi lhe Ialhei, so loo in oidei lo
appeai peifecl, lhey appeaied acling ly giving gIoiy.
They veie falheis of lhe lhiid gIoiy accoiding lo lhe independence and lhe povei vhich vas
legollen vilh lhen, since each one of lhen individuaIIy does nol exisl so as lo give gIoiy in a
unilaiy vay lo hin vhon he Ioves.
They aie lhe fiisl and lhe second and lhus lolh of lhen aie peifecl and fuII, foi lhey aie
nanifeslalions of lhe Ialhei vho is peifecl and fuII, as veII as of lhose vho cane foilh, vho aie
peifecl ly lhe facl lhal lhey gIoiify lhe peifecl one. The fiuil of lhe lhiid, hovevei, consisls of
honois of lhe viII of each one of lhe aeons, and each one of lhe piopeilies. The Ialhei has povei.
Il exisls fuIIy, peifecl in lhe lhoughl vhich is a pioducl of agieenenl, since il is a pioducl of lhe
individuaIily of lhe aeons. Il is lhis vhich he Ioves and ovei vhich he has povei, as il gives gIoiy
lo lhe Ialhei ly neans of il.
Ioi lhis ieason, lhey aie ninds of ninds, vhich aie found lo le voids of voids, eIdeis of eIdeis,
degiees of degiees, vhich aie exaIled alove one anolhei. Lach one of lhose vho give gIoiy has his
pIace and his exaIlalion and his dveIIing and his iesl, vhich consisls of lhe gIoiy vhich he liings
AII lhose vho gIoiify lhe Ialhei have lheii legelling eleinaIIy, - lhey legel in lhe acl of assisling
one anolhei - since lhe enanalions aie IinilIess and inneasuialIe and since lheie is no envy on
lhe pail of lhe Ialhei lovaid lhose vho cane foilh fion hin in iegaid lo lheii legelling
sonelhing equaI oi siniIai lo hin, since he is lhe one vho exisls in lhe TolaIilies, legelling and
ieveaIing hinseIf. Whonevei he vishes, he nakes inlo a falhei, of vhon he in facl is Ialhei, and
a god, of vhon he in facl is Cod, and he nakes lhen lhe TolaIilies, vhose enliiely he is. In lhe
piopei sense aII lhe nanes vhich aie gieal aie kepl lheie, lhese (nanes) vhich lhe angeIs shaie,
vho have cone inlo leing in lhe cosnos aIong vilh lhe aichons, aIlhough lhey do nol have any
iesenlIance lo lhe eleinaI leings.
The enliie syslen of lhe aeons has a Iove and a Ionging foi lhe peifecl, conpIele discoveiy of lhe
Ialhei and lhis is lheii uninpeded agieenenl. Though lhe Ialhei ieveaIs hinseIf eleinaIIy, he did
nol vish lhal lhey shouId knov hin, since he gianls lhal he le conceived of in such a vay as lo le
soughl foi, vhiIe keeping lo hinseIf his unseaichalIe piinoidiaI leing.
Il is he, lhe Ialhei, vho gave iool inpuIses lo lhe aeons, since lhey aie pIaces on lhe palh vhich
Ieads lovaid hin, as lovaid a schooI of lehavioi. He has exlended lo lhen failh in and piayei lo
hin vhon lhey do nol see, and a fiin hope in hin of vhon lhey do nol conceive, and a fiuilfuI
Iove, vhich Iooks lovaid lhal vhich il does nol see, and an acceplalIe undeislanding of lhe
eleinaI nind, and a lIessing, vhich is iiches and fieedon, and a visdon of lhe one vho desiies
lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei foi <his> lhoughl.
Il is ly viilue of his viII lhal lhe Ialhei, lhe one vho is exaIled, is knovn, lhal is, (ly viilue of) lhe
spiiil vhich liealhes in lhe TolaIilies and il gives lhen an idea of seeking aflei lhe unknovn one,
jusl as one is diavn ly a pIeasanl aiona lo seaich foi lhe lhing fion vhich lhe aiona aiises, since
lhe aiona of lhe Ialhei suipasses lhese oidinaiy ones. Ioi his sveelness Ieaves lhe aeons in
ineffalIe pIeasuie and il gives lhen lheii idea of ningIing vilh hin vho vanls lhen lo knov hin
in a uniled vay and lo assisl one anolhei in lhe spiiil vhich is sovn vilhin lhen. Though exisling
undei a gieal veighl, lhey aie ieneved in an inexpiessilIe vay, since il is inpossilIe foi lhen lo
le sepaialed fion lhal in vhich lhey aie sel in an unconpiehending vay, lecause lhey viII nol
speak, leing siIenl aloul lhe Ialhei's gIoiy, aloul lhe one vho has povei lo speak, and yel lhey
viII lake foin fion hin. He ieveaIed hinseIf, lhough il is inpossilIe lo speak of hin. They have
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hin, hidden in a lhoughl, since fion lhis one |...j. They aie siIenl aloul lhe vay lhe Ialhei is in his
foin and his naluie and his giealness, vhiIe lhe aeons have lecone voilhy of knoving lhiough
his spiiil lhal he is unnanealIe and inconpiehensilIe. Il is lhiough his spiiil, vhich is lhe liace of
lhe seaich foi hin, lhal he piovides lhen lhe aliIily lo conceive of hin and lo speak aloul hin.
Lach one of lhe aeons is a nane, <lhal is>, each of lhe piopeilies and poveis of lhe Ialhei, since
he exisls in nany nanes, vhich aie inleiningIed and hainonious vilh one anolhei. Il is possilIe
lo speak of hin lecause of lhe veaIlh of speech, jusl as lhe Ialhei is a singIe nane, lecause he is a
unily, yel is innuneialIe in his piopeilies and nanes.
The enanalion of lhe TolaIilies, vhich exisl fion lhe one vho exisls, did nol occui accoiding lo a
sepaialion fion one anolhei, as sonelhing casl off fion lhe one vho legels lhen. Ralhei, lheii
legelling is Iike a piocess of exlension, as lhe Ialhei exlends hinseIf lo lhose vhon he Ioves, so
lhal lhose vho have cone foilh fion hin nighl lecone hin as veII.
}usl as lhe piesenl aeon, lhough a unily, is divided ly unils of line and unils of line aie divided
inlo yeais and yeais aie divided inlo seasons and seasons inlo nonlhs, and nonlhs inlo days, and
days inlo houis, and houis inlo nonenls, so loo lhe aeon of lhe Tiulh, since il is a unily and
nuIlipIicily, ieceives honoi in lhe snaII and lhe gieal nanes accoiding lo lhe povei of each lo
giasp il - ly vay of anaIogy - Iike a spiing vhich is vhal il is, yel fIovs inlo slieans and Iakes and
canaIs and lianches, oi Iike a iool spiead oul lenealh liees and lianches vilh ils fiuil, oi Iike a
hunan lody, vhich is paililioned in an indivisilIe vay inlo nenleis of nenleis, piinaiy
nenleis and secondaiy, gieal and snaII.
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The aeons have lioughl lhenseIves foilh in accoid vilh lhe lhiid fiuil ly lhe fieedon of lhe viII
and ly lhe visdon vilh vhich he favoied lhen foi lheii lhoughl. They do nol vish lo give honoi
vilh lhal vhich is fion an agieenenl, lhough il vas pioduced foi voids of piaise foi each of lhe
IIeionas. Noi do lhey vish lo give honoi vilh lhe TolaIily. Noi do lhey vish (lo do so) vilh
anyone eIse vho vas oiiginaIIy alove lhe deplh of lhal one, oi (alove) his pIace, excepl, hovevei,
foi lhe one vho exisls in an exaIled nane and in lhe exaIled pIace, and onIy if he ieceives fion lhe
one vho vished (lo give honoi), and lakes il lo hin(seIf) foi lhe one alove hin, and (onIy if) he
legels hin(seIf), so lo speak, hinseIf, and, lhiough lhal one, legels hin(seIf) aIong vilh lhal
vhich he is, and hinseIf lecones ieneved aIong vilh lhe one vho cane upon hin, ly his
liolhei, and sees hin and enlieals hin aloul lhe nallei, naneIy, he vho vished lo ascend lo
So lhal il nighl le in lhis vay, lhe one vho vished lo give honoi does nol say anylhing lo hin
aloul lhis, excepl onIy lhal lheie is a Iinil lo speech sel in lhe IIeiona, so lhal lhey aie siIenl
aloul lhe inconpiehensiliIily of lhe Ialhei, lul lhey speak aloul lhe one vho vishes lo
conpiehend hin. Il cane lo one of lhe aeons lhal he shouId allenpl lo giasp lhe
inconpiehensiliIily and give gIoiy lo il and especiaIIy lo lhe ineffaliIily of lhe Ialhei. Since he is
a Logos of lhe unily, he is one, lhough he is nol fion lhe agieenenl of lhe TolaIilies, noi fion hin
vho lioughl lhen foilh, naneIy, lhe one vho lioughl foilh lhe TolaIily, lhe Ialhei.
This aeon vas anong lhose lo vhon vas given visdon, so lhal he couId lecone pie-exislenl in
each one's lhoughl. y lhal vhich he viIIs, viII lhey le pioduced. Theiefoie, he ieceived a vise
naluie in oidei lo exanine lhe hidden lasis, since he is a vise fiuil, foi, lhe fiee viII vhich vas
legollen vilh lhe TolaIilies vas a cause foi lhis one, such as lo nake hin do vhal he desiied,
vilh no one lo iesliain hin.
The inlenl, lhen, of lhe Logos, vho is lhis one, vas good. When he had cone foilh, he gave gIoiy
lo lhe Ialhei, even if il Ied lo sonelhing leyond possiliIily, since he had vanled lo liing foilh
one vho is peifecl, fion an agieenenl in vhich he had nol leen, and vilhoul having lhe
This aeon vas Iasl lo have <leen> lioughl foilh ly nuluaI assislance, and he vas snaII in
nagnilude. And lefoie he legol anylhing eIse foi lhe gIoiy of lhe viII and in agieenenl vilh lhe
TolaIilies, he acled, nagnaninousIy, fion an alundanl Iove, and sel oul lovaid lhal vhich
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suiiounds lhe peifecl gIoiy, foi il vas nol vilhoul lhe viII of lhe Ialhei lhal lhe Logos vas
pioduced, vhich is lo say, nol vilhoul il viII he go foilh. ul he, lhe Ialhei, had lioughl hin
foilh foi lhose aloul vhon he knev lhal il vas filling lhal lhey shouId cone inlo leing.
The Ialhei and lhe TolaIilies diev avay fion hin, so lhal lhe Iinil vhich lhe Ialhei had sel
nighl le eslalIished - foi il is nol fion giasping lhe inconpiehensiliIily lul ly lhe viII of lhe
Ialhei, - and fuilheinoie, (lhey vilhdiev) so lhal lhe lhings vhich have cone lo le nighl
lecone an oiganizalion vhich vouId cone inlo leing. If il veie lo cone, il vouId nol cone inlo
leing ly lhe nanifeslalion of lhe IIeiona. Theiefoie, il is nol filling lo ciilicize lhe novenenl
vhich is lhe Logos, lul il is filling lhal ve shouId say aloul lhe novenenl of lhe Logos lhal il is a
cause of an oiganizalion vhich has leen deslined lo cone aloul.
The Logos hinseIf caused il lo happen, leing conpIele and unilaiy, foi lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei,
vhon he desiied, and (he did so) leing conlenl vilh il, lul lhose vhon he vished lo lake hoId of
fiinIy he legol in shadovs and copies and Iikenesses. Ioi, he vas nol alIe lo leai lhe sighl of lhe
Iighl, lul he Iooked inlo lhe deplh and he doulled. Oul of lhis lheie vas a division - he lecane
deepIy lioulIed - and a luining avay lecause of his seIf-doull and division, foigelfuIness and
ignoiance of hinseIf and <of lhal> vhich is.
His seIf-exaIlalion and his expeclalion of conpiehending lhe inconpiehensilIe lecane fiin foi
hin and vas in hin. ul lhe sicknesses foIIoved hin vhen he venl leyond hinseIf, having cone
inlo leing fion seIf-doull, naneIy fion lhe facl lhal he did nol <ieach lhe allainnenl of> lhe
gIoiies of lhe Ialhei, lhe one vhose exaIled slalus is anong lhings unIiniled. This one did nol
allain hin, foi he did nol ieceive hin.
The one vhon he hinseIf lioughl foilh as a unilaiy aeon iushed up lo lhal vhich is his and lhis
kin of his in lhe IIeiona alandoned hin vho cane lo le in lhe defecl aIong vilh lhose vho had
cone foilh fion hin in an inaginaiy vay, since lhey aie nol his.
When he vho pioduced hinseIf as peifecl acluaIIy did liing hinseIf foilh, he lecane veak Iike a
fenaIe naluie vhich has alandoned ils viiiIe counleipail.
Iion lhal vhich vas deficienl in ilseIf lheie cane lhose lhings vhich cane inlo leing fion his
lhoughl and his aiiogance, lul fion lhal vhich is peifecl in hin he Iefl il and iaised hinseIf up lo
lhose vho aie his. He vas in lhe IIeiona as a ienenliance foi hin so lhal he vouId le saved
fion his aiiogance.
The one vho ian on high and lhe one vho diev hin lo hinseIf veie nol laiien, lul in liinging
foilh a fiuil in lhe IIeiona, lhey upsel lhose vho veie in lhe defecl.
Like lhe IIeionas aie lhe lhings vhich cane inlo leing fion lhe aiioganl lhoughl, vhich aie lheii
(lhe IIeionas') Iikenesses, copies, shadovs, and phanlasns, Iacking ieason and lhe Iighl, lhese
vhich leIong lo lhe vain lhoughl, since lhey aie nol pioducls of anylhing. Theiefoie, lheii end
viII le Iike lheii leginning: fion lhal vhich did nol exisl (lhey aie) lo ieluin once again lo lhal
vhich viII nol le. Il is lhey, hovevei, ly lhenseIves vho aie giealei, noie poveifuI, and noie
honoied lhan lhe nanes vhich aie given lo lhen, vhich aie lheii shadovs. In lhe nannei of a
iefIeclion aie lhey leaulifuI. Ioi lhe face of lhe copy noinaIIy lakes ils leauly fion lhal of vhich
il is a copy.
They lhoughl of lhenseIves lhal lhey aie leings exisling ly lhenseIves and aie vilhoul a souice,
since lhey do nol see anylhing eIse exisling lefoie lhen. Theiefoie, lhey Iived in disoledience and
acls of ieleIIion, vilhoul having hunlIed lhenseIves lefoie lhe one lecause of vhon lhey cane
inlo leing.
They vanled lo connand one anolhei, oveiconing one anolhei in lheii vain anlilion, vhiIe lhe
gIoiy vhich lhey possess conlains a cause of lhe syslen vhich vas lo le.
They aie Iikenesses of lhe lhings vhich aie exaIled. They veie lioughl lo a Iusl foi povei in each
one of lhen, accoiding lo lhe giealness of lhe nane of vhich each is a shadov, each one
inagining lhal il is supeiioi lo his feIIovs.
The lhoughl of lhese olheis vas nol laiien, lul jusl Iike <lhose> of vhich lhey aie shadovs, aII
lhal lhey lhoughl aloul lhey have as polenliaI sons, lhose of vhon lhey lhoughl lhey had as
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offspiing. Theiefoie, il happened lhal nany offspiing cane foilh fion lhen, as fighleis, as
vaiiiois, as lioulIenakeis, as aposlales. They aie disoledienl leings, Ioveis of povei. AII lhe
olhei leings of lhis soil veie lioughl foilh fion lhese.
_M !"# X=;N#.B+=; =@ <"# ,='=B
The Logos vas a cause of lhose vho cane inlo leing and he conlinued aII lhe noie lo le al a Ioss
and he vas aslonished. Inslead of peifeclion, he sav a defecl, inslead of unificalion, he sav
division, inslead of slaliIily, he sav disluilances, inslead of iesls, lunuIls. Neilhei vas il possilIe
foi hin lo nake lhen cease fion Ioving disluilance, noi vas il possilIe foi hin lo deslioy il. He
vas conpIeleIy poveiIess, once his lolaIily and his exaIlalion alandoned hin.
Those vho had cone inlo leing nol knoving lhenseIves lolh did nol knov lhe IIeionas fion
vhich lhey cane foilh and did nol knov lhe one vho vas lhe cause of lheii exislence.
The Logos, leing in such unslalIe condilions, did nol conlinue lo liing foilh anylhing Iike
enanalions, lhe lhings vhich aie in lhe IIeiona, lhe gIoiies vhich exisl foi lhe honoi of lhe
Ialhei. Ralhei, he lioughl foilh IillIe veakIings, hindeied) ly lhe iIInesses ly vhich he loo vas
hindeied. Il vas lhe Iikeness of lhe disposilion vhich vas a unily, lhal vhich vas lhe cause of lhe
lhings vhich do nol lhenseIves exisl fion lhe fiisl.
UnliI lhe one vho lioughl foilh inlo lhe defecl lhese lhings vhich veie lhus in need, unliI he
judged lhose vho cane inlo leing lecause of hin conliaiy lo ieason - vhich is lhe judgnenl
vhich lecane a condennalion - he sliuggIed againsl lhen unlo desliuclion, lhal is, lhe ones vho
sliuggIed againsl lhe condennalion and vhon lhe vialh puisues, vhiIe il (lhe vialh) accepls
and iedeens (lhen) fion lheii (faIse) opinion and aposlasy, since fion il is lhe conveision vhich
is aIso caIIed "nelanoia." The Logos luined lo anolhei opinion and anolhei lhoughl. Having
luined avay fion eviI, he luined lovaid lhe good lhings. IoIIoving lhe conveision cane lhe
lhoughl of lhe lhings vhich exisl and lhe piayei foi lhe one vho conveiled hinseIf lo lhe good.
The one vho is in lhe IIeiona vas vhal he fiisl piayed lo and ienenleied, lhen (he
ienenleied) his liolheis individuaIIy and (yel) aIvays vilh one anolhei, lhen aII of lhen
logelhei, lul lefoie aII of lhen, lhe Ialhei. The piayei of lhe agieenenl vas a heIp foi hin in his
ovn ieluin and (in lhal of) lhe TolaIily, foi a cause of his ienenleiing lhose vho have exisled
fion lhe fiisl vas his leing ienenleied. This is lhe lhoughl vhich caIIs oul fion afai, liinging
hin lack.
AII his piayei and ienenleiing veie nuneious poveis accoiding lo lhal Iinil. Ioi lheie is
nolhing laiien in his lhoughl.
The poveis veie good and veie giealei lhan lhose of lhe Iikeness. Ioi lhose leIonging lo lhe
Iikeness aIso leIong lo a naluie of faIsehood. Iion an iIIusion of siniIaiily and a lhoughl of
aiiogance has cone aloul lhal vhich lhey lecane. And lhey oiiginale fion lhe lhoughl vhich
fiisl knev lhen.
To vhal do lhe foinei leings peilain` They aie Iike foigelfuIness and heavy sIeep, leing Iike
lhose vho diean lioulIed dieans, lo vhon sIeep cones vhiIe lhey - lhose vho diean - aie
oppiessed. The olheis aie Iike sone ciealuies of Iighl foi hin, Iooking foi lhe iising of lhe sun,
since il happened lhal lhey sav in hin dieans vhich aie liuIy sveel. Il innedialeIy pul a slop lo
lhe enanalions of lhe lhoughl. They did nol any Iongei have lheii sulslance and aIso lhey did nol
have honoi any Iongei.
Though he is nol equaI lo lhose vho pie-exisled, if lhey veie supeiioi lo lhe Iikenesses, il vas he
aIone lhiough vhon lhey veie noie exaIled lhan lhose, foi lhey aie nol fion a good inlenl.
Il vas nol fion lhe sickness vhich cane inlo leing lhal lhey veie pioduced, fion vhich is lhe
good inlenl, lul (fion) lhe one vho soughl aflei lhe pie-exislenl. Once he had piayed, he lolh
iaised hinseIf lo lhe good and soved in lhen a pie-disposilion lo seek and piay lo lhe gIoiious
pie-exislenl one, and he soved in lhen a lhoughl aloul hin and an idea, so lhal lhey shouId
lhink lhal sonelhing giealei lhan lhenseIves exisls piioi lo lhen, aIlhough lhey did nol
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undeisland vhal il vas. egelling hainony and nuluaI Iove lhiough lhal lhoughl, lhey acled in
unily and unaninily, since fion unily and fion unaninily lhey have ieceived lheii veiy leing.
They veie sliongei lhan lhen in lhe Iusl foi povei, foi lhey veie noie honoied lhan lhe fiisl
ones, vho had leen iaised alove lhen. Those had nol hunlIed lhenseIves. They lhoughl aloul
lhenseIves lhal lhey veie leings oiiginaling fion lhenseIves aIone and veie vilhoul a souice.
As lhey lioughl foilh al fiisl accoiding lo lheii ovn liilh, lhe lvo oideis assauIled one anolhei,
fighling foi connand lecause of lheii nannei of leing. As a iesuIl, lhey veie sulneiged in
foices and naluies in accoid vilh lhe condilion of nuluaI assauIl, having Iusl foi povei and aII
olhei lhings of lhis soil. Il is fion lhese lhal lhe vain Iove of gIoiy diavs aII of lhen lo lhe desiie
of lhe Iusl foi povei, vhiIe none of lhen has lhe exaIled lhoughl noi acknovIedges il.
The poveis of lhis lhoughl aie piepaied in lhe voiks of lhe pie-exislenl <ones>, lhose of vhich
lhey aie lhe iepiesenlalions. Ioi lhe oidei of lhose of lhis soil had nuluaI hainony, lul il foughl
againsl lhe oidei of lhose of lhe Iikeness, vhiIe lhe oidei of lhose of lhe Iikeness vages vai
againsl lhe iepiesenlalions and acls againsl il aIone, lecause of ils vialh. Iion lhis il |...j lhen |...j
one anolhei, nany |...j necessily appoinled lhen |...j and nighl pievaiI |...j vas nol a nuIlilude,
|...j and lheii envy and lheii |...j and lheii vialh and vioIence and desiie and pievaiIing ignoiance
pioduce enply nalleis and poveis of vaiious soils, nixed in gieal nunlei vilh one anolhei,
vhiIe lhe nind of lhe Logos, vho vas a cause of lheii legelling, vas open lo a ieveIalion of lhe
hope vhich vouId cone lo hin fion alove.
`M !"# 6)&;&<+=; =@ <"# L&N+=.
The Logos vhich noved had lhe hope and lhe expeclalion of hin vho is exaIled. As foi lhose of
lhe shadov, he sepaialed hinseIf fion lhen in eveiy vay, since lhey fighl againsl hin and aie
nol al aII hunlIe lefoie hin. He vas conlenl vilh lhe leings of lhe lhoughl. And as foi lhe one
vho is sel up in lhis vay and vho is vilhin lhe exaIled loundaiy, ienenleiing lhe one vho is
defeclive, lhe Logos lioughl hin foilh in an invisilIe vay, anong lhose vho cane inlo leing
accoiding lo lhe lhoughl, accoiding lo lhe one vho vas vilh lhen, unliI lhe Iighl shone upon hin
fion alove as a Iifegivei, lhe one vho vas legollen ly lhe lhoughl of liolheiIy Iove of lhe pie-
exislenl IIeionas.
The slunlIing, vhich happened lo lhe aeons of lhe Ialhei of lhe TolaIilies vho did nol suffei, vas
lioughl lo lhen, as if il veie lheii ovn, in a caiefuI and non-naIicious and innenseIy sveel vay.
Il vas lioughl lo lhe TolaIilies so lhal lhey nighl le insliucled aloul lhe defecl ly lhe singIe one,
fion vhon aIone lhey aII ieceived slienglh lo eIininale lhe defecls.
The oidei vhich vas his cane inlo leing fion hin vho ian on high and lhal vhich lioughl ilseIf
foilh fion hin and fion lhe enliie peifeclion. The one vho ian on high lecane foi lhe one vho
vas defeclive an inleicessoi vilh lhe enanalion of lhe aeons vhich had cone inlo leing in accoid
vilh lhe lhings vhich exisl. When he piayed lo lhen, lhey consenled joyousIy and viIIingIy, since
lhey veie in agieenenl, and vilh hainonious consenl, lo aid lhe defeclive one. They galheied
logelhei, asking lhe Ialhei vilh leneficenl inlenl lhal lheie le aid fion alove, fion lhe Ialhei,
foi his gIoiy, since lhe defeclive one couId nol lecone peifecl in any olhei vay, unIess il vas lhe
viII of lhe IIeiona of lhe Ialhei, vhich he had diavn lo hinseIf, ieveaIed, and given lo lhe
defeclive one. Then fion lhe hainony, in a joyous viIIingness vhich had cone inlo leing, lhey
lioughl foilh lhe fiuil, vhich vas a legelling fion lhe hainony, a unily, a possession of lhe
TolaIilies, ieveaIing lhe counlenance of lhe Ialhei, of vhon lhe aeons lhoughl as lhey gave gIoiy
and piayed foi heIp foi lheii liolhei vilh a vish in vhich lhe Ialhei counled hinseIf vilh lhen.
Thus, il vas viIIingIy and gIadIy lhal lhey liing foilh lhe fiuil. And he nade nanifesl lhe
agieenenl of lhe ieveIalion of his union vilh lhen, vhich is his leIoved Son. ul lhe Son in
vhon lhe TolaIilies aie pIeased pul hinseIf on lhen as a gainenl, lhiough vhich he gave
peifeclion lo lhe defeclive one, and gave confiinalion lo lhose vho aie peifecl, lhe one vho is
piopeiIy caIIed "Savioi" and "lhe Redeenei" and "lhe WeII-IIeasing one" and "lhe eIoved," "lhe
one lo vhon piayeis have leen offeied" and "lhe Chiisl" and "lhe Lighl of lhose appoinled," in
accoidance vilh lhe ones fion vhon he vas lioughl foilh, since he has lecone lhe nanes of lhe
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posilions vhich veie given lo hin. Yel, vhal olhei nane nay le appIied lo hin excepl "lhe Son,"
as ve pieviousIy said, since he is lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei, vhon he vanled lhen lo knov`
Nol onIy did lhe aeons geneiale lhe counlenance of lhe Ialhei lo vhon lhey gave piaise, vhich
vas viillen pieviousIy, lul aIso lhey geneialed lheii ovn, foi lhe aeons vho give gIoiy geneialed
lheii counlenance and lheii face. They veie pioduced as an ainy foi hin, as foi a king, since lhe
leings of lhe lhoughl have a poveifuI feIIovship and an inleiningIed hainony. They cane foilh
in a nuIlifaceled foin, in oidei lhal lhe one lo vhon heIp vas lo le given nighl see lhose lo
vhon he had piayed foi heIp. He aIso sees lhe one vho gave il lo hin.
The fiuil of lhe agieenenl vilh hin, of vhich ve pieviousIy spoke, is suljecl lo lhe povei of lhe
TolaIilies. Ioi lhe Ialhei has sel lhe TolaIilies vilhin hin, lolh lhe ones vhich pie-exisl and lhe
ones vhich aie, and lhe ones vhich viII le. He vas capalIe (of doing il). He ieveaIed lhose vhich
he had pIaced vilhin hin. He did nol give lhen, vhen he enliusled lhen lo hin. He diiecled lhe
oiganizalion of lhe univeise accoiding lo lhe aulhoiily vhich vas given hin fion lhe fiisl and
(accoiding lo) lhe povei of lhe lask. Thus, he legan and effecled his ieveIalion.
The one in vhon lhe Ialhei is and lhe one in vhon lhe TolaIilies aie <vas> ciealed lefoie lhe
one vho Iacked sighl. He insliucled hin aloul lhose vho seaiched foi lheii sighl, ly neans of lhe
shining of lhal peifecl Iighl. He fiisl peifecled hin in ineffalIe joy. He peifecled hin foi hinseIf as
a peifecl one and he aIso gave hin vhal is appiopiiale lo each individuaI. Ioi lhis is lhe
deleininalion of lhe fiisl joy. And <he> soved in hin in an invisilIe vay a void vhich is
deslined lo le knovIedge. And he gave hin povei lo sepaiale and casl oul fion hinseIf lhose
vho aie disoledienl lo hin. Thus, he nade hinseIf nanifesl lo hin. ul lo lhose vho cane inlo
leing lecause of hin he ieveaIed a foin suipassing lhen. They acled in a hosliIe vay lovaid one
anolhei. SuddenIy he ieveaIed hinseIf lo lhen, appioaching lhen in lhe foin of Iighlning. And in
pulling an end lo lhe enlangIenenl vhich lhey have vilh one anolhei he slopped il ly lhe sudden
ieveIalion, vhich lhey veie nol infoined aloul, did nol expecl, and did nol knov of. ecause of
lhis, lhey veie afiaid and feII dovn, since lhey veie nol alIe lo leai lhe appeaiance of lhe Iighl
vhich sliuck lhen. The one vho appeaied vas an assauIl foi lhe lvo oideis. }usl as lhe leings of
lhoughl had leen given lhe nane "IillIe one," so lhey have a fainl nolion lhal lhey have lhe exaIled
one, he exisls lefoie lhen, and lhey have sovn vilhin lhen an allilude of anazenenl al lhe
exaIled one vho viII lecone nanifesl. Theiefoie, lhey veIconed his ieveIalion and lhey
voishipped hin. They lecane convinced vilnesses lo <hin>. They acknovIedged lhe Iighl
vhich had cone inlo leing as one sliongei lhan lhose vho foughl againsl lhen. The leings of lhe
Iikeness, hovevei, veie exceedingIy afiaid, since lhey veie nol alIe lo heai aloul hin in lhe
leginning, lhal lheie is a vision of lhis soil. Theiefoie lhey feII dovn lo lhe pil of ignoiance vhich
is caIIed "lhe Oulei Daikness," and "Chaos" and "Hades" and "lhe Alyss." He sel up vhal vas
lenealh lhe oidei of lhe leings of lhoughl, as il vas sliongei lhan lhey. They veie voilhy of
iuIing ovei lhe unspeakalIe daikness, since il is lheiis and is lhe Iol vhich vas assigned lo lhen.
He gianled lhen lhal lhey, loo, shouId le of use foi lhe oiganizalion vhich vas lo cone, lo vhich
he had assigned lhen.
Theie is a gieal diffeience lelveen lhe ieveIalion of lhe one vho cane inlo leing lo lhe one vho
vas defeclive and lo lhose lhings vhich aie lo cone inlo leing lecause of hin. Ioi he ieveaIed
hinseIf lo hin vilhin hin, since he is vilh hin, is a feIIov suffeiei vilh hin, gives hin iesl IillIe
ly IillIe, nakes hin giov, Iifls hin up, gives hinseIf lo hin conpIeleIy foi enjoynenl fion a
vision. ul lo lhose vho faII oulside, he ieveaIed hinseIf quickIy and in a sliiking vay and he
vilhdiev lo hinseIf suddenIy vilhoul having Iel lhen see hin.
aM !"# JD#.=)& =@ <"# ,='=B
When lhe Logos vhich vas defeclive vas iIIunined, his IIeiona legan. He escaped lhose vho
had disluiled hin al fiisl. He lecane unnixed vilh lhen. He sliipped off lhal aiioganl lhoughl.
He ieceived ningIing vilh lhe Resl, vhen lhose vho had leen disoledienl lo hin al fiisl lenl
dovn and hunlIed lhenseIves lefoie hin. And he iejoiced ovei lhe visilalion of his liolheis vho
had visiled hin. He gave gIoiy and piaise lo lhose vho had lecone nanifesl as a heIp lo hin,
vhiIe he gave lhanks, lecause he had escaped lhose vho ievoIled againsl hin, and adniied and
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honoied lhe giealness and lhose vho had appeaied lo hin in a deleinined vay. He geneialed
nanifesl inages of lhe Iiving visages, pIeasing anong lhings vhich aie good, exisling anong lhe
lhings vhich exisl, iesenlIing lhen in leauly, lul unequaI lo lhen in liulh, since lhey aie nol
fion an agieenenl vilh hin, lelveen lhe one vho lioughl lhen foilh and lhe one vho ieveaIed
hinseIf lo hin. ul in visdon and knovIedge he acls, ningIing lhe Logos vilh hin(seIf) enliieIy.
Theiefoie, lhose vhich cane foilh fion hin aie gieal, jusl as lhal vhich is liuIy gieal.
Aflei he vas anazed al lhe leauly of lhe ones vho had appeaied lo hin, he piofessed gialilude
foi lhis visilalion. The Logos peifoined lhis aclivily, lhiough lhose fion vhon he had ieceived
aid, foi lhe slaliIily of lhose vho had cone inlo leing lecause of hin and so lhal lhey nighl
ieceive sonelhing good, since he lhoughl lo piay foi lhe oiganizalion of aII lhose vho cane foilh
fion hin, vhich is slaliIized, so lhal il nighl nake lhen eslalIished. Theiefoie, lhose vhon he
inlenlionaIIy pioduced aie in chaiiols, jusl as lhose vho cane inlo leing, lhose vho have
appeaied, so lhal lhey nighl pass lhiough eveiy pIace of lhings vhich aie leIov, so lhal each one
nighl le given lhe pIace vhich is consliluled as he is. This is desliuclion foi lhe leings of lhe
Iikeness, yel is an acl of leneficence foi lhe leings of lhe lhoughl, a ieveIalion Di||cgrapnq of lhose
vho aie fion lhe oidinance, vhich vas a unily vhiIe suffeiing, vhiIe lhey aie seeds, vhich have
nol cone lo le ly lhenseIves.
The one vho appeaied vas a counlenance of lhe Ialhei and of lhe hainony. He vas a gainenl
(conposed) of eveiy giace, and food vhich is foi lhose vhon lhe Logos lioughl foilh vhiIe
piaying and giving gIoiy and honoi. This is lhe one vhon he gIoiified and honoied vhiIe Iooking
lo lhose lo vhon he piayed, so lhal he nighl peifecl lhen lhiough lhe inages vhich he had
lioughl foilh.
The Logos added even noie lo lheii nuluaI assislance and lo lhe hope of lhe pionise, since lhey
have joy and alundanl iesl and undefiIed pIeasuies. He geneialed lhose vhon he ienenleied al
fiisl, vhen lhey veie nol vilh hin, (he geneialed lhen) having lhe peifeclion. Di||cgrapnq Nov,
vhiIe he vho leIongs lo lhe vision is vilh hin, he exisls in hope and failh in lhe peifecl Ialhei, as
nuch as lhe TolaIilies. He appeais lo hin lefoie he ningIes vilh hin, in oidei lhal lhe lhings
vhich have cone inlo leing nighl nol peiish ly Iooking upon lhe Iighl, foi lhey cannol accepl lhe
gieal, exaIled slaluie.
The lhoughl of lhe Logos, vho had ieluined lo his slaliIily and iuIed ovei lhose vho had cone
inlo leing lecause of hin, vas caIIed "Aeon" and "IIace" of aII lhose vhon he had lioughl foilh
in accoid vilh lhe oidinance, and il is aIso caIIed "Synagogue of SaIvalion," lecause he heaIed hin
(seIf) fion lhe dispeisaI, vhich is lhe nuIlifaiious lhoughl, and ieluined lo lhe singIe lhoughl.
SiniIaiIy, il is caIIed "Sloiehouse," lecause of lhe iesl vhich he ollained, giving (il) lo hinseIf
aIone. And il is aIso caIIed "iide," lecause of lhe joy of lhe one vho gave hinseIf lo hin in lhe
hope of fiuil fion lhe union, and vho appeaied lo hin. Il is aIso caIIed "Kingdon," lecause of lhe
slaliIily vhich he ieceived, vhiIe he iejoices al lhe doninalion ovei lhose vho foughl hin. And il
is caIIed "lhe }oy of lhe Loid," lecause of lhe gIadness in vhich he cIolhed hinseIf. Wilh hin is lhe
Iighl, giving hin ieconpense foi lhe good lhings vhich aie in hin, and (vilh hin is) lhe lhoughl
of fieedon.
The aeon of vhich ve pieviousIy spoke is alove lhe lvo oideis of lhose vho fighl againsl one
anolhei. Il is nol a conpanion of lhose vho hoId doninion and is nol inpIicaled in lhe iIInesses
and veaknesses, lhings leIonging lo lhe lhoughl and lo lhe Iikeness.
Thal in vhich lhe Logos sel hinseIf, peifecl in joy, vas an aeon, having lhe foin of nallei, lul
aIso having lhe conslilulion of lhe cause, vhich is lhe one vho ieveaIed hinseIf. (The aeon vas)
an inage of lhose lhings vhich aie in lhe IIeiona, lhose lhings vhich cane inlo leing fion lhe
alundance of lhe enjoynenl of lhe one vho exisls joyousIy. Moieovei, lhe counlenance of lhe one
vho ieveaIed hinseIf, vas in lhe sinceiily and lhe allenliveness and lhe pionise conceining lhe
lhings foi vhich he asked. Il had lhe designalion of lhe Son and his essence and his povei and his
foin, vho is lhe one vhon he Ioved and in vhon he vas pIeased, vho vas enliealed in a Ioving
vay. Il vas Iighl and vas a desiie lo le eslalIished and an openness foi insliuclion and an eye foi
vision, quaIilies vhich il had fion lhe exaIled ones. Il vas aIso visdon foi his lhinking in
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opposilion lo lhe lhings lenealh lhe oiganizalion. Il vas aIso a void foi speaking and lhe
peifeclion of lhe lhings of lhis soil. And il is lhese vho look foin vilh hin, lul accoiding lo lhe
inage of lhe IIeiona, having lheii falheis vho aie lhe ones vho gave lhen Iife, each one leing a
copy of each one of lhe faces, vhich aie foins of naIeness, since lhey aie nol fion lhe iIIness
vhich is fenaIeness, lul aie fion lhis one vho aIieady has Iefl lehind lhe sickness. Il has lhe
nane "lhe Chuich," foi in hainony lhey iesenlIe lhe hainony in lhe assenlIy of lhose vho have
ieveaIed lhenseIves.
Thal vhich cane inlo leing in lhe inage of lhe Iighl, il loo is peifecl, inasnuch as il is an inage of
lhe one exisling Iighl, vhich is lhe TolaIilies. Lven if il vas infeiioi lo lhe one of vhon il is an
inage, neveilheIess il has ils indivisiliIily, lecause il is a counlenance of lhe indivisilIe Iighl.
Those, hovevei, vho cane inlo leing in lhe inage of each one of lhe aeons, lhey in essence aie in
lhe one vhon ve pieviousIy nenlioned, lul in povei lhey aie nol equaI, lecause il (lhe povei) is
in each of lhen. In lhis ningIing vilh one anolhei lhey have equaIily, lul each one has nol casl off
vhal is pecuIiai lo ilseIf. Theiefoie, lhey aie passions, foi passion is sickness, since lhey aie
pioduclions nol of lhe agieenenl of lhe IIeiona, lul of lhis one, pienaluieIy, lefoie he ieceived
lhe Ialhei. Hence, lhe agieenenl vilh his TolaIily and viII vas sonelhing leneficiaI foi lhe
oiganizalion vhich vas lo cone. Il vas gianled lhen lo pass lhiough lhe pIaces vhich aie leIov,
since lhe pIaces aie unalIe lo acconnodale lheii sudden, hasly coning, unIess (lhey cone)
individuaIIy, one ly one. Theii coning is necessaiy, since ly lhen viII eveiylhing le peifecled.
In shoil, lhe Logos ieceived lhe vision of aII lhings, lhose vhich pie-exisl, and lhose vhich aie
nov, and lhose vhich viII le, since he has leen enliusled vilh lhe oiganizalion of aII lhal vhich
exisls. Sone lhings aie aIieady in lhings vhich aie fil foi coning inlo leing, lul lhe seeds vhich
aie lo le he has vilhin hinseIf, lecause of lhe pionise vhich leIonged lo lhal vhich he
conceived, as sonelhing leIonging lo seeds vhich aie lo le. And he pioduced his offspiing, lhal
is, lhe ieveIalion of lhal vhich he conceived. Ioi a vhiIe, hovevei, lhe seed of pionise is guaided,
so lhal lhose vho have leen appoinled foi a nission nighl le appoinled ly lhe coning of lhe
Savioi and of lhose vho aie vilh hin, lhe ones vho aie fiisl in knovIedge and gIoiy of lhe Ialhei.
YbM !"# 2.'&;+c&<+=;
Il is filling, fion lhe piayei vhich he nade and lhe conveision vhich occuiied lecause of il, lhal
sone shouId peiish, vhiIe olheis lenefil, and sliII olheis le sel apail. He fiisl piepaied lhe
punishnenl of lhose vho aie disoledienl, naking use of a povei of lhe one vho appeaied, lhe
one fion vhon he ieceived aulhoiily ovei aII lhings, so as lo le sepaiale fion hin. He is lhe one
vho is leIov, and he aIso keeps hinseIf apail fion lhal vhich is exaIled, unliI he piepaies lhe
oiganizalion of aII lhose lhings vhich aie exleinaI, and gives lo each lhe pIace vhich is assigned
lo il.
The Logos eslalIished hin(seIf) al fiisl, vhen he leaulified lhe TolaIilies, as a lasic piincipIe and
cause and iuIei of lhe lhings vhich cane lo le, Iike lhe Ialhei, lhe one vho vas lhe cause of lhe
eslalIishnenl, vhich vas lhe fiisl lo exisl aflei hin. He ciealed lhe pie-exislenl inages, vhich he
lioughl foilh in lhanks and gIoiificalion. Then he leaulified lhe pIace of lhose vhon he had
lioughl foilh in gIoiy, vhich is caIIed "Iaiadise" and "lhe Lnjoynenl" and "lhe }oy fuII of
suslenance" and "lhe }oy," vhich pie-exisl. And of eveiy goodness vhich exisls in lhe IIeiona, il
pieseives lhe inage. Then he leaulified lhe kingdon, Iike a cily fiIIed vilh eveiylhing pIeasing,
vhich is liolheiIy Iove and lhe gieal geneiosily, vhich is fiIIed vilh lhe hoIy spiiils and lhe
nighly poveis vhich govein lhen, vhich lhe Logos pioduced and eslalIished in povei. Then
(he leaulified) lhe pIace of lhe Chuich vhich assenlIes in lhis pIace, having lhe foin of lhe
Chuich vhich exisls in lhe aeons, vhich gIoiifies lhe Ialhei. Aflei lhese (he leaulified) lhe pIace
of lhe failh and oledience (vhich aiises) fion hope, vhich lhings lhe Logos ieceived vhen lhe
Iighl appeaied, lhen (he leaulified lhe pIace of) lhe disposilion, vhich is piayei and suppIicalion,
vhich veie foIIoved ly foigiveness and lhe void conceining lhe one vho vouId appeai.
AII lhe spiiiluaI pIaces aie in spiiiluaI povei. They aie sepaiale fion lhe leings of lhe lhoughl,
since lhe povei is eslalIished in an inage, vhich is lhal vhich sepaiales lhe IIeiona fion lhe
Logos, vhiIe lhe povei vhich is aclive in piophesying aloul lhe lhings vhich viII le, diiecls lhe
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leings of lhe lhoughl vhich have cone inlo leing lovaid lhal vhich is pie-exislenl, and il does
nol peinil lhen lo nix vilh lhe lhings vhich have cone inlo leing lhiough a vision of lhe lhings
vhich aie vilh hin.
The leings of lhe lhoughl vhich is oulside aie hunlIe, lhey pieseive lhe iepiesenlalion of lhe
pIeionalic, especiaIIy lecause of lhe shaiing in lhe nanes ly vhich lhey aie leaulifuI.
The conveision is hunlIe lovaid lhe leings of lhe lhoughl, and lhe Iav, loo, is hunlIe lovaid
lhen, (lhe Iav) of lhe judgnenl, vhich is lhe condennalion and lhe vialh. AIso hunlIe lovaid
lhen is lhe povei vhich sepaiales lhose vho faII leIov lhen, sends lhen fai off and does nol
aIIov lhen lo spiead oul ovei lhe leings of lhe lhoughl and lhe conveision, vhich (povei)
consisls in feai and peipIexily and foigelfuIness and aslonishnenl and ignoiance and lhe lhings
vhich have cone inlo leing in lhe nannei of a Iikeness, lhiough fanlasy. And lhese lhings, loo,
vhich veie in facl IovIy, aie given lhe exaIled nanes. Theie is no knovIedge foi lhose vho have
cone foilh fion lhen vilh aiiogance and Iusl foi povei and disoledience and faIsehood.
To each one he gave a nane, since lhe lvo oideis aie in a nane. Those leIonging lo lhe lhoughl
and lhose of lhe iepiesenlalion aie caIIed "lhe Righl Ones" and "Isychic" and "lhe Iieiy Ones" and
"lhe MiddIe Ones." Those vho leIong lo lhe aiioganl lhoughl and lhose of lhe Iikeness aie caIIed
"lhe Lefl", "HyIic", "lhe Daik Ones," and "lhe Lasl."
Aflei lhe Logos eslalIished each one in his oidei, lolh lhe inages and lhe iepiesenlalions and lhe
Iikenesses, he kepl lhe aeon of lhe inages puie fion aII lhose vho fighl againsl il, since il is a
pIace of joy. Hovevei, lo lhose of lhe lhoughl he ieveaIed lhe lhoughl vhich he had sliipped fion
hinseIf, desiiing lo diav lhen inlo a naleiiaI union, foi lhe sake of lheii syslen and dveIIing
pIace, and in oidei lhal lhey nighl aIso liing foilh an inpuIse foi dininulion fion lheii alliaclion
lo eviI, so lhal lhey nighl nol any noie iejoice in lhe gIoiy of lheii enviionnenl and le dissoIved,
lul nighl ialhei see lheii sickness in vhich lhey suffei, so lhal lhey nighl legel Iove and
conlinuous seaiching aflei lhe one vho is alIe lo heaI lhen of lhe infeiioiily. AIso ovei lhose vho
leIong lo lhe Iikeness, he sel lhe void of leauly, so lhal he nighl liing lhen inlo a foin. He aIso
sel ovei lhen lhe Iav of judgnenl. Again, he sel ovei lhen lhe poveis vhich lhe iools had
pioduced in lheii Iusl foi povei. He appoinled lhen as iuIeis ovei lhen, so lhal, eilhei ly lhe
suppoil of lhe void vhich is leaulifuI, oi ly lhe lhieal of lhe Iav, oi ly lhe povei of Iusl foi
povei, lhe oidei nighl le pieseived fion lhose vho have ieduced il lo eviI, vhiIe lhe Logos is
pIeased vilh lhen, since lhey aie usefuI foi lhe oiganizalion.
The Logos knovs lhe agieenenl in lhe Iusl foi povei of lhe lvo oideis. To lhese and lo aII lhe
olheis, he giaciousIy gianled lheii desiie. He gave lo each one lhe appiopiiale iank, and il vas
oideied lhal each one le a iuIei ovei a pIace and an aclivily. He yieIds lo lhe pIace of lhe one noie
exaIled lhan hinseIf, in oidei lo connand lhe olhei pIaces in an aclivily vhich is in lhe aIIolled
aclivily vhich faIIs lo hin lo have conlioI ovei lecause of his node of leing. As a iesuIl, lheie aie
connandeis and suloidinales in posilions of doninalion and suljeclion anong lhe angeIs and
aichangeIs, vhiIe lhe aclivilies aie of vaiious lypes and aie diffeienl. Lach one of lhe aichons vilh
his iace and his peiquisiles lo vhich his Iol has cIain, jusl as lhey appeaied, each vas on guaid,
since lhey have leen enliusled vilh lhe oiganizalion and none Iacks a connand and none is
vilhoul kingship fion lhe end of lhe heavens lo lhe end of lhe eailh, even lo lhe foundalions of
lhe eailh, and lo lhe pIaces lenealh lhe eailh. Theie aie kings, lheie aie Ioids and lhose vho give
connands, sone foi adninisleiing punishnenl, olheis foi adninisleiing juslice, sliII olheis foi
giving iesl and heaIing, olheis foi leaching, olheis foi guaiding.
Ovei aII lhe aichons he appoinled an Aichon vilh no one connanding hin. He is lhe Ioid of aII
of lhen, lhal is, lhe counlenance vhich lhe Logos lioughl foilh in his lhoughl as a iepiesenlalion
of lhe Ialhei of lhe TolaIilies. Theiefoie, he is adoined vilh eveiy <nane> vhich <is> a
iepiesenlalion of hin, since he is chaiacleiized ly eveiy piopeily and gIoiious quaIily. Ioi he loo
is caIIed "falhei" and god" and "deniuige" and "king" and "judge" and "pIace" and "dveIIing" and
The Logos uses hin as a hand, lo leaulify and voik on lhe lhings leIov, and he uses hin as a
noulh, lo say lhe lhings vhich viII le piophesied.
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The lhings vhich he has spoken he does. When he sav lhal lhey veie gieal and good and
vondeifuI, he vas pIeased and iejoiced, as if he hinseIf in his ovn lhoughl had leen lhe one lo
say lhen and do lhen, nol knoving lhal lhe novenenl vilhin hin is fion lhe spiiil vho noves
hin in a deleinined vay lovaid lhose lhings vhich he vanls.
In iegaid lo lhe lhings vhich cane inlo leing fion hin, he spoke of lhen, and lhey cane inlo
leing as a iepiesenlalion of lhe spiiiluaI pIaces vhich ve nenlioned pieviousIy in lhe discussion
aloul lhe inages.
Nol onIy <did> he voik, lul aIso, as lhe one vho is appoinled as falhei of his oiganizalion, he
engendeied ly hinseIf and ly lhe seeds, yel aIso ly lhe spiiil vhich is eIecl and vhich viII
descend lhiough hin lo lhe pIaces vhich aie leIov. Nol onIy does he speak spiiiluaI voids of his
ovn, <lul> in an invisilIe vay, (he speaks) lhiough lhe spiiil vhich caIIs oul and legels lhings
giealei lhan his ovn essence.
Since in his essence he is a "god" and "falhei" and aII lhe iesl of lhe honoiific lilIes, he vas
lhinking lhal lhey veie eIenenls of his ovn essence. He eslalIished a iesl foi lhose vho oley
hin, lul foi lhose vho disoley hin, he aIso eslalIished punishnenls. Wilh hin, loo, lheie is a
paiadise and a kingdon and eveiylhing eIse vhich exisls in lhe aeon vhich exisls lefoie hin.
They aie noie vaIualIe lhan lhe inpiinls, lecause of lhe lhoughl vhich is connecled vilh lhen,
vhich is Iike a shadov and a gainenl, so lo speak, lecause he does nol see in vhal vay lhe lhings
vhich exisl acluaIIy do exisl.
He eslalIished voikeis and seivanls, assisling in vhal he viII do and vhal he viII say, foi in
eveiy pIace vheie he voiked he Iefl his counlenance in his leaulifuI nane, effecling and speaking
of lhe lhings vhich he lhinks aloul.
He eslalIished in his pIace inages of lhe Iighl vhich appeaied and of lhose lhings vhich aie
spiiiluaI, lhough lhey veie of his ovn essence. Ioi, lhus lhey veie honoied in eveiy pIace ly hin,
leing puie, fion lhe counlenance of lhe one vho appoinled lhen, and lhey veie eslalIished:
paiadises and kingdons and iesls and pionises and nuIliludes of seivanls of his viII, and
lhough lhey aie Ioids of doninions, lhey aie sel lenealh lhe one vho is Ioid, lhe one vho
appoinled lhen.
Aflei he Iislened lo hin in lhis vay, piopeiIy, aloul lhe Iighls, vhich aie lhe souice and lhe
syslen, he sel lhen ovei lhe leauly of lhe lhings leIov. The invisilIe spiiil noved hin in lhis
vay, so lhal he vouId vish lo adninislei lhiough his ovn seivanl, vhon he loo used, as a hand
and as a noulh and as if he veie his face, (and his seivanl is) lhe lhings vhich he liings, oidei
and lhieal and feai, in oidei lhal lhose vilh vhon he has done vhal is ignoianl nighl despise lhe
oidei vhich vas given foi lhen lo keep, since lhey aie felleied in lhe londs of lhe aichons, vhich
aie on lhen secuieIy.
The vhoIe eslalIishnenl of nallei is divided inlo lhiee. The sliong poveis vhich lhe spiiiluaI
Logos lioughl foilh fion fanlasy and aiiogance, he eslalIished in lhe fiisl spiiiluaI iank. Then
lhose (poveis) vhich lhese pioduced ly lheii Iusl foi povei, he sel in lhe niddIe aiea, since lhey
aie poveis of anlilion, so lhal lhey nighl exeicise doninion and give connands vilh
conpuIsion and foice lo lhe eslalIishnenl vhich is lenealh lhen. Those vhich cane inlo leing
lhiough envy and jeaIousy, and aII lhe olhei offspiing fion disposilions of lhis soil, he sel in a
seiviIe oidei conlioIIing lhe exlienilies, connanding aII lhose vhich exisl and aII (lhe ieaIn of)
geneialion, fion vhon cone iapidIy deslioying iIInesses, vho eageiIy desiie legelling, vho aie
sonelhing in lhe pIace vheie lhey aie fion and lo vhich lhey viII ieluin. And lheiefoie, he
appoinled ovei lhen aulhoiilalive poveis, acling conlinuousIy on nallei, in oidei lhal lhe
offspiing of lhose vhich exisl nighl aIso exisl conlinuousIy. Ioi lhis is lheii gIoiy.
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YYM !"# X.#&<+=; =@ :&<#.+&D (>)&;+</
The nallei vhich fIovs lhiough ils foin (is) a cause ly vhich lhe invisiliIily vhich exisls
lhiough lhe poveis |...j foi lhen aII, foi |...j, as lhey legel lefoie lhen and deslioy.
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The lhoughl vhich is sel lelveen lhose of lhe iighl and lhose of lhe Iefl is a povei of legelling.
AII lhose vhich lhe fiisl ones viII vish lo nake, so lo speak, a piojeclion of lheiis, Iike a shadov
casl fion and foIIoving a lody, lhose lhings vhich aie lhe iools of lhe visilIe ciealions, naneIy,
lhe enliie piepaialion of lhe adoinnenl of lhe inages and iepiesenlalions and Iikenesses, have
cone inlo leing lecause of lhose vho need educalion and leaching and foinalion, so lhal lhe
snaIIness nighl giov, IillIe ly IillIe, as lhiough a niiioi inage. Ioi il vas foi lhis ieason lhal he
ciealed nankind al lhe end, having fiisl piepaied and piovided foi hin lhe lhings vhich he had
ciealed foi his sake.
Like lhal of aII eIse is lhe ciealion of nankind as veII. The spiiiluaI Logos noved hin invisilIy, as
he peifecled hin lhiough lhe Deniuige and his angeIic seivanls, vho shaied in lhe acl of
fashioning in nuIliludes, vhen he look counseI vilh his aichons. Like a shadov is eailhIy nan, so
lhal he nighl le Iike lhose vho aie cul off fion lhe TolaIilies. AIso he is sonelhing piepaied ly
aII of lhen, lhose of lhe iighl and lhose of lhe Iefl, since each one in lhe oideis gives a foin lo lhe
|...j in vhich il exisls.
The |...j vhich lhe Logos vho vas defeclive lioughl foilh, vho vas in lhe sickness, did nol
iesenlIe hin, lecause he lioughl il foilh foigelfuIIy, ignoianlIy, and defecliveIy, and in aII lhe
olhei veak vays, aIlhough lhe Logos gave lhe fiisl foin lhiough lhe Deniuige oul of ignoiance,
so lhal he vouId Ieain lhal lhe exaIled one exisls, and vouId knov lhal he needs hin. This is
vhal lhe piophel caIIed "Living Spiiil" and "iealh of lhe exaIled aeons" and "lhe InvisilIe," and
lhis is lhe Iiving souI vhich has given Iife lo lhe povei vhich vas dead al fiisl. Ioi lhal vhich is
dead is ignoiance.
Il is filling lhal ve expIain aloul lhe souI of lhe fiisl hunan leing, lhal il is fion lhe spiiiluaI
Logos, vhiIe lhe ciealoi lhinks lhal il is his, since il is fion hin, as fion a noulh lhiough vhich
one liealhes. The ciealoi aIso senl dovn souIs fion his sulslance, since he, loo, has a povei of
piociealion, lecause he is sonelhing vhich has cone inlo leing fion lhe iepiesenlalion of lhe
Ialhei. AIso lhose of lhe Iefl lioughl foilh, as il veie, nen of lheii ovn, since lhey have lhe
Iikeness of <leing>.
The spiiiluaI sulslance is a singIe lhing and a singIe iepiesenlalion, and ils veakness is lhe
deleininalion in nany foins. As foi lhe sulslance of lhe psychics, ils deleininalion is doulIe,
since il has lhe knovIedge and lhe confession of lhe exaIled one, and il is nol incIined lo eviI,
lecause of lhe incIinalion of lhe lhoughl. As foi lhe naleiiaI sulslance, ils vay is diffeienl and in
nany foins, and il vas a veakness vhich exisled in nany lypes of incIinalion.
The fiisl hunan leing is a nixed foinalion, and a nixed ciealion, and a deposil of lhose of lhe
Iefl and lhose of lhe iighl, and a spiiiluaI void vhose allenlion is divided lelveen each of lhe
lvo sulslances fion vhich he lakes his leing. Theiefoie, il is said lhal a paiadise vas pIanled foi
hin, so lhal he nighl eal of lhe food of lhiee kinds of liee, since il is a gaiden of lhe lhieefoId
oidei, and since il is lhal vhich gives enjoynenl.
The nolIe eIecl sulslance vhich is in hin vas noie exaIled. Il ciealed and il did nol vound lhen.
Theiefoie lhey issued a connand, naking a lhieal and liinging upon hin a gieal dangei, vhich
is dealh. OnIy lhe enjoynenl of lhe lhings vhich aie eviI did he aIIov hin lo lasle, and fion lhe
olhei liee vilh lhe doulIe (fiuil) he did nol aIIov hin lo eal, nuch Iess fion lhe liee of Iife, so
lhal lhey vouId nol acquiie honoi |...j lhen, and so lhal lhey vouId nol le |...j ly lhe eviI povei
vhich is caIIed "lhe seipenl." And he is noie cunning lhan aII lhe eviI poveis. He Ied nan asliay
lhiough lhe deleininalion of lhose lhings vhich leIong lo lhe lhoughl and lhe desiies. <He>
nade hin liansgiess lhe connand, so lhal he vouId die. And he vas expeIIed fion eveiy
enjoynenl of lhal pIace.
This is lhe expuIsion vhich vas nade foi hin, vhen he vas expeIIed fion lhe enjoynenls of lhe
lhings vhich leIong lo lhe Iikeness and lhose of lhe iepiesenlalion. Il vas a voik of piovidence,
so lhal il nighl le found lhal il is a shoil line unliI nan viII ieceive lhe enjoynenl of lhe lhings
vhich aie eleinaIIy good, in vhich is lhe pIace of iesl. This lhe spiiil oidained vhen he fiisl
pIanned lhal nan shouId expeiience lhe gieal eviI, vhich is dealh, lhal is conpIele ignoiance of
lhe TolaIily, and lhal he shouId expeiience aII lhe eviIs vhich cone fion lhis and, aflei lhe
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depiivalions and caies vhich aie in lhese, lhal he shouId ieceive of lhe giealesl good, vhich is Iife
eleinaI, lhal is, fiin knovIedge of lhe TolaIilies and lhe ieceplion of aII good lhings. ecause of
lhe liansgiession of lhe fiisl nan, dealh iuIed. Il vas accusloned lo sIay eveiy nan in lhe
nanifeslalion of ils doninalion, vhich had leen given il as a kingdon lecause of lhe oiganizalion
of lhe Ialhei's viII, of vhich ve spoke pieviousIy.
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YZM !"# d&.+#</ =@ !"#=D='+#B
If lolh lhe oideis, lhose on lhe iighl and lhose on lhe Iefl, aie lioughl logelhei vilh one anolhei
ly lhe lhoughl vhich is sel lelveen lhen, vhich gives lhen lheii oiganizalion vilh each olhei, il
happens lhal lhey lolh acl vilh lhe sane enuIalion of lheii deeds, vilh lhose of lhe iighl
iesenlIing lhose of lhe Iefl, and lhose of lhe Iefl iesenlIing lhose of lhe iighl. And if al lines lhe
eviI oidei legins lo do eviI in a fooIish vay, lhe <vise> oidei enuIales, in lhe foin of a nan of
vioIence, aIso doing vhal is eviI, as if il veie a povei of a nan of vioIence. Al olhei lines lhe
fooIish oidei allenpls lo do good, naking ilseIf Iike il, since lhe hidden oidei, loo, is zeaIous lo do
il. }usl as il is in lhe lhings vhich aie eslalIished, so (il is) in lhe lhings vhich have cone lo le.
Since lhey liing lhings unIike one anolhei, lhose vho veie nol insliucled veie unalIe lo knov
lhe cause of lhe lhings vhich exisl. Theiefoie, lhey have inlioduced olhei lypes (of expIanalion),
sone saying lhal il is accoiding lo piovidence lhal lhe lhings vhich exisl have lheii leing. These
aie lhe peopIe vho olseive lhe slaliIily and lhe confoinily of lhe novenenl of ciealion. Olheis
say lhal il is sonelhing aIien. These aie peopIe vho olseive lhe diveisily and lhe IavIessness and
lhe eviI of lhe poveis. Olheis say lhal lhe lhings vhich exisl aie vhal is deslined lo happen.
These aie lhe peopIe vho veie occupied vilh lhis nallei. Olheis say lhal il is sonelhing in
accoidance vilh naluie. Olheis say lhal il is a seIf-exislenl. The najoiily, hovevei, aII vho have
ieached as fai as lhe visilIe eIenenls, do nol knov anylhing noie lhan lhen.
Those vho veie vise anong lhe Cieeks and lhe lailaiians have advanced lo lhe poveis vhich
have cone inlo leing ly vay of inaginalion and vain lhoughl. Those vho have cone fion lhese,
in accoid vilh lhe nuluaI confIicl and ieleIIious nannei aclive in lhen, aIso spoke in a IikeIy,
aiioganl and inaginaiy vay conceining lhe lhings vhich lhey lhoughl of as visdon, aIlhough
lhe Iikeness deceived lhen, since lhey lhoughl lhal lhey had allained lhe liulh, vhen lhey had
(onIy) allained eiioi. (They did so) nol sinpIy in ninoi appeIIalions, lul lhe poveis lhenseIves
seen lo hindei lhen, as if lhey veie lhe TolaIily. Theiefoie, lhe oidei vas caughl up in fighling
ilseIf aIone, lecause of lhe aiioganl hosliIily of one of lhe offspiing of lhe aichon vho is supeiioi,
vho exisls lefoie hin. Theiefoie, nolhing vas in agieenenl vilh ils feIIovs, nolhing, neilhei
phiIosophy noi lypes of nedicine noi lypes of iheloiic noi lypes of nusic noi lypes of Iogic, lul
lhey aie opinions and lheoiies. IneffaliIily heId svay in confusion, lecause of lhe indesciilalIe
quaIily of lhose vho hoId svay, vho give lhen lhoughls.
Nov, as foi lhe lhings vhich cane foilh fion lhe <iace> of lhe Helievs, lhings vhich aie viillen
ly lhe hyIics vho speak in lhe fashion of lhe Cieeks, lhe poveis of lhose vho lhink aloul aII of
lhen, so lo speak, lhe "iighl ones," lhe poveis vhich nove lhen aII lo lhink of voids and a
iepiesenlalion, lhey <lioughl> lhen, and lhey giasped so as lo allain lhe liulh and used lhe
confused poveis vhich acl in lhen. Afleivaids lhey allained lo lhe oidei of lhe unnixed ones,
lhe one vhich is eslalIished, lhe unily vhich exisls as a iepiesenlalion of lhe iepiesenlalion of lhe
Ialhei. Il is nol invisilIe in ils naluie, lul a visdon enveIops il, so lhal il nighl pieseive lhe foin
of lhe liuIy invisilIe one. Theiefoie, nany angeIs have nol leen alIe lo see il. AIso, olhei nen of
lhe Heliev iace, of vhon ve aIieady spoke, naneIy lhe iighleous ones and lhe piophels, did nol
lhink of anylhing and did nol say anylhing fion inaginalion oi lhiough a Iikeness oi fion
esoleiic lhinking, lul each one ly lhe povei vhich vas al voik in hin, and vhiIe Iislening lo lhe
lhings vhich he sav and heaid, spoke of lhen in |...j. They have a unified hainony vilh one
anolhei aflei lhe nannei of lhose vho voiked in lhen, since lhey pieseive lhe conneclion and lhe
nuluaI hainony piinaiiIy ly lhe confession of lhe one noie exaIled lhan lhey. And lheie is one
vho is giealei lhan lhey, vho vas appoinled since lhey have need of hin, and vhon lhe spiiiluaI
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Logos legol aIong vilh lhen as one vho needs lhe exaIled one, in hope and expeclalion in accoid
vilh lhe lhoughl vhich is lhe seed of saIvalion. And he is an iIIuninaling void, vhich consisls of
lhe lhoughl and his offspiing and his enanalions. Since lhe iighleous ones and lhe piophels,
vhon ve have pieviousIy nenlioned, pieseive lhe confession and lhe leslinony conceining lhe
one vho is gieal, nade ly lheii falheis vho veie Iooking foi lhe hope and lhe heaiing, in lhen is
sovn lhe seed of piayei and lhe seaiching, vhich is sovn in nany vho have seaiched foi
slienglhening. Il appeais and diavs lhen lo Iove lhe exaIled one, lo piocIain lhese lhings as
peilaining lo a unily. And il vas a unily vhich voiked in lhen vhen lhey spoke. Theii vision
and lheii voids do nol diffei lecause of lhe nuIlilude of lhose vho have given lhen lhe vision
and lhe void. Theiefoie, lhose vho have Iislened lo vhal lhey have said conceining lhis do nol
iejecl any of il, lul have accepled lhe sciipluies in an aIleied vay. y inleipieling lhen, lhey
eslalIished nany heiesies vhich exisl lo lhe piesenl anong lhe }evs. Sone say lhal Cod is one,
vho nade a piocIanalion in lhe ancienl sciipluies. Olheis say lhal he is nany. Sone say lhal Cod
is sinpIe and vas a singIe nind in naluie. Olheis say lhal his aclivily is Iinked vilh lhe
eslalIishnenl of good and eviI. SliII olheis say lhal he is lhe ciealoi of lhal vhich has cone inlo
leing. SliII olheis say lhal il vas ly lhe angeIs lhal he ciealed.
The nuIlilude of ideas of lhis soil is lhe nuIlilude of foins and lhe alundance of lypes of
sciipluie, lhal vhich pioduced lheii leacheis of lhe Lav. The piophels, hovevei, did nol say
anylhing of lheii ovn accoid, lul each one of lhen (spoke) of lhe lhings vhich he had seen and
heaid lhiough lhe piocIanalion of lhe Savioi. This is vhal he piocIained, vilh lhe nain suljecl
of lheii piocIanalion leing lhal vhich each said conceining lhe coning of lhe Savioi, vhich is
lhis coning. Sonelines lhe piophels speak aloul il as if il viII le. Sonelines (il is) as if lhe Savioi
speaks fion lheii noulhs, saying lhal lhe Savioi viII cone and shov favoi lo lhose vho have nol
knovn hin. They have nol aII joined vilh one anolhei in confessing anylhing, lul each one, on
lhe lasis of lhe lhing fion vhich he ieceived povei lo speak aloul hin, and on lhe lasis of lhe
pIace vhich he sav, lhinks lhal il is fion il lhal he viII le legollen, and lhal he viII cone fion
lhal pIace. Nol one of lhen knev vhence he vouId cone noi ly vhon he vouId le legollen, lul
he aIone is lhe one of vhon il is voilhy lo speak, lhe one vho viII le legollen and viII suffei.
Conceining lhal vhich he pieviousIy vas and lhal vhich he is eleinaIIy - an unlegollen,
inpassilIe one fion lhe Logos, vho cane inlo leing in fIesh - he did nol cone inlo lheii lhoughl.
And lhis is lhe accounl vhich lhey ieceived an inpuIse lo give conceining his fIesh vhich vas lo
appeai. They say lhal il is a pioduclion fion aII of lhen, lul lhal lefoie aII lhings il is fion lhe
spiiiluaI Logos, vho is lhe cause of lhe lhings vhich have cone inlo leing, fion vhon lhe Savioi
ieceived his fIesh. He had conceived <il> al lhe ieveIalion of lhe Iighl, accoiding lo lhe void of
lhe pionise, al his ieveIalion fion lhe seninaI slale. Ioi lhe one vho exisls is nol a seed of lhe
lhings vhich exisl, since he vas legollen al lhe end. ul lo lhe one ly vhon lhe Ialhei oidained
lhe nanifeslalion of saIvalion, vho is lhe fuIfiIInenl of lhe pionise, lo hin leIonged aII lhese
insliunenls foi enliy inlo Iife, lhiough vhich he descended. His Ialhei is one, and aIone is liuIy a
falhei lo hin, lhe invisilIe, unknovalIe, lhe inconpiehensilIe in his naluie, vho aIone is Cod in
his viII and his foin, vho has gianled lhal he nighl le seen, knovn, and conpiehended.
Y[M !"# 1;?&.;&<# L&N+=. &;* "+B X=)C&;+=;B
He il is vho vas oui Savioi in viIIing conpassion, vho is lhal vhich lhey veie. Ioi il vas foi
lheii sake lhal he lecane nanifesl in an invoIunlaiy suffeiing. They lecane fIesh and souI, lhal
is, eleinaIIy vhich (lhings) hoId lhen and vilh coiiuplilIe lhings lhey die. And as foi lhose vho
cane inlo leing, lhe invisilIe one laughl lhen invisilIy aloul hinseIf.
Nol onIy did he lake upon <hinseIf> lhe dealh of lhose vhon he lhoughl lo save, lul he aIso
accepled lheii snaIIness lo vhich lhey had descended vhen lhey veie <loin> in lody and souI.
(He did so) lecause he had Iel hinseIf le conceived and loin as an infanl, in lody and souI.
Anong aII lhe olheis vho shaied in lhen, and lhose vho feII and ieceived lhe Iighl, he cane inlo
leing exaIled, lecause he had Iel hinseIf le conceived vilhoul sin, slain and defiIenenl. He vas
legollen in Iife, leing in Iife lecause lhe foinei and lhe Iallei aie in passion and changing opinion
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fion lhe Logos vho noved, vho eslalIished lhen lo le lody and souI. He il is <vho> has laken
lo hinseIf lhe one vho cane fion lhose vhon ve pieviousIy nenlioned.
He cane inlo leing fion lhe gIoiious vision and lhe unchanging lhoughl of lhe Logos vho
ieluined lo hinseIf, aflei his novenenl, fion lhe oiganizalion, jusl as lhose vho cane vilh hin
look lody and souI and a confiinalion and slaliIily and judgnenl of lhings. They loo inlended lo
When lhey lhoughl of lhe Savioi lhey cane, and lhey cane vhen he knev, lhey aIso cane noie
exaIled in lhe enanalion accoiding lo lhe fIesh lhan lhose vho had leen lioughl foilh fion a
defecl, lecause in lhis vay lhey, loo, ieceived lheii lodiIy enanalion, aIong vilh lhe lody of lhe
Savioi, lhiough lhe ieveIalion and lhe ningIing vilh hin. These olheis veie lhose of one
sulslance, and il indeed is lhe spiiiluaI (sulslance). The oiganizalion is diffeienl. This is one
lhing, lhal is anolhei. Sone cone foilh fion passion and division, needing heaIing. Olheis aie
fion piayei, so lhal lhey heaI lhe sick, vhen lhey have leen appoinled lo lieal lhose vho have
faIIen. These aie lhe aposlIes and lhe evangeIisls. They aie lhe discipIes of lhe Savioi, and leacheis
vho need insliuclion. Why, lhen, did lhey, loo, shaie in lhe passions in vhich lhose vho have
leen lioughl foilh fion passion shaie, if indeed lhey aie lodiIy pioduclions in accoidance vilh
lhe oiganizalion and <lhe> Savioi, vho did nol shaie in lhe passions`
The Savioi vas an inage of lhe unilaiy one, he vho is lhe TolaIily in lodiIy foin. Theiefoie, he
pieseived lhe foin of indivisiliIily, fion vhich cones inpassaliIily. They, hovevei, aie inages
of each lhing vhich lecane nanifesl. Theiefoie, lhey assune division fion lhe pallein, having
laken foin foi lhe pIanling vhich exisls lenealh lhe heaven. This aIso is vhal shaies in lhe eviI
vhich exisls in lhe pIaces vhich lhey have ieached. Ioi lhe viII heId lhe TolaIily undei sin, so lhal
ly lhal viII he nighl have neicy on lhe TolaIily and lhey nighl le saved, vhiIe a singIe one aIone
is appoinled lo give Iife, and aII lhe iesl need saIvalion. Theiefoie, il vas fion (ieasons) of lhis
soil lhal il legan lo ieceive giace lo give lhe honois vhich veie piocIained ly }esus, vhich veie
suilalIe foi hin lo piocIain lo lhe iesl, since a seed of lhe pionise of }esus Chiisl vas sel up,
vhon ve have seived in (his) ieveIalion and union. Nov lhe pionise possessed lhe insliuclion
and lhe ieluin lo vhal lhey aie fion lhe fiisl, fion vhich lhey possess lhe diop, so as lo ieluin lo
hin, vhich is lhal vhich is caIIed "lhe iedenplion." And il is lhe ieIease fion lhe caplivily and
lhe acceplance of fieedon. In ils pIaces, lhe caplivily of lhose vho veie sIaves of ignoiance hoIds
svay. The fieedon is lhe knovIedge of lhe liulh vhich exisled lefoie lhe ignoiance vas iuIing,
foievei vilhoul leginning and vilhoul end, leing sonelhing good, and a saIvalion of lhings, and
a ieIease fion lhe seiviIe naluie in vhich lhey have suffeied.
Those vho have leen lioughl foilh in a IovIy lhoughl of vanily, lhal is, (a lhoughl) vhich goes lo
lhings vhich aie eviI lhiough lhe lhoughl vhich diavs lhen dovn lo lhe Iusl foi povei, lhese
have ieceived lhe possession vhich is fieedon, fion lhe alundance of lhe giace vhich Iooked
upon lhe chiIdien. Il vas, hovevei, a disluilance of lhe passion and a desliuclion of lhose lhings
vhich he casl off fion hinseIf al fiisl, vhen lhe Logos sepaialed lhen fion hinseIf, (lhe Logos)
vho vas lhe cause of lheii leing deslined foi desliuclion, lhough he kepl <lhen> al <lhe> end of
lhe oiganizalion and aIIoved lhen lo exisl lecause even lhey veie usefuI foi lhe lhings vhich
veie oidained.
Y\M !"# !.+C&.<+<+=; =@ :&;F+;*
Mankind cane lo le in lhiee essenliaI lypes, lhe spiiiluaI, lhe psychic, and lhe naleiiaI,
confoining lo lhe liipIe disposilion of lhe Logos, fion vhich veie lioughl foilh lhe naleiiaI ones
and lhe psychic ones and lhe spiiiluaI ones. Lach of lhe lhiee essenliaI lypes is knovn ly ils fiuil.
And lhey veie nol knovn al fiisl lul onIy al lhe coning of lhe Savioi, vho shone upon lhe sainls
and ieveaIed vhal each vas.
The spiiiluaI iace, leing Iike Iighl fion Iighl and Iike spiiil fion spiiil, vhen ils head appeaied, il
ian lovaid hin innedialeIy. Il innedialeIy lecane a lody of ils head. Il suddenIy ieceived
knovIedge in lhe ieveIalion. The psychic iace is Iike Iighl fion a fiie, since il hesilaled lo accepl
knovIedge of hin vho appeaied lo il. (Il hesilaled) even noie lo iun lovaid hin in failh. Ralhei,
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lhiough a voice il vas insliucled, and lhis vas sufficienl, since il is nol fai fion lhe hope
accoiding lo lhe pionise, since il ieceived, so lo speak as a pIedge, lhe assuiance of lhe lhings
vhich veie lo le. The naleiiaI iace, hovevei, is aIien in eveiy vay, since il is daik, il shuns lhe
shining of lhe Iighl, lecause ils appeaiance deslioys il. And since il has nol ieceived ils unily, il is
sonelhing excessive and halefuI lovaid lhe Loid al his ieveIalion.
The spiiiluaI iace viII ieceive conpIele saIvalion in eveiy vay. The naleiiaI viII ieceive
desliuclion in eveiy vay, jusl as one vho iesisls hin. The psychic iace, since il is in lhe niddIe
vhen il is lioughl foilh and aIso vhen il is ciealed, is doulIe accoiding lo ils deleininalion foi
lolh good and eviI. Il lakes ils appoinled depailuie suddenIy and ils conpIele escape lo lhose
vho aie good. Those vhon lhe Logos lioughl foilh in accoidance vilh lhe fiisl eIenenl of his
lhoughl, vhen he ienenleied lhe exaIled one and piayed foi saIvalion, have saIvalion suddenIy.
They viII le saved conpIeleIy lecause of lhe saIvific lhoughl. As he vas lioughl foilh, so, loo,
veie lhese lioughl foilh fion hin, vhelhei angeIs oi nen. In accoidance vilh lhe confession lhal
lheie is one vho is noie exaIled lhan lhenseIves, and in accoidance vilh lhe piayei and lhe
seaich foi hin, lhey aIso viII allain lhe saIvalion of lhose vho have leen lioughl foilh, since lhey
aie fion lhe disposilion vhich is good. They veie appoinled foi seivice in piocIaining lhe
coning of lhe Savioi vho vas lo le and his ieveIalion vhich had cone. Whelhei angeIs oi nen,
vhen he vas senl as a seivice lo lhen, lhey ieceived, in facl, lhe essence of lheii leing. Those,
hovevei, vho aie fion lhe lhoughl of Iusl foi povei, vho have cone inlo leing fion lhe lIov of
lhose vho fighl againsl hin, lhose vhon lhe lhoughl lioughl foilh, fion lhese, since lhey aie
nixed, lhey viII ieceive lheii end suddenIy. Those vho viII le lioughl foilh fion lhe Iusl foi
povei vhich is given lo lhen foi a line and foi ceilain peiiods, and vho viII give gIoiy lo lhe
Loid of gIoiy, and vho viII ieIinquish lheii vialh, lhey viII ieceive lhe ievaid foi lheii huniIily,
vhich is lo ienain foievei. Those, hovevei, vho aie pioud lecause of lhe desiie of anlilion, and
vho Iove lenpoiaiy gIoiy, and vho foigel lhal il vas onIy foi ceilain peiiods and lines vhich
lhey have lhal lhey veie enliusled vilh povei, and foi lhis ieason did nol acknovIedge lhal lhe
Son of Cod is lhe Loid of aII and Savioi, and veie nol lioughl oul of vialh and lhe iesenlIance
lo lhe eviI ones, lhey viII ieceive judgnenl foi lheii ignoiance and lheii senseIessness, vhich is
suffeiing, aIong vilh lhose vho venl asliay, anyone of lhen vho luined avay, and even noie
(foi) vickedness in doing lo lhe Loid lhings vhich veie nol filling, vhich lhe poveis of lhe Iefl
did lo hin, even incIuding his dealh. They peiseveied saying, "We shaII lecone iuIeis of lhe
univeise, if lhe one vho has leen piocIained king of lhe univeise is sIain," (lhey said lhis) vhen
lhey Ialoied lo do lhis, naneIy lhe nen and angeIs vho aie nol fion lhe good disposilion of lhe
iighl ones lul fion lhe nixluie. And lhey fiisl chose foi lhenseIves honoi, lhough il vas onIy a
lenpoiaiy vish and desiie, vhiIe lhe palh lo eleinaI iesl is ly vay of huniIily foi saIvalion of
lhose vho viII le saved, lhose of lhe iighl ones. Aflei lhey confess lhe Loid and lhe lhoughl of
lhal vhich is pIeasing lo lhe chuich and lhe song of lhose vho aie hunlIe aIong vilh hei lo lhe
fuII exlenl possilIe, in lhal vhich is pIeasing lo do foi hei, in shaiing in hei suffeiings and hei
pains in lhe nannei of lhose vho undeisland vhal is good foi lhe chuich, lhey viII have a shaie
in hei hope. This is lo le said on lhe suljecl of hov nen and angeIs vho aie fion lhe oidei of lhe
Iefl have a palh lo eiioi: nol onIy did lhey deny lhe Loid and pIol eviI againsl hin, lul aIso
lovaid lhe Chuich did lhey diiecl lheii halied and envy and jeaIousy, and lhis is lhe ieason foi
lhe condennalion of lhose vho have noved and have aioused lhenseIves foi lhe liiaIs of lhe
Y]M !"# J.=?#BB =@ S#B<=.&<+=;
The eIeclion shaies lody and essence vilh lhe Savioi, since il is Iike a liidaI chanlei lecause of
ils unily and ils agieenenl vilh hin. Ioi, lefoie eveiy pIace, lhe Chiisl cane foi hei sake. The
caIIing, hovevei, has lhe pIace of lhose vho iejoice al lhe liidaI chanlei, and vho aie gIad and
happy al lhe union of lhe liidegioon and lhe liide. The pIace vhich lhe caIIing viII have is lhe
aeon of lhe inages, vheie lhe Logos has nol yel joined vilh lhe IIeiona. And since lhe nan of lhe
Chuich vas happy and gIad al lhis, as he vas hoping foi il, he sepaialed spiiil, souI, and lody in
lhe oiganizalion of lhe one vho lhinks lhal he is a unily, lhough vilhin hin is lhe nan vho is lhe
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TolaIily - and he is aII of lhen. And, lhough he has lhe escape fion lhe |...j vhich lhe pIaces viII
ieceive, he aIso has lhe nenleis aloul vhich ve spoke eaiIiei. When lhe iedenplion vas
piocIained, lhe peifecl nan ieceived knovIedge innedialeIy, so as lo ieluin in hasle lo his
unilaiy slale, lo lhe pIace fion vhich he cane, lo ieluin lheie joyfuIIy, lo lhe pIace fion vhich he
cane, lo lhe pIace fion vhich he fIoved foilh. His nenleis, hovevei, needed a pIace of
insliuclion, vhich is in lhe pIaces vhich aie adoined, so lhal lhey nighl ieceive fion lhen
iesenlIance lo lhe inages and aichelypes, Iike a niiioi, unliI aII lhe nenleis of lhe lody of lhe
Chuich aie in a singIe pIace and ieceive lhe iesloialion al one line, vhen lhey have leen
nanifesled as lhe vhoIe lody, naneIy lhe iesloialion inlo lhe IIeiona. Il has a pieIininaiy
concoid vilh a nuluaI agieenenl, vhich is lhe concoid vhich leIongs lo lhe Ialhei, unliI lhe
TolaIilies ieceive a counlenance in accoidance vilh hin. The iesloialion is al lhe end, aflei lhe
TolaIily ieveaIs vhal il is, lhe Son, vho is lhe iedenplion, lhal is, lhe palh lovaid lhe
inconpiehensilIe Ialhei, lhal is, lhe ieluin lo lhe pie-exislenl, and (aflei) lhe TolaIilies ieveaI
lhenseIves in lhal one, in lhe piopei vay, vho is lhe inconceivalIe one and lhe ineffalIe one, and
lhe invisilIe one and lhe inconpiehensilIe one, so lhal il ieceives iedenplion. Il vas nol onIy
ieIease fion lhe doninalion of lhe Iefl ones, noi vas il onIy escape fion lhe povei of lhose of lhe
iighl, lo each of vhich ve lhoughl lhal veie sIaves and sons, fion vhon none escapes vilhoul
quickIy leconing lheiis again, lul lhe iedenplion aIso is an ascenl lo lhe degiees vhich aie in lhe
IIeiona and lo lhose vho have naned lhenseIves and vho conceive of lhenseIves accoiding lo
lhe povei of each of lhe aeons, and (il is) an enliance inlo vhal is siIenl, vheie lheie is no need
foi voice noi foi knoving, noi foi foining a concepl, noi foi iIIuninalion, lul (vheie) aII lhings
aie Iighl, vhiIe lhey do nol need lo le iIIunined.
Nol onIy do hunans need iedenplion, lul aIso lhe angeIs, loo, need iedenplion, aIong vilh lhe
inage and lhe iesl of lhe IIeionas of lhe aeons and lhe vondious poveis of iIIuninalion. So lhal
ve nighl nol le in doull in iegaid lo lhe olheis, even lhe Son hinseIf, vho has lhe posilion of
iedeenei of lhe TolaIily, needed iedenplion as veII, - he vho had lecone nan, - since he gave
hinseIf foi each lhing vhich ve need, ve in lhe fIesh, vho aie his Chuich. Nov, vhen he fiisl
ieceived iedenplion fion lhe void vhich had descended upon hin, aII lhe iesl ieceived
iedenplion fion hin, naneIy lhose vho had laken hin lo lhenseIves. Ioi lhose vho ieceived lhe
one vho had ieceived (iedenplion) aIso ieceived vhal vas in hin.
Anong lhe nen vho aie in lhe fIesh iedenplion legan lo le given, his fiisl-loin, and his Iove,
lhe Son vho vas incainale, vhiIe lhe angeIs vho aie in heaven asked lo associale, so lhal lhey
nighl foin an associalion vilh hin upon lhe eailh. Theiefoie, he is caIIed "lhe Redenplion of lhe
angeIs of lhe Ialhei," he vho confoiled lhose vho veie Ialoiing undei lhe TolaIily foi his
knovIedge, lecause he vas given lhe giace lefoie anyone eIse.
The Ialhei had foieknovIedge of hin, since he vas in his lhoughl lefoie anylhing cane inlo
leing, and since he had lhose lo vhon he has ieveaIed hin. He sel lhe deficiency on lhe one vho
ienains foi ceilain peiiods and lines, as a gIoiy foi his IIeiona, since lhe facl lhal he is unknovn
is a cause of his pioduclion fion his agieenenl |...j of hin. }usl as ieceplion of knovIedge of hin
is a nanifeslalion of his Iack of envy and lhe ieveIalion of lhe alundance of his sveelness, vhich
is lhe second gIoiy, so, loo, he has leen found lo le a cause of ignoiance, aIlhough he is aIso a
legellei of knovIedge.
In a hidden and inconpiehensilIe visdon he kepl lhe knovIedge lo lhe end, unliI lhe TolaIilies
lecane veaiy vhiIe seaiching foi Cod lhe Ialhei, vhon no one found lhiough his ovn visdon
oi povei. He gives hinseIf, so lhal lhey nighl ieceive knovIedge of lhe alundanl lhoughl aloul
his gieal gIoiy, vhich he has given, and (aloul) lhe cause, vhich he has given, vhich is his
unceasing lhanksgiving, he vho, fion lhe innoliIily of his counseI, ieveaIs hinseIf eleinaIIy lo
lhose vho have leen voilhy of lhe Ialhei, vho is unknovn in his naluie, so lhal lhey nighl
ieceive knovIedge of hin, lhiough his desiie lhal lhey shouId cone lo expeiience lhe ignoiance
and ils pains.
Those of vhon he fiisl lhoughl lhal lhey shouId allain knovIedge and lhe good lhings vhich aie
in il, lhey veie pIanning - vhich is lhe visdon of lhe Ialhei, - lhal lhey nighl expeiience lhe eviI
lhings and nighl liain lhenseIves in lhen, as a |...j foi a line, so lhal lhey nighl ieceive lhe
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enjoynenl of good lhings foi eleinily. They hoId change and peisislenl ienuncialion and lhe cause
of lhose vho fighl againsl lhen as an adoinnenl and naiveIous quaIily of lhose vho aie exaIled,
so lhal il is nanifesl lhal lhe ignoiance of lhose vho viII le ignoianl of lhe Ialhei vas sonelhing
of lheii ovn. He vho gave lhen knovIedge of hin vas one of his poveis foi enalIing lhen lo
giasp lhal knovIedge in lhe fuIIesl sense is caIIed "lhe knovIedge of aII lhal vhich is lhoughl of"
and "lhe lieasuie" and "lhe addilion foi lhe inciease of knovIedge," "lhe ieveIalion of lhose lhings
vhich veie knovn al fiisl," and "lhe palh lovaid hainony and lovaid lhe pie-exislenl one,"
vhich is lhe inciease of lhose vho have alandoned lhe giealness vhich vas lheiis in lhe
oiganizalion of lhe viII, so lhal lhe end nighl le Iike lhe leginning.
As foi lhe laplisn vhich exisls in lhe fuIIesl sense, inlo vhich lhe TolaIilies viII descend and in
vhich lhey viII le, lheie is no olhei laplisn apail fion lhis one aIone, vhich is lhe iedenplion
inlo Cod, Ialhei, Son and HoIy Spiiil, vhen confession is nade lhiough failh in lhose nanes,
vhich aie a singIe nane of lhe gospeI, vhen lhey have cone lo leIieve vhal has leen said lo
lhen, naneIy lhal lhey exisl. Iion lhis lhey have lheii saIvalion, lhose vho have leIieved lhal
lhey exisl. This is allaining in an invisilIe vay lo lhe Ialhei, Son, and HoIy Spiiil in an
undoulling failh. And vhen lhey have loine vilness lo lhen, il is aIso vilh a fiin hope lhal lhey
allained lhen, so lhal lhe ieluin lo lhen nighl lecone lhe peifeclion of lhose vho have leIieved
in lhen and (so lhal) lhe Ialhei nighl le one vilh lhen, lhe Ialhei, lhe Cod, vhon lhey have
confessed in failh and vho gave (lhen) lheii union vilh hin in knovIedge.
The laplisn vhich ve pieviousIy nenlioned is caIIed "gainenl of lhose vho do nol sliip
lhenseIves of il," foi lhose vho viII pul il on and lhose vho have ieceived iedenplion veai il. Il
is aIso caIIed "lhe confiinalion of lhe liulh vhich has no faII." In an unvaveiing and innovalIe
vay il giasps lhose vho have ieceived lhe iesloialion vhiIe lhey giasp il. (aplisn) is caIIed
"siIence" lecause of lhe quiel and lhe lianquiIily. Il is aIso caIIed "liidaI chanlei" lecause of lhe
agieenenl and lhe indivisilIe slale of lhose vho knov lhey have knovn hin. Il is aIso caIIed "lhe
Iighl vhich does nol sel and is vilhoul fIane," since il does nol give Iighl, lul lhose vho have
voin il aie nade inlo Iighl. They aie lhe ones vhon he voie. (aplisn) is aIso caIIed "lhe eleinaI
Iife," vhich is innoilaIily, and il is caIIed "lhal vhich is, enliieIy, sinpIy, in lhe piopei sense,
vhal is pIeasing, insepaialIy and iiienovalIy and fauIlIessIy and inpeiluilalIy, foi lhe one vho
exisls foi lhose vho have ieceived a leginning." Ioi, vhal eIse is lheie lo nane il apail fion
"Cod," since il is lhe TolaIilies, lhal is, even if il is given nunleiIess nanes, lhey aie spoken
sinpIy as a iefeience lo il. }usl as he lianscends eveiy void, and he lianscends eveiy voice, and
he lianscends eveiy nind, and he lianscends eveiylhing, and he lianscends eveiy siIence, so il is
Di||cgrapnq vilh lhose vho aie lhal vhich he is. This is lhal vhich lhey find il lo le, ineffalIy and
inconceivalIy in (ils) visage, foi lhe coning inlo leing in lhose vho knov, lhiough hin vhon
lhey have conpiehended, vho is lhe one lo vhon lhey gave gIoiy.
Y^M S#*#)C<+=; =@ <"# X&DD+;'
Lven if on lhe nallei of lhe eIeclion lheie aie nany noie lhings foi us lo say, as il is filling lo say,
nonelheIess, on lhe nallei of lhose of lhe caIIing - foi lhose of lhe iighl aie so naned - il is
necessaiy foi us lo ieluin once again lo lhen, and il is nol piofilalIe foi us lo foigel lhen. We
have spoken aloul lhen, - If lheie is enough in vhal pieceded al sone Ienglh, hov have ve
spoken` In a pailiaI vay, - since I said aloul aII lhose vho cane foilh fion lhe Logos, eilhei fion
lhe judgnenl of lhe eviI ones oi fion lhe vialh vhich fighls againsl lhen and lhe luining avay
fion lhen, vhich is lhe ieluin lo lhe exaIled ones, oi fion lhe piayei and lhe ienenliance of
lhose vho pie-exisled, oi fion hope and failh lhal lhey vouId ieceive lheii saIvalion fion good
voik, since lhey have leen deened voilhy lecause lhey aie leings fion lhe good disposilions,
(lhal) lhey have cause of lheii legelling vhich is an opinion fion lhe one vho exisls. SliII fuilhei
(I said) lhal lefoie lhe Logos conceined hinseIf vilh lhen in an invisilIe vay, viIIingIy, lhe
exaIled one added lo lhis lhoughl, lecause lhey veie in need of hin, vho vas lhe cause of lheii
leing. They did nol exaIl lhenseIves vhen lhey veie saved, as if lheie veie nolhing exisling
lefoie lhen, lul lhey confess lhal lhey have a leginning lo lheii exislence, and lhey desiie lhis: lo
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knov hin vho exisls lefoie lhen. Mosl of aII (I said) lhal lhey voishipped lhe ieveIalion of lhe
Iighl in lhe foin of Iighlning, and lhey loie vilness lhal il appeaied as <lheii> saIvalion.
Nol onIy lhose vho have cone foilh fion lhe Logos, aloul vhon aIone ve said lhal lhey vouId
acconpIish lhe good voik, lul aIso lhose vhon lhese lioughl foilh accoiding lo lhe good
disposilions viII shaie in lhe iepose accoiding lo lhe alundance of lhe giace. AIso lhose vho have
leen lioughl foilh fion lhe desiie of Iusl foi povei, having lhe seed in lhen vhich is lhe Iusl foi
povei, viII ieceive lhe ievaid foi (lheii) good deeds, naneIy lhose vho acled and lhose vho
have lhe piedisposilion lovaid lhe good, if lhey inlenlionaIIy desiie and vish lo alandon lhe
vain, lenpoiaI anlilion, and lhey keep lhe connandnenl of lhe Loid of gIoiy, inslead of lhe
nonenlaiy honoi, and inheiil lhe eleinaI kingdon.
Nov, il is necessaiy lhal ve unile lhe causes and lhe effecls on lhen of lhe giace and lhe
inpuIses, since il is filling lhal ve say vhal ve nenlioned pieviousIy aloul lhe saIvalion of aII
lhose of lhe iighl, of aII lhose unnixed and lhose nixed, lo join lhen vilh one anolhei. And as foi
lhe iepose, vhich is lhe ieveIalion of lhe foin <in> vhich lhey leIieved, (il is necessaiy) lhal ve
shouId lieal il vilh a suilalIe discussion. Ioi vhen ve confessed lhe kingdon vhich is in Chiisl,
<ve> escaped fion lhe vhoIe nuIlipIicily of foins, and fion inequaIily and change. Ioi lhe end
viII ieceive a unilaiy exislence, jusl as lhe leginning is unilaiy, vheie lheie is no naIe noi fenaIe,
noi sIave and fiee, noi ciicuncision and unciicuncision, neilhei angeI noi nan, lul Chiisl is aII in
aII. Whal is lhe foin of lhe one vho did nol exisl al fiisl` Il viII le found lhal he viII exisl. And
vhal is lhe naluie of lhe one vho vas a sIave` He viII lake a pIace vilh a fiee nan. Ioi lhey viII
ieceive lhe vision noie and noie ly naluie and nol onIy ly a IillIe void, so as lo leIieve, onIy
lhiough a voice, lhal lhis is lhe vay il is, lhal lhe iesloialion lo lhal vhich used lo le is a unily.
Lven if sone aie exaIled lecause of lhe oiganizalion, since lhey have leen appoinled as causes of
lhe lhings vhich have cone inlo leing, since lhey aie noie aclive as naluiaI foices, and since lhey
aie desiied lecause of lhese lhings, angeIs and nen viII ieceive lhe kingdon and lhe confiinalion
and lhe saIvalion. These, lhen, aie lhe causes.
Aloul lhe <one> vho appeaied in fIesh, lhey leIieved vilhoul any doull lhal he is lhe Son of lhe
unknovn Cod, vho vas nol pieviousIy spoken of, and vho couId nol le seen. They alandoned
lheii gods vhon lhey had pieviousIy voishipped, and lhe Ioids vho aie in heaven and on eailh.
efoie he had laken lhen up, and vhiIe he vas sliII a chiId, lhey leslified lhal he had aIieady
legun lo pieach. And vhen he vas in lhe lonl as a dead nan lhe angeIs lhoughl lhal he vas
aIive, ieceiving Iife fion lhe one vho had died. They fiisl desiied lheii nuneious seivices and
vondeis, vhich veie in lhe lenpIe on lheii lehaIf, lo le peifoined conlinuousIy <as> lhe
confession. Thal is, il can le done on lheii lehaIf lhiough lheii appioach lo hin.
Thal piepaialion vhich lhey did nol accepl, lhey iejecled, lecause of lhe one vho had nol leen
senl fion lhal pIace, lul lhey gianled lo Chiisl, of vhon lhey lhoughl lhal he exisls in lhal pIace
fion vhich lhey had cone aIong vilh hin, a pIace of gods and Ioids vhon lhey seived,
voishipped, and ninisleied lo, in lhe nanes vhich lhey had ieceived on Ioan. - They veie given
lo lhe one vho is designaled ly lhen piopeiIy. - Hovevei, aflei his assunplion, lhey had lhe
expeiience lo knov lhal he is lheii Loid, ovei vhon no one eIse is Ioid. They gave hin lheii
kingdons, lhey iose fion lheii lhiones, lhey veie kepl fion lheii ciovns. He, hovevei, ieveaIed
hinseIf lo lhen, foi lhe ieasons vhich ve have aIieady spoken of: lheii saIvalion and lhe ieluin lo
a good lhoughl unliI |...j conpanion and lhe angeIs |...j, and lhe alundance of good vhich lhey
did vilh il. Thus, lhey veie enliusled vilh lhe seivices vhich lenefil lhe eIecl, liinging lheii
iniquily up lo heaven. They lesled lhen eleinaIIy foi lhe Iack of huniIily fion lhe ineiiancy of lhe
ciealion, conlinuing on lheii lehaIf unliI aII cone lo Iife and Ieave Iife, vhiIe lheii lodies ienain
on eailh, seiving aII lheii |...j, shaiing vilh lhen in lheii suffeiings and peiseculions and
liiluIalions, vhich veie lioughl upon lhe sainls in eveiy pIace.
As foi lhe seivanls of lhe eviI <one>, lhough eviI is voilhy of desliuclion, lhey aie in |...j. ul
lecause of lhe |...j vhich is alove aII lhe voiIds, vhich is lheii good lhoughl and lhe feIIovship,
lhe Chuich viII ienenlei lhen as good fiiends and failhfuI seivanls, once she has ieceived
iedenplion fion lhe one vho gives iequilaI. Then lhe giace vhich is in lhe liidaI chanlei and
|...j in hei house |...j in lhis lhoughl of lhe giving and lhe one vho |...j Chiisl is lhe one vilh hei
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and lhe expeclalion of lhe Ialhei of lhe TolaIily, since she viII pioduce foi lhen angeIs as guides
and seivanls.
They viII lhink pIeasanl lhoughls. They aie seivices foi hei. She viII give lhen lheii iequilaI foi
aII lhal vhich lhe aeons viII lhink aloul. He is an enanalion fion lhen, so lhal, jusl as Chiisl did
his viII vhich he lioughl foilh and exaIled lhe giealnesses of lhe Chuich and gave lhen lo hei, so
viII she le a lhoughl foi lhese. And lo nen he gives lheii eleinaI dveIIing pIaces, in vhich lhey
viII dveII, Ieaving lehind lhe alliaclion lovaid lhe defecl, vhiIe lhe povei of lhe IIeiona puIIs
lhen up in lhe giealness of lhe geneiosily and lhe sveelness of lhe aeon vhich pie-exisls. This is
lhe naluie of lhe enliie legelling of lhose vhon he had vhen he shone on lhen in a Iighl vhich
he ieveaIed |...j. }usl as his |...j vhich viII le |...j, so loo his Ioid, vhiIe lhe change aIone is in lhose
vho have changed.
(6 Iines nissing)
... vhich |...j ly hin |...j said, vhiIe lhe hyIics viII ienain unliI lhe end foi desliuclion, since lhey
viII nol give foilh foi lheii nanes, if lhey vouId ieluin once again lo lhal vhich viII nol le. As
lhey veie |...j lhey veie nol |...j lul lhey veie of use (in lhe) line lhal lhey veie (in il) anong
lhen, aIlhough lhey veie nol |...j al fiisl. If |...j lo do sonelhing eIse conceining lhe conlioI vhich
lhey have of lhe piepaialion, |...j lefoie lhen. - Ioi lhough I conlinuaIIy use lhese voids, I have
nol undeislood his neaning. - Sone eIdeis |...j hin giealness.
(6 Iines nissing)
... aII |...j angeIs |...j void and lhe sound of a liunpel, he viII piocIain lhe gieal conpIele annesly
fion lhe leauleous easl, in lhe liidaI chanlei, vhich is lhe Iove of Cod lhe Ialhei |...j, accoiding
lo lhe povei vhich |...j of lhe giealness |...j, lhe sveelness of lhe |...j of hin, since he ieveaIs
hinseIf lo lhe giealnesses |...j his goodness |...j lhe piaise, lhe doninion, and lhe gIoiy lhiough
|...j lhe Loid, lhe Savioi, lhe Redeenei of aII lhose leIonging lo lhe one fiIIed vilh Love, lhiough
his HoIy Spiiil, fion nov lhiough aII geneialions foievei and evei. Anen.
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!"# 8C= ? . / C"= ; = @ K = ";
!.&;BD&<#* -/ P.#*#.+F V+BB#
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The leaching of lhe savioi, and lhe ieveIalion of lhe nysleiies and lhe lhings hidden in siIence,
even lhese lhings vhich he laughl }ohn, his discipIe.
And il happened one day, vhen }ohn, lhe liolhei of }anes - vho aie lhe sons of Zeledee - had
cone up lo lhe lenpIe, lhal a Ihaiisee naned Aiinanius appioached hin and said lo hin, "Wheie
is youi naslei vhon you foIIoved`" And he said lo hin, "He has gone lo lhe pIace fion vhich he
cane." The Ihaiisee said lo hin, "Wilh deceplion did lhis Nazaiene deceive you (pI.), and he fiIIed
youi eais vilh Iies, and cIosed youi heails (and) luined you fion lhe liadilions of youi falheis."
When I, }ohn, heaid lhese lhings I luined avay fion lhe lenpIe lo a deseil pIace. And I giieved
giealIy in ny heail, saying, "Hov lhen vas lhe savioi appoinled, and vhy vas he senl inlo lhe
voiId ly his Ialhei, and vho is his Ialhei vho senl hin, and of vhal soil is lhal aeon lo vhich
ve shaII go` Ioi vhal did he nean vhen he said lo us, 'This aeon lo vhich you viII go is of lhe
lype of lhe inpeiishalIe aeon, lul he did nol leach us conceining lhe Iallei, of vhal soil il is."
Sliaighlvay, vhiIe I vas conlenpIaling lhese lhings, lehoId, lhe heavens opened and lhe vhoIe
ciealion vhich is leIov heaven shone, and lhe voiId vas shaken. I vas afiaid, and lehoId I sav
in lhe Iighl a youlh vho slood ly ne. WhiIe I Iooked al hin, he lecane Iike an oId nan. And he
changed his Iikeness (again), leconing Iike a seivanl. Theie vas nol a pIuiaIily lefoie ne, lul
lheie vas a Iikeness vilh nuIlipIe foins in lhe Iighl, and lhe Iikenesses appeaied lhiough each
olhei, and lhe Iikeness had lhiee foins.
He said lo ne, "}ohn, }ohn, vhy do you doull, oi vhy aie you afiaid` You aie nol unfaniIiai vilh
lhis inage, aie you` - lhal is, do nol le linid! - I an lhe one vho is vilh you (pI.) aIvays. I an lhe
Ialhei, I an lhe Molhei, I an lhe Son. I an lhe undefiIed and incoiiuplilIe one. Nov I have cone
lo leach you vhal is and vhal vas and vhal viII cone lo pass, lhal you nay knov lhe lhings
vhich aie nol ieveaIed and lhose vhich aie ieveaIed, and lo leach you conceining lhe unvaveiing
iace of lhe peifecl Man. Nov, lheiefoie, Iifl up youi face, lhal you nay ieceive lhe lhings lhal I
shaII leach you loday, and nay leII lhen lo youi feIIov spiiils vho aie fion lhe unvaveiing iace
of lhe peifecl Man."
And I asked lo knov il, and he said lo ne, "The Monad is a nonaichy vilh nolhing alove il. Il is
he vho exisls as Cod and Ialhei of eveiylhing, lhe invisilIe One vho is alove eveiylhing, vho
exisls as incoiiuplion, vhich is in lhe puie Iighl inlo vhich no eye can Iook.
"He is lhe invisilIe Spiiil, of vhon il is nol iighl lo lhink of hin as a god, oi sonelhing siniIai.
Ioi he is noie lhan a god, since lheie is nolhing alove hin, foi no one Ioids il ovei hin. Ioi he
does nol exisl in sonelhing infeiioi lo hin, since eveiylhing exisls in hin. Ioi il is he vho
eslalIishes hinseIf. He is eleinaI, since he does nol need anylhing. Ioi he is lolaI peifeclion. He
did nol Iack anylhing, lhal he nighl le conpIeled ly il, ialhei he is aIvays conpIeleIy peifecl in
Iighl. He is iIIinilalIe, since lheie is no one piioi lo hin lo sel Iinils lo hin. He is unseaichalIe,
since lheie exisls no one piioi lo hin lo exanine hin. He is inneasuialIe, since lheie vas no one
piioi lo hin lo neasuie hin. He is invisilIe, since no one sav hin. He is eleinaI, since he exisls
eleinaIIy. He is ineffalIe, since no one vas alIe lo conpiehend hin lo speak aloul hin. He is
unnanealIe, since lheie is no one piioi lo hin lo give hin a nane.
"He is inneasuialIe Iighl, vhich is puie, hoIy (and) innacuIale. He is ineffalIe, leing peifecl in
incoiiupliliIily. (He is) nol in peifeclion, noi in lIessedness, noi in divinily, lul he is fai supeiioi.
He is nol coipoieaI noi is he incoipoieaI. He is neilhei Iaige noi is he snaII. Theie is no vay lo
say, 'Whal is his quanlily`' oi, 'Whal is his quaIily`', foi no one can knov hin. He is nol soneone
anong (olhei) leings, ialhei he is fai supeiioi. Nol lhal he is (sinpIy) supeiioi, lul his essence
does nol pailake in lhe aeons noi in line. Ioi he vho pailakes in an aeon vas piepaied
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lefoiehand. Tine vas nol appoilioned lo hin, since he does nol ieceive anylhing fion anolhei,
foi il vouId le ieceived on Ioan. Ioi he vho piecedes soneone does nol Iack, lhal he nay ieceive
fion hin. Ioi ialhei, il is lhe Iallei lhal Iooks expeclanlIy al hin in his Iighl.
"Ioi lhe peifeclion is najeslic. He is puie, inneasuialIe nind. He is an aeon-giving aeon. He is
Iife-giving Iife. He is a lIessedness-giving lIessed one. He is knovIedge-giving knovIedge. He is
goodness-giving goodness. He is neicy and iedenplion-giving neicy. He is giace-giving giace,
nol lecause he possesses il, lul lecause he gives lhe inneasuialIe, inconpiehensilIe Iighl.
"Hov an I lo speak vilh you aloul hin` His aeon is indesliuclilIe, al iesl and exisling in siIence,
ieposing (and) leing piioi lo eveiylhing. Ioi he is lhe head of aII lhe aeons, and il is he vho gives
lhen slienglh in his goodness. Ioi ve knov nol lhe ineffalIe lhings, and ve do nol undeisland
vhal is inneasuialIe, excepl foi hin vho cane foilh fion hin, naneIy (fion) lhe Ialhei. Ioi il
is he vho loId il lo us aIone. Ioi il is he vho Iooks al hinseIf in his Iighl vhich suiiounds hin,
naneIy lhe spiing of lhe valei of Iife. And il is he vho gives lo aII lhe aeons and in eveiy vay,
(and) vho gazes upon his inage vhich he sees in lhe spiing of lhe Spiiil. Il is he vho puls his
desiie in his valei-Iighl vhich is in lhe spiing of lhe puie Iighl-valei vhich suiiounds hin.
"And his lhoughl peifoined a deed and she cane foilh, naneIy she vho had appeaied lefoie hin
in lhe shine of his Iighl. This is lhe fiisl povei vhich vas lefoie aII of lhen (and) vhich cane
foilh fion his nind, She is lhe foielhoughl of lhe AII - hei Iighl shines Iike his Iighl - lhe peifecl
povei vhich is lhe inage of lhe invisilIe, viiginaI Spiiil vho is peifecl. The fiisl povei, lhe gIoiy
of aileIo, lhe peifecl gIoiy in lhe aeons, lhe gIoiy of lhe ieveIalion, she gIoiified lhe viiginaI
Spiiil and il vas she vho piaised hin, lecause lhanks lo hin she had cone foilh. This is lhe fiisl
lhoughl, his inage, she lecane lhe vonl of eveiylhing, foi il is she vho is piioi lo lhen aII, lhe
Molhei-Ialhei, lhe fiisl nan, lhe hoIy Spiiil, lhe lhiice-naIe, lhe lhiice-poveifuI, lhe lhiice-
naned andiogynous one, and lhe eleinaI aeon anong lhe invisilIe ones, and lhe fiisl lo cone
"<She> iequesled fion lhe invisilIe, viiginaI Spiiil - lhal is aileIo - lo give hei foieknovIedge.
And lhe Spiiil consenled. And vhen he had consenled, lhe foieknovIedge cane foilh, and il
slood ly lhe foielhoughl, il oiiginales fion lhe lhoughl of lhe invisilIe, viiginaI Spiiil. Il gIoiified
hin and his peifecl povei, aileIo, foi il vas foi hei sake lhal il had cone inlo leing.
"And she iequesled again lo gianl hei indesliucliliIily, and he consenled. When he had
consenled, indesliucliliIily cane foilh, and il slood ly lhe lhoughl and lhe foieknovIedge. Il
gIoiified lhe invisilIe One and aileIo, lhe one foi vhose sake lhey had cone inlo leing.
"And aileIo iequesled lo gianl hei eleinaI Iife. And lhe invisilIe Spiiil consenled. And vhen he
had consenled, eleinaI Iife cane foilh, and lhey allended and gIoiified lhe invisilIe Spiiil and
aileIo, lhe one foi vhose sake lhey had cone inlo leing.
"And she iequesled again lo gianl hei liulh. And lhe invisilIe Spiiil consenled. And vhen he had
consenled, liulh cane foilh, and lhey allended and gIoiified lhe invisilIe, exceIIenl Spiiil and his
aileIo, lhe one foi vhose sake lhey had cone inlo leing.
"This is lhe penlad of lhe aeons of lhe Ialhei, vhich is lhe fiisl nan, lhe inage of lhe invisilIe
Spiiil, il is lhe foielhoughl, vhich aileIo, and lhe lhoughl, and lhe foieknovIedge, and lhe
indesliucliliIily, and lhe eleinaI Iife, and lhe liulh. This is lhe andiogynous penlad of lhe aeons,
vhich is lhe decad of lhe aeons, vhich is lhe Ialhei.
"And he Iooked al aileIo vilh lhe puie Iighl vhich suiiounds lhe invisilIe Spiiil, and (vilh) his
spaik, and she conceived fion hin. He legol a spaik of Iighl vilh a Iighl iesenlIing lIessedness.
ul il does nol equaI his giealness. This vas an onIy-legollen chiId of lhe Molhei-Ialhei vhich
had cone foilh, il is lhe onIy offspiing, lhe onIy-legollen one of lhe Ialhei, lhe puie Lighl.
"And lhe invisilIe, viiginaI Spiiil iejoiced ovei lhe Iighl vhich cane foilh, lhal vhich vas lioughl
foilh fiisl ly lhe fiisl povei of his foielhoughl, vhich is aileIo. And he anoinled il vilh his
goodness unliI il lecane peifecl, nol Iacking in any goodness, lecause he had anoinled il vilh lhe
goodness of lhe invisilIe Spiiil. And il allended hin as he pouied upon il. And innedialeIy vhen
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il had ieceived fion lhe Spiiil, il gIoiified lhe hoIy Spiiil and lhe peifecl foielhoughl, foi vhose
sake il had cone foilh.
"And il iequesled lo give il a feIIov voikei, vhich is lhe nind, and he consenled gIadIy. And
vhen lhe invisilIe Spiiil had consenled, lhe nind cane foilh, and il allended Chiisl, gIoiifying
hin and aileIo. And aII lhese cane inlo leing in siIence.
"And lhe nind vanled lo peifoin a deed lhiough lhe void of lhe invisilIe Spiiil. And his viII
lecane a deed and il appeaied vilh lhe nind, and lhe Iighl gIoiified il. And lhe void foIIoved
lhe viII. Ioi lecause of lhe void, Chiisl lhe divine Aulogenes ciealed eveiylhing. And lhe eleinaI
Iife <and> his viII and lhe nind and lhe foieknovIedge allended and gIoiified lhe invisilIe Spiiil
and aileIo, foi vhose sake lhey had cone inlo leing.
"And lhe hoIy Spiiil conpIeled lhe divine Aulogenes, his son, logelhei vilh aileIo, lhal he nay
allend lhe nighly and invisilIe, viiginaI Spiiil as lhe divine Aulogenes, lhe Chiisl vhon he had
honoied vilh a nighly voice. He cane foilh lhiough lhe foielhoughl. And lhe invisilIe, viiginaI
Spiiil pIaced lhe divine Aulogenes of liulh ovei eveiylhing. And he suljecled lo hin eveiy
aulhoiily, and lhe liulh vhich is in hin, lhal he nay knov lhe AII vhich had leen caIIed vilh a
nane exaIled alove eveiy nane. Ioi lhal nane viII le nenlioned lo lhose vho aie voilhy of il.
"Ioi fion lhe Iighl, vhich is lhe Chiisl, and lhe indesliucliliIily, lhiough lhe gifl of lhe Spiiil lhe
foui Iighls (appeaied) fion lhe divine Aulogenes. He expecled lhal lhey nighl allend hin. And
lhe lhiee (aie) viII, lhoughl, and Iife. And lhe foui poveis (aie) undeislanding, giace, peiceplion,
and piudence. And giace leIongs lo lhe Iighl-aeon AinozeI, vhich is lhe fiisl angeI. And lheie
aie lhiee olhei aeons vilh lhis aeon: giace, liulh, and foin. And lhe second Iighl (is) OiieI, vho
has leen pIaced ovei lhe second aeon. And lheie aie lhiee olhei aeons vilh hin: conceplion,
peiceplion, and nenoiy. And lhe lhiid Iighl is Daveilhai, vho has leen pIaced ovei lhe lhiid
aeon. And lheie aie lhiee olhei aeons vilh hin: undeislanding, Iove, and idea. And lhe fouilh
aeon vas pIaced ovei lhe fouilh Iighl LIeIelh. And lheie aie lhiee olhei aeons vilh hin:
peifeclion, peace, and visdon. These aie lhe foui Iighls vhich allend lhe divine Aulogenes, (and)
lhese aie lhe lveIve aeons vhich allend lhe son of lhe nighly one, lhe Aulogenes, lhe Chiisl,
lhiough lhe viII and lhe gifl of lhe invisilIe Spiiil. And lhe lveIve aeons leIong lo lhe son of lhe
Aulogenes. And aII lhings veie eslalIished ly lhe viII of lhe hoIy Spiiil lhiough lhe Aulogenes.
"And fion lhe foieknovIedge of lhe peifecl nind, lhiough lhe ieveIalion of lhe viII of lhe
invisilIe Spiiil and lhe viII of lhe Aulogenes, <lhe> peifecl Man (appeaied), lhe fiisl ieveIalion,
and lhe liulh. Il is he vhon lhe viiginaI Spiiil caIIed Iigeia-Adanas, and he pIaced hin ovei lhe
fiisl aeon vilh lhe nighly one, lhe Aulogenes, lhe Chiisl, ly lhe fiisl Iighl AinozeI, and vilh hin
aie his poveis. And lhe invisilIe one gave hin a spiiiluaI, invincilIe povei. And he spoke and
gIoiified and piaised lhe invisilIe Spiiil, saying, 'Il is foi lhy sake lhal eveiylhing has cone inlo
leing and eveiylhing viII ieluin lo lhee. I shaII piaise and gIoiify lhee and lhe Aulogenes and lhe
aeons, lhe lhiee: lhe Ialhei, lhe Molhei, and lhe Son, lhe peifecl povei.'
"And he pIaced his son Selh ovei lhe second aeon in lhe piesence of lhe second Iighl OiieI. And in
lhe lhiid aeon lhe seed of Selh vas pIaced ovei lhe lhiid Iighl Daveilhai. And lhe souIs of lhe
sainls veie pIaced (lheie). And in lhe fouilh aeon lhe souIs veie pIaced of lhose vho do nol knov
lhe IIeiona and vho did nol iepenl al once, lul vho peisisled foi a vhiIe and iepenled
afleivaids, lhey aie ly lhe fouilh Iighl LIeIelh. These aie ciealuies vhich gIoiify lhe invisilIe
"And lhe Sophia of lhe Lpinoia, leing an aeon, conceived a lhoughl fion heiseIf and lhe
conceplion of lhe invisilIe Spiiil and foieknovIedge. She vanled lo liing foilh a Iikeness oul of
heiseIf vilhoul lhe consenl of lhe Spiiil, - he had nol appioved - and vilhoul hei consoil, and
vilhoul his consideialion. And lhough lhe peison of hei naIeness had nol appioved, and she had
nol found hei agieenenl, and she had lhoughl vilhoul lhe consenl of lhe Spiiil and lhe
knovIedge of hei agieenenl, (yel) she lioughl foilh. And lecause of lhe invincilIe povei vhich
is in hei, hei lhoughl did nol ienain idIe, and sonelhing cane oul of hei vhich vas inpeifecl
and diffeienl fion hei appeaiance, lecause she had ciealed il vilhoul hei consoil. And il vas
dissiniIai lo lhe Iikeness of ils nolhei, foi il has anolhei foin.
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"And vhen she sav (lhe consequences of) hei desiie, il changed inlo a foin of a Iion-faced
seipenl. And ils eyes veie Iike Iighlning fiies vhich fIash. She casl il avay fion hei, oulside lhal
pIace, lhal no one of lhe innoilaI ones nighl see il, foi she had ciealed il in ignoiance. And she
suiiounded il vilh a Iuninous cIoud, and she pIaced a lhione in lhe niddIe of lhe cIoud lhal no
one nighl see il excepl lhe hoIy Spiiil vho is caIIed lhe nolhei of lhe Iiving. And she caIIed his
nane YaIlalaolh.
"This is lhe fiisl aichon vho look a gieal povei fion his nolhei. And he ienoved hinseIf fion
hei and noved avay fion lhe pIaces in vhich he vas loin. He lecane sliong and ciealed foi
hinseIf olhei aeons vilh a fIane of Iuninous fiie vhich (sliII) exisls nov. And he joined vilh his
aiiogance vhich is in hin and legol aulhoiilies foi hinseIf. The nane of lhe fiisl one is Alholh,
vhon lhe geneialions caII lhe ieapei. The second one is Hainas, vho is lhe eye of envy. The lhiid
one is KaIiIa-Ounlii. The fouilh one is YaleI. The fiflh one is Adonaiou, vho is caIIed Salaolh.
The sixlh one is Cain, vhon lhe geneialions of nen caII lhe sun. The sevenlh is AleI. The eighlh
is Aliisene. The ninlh is YoleI. The lenlh is AinoupieeI. The eIevenlh is MeIceii-Adonein. The
lveIflh is eIias, il is he vho is ovei lhe deplh of Hades. And he pIaced seven kings - each
coiiesponding lo lhe fiinanenls of heaven - ovei lhe seven heavens, and five ovei lhe deplh of
lhe alyss, lhal lhey nay ieign. And he shaied his fiie vilh lhen, lul he did nol send foilh fion
lhe povei of lhe Iighl vhich he had laken fion his nolhei, foi he is ignoianl daikness.
"And vhen lhe Iighl had nixed vilh lhe daikness, il caused lhe daikness lo shine. And vhen lhe
daikness had nixed vilh lhe Iighl, il daikened lhe Iighl and il lecane neilhei Iighl noi daik, lul
il lecane din.
"Nov lhe aichon vho is veak has lhiee nanes. The fiisl nane is YaIlalaolh, lhe second is SakIas,
and lhe lhiid is SanaeI. And he is inpious in his aiiogance vhich is in hin. Ioi he said, 'I an Cod
and lheie is no olhei Cod leside ne,' foi he is ignoianl of his slienglh, lhe pIace fion vhich he
had cone.
"And lhe aichons ciealed seven poveis foi lhenseIves, and lhe poveis ciealed foi lhenseIves six
angeIs foi each one unliI lhey lecane 365 angeIs. And lhese aie lhe lodies leIonging vilh lhe
nanes: lhe fiisl is Alholh, a he has a sheep's face, lhe second is LIoaiou, he has a donkey's face, lhe
lhiid is Aslaphaios, he has a hyena's face, lhe fouilh is Yao, he has a seipenl's face vilh seven
heads, lhe fiflh is Salaolh, he has a diagon's face, lhe sixlh is Adonin, he had a nonkey's face, lhe
sevenlh is Sallede, he has a shining fiie-face. This is lhe sevenness of lhe veek.
"ul YaIlalaolh had a nuIlilude of faces, noie lhan aII of lhen, so lhal he couId pul a face lefoie
aII of lhen, accoiding lo his desiie, vhen he is in lhe nidsl of seiaphs. He shaied his fiie vilh
lhen, lheiefoie he lecane Ioid ovei lhen. ecause of lhe povei of lhe gIoiy he possessed of his
nolhei's Iighl, he caIIed hinseIf Cod. And he did nol oley lhe pIace fion vhich he cane. And he
uniled lhe seven poveis in his lhoughl vilh lhe aulhoiilies vhich veie vilh hin. And vhen he
spoke il happened. And he naned each povei leginning vilh lhe highesl: lhe fiisl is goodness
vilh lhe fiisl (aulhoiily), Alholh, lhe second is foieknovIedge vilh lhe second one, LIoaio, and
lhe lhiid is divinily vilh lhe lhiid one, Asliaphaio), lhe fouilh is Ioidship vilh lhe fouilh one,
Yao, lhe fiflh is kingdon vilh lhe fiflh one, Salaolh, lhe sixlh is envy vilh lhe sixlh one, Adonein,
lhe sevenlh is undeislanding vilh lhe sevenlh one, Sallaleon. And lhese have a fiinanenl
coiiesponding lo each aeon-heaven. They veie given nanes accoiding lo lhe gIoiy vhich leIongs
lo heaven foi lhe desliuclion of lhe poveis. And in lhe nanes vhich veie given lo lhen ly lheii
Oiiginaloi lheie vas povei. ul lhe nanes vhich veie given lhen accoiding lo lhe gIoiy vhich
leIongs lo heaven nean foi lhen desliuclion and poveiIessness. Thus lhey have lvo nanes.
"And having ciealed |...j eveiylhing, he oiganized accoiding lo lhe nodeI of lhe fiisl aeons vhich
had cone inlo leing, so lhal he nighl cieale lhen Iike lhe indesliuclilIe ones. Nol lecause he had
seen lhe indesliuclilIe ones, lul lhe povei in hin, vhich he had laken fion his nolhei, pioduced
in hin lhe Iikeness of lhe cosnos. And vhen he sav lhe ciealion vhich suiiounds hin, and lhe
nuIlilude of lhe angeIs aiound hin vhich had cone foilh fion hin, he said lo lhen, 'I an a
jeaIous Cod, and lheie is no olhei Cod leside ne.' ul ly announcing lhis he indicaled lo lhe
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angeIs vho allended hin lhal lheie exisls anolhei Cod. Ioi if lheie veie no olhei one, of vhon
vouId he le jeaIous`
"Then lhe nolhei legan lo nove lo and fio. She lecane avaie of lhe deficiency vhen lhe
liighlness of hei Iighl dininished. And she lecane daik lecause hei consoil had nol agieed vilh
And I said, "Loid, vhal does il nean lhal she noved lo and fio`" ul he sniIed and said, "Do nol
lhink il is, as Moses said, 'alove lhe valeis.' No, lul vhen she had seen lhe vickedness vhich had
happened, and lhe lhefl vhich hei son had connilled, she iepenled. And she vas oveicone ly
foigelfuIness in lhe daikness of ignoiance and she legan lo le ashaned. And she did nol daie lo
ieluin, lul she vas noving aloul. And lhe noving is lhe going lo and fio.
"And lhe aiioganl one look a povei fion his nolhei. Ioi he vas ignoianl, lhinking lhal lheie
exisled no olhei excepl his nolhei aIone. And vhen he sav lhe nuIlilude of lhe angeIs vhich he
had ciealed, lhen he exaIled hinseIf alove lhen.
"And vhen lhe nolhei iecognized lhal lhe gainenl of daikness vas inpeifecl, lhen she knev
lhal hei consoil had nol agieed vilh hei. She iepenled vilh nuch veeping. And lhe vhoIe
pIeiona heaid lhe piayei of hei iepenlance, and lhey piaised on hei lehaIf lhe invisilIe, viiginaI
Spiiil. And he consenled, and vhen lhe invisilIe Spiiil had consenled, lhe hoIy Spiiil pouied ovei
hei fion lheii vhoIe pIeiona. Ioi il vas nol hei consoil vho cane lo hei, lul he cane lo hei
lhiough lhe pIeiona in oidei lhal he nighl coiiecl hei deficiency. And she vas laken up nol lo
hei ovn aeon lul alove hei son, lhal she nighl le in lhe ninlh unliI she has coiiecled hei
"And a voice cane foilh fion lhe exaIled aeon-heaven: 'The Man exisls and lhe son of Man.' And
lhe chief aichon, YaIlalaolh, heaid (il) and lhoughl lhal lhe voice had cone fion his nolhei. And
he did nol knov fion vheie il cane. And he laughl lhen, lhe hoIy and peifecl Molhei-Ialhei, lhe
conpIele foieknovIedge, lhe inage of lhe invisilIe one vho is lhe Ialhei of lhe aII (and) lhiough
vhon eveiylhing cane inlo leing, lhe fiisl Man. Ioi he ieveaIed his Iikeness in a hunan foin.
"And lhe vhoIe aeon of lhe chief aichon lienlIed, and lhe foundalions of lhe alyss shook. And of
lhe valeis vhich aie alove nallei, lhe undeiside vas iIIuninaled ly lhe appeaiance of his inage
vhich had leen ieveaIed. And vhen aII lhe aulhoiilies and lhe chief aichon Iooked, lhey sav lhe
vhoIe iegion of lhe undeiside vhich vas iIIuninaled. And lhiough lhe Iighl lhey sav lhe foin of
lhe inage in lhe valei.
"And he said lo lhe aulhoiilies vhich allend hin, 'Cone, Iel us cieale a nan accoiding lo lhe
inage of Cod and accoiding lo oui Iikeness, lhal his inage nay lecone a Iighl foi us.' And lhey
ciealed ly neans of lheii iespeclive poveis in coiiespondence vilh lhe chaiacleiislics vhich
veie given. And each aulhoiily suppIied a chaiacleiislic in lhe foin of lhe inage vhich he had
seen in ils naluiaI (foin). He ciealed a leing accoiding lo lhe Iikeness of lhe fiisl, peifecl Man.
And lhey said, 'Lel us caII hin Adan, lhal his nane nay lecone a povei of Iighl foi us.'
"And lhe poveis legan: lhe fiisl one, goodness, ciealed a lone-souI, and lhe second,
foieknovIedge, ciealed a sinev-souI, lhe lhiid, divinily, ciealed a fIesh-souI, and lhe fouilh, lhe
Ioidship, ciealed a naiiov-souI, lhe fiflh, kingdon ciealed a lIood-souI, lhe sixlh, envy, ciealed a
skin-souI, lhe sevenlh, undeislanding, ciealed a haii-souI. And lhe nuIlilude of lhe angeIs
allended hin and lhey ieceived fion lhe poveis lhe seven sulslances of lhe naluiaI (foin) in
oidei lo cieale lhe piopoilions of lhe Iinls and lhe piopoilion of lhe iunp and lhe piopei
voiking logelhei of each of lhe pails.
"The fiisl one legan lo cieale lhe head. Lleiaphaope-Alion ciealed his head, Meniggesslioelh
ciealed lhe liain, Asleiechne (ciealed) lhe iighl eye, Thasponocha, lhe Iefl eye, Yeionunos, lhe
iighl eai, issoun, lhe Iefl eai, Akioiein, lhe nose, anen-Lphioun, lhe Iips, Anen, lhe leelh,
Ilikan, lhe noIais, asiIiadene, lhe lonsiIs, Achcha, lhe uvuIa, Adalan, lhe neck, Chaanan, lhe
veileliae, Deaicho, lhe lhioal, Telai, lhe iighl shouIdei, |...j, lhe Iefl shouIdei, Mniaicon, lhe iighl
eIlov, |...j, lhe Iefl eIlov, Aliliion, lhe iighl undeiain, Lvanlhen, lhe Iefl undeiain, Kiys, lhe
iighl hand, eIuai, lhe Iefl hand, Tieneu, lhe fingeis of lhe iighl hand, aIleI, lhe fingeis of lhe Iefl
hand, Kiinan, lhe naiIs of lhe hands, Asliops, lhe iighl lieasl, aiioph, lhe Iefl lieasl, aoun, lhe
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iighl shouIdei joinl, Aiaiin, lhe Iefl shouIdei joinl, Aieche, lhe leIIy, Ihlhave, lhe naveI,
Senaphin, lhe aldonen, Aiachelhopi, lhe iighl iils, Zaledo, lhe Iefl iils, aiias, lhe iighl hip,
Ihnoulh lhe Iefl hip, AlenIenaichei, lhe naiiov, Chnouneninoiin, lhe lones, CesoIe, lhe
slonach, Agionauna, lhe heail, ano, lhe Iungs, SosliapaI, lhe Iivei, AnesinaIai, lhe spIeen,
Thopilhio, lhe inleslines, ilIo, lhe kidneys, Roeioi, lhe sinevs, Taphieo, lhe spine of lhe lody,
Ipouspolola, lhe veins, ineloiin, lhe aileiies, Aloinenpsephei, lheiis aie lhe liealhs vhich aie
in aII lhe Iinls, LnlhoIIeia, aII lhe fIesh, edouk, lhe iighl lullock (`), Aialeei, lhe Iefl penis, LiIo,
lhe leslicIes, Soina, lhe genilaIs, Coina-KaiochIalai, lhe iighl lhigh, Neliilh, lhe Iefl lhigh,
Iseien, lhe kidneys of lhe iighl Ieg, AsakIas, lhe Iefl kidney, Oinaolh, lhe iighl Ieg, Lnenun, lhe
Iefl Ieg, Knyx, lhe iighl shin-lone, TupeIon, lhe Iefl shin-lone, AchieI, lhe iighl knee, Ihnene, lhe
Iefl knee, Ihioulhion, lhe iighl fool, oaleI, ils loes, Tiachoun, lhe Iefl fool, Ihikna, ils loes,
Mianai, lhe naiIs of lhe feel, Laleinioun - .
"And lhose vho veie appoinled ovei aII of lhese aie: Zalholh, Ainas, KaIiIa, }aleI, (Salaolh,
Cain, AleI). And lhose vho aie pailicuIaiIy aclive in lhe Iinls (aie) lhe head DioIinodiaza, lhe
neck Yanneax, lhe iighl shouIdei Yakouil, lhe Iefl shouIdei Veilon, lhe iighl hand Oudidi, lhe
Iefl one Ailao, lhe fingeis of lhe iighl hand Lanpno, lhe fingeis of lhe Iefl hand Leekaphai, lhe
iighl lieasl ailai, lhe Iefl lieasl Inae, lhe chesl Iisandiiaples, lhe iighl shouIdei joinl Koade, lhe
Iefl shouIdei joinl Odeoi, lhe iighl iils Asphixix, lhe Iefl iils Synogchoula, lhe leIIy Aiouph, lhe
vonl SalaIo, lhe iighl lhigh Chaichail, lhe Iefl lhigh Chlhaon, aII lhe genilaIs alhinolh, lhe
iighl Ieg Choux, lhe Iefl Ieg Chaicha, lhe iighl shin-lone Aioei, lhe Iefl shin-lone Toechlha, lhe
iighl knee AoI, lhe Iefl knee Chaianei, lhe iighl fool aslan, ils loes Aichenlechlha, lhe Iefl fool
Maiephnounlh, ils loes Aliana.
"Seven have povei ovei aII of lhese: MichaeI, OuiieI, Asnenedas, SaphasaloeI, Aainouiian,
Richian, Anioips. And lhe ones vho aie in chaige ovei lhe senses (aie) Aichendekla, and he
vho is in chaige ovei lhe ieceplions (is) Deilhailalhas, and he vho is in chaige ovei lhe
inaginalion (is) Ounnaa, and he vho is ovei lhe conposilion Aachiaian, and he vho is ovei lhe
vhoIe inpuIse Riaiannacho.
"And lhe oiigin of lhe denons vhich aie in lhe vhoIe lody is deleinined lo le foui: heal, coId,
velness, and diyness. And lhe nolhei of aII of lhen is nallei. And he vho ieigns ovei lhe heal
(is) IhIoxopha, and he vho ieigns ovei lhe coId is Oiooiiolhos, and he vho ieigns ovei vhal is
diy (is) Liinacho, and he vho ieigns ovei lhe velness (is) Alhuio. And lhe nolhei of aII of lhese,
Onoilhochiasaei, slands in lheii nidsl, since she is iIIinilalIe, and she nixes vilh aII of lhen.
And she is liuIy nallei, foi lhey aie nouiished ly hei.
"The foui chief denons aie: Lphenenphi, vho leIongs lo pIeasuie, Yoko, vho leIongs lo desiie,
Nenenlophni, vho leIongs lo giief, Iaonen, vho leIongs lo feai. And lhe nolhei of lhen aII is
Aeslhesis-Ouch-Lpi-Iloe. And fion lhe foui denons passions cane foilh. And fion giief (cane)
envy, jeaIousy, disliess, lioulIe, pain, caIIousness, anxiely, nouining, elc. And fion pIeasuie
nuch vickedness aiises, and enply piide, and siniIai lhings. And fion desiie (cones) angei,
vialh, and lilleiness, and lillei passion, and unsaledness, and siniIai lhings. And fion feai
(cones) diead, favning, agony, and shane. AII of lhese aie Iike usefuI lhings as veII as eviI
lhings. ul lhe insighl inlo lheii liue (chaiaclei) is Anaio, vho is lhe head of lhe naleiiaI souI, foi
il leIongs vilh lhe seven senses, Ouch-Lpi-Iloe.
"This is lhe nunlei of lhe angeIs: logelhei lhey aie 365. They aII voiked on il unliI, Iinl foi Iinl,
lhe naluiaI and lhe naleiiaI lody vas conpIeled ly lhen. Nov lheie aie olhei ones in chaige
ovei lhe ienaining passions vhon I did nol nenlion lo you. ul if you vish lo knov lhen, il is
viillen in lhe look of Zoioaslei. And aII lhe angeIs and denons voiked unliI lhey had
consliucled lhe naluiaI lody. And lheii pioducl vas conpIeleIy inaclive and nolionIess foi a
Iong line.
"And vhen lhe nolhei vanled lo ieliieve lhe povei vhich she had given lo lhe chief aichon, she
pelilioned lhe Molhei-Ialhei of lhe AII, vho is nosl neicifuI. He senl, ly neans of lhe hoIy
deciee, lhe five Iighls dovn upon lhe pIace of lhe angeIs of lhe chief aichon. They advised hin
lhal lhey shouId liing foilh lhe povei of lhe nolhei. And lhey said lo YaIlalaolh, 'Iov inlo his
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face sonelhing of youi spiiil and his lody viII aiise.' And he lIev inlo his face lhe spiiil vhich is
lhe povei of his nolhei, he did nol knov (lhis), foi he exisls in ignoiance. And lhe povei of lhe
nolhei venl oul of YaIlalaolh inlo lhe naluiaI lody, vhich lhey had fashioned aflei lhe inage of
lhe one vho exisls fion lhe leginning. The lody noved and gained slienglh, and il vas
"And in lhal nonenl lhe iesl of lhe poveis lecane jeaIous, lecause he had cone inlo leing
lhiough aII of lhen and lhey had given lheii povei lo lhe nan, and his inleIIigence vas giealei
lhan lhal of lhose vho had nade hin, and giealei lhan lhal of lhe chief aichon. And vhen lhey
iecognized lhal he vas Iuninous, and lhal he couId lhink lellei lhan lhey, and lhal he vas fiee
fion vickedness, lhey look hin and lhiev hin inlo lhe Iovesl iegion of aII nallei.
"ul lhe lIessed One, lhe Molhei-Ialhei, lhe leneficenl and neicifuI One, had neicy on lhe
povei of lhe nolhei vhich had leen lioughl foilh oul of lhe chief aichon, foi lhey (lhe aichons)
nighl gain povei ovei lhe naluiaI and peiceplilIe lody. And he senl, lhiough his leneficenl
Spiiil and his gieal neicy, a heIpei lo Adan, Iuninous Lpinoia vhich cones oul of hin, vho is
caIIed Life. And she assisls lhe vhoIe ciealuie, ly loiIing vilh hin and ly iesloiing hin lo his
fuIIness and ly leaching hin aloul lhe descenl of his seed (and) ly leaching hin aloul lhe vay of
ascenl, (vhich is) lhe vay he cane dovn. And lhe Iuninous Lpinoia vas hidden in Adan, in
oidei lhal lhe aichons nighl nol knov hei, lul lhal lhe Lpinoia nighl le a coiieclion of lhe
deficiency of lhe nolhei.
"And lhe nan cane foilh lecause of lhe shadov of lhe Iighl vhich is in hin. And his lhinking
vas supeiioi lo aII lhose vho had nade hin. When lhey Iooked up, lhey sav lhal his lhinking
vas supeiioi. And lhey look counseI vilh lhe vhoIe aiiay of aichons and angeIs. They look fiie
and eailh and valei and nixed lhen logelhei vilh lhe foui fieiy vinds. And lhey vioughl lhen
logelhei and caused a gieal disluilance. And lhey lioughl hin (Adan) inlo lhe shadov of dealh,
in oidei lhal lhey nighl foin (hin) again fion eailh and valei and fiie and lhe spiiil vhich
oiiginales in nallei, vhich is lhe ignoiance of daikness and desiie, and lheii counleifeil spiiil.
This is lhe lonl of lhe nevIy-foined lody vilh vhich lhe iolleis had cIolhed lhe nan, lhe lond
of foigelfuIness, and he lecane a noilaI nan. This is lhe fiisl one vho cane dovn, and lhe fiisl
sepaialion. ul lhe Lpinoia of lhe Iighl vhich vas in hin, she is lhe one vho vas lo avaken his
"And lhe aichons look hin and pIaced hin in paiadise. And lhey said lo hin, 'Lal, lhal is al
Ieisuie,' foi lheii Iuxuiy is lillei and lheii leauly is depiaved. And lheii Iuxuiy is deceplion and
lheii liees aie godIessness and lheii fiuil is deadIy poison and lheii pionise is dealh. And lhe liee
of lheii Iife lhey had pIaced in lhe nidsl of paiadise.
"And I shaII leach you (pI.) vhal is lhe nysleiy of lheii Iife, vhich is lhe pIan vhich lhey nade
logelhei, vhich is lhe Iikeness of lheii spiiil. The iool of lhis (liee) is lillei and ils lianches aie
dealh, ils shadov is hale and deceplion is in ils Ieaves, and ils lIosson is lhe oinlnenl of eviI, and
ils fiuil is dealh and desiie is ils seed, and il spiouls in daikness. The dveIIing pIace of lhose vho
lasle fion il is Hades, and lhe daikness is lheii pIace of iesl.
"ul vhal lhey caII lhe liee of knovIedge of good and eviI, vhich is lhe Lpinoia of lhe Iighl, lhey
slayed in fionl of il in oidei lhal he (Adan) nighl nol Iook up lo his fuIIness and iecognize lhe
nakedness of his shanefuIness. ul il vas I vho lioughl aloul lhal lhey ale."
And lo I said lo lhe savioi, "Loid, vas il nol lhe seipenl lhal laughl Adan lo eal`" The savioi
sniIed and said, "The seipenl laughl lhen lo eal fion vickedness of legelling, Iusl, (and)
desliuclion, lhal he (Adan) nighl le usefuI lo hin. And he (Adan) knev lhal he vas disoledienl
lo hin (lhe chief aichon) due lo Iighl of lhe Lpinoia vhich is in hin, vhich nade hin noie coiiecl
in his lhinking lhan lhe chief aichon. And (lhe Iallei) vanled lo liing aloul lhe povei vhich he
hinseIf had given hin. And he lioughl a foigelfuIness ovei Adan."
And I said lo lhe savioi, "Whal is lhe foigelfuIness`" And he said "Il is nol lhe vay Moses viole
(and) you heaid. Ioi he said in his fiisl look, 'He pul hin lo sIeep' (Cn 2:21), lul (il vas) in his
peiceplion. Ioi aIso he said lhiough lhe piophel, 'I viII nake lheii heails heavy, lhal lhey nay nol
pay allenlion and nay nol see' (Is 6:1O).
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"Then lhe Lpinoia of lhe Iighl hid heiseIf in hin (Adan). And lhe chief aichon vanled lo liing
hei oul of his iil. ul lhe Lpinoia of lhe Iighl cannol le giasped. AIlhough daikness puisued hei,
il did nol calch hei. And he lioughl a pail of his povei oul of hin. And he nade anolhei
ciealuie, in lhe foin of a vonan, accoiding lo lhe Iikeness of lhe Lpinoia vhich had appeaied lo
hin. And he lioughl lhe pail vhich he had laken fion lhe povei of lhe nan inlo lhe fenaIe
ciealuie, and nol as Moses said, 'his iil-lone.'
"And he (Adan) sav lhe vonan leside hin. And in lhal nonenl lhe Iuninous Lpinoia
appeaied, and she Iifled lhe veiI vhich Iay ovei his nind. And he lecane solei fion lhe
diunkenness of daikness. And he iecognized his counlei-inage, and he said, 'This is indeed lone
of ny lones and fIesh of ny fIesh.' Theiefoie lhe nan viII Ieave his falhei and his nolhei, and he
viII cIeave lo his vife, and lhey viII lolh le one fIesh. Ioi lhey viII send hin his consoil, and he
viII Ieave his falhei and his nolhei ... (3 |incs unrcadao|c)
"And oui sislei Sophia (is) she vho cane dovn in innocence in oidei lo ieclify hei deficiency.
Theiefoie she vas caIIed Life, vhich is lhe nolhei of lhe Iiving, ly lhe foieknovIedge of lhe
soveieignly of heaven. And lhiough hei lhey have lasled lhe peifecl KnovIedge. I appeaied in lhe
foin of an eagIe on lhe liee of knovIedge, vhich is lhe Lpinoia fion lhe foieknovIedge of lhe
puie Iighl, lhal I nighl leach lhen and avaken lhen oul of lhe deplh of sIeep. Ioi lhey veie lolh
in a faIIen slale, and lhey iecognized lheii nakedness. The Lpinoia appeaied lo lhen as a Iighl, she
avakened lheii lhinking.
"And vhen YaIlalaolh noliced lhal lhey vilhdiev fion hin, he cuised his eailh. He found lhe
vonan as she vas piepaiing heiseIf foi hei husland. He vas Ioid ovei hei, lhough he did nol
knov lhe nysleiy vhich had cone lo pass lhiough lhe hoIy deciee. And lhey veie afiaid lo
lIane hin. And he shoved his angeIs his ignoiance vhich is in hin. And he casl lhen oul of
paiadise and he cIolhed lhen in gIoony daikness. And lhe chief aichon sav lhe viigin vho slood
ly Adan, and lhal lhe Iuninous Lpinoia of Iife had appeaied in hei. And YaIlalaolh vas fuII of
ignoiance. And vhen lhe foieknovIedge of lhe AII noliced (il), she senl sone and lhey snalched
Iife oul of Lve.
"And lhe chief aichon seduced hei and he legol in hei lvo sons, lhe fiisl and lhe second (aie)
LIoin and Yave. LIoin has a leai-face and Yave has a cal-face. The one is iighleous lul lhe olhei
is uniighleous. (Yave is iighleous lul LIoin is uniighleous.) Yave he sel ovei lhe fiie and lhe
vind, and LIoin he sel ovei lhe valei and lhe eailh. And lhese he caIIed vilh lhe nanes Cain and
AleI vilh a viev lo deceive.
"Nov up lo lhe piesenl day, sexuaI inleicouise conlinued due lo lhe chief aichon. And he pIanled
sexuaI desiie in hei vho leIongs lo Adan. And he pioduced lhiough inleicouise lhe copies of lhe
lodies, and he inspiied lhen vilh his counleifeil spiiil.
"And lhe lvo aichons he sel ovei piincipaIilies, so lhal lhey nighl iuIe ovei lhe lonl. And vhen
Adan iecognized lhe Iikeness of his ovn foieknovIedge, he legol lhe Iikeness of lhe son of nan.
He caIIed hin Selh, accoiding lo lhe vay of lhe iace in lhe aeons. Likevise, lhe nolhei aIso senl
dovn hei spiiil, vhich is in hei Iikeness and a copy of lhose vho aie in lhe pIeiona, foi she viII
piepaie a dveIIing pIace foi lhe aeons vhich viII cone dovn. And he nade lhen diink valei of
foigelfuIness, fion lhe chief aichon, in oidei lhal lhey nighl nol knov fion vheie lhey cane.
Thus, lhe seed ienained foi a vhiIe assisling (hin), in oidei lhal, vhen lhe Spiiil cones foilh
fion lhe hoIy aeons, he nay iaise up and heaI hin fion lhe deficiency, lhal lhe vhoIe pIeiona
nay (again) lecone hoIy and fauIlIess."
And I said lo lhe savioi, "Loid, viII aII lhe souIs lhen le lioughl safeIy inlo lhe puie Iighl`" He
ansveied and said lo ne, "Cieal lhings have aiisen in youi nind, foi il is difficuIl lo expIain lhen
lo olheis excepl lo lhose vho aie fion lhe innovalIe iace. Those on vhon lhe Spiiil of Iife viII
descend and (vilh vhon) he viII le vilh lhe povei, lhey viII le saved and lecone peifecl and
le voilhy of lhe giealness and le puiified in lhal pIace fion aII vickedness and lhe invoIvenenls
in eviI. Then lhey have no olhei caie lhan lhe incoiiuplion aIone, lo vhich lhey diiecl lheii
allenlion fion heie on, vilhoul angei oi envy oi jeaIousy oi desiie and gieed of anylhing. They
aie nol affecled ly anylhing excepl lhe slale of leing in lhe fIesh aIone, vhich lhey leai vhiIe
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Iooking expeclanlIy foi lhe line vhen lhey viII le nel ly lhe ieceiveis (of lhe lody). Such lhen
aie voilhy of lhe inpeiishalIe, eleinaI Iife and lhe caIIing. Ioi lhey enduie eveiylhing and leai
up undei eveiylhing, lhal lhey nay finish lhe good fighl and inheiil eleinaI Iife."
I said lo hin, "Loid, lhe souIs of lhose vho did nol do lhese voiks (lul) on vhon lhe povei and
Spiiil descended, (viII lhey le iejecled`" He ansveied and said lo ne, "If) lhe Spiiil (descended
upon lhen), lhey viII in any case le saved, and lhey viII change (foi lhe lellei). Ioi lhe povei
viII descend on eveiy nan, foi vilhoul il no one can sland. And aflei lhey aie loin, lhen, vhen
lhe Spiiil of Iife incieases and lhe povei cones and slienglhens lhal souI, no one can Iead il asliay
vilh voiks of eviI. ul lhose on vhon lhe counleifeil spiiil descends aie diavn ly hin and lhey
go asliay."
And I said, "Loid, vheie viII lhe souIs of lhese go vhen lhey have cone oul of lheii fIesh`" And
he sniIed and said lo ne, "The souI in vhich lhe povei viII lecone sliongei lhan lhe counleifeil
spiiil, is sliong and il fIees fion eviI and, lhiough lhe inleivenlion of lhe incoiiuplilIe one, il is
saved, and il is laken up lo lhe iesl of lhe aeons."
And I said, "Loid, lhose, hovevei, vho have nol knovn lo vhon lhey leIong, vheie viII lheii
souIs le`" And he said lo ne, "In lhose, lhe despicalIe spiiil has gained slienglh vhen lhey venl
asliay. And he luidens lhe souI and diavs il lo lhe voiks of eviI, and he casls il dovn inlo
foigelfuIness. And aflei il cones oul of (lhe lody), il is handed ovei lo lhe aulhoiilies, vho cane
inlo leing lhiough lhe aichon, and lhey lind il vilh chains and casl il inlo piison, and consoil
vilh il unliI il is Iileialed fion lhe foigelfuIness and acquiies knovIedge. And if lhus il lecones
peifecl, il is saved."
And I said, "Loid, hov can lhe souI lecone snaIIei and ieluin inlo lhe naluie of ils nolhei oi inlo
nan`" Then he iejoiced vhen I asked hin lhis, and he said lo ne, "TiuIy, you aie lIessed, foi you
have undeislood! Thal souI is nade lo foIIov anolhei one (fen.), since lhe Spiiil of Iife is in il. Il is
saved lhiough hin. Il is nol again casl inlo anolhei fIesh."
And I said, "Loid, lhese aIso vho did nol knov, lul have luined avay, vheie viII lheii souIs go`"
Then he said lo ne, "To lhal pIace vheie lhe angeIs of poveily go lhey viII le laken, lhe pIace
vheie lheie is no iepenlance. And lhey viII le kepl foi lhe day on vhich lhose vho have
lIasphened lhe spiiil viII le loiluied, and lhey viII le punished vilh eleinaI punishnenl."
And I said, "Loid, fion vheie did lhe counleifeil spiiil cone`" Then he said lo ne, "The Molhei-
Ialhei, vho is iich in neicy, lhe hoIy Spiiil in eveiy vay, lhe One vho is neicifuI and vho
synpalhizes vilh you (pI.), i.e., lhe Lpinoia of lhe foieknovIedge of Iighl, he iaised up lhe
offspiing of lhe peifecl iace and ils lhinking and lhe eleinaI Iighl of nan. When lhe chief aichon
ieaIized lhal lhey veie exaIled alove hin in lhe heighl - and lhey suipass hin in lhinking - lhen
he vanled lo seize lheii lhoughl, nol knoving lhal lhey suipassed hin in lhinking, and lhal he
viII nol le alIe lo seize lhen.
"He nade a pIan vilh his aulhoiilies, vhich aie his poveis, and lhey connilled logelhei aduIleiy
vilh Sophia, and lillei fale vas legollen lhiough lhen, vhich is lhe Iasl of lhe changealIe londs.
And il is of a soil lhal is inleichangealIe. And il is haidei and sliongei lhan she vilh vhon lhe
gods uniled, and lhe angeIs and lhe denons and aII lhe geneialions unliI lhis day. Ioi fion lhal
fale cane foilh eveiy sin and injuslice and lIaspheny, and lhe chain of foigelfuIness and
ignoiance and eveiy seveie connand, and seiious sins and gieal feais. And lhus lhe vhoIe
ciealion vas nade lIind, in oidei lhal lhey nay nol knov Cod, vho is alove aII of lhen. And
lecause of lhe chain of foigelfuIness, lheii sins veie hidden. Ioi lhey aie lound vilh neasuies
and lines and nonenls, since il (fale) is Ioid ovei eveiylhing.
"And he (lhe chief aichon) iepenled foi eveiylhing vhich had cone inlo leing lhiough hin. This
line he pIanned lo liing a fIood upon lhe voik of nan. ul lhe giealness of lhe Iighl of lhe
foieknovIedge infoined Noah, and he piocIained (il) lo aII lhe offspiing vhich aie lhe sons of
nen. ul lhose vho veie sliangeis lo hin did nol Iislen lo hin. Il is nol as Moses said, 'They hid
lhenseIves in an aik' (Cn 7: 7), lul lhey hid lhenseIves in a pIace, nol onIy Noah, lul aIso nany
olhei peopIe fion lhe innovalIe iace. They venl inlo a pIace and hid lhenseIves in a Iuninous
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cIoud. And he (Noah) iecognized his aulhoiily, and she vho leIongs lo lhe Iighl vas vilh hin,
having shone on lhen lecause he (lhe chief aichon) had lioughl daikness upon lhe vhoIe eailh.
"And he nade a pIan vilh his poveis. He senl his angeIs lo lhe daughleis of nen, lhal lhey nighl
lake sone of lhen foi lhenseIves and iaise offspiing foi lheii enjoynenl. And al fiisl lhey did nol
succeed. When lhey had no success, lhey galheied logelhei again and lhey nade a pIan logelhei.
They ciealed a counleifeil spiiil, vho iesenlIes lhe Spiiil vho had descended, so as lo poIIule lhe
souIs lhiough il. And lhe angeIs changed lhenseIves in lheii Iikeness inlo lhe Iikeness of lheii
nales (lhe daughleis of nen), fiIIing lhen vilh lhe spiiil of daikness, vhich lhey had nixed foi
lhen, and vilh eviI. They lioughl goId and siIvei and a gifl and coppei and iion and nelaI and
aII kinds of lhings. And lhey sleeied lhe peopIe vho had foIIoved lhen inlo gieal lioulIes, ly
Ieading lhen asliay vilh nany deceplions. They (lhe peopIe) lecane oId vilhoul having
enjoynenl. They died, nol having found liulh and vilhoul knoving lhe Cod of liulh. And lhus
lhe vhoIe ciealion lecane ensIaved foievei, fion lhe foundalion of lhe voiId unliI nov. And
lhey look vonen and legol chiIdien oul of lhe daikness accoiding lo lhe Iikeness of lheii spiiil.
And lhey cIosed lheii heails, and lhey haidened lhenseIves lhiough lhe haidness of lhe
counleifeil spiiil unliI nov.
"I, lheiefoie, lhe peifecl Iionoia of lhe aII, changed nyseIf inlo ny seed, foi I exisled fiisl, going
on eveiy ioad. Ioi I an lhe iichness of lhe Iighl, I an lhe ienenliance of lhe pIeiona.
"And I venl inlo lhe ieaIn of daikness and I enduied liII I enleied lhe niddIe of lhe piison. And
lhe foundalions of chaos shook. And I hid nyseIf fion lhen lecause of lheii vickedness, and
lhey did nol iecognize ne.
"Again I ieluined foi lhe second line, and I venl aloul. I cane foilh fion lhose vho leIong lo lhe
Iighl, vhich is I, lhe ienenliance of lhe Iionoia. I enleied inlo lhe nidsl of daikness and lhe
inside of Hades, since I vas seeking (lo acconpIish) ny lask. And lhe foundalions of chaos shook,
lhal lhey nighl faII dovn upon lhose vho aie in chaos and nighl deslioy lhen. And again I ian
up lo ny iool of Iighl, Iesl lhey le deslioyed lefoie lhe line.
"SliII foi a lhiid line I venl - I an lhe Iighl vhich exisls in lhe Iighl, I an lhe ienenliance of lhe
Iionoia - lhal I nighl enlei inlo lhe nidsl of daikness and lhe inside of Hades. And I fiIIed ny
face vilh lhe Iighl of lhe conpIelion of lheii aeon. And I enleied inlo lhe nidsl of lheii piison,
vhich is lhe piison of lhe lody. And I said, 'He vho heais, Iel hin gel up fion lhe deep sIeep.'
And he vepl and shed leais. illei leais he viped fion hinseIf and he said, 'Who is il lhal caIIs
ny nane, and fion vheie has lhis hope cone lo ne, vhiIe I an in lhe chains of lhe piison`' And I
said, 'I an lhe Iionoia of lhe puie Iighl, I an lhe lhinking of lhe viiginaI Spiiil, vho iaised you up
lo lhe honoied pIace. Aiise and ienenlei lhal il is you vho heaikened, and foIIov youi iool,
vhich is I, lhe neicifuI one, and guaid youiseIf againsl lhe angeIs of poveily and lhe denons of
chaos and aII lhose vho ensnaie you, and levaie of lhe deep sIeep and lhe encIosuie of lhe inside
of Hades.
"And I iaised hin up, and seaIed hin in lhe Iighl of lhe valei vilh five seaIs, in oidei lhal dealh
nighl nol have povei ovei hin fion lhis line on.
"And lehoId, nov I shaII go up lo lhe peifecl aeon. I have conpIeled eveiylhing foi you in youi
heaiing. And I have said eveiylhing lo you lhal you nighl viile lhen dovn and give lhen
secielIy lo youi feIIov spiiils, foi lhis is lhe nysleiy of lhe innovalIe iace."
And lhe savioi piesenled lhese lhings lo hin lhal he nighl viile lhen dovn and keep lhen
secuie. And he said lo hin, "Cuised le eveiyone vho viII exchange lhese lhings foi a gifl oi foi
food oi foi diink oi foi cIolhing oi foi any olhei such lhing." And lhese lhings veie piesenled lo
hin in a nysleiy, and innedialeIy he disappeaied fion hin. And he venl lo his feIIov discipIes
and ieIaled lo lhen vhal lhe savioi had loId hin.
}esus Chiisl, Anen.
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Sc|cc|icn frcn Rcocr| ]. Mi||cr, cd., The ConpIele CospeIs: Annolaled SchoIais Veision. (Pc|coridgc Prcss, 1992, 1994).
These aie lhe seciel sayings lhal lhe Iiving }esus spoke and Didynos }udas Thonas iecoided.
1. And he said, "Whoevei discoveis lhe inleipielalion of lhese sayings viII nol lasle dealh."
2. }esus said, "Those vho seek shouId nol slop seeking unliI lhey find. When lhey find, lhey viII
le disluiled. When lhey aie disluiled, lhey viII naiveI, and viII ieign ovei aII. |And aflei lhey
have ieigned lhey viII iesl.j"
3. }esus said, "If youi Ieadeis say lo you, 'Look, lhe (Ialhei's) kingdon is in lhe sky,' lhen lhe liids
of lhe sky viII piecede you. If lhey say lo you, 'Il is in lhe sea,' lhen lhe fish viII piecede you.
Ralhei, lhe (Ialhei's) kingdon is vilhin you and il is oulside you.
When you knov youiseIves, lhen you viII le knovn, and you viII undeisland lhal you aie
chiIdien of lhe Iiving Ialhei. ul if you do nol knov youiseIves, lhen you Iive in poveily, and you
aie lhe poveily."
4. }esus said, "The peison oId in days von'l hesilale lo ask a IillIe chiId seven days oId aloul lhe
pIace of Iife, and lhal peison viII Iive.
Ioi nany of lhe fiisl viII le Iasl, and viII lecone a singIe one."
5. }esus said, "Knov vhal is in fionl of youi face, and vhal is hidden fion you viII le discIosed lo
Ioi lheie is nolhing hidden lhal viII nol le ieveaIed. |And lheie is nolhing luiied lhal viII nol le
6. His discipIes asked hin and said lo hin, "Do you vanl us lo fasl` Hov shouId ve piay` ShouId
ve give lo chaiily` Whal diel shouId ve olseive`"
}esus said, "Don'l Iie, and don'l do vhal you hale, lecause aII lhings aie discIosed lefoie heaven.
Aflei aII, lheie is nolhing hidden lhal viII nol le ieveaIed, and lheie is nolhing coveied up lhal
viII ienain undiscIosed."
7. }esus said, "Lucky is lhe Iion lhal lhe hunan viII eal, so lhal lhe Iion lecones hunan. And fouI
is lhe hunan lhal lhe Iion viII eal, and lhe Iion sliII viII lecone hunan."
8. And he said, "The peison is Iike a vise fisheinan vho casl his nel inlo lhe sea and diev il up
fion lhe sea fuII of IillIe fish. Anong lhen lhe vise fisheinan discoveied a fine Iaige fish. He
lhiev aII lhe IillIe fish lack inlo lhe sea, and easiIy chose lhe Iaige fish. Anyone heie vilh lvo
good eais had lellei Iislen!"
9. }esus said, "Look, lhe sovei venl oul, look a handfuI (of seeds), and scalleied (lhen). Sone feII
on lhe ioad, and lhe liids cane and galheied lhen. Olheis feII on iock, and lhey didn'l lake iool
in lhe soiI and didn'l pioduce heads of giain. Olheis feII on lhoins, and lhey choked lhe seeds and
voins ale lhen. And olheis feII on good soiI, and il pioduced a good ciop: il yieIded sixly pei
neasuie and one hundied lvenly pei neasuie."
1O. }esus said, "I have casl fiie upon lhe voiId, and Iook, I'n guaiding il unliI il lIazes."
11. }esus said, "This heaven viII pass avay, and lhe one alove il viII pass avay.
The dead aie nol aIive, and lhe Iiving viII nol die. Duiing lhe days vhen you ale vhal is dead,
you nade il cone aIive. When you aie in lhe Iighl, vhal viII you do` On lhe day vhen you veie
one, you lecane lvo. ul vhen you lecone lvo, vhal viII you do`"
12. The discipIes said lo }esus, "We knov lhal you aie going lo Ieave us. Who viII le oui Ieadei`"
}esus said lo lhen, "No nallei vheie you aie you aie lo go lo }anes lhe }usl, foi vhose sake
heaven and eailh cane inlo leing."
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13. }esus said lo his discipIes, "Conpaie ne lo sonelhing and leII ne vhal I an Iike."
Sinon Ielei said lo hin, "You aie Iike a jusl nessengei."
Mallhev said lo hin, "You aie Iike a vise phiIosophei."
Thonas said lo hin, "Teachei, ny noulh is ulleiIy unalIe lo say vhal you aie Iike."
}esus said, "I an nol youi leachei. ecause you have diunk, you have lecone inloxicaled fion lhe
lullIing spiing lhal I have lended."
And he look hin, and vilhdiev, and spoke lhiee sayings lo hin. When Thonas cane lack lo his
fiiends lhey asked hin, "Whal did }esus say lo you`"
Thonas said lo lhen, "If I leII you one of lhe sayings he spoke lo ne, you viII pick up iocks and
slone ne, and fiie viII cone fion lhe iocks and devoui you."
14. }esus said lo lhen, "If you fasl, you viII liing sin upon youiseIves, and if you piay, you viII le
condenned, and if you give lo chaiily, you viII hain youi spiiils.
When you go inlo any iegion and vaIk aloul in lhe counliyside, vhen peopIe lake you in, eal
vhal lhey seive you and heaI lhe sick anong lhen.
Aflei aII, vhal goes inlo youi noulh viII nol defiIe you, ialhei, il's vhal cones oul of youi noulh
lhal viII defiIe you."
15. }esus said, "When you see one vho vas nol loin of vonan, faII on youi faces and voiship.
Thal one is youi Ialhei."
16. }esus said, "Ieihaps peopIe lhink lhal I have cone lo casl peace upon lhe voiId. They do nol
knov lhal I have cone lo casl confIicls upon lhe eailh: fiie, svoid, vai.
Ioi lheie viII le five in a house: lheie'II le lhiee againsl lvo and lvo againsl lhiee, falhei againsl
son and son againsl falhei, and lhey viII sland aIone."
17. }esus said, "I viII give you vhal no eye has seen, vhal no eai has heaid, vhal no hand has
louched, vhal has nol aiisen in lhe hunan heail."
18. The discipIes said lo }esus, "TeII us, hov viII oui end cone`"
}esus said, "Have you found lhe leginning, lhen, lhal you aie Iooking foi lhe end` You see, lhe
end viII le vheie lhe leginning is.
CongialuIalions lo lhe one vho slands al lhe leginning: lhal one viII knov lhe end and viII nol
lasle dealh."
19. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo lhe one vho cane inlo leing lefoie coning inlo leing.
If you lecone ny discipIes and pay allenlion lo ny sayings, lhese slones viII seive you.
Ioi lheie aie five liees in Iaiadise foi you, lhey do nol change, sunnei oi vinlei, and lheii Ieaves
do nol faII. Whoevei knovs lhen viII nol lasle dealh."
2O. The discipIes said lo }esus, "TeII us vhal Heaven's kingdon is Iike."
He said lo lhen, "Il's Iike a nuslaid seed, lhe snaIIesl of aII seeds, lul vhen il faIIs on piepaied
soiI, il pioduces a Iaige pIanl and lecones a sheIlei foi liids of lhe sky."
21. Maiy said lo }esus, "Whal aie youi discipIes Iike`"
He said, "They aie Iike IillIe chiIdien Iiving in a fieId lhal is nol lheiis. When lhe ovneis of lhe
fieId cone, lhey viII say, 'Cive us lack oui fieId.' They lake off lheii cIolhes in fionl of lhen in
oidei lo give il lack lo lhen, and lhey ieluin lheii fieId lo lhen.
Ioi lhis ieason I say, if lhe ovneis of a house knov lhal a lhief is coning, lhey viII le on guaid
lefoie lhe lhief aiiives and viII nol Iel lhe lhief lieak inlo lheii house (lheii donain) and sleaI
lheii possessions.
As foi you, lhen, le on guaid againsl lhe voiId. Iiepaie youiseIves vilh gieal slienglh, so lhe
iolleis can'l find a vay lo gel lo you, foi lhe lioulIe you expecl viII cone.
Lel lheie le anong you a peison vho undeislands.
When lhe ciop iipened, he cane quickIy caiiying a sickIe and haivesled il. Anyone heie vilh lvo
good eais had lellei Iislen!"
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22. }esus sav sone lalies nuising. He said lo his discipIes, "These nuising lalies aie Iike lhose
vho enlei lhe (Ialhei's) kingdon."
They said lo hin, "Then shaII ve enlei lhe (Ialhei's) kingdon as lalies`"
}esus said lo lhen, "When you nake lhe lvo inlo one, and vhen you nake lhe innei Iike lhe oulei
and lhe oulei Iike lhe innei, and lhe uppei Iike lhe Iovei, and vhen you nake naIe and fenaIe
inlo a singIe one, so lhal lhe naIe viII nol le naIe noi lhe fenaIe le fenaIe, vhen you nake eyes
in pIace of an eye, a hand in pIace of a hand, a fool in pIace of a fool, an inage in pIace of an
inage, lhen you viII enlei |lhe kingdonj."
23. }esus said, "I shaII choose you, one fion a lhousand and lvo fion len lhousand, and lhey viII
sland as a singIe one."
24. His discipIes said, "Shov us lhe pIace vheie you aie, foi ve nusl seek il."
He said lo lhen, "Anyone heie vilh lvo eais had lellei Iislen! Theie is Iighl vilhin a peison of
Iighl, and il shines on lhe vhoIe voiId. If il does nol shine, il is daik."
25. }esus said, "Love youi fiiends Iike youi ovn souI, piolecl lhen Iike lhe pupiI of youi eye."
26. }esus said, "You see lhe sIivei in youi fiiend's eye, lul you don'l see lhe linlei in youi ovn
eye. When you lake lhe linlei oul of youi ovn eye, lhen you viII see veII enough lo ienove lhe
sIivei fion youi fiiend's eye."
27. "If you do nol fasl fion lhe voiId, you viII nol find lhe (Ialhei's) kingdon. If you do nol
olseive lhe sallalh as a sallalh you viII nol see lhe Ialhei."
28. }esus said, "I look ny sland in lhe nidsl of lhe voiId, and in fIesh I appeaied lo lhen. I found
lhen aII diunk, and I did nol find any of lhen lhiisly. My souI ached foi lhe chiIdien of
hunanily, lecause lhey aie lIind in lheii heails and do nol see, foi lhey cane inlo lhe voiId
enply, and lhey aIso seek lo depail fion lhe voiId enply.
ul neanvhiIe lhey aie diunk. When lhey shake off lheii vine, lhen lhey viII change lheii vays."
29. }esus said, "If lhe fIesh cane inlo leing lecause of spiiil, lhal is a naiveI, lul if spiiil cane inlo
leing lecause of lhe lody, lhal is a naiveI of naiveIs.
Yel I naiveI al hov lhis gieal veaIlh has cone lo dveII in lhis poveily."
3O. }esus said, "Wheie lheie aie lhiee deilies, lhey aie divine. Wheie lheie aie lvo oi one, I an
vilh lhal one."
31. }esus said, "No piophel is veIcone on his hone luif, doclois don'l cuie lhose vho knov
32. }esus said, "A cily luiIl on a high hiII and foilified cannol faII, noi can il le hidden."
33. }esus said, "Whal you viII heai in youi eai, in lhe olhei eai piocIain fion youi iooflops.
Aflei aII, no one Iighls a Ianp and puls il undei a laskel, noi does one pul il in a hidden pIace.
Ralhei, one puls il on a Ianpsland so lhal aII vho cone and go viII see ils Iighl."
34. }esus said, "If a lIind peison Ieads a lIind peison, lolh of lhen viII faII inlo a hoIe."
35. }esus said, "One can'l enlei a sliong peison's house and lake il ly foice vilhoul lying his
hands. Then one can Iool his house."
36. }esus said, "Do nol fiel, fion noining lo evening and fion evening lo noining, |aloul youi
food--vhal you'ie going lo eal, oi aloul youi cIolhing--j vhal you aie going lo veai. |You'ie
nuch lellei lhan lhe IiIies, vhich neilhei caid noi spin.
As foi you, vhen you have no gainenl, vhal viII you pul on` Who nighl add lo youi slaluie`
Thal veiy one viII give you youi gainenl.j"
37. His discipIes said, "When viII you appeai lo us, and vhen viII ve see you`"
}esus said, "When you sliip vilhoul leing ashaned, and you lake youi cIolhes and pul lhen
undei youi feel Iike IillIe chiIdien and lianpIe lhen, lhen |youj viII see lhe son of lhe Iiving one
and you viII nol le afiaid."
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38. }esus said, "Oflen you have desiied lo heai lhese sayings lhal I an speaking lo you, and you
have no one eIse fion vhon lo heai lhen. Theie viII le days vhen you viII seek ne and you viII
nol find ne."
39. }esus said, "The Ihaiisees and lhe schoIais have laken lhe keys of knovIedge and have hidden
lhen. They have nol enleied noi have lhey aIIoved lhose vho vanl lo enlei lo do so.
As foi you, le as sIy as snakes and as sinpIe as doves."
4O. }esus said, "A giapevine has leen pIanled apail fion lhe Ialhei. Since il is nol sliong, il viII le
puIIed up ly ils iool and viII peiish."
41. }esus said, "Whoevei has sonelhing in hand viII le given noie, and vhoevei has nolhing viII
le depiived of even lhe IillIe lhey have."
42. }esus said, "e passeisly."
43. His discipIes said lo hin, "Who aie you lo say lhese lhings lo us`"
"You don'l undeisland vho I an fion vhal I say lo you.
Ralhei, you have lecone Iike lhe }udeans, foi lhey Iove lhe liee lul hale ils fiuil, oi lhey Iove lhe
fiuil lul hale lhe liee."
44. }esus said, "Whoevei lIasphenes againsl lhe Ialhei viII le foigiven, and vhoevei lIasphenes
againsl lhe son viII le foigiven, lul vhoevei lIasphenes againsl lhe hoIy spiiil viII nol le
foigiven, eilhei on eailh oi in heaven."
45. }esus said, "Ciapes aie nol haivesled fion lhoin liees, noi aie figs galheied fion lhislIes, foi
lhey yieId no fiuil.
Cood peisons pioduce good fion vhal lhey've sloied up, lad peisons pioduce eviI fion lhe
vickedness lhey've sloied up in lheii heails, and say eviI lhings. Ioi fion lhe oveifIov of lhe
heail lhey pioduce eviI."
46. }esus said, "Iion Adan lo }ohn lhe aplisl, anong lhose loin of vonen, no one is so nuch
giealei lhan }ohn lhe aplisl lhal his eyes shouId nol le aveiled.
ul I have said lhal vhoevei anong you lecones a chiId viII iecognize lhe (Ialhei's) kingdon
and viII lecone giealei lhan }ohn."
47. }esus said, "A peison cannol nounl lvo hoises oi lend lvo lovs.
And a sIave cannol seive lvo nasleis, olheivise lhal sIave viII honoi lhe one and offend lhe
Nolody diinks aged vine and innedialeIy vanls lo diink young vine. Young vine is nol
pouied inlo oId vineskins, oi lhey nighl lieak, and aged vine is nol pouied inlo a nev vineskin,
oi il nighl spoiI.
An oId palch is nol sevn onlo a nev gainenl, since il vouId cieale a leai."
48. }esus said, "If lvo nake peace vilh each olhei in a singIe house, lhey viII say lo lhe nounlain,
'Move fion heie!' and il viII nove."
49. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo lhose vho aie aIone and chosen, foi you viII find lhe kingdon.
Ioi you have cone fion il, and you viII ieluin lheie again."
5O. }esus said, "If lhey say lo you, 'Wheie have you cone fion`' say lo lhen, 'We have cone fion
lhe Iighl, fion lhe pIace vheie lhe Iighl cane inlo leing ly ilseIf, eslalIished |ilseIfj, and
appeaied in lheii inage.'
If lhey say lo you, 'Is il you`' say, 'We aie ils chiIdien, and ve aie lhe chosen of lhe Iiving Ialhei.'
If lhey ask you, 'Whal is lhe evidence of youi Ialhei in you`' say lo lhen, 'Il is nolion and iesl.'"
51. His discipIes said lo hin, "When viII lhe iesl foi lhe dead lake pIace, and vhen viII lhe nev
voiId cone`"
He said lo lhen, "Whal you aie Iooking foivaid lo has cone, lul you don'l knov il."
52. His discipIes said lo hin, "Tvenly-foui piophels have spoken in IsiaeI, and lhey aII spoke of
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He said lo lhen, "You have disiegaided lhe Iiving one vho is in youi piesence, and have spoken
of lhe dead."
53. His discipIes said lo hin, "Is ciicuncision usefuI oi nol`"
He said lo lhen, "If il veie usefuI, lheii falhei vouId pioduce chiIdien aIieady ciicuncised fion
lheii nolhei. Ralhei, lhe liue ciicuncision in spiiil has lecone piofilalIe in eveiy iespecl."
54. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo lhe pooi, foi lo you leIongs Heaven's kingdon."
55. }esus said, "Whoevei does nol hale falhei and nolhei cannol le ny discipIe, and vhoevei
does nol hale liolheis and sisleis, and caiiy lhe cioss as I do, viII nol le voilhy of ne."
56. }esus said, "Whoevei has cone lo knov lhe voiId has discoveied a caicass, and vhoevei has
discoveied a caicass, of lhal peison lhe voiId is nol voilhy."
57 }esus said, "The Ialhei's kingdon is Iike a peison vho has |goodj seed. His eneny cane duiing
lhe nighl and soved veeds anong lhe good seed. The peison did nol Iel lhe voikeis puII up lhe
veeds, lul said lo lhen, 'No, olheivise you nighl go lo puII up lhe veeds and puII up lhe vheal
aIong vilh lhen.' Ioi on lhe day of lhe haivesl lhe veeds viII le conspicuous, and viII le puIIed
up and luined."
58. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo lhe peison vho has loiIed and has found Iife."
59. }esus said, "Look lo lhe Iiving one as Iong as you Iive, olheivise you nighl die and lhen liy lo
see lhe Iiving one, and you viII le unalIe lo see."
6O. He sav a Sanaiilan caiiying a Ianl and going lo }udea. He said lo his discipIes, "lhal
peison ... aiound lhe Ianl." They said lo hin, "So lhal he nay kiII il and eal il." He said lo lhen,
"He viII nol eal il vhiIe il is aIive, lul onIy aflei he has kiIIed il and il has lecone a caicass."
They said, "Olheivise he can'l do il."
He said lo lhen, "So aIso vilh you, seek foi youiseIves a pIace foi iesl, oi you nighl lecone a
caicass and le ealen."
61. }esus said, "Tvo viII iecIine on a couch, one viII die, one viII Iive."
SaIone said, "Who aie you nislei` You have cIinled onlo ny couch and ealen fion ny lalIe as if
you aie fion soneone."
}esus said lo hei, "I an lhe one vho cones fion vhal is vhoIe. I vas gianled fion lhe lhings of
ny Ialhei."
"I an youi discipIe."
"Ioi lhis ieason I say, if one is vhoIe, one viII le fiIIed vilh Iighl, lul if one is divided, one viII le
fiIIed vilh daikness."
62. }esus said, "I discIose ny nysleiies lo lhose |vho aie voilhyj of |nyj nysleiies.
63 }esus said, "Theie vas a iich peison vho had a gieal deaI of noney. He said, 'I shaII invesl ny
noney so lhal I nay sov, ieap, pIanl, and fiII ny sloiehouses vilh pioduce, lhal I nay Iack
nolhing.' These veie lhe lhings he vas lhinking in his heail, lul lhal veiy nighl he died. Anyone
heie vilh lvo eais had lellei Iislen!"
64. }esus said, "A peison vas ieceiving guesls. When he had piepaied lhe dinnei, he senl his sIave
lo invile lhe guesls.
The sIave venl lo lhe fiisl and said lo lhal one, 'My naslei inviles you.' Thal one said, 'Sone
neichanls ove ne noney, lhey aie coning lo ne lonighl. I have lo go and give lhen insliuclions.
IIease excuse ne fion dinnei.'
The sIave venl lo anolhei and said lo lhal one, 'My naslei has inviled you.' Thal one said lo lhe
sIave, 'I have loughl a house, and I have leen caIIed avay foi a day. I shaII have no line.'
The sIave venl lo anolhei and said lo lhal one, 'My naslei inviles you.' Thal one said lo lhe sIave,
'My fiiend is lo le naiiied, and I an lo aiiange lhe lanquel. I shaII nol le alIe lo cone. IIease
excuse ne fion dinnei.'
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The sIave venl lo anolhei and said lo lhal one, 'My naslei inviles you.' Thal one said lo lhe sIave,
'I have loughl an eslale, and I an going lo coIIecl lhe ienl. I shaII nol le alIe lo cone. IIease
excuse ne.'
The sIave ieluined and said lo his naslei, 'Those vhon you inviled lo dinnei have asked lo le
excused.' The naslei said lo his sIave, 'Co oul on lhe slieels and liing lack vhonevei you find lo
have dinnei.'
uyeis and neichanls |viIIj nol enlei lhe pIaces of ny Ialhei."
65. He said, "A |...j peison ovned a vineyaid and ienled il lo sone faineis, so lhey couId voik il
and he couId coIIecl ils ciop fion lhen. He senl his sIave so lhe faineis vouId give hin lhe
vineyaid's ciop. They gialled hin, leal hin, and aInosl kiIIed hin, and lhe sIave ieluined and
loId his naslei. His naslei said, 'Ieihaps he didn'l knov lhen.' He senl anolhei sIave, and lhe
faineis leal lhal one as veII. Then lhe naslei senl his son and said, 'Ieihaps lhey'II shov ny son
sone iespecl.' ecause lhe faineis knev lhal he vas lhe heii lo lhe vineyaid, lhey gialled hin
and kiIIed hin. Anyone heie vilh lvo eais had lellei Iislen!"
66. }esus said, "Shov ne lhe slone lhal lhe luiIdeis iejecled: lhal is lhe keyslone."
67. }esus said, "Those vho knov aII, lul aie Iacking in lhenseIves, aie ulleiIy Iacking."
68. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo you vhen you aie haled and peiseculed, and no pIace viII le
found, vheievei you have leen peiseculed."
69. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo lhose vho have leen peiseculed in lheii heails: lhey aie lhe
ones vho have liuIy cone lo knov lhe Ialhei.
CongialuIalions lo lhose vho go hungiy, so lhe slonach of lhe one in vanl nay le fiIIed."
7O. }esus said, "If you liing foilh vhal is vilhin you, vhal you have viII save you. If you do nol
have lhal vilhin you, vhal you do nol have vilhin you |viIIj kiII you."
71. }esus said, "I viII deslioy |lhisj house, and no one viII le alIe lo luiId il |...j."
72. A |peison saidj lo hin, "TeII ny liolheis lo divide ny falhei's possessions vilh ne."
He said lo lhe peison, "Mislei, vho nade ne a dividei`"
He luined lo his discipIes and said lo lhen, "I'n nol a dividei, an I`"
73. }esus said, "The ciop is huge lul lhe voikeis aie fev, so leg lhe haivesl loss lo dispalch
voikeis lo lhe fieIds."
74. He said, "Loid, lheie aie nany aiound lhe diinking liough, lul lheie is nolhing in lhe veII."
75. }esus said, "Theie aie nany slanding al lhe dooi, lul lhose vho aie aIone viII enlei lhe liidaI
76. }esus said, "The Ialhei's kingdon is Iike a neichanl vho had a suppIy of neichandise and
found a peaiI. Thal neichanl vas piudenl, he soId lhe neichandise and loughl lhe singIe peaiI
foi hinseIf.
So aIso vilh you, seek his lieasuie lhal is unfaiIing, lhal is enduiing, vheie no nolh cones lo eal
and no voin deslioys."
77. }esus said, "I an lhe Iighl lhal is ovei aII lhings. I an aII: fion ne aII cane foilh, and lo ne aII
SpIil a piece of vood, I an lheie.
Lifl up lhe slone, and you viII find ne lheie."
78. }esus said, "Why have you cone oul lo lhe counliyside` To see a ieed shaken ly lhe vind`
And lo see a peison diessed in sofl cIolhes, |Iike youij iuIeis and youi poveifuI ones` They aie
diessed in sofl cIolhes, and lhey cannol undeisland liulh."
79. A vonan in lhe ciovd said lo hin, "Lucky aie lhe vonl lhal loie you and lhe lieasls lhal fed
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He said lo |heij, "Lucky aie lhose vho have heaid lhe void of lhe Ialhei and have liuIy kepl il.
Ioi lheie viII le days vhen you viII say, 'Lucky aie lhe vonl lhal has nol conceived and lhe
lieasls lhal have nol given niIk.'"
8O. }esus said, "Whoevei has cone lo knov lhe voiId has discoveied lhe lody, and vhoevei has
discoveied lhe lody, of lhal one lhe voiId is nol voilhy."
81. }esus said, "Lel one vho has lecone veaIlhy ieign, and Iel one vho has povei ienounce <il>."
82. }esus said, "Whoevei is neai ne is neai lhe fiie, and vhoevei is fai fion ne is fai fion lhe
(Ialhei's) kingdon."
83. }esus said, "Inages aie visilIe lo peopIe, lul lhe Iighl vilhin lhen is hidden in lhe inage of lhe
Ialhei's Iighl. He viII le discIosed, lul his inage is hidden ly his Iighl."
84. }esus said, "When you see youi Iikeness, you aie happy. ul vhen you see youi inages lhal
cane inlo leing lefoie you and lhal neilhei die noi lecone visilIe, hov nuch you viII have lo
85. }esus said, "Adan cane fion gieal povei and gieal veaIlh, lul he vas nol voilhy of you. Ioi
had he leen voilhy, |he vouIdj nol |have lasledj dealh."
86. }esus said, "|Ioxes havej lheii dens and liids have lheii nesls, lul hunan leings have no pIace
lo Iay dovn and iesl."
87. }esus said, "Hov niseialIe is lhe lody lhal depends on a lody, and hov niseialIe is lhe souI
lhal depends on lhese lvo."
88. }esus said, "The nessengeis and lhe piophels viII cone lo you and give you vhal leIongs lo
you. You, in luin, give lhen vhal you have, and say lo youiseIves, 'When viII lhey cone and lake
vhal leIongs lo lhen`'"
89. }esus said, "Why do you vash lhe oulside of lhe cup` Don'l you undeisland lhal lhe one vho
nade lhe inside is aIso lhe one vho nade lhe oulside`"
9O. }esus said, "Cone lo ne, foi ny yoke is confoilalIe and ny Ioidship is genlIe, and you viII
find iesl foi youiseIves."
91. They said lo hin, "TeII us vho you aie so lhal ve nay leIieve in you."
He said lo lhen, "You exanine lhe face of heaven and eailh, lul you have nol cone lo knov lhe
one vho is in youi piesence, and you do nol knov hov lo exanine lhe piesenl nonenl."
92. }esus said, "Seek and you viII find.
In lhe pasl, hovevei, I did nol leII you lhe lhings aloul vhich you asked ne lhen. Nov I an
viIIing lo leII lhen, lul you aie nol seeking lhen."
93. "Don'l give vhal is hoIy lo dogs, foi lhey nighl lhiov lhen upon lhe nanuie piIe. Don'l lhiov
peaiIs |loj pigs, oi lhey nighl ... il |...j."
94. }esus |saidj, "One vho seeks viII find, and foi |one vho knocksj il viII le opened."
95. |}esus saidj, "If you have noney, don'l Iend il al inleiesl. Ralhei, give |ilj lo soneone fion
vhon you von'l gel il lack."
96. }esus |saidj, "The Ialhei's kingdon is Iike |aj vonan. She look a IillIe Ieaven, |hidj il in dough,
and nade il inlo Iaige Ioaves of liead. Anyone heie vilh lvo eais had lellei Iislen!"
97. }esus said, "The |Ialhei'sj kingdon is Iike a vonan vho vas caiiying a |jaij fuII of neaI.
WhiIe she vas vaIking aIong |aj dislanl ioad, lhe handIe of lhe jai lioke and lhe neaI spiIIed
lehind hei |aIongj lhe ioad. She didn'l knov il, she hadn'l noliced a piolIen. When she ieached
hei house, she pul lhe jai dovn and discoveied lhal il vas enply."
98. }esus said, "The Ialhei's kingdon is Iike a peison vho vanled lo kiII soneone poveifuI. WhiIe
sliII al hone he diev his svoid and lhiusl il inlo lhe vaII lo find oul vhelhei his hand vouId go
in. Then he kiIIed lhe poveifuI one."
99. The discipIes said lo hin, "Youi liolheis and youi nolhei aie slanding oulside."
He said lo lhen, "Those heie vho do vhal ny Ialhei vanls aie ny liolheis and ny nolhei. They
aie lhe ones vho viII enlei ny Ialhei's kingdon."
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1OO. They shoved }esus a goId coin and said lo hin, "The Ronan enpeioi's peopIe denand laxes
fion us."
He said lo lhen, "Cive lhe enpeioi vhal leIongs lo lhe enpeioi, give Cod vhal leIongs lo Cod,
and give ne vhal is nine."
1O1. "Whoevei does nol hale |falheij and nolhei as I do cannol le ny |discipIej, and vhoevei
does |nolj Iove |falhei andj nolhei as I do cannol le ny |discipIej. Ioi ny nolhei |...j, lul ny
liue |nolheij gave ne Iife."
1O2. }esus said, "Dann lhe Ihaiisees! They aie Iike a dog sIeeping in lhe callIe nangei: lhe dog
neilhei eals noi |Ielsj lhe callIe eal."
1O3. }esus said, "CongialuIalions lo lhose vho knov vheie lhe ieleIs aie going lo allack. |Theyj
can gel going, coIIecl lheii inpeiiaI iesouices, and le piepaied lefoie lhe ieleIs aiiive."
1O4. They said lo }esus, "Cone, Iel us piay loday, and Iel us fasl."
}esus said, "Whal sin have I connilled, oi hov have I leen undone` Ralhei, vhen lhe gioon
Ieaves lhe liidaI suile, lhen Iel peopIe fasl and piay."
1O5. }esus said, "Whoevei knovs lhe falhei and lhe nolhei viII le caIIed lhe chiId of a vhoie."
1O6. }esus said, "When you nake lhe lvo inlo one, you viII lecone chiIdien of Adan, and vhen
you say, 'Mounlain, nove fion heie!' il viII nove."
1O7. }esus said, "The (Ialhei's) kingdon is Iike a shepheid vho had a hundied sheep. One of lhen,
lhe Iaigesl, venl asliay. He Iefl lhe ninely-nine and Iooked foi lhe one unliI he found il. Aflei he
had loiIed, he said lo lhe sheep, 'I Iove you noie lhan lhe ninely-nine.'"
1O8. }esus said, "Whoevei diinks fion ny noulh viII lecone Iike ne, I nyseIf shaII lecone lhal
peison, and lhe hidden lhings viII le ieveaIed lo hin."
1O9. }esus said, "The (Ialhei's) kingdon is Iike a peison vho had a lieasuie hidden in his fieId lul
did nol knov il. And |vhenj he died he Iefl il lo his |sonj. The son |didj nol knov aloul il eilhei.
He look ovei lhe fieId and soId il. The luyei venl pIoving, |discoveiedj lhe lieasuie, and legan
lo Iend noney al inleiesl lo vhonevei he vished."
11O. }esus said, "Lel one vho has found lhe voiId, and has lecone veaIlhy, ienounce lhe voiId."
111. }esus said, "The heavens and lhe eailh viII ioII up in youi piesence, and vhoevei is Iiving
fion lhe Iiving one viII nol see dealh."
Does nol }esus say, "Those vho have found lhenseIves, of lhen lhe voiId is nol voilhy"`
112. }esus said, "Dann lhe fIesh lhal depends on lhe souI. Dann lhe souI lhal depends on lhe
113. His discipIes said lo hin, "When viII lhe kingdon cone`"
"Il viII nol cone ly valching foi il. Il viII nol le said, 'Look, heie!' oi 'Look, lheie!' Ralhei, lhe
Ialhei's kingdon is spiead oul upon lhe eailh, and peopIe don'l see il."
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114. Sinon Ielei said lo lhen, "Make Maiy Ieave us, foi fenaIes don'l deseive Iife."
}esus said, "Look, I viII guide hei lo nake hei naIe, so lhal she loo nay lecone a Iiving spiiil
iesenlIing you naIes. Ioi eveiy fenaIe vho nakes heiseIf naIe viII enlei lhe kingdon of
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
These aie lhe seciel sayings vhich lhe Iiving
}esus spoke and vhich Didynos }udas Thonas
viole dovn.
(1) And he said, "Whoevei finds lhe
inleipielalion of lhese sayings viII nol
expeiience dealh."
(2) }esus said, "Lel hin vho seeks conlinue
seeking unliI he finds. When he finds, he viII
lecone lioulIed. When he lecones lioulIed,
he viII le aslonished, and he viII iuIe ovei lhe
(3) }esus said, "If lhose vho Iead you say lo
you, 'See, lhe kingdon is in lhe sky,' lhen lhe
liids of lhe sky viII piecede you. If lhey say lo
you, 'Il is in lhe sea,' lhen lhe fish viII piecede
you. Ralhei, lhe kingdon is inside of you, and
il is oulside of you. When you cone lo knov
youiseIves, lhen you viII lecone knovn, and
you viII ieaIize lhal il is you vho aie lhe sons
of lhe Iiving falhei. ul if you viII nol knov
youiseIves, you dveII in poveily and il is you
vho aie lhal poveily."
(4) }esus said, "The nan oId in days viII nol
hesilale lo ask a snaII chiId seven days oId
aloul lhe pIace of Iife, and he viII Iive. Ioi
nany vho aie fiisl viII lecone Iasl, and lhey
viII lecone one and lhe sane."
(5) }esus said, "Recognize vhal is in youi sighl,
and lhal vhich is hidden fion you viII lecone
pIain lo you . Ioi lheie is nolhing hidden
vhich viII nol lecone nanifesl."
(6) His discipIes queslioned hin and said lo
hin, "Do you vanl us lo fasl` Hov shaII ve
piay` ShaII ve give aIns` Whal diel shaII ve
}esus said, "Do nol leII Iies, and do nol do vhal
you hale, foi aII lhings aie pIain in lhe sighl of
heaven. Ioi nolhing hidden viII nol lecone
nanifesl, and nolhing coveied viII ienain
vilhoul leing uncoveied."
(7) }esus said, "Iessed is lhe Iion vhich
lecones nan vhen consuned ly nan, and
cuised is lhe nan vhon lhe Iion consunes,
and lhe Iion lecones nan."
(8) And he said, "The nan is Iike a vise
fisheinan vho casl his nel inlo lhe sea and
diev il up fion lhe sea fuII of snaII fish.
Anong lhen lhe vise fisheinan found a fine
Iaige fish. He lhiev aII lhe snaII fish lack inlo
lhe sea and chose lhe Iaige fish vilhoul
difficuIly. Whoevei has eais lo heai, Iel hin
(9) }esus said, "Nov lhe sovei venl oul, look a
handfuI (of seeds), and scalleied lhen. Sone
feII on lhe ioad, lhe liids cane and galheied
lhen up. Olheis feII on lhe iock, did nol lake
iool in lhe soiI, and did nol pioduce eais. And
olheis feII on lhoins, lhey choked lhe seed(s)
and voins ale lhen. And olheis feII on lhe
good soiI and il pioduced good fiuil: il loie
sixly pei neasuie and a hundied and lvenly
pei neasuie."
(1O) }esus said, "I have casl fiie upon lhe voiId,
and see, I an guaiding il unliI il lIazes."
(11) }esus said, "This heaven viII pass avay,
and lhe one alove il viII pass avay. The dead
aie nol aIive, and lhe Iiving viII nol die. In lhe
days vhen you consuned vhal is dead, you
nade il vhal is aIive. When you cone lo dveII
in lhe Iighl, vhal viII you do` On lhe day
vhen you veie one you lecane lvo. ul vhen
you lecone lvo, vhal viII you do`"
(12) The discipIes said lo }esus, "We knov lhal
you viII depail fion us. Who is lo le oui
}esus said lo lhen, "Wheievei you aie, you aie
lo go lo }anes lhe iighleous, foi vhose sake
heaven and eailh cane inlo leing."
(13) }esus said lo his discipIes, "Conpaie ne lo
soneone and leII ne vhon I an Iike."
Sinon Ielei said lo hin, "You aie Iike a
iighleous angeI."
Mallhev said lo hin, "You aie Iike a vise
Thonas said lo hin, "Maslei, ny noulh is
vhoIIy incapalIe of saying vhon you aie Iike."
}esus said, "I an nol youi naslei. ecause you
have diunk, you have lecone inloxicaled fion
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lhe lullIing spiing vhich I have neasuied
And he look hin and vilhdiev and loId hin
lhiee lhings. When Thonas ieluined lo his
conpanions, lhey asked hin, "Whal did }esus
say lo you`"
Thonas said lo lhen, "If I leII you one of lhe
lhings vhich he loId ne, you viII pick up
slones and lhiov lhen al ne, a fiie viII cone
oul of lhe slones and luin you up."
(14) }esus said lo lhen, "If you fasl, you viII
give iise lo sin foi youiseIves, and if you piay,
you viII le condenned, and if you give aIns,
you viII do hain lo youi spiiils. When you go
inlo any Iand and vaIk aloul in lhe disliicls, if
lhey ieceive you, eal vhal lhey viII sel lefoie
you, and heaI lhe sick anong lhen. Ioi vhal
goes inlo youi noulh viII nol defiIe you, lul
lhal vhich issues fion youi noulh - il is lhal
vhich viII defiIe you."
(15) }esus said, "When you see one vho vas nol
loin of vonan, piosliale youiseIves on youi
faces and voiship hin. Thal one is youi
(16) }esus said, "Men lhink, peihaps, lhal il is
peace vhich I have cone lo casl upon lhe
voiId. They do nol knov lhal il is dissension
vhich I have cone lo casl upon lhe eailh: fiie,
svoid, and vai. Ioi lheie viII le five in a
house: lhiee viII le againsl lvo, and lvo
againsl lhiee, lhe falhei againsl lhe son, and
lhe son againsl lhe falhei. And lhey viII sland
(17) }esus said, "I shaII give you vhal no eye
has seen and vhal no eai has heaid and vhal
no hand has louched and vhal has nevei
occuiied lo lhe hunan nind."
(18) The discipIes said lo }esus, "TeII us hov
oui end viII le."
}esus said, "Have you discoveied, lhen, lhe
leginning, lhal you Iook foi lhe end` Ioi vheie
lhe leginning is, lheie viII lhe end le. Iessed
is he vho viII lake his pIace in lhe leginning,
he viII knov lhe end and viII nol expeiience
(19) }esus said, "Iessed is he vho cane inlo
leing lefoie he cane inlo leing. If you lecone
ny discipIes and Iislen lo ny voids, lhese
slones viII ninislei lo you. Ioi lheie aie five
liees foi you in Iaiadise vhich ienain
undisluiled sunnei and vinlei and vhose
Ieaves do nol faII. Whoevei lecones
acquainled vilh lhen viII nol expeiience
(2O) The discipIes said lo }esus, "TeII us vhal
lhe kingdon of heaven is Iike."
He said lo lhen, "Il is Iike a nuslaid seed. Il is
lhe snaIIesl of aII seeds. ul vhen il faIIs on
liIIed soiI, il pioduces a gieal pIanl and
lecones a sheIlei foi liids of lhe sky."
(21) Maiy said lo }esus, "Whon aie youi
discipIes Iike`"
He said, "They aie Iike chiIdien vho have
sellIed in a fieId vhich is nol lheiis. When lhe
ovneis of lhe fieId cone, lhey viII say, 'Lel us
have lack oui fieId.' They (viII) undiess in
lheii piesence in oidei lo Iel lhen have lack
lheii fieId and lo give il lack lo lhen. Theiefoie
I say, if lhe ovnei of a house knovs lhal lhe
lhief is coning, he viII legin his vigiI lefoie he
cones and viII nol Iel hin dig lhiough inlo his
house of his donain lo caiiy avay his goods.
You, lhen, le on youi guaid againsl lhe voiId.
Ain youiseIves vilh gieal slienglh Iesl lhe
iolleis find a vay lo cone lo you, foi lhe
difficuIly vhich you expecl viII (suieIy)
naleiiaIize. Lel lheie le anong you a nan of
undeislanding. When lhe giain iipened, he
cane quickIy vilh his sickIe in his hand and
ieaped il. Whoevei has eais lo heai, Iel hin
(22) }esus sav infanls leing suckIed. He said lo
his discipIes, "These infanls leing suckIed aie
Iike lhose vho enlei lhe kingdon."
They said lo hin, "ShaII ve lhen, as chiIdien,
enlei lhe kingdon`"
}esus said lo lhen, "When you nake lhe lvo
one, and vhen you nake lhe inside Iike lhe
oulside and lhe oulside Iike lhe inside, and lhe
alove Iike lhe leIov, and vhen you nake lhe
naIe and lhe fenaIe one and lhe sane, so lhal
lhe naIe nol le naIe noi lhe fenaIe fenaIe,
and vhen you fashion eyes in lhe pIace of an
eye, and a hand in pIace of a hand, and a fool in
pIace of a fool, and a Iikeness in pIace of a
Iikeness, lhen viII you enlei lhe kingdon."
(23) }esus said, "I shaII choose you, one oul of a
lhousand, and lvo oul of len lhousand, and
lhey shaII sland as a singIe one."
(24) His discipIes said lo hin, "Shov us lhe
pIace vheie you aie, since il is necessaiy foi us
lo seek il."
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He said lo lhen, "Whoevei has eais, Iel hin
heai. Theie is Iighl vilhin a nan of Iighl, and
he Iighls up lhe vhoIe voiId. If he does nol
shine, he is daikness."
(25) }esus said, "Love youi liolhei Iike youi
souI, guaid hin Iike lhe pupiI of youi eye."
(26) }esus said, "You see lhe nole in youi
liolhei's eye, lul you do nol see lhe lean in
youi ovn eye. When you casl lhe lean oul of
youi ovn eye, lhen you viII see cIeaiIy lo casl
lhe nole fion youi liolhei's eye."
(27) <}esus said,> "If you do nol fasl as iegaids
lhe voiId, you viII nol find lhe kingdon. If
you do nol olseive lhe Sallalh as a Sallalh,
you viII nol see lhe falhei."
(28) }esus said, "I look ny pIace in lhe nidsl of
lhe voiId, and I appeaied lo lhen in fIesh. I
found aII of lhen inloxicaled, I found none of
lhen lhiisly. And ny souI lecane affIicled foi
lhe sons of nen, lecause lhey aie lIind in lheii
heails and do nol have sighl, foi enply lhey
cane inlo lhe voiId, and enply loo lhey seek
lo Ieave lhe voiId. ul foi lhe nonenl lhey aie
inloxicaled. When lhey shake off lheii vine,
lhen lhey viII iepenl."
(29) }esus said, "If lhe fIesh cane inlo leing
lecause of spiiil, il is a vondei. ul if spiiil
cane inlo leing lecause of lhe lody, il is a
vondei of vondeis. Indeed, I an anazed al
hov lhis gieal veaIlh has nade ils hone in lhis
(3O) }esus said, "Wheie lheie aie lhiee gods,
lhey aie gods. Wheie lheie aie lvo oi one, I an
vilh hin."
(31) }esus said, "No piophel is accepled in his
ovn viIIage, no physician heaIs lhose vho
knov hin."
(32) }esus said, "A cily leing luiIl on a high
nounlain and foilified cannol faII, noi can il le
(33) }esus said, "Iieach fion youi houselops
lhal vhich you viII heai in youi eai. Ioi no
one Iighls a Ianp and puls il undei a lusheI,
noi does he pul il in a hidden pIace, lul ialhei
he sels il on a Ianpsland so lhal eveiyone vho
enleis and Ieaves viII see ils Iighl."
(34) }esus said, "If a lIind nan Ieads a lIind
nan, lhey viII lolh faII inlo a pil."
(35) }esus said, "Il is nol possilIe foi anyone lo
enlei lhe house of a sliong nan and lake il ly
foice unIess he linds his hands, lhen he viII (le
alIe lo) iansack his house."
(36) }esus said, "Do nol le conceined fion
noining unliI evening and fion evening unliI
noining aloul vhal you viII veai."
(37) His discipIes said, "When viII you lecone
ieveaIed lo us and vhen shaII ve see you`"
}esus said, "When you disiole vilhoul leing
ashaned and lake up youi gainenls and pIace
lhen undei youi feel Iike IillIe chiIdien and
liead on lhen, lhen viII you see lhe son of lhe
Iiving one, and you viII nol le afiaid"
(38) }esus said, "Many lines have you desiied
lo heai lhese voids vhich I an saying lo you,
and you have no one eIse lo heai lhen fion.
Theie viII le days vhen you viII Iook foi ne
and viII nol find ne."
(39) }esus said, "The phaiisees and lhe sciiles
have laken lhe keys of knovIedge (gnosis) and
hidden lhen. They lhenseIves have nol
enleied, noi have lhey aIIoved lo enlei lhose
vho vish lo. You, hovevei, le as vise as
seipenls and as innocenl as doves."
(4O) }esus said, "A giapevine has leen pIanled
oulside of lhe falhei, lul leing unsound, il viII
le puIIed up ly ils iools and deslioyed."
(41) }esus said, "Whoevei has sonelhing in his
hand viII ieceive noie, and vhoevei has
nolhing viII le depiived of even lhe IillIe he
(42) }esus said, "econe passeis-ly."
(43) His discipIes said lo hin, "Who aie you,
lhal you shouId say lhese lhings lo us`"
<}esus said lo lhen,> "You do nol ieaIize vho I
an fion vhal I say lo you, lul you have
lecone Iike lhe }evs, foi lhey (eilhei) Iove lhe
liee and hale ils fiuil (oi) Iove lhe fiuil and hale
lhe liee."
(44) }esus said, "Whoevei lIasphenes againsl
lhe falhei viII le foigiven, and vhoevei
lIasphenes againsl lhe son viII le foigiven,
lul vhoevei lIasphenes againsl lhe hoIy spiiil
viII nol le foigiven eilhei on eailh oi in
(45) }esus said, "Ciapes aie nol haivesled fion
lhoins, noi aie figs galheied fion lhislIes, foi
lhey do nol pioduce fiuil. A good nan liings
foilh good fion his sloiehouse, an eviI nan
liings foilh eviI lhings fion his eviI
sloiehouse, vhich is in his heail, and says eviI
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lhings. Ioi oul of lhe alundance of lhe heail he
liings foilh eviI lhings."
(46) }esus said, "Anong lhose loin of vonen,
fion Adan unliI }ohn lhe aplisl, lheie is no
one so supeiioi lo }ohn lhe aplisl lhal his eyes
shouId nol le Ioveied (lefoie hin). Yel I have
said, vhichevei one of you cones lo le a chiId
viII le acquainled vilh lhe kingdon and viII
lecone supeiioi lo }ohn."
(47) }esus said, "Il is inpossilIe foi a nan lo
nounl lvo hoises oi lo slielch lvo lovs. And
il is inpossilIe foi a seivanl lo seive lvo
nasleis, olheivise, he viII honoi lhe one and
lieal lhe olhei conlenpluousIy. No nan diinks
oId vine and innedialeIy desiies lo diink nev
vine. And nev vine is nol pul inlo oId
vineskins, Iesl lhey luisl, noi is oId vine pul
inlo a nev vineskin, Iesl il spoiI il. An oId
palch is nol sevn onlo a nev gainenl, lecause
a leai vouId iesuIl."
(48) }esus said, "If lvo nake peace vilh each
olhei in lhis one house, lhey viII say lo lhe
nounlain, 'Move Avay,' and il viII nove
(49) }esus said, "Iessed aie lhe soIilaiy and
eIecl, foi you viII find lhe kingdon. Ioi you
aie fion il, and lo il you viII ieluin."
(5O) }esus said, "If lhey say lo you, 'Wheie did
you cone fion`', say lo lhen, 'We cane fion
lhe Iighl, lhe pIace vheie lhe Iighl cane inlo
leing on ils ovn accoid and eslalIished ilseIf
and lecane nanifesl lhiough lheii inage.' If
lhey say lo you, 'Is il you`', say, 'We aie ils
chiIdien, ve aie lhe eIecl of lhe Iiving falhei.' If
lhey ask you, 'Whal is lhe sign of youi falhei in
you`', say lo lhen, 'Il is novenenl and
(51) His discipIes said lo hin, "When viII lhe
iepose of lhe dead cone aloul, and vhen viII
lhe nev voiId cone`"
He said lo lhen, "Whal you Iook foivaid lo
has aIieady cone, lul you do nol iecognize il."
(52) His discipIes said lo hin, "Tvenly-foui
piophels spoke in IsiaeI, and aII of lhen spoke
in you."
He said lo lhen, "You have onilled lhe one
Iiving in youi piesence and have spoken (onIy)
of lhe dead."
(53) His discipIes said lo hin, "Is ciicuncision
leneficiaI oi nol`"
He said lo lhen, "If il veie leneficiaI, lheii
falhei vouId legel lhen aIieady ciicuncised
fion lheii nolhei. Ralhei, lhe liue
ciicuncision in spiiil has lecone conpIeleIy
(54) }esus said, "Iessed aie lhe pooi, foi youis
is lhe kingdon of heaven."
(55) }esus said, "Whoevei does nol hale his
falhei and his nolhei cannol lecone a discipIe
lo ne. And vhoevei does nol hale his liolheis
and sisleis and lake up his cioss in ny vay viII
nol le voilhy of ne."
(56) }esus said, "Whoevei has cone lo
undeisland lhe voiId has found (onIy) a
coipse, and vhoevei has found a coipse is
supeiioi lo lhe voiId."
(57) }esus said, "The kingdon of lhe falhei is
Iike a nan vho had good seed. His eneny
cane ly nighl and soved veeds anong lhe
good seed. The nan did nol aIIov lhen lo puII
up lhe veeds, he said lo lhen, 'I an afiaid lhal
you viII go inlending lo puII up lhe veeds and
puII up lhe vheal aIong vilh lhen.' Ioi on lhe
day of lhe haivesl lhe veeds viII le pIainIy
visilIe, and lhey viII le puIIed up and luined."
(58) }esus said, "Iessed is lhe nan vho has
suffeied and found Iife."
(59) }esus said, "Take heed of lhe Iiving one
vhiIe you aie aIive, Iesl you die and seek lo see
hin and le unalIe lo do so."
(6O) <They sav> a Sanaiilan caiiying a Ianl
on his vay lo }udea. He said lo his discipIes,
"Thal nan is iound aloul lhe Ianl."
They said lo hin, "So lhal he nay kiII il and eal
He said lo lhen, "WhiIe il is aIive, he viII nol
eal il, lul onIy vhen he has kiIIed il and il has
lecone a coipse."
They said lo hin, "He cannol do so olheivise."
He said lo lhen, "You loo, Iook foi a pIace foi
youiseIf vilhin iepose, Iesl you lecone a
coipse and le ealen."
(61) }esus said, "Tvo viII iesl on a led: lhe one
viII die, and lhe olhei viII Iive."
SaIone said, "Who aie you, nan, lhal you ...
have cone up on ny couch and ealen fion ny
}esus said lo hei, "I an he vho exisls fion lhe
undivided. I vas given sone of lhe lhings of
ny falhei."
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<...> "I an youi discipIe."
<...> "Theiefoie I say, if he is deslioyed, he viII
le fiIIed vilh Iighl, lul if he is divided, he viII
le fiIIed vilh daikness."
(62) }esus said, "Il is lo lhose vho aie voilhy of
ny nysleiies lhal I leII ny nysleiies. Do nol
Iel youi Iefl (hand) knov vhal youi iighl
(hand) is doing."
(63) }esus said, "Theie vas a iich nan vho had
nuch noney. He said, 'I shaII pul ny noney lo
use so lhal I nay sov, ieap, pIanl, and fiII ny
sloiehouse vilh pioduce, vilh lhe iesuIl lhal I
shaII Iack nolhing.' Such veie his inlenlions,
lul lhal sane nighl he died. Lel hin vho has
eais heai."
(64) }esus said, "A nan had ieceived visilois.
And vhen he had piepaied lhe dinnei, he senl
his seivanl lo invile lhe guesls.
He venl lo lhe fiisl one and said lo hin, 'My
naslei inviles you.' He said, 'I have cIains
againsl sone neichanls. They aie coning lo
ne lhis evening. I nusl go and give lhen ny
oideis. I ask lo le excused fion lhe dinnei.'
He venl lo anolhei and said lo hin, 'My
naslei has inviled you.' He said lo hin, 'I have
jusl loughl a house and an iequiied foi lhe
day. I shaII nol have any spaie line.'
He venl lo anolhei and said lo hin, 'My
naslei inviles you.' He said lo hin, 'My fiiend
is going lo gel naiiied, and I an lo piepaie lhe
lanquel. I shaII nol le alIe lo cone. I ask lo le
excused fion lhe dinnei.'
He venl lo anolhei and said lo hin, 'My
naslei inviles you.' He said lo hin, 'I have jusl
loughl a fain, and I an on ny vay lo coIIecl
lhe ienl. I shaII nol le alIe lo cone. I ask lo le
The seivanl ieluined and said lo his naslei,
'Those vhon you inviled lo lhe dinnei have
asked lo le excused.' The naslei said lo his
seivanl, 'Co oulside lo lhe slieels and liing
lack lhose vhon you happen lo neel, so lhal
lhey nay dine.' usinessnen and neichanls
viII nol enlei lhe pIaces of ny falhei."
(65) He said, "Theie vas a good nan vho
ovned a vineyaid. He Ieased il lo lenanl
faineis so lhal lhey nighl voik il and he
nighl coIIecl lhe pioduce fion lhen. He senl
his seivanl so lhal lhe lenanls nighl give hin
lhe pioduce of lhe vineyaid. They seized his
seivanl and leal hin, aII lul kiIIing hin. The
seivanl venl lack and loId his naslei. The
naslei said, 'Ieihaps he did nol iecognize
lhen.' He senl anolhei seivanl. The lenanls
leal lhis one as veII. Then lhe ovnei senl his
son and said, 'Ieihaps lhey viII shov iespecl lo
ny son.' ecause lhe lenanls knev lhal il vas
he vho vas lhe heii lo lhe vineyaid, lhey
seized hin and kiIIed hin. Lel hin vho has
eais heai."
(66) }esus said, "Shov ne lhe slone vhich lhe
luiIdeis have iejecled. Thal one is lhe
(67) }esus said, "If one vho knovs lhe aII sliII
feeIs a peisonaI deficiency, he is conpIeleIy
(68) }esus said, "Iessed aie you vhen you aie
haled and peiseculed. Wheievei you have leen
peiseculed lhey viII find no pIace."
(69) }esus said, "Iessed aie lhey vho have
leen peiseculed vilhin lhenseIves. Il is lhey
vho have liuIy cone lo knov lhe falhei.
Iessed aie lhe hungiy, foi lhe leIIy of hin
vho desiies viII le fiIIed."
(7O) }esus said, "Thal vhich you have viII save
you if you liing il foilh fion youiseIves. Thal
vhich you do nol have vilhin you viII kiII you
if you do nol have il vilhin you."
(71) }esus said, "I shaII deslioy lhis house, and
no one viII le alIe lo luiId il |...j."
(72) A nan said lo hin, "TeII ny liolheis lo
divide ny falhei's possessions vilh ne."
He said lo hin, "O nan, vho has nade ne a
He luined lo his discipIes and said lo lhen, "I
an nol a dividei, an I`"
(73) }esus said, "The haivesl is gieal lul lhe
Ialoieis aie fev. eseech lhe Loid, lheiefoie, lo
send oul Ialoieis lo lhe haivesl."
(74) He said, "O Loid, lheie aie nany aiound
lhe diinking liough, lul lheie is nolhing in lhe
(75) }esus said, "Many aie slanding al lhe dooi,
lul il is lhe soIilaiy vho viII enlei lhe liidaI
(76) }esus said, "The kingdon of lhe falhei is
Iike a neichanl vho had a consignnenl of
neichandise and vho discoveied a peaiI. Thal
neichanl vas shievd. He soId lhe
neichandise and loughl lhe peaiI aIone foi
hinseIf. You loo, seek his unfaiIing and
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enduiing lieasuie vheie no nolh cones neai
lo devoui and no voin deslioys."
(77) }esus said, "Il is I vho an lhe Iighl vhich is
alove lhen aII. Il is I vho an lhe aII. Iion ne
did lhe aII cone foilh, and unlo ne did lhe aII
exlend. SpIil a piece of vood, and I an lheie.
Lifl up lhe slone, and you viII find ne lheie."
(78) }esus said, "Why have you cone oul inlo
lhe deseil` To see a ieed shaken ly lhe vind`
And lo see a nan cIolhed in fine gainenls Iike
youi kings and youi gieal nen` Upon lhen aie
lhe fine gainenls, and lhey aie unalIe lo
discein lhe liulh."
(79) A vonan fion lhe ciovd said lo hin,
"Iessed aie lhe vonl vhich loie you and lhe
lieasls vhich nouiished you."
He said lo hei, "Iessed aie lhose vho have
heaid lhe void of lhe falhei and have liuIy
kepl il. Ioi lheie viII le days vhen you viII
say, 'Iessed aie lhe vonl vhich has nol
conceived and lhe lieasls vhich have nol
given niIk.'"
(8O) }esus said, "He vho has iecognized lhe
voiId has found lhe lody, lul he vho has
found lhe lody is supeiioi lo lhe voiId."
(81) }esus said, "Lel hin vho has giovn iich le
king, and Iel hin vho possesses povei
ienounce il."
(82) }esus said, "He vho is neai ne is neai lhe
fiie, and he vho is fai fion ne is fai fion lhe
(83) }esus said, "The inages aie nanifesl lo
nan, lul lhe Iighl in lhen ienains conceaIed in
lhe inage of lhe Iighl of lhe falhei. He viII
lecone nanifesl, lul his inage viII ienain
conceaIed ly his Iighl."
(84) }esus said, "When you see youi Iikeness,
you iejoice. ul vhen you see youi inages
vhich cane inlo leing lefoie you, and vhich
neilhei die nol lecone nanifesl, hov nuch
you viII have lo leai!"
(85) }esus said, "Adan cane inlo leing fion a
gieal povei and a gieal veaIlh, lul he did nol
lecone voilhy of you. Ioi had he leen
voilhy, he vouId nol have expeiienced dealh."
(86) }esus said, "The foxes have lheii hoIes and
lhe liids have lheii nesls, lul lhe son of nan
has no pIace lo Iay his head and iesl."
(87) }esus said, "Wielched is lhe lody lhal is
dependanl upon a lody, and vielched is lhe
souI lhal is dependenl on lhese lvo."
(88) }esus said, "The angeIs and lhe piophels
viII cone lo you and give lo you lhose lhings
you (aIieady) have. And you loo, give lhen
lhose lhings vhich you have, and say lo
youiseIves, 'When viII lhey cone and lake
vhal is lheiis`'"
(89) }esus said, "Why do you vash lhe oulside
of lhe cup` Do you nol ieaIize lhal he vho
nade lhe inside is lhe sane one vho nade lhe
(9O) }esus said, "Cone unlo ne, foi ny yoke is
easy and ny Ioidship is niId, and you viII find
iepose foi youiseIves."
(91) They said lo hin, "TeII us vho you aie so
lhal ve nay leIieve in you."
He said lo lhen, "You iead lhe face of lhe sky
and of lhe eailh, lul you have nol iecognized
lhe one vho is lefoie you, and you do nol
knov hov lo iead lhis nonenl."
(92) }esus said, "Seek and you viII find. Yel,
vhal you asked ne aloul in foinei lines and
vhich I did nol leII you lhen, nov I do desiie lo
leII, lul you do nol inquiie aflei il."
(93) <}esus said,> "Do nol give vhal is hoIy lo
dogs, Iesl lhey lhiov lhen on lhe dung-heap.
Do nol lhiov lhe peaiIs lo svine, Iesl lhey |...j
il |...j."
(94) }esus said, "He vho seeks viII find, and he
vho knocks viII le Iel in."
(95) }esus said, "If you have noney, do nol Iend
il al inleiesl, lul give il lo one fion vhon you
viII nol gel il lack."
(96) }esus said, "The kingdon of lhe falhei is
Iike a ceilain vonan. She look a IillIe Ieaven,
conceaIed il in sone dough, and nade il inlo
Iaige Ioaves. Lel hin vho has eais heai."
(97) }esus said, "The kingdon of lhe falhei is
Iike a ceilain vonan vho vas caiiying a jai
fuII of neaI. WhiIe she vas vaIking on lhe
ioad, sliII sone dislance fion hone, lhe handIe
of lhe jai lioke and lhe neaI enplied oul
lehind hei on lhe ioad. She did nol ieaIize il,
she had noliced no accidenl. When she ieached
hei house, she sel lhe jai dovn and found il
(98) }esus said, "The kingdon of lhe falhei is
Iike a ceilain nan vho vanled lo kiII a
poveifuI nan. In his ovn house he diev his
svoid and sluck il inlo lhe vaII in oidei lo find
oul vhelhei his hand couId caiiy lhiough.
Then he sIev lhe poveifuI nan."
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(99) The discipIes said lo hin, "Youi liolheis
and youi nolhei aie slanding oulside."
He said lo lhen, "Those heie vho do lhe viII of
ny falhei aie ny liolheis and ny nolhei. Il is
lhey vho viII enlei lhe kingdon of ny falhei."
(1OO) They shoved }esus a goId coin and said lo
hin, "Caesai's nen denand laxes fion us."
He said lo lhen, "Cive Caesai vhal leIongs lo
Caesai, give Cod vhal leIongs lo Cod, and
give ne vhal is nine."
(1O1) <}esus said,> "Whoevei does nol hale his
falhei and his nolhei as I do cannol lecone a
discipIe lo ne. And vhoevei does nol Iove his
falhei and his nolhei as I do cannol lecone a
discipIe lo ne. Ioi ny nolhei |...j, lul ny liue
nolhei gave ne Iife."
(1O2) }esus said, "Woe lo lhe phaiisees, foi lhey
aie Iike a dog sIeeping in lhe nangei of oxen,
foi neilhei does he eal noi does he Iel lhe oxen
(1O3) }esus said, "Ioilunale is lhe nan vho
knovs vheie lhe liigands viII enlei, so lhal he
nay gel up, nuslei his donain, and ain
hinseIf lefoie lhey invade."
(1O4) They said lo }esus, "Cone, Iel us piay
loday and Iel us fasl."
}esus said, "Whal is lhe sin lhal I have
connilled, oi vheiein have I leen defealed`
ul vhen lhe liidegioon Ieaves lhe liidaI
chanlei, lhen Iel lhen fasl and piay."
(1O5) }esus said, "He vho knovs lhe falhei and
lhe nolhei viII le caIIed lhe son of a haiIol."
(1O6) }esus said, "When you nake lhe lvo one,
you viII lecone lhe sons of nan, and vhen
you say, 'Mounlain, nove avay,' il viII nove
(1O7) }esus said, "The kingdon is Iike a
shepheid vho had a hundied sheep. One of
lhen, lhe Iaigesl, venl asliay. He Iefl lhe
ninely-nine sheep and Iooked foi lhal one unliI
he found il. When he had gone lo such lioulIe,
he said lo lhe sheep, 'I caie foi you noie lhan
lhe ninely-nine.'"
(1O8) }esus said, "He vho viII diink fion ny
noulh viII lecone Iike ne. I nyseIf shaII
lecone he, and lhe lhings lhal aie hidden viII
le ieveaIed lo hin."
(1O9) }esus said, "The kingdon is Iike a nan
vho had a hidden lieasuie in his fieId vilhoul
knoving il. And aflei he died, he Iefl il lo his
son. The son did nol knov (aloul lhe lieasuie).
He inheiiled lhe fieId and soId il. And lhe one
vho loughl il venl pIoving and found lhe
lieasuie. He legan lo Iend noney al inleiesl lo
vhonevei he vished."
(11O) }esus said, "Whoevei finds lhe voiId and
lecones iich, Iel hin ienounce lhe voiId."
(111) }esus said, "The heavens and lhe eailh
viII le ioIIed up in youi piesence. And lhe one
vho Iives fion lhe Iiving one viII nol see
dealh." Does nol }esus say, "Whoevei finds
hinseIf is supeiioi lo lhe voiId`"
(112) }esus said, "Woe lo lhe fIesh lhal depends
on lhe souI, voe lo lhe souI lhal depends on lhe
(113) His discipIes said lo hin, "When viII lhe
kingdon cone`"
<}esus said,> "Il viII nol cone ly vailing foi il.
Il viII nol le a nallei of saying 'heie il is' oi
'lheie il is.' Ralhei, lhe kingdon of lhe falhei is
spiead oul upon lhe eailh, and nen do nol see
(114) Sinon Ielei said lo hin, "Lel Maiy Ieave
us, foi vonen aie nol voilhy of Iife."
}esus said, "I nyseIf shaII Iead hei in oidei lo
nake hei naIe, so lhal she loo nay lecone a
Iiving spiiil iesenlIing you naIes. Ioi eveiy
vonan vho viII nake heiseIf naIe viII enlei
lhe kingdon of heaven."
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Origina| |rans|a|icn oq |nc 8cr|in lcr|ing Grcup fcr Ccp|ic Gncs|ic lri|ings.
Ta|cn frcn Synopsis Qualluoi LvangeIoiiun, 2nd ccrrcc|cd prin|ing, 1997.
As ncdificd oq S|cpncn ]. Pa||crscn and ]ancs M. Rcoinscn in.
Pa||crscn, Rcoinscn, and 8c|ngc, Tnc |if|n Gcspc|, Trini|q Prcss |n|crna|icna|, 1998.
Prcparcd oq Micnac| l. Grcndin, ]u|q, 2000
These aie lhe hidden voids lhal lhe Iiving }esus spoke. And Didynos }udas Thonas viole lhen
(O1) And he said: "Whoevei finds lhe neaning of lhese voids viII nol lasle dealh."
(O2) }esus says:
(1) "The one vho seeks shouId nol cease seeking unliI he finds.
(2) And vhen he finds, he viII le disnayed.
(3) And vhen he is disnayed, he viII le aslonished.
(4) And he viII le king ovei lhe AII."
(O3) }esus says:
(1) "If lhose vho Iead you say lo you: 'Look, lhe kingdon is in lhe sky! lhen lhe liids of lhe sky
viII piecede you.
(2) If lhey say lo you: 'Il is in lhe sea, lhen lhe fishes viII piecede you.
(3) Ralhei, lhe kingdon is inside of you, and oulside of you."
(4) "When you cone lo knov youiseIves, lhen you viII le knovn, and you viII ieaIize lhal you
aie lhe chiIdien of lhe Iiving Ialhei.
(5) ul if you do nol cone lo knov youiseIves, lhen you exisl in poveily, and you aie poveily."
(O4) }esus says:
(1) "The peison oId in his days viII nol hesilale lo ask a chiId seven days oId aloul lhe pIace of
Iife, and he viII Iive.
(2) Ioi nany vho aie fiisl viII lecone Iasl, (3) and lhey viII lecone a singIe one."
(O5) }esus says:
(1) "Cone lo knov vhal is in fionl of you, and lhal vhich is hidden fion you viII lecone cIeai lo
(2) Ioi lheie is nolhing hidden lhal viII nol lecone nanifesl."
(1) His discipIes queslioned hin, (and) lhey said lo hin: "Do you vanl us lo fasl` And hov shouId
ve piay and give aIns` And vhal diel shouId ve olseive`"
(2) }esus says: "Do nol Iie. (3) And do nol do vhal you hale.
(4) Ioi eveiylhing is discIosed in viev of <lhe liulh>.
(5) Ioi lheie is nolhing hidden lhal viII nol lecone ieveaIed.
(6) And lheie is nolhing coveied lhal viII ienain undiscIosed."
(O7) }esus says:
(1) "Iessed is lhe Iion lhal a peison viII eal and lhe Iion viII lecone hunan.
(2) And analhena is lhe peison vhon a Iion viII eal and lhe Iion viII lecone hunan."
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(1) And he says: "The hunan leing is Iike a sensilIe fisheinan vho casl his nel inlo lhe sea and
diev il up fion lhe sea fiIIed vilh IillIe fish.
(2) Anong lhen lhe sensilIe fisheinan found a Iaige, fine fish.
(3) He lhiev aII lhe IillIe fish lack inlo lhe sea, (and) he chose lhe Iaige fish effoilIessIy.
(4) Whoevei has eais lo heai shouId heai."
(O9) }esus says:
(1) "Look, a sovei venl oul. He fiIIed his hands (vilh seeds), (and) he scalleied (lhen).
(2) Sone feII on lhe palh, and lhe liids cane and pecked lhen up.
(3) Olheis feII on lhe iock, and did nol lake iool in lhe soiI, and lhey did nol pul foilh eais.
(4) And olheis feII anong lhe lhoins, lhey choked lhe seeds, and voins ale lhen.
(5) And olheis feII on good soiI, and il pioduced good fiuil. Il yieIded sixly pei neasuie and one
hundied lvenly pei neasuie."
(1O) }esus says: "I have casl fiie upon lhe voiId, and see, I an guaiding il unliI il lIazes."
(11) }esus says:
(1) "This heaven viII pass avay, and lhe (heaven) alove il viII pass avay.
(2) And lhe dead aie nol aIive, and lhe Iiving viII nol died.
(3) In lhe days vhen you consuned vhal vas dead, you nade il aIive. When you aie in lhe Iighl,
vhal viII you do`
(4) On lhe day vhen you veie one, you lecane lvo. ul vhen you lecone lvo, vhal viII you
(1) The discipIes said lo }esus: "We knov lhal you viII depail fion us. Who (lhen) viII iuIe |Iil.,
'le giealj ovei us`"
(2) }esus said lo lhen: "No nallei vheie you cane fion, you shouId go lo }anes lhe }usl, foi
vhose sake heaven and eailh cane inlo leing."
(1) }esus said lo his discipIes: "Conpaie ne, and leII ne vhon I an Iike."
(2) Sinon Ielei said lo hin: "You aie Iike a jusl nessengei."
(3) Mallhev said lo hin: "You aie Iike an (especiaIIy) vise phiIosophei."
(4) Thonas said lo hin: "Teachei, ny noulh viII nol leai al aII lo say vhon you aie Iike."
(5) }esus said: "I an nol youi leachei. Ioi you have diunk, you have lecone inloxicaled al lhe
lullIing spiing lhal I have neasuied oul."
(6) And he look hin, (and) vilhdiev, (and) he said lhiee voids lo hin.
(7) ul vhen Thonas cane lack lo his conpanions, lhey asked hin: "Whal did }esus say lo you`"
(8) Thonas said lo lhen: "If I leII you one of lhe voids he said lo ne, you viII pick up slones and
lhiov lhen al ne, and fiie viII cone oul of lhe slones (and) luin you up."
(14) }esus said lo lhen:
(1) "If you fasl, you viII liing foilh sin foi youiseIves.
(2) And if you piay, you viII le condenned.
(3) And if you give aIns, you viII do hain lo youi spiiils.
(4) And if you go inlo any Iand and vandei fion pIace lo pIace, (and) if lhey lake you in, (lhen)
eal vhal lhey viII sel lefoie you. HeaI lhe sick anong lhen!
(5) Ioi vhal goes inlo youi noulh viII nol defiIe you. Ralhei, vhal cones oul of youi noulh viII
defiIe you."
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(15) }esus says: "When you see one vho vas nol loin of vonan, faII on youi face (and) voiship
hin. Thal one is youi Ialhei."
(16) }esus says:
(1) "Ieihaps peopIe lhink lhal I have cone lo casl peace upon lhe eailh.
(2) ul lhey do nol knov lhal I have cone lo casl dissension upon lhe eailh: fiie, svoid, vai.
(3) Ioi lheie viII le five in one house: lheie viII le lhiee againsl lvo and lvo againsl lhiee, falhei
againsl son and son againsl falhei.
(4) And lhey viII sland as soIilaiy ones."
(17) }esus says: "I viII give you vhal no eye has seen, and vhal no eai has heaid, and vhal no
hand has louched, and vhal has nol occuiied lo lhe hunan nind."
(1) The discipIes said lo }esus: "TeII us hov oui end viII le."
(2) }esus said: "Have you aIieady discoveied lhe leginning lhal you aie nov asking aloul lhe
end` Ioi vheie lhe leginning is, lheie lhe end viII le loo.
(3) Iessed is he vho viII sland al lhe leginning. And he viII knov lhe end, and he viII nol lasle
(19) }esus says: (1)"Iessed is he vho vas, lefoie he cane inlo leing.
(2) If you lecone discipIes of nine (and) Iislen lo ny voids, lhese slones viII seive you.
(3) Ioi you have five liees in Iaiadise lhal do nol change duiing sunnei (and) vinlei, and lheii
Ieaves do nol faII. (4) Whoevei cones lo knov lhen viII nol lasle dealh."
(1) The discipIes said lo }esus: "TeII us vhon lhe kingdon of heaven is Iike!"
(2) He said lo lhen: "Il is Iike a nuslaid seed. (3) <Il> is lhe snaIIesl of aII seeds.
(4) ul vhen il faIIs on cuIlivaled soiI, il pioduces a Iaige lianch
(and) lecones sheIlei foi lhe liids of lhe sky."
(1) Maiy said lo }esus: "Whon aie youi discipIes Iike`"
(2) He said: "They aie Iike seivanls vho aie enliusled vilh a fieId lhal is nol lheiis.
(3) When lhe ovneis of lhe fieId aiiive, lhey viII say: 'Lel us have oui fieId.
(4) (ul) lhey aie naked in lheii piesence so as lo Iel lhen have il (and lhus) lo give lhen lheii
(5) "Thal is vhy I say: 'When lhe naslei of lhe house Ieains lhal lhe lhief is aloul lo cone, he viII
le on guaid lefoie he cones (and) viII nol Iel hin lieak inlo his house, his donain, lo caiiy avay
his possessions.
(6) (ul) you, le on guaid againsl lhe voiId!
(7) Ciid youi Ioins vilh gieal slienglh, so lhal lhe iolleis viII nol find a vay lo gel lo you."
(8) "Ioi lhe necessilies foi vhich you vail (vilh Ionging) viII le found.
(9) Theie oughl lo le a vise peison anong you!
(1O) When lhe fiuil vas iipe, he cane quickIy vilh his sickIe in his hand, (and) he haivesled il.
(11) Whoevei has eais lo heai shouId heai."
(1) }esus sav infanls leing suckIed.
(2) He said lo his discipIes: "These IillIe ones leing suckIed aie Iike lhose vho enlei lhe kingdon."
(3) They said lo hin: "Then viII ve enlei lhe kingdon as IillIe ones`"
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(4) }esus said lo lhen: "When you nake lhe lvo inlo one, and vhen you nake lhe inside Iike lhe
oulside and lhe oulside Iike lhe inside and lhe alove Iike lhe leIov -
(5) lhal is, lo nake lhe naIe and lhe fenaIe inlo a singIe one, so lhal lhe naIe viII nol le naIe and
lhe fenaIe viII nol le fenaIe -
(6) and vhen you nake eyes inslead of an eye
and a hand inslead of a hand and a fool inslead of a fool, an inage inslead of an inage, (7) lhen
you viII enlei |lhe kingdonj."
(23) }esus says:
(1) "I viII choose you, one fion a lhousand and lvo fion len lhousand.
(2) And lhey viII sland as a singIe one."
(1) His discipIes said: "Shov us lhe pIace vheie you aie, lecause il is necessaiy foi us lo seek il.
(2) He said lo lhen: "Whoevei has eais shouId heai!
(3) Lighl exisls inside a peison of Iighl, and he shines on lhe vhoIe voiId. If he does nol shine,
lheie is daikness."
(25) }esus says:
(1) "Love youi liolhei Iike youi Iife!
(2) Iiolecl hin Iike lhe appIe of youi eye!"
(26) }esus says:
(1) "You see lhe spIinlei lhal is in youi liolheis eye, lul you do nol see lhe lean lhal is in youi
(ovn) eye.
(2) When you ienove lhe lean fion youi (ovn) eye, lhen you viII see cIeaiIy (enough) lo ienove
lhe spIinlei fion youi liolheis eye."
(1) "If you do nol alslain fion lhe voiId, you viII nol find lhe kingdon.
(2) If you do nol nake lhe Sallalh inlo a Sallalh, you viII nol see lhe Ialhei."
(28) }esus says:
(1) "I slood in lhe niddIe of lhe voiId, and in fIesh I appeaied lo lhen.
(2) I found aII of lhen diunk. None of lhen did I find lhiisly.
(3) And ny souI ached foi lhe chiIdien of hunanily, lecause lhey aie lIind in lheii heail, and lhey
cannol see, foi lhey cane inlo lhe voiId enply, (and) lhey aIso seek lo depail fion lhe voiId
(4) ul nov lhey aie diunk. (ul) vhen lhey shake off lheii vine, lhen lhey viII change lheii
(29) }esus says:
(1) "If lhe fIesh cane inlo leing lecause of lhe spiiil, il is a vondei.
(2) ul if lhe spiiil (cane inlo leing) lecause of lhe lody, il is a vondei of vondeis.
(3) Yel I naiveI al hov lhis gieal veaIlh has laken up iesidence in lhis poveily."
(3O) }esus says:
(1) "Wheie lheie aie lhiee gods, lhey aie gods.
(2) Wheie lheie aie lvo oi one, I an vilh hin."
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(31) }esus says:
(1) "No piophel is accepled in his (ovn) viIIage.
(2) A physician does nol heaI lhose vho knov hin."
(32) }esus says: "A cily luiIl upon a high nounlain (and) foilified cannol faII, noi can il le
(33) }esus says:
(1) "Whal you viII heai vilh youi eai |vilh lhe olhei eai piocIain fion youi iooflops.
(2) Ioi no one Iighls a Ianp (and) puls il undei a lusheI, noi does he pul il in a hidden pIace.
(3) Ralhei, he puls il on a Ianpsland, so lhal eveiyone vho cones in and goes oul viII see ils
(34) }esus says: "If a lIind (peison) Ieads a lIind (peison), lolh viII faII inlo a pil."
(35) }esus says:
(1) "Il is nol possilIe foi soneone lo enlei lhe house of a sliong (peison) (and) lake il ly foice
unIess he linds his hands.
(2) Then he viII Iool his house."
(36) }esus says: "Do nol voiiy fion noining lo evening and fion evening lo noining aloul vhal
you viII veai."
(1) His discipIes said: "When viII you appeai lo us, and vhen viII ve see you`"
(2) }esus said: "When you undiess vilhoul leing ashaned and lake youi cIolhes (and) pul lhen
undei youi feel Iike IillIe chiIdien (and) lianpIe on lhen,
(3) lhen |youj viII see lhe son of lhe Living One, and you viII nol le afiaid."
(38) }esus says:
(1) "Many lines have you desiied lo heai lhese voids, lhese lhal I an speaking lo you, and you
have no one eIse fion vhon lo heai lhen.
(2) Theie viII le days vhen you viII seek ne (and) you viII nol find ne."
(39) }esus says:
(1) "The Ihaiisees and lhe sciiles have ieceived lhe keys of knovIedge, (lul) lhey have hidden
(2) Neilhei have lhey enleied, noi have lhey aIIoved lo enlei lhose vho vish lo.
(3) You, hovevei, le as shievd as seipenls and as innocenl as doves!"
(4O) }esus says:
(1) "A giapevine vas pIanled oulside (lhe vineyaid) of lhe Ialhei.
(2) And since il is nol suppoiled, il viII le puIIed up ly ils iools (and) viII peiish."
(41) }esus says:
(1) "Whoevei has (sonelhing) in his hand, (sonelhing noie) viII le given lo hin.
(2) And vhoevei has nolhing, even lhe IillIe he has viII le laken fion hin."
(42) }esus says: "econe passeis-ly."
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(1) His discipIes said lo hin: "Who aie you lo say lhis lo us`"
(2) "Do you nol ieaIized fion vhal I say lo you vho I an`
(3) ul you have lecone Iike lhe }evs!
They Iove lhe liee, (lul) lhey hale ils fiuil.
Oi lhey Iove lhe fiuil, (lul) lhey hale lhe liee."
(44) }esus says:
(1) "Whoevei lIasphenes againsl lhe Ialhei, il viII le foigiven hin.
(2) And vhoevei lIasphenes againsl lhe Son, il viII le foigiven hin.
(3) ul vhoevei lIasphenes againsl lhe HoIy Spiiil, il viII nol le foigiven hin, neilhei on eailh
noi in heaven."
(45) }esus says:
(1) "Ciapes aie nol haivesled fion lhoins, noi aie figs picked fion lhislIes, foi lhey do nol
pioduce fiuil. (2) A good peison liings foilh good fion his lieasuie. (3) A lad peison liings
(foilh) eviI fion lhe lad lieasuie lhal is in his heail, and (in facl) he speaks eviI. (4) Ioi oul of lhe
alundance of lhe heail he liings foilh eviI."
(46) }esus says:
(1) "Iion Adan lo }ohn lhe aplisl, anong lhose loin of vonen lheie is no one vho suipasses
}ohn lhe aplisl so lhal his (i.e., }ohns) eyes need nol le dovncasl. (2) ul I have aIso said:
'Whoevei anong you lecones IillIe viII knov lhe kingdon, and viII suipass }ohn."
(47) }esus says:
(1) "Il is inpossilIe foi a peison lo nounl lvo hoises and lo slielch lvo lovs. (2) And il is
inpossilIe foi a seivanl lo seive lvo nasleis. LIse he viII honoi lhe one and insuIl lhe olhei. (3)
No peison diinks oId vine and innedialeIy desiies lo diink nev vine. (4) And nev vine is nol
pul inlo oId vineskins, so lhal lhey do nol luisl, noi is oId vine pul inlo (a) nev vineskin, so lhal
il does nol spoiI il. (5) An oId palch is nol sevn onlo a nev gainenl, lecause a leai viII iesuIl."
(48) }esus says: "If lvo nake peace vilh one anolhei in one and lhe sane house, (lhen) lhey viII
say lo lhe nounlain: 'Move avay, and il viII nove avay."
(49) }esus says:
(1) "Iessed aie lhe soIilaiy ones, lhe eIecl. Ioi you viII find lhe kingdon.
(2) Ioi you cone fion il (and) viII ieluin lo il."
(5O) }esus says:
(1) If lhey say lo you: 'Wheie do you cone fion` (lhen) say lo lhen: 'We have cone fion lhe
Iighl, lhe pIace vheie lhe Iighl has cone inlo leing ly ilseIf, has eslalIished |ilseIfj and has
appeaied in lheii inage.
(2) If lhey say lo you: 'Is il you` (lhen) say: 'We aie his chiIdien, and ve aie lhe eIecl of lhe Iiving
(3) If lhey ask you: 'Whal is lhe sign of youi Ialhei anong you` (lhen) say lo lhen: 'Il is
novenenl and iepose."
(1) His discipIes said lo hin: When viII lhe <iesuiieclion> of lhe dead lake pIace, and vhen viII
lhe nev voiId cone`"
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(2) He said lo lhen: "Thal (iesuiieclion) vhich you aie availing has (aIieady) cone, lul you do
nol iecognize il."
(1) His discipIes said lo hin: "Tvenly-foui piophels have spoken in IsiaeI, and aII (of lhen) have
spoken lhiough you."
(2) He said lo lhen: "You have pushed avay lhe Iiving (one) fion youiseIves, and you have
legun lo speak of lhose vho aie dead."
(1) His discipIes said lo hin: "Is ciicuncision leneficiaI, oi nol`"
(2) He said lo lhen: "If il veie leneficiaI, lheii falhei vouId legel lhen ciicuncized fion lheii
(3) ul lhe liue ciicuncision in lhe spiiil has pievaiIed ovei eveiylhing."
(54) }esus says: "Iessed aie lhe pooi. Ioi lhe kingdon of heaven leIongs lo you."
(55) }esus says:
(1) "Whoevei does nol hale his falhei and his nolhei cannol lecone a discipIe of nine.
(2) And vhoevei does nol hale his liolheis and his sisleis (and) viII nol lake up his cioss as I do,
viII nol le voilhy of ne."
(56) }esus says:
"Whoevei has cone lo knov lhe voiId has found a coipse.
And vhoevei has found (lhis) coipse, of hin lhe voiId is nol voilhy."
(57) }esus says:
(1) "The kingdon of lhe Ialhei is Iike a peison vho had (good) seed.
(2) His eneny cane ly nighl. He soved daineI anong lhe good seed.
(3) The peison did nol aIIov (lhe seivanls) lo puII up lhe daineI.
He said lo lhen: 'Lesl you go lo puII up lhe daineI (and lhen) puII up lhe vheal aIong vilh il.
(4) Ioi on lhe day of lhe haivesl, lhe daineI viII le appaienl and il viII le puIIed up (and)
(58) }esus says: "Iessed is lhe peison vho has sliuggIed. He has found Iife."
(59) }esus says: "Look foi lhe Living One vhiIe you aie aIive,
so lhal you viII nol die (and) lhen seek lo see hin.
And you viII nol le alIe lo see (hin)."
(1) <He sav> a Sanaiilan vho vas liying lo sleaI a Ianl vhiIe he vas on his vay lo }udea.
(2) He said lo his discipIes: "Thal (peison) is slaIking lhe Ianl."
(3) They said lo hin: "So lhal he nay kiII il (and) eal il."
(4) He said lo lhen: "As Iong as il is aIive he viII nol eal il, lul (onIy) vhen he has kiIIed il (and) il
has lecone a coipse."
(5) They said lo hin: "Olheivise he cannol do il."
(6) He said lo lhen: "You, loo, Iook foi a pIace foi youi iepose so lhal you nay nol lecone a
coipse (and) gel ealen."
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(1) }esus said: "Tvo viII iesl on a led. The one viII die, lhe olhei viII Iive."
(2) SaIone said: "(So) vho aie you, nan`
You have gollen a pIace on ny couch as a <sliangei> and you have ealen fion ny lalIe."
(3) }esus said lo hei: "I an he vho cones fion lhe one vho is (aIvays) lhe sane.
I vas given sone of lhal vhich is ny Ialheis."
(4) "I an youi discipIe!"
(5) "Theiefoie I say: If soneone lecones <Iike> (Cod), he viII lecone fuII of Iighl.
ul if he lecones one, sepaialed (fion Cod), he viII lecone fuII of daikness."
(62) }esus says:
(1) "I leII ny nysleiies lo lhose vho |aie voilhyj of |nyj nysleiies."
(2) "Whalevei you iighl hand does, youi Iefl hand shouId nol knov vhal il is doing."
(63) }esus says:
(1) "Theie vas a iich peison vho had nany possessions.
(2) He said: 'I viII use ny possessions so lhal I nighl sov, ieap, pIanl,
(and) fiII ny sloiehouses vilh fiuil so lhal I viII nol Iack anylhing.
(3) This vas vhal he vas lhinking in his heail. And in lhal nighl he died.
(4) Whoevei has eais shouId heai."
(64) }esus says:
(1) "A peison had guesls. And vhen he had piepaied lhe dinnei,
he senl his seivanl, so lhal he nighl invile lhe guesls.
(2) He cane lo lhe fiisl (and) said lo hin: 'My naslei inviles you.
(3) He said: 'I have liIIs foi sone neichanls. Theie aie coning lo ne lhis evening. I viII go (and)
give insliuclions lo lhen. Lxcuse ne fion lhe dinnei.
(4) He cane lo anolhei (and) said lo hin: 'My naslei has inviled you.
(5) He said lo hin: 'I have loughl a house, and I have leen caIIed (avay) foi a day. I viII nol have
(6) He venl lo anolhei (and) said lo hin: 'My naslei inviles you.
(7) He said lo hin: 'My fiiend is going lo naiiy, and I an lhe one vho is going lo piepaie lhe
neaI. I viII nol le alIe lo cone. Lxcuse ne fion lhe dinnei.
(8) He cane up lo anolhei (and) said lo hin: 'My naslei inviles you.
(9) He said lo hin: 'I have loughl a viIIage. Since I an going lo coIIecl lhe ienl, I viII nol le alIe lo
cone. Lxcuse ne.
(1O) The seivanl venl avay. He said lo his naslei: 'Those vhon you inviled lo lhe dinnei have
asked lo le excused.
(11) The naslei said lo his seivanl: 'Co oul on lhe ioads. iing (lack) vhonevei you find, so lhal
lhey nighl have dinnei.
(12) DeaIeis and neichanls (viII) nol enlei lhe pIaces of ny Ialhei."
(65) He said: "A |usuieij ovned a vineyaid. He gave il lo sone faineis so lhal lhey vouId voik il
(and) he nighl ieceive ils fiuil fion lhen. (2) He senl his seivanl so lhal lhe faineis nighl give
hin lhe fiuil of lhe vineyaid. (3) They seized his seivanl, leal hin, (and) aInosl kiIIed hin. The
seivanl venl (lack and) loId his naslei.
(4) His naslei said: 'Ieihaps <lhey> did nol iecognize <hin>.
(5) He senl anolhei seivanl, (and) lhe faineis leal lhal olhei one as veII.
(6) Then lhe naslei senl his son (and) said: 'Ieihaps lhey viII shov iespecl foi ny son.
(7) (ul) lhose faineis, since lhey knev lhal he vas lhe heii of lhe vineyaid, seized hin (and)
kiIIed hin.
(8) Whoevei has eais shouId heai."
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(66) }esus says: "Shov ne lhe slone lhal lhe luiIdeis have iejecled. Il is lhe coineislone."
(67) }esus says: "Whoevei knovs aII, if he is Iacking one lhing, he is (aIieady) Iacking eveiylhing."
(68) }esus says:
(1) "Iessed aie you vhen(evei) lhey hale you (and) peisecule you.
(2) ul lhey (lhenseIves) viII find no pIace lheie vheie lhey have peiseculed you."
(69) }esus says:
(1) "Iessed aie lhose vho have leen peiseculed in lheii heail.
They aie lhe ones vho have liuIy cone lo knov lhe Ialhei."
(2) "Iessed aie lhose vho suffei fion hungei so lhal lhe leIIy of lhe one vho vishes (il) viII le
(7O) }esus says:
(1) "If you liing il inlo leing vilhin you, (lhen) lhal vhich you have viII save you.
(2) If you do nol have il vilhin you, (lhen) lhal vhich you do nol have vilhin you |viIIj kiII you."
(71) }esus says: "I viII |deslioy lhisj house, and no one viII le alIe lo luiId il |againj."
(1) A |peison saidj lo hin: "TeII ny liolheis lhal lhey have lo divide ny falheis possessions vilh
(2) He said lo hin: "Man, vho has nade ne a dividei`"
(3) He luined lo his discipIes (and) said lo lhen: "I an nol a dividei, an I`"
(73) }esus says:
(a) "The haivesl is pIenlifuI, lul lheie aie fev voikeis.
(l) ul leg lhe Loid lhal he nay send voikeis inlo lhe haivesl."
(74) He said: "Loid, lheie aie nany aiound lhe veII, lul lheie is nolhing in lhe <veII>."
(75) }esus says: "Many aie slanding lefoie lhe dooi, lul il is lhe soIilaiy ones vho viII enlei lhe
vedding haII."
(76) }esus says:
(1) "The kingdon of lhe Ialhei is Iike a neichanl vho had neichandise and found a peaiI.
(2) Thal neichanl is piudenl. He soId lhe goods (and) loughl foi hinseIf lhe peaiI aIone.
(3) You loo Iook foi his lieasuie, vhich does nol peiish, (and) vhich slays vheie no nolh can
ieach il lo eal il, and no voin deslioys il."
(77) }esus says:
(1) "I an lhe Iighl lhal is ovei aII. I an lhe AII. The AII cane foilh oul of ne. And lo ne lhe AII has
(2) "SpIil a piece of vood - I an lheie.
(3) Lifl lhe slone, and you viII find ne lheie."
(78) }esus says:
(1) "Why did you go oul lo lhe counliyside` To see a ieed shaken ly lhe vind,
(2) and lo see a peison diessed in sofl cIolhing |Iike youij kings and youi gieal/poveifuI peisons`
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(3) They aie diessed in sofl cIolhing and viII nol le alIe lo iecognize lhe liulh."
(1) A vonan in lhe ciovd said lo hin: "HaiI lo lhe vonl lhal caiiied you and lo lhe lieasls lhal
fed you."
(2) He said lo |heij: "HaiI lo lhose vho have heaid lhe void of lhe Ialhei (and) have liuIy kepl il.
(3) Ioi lheie viII le days vhen you viII say: 'HaiI lo lhe vonl lhal has nol conceived and lo lhe
lieasls lhal have nol given niIk."
(8O) }esus says:
(1) "Whoevei has cone lo knov lhe voiId has found lhe (dead) lody.
(2) ul vhoevei has found lhe (dead) lody, of hin lhe voiId is nol voilhy."
(81) }esus says:
(1) "Whoevei has lecone iich shouId le king.
(2) And lhe one vho has povei shouId ienounce (il)."
(82) }esus says:
(1) "The peison vho is neai ne is neai lhe fiie.
(2) And lhe peison vho is fai fion ne is fai fion lhe kingdon."
(83) }esus says:
(1) "The inages aie visilIe lo hunanily, lul lhe Iighl vilhin lhen is hidden in lhe inage.
(2) | The Iighl of lhe Ialhei viII ieveaI ilseIf, lul his inage is hidden ly his Iighl."
(84) }esus says:
(1) "When you see youi Iikeness you aie fuII of joy. (2) ul vhen you see youi Iikenesses lhal cane
inlo exislence lefoie you - lhey neilhei die noi lecone nanifesl - hov nuch viII you leai`"
(85) }esus says:
(1) "Adan cane fion a gieal povei and a gieal veaIlh. ul he did nol lecone voilhy of you.
(2) Ioi if he had leen voilhy, (lhen) |he vouIdj nol |have lasledj dealh."
(86) }esus says:
(1) "|Ioxes havej lheii hoIes and liids have lheii nesl.
(2) ul lhe son of nan has no pIace lo Iay his head dovn (and) lo iesl."
(87) }esus says:
(1) "Wielched is lhe lody lhal depends on a lody.
(2) And vielched is lhe souI lhal depends on lhese lvo."
(88) }esus says:
(1) "The nessengeis and lhe piophels aie coning lo you, and lhey viII give you vhal leIongs lo
(2) And you, in luin, give lo lhen vhal you have in youi hands (and) say lo youiseIves:
'When viII lhey cone (and) lake vhal leIongs lo lhen`"
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(89) }esus says:
(1) "Why do you vash lhe oulside of lhe cup`
(2) Do you nol undeisland lhal lhe one vho ciealed lhe inside is aIso lhe one vho ciealed lhe
(9O) }esus says:
(1) "Cone lo ne, foi ny yoke is genlIe and ny Ioidship is niId.
(2) And you viII find iepose foi youiseIves."
(1) They said lo hin: "TeII us vho you aie so lhal ve nay leIieve in you."
(2) He said lo lhen: "You exanine lhe face of sky and eailh,
lul lhe one vho is lefoie you, you have nol iecognized,
and you do nol knov hov lo lesl lhis oppoilunily."
(92) }esus says:
(1) "Seek and you viII find.
(2) ul lhe lhings you asked ne aloul in pasl lines,
and vhal I did nol leII you in lhal day,
nov I an viIIing lo leII you, lul you do nol seek lhen."
(1) "Do nol give vhal is hoIy lo lhe dogs, Iesl lhey lhiov il upon lhe dunghiII.
(2) Do nol lhiov peaiIs lo svine, Iesl lhey luin <lhen> inlo |nudj."
(94) }esus |saysj:
(1) "The one vho seeks viII find.
(2) |The one vho knocksj, lo lhal one viII il le opened."
(95) |}esus says:j
(1) "If you have noney, do nol Iend (il) oul al inleiesl.
(2) Ralhei, give |ilj lo lhe one fion vhon you viII nol gel il (lack)."
(96) }esus |saysj:
(1) "The kingdon of lhe Ialhei is Iike |aj vonan.
(2) She look a IillIe lil of yeasl. |Shej hid il in dough (and) nade il inlo huge Ioaves of liead.
(3) Whoevei has eais shouId heai.""
(97) }esus says:
(1) "The kingdon of lhe |Ialheij is Iike a vonan vho is caiiying a |jaij fiIIed vilh fIoui.
(2) WhiIe she vas vaIking on |lhej vay, veiy dislanl (fion hone),
lhe handIe of lhe jai lioke (and) lhe fIoui Ieaked oul |onj lhe palh.
(3) (ul) she did nol knov (il), she had nol noliced a piolIen.
(4) When she ieached hei house, she pul lhe jai dovn on lhe fIooi (and) found il enply."
(98) }esus says:
(1) "The kingdon of lhe Ialhei is Iike a peison vho vanled lo kiII a poveifuI peison.
(2) He diev lhe svoid in his house (and) slalled il inlo lhe vaII lo lesl vhelhei his hand vouId
le sliong (enough).
(3) Then he kiIIed lhe poveifuI one."
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(1) The discipIes said lo hin: "Youi liolheis and youi nolhei aie slanding oulside."
(2) He said lo lhen: "Those heie, vho do lhe viII of ny Ialhei, lhey aie ny liolheis and ny
(3) They aie lhe ones vho viII enlei lhe kingdon of ny Ialhei."
(1) They shoved }esus a goId coin and said lo hin: "Caesais peopIe denand laxes fion us."
(2) He said lo lhen: "Cive Caesai (lhe lhings) lhal aie Caesais.
(3) Cive Cod (lhe lhings) lhal aie Cods.
(4) And vhal is nine give ne."
(1) "Whoevei does nol hale his |falheij and his nolhei as I do viII nol le alIe lo le a |discipIej of
(2) And vhoevei does |nolj Iove |his falheij and his nolhei as I do viII nol le alIe lo le a
|discipIej of nine.
(3) Ioi ny nolhei |.j, lul ny liue |nolheij gave ne Iife."
(1O2) }esus says: "Woe lo lhen, lhe Ihaiisees, foi lhey aie Iike a dog sIeeping in a callIe liough, foi
il neilhei eals noi |Ielsj lhe callIe eal."
(1O3) }esus says: "Iessed is lhe peison vho knovs al vhich poinl (of lhe house) lhe iolleis aie
going lo enlei, so lhal |hej nay aiise lo galhei logelhei his |donainj and giid his Ioins lefoie lhey
(1) They said lo |}esusj: "Cone, Iel us piay and fasl loday!"
(2) }esus said: "Whal sin is il lhal I have connilled, oi vheiein have I leen oveicone`
(3) ul vhen lhe liidegioon cones oul of lhe vedding chanlei, lhen Iel (us) fasl and piay."
(1O5) }esus says: "Whoevei viII cone lo knov falhei and nolhei, he viII le caIIed son of a vhoie."
(1O6) }esus says:
(1) "When you nake lhe lvo inlo one, you viII lecone sons of nan.
(2) And vhen you say 'Mounlain, nove avay, il viII nove avay."
(1O7) }esus says:
(1) "The kingdon is Iike a shepheid vho had a hundied sheep.
(2) One of lhen venl asliay, lhe Iaigesl. He Iefl lhe ninely-nine, (and) he soughl lhe one unliI he
found il.
(3) Aflei he had loiIed, he said lo lhe sheep: 'I Iove you noie lhan lhe ninely-nine."
(1O8) }esus says:
(1) "Whoevei viII diink fion ny noulh viII lecone Iike ne.
(2) I nyseIf viII lecone he,
(3) and vhal is hidden viII le ieveaIed lo hin."
(1O9) }esus says:
(1) "The kingdon is Iike a peison vho has a hidden lieasuie in his fieId, (of vhich) he knovs
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(2) And |afleij he had died, he Iefl il lo his |sonj. (ul) lhe son did nol knov (aloul il eilhei).
He look ovei lhal fieId (and) soId |ilj.
(3) And lhe one vho had loughl il cane, and vhiIe he vas pIoughing |he foundj lhe lieasuie.
He legan lo Iend noney al inleiesl lo vhon he vished."
(11O) }esus says: "The one vho has found lhe voiId (and) has lecone veaIlhy shouId ienounce
lhe voiId."
(111) }esus says:
(1) "The heavens viII ioII up lefoie you, and lhe eailh.
(2) And vhoevei is Iiving fion lhe Iiving one viII nol see dealh."
(3) Does nol }esus say: "Whoevei has found hinseIf, of hin lhe voiId is nol voilhy"`
(112) }esus says:
(1) "Woe lo lhe fIesh lhal depends on lhe souI.
(2) Woe lo lhe souI lhal depends on lhe fIesh."
(1) His discipIes said lo hin: "The kingdon - on vhal day viII il cone`"
(2) "Il viII nol cone ly valching (and vailing foi) il.
(3) They viII nol say: 'Look, heie! oi 'Look, lheie!
(4) Ralhei, lhe kingdon of lhe Ialhei is spiead oul upon lhe eailh, and peopIe do nol see il."
(1) Sinon Ielei said lo lhen: "Lel Maiy go avay fion us, foi vonen aie nol voilhy of Iife."
(2) }esus said: "Look, I viII diav hei in so as lo nake hei naIe, so lhal she loo nay lecone a
Iiving naIe spiiil, siniIai lo you."
(3) (ul I say lo you): "Lveiy vonan vho nakes heiseIf naIe viII enlei lhe kingdon of heaven."
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
A Heliev nakes anolhei Heliev, and such a peison is caIIed "pioseIyle". ul a pioseIyle does
nol nake anolhei pioseIyle. |...j jusl as lhey |...j and nake olheis Iike lhenseIves, vhiIe olheis
sinpIy exisl.
The sIave seeks onIy lo le fiee, lul he does nol hope lo acquiie lhe eslale of his naslei. ul lhe son
is nol onIy a son lul Iays cIain lo lhe inheiilance of lhe falhei. Those vho aie heiis lo lhe dead aie
lhenseIves dead, and lhey inheiil lhe dead. Those vho aie heiis lo vhal is Iiving aie aIive, and
lhey aie heiis lo lolh vhal is Iiving and lhe dead. The dead aie heiis lo nolhing. Ioi hov can he
vho is dead inheiil` If he vho is dead inheiils vhal is Iiving he viII nol die, lul he vho is dead
viII Iive even noie.
A CenliIe does nol die, foi he has nevei Iived in oidei lhal he nay die. He vho has leIieved in lhe
liulh has found Iife, and lhis one is in dangei of dying, foi he is aIive. Since Chiisl cane, lhe voiId
has leen ciealed, lhe cilies adoined, lhe dead caiiied oul. When ve veie Helievs, ve veie
oiphans and had onIy oui nolhei, lul vhen ve lecane Chiislians, ve had lolh falhei and
Those vho sov in vinlei ieap in sunnei. The vinlei is lhe voiId, lhe sunnei lhe olhei Aeon
(eleinaI ieaIn). Lel us sov in lhe voiId lhal ve nay ieap in lhe sunnei. ecause of lhis, il is
filling foi us nol lo piay in lhe vinlei. Sunnei foIIovs vinlei. ul if any nan ieap in vinlei he
viII nol acluaIIy ieap lul onIy pIuck oul, since il viII nol piovide a haivesl foi such a peison. Il is
nol onIy |...j lhal il viII |...j cone foilh, lul aIso on lhe Sallalh |...j is laiien.
Chiisl cane lo ianson sone, lo save olheis, lo iedeen olheis. He iansoned lhose vho veie
sliangeis and nade lhen his ovn. And he sel his ovn apail, lhose vhon he gave as a pIedge
accoiding lo his pIan. Il vas nol onIy vhen he appeaied lhal he voIunlaiiIy Iaid dovn his Iife, lul
he voIunlaiiIy Iaid dovn his Iife fion lhe veiy day lhe voiId cane inlo leing. Then he cane fiisl
in oidei lo lake il, since il had leen given as a pIedge. Il feII inlo lhe hands of iolleis and vas
laken caplive, lul he saved il. He iedeened lhe good peopIe in lhe voiId as veII as lhe eviI.
Lighl and Daikness, Iife and dealh, iighl and Iefl, aie liolheis of one anolhei. They aie
insepaialIe. ecause of lhis neilhei aie lhe good good, noi eviI eviI, noi is Iife Iife, noi dealh dealh.
Ioi lhis ieason each one viII dissoIve inlo ils eaiIiesl oiigin. ul lhose vho aie exaIled alove lhe
voiId aie indissoIulIe, eleinaI.
Nanes given lo lhe voiIdIy aie veiy deceplive, foi lhey diveil oui lhoughls fion vhal is coiiecl
lo vhal is incoiiecl. Thus one vho heais lhe void "Cod" does nol peiceive vhal is coiiecl, lul
peiceives vhal is incoiiecl. So aIso vilh "lhe Ialhei" and "lhe Son" and "lhe HoIy Spiiil" and "Iife"
and "Iighl" and "iesuiieclion" and "lhe Chuich (LkkIesia)" and aII lhe iesl - peopIe do nol peiceive
vhal is coiiecl lul lhey peiceive vhal is incoiiecl, unIess lhey have cone lo knov vhal is coiiecl.
The nanes vhich aie heaid aie in lhe voiId |...j deceive. If lhey veie in lhe Aeon (eleinaI ieaIn),
lhey vouId al no line le used as nanes in lhe voiId. Noi veie lhey sel anong voiIdIy lhings.
They have an end in lhe Aeon.
One singIe nane is nol ulleied in lhe voiId, lhe nane vhich lhe Ialhei gave lo lhe Son, il is lhe
nane alove aII lhings: lhe nane of lhe Ialhei. Ioi lhe Son vouId nol lecone Ialhei unIess he
voie lhe nane of lhe Ialhei. Those vho have lhis nane knov il, lul lhey do nol speak il. ul
lhose vho do nol have il do nol knov il.
ul liulh lioughl nanes inlo exislence in lhe voiId foi oui sakes, lecause il is nol possilIe lo
Ieain il (liulh) vilhoul lhese nanes. Tiulh is one singIe lhing, il is nany lhings and foi oui sakes
lo leach aloul lhis one lhing in Iove lhiough nany lhings. The iuIeis (aichons) vanled lo deceive
nan, since lhey sav lhal he had a kinship vilh lhose lhal aie liuIy good. They look lhe nane of
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lhose lhal aie good and gave il lo lhose lhal aie nol good, so lhal lhiough lhe nanes lhey nighl
deceive hin and lind lhen lo lhose lhal aie nol good. And afleivaid, vhal a favoi lhey do foi
lhen! They nake lhen le ienoved fion lhose lhal aie nol good and pIace lhen anong lhose lhal
aie good. These lhings lhey knev, foi lhey vanled lo lake lhe fiee nan and nake hin a sIave lo
lhen foievei.
These aie poveis vhich |...j nan, nol vishing hin lo le saved, in oidei lhal lhey nay |...j. Ioi if
nan is saved, lheie viII nol le any saciifices |...j and aninaIs viII nol le offeied lo lhe poveis.
Indeed, lhe aninaIs veie lhe ones lo vhon lhey saciificed. They veie indeed offeiing lhen up
aIive, lul vhen lhey offeied lhen up, lhey died. As foi nan, lhey offeied hin up lo Cod dead,
and he Iived.
efoie Chiisl cane, lheie vas no liead in lhe voiId, jusl as Iaiadise, lhe pIace veie Adan vas,
had nany liees lo nouiish lhe aninaIs lul no vheal lo suslain nan. Man used lo feed Iike lhe
aninaIs, lul vhen Chiisl cane, lhe peifecl nan, he lioughl liead fion heaven in oidei lhal nan
nighl le nouiished vilh lhe food of nan. The iuIeis lhoughl lhal il vas ly lheii ovn povei and
viII lhal lhey veie doing vhal lhey did, lul lhe HoIy Spiiil in seciel vas acconpIishing
eveiylhing lhiough lhen as il vished. Tiulh, vhich exisled since lhe leginning, is sovn
eveiyvheie. And nany see il leing sovn, lul fev aie lhey vho see il leing ieaped.
Sone said, "Maiy conceived ly lhe HoIy Spiiil." They aie in eiioi. They do nol knov vhal lhey
aie saying. When did a vonan evei conceive ly a vonan` Maiy is lhe viigin vhon no povei
defiIed. She is a gieal analhena lo lhe Helievs, vho aie lhe aposlIes and lhe aposloIic nen. This
viigin vhon no povei defiIed |...j lhe poveis defiIe lhenseIves. And lhe Loid vouId nol have
said "My Ialhei vho is in Heaven" (Ml 16:17), unIess he had had anolhei falhei, lul he vouId
have said sinpIy "My falhei".
The Loid said lo lhe discipIes, "|...j fion eveiy house. iing inlo lhe house of lhe Ialhei. ul do
nol lake (anylhing) in lhe house of lhe Ialhei noi caiiy il off."
"}esus" is a hidden nane, "Chiisl" is a ieveaIed nane. Ioi lhis ieason "}esus" is nol pailicuIai lo
any Ianguage, ialhei he is aIvays caIIed ly lhe nane "}esus". WhiIe as foi "Chiisl", in Syiiac il is
"Messiah", in Cieek il is "Chiisl". CeilainIy aII lhe olheis have il accoiding lo lheii ovn Ianguage.
"The Nazaiene" is he vho ieveaIs vhal is hidden. Chiisl has eveiylhing in hinseIf, vhelhei nan,
oi angeI, oi nysleiy, and lhe Ialhei.
Those vho say lhal lhe Loid died fiisl and (lhen) iose up aie in eiioi, foi he iose up fiisl and
(lhen) died. If one does nol fiisl allain lhe iesuiieclion, he viII nol die. As Cod Iives, he vouId |...j.
No one viII hide a Iaige vaIualIe oljecl in sonelhing Iaige, lul nany a line one has lossed
counlIess lhousands inlo a lhing voilh a penny. Conpaie lhe souI. Il is a piecious lhing and il
cane lo le in a conlenplilIe lody.
Sone aie afiaid Iesl lhey iise naked. ecause of lhis lhey vish lo iise in lhe fIesh, and lhey do nol
knov lhal il is lhose vho veai lhe fIesh vho aie naked. Il is lhose vho |...j lo uncIolhe lhenseIves
vho aie nol naked. "IIesh and lIood shaII nol inheiil lhe kingdon of Cod" (1 Co 15:5O). Whal is
lhis vhich viII nol inheiil` This vhich is on us. ul vhal is lhis, loo, vhich viII inheiil` Il is lhal
vhich leIongs lo }esus and his lIood. ecause of lhis he said "He vho shaII nol eal ny fIesh and
diink ny lIood has nol Iife in hin" (}n 6:53). Whal is il` His fIesh is lhe void, and his lIood is lhe
HoIy Spiiil. He vho has ieceived lhese has food and he has diink and cIolhing. I find fauIl vilh
lhe olheis vho say lhal il viII nol iise. Then lolh of lhen aie al fauIl. You say lhal lhe fIesh viII
nol iise. ul leII ne vhal viII iise, lhal ve nay honoi you. You say lhe Spiiil in lhe fIesh, and il is
aIso lhis Iighl in lhe fIesh. (ul) lhis loo is a nallei vhich is in lhe fIesh, foi vhalevei you shaII
say, you say nolhing oulside lhe fIesh. Il is necessaiy lo iise in lhis fIesh, since eveiylhing exisls in
il. In lhis voiId, lhose vho pul on gainenls aie lellei lhan lhe gainenls. In lhe Kingdon of
Heaven, lhe gainenls aie lellei lhan lhose lhal pul lhen on.
Il is lhiough valei and fiie lhal lhe vhoIe pIace is puiified - lhe visilIe ly lhe visilIe, lhe hidden
ly lhe hidden. Theie aie sone lhings hidden lhiough lhose visilIe. Theie is valei in valei, lheie
is fiie in chiisn.
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}esus look lhen aII ly sleaIlh, foi he did nol appeai as he vas, lul in lhe nannei in vhich lhey
vouId le alIe lo see hin. He appeaied lo lhen aII. He appeaied lo lhe gieal as gieal. He appeaied
lo lhe snaII as snaII. He appeaied lo lhe angeIs as an angeI, and lo nen as a nan. ecause of lhis,
his void hid ilseIf fion eveiyone. Sone indeed sav hin, lhinking lhal lhey veie seeing
lhenseIves, lul vhen he appeaied lo his discipIes in gIoiy on lhe nounl, he vas nol snaII. He
lecane gieal, lul he nade lhe discipIes gieal, lhal lhey nighl le alIe lo see hin in his giealness.
He said on lhal day in lhe lhanksgiving, "You vho have joined lhe peifecl Iighl vilh lhe HoIy
Spiiil, unile lhe angeIs vilh us aIso, as leing lhe inages." Do nol despise lhe Ianl, foi vilhoul il,
il is nol possilIe lo see lhe king. No one viII le alIe lo go in lo lhe king if he is naked.
The heavenIy nan has nany noie sons lhan lhe eailhIy nan. If lhe sons of Adan aie nany,
aIlhough lhey die, hov nuch noie lhe sons of lhe peifecl nan, lhey vho do nol die lul aie
aIvays legollen. The falhei nakes a son, and lhe son has nol lhe povei lo nake a son. Ioi he vho
has leen legollen has nol lhe povei lo legel, lul lhe son gels liolheis foi hinseIf, nol sons. AII
vho aie legollen in lhe voiId aie legollen in a naluiaI vay, and lhe olheis aie nouiished fion
lhe pIace vhence lhey have leen loin. Il is fion leing pionised lo lhe heavenIy pIace lhal nan
ieceives nouiishnenl. |...j hin fion lhe noulh. And had lhe void gone oul fion lhal pIace, il
vouId le nouiished fion lhe noulh and il vouId lecone peifecl. Ioi il is ly a kiss lhal lhe
peifecl conceive and give liilh. Ioi lhis ieason ve aIso kiss one anolhei. We ieceive conceplion
fion lhe giace vhich is in one anolhei.
Theie veie lhiee vho aIvays vaIked vilh lhe Loid: Maiy, his nolhei, and hei sislei, and
MagdaIene, lhe one vho vas caIIed his conpanion. His sislei and his nolhei and his conpanion
veie each a Maiy.
"The Ialhei" and "lhe Son" aie singIe nanes, "lhe HoIy Spiiil" is a doulIe nane. Ioi lhey aie
eveiyvheie: lhey aie alove, lhey aie leIov, lhey aie in lhe conceaIed, lhey aie in lhe ieveaIed.
The HoIy Spiiil is in lhe ieveaIed: il is leIov. Il is in lhe conceaIed: il is alove.
The sainls aie seived ly eviI poveis, foi lhey aie lIinded ly lhe HoIy Spiiil inlo lhinking lhal
lhey aie seiving an (oidinaiy) nan vhenevei lhey do so foi lhe sainls. ecause of lhis, a discipIe
asked lhe Loid one day foi sonelhing of lhis voiId. He said lo hin, "Ask youi nolhei, and she
viII give you of lhe lhings vhich aie anolhei's."
The aposlIes said lo lhe discipIes, "May oui enliie offeiing ollain saIl." They caIIed Sophia "saIl".
Wilhoul il, no offeiing is acceplalIe. ul Sophia is laiien, vilhoul chiId. Ioi lhis ieason, she is
caIIed "a liace of saIl". Wheievei lhey viII |...j in lheii ovn vay, lhe HoIy Spiiil |...j, and hei
chiIdien aie nany.
Whal lhe falhei possesses leIongs lo lhe son, and lhe son hinseIf, so Iong as he is snaII, is nol
enliusled vilh vhal is his. ul vhen he lecones a nan, his falhei gives hin aII lhal he possesses.
Those vho have gone asliay, vhon lhe spiiil legels, usuaIIy go asliay aIso lecause of lhe Spiiil.
Thus, ly one and lhe sane liealh, lhe fiie lIazes and is pul oul.
Lchanolh is one lhing and Lchnolh, anolhei. Lchanolh is Wisdon sinpIy, lul Lchnolh is lhe
Wisdon of dealh, vhich is lhe one vho knovs dealh, vhich is caIIed "lhe IillIe Wisdon".
Theie aie doneslic aninaIs, Iike lhe luII and lhe ass and olheis of lhis kind. Olheis aie viId and
Iive apail in lhe deseils. Man pIoughs lhe fieId ly neans of lhe doneslic aninaIs, and fion lhis
he is nouiished, he and lhe aninaIs, vhelhei lane oi viId. Conpaie lhe peifecl nan. Il is lhiough
poveis vhich aie sulnissive lhal he pIoughs, piepaiing foi eveiylhing lo cone inlo leing. Ioi il
is lecause of lhis lhal lhe vhoIe pIace slands, vhelhei lhe good oi lhe eviI, lhe iighl and lhe Iefl.
The HoIy Spiiil shepheids eveiyone and iuIes aII lhe poveis, lhe "lane" ones and lhe "viId" ones,
as veII as lhose vhich aie unique. Ioi indeed he |...j shuls lhen in, in oidei lhal |...j vish, lhey
viII nol le alIe lo escape.
He vho has leen ciealed is leaulifuI, lul you vouId <nol> find his sons nolIe ciealions. If he
veie nol ciealed, lul legollen, you vouId find lhal his seed vas nolIe. ul nov he vas ciealed
(and) he legol. Whal noliIily is lhis` Iiisl, aduIleiy cane inlo leing, afleivaid nuidei. And he
vas legollen in aduIleiy, foi he vas lhe chiId of lhe Seipenl. So he lecane a nuideiei, jusl Iike
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his falhei, and he kiIIed his liolhei. Indeed, eveiy acl of sexuaI inleicouise vhich has occuiied
lelveen lhose unIike one anolhei is aduIleiy.
Cod is a dyei. As lhe good dyes, vhich aie caIIed "liue", dissoIve vilh lhe lhings dyed in lhen, so
il is vilh lhose vhon Cod has dyed. Since his dyes aie innoilaI, lhey lecone innoilaI ly neans
of his coIois. Nov Cod dips vhal he dips in valei.
Il is nol possilIe foi anyone lo see anylhing of lhe lhings lhal acluaIIy exisl unIess he lecones Iike
lhen. This is nol lhe vay vilh nan in lhe voiId: he sees lhe sun vilhoul leing a sun, and he sees
lhe heaven and lhe eailh and aII olhei lhings, lul he is nol lhese lhings. This is quile in keeping
vilh lhe liulh. ul you sav sonelhing of lhal pIace, and you lecane lhose lhings. You sav lhe
Spiiil, you lecane spiiil. You sav Chiisl, you lecane Chiisl. You sav lhe Ialhei, you shaII
lecone Ialhei. So in lhis pIace you see eveiylhing and do nol see youiseIf, lul in lhal pIace you
do see youiseIf - and vhal you see you shaII lecone.
Iailh ieceives, Iove gives. No one viII le alIe lo ieceive vilhoul failh. No one viII le alIe lo give
vilhoul Iove. ecause of lhis, in oidei lhal ve nay indeed ieceive, ve leIieve, and in oidei lhal
ve nay Iove, ve give, since if one gives vilhoul Iove, he has no piofil fion vhal he has given. He
vho has ieceived sonelhing olhei lhan lhe Loid is sliII a Heliev.
The aposlIes vho veie lefoie us had lhese nanes foi hin: "}esus, lhe Nazoiean, Messiah", lhal is,
"}esus, lhe Nazoiean, lhe Chiisl". The Iasl nane is "Chiisl", lhe fiisl is "}esus", lhal in lhe niddIe is
"lhe Nazaiene". "Messiah" has lvo neanings, lolh "lhe Chiisl" and "lhe neasuied". "}esus" in
Heliev is "lhe iedenplion". "Nazaia" is "lhe Tiulh". "The Nazaiene" lhen, is "lhe Tiulh". "Chiisl"
|...j has leen neasuied. "The Nazaiene" and "}esus" aie lhey vho have leen neasuied.
When lhe peaiI is casl dovn inlo lhe nud, il lecones giealIy despised, noi if il is anoinled vilh
laIsan oiI viII il lecone noie piecious. ul il aIvays has vaIue in lhe eyes of ils ovnei. Conpaie
lhe Sons of Cod: vheievei lhey nay le, lhey sliII have vaIue in lhe eyes of lheii Ialhei.
If you say, "I an a }ev," no one viII le noved. If you say, "I an a Ronan," no one viII le
disluiled. If you say, "I an a Cieek, a lailaiian, a sIave, a fiee nan," no one viII le lioulIed. If
you say, "I an a Chiislian," lhe |...j viII lienlIe. WouId lhal I nighl |...j Iike lhal - lhe peison
vhose nane |...j viII nol le alIe lo enduie heaiing.
Cod is a nan-ealei. Ioi lhis ieason, nen aie saciificed lo hin. efoie nen veie saciificed, aninaIs
veie leing saciificed, since lhose lo vhon lhey veie saciificed veie nol gods.
CIass decanleis and eailhenvaie jugs aie lolh nade ly neans of fiie. ul if gIass decanleis lieak,
lhey aie done ovei, foi lhey cane inlo leing lhiough a liealh. If eailhenvaie jugs lieak, hovevei,
lhey aie deslioyed, foi lhey cane inlo leing vilhoul liealh.
An ass vhich luins a niIIslone did a hundied niIes vaIking. When il vas Ioosed, il found lhal il
vas sliII al lhe sane pIace. Theie aie nen vho nake nany jouineys, lul nake no piogiess
lovaids any deslinalion. When evening cane upon lhen, lhey sav neilhei cily noi viIIage,
neilhei hunan ailifacl noi naluiaI phenonenon, povei noi angeI. In vain have lhe vielches
The euchaiisl is }esus. Ioi he is caIIed in Syiiac "Ihaiisalha," vhich is "lhe one vho is spiead oul,"
foi }esus cane lo ciucify lhe voiId.
The Loid venl inlo lhe dye voiks of Levi. He look sevenly-lvo diffeienl coIois and lhiev lhen
inlo lhe val. He look lhen oul aII vhile. And he said, "Lven so has lhe Son of Man cone as a
As foi lhe Wisdon vho is caIIed "lhe laiien," she is lhe nolhei of lhe angeIs. And lhe conpanion
of lhe |...j Maiy MagdaIene. |...j Ioved hei noie lhan aII lhe discipIes, and used lo kiss hei oflen on
hei noulh. The iesl of lhe discipIes |...j. They said lo hin "Why do you Iove hei noie lhan aII of
us`" The Savioi ansveied and said lo lhen,"Why do I nol Iove you Iike hei` When a lIind nan
and one vho sees aie lolh logelhei in daikness, lhey aie no diffeienl fion one anolhei. When lhe
Iighl cones, lhen he vho sees viII see lhe Iighl, and he vho is lIind viII ienain in daikness."
The Loid said, "Iessed is he vho is lefoie he cane inlo leing. Ioi he vho is, has leen and shaII
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The supeiioiily of nan is nol olvious lo lhe eye, lul Iies in vhal is hidden fion viev.
ConsequenlIy, he has nasleiy ovei lhe aninaIs vhich aie sliongei lhan he is and gieal in leins of
lhe olvious and lhe hidden. This enalIes lhen lo suivive. ul if nan is sepaialed fion lhen, lhey
sIay one anolhei and lile one anolhei. They ale one anolhei lecause lhey did nol find any food.
ul nov lhey have found food lecause nan liIIed lhe soiI.
If one goes dovn inlo lhe valei and cones up vilhoul having ieceived anylhing, and says "I an a
Chiislian," he has loiioved lhe nane al inleiesl. ul if he ieceives lhe HoIy Spiiil, he has lhe
nane as a gifl. He vho has ieceived a gifl does nol have lo give il lack, lul of hin vho has
loiioved il al inleiesl, paynenl is denanded. This is lhe vay il happens lo one vhen he
expeiiences a nysleiy.
Cieal is lhe nysleiy of naiiiage! Ioi vilhoul il, lhe voiId vouId nol exisl. Nov lhe exislence of
lhe voiId |...j, and lhe exislence of |...j naiiiage. Think of lhe |...j ieIalionship, foi il possesses |...j
povei. Ils inage consisls of a defiIenenl.
The foins of eviI spiiil incIude naIe ones and fenaIe ones. The naIes aie lhey vhich unile vilh
lhe souIs vhich inhalil a fenaIe foin, lul lhe fenaIes aie lhey vhich aie ningIed vilh lhose in a
naIe foin, lhough one vho vas disoledienl. And none shaII le alIe lo escape lhen, since lhey
delain hin if he does nol ieceive a naIe povei oi a fenaIe povei, lhe liidegioon and lhe liide.
One ieceives lhen fion lhe niiioied liidaI chanlei. When lhe vanlon vonen see a naIe silling
aIone, lhey Ieap dovn on hin and pIay vilh hin and defiIe hin. So aIso lhe Iecheious nen, vhen
lhey see a leaulifuI vonan silling aIone, lhey peisuade hei and conpeI hei, vishing lo defiIe hei.
ul if lhey see lhe nan and his vife silling leside one anolhei, lhe fenaIe cannol cone inlo lhe
nan, noi can lhe naIe cone inlo lhe vonan. So if lhe inage and lhe angeI aie uniled vilh one
anolhei, neilhei can any venluie lo go inlo lhe nan oi lhe vonan.
He vho cones oul of lhe voiId, and so can no Iongei le delained on lhe giounds lhal he vas in
lhe voiId, evidenlIy is alove lhe desiie of lhe |...j and feai. He is naslei ovei |...j. He is supeiioi lo
envy. If |...j cones, lhey seize hin and lhiollIe hin. And hov viII lhis one le alIe lo escape lhe
gieal |...j poveis` Hov viII he le alIe lo |...j` Theie aie sone vho say, "We aie failhfuI" in oidei
lhal |...j lhe uncIean spiiils and lhe denons. Ioi if lhey had lhe HoIy Spiiil, no uncIean spiiil
vouId cIeave lo lhen. Ieai nol lhe fIesh noi Iove il. If you feai il, il viII gain nasleiy ovei you. If
you Iove il, il viII svaIIov and paiaIyze you.
And so he dveIIs eilhei in lhis voiId oi in lhe iesuiieclion oi in lhe niddIe pIace. Cod foilid lhal
I le found in lheie! In lhis voiId, lheie is good and eviI. Ils good lhings aie nol good, and ils eviI
lhings nol eviI. ul lheie is eviI aflei lhis voiId vhich is liuIy eviI - vhal is caIIed "lhe niddIe". Il
is dealh. WhiIe ve aie in lhis voiId, il is filling foi us lo acquiie lhe iesuiieclion, so lhal vhen ve
sliip off lhe fIesh, ve nay le found in iesl and nol vaIk in lhe niddIe. Ioi nany go asliay on lhe
vay. Ioi il is good lo cone foilh fion lhe voiId lefoie one has sinned.
Theie aie sone vho neilhei viII noi have lhe povei lo, and olheis vho, if lhey viII, do nol piofil,
foi lhey did nol acl since |...j nakes lhen sinneis. And if lhey do nol viII, juslice viII eIude lhen
in lolh cases: and il is aIvays a nallei of lhe viII, nol lhe acl.
An aposloIic nan in a vision sav sone peopIe shul up in a house of fiie and lound vilh fieiy |...j,
Iying |...j fIaning |...j, lhen in |...j failh |...j. And he said lo lhen, "|...j alIe lo le saved`" |...j, "They
did nol desiie il. They ieceived |...j punishnenl, vhal is caIIed 'lhe |...j daikness', lecause he |...j."
Il is fion valei and fiie lhal lhe souI and lhe spiiil cane inlo leing. Il is fion valei and fiie and
Iighl lhal lhe son of lhe liidaI chanlei (cane inlo leing). The fiie is lhe chiisn, lhe Iighl is lhe
fiie. I an nol iefeiiing lo lhal fiie vhich has no foin, lul lo lhe olhei fiie vhose foin is vhile,
vhich is liighl and leaulifuI, and vhich gives leauly.
Tiulh did nol cone inlo lhe voiId naked, lul il cane in lypes and inages. The voiId viII nol
ieceive liulh in any olhei vay. Theie is a ieliilh and an inage of ieliilh. Il is ceilainIy necessaiy
lo le loin again lhiough lhe inage. Which one` Resuiieclion. The inage nusl iise again lhiough
lhe inage. The liidaI chanlei and lhe inage nusl enlei lhiough lhe inage inlo lhe liulh: lhis is
lhe iesloialion. Nol onIy nusl lhose vho pioduce lhe nane of lhe Ialhei and lhe Son and lhe
HoIy Spiiil, do so, lul have pioduced lhen foi you. If one does nol acquiie lhen, lhe nane
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("Chiislian") viII aIso le laken fion hin. ul one ieceives lhe unclion of lhe |...j of lhe povei of
lhe cioss. This povei lhe aposlIes caIIed "lhe iighl and lhe Iefl." Ioi lhis peison is no Iongei a
Chiislian lul a Chiisl.
The Loid did eveiylhing in a nysleiy, a laplisn and a chiisn and a euchaiisl and a iedenplion
and a liidaI chanlei. |...j he said, "I cane lo nake lhe lhings leIov Iike lhe lhings alove, and lhe
lhings oulside Iike lhose inside. I cane lo unile lhen in lhe pIace." |...j heie lhiough lypes |...jand
Those vho say, "Theie is a heavenIy nan and lheie is one alove hin" aie viong. Ioi il is lhe fiisl
of lhese lvo heavenIy nen, lhe one vho is ieveaIed, lhal lhey caII "lhe one vho is leIov", and he
lo vhon lhe hidden leIongs is lhal one vho is alove hin. Ioi il vouId le lellei foi lhen lo say,
"The innei and oulei, and vhal is oulside lhe oulei". ecause of lhis, lhe Loid caIIed desliuclion
lhe "lhe oulei daikness": lheie is nol anolhei oulside of il. He said, "My Ialhei vho is in seciel".
He said, "Co inlo youi chanlei and shul lhe dooi lehind you, and piay lo youi Ialhei vho is in
seciel" (Ml 6:6), lhe one vho is vilhin lhen aII. ul lhal vhich is vilhin lhen aII is lhe fuIIness.
eyond il, lheie is nolhing eIse vilhin il. This is lhal of vhich lhey say, "Thal vhich is alove
efoie Chiisl, sone cane fion a pIace lhey veie no Iongei alIe lo enlei, and lhey venl vheie
lhey veie no Iongei alIe lo cone oul. Then Chiisl cane. Those vho venl in, he lioughl oul, and
lhose vho venl oul, he lioughl in.
When Lve vas sliII vilh Adan, dealh did nol exisl. When she vas sepaialed fion hin, dealh
cane inlo leing. If he enleis again and allains his foinei seIf, dealh viII le no noie.
"My Cod, ny Cod, vhy, O Loid, have you foisaken ne`" (Mk 15:34). Il vas on lhe cioss lhal he
said lhese voids, foi he had depailed fion lhal pIace.
|...j vho has leen legollen lhiough hin vho |...j fion Cod.
The |...j fion lhe dead. |...j lo le, lul nov |...j peifecl. |...j fIesh, lul lhis |...j is liue fIesh. |...j is nol
liue, lul |...j onIy possess an inage of lhe liue.
A liidaI chanlei is nol foi lhe aninaIs, noi is il foi lhe sIaves, noi foi defiIed vonen, lul il is foi
fiee nen and viigins.
Thiough lhe HoIy Spiiil ve aie indeed legollen again, lul ve aie legollen lhiough Chiisl in lhe
lvo. We aie anoinled lhiough lhe Spiiil. When ve veie legollen, ve veie uniled. None can see
hinseIf eilhei in valei oi in a niiioi vilhoul Iighl. Noi again can you see in Iighl vilhoul niiioi
oi valei. Ioi lhis ieason, il is filling lo laplize in lhe lvo, in lhe Iighl and lhe valei. Nov lhe Iighl
is lhe chiisn.
Theie veie lhiee luiIdings specificaIIy foi saciifice in }eiusaIen. The one facing lhe vesl vas
caIIed "The HoIy". Anolhei, facing soulh, vas caIIed "The HoIy of lhe HoIy". The lhiid, facing easl,
vas caIIed "The HoIy of lhe HoIies", lhe pIace vheie onIy lhe high piiesl enleis. aplisn is "lhe
HoIy" luiIding. Redenplion is lhe "HoIy of lhe HoIy". "The HoIy of lhe HoIies" is lhe liidaI
chanlei. aplisn incIudes lhe iesuiieclion and lhe iedenplion, lhe iedenplion (lakes pIace) in
lhe liidaI chanlei. ul lhe liidaI chanlei is in lhal vhich is supeiioi lo |...j you viII nol find |...j
aie lhose vho piay |...j }eiusaIen vho |...j }eiusaIen, |...j lhose caIIed lhe "HoIy of lhe HoIies" |...j
lhe veiI vas ienl, |...j liidaI chanlei excepl lhe inage |...j alove. ecause of lhis, ils veiI vas ienl
fion lop lo lollon. Ioi il vas filling foi sone fion leIov lo go upvaid.
The poveis do nol see lhose vho aie cIolhed in lhe peifecl Iighl, and consequenlIy aie nol alIe lo
delain lhen. One viII cIolhe hinseIf in lhis Iighl sacianenlaIIy in lhe union.
If lhe vonan had nol sepaialed fion lhe nan, she shouId nol die vilh lhe nan. His sepaialion
lecane lhe leginning of dealh. ecause of lhis, Chiisl cane lo iepaii lhe sepaialion, vhich vas
fion lhe leginning, and again unile lhe lvo, and lo give Iife lo lhose vho died as a iesuIl of lhe
sepaialion, and unile lhen. ul lhe vonan is uniled lo hei husland in lhe liidaI chanlei.
Indeed, lhose vho have uniled in lhe liidaI chanlei viII no Iongei le sepaialed. Thus Lve
sepaialed fion Adan lecause il vas nol in lhe liidaI chanlei lhal she uniled vilh hin.
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The souI of Adan cane inlo leing ly neans of a liealh. The pailnei of his souI is lhe spiiil. His
nolhei is lhe lhing lhal vas given lo hin. His souI vas laken fion hin and iepIaced ly a spiiil.
When he vas uniled (lo lhe spiiil), he spoke voids inconpiehensilIe lo lhe poveis. They envied
hin |...j spiiiluaI pailnei |...j hidden |...j oppoilunily |...j foi lhenseIves aIone |...j liidaI chanlei,
so lhal |...j.
}esus appeaied |...j }oidan - lhe fuIIness of lhe Kingdon of Heaven. He vho vas legollen lefoie
eveiylhing, vas legollen anev. He vho vas once anoinled, vas anoinled anev. He vho vas
iedeened, in luin iedeened (olheis).
Indeed, one nusl ullei a nysleiy. The Ialhei of eveiylhing uniled vilh lhe viigin vho cane
dovn, and a fiie shone foi hin on lhal day. He appeaied in lhe gieal liidaI chanlei. Theiefoie
his lody cane inlo leing on lhal veiy day. Il Iefl lhe liidaI chanlei as one vho cane inlo leing
fion lhe liidegioon and lhe liide. So }esus eslalIished eveiylhing in il lhiough lhese. Il is filling
foi each of lhe discipIes lo enlei inlo his iesl.
Adan cane inlo leing fion lvo viigins, fion lhe Spiiil and fion lhe viigin eailh. Chiisl
lheiefoie, vas loin fion a viigin lo ieclify lhe IaII vhich occuiied in lhe leginning.
Theie aie lvo liees gioving in Iaiadise. The one leais aninaIs, lhe olhei leais nen. Adan ale
fion lhe liee vhich loie aninaIs. He lecane an aninaI and he lioughl foilh aninaIs. Ioi lhis
ieason lhe chiIdien of Adan voiship aninaIs. The liee |...j fiuil is |...j incieased. |...j ale lhe |...j
fiuil of lhe |...j leais nen, |...j nan. |...j Cod ciealed nan. |...j nen cieale Cod. Thal is lhe vay il is
in lhe voiId - nen nake gods and voiship lheii ciealion. Il vouId le filling foi lhe gods lo
voiship nen!
SuieIy vhal a nan acconpIishes depends on his aliIilies. Ioi lhis ieason, ve iefei lo one`s
acconpIishnenls as "aliIilies". Anong his acconpIishnenls aie his chiIdien. They oiiginale in a
nonenl of ease. Thus his aliIilies deleinine vhal he nay acconpIish, lul lhis ease is cIeaiIy
evidenl in lhe chiIdien. You viII find lhal lhis appIies diieclIy lo lhe inage. Heie is lhe nan nade
aflei lhe inage acconpIishing lhings vilh his physicaI slienglh, lul pioducing his chiIdien vilh
In lhis voiId, lhe sIaves seive lhe fiee. In lhe Kingdon of Heaven, lhe fiee viII ninislei lo lhe
sIaves: lhe chiIdien of lhe liidaI chanlei viII ninislei lo lhe chiIdien of lhe naiiiage. The
chiIdien of lhe liidaI chanlei have jusl one nane: iesl. AIlogelhei, lhey need lake no olhei foin,
lecause lhey have conlenpIalion, |...j. They aie nuneious |...j in lhe lhings |...j lhe gIoiies |...j.
Those |...j go dovn inlo lhe valei. |...j oul (of lhe valei), viII conseciale il, |...j lhey vho have |...j
in his nane. Ioi he said, "Thus ve shouId fuIfiII aII iighleousness." (Ml 3:15)
Those vho say lhey viII die fiisl and lhen iise aie in eiioi. If lhey do nol fiisl ieceive lhe
iesuiieclion vhiIe lhey Iive, vhen lhey die lhey viII ieceive nolhing. So aIso vhen speaking aloul
laplisn lhey say, "aplisn is a gieal lhing," lecause if peopIe ieceive il lhey viII Iive.
IhiIip lhe aposlIe said, "}oseph lhe caipenlei pIanled a gaiden lecause he needed vood foi his
liade. Il vas he vho nade lhe cioss fion lhe liees vhich he pIanled. His ovn offspiing hung on
lhal vhich he pIanled. His offspiing vas }esus, and lhe pIanling vas lhe cioss." ul lhe Tiee of
Life is in lhe niddIe of lhe Caiden. Hovevei, il is fion lhe oIive liee lhal ve gol lhe chiisn, and
fion lhe chiisn, lhe iesuiieclion.
This voiId is a coipse-ealei. AII lhe lhings ealen in il lhenseIves die aIso. Tiulh is a Iife-ealei.
Theiefoie no one nouiished ly liulh viII die. Il vas fion lhal pIace lhal }esus cane and lioughl
food. To lhose vho so desiied, he gave Iife, lhal lhey nighl nol die.
Cod |...j gaiden. Man |...j gaiden. Theie aie |...j and |...j of Cod. |...j The lhings vhich aie in |...j I
vish. This gaiden is lhe pIace vheie lhey viII say lo ne, "|...j eal lhis oi do nol eal lhal, jusl as you
vish." In lhe pIace vheie I viII eal aII lhings is lhe Tiee of KnovIedge. Thal one kiIIed Adan, lul
heie lhe Tiee of KnovIedge nade nen aIive. The Iav vas lhe liee. Il has povei lo give lhe
knovIedge of good and eviI. Il neilhei ienoved hin fion eviI, noi did il sel hin in lhe good, lul
il ciealed dealh foi lhose vho ale of il. Ioi vhen he said, "Lal lhis, do nol eal lhal", il lecane lhe
leginning of dealh.
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The chiisn is supeiioi lo laplisn, foi il is fion lhe void "Chiisn" lhal ve have leen caIIed
"Chiislians," ceilainIy nol lecause of lhe void "laplisn". And il is lecause of lhe chiisn lhal "lhe
Chiisl" has his nane. Ioi lhe Ialhei anoinled lhe Son, and lhe Son anoinled lhe aposlIes, and lhe
aposlIes anoinled us. He vho has leen anoinled possesses eveiylhing. He possesses lhe
iesuiieclion, lhe Iighl, lhe cioss, lhe HoIy Spiiil. The Ialhei gave hin lhis in lhe liidaI chanlei,
he neieIy accepled (lhe gifl). The Ialhei vas in lhe Son and lhe Son in lhe Ialhei. This is lhe
Kingdon of Heaven.
The Loid said il veII: "Sone have enleied lhe Kingdon of Heaven Iaughing, and lhey have cone
oul |...j lecause |...j a Chiislian, |...j. And as soon as |...j venl dovn inlo lhe valei, he cane |...j
eveiylhing (of lhis voiId), |...j lecause he |...j a liifIe, lul |...j fuII of conlenpl foi lhis |...j lhe
Kingdon of Heaven |...j If he despises |...j, and scoins il as a liifIe, |...j oul Iaughing. So il is aIso
vilh lhe liead and lhe cup and lhe oiI, even lhough lheie is anolhei one supeiioi lo lhese.
The voiId cane aloul lhiough a nislake. Ioi he vho ciealed il vanled lo cieale il inpeiishalIe
and innoilaI. He feII shoil of allaining his desiie. Ioi lhe voiId nevei vas inpeiishalIe, noi, foi
lhal nallei, vas he vho nade lhe voiId. Ioi lhings aie nol inpeiishalIe, lul sons aie. Nolhing
viII le alIe lo ieceive inpeiishaliIily if il does nol fiisl lecone a son. ul he vho has nol lhe
aliIily lo ieceive, hov nuch noie viII he le unalIe lo give`
The cup of piayei conlains vine and valei, since il is appoinled as lhe lype of lhe lIood foi vhich
lhanks is given. And il is fuII of lhe HoIy Spiiil, and il leIongs lo lhe vhoIIy peifecl nan. When
ve diink lhis, ve shaII ieceive foi ouiseIves lhe peifecl nan. The Iiving valei is a lody. Il is
necessaiy lhal ve pul on lhe Iiving nan. Theiefoie, vhen he is aloul lo go dovn inlo lhe valei,
he uncIolhes hinseIf, in oidei lhal he nay pul on lhe Iiving nan.
A hoise siies a hoise, a nan legels nan, a god liings foilh a god. Conpaie lhe liidegioon and
lhe liide. They have cone fion lhe |...j. No }ev |...j has exisled. And |...j fion lhe }evs. |...j
Chiislians |...j lhese |...j aie iefeiied lo as "The chosen peopIe of |...j," and "The liue nan" and "Son
of Man" and "lhe seed of lhe Son of Man". This liue iace is ienovned in lhe voiId |...j lhal lhe
sons of lhe liidaI chanlei dveII.
Wheieas in lhis voiId lhe union is one of husland vilh vife - a case of slienglh conpIenenled ly
veakness(`) - in lhe Aeon (eleinaI ieaIn), lhe foin of lhe union is diffeienl, aIlhough ve iefei lo
lhen ly lhe sane nanes. Theie aie olhei nanes, hovevei, lhey aie supeiioi lo eveiy olhei nane
lhal is naned and aie sliongei lhan lhe sliong. Ioi vheie lheie is a shov of slienglh, lheie lhose
vho exceI in slienglh appeai. These aie nol sepaiale lhings, lul lolh of lhen aie lhis one singIe
lhing. This is lhe one vhich viII nol le alIe lo iise alove lhe heail of fIesh.
Is il nol necessaiy foi aII lhose vho possess eveiylhing lo knov lhenseIves` Sone indeed, if lhey
do nol knov lhenseIves, viII nol enjoy vhal lhey possess. ul lhose vho have cone lo knov
lhenseIves viII enjoy lheii possessions.
Nol onIy viII lhey le unalIe lo delain lhe peifecl nan, lul lhey viII nol le alIe lo see hin, foi if
lhey see hin, lhey viII delain hin. Theie is no olhei vay foi a peison lo acquiie lhis quaIily
excepl ly pulling on lhe peifecl Iighl and he loo leconing peifecl Iighl. He vho has pul il on viII
enlei |...j. This is lhe peifecl |...j lhal ve |...j lecone |...j lefoie ve Ieave |...j. Whoevei ieceives
eveiylhing |...j hilhei |...j le alIe |...j lhal pIace, lul viII |...j lhe MiddIe as inpeifecl. OnIy }esus
knovs lhe end of lhis peison.
The piiesl is conpIeleIy hoIy, dovn lo his veiy lody. Ioi if he has laken lhe liead, he viII
conseciale il. Oi lhe cup oi anylhing eIse lhal he gels, he viII conseciale. Then hov viII he nol
conseciale lhe lody aIso`
y peifecling lhe valei of laplisn, }esus enplied il of dealh. Thus ve do go dovn inlo lhe valei,
lul ve do nol go dovn inlo dealh, in oidei lhal ve nay nol le pouied oul inlo lhe spiiil of lhe
voiId. When lhal spiiil lIovs, il liings lhe vinlei. When lhe HoIy Spiiil liealhes, lhe sunnei
He vho has knovIedge of lhe liulh is a fiee nan, lul lhe fiee nan does nol sin, foi "He vho sins
is lhe sIave of sin" (}n 8:34). Tiulh is lhe nolhei, knovIedge lhe falhei. Those vho lhink lhal
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sinning does nol appIy lo lhen aie caIIed "fiee" ly lhe voiId. KnovIedge of lhe liulh neieIy
nakes such peopIe aiioganl, vhich is vhal lhe voids, "il nakes lhen fiee" nean. Il even gives
lhen a sense of supeiioiily ovei lhe vhoIe voiId. ul "Love luiIds up" (1 Co 8:1). In facl, he vho
is ieaIIy fiee, lhiough knovIedge, is a sIave, lecause of Iove foi lhose vho have nol yel leen alIe
lo allain lo lhe fieedon of knovIedge. KnovIedge nakes lhen capalIe of leconing fiee. Love
nevei caIIs sonelhing ils ovn, |...j il |...j possess |...j. Il nevei says,"This is youis" oi "This is nine,"
lul "AII lhese aie youis". SpiiiluaI Iove is vine and fiagiance. AII lhose vho anoinl lhenseIves
vilh il lake pIeasuie in il. WhiIe lhose vho aie anoinled aie piesenl, lhose neaily aIso piofil (fion
lhe fiagiance). If lhose anoinled vilh oinlnenl vilhdiav fion lhen and Ieave, lhen lhose nol
anoinled, vho neieIy sland neaily, sliII ienain in lheii lad odoi. The Sanaiilan gave nolhing
lul vine and oiI lo lhe vounded nan. Il is nolhing olhei lhan lhe oinlnenl. Il heaIed lhe vounds,
foi "Iove coveis a nuIlilude of sins" (1 I 4:8).
The chiIdien a vonan leais iesenlIe lhe nan vho Ioves hei. If hei husland Ioves hei, lhen lhey
iesenlIe hei husland. If il is an aduIleiei, lhen lhey iesenlIe lhe aduIleiei. IiequenlIy, if a
vonan sIeeps vilh hei husland oul of necessily, vhiIe hei heail is vilh lhe aduIleiei vilh vhin
she usuaIIy has inleicouise, lhe chiId she viII leai is loin iesenlIing lhe aduIleiei. Nov you vho
Iive logelhei vilh lhe Son of Cod, Iove nol lhe voiId, lul Iove lhe Loid, in oidei lhal lhose you
viII liing foilh nay nol iesenlIe lhe voiId, lul nay iesenlIe lhe Loid.
The hunan leing has inleicouise vilh lhe hunan leing. The hoise has inleicouise vilh lhe hoise,
lhe ass vilh lhe ass. Menleis of a iace usuaIIy have associaled vilh lhose of Iike iace. So spiiil
ningIes vilh spiiil, and lhoughl consoils vilh lhoughl, and Iighl shaies vilh Iighl. If you aie loin
a hunan leing, il is lhe hunan leing vho viII Iove you. If you lecone a spiiil, il is lhe spiiil
vhich viII le joined lo you. If you lecone lhoughl, il is lhoughl vhich viII ningIe vilh you. If
you lecone Iighl, il is lhe Iighl vhich viII shaie vilh you. If you lecone one of lhose vho leIong
alove, il is lhose vho leIong alove vho viII iesl upon you. If you lecone hoise oi ass oi luII oi
dog oi sheep, oi anolhei of lhe aninaIs vhich aie oulside oi leIov, lhen neilhei hunan leing noi
spiiil noi lhoughl noi Iighl viII le alIe lo Iove you. Neilhei lhose vho leIong alove noi lhose
vho leIong vilhin viII le alIe lo iesl in you, and you have no pail in lhen.
He vho is a sIave againsl his viII, viII le alIe lo lecone fiee. He vho has lecone fiee ly favoi of
his naslei, and has soId hinseIf inlo sIaveiy, viII no Iongei le alIe lo le fiee.
Iaining in lhe voiId iequiies lhe coopeialion of foui essenliaI eIenenls. A haivesl is galheied
inlo lhe lain onIy as a iesuIl of lhe naluiaI aclion of valei, eailh, vind and Iighl. Cod's faining
Iikevise has foui eIenenls - failh, hope, Iove, and knovIedge. Iailh is oui eailh, lhal in vhich ve
lake iool. And hope is lhe valei lhiough vhich ve aie nouiished. Love is lhe vind lhiough
vhich ve giov. KnovIedge, lhen, is lhe Iighl lhiough vhich ve iipen. Ciace exisls in foui vays:
il is eailhloin, il is heavenIy, |...j lhe highesl heaven, |...j in |...j.
Iessed is lhe one vho on no occasion caused a souI |...j. Thal peison is }esus Chiisl. He cane lo
lhe vhoIe pIace and did nol luiden anyone. Theiefoie, lIessed is lhe one vho is Iike lhis, lecause
he is a peifecl nan. Ioi lhe Woid leIIs us lhal lhis kind is difficuIl lo define. Hov shaII ve le alIe
lo acconpIish such a gieal lhing` Hov viII he give eveiyone confoil` Alove aII, il is nol piopei
lo cause anyone disliess - vhelhei lhe peison is gieal oi snaII, unleIievei oi leIievei - and lhen
give confoil onIy lo lhose vho lake salisfaclion in good deeds. Sone find il advanlageous lo give
confoil lo lhe one vho has faied veII. He vho does good deeds cannol give confoil lo such
peopIe, foi he does nol seize vhalevei he Iikes. He is unalIe lo cause disliess, hovevei, since he
does nol affIicl lhen. To le suie, lhe one vho faies veII sonelines causes peopIe disliess - nol
lhal he inlends lo do so, ialhei, il is lheii ovn vickedness vhich is iesponsilIe foi lheii disliess.
He vho possesses lhe quaIilies (of lhe peifecl nan) leslovs joy upon lhe good. Sone, hovevei,
aie leiiilIy disliessed ly aII lhis.
Theie vas a househoIdei vho had eveiy conceivalIe lhing, le il son oi sIave oi callIe oi dog oi
pig oi coin oi laiIey oi chaff oi giass oi |...j oi neal and acoin. Nov he vas a sensilIe feIIov, and
he knev vhal lhe food of each one vas. He seived lhe chiIdien liead |...j. He seived lhe sIaves
|...j and neaI. And he lhiev laiIey and chaff and giass lo lhe callIe. He lhiev lones lo lhe dogs,
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and lo lhe pigs he lhiev acoins and sIop. Conpaie lhe discipIe of Cod: if he is a sensilIe feIIov,
he undeislands vhal discipIeship is aII aloul. The lodiIy foins viII nol deceive hin, lul he viII
Iook al lhe condilion of lhe souI of each one and speak vilh hin. Theie aie nany aninaIs in lhe
voiId vhich aie in a hunan foin. When he idenlifies lhen, lo lhe svine he viII lhiov acoins, lo
lhe callIe he viII lhiov laiIey and chaff and giass, lo lhe dogs he viII lhiov lones. To lhe sIaves
he viII give onIy lhe eIenenlaiy Iessons, lo lhe chiIdien he viII give lhe conpIele insliuclion.
Theie is lhe Son of Man and lheie is lhe son of lhe Son of Man. The Loid is lhe Son of Man, and
lhe son of lhe Son of Man is he vho cieales lhiough lhe Son of Man. The Son of Man ieceived
fion Cod lhe capacily lo cieale. He aIso has lhe aliIily lo legel. He vho has ieceived lhe aliIily lo
cieale is a ciealuie. He vho has ieceived lhe aliIily lo legel is an offspiing. He vho cieales cannol
legel. He vho legels aIso has povei lo cieale. Nov lhey say, "He vho cieales legels". ul his so-
caIIed "offspiing" is neieIy a ciealuie. ecause of |...j of liilh, lhey aie nol his offspiing lul |...j.
He vho cieales voiks openIy, and he hinseIf is visilIe. He vho legels, legels in piivale, and he
hinseIf is hidden, since |...j inage. AIso, he vho cieales, cieales openIy. ul one vho legels,
legels chiIdien in piivale.
No one can knov vhen lhe husland and lhe vife have inleicouise vilh one anolhei, excepl lhe
lvo of lhen. Indeed, naiiiage in lhe voiId is a nysleiy foi lhose vho have laken a vife. If lheie
is a hidden quaIily lo lhe naiiiage of defiIenenl, hov nuch noie is lhe undefiIed naiiiage a liue
nysleiy! Il is nol fIeshIy, lul puie. Il leIongs nol lo desiie, lul lo lhe viII. Il leIongs nol lo lhe
daikness oi lhe nighl, lul lo lhe day and lhe Iighl. If a naiiiage is open lo lhe pulIic, il has
lecone pioslilulion, and lhe liide pIays lhe haiIol nol onIy vhen she is inpiegnaled ly anolhei
nan, lul even if she sIips oul of hei ledioon and is seen. Lel hei shov heiseIf onIy lo hei falhei
and hei nolhei, and lo lhe fiiend of lhe liidegioon and lhe sons of lhe liidegioon. These aie
peinilled lo enlei eveiy day inlo lhe liidaI chanlei. ul Iel lhe olheis yeain jusl lo Iislen lo hei
voice and lo enjoy hei oinlnenl, and Iel lhen feed fion lhe ciunls lhal faII fion lhe lalIe, Iike
lhe dogs. iidegioons and liides leIong lo lhe liidaI chanlei. No one shaII le alIe lo see lhe
liidegioon vilh lhe liide unIess he lecone such a one.
When Aliahan |...j lhal he vas lo see vhal he vas lo see, he ciicuncised lhe fIesh of lhe foieskin,
leaching us lhal il is piopei lo deslioy lhe fIesh.
Mosl lhings in lhe voiId, as Iong as lheii innei pails aie hidden, sland upiighl and Iive. If lhey aie
ieveaIed, lhey die, as is iIIuslialed ly lhe visilIe nan: as Iong as lhe inleslines of lhe nan aie
hidden, lhe nan is aIive, vhen his inleslines aie exposed and cone oul of hin, lhe nan viII die.
So aIso vilh lhe liee: vhiIe ils iool is hidden, il spiouls and giovs. If ils iool is exposed, lhe liee
diies up. So il is vilh eveiy liilh lhal is in lhe voiId, nol onIy vilh lhe ieveaIed lul vilh lhe
hidden. Ioi so Iong as lhe iool of vickedness is hidden, il is sliong. ul vhen il is iecognized, il is
dissoIved. When il is ieveaIed, il peiishes. Thal is vhy lhe Woid says, "AIieady lhe axe is Iaid al
lhe iool of lhe liees" (Ml 3:1O). Il viII nol neieIy cul - vhal is cul spiouls again - lul lhe ax
peneliales deepIy, unliI il liings up lhe iool. }esus puIIed oul lhe iool of lhe vhoIe pIace, vhiIe
olheis did il onIy pailiaIIy. As foi ouiseIves, Iel each one of us dig dovn aflei lhe iool of eviI
vhich is vilhin one, and Iel one pIuck il oul of one's heail fion lhe iool. Il viII le pIucked oul if
ve iecognize il. ul if ve aie ignoianl of il, il lakes iool in us and pioduces ils fiuil in oui heail. Il
nasleis us. We aie ils sIaves. Il lakes us caplive, lo nake us do vhal ve do nol vanl, and vhal ve
do vanl, ve do nol do. Il is poveifuI lecause ve have nol iecognized il. WhiIe il exisls il is aclive.
Ignoiance is lhe nolhei of aII eviI. Ignoiance viII iesuIl in dealh, lecause lhose vho cone fion
ignoiance neilhei veie noi aie noi shaII le. |...j viII le peifecl vhen aII lhe liulh is ieveaIed. Ioi
liulh is Iike ignoiance: vhiIe il is hidden, il iesls in ilseIf, lul vhen il is ieveaIed and is
iecognized, il is piaised, inasnuch as il is sliongei lhan ignoiance and eiioi. Il gives fieedon. The
Woid said, "If you knov lhe liulh, lhe liulh viII nake you fiee" (}n 8:32). Ignoiance is a sIave.
KnovIedge is fieedon. If ve knov lhe liulh, ve shaII find lhe fiuils of lhe liulh vilhin us. If ve
aie joined lo il, il viII liing oui fuIfiIInenl.
Al lhe piesenl line, ve have lhe nanifesl lhings of ciealion. We say, "The sliong vho aie heId in
high iegaid aie gieal peopIe. And lhe veak vho aie despised aie lhe olscuie." Conliasl lhe
nanifesl lhings of liulh: lhey aie veak and despised, vhiIe lhe hidden lhings aie sliong and heId
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in high iegaid. The nysleiies of liulh aie ieveaIed, lhough in lype and inage. The liidaI chanlei,
hovevei, ienains hidden. Il is lhe HoIy in lhe HoIy. The veiI al fiisl conceaIed hov Cod
conlioIIed lhe ciealion, lul vhen lhe veiI is ienl and lhe lhings inside aie ieveaIed, lhis house viII
le Iefl desoIale, oi ialhei viII le deslioyed. And lhe vhoIe (infeiioi) godhead viII fIee fion heie,
lul nol inlo lhe hoIies of lhe hoIies, foi il viII nol le alIe lo nix vilh lhe unnixed Iighl and lhe
fIavIess fuIIness, lul viII le undei lhe vings of lhe cioss and undei ils ains. This aik viII le lheii
saIvalion vhen lhe fIood of valei suiges ovei lhen. If sone leIong lo lhe oidei of lhe piieslhood,
lhey viII le alIe lo go vilhin lhe veiI vilh lhe high piiesl. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe veiI vas nol ienl al
lhe lop onIy, since il vouId have leen open onIy lo lhose alove, noi vas il ienl al lhe lollon
onIy, since il vouId have leen ieveaIed onIy lo lhose leIov. ul il vas ienl fion lhe lop lo
lollon. Those alove opened lo us lhe lhings leIov, in oidei lhal ve nay go in lo lhe seciel of lhe
liulh. This liuIy is vhal is heId in high iegaid, (and) vhal is sliong! ul ve shaII go in lheie ly
neans of IovIy lypes and foins of veakness. They aie IovIy indeed vhen conpaied vilh lhe
peifecl gIoiy. Theie is gIoiy vhich suipasses gIoiy. Theie is povei vhich suipasses povei.
Theiefoie, lhe peifecl lhings have opened lo us, logelhei vilh lhe hidden lhings of liulh. The
hoIies of lhe hoIies veie ieveaIed, and lhe liidaI chanlei inviled us in.
As Iong as il is hidden, vickedness is indeed ineffecluaI, lul il has nol leen ienoved fion lhe
nidsl of lhe seed of lhe HoIy Spiiil. They aie sIaves of eviI. ul vhen il is ieveaIed, lhen lhe
peifecl Iighl viII fIov oul on eveiy one. And aII lhose vho aie in il viII ieceive lhe chiisn. Then
lhe sIaves viII le fiee and lhe caplives iansoned. "Lveiy pIanl vhich ny falhei vho is in heaven
has nol pIanled viII le pIucked oul." (Ml 15:13) Those vho aie sepaialed viII unile |...j and viII le
fiIIed. Lveiy one vho viII enlei lhe liidaI chanlei viII kindIe lhe Iighl, foi |...j jusl as in lhe
naiiiages vhich aie |...j happen al nighl. Thal fiie |...j onIy al nighl, and is pul oul. ul lhe
nysleiies of lhal naiiiage aie peifecled ialhei in lhe day and lhe Iighl. Neilhei lhal day noi ils
Iighl evei sels. If anyone lecones a son of lhe liidaI chanlei, he viII ieceive lhe Iighl. If anyone
does nol ieceive il vhiIe he is heie, he viII nol le alIe lo ieceive il in lhe olhei pIace. He vho viII
ieceive lhal Iighl viII nol le seen, noi can he le delained. And none shaII le alIe lo loinenl a
peison Iike lhis, even vhiIe he dveIIs in lhe voiId. And again vhen he Ieaves lhe voiId, he has
aIieady ieceived lhe liulh in lhe inages. The voiId has lecone lhe Aeon (eleinaI ieaIn), foi lhe
Aeon is fuIIness foi hin. This is lhe vay il is: il is ieveaIed lo hin aIone, nol hidden in lhe
daikness and lhe nighl, lul hidden in a peifecl day and a hoIy Iighl.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
On accounl of lhe ieaIily of lhe aulhoiilies, (inspiied) ly lhe spiiil of lhe falhei of liulh, lhe gieal
aposlIe - iefeiiing lo lhe "aulhoiilies of lhe daikness" - loId us lhal "oui conlesl is nol againsl fIesh
and lIood, ialhei, lhe aulhoiilies of lhe univeise and lhe spiiils of vickedness." I have senl lhis (lo
you) lecause you inquiie aloul lhe ieaIily of lhe aulhoiilies.
Theii chief is lIind, lecause of his povei and his ignoiance and his aiiogance he said, vilh his
povei, "Il is I vho an Cod, lheie is none apail fion ne." When he said lhis, he sinned againsl lhe
enliiely. And lhis speech gol up lo incoiiupliliIily, lhen lheie vas a voice lhal cane foilh fion
incoiiupliliIily, saying, "You aie nislaken, SanaeI" - vhich is, "god of lhe lIind."
His lhoughls lecane lIind. And, having expeIIed his povei - lhal is, lhe lIaspheny he had
spoken - he puisued il dovn lo chaos and lhe alyss, his nolhei, al lhe insligalion of Iislis Sophia.
And she eslalIished each of his offspiing in confoinily vilh ils povei - aflei lhe pallein of lhe
ieaIns lhal aie alove, foi ly slailing fion lhe invisilIe voiId lhe visilIe voiId vas invenled.
As incoiiupliliIily Iooked dovn inlo lhe iegion of lhe valeis, hei inage appeaied in lhe valeis,
and lhe aulhoiilies of lhe daikness lecane enanoied of hei. ul lhey couId nol Iay hoId of lhal
inage, vhich had appeaied lo lhen in lhe valeis, lecause of lheii veakness - since leings lhal
neieIy possess a souI cannol Iay hoId of lhose lhal possess a spiiil - foi lhey veie fion leIov,
vhiIe il vas fion alove. This is lhe ieason vhy "incoiiupliliIily Iooked dovn inlo lhe iegion
(elc.)": so lhal, ly lhe falhei's viII, she nighl liing lhe enliiely inlo union vilh lhe Iighl.
The iuIeis Iaid pIans and said, "Cone, Iel us cieale a nan lhal viII le soiI fion lhe eailh." They
nodeIed lheii ciealuie as one vhoIIy of lhe eailh. Nov lhe iuIeis |...j lody |...j lhey have |...j
fenaIe |...j is |...j vilh lhe face of a leasl. They had laken sone soiI fion lhe eailh and nodeIed
lheii nan aflei lheii lody and aflei lhe inage of Cod lhal had appeaied lo lhen in lhe valeis.
They said, "Cone, Iel us Iay hoId of il ly neans of lhe foin lhal ve have nodeIed, so lhal il nay
see ils naIe counleipail |...j, and ve nay seize il vilh lhe foin lhal ve have nodeIed" - nol
undeislanding lhe foice of Cod, lecause of lheii poveiIessness. And he liealhed inlo his face,
and lhe nan cane lo have a souI (and ienained) upon lhe giound nany days. ul lhey couId nol
nake hin aiise lecause of lheii poveiIessness. Like sloin vinds lhey peisisled (in lIoving), lhal
lhey nighl liy lo capluie lhal inage, vhich had appeaied lo lhen in lhe valeis. And lhey did nol
knov lhe idenlily of ils povei.
Nov aII lhese lhings cane lo pass ly lhe viII of lhe falhei of lhe enliiely. Afleivaids, lhe spiiil
sav lhe souI-endoved nan upon lhe giound. And lhe spiiil cane foilh fion lhe Adananline
Land, il descended and cane lo dveII vilhin hin, and lhal nan lecane a Iiving souI. Il caIIed his
nane Adan, since he vas found noving upon lhe giound. A voice cane foilh fion
incoiiupliliIily foi lhe assislance of Adan, and lhe iuIeis galheied logelhei aII lhe aninaIs of lhe
eailh and aII lhe liids of heaven and lioughl lhen in lo Adan lo see vhal Adan vouId caII
lhen, lhal he nighl give a nane lo each of lhe liids and aII lhe leasls.
They look Adan and pul hin lhe gaiden, lhal he nighl cuIlivale il and keep valch ovei il. And
lhe iuIeis issued a connand lo hin, saying, "Iion eveiy liee in lhe gaiden shaII you eal, yel fion
lhe liee of iecognizing good and eviI do nol eal, noi louch il, foi lhe day you eal fion il, vilh
dealh you aie going lo die."
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They |...j lhis. They do nol undeisland vhal lhey have said lo hin, ialhei, ly lhe falhei's viII, lhey
said lhis in such a vay lhal he nighl (in facl) eal, and lhal Adan nighl <nol> iegaid lhen as
vouId a nan of an excIusiveIy naleiiaI naluie.
The iuIeis look counseI vilh one anolhei and said, "Cone, Iel us cause a deep sIeep lo faII upon
Adan." And he sIepl. - Nov lhe deep sIeep lhal lhey "caused lo faII upon hin, and he sIepl" is
Ignoiance. - They opened his side Iike a Iiving vonan. And lhey luiIl up his side vilh sone fIesh
in pIace of hei, and Adan cane lo le endoved onIy vilh souI.
And lhe spiiil-endoved vonan cane lo hin and spoke vilh hin, saying, "Aiise, Adan." And
vhen he sav hei, he said, "Il is you vho have given ne Iife, you viII le caIIed 'nolhei of lhe
Iiving'. - Ioi il is she vho is ny nolhei. Il is she vho is lhe physician, and lhe vonan, and she
vho has given liilh."
Then lhe aulhoiilies cane up lo lheii Adan. And vhen lhey sav his fenaIe counleipail speaking
vilh hin, lhey lecane agilaled vilh gieal agilalion, and lhey lecane enanoied of hei. They said
lo one anolhei, "Cone, Iel us sov oui seed in hei," and lhey puisued hei. And she Iaughed al
lhen foi lheii vilIessness and lheii lIindness, and in lheii cIulches she lecane a liee, and Iefl
lefoie lhen hei shadovy iefIeclion iesenlIing heiseIf, and lhey defiIed il fouIIy. - And lhey
defiIed lhe slanp of hei voice, so lhal ly lhe foin lhey had nodeIed, logelhei vilh lheii (ovn)
inage, lhey nade lhenseIves IialIe lo condennalion.
Then lhe fenaIe spiiiluaI piincipIe cane in lhe snake, lhe insliucloi, and il laughl lhen, saying,
"Whal did he say lo you` Was il, 'Iion eveiy liee in lhe gaiden shaII you eal, yel - fion lhe liee of
iecognizing good and eviI do nol eal'`"
The cainaI vonan said, "Nol onIy did he say 'Do nol eal, lul even 'Do nol louch il, foi lhe day
you eal fion il, vilh dealh you aie going lo die."
And lhe snake, lhe insliucloi, said, "Wilh dealh you shaII nol die, foi il vas oul of jeaIousy lhal he
said lhis lo you. Ralhei youi eyes shaII open and you shaII cone lo le Iike gods, iecognizing eviI
and good." And lhe fenaIe insliucling piincipIe vas laken avay fion lhe snake, and she Iefl il
lehind, neieIy a lhing of lhe eailh.
And lhe cainaI vonan look fion lhe liee and ale, and she gave lo hei husland as veII as heiseIf,
and lhese leings lhal possessed onIy a souI, ale. And lheii inpeifeclion lecane appaienl in lheii
Iack of knovIedge, and lhey iecognized lhal lhey veie naked of lhe spiiiluaI eIenenl, and look fig
Ieaves and lound lhen upon lheii Ioins.
Then lhe chief iuIei cane, and he said, "Adan! Wheie aie you`" - foi he did nol undeisland vhal
had happened. And Adan said, "I heaid youi voice and vas afiaid lecause I vas naked, and I
The iuIei said, "Why did you hide, unIess il is lecause you have ealen fion lhe liee fion vhich
aIone I connanded you nol lo eal` And you have ealen!"
Adan said, "The vonan lhal you gave ne, she gave lo ne and I ale." And lhe aiioganl iuIei
cuised lhe vonan.
The vonan said, "Il vas lhe snake lhal Ied ne asliay and I ale." They luined lo lhe snake and
cuised ils shadovy iefIeclion, |...j poveiIess, nol conpiehending lhal il vas a foin lhey
lhenseIves had nodeIed. Iion lhal day, lhe snake cane lo le undei lhe cuise of lhe aulhoiilies,
unliI lhe aII-poveifuI nan vas lo cone, lhal cuise feII upon lhe snake.
They luined lo lheii Adan and look hin and expeIIed hin fion lhe gaiden aIong vilh his vife,
foi lhey have no lIessing, since lhey loo aie lenealh lhe cuise. Moieovei, lhey lhiev nankind
inlo gieal disliaclion and inlo a Iife of loiI, so lhal lheii nankind nighl le occupied ly voiIdIy
affaiis, and nighl nol have lhe oppoilunily of leing devoled lo lhe hoIy spiiil.
Nov afleivaids, she loie Cain, lheii son, and Cain cuIlivaled lhe Iand. Theieupon he knev his
vife, again leconing piegnanl, she loie AleI, and AleI vas a heidsnan of sheep. Nov Cain
lioughl in fion lhe ciops of his fieId, lul AleI lioughl in an offeiing (fion) anong his Ianls.
Cod Iooked upon lhe volive offeiings of AleI, lul he did nol accepl lhe volive offeiings of Cain.
And cainaI Cain puisued AleI, his liolhei.
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And Cod said lo Cain, "Wheie is AleI, youi liolhei`"
He ansveied saying, "An I, lhen, ny liolhei's keepei`"
Cod said lo Cain, "Lislen! The voice of youi liolhei's lIood is ciying up lo ne! You have sinned
vilh youi noulh. Il viII ieluin lo you: anyone vho kiIIs Cain viII Iel Ioose seven vengeances, and
you viII exisl gioaning and lienlIing upon lhe eailh."
And Adan knev his fenaIe counleipail Lve, and she lecane piegnanl, and loie Selh lo Adan.
And she said, "I have loine anolhei nan lhiough Cod, in pIace of AleI." Again Lve lecane
piegnanl, and she loie Noiea. And she said, "He has legollen on ne a viigin as an assislance foi
nany geneialions of nankind." She is lhe viigin vhon lhe foices did nol defiIe.
Then nankind legan lo nuIlipIy and inpiove. The iuIeis look counseI vilh one anolhei and said,
"Cone, Iel us cause a deIuge vilh oui hands and olIileiale aII fIesh, fion nan lo leasl." ul vhen
lhe iuIei of lhe foices cane lo knov of lheii decision, he said lo Noah, "Make youiseIf an aik fion
sone vood lhal does nol iol and hide in il - you and youi chiIdien and lhe leasls and lhe liids of
heaven fion snaII lo Iaige - and sel il upon Mounl Sii."
Then Oiea cane lo hin, vanling lo loaid lhe aik. And vhen he vouId nol Iel hei, she lIev upon
lhe aik and caused il lo le consuned ly fiie. Again he nade lhe aik, foi a second line.
The iuIeis venl lo neel hei, inlending lo Iead hei asliay. Theii supiene chief said lo hei, "Youi
nolhei Lve cane lo us." ul Noiea luined lo lhen and said lo lhen, "Il is you vho aie lhe iuIeis
of lhe daikness, you aie accuised. And you did nol knov ny nolhei, inslead il vas youi fenaIe
counleipail lhal you knev. Ioi I an nol youi descendanl, ialhei il is fion lhe voiId alove lhal I
an cone."
The aiioganl iuIei luined, vilh aII his nighl, and his counlenance cane lo le Iike (a) lIack |...j, he
said lo hei piesunpluousIy, "You nusl iendei seivice lo us, as did aIso youi nolhei Lve, foi I
have leen given |...j." ul Noiea luined, vilh lhe nighl of |...j, and in a Ioud voice, she ciied oul
up lo lhe hoIy one, lhe Cod of lhe enliiely, "Rescue ne fion lhe iuIeis of uniighleousness and
save ne fion lheii cIulches - foilhvilh!"
The <gieal> angeI cane dovn fion lhe heavens and said lo hei, "Why aie you ciying up lo Cod`
Why do you acl so loIdIy lovaids lhe hoIy spiiil`"
Noiea said, "Who aie you`" The iuIeis of uniighleousness had vilhdiavn fion hei.
He said, "Il is I vho an LIeIelh, sagacily, lhe gieal angeI vho slands in lhe piesence of lhe hoIy
spiiil. I have leen senl lo speak vilh you and save you fion lhe giasp of lhe IavIess. And I shaII
leach you aloul youi iool."
(Noiea appaienlIy nov speaking) Nov as foi lhal angeI, I cannol speak of his povei: his
appeaiance is Iike fine goId and his iainenl is Iike snov. No, liuIy, ny noulh cannol leai lo
speak of his povei and lhe appeaiance of his face!
LIeIelh, lhe gieal angeI, spoke lo ne. "Il is I," he said, "vho an undeislanding. I an one of lhe foui
Iighl-giveis, vho sland in lhe piesence of lhe gieal invisilIe spiiil. Do you lhink lhese iuIeis have
any povei ovei you` None of lhen can pievaiI againsl lhe iool of liulh, foi on ils accounl he
appeaied in lhe finaI ages, and lhese aulhoiilies viII le iesliained. And lhese aulhoiilies cannol
defiIe you and lhal geneialion, foi youi alode is in incoiiupliliIily, vheie lhe viigin spiiil dveIIs,
vho is supeiioi lo lhe aulhoiilies of chaos and lo lheii univeise."
ul I said, "Sii, leach ne aloul lhe facuIly of lhese aulhoiilies - hov did lhey cone inlo leing, and
ly vhal kind of genesis, and of vhal naleiiaI, and vho ciealed lhen and lheii foice`"
And lhe gieal angeI LIeIelh, undeislanding, spoke lo ne: "Wilhin IinilIess ieaIns dveIIs
incoiiupliliIily. Sophia, vho is caIIed Iislis, vanled lo cieale sonelhing, aIone vilhoul hei
consoil, and hei pioducl vas a ceIesliaI lhing. A veiI exisls lelveen lhe voiId alove and lhe
ieaIns lhal aie leIov, and shadov cane inlo leing lenealh lhe veiI, and lhal shadov lecane
nallei, and lhal shadov vas piojecled apail. And vhal she had ciealed lecane a pioducl in lhe
nallei, Iike an aloiled felus. And il assuned a pIaslic foin noIded oul of shadov, and lecane an
aiioganl leasl iesenlIing a Iion. Il vas andiogynous, as I have aIieady said, lecause il vas fion
nallei lhal il deiived.
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Opening his eyes, he sav a vasl quanlily of nallei vilhoul Iinil, and he lecane aiioganl, saying,
"Il is I vho an Cod, and lheie is none olhei apail fion ne". When he said lhis, he sinned againsl
lhe enliiely. And a voice cane foilh fion alove lhe ieaIn of alsoIule povei, saying, "You aie
nislaken, SanaeI" - vhich is, 'god of lhe lIind'.
And he said, "If any olhei lhing exisls lefoie ne, Iel il lecone visilIe lo ne!" And innedialeIy
Sophia slielched foilh hei fingei and inlioduced Iighl inlo nallei, and she puisued il dovn lo lhe
iegion of chaos. And she ieluined up lo hei Iighl, once again daikness |...j nallei.
This iuIei, ly leing andiogynous, nade hinseIf a vasl ieaIn, an exlenl vilhoul Iinil. And he
conlenpIaled ciealing offspiing foi hinseIf, and ciealed foi hinseIf seven offspiing, andiogynous
jusl Iike lheii paienl. And he said lo his offspiing, "Il is I vho an god of lhe enliiely."
And Zoe (Life), lhe daughlei of Iislis Sophia, ciied oul and said lo hin, "You aie nislaken, SakIa!"
- foi vhich lhe aIleinalive nane is YaIlalaolh. She liealhed inlo his face, and hei liealh lecane a
fieiy angeI foi hei, and lhal angeI lound YaIdalaolh and casl hin dovn inlo Tailaios leIov lhe
Nov vhen his offspiing Salaolh sav lhe foice of lhal angeI, he iepenled and condenned his
falhei and his nolhei, nallei. He Ioalhed hei, lul he sang songs of piaise up lo Sophia and hei
daughlei Zoe. And Sophia and Zoe caughl hin up and gave hin chaige of lhe sevenlh heaven,
leIov lhe veiI lelveen alove and leIov. And he is caIIed 'Cod of lhe foices, Salaolh', since he is
up alove lhe foices of chaos, foi Sophia eslalIished hin.
Nov vhen lhese (evenls) had cone lo pass, he nade hinseIf a huge foui-faced chaiiol of
cheiulin, and infinileIy nany angeIs lo acl as ninisleis, and aIso haips and Iyies. And Sophia
look hei daughlei Zoe and had hei sil upon his iighl lo leach hin aloul lhe lhings lhal exisl in lhe
eighlh (heaven), and lhe angeI of vialh she pIaced upon his Iefl. Since lhal day, his iighl has leen
caIIed 'Iife', and lhe Iefl has cone lo iepiesenl lhe uniighleousness of lhe ieaIn of alsoIule povei
alove. Il vas lefoie youi line lhal lhey cane inlo leing.
Nov vhen YaIdalaolh sav hin (Salaolh) in lhis gieal spIendoi and al lhis heighl, he envied hin,
and lhe envy lecane an andiogynous pioducl, and lhis vas lhe oiigin of envy. And envy
engendeied dealh, and dealh engendeied his offspiing and gave each of lhen chaige of ils
heaven, and aII lhe heavens of chaos lecane fuII of lheii nuIliludes. ul il vas ly lhe viII of lhe
falhei of lhe enliiely lhal lhey aII cane inlo leing - aflei lhe pallein of aII lhe lhings alove - so
lhal lhe sun of chaos nighl le allained.
"Theie, I have laughl you aloul lhe pallein of lhe iuIeis, and lhe nallei in vhich il vas expiessed,
and lheii paienl, and lheii univeise."
ul I said, "Sii, an I aIso fion lheii nallei`"
"You, logelhei vilh youi offspiing, aie fion lhe piinevaI falhei, fion alove, oul of lhe
inpeiishalIe Iighl, lheii souIs aie cone. Thus lhe aulhoiilies cannol appioach lhen, lecause of
lhe spiiil of liulh piesenl vilhin lhen, and aII vho have lecone acquainled vilh lhis vay exisl
dealhIess in lhe nidsl of dying nankind. SliII, lhal sovn eIenenl viII nol lecone knovn nov.
Inslead, aflei lhiee geneialions il viII cone lo le knovn, and il has fieed lhen fion lhe londage
of lhe aulhoiilies' eiioi."
Then I said, "Sii, hov nuch Iongei`"
He said lo ne, "UnliI lhe nonenl vhen lhe liue nan, vilhin a nodeIed foin, ieveaIs lhe
exislence of lhe spiiil of liulh, vhich lhe falhei has senl.
Then he viII leach lhen aloul eveiylhing, and he viII anoinl lhen vilh lhe unclion of Iife eleinaI,
given hin fion lhe undoninaled geneialion.
Then lhey viII le fieed of lIind lhoughl, and lhey viII lianpIe undeifool dealh, vhich is of lhe
aulhoiilies, and lhey viII ascend inlo lhe IinilIess Iighl vheie lhis sovn eIenenl leIongs.
Then lhe aulhoiilies viII ieIinquish lheii ages, and lheii angeIs viII veep ovei lheii desliuclion,
and lheii denons viII Ianenl lheii dealh.
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Then aII lhe chiIdien of lhe Iighl viII le liuIy acquainled vilh lhe liulh and lheii iool, and lhe
falhei of lhe enliiely and lhe hoIy spiiil. They viII aII say vilh a singIe voice, 'The falhei's liulh is
jusl, and lhe son piesides ovei lhe enliiely", and fion eveiyone unlo lhe ages of ages, "HoIy - hoIy
- hoIy! Anen!'"

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Cf. Ccdcx X|||
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Wise nen of oId gave lhe souI a feninine nane. Indeed she is fenaIe in hei naluie as veII. She
even has hei vonl.
As Iong as she vas aIone vilh lhe falhei, she vas viigin and in foin andiogynous. ul vhen she
feII dovn inlo a lody and cane lo lhis Iife, lhen she feII inlo lhe hands of nany iolleis. And lhe
vanlon ciealuies passed hei fion one lo anolhei and |...j hei. Sone nade use of hei ly foice,
vhiIe olheis did so ly seducing hei vilh a gifl. In shoil, lhey defiIed hei, and she |...j hei
And in hei lody she piosliluled heiseIf and gave heiseIf lo one and aII, consideiing each one she
vas aloul lo enliace lo le hei husland. When she had given heiseIf lo vanlon, unfailhfuI
aduIleieis, so lhal lhey nighl nake use of hei, lhen she sighed deepIy and iepenled. ul even
vhen she luins hei face fion lhose aduIleieis, she iuns lo olheis and lhey conpeI hei lo Iive vilh
lhen and iendei seivice lo lhen upon lheii led, as if lhey veie hei nasleis. Oul of shane she no
Iongei daies lo Ieave lhen, vheieas lhey deceive hei foi a Iong line, pielending lo le failhfuI,
liue huslands, as if lhey giealIy iespecled hei. And aflei aII lhis lhey alandon hei and go.
She lhen lecones a pooi desoIale vidov, vilhoul heIp, nol even a neasuie of food vas Iefl hei
fion lhe line of hei affIiclion. Ioi fion lhen she gained nolhing excepl lhe defiIenenls lhey gave
hei vhiIe lhey had sexuaI inleicouise vilh hei. And hei offspiing ly lhe aduIleieis aie dunl,
lIind and sickIy. They aie feelIeninded.
ul vhen lhe falhei vho is alove visils hei and Iooks dovn upon hei and sees hei sighing - vilh
hei suffeiings and disgiace - and iepenling of lhe pioslilulion in vhich she engaged, and vhen
she legins lo caII upon his nane so lhal he nighl heIp hei, |...j aII hei heail, saying "Save ne, ny
falhei, foi lehoId I viII iendei an accounl lo lhee, foi I alandoned ny house and fIed fion ny
naiden`s quaileis. Resloie ne lo lhyseIf again." When he sees hei in such a slale, lhen he viII
counl hei voilhy of his neicy upon hei, foi nany aie lhe affIiclions lhal have cone upon hei
lecause she alandoned hei house.
Nov conceining lhe pioslilulion on lhe souI, lhe HoIy Spiiil piophesies in nany pIaces. Ioi he
said in lhe piophel }eieniah (3:1-4),
If lhe husland divoices his vife and she goes and lakes anolhei nan, can she ieluin lo hin aflei
lhal` Has nol lhal vonan ulleiIy defiIed heiseIf` "And you piosliluled youiseIf lo nany
shepheids and you ieluined lo ne!" said lhe Ioid. "Take an honesl Iook and see vheie you
piosliluled youiseIf. Weie you nol silling in lhe slieels defiIing lhe Iand vilh youi acls of
pioslilulion and youi vices` And you look nany shepheids foi a slunlIing lIock foi youiseIf.
You lecane shaneIess vilh eveiyone. You did nol caII on ne as kinsnan oi as falhei oi aulhoi of
youi viiginily".
Again il is viillen in lhe piophel Hosea (2:2-7),
Cone, go lo Iav vilh youi nolhei, foi she is nol lo le a vife lo ne noi I a husland lo hei. I shaII
ienove hei pioslilulion fion ny piesence, and I shaII ienove hei aduIleiy fion lelveen hei
lieasls. I shaII nake hei naked as on lhe day she vas loin, and I shaII nake hei desoIale Iike a
Iand vilhoul valei, and I shaII nake hei IongingIy chiIdIess. I shaII shov hei chiIdien no pily, foi
lhey aie chiIdien of pioslilulion, since lheii nolhei piosliluled heiseIf and pul hei chiIdien lo
shane. Ioi she said, "I shaII pioslilule nyseIf lo ny Ioveis. Il vas lhey vho gave ne ny liead
and ny valei and ny gainenls and ny cIolhes and ny vine and ny oiI and eveiylhing I
needed." Theiefoie lehoId I shaII shul lhen up so lhal she shaII nol le alIe lo iun aflei hei
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aduIleieis. And vhen she seeks lhen and does nol find lhen, she viII say, 'I shaII ieluin lo ny
foinei husland, in lhose days I vas lellei off lhan nov."
Again he said in LzekieI (16:23-26),
Il cane lo pass aflei nuch depiavily, said lhe Ioid, you luiIl youiseIf a liolheI and you nade
youiseIf a leaulifuI pIace in lhe slieels. And you luiIl youiseIf liolheIs on eveiy Iane, and you
vasled youi leauly, and you spiead youi Iegs in eveiy aIIey, and you nuIlipIied youi acls of
pioslilulion. You piosliluled youiseIf lo lhe sons of Lgypl, lhose vho aie youi neighlois, nen
gieal of fIesh.
ul vhal does "lhe sons of Lgypl, nen gieal of fIesh" nean, if nol lhe donain of lhe fIesh and lhe
peiceplilIe ieaIn and lhe affaiis of lhe eailh, ly vhich lhe souI has lecone defiIed heie, ieceiving
liead fion lhen, as veII as vine, oiI, cIolhing, and lhe olhei exleinaI nonsense suiiounding lhe
lody - lhe lhings she lhinks she needs.
ul as lo lhis pioslilulion, lhe aposlIes of lhe savioi connanded (Acls 15:2O, 29, 21:25, 1Th 4:3, 1
Co 6:18, 2 Co 7:1): "Cuaid youiseIves againsl il, puiify youiseIves fion il," speaking nol jusl of lhe
pioslilulion of lhe lody lul especiaIIy lhal of lhe souI. Ioi lhis ieason lhe aposlIes viile lo lhe
chuiches of Cod, lhal such pioslilulion nighl nol occui anong us.
Yel lhe giealesl sliuggIe has lo do vilh lhe pioslilulion of lhe souI. Iion il aiises lhe pioslilulion
of lhe lody as veII. Theiefoie IauI, viiling lo lhe Coiinlhians (1Co 5:9-1O), said, "I viole you in
lhe Iellei, 'Do nol associale vilh pioslilules,' nol al aII (neaning) lhe pioslilules of lhis voiId oi
lhe gieedy oi lhe lhieves oi lhe idoIaleis, since lhen you vouId have lo go oul fion lhe voiId." -
heie il is speaking spiiiluaIIy - "Ioi oui sliuggIe is nol againsl fIesh and lIood - as he said (Lp
6:12) - lul againsl lhe voiId iuIeis of lhis daikness and lhe spiiils of vickedness."
As Iong as lhe souI keeps iunning aloul eveiyvheie copuIaling vilh vhonevei she neels and
defiIing heiseIf, she exisls suffeiing hei jusl deseils. ul vhen she peiceives lhe sliails she is in
and veeps lefoie lhe falhei and iepenls, lhen lhe falhei viII have neicy on hei and he viII nake
hei vonl luin fion lhe exleinaI donain and viII luin il again invaid, so lhal lhe souI viII iegain
hei piopei chaiaclei. Ioi il is nol so vilh a vonan. Ioi lhe vonl of lhe lody is inside lhe lody
Iike lhe olhei inleinaI oigans, lul lhe vonl of lhe souI is aiound lhe oulside Iike lhe naIe
genilaIia vhich is exleinaI.
So vhen lhe vonl of lhe souI, ly lhe viII of lhe falhei, luins ilseIf invaid, il is laplized and is
innedialeIy cIeansed of lhe exleinaI poIIulion vhich vas piessed upon il, jusl as gainenls, vhen
diily, aie pul inlo lhe valei and luined aloul unliI lheii diil is ienoved and lhey lecone cIean.
And so lhe cIeansing of lhe souI is lo iegain lhe nevness of hei foinei naluie and lo luin heiseIf
lack again. Thal is hei laplisn.
Then she viII legin lo iage al heiseIf Iike a vonan in Ialoi, vho viilhes and iages in lhe houi of
deIiveiy. ul since she is fenaIe, ly heiseIf she is poveiIess lo legel a chiId. Iion heaven lhe
falhei senl hei hei nan, vho is hei liolhei, lhe fiislloin. Then lhe liidegioon cane dovn lo lhe
liide. She gave up hei foinei pioslilulion and cIeansed heiseIf of lhe poIIulions of lhe aduIleieis,
and she vas ieneved so as lo le a liide. She cIeansed heiseIf in lhe liidaI chanlei, she fiIIed il
vilh peifune, she sal in il vailing foi lhe liue liidegioon. No Iongei does she iun aloul lhe
naikel pIace, copuIaling vilh vhonevei she desiies, lul she conlinued lo vail foi hin - (saying)
"When viII he cone`" - and lo feai hin, foi she did nol knov vhal he Iooked Iike: she no Iongei
ienenleis since lhe line she feII fion hei falhei's house. ul ly lhe viII of lhe falhei <...> And
she dieaned of hin Iike a vonan in Iove vilh a nan.
ul lhen lhe liidegioon, accoiding lo lhe falhei's viII, cane dovn lo hei inlo lhe liidaI chanlei,
vhich vas piepaied. And he decoialed lhe liidaI chanlei.
Ioi since lhal naiiiage is nol Iike lhe cainaI naiiiage, lhose vho aie lo have inleicouise vilh one
anolhei viII le salisfied vilh lhal inleicouise. And as if il veie a luiden, lhey Ieave lehind lhen
lhe annoyance of physicaI desiie and lhey luin lheii faces fion each olhei. ul lhis naiiiage |...j.
ul once lhey unile vilh one anolhei, lhey lecone a singIe Iife. Wheiefoie lhe piophel said (Cn
2:24) conceining lhe fiisl nan and lhe fiisl vonan, "They viII lecone a singIe fIesh." Ioi lhey
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veie oiiginaIIy joined one lo anolhei vhen lhey veie vilh lhe falhei lefoie lhe vonan Ied asliay
lhe nan, vho is hei liolhei. This naiiiage has lioughl lhen lack logelhei again and lhe souI has
leen joined lo hei liue Iove, hei ieaI naslei, as il is viillen (cf. Cn 3:16, 1 Co 11,1, Lp 5:23), "Ioi
lhe naslei of lhe vonan is hei husland."
Then giaduaIIy she iecognized hin, and she iejoiced once noie, veeping lefoie hin as she
ienenleied lhe disgiace of hei foinei vidovhood. And she adoined heiseIf sliII noie so lhal he
nighl le pIeased lo slay vilh hei.
And lhe piophel said in lhe IsaIns (Is 45:1O-11): "Heai, ny daughlei, and see and incIine youi
eai and foigel youi peopIe and youi falhei's house, foi lhe king has desiied youi leauly, foi he is
youi Ioid."
Ioi he iequiies hei lo luin hei face fion hei peopIe and lhe nuIlilude of hei aduIleieis, in vhose
nidsl she once vas, lo devole heiseIf onIy lo hei king, hei ieaI Ioid, and lo foigel lhe house of lhe
eailhIy falhei, vilh vhon lhings venl ladIy foi hei, lul lo ienenlei hei falhei vho is in heaven.
Thus aIso il vas said (Cn 12:1) lo Aliahan: "Cone oul fion youi counliy and youi kinsfoIk and
fion youi falhei`s house"
Thus vhen lhe souI had adoined heiseIf again in hei leauly |...j enjoyed hei leIoved, and he aIso
Ioved hei. And vhen she had inleicouise vilh hin, she gol fion hin lhe seed lhal is lhe Iife-
giving spiiil, so lhal ly hin she leais good chiIdien and ieais lhen. Ioi lhis is lhe gieal, peifecl
naiveI of liilh. And so lhis naiiiage is nade peifecl ly lhe viII of lhe falhei.
Nov il is filling lhal lhe souI iegeneiales heiseIf and lecone again as she foineiIy vas. The souI
lhen noves of hei ovn accoid. And she ieceived lhe divine naluie fion lhe falhei foi hei
iejuvenalion, so lhal she nighl le iesloied lo lhe pIace vheie oiiginaIIy she had leen. This is lhe
iesuiieclion lhal is fion lhe dead. This is lhe ianson fion caplivily. This is lhe upvaid jouiney of
ascenl lo heaven. This is lhe vay of ascenl lo lhe falhei. Theiefoie lhe piophel said (Is 1O3:1-5):
"Iiaise lhe Ioid, O ny souI, and, aII lhal is vilhin ne, (piaise) his hoIy nane. My souI, piaise Cod,
vho foigave aII youi sins, vho heaIed aII youi sicknesses, vho iansoned youi Iife fion dealh,
vho ciovned you vilh neicy, vho salisfies youi Ionging vilh good lhings. Youi youlh viII le
ieneved Iike an eagIe's."
Then vhen she lecones young again, she viII ascend, piaising lhe falhei and hei liolhei, ly
vhon she vas iescued. Thus il is ly leing loin again lhal lhe souI viII le saved. And lhis is due
nol lo iole phiases oi lo piofessionaI skiIIs oi lo look Ieaining. Ralhei il is lhe giace of lhe |...j, il is
lhe gifl of lhe |...j. Ioi such is lhis heavenIy lhing. Theiefoie lhe savioi ciies oul (}n 6:44), "No one
can cone lo ne unIess ny Ialhei diavs hin and liings hin lo ne, and I nyseIf viII iaise hin up
on lhe Iasl day."
Il is lheiefoie filling lo piay lo lhe falhei and lo caII on hin vilh aII oui souI - nol exleinaIIy vilh
lhe Iips, lul vilh lhe spiiil, vhich is invaid, vhich cane foilh fion lhe deplh - sighing, iepenling
foi lhe Iife ve Iived, confessing oui sins, peiceiving lhe enply deceplion ve veie in, and lhe
enply zeaI, veeping ovei hov ve veie in daikness and in lhe vave, nouining foi ouiseIves, lhal
he nighl have pily on us, haling ouiseIves foi hov ve aie nov.
Again lhe savioi said (cf Ml 5:4, Lk 6:12): "Iessed aie lhose vho nouin, foi il is lhey vho viII le
pilied, lIessed, lhose vho aie hungiy, foi il is lhey vho viII le fiIIed."
Again he said (cf. Lk 14:26), "If one does nol hale his souI he cannol foIIov ne." Ioi lhe leginning
of saIvalion is iepenlance. Theiefoie (cf. Acls 13:24), "efoie Chiisl`s appeaiance cane }ohn,
pieaching lhe laplisn of iepenlance."
And iepenlance lakes pIace in disliess and giief. ul lhe falhei is good and Ioves hunanily, and
he heais lhe souI lhal caIIs upon hin and sends il lhe Iighl of saIvalion. Theiefoie he said lhiough
lhe spiiil lo lhe piophel (cf. 1 CI 8:3), "Say lo lhe chiIdien of ny peopIe, 'If youi sins exlend fion
eailh lo heaven, and if lhey lecone ied Iike scaiIel and lIackei lhan sackcIolh, and if you ieluin
lo ne vilh aII youi souI and say lo ne 'ny Ialhei!', I viII heed you as a hoIy peopIe.'"
Again anolhei pIace (Is 3O:15), "Thus says lhe Ioid, lhe hoIy one of IsiaeI: "If you ieluin and sigh,
lhen you viII le saved and viII knov vheie you veie vhen you liusled in vhal is enply."
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Again he said in anolhei pIace (Is 3O:19-2O), "}eiusaIen vepl nuch, saying, 'Have pily on ne.' He
viII have pily on lhe sound of youi veeping. And vhen he sav, he heeded you. And lhe Ioid viII
give you liead of affIiclion and valei of oppiession. Iion nov on, lhose vho deceive viII nol
appioach you again. Youi eyes viII see lhose vho aie deceiving you."
Theiefoie il is filling lo piay lo Cod nighl and day, spieading oul oui hands lovaids hin as do
peopIe saiIing in lhe niddIe of lhe sea: lhey piay lo Cod vilh aII lheii heail vilhoul hypociisy.
Ioi lhose vho piay hypociilicaIIy deceive onIy lhenseIves. Indeed, il is in oidei lhal he nighl
knov vho is voilhy of saIvalion lhal Cod exanines lhe invaid pails and seaiches lhe lollon of
lhe heail. Ioi no one is voilhy of saIvalion vho sliII Ioves lhe pIace of deceplion.
Theiefoie il is viillen in lhe poel (Honei, Odqsscq 1.48-1.59), "Odysseus sal on lhe isIand veeping
and giieving and luining his face fion lhe voids of CaIypso and fion hei liicks, Ionging lo see
his viIIage and snoke coning foilh fion il. And had he nol ieceived heIp fion heaven, he vouId
nol have leen alIe lo ieluin lo his viIIage."
Again HeIen <...> saying (Odqsscq 4.26O-261), "My heail luined ilseIf fion ne. Il is lo ny house
lhal I vanl lo ieluin."
Ioi she sighed, saying (Odqsscq 4.261-4.264), "Il is Aphiodile vho deceived ne and lioughl ne
oul of ny viIIage. My onIy daughlei I Iefl lehind ne, and ny good, undeislanding, handsone
Ioi vhen lhe souI Ieaves hei peifecl husland lecause of lhe lieacheiy of Aphiodile, vho exisls
heie in lhe acl of legelling, lhen she viII suffei hain. ul if she sighs and iepenls, she viII le
iesloied lo hei house.
CeilainIy IsiaeI vouId nol have leen visiled in lhe fiisl pIace, lo le lioughl oul of lhe Iand of
Lgypl, oul of lhe house of londage, if il had nol sighed lo Cod and vepl foi lhe oppiession of ils
Again il is viillen in lhe IsaIns (6:6-9), "I vas giealIy lioulIed in ny gioaning. I viII lalhe ny
led and ny covei each nighl vilh ny leais. I have lecone oId in lhe nidsl of aII ny enenies.
Depail fion ne, aII you vho voik al IavIessness, foi lehoId lhe Ioid has heaid lhe ciy of ny
veeping and lhe Ioid has heaid ny piayei."
If ve iepenl, liuIy Cod viII heed us, he vho is Iong suffeiing and alundanlIy neicifuI, lo vhon
is lhe gIoiy foi evei and evei. Anen!

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The seciel voids lhal lhe savioi spoke lo }udas Thonas vhich I, even I, Malhaias, viole dovn,
vhiIe I vas vaIking, Iislening lo lhen speak vilh one anolhei.
The savioi said, "iolhei Thonas vhiIe you have line in lhe voiId, Iislen lo ne, and I viII ieveaI
lo you lhe lhings you have pondeied in youi nind.
"Nov, since il has leen said lhal you aie ny lvin and liue conpanion, exanine youiseIf, and
Ieain vho you aie, in vhal vay you exisl, and hov you viII cone lo le. Since you viII le caIIed
ny liolhei, il is nol filling lhal you le ignoianl of youiseIf. And I knov lhal you have
undeislood, lecause you had aIieady undeislood lhal I an lhe knovIedge of lhe liulh. So vhiIe
you acconpany ne, aIlhough you aie unconpiehending, you have (in facl) aIieady cone lo
knov, and you viII le caIIed 'lhe one vho knovs hinseIf'. Ioi he vho has nol knovn hinseIf has
knovn nolhing, lul he vho has knovn hinseIf has al lhe sane line aIieady achieved knovIedge
aloul lhe deplh of lhe aII. So lhen, you, ny liolhei Thonas, have leheId vhal is olscuie lo nen,
lhal is, vhal lhey ignoianlIy slunlIe againsl."
Nov Thonas said lo lhe Ioid, "Theiefoie I leg you lo leII ne vhal I ask you lefoie youi
ascension, and vhen I heai fion you aloul lhe hidden lhings, lhen I can speak aloul lhen. And il
is olvious lo ne lhal lhe liulh is difficuIl lo peifoin lefoie nen."
The savioi ansveied, saying, "If lhe lhings lhal aie visilIe lo you aie olscuie lo you, hov can you
heai aloul lhe lhings lhal aie nol visilIe` If lhe deeds of lhe liulh lhal aie visilIe in lhe voiId aie
difficuIl foi you lo peifoin, hov indeed, lhen, shaII you peifoin lhose lhal peilain lo lhe exaIled
heighl and lo lhe pIeiona vhich aie nol visilIe` And hov shaII you le caIIed 'Ialoieis'` In lhis
iespecl you aie appienlices, and have nol yel ieceived lhe heighl of peifeclion."
Nov Thonas ansveied and said lo lhe savioi, "TeII us aloul lhese lhings lhal you say aie nol
visilIe, lul aie hidden fion us."
The savioi said, "AII lodies |...j lhe leasls aie legollen |...j il is evidenl Iike |...j lhis, loo, lhose lhal
aie alove |...j lhings lhal aie visilIe, lul lhey aie visilIe in lheii ovn iool, and il is lheii fiuil lhal
nouiishes lhen. ul lhese visilIe lodies suivive ly devouiing ciealuies siniIai lo lhen vilh lhe
iesuIl lhal lhe lodies change. Nov lhal vhich changes viII decay and peiish, and has no hope of
Iife fion lhen on, since lhal lody is lesliaI. So jusl as lhe lody of lhe leasls peiishes, so aIso viII
lhese foinalions peiish. Do lhey nol deiive fion inleicouise Iike lhal of lhe leasls` If il, loo
deiives fion inleicouise, hov viII il legel anylhing diffeienl fion leasls` So, lheiefoie, you aie
lales unliI you lecone peifecl."
And Thonas ansveied, "Theiefoie I say lo you, Ioid, lhal lhose vho speak aloul lhings lhal aie
invisilIe and difficuIl lo expIain aie Iike lhose vho shool lheii aiiovs al a laigel al nighl. To le
suie, lhey shool lheii aiiovs as anyone vouId - since lhey shool al lhe laigel - lul il is nol visilIe.
Yel vhen lhe Iighl cones foilh and hides lhe daikness, lhen lhe voik of each viII appeai. And
you, oui Iighl, enIighlen, O Ioid."
}esus said, "Il is in Iighl lhal Iighl exisls."
Thonas, spoke, saying, "Loid, vhy does lhis visilIe Iighl lhal shines on lehaIf of nen iise and
The savioi said, "O lIessed Thonas, of couise lhis visilIe Iighl shines on youi lehaIf - nol in oidei
lhal you ienain heie, lul ialhei lhal you nighl cone foilh - and vhenevei aII lhe eIecl alandon
lesliaIily, lhen lhis Iighl viII vilhdiav up lo ils essence, and ils essence viII veIcone il, since il is
a good seivanl."
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Then lhe savioi conlinued and said, "O unseaichalIe Iove of lhe Iighl! O lilleiness of lhe fiie lhal
lIazes in lhe lodies of nen and in lheii naiiov, kindIing in lhen nighl and day, and luining lhe
Iinls of nen and naking lheii ninds lecone diunk and lheii souIs lecone deianged |...j lhen
vilhin naIes and fenaIes |...j nighl and noving lhen, |...j secielIy and visilIy. Ioi lhe naIes
nove |...j upon lhe fenaIes and lhe fenaIes upon lhe naIes. Theiefoie il is said, "Lveiyone vho
seeks lhe liulh fion liue visdon viII nake hinseIf vings so as lo fIy, fIeeing lhe Iusl lhal
scoiches lhe spiiils of nen." And he viII nake hinseIf vings lo fIee eveiy visilIe spiiil."
And Thonas ansveied, saying, "Loid, lhis is exaclIy vhal I an asking you aloul, since I have
undeislood lhal you aie lhe one vho is leneficiaI lo us, as you say."
Again lhe savioi ansveied and said, "Theiefoie il is necessaiy foi us lo speak lo you, since lhis is
lhe docliine of lhe peifecl. If, nov, you desiie lo lecone peifecl, you shaII olseive lhese lhings, if
nol, youi nane is 'Ignoianl', since il is inpossilIe foi an inleIIigenl nan lo dveII vilh a fooI, foi
lhe inleIIigenl nan is peifecl in aII visdon. To lhe fooI, hovevei, lhe good and lad aie lhe sane -
indeed lhe vise nan viII le nouiished ly lhe liulh and (Is. 1:3) "viII le Iike a liee gioving ly lhe
neandeiing sliean" - seeing lhal lheie aie sone vho, aIlhough having vings, iush upon lhe
visilIe lhings, lhings lhal aie fai fion lhe liulh. Ioi lhal vhich guides lhen, lhe fiie, viII give
lhen an iIIusion of liulh, and viII shine on lhen vilh a peiishalIe leauly, and il viII inpiison
lhen in a daik sveelness and caplivale lhen vilh fiagianl pIeasuie. And il viII lIind lhen vilh
insalialIe Iusl and luin lheii souIs and lecone foi lhen Iike a slake sluck in lheii heail vhich
lhey can nevei disIodge. And Iike a lil in lhe noulh, il Ieads lhen accoiding lo ils ovn desiie.
And il has felleied lhen vilh ils chains and lound aII lheii Iinls vilh lhe lilleiness of lhe
londage of Iusl foi lhose visilIe lhings lhal viII decay and change and sveive ly inpuIse. They
have aIvays leen alliacled dovnvaids, as lhey aie kiIIed, lhey aie assiniIaled lo aII lhe leasls of
lhe peiishalIe ieaIn."
Thonas ansveied and said, "Il is olvious and has leen said, 'Many aie |...j lhose vho do nol
knov |...j souI.'"
And lhe savioi ansveied, saying, "Iessed is lhe vise nan vho soughl aflei lhe liulh, and vhen
he found il, he iesled upon il foievei and vas unafiaid of lhose vho vanled lo disluil hin."
Thonas ansveied and said, "Il is leneficiaI foi us, Ioid, lo iesl anong oui ovn`"
The savioi said, "Yes, il is usefuI. And il is good foi you, since lhings visilIe anong nen viII
dissoIve - foi lhe vesseI of lheii fIesh viII dissoIve, and vhen il is lioughl lo naughl il viII cone lo
le anong visilIe lhings, anong lhings lhal aie seen. And lhen lhe fiie vhich lhey see gives lhen
pain on accounl of Iove foi lhe failh lhey foineiIy possessed. They viII le galheied lack lo lhal
vhich is visilIe. Moieovei, lhose vho have sighl anong lhings lhal aie nol visilIe, vilhoul lhe
fiisl Iove lhey viII peiish in lhe concein foi lhis Iife and lhe scoiching of lhe fiie. OnIy a IillIe
vhiIe Iongei, and lhal vhich is visilIe viII dissoIve, lhen shapeIess shades viII eneige, and in lhe
nidsl of lonls lhey viII foievei dveII upon lhe coipses in pain and coiiuplion of souI."
Thonas ansveied and said, "Whal have ve lo say in lhe face of lhese lhings` Whal shaII ve say lo
lIind nen` Whal docliine shouId ve expiess lo lhese niseialIe noilaIs vho say, "We cane lo do
good and nol cuise," and yel cIain, "Had ve nol leen legollen in lhe fIesh, ve vouId nol have
knovn iniquily"`"
The savioi said, "TiuIy, as foi lhose, do nol esleen lhen as nen, lul iegaid lhen as leasls, foi jusl
as leasls devoui one anolhei, so aIso nen of lhis soil devoui one anolhei. On lhe conliaiy, lhey
aie depiived of lhe kingdon since lhey Iove lhe sveelness of lhe fiie and aie seivanls of dealh
and iush lo lhe voiks of coiiuplion. They fuIfiII lhe Iusl of lheii falheis. They viII le lhiovn
dovn lo lhe alyss and le affIicled ly lhe loinenl of lhe lilleiness of lheii eviI naluie. Ioi lhey
viII le scouiged so as lo nake lhen iush lackvaids, vhilhei lhey do nol knov, and lhey viII
iecede fion lheii Iinls nol palienlIy, lul vilh despaii. And lhey iejoice ovei |...j nadness and
deiangenenl |...j They puisue lhis deiangenenl vilhoul ieaIizing lheii nadness, lhinking lhal
lhey aie vise. They |...j lheii lody |...j Theii nind is diiecled lo lheii ovn seIves, foi lheii lhoughl
is occupied vilh lheii deeds. ul il is lhe fiie lhal viII luin lhen."
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And Thonas ansveied and said, "Loid, vhal viII lhe one lhiovn dovn lo lhen do` Ioi I an
nosl anxious aloul lhen, nany aie lhose vho fighl lhen."
The savioi ansveied and said, "Whal is youi ovn opinion`"
}udas - lhe one caIIed Thonas - said, "Il is you, Ioid, vhon il lefils lo speak, and ne lo Iislen."
The savioi iepIied, "Lislen lo vhal I an going lo leII you and leIieve in lhe liulh. Thal vhich sovs
and lhal vhich is sovn viII dissoIve in lhe fiie - vilhin lhe fiie and lhe valei - and lhey viII hide
in lonls of daikness. And aflei a Iong line lhey shaII shov foilh lhe fiuil of lhe eviI liees, leing
punished, leing sIain in lhe noulh of leasls and nen al lhe insligalion of lhe iains and vinds and
aii and lhe Iighl lhal shines alove."
Thonas iepIied, "You have ceilainIy peisuaded us, Ioid. We ieaIize in oui heail, and il is olvious,
lhal lhis is so, and lhal youi void is sufficienl. ul lhese voids lhal you speak lo us aie iidicuIous
and conlenplilIe lo lhe voiId since lhey aie nisundeislood. So hov can ve go pieach lhen,
since ve aie nol esleened in lhe voiId`"
The savioi ansveied and said, "TiuIy I leII you lhal he vho viII Iislen lo youi void and luin
avay his face oi sneei al il oi sniik al lhese lhings, liuIy I leII you lhal he viII le handed ovei lo
lhe iuIei alove vho iuIes ovei aII lhe poveis as lheii king, and he viII luin lhal one aiound and
casl hin fion heaven dovn lo lhe alyss, and he viII le inpiisoned in a naiiov daik pIace.
Moieovei, he can neilhei luin noi nove on accounl of lhe gieal deplh of Tailaios and lhe heavy
lilleiness of Hades lhal is sleadfasl |...j lhen lo il |...j lhey viII nol foigive |...j puisue you. They
viII hand |...j ovei lo |...j angeI Tailaiouchos |...j fiie puisuing lhen |...j fieiy scouiges lhal casl a
shovei of spaiks inlo lhe face of lhe one vho is puisued. If he fIees veslvaid, he finds lhe fiie. If
he luins soulhvaid, he finds il lheie as veII. If he luins noilhvaid, lhe lhieal of seelhing fiie
neels hin again. Noi does he find lhe vay lo lhe easl so as lo fIee lheie and le saved, foi he did
nol find il in lhe day he vas in lhe lody, so lhal he nighl find il in lhe day of judgnenl."
Then lhe savioi conlinued, saying, "Woe lo you, godIess ones, vho have no hope, vho ieIy on
lhings lhal viII nol happen!
"Woe lo you vho hope in lhe fIesh and in lhe piison lhal viII peiish! Hov Iong viII you le
olIivious` And hov Iong viII you suppose lhal lhe inpeiishalIes viII peiish loo` Youi hope is sel
upon lhe voiId, and youi god is lhis Iife! You aie coiiupling youi souIs!
"Woe lo you vilhin lhe fiie lhal luins in you, foi il is insalialIe!
"Woe lo you lecause of lhe vheeI lhal luins in youi ninds!
"Woe lo you vilhin lhe giip of lhe luining lhal is in you, foi il viII devoui youi fIesh openIy and
iend youi souIs secielIy, and piepaie you foi youi conpanions!
"Woe lo you, caplives, foi you aie lound in caveins! You Iaugh! In nad Iaughlei you iejoice! You
neilhei ieaIize youi peidilion, noi do you iefIecl on youi ciicunslances, noi have you undeislood
lhal you dveII in daikness and dealh! On lhe conliaiy, you aie diunk vilh lhe fiie and fuII of
lilleiness. Youi nind is deianged on accounl of lhe luining lhal is in you, and sveel lo you aie
lhe poison and lhe lIovs of youi enenies! And lhe daikness iose foi you Iike lhe Iighl, foi you
suiiendeied youi fieedon foi seivilude! You daikened youi heails and suiiendeied youi
lhoughls lo foIIy, and you fiIIed youi lhoughls vilh lhe snoke of lhe fiie lhal is in you! And youi
Iighl has hidden in lhe cIoud of |...j and lhe gainenl lhal is pul upon you, you |...j. And you veie
seized ly lhe hope lhal does nol exisl. And vhon is il you have leIieved` Do you nol knov lhal
you aII dveII anong lhose vho lhal |...j you as lhough you |...j. You laplized youi souIs in lhe
valei of daikness ! You vaIked ly youi ovn vhins!
"Woe lo you vho dveII in eiioi, heedIess lhal lhe Iighl of lhe sun vhich judges and Iooks dovn
upon lhe aII viII ciicIe aiound aII lhings so as lo ensIave lhe enenies. You do nol even nolice lhe
noon, hov ly nighl and day il Iooks dovn, Iooking al lhe lodies of youi sIaughleis!
"Woe lo you vho Iove inlinacy vilh vonankind and poIIuled inleicouise vilh lhen! Woe lo you
in lhe giip of lhe poveis of youi lody, foi lhey viII affIicl you! Woe lo you in lhe giip of lhe
foices of lhe eviI denons! Woe lo you vho leguiIe youi Iinls vilh fiie! Who is il lhal viII iain a
iefieshing dev on you lo exlinguish lhe nass of fiie fion you aIong vilh youi luining` Who is il
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lhal viII cause lhe sun lo shine upon you lo dispeise lhe daikness in you and hide lhe daikness
and poIIuled valei`
"The sun and lhe noon viII give a fiagiance lo you logelhei vilh lhe aii and lhe spiiil and lhe
eailh and lhe valei. Ioi if lhe sun does nol shine upon lhese lodies, lhey viII vilhei and peiish
jusl Iike veeds oi giass. If lhe sun shines on lhen, lhey pievaiI and choke lhe giapevine, lul if lhe
giapevine pievaiIs and shades lhose veeds and aII lhe olhei liush gioving aIongside, and
spieads and fIouiishes, il aIone inheiils lhe Iand in vhich il giovs, and eveiy pIace il has shaded
il doninales. And vhen il giovs up, il doninales aII lhe Iand and is lounlifuI foi ils naslei, and
il pIeases hin even noie, foi he vouId have suffeied gieal pains on accounl of lhese pIanls unliI
he upiooled lhen. ul lhe giapevine aIone ienoved lhen and choked lhen, and lhey died and
lecane Iike lhe soiI."
Then }esus conlinued and said lo lhen, "Woe lo you, foi you did nol ieceive lhe docliine, and
lhose vho aie |...j viII Ialoi al pieaching |...j. And you aie iushing inlo |...j viII send lhen dovn
|...j you kiII lhen daiIy in oidei lhal lhey nighl iise fion dealh.
"Iessed aie you vho have piioi knovIedge of lhe slunlIing lIocks and vho fIee aIien lhings.
"Iessed aie you vho aie ieviIed and nol esleened on accounl of lhe Iove lheii Ioid has foi lhen.
"Iessed aie you vho veep and aie oppiessed ly lhose vilhoul hope, foi you viII le ieIeased
fion eveiy londage.
"Walch and piay lhal you nol cone lo le in lhe fIesh, lul ialhei lhal you cone foilh fion lhe
londage of lhe lilleiness of lhis Iife. And as you piay, you viII find iesl, foi you have Iefl lehind
lhe suffeiing and lhe disgiace. Ioi vhen you cone foilh fion lhe suffeiings and passions of lhe
lody, you viII ieceive iesl fion lhe good one, and you viII ieign vilh lhe king, you joined vilh
hin and he vilh you, fion nov on, foi evei and evei, Anen."

!"# 0==F =@ !"=)&B !"# X=;<#;*#. V.+<+;' != <"# J#.@#?<
Renenlei ne aIso, ny lielhien, in youi piayeis:
Ieace lo lhe sainls and lhose vho aie spiiiluaI.
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!"# 9=BC#D =@ < "# 6'/C< + &;B
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The hoIy look of lhe Lgyplians aloul lhe gieal invisilIe Spiiil, lhe Ialhei vhose nane cannol le
ulleied, he vho cane foilh fion lhe heighls of lhe peifeclion, lhe Iighl of lhe Iighl of lhe aeons of
Iighl, lhe Iighl of lhe siIence of lhe piovidence <and> lhe Ialhei of lhe siIence, lhe Iighl of lhe
void and lhe liulh, lhe Iighl of lhe incoiiuplions, lhe infinile Iighl, lhe iadiance fion lhe aeons of
Iighl of lhe unieveaIalIe, unnaiked, ageIess, unpiocIainalIe Ialhei, lhe aeon of lhe aeons,
Aulogenes, seIf-legollen, seIf-pioducing, aIien, lhe ieaIIy liue aeon.
Thiee poveis cane foilh fion hin, lhey aie lhe Ialhei, lhe Molhei, (and) lhe Son, fion lhe Iiving
siIence, vhal cane foilh fion lhe incoiiuplilIe Ialhei. These cane foilh fion lhe siIence of lhe
unknovn Ialhei.
And fion lhal pIace, Donedon Doxonedon cane foilh, lhe aeon of lhe aeons and lhe Iighl of each
one of lheii poveis. And lhus lhe Son cane foilh fouilh, lhe Molhei fiflh, lhe Ialhei sixlh. He vas
|...j lul unheiaIded, il is he vho is unnaiked anong aII lhe poveis, lhe gIoiies, and lhe
Iion lhal pIace, lhe lhiee poveis cane foilh, lhe lhiee ogdoads lhal lhe Ialhei liings foilh in
siIence vilh his piovidence, fion his loson, i.e., lhe Ialhei, lhe Molhei, (and) lhe Son.
The <fiisl> ogdoad, lecause of vhich lhe lhiice-naIe chiId cane foilh, vhich is lhe lhoughl, and
lhe void, and lhe incoiiuplion, and lhe eleinaI Iife, lhe viII, lhe nind, and lhe foieknovIedge, lhe
andiogynous Ialhei.
The second ogdoad-povei, lhe Molhei, lhe viiginaI aileIon, epililioch|...jai, neneneainen|...j,
vho piesides ovei lhe heaven, kail|...j, lhe uninleipielalIe povei, lhe ineffalIe Molhei. She
oiiginaled fion heiseIf |...j, she cane foilh, she agieed vilh lhe Ialhei of lhe siIenl siIence.
The lhiid ogdoad-povei, lhe Son of lhe siIenl siIence, and lhe ciovn of lhe siIenl siIence, and lhe
gIoiy of lhe Ialhei, and lhe viilue of lhe Molhei, he liings foilh fion lhe loson lhe seven poveis
of lhe gieal Iighl of lhe seven voices. And lhe void is lheii conpIelion.
These aie lhe lhiee poveis, lhe lhiee ogdoads lhal lhe Ialhei, lhiough his piovidence, lioughl
foilh fion his loson. He lioughl lhen foilh al lhal pIace.
Donedon Doxonedon cane foilh, lhe aeon of lhe aeons, and lhe lhione vhich is in hin, and lhe
poveis vhich suiiound hin, lhe gIoiies and lhe incoiiuplions. The Ialhei of lhe gieal Iighl vho
cane foilh fion lhe siIence, he is lhe gieal Doxonedon-aeon, in vhich lhe lhiice- naIe chiId iesls.
And lhe lhione of his gIoiy vas eslalIished in il, lhis one on vhich his unieveaIalIe nane is
insciiled, on lhe lalIel |...j one is lhe void, lhe Ialhei of lhe Iighl of eveiylhing, he vho cane
foilh fion lhe siIence, vhiIe he iesls in lhe siIence, he vhose nane is in an invisilIe synloI. A
hidden, invisilIe nysleiy cane foilh:
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL oooooooooooooooooooooo
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (lhe 7 voveIs, 22 lines each).
And in lhis vay, lhe lhiee poveis gave piaise lo lhe gieal, invisilIe, unnanealIe, viiginaI,
uncaIIalIe Spiiil, and his naIe viigin. They asked foi a povei. A siIence of Iiving siIence cane
foilh, naneIy gIoiies and incoiiuplions in lhe aeons |...j aeons, nyiiads added on |...j, lhe lhiee
naIes, lhe lhiee naIe offspiing, lhe naIe iaces ...
(|V 55, 5-7 adds. ... |nc g|crics cf |nc |a|ncr, |nc g|crics cf |nc grca| Cnris|, and |nc na|c cffspring, |nc raccs
... fiIIed lhe gieal Doxonedon-aeon vilh lhe povei of lhe void of lhe vhoIe pIeiona.
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Then lhe lhiice-naIe chiId of lhe gieal Chiisl, vhon lhe gieal invisilIe Spiiil had anoinled - he
vhose povei vas caIIed 'Ainon' - gave piaise lo lhe gieal invisilIe Spiiil and his naIe viigin YoeI,
and lhe siIence of siIenl siIence, and lhe giealness lhal |...j ineffalIe. |...j ineffalIe |...j
unansveialIe and uninleipielalIe, lhe fiisl one vho has cone foilh, and (vho is) unpiocIainalIe,
|...j vhich is vondeifuI |...j ineffalIe |...j, he vho has aII lhe giealnesses of giealness of lhe siIence
al lhal pIace. The lhiice-naIe chiId lioughl piaise, and asked foi a povei fion lhe gieal, invisilIe,
viiginaI Spiiil.
Then lheie appeaied al lhal pIace |...j, vho |...j, vho sees gIoiies |...j lieasuies in a |...j invisilIe
nysleiies lo |...j of lhe siIence, vho is lhe naIe viigin YoueI.
Then lhe chiId of lhe chiId, Lsephech, appeaied.
And lhus he vas conpIeled, naneIy, lhe Ialhei, lhe Molhei, lhe Son, lhe five seaIs, lhe
unconqueialIe povei vhich is lhe gieal Chiisl of aII lhe incoiiuplilIe ones. ...
... (cnc |inc unrccctcrao|c)
... hoIy |...j lhe end, lhe incoiiuplilIe |...j, and |...j, lhey aie poveis and gIoiies and incoiiuplions
|...j. They cane foilh ...
... (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... This one lioughl piaise lo lhe unieveaIalIe, hidden nysleiy |...j lhe hidden ...
... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... hin in lhe |...j, and lhe aeons |...j lhiones, |...j and each one |...j nyiiads of poveis vilhoul
nunlei suiiound lhen, gIoiies and incoiiuplions |...j and lhey |...j of lhe Ialhei, and lhe Molhei,
and lhe Son, and lhe vhoIe pIeiona, vhich I nenlioned lefoie, and lhe five seaIs, and lhe
nysleiy of nysleiies. They appeaied ...
... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... vho piesides ovei |...j, and lhe aeons of |...j ieaIIy liuIy |...j and lhe ...
... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... and lhe ieaIIy liuIy eleinaI aeons.
Then piovidence cane foilh fion siIence, and lhe Iiving siIence of lhe Spiiil, and lhe Woid of lhe
Ialhei, and a Iighl. She |...j lhe five seaIs vhich lhe Ialhei lioughl foilh fion his loson, and she
passed lhiough aII lhe aeons vhich I nenlioned lefoie. And she eslalIished lhiones of gIoiy, and
nyiiads of angeIs vilhoul nunlei vho suiiounded lhen, poveis and incoiiuplilIe gIoiies, vho
sing and give gIoiy, aII giving piaise vilh a singIe voice, vilh one accoid, vilh one nevei-siIenl
voice, |...j lo lhe Ialhei, and lhe Molhei, and lhe Son |...j, and aII lhe pIeionas lhal I nenlioned
lefoie, vho is lhe gieal Chiisl, vho is fion siIence, vho is lhe incoiiuplilIe chiId TeInaeI
TeInachaeI LIi LIi Machai Machai Selh, lhe povei vhich ieaIIy liuIy Iives, and lhe naIe viigin
vho is vilh hin, YoueI, and Lsephech, lhe hoIdei of gIoiy, lhe chiId of lhe chiId, and lhe ciovn of
his gIoiy, |...j of lhe five seaIs, lhe pIeiona lhal I nenlioned lefoie.
Theie, lhe gieal seIf-legollen Iiving Woid cane foilh, lhe liue god, lhe unloin physis, he vhose
nane I shaII leII, saying, |...jaia|...j lhaOlhOslh|...j, vho is lhe son of lhe gieal Chiisl, vho is lhe
son of lhe ineffalIe siIence, vho cane foilh fion lhe gieal invisilIe and incoiiuplilIe Spiiil. The
son of lhe siIence and siIence appeaied ...
... (cnc |inc unrccctcrao|c)
... invisilIe |...j nan and lhe lieasuies of his gIoiy. Then he appeaied in lhe ieveaIed |...j. And he
eslalIished lhe foui aeons. Wilh a void he eslalIished lhen.
He lioughl piaise lo lhe gieal, invisilIe, viiginaI Spiiil, lhe siIence of lhe Ialhei, in a siIence of lhe
Iiving siIence of siIence, lhe pIace vheie lhe nan iesls ...
... (|uc |incs unrccctcrao|c)
Then lheie cane foilh al/fion lhal pIace lhe cIoud of lhe gieal Iighl, lhe Iiving povei, lhe nolhei
of lhe hoIy, incoiiuplilIe ones, lhe gieal povei, lhe Miiolhoe. And she gave liilh lo hin vhose
nane I nane, saying, ien ien ea ea ea, lhiee lines.
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Ioi lhis one, Adanas, is a Iighl vhich iadialed fion lhe Iighl, he is lhe eye of lhe Iighl. Ioi lhis is
lhe fiisl nan, he lhiough vhon and lo vhon eveiylhing cane inlo leing, (and) vilhoul vhon
nolhing cane inlo leing. The unknovalIe, inconpiehensilIe Ialhei cane foilh. He cane dovn
fion alove foi lhe annuInenl of lhe deficiency.
Then lhe gieal Logos, lhe divine Aulogenes, and lhe incoiiuplilIe nan Adanas ningIed vilh
each olhei. A Logos of nan cane inlo leing. Hovevei, lhe nan cane inlo leing lhiough a void.
He gave piaise lo lhe gieal, invisilIe, inconpiehensilIe, viiginaI Spiiil, and lhe naIe viigin, and
lhe lhiice-naIe chiId, and lhe naIe viigin YoueI, and Lsephech, lhe hoIdei of gIoiy, lhe chiId of
lhe chiId and lhe ciovn of his gIoiy, and lhe gieal Doxonedon-aeon, and lhe lhiones vhich aie in
hin, and lhe poveis vhich suiiound hin, lhe gIoiies and lhe incoiiuplions, and lheii vhoIe
pIeiona vhich I nenlioned lefoie, and lhe elheieaI eailh, lhe ieceivei of Cod, vheie lhe hoIy
nen of lhe gieal Iighl ieceive shape, lhe nen of lhe Ialhei of lhe siIenl, Iiving siIence, lhe Ialhei
and lheii vhoIe pIeiona, as I nenlioned lefoie.
The gieal Logos, lhe divine Aulogenes, and lhe incoiiuplilIe nan Adanas gave piaise, (and) lhey
asked foi a povei and eleinaI slienglh foi lhe Aulogenes, foi lhe conpIelion of lhe foui aeons, in
oidei lhal, lhiough lhen, lheie nay appeai |...j lhe gIoiy and lhe povei of lhe invisilIe Ialhei of
lhe hoIy nen of lhe gieal Iighl vhich viII cone lo lhe voiId, vhich is lhe inage of lhe nighl. The
incoiiuplilIe nan Adanas asked foi lhen a son oul of hinseIf, in oidei lhal he (lhe son) nay
lecone falhei of lhe innovalIe, incoiiuplilIe iace, so lhal, lhiough il (lhe iace), lhe siIence and
lhe voice nay appeai, and, lhiough il, lhe dead aeon nay iaise ilseIf, so lhal il nay dissoIve.
And lhus lheie cane foilh fion alove lhe povei of lhe gieal Iighl, lhe Manifeslalion. She gave
liilh lo lhe foui gieal Iighls: HainozeI, OioiaeI, Davilhe, LIeIelh, and lhe gieal incoiiuplilIe Selh,
lhe son of lhe incoiiuplilIe nan Adanas.
And lhus lhe peifecl heldonad, vhich exisls in hidden nysleiies, lecane conpIele. When she
ieceives lhe gIoiy, she lecones eIeven ogdoads.
And lhe Ialhei nodded appiovaI, lhe vhoIe pIeiona of lhe Iighls vas veII pIeased. Theii consoils
cane foilh foi lhe conpIelion of lhe ogdoad of lhe divine Aulogenes: lhe Ciace of lhe fiisl Iighl
HainozeI, lhe Ieiceplion of lhe second Iighl OioiaeI, lhe Undeislanding of lhe lhiid Iighl
Davilhe, lhe Iiudence of lhe fouilh Iighl LIeIelh. This is lhe fiisl ogdoad of lhe divine Aulogenes.
And lhe Ialhei nodded appiovaI, lhe vhoIe pIeiona of lhe Iighls vas veII pIeased. The
<ninisleis> cane foilh: lhe fiisl one, lhe gieal CanaIieI (of) lhe fiisl gieal Iighl HainozeI, and lhe
gieal CaliieI (of) lhe second gieal Iighl OioiaeI, and lhe gieal SanIo of lhe gieal Iighl Davilhe,
and lhe gieal Aliasax of lhe gieal Iighl LIeIelh. And lhe consoils of lhese cane foilh ly lhe viII of
lhe good pIeasuie of lhe Ialhei: lhe Menoiy of lhe gieal one, lhe fiisl, CanaIieI, lhe Love of lhe
gieal one, lhe second, CaliieI, lhe Ieace of lhe lhiid one, lhe gieal SanlIo, lhe eleinaI Life of lhe
gieal one, lhe fouilh, Aliasax. Thus veie lhe five ogdoads conpIeled, a lolaI of foily, as an
uninleipielalIe povei.
Then lhe gieal Logos, lhe Aulogenes, and lhe void of lhe pIeiona of lhe foui Iighls gave piaise lo
lhe gieal, invisilIe, uncaIIalIe, viiginaI Spiiil, and lhe naIe viigin, and lhe gieal Doxonedon-
aeon, and lhe lhiones vhich aie in lhen, and lhe poveis vhich suiiound lhen, gIoiies,
aulhoiilies, and lhe poveis, <and> lhe lhiice-naIe chiId, and lhe naIe viigin YoueI, and
Lsephech, lhe hoIdei of gIoiy, lhe chiId of lhe chiId and lhe ciovn of his gIoiy, lhe vhoIe pIeiona,
and aII lhe gIoiies vhich aie lheie, lhe infinile pIeionas <and> lhe unnanealIe aeons, in oidei
lhal lhey nay nane lhe Ialhei lhe fouilh, vilh lhe incoiiuplilIe iace, (and) lhal lhey nay caII lhe
seed of lhe Ialhei lhe seed of lhe gieal Selh.
Then eveiylhing shook, and lienlIing look hoId of lhe incoiiuplilIe ones. Then lhe lhiee naIe
chiIdien cane foilh fion alove, dovn inlo lhe unloin ones, and lhe seIf-legollen ones, and lhose
vho veie legollen in vhal is legollen. The giealness cane foilh, lhe vhoIe giealness of lhe gieal
Chiisl. He eslalIished lhiones in gIoiy, nyiiads vilhoul nunlei, in lhe foui aeons aiound lhen,
nyiiads vilhoul nunlei, poveis and gIoiies and incoiiuplions. And lhey cane foilh in lhis vay.
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And lhe incoiiuplilIe, spiiiluaI chuich incieased in lhe foui Iighls of lhe gieal, Iiving Aulogenes,
lhe god of liulh, piaising, singing, (and) giving gIoiy vilh one voice, vilh one accoid, vilh a
noulh vhich does nol iesl, lo lhe Ialhei, and lhe Molhei, and lhe Son, and lheii vhoIe pIeiona,
jusl as I nenlioned <lefoie>. The five seaIs vhich possess lhe nyiiads, and lhey vho iuIe ovei
lhe aeons, and lhey vho leai lhe gIoiy of lhe Ieadeis, veie given lhe connand lo ieveaI lo lhose
vho aie voilhy. Anen.
* * * Then lhe gieal Selh, lhe son of lhe incoiiuplilIe nan Adanas, gave piaise lo lhe gieal,
invisilIe, uncaIIalIe, unnanealIe, viiginaI Spiiil, and lhe <naIe viigin, and lhe lhiice-naIe chiId,
and lhe naIe> viigin YoueI, and Lsephech, lhe hoIdei of gIoiy and lhe ciovn of his gIoiy, lhe
chiId of lhe chiId, and lhe gieal Doxonedon-aeons, and lhe pIeiona vhich I nenlioned lefoie,
and asked foi his seed.
Then lheie cane foilh fion lhal pIace lhe gieal povei of lhe gieal Iighl IIesilhea, lhe nolhei of
lhe angeIs, lhe nolhei of lhe Iighls, lhe gIoiious nolhei, lhe viigin vilh lhe foui lieasls, liinging
lhe fiuil fion Conoiiah, as spiing, and Sodon, vhich is lhe fiuil of lhe spiing of Conoiiah
vhich is in hei. She cane foilh lhiough lhe gieal Selh.
Then lhe gieal Selh iejoiced aloul lhe gifl vhich vas gianled hin ly lhe incoiiuplilIe chiId. He
look his seed fion hei vilh lhe foui lieasls, lhe viigin, and he pIaced il vilh hin in lhe fouilh
aeon (oi, in lhe foui aeons), in lhe lhiid gieal Iighl Davilhe.
Aflei five lhousand yeais, lhe gieal Iighl LIeIelh spoke: "Lel soneone ieign ovei lhe chaos and
Hades." And lheie appeaied a cIoud vhose nane is hyIic Sophia |...j She Iooked oul on lhe pails
of lhe chaos, hei face leing Iike |...j in hei foin |...j lIood. And lhe gieal angeI CanaIieI spoke lo
lhe gieal CaliieI, lhe ninislei of lhe gieal Iighl OioiaeI, he said, "Lel an angeI cone foilh, in oidei
lhal he nay ieign ovei lhe chaos and Hades." Then lhe cIoud, leing agieealIe, cane foilh in lhe
lvo nonads, each one of vhich had Iighl. |...j lhe lhione, vhich she had pIaced in lhe cIoud
alove. Then SakIa, lhe gieal angeI, sav lhe gieal denon vho is vilh hin, NeliueI. And lhey
lecane logelhei a legelling spiiil of lhe eailh. They legol assisling angeIs. SakIa said lo lhe gieal
denon NeliueI, "Lel lhe lveIve aeons cone inlo leing in lhe |...j aeon, voiIds |...j." |...j lhe gieal
angeI SakIa said ly lhe viII of lhe Aulogenes, "Theie shaII le lhe |...j of lhe nunlei of seven |...j."
And he said lo lhe gieal angeIs, "Co and Iel each of you ieign ovei his voiId." Lach one of lhese
lveIve angeIs venl foilh. The fiisl angeI is Alholh. He is lhe one vhon lhe gieal geneialions of
nen caII |...j. The second is Hainas, vho is lhe eye of lhe fiie. The lhiid is CaIiIa. The fouilh is
YoleI. The fiflh is Adonaios, vho is caIIed 'Salaolh'. The sixlh is Cain, vhon lhe gieal geneialions
of nen caII lhe sun. The sevenlh is AleI, lhe eighlh Akiiessina, lhe ninlh YuleI. The lenlh is
HainupiaeI. The eIevenlh is Aichii-Adonin. The lveIflh is eIias. These aie lhe ones vho pieside
ovei Hades and lhe chaos.
And aflei lhe founding of lhe voiId, SakIa said lo his angeIs, "I, I an a jeaIous god, and apail fion
ne nolhing has cone inlo leing," since he liusled in his naluie.
Then a voice cane fion on high, saying, "The Man exisls, and lhe Son of lhe Man." ecause of lhe
descenl of lhe inage alove, vhich is Iike ils voice in lhe heighl of lhe inage vhich has Iooked oul
lhiough lhe Iooking oul of lhe inage alove, lhe fiisl ciealuie vas foined.
ecause of lhis, Melanoia cane inlo leing. She ieceived hei conpIelion and hei povei ly lhe viII
of lhe Ialhei, and his appiovaI, vilh vhich he appioved of lhe gieal, incoiiuplilIe, innovalIe
iace of lhe gieal, nighly nen of lhe gieal Selh, in oidei lhal he nay sov il in lhe aeons vhich had
leen lioughl foilh, so lhal lhiough hei (Melanoia), lhe deficiency nay le fiIIed up. Ioi she had
cone foilh fion alove, dovn lo lhe voiId, vhich is lhe inage of lhe nighl. When she had cone,
she piayed foi (lhe iepenlance of) lolh lhe seed of lhe aichon of lhis aeon, and <lhe> aulhoiilies
vho had cone foilh fion hin, lhal defiIed (seed) of lhe denon-legelling god vhich viII le
deslioyed, and lhe seed of Adan and lhe gieal Selh, vhich is Iike lhe sun.
Then lhe gieal angeI Hoinos cane lo piepaie, lhiough lhe viigins of lhe coiiupled soving of lhis
aeon, in a Logos-legollen, hoIy vesseI, lhiough lhe hoIy Spiiil, lhe seed of lhe gieal Selh.
Then lhe gieal Selh cane and lioughl his seed. And il vas sovn in lhe aeons vhich had leen
lioughl foilh, lheii nunlei leing lhe anounl of Sodon. Sone say lhal Sodon is lhe pIace of
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pasluie of lhe gieal Selh, vhich is Conoiiah. ul olheis (say) lhal lhe gieal Selh look his pIanl oul
of Conoiiah and pIanled il in lhe second pIace, lo vhich he gave lhe nane 'Sodon'.
This is lhe iace vhich cane foilh lhiough LdokIa. Ioi she gave liilh lhiough lhe void, lo Tiulh
and }uslice, lhe oiigin of lhe seed of lhe eleinaI Iife, vhich is vilh lhose vho viII peiseveie,
lecause of lhe knovIedge of lheii enanalion. This is lhe gieal, incoiiuplilIe iace vhich has cone
foilh lhiough lhiee voiIds lo lhe voiId.
And lhe fIood cane as an exanpIe, foi lhe consunnalion of lhe aeon. ul il viII le senl inlo lhe
voiId lecause of lhis iace. A confIagialion viII cone upon lhe eailh. And giace viII le vilh lhose
vho leIong lo lhe iace, lhiough lhe piophels and lhe guaidians vho guaid lhe Iife of lhe iace.
ecause of lhis iace, fanines viII occui, and pIagues. ul lhese lhings viII happen lecause of lhe
gieal, incoiiuplilIe iace. ecause of lhis iace, lenplalions viII cone, a faIsehood of faIse piophels.
Then lhe gieal Selh sav lhe aclivily of lhe deviI, and his nany guises, and his schenes, vhich viII
cone upon his (Selh's) incoiiuplilIe, innovalIe iace, and lhe peiseculions of his poveis and his
angeIs, and lheii eiioi, lhal lhey acled againsl lhenseIves.
Then lhe gieal Selh gave piaise lo lhe gieal, uncaIIalIe, viiginaI Spiiil, and lhe naIe viigin
aileIon, and lhe lhiice-naIe chiId TeInaeI TeInaeI HeIi HeIi Machai Machai Selh, lhe povei
vhich ieaIIy liuIy Iives, and lhe naIe viigin YoueI, and Lsephech, lhe hoIdei of gIoiy and lhe
ciovn of his gIoiy, and lhe gieal Doxonedon-aeon, and lhe lhiones vhich aie in hin, and lhe
poveis vhich suiiound lhen, and lhe vhoIe pIeiona, as I nenlioned lefoie. And he asked foi
guaids ovei his seed.
Then lheie cane foilh fion lhe gieal aeons foui hundied elheieaI angeIs, acconpanied ly lhe
gieal AeiosieI and lhe gieal SeInecheI, lo guaid lhe gieal, incoiiuplilIe iace, ils fiuil, and lhe
gieal nen of lhe gieal Selh, fion lhe line and lhe nonenl of Tiulh and }uslice, unliI lhe
consunnalion of lhe aeon and ils aichons, lhose vhon lhe gieal judges have condenned lo
Then lhe gieal Selh vas senl ly lhe foui Iighls, ly lhe viII of lhe Aulogenes and lhe vhoIe
pIeiona, lhiough <lhe gifl> and lhe good pIeasuie of lhe gieal invisilIe Spiiil, and lhe five seaIs,
and lhe vhoIe pIeiona.
He passed lhiough lhe lhiee paiousias vhich I nenlioned lefoie: lhe fIood, and lhe confIagialion,
and lhe judgnenl of lhe aichons and lhe poveis and lhe aulhoiilies, lo save hei (lhe iace) vho
venl asliay, lhiough lhe ieconciIialion of lhe voiId, and lhe laplisn lhiough a Logos-legollen
lody vhich lhe gieal Selh piepaied foi hinseIf secielIy lhiough lhe viigin, in oidei lhal lhe sainls
nay le legollen ly lhe hoIy Spiiil, lhiough invisilIe, seciel synloIs, lhiough a ieconciIialion of
lhe voiId vilh lhe voiId, lhiough lhe ienouncing of lhe voiId, and lhe god of lhe lhiileen aeons,
and (lhiough) lhe convocalions of lhe sainls and lhe ineffalIe ones, and (lhiough) lhe
incoiiuplilIe loson, and (lhiough) lhe gieal Iighl of lhe Ialhei, vho pie-exisled vilh his
Iiovidence, and eslalIished lhiough hei lhe hoIy laplisn lhal suipasses lhe heaven, lhiough lhe
incoiiuplilIe, Logos-legollen one, even }esus lhe Iiving one, even he vhon lhe gieal Selh has pul
on. And lhiough hin, he naiIed lhe poveis of lhe lhiileen aeons, and eslalIished lhose vho aie
lioughl foilh and laken avay. He ained lhen vilh an ainoi of knovIedge of lhis liulh, vilh an
unconqueialIe povei of incoiiupliliIily.
Theie appeaied lo lhen lhe gieal allendanl Yesseus Mazaieus Yessedekeus, lhe Iiving valei, and
lhe gieal Ieadeis, }anes lhe gieal and Theopenplos and IsaoueI, and lhey vho pieside ovei lhe
spiing of liulh, Micheus and Michai and Mnesinous, and he vho piesides ovei lhe laplisn of lhe
Iiving, and lhe puiifieis, and Sesengenphaianges, and lhey vho pieside ovei lhe gales of lhe
valeis, Micheus and Michai, and lhey vho pieside ovei lhe nounlain, SeIdao and LIainos, and
lhe ieceiveis of lhe gieal iace, lhe incoiiuplilIe, nighly nen <of> lhe gieal Selh, lhe ninisleis of
lhe foui Iighls, lhe gieal CanaIieI, lhe gieal CaliieI, lhe gieal SanlIo, and lhe gieal Aliasax, and
lhey vho pieside ovei lhe sun, ils iising, OIses and Hypneus and Heuiunaious, and lhey vho
pieside ovei lhe enliance inlo lhe iesl of eleinaI Iife, lhe iuIeis Mixanlhei and Michanoi, and lhey
vho guaid lhe souIs of lhe eIecl, Akianas and Slienpsouchos, and lhe gieal povei HeIi HeIi
Machai Machai Selh, and lhe gieal invisilIe, uncaIIalIe, unnanealIe, viiginaI Spiiil, and lhe
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siIence, and lhe (fiisl) gieal Iighl HainozeI, lhe pIace of lhe Iiving Aulogenes, lhe Cod of lhe
liulh, and <he> vho is vilh hin, lhe incoiiuplilIe nan Adanas, lhe second, OioiaeI, lhe pIace of
lhe gieal Selh, and }esus, vho possesses lhe Iife, and vho cane and ciucified lhal vhich is in lhe
Iav, lhe lhiid, Davilhe, lhe pIace of lhe sons of lhe gieal Selh, lhe fouilh, LIeIelh, lhe pIace vheie
lhe souIs of lhe sons aie iesling, lhe fiflh, YoeI, vho piesides ovei lhe nane of hin lo vhon il viII
le gianled lo laplize vilh lhe hoIy laplisn lhal suipasses lhe heaven, lhe incoiiuplilIe one.
ul fion nov on, lhiough lhe incoiiuplilIe nan IoinaeI, and lhey vho aie voilhy of (lhe)
invocalion, lhe ienuncialions of lhe five seaIs in lhe spiing-laplisn, lhese viII knov lheii
ieceiveis as lhey aie insliucled aloul lhen, and lhey viII knov lhen (oi: le knovn) ly lhen.
These viII ly no neans lasle dealh.
* * * IL ieus LO ou LO Oua! ReaIIy, liuIy, O Yesseus Mazaieus Yessedekeus, O Iiving valei, O
chiId of lhe chiId, O gIoiious nane! ReaIIy liuIy, aiOn o On (oi: O exisling aeon), iiii LLLL eeee
oooo uuuu OOOO aaaa|a. ReaIIy, liuIy, Li aaaa OOOO, O exisling one vho sees lhe aeons!
ReaIIy, liuIy, aee LLL iiii uuuuuu OOOOOOOO, vho is eleinaIIy eleinaI! ReaIIy, liuIy, iLa aiO, in
lhe heail, vho exisls, u aei eis aei, ei o ei, ei os ei (oi: (Son) foievei, You aie vhal you aie, You aie
vho you aie)!
This gieal nane of youis is upon ne, O seIf-legollen Ieifecl one, vho is nol oulside ne. I see you,
O you vho aie visilIe lo eveiyone. Ioi vho viII le alIe lo conpiehend you in anolhei longue`
Nov lhal I have knovn you, I have nixed nyseIf vilh lhe innulalIe. I have ained nyseIf vilh
an ainoi of Iighl, I have lecone Iighl! Ioi lhe Molhei vas al lhal pIace lecause of lhe spIendid
leauly of giace. Theiefoie, I have slielched oul ny hands vhiIe lhey veie foIded. I vas shaped in
lhe ciicIe of lhe iiches of lhe Iighl vhich is in ny loson, vhich gives shape lo lhe nany legollen
ones in lhe Iighl inlo vhich no conpIainl ieaches. I shaII decIaie youi gIoiy liuIy, foi I have
conpiehended you, sou iLs ide aeiO aeie ois, O aeon, aeon, O Cod of siIence! I honoi you
conpIeleIy. You aie ny pIace of iesl, O Son Ls Ls o e, lhe foinIess one vho exisls in lhe foinIess
ones, vho exisls iaising up lhe nan in vhon you viII puiify ne inlo youi Iife, accoiding lo youi
inpeiishalIe nane. Theiefoie, lhe incense of Iife is in ne. I nixed il vilh valei aflei lhe nodeI of
aII aichons, in oidei lhal I nay Iive vilh you in lhe peace of lhe sainls, you vho exisl ieaIIy liuIy
* * * This is lhe look vhich lhe gieal Selh viole, and pIaced in high nounlains on vhich lhe sun
has nol iisen, noi is il possilIe (lhal il shouId do so). And since lhe days of lhe piophels and lhe
aposlIes and lhe pieacheis, lhe nane has nol al aII iisen upon lheii heails, noi is il possilIe (lhal il
shouId do so). And lheii eai has nol heaid il.
The gieal Selh viole lhis look vilh Ielleis in one hundied and lhiily yeais. He pIaced il in lhe
nounlain lhal is caIIed 'Chaiaxio,' in oidei lhal, al lhe end of lhe lines and lhe eias, ly lhe viII of
lhe divine Aulogenes and lhe vhoIe pIeiona, lhiough lhe gifl of lhe unliacealIe, unlhinkalIe,
falheiIy Iove, il nay cone foilh and ieveaI lhis incoiiuplilIe, hoIy iace of lhe gieal savioi, and
lhose vho dveII vilh lhen in Iove, and lhe gieal, invisilIe, eleinaI Spiiil, and his onIy-legollen
Son, and lhe eleinaI Iighl, and his gieal, incoiiuplilIe consoil, and lhe incoiiuplilIe Sophia, and
lhe aileIon, and lhe vhoIe pIeiona in eleinily. Anen.
* * * The CospeI of <lhe> Lgyplians. The Cod-viillen, hoIy, seciel look. Ciace, undeislanding,
peiceplion, (and) piudence (le) vilh hin vho has viillen il - Lugnoslos lhe leIoved, in lhe Spiiil
- in lhe fIesh, ny nane is Congessos - and ny feIIov Iighls in incoiiupliliIily. }esus Chiisl, Son of
Cod, Savioi, Ichlhus. Cod-viillen (is) lhe hoIy look of lhe gieal, invisilIe Spiiil. Anen.

The HoIy ook of lhe Cieal
InvisilIe Spiiil.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Lugnoslos, lhe Iessed, lo lhose vho aie his.
Rejoice in lhis, lhal you knov. Cieelings! I vanl you lo knov lhal aII nen loin fion lhe
foundalion of lhe voiId unliI nov aie dusl. WhiIe lhey have inquiied aloul Cod, vho he is and
vhal he is Iike, lhey have nol found hin. The visesl anong lhen have specuIaled aloul lhe liulh
fion lhe oideiing of lhe voiId. And lhe specuIalion has nol ieached lhe liulh. Ioi lhe oideiing is
spoken of in lhiee (diffeienl) opinions ly aII lhe phiIosopheis, hence lhey do nol agiee. Ioi sone
of lhen say aloul lhe voiId lhal il vas diiecled ly ilseIf. Olheis, lhal il is piovidence (lhal diiecls
il). Olheis, lhal il is fale. ul il is none of lhese. Again, of lhiee voices lhal I have jusl nenlioned,
none is liue. Ioi vhalevei is fion ilseIf is an enply Iife, il is seIf-nade. Iiovidence is fooIish. Iale
is an undisceining lhing.
Whoevei, lhen, is alIe lo gel fiee of lhese lhiee voices I have jusl nenlioned and cone ly neans
of anolhei voice lo confess lhe Cod of liulh and agiee in eveiylhing conceining hin, he is
innoilaI dveIIing in lhe nidsl of noilaI nen.
He-Who-Is is ineffalIe. No piincipIe knev hin, no aulhoiily, no suljeclion, noi any ciealuie fion
lhe foundalion of lhe voiId, excepl he aIone. Ioi he is innoilaI and eleinaI, having no liilh, foi
eveiyone vho has liilh viII peiish. He is unlegollen, having no leginning, foi eveiyone vho has
a leginning has an end. No one iuIes ovei hin. He has no nane, foi vhoevei has a nane is lhe
ciealion of anolhei. He is unnanealIe. He has no hunan foin, foi vhoevei has hunan foin is
lhe ciealion of anolhei. He has his ovn senlIance - nol Iike lhe senlIance ve have ieceived and
seen, lul a sliange senlIance lhal suipasses aII lhings and is lellei lhan lhe lolaIilies. Il Iooks lo
eveiy side and sees ilseIf fion ilseIf. He is infinile, he is inconpiehensilIe. He is evei inpeiishalIe
(and) has no Iikeness (lo anylhing). He is unchanging good. He is fauIlIess. He is eveiIasling. He is
lIessed. He is unknovalIe, vhiIe he (nonelheIess) knovs hinseIf. He is inneasuialIe. He is
unliacealIe. He is peifecl, having no defecl. He is inpeiishalIy lIessed. He is caIIed 'Ialhei of lhe
efoie anylhing is visilIe anong lhose lhal aie visilIe, lhe najesly and lhe aulhoiilies lhal aie in
hin, he enliaces lhe lolaIilies of lhe lolaIilies, and nolhing enliaces hin. Ioi he is aII nind,
lhoughl and iefIecling, consideiing, ialionaIily and povei. They aII aie equaI poveis. They aie lhe
souices of lhe lolaIilies. And lheii vhoIe iace <fion fiisl> lo Iasl is in lhe foieknovIedge of lhe
Unlegollen, foi lhey had nol yel cone lo visiliIily.
Nov a diffeience exisled anong lhe inpeiishalIe aeons. Lel us, lhen, considei (il) lhis vay:
Lveiylhing lhal cane fion lhe peiishalIe viII peiish, since il cane fion lhe peiishalIe. Whalevei
cane fion inpeiishalIeness viII nol peiish lul viII lecone inpeiishalIe, since il cane fion
inpeiishalIeness. So, nany nen venl asliay lecause lhey had nol knovn lhis diffeience, lhal is,
lhey died.
ul lhis nuch is enough, since il is inpossilIe foi anyone lo dispule lhe naluie of lhe voids I have
jusl spoken aloul lhe lIessed, inpeiishalIe, liue Cod. Nov, if anyone vanls lo leIieve lhe voids
sel dovn (heie), Iel hin go fion vhal is hidden lo lhe end of vhal is visilIe, and lhis Thoughl
viII insliucl hin hov failh in lhose lhings lhal aie nol visilIe vas found in vhal is visilIe. This is
a piincipIe of knovIedge.
The Loid of lhe Univeise is nol iighlIy caIIed 'Ialhei' lul 'Ioiefalhei'. Ioi lhe Ialhei is lhe
leginning (cr piincipIe) of vhal is visilIe. Ioi he (lhe Loid) is lhe leginningIess Ioiefalhei. He
sees hinseIf vilhin hinseIf, Iike a niiioi, having appeaied in his Iikeness as SeIf-Ialhei, lhal is,
SeIf-egellei, and as Confionlei, since he confionled Unlegollen Iiisl Lxislenl. He is indeed of
equaI age vilh lhe one vho is lefoie hin, lul he is nol equaI lo hin in povei.
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Afleivaid he ieveaIed nany confionling, seIf-legollen ones, equaI in age (and) povei, leing in
gIoiy and vilhoul nunlei, vho aie caIIed 'The Ceneialion ovei Whon Theie Is No Kingdon
anong lhe Kingdons Thal Lxisl'. And lhe vhoIe nuIlilude of lhe pIace ovei vhich lheie is no
kingdon is caIIed 'Sons of Unlegollen Ialhei.'
Nov lhe UnknovalIe is evei fuII of inpeiishalIeness and ineffalIe joy. They aie aII al iesl in hin,
evei iejoicing in ineffalIe joy, ovei lhe unchanging gIoiy and lhe neasuieIess juliIalion lhal vas
nevei heaid oi knovn anong aII lhe aeons and lheii voiIds. ul lhis nuch is enough, Iesl ve go
on endIessIy. This is anolhei piincipIe of knovIedge fion <SeIf->legollen.
The Iiisl vho appeaied lefoie lhe univeise in infinily is SeIf-giovn, SeIf-consliucled Ialhei, and
is fuII of shining, ineffalIe Iighl. In lhe leginning, he decided lo have his Iikeness lecone a gieal
povei. InnedialeIy, lhe piincipIe (cr leginning) of lhal Lighl appeaied as InnoilaI
Andiogynous Man. His naIe nane is 'egollen, Ieifecl Mind'. And his fenaIe nane is 'AII-vise
egelliess Sophia'. Il is aIso said lhal she iesenlIes hei liolhei and hei consoil. She is
unconlesled liulh, foi heie leIov, eiioi, vhich exisls vilh liulh, conlesls il.
Thiough InnoilaI Man appeaied lhe fiisl designalion, naneIy, divinily and kingdon, foi lhe
Ialhei, vho is caIIed 'SeIf-Ialhei Man' ieveaIed lhis. He ciealed a gieal aeon foi his ovn najesly.
He gave hin gieal aulhoiily, and he iuIed ovei aII ciealions. He ciealed gods and aichangeIs and
angeIs, nyiiads vilhoul nunlei foi ielinue.
Nov lhiough lhal Man oiiginaled divinily and kingdon. Theiefoie he vas caIIed 'Cod of gods',
'King of kings'.
Iiisl Man is 'Iailh' ('pislis') foi lhose vho viII cone afleivaid. He has, vilhin, a unique nind and
lhoughl - jusl as he is il (lhoughl) - iefIecling and consideiing, ialionaIily and povei. AII lhe
alliilules lhal exisl aie peifecl and innoilaI. In iespecl lo inpeiishalIeness, lhey aie indeed
equaI. (ul) in iespecl lo povei, lheie is a diffeience, Iike lhe diffeience lelveen falhei and son,
and son and lhoughl, and lhe lhoughl and lhe ienaindei.
As I said eaiIiei, anong lhe lhings lhal veie ciealed lhe nonad is fiisl, lhe dyad foIIovs il, and
lhe liiad, up lo lhe lenlhs. Nov lhe lenlhs iuIe lhe hundiedlhs, lhe hundiedlhs iuIe lhe
lhousandlhs, lhe lhousands iuIe lhe len lhousands. This is lhe pallein <anong lhe> innoilaIs.
Iiisl Man is Iike lhis: His nonad |...j.
Again il is lhis pallein lhal exisls anong lhe innoilaIs: lhe nonad and lhe lhoughl aie lhose
lhings lhal leIong lo InnoilaI Man. The lhinkings aie foi <lhe> decads, and lhe hundieds aie lhe
leachings, and lhe lhousands aie lhe counseIs, and lhe len lhousands aie lhe poveis. Nov lhose
vho cone fion lhe |...j exisl vilh lheii |...j in eveiy aeon |...j.
|...j In lhe leginning, lhoughl and lhinkings appeaied fion nind, lhen leachings fion lhinkings,
counseIs fion leachings, and povei fion counseIs. And aflei aII lhe alliilules, aII lhal vas
ieveaIed appeaied fion his poveis. And fion vhal vas ciealed, vhal vas fashioned appeaied.
And vhal vas foined appeaied fion vhal vas fashioned. Whal vas naned appeaied fion vhal
vas foined, vhiIe lhe diffeience anong legollen lhings appeaied fion vhal vas naned, fion
leginning lo end, ly povei of aII lhe aeons. Nov InnoilaI Man is fuII of eveiy inpeiishalIe
gIoiy and ineffalIe joy. His vhoIe kingdon iejoices in eveiIasling iejoicing, lhose vho nevei have
leen heaid of oi knovn in any aeon lhal cane aflei lhen and ils voiIds.
Afleivaid anolhei piincipIe cane fion InnoilaI Man, vho is caIIed 'SeIf-peifecled egellei.'
When he ieceived lhe consenl of his consoil, Cieal Sophia, he ieveaIed lhal fiisl-legollen
andiogyne, vho is caIIed, 'Iiisl-legollen Son of Cod'. His fenaIe aspecl is 'Iiisl-legollen Sophia,
Molhei of lhe Univeise,' vhon sone caII 'Love'. Nov, Iiisl-legollen, since he has his aulhoiily
fion his falhei, ciealed angeIs, nyiiads vilhoul nunlei, foi ielinue. The vhoIe nuIlilude of
lhose angeIs aie caIIed 'AssenlIy of lhe HoIy Ones, lhe ShadovIess Lighls.' Nov vhen lhese gieel
each olhei, lheii enliaces lecone Iike angeIs Iike lhenseIves.
Iiisl egellei Ialhei is caIIed 'Adan of lhe Lighl.' And lhe kingdon of Son of Man is fuII of
ineffalIe joy and unchanging juliIalion, evei iejoicing in ineffalIe joy ovei lheii inpeiishalIe
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gIoiy, vhich has nevei leen heaid noi has il leen ieveaIed lo aII lhe aeons lhal cane lo le and
lheii voiIds.
Then Son of Man consenled vilh Sophia, his consoil, and ieveaIed a gieal andiogynous Lighl. His
nascuIine nane is designaled 'Savioi, egellei of AII lhings'. His feninine nane is designaled
'Sophia, AII-egelliess'. Sone caII hei 'Iislis' (failh).
Then Savioi consenled vilh his consoil, Iislis Sophia, and ieveaIed six andiogynous spiiiluaI
leings vho aie lhe lype of lhose vho pieceded lhen. Theii naIe nanes aie lhese: fiisl,
'Unlegollen', second, 'SeIf-legollen', lhiid, 'egellei', fouilh, 'Iiisl legellei', fiflh, 'AII-legellei',
sixlh, 'Aich-legellei'. AIso lhe nanes of lhe fenaIes aie lhese, fiisl, 'AII-vise Sophia', second, 'AII-
Molhei Sophia', lhiid, 'AII-egelliess Sophia', fouilh, 'Iiisl egelliess Sophia', fiflh, 'Love Sophia',
sixlh, 'Iislis Sophia'.
Iion lhe consenling of lhose I have jusl nenlioned, lhoughls appeaied in lhe aeons lhal exisl.
Iion lhoughls, iefIeclings, fion iefIeclings, consideiings, fion consideiings, ialionaIilies, fion
ialionaIilies, viIIs, fion viIIs, voids.
Then lhe lveIve poveis, vhon I have jusl discussed, consenled vilh each olhei. <Six> naIes
(and) fenaIes (each) veie ieveaIed, so lhal lheie aie sevenly-lvo poveis. Lach one of lhe sevenly-
lvo ieveaIed five spiiiluaI (poveis), vhich (logelhei) aie lhe lhiee hundied and sixly poveis. The
union of lhen aII is lhe viII.
Theiefoie oui aeon cane lo le as lhe lype of InnoilaI Man. Tine cane lo le as lhe lype of Iiisl
egellei, his son. The yeai cane lo le as lhe lype of Savioi. The lveIve nonlhs cane lo le as lhe
lype of lhe lveIve poveis. The lhiee hundied and sixly days of lhe yeai cane lo le as lhe lhiee
hundied and sixly poveis vho appeaied fion Savioi. Theii houis and nonenls cane lo le as lhe
lype of lhe angeIs vho cane fion lhen (lhe poveis), vho aie vilhoul nunlei.
And vhen lhose vhon I have discussed appeaied, AII-egellei, lheii falhei, veiy soon ciealed
lveIve aeons foi ielinue foi lhe lveIve angeIs. And in each aeon lheie veie six (heavens), so lheie
aie sevenly-lvo heavens of lhe sevenly-lvo poveis vho appeaied fion hin. And in each of lhe
heavens lheie veie five fiinanenls, so lheie aie (aIlogelhei) lhiee hundied sixly fiinanenls of
lhe lhiee hundied sixly poveis lhal appeaied fion lhen. When lhe fiinanenls veie conpIele,
lhey veie caIIed 'The Thiee Hundied Sixly Heavens', accoiding lo lhe nane of lhe heavens lhal
veie lefoie lhen. And aII lhese aie peifecl and good. And in lhis vay lhe defecl of fenaIeness
The fiisl aeon, lhen, is lhal of InnoilaI Man. The second aeon is lhal of Son of Man, vho is caIIed
'Iiisl egellei' ("vho is caIIed 'Savioi'" added in Codex V). Thal vhich enliaces lhese is lhe aeon
ovei vhich lheie is no kingdon, (lhe aeon) of lhe LleinaI Infinile Cod, lhe aeon of lhe aeon of lhe
innoilaIs vho aie in il, (lhe aeon) alove lhe Lighlh lhal appeaied in chaos.
Nov InnoilaI Man ieveaIed aeons and poveis and kingdons and gave aulhoiily lo eveiyone
vho appeaied fion hin, lo nake vhalevei lhey desiie unliI lhe days lhal aie alove chaos. Ioi
lhese consenled vilh each olhei and ieveaIed eveiy nagnificence, even fion spiiil, nuIliludinous
Iighls lhal aie gIoiious and vilhoul nunlei. These ieceived nanes in lhe leginning, lhal is, lhe
fiisl, lhe niddIe, lhe peifecl, lhal is, lhe fiisl aeon and lhe second and lhe lhiid. The fiisl vas
caIIed 'Unily and Resl'. Since each one has ils (ovn) nane, lhe <lhiid> aeon vas designaled
'AssenlIy', fion lhe gieal nuIlilude lhal appeaied in lhe nuIliludinous one. Theiefoie, vhen lhe
nuIlilude galheis and cones lo a unily, lhey aie caIIed 'AssenlIy', fion lhe AssenlIy lhal
suipassed heaven. Theiefoie, lhe AssenlIy of lhe Lighlh vas ieveaIed as andiogynous and vas
naned pailIy as naIe and pailIy as fenaIe. The naIe vas caIIed 'AssenlIy', lhe fenaIe, 'Life', lhal
il nighl le shovn lhal fion a fenaIe cane lhe Iife in aII lhe aeons. Lveiy nane vas ieceived,
slailing fion lhe leginning.
Iion his concuiience vilh his lhoughl, lhe poveis appeaied vho vheie caIIed 'gods', and lhe
gods fion lheii consideiings ieveaIed divine gods, and lhe gods fion lheii consideiings ieveaIed
Ioids, and lhe Ioids of lhe Ioids fion lheii voids ieveaIed Ioids, and lhe Ioids fion lheii poveis
ieveaIed aichangeIs, lhe aichangeIs ieveaIed angeIs, fion <lhen,> lhe senlIance appeaied, vilh
sliucluie and foin foi naning aII lhe aeons and lheii voiIds.
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AII lhe innoilaIs, vhon I have jusl desciiled, have aulhoiily - aII of lhen - fion lhe povei of
InnoilaI Man and Sophia, his consoil, vho vas caIIed 'SiIence', vho vas naned 'SiIence' lecause
ly iefIecling vilhoul speech she peifecled hei ovn najesly. Since lhe inpeiishaliIilies had lhe
aulhoiily, each piovided gieal kingdons in aII lhe innoilaI heavens and lheii fiinanenls,
lhiones (and) lenpIes, foi lheii ovn najesly.
Sone, Indeed, (vho aie) in dveIIings and in chaiiols, leing in ineffalIe gIoiy and nol alIe lo le
senl inlo any ciealuie, piovided foi lhenseIves hosls of angeIs, nyiiads vilhoul nunlei foi
ielinue and gIoiy, even viigin spiiils, lhe ineffalIe Iighls. They have no sickness noi veakness, lul
il is onIy viII: il cones lo le in an inslanl. Thus veie conpIeled lhe aeons vilh lheii heavens and
fiinanenls foi lhe gIoiy of InnoilaI Man and Sophia, his consoil: lhe aiea vhich <conlained lhe
pallein of> eveiy aeon and lheii voiIds and lhose lhal cane afleivaid, in oidei lo piovide lhe
lypes fion lheie, lheii Iikenesses in lhe heavens of chaos and lheii voiIds.
And aII naluies fion lhe InnoilaI One, fion Unlegollen lo lhe ieveIalion of chaos, aie in lhe
Iighl lhal shines vilhoul shadov and (in) ineffalIe joy and unulleialIe juliIalion. They evei
deIighl lhenseIves on accounl of lheii gIoiy lhal does nol change, and lhe iesl lhal is nol
neasuied, vhich cannol le desciiled oi conceived anong aII lhe aeons lhal cane lo le and lheii
poveis. ul lhis nuch is enough. AII I have jusl said lo you, I said in lhe vay lhal you nighl
accepl, unliI lhe one vho need nol le laughl appeais anong you, and he viII speak aII lhese
lhings lo you joyousIy and in puie knovIedge.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The Sophia (Wisdon) of }esus Chiisl.
Aflei he iose fion lhe dead, his lveIve discipIes and seven vonen conlinued lo le his foIIoveis,
and venl lo CaIiIee onlo lhe nounlain caIIed "Divinalion and }oy". When lhey galheied logelhei
and veie peipIexed aloul lhe undeiIying ieaIily of lhe univeise and lhe pIan, and lhe hoIy
piovidence, and lhe povei of lhe aulhoiilies, and aloul eveiylhing lhe Savioi is doing vilh lhen
in lhe seciel of lhe hoIy pIan, lhe Savioi appeaied - nol in his pievious foin, lul in lhe invisilIe
spiiil. And his Iikeness iesenlIes a gieal angeI of Iighl. ul his iesenlIance I nusl nol desciile.
No noilaI fIesh couId enduie il, lul onIy puie, peifecl fIesh, Iike lhal vhich he laughl us aloul on
lhe nounlain caIIed "Of lhe OIives" in CaIiIee.
And he said: "Ieace le lo you, My peace I give you!" And lhey aII naiveIed and veie afiaid. The
Savioi Iaughed and said lo lhen: "Whal aie you lhinking aloul` Aie you peipIexed` Whal aie
you seaiching foi`"
IhiIip said: "Ioi lhe undeiIying ieaIily of lhe univeise and lhe pIan."
The Savioi said lo lhen: "I vanl you lo knov lhal aII nen aie loin on eailh fion lhe foundalion
of lhe voiId unliI nov, leing dusl, vhiIe lhey have inquiied aloul Cod, vho he is and vhal he is
Iike, have nol found hin. Nov lhe visesl anong lhen have specuIaled fion lhe oideiing of lhe
voiId and (ils) novenenl. ul lheii specuIalion has nol ieached lhe liulh. Ioi il is said lhal lhe
oideiing is diiecled in lhiee vays, ly aII lhe phiIosopheis, (and) hence lhey do nol agiee. Ioi
sone of lhen say aloul lhe voiId lhal il is diiecled ly ilseIf. Olheis, lhal il is piovidence (lhal
diiecls il). Olheis, lhal il is fale. ul il is none of lhese. Again, of lhe lhiee voices I have jusl
nenlioned, none is cIose lo lhe liulh, and (lhey aie) fion nan. ul I, vho cane fion Infinile
Lighl, I an heie - foi I knov hin (Lighl) - lhal I nighl speak lo you aloul lhe piecise naluie of lhe
liulh. Ioi vhalevei is fion ilseIf is a poIIuled Iife, il is seIf-nade. Iiovidence has no visdon in il.
And fale does nol discein. ul lo you il is given lo knov, and vhoevei is voilhy of knovIedge
viII ieceive (il), vhoevei has nol leen legollen ly lhe soving of uncIean iulling lul ly Iiisl
Who Was Senl, foi he is an innoilaI in lhe nidsl of noilaI nen."
Mallhev said lo hin: "Loid, no one can find lhe liulh excepl lhiough you. Theiefoie leach us lhe
The Savioi said: "He Who Is is ineffalIe. No piincipIe knev hin, no aulhoiily, no suljeclion, noi
any ciealuie fion lhe foundalion of lhe voiId unliI nov, excepl he aIone, and anyone lo vhon he
vanls lo nake ieveIalion lhiough hin vho is fion Iiisl Lighl. Iion nov on, I an lhe Cieal
Savioi. Ioi he is innoilaI and eleinaI. Nov he is eleinaI, having no liilh, foi eveiyone vho has
liilh viII peiish. He is unlegollen, having no leginning, foi eveiyone vho has a leginning has an
end. Since no one iuIes ovei hin, he has no nane, foi vhoevei has a nane is lhe ciealion of
(C 84, 13-17 adds: He is unnanealIe. He has no hunan foin, foi vhoevei has hunan foin is lhe
ciealion of anolhei).
"And he has a senlIance of his ovn - nol Iike vhal you have seen and ieceived, lul a sliange
senlIance lhal suipasses aII lhings and is lellei lhan lhe univeise. Il Iooks lo eveiy side and sees
ilseIf fion ilseIf. Since il is infinile, he is evei inconpiehensilIe. He is inpeiishalIe and has no
Iikeness (lo anylhing). He is unchanging good. He is fauIlIess. He is eleinaI. He is lIessed. WhiIe
he is nol knovn, he evei knovs hinseIf. He is inneasuialIe. He is unliacealIe. He is peifecl,
having no defecl. He is inpeiishaliIily lIessed. He is caIIed 'Ialhei of lhe Univeise'".
IhiIip said: "Loid, hov, lhen, did he appeai lo lhe peifecl ones`"
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The peifecl Savioi said lo hin: "efoie anylhing is visilIe of lhose lhal aie visilIe, lhe najesly and
lhe aulhoiily aie in hin, since he enliaces lhe vhoIe of lhe lolaIilies, vhiIe nolhing enliaces
hin. Ioi he is aII nind. And he is lhoughl and consideiing and iefIecling and ialionaIily and
povei. They aII aie equaI poveis. They aie lhe souices of lhe lolaIilies. And lheii vhoIe iace fion
fiisl lo Iasl vas in his foieknovIedge, (lhal of) lhe infinile, unlegollen Ialhei."
Thonas said lo hin: "Loid, Savioi, vhy did lhese cone lo le, and vhy veie lhese ieveaIed`"
The peifecl Savioi said: "I cane fion lhe Infinile lhal I nighl leII you aII lhings. Spiiil-Who-Is vas
lhe legellei, vho had lhe povei <of> a legellei and a foin-givei`s naluie, lhal lhe gieal veaIlh
lhal vas hidden in hin nighl le ieveaIed. ecause of his neicy and his Iove, he vished lo liing
foilh fiuil ly hinseIf, lhal he nighl nol <enjoy> his goodness aIone, lul (lhal) olhei spiiils of lhe
Unvaveiing Ceneialion nighl liing foilh lody and fiuil, gIoiy and honoi, in inpeiishalIeness
and his infinile giace, lhal his lieasuie nighl le ieveaIed ly SeIf-legollen Cod, lhe falhei of eveiy
inpeiishalIeness and lhose lhal cane lo le afleivaid. ul lhey had nol yel cone lo visiliIily.
Nov a gieal diffeience exisls anong lhe inpeiishalIes."
He caIIed oul, saying: "Whoevei has eais lo heai aloul lhe infinilies, Iel hin heai!", and "I have
addiessed lhose vho aie avake." SliII he conlinued and said: "Lveiylhing lhal cane fion lhe
peiishalIe viII peiish, since il cane fion lhe peiishalIe. ul vhalevei cane fion
inpeiishalIeness does nol peiish lul lecones inpeiishalIe. So, nany nen venl asliay lecause
lhey had nol knovn lhis diffeience and lhey died."
Maiy said lo hin: "Loid, lhen hov viII ve knov lhal`"
The peifecl Savioi said: "Cone (you) fion invisilIe lhings lo lhe end of lhose lhal aie visilIe, and
lhe veiy enanalion of Thoughl viII ieveaI lo you hov failh in lhose lhings lhal aie nol visilIe vas
found in lhose lhal aie visilIe, lhose lhal leIong lo Unlegollen Ialhei. Whoevei has eais lo heai,
Iel hin heai!
"The Loid of lhe Univeise is nol caIIed 'Ialhei', lul 'Ioiefalhei', lhe leginning of lhose lhal viII
appeai, lul he (lhe Loid) is lhe leginningIess Ioiefalhei. Seeing hinseIf vilhin hinseIf in a
niiioi, he appeaied iesenlIing hinseIf, lul his Iikeness appeaied as Divine SeIf-Ialhei, and <as>
Confionlei ovei lhe Confionled ones, Iiisl Lxislenl Unlegollen Ialhei. He is indeed of equaI age
<vilh> lhe Lighl lhal is lefoie hin, lul he is nol equaI lo hin in povei.
"And afleivaid vas ieveaIed a vhoIe nuIlilude of confionling, seIf-legollen ones, equaI in age
and povei, leing in gIoiy (and) vilhoul nunlei, vhose iace is caIIed 'The Ceneialion ovei
Whon Theie Is No Kingdon' fion lhe one in vhon you youiseIves have appeaied fion lhese
nen. And lhal vhoIe nuIlilude ovei vhich lheie is no kingdon is caIIed 'Sons of Unlegollen
Ialhei, Cod, Savioi, Son of Cod,' vhose Iikeness is vilh you. Nov he is lhe unknovalIe, vho is
fuII of evei-inpeiishalIe gIoiy and ineffalIe joy. They aII aie al iesl in hin, evei iejoicing in
ineffalIe joy in his unchanging gIoiy and neasuieIess juliIalion, lhis vas nevei heaid oi knovn
anong aII lhe aeons and lheii voiIds unliI nov."
Mallhev said lo hin: "Loid, Savioi, hov vas Man ieveaIed`"
The peifecl Savioi said: "I vanl you lo knov lhal he vho appeaied lefoie lhe univeise in infinily,
SeIf-giovn, SeIf-consliucled Ialhei, leing fuII of shining Iighl and ineffalIe, in lhe leginning,
vhen he decided lo have his Iikeness lecone a gieal povei, innedialeIy lhe piincipIe (oi
leginning) of lhal Lighl appeaied as InnoilaI Andiogynous Man, lhal lhiough lhal InnoilaI
Andiogynous Man lhey nighl allain lheii saIvalion and avake fion foigelfuIness lhiough lhe
inleipielei vho vas senl, vho is vilh you unliI lhe end of lhe poveily of lhe iolleis.
"And his consoil is lhe Cieal Sophia, vho fion lhe fiisl vas deslined in hin foi union ly SeIf-
legollen Ialhei, fion InnoilaI Man, vho appeaied as Iiisl and divinily and kingdon, foi lhe
Ialhei, vho is caIIed 'Man, SeIf-Ialhei', ieveaIed lhis. And he ciealed a gieal aeon, vhose nane is
'Ogdoad', foi his ovn najesly.
"He vas given gieal aulhoiily, and he iuIed ovei lhe ciealion of poveily. He ciealed gods and
angeIs, <and> aichangeIs, nyiiads vilhoul nunlei foi ielinue, fion lhal Lighl and lhe lii-naIe
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Spiiil, vhich is lhal of Sophia, his consoil. Ioi fion lhis, Cod oiiginaled divinily and kingdon.
Theiefoie he vas caIIed 'Cod of gods' and 'King of kings'.
"Iiisl Man has his unique nind, vilhin, and lhoughl - jusl as he is il (lhoughl) - (and) consideiing,
iefIecling, ialionaIily, povei. AII lhe alliilules lhal exisl aie peifecl and innoilaI. In iespecl lo
inpeiishalIeness, lhey aie indeed equaI. (ul) in iespecl lo povei, lhey aie diffeienl, Iike lhe
diffeience lelveen falhei and son <, and son> and lhoughl, and lhe lhoughl and lhe ienaindei.
As I said eaiIiei, anong lhe lhings lhal veie ciealed, lhe nonad is fiisl.
"And aflei eveiylhing, aII lhal vas ieveaIed appeaied fion his povei. And fion vhal vas
ciealed, aII lhal vas fashioned appeaied, fion vhal vas fashioned appeaied vhal vas foined,
fion vhal vas foined, vhal vas naned. Thus cane lhe diffeience anong lhe unlegollen ones
fion leginning lo end."
Then ailhoIonev said lo hin: "Hov (is il lhal) <he> vas designaled in lhe CospeI 'Man' and
'Son of Man'` To vhich of lhen, lhen, is lhis Son ieIaled`"
The HoIy One said lo hin: "I vanl you lo knov lhal Iiisl Man is caIIed 'egellei, SeIf-peifecled
Mind'. He iefIecled vilh Cieal Sophia, his consoil, and ieveaIed his fiisl-legollen, andiogynous
son. His naIe nane is designaled 'Iiisl egellei, Son of Cod', his fenaIe nane, 'Iiisl egelliess
Sophia, Molhei of lhe Univeise'. Sone caII hei 'Love'. Nov Iiisl-legollen is caIIed 'Chiisl'. Since
he has aulhoiily fion his falhei, he ciealed a nuIlilude of angeIs vilhoul nunlei foi ielinue fion
Spiiil and Lighl."
His discipIes said lo hin: "Loid, ieveaI lo us aloul lhe one caIIed 'Man', lhal ve aIso nay knov
his gIoiy exaclIy."
The peifecl Savioi said: "Whoevei has eais lo heai, Iel hin heai. Iiisl egellei Ialhei is caIIed
'Adan, Lye of Lighl,' lecause he cane fion shining Lighl, and his hoIy angeIs, vho aie ineffalIe
(and) shadovIess, evei iejoice vilh joy in lheii iefIecling, vhich lhey ieceived fion lheii Ialhei.
The vhoIe Kingdon of Son of Man, vho is caIIed 'Son of Cod,' is fuII of ineffalIe and shadovIess
joy, and unchanging juliIalion, (lhey) iejoicing ovei his inpeiishalIe gIoiy, vhich has nevei leen
heaid unliI nov, noi has il leen ieveaIed in lhe aeons lhal cane afleivaid, and lheii voiIds. I
cane fion SeIf-legollen and Iiisl Infinile Lighl, lhal I nighl ieveaI eveiylhing lo you."
Again, his discipIes said: "TeII us cIeaiIy hov lhey cane dovn fion lhe invisiliIilies, fion lhe
innoilaI lo lhe voiId lhal dies`"
The peifecl Savioi said: "Son of Man consenled vilh Sophia, his consoil, and ieveaIed a gieal
andiogynous Iighl. His naIe nane is designaled 'Savioi, egellei of AII Things'. His fenaIe nane
is designaled 'AII-egelliess Sophia'. Sone caII hei 'Iislis'.
"AII vho cone inlo lhe voiId, Iike a diop fion lhe Lighl, aie senl ly hin lo lhe voiId of
AInighly, lhal lhey nighl le guaided ly hin. And lhe lond of his foigelfuIness lound hin ly
lhe viII of Sophia, lhal lhe nallei nighl le <ieveaIed> lhiough il lo lhe vhoIe voiId in poveily,
conceining his (AInighly's) aiiogance and lIindness and lhe ignoiance lhal he vas naned. ul I
cane fion lhe pIaces alove ly lhe viII of lhe gieal Lighl, (I) vho escaped fion lhal lond, I have
cul off lhe voik of lhe iolleis, I have avakened lhal diop lhal vas senl fion Sophia, lhal il nighl
leai nuch fiuil lhiough ne, and le peifecled and nol again le defeclive, lul le <joined> lhiough
ne, lhe Cieal Savioi, lhal his gIoiy nighl le ieveaIed, so lhal Sophia nighl aIso le juslified in
iegaid lo lhal defecl, lhal hei sons nighl nol again lecone defeclive lul nighl allain honoi and
gIoiy and go up lo lheii Ialhei, and knov lhe voids of lhe nascuIine Lighl. And you veie senl
ly lhe Son, vho vas senl lhal you nighl ieceive Lighl, and ienove youiseIves fion lhe
foigelfuIness of lhe aulhoiilies, and lhal il nighl nol again cone lo appeaiance lecause of you,
naneIy, lhe uncIean iulling lhal is fion lhe feaifuI fiie lhal cane fion lheii fIeshIy pail. Tiead
upon lheii naIicious inlenl."
Then Thonas said lo hin: "Loid, Savioi, hov nany aie lhe aeons of lhose vho suipass lhe
The peifecl Savioi said: "I piaise you (pI.) lecause you ask aloul lhe gieal aeons, foi youi iools aie
in lhe infinilies. Nov vhen lhose vhon I have discussed eaiIiei veie ieveaIed, he piovided ....
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|pages 1O9 and 11O aie nissing, iepIaced heie ly lhe coiiesponding seclion in lhe eiIin Cnoslic
Codex (no.85O2), lhe leginning of vhich is sonevhal diffeienl fion lhe finaI pailiaI senlence of
III 1O8 (lhe lioken off senlence)j
|C1O7j: "Nov vhen lhose vhon I have discussed eaiIiei veie ieveaIed, SeIf-legellei Ialhei veiy
soon ciealed lveIve aeons foi ielinue foi lhe lveIve angeIs. AII lhese aie peifecl and good. Thus
lhe defecl in lhe fenaIe appeaied."
And <he> said lo hin: "Hov nany aie lhe aeons of lhe innoilaIs, slailing fion lhe infinilies`"
The peifecl Savioi said: "Whoevei has eais lo heai, Iel hin heai. The fiisl aeon is lhal of Son of
Man, vho is caIIed 'Iiisl egellei', vho is caIIed 'Savioi', vho has appeaied. The second aeon (is)
lhal of Man, vho is caIIed 'Adan, Lye of Lighl'. Thal vhich enliaces lhese is lhe aeon ovei vhich
lheie is no kingdon, (lhe aeon) of lhe LleinaI Infinile Cod, lhe SeIf-legollen aeon of lhe aeons lhal
aie in il, (lhe aeon) of lhe innoilaIs, vhon I desciiled eaiIiei, (lhe aeon) alove lhe Sevenlh, lhal
appeaied fion Sophia, vhich is lhe fiisl aeon.
"Nov InnoilaI Man ieveaIed aeons and poveis and kingdons, and gave aulhoiily lo aII vho
appeai in hin, lhal lhey nighl exeicise lheii desiies unliI lhe Iasl lhings lhal aie alove chaos. Ioi
lhese consenled vilh each olhei and ieveaIed eveiy nagnificence, even fion spiiil, nuIliludinous
Iighls lhal aie gIoiious and vilhoul nunlei. These veie caIIed in lhe leginning, lhal is, lhe fiisl
aeon and <lhe second> and <lhe lhiid>. The fiisl <is> caIIed 'Unily and Resl'. Lach one has ils
(ovn) nane, foi lhe <lhiid> aeon vas designaled 'AssenlIy' fion lhe gieal nuIlilude lhal
appeaied: in one, a nuIlilude ieveaIed lhenseIves. Nov lecause lhe nuIliludes galhei and cone
lo a unily ve caII lhen 'AssenlIy of lhe Lighlh.'Il appeaied as andiogynous and vas nane pailIy
as naIe and pailIy as fenaIe. The naIe is caIIed 'AssenlIy', vhiIe lhe fenaIe is caIIed 'Life', lhal il
nighl le shovn lhal fion a fenaIe cane lhe Iife foi aII lhe aeons. And eveiy nane vas ieceived,
slailing fion lhe leginning.
"Ioi fion his concuiience vilh his lhoughl, lhe poveis veiy soon appeaied vho veie caIIed
'gods', and lhe gods of lhe gods fion lheii visdon ieveaIed gods, <and lhe gods> fion lheii
visdon ieveaIed Ioids, and lhe Ioids of lhe Ioids fion lheii lhinkings ieveaIed Ioids, and lhe
Ioids fion lheii povei ieveaIed aichangeIs, lhe aichangeIs fion lheii voids ieveaIed angeIs, fion
lhen, senlIances appeaied, vilh sliucluie and foin and nane foi aII lhe aeons and lheii voiIds.
"And lhe innoilaIs, vhon I have jusl desciiled, aII have aulhoiily fion InnoilaI Man, vho is
caIIed 'SiIence', lecause ly iefIecling vilhoul speech aII hei ovn najesly vas peifecled. Ioi since
lhe inpeiishaliIilies had lhe aulhoiily, each ciealed a gieal kingdon in lhe Lighlh, (and) aIso
lhiones and lenpIes (and) fiinanenls foi lheii ovn najeslies. Ioi lhese aII cane ly lhe viII of lhe
Molhei of lhe Univeise."
Then lhe HoIy AposlIes said lo hin: "Loid, Savioi, leII us aloul lhose vho aie in lhe aeons, since il
is necessaiy foi us lo ask aloul lhen."
The peifecl Savioi said: "If you ask aloul anylhing, I viII leII you. They ciealed hosls of angeIs,
nyiiads vilhoul nunlei, foi ielinue and lheii gIoiy. They ciealed viigin spiiils, lhe ineffalIe and
unchangealIe Iighls. Ioi lhey have no sickness noi veakness, lul il is viII. |C 115,14 adds heie:
And lhey cane lo le in an inslanl.j
"Thus lhe aeons veie conpIeled quickIy in lhe heavens and lhe fiinanenls in lhe gIoiy of
InnoilaI Man and Sophia, his consoil: lhe aiea fion vhich eveiy aeon and lhe voiId and lhose
lhal cane afleivaid look (lheii) pallein foi lheii ciealion of Iikenesses in lhe heavens of chaos and
lheii voiIds. And aII naluies, slailing fion lhe ieveIalion of chaos, aie in lhe Lighl lhal shines
vilhoul shadov, and joy lhal cannol le desciiled, and unulleialIe juliIalion. They evei deIighl
lhenseIves on accounl of lheii unchanging gIoiy and lhe inneasuialIe iesl, vhich cannol le
desciiled anong aII lhe aeons lhal cane lo le afleivaid, and aII lheii poveis. Nov aII lhal I have
jusl said lo you, I said lhal you nighl shine in Lighl noie lhan lhese."
Maiy said lo hin: "HoIy Loid, vheie did youi discipIes cone fion, and vheie aie lhey going, and
(vhal) shouId lhey do heie`"
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The Ieifecl Savioi said lo lhen: "I vanl you lo knov lhal Sophia, lhe Molhei of lhe Univeise and
lhe consoil, desiied ly heiseIf lo liing lhese lo exislence vilhoul hei naIe (consoil). ul ly lhe
viII of lhe Ialhei of lhe Univeise, lhal his uninaginalIe goodness nighl le ieveaIed, he ciealed
lhal cuilain lelveen lhe innoilaIs and lhose lhal cane afleivaid, lhal lhe consequence nighl
foIIov ... |C 118:j ... eveiy aeon and chaos - lhal lhe defecl of lhe fenaIe nighl <appeai>, and il
nighl cone aloul lhal Liioi vouId conlend vilh hei. And lhese lecane lhe cuilain of spiiil.
Iion <lhe> aeons alove lhe enanalions of Lighl, as I have said aIieady, a diop fion Lighl and
Spiiil cane dovn lo lhe Iovei iegions of AInighly in chaos, lhal lheii noIded foins nighl
appeai fion lhal diop, foi il is a judgnenl on hin, Aich-egellei, vho is caIIed 'YaIdalaolh'. Thal
diop ieveaIed lheii noIded foins lhiough lhe liealh, as a Iiving souI. Il vas vilheied and il
sIunleied in lhe ignoiance of lhe souI. When il lecane hol fion lhe liealh of lhe Cieal Lighl of
lhe MaIe, and il look lhoughl, (lhen) nanes veie ieceived ly aII vho aie in lhe voiId of chaos,
and aII lhings lhal aie in il lhiough lhal InnoilaI One, vhen lhe liealh lIev inlo hin. ul vhen
lhis cane aloul ly lhe viII of Molhei Sophia - so lhal InnoilaI Man nighl piece logelhei lhe
gainenls lheie foi a judgnenl on lhe iolleis - <he> lhen veIconed lhe lIoving of lhal liealh,
lul since he vas souI-Iike, he vas nol alIe lo lake lhal povei foi hinseIf unliI lhe nunlei of
chaos shouId le conpIele, (lhal is,) vhen lhe line deleinined ly lhe gieal angeI is conpIele.
"Nov I have laughl you aloul InnoilaI Man and have Ioosed lhe londs of lhe iolleis fion hin.
I have lioken lhe gales of lhe piliIess ones in lheii piesence. I have huniIialed lheii naIicious
inlenl, and lhey aII have leen shaned and have iisen fion lheii ignoiance. ecause of lhis, lhen, I
cane heie, lhal lhey nighl le joined vilh lhal Spiiil and iealh, |III conlinues:j and nighl fion
lvo lecone one, jusl as fion lhe fiisl, lhal you nighl yieId nuch fiuil and go up lo Hin Who Is
fion lhe eginning, in ineffalIe joy and gIoiy and honoi and giace of lhe Ialhei of lhe Univeise.
"Whoevei, lhen, knovs lhe Ialhei in puie knovIedge viII depail lo lhe Ialhei and iepose in
Unlegollen Ialhei. ul vhoevei knovs hin defecliveIy viII depail lo lhe defecl and lhe iesl of
lhe Lighlh. Nov vhoevei knovs InnoilaI Spiiil of Lighl in siIence, lhiough iefIecling and
consenl in lhe liulh, Iel hin liing ne signs of lhe InvisilIe One, and he viII lecone a Iighl in lhe
Spiiil of SiIence. Whoevei knovs Son of Man in knovIedge and Iove, Iel hin liing ne a sign of
Son of Man, lhal he nighl depail lo lhe dveIIing-pIaces vilh lhose in lhe Lighlh.
"ehoId, I have ieveaIed lo you lhe nane of lhe Ieifecl One, lhe vhoIe viII of lhe Molhei of lhe
HoIy AngeIs, lhal lhe nascuIine nuIlilude nay le conpIeled heie, lhal lheie nighl appeai in lhe
aeons, lhe infinilies and lhose lhal cane lo le in lhe unliacealIe veaIlh of lhe Cieal InvisilIe
Spiiil, lhal lhey aII nighl lake fion his goodness, even lhe veaIlh of lheii iesl lhal has no
kingdon ovei il. I cane fion Iiisl Who Was Senl, lhal I nighl ieveaI lo you Hin Who Is fion lhe
eginning, lecause of lhe aiiogance of Aich-egellei and his angeIs, since lhey say aloul
lhenseIves lhal lhey aie gods. And I cane lo ienove lhen fion lheii lIindness, lhal I nighl leII
eveiyone aloul lhe Cod vho is alove lhe univeise. Theiefoie, liead upon lheii giaves, huniIiale
lheii naIicious inlenl, and lieak lheii yoke and aiouse ny ovn. I have given you aulhoiily ovei
aII lhings as Sons of Lighl, lhal you nighl liead upon lheii povei vilh youi feel."
These aie lhe lhings lhe lIessed Savioi said, and he disappeaied fion lhen. Then aII lhe discipIes
veie in gieal, ineffalIe joy in lhe spiiil fion lhal day on. And his discipIes legan lo pieach lhe
CospeI of Cod, lhe eleinaI, inpeiishalIe Spiiil. Anen.
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!"# 7+ & D = ' ># = @ < "# L& N + = .
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The Savioi said lo his discipIes, "AIieady lhe line has cone, liolheis, foi us lo alandon oui Ialoi
and sland al iesl. Ioi vhoevei slands al iesl viII iesl foievei. And I say lo you, le aIvays alove
|...j line |...j you |...j le afiaid of |...j you |...j angei is feaifuI |...j aiouse angei |...j lul since you
have |...j lhey accepled lhese voids conceining il vilh feai and lienlIing, and il sel lhen up vilh
goveinois, foi fion il nolhing vas foilhconing. ul vhen I cane, I opened lhe palh, and I laughl
lhen aloul lhe passage vhich lhey viII liaveise, lhe eIecl and soIilaiy, vho have knovn lhe
Ialhei, having leIieved lhe liulh and aII lhe piaises vhiIe you offeied piaise.
"So vhen you offei piaise, do so Iike lhis: Heai us, Ialhei, jusl as you heaid youi onIy-legollen
son, and ieceived hin, and gave hin iesl fion any |...j You aie lhe one vhose povei |...j youi
ainoi |...j is |...j Iighl |...j Iiving |...j louch |...j lhe void |...j iepenlance |...j Iife |...j you. You aie lhe
lhinking and lhe enliie seienily of lhe soIilaiy. Again: Heai us jusl as you heaid youi eIecl.
Thiough youi saciifice, lhese viII enlei, lhiough lheii good voiks, lhese have saved lheii souIs
fion lhese lIind Iinls, so lhal lhey nighl exisl eleinaIIy. Anen.
"I viII leach you. When lhe line of dissoIulion aiiives, lhe fiisl povei of daikness viII cone upon
you. Do nol le afiaid and say "ehoId! The line has cone!" ul vhen you see a singIe slaff ... (3
|incs indccipncrao|c) ... undeisland |...j lhe voik |...j and lhe goveinois |...j cone upon you |...j.
TiuIy, feai is lhe povei |...j. So if you aie going lo le afiaid of vhal is aloul lo cone upon you, il
viII enguIf you. Ioi lheie is nol one anong lhen vho viII spaie you oi shov you neicy. ul in
lhis vay, Iook al lhe |...j in il, since you have nasleied eveiy void on eailh. Il |...j lake you up lo
lhe |...j pIace vheie lheie is no iuIe |...j lyianl. When you |...j you viII see lhose vho |...j and aIso
|...j leII you |...j lhe ieasoning povei |...j ieasoning povei |...j pIace of liulh |...j lul |...j. ul you
|...j liulh, lhis |...j Iiving |...j and youi joy |...j. So |...j in oidei lhal |...j youi souIs |...j Iesl il |...j lhe
void |...j iaise... (3 |incs indccipncrao|c) ... Ioi lhe ciossing pIace is feaifuI lefoie you. ul you, vilh
a singIe nind, pass il ly! Ioi ils deplh is gieal, ils heighl is enoinous |...j singIe nind |...j and lhe
fiie |...j |...j aII lhe poveis |...j you, lhey |...j and lhe poveis |...j lhey |...j|...j souI |...j |...j in
eveiyone |...j you aie lhe |...j and |...j foigel |...j son |...j and you |...j|...j."
Mallhev said, "Hov |...j|...j`"
The Savioi said "|...j lhe lhings inside you |...j viII ienain, you |...j."
}udas said, "Loid |...j lhe voiks |...j lhese souIs, lhese |...j, lhese IillIe ones, vhen |...j vheie viII
lhey le` |...j lhe spiiil |...j`"
The Loid said, "|...j ieceive lhen. These do nol die, |...j lhey aie nol deslioyed, foi lhey have
knovn lheii consoils and hin vho vouId ieceive lhen. Ioi lhe liulh seeks oul lhe vise and lhe
The Savioi said, "The Ianp of lhe lody is lhe nind. As Iong as lhe lhings inside you aie sel in
oidei, lhal is, |...j, youi lodies aie Iuninous. As Iong as youi heails aie daik, lhe Iuninosily you
anlicipale |...j I have |...j I viII go |...j ny void |...j I send |...j."
His discipIes said, "Loid, vho is il vho seeks, and |...j ieveaIs`"
The Loid said lo lhen, "He vho seeks |...j ieveaIs |...j."
Mallhev said, "Loid, vhen I |...j and vhen I speak, vho is il vho |...j and vho Iislens`"
The Loid said, "Il is lhe one vho speaks vho aIso Iislens, and il is lhe one vho can see vho aIso
Maiy said, "Loid, lehoId! Whence do I leai lhe lody vhiIe I veep, and vhence vhiIe I |Iaughj`"
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The Loid said, "|...j veeps on accounl of ils voiks |...j ienain and lhe nind Iaughs |...j|...j spiiil. If
one does nol |...j daikness, he viII le alIe lo see |...j. So I leII you |...j Iighl is lhe daikness |...j
sland in |...j nol see lhe Iighl |...j lhe Iie |...j lhey lioughl lhen fion |...j. You viII give |...j and |...j
exisl foievei. |...j|...j evei. Then aII lhe poveis vhich aie alove, as veII as lhose leIov, viII |...j
you. In lhal pIace lheie viII le veeping and gnashing of leelh ovei lhe end of aII lhese lhings."
}udas said, "TeII us, Loid, vhal vas |...j lefoie lhe heaven and lhe eailh exisled."
The Loid said, "Theie vas daikness and valei, and spiiil upon valei. And I say lo you |...j vhal
you seek aflei |...j inquiie aflei |...j vilhin you |...j lhe povei and lhe nysleiy |...j spiiil, foi fion
|...j vickedness |...j cone |...j nind |...j lehoId |...j|...j."
|...j said, "Loid, leII us vheie lhe |...j is eslalIished, and vheie lhe liue nind exisls."
The Loid said, "The fiie of lhe spiiil cane inlo exislence |...j lolh. On lhis accounl, lhe |...j cane
inlo exislence, and lhe liue nind cane inlo exislence vilhin lhen |...j. If soneone sels his souI up
high, lhen he viII le exaIled."
And Mallhev asked hin, "|...j look |...j, il is he vho |...j."
The Loid said, "|...j sliongei lhan |...j you |...j lo foIIov you and aII lhe voiks |...j youi heails. Ioi
jusl as youi heails |...j, so |...j lhe neans lo oveicone lhe poveis alove, as veII as lhose leIov |...j.
I say lo you, Iel hin vho possesses povei ienounce il and iepenl. And Iel hin vho |...j seek and
find and iejoice."
}udas said, "ehoId! I see lhal aII lhings exisl |...j Iike signs upon |...j. On lhis accounl did lhey
happen lhus."
The Loid said, "When lhe Ialhei eslalIished lhe cosnos, he |...j valei fion il, and his Woid cane
foilh fion il, and il inhaliled nany |...j. Il vas highei lhan lhe palh |...j suiiounds lhe enliie eailh
|...j lhe coIIecled valei |...j exisling oulside lhen. |...j lhe valei, a gieal fiie enciicIing lhen Iike a
vaII. |...j line once nany lhings had lecone sepaialed fion vhal vas inside. When lhe |...j vas
eslalIished, he Iooked |...j, and said lo il, 'Co, and |...j fion youiseIf, in oidei lhal |...j le in vanl
fion geneialion lo geneialion, and fion age lo age.' Then il casl foilh fion ilseIf founlains of niIk
and founlains of honey, and oiI and vine and good fiuils, and sveel fIavoi and good iools, in
oidei lhal il nighl nol le deficienl fion geneialion lo geneialion, and fion age lo age. And il is
alove |...j slanding |...j ils leauly |...j and oulside lheie vas a gieal Iighl, poveifuI |...j iesenlIe il,
foi il |...j iuIes ovei aII lhe aeons alove and leIov. |...j vas laken fion lhe fiie |...j il vas scalleied
in lhe |...j alove and leIov. AII lhe voiks vhich depend on lhen, il is lhey |...j ovei lhe heaven
alove and ovei lhe eailh leIov. On lhen depend aII lhe voiks."
And vhen }udas heaid lhese lhings, he loved dovn, and he |...j, and he offeied piaise lo lhe
Maiy haiIed hei lielhien, saying, "Wheie aie you going lo pul lhese lhings aloul vhich you ask
lhe son |...j`"
The Loid said lo hei, "Sislei, |no onej viII le alIe lo inquiie aloul lhese lhings excepl foi soneone
vho has sonevheie lo pul lhen in his heail. |...j lo cone foilh |...j and enlei |...j, so lhal lhey
nighl nol hoId lack |...j lhis inpoveiished cosnos."
Mallhev said, "Loid, I vanl lo see lhal pIace of Iife, |lhe pIacej vheie lheie is no vickedness, lul
ialhei, lheie is puie Iighl!"
The Loid said, "iolhei Mallhev, you viII nol le alIe lo see il as Iong as you aie caiiying fIesh
Mallhev said, "Loid, even if I viII nol le alIe lo see il, Iel ne knov il!"
The Loid said, "Lveiyone vho has knovn hinseIf has seen il in eveiylhing given lo hin lo do, |...j
and has cone lo |...j il in his goodness."
}udas iesponded, saying, "TeII ne, Loid, hov il is lhal |...j vhich shakes lhe eailh noves."
The Loid picked up a slone and heId il in his hand, saying "Whal an I hoIding in ny hand`"
He said, "Il is a slone."
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He said lo lhen, "Thal vhich suppoils lhe eailh is lhal vhich suppoils lhe heaven. When a Woid
cones foilh fion lhe Ciealness, il viII cone on vhal suppoils lhe heaven and lhe eailh. Ioi lhe
eailh does nol nove. Weie il lo nove, il vouId faII. ul il neilhei noves noi faIIs, in oidei lhal lhe
Iiisl Woid nighl nol faiI. Ioi il vas lhal vhich eslalIished lhe cosnos and inhaliled il, and
inhaIed fiagiance fion il. Ioi |...j vhich do nol nove, I |...j you, aII lhe sons of nen. Ioi you aie
fion lhal pIace. In lhe heails of lhose vho speak oul of joy and liulh, you exisl. Lven if il cones
foilh in lhe lody of lhe Ialhei anong nen, and is nol ieceived, sliII il |...j ieluin lo ils pIace.
Whoevei does nol knov lhe voik of peifeclion, knovs nolhing. If one does nol sland in lhe
daikness, he viII nol le alIe lo see lhe Iighl. If one does nol undeisland hov fiie cane inlo
exislence, he viII luin in il, lecause he does nol knov lhe iool of il. If one does nol fiisl
undeisland valei, he knovs nolhing. Ioi vhal use is lheie foi hin lo le laplized in il` If one
does nol undeisland hov lIoving vind cane inlo exislence, he viII lIov avay vilh il. If one
does nol undeisland hov lody, vhich he leais, cane inlo exislence, he viII peiish vilh il. And
hov viII soneone vho does nol knov lhe Son knov lhe Ialhei` And lo soneone vho viII nol
knov lhe iool of aII lhings, lhey ienain hidden. Soneone vho viII nol knov lhe iool of
vickedness is no sliangei lo il. Whoevei viII nol undeisland hov he cane viII nol undeisland
hov he viII go, and he is no sliangei lo lhis cosnos vhich viII |...j, vhich viII le huniIialed."
Then he |...j }udas and Mallhev and Maiy |...j lhe edge of heaven and eailh. And vhen he pIaced
his hand upon lhen, lhey hoped lhal lhey nighl |...j il. }udas iaised his eyes and sav an
exceedingIy high pIace, and he sav lhe pIace of lhe alyss leIov. }udas said lo Mallhev, "iolhei,
vho viII le alIe lo cIinl up lo such a heighl oi dovn lo lhe lollon of lhe alyss` Ioi lheie is a
lienendous fiie lheie, and sonelhing veiy feaifuI!" Al lhal nonenl, a Woid cane foilh fion il.
As il slood lheie, he sav hov il had cone dovn. Then he said lo il, "Why have you cone dovn`"
And lhe Son of Man gieeled lhen and said lo lhen, "A seed fion a povei vas deficienl, and il
venl dovn lo lhe alyss of lhe eailh. And lhe Ciealness ienenleied il, and he senl lhe Woid lo il.
Il lioughl il up inlo his piesence, so lhal lhe Iiisl Woid nighl nol faiI."
Then his discipIes veie anazed al aII lhe lhings he had said lo lhen, and lhey accepled lhen on
failh. And lhey concIuded lhal il is useIess lo iegaid vickedness.
(38) Then he said lo his discipIes, "Have I nol loId you lhal Iike a visilIe voice and fIash of
Iighlning viII lhe good le laken up lo lhe Iighl`"
Then aII his discipIes offeied hin piaise and said, "Loid, lefoie you appeaied heie, vho vas il
vho offeied you piaise` Ioi aII piaises exisl on youi accounl. Oi vho is il vho viII lIess you` Ioi
aII lIessing deiives fion you."
(4O) As lhey slood lheie, he sav lvo spiiils liinging a singIe souI vilh lhen in a gieal fIash of
Iighlning. And a Woid cane foilh fion lhe Son of Man, saying, "Cive lhen lheii gainenl!" And
lhe snaII one lecane Iike lhe lig one. They veie |...j lhose vho ieceived lhen |...j each olhei.
Then |...j discipIes, vhon he had |...j.
Maiy said, "|...j see eviI |...j lhen fion lhe fiisl |...j each olhei.
The Loid said, "|...j vhen you see lhen |...j lecone huge, lhey viII |...j. ul vhen you see lhe
LleinaI Lxislenl, lhal is lhe gieal vision."
They aII said lo hin, "TeII us aloul il!"
He said lo lhen, "Hov do you vish lo see il` y neans of a liansienl vision oi an eleinaI vision`"
He venl on and said, "Sliive lo save lhal vhich can foIIov you, and lo seek il oul, and lo speak
fion vilhin il, so lhal, as you seek il oul, eveiylhing nighl le in hainony vilh you. Ioi I say lo
you, liuIy, lhe Iiving Cod |...j in you |...j in hin."
}udas said, "TiuIy, I vanl |...j."
The Loid said lo hin, "|...j Iiving |...j dveIIs |...j enliie |...j lhe deficiency |...j."
}udas said, "Who |...j`"
The Loid said lo hin, "|...j aII lhe voiks vhich |...j lhe ienaindei, il is lhey vhich you |...j."
}udas said, "ehoId! The goveinois dveII alove us, so il is lhey vho viII iuIe ovei us!"
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The Loid said, "Il is you vho viII iuIe ovei lhen! ul vhen you iid youiseIves of jeaIousy, lhen
you viII cIolhe youiseIves in Iighl and enlei lhe liidaI chanlei."
}udas said, "Hov viII oui gainenls le lioughl lo us`"
The Loid said, "Theie aie sone vho viII piovide foi you, and lheie aie olheis vho viII ieceive
|...j. Ioi il is lhey vho viII give you youi gainenls. Ioi vho viII le alIe lo ieach lhal pIace vhich
is lhe ievaid` ul lhe gainenls of Iife veie given lo nan lecause he knovs lhe palh ly vhich he
viII Ieave. And il is difficuIl even foi ne lo ieach il!"
Maiy said, "Thus vilh iespecl lo 'lhe vickedness of each day,' and 'lhe Ialoiei is voilhy of his
food,' and 'lhe discipIe iesenlIes his leachei.'" She ulleied lhis as a vonan vho had undeislood
The discipIes said lo hin, "Whal is lhe fuIIness, and vhal is lhe deficiency`"
He said lo lhen, "You aie fion lhe fuIIness, and you dveII in lhe pIace vheie lhe deficiency is.
And Io! His Iighl has pouied dovn upon ne!"
Mallhev said, "TeII ne, Loid, hov lhe dead die, and hov lhe Iiving Iive."
The Loid said, "You have asked ne aloul a saying |...j vhich eye has nol seen, noi have I heaid il,
excepl fion you. ul I say lo you lhal vhen vhal invigoiales a nan is ienoved, he viII le caIIed
'dead'. And vhen vhal is aIive Ieaves vhal is dead, vhal is aIive viII le caIIed upon."
}udas said, "Why eIse, foi lhe sake of liulh, do lhey <die> and Iive`"
The Loid said, "Whalevei is loin of liulh does nol die. Whalevei is loin of vonan dies."
Maiy said, "TeII ne, Loid, vhy I have cone lo lhis pIace lo piofil oi lo foifeil."
The Loid said, "You nake cIeai lhe alundance of lhe ieveaIei!"
Maiy said lo hin, "Loid, is lheie lhen a pIace vhich is |...j oi Iacking liulh`"
The Loid said, "The pIace vheie I an nol!"
Maiy said, "Loid, you aie feaifuI and vondeifuI, and |...j lhose vho do nol knov you."
Mallhev said, "Why do ve nol iesl al once`"
The Loid said, "When you Iay dovn lhese luidens!"
Mallhev said, "Hov does lhe snaII join ilseIf lo lhe lig`"
The Loid said, "When you alandon lhe voiks vhich viII nol le alIe lo foIIov you, lhen you viII
Maiy said, "I vanl lo undeisland aII lhings, jusl as lhey aie!"
The Loid said, "He vho viII seek oul Iife! Ioi lhis is lheii veaIlh. Ioi lhe |...j of lhis cosnos is |...j,
and ils goId and ils siIvei aie nisIeading."
His discipIes said lo hin, "Whal shouId ve do lo ensuie lhal oui voik viII le peifecl`"
The Loid said lo lhen, "e piepaied in face of eveiylhing. Iessed is lhe nan vho has found |...j
lhe conlesl |...j his eyes. Neilhei did he kiII, noi vas he kiIIed, lul he cane foilh vicloiious."
}udas said, "TeII ne, Loid, vhal lhe leginning of lhe palh is."
He said, "Love and goodness. Ioi if one of lhese exisled anong lhe goveinois, vickedness vouId
nevei have cone inlo exislence."
Mallhev said, "Loid, you have spoken aloul lhe end of eveiylhing vilhoul concein."
The Loid said, "You have undeislood aII lhe lhings I have said lo you, and you have accepled
lhen on failh. If you have knovn lhen, lhen lhey aie youis. If nol, lhen lhey aie nol youis."
They said lo hin, "Whal is lhe pIace lo vhich ve aie going`"
The Loid said, "Sland in lhe pIace you can ieach!"
Maiy said, "Lveiylhing eslalIished lhus is seen."
The Loid said, "I have loId you lhal il is lhe one vho can see vho ieveaIs."
His discipIes, nunleiing lveIve, asked hin, "Teachei, |...j seienily |...j leach us |...j."
The Loid said, "|...j eveiylhing vhich I have |...j you viII |...j you |...j eveiylhing."
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Maiy said, "Theie is lul one saying I viII speak lo lhe Loid conceining lhe nysleiy of liulh: In
lhis have ve laken oui sland, and lo lhe cosnic aie ve lianspaienl."
}udas said lo Mallhev, "We vanl lo undeisland lhe soil of gainenls ve aie lo le cIolhed vilh
vhen ve depail lhe decay of lhe fIesh."
The Loid said, "The goveinois and lhe adninislialois possess gainenls gianled onIy foi a line,
vhich do nol Iasl. ul you, as chiIdien of liulh, nol vilh lhese liansiloiy gainenls aie you lo
cIolhe ouiseIves. Ralhei, I say lo you lhal you viII lecone lIessed vhen you sliip youiseIves! Ioi
il is no gieal lhing |...j oulside."
|...j said |...j speak, I |...j."
The Loid said, "|...j youi Ialhei |...j."
Maiy said, "Of vhal soil is lhal nuslaid seed` Is il sonelhing fion heaven oi is il sonelhing fion
The Loid said, "When lhe Ialhei eslalIished lhe cosnos foi hinseIf, he Iefl nuch ovei fion lhe
Molhei of lhe AII. Theiefoie, he speaks and he acls."
}udas said, "You have loId us lhis oul of lhe nind of liulh. When ve piay, hov shouId ve piay`"
The Loid said, "Iiay in lhe pIace vheie lheie is no vonan."
Mallhev said, "'Iiay in lhe pIace vheie lheie is no vonan,' he leIIs us, neaning 'Deslioy lhe
voiks of vonanhood,' nol lecause lheie is any olhei nannei of liilh, lul lecause lhey viII cease
giving liilh."
Maiy said, "They viII nevei le olIileialed."
The Loid said, "Who knovs lhal lhey viII nol dissoIve and ... j2 |incs nissing]`"
}udas said lo Mallhev, "The voiks of vonanhood viII dissoIve |...j lhe goveinois viII |...j. Thus
viII ve lecone piepaied foi lhen."
The Loid said, "Righl. Ioi do lhey see you` Do lhey see lhose vho ieceive you` Nov lehoId! A
liue Woid is coning foilh fion lhe Ialhei lo lhe alyss, in siIence vilh a fIash of Iighlning, giving
liilh. Do lhey see il oi oveipovei il` ul you aie even noie avaie of lhe palh, lhis one, lefoie
eilhei angeI oi aulhoiily has |...j Ralhei, il leIongs lo lhe Ialhei and lhe Son, lecause lhey aie lolh
a singIe |...j. And you viII go via lhe palh vhich you have knovn. Lven if lhe goveinois lecone
huge, lhey viII nol le alIe lo ieach il. ul Iislen - I leII you lhal il is difficuIl even foi ne lo ieach
Maiy said lo lhe Loid, "When lhe voiks |...j vhich dissoIve a voik."
The Loid said, "Righl. Ioi you knov |...j if I dissoIve |...j viII go lo his pIace."
}udas said, "Hov is lhe spiiil appaienl`"
The Loid said, "Hov is lhe svoid appaienl`"
}udas said, "Hov is lhe Iighl appaienl`"
The Loid said, "|...j in il foievei."
}udas said, "Who foigives lhe voiks of vhon` The voiks vhich |...j lhe cosnos |...j vho foigives
lhe voiks."
The Loid said, "Who |...j` Il lehooves vhoevei has undeislood lhe voiks lo do lhe viII of lhe
Ialhei. And as foi you, sliive lo iid youiseIves of angei and jeaIousy, and lo sliip youiseIves of
youi |...j, and nol lo ...
(ncx| 18 |incs tir|ua||q indccipncrao|c)
... he viII Iive foievei. And I say lo you |...j, so lhal you viII nol Iead youi spiiils and youi souIs
inlo eiioi."
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
|...j lhe ioad. And he spoke lo hin, saying, "y vhich ioad shaII I go up lo }eiusaIen`" The IillIe
chiId iepIied, saying, "Say youi nane, so lhal I nay shov you lhe ioad". The IillIe chiId knev vho
IauI vas. He vished lo nake conveisalion vilh hin lhiough his voids in oidei lhal he nighl
find an excuse foi speaking vilh hin.
The IillIe chiId spoke, saying, "I knov vho you aie, IauI. You aie he vho vas lIessed fion his
nolhei`s vonl. Ioi I have cone lo you lhal you nay go up lo }eiusaIen lo youi feIIov aposlIes.
And foi lhis ieason you veie caIIed. And I an lhe Spiiil vho acconpanies you. Lel youi nind
avaken, IauI, vilh |...j. Ioi |...j vhoIe vhich |...j anong lhe piincipaIilies and lhese aulhoiilies
and aichangeIs and poveis and lhe vhoIe iace of denons, |...j lhe one lhal ieveaIs lodies lo a
And aflei he lioughl lhal speech lo an end, he spoke, saying lo ne, "Lel youi nind avaken, IauI,
and see lhal lhis nounlain upon vhich you aie slanding is lhe nounlain of }eiicho, so lhal you
nay knov lhe hidden lhings in lhose lhal aie visilIe. Nov il is lo lhe lveIve aposlIes lhal you
shaII go, foi lhey aie eIecl spiiils, and lhey viII gieel you." He iaised his eyes and sav lhen
gieeling hin.
Then lhe HoIy Spiiil vho vas speaking vilh hin caughl hin up on high lo lhe lhiid heaven, and
he passed leyond lo lhe fouilh heaven. The HoIy Spiiil spoke lo hin, saying, "Look and see youi
Iikeness upon lhe eailh." And he Iooked dovn and sav lhose vho veie upon lhe eailh. He slaied
and sav lhose vho veie upon lhe |...j. Then he gazed dovn and sav lhe lveIve aposlIes al his
iighl and al his Iefl in lhe ciealion, and lhe Spiiil vas going lefoie lhen.
ul I sav in lhe fouilh heaven accoiding lo cIass - I sav lhe angeIs iesenlIing gods, lhe angeIs
liinging a souI oul of lhe Iand of lhe dead. They pIaced il al lhe gale of lhe fouilh heaven. And lhe
angeIs veie vhipping il. The souI spoke, saying, "Whal sin vas il lhal I connilled in lhe voiId`"
The loII-coIIecloi vho dveIIs in lhe fouilh heaven iepIied, saying, "Il vas nol iighl lo connil aII
lhose IavIess deeds lhal aie in lhe voiId of lhe dead". The souI iepIied, saying, "iing vilnesses!
Lel lhen shov you in vhal lody I connilled IavIess deeds. Do you vish lo liing a look lo iead
And lhe lhiee vilnesses cane. The fiisl spoke, saying, "Was I nol in lhe lody lhe second houi |...j`
I iose up againsl you unliI you feII inlo angei and iage and envy." And lhe second spoke, saying,
"Was I nol in lhe voiId` And I enleied al lhe fiflh houi, and I sav you and desiied you. And
lehoId, lhen, nov I chaige you vilh lhe nuideis you connilled." The lhiid spoke, saying, "Did I
nol cone lo you al lhe lveIflh houi of lhe day vhen lhe sun vas aloul lo sel` I gave you daikness
unliI you shouId acconpIish youi sins." When lhe souI heaid lhese lhings, il gazed dovnvaid in
soiiov. And lhen il gazed upvaid. Il vas casl dovn. The souI lhal had leen casl dovn venl lo a
lody vhich had leen piepaied foi il. And lehoId, ils vilnesses veie finished.
Then I gazed upvaid and sav lhe Spiiil saying lo ne, "IauI, cone! Iioceed lovaid ne!". Then as
I venl, lhe gale opened, and I venl up lo lhe fiflh heaven. And I sav ny feIIov aposlIes going
vilh ne vhiIe lhe Spiiil acconpanied us. And I sav a gieal angeI in lhe fiflh heaven hoIding an
iion iod in his hand. Theie veie lhiee olhei angeIs vilh hin, and I slaied inlo lheii faces. ul lhey
veie iivaIIing each olhei, vilh vhips in lheii hands, goading lhe souIs on lo lhe judgnenl. ul I
venl vilh lhe Spiiil and lhe gale opened foi ne.
Then ve venl up lo lhe sixlh heaven. And I sav ny feIIov aposlIes going vilh ne, and lhe HoIy
Spiiil vas Ieading ne lefoie lhen. And I gazed up on high and sav a gieal Iighl shining dovn on
lhe sixlh heaven. I spoke, saying lo lhe loII-coIIecloi vho vas in lhe sixlh heaven, "Open lo ne
and lhe HoIy Spiiil vho is lefoie ne." He opened lo ne.
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Then ve venl up lo lhe sevenlh heaven, and I sav an oId nan |...j Iighl and vhose gainenl vas
vhile. His lhione, vhich is in lhe sevenlh heaven, vas liighlei lhan lhe sun ly seven lines. The
oId nan spoke, saying lo ne, "Wheie aie you going, IauI` O lIessed one and lhe one vho vas sel
apail fion his nolhei`s vonl." ul I Iooked al lhe Spiiil, and he vas nodding his head, saying lo
ne, "Speak vilh hin!". And I iepIied, saying lo lhe oId nan, "I an going lo lhe pIace fion vhich I
cane." And lhe oId nan iesponded lo ne, "Wheie aie you fion`" ul I iepIied, saying, "I an
going dovn lo lhe voiId of lhe dead in oidei lo Iead caplive lhe caplivily lhal vas Ied caplive in
lhe caplivily of alyIon." The oId nan iepIied lo ne saying, "Hov viII you le alIe lo gel avay
fion ne` Look and see lhe piincipaIilies and aulhoiilies." The Spiiil spoke, saying, "Cive hin lhe
sign lhal you have, and he viII open foi you." And lhen I gave hin lhe sign. He luined his face
dovnvaids lo his ciealion and lo lhose vho aie his ovn aulhoiilies.
And lhen lhe <sevenlh> heaven opened and ve venl up lo lhe Ogdoad. And I sav lhe lveIve
aposlIes. They gieeled ne, and ve venl up lo lhe ninlh heaven. I gieeled aII lhose vho veie in
lhe ninlh heaven, and ve venl up lo lhe lenlh heaven. And I gieeled ny feIIov spiiils.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Il is lhe Loid vho spoke vilh ne: "See nov lhe conpIelion of ny iedenplion. I have given you a
sign of lhese lhings, }anes, ny liolhei. Ioi nol vilhoul ieason have I caIIed you ny liolhei,
aIlhough you aie nol ny liolhei naleiiaIIy. And I an nol ignoianl conceining you, so lhal vhen I
give you a sign - knov and heai."
"Nolhing exisled excepl Hin-vho-is. He is unnanealIe and ineffalIe. I nyseIf an aIso
unnanealIe, fion Hin-vho-is, jusl as I have leen given a nunlei of nanes - lvo fion Hin-vho-
is. And I, I an lefoie you. Since you have asked conceining fenaIeness, fenaIeness exisled, lul
fenaIeness vas nol fiisl. And il piepaied foi ilseIf poveis and gods. ul il did nol exisl vhen I
cane foilh, since I an an inage of Hin-vho-is. ul I have lioughl foilh lhe inage of hin so lhal
lhe sons of Hin-vho-is nighl knov vhal lhings aie lheiis and vhal lhings aie aIien (lo lhen).
ehoId, I shaII ieveaI lo you eveiylhing of lhis nysleiy. Ioi lhey viII seize ne lhe day aflei
lonoiiov. ul ny iedenplion viII le neai."
}anes said, "Ralli, you have said, 'lhey viII seize ne.' ul I, vhal can I do`" He said lo ne, "Ieai
nol, }anes. You loo viII lhey seize. ul Ieave }eiusaIen. Ioi il is she vho aIvays gives lhe cup of
lilleiness lo lhe sons of Iighl. She is a dveIIing pIace of a gieal nunlei of aichons. ul youi
iedenplion viII le pieseived fion lhen. So lhal you nay undeisland vho lhey aie and vhal
kinds lhey aie, you viII |...j. And Iislen. They aie nol |...j lul aichons |...j. These lveIve |...j dovn
|...j aichons |...j upon his ovn heldonad."
}anes said, "Ralli, aie lheie lhen lveIve heldonads and nol seven as lheie aie in lhe sciipluies`"
The Loid said, "}anes, he vho spoke conceining lhis sciipluie had a Iiniled undeislanding. I,
hovevei, shaII ieveaI lo you vhal has cone foilh fion hin vho has no nunlei. I shaII give a sign
conceining lheii nunlei. As foi vhal has cone foilh fion hin vho has no neasuie, I shaII give a
sign conceining lheii neasuie"
}anes said, "Ralli, lehoId lhen, I have ieceived lheii nunlei. Theie aie sevenly-lvo neasuies!"
The Loid said, "These aie lhe sevenly-lvo heavens, vhich aie lheii suloidinales. These aie lhe
poveis of aII lheii nighl, and lhey veie eslalIished ly lhen, and lhese aie lhey vho veie
disliiluled eveiyvheie, exisling undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe lveIve aichons. The infeiioi povei
anong lhen lioughl foilh foi ilseIf angeIs and unnunleied hosls. Hin-vho-is, hovevei, has
leen given |...j on accounl of |...j Hin-vho-is |...j lhey aie unnunleied. If you vanl lo give lhen
a nunlei nov, you viII nol le alIe lo do so unliI you casl avay fion youi lIind lhoughl, lhis
lond of fIesh vhich enciicIes you. And lhen you viII ieach Hin-vho-is. And you viII no Iongei
le }anes, ialhei you aie lhe One-vho-is. And aII lhose vho aie unnunleied viII aII have leen
<}anes said,>, "Ralli, in vhal vay shaII I ieach Hin-vho-is, since aII lhese poveis and lhese
hosls aie ained againsl ne`" He said lo ne, "These poveis aie nol ained againsl you specificaIIy,
lul aie ained againsl anolhei. Il is againsl ne lhal lhey aie ained. And lhey aie ained vilh
olhei poveis. ul lhey aie ained againsl ne in judgnenl. They did nol give |...j lo ne in il |...j
lhiough lhen |...j. In lhis pIace |...j suffeiing, I shaII |...j. He viII |...j and I shaII nol ieluke lhen.
ul lheie shaII le vilhin ne a siIence and a hidden nysleiy. ul I an fainlheailed lefoie lheii
}anes said, "Ralli, if lhey ain lhenseIves againsl you, lhen is lheie no lIane`"
You have cone vilh knovIedge,
lhal you nighl ieluke lheii foigelfuIness.
You have cone vilh iecoIIeclion,
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lhal you nighl ieluke lheii ignoiance.
ul I vas conceined lecause of you.
Ioi you descended inlo a gieal ignoiance,
lul you have nol leen defiIed ly anylhing in il.
Ioi you descended inlo a gieal nindIessness,
and youi iecoIIeclion ienained.
You vaIked in nud,
and youi gainenls veie nol soiIed,
and you have nol leen luiied in lheii fiIlh,
and you have nol leen caughl.
And I vas nol Iike lhen, lul I cIolhed nyseIf vilh eveiylhing of lheiis.
Theie is in ne foigelfuIness,
yel I ienenlei lhings lhal aie nol lheiis.
Theie is in ne |....j,
and I an in lheii |...j.
|...j knovIedge |...j nol in lheii suffeiings |...j. ul I have lecone afiaid lefoie lhen, since lhey
iuIe. Ioi vhal viII lhey do` Whal viII I le alIe lo say` Oi vhal void viII I le alIe lo say lhal I
nay escape lhen`"
The Loid said, "}anes, I piaise youi undeislanding and youi feai. If you conlinue lo le disliessed,
do nol le conceined foi anylhing eIse excepl youi iedenplion. Ioi lehoId, I shaII conpIele lhis
desliny upon lhis eailh as I have said fion lhe heavens. And I shaII ieveaI lo you youi
}anes said, "Ralli, hov, aflei lhese lhings, viII you appeai lo us again` Aflei lhey seize you, and
you conpIele lhis desliny, you viII go up lo Hin-vho-is." The Loid said, "}anes, aflei lhese
lhings I shaII ieveaI lo you eveiylhing, nol foi youi sake aIone lul foi lhe sake of lhe unleIief of
nen, so lhal failh nay exisl in lhen. Ioi a nuIlilude viII allain lo failh and lhey viII inciease in
|...j. And aflei lhis I shaII appeai foi a iepioof lo lhe aichons. And I shaII ieveaI lo lhen lhal he
cannol le seized. If lhey seize hin, lhen he viII oveipovei each of lhen. ul nov I shaII go.
Renenlei lhe lhings I have spoken and Iel lhen go up lefoie you." }anes said,"Loid, I shaII
haslen as you have said." The Loid said faieveII lo hin and fuIfiIIed vhal vas filling.
When }anes heaid of his suffeiing and vas nuch disliessed, lhey availed lhe sign of his coning.
And he cane aflei seveiaI days. And }anes vas vaIking upon lhe nounlain vhich is caIIed
"CaugeIan", vilh his discipIes, vho Iislened lo hin lecause lhey had leen disliessed, and he vas
|...j a confoilei, saying, "This is |...j second |...j" Then lhe ciovd dispeised, lul }anes ienained
|...j piayei |...j, as vas his cuslon.
And lhe Loid appeaied lo hin. Then he slopped (his) piayei and enliaced hin. He kissed hin,
saying, "Ralli, I have found you! I have heaid of youi suffeiings, vhich you enduied. And I have
leen nuch disliessed. My conpassion you knov. Theiefoie, on iefIeclion, I vas vishing lhal I
vouId nol see lhis peopIe. They nusl le judged foi lhese lhings lhal lhey have done. Ioi lhese
lhings lhal lhey have done aie conliaiy lo vhal is filling."
The Loid said, "}anes, do nol le conceined foi ne oi foi lhis peopIe. I an he vho vas vilhin ne.
Nevei have I suffeied in any vay, noi have I leen disliessed. And lhis peopIe has done ne no
hain. ul lhis (peopIe) exisled as a lype of lhe aichons, and il deseived lo le deslioyed lhiough
lhen. ul |...j lhe aichons, |...j vho has |...j lul since il |...j angiy vilh |...j The jusl |...j is his
seivanl. Theiefoie youi nane is "}anes lhe }usl". You see hov you viII lecone solei vhen you
see ne. And you slopped lhis piayei. Nov since you aie a jusl nan of Cod, you have enliaced
ne and kissed ne. TiuIy I say lo you lhal you have sliiied up gieal angei and vialh againsl
youiseIf. ul (lhis has happened) so lhal lhese olheis nighl cone lo le."
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ul }anes vas linid (and) vepl. And he vas veiy disliessed. And lhey lolh sal dovn upon a
iock. The Loid said lo hin, "}anes, lhus you viII undeigo lhese suffeiings. ul do nol le sad. Ioi
lhe fIesh is veak. Il viII ieceive vhal has leen oidained foi il. ul as foi you, do nol le linid oi
afiaid". The Loid ceased.
Nov vhen }anes heaid lhese lhings, he viped avay lhe leais in his eyes and veiy lillei |...j
vhich is |...j. The Loid said lo hin, "}anes, lehoId, I shaII ieveaI lo you youi iedenplion. When
you aie seized, and you undeigo lhese suffeiings, a nuIlilude viII ain lhenseIves againsl you
lhal <lhey> nay seize you. And in pailicuIai lhiee of lhen viII seize you - lhey vho sil (lheie) as
loII coIIeclois. Nol onIy do lhey denand loII, lul lhey aIso lake avay souIs ly lhefl. When you
cone inlo lheii povei, one of lhen vho is lheii guaid viII say lo you, 'Who aie you oi vheie aie
you fion`' You aie lo say lo hin, 'I an a son, and I an fion lhe Ialhei.' He viII say lo you, 'Whal
soil of son aie you, and lo vhal falhei do you leIong`' You aie lo say lo hin, 'I an fion lhe Iie-
exislenl Ialhei, and a son in lhe Iie-exislenl One.' When he says lo you, |...j, you aie lo say lo hin
|...j in lhe |...j lhal I nighl |...j."
'|...j of aIien lhings`' You aie lo say lo hin, 'They aie nol enliieIy aIien, lul lhey aie fion
Achanolh, vho is lhe fenaIe. And lhese she pioduced as she lioughl dovn lhe iace fion lhe Iie-
exislenl One. So lhen lhey aie nol aIien, lul lhey aie ouis. They aie indeed ouis lecause she vho
is nisliess of lhen is fion lhe Iie-exislenl One. Al lhe sane line lhey aie aIien lecause lhe Iie-
exislenl One did nol have inleicouise vilh hei, vhen she pioduced lhen.' When he aIso says lo
you, 'Wheie viII you go`', you aie lo say lo hin, 'To lhe pIace fion vhich I have cone, lheie shaII
I ieluin.' And if you say lhese lhings, you viII escape lheii allacks.
"ul vhen you cone lo lhese lhiee delaineis vho lake avay souIs ly lhefl in lhal pIace |...j lhese.
You |...j a vesseI |...j nuch noie lhan |...j of lhe one vhon you |...j foi |...j hei iool. You loo viII le
solei |...j. ul I shaII caII upon lhe inpeiishalIe knovIedge, vhich is Sophia vho is in lhe Ialhei
(and) vho is lhe nolhei of Achanolh. Achanolh had no falhei noi naIe consoil, lul she is fenaIe
fion a fenaIe. She pioduced you vilhoul a naIe, since she vas aIone (and) in ignoiance as lo
vhal Iives lhiough hei nolhei lecause she lhoughl lhal she aIone exisled. ul I shaII ciy oul lo
hei nolhei. And lhen lhey viII faII inlo confusion (and) viII lIane lheii iool and lhe iace of lheii
nolhei. ul you viII go up lo vhal is youis |...j you viII |...j lhe Iie-exislenl One."
"They aie a lype of lhe lveIve discipIes and lhe lveIve paiis, |...j Achanolh, vhich is liansIaled
'Sophia'. And vho I nyseIf an, (and) vho lhe inpeiishalIe Sophia (is) lhiough vhon you viII le
iedeened, and (vho aie) aII lhe sons of Hin-vho-is - lhese lhings lhey have knovn and have
hidden vilhin lhen. You aie lo hide <lhese lhings> vilhin you, and you aie lo keep siIence. ul
you aie lo ieveaI lhen lo Addai. When you depail, innedialeIy vai viII le nade vilh lhis Iand.
Weep, lhen, foi hin vho dveIIs in }eiusaIen. ul Iel Addai lake lhese lhings lo heail. In lhe lenlh
yeai Iel Addai sil and viile lhen dovn. And vhen he viiles lhen dovn |...j and lhey aie lo give
lhen |...j he has lhe |...j he is caIIed Levi. Then he is lo liing |...j void |...j fion vhal I said eaiIiei
|...j a vonan |...j }eiusaIen in hei |...j and he legels lvo sons lhiough hei. They aie lo inheiil
lhese lhings and lhe undeislanding of hin vho |...j exaIls. And lhey aie lo ieceive |...j lhiough
hin fion his inleIIecl. Nov, lhe youngei of lhen is giealei. And nay lhese lhings ienain hidden
in hin unliI he cones lo lhe age of sevenleen yeais |...j leginning |...j lhiough lhen. They viII
puisue hin exceedingIy, since lhey aie fion his |...j conpanions. He viII le piocIained lhiough
lhen, and lhey viII piocIain lhis void. Then he viII lecone a seed of |...j."
}anes said, "I an salisfied |...j and lhey aie |...j ny souI. Yel anolhei lhing I ask of you: vho aie
lhe seven vonen vho have leen youi discipIes` And lehoId aII vonen lIess you. I aIso an
anazed hov poveiIess vesseIs have lecone sliong ly a peiceplion vhich is in lhen." The Loid
said, "You |...j veII |...j a spiiil of |...j, a spiiil of lhoughl, a spiiil of counseI of a |...j, a spiiil |...j a
spiiil of knovIedge |...j of lheii feai. |...j vhen ve had passed lhiough lhe liealh of lhis aichon
vho is naned Adonaios |...j hin and |...j he vas ignoianl |...j vhen I cane foilh fion hin, he
ienenleied lhal I an a son of his. He vas giacious lo ne al lhal line as his son. And lhen, lefoie
<I> appeaied heie, <he> casl lhen anong lhis peopIe. And fion lhe pIace of heaven lhe piophels
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}anes said, "Ralli, |...j I |...j aII logelhei |...j in lhen especiaIIy |...j." The Loid said, "}anes, I piaise
you |...j vaIk upon lhe eailh |...j lhe voids vhiIe he |...j on lhe |...j. Ioi casl avay fion you lhe
cup vhich is lilleiness. Ioi sone fion |...j sel lhenseIves againsl you. Ioi you have legun lo
undeisland lheii iools fion leginning lo end. Casl avay fion youiseIf aII IavIessness. And
levaie Iesl lhey envy you. When you speak lhese voids of lhis peiceplion, encouiage lhese foui:
SaIone and Maiian and Mailha and Aisinoe |...j since he lakes sone |...j lo ne he is |...j luinl
offeiings and |...j. ul I |...j nol in lhis vay, lul |...j fiisl-fiuils of lhe |...j upvaid |...j so lhal lhe
povei of Cod nighl appeai. The peiishalIe has gone up lo lhe inpeiishalIe and lhe fenaIe
eIenenl has allained lo lhis naIe eIenenl."
}anes said, "Ralli, inlo lhese lhiee (lhings), lhen, has lheii |...j leen casl. Ioi lhey have leen
ieviIed, and lhey have leen peiseculed |...j. ehoId |...j eveiylhing |...j fion anyone |...j. Ioi you
have ieceived |...j of knovIedge. And |...j lhal vhal is lhe |...j go |...j you viII find |...j. ul I shaII
go foilh and shaII ieveaI lhal lhey leIieved in you, lhal lhey nay le conlenl vilh lheii lIessing
and saIvalion, and lhis ieveIalion nay cone lo pass."
And he venl al lhal line innedialeIy and ieluked lhe lveIve and casl oul of lhen conlenlnenl
conceining lhe vay of knovIedge |...j.
|...j. And lhe najoiily of lhen |...j vhen lhey sav, lhe nessengei look in |...j. The olheis |...j said,
"|...j hin fion lhis eailh. Ioi he is nol voilhy of Iife." These, lhen, veie afiaid. They aiose, saying,
"We have no pail in lhis lIood, foi a jusl nan viII peiish lhiough injuslice" }anes depailed so lhal
|...j Iook |...j foi ve |...j hin.

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!"# UL#?=;*T 8C=?&D/CB# =@ K&)#B
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
This is lhe discouise lhal }anes lhe }usl spoke in }eiusaIen, vhich Maiein, one of lhe piiesls,
viole. He had loId il lo Theuda, lhe falhei of lhe }usl One, since he vas a ieIalive of his. He said,
"Haslen! Cone vilh Maiy, youi vife, and youi ieIalives |...j lheiefoie |...j of lhis |...j lo hin, he
viII undeisland. Ioi lehoId, a nuIlilude aie disluiled ovei his |...j, and lhey aie giealIy angiy al
hin. |...j and lhey piay |...j. Ioi he vouId oflen say lhese voids and olheis aIso."
"He used lo speak lhese voids vhiIe lhe nuIlilude of peopIe veie sealed. ul (on lhis occasion)
he enleied and did <nol> sil dovn in lhe pIace, as vas his cuslon. Ralhei he sal alove lhe fiflh
fIighl of sleps, vhich is (highIy) esleened, vhiIe aII oui peopIe |...j lhe voids |...j."
"|...j. I an he vho ieceived ieveIalion fion lhe IIeiona of InpeiishaliIily. (I an) he vho vas fiisl
sunnoned ly hin vho is gieal, and vho oleyed lhe Loid - he vho passed lhiough lhe voiIds
|...j, he vho |...j, he vho sliipped hinseIf and venl aloul naked, he vho vas found in a
peiishalIe (slale), lhough he vas aloul lo le lioughl up inlo inpeiishaliIily. - This Loid vho is
piesenl cane as a son vho sees, and as a liolhei vas he soughl. He viII cone lo |...j pioduced
hin lecause |...j and he uniles |...j nake hin fiee |...j in |...j he vho cane lo |...j."
"Nov again an I iich in knovIedge and I have a unique undeislanding, vhich vas pioduced onIy
fion alove and lhe |...j cones fion a |...j. I an lhe |...j vhon I knev. Thal vhich vas ieveaIed lo
ne vas hidden fion eveiyone and shaII (onIy) le ieveaIed lhiough hin. These lvo vho see I <...>
(and) lhey have aIieady piocIained lhiough lhese voids: "He shaII le judged vilh lhe
uniighleous". He vho Iived vilhoul lIaspheny died ly neans of lIaspheny. He vho vas casl
oul, lhey |...j."
"|...j lhe fIesh and il is ly knovIedge lhal I shaII cone foilh fion lhe fIesh. I an suieIy dying, lul
il is in Iife lhal I shaII le found. I enleied in oidei lhal lhey nighl judge |...j I shaII cone foilh in
|...j judge |...j I do nol liing lIane againsl lhe seivanls of his |...j. I haslen lo nake lhen fiee and
vanl lo lake lhen alove hin vho vanls lo iuIe ovei lhen. If lhey aie heIped, I an lhe liolhei in
seciel, vho piayed lo lhe Ialhei unliI he |...j in |...j ieign |...j inpeiishaliIily |...j fiisl in |...j."
I an lhe fiisl son vho vas legollen. -
He viII deslioy lhe doninion of lhen aII. -
I an lhe leIoved.
I an lhe iighleous one.
I an lhe son of lhe Ialhei.

I speak even as I heaid.
I connand even as I ieceived lhe oidei.
I shov you even as I have found.
ehoId, I speak in oidei lhal I nay cone foilh. Iay allenlion lo ne in oidei lhal you nay see ne!
"If I have cone inlo exislence, vho lhen an I` Ioi I did <nol> cone as I an, noi vouId I have
appeaied as I an. Ioi I used lo exisl foi a liief peiiod of line |...j."
"Once vhen I vas silling deIileialing, he opened lhe dooi. Thal one vhon you haled and
peiseculed cane in lo ne. He said lo ne, "HaiI, ny liolhei, ny liolhei, haiI." As I iaised ny face
lo slaie al hin, (ny) nolhei said lo ne, "Do nol le fiighlened, ny son, lecause he said 'My
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liolhei' lo you (sg.). Ioi you (pI.) veie nouiished vilh lhis sane niIk. ecause of lhis he caIIs ne
"My nolhei". Ioi he is nol a sliangei lo us. He is youi slep-liolhei |...j."
"|...j lhese voids |...j gieal |...j I shaII find lhen, and lhey shaII cone foilh. Hovevei, I an lhe
sliangei, and lhey have no knovIedge of ne in lheii lhoughls, foi lhey knov ne in lhis pIace. ul
il vas filling lhal olheis knov lhiough you.
"<You aie> lhe one lo vhon I say: Heai and undeisland - foi a nuIlilude, vhen lhey heai, viII le
sIov villed. ul you, undeisland as I shaII le alIe lo leII you. Youi falhei is nol ny falhei. ul ny
falhei has lecone a falhei lo you.
"This viigin aloul vhon you heai - lhis is hov |...j viigin |...j naneIy, lhe viigin. |...j, hov |...j lo
ne foi |...j lo knov |...j nol as |...j vhon I |...j. Ioi lhis one (nasc.) |...j lo hin, and lhis aIso is
piofilalIe foi you. Youi falhei, vhon you considei lo le iich, shaII gianl lhal you inheiil aII lhese
lhings lhal you see.
"I piocIain lo you lo leII you lhese (voids) lhal I shaII speak. When you heai, lheiefoie, open youi
eais and undeisland and vaIk (accoidingIy)! Il is lecause of you lhal lhey pass ly, aclivaled ly
lhal one vho is gIoiious. And if lhey vanl lo nake a disluilance and (seize) possession |...j he
legan |...j nol, noi lhose vho aie coning, vho veie senl foilh ly hin lo nake lhis piesenl
ciealion. Aflei lhese lhings, vhen he is ashaned, he shaII le disluiled lhal his Ialoi, vhich is fai
fion lhe aeons, is nolhing. And his inheiilance, vhich he loasled lo le gieal, shaII appeai snaII.
And his gifls aie nol lIessings. His pionises aie eviI schenes. Ioi you aie nol an (insliunenl) of
his conpassion, lul il is lhiough you lhal he does vioIence. He vanls lo do injuslice lo us, and
viII exeicise doninion foi a line aIIolled lo hin.
"ul undeisland and knov lhe Ialhei vho has conpassion. He vas nol given an inheiilance lhal
vas unIiniled, noi does il have a (Iiniled) nunlei of days, lul il is as lhe eleinaI day |...j il is |...j
peiceive |...j. And he used |...j. Ioi in facl he is nol one (cone) fion lhen, (and) lecause of lhis, he
is despised. ecause of lhis he loasls, so lhal he nay nol le iepioved. Ioi lecause of lhis he is
supeiioi lo lhose vho aie leIov, lhose ly vhon you veie Iooked dovn upon. Aflei he
inpiisoned lhose fion lhe Ialhei, he seized lhen and fashioned lhen lo iesenlIe hinseIf. And il
is vilh hin lhal lhey exisl.
"I sav fion lhe heighl lhose lhings lhal happened, and I have expIained hov lhey happened.
They veie visiled vhiIe lhey veie in anolhei foin, and, vhiIe I vas valching, lhey cane lo knov
<ne> as I an, lhiough lhose vhon I knov.
"Nov lefoie lhose lhings have happened lhey viII nake a |...j. I knov hov lhey allenpled lo
cone dovn lo lhis pIace lhal he nighl appioach |...j lhe snaII chiIdien, lul I vish lo ieveaI
lhiough you and lhe spiiil of povei, in oidei lhal he nighl ieveaI lo lhose vho aie youis. And
lhose vho vish lo enlei, and vho seek lo vaIk in lhe vay lhal is lefoie lhe dooi, open lhe good
dooi lhiough you. And lhey foIIov you, lhey enlei and you escoil lhen inside, and give a ievaid
lo each one vho is ieady foi il.
Ioi you aie nol lhe iedeenei noi a heIpei of sliangeis.
You aie an iIIuninaloi and a iedeenei of lhose vho aie nine,
and nov of lhose vho aie youis.
You shaII ieveaI (lo lhen), you shaII liing good anong lhen aII.
You lhey shaII adniie lecause of eveiy poveifuI (deed).
You aie he vhon lhe heavens lIess.
You he shaII envy, he vho has caIIed hinseIf youi Loid.
I an lhe |...j lhose vho aie insliucled in lhese lhings vilh you.
Ioi youi sake, lhey viII le loId lhese lhings, and viII cone lo iesl.
Ioi youi sake, lhey viII ieign, and viII lecone kings.
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Ioi youi sake, lhey viII have pily on vhonevei lhey pily.
Ioi jusl as you aie fiisl having cIolhed youiseIf,
you aie aIso lhe fiisl vho viII sliip hinseIf,
and you shaII lecone as you veie lefoie you veie sliipped."
"And he kissed ny noulh. He look hoId of ne, saying, "My leIoved! ehoId, I shaII ieveaI lo you
lhose lhings lhal (neilhei) lhe heavens noi lheii aichons have knovn. ehoId, I shaII ieveaI lo you
lhose lhings lhal he did nol knov, he vho loasled, "|...j lheie is no olhei excepl ne. An I nol
aIive` ecause I an a falhei, do I nol have povei foi eveiylhing`" ehoId, I shaII ieveaI lo you
eveiylhing, ny leIoved. Undeisland and knov lhen, lhal you nay cone foilh jusl as I an.
ehoId, I shaII ieveaI lo you hin vho is hidden. ul nov, slielch oul youi hand. Nov, lake hoId
of ne."
"And lhen I slielched oul ny hands and I did nol find hin as I lhoughl (he vouId le). ul
afleivaid I heaid hin saying, "Undeisland and lake hoId of ne." Then I undeislood, and I vas
afiaid. And I vas exceedingIy joyfuI.
"Theiefoie, I leII you judges, you have leen judged. And you did nol spaie, lul you veie spaied.
e solei and |...j you did nol knov.
He vas lhal one vhon he vho ciealed lhe heaven and lhe eailh
and dveIIed in il, did nol see.
He vas lhis one vho is lhe Iife.
He vas lhe Iighl.
He vas lhal one vho viII cone lo le.
And again he shaII piovide an end foi vhal has legun,
and a leginning foi vhal is aloul lo le ended.
He vas lhe HoIy Spiiil and lhe InvisilIe One,
vho did nol descend upon lhe eailh.
He vas lhe viigin, and lhal vhich he vishes, happens lo hin.
I sav lhal he vas naked, and lheie vas no gainenl cIolhing hin.
Thal vhich he viIIs, happens lo hin |...j.
"Renounce lhis difficuIl vay, vhich is (so) vaiialIe, and vaIk in accoidance vilh hin vho desiies
lhal you lecone fiee nen vilh ne, aflei you have passed alove eveiy doninion. Ioi he viII nol
judge (you) foi lhose lhings lhal you did, lul viII have neicy on you. Ioi (il is) nol you lhal did
lhen, lul il is youi Loid (lhal did lhen). He vas nol a vialhfuI one, lul he vas a kind Ialhei.
"ul you have judged youiseIves, and lecause of lhis you viII ienain in lheii felleis. You have
oppiessed youiseIves, and you viII iepenl, (lul) you viII nol piofil al aII. ehoId hin vho speaks
and seek hin vho is siIenl. Knov hin vho cane lo lhis pIace, and undeisland hin vho venl
foilh (fion il). I an lhe }usl One, and I do <nol> judge. I an nol a naslei, lhen, lul I an a heIpei.
He vas casl oul lefoie he slielched oul his hand. I |...j.
"|...j and he aIIovs ne lo heai. And pIay youi liunpels, youi fIules and youi haips of lhis house.
The Loid has laken you caplive fion lhe Loid, having cIosed youi eais, lhal lhey nay nol heai lhe
sound of ny void. Yel you viII le alIe lo pay heed in youi heails, and you viII caII ne 'lhe }usl
One.' Theiefoie, I leII you: ehoId, I gave you youi house, vhich you say lhal Cod has nade - lhal
(house) in vhich he pionised lo give you an inheiilance lhiough il. This (house) I shaII doon lo
desliuclion and deiision of lhose vho aie in ignoiance. Ioi lehoId, lhose vho judge deIileiaiale
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On lhal day aII lhe peopIe and lhe ciovd veie disluiled, and lhey shoved lhal lhey had nol leen
peisuaded. And he aiose and venl foilh speaking in lhis nannei. And he enleied (again) on lhal
sane day and spoke a fev houis. And I vas vilh lhe piiesls and ieveaIed nolhing of lhe
ieIalionship, since aII of lhen veie saying vilh one voice, 'Cone, Iel us slone lhe }usl One.' And
lhey aiose, saying, 'Yes, Iel us kiII lhis nan, lhal he nay le laken fion oui nidsl. Ioi he viII le of
no use lo us.'
And lhey veie lheie and found hin slanding leside lhe coIunns of lhe lenpIe leside lhe nighly
coinei slone. And lhey decided lo lhiov hin dovn fion lhe heighl, and lhey casl hin dovn. And
lhey |...j lhey |...j. They seized hin and sliuck hin as lhey diagged hin upon lhe giound. They
slielched hin oul and pIaced a slone on his aldonen. They aII pIaced lheii feel on hin, saying
'You have eiied!'
Again lhey iaised hin up, since he vas aIive, and nade hin dig a hoIe. They nade hin sland in
il. Aflei having coveied hin up lo his aldonen, lhey sloned hin in lhis nannei.
And he slielched oul his hands and said lhis piayei - nol lhal (one) vhich il is his cuslon lo say:
'My Cod and ny falhei,
vho saved ne fion lhis dead hope,
vho nade ne aIive lhiough a nysleiy of vhal he viIIs,
Do nol Iel lhese days of lhis voiId le pioIonged foi ne,
lul lhe day of youi Iighl |...j ienains
in |...j saIvalion.
DeIivei ne fion lhis pIace of sojouin!
Do nol Iel youi giace le Iefl lehind in ne,
lul nay youi giace lecone puie!
Save ne fion an eviI dealh!
iing ne fion a lonl aIive, lecause youi giace -
Iove - is aIive in ne lo acconpIish a voik of fuIIness!
Save ne fion sinfuI fIesh,
lecause I liusled in you vilh aII ny slienglh,
lecause you aie lhe Iife of lhe Iife!
Save ne fion a huniIialing eneny!
Do nol give ne inlo lhe hand of a judge vho is seveie vilh sin!
Ioigive ne aII ny dells of lhe days (of ny Iife)!
ecause I an aIive in you, youi giace is aIive in ne.
I have ienounced eveiyone, lul you I have confessed.
Save ne fion eviI affIiclion!
ul nov is lhe line and lhe houi.
O HoIy Spiiil, send ne saIvalion |...j lhe Iighl |...j
lhe Iighl |...j in a povei |...j.
"Aflei he spoke, he feII siIenl |...j void |...j afleivaid |...j lhe discouise |...j."
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!.&;BD&<#* -/ 9#=.'# VM :&?S&#
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The ieveIalion vhich Adan laughl his son Selh in lhe seven hundielh yeai, saying:
Lislen lo ny voids, ny son Selh. When Cod had ciealed ne oul of lhe eailh, aIong vilh Lve, youi
nolhei, I venl aloul vilh hei in a gIoiy vhich she had seen in lhe aeon fion vhich ve had cone
foilh. She laughl ne a void of knovIedge of lhe eleinaI Cod. And ve iesenlIed lhe gieal eleinaI
angeIs, foi ve veie highei lhan lhe god vho had ciealed us and lhe poveis vilh hin, vhon ve
did nol knov.
Then Cod, lhe iuIei of lhe aeons and lhe poveis, divided us in vialh. Then ve lecane lvo aeons.
And lhe gIoiy in oui heail(s) Iefl us, ne and youi nolhei Lve, aIong vilh lhe fiisl knovIedge lhal
liealhed vilhin us. And il (gIoiy) fIed fion us, il enleied inlo |...j gieal |...j vhich had cone foilh,
nol fion lhis aeon fion vhich ve had cone foilh, I and Lve youi nolhei. ul il (knovIedge)
enleied inlo lhe seed of gieal aeons. Ioi lhis ieason I nyseIf have caIIed you ly lhe nane of lhal
nan vho is lhe seed of lhe gieal geneialion oi fion vhon (il cones). Aflei lhose days, lhe eleinaI
knovIedge of lhe Cod of liulh vilhdiev fion ne and youi nolhei Lve. Since lhal line, ve
Ieained aloul dead lhings, Iike nen. Then ve iecognized lhe Cod vho had ciealed us. Ioi ve
veie nol sliangeis lo his poveis. And ve seived hin in feai and sIaveiy. And aflei lhese lhings,
ve lecane daikened in oui heail(s). Nov I sIepl in lhe lhoughl of ny heail.
And I sav lhiee nen lefoie ne vhose Iikeness I vas unalIe lo iecognize, since lhey veie nol lhe
poveis of lhe Cod vho had ciealed us. They suipassed |...j gIoiy, and |...j nen |...j saying lo ne,
"Aiise, Adan, fion lhe sIeep of dealh, and heai aloul lhe aeon and lhe seed of lhal nan lo vhon
Iife has cone, vho cane fion you and fion Lve, youi vife."
When I had heaid lhese voids fion lhe gieal nen vho veie slanding lefoie ne, lhen ve sighed,
I and Lve, in oui heail(s). And lhe Loid, lhe Cod vho had ciealed us, slood lefoie us. He said lo
us, "Adan, vhy veie you (lolh) sighing in youi heails` Do you nol knov lhal I an lhe Cod vho
ciealed you` And I liealhed inlo you a spiiil of Iife as a Iiving souI." Then daikness cane upon
oui eyes.
Then lhe Cod vho ciealed us, ciealed a son fion hinseIf and Lve, youi nolhei. I knev sveel
desiie foi youi nolhei, foi |...j in lhe lhoughl of ny |...j I knev a sveel desiie foi youi nolhei.
Then lhe vigoi of oui eleinaI knovIedge vas deslioyed in us, and veakness puisued us.
Theiefoie lhe days of oui Iife lecane fev. Ioi I knev lhal I had cone undei lhe aulhoiily of
Nov lhen, ny son Selh, I viII ieveaI lo you lhe lhings vhich lhose nen vhon I sav lefoie ne al
fiisl ieveaIed lo ne: aflei I have conpIeled lhe lines of lhis geneialion and lhe yeais of lhe
geneialion have leen acconpIished, lhen |...j sIave |...j. (p.68 lIank)
Ioi iain-shoveis of Cod lhe aInighly viII le pouied foilh, so lhal he nighl deslioy aII fIesh |of
Cod lhe aInighly, so lhal he nighl deslioy aII fIeshj fion lhe eailh on accounl of lhe lhings lhal il
seeks aflei, aIong vilh lhose fion lhe seed of lhe nen lo vhon passed lhe Iife of lhe knovIedge
vhich cane fion ne and Lve, youi nolhei. Ioi lhey veie sliangeis lo hin. Afleivaids, gieal
angeIs viII cone on high cIouds, vho viII liing lhose nen inlo lhe pIace vheie lhe spiiil of Iife
dveIIs |...j gIoiy |...j lheie, |...j cone fion heaven lo eailh. Then lhe vhoIe nuIlilude of fIesh viII
le Iefl lehind in lhe valeis.
Then Cod viII iesl fion his vialh. And he viII casl his povei upon lhe valeis, and he viII give
povei lo his sons and lheii vives ly neans of lhe aik aIong vilh lhe aninaIs, vhichevei he
pIeased, and lhe liids of heaven, vhich he caIIed and ieIeased upon lhe eailh. And Cod viII say
lo Noah - vhon lhe geneialions viII caII 'DeucaIion' - "ehoId, I have piolecled <you> in lhe aik,
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aIong vilh youi vife and youi sons and lheii vives and lheii aninaIs and lhe liids of heaven,
vhich you caIIed and ieIeased upon lhe eailh. Theiefoie I viII give lhe eailh lo you - you and
youi sons. In kingIy fashion you viII iuIe ovei il - you and youi sons. And no seed viII cone fion
you of lhe nen vho viII nol sland in ny piesence in anolhei gIoiy."
Then lhey viII lecone as lhe cIoud of lhe gieal Iighl. Those nen viII cone vho have leen casl
foilh fion lhe knovIedge of lhe gieal aeons and lhe angeIs. They viII sland lefoie Noah and lhe
aeons. And Cod viII say lo Noah, "Why have you depailed fion vhal I loId you` You have
ciealed anolhei geneialion so lhal you nighl scoin ny povei." Then Noah viII say, "I shaII leslify
lefoie youi nighl lhal lhe geneialion of lhese nen did nol cone fion ne noi fion ny sons. |...j
And he viII |...j lhose nen and liing lhen inlo lheii piopei Iand, and luiId lhen a hoIy dveIIing
pIace. And lhey viII le caIIed ly lhal nane and dveII lheie six hundied yeais in a knovIedge of
inpeiishaliIily. And lhe angeIs of lhe gieal Lighl viII dveII vilh lhen. No fouI deed viII dveII in
lheii heail(s), lul onIy lhe knovIedge of Cod.
Then Noah viII divide lhe vhoIe eailh anong his sons, Han and }aphelh and Shen. He viII say
lo lhen, "My sons, Iislen lo ny voids. ehoId, I have divided lhe eailh anong you. ul seive hin
in feai and sIaveiy aII lhe days of youi Iife. Lel nol youi seed depail fion lhe face of Cod lhe
AInighly. |...j I and youi |...j son of Noah, "My seed viII le pIeasing lefoie you and lefoie youi
povei. SeaI il ly youi sliong hand, vilh feai and connandnenl, so lhal lhe vhoIe seed vhich
cane foilh fion ne nay nol le incIined avay fion you and Cod lhe AInighly, lul il viII seive in
huniIily and feai of ils knovIedge."
Then olheis fion lhe seed of Han and }aphelh viII cone, foui hundied lhousand nen, and enlei
inlo anolhei Iand and sojouin vilh lhose nen vho cane foilh fion lhe gieal eleinaI knovIedge.
Ioi lhe shadov of lheii povei viII piolecl lhose vho have sojouined vilh lhen fion eveiy eviI
lhing and eveiy uncIean desiie. Then lhe seed of Han and }aphelh viII foin lveIve kingdons,
and lheii seed aIso viII enlei inlo lhe kingdon of anolhei peopIe.
Then |...j viII lake counseI |...j vho aie dead, of lhe gieal aeons of inpeiishaliIily. And lhey viII
go lo SakIa, lheii Cod. They viII go in lo lhe poveis, accusing lhe gieal nen vho aie in lheii
They viII say lo SakIa, "Whal is lhe povei of lhese nen vho slood in youi piesence, vho veie
laken fion lhe seed of Han and }aphelh, vho viII nunlei foui hundied <lhousand> nen` They
have leen ieceived inlo anolhei aeonfion vhich lhey had cone foilh, and lhey have oveiluined
aII lhe gIoiy of youi povei and lhe doninion of youi hand. Ioi lhe seed of Noah lhiough his sons
has done aII youi viII, and (so have) aII lhe poveis in lhe aeons ovei vhich youi nighl iuIes,
vhiIe lolh lhose nen and lhe ones vho aie sojouineis in lheii gIoiy have nol done youi viII. ul
lhey have luined (aside) youi vhoIe lhiong."
Then lhe god of lhe aeons viII give lhen (sone) of lhose vho seive hin |...j. They viII cone upon
lhal Iand vheie lhe gieal nen viII le vho have nol leen defiIed, noi viII le defiIed, ly any
desiie. Ioi lheii souI did nol cone fion a defiIed hand, lul il cane fion a gieal connandnenl of
an eleinaI angeI. Then fiie and suIphui and asphaIl viII le casl upon lhose nen, and fiie and
(lIinding) nisl viII cone ovei lhose aeons, and lhe eyes of lhe poveis of lhe iIIuninalois viII le
daikened, and lhe aeons viII nol see lhen in lhose days. And gieal cIouds of Iighl viII descend,
and olhei cIouds of Iighl viII cone dovn upon lhen fion lhe gieal aeons.
Aliasax and SalIo and CanaIieI viII descend and liing lhose nen oul of lhe fiie and lhe vialh,
and lake lhen alove lhe aeons and lhe iuIeis of lhe poveis, and lake lhen avay |...j of Iife |...j
and lake lhen avay |...j aeons |...j dveIIing pIace of lhe gieal |...j lheie, vilh lhe hoIy angeIs and
lhe aeons. The nen viII le Iike lhose angeIs, foi lhey aie nol sliangeis lo lhen. ul lhey voik in
lhe inpeiishalIe seed.
Once again, foi lhe lhiid line, lhe iIIuninaloi of knovIedge viII pass ly in gieal gIoiy, in oidei lo
Ieave (sonelhing) of lhe seed of Noah and lhe sons of Han and }aphelh - lo Ieave foi hinseIf
fiuil-leaiing liees. And he viII iedeen lheii souIs fion lhe day of dealh. Ioi lhe vhoIe ciealion
lhal cane fion lhe dead eailh viII le undei lhe aulhoiily of dealh. ul lhose vho iefIecl upon lhe
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knovIedge of lhe eleinaI Cod in lheii heail(s) viII nol peiish. Ioi lhey have nol ieceived spiiil
fion lhis kingdon aIone, lul lhey have ieceived (il) fion a |...j eleinaI angeI. |...j iIIuninaloi |...j
viII cone upon |...j lhal is dead |...j of Selh. And he viII peifoin signs and vondeis in oidei lo
scoin lhe poveis and lheii iuIei.
Then lhe god of lhe poveis viII le disluiled, saying, "Whal is lhe povei of lhis nan vho is
highei lhan ve`" Then he viII aiouse a gieal vialh againsl lhal nan. And lhe gIoiy viII vilhdiav
and dveII in hoIy houses vhich il has chosen foi ilseIf. And lhe poveis viII nol see il vilh lheii
eyes, noi viII lhey see lhe iIIuninaloi eilhei. Then lhey viII punish lhe fIesh of lhe nan upon
vhon lhe hoIy spiiil cane.
Then lhe angeIs and aII lhe geneialions of lhe poveis viII use lhe nane in eiioi, asking, "Wheie
did il (lhe eiioi) cone fion`" oi "Wheie did lhe voids of deceplion, vhich aII lhe poveis have
faiIed lo discovei, cone fion`"
Nov lhe fiisl kingdon says of hin lhal he cane fion |...j. A spiiil |...j lo heaven. He vas
nouiished in lhe heavens. He ieceived lhe gIoiy of lhal one and lhe povei. He cane lo lhe loson
of his nolhei. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
And lhe second kingdon says aloul hin lhal he cane fion a gieal piophel. And a liid cane,
look lhe chiId vho vas loin, and lioughl hin onlo a high nounlain. And he vas nouiished ly
lhe liid of heaven. An angeI cane foilh lheie. He said lo hin "Aiise! Cod has given gIoiy lo you."
He ieceived gIoiy and slienglh. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
The lhiid kingdon says of hin lhal he cane fion a viigin vonl. He vas casl oul of his cily, he
and his nolhei. He vas lioughl lo a deseil pIace. He vas nouiished lheie. He cane and ieceived
gIoiy and slienglh. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
The fouilh kingdon says of hin lhal he cane fion a viigin. |...j SoIonon soughl hei, he and
IheisaIo and SaueI and his ainies, vhich had leen senl oul. SoIonon hinseIf senl his ainy of
denons lo seek oul lhe viigin. And lhey did nol find lhe one vhon lhey soughl, lul lhe viigin
vho vas given lhen. Il vas she vhon lhey felched. SoIonon look hei. The viigin lecane
piegnanl and gave liilh lo lhe chiId lheie. She nouiished hin on a loidei of lhe deseil. When he
had leen nouiished, he ieceived gIoiy and povei fion lhe seed fion vhich he vas legollen. And
lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
And lhe fiflh kingdon says of hin lhal he cane fion a diop fion heaven. He vas lhiovn inlo lhe
sea. The alyss ieceived hin, gave liilh lo hin, and lioughl hin lo heaven. He ieceived gIoiy and
povei. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
And lhe sixlh kingdon says lhal |...j dovn lo lhe aeonvhich is leIov, in oidei lo galhei fIoveis.
She lecane piegnanl fion lhe desiie of lhe fIoveis. She gave liilh lo hin in lhal pIace. The
angeIs of lhe fIovei gaiden nouiished hin. He ieceived gIoiy lheie, and povei. And lhus he cane
lo lhe valei.
And lhe sevenlh kingdon says of hin lhal he is a diop. Il cane fion heaven lo eailh. Diagons
lioughl hin dovn lo caves. He lecane a chiId. A spiiil cane upon hin and lioughl hin on high
lo lhe pIace vheie lhe diop had cone foilh. He ieceived gIoiy and povei lheie. And lhus he cane
lo lhe valei.
And lhe eighlh kingdon says of hin lhal a cIoud cane upon lhe eailh and enveIoped a iock. He
cane fion il. The angeIs vho veie alove lhe cIoud nouiished hin. He ieceived gIoiy and povei
lheie. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
And lhe ninlh kingdon says of hin lhal fion lhe nine Muses one sepaialed avay. She cane lo a
high nounlain and spenl (sone) line sealed lheie, so lhal she desiied heiseIf aIone in oidei lo
lecone andiogynous. She fuIfiIIed hei desiie and lecane piegnanl fion hei desiie. He vas loin.
The angeIs vho veie ovei lhe desiie nouiished hin. And he ieceived gIoiy lheie, and povei. And
lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
The lenlh kingdon says of hin lhal his god Ioved a cIoud of desiie. He legol hin in his hand and
casl upon lhe cIoud alove hin (sone) of lhe diop, and he vas loin. He ieceived gIoiy and povei
lheie. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
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And lhe eIevenlh kingdon says lhal lhe falhei desiied his ovn daughlei. She heiseIf lecane
piegnanl fion hei falhei. She casl |...j lonl oul in lhe deseil. The angeI nouiished hin lheie. And
lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
The lveIflh kingdon says of hin lhal he cane fion lvo iIIuninalois. He vas nouiished lheie. He
ieceived gIoiy and povei. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei.
And lhe lhiileenlh kingdon says of hin lhal eveiy liilh of lheii iuIei is a void. And lhis void
ieceived a nandale lheie. He ieceived gIoiy and povei. And lhus he cane lo lhe valei, in oidei
lhal lhe desiie of lhose poveis nighl le salisfied.
ul lhe geneialion vilhoul a king ovei il says lhal Cod chose hin fion aII lhe aeons. He caused a
knovIedge of lhe undefiIed one of liulh lo cone lo le in hin. He said, "Oul of a foieign aii, fion a
gieal aeon, lhe gieal iIIuninaloi cane foilh. And he nade lhe geneialion of lhose nen vhon he
had chosen foi hinseIf shine, so lhal lhey couId shine upon lhe vhoIe aeon"
Then lhe seed, lhose vho viII ieceive his nane upon lhe valei and (lhal) of lhen aII, viII fighl
againsl lhe povei. And a cIoud of daikness viII cone upon lhen.
Then lhe peopIes viII ciy oul vilh a gieal voice, saying, "Iessed is lhe souI of lhose nen lecause
lhey have knovn Cod vilh a knovIedge of lhe liulh! They shaII Iive foievei, lecause lhey have
nol leen coiiupled ly lheii desiie, aIong vilh lhe angeIs, noi have lhey acconpIished lhe voiks
of lhe poveis, lul lhey have slood in his piesence in a knovIedge of Cod Iike Iighl lhal has cone
foilh fion fiie and lIood.
"ul ve have done eveiy deed of lhe poveis senseIessIy. We have loasled in lhe liansgiession of
aII oui voiks. We have ciied againsl lhe Cod of liulh lecause aII his voiks |...j is eleinaI. These
aie againsl oui spiiils. Ioi nov ve have knovn lhal oui souIs viII die lhe dealh."
Then a voice cane lo lhen, saying "Micheu and Michai and Mnesinous, vho aie ovei lhe hoIy
laplisn and lhe Iiving valei, vhy veie you ciying oul againsl lhe Iiving Cod vilh IavIess voices
and longues vilhoul Iav ovei lhen, and souIs fuII of lIood and fouI deeds` You aie fuII of voiks
lhal aie nol of lhe liulh, lul youi vays aie fuII of joy and iejoicing. Having defiIed lhe valei of
Iife, you have diavn il vilhin lhe viII of lhe poveis lo vhon you have leen given lo seive lhen.
"And youi lhoughl is nol Iike lhal of lhose nen vhon you peisecule |...j desiie |...j. Theii fiuil
does nol vilhei. ul lhey viII le knovn up lo lhe gieal aeons, lecause lhe voids lhey have kepl,
of lhe Cod of lhe aeons, veie nol connilled lo lhe look, noi veie lhey viillen. ul angeIic
(leings) viII liing lhen, vhon aII lhe geneialions of nen viII nol knov. Ioi lhey viII le on a
high nounlain, upon a iock of liulh. Theiefoie lhey viII le naned "The Woids of InpeiishaliIily
and Tiulh," foi lhose vho knov lhe eleinaI Cod in visdon of knovIedge and leaching of angeIs
foievei, foi he knovs aII lhings."
These aie lhe ieveIalions vhich Adan nade knovn lo Selh, his son, And his son laughl his seed
aloul lhen. This is lhe hidden knovIedge of Adan, vhich he gave lo Selh, vhich is lhe hoIy
laplisn of lhose vho knov lhe eleinaI knovIedge lhiough lhose loin of lhe void and lhe
inpeiishalIe iIIuninalois, vho cane fion lhe hoIy seed: Yesseus, Mazaieus, Yessedekeus, lhe
Living Walei.

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!"# 8?<B =@ J#<#. &;* <"# !O#DN# 8C=B<D#B
!.&;BD&<#* -/ 7=>'D&B :M J&..=<< &;* SM :?,MV+DB=;
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
|...j vhich |...j puipose |... aflei ...j us |...j aposlIes |...j. We saiIed |...j of lhe lody. Olheis veie nol
anxious in lheii heails. And in oui heails, ve veie uniled. We agieed lo fuIfiII lhe ninisliy lo
vhich lhe Loid appoinled us. And ve nade a covenanl vilh each olhei.
We venl dovn lo lhe sea al an oppoilune nonenl, vhich cane lo us fion lhe Loid. We found a
ship nooied al lhe shoie ieady lo enlaik, and ve spoke vilh lhe saiIois of lhe ship aloul oui
coning aloaid vilh lhen. They shoved gieal kindIiness lovaid us as vas oidained ly lhe Loid.
And aflei ve had enlaiked, ve saiIed a day and a nighl. Aflei lhal, a vind cane up lehind lhe
ship and lioughl us lo a snaII cily in lhe nidsl of lhe sea.
And I, Ielei, inquiied aloul lhe nane of lhis cily fion iesidenls vho veie slanding on lhe dock.
A nan anong lhen ansveied, saying, "The nane of lhis cily is Halilalion, lhal is, Ioundalion |...j
enduiance." And lhe Ieadei anong lhen hoIding lhe paIn lianch al lhe edge of lhe dock. And
aflei ve had gone ashoie vilh lhe laggage, I venl inlo lhe cily, lo seek advice aloul Iodging.
A nan cane oul veaiing a cIolh lound aiound his vaisl, and a goId leIl giided il. AIso a napkin
vas lied ovei his chesl, exlending ovei his shouIdeis and coveiing his head and his hands.
I vas slaiing al lhe nan, lecause he vas leaulifuI in his foin and slaluie. Theie veie foui pails
of his lody lhal I sav: lhe soIes of his feel and a pail of his chesl and lhe paIns of his hands and
his visage. These lhings I vas alIe lo see. A look covei Iike (lhose of) ny looks vas in his Iefl
hand. A slaff of slyiax vood vas in his iighl hand. His voice vas iesounding as he sIovIy spoke,
ciying oul in lhe cily, "IeaiIsI IeaiIsI"
I, indeed, lhoughl he vas a nan of lhal cily. I said lo hin, "My liolhei and ny fiiend!" He
ansveied ne, lhen, saying, "RighlIy did you say, 'My liolhei and ny fiiend.' Whal is il you seek
fion ne`" I said lo hin, "I ask you aloul Iodging foi ne and lhe liolheis aIso, lecause ve aie
sliangeis heie." He said lo ne, "Ioi lhis ieason have I nyseIf jusl said, 'My liolhei and ny fiiend,'
lecause I aIso an a feIIov sliangei Iike you."
And having said lhese lhings, he ciied oul, "IeaiIs! IeaiIs!" The iich nen of lhal cily heaid his
voice. They cane oul of lheii hidden sloieioons. And sone veie Iooking oul fion lhe sloieioons
of lheii houses. Olheis Iooked oul fion lheii uppei vindovs. And lhey did nol see (lhal lhey
couId gain) anylhing fion hin, lecause lheie vas no pouch on his lack noi lundIe inside his
cIolh and napkin. And lecause of lheii disdain lhey did nol even acknovIedge hin. He, foi his
pail, did nol ieveaI hinseIf lo lhen. They ieluined lo lheii sloieioons, saying, "This nan is
nocking us."
And lhe pooi of lhal cily heaid his voice, and lhey cane lo lhe nan vho seIIs lhis peaiI. They said,
"IIease lake lhe lioulIe lo shov us lhe peaiI so lhal ve nay, lhen, see il vilh oui (ovn) eyes. Ioi
ve aie lhe pooi. And ve do nol have lhis |...j piice lo pay foi il. ul shov us lhal ve nighl say lo
oui fiiends lhal ve sav a peaiI vilh oui (ovn) eyes." He ansveied, saying lo lhen, "If il is
possilIe, cone lo ny cily, so lhal I nay nol onIy shov il lefoie youi (veiy) eyes, lul give il lo you
foi nolhing."
And indeed lhey, lhe pooi of lhal cily, heaid and said, "Since ve aie leggais, ve suieIy knov lhal
a nan does nol give a peaiI lo a leggai, lul (il is) liead and noney lhal is usuaIIy ieceived. Nov
lhen, lhe kindness vhich ve vanl lo ieceive fion you (is) lhal you shov us lhe peaiI lefoie oui
eyes. And ve viII say lo oui fiiends pioudIy lhal ve sav a peaiI vilh oui (ovn) eyes" - lecause il
is nol found anong lhe pooi, especiaIIy such leggais (as lhese). He ansveied (and) said lo lhen,
"If il is possilIe, you youiseIves cone lo ny cily, so lhal I nay nol onIy shov you il, lul give il lo
you foi nolhing." The pooi and lhe leggais iejoiced lecause of lhe nan vho gives foi nolhing.
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The nen asked Ielei aloul lhe haidships. Ielei ansveied and loId lhose lhings lhal he had heaid
aloul lhe haidships of lhe vay. ecause lhey aie inleipieleis of lhe haidships in lheii ninisliy.
He said lo lhe nan vho seIIs lhis peaiI, "I vanl lo knov youi nane and lhe haidships of lhe vay
lo youi cily lecause ve aie sliangeis and seivanls of Cod. Il is necessaiy foi us lo spiead lhe void
of Cod in eveiy cily hainoniousIy." He ansveied and said, "If you seek ny nane, LilhaigoeI is
ny nane, lhe inleipielalion of vhich is, lhe Iighl, gazeIIe-Iike slone.
"And aIso (conceining) lhe ioad lo lhe cily, vhich you asked ne aloul, I viII leII you aloul il. No
nan is alIe lo go on lhal ioad, excepl one vho has foisaken eveiylhing lhal he has and has fasled
daiIy fion slage lo slage. Ioi nany aie lhe iolleis and viId leasls on lhal ioad. The one vho
caiiies liead vilh hin on lhe ioad, lhe lIack dogs kiII lecause of lhe liead. The one vho caiiies a
coslIy gainenl of lhe voiId vilh hin, lhe iolleis kiII lecause of lhe gainenl. The one vho caiiies
valei vilh hin, lhe voIves kiII lecause of lhe valei, since lhey veie lhiisly foi il. The one vho is
anxious aloul neal and gieen vegelalIes, lhe Iions eal lecause of lhe neal. If he evades lhe Iions,
lhe luIIs devoui hin lecause of lhe gieen vegelalIes."
When he had said lhese lhings lo ne, I sighed vilhin nyseIf, saying, "Cieal haidships aie on lhe
ioad! If onIy }esus vouId give us povei lo vaIk il!" He Iooked al ne since ny face vas sad, and I
sighed. He said lo ne, "Why do you sigh, if you, indeed, knov lhis nane "}esus" and leIieve hin`
He is a gieal povei foi giving slienglh. Ioi I loo leIieve in lhe Ialhei vho senl hin."
I iepIied, asking hin, "Whal is lhe nane of lhe pIace lo vhich you go, youi cily`" He said lo ne,
"This is lhe nane of ny cily, 'Nine Cales.' Lel us piaise Cod as ve aie nindfuI lhal lhe lenlh is lhe
head." Aflei lhis I venl avay fion hin in peace.
As I vas aloul lo go and caII ny fiiends, I sav vaves and Iaige high vaIIs suiiounding lhe
lounds of lhe cily. I naiveIed al lhe gieal lhings I sav. I sav an oId nan silling and I asked hin if
lhe nane of lhe cily vas ieaIIy Halilalion. He |...j, "Halilalion |...j." He said lo ne, "You speak
liuIy, foi ve inhalil heie lecause ve enduie."
I iesponded, saying, "}uslIy |...j have nen naned il |...j, lecause (ly) eveiyone vho enduies his
liiaIs, cilies aie inhaliled, and a piecious kingdon cones fion lhen, lecause lhey enduie in lhe
nidsl of lhe aposlasies and lhe difficuIlies of lhe sloins. So lhal in lhis vay, lhe cily of eveiyone
vho enduies lhe luiden of his yoke of failh viII le inhaliled, and he viII le incIuded in lhe
kingdon of heaven."
I huiiied and venl and caIIed ny fiiends so lhal ve nighl go lo lhe cily lhal he, LilhaigoeI,
appoinled foi us. In a lond of failh ve foisook eveiylhing as he had said (lo do). We evaded lhe
iolleis, lecause lhey did nol find lheii gainenls vilh us. We evaded lhe voIves, lecause lhey
did nol find lhe valei vilh us foi vhich lhey lhiisled. We evaded lhe Iions, lecause lhey did nol
find lhe desiie foi neal vilh us. We evaded lhe luIIs |...j lhey did nol find gieen vegelalIes.
A gieal joy cane upon us and a peacefuI caiefieeness Iike lhal of oui Loid. We iesled ouiseIves in
fionl of lhe gale, and ve laIked vilh each olhei aloul lhal vhich is nol a disliaclion of lhis voiId.
Ralhei ve conlinued in conlenpIalion of lhe failh.
As ve discussed lhe iolleis on lhe ioad, vhon ve evaded, lehoId LilhaigoeI, having changed,
cane oul lo us. He had lhe appeaiance of a physician, since an unguenl lox vas undei his ain,
and a young discipIe vas foIIoving hin caiiying a pouch fuII of nedicine. We did nol iecognize
Ielei iesponded and said lo hin, "We vanl you lo do us a favoi, lecause ve aie sliangeis, and
lake us lo lhe house of LilhaigoeI lefoie evening cones." He said, "In upiighlness of heail I viII
shov il lo you. ul I an anazed al hov you knev lhis good nan. Ioi he does nol ieveaI hinseIf
lo eveiy nan, lecause he hinseIf is lhe son of a gieal king. Resl youiseIves a IillIe so lhal I nay go
and heaI lhis nan and cone (lack)." He huiiied and cane (lack) quickIy.
He said lo Ielei, "Ielei!" And Ielei vas fiighlened, foi hov did he knov lhal his nane vas Ielei`
Ielei iesponded lo lhe Savioi, "Hov do you knov ne, foi you caIIed ny nane`" LilhaigoeI
ansveied, "I vanl lo ask you vho gave lhe nane Ielei lo you`" He said lo hin, "Il vas }esus
Chiisl, lhe son of lhe Iiving Cod. He gave lhis nane lo ne." He ansveied and said, "Il is I!
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Recognize ne, Ielei." He Ioosened lhe gainenl, vhich cIolhed hin - lhe one inlo vhich he had
changed hinseIf lecause of us - ieveaIing lo us in liulh lhal il vas he.
We pioslialed ouiseIves on lhe giound and voishipped hin. We conpiised eIeven discipIes. He
slielched foilh his hand and caused us lo sland. We spoke vilh hin hunlIy. Oui heads veie
loved dovn in unvoilhiness as ve said, "Whal you vish ve viII do. ul give us povei lo do
vhal you vish al aII lines."
He gave lhen lhe unguenl lox and lhe pouch lhal vas in lhe hand of lhe young discipIe. He
connanded lhen Iike lhis, saying, "Co inlo lhe cily fion vhich you cane, vhich is caIIed
Halilalion. Conlinue in enduiance as you leach aII lhose vho have leIieved in ny nane, lecause
I have enduied in haidships of lhe failh. I viII give you youi ievaid. To lhe pooi of lhal cily give
vhal lhey need in oidei lo Iive unliI I give lhen vhal is lellei, vhich I loId you lhal I viII give
you foi nolhing."
Ielei ansveied and said lo hin, "Loid, you have laughl us lo foisake lhe voiId and eveiylhing in
il. We have ienounced lhen foi youi sake. Whal ve aie conceined aloul (nov) is lhe food foi a
singIe day. Wheie viII ve le alIe lo find lhe needs lhal you ask us lo piovide foi lhe pooi`"
The Loid ansveied and said, "O Ielei, il vas necessaiy lhal you undeisland lhe paialIe lhal I loId
you! Do you nol undeisland lhal ny nane, vhich you leach, suipasses aII iiches, and lhe visdon
of Cod suipasses goId, and siIvei and piecious slone(s)`"
He gave lhen lhe pouch of nedicine and said, "HeaI aII lhe sick of lhe cily vho leIieve in ny
nane." Ielei vas afiaid lo iepIy lo hin foi lhe second line. He signaIed lo lhe one vho vas
leside hin, vho vas }ohn: "You laIk lhis line." }ohn ansveied and said, "Loid, lefoie you ve aie
afiaid lo say nany voids. ul il is you vho asks us lo piaclice lhis skiII. We have nol leen laughl
lo le physicians. Hov lhen viII ve knov hov lo heaI lodies as you have loId us`"
He ansveied lhen, "RighlIy have you spoken, }ohn, foi I knov lhal lhe physicians of lhis voiId
heaI vhal leIongs lo lhe voiId. The physicians of souIs, hovevei, heaI lhe heail. HeaI lhe lodies
fiisl, lheiefoie, so lhal lhiough lhe ieaI poveis of heaIing foi lheii lodies, vilhoul nedicine of lhe
voiId, lhey nay leIieve in you, lhal you have povei lo heaI lhe iIInesses of lhe heail aIso.
"The iich nen of lhe cily, hovevei, lhose vho did nol see fil even lo acknovIedge ne, lul vho
ieveIed in lheii veaIlh and piide - vilh such as lhese, lheiefoie, do nol dine in lheii houses noi le
fiiends vilh lhen, Iesl lheii pailiaIily infIuence you. Ioi nany in lhe chuiches have shovn
pailiaIily lo lhe iich, lecause lhey aIso aie sinfuI, and lhey give occasion foi olheis lo sin. ul
judge lhen vilh upiighlness, so lhal youi ninisliy nay le gIoiified, and lhal ny nane aIso, nay
le gIoiified in lhe chuiches." The discipIes ansveied and said, "Yes, liuIy lhis is vhal is filling lo
They pioslialed lhenseIves on lhe giound and voishipped hin. He caused lhen lo sland and
depailed fion lhen in peace. Anen.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
I vas senl foilh fion lhe povei,
and I have cone lo lhose vho iefIecl
upon ne,
and I have leen found anong lhose vho
seek aflei ne.
Look upon ne, you vho iefIecl upon ne,
and you heaieis, heai ne.
You vho aie vailing foi ne, lake ne lo
And do nol lanish ne fion youi sighl.
And do nol nake youi voice hale ne, noi youi
Do nol le ignoianl of ne anyvheie oi any
e on youi guaid!
Do nol le ignoianl of ne.
Ioi I an lhe fiisl and lhe Iasl.
I an lhe honoied one and lhe scoined one.
I an lhe vhoie and lhe hoIy one.
I an lhe vife and lhe viigin.
I an <lhe nolhei> and lhe daughlei.
I an lhe nenleis of ny nolhei.
I an lhe laiien one
and nany aie hei sons.
I an she vhose vedding is gieal,
and I have nol laken a husland.
I an lhe nidvife and she vho does nol leai.
I an lhe soIace of ny Ialoi pains.
I an lhe liide and lhe liidegioon,
and il is ny husland vho legol ne.
I an lhe nolhei of ny falhei
and lhe sislei of ny husland
and he is ny offspiing.
I an lhe sIave of hin vho piepaied ne.
I an lhe iuIei of ny offspiing.
ul he is lhe one vho legol ne lefoie lhe
line on a liilhday.
And he is ny offspiing in (due) line,
and ny povei is fion hin.
I an lhe slaff of his povei in his youlh,
and he is lhe iod of ny oId age.
And vhalevei he viIIs happens lo ne.
I an lhe siIence lhal is inconpiehensilIe
and lhe idea vhose ienenliance is
I an lhe voice vhose sound is nanifoId
and lhe void vhose appeaiance is
I an lhe ulleiance of ny nane.
Why, you vho hale ne, do you Iove ne,
and hale lhose vho Iove ne`
You vho deny ne, confess ne,
and you vho confess ne, deny ne.
You vho leII lhe liulh aloul ne, Iie aloul ne,
and you vho have Iied aloul ne, leII lhe
liulh aloul ne.
You vho knov ne, le ignoianl of ne,
and lhose vho have nol knovn ne, Iel
lhen knov ne.
Ioi I an knovIedge and ignoiance.
I an shane and loIdness.
I an shaneIess, I an ashaned.
I an slienglh and I an feai.
I an vai and peace.
Cive heed lo ne.
I an lhe one vho is disgiaced and lhe gieal
Cive heed lo ny poveily and ny veaIlh.
Do nol le aiioganl lo ne vhen I an casl oul
upon lhe eailh,
and you viII find ne in lhose lhal aie lo
And do nol Iook upon ne on lhe dung-heap
noi go and Ieave ne casl oul,
and you viII find ne in lhe kingdons.
And do nol Iook upon ne vhen I an casl oul
anong lhose vho
aie disgiaced and in lhe Ieasl pIaces,
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noi Iaugh al ne.
And do nol casl ne oul anong lhose vho aie
sIain in vioIence.
ul I, I an conpassionale and I an ciueI.
e on youi guaid!
Do nol hale ny oledience
and do nol Iove ny seIf-conlioI.
In ny veakness, do nol foisake ne,
and do nol le afiaid of ny povei.
Ioi vhy do you despise ny feai
and cuise ny piide`
ul I an she vho exisls in aII feais
and slienglh in lienlIing.
I an she vho is veak,
and I an veII in a pIeasanl pIace.
I an senseIess and I an vise.
Why have you haled ne in youi counseIs`
Ioi I shaII le siIenl anong lhose vho aie siIenl,
and I shaII appeai and speak,
Why lhen have you haled ne, you Cieeks`
ecause I an a lailaiian anong lhe
Ioi I an lhe visdon of lhe Cieeks
and lhe knovIedge of lhe lailaiians.
I an lhe judgenenl of lhe Cieeks and of lhe
I an lhe one vhose inage is gieal in Lgypl
and lhe one vho has no inage anong lhe
I an lhe one vho has leen haled eveiyvheie
and vho has leen Ioved eveiyvheie.
I an lhe one vhon lhey caII Life,
and you have caIIed Dealh.
I an lhe one vhon lhey caII Lav,
and you have caIIed LavIessness.
I an lhe one vhon you have puisued,
and I an lhe one vhon you have seized.
I an lhe one vhon you have scalleied,
and you have galheied ne logelhei.
I an lhe one lefoie vhon you have leen
and you have leen shaneIess lo ne.
I an she vho does nol keep feslivaI,
and I an she vhose feslivaIs aie nany.
I, I an godIess,
and I an lhe one vhose Cod is gieal.
I an lhe one vhon you have iefIecled upon,
and you have scoined ne.
I an unIeained,
and lhey Ieain fion ne.
I an lhe one lhal you have despised,
and you iefIecl upon ne.
I an lhe one vhon you have hidden fion,
and you appeai lo ne.
ul vhenevei you hide youiseIves,
I nyseIf viII appeai.
Ioi vhenevei you appeai,
I nyseIf viII hide fion you.
Those vho have |...j lo il |...j senseIessIy |...j.
Take ne |... undeislandingj fion giief.
and lake ne lo youiseIves fion
undeislanding and giief.
And lake ne lo youiseIves fion pIaces lhal aie
ugIy and in iuin,
and iol fion lhose vhich aie good even
lhough in ugIiness.
Oul of shane, lake ne lo youiseIves
and oul of shaneIessness and shane,
upliaid ny nenleis in youiseIves.
And cone foivaid lo ne, you vho knov ne
and you vho knov ny nenleis,
and eslalIish lhe gieal ones anong lhe
snaII fiisl ciealuies.
Cone foivaid lo chiIdhood,
and do nol despise il lecause il is snaII
and il is IillIe.
And do nol luin avay giealnesses in sone
pails fion lhe snaIInesses,
foi lhe snaIInesses aie knovn fion lhe
Why do you cuise ne and honoi ne`
You have vounded and you have had neicy.
Do nol sepaiale ne fion lhe fiisl ones vhon
you have knovn.
And do nol casl anyone oul noi luin anyone
|...j luin you avay and |... knovj hin nol.
Whal is nine |...j.
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I knov lhe fiisl ones and lhose aflei lhen
knov ne.
ul I an lhe nind of |...j and lhe iesl of |...j.
I an lhe knovIedge of ny inquiiy,
and lhe finding of lhose vho seek aflei
and lhe connand of lhose vho ask of ne,
and lhe povei of lhe poveis in ny
of lhe angeIs, vho have leen senl al ny
and of gods in lheii seasons ly ny
and of spiiils of eveiy nan vho exisls
vilh ne,
and of vonen vho dveII vilhin ne.
I an lhe one vho is honoied, and vho is
and vho is despised scoinfuIIy.
I an peace,
and vai has cone lecause of ne.
And I an an aIien and a cilizen.
I an lhe sulslance and lhe one vho has no
Those vho aie vilhoul associalion vilh ne aie
ignoianl of ne,
and lhose vho aie in ny sulslance aie
lhe ones vho knov ne.
Those vho aie cIose lo ne have leen ignoianl
of ne,
and lhose vho aie fai avay fion ne aie
lhe ones vho have knovn ne.
On lhe day vhen I an cIose lo you, you aie fai
avay fion ne,
and on lhe day vhen I an fai avay fion
you, I an cIose lo you.
|I an ...j vilhin.
|I an ...j of lhe naluies.
I an |...j of lhe ciealion of lhe spiiils.
|...j iequesl of lhe souIs.
I an conlioI and lhe unconlioIIalIe.
I an lhe union and lhe dissoIulion.
I an lhe aliding and I an lhe dissoIulion.
I an lhe one leIov,
and lhey cone up lo ne.
I an lhe judgnenl and lhe acquillaI.
I, I an sinIess,
and lhe iool of sin deiives fion ne.
I an Iusl in (oulvaid) appeaiance,
and inleiioi seIf-conlioI exisls vilhin ne.
I an lhe heaiing vhich is allainalIe lo
and lhe speech vhich cannol le giasped.
I an a nule vho does nol speak,
and gieal is ny nuIlilude of voids.
Heai ne in genlIeness, and Ieain of ne in
I an she vho ciies oul,
and I an casl foilh upon lhe face of lhe
I piepaie lhe liead and ny nind vilhin.
I an lhe knovIedge of ny nane.
I an lhe one vho ciies oul,
and I Iislen.
I appeai and |...j vaIk in |...j seaI of ny |...j.
I an |...j lhe defense |...j.
I an lhe one vho is caIIed Tiulh
and iniquily |...j.
You honoi ne |...j and you vhispei againsl ne.
You vho aie vanquished, judge lhen (vho
vanquish you)
lefoie lhey give judgnenl againsl you,
lecause lhe judge and pailiaIily exisl in
If you aie condenned ly lhis one, vho viII
acquil you`
Oi, if you aie acquilled ly hin, vho viII
le alIe lo delain you`
Ioi vhal is inside of you is vhal is oulside of
and lhe one vho fashions you on lhe
is lhe one vho shaped lhe inside of you.
And vhal you see oulside of you, you see
inside of you,
il is visilIe and il is youi gainenl.
Heai ne, you heaieis
and Ieain of ny voids, you vho knov
I an lhe heaiing lhal is allainalIe lo
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I an lhe speech lhal cannol le giasped.
I an lhe nane of lhe sound
and lhe sound of lhe nane.
I an lhe sign of lhe Iellei
and lhe designalion of lhe division.
And I |...j.
(3 Iines nissing)
|...j Iighl |...j.
|...j heaieis |...j lo you
|...j lhe gieal povei.
And |...j viII nol nove lhe nane.
|...j lo lhe one vho ciealed ne.
And I viII speak his nane.
Look lhen al his voids
and aII lhe viilings vhich have leen
Cive heed lhen, you heaieis
and you aIso, lhe angeIs and lhose vho
have leen senl,
and you spiiils vho have aiisen fion lhe
Ioi I an lhe one vho aIone exisls,
and I have no one vho viII judge ne.
Ioi nany aie lhe pIeasanl foins vhich exisl in
nuneious sins,
and inconlinencies,
and disgiacefuI passions,
and fIeeling pIeasuies,
vhich (nen) enliace unliI lhey lecone
and go up lo lheii iesling pIace.
And lhey viII find ne lheie,
and lhey viII Iive,
and lhey viII nol die again.
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!"# !">;*# . G J# . @ # ? < :+ ;*
CODLX VI (CC VI.2:13,1-21,32)
!.&;BD&<+=; -/ 8;;# :?9>+.#
I vas senl fion lhe Iovei
And I have cone lo lhose vho lhink upon ne.
And I vas found anong lhose vho seek aflei ne
Look al ne, you vho lhink upon ne,
And you heaieis, heai ne!
You vho aie vailing foi ne, lake ne lo youiseIves.
And do nol puisue ne fion youi vision.
And do nol nake youi sound hale ne, noi youi
Do nol le ignoianl of ne al any pIace oi any line.
e on guaid!
Do nol le ignoianl of ne. (13,5-15).
Ioi I an lhe fiisl and lhe Iasl.
I an lhe honoied and lhe scoined,
I an lhe haiIol and lhe hoIy one.
I an lhe vife and lhe viigin.
I an lhe n|olhjei and lhe daughlei.
I an lhe nenleis of ny nolhei.
I an lhe laiien one and lhe one vilh nany chiIdien.
I an she vhose naiiiage is nuIlipIe, and I have nol
laken a husland.
I an lhe nidvife and she vho does nol give liilh.
I an lhe confoiling of ny Ialoi pains.
I an lhe liide and lhe liidegioon.
Il is ny husland vho legol ne.
I an lhe nolhei of ny falhei and lhe sislei of ny
And he is ny offspiing.
I an lhe seivanl of hin vho piepaied ne and I an
lhe Ioid of ny offspiing.
ul he is lhe one vho le|gol nej lefoie line on a
day of liilh
and he is ny offspiing in line, and ny povei is
fion hin.
I an lhe slaff of his povei in his youlh and he is lhe
iod of ny oId age.
And vhalevei he viIIs happens lo ne.
I an lhe inconpiehensilIe siIence and lhe nuch-
ienenleied lhoughl.
I an lhe voice of nany sounds and lhe ulleiance
(Iogos) of nany foins.
I an lhe ulleiance of ny nane (13,15-14,15).
Why, you vho hale ne, do you Iove ne
And hale lhose vho Iove ne`
You vho deny ne, confess ne,
And you vho confess ne, deny ne.
You vho speak lhe liulh aloul ne, leII Iies aloul
And you vho have loId Iies aloul ne, speak lhe
liulh aloul ne.
You vho knov ne, lecone ignoianl of ne,
and nay lhose vho have leen ignoianl of ne cone
lo knov ne (14,15-25).
Ioi I an knovIedge and ignoiance.
I an shane and loIdness.
I an unashaned, I an ashaned.
I an slienglh and I an feai.
I an vai and peace (14,26-32).
Cive heed lo ne (14,32-33).
I an lhe disgiaced and lhe exaIled one (14,33-34)..
Cive heed lo ny poveily and ny veaIlh.
Do nol le haughly lo ne vhen I an discaided upon
lhe eailh,
And you viII find ne anong |lhosej lhal aie lo
And do nol Iook upon ne on lhe gailage-heap and
go and Ieave ne discaided.
And you viII find ne in lhe kingdons.
And do nol Iook upon ne vhen I an discaided
anong lhose vho aie disgiaced and in lhe Ieasl
And lhen Iaugh al ne.
And do nol casl ne dovn anong lhose vho aie
sIain in seveiily (14,34-15,14).
ul as foi ne, I an neicifuI and I an ciueI (15,15-
e on guaid!
Do nol hale ny oledience,
And do nol Iove ny seIf-conlioI in ny veakness.
Do nol foisake ne,
And do nol le afiaid of ny povei.
Why lhen do you despise ny feai
And cuise ny piide` (15,16-24).
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I an she vho exisls in aII feais and loIdness in
I an she vho is veak, and I an veII in pIeasuie of
I an fooIish and I an vise (15,25-31).
Why have you haled ne in youi counseIs`
(Is il) lecause I shaII le siIenl anong lhose vho aie
And I shaII appeai and speak`
Why lhen have you haled ne, you Cieeks`
ecause I an a non-Cieek anong non-Cieeks`
Ioi I an lhe Wisdon of Cieeks
And lhe Cnosis of non-Cieeks.
I an judgnenl foi Cieeks and non-Cieeks.
I an lhe one vhose inage is nuIlipIe in Lgypl.
And lhe one vho has no inage anong non-Cieeks.
I an she vho has leen haled eveiyvheie and vho
has leen Ioved eveiyvheie.
I an she vho is caIIed Life and you have caIIed
I an she vho is caIIed Lav and you have caIIed
I an lhe one you have puisued, and I an lhe one
you have iesliained.
I an lhe one you have scalleied and you have
galheied ne logelhei.
efoie ne you have leen ashaned and you have
leen unashaned vilh ne.
I an she vho olseives no feslivaI and I an she
vhose feslivaIs aie nany.
I, I an godIess and I an she vhose Cod is nuIlipIe.
I an lhe one upon vhon you have lhoughl and
vhon you have scoined.
I an unIeained, and il is fion ne lhey Ieain.
I an she vhon you have despised and upon vhon
you lhink.
I an lhe one fion vhon you have hidden and lo
vhon you aie nanifesl.
ul vhenevei you hide youiseIves, I nyseIf viII le
Ioi vhenevei you aie nanifesl, I nyseIf |viII hide fj
ion you.
Those vho have |... j
|...j senseIessIy
Take ne |...j |undeisljanding oul of pain,
and ieceive ne lo youiseIves oul of undeislanding
|andj pain.
Receive ne lo youiseIves oul of disgiacefuI pIaces
and conliilion.
And seize ne fion lhose vhich aie good even
lhough in disgiace.
Oul of shane, ieceive ne lo youiseIves in
And oul of shaneIessness and shane, lIane ny
nenleis anong youiseIves.
And cone foivaid lo ne, you vho knov ne and
vho knov ny nenleis.
LslalIish lhe gieal ones anong lhe snaII fiisl
Cone foivaid lo chiIdhood and do nol despise il
lecause il is IillIe and snaII.
And do nol liing lack sone giealnesses in pails
fion snaIInesses,
foi lhe snaIInesses aie knovn fion lhe giealnesses.
Why do you cuise ne and honoi ne`
You have vounded and you have had neicy.
Do nol sepaiale ne fion lhe fiisl ones vhon you
have k|novn.
Andj do nol casl anyone |oul
and do nolj liing anyone lack |...j
...lioughl you lack
and ... |knojv hin nol (17,4-18,5).
|I...j vhal is nine
|...j I knov lhe fi|isl onesj and lhose aflei lhen
knov ne.
ul I an lhe |peifeclj nind and lhe iepose of lhe |...j
I an lhe gnosis of ny seeking, and lhe finding of
lhose vho seek aflei ne.
And lhe connand of lhose vho ask of ne.
And lhe povei of lhe poveis ly ny gnosis
of lhe angeIs vho have leen senl ly ny Iogos,
And lhe gods in lheii seasons ly ny connand,
And il is vilh ne lhal lhe spiiils of aII hunans exisl,
and il is vilhin ne lhal vonen exisl.
I an she vho is honoied and piaised and vho is
despised scoinfuIIy.
I an peace and lecause of ne vai has cone lo le.
And I an an aIien and a cilizen.
I an sulslance and she vho has no sulslance.
Those vho cone inlo leing fion ny synousia aie
ignoianl of ne,
And lhose vho aie in ny sulslance knov ne.
Those vho aie cIose lo ne have leen ignoianl of ne
And lhose vho aie fai fion ne have knovn ne.
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On lhe day vhen I an cIose lo |you, youj aie fai
avay |fion ne
Andj on lhe day vhen I |an fai avayj fion you, |I
anj |cIosej lo you.
I |anj |....j vilhin.
|I..j ..... of lhe naluies.
I an |......j of lhe ciealion of spiiils ....iequesl of lhe
souIs. (18,35-19,8).
|I anj iesliainl and uniesliainl.
I an union and dissoIulion.
I an lhe aliding and I an lhe Ioosing.
I an descenl and lhey cone up lo ne.
I an lhe judgnenl and lhe acquillaI.
I, I an sinIess and lhe iool of sin is fion ne.
I an desiie in appeaiance and seIf-conlioI of lhe
heail exisls vilhin ne.
I an lhe heaiing vhich is allainalIe lo eveiyone and
lhe ungiaspalIe ulleiance.
I an a non-speaking nule and gieal is ny nuIlilude
of ulleiances (19,9-25).
Heai ne in soflness and Ieain fion ne in haishness.
I an she vho ciies oul,
And I an casl oul upon lhe face of lhe eailh.
I piepaie lhe liead and ny nind vilhin.
I an lhe gnosis of ny nane.
I an she vho ciies oul and I an lhe one vho Iislens.
I appeai an|d...j vaIk in |...j
seaI of ny |...j...|signj of lhe
I an |...j lhe defense.
I an she vho is caI|Iedj Tiulh. And vioIence |...j
You honoi ne |...j and you vhispei againsl |nej.
You vho aie defealed,
judge lhen lefoie lhey pass judgnenl againsl you.
Ioi lhe judge and pailiaIily exisl vilhin you.
If you aie condenned ly lhis, vho viII acquil you`
Oi if you aie acquilled ly hin, vho viII le alIe lo
iesliain you`
Ioi vhal is inside of you is vhal is oulside of you.
And lhe one vho noIded you on lhe oulside has
nade an inpiession of il inside of you.
And lhal vhich you see oulside of you,
you see inside of you.
Il is nanifesl and il is youi gainenl.
Heai ne, Iisleneis, and le laughl ny ulleiances, you
vho knov ne! (2O,9-28)
I an lhe heaiing lhal is acceplalIe in eveiy nallei,
I an lhe ulleiance lhal cannol le iesliained.
I an lhe nane of lhe voice and lhe voice of lhe
I an lhe sign of viiling and lhe nanifeslalion of
And I ...
|3 Iines nissingj
|...j Iighl |...j and |...j
|...j Iisleneis |...j you.
|...j lhe gieal povei.
And |...j viII nol nove lhe nane.
|...j lhe one vho ciealed ne.
ul I shaII speak his nane (2O,28-21,11).
ehoId, lhen, his ulleiances and aII lhe viilings lhal
have leen conpIeled.
Cive heed, lhen, Iisleneis, and you aIso, angeIs,
And lhose vho have leen senl,
And you spiiils vho have aiisen fion lhe dead,
Ioi I an lhe one vho aIone exisls,
And I have no one vho viII judge ne. (21,18-2O).
Ioi nany aie lhe sveel foins lhal exisl in nuneious
And uniesliained acls and disgiacefuI passions, and
lenpoiaI pIeasuies,
Which aie iesliained unliI lhey lecone solei
And iun up lo lheii pIace of iesl.
And lhey viII find ne lheie,
And lhey viII Iive and lhey viII nol die again (21,2O-
This liansIalion is lased on lhe edilion of lhe Coplic lexl ly C. W. MacRae, Nag Hannadi Codices V,2-5 and VI vilh
Iapyius eioIinensis 85O2,1 and 4, ed. D. Iaiioll, Leiden: L. }. iiII, 1979, 231-55, vilh ciilicaI iefeience lo lhe LngIish
liansIalions of C. W. MacRae, in The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy in LngIish, ed. }. M. Rolinson, 271-277, and . Laylon, The
Cnoslic Sciipluies, NY: DoulIeday, 1987, 8O-85. The poelic aiiangenenl of lhe lexl is adapled fion lhe liansIalion of R.
Ungei, "Zui spiachIichen und foinaIen Sliuklui des gnoslischen Texles 'Dei Donnei: dei voIIkonnene Nous,'" Oiiens
Chiislianus 59 (1975) 78-1O7.
Tnundcr, Pcrfcc| Mind (NHC VI,2) piesenls lhe ieveIalion discouise of a fenaIe divinily vho speaks aIleinaleIy in fiisl-
peison slalenenls of idenlily ("I AM") and second-peison addiess. The lexl's paiaIIeIisn of sliucluie, logelhei vilh ils
exlensive use of anlilhesis, paiadox, and olhei Iileiaiy devices, poinl cIeaiIy lo ils poelic oi hynnic chaiaclei. . Laylon
has aigued peisuasiveIy lhal lhe paiadoxicaI and oflen ouliageous paiiing of anlilhelicaI leins in lhe "I AM" slalenenls
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of Thundei can le iead as a conpIex idenlily iiddIe lo le soIved ly lhe knoving oi "gnoslic" ieadei. Al lhe sane line,
allenlion lo vaiious fealuies of lhe lexl as a vhoIe suggesls lhal il is nol onIy lhe nysleiy of lhe speakei's idenlily, lul
lhe ieIalionship lelveen lhe divine speakei and hei hunan heaieis lhal foins lhe exegelicaI ciux of lhe lexl.
Thundei focuses allenlion on lhe heaieis' ieIalionship lo lhe divine speakei nol onIy lhiough ils aIleinaling sliucluie of
fiisl-peison piocIanalion and second-peison addiess, lul aIso lhiough ils nelaphoiicaI inageiy of kinship and gendei,
ils iefeiences lo lhe audience's iesponses lo lhe divine, and ils cIains aloul lhe speakei's ioIe in lhe opeialions of
Ianguage and inleIIecl. Ils peisislenl, unconpionising use of paiadox pushes ils heaieis lo ieIinquish lhe appaienl
sense of ils voids and lo seek lhe hidden neaning of individuaI ulleiances and of lhe discouise as a vhoIe. IinaIIy, ly
Iocaling lhe divine in lhe "voice" and "heaiing" of lhe lexl, il Ieads ils heaieis oi ieadeis lo find lhe divine vilhin lhe lexl
and vilhin lhenseIves, and so lo discovei lhenseIves vilhin lhe divine. In such an inleipielive novenenl of Ielling go
and finding, of leconing solei and leing found, lhe lexl's finaI voids suggesl, lhe ieadei "goes up" lo lhe saIvific "pIace
of iesl," "finds" lhe divine peisona ieveaIed in lhe lexl, and "enleis inlo" a slale of Iiving and nol dying again.
Thundei's conceplion of saIvalion does nol confoin lo lhe noie faniIiai "Cnoslic" inage of a liansfoinalive novenenl
oi `conveision' fion lIindness lo vision, deficiency lo fuIIness, oi ignoiance lo gnosis. Ralhei, Thundei piesenls an
undeislanding of saIvalion lhal cones lhiough lhe inleipielive piocess of giappIing vilh lhe Ianguage of lhe lexl and
confionling lhe paiadoxicaI naluie of lhe divine vilhin lhe anlilheses of ignoiance and gnosis, veakness and povei,
shane and honoi, dealh and Iife. Al lhe sane line, Thundei foiges a shaip dislinclion lelveen lhose vho neieIy heai
lhe voids of lhe lexl and lhose vho heai lhe divine voice vilh gnosis, lhal is, lelveen lhose vho ienain ignoianl and
lhose vho cone lo knov lhe divine in lhe fuIIness of hei conpIexily and nysleiy. Those vho heai lhe ulleiances of
Thundei vilh gnosis enlei inlo saIvific ieIalion vilh lhe divine lhiough lhe inleichange of divine ulleiance and divine
heaiing, nanifesled vilhin lhe synloIic voiId of lhe lexl and vilhin lhenseIves. "Thundei, Ieifecl Mind" nay lhus le
inleipieled nol onIy as a lilIe foi lhe lexl, lul as a nane foi lhe divine speakei, hei lhundeiing ulleiances, and hei pIace
of dveIIing vilhin lhose vho heai hei voice and knov hei nysleiy vilh lhe saIvific gnosis and heaiing of peifecl nind.
L#<<+;' +; 8;?+#;< :#*+<#..&;#&; S#D+'+=;B
WhiIe Thundei iesenlIes nany olhei ancienl lexls in vaiious vays, ils dislinclive conlinalion of fealuies is viiluaIIy
unnalched in lhe ieIigious and phiIosophicaI Iileialuie of anliquily. In foin, Thundei's fiisl-peison piocIanalions of
idenlily ("I AM") paiaIIeI nosl diieclIy lhe aielaIogies of lhe goddess Isis. Yel lhe lexl's aIleinalion lelveen fiisl-peison
idenlily slalenenls and second-peison addiess liing il cIosei lo lhe foin of lhe phiIosophicaI seinon oi dialiile,
faniIiai fion lhe nonoIogues of lilIicaI Wisdon (e.g., Iiov 8, Sii 24, Wis 7-8, 1 Lnoch 42). In addilion, Thundei
conlines lhese Iileiaiy nodes vilh iheloiicaI fealuies, such as paiadox and anlilhesis, vhich aie noie chaiacleiislic of
lhe Cieek iiddIe.
In conlenl as veII as foin, lhe cIosesl paiaIIeIs lo Thundei aie found in lhe hynnic speeches of fenaIe divinilies in olhei
Nag Hannadi lexls, especiaIIy lhose of Iionoia (in Ap. }ohn II,1:3O,11-31,28), Iiolennoia (lhioughoul Tiin. Iiol. XIII,1),
Sophia Zoe, lhe "Lve of Life" (in Oiig. WoiId II,5:114,8-15), and lhe spiiiluaI Lve in The CospeI of Lve (Lpiph., Ian.
26.3.1). Yel unIike nosl of lhese divine discouises, lhe ulleiances of Thundei have no naiialive oi episloIaiy selling.
They appeai as unnedialed divine speech, addiessed diieclIy fion lhe divine lo hei hunan heaieis oi ieadeis.
Theie is no geneiaI schoIaiIy consensus on lhe sociaI oi hisloiicaI selling of Thundei. WhiIe schoIais agiee lhal lhe lexl
exhilils no expIicilIy }evish oi Chiislian eIenenls, ils inageiy iesonales vilh a vaiiely of souices, incIuding }evish and
Chiislian Wisdon, Isis liadilions, MiddIe IIalonisn, Sloicisn, and vilh olhei Nag Hannadi lexls, especiaIIy lhose
designaled "Selhian" and "VaIenlinian." Thundei nay piofilalIy le iead in ieIalion lo aII of lhese lexls and liadilions as
a ievisionaiy poelic voik lhal puls foivaid a dislinclive peispeclive on lhe naluie of lhe divine and hei ieIalion lo
,&;'>&'#G 7&<#G 8><"=.G J.=N#;&;?#G &;* :&;>B?.+C<
Tnundcr, Pcrfcc| Mind exisls onIy in lhe Coplic veision found al Nag Hannadi (NHC VI,2:13,1-21,32). The aulhoi, dale,
and pIace of conposilion aie unknovn, lul a cuIluiaI niIieu Iike lhal of second- oi lhiid-cenluiy AIexandiia is
pIausilIe. In any case, il is cIeai lhal lhe lexl vas oiiginaIIy conposed in Cieek veII lefoie 35O C.L., lhe appioxinale
dale of lhe Coplic nanusciipl. The suiviving lexl is ieIaliveIy veII pieseived, vilh ninoi danage neai lhe lop of lhe
fiisl foui pages (13-16) and sonevhal noie seiious danage on lhe fiisl len Iines of lhe ienaining nanusciipl pages (17-
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
|...j in heaven |...j vilhin hin |...j anyone appeais |...j lhe hidden heavens |...j appeai, and lefoie
lhe invisilIe, ineffalIe voiIds appeaied. Iion lhese lhe invisilIe souI of iighleousness cane,
leing a feIIov nenlei, and a feIIov lody, and a feIIov spiiil. Whelhei she is in lhe descenl oi is
in lhe IIeiona, she is nol sepaialed fion lhen, lul lhey see hei and she Iooks al lhen in lhe
invisilIe voiId.
SecielIy hei liidegioon felched il. He piesenled il lo hei noulh lo nake hei eal il Iike food, and
he appIied lhe void lo hei eyes as a nedicine lo nake hei see vilh hei nind and peiceive hei
kinsnen and Ieain aloul hei iool, in oidei lhal she nighl cIing lo hei lianch fion vhich she had
fiisl cone foilh, in oidei lhal she nighl ieceive vhal is heis and ienounce nallei.
|...j he |dveIl...j having |...j sons. The sons |...j liuIy, lhose vho have cone fion his seed, caII lhe
sons of lhe vonan "oui liolheis". In lhis veiy vay, vhen lhe spiiiluaI souI vas casl inlo lhe lody,
il lecane a liolhei lo Iusl and halied and envy, and a naleiiaI souI. So lheiefoie lhe lody cane
fion Iusl, and Iusl cane fion naleiiaI sulslance. Ioi lhis ieason lhe souI lecane a liolhei lo
And yel lhey aie oulsideis, vilhoul povei lo inheiil fion lhe naIe, lul lhey viII inheiil fion
lheii nolhei onIy. Whenevei, lheiefoie, lhe souI vishes lo inheiil aIong vilh lhe oulsideis - foi
lhe possessions of lhe oulsideis aie pioud passions, lhe pIeasuies of Iife, halefuI envies,
vaingIoiious lhings, nonsensicaI lhings, accusalions |...j foi hei |...j pioslilulion, he excIudes hei
and puls hei inlo lhe liolheI. Ioi |...j delaucheiy foi hei. She Iefl nodesly lehind. Ioi dealh and
Iife aie sel lefoie eveiyone. Whichevei of lhese lvo lhey vish, lhen, lhey viII choose foi
Thal one lhen viII faII inlo diinking nuch vine in delaucheiy. Ioi vine is lhe delauchei.
Theiefoie she does nol ienenlei hei liolheis and hei falhei, foi pIeasuie and sveel piofils
deceive hei.
Having Iefl knovIedge lehind, she feII inlo lesliaIily. Ioi a senseIess peison exisls in lesliaIily,
nol knoving vhal is piopei lo say and vhal il is piopei nol lo say. ul, on lhe olhei hand, lhe
genlIe son inheiils fion his falhei vilh pIeasuie, vhiIe his falhei iejoices ovei hin lecause he
ieceives honoi on accounl of hin fion eveiyone, as he Iooks again foi lhe vay lo doulIe lhe
lhings lhal he has ieceived. Ioi lhe oulsideis |...j.
|...j lo nix vilh lhe |...j. Ioi if a lhoughl of Iusl enleis inlo a viigin nan, he has aIieady lecone
conlaninaled. And lheii gIullony cannol nix vilh nodeialion. Ioi if lhe chaff is nixed vilh lhe
vheal, il is nol lhe chaff lhal is conlaninaled, lul lhe vheal. Ioi since lhey aie nixed vilh each
olhei, no one viII luy hei vheal, lecause il is conlaninaled. ul lhey viII coax hin, "Cive us lhis
chaff!", seeing lhe vheal nixed vilh il, unliI lhey gel il and lhiov il vilh aII olhei chaff, and lhal
chaff nixes vilh aII olhei naleiiaIs. ul a puie seed is kepl in sloiehouses lhal aie secuie. AII
lhese lhings,lhen, ve have spoken.
And lefoie anylhing cane inlo leing, il vas lhe Ialhei aIone vho exisled, lefoie lhe voiIds lhal
aie in lhe heavens appeaied, oi lhe voiId lhal is on lhe eailh, oi piincipaIily, oi aulhoiily, oi lhe
poveis. |...j appeai |...j and |...j And nolhing cane inlo leing vilhoul his vish.
He, lhen, lhe Ialhei, vishing lo ieveaI his veaIlh and his gIoiy, lioughl aloul lhis gieal conlesl in
lhis voiId, vishing lo nake lhe conleslanls appeai, and nake aII lhose vho conlend Ieave lehind
lhe lhings lhal had cone inlo leing, and despise lhen vilh a Iofly, inconpiehensilIe knovIedge,
and fIee lo lhe one vho exisls.
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And (as foi) lhose vho conlend vilh us, leing adveisaiies vho conlend againsl us, ve aie lo le
vicloiious ovei lheii ignoiance lhiough oui knovIedge, since ve have aIieady knovn lhe
InsciulalIe One fion vhon ve have cone foilh. We have nolhing in lhis voiId, Iesl lhe aulhoiily
of lhe voiId lhal has cone inlo leing shouId delain us in lhe voiIds lhal aie in lhe heavens, lhose
in vhich univeisaI dealh exisls, suiiounded ly lhe individuaI |...j voiIdIy. We have aIso lecone
ashaned of lhe voiIds, lhough ve lake no inleiesl in lhen vhen lhey naIign us. And ve ignoie
lhen vhen lhey cuise us. When lhey casl shane in oui face, ve Iook al lhen and do nol speak.
Ioi lhey voik al lheii lusiness, lul ve go aloul in hungei (and) in lhiisl, Iooking lovaid oui
dveIIing-pIace, lhe pIace vhich oui conducl and oui conscience Iook lovaid, nol cIinging lo lhe
lhings vhich have cone inlo leing, lul vilhdiaving fion lhen. Oui heails aie sel on lhe lhings
lhal exisl, lhough ve aie iII (and) feelIe (and) in pain. ul lheie is a gieal slienglh hidden vilhin
Oui souI indeed is iII lecause she dveIIs in a house of poveily, vhiIe nallei sliikes lIovs al hei
eyes, vishing lo nake hei lIind. Ioi lhis ieason she puisues lhe void and appIies il lo hei eyes as
a nedicine <opening> lhen, casling avay |...j lhoughl of a |...j lIindness in |...j afleivaids, vhen
lhal one is again in ignoiance, he is conpIeleIy daikened and is naleiiaI. Thus lhe souI |...j a void
eveiy houi, lo appIy il lo hei eyes as a nedicine in oidei lhal she nay see, and hei Iighl nay
conceaI lhe hosliIe foices lhal fighl vilh hei, and she nay nake lhen lIind vilh hei Iighl, and
encIose lhen in hei piesence, and nake lhen faII dovn in sIeepIessness, and she nay acl loIdIy
vilh hei slienglh and vilh hei sceplei.
WhiIe hei enenies Iook al hei in shane, she iuns upvaid inlo hei lieasuie-house - lhe one in
vhich hei nind is - and (inlo) hei sloiehouse vhich is secuie, since nolhing anong lhe lhings lhal
have cone inlo leing has seized hei, noi has she ieceived a sliangei inlo hei house. Ioi nany aie
hei honeloin ones vho fighl againsl hei ly day and ly nighl, having no iesl ly day oi ly nighl,
foi lheii Iusl oppiesses lhen.
Ioi lhis ieason, lhen, ve do nol sIeep, noi do ve foigel lhe nels lhal aie spiead oul in hiding,
Iying in vail foi us lo calch us. Ioi if ve aie caughl in a singIe nel, il viII suck us dovn inlo ils
noulh, vhiIe lhe valei fIovs ovei us, sliiking oui face. And ve viII le laken dovn inlo lhe
diagnel, and ve viII nol le alIe lo cone up fion il, lecause lhe valeis aie high ovei us, fIoving
fion alove dovnvaid, sulneiging oui heail dovn in lhe fiIlhy nud. And ve viII nol le alIe lo
escape fion lhen. Ioi nan-ealeis viII seize us and svaIIov us, iejoicing Iike a fisheinan casling
a hook inlo lhe valei. Ioi he casls nany kinds of food inlo lhe valei lecause each one of lhe fish
has his ovn food. He sneIIs il and puisues ils odoi. ul vhen he eals il, lhe hook hidden vilhin
lhe food seizes hin and liings hin up ly foice oul of lhe deep valeis. No nan is alIe, lhen, lo
calch lhal fish dovn in lhe deep valeis, excepl foi lhe liap lhal lhe fisheinan sels. y lhe iuse of
food he lioughl lhe fish up on lhe hook.
In lhis veiy vay ve exisl in lhis voiId, Iike fish. The adveisaiy spies on us, Iying in vail foi us
Iike a fisheinan, vishing lo seize us, iejoicing lhal he nighl svaIIov us. Ioi he pIaces nany foods
lefoie oui eyes (lhings) vhich leIong lo lhis voiId. He vishes lo nake us desiie one of lhen and
lo lasle onIy a IillIe, so lhal he nay seize us vilh his hidden poison and liing us oul of fieedon
and lake us inlo sIaveiy. Ioi vhenevei he calches us vilh a singIe food, il is indeed necessaiy foi
us lo desiie lhe iesl. IinaIIy, lhen, such lhings lecone lhe food of dealh.
Nov lhese aie lhe foods vilh vhich lhe deviI Iies in vail foi us. Iiisl he injecls a pain inlo youi
heail unliI you have heailache on accounl of a snaII lhing of lhis Iife, and he seizes (you) vilh his
poisons. And afleivaid (he injecls) lhe desiie of a lunic, so lhal you viII piide youiseIf in il, and
Iove of noney, piide, vanily, envy lhal iivaIs anolhei envy, leauly of lody, fiauduIence. The
giealesl of aII lhese aie ignoiance and ease.
Nov aII such lhings lhe adveisaiy piepaies leaulifuIIy and spieads oul lefoie lhe lody, vishing
lo nake lhe nind of lhe souI incIine hei lovaid one of lhen and oveivheIn hei, Iike a hook,
diaving hei ly foice in ignoiance, deceiving hei unliI she conceives eviI, and leais fiuil of nallei,
and conducls heiseIf in uncIeanness, puisuing nany desiies, covelousnesses, vhiIe fIeshIy
pIeasuie diavs hei in ignoiance.
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ul lhe souI - she vho has lasled lhese lhings - ieaIized lhal sveel passions aie liansiloiy. She had
Ieained aloul eviI, she venl avay fion lhen and she enleied inlo a nev conducl. Afleivaids she
despises lhis Iife, lecause il is liansiloiy. And she Iooks foi lhose foods lhal viII lake hei inlo Iife,
and Ieaves lehind hei lhose deceilfuI foods. And she Ieains aloul hei Iighl, as she goes aloul
sliipping off lhis voiId, vhiIe hei liue gainenl cIolhes hei vilhin, (and) hei liidaI cIolhing is
pIaced upon hei in leauly of nind, nol in piide of fIesh. And she Ieains aloul hei deplh and iuns
inlo hei foId, vhiIe hei shepheid slands al lhe dooi. In ieluin foi aII lhe shane and scoin, lhen,
lhal she ieceived in lhis voiId, she ieceives len lhousand lines lhe giace and gIoiy.
She gave lhe lody lo lhose vho had given il lo hei, and lhey veie ashaned, vhiIe lhe deaIeis in
lodies sal dovn and vepl lecause lhey veie nol alIe lo do any lusiness vilh lhal lody, noi did
lhey find any (olhei) neichandise excepl il. They enduied gieal Ialois unliI lhey had shaped lhe
lody of lhis souI, vishing lo sliike dovn lhe invisilIe souI. They veie lheiefoie ashaned of lheii
voik, lhey suffeied lhe Ioss of lhe one foi vhon lhey had enduied Ialois. They did nol ieaIize
lhal she has an invisilIe spiiiluaI lody, lhinking, "We aie hei shepheid vho feeds hei." ul lhey
did nol ieaIize lhal she knovs anolhei vay, vhich is hidden fion lhen. This hei liue shepheid
laughl hei in knovIedge.
ul lhese - lhe ones vho aie ignoianl - do nol seek aflei Cod. Noi do lhey inquiie aloul lheii
dveIIing-pIace, vhich exisls in iesl, lul lhey go aloul in lesliaIily. They aie noie vicked lhan lhe
pagans, lecause fiisl of aII lhey do nol inquiie aloul Cod, foi lheii haidness of heail diavs lhen
dovn lo nake lhen lheii ciueIly. Iuilheinoie, if lhey find soneone eIse vho asks aloul his
saIvalion, lheii haidness of heail sels lo voik upon lhal nan. And if he does nol slop asking, lhey
kiII hin ly lheii ciueIly, lhinking lhal lhey have done a good lhing foi lhenseIves.
Indeed lhey aie sons of lhe deviI! Ioi even pagans give chaiily, and lhey knov lhal Cod vho is in
lhe heavens exisls, lhe Ialhei of lhe univeise, exaIled ovei lheii idoIs, vhich lhey voiship. ul
lhey have nol heaid lhe void, lhal lhey shouId inquiie aloul his vays. Thus lhe senseIess nan
heais lhe caII, lul he is ignoianl of lhe pIace lo vhich he has leen caIIed. And he did nol ask
duiing lhe pieaching, "Wheie is lhe lenpIe inlo vhich I shouId go and voiship ny hope`"
On accounl of his senseIessness, lhen, he is voise lhan a pagan, foi lhe pagans knov lhe vay lo
go lo lheii slone lenpIe, vhich viII peiish, and lhey voiship lheii idoI, vhiIe lheii heails aie sel
on il lecause il is lheii hope. ul lo lhis senseIess nan lhe void has leen pieached, leaching hin,
"Seek and inquiie aloul lhe vays you shouId go, since lheie is nolhing eIse lhal is as good as lhis
lhing." The iesuIl is lhal lhe sulslance of haidness of heail sliikes a lIov upon his nind, aIong
vilh lhe foice of ignoiance and lhe denon of eiioi. They do nol aIIov his nind lo iise up, lecause
he vas veaiying hinseIf in seeking lhal he nighl Ieain aloul his hope.
ul lhe ialionaI souI vho (aIso) veaiied heiseIf in seeking - she Ieained aloul Cod. She Ialoied
vilh inquiiing, enduiing disliess in lhe lody, veaiing oul hei feel aflei lhe evangeIisls, Ieaining
aloul lhe InsciulalIe One. She found hei iising. She cane lo iesl in hin vho is al iesl. She
iecIined in lhe liide-chanlei. She ale of lhe lanquel foi vhich she had hungeied. She pailook of
lhe innoilaI food. She found vhal she had soughl aflei. She ieceived iesl fion hei Ialois, vhiIe
lhe Iighl lhal shines foilh upon hei does nol sink. To il leIongs lhe gIoiy and lhe povei and lhe
ieveIalion foi evei and evei. Anen.

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!"# X=;?#C< =@ 2>. 9.#&< J=O#.
!.&;BD&<#* -/ P.#*#.+F V+BB#
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
!"# J#.?#C<+=; =@ 5;*#.B<&;*+;'
!"# X=;?#C< =@ <"# 9.#&< J=O#.
He vho viII knov oui gieal Iovei viII lecone invisilIe, and fiie viII nol le alIe lo consune
hin. ul il viII puige and deslioy aII of youi possessions. Ioi eveiyone in vhon ny foin viII
appeai viII le saved, fion (lhe age of) seven days up lo one hundied and lvenly yeais. (Those)
vhon I consliained lo galhei aII lhal is faIIen - and lhe viilings of oui gieal Iovei, in oidei lhal
he nay insciile youi nane in oui gieal Iighl - and lheii lhoughls and lheii voiks nay le ended,
lhal lhey nay le puiged, and le scalleied and le deslioyed, and le galheied in lhe pIace vhich
no one in il sees. ul you viII see ne, and you viII piepaie youi dveIIing pIaces in oui gieal
Knov hov vhal has depailed cane lo le, in oidei lhal you nay knov hov lo discein vhal Iives
lo lecone: of vhal appeaiance lhal aeon is, oi vhal kind il is, oi hov il viII cone lo le. Why do
you nol ask vhal kind you viII lecone, (oi) ialhei hov you cane lo le`
Discein vhal size lhe valei is, lhal il is inneasuialIe (and) inconpiehensilIe, lolh ils leginning
and ils end. Il suppoils lhe eailh, il lIovs in lhe aii vheie lhe gods and lhe angeIs aie. ul in hin
vho is exaIled alove aII lhese lheie is lhe feai and lhe Iighl, and in hin aie ny viilings ieveaIed. I
have given lhen as a seivice lo lhe ciealion of lhe physicaI lhings, foi il is nol possilIe foi anyone
lo sland vilhoul lhal One, noi is il possilIe foi lhe aeon lo Iive vilhoul hin. Il is he vho possesses
vhal is in hin ly disceining (il) in puiily.
Then lehoId lhe Spiiil and knov vheie he is. He gave hinseIf lo nen lhal lhey nay ieceive Iife
fion hin eveiy day, since he has his Iife vilhin hin, he gives lo lhen aII.
Then lhe daikness logelhei vilh Hades look lhe fiie. And he (lhe daikness) viII ieIease fion
hinseIf vhal is nine. His eyes veie nol alIe lo enduie ny Iighl. Aflei lhe spiiils and lhe valeis
noved, lhe ienaindei cane inlo leing: lhe vhoIe aeon of lhe ciealion, and lheii <poveis>. The
fiie cane foilh fion lhen and lhe Iovei cane in lhe nidsl of lhe poveis. And lhe poveis
desiied lo see ny inage. And lhe souI lecane ils iepIica.
This is lhe voik lhal cane inlo leing. See vhal il is Iike, lhal lefoie il cones inlo leing il does nol
see, lecause lhe aeon of lhe fIesh cane lo le in lhe gieal lodies. And lheie veie appoilioned lo
lhen Iong days in lhe ciealion. Ioi vhen lhey had poIIuled lhenseIves and had enleied inlo lhe
fIesh, lhe falhei of lhe fIesh, lhe valei, avenged hinseIf. Ioi vhen he had found lhal Noah vas
pious (and) voilhy - and il is lhe falhei of lhe fIesh vho hoIds lhe angeIs in suljeclion. And he
(Noah) pieached piely foi one hundied and lvenly yeais. And no one Iislened lo hin. And he
nade a vooden aik, and vhon he had found enleied il. And lhe fIood look pIace.
And lhus Noah vas saved vilh his sons. Ioi if indeed lhe aik had nol leen neanl foi nan lo
enlei, lhen lhe valei of lhe fIood vouId nol have cone. In lhis vay he inlended (and) pIanned lo
save lhe gods and lhe angeIs, and lhe poveis, lhe giealness of aII of lhese, and lhe <nouiishnenl>
and lhe vay of Iife. And he noves lhen fion lhe aeon (and) nouiishes lhen in lhe peinanenl
pIaces. And lhe judgnenl of lhe fIesh vas unIeashed. OnIy lhe voik of lhe Iovei slood up.
Nexl lhe psychic aeon. Il is a snaII one, vhich is nixed vilh lodies, ly legelling in lhe souIs
(and) defiIing (lhen). Ioi lhe fiisl defiIenenl of lhe ciealion found slienglh. And il legol eveiy
voik: nany voiks of vialh, angei, envy, naIice, halied, sIandei, conlenpl and vai, Iying and
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eviI counseIs, soiiovs and pIeasuies, lasenesses and defiIenenls, faIsehoods and diseases, eviI
judgnenls lhal lhey deciee accoiding lo lheii desiies.
Yel you aie sIeeping, dieaning dieans. Wake up and ieluin, lasle and eal lhe liue food! Hand oul
lhe void and lhe valei of Iife! Cease fion lhe eviI Iusls and desiies and (lhe leachings of) lhe
Anonoeans, eviI heiesies lhal have no lasis.
And lhe nolhei of lhe fiie vas inpolenl. She lioughl lhe fiie upon lhe souI and lhe eailh, and she
luined aII <lhe> dveIIings lhal aie in il. And ils shepheid peiished. Moieovei, vhen she does nol
find anylhing eIse lo luin, she viII deslioy heiseIf. And il viII lecone incoipoieaI, vilhoul lody,
and il viII luin nallei, unliI il has cIeansed eveiylhing, - and aII vickedness. Ioi vhen il does nol
find anylhing eIse lo luin, il viII luin againsl ilseIf unliI il has deslioyed ilseIf.
Then, in lhis aeon, vhich is lhe psychic one, lhe nan viII cone inlo leing vho knovs lhe gieal
Iovei. He viII ieceive (ne) and he viII knov ne. He viII diink fion lhe niIk of lhe nolhei, in
facl. He viII speak in paialIes, he viII piocIain lhe aeon lhal is lo cone, jusl as he spoke in lhe
fiisl aeon of lhe fIesh, as Noah. Nov conceining his voids, vhich he ulleied, he spoke in aII of
lhen, in sevenly-lvo longues. And he opened lhe gales of lhe heavens vilh his voids. And he
pul lo shane lhe iuIei of Hades, he iaised lhe dead, and he deslioyed his doninion.
Then a gieal disluilance look pIace. The aichons iaised up lheii vialh againsl hin. They vanled
lo hand hin ovei lo lhe iuIei of Hades. Then lhey iecognized one of his foIIoveis. A fiie look hoId
of his souI. He (}udas`) handed hin ovei, since no one knev hin (}esus`). They acled and seized
hin. They lioughl judgnenl upon lhenseIves. And lhey deIiveied hin up lo lhe iuIei of Hades.
And lhey handed hin ovei lo Sasalek foi nine lionze coins. He piepaied hinseIf lo go dovn and
pul lhen lo shane. Then lhe iuIei of Hades look hin. And he found lhal lhe naluie of his fIesh
couId nol le seized, in oidei lo shov il lo lhe aichons. ul he vas saying: "Who is lhis` Whal is il`
His void has aloIished lhe Iav of lhe aeon. He is fion lhe Logos of lhe povei of Iife." And he
vas vicloiious ovei lhe connand of lhe aichons, and lhey veie nol alIe ly lheii voik lo iuIe
ovei hin.
The aichons seaiched aflei lhal vhich had cone lo pass. They did nol knov lhal lhis is lhe sign of
lheii dissoIulion, and (lhal) il is lhe change of lhe aeon. The sun sel duiing lhe day, lhal day
lecane daik. The eviI spiiils veie lioulIed. And aflei lhese lhings he viII appeai ascending. And
lhe sign of lhe aeon lhal is lo cone viII appeai. And lhe aeons viII dissoIve.
And lhose vho vouId knov lhese lhings lhal veie discussed vilh lhen, viII lecone lIessed.
And lhey viII ieveaI lhen, and lhey viII lecone lIessed, since lhey viII cone lo knov lhe liulh.
Ioi you have found iesl in lhe heavens.
Then nany viII foIIov hin, and lhey viII Ialoi in lheii liilhpIaces. They viII go aloul, lhey viII
viile dovn his voids accoiding lo (lheii) desiie.
ehoId, lhese aeons have passed. Whal size is lhe valei of lhe aeon lhal has dissoIved` Whal
dinensions do aeons have` Hov viII nen piepaie lhenseIves, and hov viII lhey le eslalIished,
and hov viII lhey lecone indesliuclilIe aeons`
ul al fiisl, aflei his pieaching - il is he vho piocIains lhe second aeon, and lhe fiisl. And lhe fiisl
aeon peiished in lhe couise of line. He nade lhe fiisl aeon, going aloul in il unliI il peiished,
vhiIe pieaching one hundied and lvenly yeais in nunlei. This is lhe peifecl nunlei lhal is
highIy exaIled. He nade lhe loidei of lhe Wesl desoIale, and he deslioyed lhe Lasl. Then youi
seed and lhose vho vish lo foIIov oui gieal Logos and his piocIanalion - |...j
Then lhe vialh of lhe aichons luined. They veie ashaned of lheii dissoIulion. And lhey funed
and veie angiy al lhe Iife. The cilies veie <oveiluined>, lhe nounlains dissoIve. The aichon
cane, vilh lhe aichons of lhe veslein iegions, lo lhe Lasl, i.e., lhal pIace vheie lhe Logos
appeaied al fiisl. Then lhe eailh lienlIed, and lhe cilies veie lioulIed. Moieovei, lhe liids ale
and veie fiIIed vilh lheii dead. The eailh nouined logelhei vilh lhe inhaliled voiId, lhey
lecane desoIale.
Then vhen lhe lines veie conpIeled, lhen vickedness aiose nighliIy even unliI lhe finaI end of
lhe Logos. Then lhe aichon of lhe veslein iegions aiose, and fion lhe Lasl he viII peifoin a
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voik, and he viII insliucl nen in his vickedness. And he vanls lo nuIIify aII leaching, lhe voids
of liue visdon, vhiIe Ioving lhe Iying visdon. Ioi he allacked lhe oId, vishing lo inlioduce
vickedness and lo pul on dignily. He vas incapalIe, lecause lhe defiIenenl of his gainenls is
gieal. Then he lecane angiy. He appeaied and desiied lo go up and lo pass up lo lhal pIace.
Then lhe appoinled line cane and diev neai. And he changed lhe connands. Then lhe line
cane unliI lhe chiId had giovn up. When he had cone lo his naluiily, lhen lhe aichons senl lhe
inilaloi lo lhal nan in oidei lhal lhey nighl knov oui gieal Iovei. And lhey veie expecling
fion hin lhal he vouId peifoin foi lhen a sign. And he loie gieal signs. And he ieigned ovei
lhe vhoIe eailh and aII lhose vho aie undei heaven. He pIaced his lhione upon lhe end of lhe
eailh, foi "I shaII nake you god of lhe voiId". He viII peifoin signs and vondeis. Then lhey viII
luin fion ne, and lhey viII go asliay.
Then lhose nen vho viII foIIov aflei hin viII inlioduce ciicuncision. And he viII pionounce
judgnenl upon lhose vho aie fion lhe unciicuncision, vho aie lhe (liue) peopIe. Ioi in facl he
senl nany pieacheis lefoiehand, vho pieached on his lehaIf.
When he has conpIeled lhe eslalIished line of lhe kingdon of lhe eailh, lhen lhe cIeansing of lhe
souIs viII cone, since vickedness is sliongei lhan you. AII lhe poveis of lhe sea viII lienlIe and
diy up, And lhe fiinanenl viII nol poui dovn dev. The spiings viII cease. The iiveis viII nol
fIov dovn lo lheii spiings. And lhe valeis of lhe spiings of lhe eailh viII cease. Then lhe deplhs
viII le Iaid laie and lhey viII open. The slais viII giov in size, and lhe sun viII cease.
And I shaII vilhdiav vilh eveiyone vho viII knov ne. And lhey viII enlei inlo lhe
inneasuialIe Iighl, (vheie) lheie is no one of lhe fIesh noi lhe vanlonness of lhe fiisl lo seize
lhen. They viII le unhanpeied (and) hoIy, since nolhing diags lhen dovn. I nyseIf piolecl
lhen, since lhey have hoIy gainenls, vhich lhe fiie cannol louch, noi daikness noi vind noi a
nonenl, so as lo cause one lo shul lhe eyes.
Then he viII cone lo deslioy aII of lhen. And lhey viII le chaslised unliI lhey lecone puie.
Moieovei lheii peiiod, vhich vas given lo lhen lo have povei, vhich vas appoilioned lo lhen,
(is) fouileen hundied and sixly yeais. When lhe fiie has consuned lhen aII, and vhen il does nol
find anylhing eIse lo luin, lhen il viII peiish ly ils ovn hand. Then lhe |...j viII le conpIeled |...j
lhe second povei |...j lhe neicy viII cone |...j lhiough visdon |...j. Then lhe fiinanenls viII faII
dovn inlo lhe deplh. Then lhe sons of nallei viII peiish, lhey viII nol le, hencefoilh.
Then lhe souIs viII appeai, vho aie hoIy lhiough lhe Iighl of lhe Iovei, vho is exaIled, alove aII
poveis, lhe inneasuialIe, lhe univeisaI one, I and aII lhose vho viII knov ne. And lhey viII le
in lhe aeon of leauly of lhe aeon of judgnenl, since lhey aie ieady in visdon, having given gIoiy
lo hin vho is in lhe inconpiehensilIe unily, and lhey see hin lecause of his viII, vhich is in
lhen. And lhey aII have lecone as iefIeclions in his Iighl. They aII have shone, and lhey have
found iesl in his iesl.
And he viII ieIease lhe souIs lhal aie leing punished, and lhey viII cone lo le in puiily. And
lhey viII see lhe sainls and ciy oul lo lhen, "Have neicy on us, O Iovei vho ail alove aII
poveis!" Ioi |...j and in lhe liee of iniquily lhal exisls |...j lo hin lheii eyes. And lhey do nol seek
hin lecause lhey do nol seek us, noi do lhey leIieve us, lul lhey acled accoiding lo lhe ciealion of
lhe aichons and ils olhei iuIeis. ul ve have acled accoiding lo oui liilh of lhe fIesh, in lhe
ciealion of lhe aichons, vhich gives Iav. We aIso have cone lo le in lhe unchangealIe aeon.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
"Since ve have cone lo lhis poinl in a discussion, Iel us again lake up lhe fiisl lhings
lhal veie said lo us. And ve viII find lhal he says, 'Cood is he vho has leen done
injuslice conpIeleIy. He is gIoiified juslIy.' Is nol lhis hov he vas iepioached`"
"This is ceilainIy lhe filling vay!"
And I said, "Nov lhen, ve have spoken lecause he said lhal he vho does injuslice
and he vho does juslice each has a foice."
''Hov lhen`"
"He said, 'An inage lhal has no Iikeness is lhe ialionaIily of souI,' so lhal he vho said
lhese lhings viII undeisland. He |...j oi nol` We |...j is foi ne. ul aII |...j vho loId
lhen |...j iuIei, lhese nov have lecone naluiaI ciealuies - even Chinaeia and
Ceileius and aII lhe iesl lhal veie nenlioned. They aII cane dovn and lhey casl off
foins and inages. And lhey aII lecane a singIe inage. Il vas said, 'Woik nov!'
CeilainIy il is a singIe inage lhal lecane lhe inage of a conpIex leasl vilh nany
heads. Sone days indeed il is Iike lhe inage of a viId leasl. Then il is alIe lo casl off
lhe fiisl inage. And aII lhese haid and difficuIl foins enanale fion il vilh effoil,
since lhese aie foined nov vilh aiiogance. And aIso aII lhe iesl lhal aie Iike lhen aie
foined nov lhiough lhe void. Ioi nov il is a singIe inage. Ioi lhe inage of lhe Iion
is lhe one lhing and lhe inage of lhe nan is anolhei. |...j singIe |...j is lhe |...j of |...j
join. And lhis |...j nuch noie conpIex lhan lhe fiisl. And lhe second is snaII."
"Il has leen foined."
"Nov lhen, join lhen lo each olhei and nake lhen a singIe one - foi lhey aie lhiee - so
lhal lhey giov logelhei, and aII aie in a singIe inage oulside of lhe inage of lhe nan
jusl Iike hin vho is unalIe lo see lhe lhings inside hin. ul vhal is oulside onIy is
vhal he sees. And il is appaienl vhal ciealuie his inage is in and lhal he vas foined
in a hunan inage.
"And I spoke lo hin vho said lhal lheie is piofil in lhe doing of injuslice foi lhe nan.
He vho does injuslice liuIy does nol piofil noi does he lenefil. ul vhal is piofilalIe
foi hin is lhis: lhal he casl dovn eveiy inage of lhe eviI leasl and lianpIe lhen aIong
vilh lhe inages of lhe Iion. ul lhe nan is in veakness in lhis iegaid. And aII lhe
lhings lhal he does aie veak. As a iesuIl he is diavn lo lhe pIace vheie he spends
line vilh lhen. |...j. And he |...j lo hin in|...j. ul he liings aloul |...j ennily |...j. And
vilh sliife lhey devoui each olhei anong lhenseIves. Yes, aII lhese lhings he said lo
eveiyone vho piaises lhe doing of injuslice."
"Then is il nol piofilalIe foi hin vho speaks juslIy`"
"And if he does lhese lhings and speaks in lhen, vilhin lhe nan lhey lake hoId
fiinIy. Theiefoie especiaIIy he sliives lo lake caie of lhen and he nouiishes lhen jusl
Iike lhe fainei nouiishes his pioduce daiIy. And lhe viId leasls keep il fion gioving.
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!"# 7+B?=>.B# =; <"# 6+'"<" &;* %+;<"
!.&;BD&<#* -/ K&)#B 0.&B"D#.G J#<#. 8M 7+.FB#G &;* 7=>'D&B :M J&..=<<
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy,rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
"My falhei, yesleiday you pionised ne lhal you vouId liing ny nind inlo lhe eighlh and
afleivaids you vouId liing ne inlo lhe ninlh. You said lhal lhis is lhe oidei of lhe liadilion."
"My son, indeed lhis is lhe oidei. ul lhe pionise vas accoiding lo hunan naluie. Ioi I loId you
vhen I inilialed lhe pionise, I said, 'If you hoId in nind each one of lhe sleps.' Aflei I had
ieceived lhe spiiil lhiough lhe povei, I sel foilh lhe aclion foi you. Indeed, lhe undeislanding
dveIIs in you, in ne (il is) as lhough lhe povei veie piegnanl. Ioi vhen I conceived fion lhe
founlain lhal fIoved lo ne, I gave liilh."
"My falhei, you have spoken eveiy void veII lo ne. ul I an anazed al lhis slalenenl lhal you
have jusl nade. Ioi you said, 'The povei lhal is in ne'."
He said, "I gave liilh lo il (lhe povei), as chiIdien aie loin."
"Then, ny falhei, I have nany liolheis, if I an lo le nunleied anong lhe offspiing."
"Righl, ny son! This good lhing is nunleied ly ... (3 |incs nissing) ... and |...j al aII lines.
Theiefoie, ny son, il is necessaiy foi you lo iecognize youi liolheis and lo honoi lhen iighlIy
and piopeiIy, lecause lhey cone fion lhe sane falhei. Ioi each geneialion I have caIIed. I have
naned il, lecause lhey veie offspiing Iike lhese sons."
"Then, ny falhei, do lhey have (a) day`"
"My son, lhey aie spiiiluaI ones. Ioi lhey exisl as foices lhal giov olhei souIs. Theiefoie I say lhal
lhey aie innoilaI."
"Youi void is liue, il has no iefulalion fion nov on. My falhei, legin lhe discouise on lhe eighlh
and lhe ninlh, and incIude ne aIso vilh ny liolheis."
"Lel us piay, ny son, lo lhe falhei of lhe univeise, vilh youi liolheis vho aie ny sons, lhal he
nay give lhe spiiil of eIoquence."
"Hov do lhey piay, ny falhei, vhen joined vilh lhe geneialions` I vanl lo oley, ny falhei."
(2 |incs nissing) ... ul il is nol |...j. Noi is il a |...j. ul he is salisfied vilh hei |...j hin |...j. And il is
iighl foi you lo ienenlei lhe piogiess lhal cane lo you as visdon in lhe looks, ny son.
Conpaie youiseIf lo lhe eaiIy yeais of Iife. As chiIdien (do), you have posed senseIess,
uninleIIigenl queslions."
"My falhei, lhe piogiess lhal has cone lo ne nov, and lhe foieknovIedge, accoiding lo lhe looks,
lhal has cone lo ne, exceeding lhe deficiency - lhese lhings aie foienosl in ne."
"My son, vhen you undeisland lhe liulh of youi slalenenl, you viII find youi liolheis, vho aie
ny sons, piaying vilh you."
"My falhei, I undeisland nolhing eIse excepl lhe leauly lhal cane lo ne in lhe looks."
"This is vhal you caII lhe leauly of lhe souI, lhe edificalion lhal cane lo you in slages. May lhe
undeislanding cone lo you, and you viII leach."
"I have undeislood, ny falhei, each one of lhe looks. And especiaIIy lhe ... (2 |incs nissing) ...
vhich is in |...j."
"My son, |...j in piaises fion lhose vho exloIIed lhen."
"My falhei, fion you I viII ieceive lhe povei of lhe discouise lhal you viII give. As il vas loId lo
lolh (of us), Iel us piay, ny falhei."
"My son, vhal is filling is lo piay lo Cod vilh aII oui nind and aII oui heail and oui souI, and lo
ask hin lhal lhe gifl of lhe eighlh exlend lo us, and lhal each one ieceive fion hin vhal is his.
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Youi pail, lhen, is lo undeisland, ny ovn is lo le alIe lo deIivei lhe discouise fion lhe founlain
lhal fIovs lo ne."
"Lel us piay, ny falhei: I caII upon you, vho iuIes ovei lhe kingdon of povei, vhose void cones
as (a) liilh of Iighl. And his voids aie innoilaI. They aie eleinaI and unchanging. He is lhe one
vhose viII legels Iife foi lhe foins in eveiy pIace. His naluie gives foin lo sulslance. y hin, lhe
souIs of lhe eighlh and lhe angeIs aie noved ... (2 Iines nissing) ... lhose lhal exisl. His piovidence
exlends lo eveiyone |...j legels eveiyone. He is lhe one vho |...j lhe aeon anong spiiils. He
ciealed eveiylhing. He vho is seIf-conlained caies foi eveiylhing. He is peifecl, lhe invisilIe Cod
lo vhon one speaks in siIence - his inage is noved vhen il is diiecled, and il goveins - lhe one
nighly povei, vho is exaIled alove najesly, vho is lellei lhan lhe honoied (ones), Zoxalhazo a
oo ee ooo eee oooo ee oooooo ooooo oooooo uuuuuu oooooooooooo ooo Zozazolh.
"Loid, gianl us a visdon fion youi povei lhal ieaches us, so lhal ve nay desciile lo ouiseIves
lhe vision of lhe eighlh and lhe ninlh. We have aIieady advanced lo lhe sevenlh, since ve aie
pious and vaIk in youi Iav. And youi viII ve fuIfiII aIvays. Ioi ve have vaIked in youi vay,
and ve have ienounced |...j, so lhal youi vision nay cone. Loid, gianl us lhe liulh in lhe inage.
AIIov us lhiough lhe spiiil lo see lhe foin of lhe inage lhal has no deficiency, and ieceive lhe
iefIeclion of lhe pIeiona fion us lhiough oui piaise.
"And acknovIedge lhe spiiil lhal is in us. Ioi fion you lhe univeise ieceived souI. Ioi fion you,
lhe unlegollen one, lhe legollen one cane inlo leing. The liilh of lhe seIf-legollen one is lhiough
you, lhe liilh of aII legollen lhings lhal exisl. Receive fion us lhese spiiiluaI saciifices, vhich ve
send lo you vilh aII oui heail and oui souI and aII oui slienglh. Save lhal vhich is in us and gianl
us lhe innoilaI visdon."
"Lel us enliace each olhei affeclionaleIy, ny son. Rejoice ovei lhis! Ioi aIieady fion lhen lhe
povei, vhich is Iighl, is coning lo us. Ioi I see! I see indesciilalIe deplhs. Hov shaII I leII you,
ny son` |...j fion lhe |...j lhe pIaces. Hov shaII I desciile lhe univeise` I an Mind, and I see
anolhei Mind, lhe one lhal noves lhe souI! I see lhe one lhal noves ne fion puie foigelfuIness.
You give ne povei! I see nyseIf! I vanl lo speak! Ieai iesliains ne. I have found lhe leginning of
lhe povei lhal is alove aII poveis, lhe one lhal has no leginning. I see a founlain lullIing vilh
Iife. I have said, ny son, lhal I an Mind. I have seen! Language is nol alIe lo ieveaI lhis. Ioi lhe
enliie eighlh, ny son, and lhe souIs lhal aie in il, and lhe angeIs, sing a hynn in siIence. And I,
Mind, undeisland."
"Whal is lhe vay lo sing a hynn lhiough il (siIence)`"
"Have you lecone such lhal you cannol le spoken lo`"
"I an siIenl, ny falhei. I vanl lo sing a hynn lo you vhiIe I an siIenl."
"Then sing il, foi I an Mind."
"I undeisland Mind, Heines, vho cannol le inleipieled, lecause he keeps vilhin hinseIf. And I
iejoice, ny falhei, lecause I see you sniIing. And lhe univeise iejoices. Theiefoie, lheie is no
ciealuie lhal viII Iack youi Iife. Ioi you aie lhe Ioid of lhe cilizens in eveiy pIace. Youi piovidence
piolecls. I caII you 'falhei', 'aeon of lhe aeons', 'gieal divine spiiil'. And ly a spiiil he gives iain
upon eveiyone. Whal do you say lo ne, ny falhei, Heines`"
"Conceining lhese lhings, I do nol say anylhing, ny son. Ioi il is iighl lefoie Cod lhal ve keep
siIenl aloul vhal is hidden."
"Tiisnegislus, Iel nol ny souI le depiived of lhe gieal divine vision. Ioi eveiylhing is possilIe foi
you as naslei of lhe univeise."
"Reluin lo <piaising>, ny son, and sing vhiIe you aie siIenl. Ask vhal you vanl in siIence."
Whal he had finished piaising, he shouled, "Ialhei Tiisnegislus! Whal shaII I say` We have
ieceived lhis Iighl. And I nyseIf see lhis sane vision in you. And I see lhe eighlh, and lhe souIs
lhal aie in il, and lhe angeIs singing a hynn lo lhe ninlh and ils poveis. And I see hin vho has
lhe povei of lhen aII, ciealing lhose <lhal aie> in lhe spiiil."
"Il is advanlageous fion nov on, lhal ve keep siIence in a ieveienl posluie. Do nol speak aloul
lhe vision fion nov on. Il is piopei lo sing a hynn lo lhe falhei unliI lhe day lo quil (lhe) lody."
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"Whal you sing, ny falhei, I loo vanl lo sing."
"I an singing a hynn vilhin nyseIf. WhiIe you iesl youiseIf, le aclive in piaise. Ioi you have
found vhal you seek."
"ul is il piopei, ny falhei, lhal I piaise lecause I an fiIIed in ny heail`"
"Whal is piopei is youi piaise lhal you viII sing lo Cod, so lhal il nighl le viillen in lhis
inpeiishalIe look."
"I viII offei up lhe piaise in ny heail, as I piay lo lhe end of lhe univeise and lhe leginning of lhe
leginning, lo lhe oljecl of nan's quesl, lhe innoilaI discoveiy, lhe legellei of Iighl and liulh, lhe
sovei of ieason, lhe Iove of innoilaI Iife. No hidden void viII le alIe lo speak aloul you, Loid.
Theiefoie, ny nind vanls lo sing a hynn lo you daiIy. I an lhe insliunenl of youi spiiil, Mind is
youi pIecliun. And youi counseI pIucks ne. I see nyseIf! I have ieceived povei fion you. Ioi
youi Iove has ieached us."
"Righl, ny son."
"Ciace! Aflei lhese lhings, I give lhanks ly singing a hynn lo you. Ioi I have ieceived Iife fion
you, vhen you nade ne vise. I piaise you. I caII youi nane lhal is hidden vilhin ne: a o ee o eee
ooo iii oooo ooooo ooooo uuuuuu oo ooooooooo ooooooooo oo. You aie lhe one vho exisls vilh
lhe spiiil. I sing a hynn lo you ieveienlIy."
"My son, viile lhis look foi lhe lenpIe al DiospoIis in hieiogIyphic chaiacleis, enlilIing il 'The
Lighlh ReveaIs lhe Ninlh."
"I viII do il, ny <falhei>, as you connand nov."
"My <son>, viile lhe Ianguage of lhe look on sleIes of luiquoise. My son, il is piopei lo viile lhis
look on sleIes of luiquoise, in hieiogIyphic chaiacleis. Ioi Mind hinseIf has lecone oveiseei of
lhese. Theiefoie, I connand lhal lhis leaching le caived on slone, and lhal you pIace il in ny
sancluaiy. Lighl guaidians guaid il vilh |...j of lhe Sun. The naIes on lhe iighl aie fiog-faced, and
lhe fenaIes on lhe Iefl aie cal-faced. And pul a squaie niIk-slone al lhe lase of lhe luiquoise
lalIels, and viile lhe nane on lhe azuie slone lalIel in hieiogIyphic chaiacleis. My son, you viII
do lhis vhen I an in Viigo, and lhe sun is in lhe fiisl haIf of lhe day, and fifleen degiees have
passed ly ne."
"My falhei, eveiylhing lhal you say I viII do eageiIy."
"And viile an oalh in lhe look, Iesl lhose vho iead lhe look liing lhe Ianguage inlo aluse, and
nol (use il) lo oppose lhe acls of fale. Ralhei, lhey shouId sulnil lo lhe Iav of Cod, vilhoul
having liansgiessed al aII, lul in puiily asking Cod foi visdon and knovIedge. And he vho viII
nol le legollen al lhe slail ly Cod cones lo le ly lhe geneiaI and guiding discouises. He viII nol
le alIe lo iead lhe lhings viillen in lhis look, aIlhough his conscience is puie vilhin hin, since he
does nol do anylhing shanefuI, noi does he consenl lo il. Ralhei, ly slages he advances and enleis
inlo lhe vay of innoilaIily. And lhus he enleis inlo lhe undeislanding of lhe eighlh lhal ieveaIs
lhe ninlh."
"So shaII I do il, ny falhei."
"This is lhe oalh: I nake hin vho viII iead lhis hoIy look sveai ly heaven and eailh, and fiie and
valei, and seven iuIeis of sulslance, and lhe ciealing spiiil in lhen, and lhe <unlegollen> Cod,
and lhe seIf-legollen one, and hin vho has leen legollen, lhal he viII guaid lhe lhings lhal
Heines has said. And lhose vho keep lhe oalh, Cod viII le ieconciIed vilh lhen and eveiyone
vhon ve have naned. ul vialh viII cone lo each one of lhose vho vioIale lhe oalh. This is lhe
peifecl one vho is, ny son."
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!"# J.&/#. =@ !"&;FB'+ N+ ;'
!.&;BD&<#* -/ K&)#B 0.&B"D#.G J#<#. 8M 7+.FB# &;* 7=>'D&B :M J&..=<<
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
This lhe piayei lhal lhey spoke:
"We give lhanks lo You! Lveiy souI and heail is Iifled up lo You,
undisluiled nane, honoied vilh lhe nane 'Cod' and piaised vilh
lhe nane 'Ialhei', foi lo eveiyone and eveiylhing (cones) lhe
falheiIy kindness and affeclion and Iove, and any leaching lheie
nay le lhal is sveel and pIain, giving us nind, speech, (and)
knovIedge: nind, so lhal ve nay undeisland You, speech, so lhal
ve nay expound You, knovIedge, so lhal ve nay knov You. We
iejoice, having leen iIIuninaled ly Youi knovIedge. We iejoice
lecause You have shovn us YouiseIf. We iejoice lecause vhiIe ve
veie in (lhe) lody, You have nade us divine lhiough Youi
"The lhanksgiving of lhe nan vho allains lo You is one lhing: lhal
ve knov You. We have knovn You, inleIIecluaI Iighl. Life of Iife,
ve have knovn You. Wonl of eveiy ciealuie, ve have knovn
You. Wonl piegnanl vilh lhe naluie of lhe Ialhei, ve have knovn
You. LleinaI peinanence of lhe legelling Ialhei, lhus have ve
voishiped Youi goodness. Theie is one pelilion lhal ve ask: ve
vouId le pieseived in knovIedge. And lheie is one pioleclion lhal
ve desiie: lhal ve nol slunlIe in lhis kind of Iife."
When lhey had said lhese lhings in lhe piayei, lhey enliaced each
olhei and lhey venl lo eal lheii hoIy food, vhich has no lIood in il.
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I have copied lhis one discouise of his. Indeed, veiy nany have
cone lo ne. I have nol copied lhen lecause I lhoughl lhal lhey had
cone lo you (pI.). AIso, I hesilale lo copy lhese foi you lecause,
peihaps lhey have (aIieady) cone lo you, and lhe nallei nay
luiden you. Since lhe discouises of lhal one, vhich have cone lo
ne, aie nuneious ...
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
"And if you (AscIepius) vish lo see lhe ieaIily of lhis nysleiy, lhen you shouId see lhe vondeifuI
iepiesenlalion of lhe inleicouise lhal lakes pIace lelveen lhe naIe and lhe fenaIe. Ioi vhen lhe
senen ieaches lhe cIinax, il Ieaps foilh. In lhal nonenl, lhe fenaIe ieceives lhe slienglh of lhe
naIe, lhe naIe, foi his pail, ieceives lhe slienglh of lhe fenaIe, vhiIe lhe senen does lhis.
"Theiefoie, lhe nysleiy of inleicouise is peifoined in seciel, in oidei lhal lhe lvo sexes nighl nol
disgiace lhenseIves in fionl of nany vho do nol expeiience lhal ieaIily. Ioi each of lhen (lhe
sexes) conliilules ils (ovn pail in) legelling. Ioi if il happens in lhe piesence of lhose vho do nol
undeisland lhe ieaIily, (il is) IaughalIe and unleIievalIe. And, noieovei, lhey aie hoIy nysleiies,
of lolh voids and deeds, lecause nol onIy aie lhey nol heaid, lul aIso lhey aie nol seen.
"Theiefoie, such peopIe (lhe unleIieveis) aie lIaspheneis. They aie alheislic and inpious. ul lhe
olheis aie nol nany, ialhei, lhe pious vho aie counled aie fev. Theiefoie, vickedness ienains
anong (lhe) nany, since Ieaining conceining lhe lhings vhich aie oidained does nol exisl anong
lhen. Ioi lhe knovIedge of lhe lhings vhich aie oidained is liuIy lhe heaIing of lhe passions of
lhe nallei. Theiefoie, Ieaining is sonelhing deiived fion knovIedge.
"ul if lheie is ignoiance, and Ieaining does nol exisl in lhe souI of nan, (lhen) lhe incuialIe
passions peisisl in il (lhe souI). And addilionaI eviI cones vilh lhen (lhe passions), in lhe foin of
an incuialIe soie. And lhe soie conslanlIy gnavs al lhe souI, and lhiough il lhe souI pioduces
voins fion lhe eviI, and slinks. ul Cod is nol lhe cause of lhese lhings, since he senl lo nen
knovIedge and Ieaining.
"Tiisnegislus, did he send lhen lo nen aIone`"
"Yes, AscIepius, he senl lhen lo lhen aIone. And il is filling lhal ve leII you vhy lo nen aIone he
gianled knovIedge and Ieaining, lhe aIIolnenl of his good.
"And nov Iislen! Cod and lhe Ialhei, even lhe Loid, ciealed nan sulsequenl lo lhe gods, and he
look hin fion lhe iegion of nallei. Since nallei is invoIved in lhe ciealion of nan, of |...j, lhe
passions aie in il. Theiefoie, lhey conlinuaIIy fIov ovei his lody, foi lhis Iiving ciealuie vouId
nol have exisled in any olhei vay excepl lhal he had laken lhis food, since he is noilaI. Il is aIso
inevilalIe lhal inoppoilune desiies, vhich aie hainfuI, dveII in hin. Ioi lhe gods, since lhey
cane inlo leing oul of a puie nallei, do nol need Ieaining and knovIedge. Ioi lhe innoilaIily of
lhe gods is Ieaining and knovIedge, since lhey cane inlo leing oul of puie nallei. Il
(innoilaIily) assuned foi lhen lhe posilion of knovIedge and Ieaining. y necessily, he (Cod)
sel a loundaiy foi nan, he pIaced hin in Ieaining and knovIedge.
"Conceining lhese lhings (Ieaining and knovIedge) vhich ve have nenlioned fion lhe
leginning, he (Cod) peifecled lhen in oidei lhal ly neans of lhese lhings he nighl iesliain
passions and eviIs, accoiding lo his viII. He lioughl his (nan's) noilaI exislence inlo innoilaIily,
he (nan) lecane good (and) innoilaI, jusl as I have said. Ioi he (Cod) ciealed (a) lvo-foId naluie
foi hin: lhe innoilaI and lhe noilaI.
"And il happened lhis vay lecause of lhe viII of Cod lhal nen le lellei lhan lhe gods, since,
indeed, lhe gods aie innoilaI, lul nen aIone aie lolh innoilaI and noilaI. Theiefoie, nan has
lecone akin lo lhe gods, and lhey knov lhe affaiis of each olhei vilh ceilainly. The gods knov
lhe lhings of nen, and nen knov lhe lhings of lhe gods. And I an speaking aloul nen,
AscIepius, vho have allained Ieaining and knovIedge. ul (aloul) lhose vho aie noie vain lhan
lhese, il is nol filling lhal ve say anylhing lase, since ve aie divine and aie inlioducing hoIy
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"Since ve have enleied lhe nallei of lhe connunion lelveen lhe gods and nen, knov,
AscIepius, lhal in vhich nan can le sliong! Ioi jusl as lhe Ialhei, lhe Loid of lhe univeise, cieales
gods, in lhis veiy vay nan loo, lhis noilaI, eailhIy, Iiving ciealuie, lhe one vho is nol Iike Cod,
aIso hinseIf cieales gods. Nol onIy does he slienglhen, lul he is aIso slienglhened. Nol onIy is he
god, lul he aIso cieales gods. Aie you aslonished, AscIepius` Aie you youiseIf anolhei disleIievei
Iike lhe nany`"
"Tiisnegislus, I agiee vilh lhe voids (spoken) lo ne. And I leIieve you as you speak. ul I have
aIso leen aslonished al lhe discouise aloul lhis. And I have decided lhal nan is lIessed, since he
has enjoyed lhis gieal povei."
"And lhal vhich is giealei lhan aII lhese lhings, AscIepius, is voilhy of adniialion. Nov il is cIeai
lo us conceining lhe iace of lhe gods, and ve confess il aIong vilh eveiyone eIse, lhal il (lhe iace
of lhe gods) has cone inlo leing oul of a puie nallei. And lheii lodies aie heads onIy. ul lhal
vhich nen cieale is lhe Iikeness of lhe gods. They (lhe gods) aie fion lhe failhesl pail of lhe
nallei, and il (lhe oljecl ciealed ly nen) is fion lhe oulei (pail) of lhe leing of nen. Nol onIy aie
lhey (vhal nen ciealed) heads, lul (lhey aie) aIso aII lhe olhei nenleis of lhe lody, and
accoiding lo lheii Iikeness. }usl as Cod has viIIed lhal lhe innei nan le ciealed accoiding lo his
inage, in lhe veiy sane vay, nan on eailh cieales gods accoiding lo his Iikeness."
"Tiisnegislus, you aie nol laIking aloul idoIs, aie you`"
"AscIepius, you youiseIf aie laIking aloul idoIs. You see lhal again, you youiseIf, AscIepius, aie
aIso a disleIievei of lhe discouise. You say aloul lhose vho have souI and lieadlh, lhal lhey aie
idoIs - lhese vho liing aloul lhese gieal evenls. You aie saying aloul lhese vho give piophecies
lhal lhey aie idoIs - lhese vho give nen sickness and heaIing lhal |...j lhen.
"Oi aie you ignoianl, AscIepius, lhal Lgypl is (lhe) inage of heaven` Moieovei, il is lhe dveIIing
pIace of heaven and aII lhe foices lhal aie in heaven. If il is piopei foi us lo speak lhe liulh, oui
Iand is (lhe) lenpIe of lhe voiId. And il is piopei foi you nol lo le ignoianl lhal a line viII cone
in il (oui Iand, vhen) Lgyplians viII seen lo have seived lhe divinily in vain, and aII lheii aclivily
in lheii ieIigion viII le despised. Ioi aII divinily viII Ieave Lgypl, and viII fIee upvaid lo heaven.
And Lgypl viII le vidoved, il viII le alandoned ly lhe gods. Ioi foieigneis viII cone inlo
Lgypl, and lhey viII iuIe il. Lgypl! Moieovei, Lgyplians viII le piohililed fion voishipping
Cod. Iuilheinoie, lhey viII cone inlo lhe uIlinale punishnenl, especiaIIy vhoevei anong lhen
is found voishipping (and) honoiing Cod.
"And in lhal day, lhe counliy lhal vas noie pious lhan aII counliies viII lecone inpious. No
Iongei viII il le fuII of lenpIes, lul il viII le fuII of lonls. Neilhei viII il le fuII of gods, lul (il
viII le fuII of) coipses. Lgypl! Lgypl viII lecone Iike lhe falIes. And youi ieIigious oljecls viII le
|...j lhe naiveIous lhings, and |...j, and if youi voids aie slones and aie vondeifuI. And lhe
lailaiian viII le lellei lhan you, Lgyplian, in his ieIigion, vhelhei (he is) a Scylhian, oi lhe
Hindus, oi sone olhei of lhis soil.
"And vhal is lhis lhal I say aloul lhe Lgyplian` Ioi lhey (lhe Lgyplians) viII nol alandon Lgypl.
Ioi (in) lhe line (vhen) lhe gods have alandoned lhe Iand of Lgypl, and have fIed upvaid lo
heaven, lhen aII Lgyplians viII die. And Lgypl viII le nade a deseil ly lhe gods and lhe
Lgyplians. And as foi you, Rivei, lheie viII le a day vhen you viII fIov vilh lIood noie lhan
valei. And dead lodies viII le (slacked) highei lhan lhe dans. And he vho is dead viII nol le
nouined as nuch as he vho is aIive. Indeed, lhe Iallei viII le knovn as an Lgyplian on accounl
of his Ianguage in lhe second peiiod (of line). - AscIepius, vhy aie you veeping` - He viII seen
Iike (a) foieignei in iegaid lo his cuslons. Divine Lgypl viII suffei eviIs giealei lhan lhese. Lgypl -
Iovei of Cod, and lhe dveIIing pIace of lhe gods, schooI of ieIigion - viII lecone an exanpIe of
"And in lhal day, lhe voiId viII nol le naiveIed al, |...j and innoilaIily, noi viII il le voishiped
|...j, since ve say lhal il is nol good |...j. Il has lecone neilhei a singIe lhing noi a vision. ul il is
in dangei of leconing a luiden lo aII nen. Theiefoie, il viII le despised - lhe leaulifuI voiId of
Cod, lhe inconpaialIe voik, lhe eneigy lhal possesses goodness, lhe nan-foined vision.
Daikness viII le piefeiied lo Iighl, and dealh viII le piefeiied lo Iife. No one viII gaze inlo
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heaven. And lhe pious nan viII le counled as insane, and lhe inpious nan viII le honoied as
vise. The nan vho is afiaid viII le consideied as sliong. And lhe good nan viII le punished Iike
a ciininaI.
"And conceining lhe souI, and lhe lhings of lhe souI, and lhe lhings of innoilaIily, aIong vilh lhe
iesl of vhal I have said lo you, Tal, AscIepius, and Annon - nol onIy viII lhey le consideied
iidicuIous, lul lhey viII aIso le lhoughl of as vanily. ul leIieve ne (vhen I say) lhal peopIe of
lhis kind viII le endangeied ly lhe uIlinale dangei lo lheii souI. And a nev Iav viII le
eslalIished ... (2 |incs nissing) ... lhey viII ... (|inc nissing) ... good. The vicked angeIs viII ienain
anong nen, (and) le vilh lhen, (and) Iead lhen inlo vicked lhings ieckIessIy, as veII as inlo
alheisn, vais, and pIundeiings, ly leaching lhen lhings conliaiy lo naluie.
"In lhose days, lhe eailh viII nol le slalIe, and nen viII nol saiI lhe sea, noi viII lhey knov lhe
slais in heaven. Lveiy sacied voice of lhe void of Cod viII le siIenced, and lhe aii viII le
diseased. Such is lhe seniIily of lhe voiId: alheisn, dishonoi, and lhe disiegaid of nolIe voids.
"And vhen lhese lhings had happened, AscIepius, lhen lhe Loid, lhe Ialhei and god fion lhe
onIy fiisl god, lhe ciealoi, vhen he Iooked upon lhe lhings lhal happened, eslalIished his design,
vhich is good, againsl lhe disoidei. He look avay eiioi, and cul off eviI. Sonelines, he
sulneiged il in a gieal fIood, al olhei lines, he luined il in a seaiing fiie, and al sliII olhei lines,
he ciushed il in vais and pIagues, unliI he lioughl ... (4 |incs nissing) ... of lhe voik. And lhis is
lhe liilh of lhe voiId.
"The iesloialion of lhe naluie of lhe pious ones vho aie good viII lake pIace in a peiiod of line
lhal nevei had a leginning. Ioi lhe viII of Cod has no leginning, even as his naluie, vhich is his
viII (has no leginning). Ioi lhe naluie of Cod is viII. And his viII is lhe good."
"Tiisnegislus, is puipose, lhen, (lhe sane as) viII`"
"Yes, AscIepius, since viII is (incIuded) in counseI. Ioi <he> (Cod) does nol viII vhal he has fion
deficiency. Since he is conpIele in eveiy pail, he viIIs vhal he (aIieady) fuIIy has. And he has
eveiy good. And vhal he viIIs, he viIIs. And he has lhe good lhal he viIIs. Theiefoie, he has
eveiylhing. And Cod viIIs vhal he viIIs. And lhe good voiId is an inage of lhe Cood One."
"Tiisnegislus, is lhe voiId good`"
"AscIepius, il is good, as I shaII leach you. Ioi jusl as ... (2 |incs nissing) ... of souI and Iife |...j of lhe
voiId |...j cone foilh in nallei, lhose lhal aie good, lhe change of lhe cIinale, and leauly, and lhe
iipening of lhe fiuils, and lhe lhings siniIai lo aII lhese. ecause of lhis, Cod has conlioI ovei lhe
heighls of heaven. He is in eveiy pIace, and he Iooks oul ovei eveiy pIace. And (in) his pIace lheie
is neilhei heaven noi slai. And he is fiee fion (lhe) lody.
"Nov lhe ciealoi has conlioI in lhe pIace lhal is lelveen lhe eailh and heaven. He is caIIed 'Zeus',
lhal is, 'Life'. IIulonius Zeus is Ioid ovei lhe eailh and sea. And he does nol possess lhe
nouiishnenl foi aII noilaI Iiving ciealuies, foi (il is) Koie vho leais lhe fiuil. These foices aIvays
aie poveifuI in lhe ciicIe of lhe eailh, lul lhose of olheis aie aIvays fion Hin-vho-is.
"And lhe Ioids of lhe eailh viII vilhdiav lhenseIves. And lhey viII eslalIish lhenseIves in a cily
lhal is in a coinei of Lgypl and lhal viII le luiIl lovaid lhe selling of lhe sun. Lveiy nan viII go
inlo il, vhelhei lhey cone on lhe sea oi on lhe shoie."
"Tiisnegislus, vheie viII lhese le sellIed nov`"
"AscIepius, in lhe gieal cily lhal is on lhe Lilyan nounlain ... (2 |incs nissing) ... il fiighlens |...j as
a gieal eviI, in ignoiance of lhe nallei. Ioi dealh occuis, vhich is lhe dissoIulion of lhe Ialois of
lhe lody, and lhe nunlei (of lhe lody), vhen il (dealh) conpIeles lhe nunlei of lhe lody. Ioi
lhe nunlei is lhe union of lhe lody. Nov lhe lody dies vhen il is nol alIe lo suppoil lhe nan.
And lhis is dealh: lhe dissoIulion of lhe lody and lhe desliuclion of lhe sensalion of lhe lody.
And il is nol necessaiy lo le afiaid of lhis, noi lecause of lhis, lul lecause of vhal is nol knovn,
and is disleIieved (is one afiaid)."
"ul vhal is nol knovn, oi is disleIieved`"
"Lislen, AscIepius! Theie is a gieal denon. The gieal Cod has appoinled hin lo le oveiseei oi
judge ovei lhe souIs of nen. And Cod has pIaced hin in lhe niddIe of lhe aii, lelveen eailh and
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heaven. Nov vhen lhe souI cones foilh fion (lhe) lody, il is necessaiy lhal il neel lhis dainon.
InnedialeIy, he (lhe dainon) viII suiiound lhis one (nasc.), and he viII exanine hin in iegaid lo
lhe chaiaclei lhal he has deveIoped in his Iife. And if he finds lhal he piousIy peifoined aII of his
aclions foi vhich he cane inlo lhe voiId, lhis (dainon) viII aIIov hin ... (1 |inc nissing) ... luin
hin |...j. ul if he sees |...j in lhis one |...j he lioughl his Iife inlo eviI deeds, he giasps hin, as he
fIees upvaid, and lhiovs hin dovn, so lhal he is suspended lelveen heaven and eailh, and is
punished vilh a gieal punishnenl. And he viII le depiived of his hope, and viII le in gieal pain.
"And lhal souI has leen pul neilhei on lhe eailh noi in heaven, lul il has cone inlo lhe open sea
of lhe aii of lhe voiId, lhe pIace vheie lheie is a gieal fiie, and ciyslaI valei, and fuiiovs of fiie,
and a gieal upheavaI. The lodies aie loinenled (in) vaiious (vays). Sonelines lhey aie casl
dovn inlo lhe fiie, in oidei lhal il nay deslioy lhen. Nov, I viII nol say lhal lhis is lhe dealh of
lhe souI, foi il has leen deIiveied fion eviI, lul il is a dealh senlence.
"AscIepius, il is necessaiy lo leIieve lhese lhings and lo feai lhen, in oidei lhal ve nighl nol
encounlei lhen. Ioi unleIieveis aie inpious, and connil sin. Afleivaids, lhey viII le conpeIIed
lo leIieve, and lhey viII nol heai ly void of noulh onIy, lul viII expeiience lhe ieaIily ilseIf. Ioi
lhey kepl leIieving lhal lhey vouId nol enduie lhese lhings. Noi onIy ... (1 |inc nissing). Iiisl,
AscIepius, aII lhose of lhe eailh die, and lhose vho aie of lhe lody cease |...j of eviI |...j vilh lhese
of lhis soil. Ioi lhose vho aie heie aie nol Iike lhose vho aie lheie. So vilh lhe dainons vho |...j
nen, lhey despile |...j lheie. Thus, il is nol lhe sane. ul liuIy, lhe gods vho aie heie viII punish
noie vhoevei has hidden il heie eveiy day."
"Tiisnegislus, vhal is lhe chaiaclei of lhe iniquily lhal is lheie`"
"Nov you lhink, AscIepius, lhal vhen one lakes sonelhing in a lenpIe, he is inpious. Ioi lhal
kind of a peison is a lhief and a landil. And lhis nallei conceins gods and nen. ul do nol
conpaie lhose heie vilh lhose of lhe olhei pIace. Nov I vanl lo speak lhis discouise lo you
confidenliaIIy, no pail of il viII le leIieved. Ioi lhe souIs lhal aie fiIIed vilh nuch eviI viII nol
cone and go in lhe aii, lul lhey viII le pul in lhe pIaces of lhe dainons, vhich aie fiIIed vilh
pain, (and) vhich aie aIvays fiIIed vilh lIood and sIaughlei, and lheii food, vhich is veeping,
nouining, and gioaning."
"Tiisnegislus, vho aie lhese (dainons)`"
"AscIepius, lhey aie lhe ones vho aie caIIed 'sliangIeis', and lhose vho ioII souIs dovn on lhe
diil, and lhose vho scouige lhen, and lhose vho casl inlo lhe valei, and lhose vho casl inlo lhe
fiie, and lhose vho liing aloul lhe pains and caIanilies of nen. Ioi such as lhese aie nol fion a
divine souI, noi fion a ialionaI souI of nan. Ralhei, lhey aie fion lhe leiiilIe eviI."
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
And lhe peifecl Majesly is al iesl in lhe ineffalIe Iighl, in lhe liulh of lhe nolhei of aII lhese, and
aII of you lhal allain lo ne, lo ne aIone vho an peifecl, lecause of lhe Woid. Ioi I exisl vilh aII
lhe giealness of lhe Spiiil, vhich is a fiiend lo us and oui kindied aIike, since I lioughl foilh a
void lo lhe gIoiy of oui Ialhei, lhiough his goodness, as veII as an inpeiishalIe lhoughl, lhal is,
lhe Woid vilhin hin - il is sIaveiy lhal ve shaII die vilh Chiisl - and an inpeiishalIe and
undefiIed lhoughl, an inconpiehensilIe naiveI, lhe viiling of lhe ineffalIe valei vhich is lhe
void fion us. Il is I vho an in you, and you aie in ne, jusl as lhe Ialhei is in you in innocence.
Lel us galhei an assenlIy logelhei. Lel us visil lhal ciealion of his. Lel us send soneone foilh in il,
jusl as he visiled (lhe) Lnnoias, lhe iegions leIov. And I said lhese lhings lo lhe vhoIe nuIlilude
of lhe nuIliludinous assenlIy of lhe iejoicing Majesly. The vhoIe house of lhe Ialhei of Tiulh
iejoiced lhal I an lhe one vho is fion lhen. I pioduced lhoughl aloul lhe Lnnoias vhich cane
oul of lhe undefiIed Spiiil, aloul lhe descenl upon lhe valei, lhal is, lhe iegions leIov. And lhey
aII had a singIe nind, since il is oul of one. They chaiged ne since I vas viIIing. I cane foilh lo
ieveaI lhe gIoiy lo ny kindied and ny feIIov spiiils.
Ioi lhose vho veie in lhe voiId had leen piepaied ly lhe viII of oui sislei Sophia - she vho is a
vhoie - lecause of lhe innocence vhich has nol leen ulleied. And she did nol ask anylhing fion
lhe AII, noi fion lhe giealness of lhe AssenlIy, noi fion lhe IIeiona. Since she vas fiisl, she
cane foilh lo piepaie nonads and pIaces foi lhe Son of Lighl and lhe feIIov voikeis vhich she
look fion lhe eIenenls leIov lo luiId lodiIy dveIIings fion lhen. ul, having cone inlo leing in
an enply gIoiy, lhey ended in desliuclion in lhe dveIIings in vhich lhey veie, since lhey veie
piepaied ly Sophia. They sland ieady lo ieceive lhe Iife-giving void of lhe ineffalIe Monad and
of lhe giealness of lhe assenlIy of aII lhose vho peiseveie and lhose vho aie in ne.
I visiled a lodiIy dveIIing. I casl oul lhe one vho vas in il fiisl, and I venl in. And lhe vhoIe
nuIlilude of lhe aichons lecane lioulIed. And aII lhe nallei of lhe aichons, as veII as aII lhe
legollen poveis of lhe eailh, veie shaken vhen il sav lhe Iikeness of lhe Inage, since il vas
nixed. And I an lhe one vho vas in il, nol iesenlIing hin vho vas in il fiisl. Ioi he vas an
eailhIy nan, lul I, I an fion alove lhe heavens. I did nol iefuse lhen even lo lecone a Chiisl,
lul I did nol ieveaI nyseIf lo lhen in lhe Iove vhich vas coning foilh fion ne. I ieveaIed lhal I
an a sliangei lo lhe iegions leIov.
Theie vas a gieal disluilance in lhe vhoIe eailhIy aiea, vilh confusion and fIighl, as veII as (in)
lhe pIan of lhe aichons. And sone veie peisuaded, vhen lhey sav lhe vondeis vhich veie
leing acconpIished ly ne. And aII lhese, vilh lhe iace, lhal cane dovn, fIee fion hin vho had
fIed fion lhe lhione lo lhe Sophia of hope, since she had eaiIiei given lhe sign conceining us and
aII lhe ones vilh ne - lhose of lhe iace of Adonaios. Olheis aIso fIed, as if fion lhe Cosnocialoi
and lhose vilh lhen, since lhey have lioughl eveiy (kind of) punishnenl upon ne. And lheie
vas a fIighl of lheii nind aloul vhal lhey vouId counseI conceining ne, lhinking lhal she
(Sophia) is lhe vhoIe giealness, and speaking faIse vilness, noieovei, againsl lhe Man and lhe
vhoIe giealness of lhe assenlIy.
Il vas nol possilIe foi lhen lo knov vho lhe Ialhei of Tiulh, lhe Man of lhe Ciealness, is. ul
lhey vho ieceived lhe nane lecause of conlacl vilh ignoiance - vhich (is) a luining and a vesseI
- having ciealed il lo deslioy Adan, vhon lhey had nade, in oidei lo covei up lhose vho aie
lheiis in lhe sane vay. ul lhey, lhe aichons, lhose of lhe pIace of YaIdalaolh, ieveaI lhe ieaIn of
lhe angeIs, vhich hunanily vas seeking in oidei lhal lhey nay nol knov lhe Man of Tiulh. Ioi
Adan, vhon lhey had foined, appeaied lo lhen. And a feaifuI nolion cane aloul lhioughoul
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lheii enliie dveIIing, Iesl lhe angeIs suiiounding lhen ieleI. Ioi vilhoul lhose vho veie offeiing
piaise - I did nol ieaIIy die Iesl lheii aichangeI lecone enply.
And lhen a voice - of lhe Cosnocialoi - cane lo lhe angeIs: "I an Cod and lheie is no olhei leside
ne." ul I Iaughed joyfuIIy vhen I exanined his enply gIoiy. ul he venl on lo say, "Who is
nan`" And lhe enliie hosl of his angeIs, vho had seen Adan and his dveIIing, veie Iaughing al
his snaIIness. And lhus did lheii Lnnoia cone lo le ienoved oulside lhe Majesly of lhe heavens,
i.e.,lhe Man of Tiulh, vhose nane lhey sav since he is in a snaII dveIIing pIace, since lhey aie
snaII (and) senseIess in lheii enply Lnnoia, naneIy lheii Iaughlei. Il vas conlagion foi lhen.
The vhoIe giealness of lhe Ialheihood of lhe Spiiil vas al iesl in his pIaces. And I an he vho vas
vilh hin, since I have an Lnnoia of a singIe enanalion fion lhe eleinaI ones and lhe undefiIed
and inneasuialIe inconpiehensiliIilies. I pIaced lhe snaII Lnnoia in lhe voiId, having disluiled
lhen and fiighlened lhe vhoIe nuIlilude of lhe angeIs and lheii iuIei. And I vas visiling lhen aII
vilh fiie and fIane lecause of ny Lnnoia. And eveiylhing peilaining lo lhen vas lioughl aloul
lecause of ne. And lheie cane aloul a disluilance and a fighl aiound lhe Seiaphin and
Cheiulin, since lheii gIoiy viII fade, and lhe confusion aiound Adonaios on lolh sides and lheii
dveIIing - lo lhe Cosnocialoi and hin vho said, "Lel us seize hin'', olheis again, "The pIan viII
ceilainIy nol naleiiaIize.''
Ioi Adonaios knovs ne lecause of hope. And I vas in lhe noulhs of Iions. And lhe pIan vhich
lhey devised aloul ne lo ieIease lheii Liioi and lheii senseIessness - I did nol succunl lo lhen as
lhey had pIanned. ul I vas nol affIicled al aII. Those vho veie lheie punished ne. And I did nol
die in ieaIily lul in appeaiance, Iesl I le pul lo shane ly lhen lecause lhese aie ny kinsfoIk. I
ienoved lhe shane fion ne and I did nol lecone fainlheailed in lhe face of vhal happened lo
ne al lheii hands. I vas aloul lo succunl lo feai, and I <suffeied> accoiding lo lheii sighl and
lhoughl, in oidei lhal lhey nay nevei find any void lo speak aloul lhen. Ioi ny dealh, vhich
lhey lhink happened, (happened) lo lhen in lheii eiioi and lIindness, since lhey naiIed lheii nan
unlo lheii dealh. Ioi lheii Lnnoias did nol see ne, foi lhey veie deaf and lIind. ul in doing lhese
lhings, lhey condenn lhenseIves. Yes, lhey sav ne, lhey punished ne. Il vas anolhei, lheii
falhei, vho diank lhe gaII and lhe vinegai, il vas nol I. They sliuck ne vilh lhe ieed, il vas
anolhei, Sinon, vho loie lhe cioss on his shouIdei. I vas anolhei upon Whon lhey pIaced lhe
ciovn of lhoins. ul I vas iejoicing in lhe heighl ovei aII lhe veaIlh of lhe aichons and lhe
offspiing of lheii eiioi, of lheii enply gIoiy. And I vas Iaughing al lheii ignoiance.
And I suljecled aII lheii poveis. Ioi as I cane dovnvaid, no one sav ne. Ioi I vas aIleiing ny
shapes, changing fion foin lo foin. And lheiefoie, vhen I vas al lheii gales, I assuned lheii
Iikeness. Ioi I passed lhen ly quielIy, and I vas vieving lhe pIaces, and I vas nol afiaid noi
ashaned, foi I vas undefiIed. And I vas speaking vilh lhen, ningIing vilh lhen lhiough lhose
vho aie nine, and lianpIing on lhose vho aie haish lo lhen vilh zeaI, and quenching lhe fIane.
And I vas doing aII lhese lhings lecause of ny desiie lo acconpIish vhal I desiied ly lhe viII of
lhe Ialhei alove.
And lhe Son of lhe Majesly, vho vas hidden in lhe iegions leIov, ve lioughl lo lhe heighl vheie
I <vas> in aII lhese aeons vilh lhen, vhich (heighl) no one has seen noi knovn, vheie lhe
vedding of lhe vedding iole is, lhe nev one and nol lhe oId, noi does il peiish. Ioi il is a nev
and peifecl liidaI chanlei of lhe heavens, as I have ieveaIed (lhal) lheie aie lhiee vays: an
undefiIed nysleiy in a spiiil of lhis aeon, vhich does nol peiish, noi is il fiagnenlaiy, noi alIe lo
le spoken of, ialhei, il is undivided, univeisaI, and peinanenl. Ioi lhe souI, lhe one fion lhe
heighl, viII nol speak aloul lhe eiioi vhich is heie, noi liansfei fion lhese aeons, since il viII le
liansfeiied vhen il lecones fiee and vhen il is endoved vilh noliIily in lhe voiId, slanding
lefoie lhe Ialhei vilhoul veaiiness and feai, aIvays nixed vilh lhe Nous of povei (and) of
foin. They viII see ne fion eveiy side vilhoul halied. Ioi since lhey see ne, lhey aie leing seen
(and) aie nixed vilh lhen. Since lhey did nol pul ne lo shane, lhey veie nol pul lo shane. Since
lhey veie nol afiaid lefoie ne, lhey viII pass ly eveiy gale vilhoul feai and viII le peifecled in
lhe lhiid gIoiy.
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Il vas ny going lo lhe ieveaIed heighl vhich lhe voiId did nol accepl, ny lhiid laplisn in a
ieveaIed inage. When lhey had fIed fion lhe fiie of lhe seven Aulhoiilies, and lhe sun of lhe
poveis of lhe aichons sel, daikness look lhen. And lhe voiId lecane pooi vhen he vas
iesliained vilh a nuIlilude of felleis. They naiIed hin lo lhe liee, and lhey fixed hin vilh foui
naiIs of liass. The veiI of his lenpIe he loie vilh his hands. Il vas a lienlIing vhich seized lhe
chaos of lhe eailh, foi lhe souIs vhich veie in lhe sIeep leIov veie ieIeased. And lhey aiose.
They venl aloul loIdIy, having shed zeaIous seivice of ignoiance and unIeainedness leside lhe
dead lonls, having pul on lhe nev nan, since lhey have cone lo knov lhal peifecl Iessed One
of lhe eleinaI and inconpiehensilIe Ialhei and lhe infinile Iighl, vhich is I, since I cane lo ny
ovn and uniled lhen vilh nyseIf. Theie is no need foi nany voids, foi oui Lnnoia vas vilh
lheii Lnnoia. Theiefoie lhey knev vhal I speak of, foi ve look counseI aloul lhe desliuclion of
lhe aichons. And lheiefoie I did lhe viII of lhe Ialhei, vho is I.
Aflei ve venl foilh fion oui hone, and cane dovn lo lhis voiId, and cane inlo leing in lhe
voiId in lodies, ve veie haled and peiseculed, nol onIy ly lhose vho aie ignoianl, lul aIso ly
lhose vho lhink lhal lhey aie advancing lhe nane of Chiisl, since lhey veie unknovingIy enply,
nol knoving vho lhey aie, Iike dunl aninaIs. They peiseculed lhose vho have leen Iileialed ly
ne, since lhey hale lhen - lhose vho, shouId lhey shul lheii noulh, vouId veep vilh a piofilIess
gioaning lecause lhey did nol fuIIy knov ne. Inslead, lhey seived lvo nasleis, even a nuIlilude.
ul you viII lecone vicloiious in eveiylhing, in vai and lallIes, jeaIous division and vialh. ul
in lhe upiighlness of oui Iove ve aie innocenl, puie, (and) good, since ve have a nind of lhe
Ialhei in an ineffalIe nysleiy.
Ioi il vas Iudicious. Il is I vho leai vilness lhal il vas Iudicious, since lhe aichons do nol knov
lhal il is an ineffalIe union of undefiIed liulh, as exisls anong lhe sons of Iighl, of vhich lhey
nade an inilalion, having piocIained a docliine of a dead nan and Iies so as lo iesenlIe lhe
fieedon and puiily of lhe peifecl assenlIy, (and) <joining> lhenseIves vilh lheii docliine lo feai
and sIaveiy, voiIdIy caies, and alandoned voiship, leing snaII (and) ignoianl, since lhey do nol
conlain lhe noliIily of lhe liulh, foi lhey hale lhe one in vhon lhey aie, and Iove lhe one in vhon
lhey aie nol. Ioi lhey did nol knov lhe KnovIedge of lhe Ciealness, lhal il is fion alove and
(fion) a founlain of liulh, and lhal il is nol fion sIaveiy and jeaIousy, feai and Iove of voiIdIy
nallei. Ioi lhal vhich is nol lheiis and lhal vhich is lheiis lhey use feaiIessIy and fieeIy. They do
nol desiie, lecause lhey have aulhoiily, and a Iav fion lhenseIves ovei vhalevei lhey viII vish.
ul lhose vho have nol aie pooi, lhal is, lhose vho do nol possess hin. And lhey desiie hin and
Iead asliay lhose, vho lhiough lhen have lecone Iike lhose vho possess lhe liulh of lheii
fieedon, jusl as lhey loughl us foi seivilude and consliainl of caie and feai. This peison is in
sIaveiy. And he vho is lioughl ly consliainl of foice and lhieal has leen guaided ly Cod. ul
lhe enliie noliIily of lhe Ialheihood is nol guaided, since he guaids onIy hin vho is fion hin,
vilhoul void and consliainl, since he is uniled vilh his viII, he vho leIongs onIy lo lhe Lnnoia
of lhe Ialheihood, lo nake il Ieifecl and ineffalIe lhiough lhe Iiving valei, lo le vilh you
nuluaIIy in visdon, nol onIy in void of heaiing lul in deed and fuIfiIIed void. Ioi lhe peifecl
ones aie voilhy lo le eslalIished in lhis vay and lo le uniled vilh ne, in oidei lhal lhey nay nol
shaie in any ennily, in a good fiiendship. I acconpIish eveiylhing lhiough lhe Cood One, foi lhis
is lhe union of lhe liulh, lhal lhey shouId have no adveisaiy. ul eveiyone vho liings division -
and he viII Ieain no visdon al aII lecause he liings division and is nol a fiiend - is hosliIe lo
lhen aII. ul he vho Iives in hainony and fiiendship of liolheiIy Iove, naluiaIIy and nol
ailificiaIIy, conpIeleIy and nol pailiaIIy, lhis peison is liuIy lhe desiie of lhe Ialhei. He is lhe
univeisaI one and peifecl Iove.
Ioi Adan vas a Iaughingslock, since he vas nade a counleifeil lype of nan ly lhe Heldonad, as
if he had lecone sliongei lhan I and ny liolheis. We aie innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin, since ve
have nol sinned. And Aliahan and Isaac and }acol veie a Iaughingslock, since lhey, lhe
counleifeil falheis, veie given a nane ly lhe Heldonad, as if he had lecone sliongei lhan I and
ny liolheis. We aie innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin, since ve have nol sinned. David vas a
Iaughingslock in lhal his son vas naned lhe Son of Man, having leen infIuenced ly lhe
Heldonad, as if he had lecone sliongei lhan I and lhe feIIov nenleis of ny iace. ul ve aie
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innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin, ve have nol sinned. SoIonon vas a Iaughingslock, since he lhoughl
lhal he vas Chiisl, having lecone vain lhiough lhe Heldonad, as if he had lecone sliongei lhan
I and ny liolheis. ul ve aie innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin. I have nol sinned. The 12 piophels
veie Iaughingslocks, since lhey have cone foilh as inilalions of lhe liue piophels. They cane inlo
leing as counleifeils lhiough lhe Heldonad, as if he had lecone sliongei lhan I and ny
liolheis. ul ve aie innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin, since ve have nol sinned. Moses, a failhfuI
seivanl, vas a Iaughingslock, having leen naned "lhe Iiiend," since lhey peiveiseIy loie vilness
conceining hin vho nevei knev ne. Neilhei he noi lhose lefoie hin, fion Adan lo Moses and
}ohn lhe aplisl, none of lhen knev ne noi ny liolheis.
Ioi lhey had a docliine of angeIs lo olseive dielaiy Iavs and lillei sIaveiy, since lhey nevei knev
liulh, noi viII lhey knov il. Ioi lheie is a gieal deceplion upon lheii souI, naking il inpossilIe
foi lhen evei lo find a Nous of fieedon in oidei lo knov hin, unliI lhey cone lo knov lhe Son of
Man. Nov conceining ny Ialhei, I an he vhon lhe voiId did nol knov, and lecause of lhis, il
(lhe voiId) iose up againsl ne and ny liolheis. ul ve aie innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin, ve have
nol sinned.
Ioi lhe Aichon vas a Iaughingslock lecause he said, "I an Cod, and lheie is none giealei lhan I. I
aIone an lhe Ialhei, lhe Loid, and lheie is no olhei leside ne. I an a jeaIous Cod, vho liings lhe
sins of lhe falheis upon lhe chiIdien foi lhiee and foui geneialions." As if he had lecone sliongei
lhan I and ny liolheis! ul ve aie innocenl vilh iespecl lo hin, in lhal ve have nol sinned, since
ve nasleied his leaching. Thus he vas in an enply gIoiy. And he does nol agiee vilh oui Ialhei.
And lhus lhiough oui feIIovship ve giasped his leaching, since he vas vain in an enply gIoiy.
And he does nol agiee vilh oui Ialhei, foi he vas a Iaughingslock and judgnenl and faIse
O lhose vho do nol see, you do nol see youi lIindness, i.e., lhis vhich vas nol knovn, noi has il
evei leen knovn, noi has il leen knovn aloul hin. They did nol Iislen lo fiin oledience.
Theiefoie lhey pioceeded in a judgnenl of eiioi, and lhey iaised lheii defiIed and nuideious
hands againsl hin, as if lhey veie lealing lhe aii. And lhe senseIess and lIind ones aie aIvays
senseIess, aIvays leing sIaves of Iav and eailhIy feai.
I an Chiisl, lhe Son of Man, lhe one fion you vho is anong you. I an despised foi youi sake, in
oidei lhal you youiseIves nay foigel lhe diffeience. And do nol lecone fenaIe, Iesl you give
liilh lo eviI and (ils) liolheis: jeaIousy and division, angei and vialh, feai and a divided heail,
and enply, non-exislenl desiie. ul I an an ineffalIe nysleiy lo you.
Then lefoie lhe foundalion of lhe voiId, vhen lhe vhoIe nuIlilude of lhe AssenlIy cane
logelhei upon lhe pIaces of lhe Ogdoad, vhen lhey had laken counseI aloul a spiiiluaI vedding
vhich is in union, and lhus he vas peifecled in lhe ineffalIe pIaces ly a Iiving void, lhe
undefiIed vedding vas consunnaled lhiough lhe Mesoles of }esus, vho inhalils lhen aII and
possesses lhen, vho alides in an undivided Iove of povei. And suiiounding hin, he appeais lo
hin as a Monad of aII lhese, a lhoughl and a falhei, since he is one. And he slands ly lhen aII,
since he as a vhoIe cane foilh aIone. And he is Iife, since he cane fion lhe Ialhei of ineffalIe and
peifecl Tiulh, (lhe falhei) of lhose vho aie lheie, lhe union of Ieace and a fiiend of good lhings,
and Iife eleinaI and undefiIed joy, in a gieal hainony of Iife and failh, lhiough eleinaI Iife of
falheihood and nolheihood and sisleihood and ialionaI visdon. They had agieed vilh Nous,
vho slielches oul (and) viII slielch oul in joyfuI union and is liuslvoilhy and failhfuIIy Iislens lo
soneone. And he is in falheihood and nolheihood and ialionaI liolheihood and visdon. And
lhis is a vedding of liulh, and a iepose of incoiiuplion, in a spiiil of liulh, in eveiy nind, and a
peifecl Iighl in an unnanealIe nysleiy. ul lhis is nol, noi viII il happen anong us in any iegion
oi pIace in division and lieach of peace, lul (in) union and a nixluie of Iove, aII of vhich aie
peifecled in lhe one vho is.
Il aIso happened in lhe pIaces undei heaven foi lheii ieconciIialion. Those vho knev ne in
saIvalion and undividedness, and lhose vho exisled foi lhe gIoiy of lhe falhei and lhe liulh,
having leen sepaialed, lIended inlo lhe one lhiough lhe Iiving void. And I an in lhe spiiil and
lhe liulh of lhe nolheihood, jusl as he has leen lheie, I vas anong lhose vho aie uniled in lhe
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fiiendship of fiiends foievei, vho neilhei knov hosliIily al aII, noi eviI, lul vho aie uniled ly ny
KnovIedge in void and peace vhich exisls in peifeclion vilh eveiyone and in lhen aII. And
lhose vho assuned lhe foin of ny lype viII assune lhe foin of ny void. Indeed, lhese viII
cone foilh in Iighl foievei, and (in) fiiendship vilh each olhei in lhe spiiil, since lhey have knovn
in eveiy iespecl (and) indivisilIy lhal vhal is, is One. And aII of lhese aie one. And lhus lhey viII
Ieain aloul lhe One, as (did) lhe AssenlIy and lhose dveIIing in il. Ioi lhe falhei of aII lhese
exisls, leing inneasuialIe (and) innulalIe: Nous and Woid and Division and Lnvy and Iiie.
And he is enliieIy one, leing lhe AII vilh lhen aII in a singIe docliine, lecause aII lhese aie fion a
singIe spiiil. O unseeing ones, vhy did you nol knov lhe nysleiy iighlIy`
ul lhe aichons aiound YaIdalaolh veie disoledienl lecause of lhe Lnnoia vho venl dovn lo
hin fion hei sislei Sophia. They nade foi lhenseIves a union vilh lhose vho veie vilh lhen in
a nixluie of a fieiy cIoud, vhich vas lheii Lnvy, and lhe iesl vho veie lioughl foilh ly lheii
ciealuies, as if lhey had liuised lhe nolIe pIeasuie of lhe AssenlIy. And lheiefoie lhey ieveaIed a
nixluie of ignoiance in a counleifeil of fiie and eailh and a nuideiei, since lhey aie snaII and
unlaughl, vilhoul knovIedge having daied lhese lhings, and nol having undeislood lhal Iighl
has feIIovship vilh Iighl, and daikness vilh daikness, and lhe coiiuplilIe vilh lhe peiishalIe,
and lhe inpeiishalIe vilh lhe incoiiuplilIe.
Nov lhese lhings I have piesenled lo you - I an }esus Chiisl, lhe Son of Man, vho is exaIled
alove lhe heavens - O peifecl and incoiiuplilIe ones, lecause of lhe incoiiuplilIe and peifecl
nysleiy and lhe ineffalIe one. ul lhey lhink lhal ve decieed lhen lefoie lhe foundalion of lhe
voiId, in oidei lhal, vhen ve eneige fion lhe pIaces of lhe voiId, ve nay piesenl lheie lhe
synloIs of incoiiuplion fion lhe spiiiluaI union unlo knovIedge. You do nol knov il, lecause
lhe fIeshIy cIoud oveishadovs you. ul I aIone an lhe fiiend of Sophia. I have leen in lhe loson
of lhe falhei fion lhe leginning, in lhe pIace of lhe sons of lhe liulh, and lhe Ciealness. Resl lhen
vilh ne, ny feIIov spiiils and ny liolheis, foievei.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
As lhe Savioi vas silling in lhe lenpIe in lhe lhiee hundiedlh (yeai) of lhe covenanl and lhe
agieenenl of lhe lenlh piIIai, and leing salisfied vilh lhe nunlei of lhe Iiving, incoiiuplilIe
Majesly, he said lo ne, "Ielei, lIessed aie lhose alove leIonging lo lhe Ialhei, vho ieveaIed Iife
lo lhose vho aie fion lhe Iife, lhiough ne, since I ieninded lhey vho aie luiIl on vhal is sliong,
lhal lhey nay heai ny void, and dislinguish voids of uniighleousness and liansgiession of Iav
fion iighleousness, as leing fion lhe heighl of eveiy void of lhis IIeiona of liulh, having leen
enIighlened in good pIeasuie ly hin vhon lhe piincipaIilies soughl. ul lhey did nol find hin,
noi vas he nenlioned anong any geneialion of lhe piophels. He has nov appeaied anong lhese,
in hin vho appeaied, vho is lhe Son of Man, vho is exaIled alove lhe heavens in a feai of nen of
Iike essence. ul you youiseIf, Ielei, lecone peifecl in accoidance vilh youi nane vilh nyseIf,
lhe one vho chose you, lecause fion you I have eslalIished a lase foi lhe iennanl vhon I have
sunnoned lo knovIedge. Theiefoie le sliong unliI lhe inilalion of iighleousness - of hin vho
had sunnoned you, having sunnoned you lo knov hin in a vay vhich is voilh doing lecause
of lhe iejeclion vhich happened lo hin, and lhe sinevs of his hands and his feel, and lhe
ciovning ly lhose of lhe niddIe iegion, and lhe lody of his iadiance vhich lhey liing in hope of
seivice lecause of a ievaid of honoi - as he vas aloul lo iepiove you lhiee lines in lhis nighl."
And as he vas saying lhese lhings, I sav lhe piiesls and lhe peopIe iunning up lo us vilh slones,
as if lhey vouId kiII us, and I vas afiaid lhal ve veie going lo die.
And he said lo ne, "Ielei, I have loId you nany lines lhal lhey aie lIind ones vho have no guide.
If you vanl lo knov lheii lIindness, pul youi hands upon (youi) eyes - youi iole - and say vhal
you see."
ul vhen I had done il, I did nol see anylhing. I said "No one sees (lhis vay)."
Again he loId ne, "Do il again."
And lheie cane in ne feai vilh joy, foi I sav a nev Iighl giealei lhan lhe Iighl of day. Then il
cane dovn upon lhe Savioi. And I loId hin aloul lhose lhings vhich I sav.
And he said lo ne again, "Lifl up youi hands and Iislen lo vhal lhe piiesls and lhe peopIe aie
And I Iislened lo lhe piiesls as lhey sal vilh lhe sciiles. The nuIliludes veie shouling vilh lheii
When he heaid lhese lhings fion ne he said lo ne, "Iiick up youi eais and Iislen lo lhe lhings
lhey aie saying."
And I Iislened again, "As you sil, lhey aie piaising you".
And vhen I said lhese lhings, lhe Savioi said, "I have loId you lhal lhese (peopIe) aie lIind and
deaf. Nov lhen, Iislen lo lhe lhings vhich lhey aie leIIing you in a nysleiy, and guaid lhen, Do
nol leII lhen lo lhe sons of lhis age. Ioi lhey shaII lIasphene you in lhese ages since lhey aie
ignoianl of you, lul lhey viII piaise you in knovIedge."
"Ioi nany viII accepl oui leaching in lhe leginning. And lhey viII luin fion lhen again ly lhe
viII of lhe Ialhei of lheii eiioi, lecause lhey have done vhal he vanled. And he viII ieveaI lhen
in his judgnenl, i.e., lhe seivanls of lhe Woid. ul lhose vho lecane ningIed vilh lhese shaII
lecone lheii piisoneis, since lhey aie vilhoul peiceplion. And lhe guiIeIess, good, puie one lhey
push lo lhe voikei of dealh, and lo lhe kingdon of lhose vho piaise Chiisl in a iesloialion. And
lhey piaise lhe nen of lhe piopagalion of faIsehood, lhose vho viII cone aflei you. And lhey viII
cIeave lo lhe nane of a dead nan, lhinking lhal lhey viII lecone puie. ul lhey viII lecone
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giealIy defiIed and lhey viII faII inlo a nane of eiioi, and inlo lhe hand of an eviI, cunning nan
and a nanifoId dogna, and lhey viII le iuIed vilhoul Iav."
"Ioi sone of lhen viII lIasphene lhe liulh and piocIain eviI leaching. And lhey viII say eviI
lhings againsl each olhei. Sone viII le naned: (lhose) vho sland in (lhe) slienglh of lhe aichons,
of a nan and a naked vonan vho is nanifoId and suljecl lo nuch suffeiing. And lhose vho say
lhese lhings viII ask aloul dieans. And if lhey say lhal a diean cane fion a denon voilhy of
lheii eiioi, lhen lhey shaII le given peidilion inslead of incoiiuplion."
"Ioi eviI cannol pioduce good fiuil. Ioi lhe pIace fion vhich each of lhen is pioduces lhal vhich
is Iike ilseIf, foi nol eveiy souI is of lhe liulh, noi of innoilaIily. Ioi eveiy souI of lhese ages has
dealh assigned lo il in oui viev, lecause il is aIvays a sIave, since il is ciealed foi ils desiies and
lheii eleinaI desliuclion, in vhich lhey aie and fion vhich lhey aie. They Iove lhe ciealuies of lhe
nallei vhich cane foilh vilh lhen."
"ul lhe innoilaI souIs aie nol Iike lhese, O Ielei. ul indeed, as Iong as lhe houi is nol yel cone,
il (lhe innoilaI souI) shaII iesenlIe a noilaI one. ul il shaII nol ieveaI ils naluie, lhal il aIone is
lhe innoilaI one, and lhinks aloul innoilaIily, having failh, and desiiing lo ienounce lhese
"Ioi peopIe do nol galhei figs fion lhoins oi fion lhoin liees, if lhey aie vise, noi giapes fion
lhislIes. Ioi, on lhe one hand, lhal vhich is aIvays leconing is in lhal fion vhich il is, leing
fion vhal is nol good, vhich lecones desliuclion foi il and dealh. ul lhal vhich cones lo le in
lhe LleinaI One is in lhe One of lhe Iife and lhe innoilaIily of lhe Iife vhich lhey iesenlIe."
"Theiefoie aII lhal vhich exisls nol viII dissoIve inlo vhal exisls nol. Ioi deaf and lIind ones join
onIy vilh lheii ovn kind."
"ul olheis shaII change fion eviI voids and nisIeading nysleiies. Sone vho do nol undeisland
nysleiy speak of lhings vhich lhey do nol undeisland, lul lhey viII loasl lhal lhe nysleiy of lhe
liulh is lheiis aIone. And in haughliness lhey shaII giasp al piide, lo envy lhe innoilaI souI
vhich has lecone a pIedge. Ioi eveiy aulhoiily, iuIe, and povei of lhe aeons vishes lo le vilh
lhese in lhe ciealion of lhe voiId, in oidei lhal lhose vho aie nol, having leen foigollen ly lhose
lhal aie, nay piaise lhen, lhough lhey have nol leen saved, noi have lhey leen lioughl lo lhe
Way ly lhen, aIvays vishing lhal lhey nay lecone inpeiishalIe ones. Ioi if lhe innoilaI souI
ieceives povei in an inleIIecluaI spiiil -. ul innedialeIy lhey join vilh one of lhose vho nisIed
"ul nany olheis, vho oppose lhe liulh and aie lhe nessengeis of eiioi, viII sel up lheii eiioi
and lheii Iav againsl lhese puie lhoughls of nine, as Iooking oul fion one (peispeclive) lhinking
lhal good and eviI aie fion one (souice). They do lusiness in ny void. And lhey viII piopagale
haish fale. The iace of innoilaI souIs viII go in il in vain, unliI ny Iaiousia. Ioi lhey shaII cone
oul of lhen - and ny foigiveness of lheii liansgiessions, inlo vhich lhey feII lhiough lheii
adveisaiies, vhose ianson I gol fion lhe sIaveiy in vhich lhey veie, lo give lhen fieedon lhal
lhey nay cieale an inilalion iennanl in lhe nane of a dead nan, vho is Heinas, of lhe fiisl-loin
of uniighleousness, in oidei lhal lhe Iighl vhich exisls nay nol leIieved ly lhe IillIe ones. ul
lhose of lhis soil aie lhe voikeis vho viII le casl inlo lhe oulei daikness, avay fion lhe sons of
Iighl. Ioi neilhei viII lhey enlei, noi do lhey peinil lhose vho aie going up lo lheii appiovaI foi
lheii ieIease."
"And sliII olheis of lhen vho suffei lhink lhal lhey viII peifecl lhe visdon of lhe liolheihood
vhich ieaIIy exisls, vhich is lhe spiiiluaI feIIovship of lhose uniled in connunion, lhiough
vhich lhe vedding of incoiiupliliIily shaII le ieveaIed. The kindied iace of lhe sisleihood viII
appeai as an inilalion. These aie lhe ones vho oppiess lheii liolheis, saying lo lhen, "Thiough
lhis oui Cod has pily, since saIvalion cones lo us lhiough lhis," nol knoving lhe punishnenl of
lhose vho aie nade gIad ly lhose vho have done lhis lhing lo lhe IillIe ones vhon lhey sav,
(and) vhon lhey look piisonei."
"And lheie shaII le olheis of lhose vho aie oulside oui nunlei vho nane lhenseIves lishop and
aIso deacons, as if lhey have ieceived lheii aulhoiily fion Cod. They lend lhenseIves undei lhe
judgnenl of lhe Ieadeis. Those peopIe aie diy canaIs."
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ul I said " I an afiaid lecause of vhal you have loId ne, lhal indeed IillIe (ones) aie, in oui viev,
lhe counleifeil ones, indeed, lhal lheie aie nuIliludes lhal viII nisIead olhei nuIliludes of Iiving
ones, and deslioy lhen anong lhenseIves. And vhen lhey speak youi nane lhey viII le
The Savioi said, "Ioi a line deleinined foi lhen in piopoilion lo lheii eiioi lhey viII iuIe ovei
lhe IillIe ones. And aflei lhe conpIelion of lhe eiioi, lhe nevei-aging one of lhe innoilaI
undeislanding shaII lecone young, and lhey (lhe IillIe ones) shaII iuIe ovei lhose vho aie lheii
iuIeis. The iool of lheii eiioi he shaII pIuck oul, and he shaII pul il lo shane so lhal il shaII le
nanifesl in aII lhe inpudence vhich il has assuned lo ilseIf. And such ones shaII lecone
unchangealIe, O Ielei."
"Cone lheiefoie, Iel us go on vilh lhe conpIelion of lhe viII of lhe incoiiuplilIe Ialhei. Ioi
lehoId, lhose vho viII liing lhen judgnenl aie coning, and lhey viII pul lhen lo shane. ul ne
lhey cannol louch. And you, O Ielei, shaII sland in lheii nidsl. Do nol le afiaid lecause of youi
covaidice. Theii ninds shaII le cIosed, foi lhe invisilIe one has opposed lhen."
When he had said lhose lhings, I sav hin seeningIy leing seized ly lhen. And I said "Whal do I
see, O Loid` Thal il is you youiseIf vhon lhey lake, and lhal you aie giasping ne` Oi vho is lhis
one, gIad and Iaughing on lhe liee` And is il anolhei one vhose feel and hands lhey aie sliiking`"
The Savioi said lo ne, "He vhon you sav on lhe liee, gIad and Iaughing, lhis is lhe Iiving }esus.
ul lhis one inlo vhose hands and feel lhey diive lhe naiIs is his fIeshIy pail, vhich is lhe
sulslilule leing pul lo shane, lhe one vho cane inlo leing in his Iikeness. ul Iook al hin and
ul I, vhen I had Iooked, said "Loid, no one is Iooking al you. Lel us fIee lhis pIace."
ul he said lo ne, "I have loId you, 'Leave lhe lIind aIone!'. And you, see hov lhey do nol knov
vhal lhey aie saying. Ioi lhe son of lheii gIoiy inslead of ny seivanl, lhey have pul lo shane."
And I sav soneone aloul lo appioach us iesenlIing hin, even hin vho vas Iaughing on lhe
liee. And he vas <fiIIed> vilh a HoIy Spiiil, and he is lhe Savioi. And lheie vas a gieal, ineffalIe
Iighl aiound lhen, and lhe nuIlilude of ineffalIe and invisilIe angeIs lIessing lhen. And vhen I
Iooked al hin, lhe one vho gives piaise vas ieveaIed.
And he said lo ne, "e sliong, foi you aie lhe one lo vhon lhese nysleiies have leen given, lo
knov lhen lhiough ieveIalion, lhal he vhon lhey ciucified is lhe fiisl-loin, and lhe hone of
denons, and lhe slony vesseI in vhich lhey dveII, of LIohin, of lhe cioss, vhich is undei lhe Lav.
ul he vho slands neai hin is lhe Iiving Savioi, lhe fiisl in hin, vhon lhey seized and ieIeased,
vho slands joyfuIIy Iooking al lhose vho did hin vioIence, vhiIe lhey aie divided anong
lhenseIves. Theiefoie he Iaughs al lheii Iack of peiceplion, knoving lhal lhey aie loin lIind. So
lhen lhe one susceplilIe lo suffeiing shaII cone, since lhe lody is lhe sulslilule. ul vhal lhey
ieIeased vas ny incoipoieaI lody. ul I an lhe inleIIecluaI Spiiil fiIIed vilh iadianl Iighl. He
vhon you sav coning lo ne is oui inleIIecluaI IIeiona, vhich uniles lhe peifecl Iighl vilh ny
HoIy Spiiil."
"These lhings, lhen, vhich you sav you shaII piesenl lo lhose of anolhei iace vho aie nol of lhis
age. Ioi lheie viII le no honoi in any nan vho is nol innoilaI, lul onIy (in) lhose vho veie
chosen fion an innoilaI sulslance, vhich has shovn lhal il is alIe lo conlain hin vho gives his
alundance. Theiefoie I said, 'Lveiy one vho has, il viII le given lo hin, and he viII have pIenly.'
ul he vho does nol have, lhal is, lhe nan of lhis pIace, vho is conpIeleIy dead, vho is ienoved
fion lhe pIanling of lhe ciealion of vhal is legollen, vhon, if one of lhe innoilaI essence
appeais, lhey lhink lhal lhey possess hin - il viII le laken fion hin and le added lo lhe one vho
is. You, lheiefoie, le couiageous and do nol feai al aII. Ioi I shaII le vilh you in oidei lhal none of
youi enenies nay pievaiI unlo you. Ieace le lo you, e sliong!"
When he (}esus) had said lhese lhings, he (Ielei) cane lo hinseIf.
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!"# !# & ? "+ ;' B = @ L+ D N & ;>B
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
AloIish eveiy chiIdish line of Iife, acquiie foi youiseIf slienglh of nind and souI, and inlensify
lhe sliuggIe againsl eveiy foIIy of lhe passions of Iove and lase vickedness, and Iove of piaise,
and fondness of conlenlion, and liiesone jeaIousy and vialh, and angei and lhe desiie of avaiice.
Cuaid youi (pI.) canp and veapons and speais. Ain youiseIf and aII lhe soIdieis, vhich aie lhe
voids, and lhe connandeis, vhich aie lhe counseIs, and youi nind as a guiding piincipIe.
My son, lhiov eveiy iollei oul of youi gales. Cuaid aII youi gales vilh loiches, vhich aie lhe
voids, and you viII acquiie lhiough aII lhese lhings a quiel Iife. ul he vho viII nol guaid lhese
lhings viII lecone Iike a cily vhich is desoIale, since il has leen capluied. AII kinds of viId leasls
have lianpIed upon il, foi lhoughls vhich aie nol good aie eviI viId leasls. And youi cily viII le
fiIIed vilh iolleis, and you viII nol le alIe lo acquiie peace, lul onIy aII kinds of savage viId
leasls. The Wicked One, vho is a lyianl, is Ioid ovei lhese. WhiIe diiecling lhis, he (lhe Wicked
One) is lenealh lhe gieal niie. The vhoIe cily, vhich is youi souI, viII peiish.
Renove youiseIf fion lhese lhings, O vielched souI! iing youi guide and youi leachei. The
nind is lhe guide, lul ieason is lhe leachei. They viII liing you oul of desliuclion and dangeis.
Lislen, ny son, lo ny advice! Do nol shov youi lack lo enenies and fIee, lul ialhei, puisue lhen
as a sliong one. e nol an aninaI, vilh nen puisuing you, lul ialhei, le a nan, vilh you
puisuing lhe eviI viId leasls, Iesl sonehov lhey lecone vicloiious ovei you and lianpIe upon
you as on a dead nan, and you peiish due lo lheii vickedness.
Oh vielched nan, vhal viII you do if you faII inlo lheii hands` Iiolecl youiseIf, Iesl you le
deIiveied inlo lhe hands of youi enenies. Lnliusl youiseIf lo lhis paii of fiiends, ieason and nind,
and no one viII le vicloiious ovei you. May Cod dveII in youi canp, nay his Spiiil piolecl youi
gales, and nay lhe nind of Divinily piolecl lhe vaIIs. Lel hoIy ieason lecone a loich in youi
nind, luining lhe vood vhich is lhe vhoIe of sin.
And if you do lhese lhings, O ny son, you viII le vicloiious ovei aII youi enenies, and lhey viII
nol le alIe lo vage vai againsl you, neilhei viII lhey le alIe lo iesisl, noi viII lhey le alIe lo gel
in youi vay. Ioi if you find lhese, you viII despise lhen as denieis of liulh. They viII speak lo
you, cajoIing you and enlicing (you), nol lecause lhey aie afiaid of you, lul lecause lhey aie
afiaid of lhose vho dveII vilhin you, naneIy, lhe guaidians of lhe divinily and lhe leaching.
My son, accepl lhe educalion and lhe leaching. Do nol fIee fion lhe educalion and lhe leaching,
lul vhen you aie laughl, accepl (il) vilh joy. And if you aie educaled in any nallei, do vhal is
good. You viII pIail a ciovn of educalion ly youi guiding piincipIe. Iul on lhe hoIy leaching Iike
a iole. Make youiseIf nolIe-ninded lhiough good conducl. Ollain lhe ausleiily of good
discipIine. }udge youiseIf Iike a vise judge. Do nol go asliay fion ny leaching, and do nol acquiie
ignoiance, Iesl you Iead youi peopIe asliay. Do nol fIee fion lhe divine and lhe leaching vhich
aie vilhin you, foi he vho is leaching you Ioves you veiy nuch. Ioi he shaII lequealh lo you a
voilhy ausleiily. Casl oul lhe aninaI naluie vhich is vilhin you, and do nol aIIov lase lhoughl
lo enlei you. Ioi ... you knov lhe vay vhich I leach.
If il is good lo iuIe ovei lhe fev, as you see il, hov nuch lellei il is lhal you iuIe ovei eveiyone,
since you aie exaIled alove eveiy congiegalion and eveiy peopIe, (aie) pioninenl in eveiy
iespecl, and (aie) a divine ieason, having lecone naslei ovei eveiy povei vhich kiIIs lhe souI.
My son, does anyone vanl lo le a sIave` Why, lhen, do you lioulIe youiseIf viongIy`
My son, do nol feai anyone excepl Cod aIone, lhe LxaIled One. Casl lhe deceilfuIness of lhe DeviI
fion you. Accepl lhe Iighl foi youi eyes, and casl lhe daikness fion you. Live in Chiisl, and you
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viII acquiie a lieasuie in heaven. Do nol lecone a sausage (nade) of nany lhings vhich aie
useIess, and do nol lecone a guide in youi lIind ignoiance.
My son, Iislen lo ny leaching, vhich is good and usefuI, and end lhe sIeep vhich veighs heaviIy
upon you. Depail fion lhe foigelfuIness vhich fiIIs you vilh daikness, since if you veie unalIe lo
do anylhing, I vouId nol have said lhese lhings lo you. ul Chiisl has cone in oidei lo give you
lhis gifl. Why do you puisue lhe daikness vhen lhe Iighl is al youi disposaI` Why do you diink
slaIe valei, lhough sveel vine is avaiIalIe foi you` Wisdon sunnons you, yel you desiie foIIy.
Nol ly youi ovn desiie do you do lhese lhings, lul il is lhe aninaI naluie vilhin you lhal does
Wisdon sunnons you in hei goodness, saying, "Cone lo Me, aII of you, O fooIish ones, lhal you
nay ieceive a gifl, lhe undeislanding vhich is good and exceIIenl. I an giving lo you a high-
piieslIy gainenl vhich is voven fion eveiy (kind of) visdon." Whal eIse is eviI dealh excepl
ignoiance` Whal eIse is eviI daikness excepl faniIiaiily vilh foigelfuIness` Casl youi anxiely
upon Cod aIone. Do nol lecone desiious of goId and siIvei, vhich aie piofilIess, lul cIolhe
youiseIf vilh visdon Iike a iole, pul knovIedge on youiseIf Iike a ciovn, and le sealed upon a
lhione of peiceplion. Ioi lhese aie youis, and you viII ieceive lhen again on high anolhei line.
Ioi a fooIish nan usuaIIy puls on foIIy Iike a iole, and Iike a gainenl of soiiov, he puls on
shane. And he ciovns hinseIf vilh ignoiance, and lakes his seal upon a lhione of nescience. Ioi
vhiIe he is vilhoul ieason, he Ieads onIy hinseIf asliay, foi he is guided ly ignoiance. And he
goes lhe vays of lhe desiie of eveiy passion. He svins in lhe desiies of Iife and has sunk. To le
suie, he lhinks lhal he finds piofil vhen he does aII lhe lhings vhich aie vilhoul piofil. The
vielched nan vho goes lhiough aII lhese lhings viII die, lecause he does nol have lhe nind, lhe
heInsnan. ul he is Iike a ship vhich lhe vind losses lo and fio, and Iike a Ioose hoise vhich has
no iidei. Ioi lhis (nan) needed lhe iidei, vhich is ieason. Ioi lhe vielched one venl asliay
lecause he did nol vanl advice. He vas lhiovn lo and fio ly lhese lhiee nisfoilunes: he acquiied
dealh as a falhei, ignoiance as a nolhei, and eviI counseIs - he acquiied lhen as fiiends and
liolheis. Theiefoie, fooIish one, you shouId nouin foi youiseIf.
Iion nov on, lhen, ny son, ieluin lo youi divine naluie. Casl fion you lhese eviI, deceiving
fiiends! Accepl Chiisl, lhis liue fiiend, as a good leachei. Casl fion you dealh, vhich has lecone
a falhei lo you. Ioi dealh did nol exisl, noi viII il exisl al lhe end.
ul since you casl fion youiseIf Cod, lhe hoIy Ialhei, lhe liue Life, lhe Spiing of Life, lheiefoie
you have ollained dealh as a falhei and have acquiied ignoiance as a nolhei. They have iolled
you of lhe liue knovIedge.
ul ieluin, ny son, lo youi fiisl falhei, Cod, and Wisdon, youi Molhei, fion vhon you cane
inlo leing fion lhe veiy fiisl in oidei lhal you nighl fighl againsl aII of youi enenies, lhe Ioveis
of lhe Adveisaiy.
Lislen, ny son, lo ny advice. Do nol le aiioganl in opposilion lo eveiy good opinion, lul lake foi
youiseIf lhe side of lhe divinily of ieason. Keep lhe hoIy connandnenls of }esus Chiisl, and you
viII ieign ovei eveiy pIace on eailh, and viII le honoied ly lhe angeIs and aichangeIs. Then you
viII acquiie lhen as fiiends and feIIov seivanls, and you viII acquiie pIaces in heaven alove.
Do nol liing giief and lioulIe lo lhe divine vhich is vilhin you. ul vhen you viII caie foi il, viII
iequesl of il lhal you ienain puie, and viII lecone seIf-conlioIIed in youi souI and lody, you viII
lecone a lhione of visdon, and one leIonging lo Cod's househoId. He viII give you a gieal Iighl
lhiough il (visdon).
ul lefoie eveiylhing (eIse), knov youi liilh. Knov youiseIf, lhal is, fion vhal sulslance you
aie, oi fion vhal iace, oi fion vhal species. Undeisland lhal you have cone inlo leing fion
lhiee iaces: fion lhe eailh, fion lhe foined, and fion lhe ciealed. The lody has cone inlo leing
fion lhe eailh vilh an eailhIy sulslance, lul lhe foined, foi lhe sake of lhe souI, has cone inlo
leing fion lhe lhoughl of lhe Divine. The ciealed, hovevei, is lhe nind, vhich has cone inlo
leing in confoinily vilh lhe inage of Cod. The divine nind has sulslance fion lhe Divine, lul
lhe souI is lhal vhich he (Cod) foined foi lheii ovn heails. Ioi I lhink lhal il (lhe souI) exisls as
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vife of lhal vhich has cone inlo leing in confoinily vilh lhe inage, lul nallei is lhe sulslance
of lhe lody, vhich has cone inlo leing fion lhe eailh.
If you nix youiseIf, you viII acquiie lhe lhiee pails as you faII fion viilue inlo infeiioiily. Live
accoiding lo lhe Mind. Do nol lhink aloul lhings peilaining lo lhe fIesh. Acquiie slienglh, foi lhe
nind is sliong. If you faII fion lhis olhei, you have lecone naIe-fenaIe. And if you casl oul of
youiseIf lhe sulslance of lhe nind, vhich is lhoughl, you have cul off lhe naIe pail, and luined
youiseIf lo lhe fenaIe pail aIone. You have lecone psychic, since you have ieceived lhe sulslance
of lhe foined. If you casl oul lhe snaIIesl pail of lhis, so lhal you do nol acquiie again a hunan
pail - lul you have accepled foi youiseIf lhe aninaI lhoughl and Iikeness - you have lecone
fIeshIy, since you have laken on aninaI naluie. Ioi (if) il is difficuIl lo find a psychicaI nan, hov
nuch noie so lo find lhe Loid`
ul I say lhal Cod is lhe spiiiluaI one. Man has laken shape fion lhe sulslance of Cod. The divine
souI shaies pailIy in lhis one, fuilheinoie, il shaies pailIy in lhe fIesh. The lase souI is vonl lo
luin fion side lo side, |...j vhich il inages lhe liulh.
Il is good foi you, O nan, lo luin youiseIf lovaid lhe hunan, ialhei lhan lovaid lhe aninaI
naluie - I nean lovaid lhe fIeshIy. You viII lake on lhe Iikeness of lhe pail lovaid vhich you viII
luin youiseIf.
I shaII say sonelhing fuilhei lo you. Again, foi vhal viII you (nasc. sg.) le zeaIous` Did you
(fen. sg.) vish lo lecone aninaI vhen you had cone inlo lhis kind of naluie` ul ialhei, shaie in
a liue naluie of Iife. To le suie, aninaIily viII guide you inlo lhe iace of lhe eailh, lul lhe ialionaI
naluie viII guide you in ialionaI vays. Tuin lovaid lhe ialionaI naluie, and casl fion youiseIf lhe
eailh-legollen naluie.
O souI, peisislenl one, le solei and shake off youi diunkenness, vhich is lhe voik of ignoiance. If
you peisisl and Iive in lhe lody, you dveII in iuslicily. When you enleied inlo a lodiIy liilh, you
veie legollen. Cone inlo leing inside lhe liidaI chanlei! e iIIuninaled in nind!
My son, do nol svin in any valei, and do nol aIIov youiseIf lo le defiIed ly sliange kinds of
knovIedge. CeilainIy you knov lhal lhe schenes of lhe Adveisaiy aie nol fev, and (lhal) lhe
liicks vhich he has aie vaiied` LspeciaIIy has lhe noelic nan leen iolled of lhe inleIIigence of lhe
snake. Ioi il is filling foi you lo le in agieenenl vilh lhe inleIIigence of (lhese) lvo: vilh lhe
inleIIigence of lhe snake and vilh lhe innocence of lhe dove - Iesl he (lhe Adveisaiy) cone inlo
you in lhe guise of a fIalleiei, as a liue fiiend, saying, "I advise good lhings foi you."
ul you did nol iecognize lhe deceilfuIness of lhis one vhen you ieceived hin as a liue fiiend. Ioi
he casls inlo youi heail eviI lhoughls as good ones, and hypociisy in lhe guise of liue visdon,
avidily in lhe guise of conseivalive fiugaIily, Iove of gIoiy in lhe guise of lhal vhich is leaulifuI,
loaslfuIness and piide in lhe guise of gieal ausleiily, and godIessness as gieal godIiness. Ioi he
vho says, "I have nany gods," is godIess. And he casls spuiious knovIedge inlo youi heail in lhe
guise of nysleiious voids. Who viII le alIe lo conpiehend his lhoughls and devices, vhich aie
vaiied, since he is a Cieal Mind foi lhose vho vish lo accepl hin as king`
My son, hov viII you le alIe lo conpiehend lhe schenes of lhis one, oi his souI-kiIIing counseI`
Ioi his devices, and lhe schenes of his vickedness, aie nany. And lhink aloul his enliances, lhal
is, hov he viII enlei youi souI, and in vhal gainenl he viII enlei you.
Accepl Chiisl, vho is alIe lo sel you fiee, and vho has laken on lhe devices of lhal one, so lhal
lhiough lhese he nighl deslioy hin ly deceil. Ioi lhis is lhe king vhon you have vho is foievei
invincilIe, againsl vhon no one viII le alIe lo fighl noi say a void. This is youi king and youi
falhei, foi lheie is no one Iike hin. The divine leachei is vilh you aIvays. He is a heIpei, and he
neels you lecause of lhe good vhich is in you.
Do nol pul naIiciousness in youi judgnenl, foi eveiy naIicious nan hains his heail. Ioi onIy a
fooIish nan is vonl lo his desliuclion, lul a vise nan knovs his vay.
And a fooIish nan does nol guaid againsl speaking (a) nysleiy: A vise nan (hovevei) does nol
lIuil oul eveiy void, lul he viII le disciininaling lovaid lhose vho heai. Do nol nenlion
eveiylhing in lhe piesence of lhose vhon you do nol knov.
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Have a gieal nunlei of fiiends, lul nol counseIois. Iiisl, exanine youi counseIoi, foi do nol
honoi anyone vho fIalleis. Theii void, lo le suie, is sveel as honey, lul lheii heail is fuII of
heIIeloie. Ioi vhenevei lhey lhink lhal lhey have lecone a ieIialIe fiiend, lhen lhey viII
deceilfuIIy luin againsl you, and lhey viII casl you dovn inlo lhe niie.
Do nol liusl anyone as a fiiend, foi lhis vhoIe voiId has cone inlo leing deceilfuIIy, and eveiy
nan is lioulIed in vain. AII lhings of lhe voiId aie nol piofilalIe, lul lhey happen in vain. Theie
is no one, nol even a liolhei (vho is liuslvoilhy), since each one is seeking his ovn advanlage.
My son, do nol have anyone as a fiiend, lul if you do acquiie one, do nol enliusl youiseIf lo hin.
Lnliusl youiseIf lo Cod aIone as falhei and as fiiend. Ioi eveiyone pioceeds deceilfuIIy, vhiIe lhe
vhoIe eailh is fuII of suffeiing and pain - lhings in vhich lheie is no piofil. If you vish lo pass
youi Iife in quiel, do nol keep conpany vilh anyone. And if you do keep conpany vilh lhen, le
as if you do nol. e pIeasing lo Cod, and you viII nol need anyone.
Live vilh Chiisl and he viII save you. Ioi he is lhe liue Iighl and lhe sun of Iife. Ioi jusl as lhe sun
vhich is visilIe and nakes Iighl foi lhe eyes of lhe fIesh, so Chiisl iIIuninales eveiy nind and lhe
heail. Ioi (if) a vicked nan (vho is) in lhe lody (has) an eviI dealh, hov nuch noie so (does) he
vho has his nind lIind. Ioi eveiy lIind nan goes aIong in such a vay lhal he is seen jusl as one
vho does nol have his nind sane. He does nol deIighl in acquiiing lhe Iighl of Chiisl, vhich is
Ioi eveiylhing vhich is visilIe is a copy of lhal vhich is hidden. Ioi as a fiie vhich luins in a
pIace vilhoul leing confined lo il, so il is vilh lhe sun vhich is in lhe sky, aII of vhose iays
exlend lo pIaces on lhe eailh. SiniIaiIy, Chiisl has a singIe leing, and he gives Iighl lo eveiy pIace.
This is aIso lhe vay in vhich he speaks of oui nind, as if il veie a Ianp vhich luins and Iighls
up lhe pIace. (eing) in a pail of lhe souI, il gives Iighl lo aII lhe pails.
Iuilheinoie, I shaII speak of vhal is noie exaIled lhan lhis: lhe nind, vilh iespecl lo acluaI
leing, is in a pIace, vhich neans il is in lhe lody, lul vilh iespecl lo lhoughl, lhe nind is nol in a
pIace. Ioi hov can il le in a pIace, vhen il conlenpIales eveiy pIace`
ul ve aie alIe lo nenlion vhal is noie exaIled lhan lhis: foi do nol lhink in youi heail lhal Cod
exisls in a pIace. If you IocaIize lhe Loid of aII in a pIace, lhen il is filling foi you lo say lhal lhe
pIace is noie exaIled lhan he vho dveIIs in il. Ioi lhal vhich conlains is noie exaIled lhan lhal
vhich is conlained. Ioi lheie is no pIace vhich is caIIed incoipoieaI. Ioi il is nol iighl foi us lo say
lhal Cod is coipoieaI. Ioi lhe consequence (vouId le) lhal ve (nusl) alliilule lolh inciease and
deciease lo lhe coipoieaI, lul aIso lhal he (Cod) vho is suljecl lo lhese viII nol ienain
Nov, il is nol difficuIl lo knov lhe Ciealoi of aII ciealuies, lul il is inpossilIe lo conpiehend lhe
Iikeness of lhis One. Ioi il is difficuIl nol onIy foi nen lo conpiehend Cod, lul il is (aIso) difficuIl
foi eveiy divine leing, (lolh) lhe angeIs and lhe aichangeIs. Il is necessaiy lo knov Cod as he is.
You cannol knov Cod lhiough anyone excepl Chiisl, vho has lhe inage of lhe Ialhei, foi lhis
inage ieveaIs lhe liue Iikeness in coiiespondence lo lhal vhich is ieveaIed. A king is nol usuaIIy
knovn apail fion an inage.
Considei lhese lhings aloul Cod: he is in eveiy pIace, on lhe olhei hand, he is in no pIace. Wilh
iespecl lo povei, lo le suie, he is in eveiy pIace, lul vilh iespecl lo divinily, he is in no pIace. So
lhen, il is possilIe lo knov Cod a IillIe. Wilh iespecl lo his povei, he fiIIs eveiy pIace, lul in lhe
exaIlalion of his divinily, nolhing conlains hin. Lveiylhing is in Cod, lul Cod is nol in anylhing.
Nov vhal is il lo knov Cod` Cod is aII vhich is in lhe liulh. ul il is as inpossilIe lo Iook al
Chiisl as al lhe sun. Cod sees eveiyone, no one Iooks al hin. ul Chiisl, vilhoul leing jeaIous,
ieceives and gives. He is lhe Lighl of lhe Ialhei, as he gives Iighl vilhoul leing jeaIous. In lhis
nannei he gives Iighl lo eveiy pIace.
And aII is Chiisl, he vho has inheiiled aII fion lhe Lxislenl One. Ioi Chiisl is lhe idea of
incoiiupliliIily, and he is lhe Lighl vhich is shining undefiIed. Ioi lhe sun (shines) on eveiy
inpuie pIace, and yel il is nol defiIed. So il is vilh Chiisl: even if he is in lhe deficiency, yel he is
vilhoul deficiency. And even if he has leen legollen, he is (sliII) unlegollen. So il is vilh Chiisl:
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if, on lhe one hand, he is conpiehensilIe, on lhe olhei, he is inconpiehensilIe vilh iespecl lo his
acluaI leing. Chiisl is aII. He vho does nol possess aII is unalIe lo knov Chiisl.
My son, do nol daie lo say a void aloul lhis One, and do nol confine lhe Cod of aII lo nenlaI
inages. Ioi he vho condenns nay nol le condenned ly lhe one vho condenns. Indeed, il is
good lo ask and lo knov vho Cod is. Reason and nind aie naIe nanes. Indeed, Iel hin vho
vishes lo knov aloul lhis One, quielIy and ieveienlIy ask. Ioi lheie is no snaII dangei in
speaking aloul lhese lhings, since you knov lhal you viII le judged on lhe lasis of eveiylhing
lhal you say.
And undeisland ly lhis lhal he vho is in daikness viII nol le alIe lo see anylhing unIess he
ieceives lhe Iighl and iecoveis (his) sighl ly neans of il. Lxanine youiseIf (lo see) vhelhei you
vhoIIy have lhe Iighl, so lhal, if you ask aloul lhese lhings, you nay undeisland hov you viII
escape. Ioi nany aie seeking in daikness, and lhey giope aloul, vishing lo undeisland, since
lheie is no Iighl foi lhen.
My son, do nol aIIov youi nind lo slaie dovnvaid, lul ialhei, Iel il Iook ly neans of lhe Iighl al
lhings alove. Ioi lhe Iighl viII aIvays cone fion alove. Lven if il (lhe nind) is upon lhe eailh, Iel
il seek lo puisue lhe lhings alove. LnIighlen youi nind vilh lhe Iighl of heaven, so lhal you nay
luin lo lhe Iighl of heaven.
Do nol liie of knocking on lhe dooi of ieason, and do nol cease vaIking in lhe vay of Chiisl. WaIk
in il so lhal you nay ieceive iesl fion youi Ialois. If you vaIk in anolhei vay, lheie viII le no
piofil in il. Ioi aIso lhose vho vaIk in lhe lioad vay viII go dovn al lheii end lo lhe peidilion of
lhe niie. Ioi lhe UndeivoiId is open vide foi lhe souI, and lhe pIace of peidilion is lioad. Accepl
Chiisl, lhe naiiov vay. Ioi he is oppiessed and leais affIiclion foi youi sin.
O souI, peisislenl one, in vhal ignoiance you exisl! Ioi vho is youi guide inlo lhe daikness` Hov
nany Iikenesses did Chiisl lake on lecause of you! AIlhough he vas Cod, he vas found anong
nen as a nan. He descended lo lhe UndeivoiId. He ieIeased lhe chiIdien of dealh. They veie in
liavaiI, as lhe sciipluie of Cod has said. And he seaIed up lhe (veiy) heail of il (lhe UndeivoiId).
And he lioke ils (lhe UndeivoiId's) sliong lovs conpIeleIy. And vhen aII lhe poveis had seen
hin, lhey fIed, so lhal he nighl liing you, vielched one, up fion lhe Alyss, and nighl die foi
you as a ianson foi youi sin. He saved you fion lhe sliong hand of lhe UndeivoiId.
ul you, youiseIf, difficuIl (lhough il le) give lo hin youi fundanenlaI assenl vilh (even so nuch
as) a hinl lhal he nay lake you up vilh joy! Nov lhe fundanenlaI choice, vhich is huniIily of
heail, is lhe gifl of Chiisl. A conliile heail is lhe acceplalIe saciifice. If you hunlIe youiseIf, you
viII le giealIy exaIled, and if you exaIl youiseIf, you viII le exceedingIy hunlIed.
My son, guaid youiseIf againsl vickedness, and do nol Iel lhe Spiiil of Wickedness casl you dovn
inlo lhe Alyss. Ioi he is nad and lillei. He is leiiifying, and he casls eveiyone dovn inlo a pil of
Il is a gieal and good lhing nol lo Iove foinicalion, and nol even lo lhink of lhe vielched nallei al
aII, foi lo lhink of il is dealh. Il is nol good foi any nan lo faII inlo dealh. Ioi a souI vhich has
leen found in dealh viII le vilhoul ieason. Ioi il is lellei nol lo Iive lhan lo acquiie an aninaI's
Iife. Iiolecl youiseIf, Iesl you aie luined ly lhe fiies of foinicalion. Ioi nany vho aie sulneiged
in fiie aie ils seivanls, vhon you do nol knov as youi enenies.
O ny son, sliip off lhe oId gainenl of foinicalion, and pul on lhe gainenl vhich is cIean and
shining, lhal you nay le leaulifuI in il. ul vhen you have lhis gainenl, piolecl il veII. ReIease
youiseIf fion eveiy lond, so lhal you nay acquiie fieedon. If you casl oul of youiseIf lhe desiie
vhose devices aie nany, you viII ieIease youiseIf fion lhe sins of Iusl.
Lislen, O souI, lo ny advice. Do nol lecone a den of foxes and snakes, noi a hoIe of seipenls and
asps, noi a dveIIing pIace of Iions, oi a pIace of iefuge of lasiIisk-snakes. When lhese lhings
happen lo you, O souI, vhal viII you do` Ioi lhese aie lhe poveis of lhe Adveisaiy. Lveiylhing
vhich is dead viII cone inlo you lhiough lhen (lhe poveis). Ioi lheii food is eveiylhing vhich is
dead, and eveiy uncIean lhing. Ioi vhen lhese aie vilhin you, vhal Iiving lhing viII cone inlo
you` The Iiving angeIs viII delesl you. You veie a lenpIe, (lul) you have nade youiseIf a lonl.
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Cease leing a lonl, and lecone (again) a lenpIe, so lhal upiighlness and divinily nay ienain in
Lighl lhe Iighl vilhin you. Do nol exlinguish il! CeilainIy, no one Iighls a Ianp foi viId leasls oi
lheii young. Raise youi dead vho have died, foi lhey Iived and have died foi you. Cive lhen Iife.
They shaII Iive again!
Ioi lhe Tiee of Life is Chiisl. He is Wisdon. Ioi he is Wisdon, he is aIso lhe Woid. he is lhe Life,
lhe Iovei, and lhe Dooi. He is lhe Lighl, lhe AngeI, and lhe Cood Shepheid. Lnliusl youiseIf lo
lhis one vho lecane aII foi youi sake.
Knock on youiseIf as upon a dooi, and vaIk upon youiseIf as on a sliaighl ioad. Ioi if you vaIk
on lhe ioad, il is inpossilIe foi you lo go asliay. And if you knock vilh lhis one (Wisdon), you
knock on hidden lieasuies.
Ioi since he (Chiisl) is Wisdon, he nakes lhe fooIish nan vise. He (Wisdon) is a hoIy kingdon
and a shining iole. Ioi il (Wisdon) is nuch goId, vhich gives you gieal honoi. The Wisdon of
Cod lecane a lype of fooI foi you, so lhal il nighl lake you up, O fooIish one, and nake you a
vise nan. And lhe Life died foi you vhen he vas poveiIess, so lhal lhiough his dealh, he nighl
give Iife lo you vho have died.
Lnliusl youiseIf lo ieason and ienove youiseIf fion aninaIisn. Ioi lhe aninaI vhich has no
ieason is nade nanifesl. Ioi nany lhink lhal lhey have ieason, lul if you Iook al lhen allenliveIy,
lheii speech is aninaIislic.
Cive youiseIf gIadness fion lhe liue vine of Chiisl. Salisfy youiseIf vilh lhe liue vine, in vhich
lheie is no diunkenness noi eiioi. Ioi il (lhe liue vine) naiks lhe end of diinking, since lheie is
usuaIIy in il vhal gives joy lo lhe souI and lhe nind, lhiough lhe Spiiil of Cod. ul fiisl, nuiluie
youi ieasoning poveis lefoie you diink of il (lhe liue vine).
Do nol pieice youiseIf vilh lhe svoid of sin. Do nol luin youiseIf, O vielched one, vilh lhe fiie
of Iusl. Do nol suiiendei youiseIf lo lailaiians Iike a piisonei, noi lo savage leasls vhich vanl lo
lianpIe upon you. Ioi lhey aie as Iions vhich ioai veiy IoudIy. e nol dead Iesl lhey lianpIe
upon you. You shaII le nan! Il is possilIe foi you lhiough ieasoning lo conquei lhen.
ul lhe nan vho does nolhing is unvoilhy of (leing caIIed) ialionaI nan. The ialionaI nan is he
vho feais Cod. He vho feais Cod does nolhing insoIenl. And he vho guaids hinseIf againsl
doing anylhing insoIenl is one vho keeps his guiding piincipIe. AIlhough he is a nan vho exisls
on eailh, he nakes hinseIf Iike Cod.
ul he vho nakes hinseIf Iike Cod is one vho does nolhing unvoilhy of Cod, accoiding lo lhe
slalenenl of IauI, vho has lecone Iike Chiisl.
Ioi vho shovs ieveience foi Cod vhiIe nol vanling lo do lhings vhich aie pIeasing lo hin` Ioi
piely is lhal vhich is fion lhe heail, and piely fion lhe heail (chaiacleiizes) eveiy souI vhich is
neai lo Cod.
The souI vhich is a nenlei of Cod's househoId is one vhich is kepl puie, and lhe souI vhich has
pul on Chiisl is one vhich is puie. Il is inpossilIe foi il lo sin. Nov vheie Chiisl is, lheie sin is
Lel Chiisl aIone enlei youi voiId, and Iel hin liing lo naughl aII poveis vhich have cone upon
you. Lel hin enlei lhe lenpIe vhich is vilhin you, so lhal he nay casl oul aII lhe neichanls. Lel
hin dveII in lhe lenpIe vhich is vilhin you, and nay you lecone foi hin a piiesl and a Levile,
enleiing in puiily.
Iessed aie you, O souI, if you find lhis one in youi lenpIe.
Iessed aie you sliII noie if you peifoin his seivice.
ul he vho viII defiIe lhe lenpIe of Cod, lhal one Cod viII deslioy. Ioi you Iay youiseIf open, O
nan, if you casl lhis one oul of youi lenpIe. Ioi vhenevei lhe enenies do nol see Chiisl in you,
lhen lhey viII cone inlo you ained in oidei lo ciush you.
O ny son, I have given you oideis conceining lhese lhings nany lines so lhal you vouId aIvays
guaid youi souI. Il is nol you vho viII casl hin (Chiisl) oul, lul he viII casl you oul. Ioi if you
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fIee fion hin, you viII faII inlo gieal sin. Again, if you fIee fion hin, you viII lecone food foi
youi enenies. Ioi aII lase peisons fIee fion lheii Ioid, and lhe (nan) lase in viilue and visdon
fIees fion Chiisl. Ioi eveiy nan vho is sepaialed (fion hin) faIIs inlo lhe cIavs of viId leasls.
Knov vho Chiisl is, and acquiie hin as a fiiend, foi lhis is lhe fiiend vho is failhfuI. He is aIso
Cod and Teachei. This one, leing Cod, lecane nan foi youi sake. Il is lhis one vho lioke lhe
iion lais of lhe UndeivoiId, and lhe lionze loIls. Il is lhis one vho allacked and casl dovn eveiy
haughly lyianl. Il is he vho Ioosened fion hinseIf lhe chains of vhich he had laken hoId. He
lioughl up lhe pooi fion lhe Alyss and lhe nouineis fion lhe UndeivoiId. Il is he vho
hunlIed lhe haughly poveis, he vho pul lo shane haughliness lhiough huniIily, he vho has
casl dovn lhe sliong and lhe loaslei lhiough veakness, he vho, in his conlenpl, scoined lhal
vhich is consideied an honoi, so lhal huniIily foi Cod's sake nighl le highIy exaIled, (and) he
vho has pul on hunanily.
And yel, lhe divine Woid is Cod, he vho leais palienlIy vilh nan aIvays. He vished lo pioduce
huniIily in lhe exaIled. He (Chiisl), vho has exaIled nan lecane Iike Cod, nol in oidei lhal he
nighl liing Cod dovn lo nan, lul lhal nan nighl lecone Iike Cod.
O lhis gieal goodness of Cod! O Chiisl, King, vho has ieveaIed lo nen lhe Cieal
Divinily, King of eveiy viilue and King of Iife, King of ages and Cieal One of lhe
heavens, heai ny voids and foigive ne!
Iuilheinoie, he nanifesled a gieal zeaI foi Divinily.
Wheie is a nan (vho is) vise oi poveifuI in inleIIigence, oi a nan vhose devices aie nany
lecause he knovs visdon` Lel hin speak visdon, Iel hin ullei gieal loasling! Ioi eveiy nan
has lecone a fooI and has spoken oul of his (ovn) knovIedge. Ioi he (Chiisl) confounded lhe
counseIs of guiIefuI peopIe, and he pievaiIed ovei lhose vise in lheii ovn undeislanding.
Who viII le alIe lo discovei lhe counseI of lhe AInighly, oi lo speak of lhe Divinily, oi lo
piocIain il coiieclIy` If ve have nol even leen alIe lo undeisland lhe counseIs of oui
conpanions, vho viII le alIe lo conpiehend lhe Divinily, oi lhe divinilies of lhe heavens` If ve
scaiceIy find lhings on eailh, vho viII seaich foi lhe lhings of heaven` A gieal povei and gieal
gIoiy has nade lhe voiId knovn.
And lhe Life of Heaven vishes lo ienev aII, lhal he nay casl oul lhal vhich is veak, and eveiy
lIack foin, lhal eveiyone nay shine foilh in heavenIy gainenls in oidei lo nake nanifesl lhe
connand of lhe Ialhei (vho) is exceedingIy liiIIianl, and lhal he (Chiisl) nay ciovn lhose
vishing lo conlend veII. Chiisl, leing judge of lhe conlesl, is he vho ciovned eveiy one, leaching
eveiy one lo conlend. This one vho conlended fiisl ieceived lhe ciovn, gained doninion, and
appeaied, giving Iighl lo eveiyone. And aII veie nade nev lhiough lhe HoIy Spiiil and lhe Mind.
O Loid AInighly, hov nuch gIoiy shaII I give Thee` No one has leen alIe lo gIoiify
Cod adequaleIy. Il is Thou vho hasl given gIoiy lo Thy Woid in oidei lo save
eveiyone, O MeicifuI Cod. (Il is) he vho has cone fion Thy noulh and has iisen
fion Thy heail, lhe Iiisl-loin, lhe Wisdon, lhe Iiololype, lhe Iiisl Lighl.
Ioi he is Iighl fion lhe povei of Cod, and he is an enanalion of lhe puie gIoiy of lhe AInighly.
He is lhe spolIess niiioi of lhe voiking of Cod, and he is lhe inage of his goodness. Ioi he is aIso
lhe Iighl of lhe LleinaI Lighl. He is lhe eye vhich Iooks al lhe invisilIe Ialhei, aIvays seiving and
foining ly lhe Ialhei's viII. He aIone vas legollen ly lhe Ialhei's good pIeasuie. Ioi he is an
inconpiehensilIe Woid, and he is Wisdon and Life. He gives Iife lo, and nouiishes, aII Iiving
lhings and poveis. }usl as lhe souI gives Iife lo aII lhe nenleis, he iuIes aII vilh povei and gives
Iife lo lhen. Ioi he is lhe leginning and lhe end of eveiyone, valching ovei aII and enconpassing
lhen. He is lioulIed on lehaIf of eveiyone, and he iejoices and aIso nouins. On lhe one hand, he
nouins foi lhose vho have gollen as lheii Iol lhe pIace of punishnenl, on lhe olhei, he is lioulIed
aloul eveiy one vhon he aiduousIy liings lo insliuclion. ul he iejoices ovei eveiyone vho is in
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Then levaie, Iesl sonehov you faII inlo lhe hands of iolleis. Do nol aIIov sIeep lo youi eyes noi
diovsiness lo youi eyeIids, lhal you nay le saved Iike a gazeIIe fion nels, and Iike a liid fion a
Iighl lhe gieal fighl as Iong as lhe fighl Iasls, vhiIe aII lhe poveis aie slaiing aflei you - nol onIy
lhe hoIy ones, lul aIso aII lhe poveis of lhe Adveisaiy. Woe lo you if you aie vanquished in lhe
nidsl of eveiy one vho is valching you! If you fighl lhe fighl and aie vicloiious ovei lhe poveis
vhich fighl againsl you, you viII liing gieal joy lo eveiy hoIy one, and yel gieal giief lo youi
enenies. Youi judge heIps (you) conpIeleIy, since he vanls you lo le vicloiious.
Lislen, ny son, and do nol le sIov vilh youi eais. Raise youiseIf up vhen you have Iefl youi oId
nan lehind Iike an eagIe. Ieai Cod in aII youi acls, and gIoiify hin lhiough good voik. You
knov lhal eveiy nan vho is nol pIeasing lo Cod is lhe son of peidilion. He viII go dovn lo lhe
Alyss of lhe UndeivoiId.
O lhis palience of Cod, vhich leais vilh eveiy one, vhich desiies lhal eveiy one vho
has lecone suljecl lo sin le saved!
ul no one pievenls hin (Cod) fion doing vhal he vanls. Ioi vho is sliongei lhan hin, lhal he
nay pievenl hin` To le suie, il is he vho louches lhe eailh, causing il lo lienlIe and aIso causing
lhe nounlains lo snoke. (Il is) he vho has galheied logelhei such a gieal sea as in a Iealhei lag,
and has veighed aII lhe valei on his scaIes. OnIy lhe hand of lhe Loid has ciealed aII lhese lhings.
Ioi lhis hand of lhe Ialhei is Chiisl, and il foins aII. Thiough il, aII has cone inlo leing, since il
lecane lhe nolhei of aII. Ioi he is aIvays Son of lhe Ialhei.
Considei lhese lhings aloul Cod AInighly, vho aIvays exisls: lhis One vas nol aIvays King, foi
feai lhal he nighl le vilhoul a divine Son. Ioi aII dveII in Cod, (lhal is), lhe lhings vhich have
cone inlo leing lhiough lhe Woid, vho is lhe Son as lhe inage of lhe Ialhei.
Ioi Cod is neaily, he is nol fai off. AII divine Iinils aie lhose vhich leIong lo Cod's househoId.
Theiefoie, if lhe divine agiees vilh you pailiaIIy in anylhing, knov lhal aII of lhe Divine agiees
vilh you. ul lhis divine is nol pIeased vilh anylhing eviI. Ioi il is lhis vhich leaches aII nen
vhal is good. This is vhal Cod has given lo lhe hunan iace, so lhal foi lhis ieason eveiy nan
nighl le chosen lefoie aII lhe angeIs and lhe aichangeIs.
Ioi Cod does nol need lo pul any nan lo lhe lesl. He knovs aII lhings lefoie lhey happen, and he
knovs lhe hidden lhings of lhe heail. They aie aII ieveaIed and found vanling in his piesence. Lel
no one evei say lhal Cod is ignoianl. Ioi il is nol iighl lo pIace lhe Ciealoi of eveiy ciealuie in
ignoiance. Ioi even lhings vhich aie in daikness aie lefoie hin Iike (lhings in) lhe Iighl.
So, lheie is no olhei one hidden excepl Cod aIone. ul he is ieveaIed lo eveiyone, and yel he is
veiy hidden. He is ieveaIed lecause Cod knovs aII. And if lhey do nol vish lo affiin il, lhey viII
le coiiecled ly lheii heail. Nov he is hidden lecause no one peiceives lhe lhings of Cod. Ioi il is
inconpiehensilIe and unfalhonalIe lo knov lhe counseI of Cod. Iuilheinoie, il is difficuIl lo
conpiehend hin, and il is difficuIl lo find Chiisl. Ioi he is lhe one vho dveIIs in eveiy pIace, and
aIso he is in no pIace. Ioi no one vho vanls lo viII le alIe lo knov Cod as he acluaIIy is, noi
Chiisl, noi lhe Spiiil, noi lhe choius of angeIs, noi even lhe aichangeIs, as veII as lhe lhiones of
lhe spiiils, and lhe exaIled Ioidships, and lhe Cieal Mind. If you do nol knov youiseIf, you viII
nol le alIe lo knov aII of lhese.
Open lhe dooi foi youiseIf, lhal you nay knov lhe One vho is. Knock on youiseIf, lhal lhe Woid
nay open foi you. Ioi he is lhe RuIei of Iailh and lhe Shaip Svoid, having lecone aII foi
eveiyone lecause he vishes lo have neicy on eveiyone.
My son, piepaie youiseIf lo escape fion lhe voiId-iuIeis of daikness and of lhis kind of aii,
vhich is fuII of poveis. ul if you have Chiisl, you viII conquei lhis enliie voiId. Thal vhich you
open foi youiseIf, you viII open. Thal vhich you knock upon foi youiseIf, you viII knock upon,
lenefiling youiseIf.
HeIp youiseIf, ny son, (ly) nol pioceeding vilh lhings in vhich lheie is no piofil.
My son, fiisl puiify youiseIf lovaid lhe oulvaid Iife, in oidei lhal you nay le alIe lo puiify lhe
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And le nol as lhe neichanls of lhe Woid of Cod.
Iul aII voids lo lhe lesl lefoie you ullei lhen.
Do nol vish lo acquiie honois vhich aie insecuie, noi lhe loaslfuIness vhich liings you lo iuin.
Accepl lhe visdon of Chiisl, (vho is) palienl and niId, and guaid lhis, O ny son, knoving lhal
Cod's vay is aIvays piofilalIe.
K#B>B X".+B<G L=; =@ 9=*G L&N+=. U1?"<">BTG V=;*#. 6i<.&=.*+;&./
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!"# !". # # L< # D # B = @ L# < "
!.&;BD&<#* -/ K&)#B SM S=-+;B=;
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The ieveIalion of Dosilheos aloul lhe lhiee sleIes of Selh, lhe Ialhei of lhe Iiving and unshakalIe
iace, vhich he (Dosilheos) sav and undeislood. And aflei he had iead lhen, he ienenleied
lhen. And he gave lhen lo lhe eIecl, jusl as lhey veie insciiled lheie. Many lines I joined in
giving gIoiy vilh lhe poveis, and I lecane voilhy of lhe inneasuialIe najeslies. Nov lhey (lhe
sleIes) aie as foIIovs:
!"# P+.B< L<#D# =@ L#<"
I lIess lhee, Ialhei Ceiadana(s), I, as lhine (ovn) Son, Lnnacha Selh, vhon lhou didsl legel
vilhoul legelling, as a lIessing of oui Cod, foi I an lhine (ovn) Son. And lhou ail ny nind, O
ny Ialhei. And I, I soved and legol, lul lhou hasl seen lhe najeslies. Thou hasl slood
inpeiishalIe. I lIess lhee, Ialhei. Iess ne, Ialhei. Il is lecause of lhee lhal I exisl, il is lecause of
Cod lhal lhou dosl exisl. ecause of lhee I an vilh lhal veiy one. Thou ail Iighl, since lhou
lehoIdesl Iighl. Thou hasl ieveaIed Iighl. Thou ail Miiolheas, lhou ail ny Miiolheos. I lIess lhee
as Cod, I lIess lhy divinily. Cieal is lhe good SeIf-legollen vho slood, lhe Cod vho had aIieady
slood. Thou didsl cone in goodness, lhou hasl appeaied, and lhou hasl ieveaIed goodness. I shaII
ullei lhy nane, foi lhou ail a fiisl nane. Thou ail unlegollen. Thou hasl appeaied in oidei lhal
lhou nighlesl ieveaI lhe eleinaI ones. Thou ail he vho is. Theiefoie lhou hasl ieveaIed lhose vho
ieaIIy aie. Thou ail he vho is ulleied ly a voice, lul ly nind ail lhou gIoiified, lhou vho hasl
doninion eveiyvheie. Theiefoie lhe peiceplilIe voiId loo knovs lhee lecause of lhee and lhy
seed. Thou ail neicifuI.
And lhou ail fion anolhei iace, and ils pIace is ovei anolhei iace. And nov lhou ail fion anolhei
iace, and ils pIace is ovei anolhei iace. Thou ail fion anolhei iace, foi lhou ail nol siniIai. And
lhou ail neicifuI, foi lhou ail eleinaI. And lhy pIace is ovei a iace, foi lhou hasl caused aII lhese lo
inciease, and foi lhe sake of ny seed. Ioi il is lhou vho knovs il, lhal ils pIace is in legelling. ul
lhey aie fion olhei iaces, foi lhey aie nol siniIai. ul lheii pIace is ovei olhei iaces, foi lheii pIace
is in Iife. Thou ail Miiolheos.
I lIess his povei vhich vas given lo ne, vho caused lhe naIenesses lhal ieaIIy aie lo lecone
naIe lhiee lines, he vho vas divided inlo lhe penlad, lhe one vho vas given lo us in liipIe
povei, lhe one vho vas legollen vilhoul legelling, lhe one vho cane fion lhal vhich is eIecl,
lecause of vhal is hunlIe, he venl foilh fion lhe nidsl.
Thou ail a Ialhei lhiough a Ialhei, a void fion a connand. We lIess lhee, Thiice MaIe, foi lhou
didsl unile aII lhiough lhen aII, foi lhou hasl enpoveied us. Thou hasl aiisen fion one, fion one
lhou hasl gone foilh, lhou hasl cone lo one. Thou hasl saved, lhou hasl saved, lhou hasl saved us,
O ciovn-leaiei, ciovn-givei! We lIess lhee eleinaIIy. We lIess lhee, once ve have leen saved, as
lhe peifecl individuaIs, peifecl on accounl of lhee, lhose vho lecane peifecl vilh lhee vho is
conpIele, vho conpIeles, lhe one peifecl lhiough aII lhese, vho is siniIai eveiyvheie.
Thiice MaIe, lhou hasl slood. Thou hasl aIieady slood. Thou vasl divided eveiyvheie. Thou didsl
conlinue leing one. And lhose vhon lhou hasl viIIed, lhou hasl saved. ul lhou dosl viII lo le
saved aII vho aie voilhy.
Thou ail Ieifecl! Thou ail Ieifecl! Thou ail Ieifecl!
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!"# L#?=;* L<#D# =@ L#<"
Cieal is lhe fiisl aeon, naIe viiginaI aileIo, lhe fiisl gIoiy of lhe invisilIe Ialhei, she vho is
caIIed "peifecl".
Thou (fen.) hasl seen fiisl lhe one vho liuIy pie-exisls lecause he is non-leing. And fion hin
and lhiough hin lhou hasl pie-exisled eleinaIIy, lhe non-leing fion one indivisilIe, liipIe povei,
lhou a liipIe povei, lhou a gieal nonad fion a puie nonad, lhou an eIecl nonad, lhe fiisl
shadov of lhe hoIy Ialhei, Iighl fion Iighl.
We lIess lhee, pioducei (fen.) of peifeclion, aeon-givei (fen.). Thou hasl seen lhe eleinaI ones
lecause lhey aie fion a shadov. And lhou hasl lecone nuneialIe. And lhou didsl find, lhou
didsl conlinue leing one (fen.), yel leconing nuneialIe in division, lhou ail lhiee-foId. Thou ail
liuIy lhiice, lhou one (fen.) of lhe one (nasc.). And lhou ail fion a shadov of hin, lhou a Hidden
One, lhou a voiId of undeislanding, knoving lhose of lhe one, lhal lhey aie fion a shadov. And
lhese aie lhine in lhe heail.
Ioi lheii sake lhou hasl enpoveied lhe eleinaI ones in leing, lhou hasl enpoveied divinily in
Iiving, lhou hasl enpoveied knovIedge in goodness, in lIessedness lhou hasl enpoveied lhe
shadovs vhich poui fion lhe one. Thou hasl enpoveied lhis (one) in knovIedge, lhou hasl
enpoveied anolhei one in ciealion. Thou hasl enpoveied hin vho is equaI and hin vho is nol
equaI, hin vho is siniIai and hin vho is nol siniIai. Thou hasl enpoveied in legelling, and
(piovided) foins in lhal vhich exisls lo olheis. |...j Thou hasl enpoveied lhese. - He is lhal One
Hidden in lhe heail. - And lhou hasl cone foilh lo lhese and fion lhese. Thou ail divided anong
lhen. And lhou dosl lecone a gieal naIe noelic Iiisl-Appeaiei.
IalheiIy Cod, divine chiId, legellei of nuIlipIicily accoiding lo a division of aII vho ieaIIy aie,
lhou (nasc.) hasl appeaied lo lhen aII in a void. And lhou (nasc.) dosl possess lhen aII vilhoul
legelling and eleinaIIy indesliuclilIe on accounl of lhee (fen.).
SaIvalion has cone lo us, fion lhee is saIvalion. Thou ail visdon, lhou knovIedge, lhou ail
liulhfuIness. On accounl of lhee is Iife, fion lhee is Iife. On accounl of lhee is nind, fion lhee is
nind. Thou ail nind, lhou a voiId of liulhfuIness, lhou a liipIe povei, lhou lhieefoId. TiuIy lhou
ail lhiice, lhe aeon of aeons. Il is lhou onIy vho sees puieIy lhe fiisl eleinaI ones and lhe
unlegollen ones.
ul lhe fiisl divisions aie as lhou vasl divided. Unile us as lhou has leen uniled. Teach us lhose
lhings vhich lhou dosl see. Lnpovei us lhal ve nay le saved lo eleinaI Iife. Ioi ve aie each a
shadov of lhee as lhou ail a shadov of lhal fiisl pie-exislenl one. Heai us fiisl. We aie eleinaI
ones. Heai us as lhe peifecl individuaIs. Thou ail lhe aeon of aeons, lhe aII-peifecl one vho is
Thou hasl heaid! Thou hasl heaid!
Thou hasl saved! Thou hasl saved!
We give lhanks! We lIess lhee aIvays! We shaII gIoiify lhee!
!"# L#?=;* L<#D# =@ L#<"
!"# !"+.* L<#D#
We iejoice! We iejoice! We iejoice!
We have seen! We have seen! We have seen lhe ieaIIy pie-exislenl one, lhal he ieaIIy exisls, lhal he
is lhe fiisl eleinaI one.
O Unconceived, fion lhee aie lhe eleinaI ones and lhe aeons, lhe aII-peifecl ones vho aie
eslalIished, and lhe peifecl individuaIs.
We lIess lhee, non-leing, exislence vhich is lefoie exislences, fiisl leing vhich is lefoie leings,
Ialhei of divinily and Iife, ciealoi of nind, givei of good, givei of lIessedness!
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We aII lIess lhee, knovei, in a gIoiifying lIessing, (lhou) lecause of vhon |aII lhese aie. ...
ieaIIy, ...j, vho knovs lhee, lhiough lhee aIone. Ioi lheie is no one vho is aclive lefoie lhee. Thou
ail an onIy and Iiving spiiil. And lhou knovesl one, foi lhis one vho leIongs lo lhee is on eveiy
side. We aie nol alIe lo expiess hin. Ioi lhy Iighl shines upon us.
Iiesenl a connand lo us lo see lhee, so lhal ve nay le saved. KnovIedge of lhee, il is lhe
saIvalion of us aII. Iiesenl a connand! When lhou dosl connand, ve have leen saved! TiuIy ve
have leen saved! We have seen lhee ly nind! Thou ail lhen aII, foi lhou dosl save lhen aII, he
vho vas nol saved, noi vas he saved lhiough lhen. Ioi lhou, lhou hasl connanded us.
Thou ail one. Thou ail one, jusl as lheie is one (vho) viII say lo lhee: Thou ail one, lhou ail a
singIe Iiving spiiil. Hov shaII ve give lhee a nane` We do nol have il, Ioi lhou ail lhe exislence
of lhen aII. Thou ail lhe Iife of lhen aII. Thou ail lhe nind of lhen aII. Ioi lhou ail he in vhon
lhey aII iejoice.
Thou hasl connanded aII lhese lo le saved lhiough lhy void |...j gIoiy vho is lefoie hin,
Hidden One, lIessed Senaon, he vho legal hinseIf, Asineu(s), |...jephneu(s), Oplaon, LIenaon
lhe gieal povei, Lnouniai, Nilaieu(s), Kandephoi(os), Aphiedon, Deiphaneus, lhou vho ail
Ainedon lo ne, povei-legellei, ThaIanalheu(s), Anlilheus, lhou vho exislelh vilhin lhyseIf,
lhou vho ail lefoie lhyseIf - and aflei lhee no one enleied inlo aclivily.
As vhal shaII ve lIess lhee` We aie nol enpoveied. ul ve give lhanks, as leing hunlIe lovaid
lhee. Ioi lhou hasl connanded us, as he vho is eIecl, lo gIoiify lhee lo lhe exlenl ve aie alIe. We
lIess lhee lecause ve veie saved. AIvays ve gIoiify lhee. Ioi lhis ieason ve shaII gIoiify lhee,
lhal ve nay le saved lo eleinaI saIvalion. We have lIessed lhee, foi ve aie enpoveied. We have
leen saved, foi lhou hasl viIIed aIvays, lhal ve aII do lhis.
We aII did lhis. |...j nol lhiough |... aeon ...j, lhe one vho vas |...j, ve and lhose vho |...j. He vho
viII ienenlei lhese and give gIoiy aIvays viII lecone peifecl anong lhose vho aie peifecl and
inpassalIe leyond aII lhings. Ioi lhey aII lIess lhese individuaIIy and logelhei. And afleivaids
lhey shaII le siIenl. And jusl as lhey veie oidained, lhey ascend. Aflei lhe siIence, lhey descend
fion lhe lhiid. They lIess lhe second, aflei lhese lhe fiisl. The vay of ascenl is lhe vay of descenl.
Knov lheiefoie, as lhose vho Iive, lhal you have allained. And you laughl youiseIves lhe infinile
lhings. MaiveI al lhe liulh vhich is vilhin lhen, and (al) lhe ieveIalion.
!"# !".## L<#D#B =@ L#<"
This look leIongs lo lhe falheihood.
I l i s l h e s o n vh o vi o l e i l .
I ess ne O Ialhei. I lI ess
you, O Ialhei, in peace.
A n e n .
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frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Nc|c. Tnc sna|| oc|d nunocrs rcprcscn| pagcs in |nc crigina| nanuscrip|.
|...j of lhe |...j lhe voids |...j Iive foievei, lhese I |...j Zosliianos |...j and |...j and IoIaos, vhen I vas
in lhe voiId foi lhese Iike ne and |lhosej aflei ne, |lhej Iiving eIecl. As Cod Iives, |...j lhe liulh
vilh liulh and knovIedge and eleinaI Iighl.
Aflei I pailed fion lhe sonalic daikness in ne and lhe psychic chaos in nind and lhe feninine
desiie |...j in lhe daikness, I did nol use il again. Aflei I found lhe infinile pail of ny nallei, lhen I
iepioved lhe dead ciealion vilhin ne and lhe divine Cosnocialei of lhe peiceplilIe (voiId) ly
pieaching poveifuIIy aloul lhe AII lo lhose vilh aIien pails.
AIlhough I liied lheii vays foi a IillIe vhiIe aflei lhe necessily of legelling lioughl ne lo lhe
ieveaIed, I vas nevei pIeased vilh lhen, lul I aIvays sepaialed nyseIf fion lhen lecause I cane
inlo leing lhiough a hoIy |...j, yel nixed. When I had sel sliaighl ny sinIess souI, lhen I
slienglhened Z lhe inleIIecluaI |...j and I |...j in lhe |...j of ny Cod |...j |...j I having done |...j giov
sliong in a hoIy spiiil highei lhan god.
Il |canej upon ne aIone as I vas selling nyseIf sliaighl, |andj I sav lhe peifecl chiId |...j |...j. Wilh
hin vho |...j nany lines and nany vays |hej appeaied lo ne as a Ioving falhei, vhen I vas
seeking lhe naIe falhei of aII (vho aie) in lhoughl, peiceplion, (in) foin, iace, |iegion ...j, (in) an
AII vhich iesliains and is iesliained, (in) a lody yel vilhoul a lody, (in) essence, nallei and
|lhose lhalj leIong lo aII lhese. Il is vilh lhen and lhe god of lhe unloin KaIyplos and lhe povei
|inj lhen aII lhal exislence is nixed.
(Aloul) exislence: hov do lhose vho exisl, leing fion lhe aeon of lhose vho exisl, (cone) fion an
invisilIe, undivided and seIf-legollen spiiil` Aie lhey lhiee unloin inages having an oiigin
lellei lhan exislence, exisling piioi |loj aII |lhesej, yel having lecone lhe |voiId ...j` Hov aie
lhose opposile il and aII lhese [ |...j good, he and an excuse. Whal is lhal one"s pIace` Whal is his
oiigin` Hov does lhe one fion hin exisl foi hin and aII lhese` Hov |does he cone inlo exislencej
as a sinpIe one, diffeiing |fionj hinseIf` Does he exisl as exislence, foin, and lIessedness` y
giving slienglh is he aIive vilh Iife` Hov has lhe exislence vhich does nol exisl appeaied fion an
exisling povei`
I pondeied lhese lhings lo undeisland lhen, accoiding lo lhe cuslon of ny iace I kepl liinging
lhen up lo lhe god of ny falheis. I kepl piaising lhen aII, foi ny foiefalheis and falheis vho
soughl found. As foi ne, I did nol cease seeking a iesling pIace voilhy of ny spiiil, since I vas
nol yel lound in lhe peiceplilIe voiId. Then, as I vas deepIy lioulIed and gIoony lecause of lhe
discouiagenenl vhich enconpassed ne, I daied lo acl and lo deIivei nyseIf lo lhe viId leasls of
lhe deseil foi a vioIenl dealh.
Theie slood lefoie ne lhe angeI of lhe knovIedge of eleinaI Iighl. He said lo ne, "Zosliianos, vhy
have you gone nad as if you veie ignoianl of lhe gieal eleinaIs \ vho aie alove` |...j you |...j |...j
say aIso |...j lhal you aie nov saved, |...j |...j in eleinaI dealh, noi |...j |...j lhose vhon you knov in
oidei lo |...j save olheis, |naneIyj ny falhei"s chosen eIecl` |Do youj |supposej lhal you aie lhe
falhei of |youi iace ...j oi lhal IoIaos is youi falhei, a |...j angeI of god |...j you lhiough hoIy nen`
Cone and pass lhiough each of lhese. You viII ieluin lo lhen anolhei |linej lo pieach lo a Iiving
|iace ...j and lo save lhose vho aie voilhy, and lo slienglhen lhe eIecl, lecause lhe sliuggIe of lhe
aeon is gieal lul one"s line in lhis voiId is shoil."
When he had said lhis |lo nej, I veiy quickIy and veiy gIadIy venl up vilh hin lo a gieal Iighl-
cIoud. I casl ny lody upon lhe eailh lo le guaided ly gIoiies. I vas iescued fion lhe vhoIe
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voiId and lhe lhiileen aeons in il and lheii angeIic leings. They did nol see us, lul lheii aichon
vas disluiled al |ouij passage, foi lhe Iighl-cIoud ] |...j il is lellei lhan eveiy |voiIdIy ...j one. Ils
leauly is ineffalIe. Wilh slienglh il piovides Iighl |guidingj puie spiiils as a spiiil-savioi and an
inleIIecluaI void, |nolj Iike lhose in lhe voiId |...j vilh changealIe nallei and an upselling void.
Then I knev lhal lhe povei in ne vas sel ovei lhe daikness lecause il conlained lhe vhoIe Iighl. I
vas laplized lheie, and I ieceived lhe inage of lhe gIoiies lheie. I lecane Iike one of lhen. I Iefl
lhe aiiy-|eailhj and passed ly lhe copies of lhe aeons, aflei vashing lheie seven lines |inj Iiving
|valeij, once foi each |of lhej aeons. I did nol cease unliI |I savj aII lhe valeis. I ascended lo lhe
LxiIe vhich ieaIIy exisls. I vas laplized and |...j voiId. I ascended lo lhe Repenlance vhich ieaIIy
exisls |and vasj laplized lheie foui lines. I passed ly lhe ^ sixlh aeon. I ascended lo lhe |...j I
slood lheie aflei having seen Iighl fion lhe liulh vhich ieaIIy exisls, fion ils seIf-legollen iool,
and gieal angeIs and gIoiies, |...j nunlei.
I vas laplized in lhe |nane ofj lhe divine Aulogenes ly lhose poveis vhich aie |uponj Iiving
valeis, Michai and Micheus. I vas puiified ly |lhej gieal aiphaianges. Then lhey |ieveaIedj
lhenseIves lo ne and viole ne in gIoiy. I vas seaIed ly lhose vho aie on lhese poveis, |Michaij
Mi|chjeus, SeIdao, LIe|nosj and ZogenelhIos. I lecane a iool-seeing angeI and slood upon lhe fiisl
aeon vhich is lhe fouilh. Wilh lhe souIs I lIessed lhe divine Aulogenes and lhe foiefalhei
Ceiadanas, |an eye ofj lhe Aulogenes, lhe fiisl peifecl |nanj, and Selh Lnn|acha Selhj, lhe son of
Adanas, lhe |falhei ofj lhe |innovalIe iace ...j and lhe |fouij |Iighls ... j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
Miiolhea, lhe nolhei |...j |...j and Iiophania |...j of lhe Iighls and De-|...j
_ |...j I vas |laplizedj foi lhe second line in lhe nane of lhe divine Aulogenes ly lhese sane
poveis. I lecane an angeI of lhe naIe iace. I slood upon lhe second aeon vhich is lhe lhiid, vilh
lhe sons of Selh I lIessed each of lhen.
I vas laplized foi lhe lhiid line in lhe nane of lhe divine Aulogenes ly each of lhese poveis. I
lecane a hoIy angeI. I slood upon lhe lhiid aeon vhich is lhe second. I lIessed each of lhen.
I vas laplized foi lhe fouilh line ly |each ofj lhese poveis. I lecane |aj peifecl |angeIj |I slood
uponj lhe fouilh aeon |vhich is lhe fiislj, and |I lIessed each of lhen.j
Then I soughl |...j I said |...j I |...j of |...j I (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j vhy |...j |...j vilh povei |...j
aloul lhen in anolhei vay in lhe iepoils ` of nen` Aie lhese lheii poveis` Oi, aie lhese lhe ones,
lul lheii nanes diffei fion one anolhei` Aie lheie souIs diffeienl fion souIs` Why aie peopIe
diffeienl fion one anolhei` Whal and in vhal vay aie lhey hunan`"
The gieal iuIei on high, Aulhiounios, said lo ne, "Aie you asking aloul lhose vhon you have
passed ly` And aloul lhis aiiy-eailh, vhy il has a cosnic nodeI` And aloul lhe aeon copies, hov
nany lheie aie, and, vhy lhey aie |nolj in pain` And, aloul LxiIe and Repenlance and lhe
ciealion of lhe |aeonsj and lhe voiId vhich |...j ieaIIy |...j you, aloul |...j ne, lhen |...j noi |...j you
|...j invisilIe |spiiil ...j and lhe |...j of |...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) and |...j |...j vhen I |...j
a The gieal iuIei on high, Aulhiounios, said lo ne, "The aiiy-eailh cane inlo leing ly a void, yel
il is lhe legollen and peiishalIe ones vhon il ieveaIs ly ils indesliucliliIily. In iegaid lo lhe
coning of lhe gieal judges, (lhey cane) so as nol lo lasle peiceplion and lo le encIosed in ciealion,
and vhen lhey cane upon il and sav lhiough il lhe voiks of lhe voiId, lhey condenned ils iuIei
lo dealh lecause he vas a nodeI of lhe voiId, a |...j and an oiigin of nallei legollen of Iosl
When Sophia Iooked al |...j lhen she pioduced lhe daikness, as she |... shej is leside lhe |... he is aj
nodeI |...j of essence |...j foin |...j lo an inage |...j I |...j lhe AII (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j daikness
|...j |...j say |...j poveis |... aeonsj of |ciealion ...j lo see any of lhe eleinaI ones. Yb he sav a
iefIeclion. In ieIalion lo lhe iefIeclion vhich he sav in il, he ciealed lhe voiId. Wilh a iefIeclion of
a iefIeclion he voiked al pioducing lhe voiId, and lhen even lhe iefIeclion leIonging lo visilIe
ieaIily vas laken fion hin. ul lo Sophia a pIace of iesl vas given in exchange foi hei iepenlance.
Thus, lheie vas in hei no piioi iefIeclion, puie in ilseIf lefoiehand.
Aflei lhey had aIieady cone inlo leing lhiough il, he used his inaginalion (and) pioduced lhe
ienaindei, foi lhe inage of Sophia vas aIvays leing Iosl lecause hei counlenance vas deceiving.
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ul lhe Aichon |...j and nade a lody vhich |...j conceining lhe giealei |...j dovn |...j vhen I sav
|...j lo lhe heail |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) he having |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) peifecl lhiough |...j (1
|inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhiough hin, as he YY |ieveaIedj lhe desliuclion of lhe voiId ly his
|innulaliIilyj. Il is in lhe foIIoving vay lhal lhe copies of lhe aeons exisl. They have nol ollained
a singIe povei"s shape. Il is eleinaI gIoiies lhal lhey possess, and lhey dveII in lhe judgnenl seals
of each of lhe poveis.
ul vhen souIs aie iIIuninaled ly lhe Iighl in lhen and (ly) lhe nodeI vhich oflen cones inlo
leing in lhen vilhoul suffeiing, she did nol lhink lhal she sav |...j and lhe eleinaI |...j in lhe
lIessed |...j each singIe one |...j each of |...j Iighl |... aIIj, and she |...j vhoIe, and she |...j and a |...j
and she |...j she vho (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) of iepenlance. |SouIsj YZ aie Iocaled accoiding lo lhe
povei lhey have in lhenseIves, |...j Iovei aie pioduced ly lhe copies. Those vho ieceive a nodeI
of lheii souIs aie sliII in lhe voiId. They cane inlo leing aflei lhe depailuie of lhe aeons, one ly
one, and lhey aie ienoved one ly one fion lhe copy of LxiIe lo lhe LxiIe lhal ieaIIy exisls, fion
lhe copy of Repenlance lo lhe Repenlance lhal ieaIIy exisls, |and fion lhej copy of Aulogenes lo
|lhe Aulogenesj lhal ieaIIy exisls. The ienaindei |...j lhe souIs |...j exisl in a |...j aII |...j of aeons |...j
(1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) and |...j |lhiough ... j lhe |...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) of |...j lhese |...j Y[ |lIessed
lhej god alove, lhe gieal aeons, lhe unloin KaIyplos, lhe gieal naIe Iiolophanes, lhe peifecl
chiId vho is highei lhan god, and his eye, Iigeiadanas.
I caIIed upon lhe ChiId of lhe ChiId, Lphesech. He slood lefoie ne and said, "O angeI of god, O
son of lhe falhei, |...j lhe peifecl nan. Why aie you caIIing on ne and asking aloul lhose lhings
vhich you knov, as lhough you veie |ignoianlj of lhen`" And I said, "I have asked aloul lhe
nixluie |...j il is peifecl and gives |...j lheie is povei vhich |has ... lhosej in vhich ve ieceive
laplisn |...j lhese nanes aie |diffeienl ...j and vhy |...j fion one |...j in lhe |... fionj olheis |...j
nen |... diffeienlj (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
Y\ He said, "|Zosljiianos, Iislen aloul lhese |...j foi lhe fiisl |...j oiigins aie lhiee lecause lhey have
appeaied in a singIe oiigin |ofj lhe aileIo aeon, nol Iike sone oiigins and poveis, noi Iike (one)
fion an oiigin and povei. Il is lo eveiy oiigin lhal lhey have appeaied, lhey have slienglhened
eveiy povei, and lhey appeaied fion lhal vhich is fai lellei lhan lhenseIves. These (lhiee) aie
Lxislence, Iessedness and Life. |...j |...j lheii conpanions |...j in a |...j and conceining lhe |...j
having naned |...j noie lhan |...j and |...j a peifecl |...j fion a (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
Y] And a valei of each one of lhen |...j , lheiefoie |...j valeis aie lhe peifecl ones. Il is lhe valei of
Iife lhal leIongs lo VilaIily in vhich you nov have leen laplized in lhe Aulogenes. Il is in lhe
|valeij of Iessedness vhich leIongs lo KnovIedge lhal you viII le laplized in lhe Iiolophanes.
Il is lhe valei of Lxislence |vhichj leIongs lo Divinily, lhe KaIyplos. Nov lhe valei of Life |exisls
in ieIalion lo ...j povei, lhal leIonging lo Iessedness in ieIalion lo essence, lhal leIonging lo
|Divinilyj in ieIalion lo |Lxislence ...j. ul aII lhese |...j aulhoiily and |...j lhose vho |...j valei
vhich |lecones puie ...j |...j accoiding lo |... vhen lheyj depail (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
|...j Y^ Lxislence as |hej is in il. |Hej nol onIy |vas dveIIingj in Thoughl, lul he aIso |...j lhen lhal
il is he vho is |eingj in lhe foIIoving vay. In oidei lhal lhis voiId nighl nol le endIess and
foinIess, he pIaced a |...j ovei il, lul in oidei lhal |hej nighl lecone sonelhing, lhe liuIy young
ciossed il vilh vhal is his, |lhusj Lxislence. Il is vilh lhe |sonj lhal he is Iocaled, vilh hin lhal he
seeks, hin lhal he suiiounds |...j eveiyvheie |...j fion lhe liulh |...j lakes hin vho |...j exisls |...j
aclivily |...j Iife |...j his void aIso |...j aie lhese aflei |...j lhey lecane |...j (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)|...j
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Y_ and lhe povei is vilh lhe Lssence and Lxislence of eing, vhen lhe valei exisls. ul lhe nane
in vhich lhey vash is a void of lhe valei. Then lhe fiisl peifecl valei of lhe liipIe-povei of lhe
Aulogenes |isj lhe peifecl souI"s Iife, foi il is a void of lhe peifecl god vhiIe coning inlo leing |...j
foi lhe InvisilIe Spiiil is a founlain of lhen aII. Thus, lhe iesl aie fion |knovIedge ...j as his
Iikeness. |ulj he vho knovs hinseIf |...j vhal kind and vhal |...j aIive al one line |...j Iive vilh a
|...j he is lhe |...j Iife, in lhe |...j lecone |IinilIess ... j his |... hisj |ovn ... j lhe nane (4 |incs
Y` he ieaIIy exisls. Il is he lecause he Iinils hinseIf. They appioach lhe valei accoiding lo lhis
singIe povei and lhe Iikeness of oidei.
The gieal naIe invisilIe Mind, lhe peifecl Iiolophanes has his ovn valei as you |viII seej vhen
you aiiive al his pIace. This is aIso lhe case vilh lhe unloin KaIyplos. In accoidance vilh each one
exisls a pailiaI enlily vilh a fiisl foin, so lhal lhey nighl lecone peifecl in lhis vay, foi lhe seIf-
legollen aeons aie foui peifecl enlilies. |Thej individuaIs of lhe aII-peifecl ones |...j lhen as
peifecl individuaIs. And lhe |...j aeon |...j of lhe Aulogenes |...j foi aII |...j |peifeclj naIe |...j foi lhe
aIIs |...j |peifecl god ... lhe liipIe-j naIe |...j |peifeclj individuaI |...j in lhe |...j (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
Ya peifecl, lhose vho exisl accoiding lo a foin, a iace, an AII and a pailiaI diffeience. This is aIso
lhe case vilh lhe highvay of ascenl vhich is highei lhan peifecl and KaIyplos.
The Aulogenes is lhe chief aichon of his ovn aeons and angeIs as his pails, foi lhose vho aie lhe
foui individuaIs leIong lo hin, lhey leIong lo lhe fiflh aeon logelhei. The fiflh exisls in one, lhe
foui |aiej lhe fiflh, pail ly pail. ul lhese |fouij aie conpIele individuaIIy |lecause lheyj have a
|...j il is aIso |...j vilh |lhe liipIe naIej individuaI |...j foi he is a |...j of |...j god, lhe invisilIe
|Iiolophanesj |... naIej nind |...j vhich exisls (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c) Zb Iiving and peifecl pails.
(Aloul) lhe AII and lhe aII-peifecl iace and lhe one vho is highei lhan peifecl and lIessed. The
seIf-legollen KaIyplos pie-exisls lecause he is an oiigin of lhe Aulogenes, a god and a foiefalhei,
a cause of lhe Iiolophanes, a falhei of lhe pails lhal aie his. As a divine falhei he is foieknovn:
lul he is unknovn, foi he is a povei and a falhei fion hinseIf. Theiefoie, he is |falheiIessj. The
InvisilIe TiipIe IoveifuI, Iiisl Thoughl |ofj aII |lhesej, lhe InvisilIe Spiiil |...j is a |...j and Lssence
vhich |...j and Lxislence |...j lheie aie |exislencesj lhe |...j lIessed |...j lhe |...j aII lhese |...j lhe |...j
(3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
ZY exisl in lhen, |andj lhey |...j in olheis |...j ly lhen aII in nany pIaces. They aie in eveiy pIace
lhal he Ioves and desiies, yel lhey aie nol in any pIace. They have capacily foi spiiil, foi lhey aie
incoipoieaI yel aie lellei lhan incoipoieaI. They aie undivided vilh Iiving lhoughls and a povei
of liulh vilh lhose puiei lhan lhese since vilh iespecl lo hin lhey aie puiei and aie nol Iike lhe
lodies vhich aie in one pIace. Alove aII, lhey have necessily eilhei in ieIalion lo lhe AII oi lo a
pail. Theiefoie, lhe vay of ascenl |...j il is puie |...j each |...j heiseIf and (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j
lhen (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |... alove aIIj (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ZZ pailicuIai aeons.
Then |he saidj, "Hov lhen can he conlain an eleinaI nodeI` The geneiaI inleIIecl shaies vhen lhe
seIf-legollen valei lecones peifecl. Il one knovs hin and aII lhese, one is lhe piolophanic valei.
If one joins oneseIf vilh aII lhese, one is lhal valei vhich leIongs lo KaIyplos, vhose inage is sliII
in lhe aeons. To undeisland individuaIIy aII lheii pails, lhey aie |...j , lhose of lhe AII vheie
knovIedge is. They have |sepaialedj fion lhe one vhon lhey knev and (fion) feIIovship vilh
one anolhei. The AII and aII lhese, vhen lhey |...j vash in lhe |vashing ofj |Aulogenesj he |...j of
|...j (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
Z[ he appeais lo |hinj, lhal is, vhen one knovs hov he exisls foi hin and (hov) he has
feIIovship vilh lheii conpanions, one has vashed in lhe vashing of Iiolophanes. And if in
undeislanding lhe oiigin of lhese, hov lhey aII appeai fion a singIe oiigin, hov aII vho aie
joined cone lo le divided, hov lhose vho aie divided join again, and hov lhe pails |join vilhj
lhe aIIs and lhe species and |kinds - ifj one undeislands lhese lhings, one has vashed in lhe
vashing of KaIyplos.
Accoiding lo each of |lhej pIaces one has a poilion of lhe eleinaI ones |andj ascends |...j as he |...j
puie and sinpIe, he is aIvays |...j one of lhe |...j |aIvaysj he is puie foi sinpIeness. He is fiIIed |...j
|in ...j Lxislence and a hoIy spiiil. Theie is Z\ nolhing of his oulside of hin. He can |seej vilh his
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peifecl souI lhose vho leIong lo Aulogenes, vilh his nind , lhose vho leIong lo lhe TiipIe MaIe,
and vilh his hoIy spiiil, lhose vho leIong lo Iiolophanes. He can Ieain of KaIyplos lhiough lhe
poveis of lhe spiiil fion vhon lhey have cone foilh in a fai lellei ieveIalion of lhe InvisilIe
Spiiil. And ly neans of lhoughl vhich nov is in siIence and ly Iiisl Thoughl (he Ieains) of lhe
TiipIe IoveifuI InvisilIe Spiiil, since lheie is lhen a iepoil and povei of siIence vhich is puiified
in a Iife-giving spiiil. (Il is) peifecl and |...j peifecl and aII-peifecl.
CIoiies, lheiefoie, vhich aie sel ovei lhese, aie |Iife-giveisj vho have leen laplized in liulh and
knovIedge. Those vho aie voilhy aie guaided, lul lhose vho |aiej nol fion lhis iace |...j and go
|...j lhese vho |...j |...j in lhe fiflh, he leing |...j |...j copy |...j of lhe aeons |...j naneIy a vashing lul
if |hej sliips off lhe voiId Z] and Iays aside |knovIedgej, and (if) he is he vho has no dveIIing
pIace and povei, lhen lecause he foIIovs lhe vays of lhe olheis, he is aIso a sojouinei, lul (if) he
is one vho has connilled no sin lecause knovIedge vas sufficienl foi hin, he is nol anxious
vhen he iepenls, and lhen vashings aie appoinled" in lhese in addilion.
(Conceining) (lhe palh ...) lo lhe seIf-legollen ones, lhose in vhich you have nov leen laplised
each line, (a palh) voilhy of seeing lhe |peifecl ...j individuaIs: il seives as knovIedge of lhe AII
since il cane inlo leing fion lhe poveis of lhe seIf-legollen ones, lhe one you acquiie vhen you
pass lhiough lhe aII-peifecl aeons. When you ieceive lhe lhiid vashing |...j, you viII Ieain aloul
lhe |...j ieaIIy |...j in |lhalj pIace.
Aloul lhese nanes, lhey aie as foIIovs: lecause he is one, lhey |...j is Iike |...j vhiIe he |cane inlo
leing ...j exisls and |...j a void lhey |said ...j Z^ This is a nane vhich ieaIIy exisls logelhei vilh
|lhesej vilhin hei. These vho exisl do so in |...j ... iesenlIes. His iesenlIance in kind (is) vilhin
vhal is his ovn. He can see il, undeisland il enlei il, (and) lake a iesenlIance fion il. Nov (lhey
can) speak aIoud and heai sounds, lul lhey aie unalIe lo oley lecause lhey aie peiceplilIe and
sonalic. Theiefoie, jusl as lhey aie alIe lo conlain lhen ly conlaining lhen lhus, so is he an inage
vhich is |...j in lhis vay, having cone inlo exislence in peiceplion |lyj a void vhich is lellei lhan
naleiiaI naluie lul Iovei lhan inleIIecluaI essence.
Do nol le anazed aloul lhe diffeiences anong souIs. When lhey lhink lhey aie diffeienl and do
|nol iesenlIej |...j of lhose vho |...j and lhal |...j aIoud |...j he leing Iosl |...j lheii |souIsj |...j lody,
and lhal |... hisj line, he |...j a desiie, Z_ lheii souIs exisl as |...j lheii lody. As foi lhose vho aie
lolaIIy puie, lheie aie foui |...j lhal lhey possess, lul lhose |inj line aie nine. Lach one of lhen has
ils species and ils cuslon. Theii Iikenesses diffei in leing sepaialed, and lhey sland.
Olhei innoilaI souIs associale vilh aII lhese souIs lecause of lhe Sophia vho Iooked dovn, foi
lheie aie lhiee species of innoilaI souI: fiisl, lhose vho have laken iool upon lhe LxiIe lecause
lhey have no aliIily lo legel, (sonelhing) lhal onIy lhose vho foIIov lhe vays of lhe olheis have,
lhe one leing a singIe species vhich |...j, leing second, lhose vho sland |upon lhej Repenlance
vhich |...j sin, (il) leing sufficienl |... knovIedge ...j leing nev |...j and he has |...j diffeience |...j
lhey have sinned vilh lhe olheis |andj Z` lhey have iepenled vilh lhe olheis |...j fion lhen aIone,
foi |...j aie species vhich exisl in |...j vilh lhose vho connilled aII sins and iepenled. Lilhei lhey
aie pails, oi lhey desiied of lheii ovn accoid. Theiefoie, lheii olhei aeons aie six accoiding lo lhe
pIace vhich has cone lo each (fen.) of lhen. The lhiid (species) is lhal of lhe souIs of lhe seIf-
legollen ones lecause lhey have a void of lhe ineffalIe liulh, one vhich exisls in knovIedge and
|poveij fion lhenseIves aIone and eleinaI |Iifej. They have foui diffeiences Iike lhe species of
angeIs vho exisl: lhose vho Iove lhe liulh, lhose vho hope, lhose vho leIieve having |...j, lhose
vho aie |...j They exisl, he leing |...j lhe seIf-legollen ones |...j he is lhe one leIonging lo
|peifecl ... Iifej, lhe second is |...j lhe |...j knovIedge |...j lhe fouilh is lhal one |leIonging lo lhej
innoilaI |souIs ...j
Za The foui Lighls dveII |lheiej in lhe foIIoving vay. |AinozeIj is pIaced upon lhe fiisl aeon. (He
is) a pionise of god, |...j of liulh and a joining of souI. OioiaeI, a povei (and) seei of liulh, is sel
ovei lhe second. Daveilhe, a vision of knovIedge, is sel ovei lhe lhiid. LIeIelh, an eagei desiie and
piepaialion foi liulh, is sel ovei lhe fouilh. The foui exisl lecause lhey aie expiessions of liulh
and knovIedge. They exisl, aIlhough lhey do nol leIong lo Iiolophanes lul lo lhe nolhei, foi she
is a lhoughl of lhe peifecl nind of lhe Iighl, so lhal innoilaI souIs nighl ieceive knovIedge foi
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lhenseIves. |...j al lhese, lhe Aulogenes |...jise|...joas, a Iife |...j aII he is a void |...j ineffalIe |...j
liulh he vho says |... ieveIalionj conceining lhe |...j lhal il exisls as |...j exisls alove in |...j [b |...
joinedj in a yoking of il in Iighl and lhoughl vilhin his |...j.
Since Adanas, lhe peifecl nan, is an eye of Aulogenes, il is his knovIedge vhich conpiehends
lhal lhe divine Aulogenes is a void of lhe peifecl nind of liulh. The son of Adan, Selh, cones lo
each of lhe souIs. As knovIedge he is sufficienl foi lhen. Theiefoie, |lhej Iiving |seedj cane inlo
exislence fion hin. Miiolhea is |...j lhe divine Aulogenes, a |...j fion hei and |...j, she leing a
lhoughl of lhe peifecl nind lecause of lhal exislence of heis. Whal is il` Oi did she exisl` |...j does
she exisl` Theiefoie, lhe divine Aulogenes is void and knovIedge, and lhe knovIedge |... void.j
Theiefoie |...j Adain a |s ...j of lhe |sinpIe onesj vhen she appeaied |...j a change of |lhej souIs |...j
she heiseIf is |...j |...j peifecl.
Conceining lhe |peifecl one ...j angeIic leings [Y |...j |lecones lhenj |souIsj |die ...j |... lhe
voiId ...j |...j lhe copies |...j ieaIIy |...j vhich |exislsj |...j iepenlance |...j lo lhis pIace |...j vhich
exisls |...j aeons, if |...j and she Ioves |...j she slands upon |...j aeon having lhe Lighl |LIejIelh |...j
lecone a |...j god-seei |ulj if she hopes, lhen she peiceives. And a |...j iace |...j she slands upon
(8 Iines uniecoveialIe)
[Z |...j she is chosen (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j Iighl Ai|nozeIj |...j one |...j |lIessj upon lhe
|povei ...j you sland upon |...j lhe Iighl vhich |...j and vilhoul neasuie |...j lhe aeon is gieal |...j
|...j lhose aIone |...j fion lhe peifecl |...j lhal povei |...j le alIe, and |...j le alIe |...j of his souI |...j
peiceplilIe |...j nol vilh |...j |... lulj you aie |...j individuaIIy |...j lheie leing nolhing |...j hin |...j
vhich he |...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |in ...j [[ and |...j upon eveiy one |...j eveiy |...j |...j foinIess |...j
|...j and lhis one |...j and lhis |nodeI ...j |...j and sone |...j eleinaI, noi |...j an aII |...j incieasing
fion lhis |...j he is Iighl |...j lecause he Iacked |...j lhe peifecl nind |...j undivided |...j peifecl Iighl
|...j and he is in |...j Adanas |... lhej Aulogenes |...j and he goes |...j nind |...j lhe divine KaIyplos
|...j knovIedge |...j lul |...j souI (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
[\ |...j exislence |...j she having (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j sone second poveis and |...j and sone
lhiid |...j appeai |...j vhich |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) souI |...j
And lhe aeons |...j dveIIing pIace |...j souIs and |...j gods |...j highei lhan god |...j of lhe seIf-
legollen ones |...j Aulogenes |...j fiisl |...j angeI |...j invisilIe |...j sone |...j souI and |...j aeons |...j
and lo lhe souIs |...j angeI |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
[] she |...j eleinaI |...j lines. And |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) and if |...j naneIy a souI |...j lecones an
|angeI ...j, and |...j voiId |...j angeIs and |...j lhal hoIy one |...j and aeon vhich |... Aulogjenes has
|...j lhen, lhe |...j |...j aichon |...j lhey have |...j diffeience vhich |...j she is nol, lo speak
(1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j and |...j divine Aulogenes |...j vhich exisls |...j heai |...j Aulogenes |...j of
(5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
[^ |...j has |...j exislence |...j Iife |...j exisl, conceining |lhej |...j void |...j lhe chiId |...j naIe foi a
geneialion |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) invisilIe spiiil |...j in lhe peifecl |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) and
an oiigin |...j Iove and |...j of aileIo |...j and a |...j lhe |...j nind |...j
These aie lvo |...j lhoughl |...j fion lhe |...j in aileIo |...j and lhe KaIyplos |...j aII lhese |...j lhe
viigin |...j she |appeaisj in a |...j and |...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
[_ in lhal one |...j povei (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |he is nolj fion |hin, lul ...j (is) fion lhe povei of
lhal one |... ieaIIy ... exislsj, she |...j is his |...j lhey leing fiisl |...j of lhal one |...j and he is lhe |...j
he aIone |...j give hin enough |...j lo hin |...j aII, he gives |...j lhiough lhe |...j foi |lecause ofj hin
sone |...j in oidei lhal he nighl |...j and lhal one vhich |...j hin |...j undivided |...j aileIo |...j in
oidei lhal he nighl |...j lIessedness (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j aII |...j he cones (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
[` a |...j of lhe peifecl |nind ...j and he |...j peifecl spiiil |...j peifecl, he Iives foievei |...j hin, and
|...j he exisls |...j of lhe |...j he is |a voidj fion |...j vhich is in |...j of lhen aII |...j eleinaI |...j |...j in
lhe liipIe-|poveifuI is in lhe |...j |...j lhose vhich |aie peifecl |...j lhe Iiolophanes |...j nind, lul
|...j puie|...j and he |...j of an inage |...j appeai |...j and lhe |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) hin |...j (5 |incs
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[a |...j |...j naneIy (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j lecause of hin lhey |...j I naik il |...j he is sinpIe |...j
foi he is |...j as he exisls |...j as lo anolhei |...j lhal is, |...j need.
Conceining |...j liipIe-naIe |...j ieaIIy exisls of |...j nind knovIedge |...j lhose vho exisl |...j vhich
he has |...j ieaIIy exisl |...j and a |...j |...j and she |...j second |...j peifecl vhich |...j appeai |...j in
hin lhey |...j KaIyplos (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |... species ...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
\b (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) second species |...j a knovIedge |...j |Iiolophanes ...j |naIe ...j he has |...j
exislence |...j unloin, lhey |...j lhiid |...j |... hej has |...j knovIedge and |...j exisl logelhei |...j aII-
peifecl |...j lIessed since lheie is nol |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) god |...j vilh hin |...j (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) peifecl |...j of lhe |...j KaIyplos |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
\Y |...j knov |...j of |... Iiolophanes ...j |...j lhe nind |...j lhe poveis |...j lhe aII |...j and he |exislsj
|...j lhis knovIedge. |...j divine, lhe Aulogenes. |Thej divine |Aulogenesj |...j lhe chiId |...j liipIe-
naIe, lhis naIe |...j is |...j and a species |...j peifecl lecause il does nol have |...j in a |...j knovIedge
Iike lhal one |...j a leing of lhe individuaIs |andj a singIe knovIedge of lhe individuaIs |...j
accoiding lo lhe aII |...j peifecl. ul lhe naIe |...j nind lhe KaIyplos, |lulj lhe |...j divine KaIyplos
|...j and a povei |...j of aII lhese |... ieaIIy ...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |Iiolophanes ...j (1 |inc
\Z |Iiolophanes ...j |...j nind (2 Iines uniecoveialIe) she vho leIongs lo lhe aII |...j unloin |...j
nan |...j lhey |...j vilh lhal one vho |...j and he vho |...j he vho dveIIs |...j |...j in lhe peiceplilIe
|voiId ...j he is aIive vilh lhal dead one |...j |...j aII |...j ollain saIvalion |...j lhal dead one.
And aII of lhen did nol need saIvalion |...j fiisl, lul lhey aie safe and exisl veiy hunlIy. Nov
(aloul) lhe nan |ofj lhose vho aie dead: his souI, |his nind and his lody aII |aie deadj. Suffeiings
|...j falheis of |...j naleiiaI |...j lhe fiie |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
\[ il ciosses ovei. And lhe second nan is lhe innoilaI souI in lhose vho aie dead. If il is anxious
ovei ilseIf, lhen |vhen il seeksj lhose lhings vhich aie piofilalIe |accoiding lo ...j each one of
lhen, |lhen ilj expeiiences lodiIy suffeiing. They |...j and il |... lecausej il has an eleinaI god, il
associales vilh dainons.
Nov conceining lhe nan in lhe LxiIe, vhen he discoveis lhe liulh in hinseIf, he is fai fion lhe
deeds of lhe olheis vho exisl |viongIyj (and) slunlIe. (Conceining) lhe nan vho iepenls: vhen
he ienounces lhe dead and desiies lhose lhings vhich aie lecause of innoilaI nind and his
innoilaI souI, fiisl he |...j nakes an inquiiy aloul il, nol aloul conducl lul aloul lheii deeds, foi
fion hin he |...j |...j and |...j ollain |...j \\ and lhe nan vho can le saved is lhe one vho seeks hin
and his nind and vho finds each one of lhen. Oh hov nuch povei he has! And lhe nan vho is
saved is lhe one vho has nol knovn hov lhese |...j exisl, lul he hinseIf ly neans of |lhej void as
il exisls |...j ieceived each one |...j in eveiy pIace, having lecone sinpIe and one, foi lhen he is
saved lecause he can pass lhiough aII |lhesej. He lecones lhe |...j aII lhese. If he |desiiesj again,
lhen he pails fion lhen aII, and he vilhdiavs lo hinseIf |aIonej, foi he can lecone divine ly
having laken iefuge in god."
When I heaid lhis, I lioughl a lIessing lo lhe Iiving and unloin Cod in liulh and (lo) lhe unloin
KaIyplos and lhe Iiolophanes, lhe invisilIe, naIe, peifecl Mind, and lhe invisilIe liipIe-naIe
ChiId |and lo lhej divine Aulogenes. \] I said lo lhe chiId of lhe chiId Lphesek vho vas vilh ne,
"Can youi visdon insliucl ne aloul lhe scalleiing of lhe nan vho is saved, and (aloul) lhose
vho aie nixed vilh hin, and vho lhose aie vho shaie vilh hin, in oidei lhal lhe Iiving eIecl
nighl knov`"
Then lhe chiId of lhe chiId Lphesek loId |ne ...j openIy, "If he vilhdiavs lo hinseIf aIone nany
lines, and if he cones inlo leing vilh iefeience lo lhe knovIedge of lhe olheis, Mind and lhe
innoilaI |Oiiginj viII nol undeisland. Then il has a shoilage, |...j foi he luins, has nolhing and
sepaiales fion il and slands |...j and cones inlo leing ly an aIien |inpuIse ...I, inslead of
leconing one. Theiefoie, he leais nany foins. When he luins aside, he cones inlo leing seeking
lhose lhings lhal do nol exisl. When he faIIs dovn lo lhen in lhoughl and knovs lhen in anolhei
vay lecause he is poveiIess, unIess peihaps \^ he is enIighlened, he lecones a pioducl of naluie.
Thus he cones dovn lo liilh lecause of il and is speechIess lecause of lhe pains and infinileness
of nallei. AIlhough he possesses an eleinaI and innoilaI povei, he is lound vilhin lhe
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|novenenlj of lhe lody. He is |nadej aIive and is lound |aIvaysj vilhin ciueI, culling londs ly
eveiy eviI liealh, unliI he |aclsj again and legins again lo cone lo his senses.
Theiefoie, poveis aie appoinled foi lheii saIvalion, and each one of lhen is in lhe voiId. Wilhin
lhe seIf-legollen ones coiiesponding lo each of lhe |aeonsj sland gIoiies so lhal one vho is in lhe
|voiIdj nighl le safe leside lhen. The gIoiies aie peifecl lhoughls appeaiing in poveis. They do
nol peiish lecause lhey |aiej nodeIs foi saIvalion |lyj vhich each one is saved. He ieceives a
nodeI (and) slienglh fion each of lhen, and vilh lhe gIoiy as a heIpei he viII lhus pass oul fion
lhe voiId |and lhe aeons ...j.
These \_ aie lhe guaidians of lhe innoilaI souI: CanaIieI and Slienpsouchos, Akianas and LoeI,
and Mnesinous. |This is lhej innoilaI spiiil, Yesseus- Mazaieu|sj-Ye|sjsedekeus. He is |...j of lhe
chiId |...j oi, lhe chiId of lhe chiId, and |...j ul Oinos is |...j on lhe Iiving seed and Kan|...jeI is lhe
spiiil-giving. Theie sland lefoie |lhenj SeisaueI and AudaeI and Aliasax, lhe nyiiads-IhaIeiis,
IhaIses, |andj Luiios, lhe guaidians of |lhej gIoiy-Slelheus, Theo|pejnplos, Luiuneneus and
OIsen. Theii assislanls in eveiylhing aie a|...jnos, |.json, Lii|.jn, LaIaneus, Lidoneneus and
Aulhiounios. The judges aie Sunphlhai, Lukielos and KeiIai. The inheiiloi is SanlIo. The angeIs
vho guide lhe cIouds aie lhe cIouds Sappho and Thouio."
When he had said lhese lhings, he loId ne aloul aII of lhose in lhe seIf-legollen aeons. They veie
aII \` eleinaI Lighls, peifecl lecause lhey veie peifecled individuaIIy. I sav coiiesponding lo
each one of lhe aeons a Iiving eailh, a Iiving valei, |aii nadej of Iighl and a fiie |lhalj cannol
luin, lecause aII of |lhen ...j aie sinpIe and innulalIe, sinpIe and eleinaI |Iiving leingsj, having
|...j of nany kinds, liees of nany kinds lhal do nol peiish, |aIsoj laies of lhis soil and aII of lhese:
inpeiishalIe fiuil, Iiving nen and eveiy species, innoilaI souIs, eveiy foin and species of nind,
liue gods, angeIs exisling in gieal gIoiy, an indissoIualIe lody, an unloin liilh and an
innovalIe peiceplion. AIso lheie vas lhe one vho suffeis, aIlhough he is unalIe lo suffei, foi he
vas a povei of a povei.
\a |...j |...j change |...j indissoIualIe |...j lhese |...j aII |...j lhey aie |...j lhey |... lhiough aIIj of lhen
|... exislj in |... exislj |...j cone inlo leing (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 12ff dc nc| surtitc) ]b of |...j
|sinpIe ...j peifecl |...j eleinaI |...j aeons |...j and lhe |...j ieceive povei |...j and lheii |...j in a |...j foi
|...j |...j nol |...j (|incs 12ff dc nc| surtitc)
]Y |...j in |...jlhoiso|...js |...j siIence |...j he is |...j |...j he is god |...j ve veie lIessing |...j Ceiadana
|sj |... nolheij of |...j |...j she is lhe gIoiy |...j oui |...j nolhei |...j and IIeislha |lhe nolheij of lhe
angeIs vilh |lhe sonj of Adan, Se|lhj |Lnnajcha Selh, lhe falhei of |lhej innovalIe |iace ...j and
|...j |lhej foui Lighls, Ain|noseIj, |OioiajeI, Daveilhe, LIeIelh. |Lach of lhesej ve lIessed ly nane.
|Wej sav lhe seIf-conlioIIed |gIoiyj, lhe liipIe |...j liipIe-naIe |...j najesly, as ve said "You aie one,
you aie |onej, you aie one, chiId ]Z of |lhe chiIdj Yalo|...j exisl |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |... you aiej
one, you |...j SeneIeI |...j TeInachae|...j onolhen|...j naIe |...j |...j he legels |... lhej seIf-conlioIIed
|gIoiy ...j can desiie hin vhon |...j aII-peifecl |...j aII. Akion |...j lhe liipIe-naIe, a a |...j o o o o o l
+ i i e i s e |...j you aie spiiil fion spiiil, you aie Iighl fion Iighl, you aie |siIence ...j fion siIence,
|you aiej lhoughl fion lhoughl, lhe son of |godj lhe god, seven ... |...j ... Iel us speak |...j
][ (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j void |...j lhe |...j |...j and lhe |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j nol a line
|...j invisilIe aileIo |...j lhe |...j lhe liipIe-naIe Iiones, and she vho leIongs lo aII lhe gIoiies,
|When I vasj laplized lhe fiflh |linej in lhe nane of lhe Aulogenes ly each of lhese poveis, I
lecane divine. |Ij slood upon lhe fiflh aeon, a piepaialion of aII |lhesej, (and) sav aII lhose
leIonging lo lhe Aulogenes vho ieaIIy exisl. I vas laplized five ]\ lines |...j and |...j of lhe |...j
zaieu|sj fion |...j lhal |...j peifecl |...j and lhe gieal |...j gIoiy, she vho leIongs lo |...j (1 Iine
uniecoveialIe) god, lhe |...j appeai |...j peifecl vhich is doulIed |...j she vho leIongs lo aII lhe
species |...j naIe, lhe seIf-conlioIIed gIoiy, lhe nolhei |...j |lhej gIoiies, YoueI, and lhe |fouij Lighls
of |lhej |giealj Iiolophanes, Mind, SeInen, |and lhosej vilh hin, lhe god-|ieveaIeisj Zach|lhosj
and Yachlhos, Selhe|usj and An-liphan|lejs, |SeI-j dao and LIe|njnos |...j ]] |...j |...j go |...j lhe |...j
lheii |...j Iikeness |... exislj as |...j of lhe |...j, foi |...j see |...j |...j aeon |...j noie |...j Lighl |...j noie
gIoiies |...j lhe foIIoving aie in accoidance vilh |each onej of lhe aeons: a Iiving |eailhj and a
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|Iivingj valei, and aii nade of Iighl and a lIazing fiie vhich cannol |luinj, and Iiving leings and
liees and souIs |andj ninds and nen |andj aII lhose vho aie |vilh lhenj, lul (lheie aie) no gods
|oij poveis oi angeIs, foi aII lhese ]^ aie |...j and |...j and |...j exisl |...j aII |...j aII |...j |...j aII |...j |...j
lhey leing |...j and lhey leing |...j |...j and |...j |andj lhose |...j hin, lhe Aulogenes. |Ij ieceived a
Iikeness fion |aIIj lhese. The aeons |of lhej Aulogenes opened (and) a |gieal Lighlj cane foilh |...j
fion lhe aeons of lhe |liipIe-j naIe, and lhey |gIoiifiedj lhen. The foui aeons veie desiiing vilhin
a |...j aeon lhe |...j pallein |...j singIe one exisling |...j Then L|phesekj, lhe chiId of lhe chiId |...j
]_ (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |... Yesseusj Maza |ieus Yessedejkeus |...j |...j of |... seaI ...j upon hin |...j
and CaliieI (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j seaI |...j foui iaces
Theie cane lefoie ne she vho leIongs lo |lhe gIoiiesj, lhe naIe and |viiginaI ...j YoeI. |Ij
deIileialed aloul lhe ciovns, (and) she said lo ne, "Why |hasj youi spiiil deIileialed |aloulj lhe
ciovns and lhe |seaIsj on lhen |...j aie lhe ciovns vhich slienglhen eveiy |spiiil ...j and eveiy
souI, and |lhej seaIs vhich aie |uponj lhe liipIe iaces and |...j lhe invisilIe spiiil ]` aie |...j
(3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) and |...j |viigin ...j |...j and |...j |...j seek |...j |...jin lhe|...j |inj lhen |...j |...j and
|...j |...j he |slienglhenedj and lhe seaIs |...j iace aie lhose leIonging lo lhe Aulogenes and lhe
Iiolophanes and lhe KaIyplos.
The |InvisilIej Spiiil |isj a psychic and inleIIecluaI povei, a knovei and a foie-knovei. Theiefoie
he is vilh |CaliieIj lhe spiiil-givei |so lhalj vhen he gives a hoIy spiiil he nighl seaI hin vilh lhe
ciovn and ciovn hin, |havingj gods |...j
]a |...j |...j lhe (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhe (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j |...j spiiil |...j lo one (fen.) (1
|inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhey exisl |...j and lhey veie nol |inj lhen in oidei lhal lhey nighl |leconej
sinpIe and |nighlj nol le doulIed |accoiding loj any pallein. |Thesej lhen aie lhe sinpIe, peifecl
individuaIs. |...j and aII lhese |...j of lhe aeons |...j hin, aII lhese |...j vho exisl in a pIace |...j aII-
peifecl il iequiied a gieal |...j lo see lhen, foi |...j
^b (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) peifecl |...j (2 Iines uniecoveialIe) |...j eveiy |...j exisl |...j he is |...j |heaij
hin |...j |...j and |...j in lhoughl |...j a fiisl lhoughl |...j since |...j is in a povei she is peifecl |...j il is
filling foi you lo |...j aloul eveiylhing, and |...j lhose lo vhon you viII Iislen lhiough a lhoughl of
lhose highei lhan peifecl and aIso lhose vhon you viII |knovj in a souI |ofj lhe peifecl ones."
|Whenj she has said lhis, she |laplized nej
^Y (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhe fiisl |... andj I ieceived povei (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |... Ij ieceived
lhe foin |...j ieceived |...j |...j exisling upon ny |...j ieceive a hoIy spiiil |Ij cane inlo leing |ieaIIyj
exisling. Then, she lioughl ne inlo lhe gieal |aeonj vheie lhe peifecl liipIe-naIe (is). I sav lhe
invisilIe chiId vilhin an invisilIe Lighl. Then |shej laplized ne again in
^Z (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j hei |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |andj I |...j I vas alIe lo |...j |...j lhe gieal
one |...j and peifecl |...j
YoeI vho leIongs lo aII |lhe gIoiiesj said lo ne, "You have |ieceivedj aII lhe |laplisnsj in vhich il
is filling lo |lej laplized, and you have lecone |peifeclj |...j lhe heaiing of |...j aII. Nov |caIIj
again upon SaIanex and |...j and lhe aII-peifecl Ai|...j lhe Lighls of lhe |aeonj aileIo and lhe
inneasuialIe knovIedge. They viII ieveaI
^[ |...j |...j invisilIe (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j vhich |...j |... viiginj aileIo |andj lhe InvisilIe
|liipIej poveifuI Spiiil."
|Whenj YoueI vho leIongs lo aII lhe gIoiies |had said lhisj lo ne, she |pul ne dovnj and venl
and slood lefoie lhe Iiolophanes. Then, I vas |...j ovei ny spiiil, |vhiIej piaying feivenlIy lo lhe
gieal Lighls in lhoughl. I legan caIIing upon SaIanex and Se- |...jen and lhe aII-peifecl |...je. I sav
gIoiies vhich aie giealei lhan poveis, |andj lhey annoinled ne. I vas alIe
^\ |...j in ny |...j and|...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) she coveied |...j aII |...j SaIanex |andj lhose |vhoj
have ieveaIed eveiylhing |lo nej saying, "Zosliianos, |Ieainj of lhose lhings aloul vhich you
asked. (1 Iine uniecoveialIe) and |he isj a singIe one |vhoj exisls lefoie |aIIj lhese vho ieaIIy exisl
|in lhej inneasuialIe and undivided Spiiil |...j |...j lhe AII vhich |exislsj in hin and lhe |...j |...j
and lhal one vhich |...j aflei hin. Il is he aIone vho ciosses il |...j
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^] (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j aII lhese |...j he is |...j |...j fiisl |...j |... ofj lhoughl |...j of eveiy povei |...
dovnvaidj |...j he is eslalIished |...j sland, he |passesj inlo lhe palhvay lo a pIace |...j and
infinile. He is fai highei lhan eveiy unallainalIe one, yel he gives |...j giealei lhan any lody (and)
is puiei lhan eveiy unenlodied one, enleiing eveiy lhoughl and eveiy lody |lecause hej is noie
poveifuI lhan eveiylhing, eveiy iace and species, as lheii AII.
^^ |...j exisl (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) lo a pailiaI (...j |...j pail |...j |exislj in a |...j knov hei |...j |...he isj
fion hin |...j vhich ieaIIy exisls, vho (is) fion lhe Spiiil vho |ieaIIyj exisls, lhe one aIone |...j foi
lhey aie poveis of |...j Lxislence |...j and Life and Iessedness.
In Lxislence he exisls |asj a sinpIe head, his |voidj and species. Lel lhe one vho viII find hin
cone inlo exislence. Lxisling in Life, he is aIive |...j
^_ (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |he havingj knovIedge |...j knov aII lhese |...j hin aIone |...j foi god |...j
unIess |...j |...j aIone, and he |...j |...j in hin |...j |...j lhe singIe |...j |...j foi he exisls as |...j |inj lhal
vhich is his, vhich |exislsj as a foin of a foin, |...j unily of lhe |...j. He exisls as |lhej |...j since he
is in |lhej nind. He is vilhin il, nol coning foilh lo any pIace lecause he is a singIe peifecl, sinpIe
spiiil. |ecausej il is his pIace and |...j, il is vilhin hin and lhe AII lhal he cones inlo leing. Il is he
vho exisls, he vho ^` |...j |...j and a |...j and a |piolecloij in hin.
Life |...j and aclivily of lhe insulslanliaI |...j lhe |...j vhich exisls in hin |exislsj in hin |...j exisls
lecause of |hin ...j lIessed and a |...j peifecl, and |...j vhich exisl in |...j vhich ieaIIy exisls. The
foin of lhe aclivily vhich exisls is lIessed. y ieceiving Lxislence, he ieceives povei, lhe |...j a
peifeclion |...j sepaiale foievei. Then he exisls as a peifecl one. Theiefoie, he exisls as a peifecl one
lecause he is undivided vilh his ovn iegion, foi nolhing exisls lefoie hin excepl lhe |peifeclj
!"#$%& ()*+, #-% ./#012 34%5 6#5 4#7% .%%0 086.%-%9:;
_[ exislence |...j |...j she is saIvalion |...j |aII ...j and he |...j |...j le alIe, noi does he |...j |...j hin, if
he |...j hin lo hin, aII lhese |...j |...j foi he |vhoj |...j in exislence |...j lhis one, he lolaIIy |exislsj as
Life, and in Iessedness he has knovIedge. If he appiehends lhe |gIoiiesj, he is peifecl, lul if he
appiehends |lvoj oi one, he is diunk, as he has ieceived |fionj hin. Il is lecause of |hinj lhal
lheie exisl lhose vilh souIs and lhose vilhoul souIs, lecause of hin (exisl) lhose vho viII le
saved, lecause of hin (exisl) lhose vho viII |peiishj since lhey have nol |ieceivedj fion hin,
lecause of |hinj (exisls) nallei and lodies, lecause of hin (exisl) non- _\ |...j |lecause ofj hin |...j
eveiy |...j lecause of |...j |...j lhis one |...j vho |pie-j exisls and he |...j |...j a |sinpIej head, |aj singIe
spiiil |...j he is |...j, and |...j exislence, foin, |...j |...j of hin.
Il is |in accoidance vilhj Aclivily, lhal is |...j Life, and in accoidance vilh peifeclion, lhal is
inleIIecluaI povei, lhal she is a |...j Lighl. Il is al one line lhal lhe lhiee sland, al one line lhey
nove. Il is in eveiy pIace yel nol in any pIace lhal lhe ineffalIe unnanealIe one |...j and pioduces
lhen aII. |...j exisl fion hin|...j iesling in hin |...j in hei peifeclion he has nol ieceived fion
|eveiyj foin _] lecause of hin (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j anylhing |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j in
exislence |...j dveII in lhe |...j of Iife. ul in peifeclion and |knovIedgej (is) Iessedness.
AII |lhesej dveII |in lhej indivisiliIily of |lhej Spiiil. ecause of knovIedge |...j is |divinilyj and
|...j and lIessedness and Iife and knovIedge and goodness and unily and singIeness. In shoil, aII
lhese (aie) lhe puiily of laiienness |...j pie-exisls hin |...j aII lhese and lhe
_^ |...j his |...j |...j in |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) aeon, a |...j in a |...j laiienness, he |...j he aIvays |...j
hin vhen he sav hin |...j Il is lecause he |isj one lhal he is sinpIe. ecause he is Iessedness in
peifeclion |...j one, peifecl and |lIessedj. Il is lecause she vas in need of his |...j lhal she vas in
need of lhis fion hin, lecause he foIIoved |heij vilh knovIedge. Il is oulside of hin lhal his
knovIedge dveIIs, il dveIIs vilh lhe one vho exanines hinseIf, a iefIeclion and a |...j __ |...j le in
need of |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j sinpIe (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j and |...j he |...j |...j lhis, she |...j
|...j lhe pIeiona |...j vhich she did nol desiie foi heiseIf.
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She has |...j hin oulside of lhe |peifeclionj, she has divided, foi she is |lhej aII-peifeclion |ofj
peifeclion, exisling as lhoughl. Wilh iespecl lo hin |shej is a legelling vhich foIIovs hin, and as
one fion his ineffalIe povei she has a fiisl povei and lhe fiisl lai-ieness aflei hin, lecause vilh
iespecl lo aII lhe iesl a fiisl aeon
_` (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |aII ...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j of lhe |...j |...j and hin |...j knov hin, he
ieaIIy exisls as an aeon |...j and in Aclivily |...j povei and a |...j she did nol legin |...j line, lul she
|appeaiedj fion eleinily, having slood lefoie hin in eleinily. She vas daikened ly lhe najesly of
his |...j She slood Iooking al hin and iejoicing lecause she vas fiIIed vilh his kindness, |...j lul
vhen she had |...j
_a (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j she |...j |...j fiisl exislence |...j insulslanliaI and lhal |....j Il is |fionj lhe
undivided one lhal |ilj noves lovaid Lxislence in aclivily and |inleIIecluaIj peifeclion and
inleIIecluaI Iife, vhich vas Iessedness and Divinily.
The |vhoIej Spiiil, peifecl, sinpIe and invisilIe, has lecone singIeness in Lxislence and aclivily
and a sinpIe liipIe-|poveij, an invisilIe spiiil, an inage of lhal vhich ieaIIy exisls, lhe one
`b (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c) of lhe ieaIIy |exislingj one |...j |hej exisls in a |...j she leing an inage |...j
in a luining |...j povei lo join vilh his |...j she having seen lhe |...j vhich exisled |...j aII-peifeclion
|...j lhal one, lecause he |...j pie-exisl and |...j iesl upon aII lhese, he |...j pie-exisl leing knovn as
The InvisilIe Spiiil has nol evei |leen) ignoianl. He aIvays knev, lul he vas aIvays peifeclion
|andj lIessedness |....j `Y She lecane ignoianl |...j and she |...j lody and |...j pionise |...j Iighl |...j
|...j she exisls |...j |...j in oidei lhal she nighl nol cone foilh anynoie noi cone inlo exislence
apail fion peifeclion. She knev heiseIf and hin. Having nade heiseIf sland, she vas al iesl
lecause of hin, since she vas |fionj hin vho ieaIIy exisls, |she vas fion hin vho ieaIIy exisls)
and aII lhose. (Thus), she knovs heiseIf and hin vho pie-exisls.
y foIIoving hin lhey cane inlo leing exisling | lhey cane inlo leing exisling) and appeaiing
lhiough lhose `Z |vho pie-jexisl. And |...j lhiough lhe |...j lhey having appeaied |...j lvo |...j lhey
appeaied |... lhe onej vho knovs hin lefoiehand, as an eleinaI space, since he had lecone his
second knovIedge, once again lhe knovIedge of his knovIedge, lhe unloin KaIyplos. |Theyj
slood upon hin vho ieaIIy exisls, foi she knev aloul hin, in oidei lhal lhose vho foIIov hei
nighl cone inlo leing having a pIace and lhal lhose vho cone foilh (fion hei) nighl nol le
lefoie hei lul nighl lecone hoIy (and) sinpIe. She is lhe conpiehension of god `[ vho pie-
|exisls. Shej iesled |...j lo lhe sinpIe |...j saIvalion saIvalion |...j |...j he |...j |...j Iighl vhich vas
foie- |knovnj. She vas caIIed aileIo lecause (of hei leing) lhoughl, lhe liipIe |iacej (vhich is)
naIe, viiginaI (and) peifecl and hei knovIedge lhiough vhich she cane inlo leing in oidei lhal
lhey nighl nol |...j hei dovn and lhal she nighl nol cone foilh anynoie lhiough lhose in hei and
lhose vho foIIov hei. Ralhei, she is sinpIe in oidei lhal she nighl le alIe lo knov lhe god vho
pie-exisls lecause she cane inlo leing as a good (pioducl) of hin since she (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
`\ |...j laiienness |...j lhiid |...j lvo |...j of lhis vay |...j |...j and naIe |...j (1 Iine uniecoveialIe) |...j
and lhe |...j laiienness |...j |...j she is a second |...j she slood |...j fiisl of lhe ieaIily |vhichj ieaIIy
exisls |...j |...j lhe lIessedness |...j of lhe InvisilIe |Spiiilj, lhe knovIedge |...j lhe fiisl exislence in
lhe sinpIicily of lhe InvisilIe Spiiil in lhe unily. Il is in lhal puie singIeness lhal he is siniIai and
|...j species. And he vho |...j exisl |...j
`] (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j and knovs |...j and lhe |...j and lhe |peifeclionj and |...j pioduces and
|...j lhe fiisl KaIyplos |...j lhen aII, exislence and aclivily, divinily, iace and species.
ul aie poveis one` In vhal vay (is il) lhal he is one, lhal is, nol a pailiaI one, lul (one of) lhose
of lhe AII` Whal is lhe unily vhich is unily` Is he fion |...j aclivily |...j Iife and |...j of |...j. And |...j
`^ (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c) povei |...j as |...j |...j peiceplilIe |...j |...j aII-peifecl |...j |...j she having
spoken, |...j "You aie gieal, Aphi|edonj. You aie peifecl, Neph|iedonj." To his exislence she says,
"You aie gieal, Deipha|...j. She |isj his aclivily and Iife and divinily. You aie gieal, Hainedon |...j,
vho leIongs lo aII lhe gIoiies, Lpiph|a- and his lIessedness and lhe peifeclion |ofj lhe singIeness
|...j aII |...j"
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`_ (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j foievei |...j inleIIecluaI |... peifeclj |lhe viigin ailjeIo lhiough lhe
sinpIicily of lhe lIessedness of lhe liipIe poveifuI InvisilIe Spiiil. She vho has knovn hin has
knovn heiseIf. And he, leing one eveiyvheie, leing undivided, having |...j has |...j and she has
knovn |heiseIf asj his aclivily |...j and he has knovn |...j knovIedge |...j vilhin
`` |...j (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c) lIess |...j |...j e|iilheus, Liignaoij, Oi|inenijos, Ai|anenj, AIphI|egej
s, LIiIio|upheusj, LaIanenu|sj, Noelheus |...j gieal is youi nane |...j il is sliong. He vho knovs (il)
knovs eveiylhing. You aie one, you aie one, Siou, L|...j, Aphiedon, you aie lhe |aeonj of lhe aeons
of lhe peifecl gieal one, lhe fiisl KaIyplos of lhe |...j aclivily, and |...j he is |...j his inage |...j of his,
he |...j
`a |...j (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...exislencej |...j and he (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j in |...lhe gIoiyj |...j
gIoiies |...j a |...j in (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j aeon (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
ab (8 |incs unrccctcrao|c) exisl |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |and (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |lIessed ...j (1
|inc unrccctcrao|c) |peifecl...j (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
aY (8 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j god (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j fiisl |...j and poveis |... aII-peifeclj lhey
aie |...j of aII lhese and a cause of |lhenj aII, a |...j aileIo (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j hin and |...j aII
lhese |...j he nol having |...j and his |...j lecone |...j lul
aZ |...j (8 |incs unrccctcrao|c) of |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |and ...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) and a |...j in a
|...j accoiding lo lhe |lhoughlj vhich ieaIIy |exisls ...j vhich exisls as |...j nane |...j (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) KaIyplos |...j lhe |...j liipIe |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) lul |...j a[ nane hin.
AII lhese cone, as il veie, fion hin vho is puie. If you give gIoiy lecause of hin, and if you |...j
exislence |...j his |...ja |...j sinpIe (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j he viII (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhal one
|... knovj hin (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j peifecl he leing |... peifeclj and |...j |...j peifecl (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) |...j his (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j hin |...j lo lhe (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
a\ he vas nol alIe lo see hei. Theiefoie, il is inpossilIe lo ieceive hin in lhis vay in najeslic
puiily as a peifecl head of |hin vhoj is in |...j |...j vhich |... knovj hin conceining |...j say il |...j (2
|incs unrccctcrao|c) vhich |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) vhich |...j foi (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |... exislj
logelhei |...j and |...j (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c) noi |...j
a] diffeiences lelveen lhese and angeIs, and diffeiences lelveen lhese and nen, and diffeiences
lelveen lhese and exislence. And |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j and |peiceplion j (2 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) |...j ieaIIy (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) foi |...j lhe |peiceplilIej voiId |...j Iike (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) exislence |...j foi |...j and |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 20ff dc nc| surtitc)
a^ viII appioach hin in knovIedge. He ieceives povei, lul he vho is fai fion hin is hunlIed."
And I said, "Why lhen have lhe judges cone inlo leing` Whal |...j is lhe |suffeiingj of lhe |...j foi
(1 Iine uniecoveialIe) and |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) lul |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) lhiough |...j vho
|...j suffeiing |...j lhiough |...j lhe |...j |...j exisls |...j she dveIIs |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 22ff,
ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
a_ naIe, since she is knovIedge |ofj lhe liipIe poveifuI invisilIe gieal Spiiil, lhe inage of |lhe
fiislj KaIyplos, lhe |lIessednessj in lhe |invisilIej Spiiil, |...j lhe (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j foi |...j he
knovs (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j fiII |...j she appeais |...j knovIedge |...j she slands |...j (3 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 21ff, ca. 6 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
a` |...j a peifecl unily of a conpIele unily, and vhen she divided lhe AII |...j fion lhe AII |...j
exislence and |...j |...j lhe lhoughls |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |peiceplionj (12 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
(|incs 22ff, ca. 5 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
aa |...j |exislence ...j |...j in |...j vhich (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) knovIedge (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j she
lIesses (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j vhich (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j and (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs
21ff, ca. 6 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Ybb (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c) Ain|ozeI (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) is lhe |...j |lhiough ...j povei |...j (3 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) vhich |...j (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 22ff, ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
YbY |...j invisilIe |...j |...j lhal one |...j |... lhisj is lhe |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j foin (2 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) |...j of a (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j KaIyplos |...j undivided (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs
20ff, ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
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YbZ |...j vhich exisl |...j |...j lhe |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) and |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) he |...j
(3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) and |...j lhose |...j a |...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) sone |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
(|incs 22ff, ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Yb[ |...j oiigin |...j |vhichj ieaIIy exisls |...j |...j exisl |... essencej |...j in |... lhisj is |...j lhe (5 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhey |...jnol (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j lhis (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 20ff, ca. 6
|incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Yb\ |...j she appeais |...j of lhose vho |...j |...j of lhe |...j and |...j lhis |...j lhe |...j (1 Iine
uniecoveialIe) see |...j (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c) he|...j ieaIIy |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) lhal|...j and|...j (5
|incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 24ff, ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Yb] aie lhose vho |sland ...j lhe aeon of |...j cone up lo |...j |...j vhich exisl in |...j he on lhe one
hand |...j |...j he |...j one |...j an oiigin (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |...j and |...j he |...j nallei |...j singIe
(1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) |... exislj (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j vhich |...j and (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
(|incs 22ff, ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Yb^ |...j and he exisls |...j he is |...j and |...j naik of a |...j |...j an |...j noi of |...j |...j he |...j vhich |...j
(2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) and |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) nunlei |...j Iive |...j accoiding lo |...j vhich |...j
(4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) vhich |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 23ff, ca. 4 |incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Yb_ lhen |...j |...j and |...j exislence |...j |...j and lhe |...j exisl as |...j iefIeclion |...j fiisl (1 Iine
uniecoveialIe) |...j fiisl |...j of lhe (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) |...j he (9 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs 22ff, ca. 6
|incs, dc nc| surtitc)
Yb` |...j nol, lhey giving |...j |...j he vho exisls |...j |...j aII and he |...j a nuIlilude |...j ciealion
(1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) and |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) lhe |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) in lhe |...j lhese |...j
lhe|...j of |...j aIive |...j (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c) in |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
!"#$%& <=)*<<, 9> 0>3 &8-7?7%;
YY[ and angeIs and dainons and ninds and souIs and Iiving leings and liees and lodies and
lhose vhich aie lefoie lhen: lhose of lhe sinpIe eIenenls of sinpIe oiigins, and lhose vhich aiein
|...j and unnixed confusion, aii |andj valei and eailh and nunlei and yoking and novenenl and
|...j and oidei and liealh and aII lhe iesl. They aie fouilh poveis vhich aie |inj lhe fouilh aeon,
lhose vhichj aie in lhe |...j and |...j peifecl of |...j poveis |...j poveis |...j of |...j of |...j angeIs |of
lhej angeIs, souIs |of lhej souIs, Iiving leings |of lhej Iiving leings, liees |ofj |lhe liees ...j |...j and
|...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) YY\ his ovn.
Theie aie lhose vho aie as legollen, and lhose vho aie in an unloin legelling, and lheie aie
lhose vho aie hoIy and eleinaI, and lhe innulalIe ones in dealh and desliuclion in
indesliucliliIily, and lheie aie lhose vho aie as AII, lheie aie lhose |vho aiej iaces and lhose vho
aie |inj a voiId and oidei, lheie aie lhose in |indesliucliliIilyj, and lheie aie lhe fiisl |vho slandj
and lhe second |inj aII of lhen. |AIIj lhose |vhoj aie fion lhen and |lhose vhoj aie |inj lhen, and
|fionj lhese vho |foIIovj lhen |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) lhese |...j and |lhej fouilh aeons slood |...j
|...j lhey exisling |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
YY] in lhen, he leing scalleied alioad. They aie nol ciovded againsl one anolhei, lul lo lhe
conliaiy lhey aie aIive, exisling in lhenseIves and agieeing vilh one anolhei, as lhey aie fion a
singIe oiigin. They aie ieconciIed lecause lhey aie aII in a singIe aeon of KaIyplos, |...j leing
divided in povei, foi lhey exisl in accoid vilh each of lhe aeons, slanding in ieIalionship lo lhe
one vhich has ieached lhen.
ul KaIyplos is |aj singIe aeon, |hej has foui diffeienl aeons. In accoid vilh each of lhe aeons lhey
have poveis, nol Iike fiisl and second (poveis), foi aII lhese |aiej eleinilies, |lulj lhey aie
diffeienl |...j and oidei and gIoiy |...j vhich exisls |in ...j foui aeons and |...j vho pie-exisls |...j
god |...j |...j lhey aie |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
YY^ AII of lhen exisl in one, dveIIing logelhei and peifecled individuaIIy in feIIovship and fiIIed
vilh lhe aeon vhich ieaIIy exisls. Theie aie lhose anong lhen (vho sland) as dveIIing in essence
and lhose (vho sland) as essence in conducl oi |suffeiingj lecause lhey aie in a second, foi lhe
unengendeiedness of lhe ungeneialed one vho ieaIIy exisls is anong lhen. When lhe
ungeneialed have cone inlo leing, lheii povei slands, lheie is an incoipoieaI essence vilh |anj
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inpeiishalIe |lodyj. The |innulalIe onej is |lheiej vho |ieaIIy j exisls. ecause il liansfoins
|lhioughj change, lhe |...j in desliuclilIe fiie slands vilh |aIIj |lhese ...j |...j one |...j YY_ he slands.
Il is lheie lhal aII Iiving leings dveII, exisling individuaIIy (yel) aII joined logelhei. The
knovIedge of lhe knovIedge is lheie logelhei vilh a selling up of ignoiance. Chaos is lheie and a
peifecl pIace foi aII of lhen, and lhey aie sliange. Tiue Lighl (is lheie), aIso enIighlened daikness
logelhei vilh lhe one vho does nol ieaIIy exisl - |hej does nol ieaIIy exisl. |...j lhe non-leing vho
does nol exisl al aII. ul il is he, lhe Cood, fion vhon deiives lhe good and vhal is pIeasanl and
lhe divine, (il is he) fion |vhonj cones Cod and he vho |...j, he vho is gieal. Ioi |...j in pail |...j
foin and Cod lhal |...jand lhe one |...j |...j a god |...j |...j aII lhese |...j |...j daikness |...j (1 |inc
YY` and a iace. He has nol nixed vilh anylhing, lul he ienains aIone in hinseIf and iesls hinseIf
on his IinilIess Iinil. He is |lhej Cod of lhose vho ieaIIy exisl, a seei and a ieveaIei of Cod.
When she had slienglhened hin vho |knev heij, lhe aeon aileIo, lhe knovIedge of lhe InvisilIe
TiipIe IoveifuI Ieifecl Spiiil, in oidei lo |...j hei, said, "He |...j a Iife. I an aIive in |...j You, lhe
One, aie aIive. He is aIive, |hej vho is lhiee. Il is you vho aie |lhej lhiee vho aie lhiee
|doulIed ...j e e e. The fiisl of seven |...j lhe lhiid |...j lhe second |...j e e e e a a a a a a a |...j |...j lvo,
lul he |foui ...j |...j knovIedge |...j (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c)
YYa a pail` Whal kind of nind, and vhal kind of visdon` Whal kind of undeislanding, vhal
kind of leaching` His Lighls aie naned (as foIIovs): lhe fiisl |is Ainejdon and she vho is vilh
hin, |...j, lhe second is Diphane |... andj she vho is vilh hin, Dei- ph|a ...j, lhe lhiid is |MaIsedjon
and she vho is vilh hin |...j, lhe fouilh is |...js and she vho is vilh hin, OInis.
KaIyplos exisls having |...j vilh his Ioin. He is invisilIe lo aII lhese so lhal lhey aII nighl le
slienglhened ly hin |...j |...j he exisls in |...j aII-peifecl lecause |he hasj foui exisling (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) |...j noi accoiding lo a |...j aIone |... jaileIo |...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
YZb knov hin and lhe one vho is sel ovei a second. The fiisl of lhe aeons is Hainedon, lhe falhei-
gIoiy. The second Lighl (is) one vhon |he doesj nol |knovj, lul aII lhe |individuaIsj, visdon |...j
exisl in lhe fouilh aeon vho has ieveaIed |hinseIfj and aII lhe gIoiies. |The lhiidj Lighl (is) he |...j
nol hin, as lhe void of aII |lhe foinsj and lhal olhei |gIoiyj, undeislanding, |vho isj in lhe lhiid
|aeonj. Theie aie foui in MaIsedon and |...j nios. The fouilh Lighl is lhe one vho |...j of aII lhe
foins exisling |...j a leaching and gIoiy |...j and lhe liulh of lhe |foui aeonsj, OInis, |...j and lhe
|...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) YZY fiflh.
The fiisl (is lhe one) vho is lhe second, lhal is, il is lhe aII-peifecl KaIyplos, foi lhe foui Lighls
exisl. Il is KaIyplos vho has divided again, and lhey exisl logelhei. AII vho knov lhose vho exisl
as gIoiies aie peifecl. This one |...j knovs eveiylhing aloul lhen aII is aII-peifecl. Iion hin is
eveiy povei, eveiy one and lheii enliie aeon, lecause lhey aII cone lo hin and lhey aII cone fion
hin, lhe povei of lhen aII (and) lhe oiigin of lhen aII. When he Ieained |of lhenj, he lecane a
|...j aeon and a ingeneialeness. |...j olhei aeons |in ...ja|...j (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
YZZ lecone a aileIo, he lecones a fiisl aeon lecause of lhe eleinily of lhe InvisilIe Spiiil, lhe
second ingeneialeness.
These aie aII lhe gIoiies: lhe IinilIess Aphiedons, |...j lhe ineffalIes, lhe ieveaIeis, aII lhe |...j
innulalIes, lhe gIoiy-ieveaIeis, lhe lvice-ieveaIed Maisedons, lhe IinilIess SoInises, lhe seIf-
ieveaIeis vho aie |fuIIj of gIoiy, lhose vho |vail foij gIoiy, lhe lIesseis, lhe M|aise-j dons, lhe
KaIyploi vho |...j lhe Iinils |...j upon lhe Iinils |...j lhose vho exisl |...j (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) (|incs
24ff, | cr 2, dc nc| surtitc) YZ[ len lhousand gIoiies in lhen.
Theiefoie, he is a peifecl gIoiy so lhal vhenevei he can join (anolhei) and pievaiI, he exisls as
peifecl. Thus, even if he enleis inlo a lody and a dealh (coning) fion nallei, lhey do nol ieceive
giealei honoi lecause of lheii aII-peifeclness fion vhon cane aII lhese, leing peifecl, logelhei
vilh lhose vho aie vilh hin. Indeed, each of lhe aeons has len lhousand aeons in hinseIf, so lhal
ly exisling logelhei he nay lecone a peifecl aeon.
He exisls in lhe |Iessednessj of lhe TiipIe |IoveifuIj Ieifecl InvisilIe |Spiiil ...j siIence |...j vho
lecane fiisl |...j and lhe knovIedge (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
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YZ\ vhoIe, a siIence of lhe second knovIedge, lhe fiisl lhoughl in lhe viII of lhe TiipIe IoveifuI,
lecause he connanded il lo knov hin, so lhal he nighl lecone aII-peifecl and peifecl in hinseIf.
y sinpIicily and lIessedness he is knovn. |I ieceivedj goodness lhiough lhal foIIovei of lhe
aileIo aeon vho gives leing lo hinseIf. |...j is nol lhe povei, lul she is lhe one vho leIongs lo
The aeons vhich ieaIIy exisl do so in siIence. Lxislence vas inaclivily, and knovIedge of lhe seIf-
eslalIished KaIyplos vas ineffalIe. Having cone |fion lhej fouilh, lhe |...j lhoughl, lhe Iiolo
|phanesj, as (lhe) Ieifecl MaIe |Mindj (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
YZ] he is his inage, equaI lo hin in povei and gIoiy lul vilh iespecl lo oidei highei lhan hin,
(yel nol highei) in aeon. Like hin he has aII lhese (pails) Iiving (and) dveIIing logelhei in one.
Togelhei vilh lhe aeon in lhe aeons he has a fouifoId diffeience vilh aII lhe iesl vho aie lheie.
ul KaIyplos ieaIIy exisls, and vilh hin is Iocaled she vho leIongs lo aII lhe gIoiies, YoueI, lhe
naIe viigin gIoiy, lhiough vhon aie seen lhe aII-peifecl ones. Those vho sland lefoie hin aie
lhe liipIe |...j chiId, lhe liipIe |...j, lhe Aulogenes |...j He has |...j in one |... lhe onej again vho
pievaiIs ovei lhe |...j exisling in |...j YZ^ of len lhousand- foId.
The fiisl aeon in hin, fion vhon is lhe fiisl Lighl, (is) SoInis and lhe god ieveaIei, since he is
infinile accoiding lo lhe lype in lhe KaIyplos aeon and Doxonedon. The second aeon (is)
Akienon lhe ineffalIe logelhei vilh lhe second Lighl Zachlhos and Yachlos. The lhiid aeon is
Anliosios lhe viigin logelhei vilh lhe lhiid Lighl Selheus and Anliphanles. The fouilh aeon is
lhe lIessei |...j iace vilh |lhej fouilh Lighl |SeIdaoj and LIenos.
The |...j hin |...j |...j Ain|edon (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) YZ_ phoe zoe zeoe ze|...j zosi zosi zao zeooo
zesen zes- en - lhe individuaIs and lhe foui vho aie eighl-foId aie aIive. eoooo eaeo - you vho aie
lefoie lhen, and you vho aie in lhen aII. They aie vilhin lhe peifecl naIe Ainedon Iiolophanes
of aII lhose vho dveII logelhei. Since aII lhe individuaIs veie exisling as peifecl ones, lhe Aclivily
of aII lhe individuaIs appeaied again as lhe divine Aulogenes.
He slands vilhin an aeon lecause lheie aie vilhin hin foui diffeienl seIf-legollen aeons. The fiisl
aeon in hin as lhe fiisl Lighl (is) |HainozejI-Oineos-Lulhiou- nios. |Hej vas caIIed (1 |inc
|... Thej second |aeon asj |lhe second Lighl isj |OiaiaeI ...j-udas|...jos, Ap|...j YZ` Aiios|...j. The
lhiid (aeon) of lhe lhiid Lighl (is) Daveilhe-Laianeus- Lpiphanios-Lideos. The fouilh (aeon) as lhe
fouilh Lighl (is) LIeIelh-Kodeie- Lpiphanios-AIIogenios. ul as foi aII lhe iesl vho aie in nallei,
lhey veie aII Iefl (lheie). Il vas lecause of knovIedge of giealness, audacily and povei lhal lhey
cane inlo exislence and confoiled lhenseIves. ecause lhey did nol knov Cod, lhey shaII pass
avay. ehoId, Zosliianos, you have heaid aII lhese lhings of lhe gods aie ignoianl and (vhich)
seen infinile lo angeIs."
I look couiage and said, "I an |sliII j vondeiing aloul lhe TiipIe IoveifuI InvisilIe Ieifecl Spiiil:
hov he exisls foi hinseIf, |hov he causesj eveiylhing |...j vho ieaIIy exisl |...j vhal is lhe |...j |...j
and |...j |...j of |...j YZa veiy |...j lhey sel |nej dovn (and) Iefl.
Apophanles and Aphiopais, lhe Viigin-Iighl, cane lefoie ne and lioughl ne inlo Iiolophanes,
(lhe) gieal naIe peifecl Mind. I sav aII of lhen as lhey exisl in one. I joined vilh lhen aII (and)
lIessed lhe KaIyplos aeon, lhe viigin aileIo and lhe InvisilIe Spiiil. I lecane aII-peifecl and
ieceived povei. I vas viillen in gIoiy and seaIed. I ieceived lheie a peifecl ciovn. I cane foilh lo
lhe peifecl individuaIs, and aII of lhen veie queslioning ne. They veie Iislening lo lhe Iofliness
of ny knovIedge. They veie iejoicing and ieceiving povei. When I again cane dovn lo lhe
aeons of Aulogenes, I ieceived a liue inage, puie (yel) suilalIe foi lhe peiceplilIe (voiId).
I cane dovn lo lhe aeon copies and cane dovn heie Y[b lo lhe aiiy-eailh. I viole lhiee lalIels
(and) Iefl lhen as knovIedge foi lhose vho vouId cone aflei ne, lhe Iiving eIecl. Then I cane
dovn lo lhe peiceplilIe voiId and pul on ny inage. ecause il vas ignoianl, I slienglhened il
(and) venl aloul pieaching lhe liulh lo eveiyone. Neilhei lhe angeIic leings of lhe voiId noi lhe
aichons sav ne, foi I negaled a nuIlilude of |judgnenlsj vhich lioughl ne neai dealh.
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ul an eiiing nuIlilude I avakened saying, "Knov lhose vho aie aIive and lhe hoIy seed of Selh.
Do nol |shovj disoledience lo ne. |Avakenj youi divine pail lo Cod, and as foi youi sinIess eIecl
souI, slienglhen il. ehoId dealh heie and seek lhe innulalIe ingeneialeness, lhe |Ialheij of
eveiylhing. He inviles you, vhiIe lhey iepiove you. AIlhough lhey iII-lieal Y[Y you, he viII nol
alandon you.
Do nol laplize youiseIves vilh dealh noi enliusl youiseIves lo lhose vho aie infeiioi lo you
inslead of lo lhose vho aie lellei. IIee fion lhe nadness and lhe londage of fenaIeness and
choose foi youiseIves lhe saIvalion of naIeness. You have nol cone lo suffei, ialhei, you have
cone lo escape youi londage.
ReIease youiseIves, and lhal vhich has lound you viII le dissoIved. Save youiseIves so lhal youi
souI nay le saved. The kind Ialhei has senl you lhe Savioi and given you slienglh. Why aie you
hesilaling` Seek vhen you aie soughl, vhen you aie inviled, Iislen, foi line is shoil.
Do nol le Ied asliay. The aeon of lhe aeons of lhe Iiving ones is gieal, yel (so aIso is) lhe
|punishnenlj of lhose vho aie unconvinced. Many londs and chasliseis suiiound you. Y[Z IIee
quickIy lefoie dealh ieaches you. Look al lhe Lighl. IIee lhe Daikness. Do nol le Ied asliay lo
youi desliuclion.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The Lellei of Ielei vhich he senl lo IhiIip
"Ielei, lhe aposlIe of }esus Chiisl, lo IhiIip, oui leIoved liolhei and oui feIIov aposlIe, and (lo)
lhe lielhien vho aie vilh you: gieelings!
Nov I vanl you lo knov, oui liolhei, lhal ve ieceived oideis fion oui Loid and lhe Savioi of lhe
vhoIe voiId lhal ve shouId cone logelhei lo give insliuclion and pieach in lhe saIvalion vhich
vas pionised us ly oui Loid }esus Chiisl. ul as foi you, you veie sepaiale fion us, and you did
nol desiie us lo cone logelhei and lo knov hov ve shouId oiganize ouiseIves in oidei lhal ve
nighl leII lhe good nevs. Theiefoie vouId il le agieealIe lo you, oui liolhei, lo cone accoiding
lo lhe oideis of oui Cod }esus`"
When IhiIip had ieceived lhese (voids), and vhen he had iead lhen, he venl lo Ielei iejoicing
vilh gIadness. Then Ielei galheied lhe olheis aIso. They venl upon lhe nounlain vhich is caIIed
"lhe (nounl) oIives," lhe pIace vheie lhey used lo galhei vilh lhe lIessed Chiisl vhen he vas in
lhe lody.
Then, vhen lhe aposlIes had cone logelhei, and had lhiovn lhenseIves upon lheii knees, lhey
piayed lhus saying, "Ialhei, Ialhei, Ialhei of lhe Iighl, vho possesses lhe incoiiuplions, heai us
jusl as lhou hasl laken pIeasuie in lhy hoIy chiId }esus Chiisl. Ioi he lecane foi us an iIIuninaloi
in lhe daikness. Yea heai us!"
And lhey piayed again anolhei line, saying, "Son of Iife, Son of innoilaIily, vho is in lhe Iighl,
Son, Chiisl of innoilaIily, oui Redeenei, give us povei, foi lhey seek lo kiII us!"
Then a gieal Iighl appeaied so lhal lhe nounlains shone fion lhe sighl of hin vho had appeaied.
And a voice caIIed oul lo lhen saying, "Lislen lo ny voids lhal I nay speak lo you. Why aie you
asking ne` I an }esus Chiisl vho an vilh you foievei."
Then lhe aposlIes ansveied and said, "Loid, ve vouId Iike lo knov lhe deficiency of lhe aeons
and lheii pIeiona." And: "Hov aie ve delained in lhis dveIIing pIace`" Iuilhei: "Hov did ve
cone lo lhis pIace`" And: "In vhal nannei shaII ve depail`" Again: "Hov do ve have lhe
aulhoiily of loIdness`" And: "Why do lhe poveis fighl againsl us`"
Then a voice cane lo lhen oul of lhe Iighl saying, "Il is you youiseIves vho aie vilnesses lhal I
spoke aII lhese lhings lo you. ul lecause of youi unleIief I shaII speak again. Iiisl of aII
conceining lhe deficiency of lhe aeons, lhis is lhe deficiency, vhen lhe disoledience and lhe
fooIishness of lhe nolhei appeaied vilhoul lhe connandnenl of lhe najesly of lhe Ialhei. She
vanled lo iaise up aeons. And vhen she spoke, lhe Aiioganl One foIIoved. And vhen she Iefl
lehind a pail, lhe Aiioganl One Iaid hoId of il, and il lecane a deficiency. This is lhe deficiency of
lhe aeons. Nov vhen lhe Aiioganl One had laken a pail, he soved il. And he pIaced poveis ovei
il and aulhoiilies. And he encIosed il in lhe aeons vhich aie dead. And aII lhe poveis of lhe voiId
iejoiced lhal lhey had leen legollen. ul lhey do nol knov lhe pie-exislenl Ialhei, since lhey aie
sliangeis lo hin. ul lhis is lhe one lo vhon lhey gave povei and vhon lhey seived ly piaising
hin. ul he, lhe Aiioganl One, lecane pioud on accounl of lhe piaise of lhe poveis. He lecane
an enviei and he vanled lo nake an inage in lhe pIace of an inage, and a foin in lhe pIace of a
foin. And he connissioned lhe poveis vilhin his aulhoiily lo noId noilaI lodies. And lhey
cane lo le fion a nisiepiesenlalion, fion lhe senlIance vhich had neiged."
"Nexl conceining lhe pIeiona: I an lhe one vho vas senl dovn in lhe lody lecause of lhe seed
vhich had faIIen avay. And I cane dovn inlo lheii noilaI noId. ul lhey did nol iecognize ne,
lhey veie lhinking of ne lhal I vas a noilaI nan. And I spoke vilh hin vho leIongs lo ne, and
he haikened lo ne jusl as you loo vho haikened loday. And I gave hin aulhoiily in oidei lhal he
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nighl enlei inlo lhe inheiilance of his falheihood. And I look |...j lhey veie fiIIed |...j in his
saIvalion. And since he vas a deficiency, foi lhis ieason he lecane a pIeiona."
"Il is lecause of lhis lhal you aie leing delained, lecause you leIong lo ne. When you sliip off
fion youiseIves vhal is coiiupled, lhen you viII lecone iIIuninalois in lhe nidsl of noilaI nen."
"And lhis (is lhe ieason) lhal you viII fighl againsl lhe poveis, lecause lhey do nol have iesl Iike
you, since lhey do nol vish lhal you le saved."
Then lhe aposlIes voishiped again saying, "Loid, leII us: In vhal vay shaII ve fighl againsl lhe
aichons, since lhe aichons aie alove us`"
Then a voice caIIed oul lo lhen fion lhe appeaiance saying, "Nov you viII fighl againsl lhen in
lhis vay, foi lhe aichons aie fighling againsl lhe innei nan. And you aie lo fighl againsl lhen in
lhis vay: Cone logelhei and leach in lhe voiId lhe saIvalion vilh a pionise. And you, giid
youiseIves vilh lhe povei of ny Ialhei, and Iel youi piayei le knovn. And he, lhe Ialhei, viII
heIp you as he has heIped you ly sending ne. e nol afiaid, I an vilh you foievei, as I pieviousIy
said lo you vhen I vas in lhe lody." Then lheie cane Iighlning and lhundei fion heaven, and
vhal appeaied lo lhen in lhal pIace vas laken up lo heaven.
Then lhe aposlIes gave lhanks lo lhe Loid vilh eveiy lIessing. And lhey ieluined lo }eiusaIen.
And vhiIe coning up lhey spoke vilh each olhei on lhe ioad conceining lhe Iighl vhich had
cone. And a ienaik vas nade conceining lhe Loid. Il vas said, "If he, oui Loid, suffeied, lhen
hov nuch (nusl) ve (suffei)`"
Ielei ansveied saying, "He suffeied on oui lehaIf, and il is necessaiy foi us loo lo suffei lecause
of oui snaIIness." Then a voice cane lo lhen saying, "I have loId you nany lines: il is necessaiy
foi you lo suffei. Il is necessaiy lhal lhey liing you lo synagogues and goveinois, so lhal you viII
suffei. ul he vho does nol suffei and does nol |...j lhe Ialhei |...j in oidei lhal he nay |...j."
And lhe aposlIes iejoiced giealIy and cane up lo }eiusaIen. And lhey cane up lo lhe lenpIe and
gave insliuclion in saIvalion in lhe nane of lhe Loid }esus Chiisl. And lhey heaIed a nuIlilude.
And Ielei opened his noulh, he said lo his (feIIov) discipIes, "Did oui Loid }esus, vhen he vas in
lhe lody, shov us eveiylhing` Ioi he cane dovn. My liolheis, Iislen lo ny voice." And he vas
fiIIed vilh a hoIy spiiil. He spoke lhus: "Oui iIIuninaloi, }esus, cane dovn and vas ciucified.
And he loie a ciovn of lhoins. And he pul on a puipIe gainenl. And he vas ciucified on a liee
and he vas luiied in a lonl. And he iose fion lhe dead. My liolheis, }esus is a sliangei lo lhis
suffeiing. ul ve aie lhe ones vho have suffeied lhiough lhe liansgiession of lhe nolhei. And
lecause of lhis, he did eveiylhing Iike us. Ioi lhe Loid }esus, lhe Son of lhe inneasuialIe gIoiy of
lhe Ialhei, he is lhe aulhoi of oui Iife. My liolheis, Iel us lheiefoie nol oley lhese IavIess ones,
and vaIk in |...j."
|...j Then Ielei galheied logelhei lhe olheis aIso, saying, "O, Loid }esus Chiisl, aulhoi of oui iesl,
give us a spiiil of undeislanding in oidei lhal ve aIso nay peifoin vondeis."
Then Ielei and lhe olhei aposlIes sav hin, and lhey veie fiIIed vilh a hoIy spiiil, And each one
peifoined heaIings. And lhey pailed in oidei lo pieach lhe Loid }esus. And lhey cane logelhei
and gieeled each olhei saying, "Anen."
Then }esus appeaied saying lo lhen, "Ieace lo you aII and eveiyone vho leIieves in ny nane.
And vhen you depail, joy le lo you and giace and povei. And le nol afiaid, lehoId, I an vilh
you foievei."
Then lhe aposlIes pailed fion each olhei inlo foui voids in oidei lo pieach. And lhey venl ly a
povei of }esus, in peace.
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:# D ? "+ c # *# F
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
}esus Chiisl, lhe Son of Cod |...j fion ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhe aeons, lhal I nighl leII aII of lhe aeons, and, in (lhe case of) each one of lhe aeons, lhal I
nighl leII lhe naluie of lhe aeon, vhal il is, and lhal I nighl pul on fiiendship and goodness as a
gainenl, O liolhei, |...j and ... ... (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lheii end |...j. And he viII ieveaI lo lhen lhe liulh |...j in ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... pioveil(s) ... ... (|incs 26-ccp j=cnd cf pagc], and firs| 2 |incs cf ncx| pagc, unrccctcrao|c)
... al fiisl in paialIes and iiddIes |...j piocIain lhen. Dealh viII lienlIe and le angiy, nol onIy he
hinseIf, lul aIso his feIIov voiId-iuIing aichons, and lhe piincipaIilies and lhe aulhoiilies, lhe
fenaIe gods and lhe naIe gods, logelhei vilh lhe aichangeIs. And ... ... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... aII of lhen, |...j lhe voiId-iuIeis |...j, aII of lhen, and aII lhe |...j, and aII lhe |...j.
They viII say |...j conceining hin, and conceining |...j and ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhey viII |...j hidden nysleiies ... ... (|incs 27-ccp, and firs| 2 |incs cf ncx| pagc, unrccctcrao|c)
... oul of |...j lhe AII. They viII |...j lhis. The Iavyeis viII luiy hin quickIy. They viII caII hin
'inpious nan', 'IavIess', 'inpuie'. And on lhe lhiid day, he viII iise fion lhe dead ... ... (|incs 12-
ccp, and firs| 3 |incs cf ncx| pagc, unrccctcrao|c)
... hoIy discipIes. And lhe Savioi viII ieveaI lo lhen lhe voiId lhal gives Iife lo lhe AII.
ul lhose in lhe heavens spoke nany voids, logelhei vilh lhose on lhe eailh, and lhose undei lhe
eailh. ... ... (|incs 11-ccp unrccctcrao|c)
... vhich viII happen in his nane. Iuilheinoie, lhey viII say of hin lhal he is unlegollen, lhough
he has leen legollen, (lhal) he does nol eal, even lhough he eals, (lhal) he does nol diink, even
lhough he diinks, (lhal) he is unciicuncised, lhough he has leen ciicuncised, (lhal) he is
unfIeshIy, lhough he has cone in lhe fIesh, (lhal) he did nol cone lo suffeiing, <lhough> he cane
lo suffeiing, (lhal) he did nol iise fion lhe dead, <lhough> he aiose fion lhe dead.
ul aII lhe liiles and aII lhe peopIes viII speak lhe liulh vho aie ieceiving fion you youiseIf, O
MeIchizedek, HoIy One, High-Iiiesl, lhe peifecl hope and lhe gifls of Iife. I an CanaIieI, vho vas
senl lo |...j lhe congiegalion of lhe chiIdien of Selh, vho aie alove lhousands of lhousands, and
nyiiads of nyiiads, of lhe aeons |...j essence of lhe aeons, ala|...j aiai alala. O divine |...j of lhe
|...j naluie |...j! O Molhei of lhe aeons, aileIo! O fiisl-loin of lhe aeons, spIendid Doxonedon
Don|...j! O gIoiious one, }esus Chiisl! O chief connandeis of lhe Iuninaiies, you poveis
AinozeI, OioiaeI, Daveilhe, LIeIelh, and you nan-of-Iighl, innoilaI aeon Iigeia-Adanas, and
you good god of lhe leneficenl voiIds, Miiocheiiolhelou, lhiough }esus Chiisl, lhe Son of Cod!
This is lhe one vhon I piocIain, inasnuch as lheie has visiled lhe One vho liuIy exisls, anong
lhose vho exisl |...j do(es) nol exisl, AleI aiuch - lhal you (sg.) nighl le given lhe knovIedge of
lhe liulh |...j, lhal he is fion lhe iace of lhe High-piiesl, vhich is alove lhousands of lhousands,
and nyiiads of nyiiads, of lhe aeons. The adveise spiiils aie ignoianl of hin, and (of) lheii (ovn)
desliuclion. Nol onIy (lhal, lul) I have cone lo ieveaI lo you lhe liulh, vhich is vilhin lhe
lielhien. He incIuded hinseIf in lhe Iiving offeiing, logelhei vilh youi offspiing. He offeied lhen
up as an offeiing lo lhe AII. Ioi il is nol callIe lhal you viII offei up foi sin(s) of unleIief, and foi
lhe ignoiances, and (foi) aII lhe vicked deeds vhich lhey viII do |...j. And lhey do nol ieach lhe
Ialhei of lhe AII |...j lhe failh ... ... (20 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
Ioi lhe valeis vhich aie alove |...j lhal ieceive laplisn |...j. ul ieceive lhal laplisn vhich is
vilh lhe valei vhich |...j, vhiIe he is coning ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... laplisn as lhey ... ... (18 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
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... piay foi lhe offspiing of lhe aichons and aII lhe angeIs, logelhei vilh lhe seed <vhich> fIoved
foilh fion lhe Ialhei of lhe AII |...j lhe enliie |...j fion |...j lheie veie engendeied lhe gods and lhe
angeIs, and lhe nen |...j oul of lhe seed, aII of lhe naluies, lhose in lhe heavens and lhose upon lhe
eailh and lhose undei lhe eailh ... ... (14 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... naluie of lhe fenaIes |...j, anong lhose lhal aie in lhe |...j. They veie lound vilh |...j ul lhis is
nol (lhe) liue Adan noi (lhe) liue Lve.
Ioi vhen lhey ale of lhe liee of knovIedge, lhey lianpIed lhe Cheiulin and lhe Seiaphin vilh
lhe fIaning svoid. They |...j, vhich vas Adan's, |...j lhe voiId-iuIeis, and |...j lhen oul |...j aflei
lhey had lioughl foilh |...j offspiing of lhe aichons and lheii voiIdIy lhings, lhese leIonging lo ...
... (13 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... Iighl |...j. And lhe fenaIes and lhe naIes, lhose vho exisl vilh |...j hidden fion eveiy naluie,
and lhey viII ienounce lhe aichons |...j vho ieceive fion hin lhe |...j. Ioi lhey aie voilhy of |...j
innoilaI, and gieal |...j, and gieal |...j, and gieal |...j sons of nen |...j discipIes |...j inage, and |...j
fion lhe Iighl |...j vhich is hoIy. Ioi |...j fion lhe leginning |...j a seed ... ... (|incs 13-ccp
ul I viII le siIenl |...j, foi ve aie lhe lielhien vho cane dovn fion lhe Iiving |...j. They viII |...j
upon lhe ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... of Adan, |...j, AleI, Lnoch, Noah, |...j you, MeIchizedek, lhe
Iiiesl of Cod Mosl High, |...j lhose vho |...j vonen ... ... (|incs 14-ccp unrccctcrao|c)
... lhese lvo vho have leen chosen viII al no line noi in any pIace viII lhey le convicled,
vhenevei lhey have leen legollen, ly lheii enenies, ly lheii fiiends, noi ly sliangeis, noi lheii
(ovn) kin, (noi) ly lhe inpious, noi lhe pious. AII of lhe adveise naluies viII |...j lhen, vhelhei
lhose lhal aie nanifesl, oi lhose lhal aie nol nanifesl, logelhei vilh lhose lhal dveII in lhe
heavens, and lhose lhal aie upon lhe eailh, and lhose lhal aie undei lhe eailh. They viII nake vai
|...j eveiy one. Ioi |...j, vhelhei in lhe ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... nany ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
And lhese in lhe |...j eveiy one viII |...j. These viII |...j vilh eveiy lIov |...j veaknesses. These viII
le confined in olhei foins, and viII le punished. These lhe Savioi viII lake lhen avay, and lhey
viII oveicone eveiylhing, nol vilh lheii noulhs and voids, lul ly neans of lhe |...j, vhich viII
le done foi lhen. He viII deslioy Dealh.
These lhings vhich I vas connanded lo ieveaI, lhese lhings ieveaI as I (have done). ul lhal
vhich is hidden, do nol ieveaI lo anyone, unIess il is ieveaIed lo you (lo do so)."
And innedialeIy, I aiose, I, MeIchizedek, and I legan lo |...j Cod |...j lhal I shouId iejoice ... ... (1
|inc unrccctcrao|c) ... vhiIe he is acling |...j Iiving |...j I said, "I ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... and I
viII nol cease, fion nov on, foievei, O Ialhei of lhe AII, lecause you have had pily on nen, and
you have senl lhe angeI of Iighl |...j fion youi aeons |...j lo ieveaI |...j. When he cane, he caused
ne lo le iaised up fion ignoiance, and (fion) lhe fiuclificalion of dealh lo Iife. Ioi I have a nane:
I an MeIchizedek, lhe Iiiesl of Cod Mosl High, I knov lhal il is I vho an liuIy lhe inage of lhe
liue High-Iiiesl of Cod Mosl High, and |...j lhe voiId. Ioi il is nol a snaII lhing lhal Cod |...j vilh
|...j vhiIe he |...j. And |...j lhe angeIs lhal dveII upon lhe eailh ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... is lhe
saciifice of |...j, vhon Dealh deceived. When he died, he lound lhen vilh lhe naluies vhich aie
Ieading lhen asliay. Yel he offeied up offeiings |...j callIe, saying, "I gave lhen lo Dealh, and lhe
angeIs, and lhe |...j denons |...j Iiving offeiing |...j. I have offeied up nyseIf lo you as an offeiing,
logelhei vilh lhose lhal aie nine, lo you youiseIf, (O) Ialhei of lhe AII, and lhose vhon you Iove,
vho have cone foilh fion you vho aie hoIy (and) Iiving. And <accoiding lo> lhe peifecl Iavs, I
shaII pionounce ny nane as I ieceive laplisn nov (and) foievei, (as a nane) anong lhe Iiving
(and) hoIy nanes, and (nov) in lhe valeis. Anen."
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, O Ialhei of lhe AII, vho liuIy exisls, |...j do(es) nol
exisl, AleI aiuch |...j, foi evei and evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, Molhei of lhe aeons, aileIo, foi evei and evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, Iiisl-loin of lhe aeons, Doxonedon |...j, foi evei and
evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... foi evei and evei, Anen.
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HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... fiisl aeon, HainozeI, foi
evei and evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, connandei, Iuninaiy of lhe aeons, OiiaeI, foi evei and
evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, connandei of lhe aeons, nan-of-Iighl, Daveilhe, foi
evei and evei. Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, connandei-in-chief, LIeIelh ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ...
lhe aeons ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... foi evei and evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, good god of lhe leneficenl voids, ... Miiocheiiolhelou,
foi evei and evei, Anen.
HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, HoIy aie you, Connandei-in-chief of lhe AII, }esus Chiisl, foi evei
and evei, Anen.
... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lIessed |...j confession. And |...j confess hin |...j nov |...j, lhen il lecones
|...j feai and |...j, feai and |...j disluil |...j suiiounding lhen |...j, in lhe pIace vhich has a gieal
daikness in il, and nany |...j appeai |...j lheie |...j appeai ... ... (|incs 23-ccp unrccctcrao|c)
And |...j lhey veie cIolhed vilh |...j aII, and ... ... (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... disluilances. They gave |...j lheii voids |...j, and lhey said lo ne, "|...j, MeIchizedek, Iiiesl of
Cod Mosl High," |...j lhey spoke as lhough |...j lheii noulhs |...j in lhe AII ... ... (7 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) ... Iead asliay ... ... (|incs 25-ccp unrccctcrao|c) ... vilh his |...j voiship, and |...j failh,
and |...j his piayeis, and ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhose lhal aie his |...j fiisl ... ... (2 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) ... They did nol caie lhal lhe piieslhood vhich you peifoin, vhich is fion ... ... (1
|inc unrccctcrao|c) ... in lhe counseIs of |...j Salan |...j, lhe saciifice |...j his docliines ... ... (2 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) ... of lhis aeon ... ... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... vhich exisl(s) in |...j, Iead(s) asliay ... ... (|incs 27-ccp unrccctcrao|c) ... and sone ... ... (2 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) ... he gave lhen lo ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... and lhiileen ... ... (|incs 7-ccp
unrccctcrao|c) ... lhiov hin |...j, in oidei lhal you nighl ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... foi
innedialeIy, |...j, ly neans of |...j on lhe giound. The ... ... (|incs 7-ccp unrccctcrao|c)
!@@:,A*,B >C 34% D>9%E #-% #/6>&3 D>6@/%3%/5 6?&&?0$;
... nen. And |...j you (pI.) sliuck ne, |...j you lhiev ne, |...j coipse. And you ciucified ne fion lhe
lhiid houi of lhe Sallalh-eve unliI lhe ninlh houi. And aflei lhese lhings, I aiose fion lhe dead,
|...j cane oul of |...j inlo ne, |...j ny eyes sav |...j, lhey did nol find anyone ... ... (|incs 13-ccp
... gieeled ne |...j. They said lo ne, "e sliong, O MeIchizedek, gieal High-piiesl of Cod Mosl
High, foi lhe aichons, vho aie youi enenies, nade vai, (lul) you have pievaiIed ovei lhen, and
lhey did nol pievaiI ovei you, and you enduied, and you deslioyed youi enenies. |...j of lheii |...j
viII iesl in any |...j vhich is Iiving (and) hoIy |...j lhose lhal exaIled lhenseIves againsl hin in |...j
fIesh ... ... (|incs 15-ccp unrccctcrao|c)
"... vilh offeiings, voiking on lhal vhich is good, fasling vilh fasls. These ieveIalions, do nol
ieveaI lo anyone in lhe fIesh, since lhey aie incoipoieaI, unIess il is ieveaIed lo you (lo do so)."
When lhe lielhien vho leIong lo lhe geneialions of Iife had said lhese lhings, lhey veie laken up
lo (lhe iegions) alove aII lhe heavens. Anen.
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!.&;BD&<#* -/ Lk.#; 9+N#.B#; &;* 0+.'#. 8M J#&.B=;
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., Tnc Nag Hannadi |iorarq, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Ialhei of AII, Lnnoia
of lhe Lighl, dveIIing in lhe heighls alove lhe (iegions) leIov, Lighl dveIIing in lhe heighls,
Voice of Tiulh, upiighl Nous
, unlouchalIe Logos
, and ineffalIe Voice, inconpiehensilIe Ialhei!
Il is Noiea
vho ciies oul lo lhen.
They heaid, (and) lhey ieceived hei inlo hei pIace foievei. They gave il lo hei in lhe
Ialhei of Nous, Adanas
, as veII as lhe voice of lhe HoIy Ones, in oidei lhal she nighl iesl in lhe ineffalIe Lpinoia
, in
oidei lhal <she> nighl inheiil lhe fiisl nind
vhich <she> had ieceived, and lhal <she> nighl iesl in lhe divine
, and lhal she (loo) nighl geneiale heiseIf, jusl as she aIso has inheiiled lhe Iiving Logos
, and lhal she
nighl le joined lo aII of lhe InpeiishalIe Ones, and speak vilh lhe nind of lhe Ialhei.
And she legan lo speak vilh lhe voids of Life
, and <she> ienained in lhe piesence of lhe LxaIled One, possessing
lhal vhich she had ieceived lefoie lhe voiId cane inlo leing
. She has lhe gieal nind of lhe InvisilIe One, and she
gives gIoiy lo <hei> Ialhei, and she dveIIs vilhin lhose vho |...j vilhin lhe IIeiona
, and she lehoIds lhe IIeiona.
Theie viII le days vhen she viII lehoId lhe IIeiona, and she viII nol le in deficiency
, foi she has lhe foui hoIy
vho inleicede on hei lehaIf vilh lhe Ialhei of lhe AII, Adanas. He il is vho is vilhin aII of lhe Adans
possessing lhe lhoughl of Noiea, vho speaks conceining lhe lvo nanes vhich cieale a singIe nane.
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!"# !# B < + )= ;/ = @ !. >< "
!.&;BD&<#* -/ Lk.#; 9+N#.B#; &;* 0+.'#. 8M J#&.B=;
Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., Tnc Nag Hannadi |iorarq, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
I viII speak lo lhose vho knov lo heai nol vilh lhe eais of lhe lody lul vilh lhe eais of lhe nind.
Ioi nany have soughl aflei lhe liulh and have nol leen alIe lo find il, lecause lheie has laken
hoId of lhen lhe oId Ieaven of lhe Ihaiisees and lhe sciiles of lhe Lav. And lhe Ieaven is lhe
eiianl desiie of lhe angeIs and lhe denons and lhe slais. As foi lhe Ihaiisees and lhe sciiles, il is
lhey vho leIong lo lhe aichons vho have aulhoiily ovei lhen.
Ioi no one vho is undei lhe Lav viII le alIe lo Iook up lo lhe liulh, foi lhey viII nol le alIe lo
seive lvo nasleis. Ioi lhe defiIenenl of lhe Lav is nanifesl, lul undefiIenenl leIongs lo lhe
Iighl. The Lav connands (one) lo lake a husland (oi) lo lake a vife, and lo legel, lo nuIlipIy Iike
lhe sand of lhe sea. ul passion, vhich is a deIighl lo lhen, consliains lhe souIs of lhose vho aie
legollen in lhis pIace, lhose vho defiIe and lhose vho aie defiIed, in oidei lhal lhe Lav nighl le
fuIfiIIed lhiough lhen. And lhey shov lhal lhey aie assisling lhe voiId, and lhey luin avay fion
lhe Iighl, vho aie unalIe lo pass ly lhe aichon of daikness unliI lhey pay lhe Iasl penny.
ul lhe Son of Man cane foilh fion InpeiishaliIily, leing aIien lo defiIenenl. He cane lo lhe
voiId ly lhe }oidan iivei, and innedialeIy lhe }oidan luined lack. And }ohn loie vilness lo lhe
descenl of }esus. Ioi il is he vho sav lhe povei vhich cane dovn upon lhe }oidan iivei, foi he
knev lhal lhe doninion of cainaI piociealion had cone lo an end. The }oidan iivei is lhe povei of
lhe lody, lhal is, lhe senses of pIeasuies. The valei of lhe }oidan is lhe desiie foi sexuaI
inleicouise. }ohn is lhe aichon of lhe vonl.
And lhis is vhal lhe Son of Man ieveaIs lo us: Il is filling foi you (pI.) lo ieceive lhe void of liulh,
if one viII ieceive il peifeclIy. ul as foi one vho is in ignoiance, il is difficuIl foi hin lo dininish
his voiks of daikness vhich he has done. Those vho have knovn InpeiishaliIily, hovevei, have
leen alIe lo sliuggIe againsl passions |...j. I have said lo you, "Do nol luiId noi galhei foi
youiseIves in lhe pIace vheie lhe liigands lieak open, lul liing foilh fiuil lo lhe Ialhei."
The fooIish - lhinking in lheii heail lhal if lhey confess, "We aie Chiislians," in void onIy (lul) nol
vilh povei, vhiIe giving lhenseIves ovei lo ignoiance, lo a hunan dealh, nol knoving vheie
lhey aie going noi vho Chiisl is, lhinking lhal lhey viII Iive, vhen lhey aie (ieaIIy) in eiioi -
haslen lovaids lhe piincipaIilies and aulhoiilies. They faII inlo lheii cIulches lecause of lhe
ignoiance lhal is in lhen. Ioi (if) onIy voids vhich leai leslinony veie effecling saIvalion, lhe
vhoIe voiId vouId enduie lhis lhing and vouId le saved. ul il is in lhis vay lhal lhey diev
eiioi lo lhenseIves. ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhey do nol knov lhal lhey viII deslioy lhenseIves. If lhe Ialhei veie lo desiie a hunan
saciifice, he vouId lecone vaingIoiious.
Ioi lhe Son of Man cIolhed hinseIf vilh lheii fiisl-fiuils, he venl dovn lo Hades and peifoined
nany nighly voiks. He iaised lhe dead lheiein, and lhe voiId-iuIeis of daikness lecane envious
of hin, foi lhey did nol find sin in hin. ul he aIso deslioyed lheii voiks fion anong nen, so
lhal lhe Iane, lhe lIind, lhe paiaIylic, lhe dunl, (and) lhe denon-possessed veie gianled heaIing.
And he vaIked upon lhe valeis of lhe sea. Ioi lhis ieason he deslioyed his fIesh fion |...j vhich
he |...j. And he lecane |...j saIvalion |...j his dealh ... ... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... eveiyone |...j hov nany lhey aie! They aie lIind guides, Iike lhe discipIes. They loaided lhe
ship, al aloul lhiily sladies, lhey sav }esus vaIking on lhe sea. These aie enply nailyis, since
lhey leai vilness onIy lo lhenseIves. And yel lhey aie sick, and lhey aie nol alIe lo iaise
ul vhen lhey aie "peifecled" vilh a (nailyi's) dealh, lhis is lhe lhoughl lhal lhey have vilhin
lhen: "If ve deIivei ouiseIves ovei lo dealh foi lhe sake of lhe Nane ve viII le saved." These
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nalleis aie nol sellIed in lhis vay. ul lhiough lhe agency of lhe vandeiing slais lhey say lhey
have "conpIeled" lheii fuliIe "couise", and |...j say, |...j. ul lhese |...j lhey have deIiveied
lhenseIves ... ... (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lul lhey iesenlIe |...j lhen. They do nol have lhe void vhich gives Iife.
And sone say, "On lhe Iasl day ve viII ceilainIy aiise in lhe iesuiieclion." ul lhey do nol knov
vhal lhey aie saying, foi lhe Iasl day is vhen lhose leIonging lo Chiisl |...j lhe eailh, vhich is |...j.
When lhe line vas fuIfiIIed, he deslioyed lheii aichon of daikness |...j souI(s) ... ... (10 |incs
... he slood |...j lhey asked vhal lhey have leen lound vilh, and hov lhey nighl piopeiIy ieIease
lhenseIves. And lhey cane lo knov lhenseIves, vho lhey aie, oi ialhei, vheie lhey aie nov, and
vhal is lhe pIace in vhich lhey viII iesl fion lheii senseIessness, aiiiving al knovIedge. These
Chiisl viII liansfei lo lhe heighls, since lhey have ienounced fooIishness (and have) advanced lo
knovIedge. And lhose vho have knovIedge ... ... (11 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhe gieal |...j iesuiieclion |...j, he has lo cone lo knov lhe Son of Man, lhal is, he has cone lo
knov hinseIf. This is lhe peifecl Iife, lhal nan knov hinseIf ly neans of lhe AII.
Do nol expecl, lheiefoie, lhe cainaI iesuiieclion, vhich is desliuclion, and lhey aie nol sliipped of
il (lhe fIesh) vho eii in expecling a iesuiieclion lhal is enply. They do nol knov lhe povei of
Cod, noi do lhey undeisland lhe inleipielalion of lhe sciipluies, on accounl of lheii doulIe-
nindedness. The nysleiy vhich lhe Son of Man spoke aloul, |...j, in oidei lhal |...j deslioy ... ... (2
|incs unrccctcrao|c) ... nan vho |...j look, vhich is viillen |...j foi lhey have ... ... (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) ... lIessed |...j vilhin lhen, and lhey dveII lefoie Cod undei lhe Iighl yoke. Those
vho do nol have lhe Iife-giving void in lheii heail viII die, and in lheii lhoughl lhey have
lecone nanifesl lo lhe Son of Man, accoiding lo lhe nannei of lheii aclivily and lheii eiioi |...j of
lhis soil. They |...j as he divides lhe |...j, and lhey do nol undeisland lhal lhe Son of Man is coning
fion hin.
ul vhen lhey have cone up lo |...j saciifice, lhey die in a hunan vay, and lhey deIivei
lhenseIves ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... a dealh ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhose vho |...j, lhey aie nany |...j, each one |...j peiveil |...j gain |...j lheii nind. Those vho
ieceive hin lo lhenseIves vilh upiighlness and povei and eveiy knovIedge aie lhe ones vhon
he viII liansfei lo lhe heighls, unlo Iife eleinaI.
ul lhose vho ieceive hin lo lhenseIves vilh ignoiance, lhe pIeasuies vhich aie defiIed pievaiI
ovei lhen. Il is lhose peopIe vho used lo say, "Cod ciealed nenleis foi oui use, foi us lo giov in
defiIenenl, in oidei lhal ve nighl enjoy ouiseIves." And lhey cause Cod lo pailicipale vilh lhen
in deeds of lhis soil, and lhey aie nol sleadfasl upon lhe eailh. Noi viII lhey ieach heaven, lul |...j
pIace viII |...j foui ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... unquenchalIe ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... void |...j upon lhe }oidan iivei, vhen he cane lo }ohn al lhe line he vas laplized. The HoIy
Spiiil cane dovn upon hin as a dove |...j accepl foi ouiseIves lhal he vas loin of a viigin and he
look fIesh, he |...j having ieceived povei. Weie ve aIso legollen fion a viiginaI slale oi conceived
ly lhe void` Ralhei, ve have leen loin again ly lhe void. Lel us lheiefoie slienglhen ouiseIves
as viigins in lhe |...j.
The naIes dveII |...j lhe viigin, ly neans of |...j in lhe void |...j. ul lhe void of |...j and spiiil ...
... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... is lhe Ialhei |...j foi lhe nan ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... Iike Isaiah, vho vas saved vilh a sav,
(and) he lecane lvo. So aIso lhe Son of Man divides us ly lhe void of lhe cioss. Il divides lhe
day fion lhe nighl and lhe Iighl fion lhe daikness and lhe coiiuplilIe fion incoiiupliliIily, and
il divides lhe naIes fion lhe fenaIes. ul Isaiah is lhe lype of lhe lody. The sav is lhe void of lhe
Son of Man, vhich sepaiales us fion lhe eiioi of lhe angeIs.
No one knovs lhe Cod of liulh excepl soIeIy lhe nan vho viII foisake aII of lhe lhings of lhe
voiId, having ienounced lhe vhoIe pIace, (and) having giasped lhe fiinge of his gainenl. He has
sel hinseIf up as a povei, he has suldued desiie in eveiy vay vilhin hinseIf. He has |...j and he
has luined lo hin |...j, having aIso exanined |...j in leconing |...j lhe nind. And he |...j fion his
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souI |...j lheie |...j he has ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... in vhal vay |...j lhe fIesh vhich |...j in vhal
vay |...j oul of il, and hov nany poveis does he have` And vho is lhe one vho has lound hin`
And vho is lhe one vho viII Ioose hin` And vhal is lhe Iighl` And vhal is lhe daikness` And
vho is lhe one vho has ciealed lhe eailh` And vho is Cod` And vho aie lhe angeIs` And vhal is
souI` And vhal is spiiil` And vheie is lhe voice` And vho is lhe one vho speaks` And vho is
lhe one vho heais` Who is lhe one vho gives pain` And vho is lhe one vho suffeis` And vho is
il vho has legollen lhe coiiuplilIe fIesh` And vhal is lhe goveinance` And vhy aie sone Iane,
and sone lIind, and sone |...j, and sone |...j, and sone iich, and sone pooi` And vhy aie sone
poveiIess, sone liigands` ... ... (4 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... he having |...j as he again |...j, fighling againsl lhoughls of lhe aichons and lhe poveis and lhe
denons, nol giving lhen a pIace in vhich lo iesl. ul he sliuggIed againsl lheii passions |...j, he
condenned lheii eiioi. He cIeansed his souI fion lhe liansgiessions vhich he had connilled
vilh an aIien hand. He slood up, leing upiighl vilhin hinseIf, lecause he exisls in eveiyone, and
lecause he has dealh and Iife vilhin hinseIf, and he exisls in lhe nidsl of lolh of lhen. And
vhen he had ieceived lhe povei, he luined lovaids lhe pails of lhe iighl, and he enleied inlo lhe
liulh, having foisaken aII lhings peilaining lo lhe Iefl, having leen fiIIed vilh visdon, vilh
counseI, vilh undeislanding, and vilh insighl and an eleinaI povei. And he lioke open his
londs. Those vho had foined lhe vhoIe pIace, he condenned. ul lhey did nol find |...j hidden
vilhin hin.
And he gave connand lo hinseIf, he legan lo knov hinseIf and lo speak vilh his nind, vhich is
lhe falhei of lhe liulh, conceining lhe unlegollen aeons, and conceining lhe viigin vho lioughl
foilh lhe Iighl. And he lhinks aloul lhe povei vhich fIoved ovei lhe vhoIe pIace, and vhich
lakes hoId of hin. And he is a discipIe of his nind, vhich is naIe. He legan lo keep siIenl vilhin
hinseIf unliI lhe day vhen he shouId lecone voilhy lo le ieceived alove. He iejecls foi hinseIf
Ioquacily and dispulalions, and he enduies lhe vhoIe pIace, and he leais up undei lhen, and he
enduies aII of lhe eviI lhings. And he is palienl vilh eveiy one, he nakes hinseIf equaI lo eveiy
one, and he aIso sepaiales hinseIf fion lhen. And lhal vhich soneone vanls, he liings lo hin,
in oidei lhal he nighl lecone peifecl (and) hoIy. When lhe |...j, he giasped hin, having lound
hin upon |...j, and he vas fiIIed vilh visdon. He loie vilness lo lhe liulh |...j lhe povei, and he
venl inlo InpeiishaliIily, lhe pIace vhence he cane foilh, having Iefl lhe voiId, vhich has lhe
appeaiance of lhe nighl, and lhose lhal vhiiI lhe slais in il. This, lheiefoie, is lhe liue leslinony:
When nan cones lo knov hinseIf and Cod, vho is ovei lhe liulh, he viII le saved, and he viII
ciovn hinseIf vilh lhe ciovn unfading.
}ohn vas legollen ly lhe WoiId lhiough a vonan, LIizalelh, and Chiisl vas legollen ly lhe
voiId lhiough a viigin, Maiy. Whal is (lhe neaning of) lhis nysleiy` }ohn vas legollen ly neans
of a vonl voin vilh age, lul Chiisl passed lhiough a viigin's vonl. When she had conceived,
she gave liilh lo lhe Savioi. Iuilheinoie, she vas found lo le a viigin again. Why, lhen do you
(pI.) eii and nol seek aflei lhese nysleiies, vhich veie piefiguied foi oui sake`
Il is viillen in lhe Lav conceining lhis, vhen Cod gave a connand lo Adan, "Iion eveiy liee
you nay eal, lul fion lhe liee vhich is in lhe nidsl of Iaiadise do nol eal, foi on lhe day lhal you
eal fion il, you viII suieIy die." ul lhe seipenl vas visei lhan aII lhe aninaIs lhal veie in
Iaiadise, and he peisuaded Lve, saying, "On lhe day vhen you eal fion lhe liee vhich is in lhe
nidsl of Iaiadise, lhe eyes of youi nind viII le opened." And Lve oleyed, and she slielched foilh
hei hand, she look fion lhe liee and ale, she aIso gave lo hei husland vilh hei. And innedialeIy
lhey knev lhal lhey veie naked, and lhey look sone fig-Ieaves (and) pul lhen on as giidIes.
ul Cod cane al lhe line of evening, vaIking in lhe nidsl of Iaiadise. When Adan sav hin, he
hid hinseIf. And he said, "Adan, vheie aie you`" He ansveied (and) said, "I have cone undei
lhe fig liee." And al lhal veiy nonenl, Cod knev lhal he had ealen fion lhe liee of vhich he had
connanded hin, "Do nol eal of il." And he said lo hin, "Who is il vho has insliucled you`" And
Adan ansveied, "The vonan vhon you have given ne." And lhe vonan said, "Il is lhe seipenl
vho insliucled ne." And he (Cod) cuised lhe seipenl, and caIIed hin "deviI." And he said,
"ehoId, Adan has lecone Iike one of us, knoving eviI and good." Then he said, "Lel us casl hin
oul of paiadise, Iesl he lake fion lhe liee of Iife, and eal, and Iive foievei."
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ul vhal soil is lhis Cod` Iiisl he naIiciousIy iefused Adan fion ealing of lhe liee of knovIedge,
and, secondIy, he said "Adan, vheie aie you`" Cod does nol have foieknovIedge` WouId he nol
knov fion lhe leginning` And afleivaids, he said, "Lel us casl hin oul of lhis pIace, Iesl he eal of
lhe liee of Iife and Iive foievei." SuieIy, he has shovn hinseIf lo le a naIicious giudgei! And
vhal kind of Cod is lhis` Ioi gieal is lhe lIindness of lhose vho iead, and lhey did nol knov hin.
And he said, "I an lhe jeaIous Cod, I viII liing lhe sins of lhe falheis upon lhe chiIdien unliI lhiee
(and) foui geneialions." And he said, "I viII nake lheii heail lhick, and I viII cause lheii nind lo
lecone lIind, lhal lhey nighl nol knov noi conpiehend lhe lhings lhal aie said." ul lhese
lhings he has said lo lhose vho leIieve in hin and seive hin!
And in one pIace, Moses viiles, "He nade lhe deviI a seipenl <foi> lhose vhon he has in his
geneialion." AIso, in lhe look vhich is caIIed "Lxodus," il is viillen lhus: "He conlended againsl
lhe nagicians, vhen lhe pIace vas fuII of seipenls accoiding lo lheii vickedness, and lhe iod
vhich vas in lhe hand of Moses lecane a seipenl, (and) il svaIIoved lhe seipenls of lhe
Again il is viillen (Nn 21:9), "He nade a seipenl of lionze (and) hung il upon a poIe ... ... (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) ... vhich |...j foi lhe one vho viII gaze upon lhis lionze seipenl, none viII deslioy
hin, and lhe one vho viII leIieve in lhis lionze seipenl viII le saved." Ioi lhis is Chiisl, lhose
vho leIieved in hin have ieceived Iife. Those vho did nol leIieve viII die.
Whal, lhen, is lhis failh` They do nol seive ... ... (16 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... and you (pI.) |...j ve |...j and you do nol undeisland Chiisl spiiiluaIIy vhen you say, "We
leIieve in Chiisl". Ioi lhis is lhe vay Moses viiles in eveiy look. The look of lhe geneialion of
Adan is viillen foi lhose vho aie in lhe geneialion of lhe Lav. They foIIov lhe Lav and lhey
oley il, and ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... logelhei vilh lhe ...
!@@: F<*FB >C D>9%E #/6>&3 D>6@/%3%/5 6?&&?0$;
... lhe Ogdoad, vhich is lhe eighlh, and lhal ve nighl ieceive lhal pIace of saIvalion." ul lhey
knov nol vhal saIvalion is, lul lhey enlei inlo nisfoilune, and inlo a |...j in dealh, in lhe valeis.
This is lhe laplisn of dealh vhich lhey olseive ... ... (6 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... cone lo dealh |...j and lhis is |...j accoiding lo ... ... (|incs 19 |nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc unrccctcrao|c) ...
he conpIeled lhe couise of VaIenlinus. He hinseIf speaks aloul lhe Ogdoad, and his discipIes
iesenlIe lhe discipIes of VaIenlinus. They on lheii pail, noieovei, |...j Ieave lhe good, lul lhey
have voiship of lhe idoIs ... ... (8 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... he has spoken nany voids, and he has viillen nany looks |...j voids ... ... (|incs 16 |nrcugn cnd-
cf-pagc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhey aie nanifesl fion lhe confusion in vhich lhey aie, in lhe deceil of lhe
voiId. Ioi lhey go lo lhal pIace, logelhei vilh lheii knovIedge, vhich is vain.
Isidoie aIso, his son, iesenlIed asiIides. He aIso |...j nany, and he |...j, lul he did nol |...j lhis |...j
olhei discipIe(s) |...j lIind |...j, lul he gave lhen |...j pIeasuies ... ... (|incs 16 |nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc
unrccctcrao|c) ... lhey do nol agiee vilh each olhei. Ioi lhe Sinonians lake vives (and) legel
chiIdien, lul lhe |...j alslain fion lheii |...j naluie |...j a passion |...j lhe diops of |...j anoinl lhen ...
... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... vhich ve |...j lhey agiee vilh each olhei |...j hin |...j lhey ... ... (|incs 14
|nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc unrccctcrao|c) ... judgnenl(s) |...j lhese, on accounl of lhe |...j lhen |...j lhe
heielics |...j schisn(s) |...j and lhe naIes |...j aie nen |...j viII leIong lo lhe voiId-iuIeis of
daikness ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... of lhe voiId ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhey have |...j lhe
aichons |...j povei(s) ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... judge lhen |...j. ul lhe |...j void(s) of ... ... (|incs
20 |nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc unrccctcrao|c) ... speak, vhiIe lhey |...j lecone |...j in a fiie unquenchalIe |...j
lhey aie punished.
ul lhese vho aie fion lhe geneialion of lhe Son of Man have ieveaIed lo lhe |...j in aII of lhe
affaiis ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... ul il is difficuIl lo |...j lo find one |...j and lvo ... ... (2 |incs
unrccctcrao|c) ... Ioi lhe Savioi said lo his discipIes, |...j one in ... ... (|incs 19 |nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc
unrccctcrao|c) ... and he has |...j visdon, as veII as counseI and undeislanding and inleIIigence
and knovIedge and povei and liulh. And he has sone |...j fion alove |...j, lhe pIace vheie lhe
Son of Man ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... povei |...j guaid againsl ... ... (|incs 14 |nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc
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unrccctcrao|c) ... he knovs |...j undeislands ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... voilhy of hin |...j liue |...j
aIien |...j. ul |...j, logelhei vilh |...j eviI, in ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... he ieceived laplisn |...j,
and lhose lhal ... ... (|incs 13 |nrcugn cnd-cf-pagc unrccctcrao|c)
!@@: (A*(B >C D>9%E 6?&&?0$;
... in a diean |...j siIvei |...j. ul |...j lecones veaIlhy |...j anong lhe aulhoiilies ... ... (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) ... ul lhe sixlielh |...j, lhus |...j voiId |...j lhey |...j goId ... ... (18 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhey lhink ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... ve have leen ieIeased fion lhe fIesh. ... ... (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) ... nol luin hin lo |...j }esus ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhe leginning |...j a son ...
... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... oul of |...j, vhich is lhe pallein |...j Iighl of ... ... (16 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lo find fion |...j defiIenenl vhich ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhey do nol lIasphene |...j lhen
nol, neilhei is lheie any pIeasuie noi desiie, noi can lhey conlioI lhen. Il is filling lhal lhey
shouId lecone undefiIed, in oidei lhal lhey nighl shov lo eveiy one lhal lhey aie fion lhe
geneialion of lhe Son of Man, since il is aloul lhen lhal lhe Savioi loie vilness.
ul lhose vho aie fion lhe seed of Adan aie nanifesl ly lheii deeds, vhich aie lheii voik. They
have nol ceased fion desiie vhich is vicked |...j. ul sone |...j lhe dogs |...j lhe angeIs foi |...j
vhich lhey legel |...j viII cone |...j vilh lheii ... ... (9 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... nove as lhey |...j on lhe day vhen lhey viII legel chiIdien. Nol onIy lhal, lul lhey have
inleicouise vhiIe lhey aie giving suck.
ul olheis aie caughl up in lhe dealh of |...j. They aie puIIed <eveiy> vhich vay, (and) lhey aie
gialified ly uniighleous Mannon. They Iend noney al inleiesl, lhey vasle line, and lhey do nol
voik. ul he vho is falhei of Mannon is (aIso) falhei of sexuaI inleicouise.
ul he vho is alIe lo ienounce lhen shovs lhal he is fion lhe geneialion of lhe Son of Man, (and)
has povei lo accuse lhen. |...j he iesliains |...j pail(s) in a |...j in vickedness, and he nakes lhe
oulei Iike lhe innei. He iesenlIes an angeI vhich ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... povei |...j said lhen.
ul lhe one ... ... (5 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
And having vilhdiavn |...j, he lecane siIenl, having ceased fion Ioquacily and dispulalions. ul
he vho has found lhe Iife-giving void, and he vho has cone lo knov lhe Ialhei of Tiulh, has
cone lo iesl, he has ceased seeking, having found. And vhen he found, he lecane siIenl. ul fev
aie lhe lhings he used lo say lo lhose lhal |...j vilh lheii inleIIecluaI nind lhe |...j.
Theie aie sone, vho upon enleiing lhe failh, ieceive a laplisn on lhe giound lhal lhey have il as
a hope of saIvalion, vhich lhey caII lhe "seaI", nol knoving lhal lhe falheis of lhe voiId aie
nanifesl (in) lhal pIace. ul he hinseIf knovs lhal he is seaIed. Ioi lhe Son of Man did nol laplize
any of his discipIes. ul |...j, if lhose vho aie laplized veie headed foi Iife, lhe voiId vouId
lecone enply. And lhe falheis of laplisn veie defiIed.
ul lhe laplisn of liulh is sonelhing eIse, il is ly ienuncialion of lhe voiId lhal il is found. ul
lhose vho say onIy vilh lhe longue lhal lhey aie ienouncing il aie Iying, and lhey aie coning lo
lhe pIace of feai. Moieovei, lhey aie hunlIed vilhin il. }usl as lhose lo vhon il vas given lo have
leen condenned, lhey shaII gel sonelhing!
They aie vicked in lheii lehavioi! Sone of lhen faII avay lo lhe voiship of idoIs. Olheis have
denons dveIIing vilh lhen, as did David lhe king. He is lhe one vho Iaid lhe foundalion of
}eiusaIen, and his son SoIonon, vhon he legal in aduIleiy, is lhe one vho luiIl }eiusaIen ly
neans of lhe denons, lecause he ieceived povei. When he had finished luiIding, he inpiisoned
lhe denons in lhe lenpIe. He pIaced lhen inlo seven valeipols. They ienained a Iong line in lhe
valeipols, alandoned lheie. When lhe Ronans venl up lo }eiusaIen, lhey discoveied lhe
valeipols, and innedialeIy lhe denons ian oul of lhe valeipols, as lhose vho escape fion
piison. And lhe valeipols ienained puie lheieaflei. And since lhose days, lhey dveII vilh nen
vho aie in ignoiance, and lhey have ienained upon lhe eailh.
Who, lhen, is David` And vho is SoIonon` And vhal is lhe foundalion` And vhal is lhe vaII
vhich suiiounds }eiusaIen` And vho aie lhe denons` And vhal aie lhe valeipols` And vho
aie lhe Ronans` ul lhese aie nysleiies ... ... (11 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
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... vicloiious ovei |...j lhe Son of Man |...j undefiIed ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... and he |...j vhen
he |...j. Ioi |...j is a gieal ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lo lhis naluie ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhose
lhal |...j aII in a |...j lIessed, and lhey |...j Iike a saIanandei. Il goes inlo lhe fIaning fiie vhich
luins exceedingIy, il sIilheis inlo lhe fuinace ... ... (13 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhe fuinace ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhe loundaiies |...j, lhal lhey nighl see |...j and lhe
povei |...j saciifice. Cieal is lhe saciifice ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ..., lul in a |...j aside |...j. And
lhe Son of Man |...j, and he has lecone nanifesl lhiough lhe lullIing founlain of innoilaIily. ...
... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... he is puie, and he is |...j. A fiee nan is nol envious. He is sel apail fion
eveiyone, fion eveiy audacily and envy lhe povei of vhich is gieal |...j is (a) discipIe |...j pallein
of Iav |...j lhese |...j onIy ... ... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhey pIaced hin undei a |...j a leaching ... ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... his leaching, saying, "Lven if
an angeI cones fion heaven, and pieaches lo you leyond lhal vhich ve pieached lo you, nay he
le analhena," (CaI 1:8) nol Ielling lhe |...j of lhe souI vhich |...j fieedon |...j. Ioi lhey aie sliII
innaluie |...j lhey aie nol alIe lo keep lhis Iav vhich voiks ly neans of lhese heiesies - lhough
il is nol lhey, lul lhe poveis of Salaolh - ly neans of lhe |...j lhe docliines |...j as lhey have leen
jeaIous of sone |...j Iav(s) in Chiisl. Those vho viII |...j povei |...j lhey ieach lhe |...j lhe lveIve
judge |...j lhen |...j lhe founlain of innoilaIily ... ... (3 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... in oidei lhal ... ... (3
|incs unrccctcrao|c)
... good |...j lhe vhoIe pIace. |...j lheie lhe enenies. He laplized hinseIf, and lhe |...j he lecane
divine, he fIev up, (and) lhey did nol giasp hin. |...j lheie lhe enenies |...j, since il vas nol
possilIe foi lhen lo liing hin dovn again. If eveiy |...j giasps hin vilh ignoiance, allending lo
lhose vho leach in lhe coineis ly neans of caived lhings and ailfuI liicks, lhey aie nol alIe |...j.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
... (10 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... and a ievaid. They cane lo knov, lhey found hin vilh a puie heail, (and) lhey aie nol affIicled
ly hin vilh eviIs. Those vho have ieceived you (pI.) viII le given lheii choice ievaid foi
enduiance, and he viII vaid off lhe eviIs fion lhen. ul Iel none of us le disliessed and lhink in
his heail lhal lhe gieal Ialhei |...j. Ioi he Iooks upon lhe AII and lakes caie of lhen aII. And he has
shovn lo lhen his |...j. Those lhal ... (10 |incs unrccctcrao|c)... al fiisl.
ul as foi lhe lhiileenlh seaI, I have eslalIished il, logelhei vilh lhe sunnil of knovIedge and lhe
ceilainly of iesl. The fiisl and lhe second and lhe lhiid aie lhe voiIdIy and lhe naleiiaI. I have
infoined you conceining lhese, lhal you shouId |...j youi lodies. And a sense-peiceplilIe povei
viII |...j lhose vho viII iesl, and lhey viII le kepl fion passion and division of lhe union.
The fouilh and lhe fiflh, vhich aie alove, lhese you have cone lo knov |...j divine. He exisls aflei
lhe |...j and lhe naluie of lhe |...j, lhal is, lhe one vho |...j lhiee. And I have infoined you of |...j in
lhe lhiee |...j ly lhese lvo. I have infoined you conceining il, lhal il is incoipoieaI ... (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) ... and aflei |...j vilhin |...j eveiy |...j vhich |...j youi |...j. The fiflh, conceining lhe
conveision of lhose lhal aie vilhin ne, and conceining lhose vho dveII in lhal pIace.
ul lhe sixlh, conceining lhe seIf-legollen ones, conceining lhe incoipoieaI leing vhich exisls
pailiaIIy, logelhei vilh lhose vho exisl in lhe liulh of lhe AII |...j foi undeislanding and
assuiance. And lhe sevenlh, conceining lhe seIf-legollen povei, vhich is lhe lhiid peifecl |...j
fouilh, conceining saIvalion and visdon. And lhe eighlh, conceining lhe nind, vhich is naIe,
vhich appeaied in lhe leginning, and (conceining) lhe leing vhich is incoipoieaI and lhe
inleIIigilIe voiId. The ninlh, |...j of lhe povei vhich appeaied in lhe leginning. The lenlh,
conceining aileIo, lhe viigin |...j of lhe Aeon. The eIevenlh and lhe lveIflh speak of lhe InvisilIe
One vho possesses lhiee poveis, and lhe Spiiil vhich does nol have leing, leIonging lo lhe fiisl
Unlegollen (fen.). The lhiileenlh speaks conceining lhe SiIenl One vho vas nol knovn, and lhe
piinacy of lhe one vho vas nol dislinguished.
Ioi I an he vho has undeislood lhal vhich liuIy exisls, vhelhei pailiaIIy oi vhoIIy, accoiding lo
diffeience and saneness, lhal lhey exisl fion lhe leginning in lhe enliie pIace vhich is eleinaI,
<i.e.> aII lhose lhal have cone inlo exislence, vhelhei vilhoul leing oi vilh leing, lhose vho aie
unlegollen, and lhe divine aeons, logelhei vilh lhe angeIs, and lhe souIs vhich aie vilhoul guiIe,
and lhe souI-gainenls, lhe Iikenesses of lhe sinpIe ones. And afleivaids, lhey have leen nixed
vilh |...j lhen. ul sliII |...j lhe enliie leing |...j vhich inilales lhe incoipoieaI leing and lhe
unsulslanliaI (fen.). IinaIIy lhe enliie defiIenenl vas saved, logelhei vilh lhe innoilaIily of lhe
foinei (fen.). I have deIileialed, and have allained lo lhe loundaiy of lhe sense-peiceplilIe
voiId. <I have cone lo knov> pail ly pail lhe enliie pIace of lhe incoipoieaI leing, and <I> have
cone lo knov lhe inleIIigilIe voiId. <I have cone lo knov>, vhen <I> vas deIileialing, vhelhei
in eveiy iespecl lhe sense-peiceplilIe voiId is voilhy of leing saved enliieIy.
Ioi I have nol ceased speaking of lhe SeIf-legollen One, O |...j lecane |...j pail ly pail lhe enliie
pIace. He descended, again he descended <fion> lhe Unlegollen One vho does nol have leing,
vho is lhe Spiiil. Thal one vho exisls lefoie aII of lhen ieaches lo lhe divine SeIf-engendeied
One. The one having leing seaiches |...j and he exisls |...j and he is Iike |...j and fion |...j dividing
|...j I lecane |...j foi nany, as il is nanifesl lhal he save a nuIlilude.
ul aflei aII of lhese lhings, I an seeking lhe kingdon of lhe Thiee-Ioveied One, vhich has no
leginning. Whence did he appeai and acl lo fiII lhe enliie pIace vilh his povei` And in vhal vay
did lhe unlegollen ones cone inlo exislence, since lhey veie nol legollen` And vhal aie lhe
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diffeiences anong lhe aeons` And as foi lhose vho aie unlegollen, hov nany aie lhey` And in
vhal iespecl do lhey diffei fion each olhei`
When I had inquiied aloul lhese lhings, I peiceived lhal he had voiked fion siIence. He exisls
fion lhe leginning anong lhose lhal liuIy exisl, lhal leIong lo lhe One vho exisls. Theie is
anolhei, exisling fion lhe leginning, leIonging lo lhe One vho voiks vilhin lhe SiIenl One. And
lhe siIence |...j hin voiks. Ioi as nuch as lhis one |...j, lhal one voiks fion lhe siIence vhich
leIongs lo lhe Unlegollen One anong lhe aeons, and fion lhe leginning he does nol have leing.
ul lhe eneigy of lhal One <is> lhe Thiee-Ioveied One, lhe One unlegollen lefoie lhe Aeon, nol
having leing. And il is possilIe lo lehoId lhe supienacy of lhe siIence of lhe SiIenl One, i.e., lhe
supienacy of lhe eneigy of lhe Thiee-Ioveied. And lhe One vho exisls, vho is siIenl, vho is
alove lhe heaven |...j, ieveaIed lhe Thiee-Ioveied, Iiisl-Ieifecl One.
When he |...j lo lhe poveis, lhey iejoiced. Those lhal aie vilhin ne veie peifecled logelhei vilh
aII lhe iesl. And lhey aII lIessed lhe Thiee-Ioveied, one ly one, vho is lhe Iiisl-Ieifecl One,
lIessing hin in puiily, eveiyvheie piaising lhe Loid, vho exisls lefoie lhe AII, |...j lhe Thiee-
Ioveied. |...j lheii voiship |...j nyseIf, and I viII sliII go on inquiiing hov lhey had lecone
siIenl. I viII undeisland a povei vhich I hoId in honoi.
The lhiid povei of lhe Thiee-poveied, vhen il (fen.) had peiceived hin, said lo ne, "e siIenl in
oidei lhal you nighl knov, iun, and cone lefoie ne. ul knov lhal lhis One vas siIenl, and
ollain undeislanding." Ioi lhe povei is allending lo ne, Ieading ne inlo lhe Aeon vhich is
aileIo, lhe naIe Viigin.
Ioi lhis ieason lhe Viigin lecane naIe, lecause she had leen divided fion lhe naIe. The
KnovIedge slood oulside of hin, lecause il leIongs lo hin. And she vho exisls, she vho soughl,
possesses (il), jusl as lhe Thiee-Ioveied One possesses (il). She vilhdiev fion lhen, fion lhese
lvo poveis, since she exisls oulside of lhe Cieal One, as she |...j vho is alove |...j, vho is siIenl,
vho has lhis connandnenl lo le siIenl. His knovIedge and his hyposlasis and his aclivily aie
lhose lhings of vhich lhe povei of lhe Thiee-Ioveied spoke, <saying>, "We aII have vilhdiavn
lo ouiseIves. We have lecone siIenl, and vhen ve cane lo knov hin, lhal is, lhe Thiee-Ioveied,
ve loved dovn, ve |...j, ve lIessed hin |...j upon us." |...j.
|...j lhe invisilIe Spiiil ian up lo his pIace. The vhoIe pIace vas ieveaIed, lhe vhoIe pIace
unfoIded <unliI> he ieached lhe uppei iegion. Again he depailed, he caused lhe vhoIe pIace lo le
iIIuninaled, and lhe vhoIe pIace vas iIIuninaled. And you (pI.) have leen given lhe lhiid pail of
lhe spiiil of lhe povei of lhe One vho possesses lhe lhiee poveis. Iessed is |...j. He said, "O you
vho dveII in lhese pIaces, il is necessaiy foi you lo knov lhose lhal aie highei lhan lhese, and leII
lhen lo lhe poveis. Ioi you (sg.) viII lecone eIecl vilh lhe eIecl ones in lhe Iasl lines, as lhe
invisilIe Spiiils iuns up alove. And you youiseIves, iun vilh hin up alove, since you have lhe
gieal ciovn vhich |...j.
ul on lhe day |...j viII leckon |...j iun up alove |...j and lhe sense-peiceplilIe |...j visilIe |...j and
lhey ...
!3G> @#$%& 6?&&?0$H @/8& <B /?0%& #3 3>@ >C @#$% #C3%- 34#3;
... lhe peiceplion. He is foi evei, nol having leing, in lhe One vho is, vho is siIenl, lhe One vho is
fion lhe leginning, vho does nol have leing |...j pail of |...j indivisilIe. The |...j considei a ...
(apprcx. 20 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... I vas dveIIing anong lhe aeons vhich have leen legollen. As I vas peinilled, I have cone lo
le anong lhose lhal veie nol legollen. ul I vas dveIIing in lhe gieal Aeon, as I |...j. And |...j lhe
lhiee poveis |...j lhe One vho possesses lhe lhiee poveis. The lhiee poveis |...j lhe SiIenl One
and lhe Thiee-Ioveied One |...j lhe one lhal does nol have liealh. We look oui sland |...j in lhe ...
(apprcx. 23 |incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
... vho does nol have liealh, and he exisls in a |...j conpIeleIy. And I sav |...j hin lo lhe gieal
(fen.) |...j lhey knev hin ... (apprcx. 21 |incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
... is aclive |...j vhy, again, (does) knovIedge |...j ignoianl, and |...j he iuns lhe iisk |...j lhal he
lecone ... (9 |incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
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... lhose |...j. ul il is necessaiy lhal a |...j does nol have foin |...j lo lhis one |...j exisls lefoie |...j
lhe lhoughl |...j fion lhe leginning |...j lhe one lhal ... (apprcx. 6 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... lhese |...j Iook(ed) al |...j in nine |...j lhe cosnic heldonad |...j in a day of |...j foi evei ... (8 |incs
... and |...j aflei nany yeais |...j, vhen I sav lhe Ialhei, I cane lo knov hin, and |...j nany |...j
pailiaI |...j foi evei |...j lhe naleiiaI ones |...j voiIdIy |...j alove |...j in addilion ... (apprcx. 18 |incs
... oul of |...j inlo lhose lhal |...j lhen inlo |...j nane lhen. And (as foi) lheii nonencIaluie, leai
vilness youiseIves lhal you aie infeiioi lo lheii |...j and lheii hyposlasis. ul in addilion, vhen ...
(apprcx. 18 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... hidden |...j lhe lhiid povei. The lIessed Aulhoiily (fen.) said |...j anong lhese and |...j, i.e., she
vho does nol have |...j. Ioi lheie is nol gIoiy |...j noi even lhe one vho |...j. Ioi indeed, lhe one
vho ... (apprcx. 18 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... and lhe signs of lhe Zodiac |...j, and lhe |...j, and |...j vhich do nol have |...j acquiie foi |...j
ievoIulion |...j. ul lhe souI(s) |...j lheie |...j lody(s) of lhis |...j souI(s) of heaven |...j aiound |...j
shape |...j vhich is ... (apprcx. 19 |incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
... aII lhe Iikenesses |...j lhen |...j aII lhe foins |...j shape(s), so lhal lhey |...j and lecone |...j
lhenseIves |...j, and lhe |...j lhe aninaIs |...j, and lhe ...
!, @#$%& 6?&&?0$;
... lheie. ul lheii poveis, vhich aie lhe angeIs, aie in lhe foin of leasls and aninaIs. Sone
anong lhen aie poIynoiphous, and, conliaiy lo naluie, lhey have foi lheii nanes vhich |...j.
They aie divided and |...j accoiding lo lhe |...j and |...j in foin |...j. ul lhese lhal aie aspecls of
sound accoiding lo lhe lhiid oiiginale fion leing. And conceining lhese, aII of lhese (ienaiks) aie
sufficienl, since ve have (aIieady) spoken aloul lhen.
Ioi lhis division lakes pIace again in lhese iegions in lhe nannei ve have nenlioned fion lhe
leginning. Hovevei, lhe souI, on lhe olhei hand, has diffeienl shape<s>. The shape of lhe souI
exisls in lhis foin, i.e., (lhe souI) lhal cane inlo exislence of ils ovn accoid. The shape is lhe
second spheiicaI pail, vhiIe lhe fiisl aIIovs il, eLiou, lhe seIf-legollen souI, aeLiouO. The second
schena, eLiou, ... ly lhose having lvo sounds (diphlhongs), lhe fiisl leing pIaced aflei lhen ... (3
|incs unrccctcrao|c) ... lhe Iighl.
ConlioI youiseIves, ieceive lhe inpeiishalIe seed, leai fiuil, and do nol lecone allached lo youi
ul knov lhal lhe oxylones exisl anong lhe voveIs, and lhe diphlhongs vhich aie nexl lo lhen.
ul lhe shoil aie infeiioi, and lhe |...j aie |...j ly lhen. Those lhal |...j, since lhey aie inleinediale
|...j. The sounds of lhe senivoveIs aie supeiioi lo lhe voiceIess (consonanls). And lhose lhal aie
doulIe aie supeiioi lo lhe senivoveIs, vhich do nol change. ul lhe aspiiales aie lellei lhan lhe
inaspiiales (of) lhe voiceIess (consonanls). And lhose lhal aie inleinediale viII accepl lheii
conlinalion in vhich lhey aie, lhey aie ignoianl of lhe lhings lhal aie good. They (lhe voveIs) aie
conlined vilh lhe inleinediales, vhich aie Iess. Ioin ly foin, <lhey conslilule> lhe
nonencIaluie of lhe gods and lhe angeIs, nol lecause lhey aie nixed vilh each olhei accoiding lo
eveiy foin, lul onIy (lecause) lhey have a good funclion. Il did nol happen lhal <lheii> viII vas
Do nol keep on sinning, and do nol daie lo nake use of sin.
ul I an speaking lo you (sg.) conceining lhe lhiee |...j shapes of lhe souI. The lhiid shape of lhe
souI is |...j is a spheiicaI one, pul aflei il, fion lhe sinpIe voveIs: eee, iii, ooo, uuu, OOO. The
diphlhongs veie as foIIovs: ai, au, ei, eu, Lu, ou, Ou, oi, Li, ui, Oi, auei, euLu, oiou, ggg, ggg, ggg,
aiau, eieu, Lu, oiou, Ou, ggg, ggg, aueieu, oiou, Lu, lhiee lines foi a naIe souI. The lhiid shape is
spheiicaI. The second shape, leing pul aflei il, has lvo sounds. The naIe souI's lhiid shape
(consisls) of lhe sinpIe voveIs: aaa, eee, LLL, iii, ooo, uuu, OOO, OOO, OOO. And lhis shape is
diffeienl fion lhe fiisl, lul lhey iesenlIe each olhei, and lhey nake sone oidinaiy sounds of lhis
soil: aeLoO. And fion lhese (aie nade) lhe diphlhongs.
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So aIso lhe fouilh and lhe fiflh. Wilh iegaid lo lhen, lhey veie nol aIIoved lo ieveaI lhe vhoIe
lopic, lul onIy lhose lhings lhal aie appaienl. You (pI.) veie laughl aloul lhen, lhal you shouId
peiceive lhen, in oidei lhal lhey, loo, nighl aII seek and find vho lhey aie, eilhei ly lhenseIves
aIone |...j, oi ly each olhei, oi lo ieveaI deslinies lhal have leen deleinined fion lhe leginning,
eilhei vilh iefeience lo lhenseIves aIone, oi vilh iefeience lo one anolhei, jusl as lhey exisl vilh
each olhei in sound, vhelhei pailiaIIy oi foinaIIy.
They aie connanded lo sulnil, foi lheii pail is geneialed and foinaI. (They aie connanded)
eilhei ly lhe Iong (voveIs), oi ly lhose of duaI line vaIue, oi ly lhe shoil (voveIs), vhich aie
snaII |...j, oi lhe oxylones, oi lhe inleinediales, oi lhe laiylones.
And consonanls exisl vilh lhe voveIs, and individuaIIy lhey aie connanded and lhey sulnil.
The conslilule lhe nonencIaluie of lhe angeIs. And lhe consonanls aie seIf-exislenl, and as lhey
aie changed, <lhey> sulnil lo lhe hidden gods ly neans of leal and pilch and siIence and
inpuIse. They sunnon lhe senivoveIs, aII of vhich sulnil lo lhen vilh one accoid, since il is
onIy lhe unchanging doulIe (consonanls) lhal coexisl vilh lhe senivoveIs.
ul lhe aspiiales and lhe inaspiiales and lhe inleinediales conslilule lhe voiceIess (consonanls).
Again |...j lhey aie conlined vilh each olhei, and lhey aie sepaiale fion one anolhei. They aie
connanded and lhey sulnil, and lhey conslilule an ignoianl nonencIaluie. And lhey lecone
one oi lvo oi lhiee oi foui oi five oi six, up lo seven, having a sinpIe sound, <logelhei vilh>
lhese vhich have lvo sounds, |...j lhe pIace of lhe sevenleen consonanls. Anong lhe fiisl nanes,
sone aie Iess. And since lhese do nol have leing, eilhei lhey aie an aspecl of leing, oi lhey divide
lhe naluie of lhe nind, vhich is nascuIine, (and) vhich is inleinediale.
And you (sg.) pul in lhose lhal iesenlIe each olhei vilh lhe voveIs and lhe consonanls. Sone aie:
lagadazalha, legedezelhe, lLgLdLzLlhL, ligidizilhi, logodozolho, luguduzulhu,
lOgOdOzOlhO. And lhe iesl |...j lalelLlilolulO. ul lhe iesl aie diffeienl: alelLlilol, in oidei
lhal you (sg.) nighl coIIecl lhen, and le sepaialed fion lhe angeIs.
And lheie viII le sone effecls. The fiisl (fen.), vhich is good, is fion lhe liiad. Il |...j has need
of ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lheii shapes. <The> dyad and lhe nonad do nol iesenlIe anylhing,
lul lhey aie fiisl lo exisl. The dyad, leing divided, is divided fion lhe nonad, and il leIongs lo
lhe hyposlasis. ul lhe leliad ieceived (lhe) eIenenls, and lhe penlad ieceived concoid, and lhe
hexad vas peifecled ly ilseIf. The heldonad ieceived leauly, and lhe ogdoad ieceived |...j
ieady ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... giealIy. And lhe decad ieveaIed lhe vhoIe pIace. ul lhe eIeven
and lhe lveIve have liaveised |...j nol having |...j il is highei |...j seven ... .(9 |incs tir|ua||q
... pionise lhal |...j legin lo sepaiale lhen ly neans of a naik and a poinl, lhe one vhich quaiieIs
fion lhe one vhich is an eneny.
Thus |...j of leing ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhe Ielleis |...j in a hoIy oi accoiding lo a lond exisling
sepaialeIy. And <lhey> exisl vilh each olhei in geneialion oi in liilh. And accoiding lo |...j
geneialion, lhey do nol have |...j lhese ... (10 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... one |...j speaking lhe iiddIe.
ecause vilhin lhe sense-peiceplilIe voiId lheie exisls lhe lenpIe, vhich neasuies seven
hundied culils, and a iivei, vhich |...j vilhin |...j foi evei, lhey |...j lhiee |...j lo lhe foui |...j seaIs
|...j cIouds, and lhe valeis, and lhe foins of lhe vax inages, and sone eneiaId Iikenesses.
Ioi lhe iesl, I viII leach you (sg.) aloul lhen. This is lhe geneialion of lhe nanes. Thal (fen.)
vhich vas nol geneialed |...j fion lhe leginning ... .(9 |incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
... line(s), vhen confined, vhen spiead oul, vhen dininished. ul lheie exisls lhe genlIe void,
and lheie exisls anolhei void vhich appioaches, leing |...j in lhis nannei ... (1 |inc
unrccctcrao|c) ... And he |...j lhe diffeience |...j and lhe |...j lhe aII and a |...j lhe undivided leings,
and lhe povei |...j having a shaie in lhe joy sepaialeIy and |...j, vhelhei ... . (7 |incs unrccctcrao|c)
... povei |...j he exisls in eveiy pIace, |...j lhen aIvays. He dveIIs vilh lhe coipoieaI and lhe
incoipoieaI ones.
This is lhe void of lhe hyposlasis lhal one shouId |...j in lhis vay: if |...j vilh lheii |...j heIping
lhose vho slii up lhe |...j nanifesl |...j. If one knovs hin, he viII caII upon hin.
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ul lheie aie voids, sone of vhich aie lvo, lul olheis exisling sepaialeIy ... (10 |incs tir|ua||q
... oi accoiding lo lhose lhal have duialion. And lhese eilhei aie sepaiale fion lhen, oi lhey aie
joined lo one anolhei oi vilh lhenseIves, eilhei lhe diphlhongs, oi lhe sinpIe voveIs, oi eveiy |...j
oi |...j oi |...j exisl jusl as |...j exisl |...j lhe consonanls |...j lhey exisl individuaIIy unliI lhey aie
divided and doulIed. Sone have lhe povei |...j accoiding lhe Ielleis lhal aie consonanls... . (8
|incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
ly lhenseIves |...j and lhiee (lines) foi lhe voveIs, and lvice foi lhe consonanls, and once foi lhe
enliie pIace, and vilh ignoiance foi lhose vhich aie suljecl lo change |...j vhich lecane |...j
logelhei vilh lhe enliie pIace |...j finaIIy.
And |...j lhey aII |...j lhey aie hidden, lul lhey veie pionounced openIy. They did nol slop
vilhoul leing ieveaIed, noi did lhey slop vilhoul naning lhe angeIs. The voveIs join lhe
consonanls, vhelhei vilhoul oi vilhin, |...j lhey said |...j leach you (sg.) |...j again foi evei. They
veie counled foui lines, (and) lhey veie engendeied lhiee lines, and lhey lecane ... (2 |incs
Ioi lhese ieasons, ve have acquiied sufficiency, foi il is filling lhal each one acquiie povei foi
hinseIf lo leai fiuil, and lhal ve nevei casl aspeisions on lhe nysleiies |...j lhe |...j. Ioi |...j, vhich
is |...j lhe souIs |...j lhe signs of lhe Zodiac |...j a nev hyposlasis.
And lhe ievaid vhich viII le piovided foi such a one is saIvalion. ul lhe opposile viII happen
lheie lo lhe one vho connils sin. The one vho connils sin ly hinseIf |...j viII le in a |...j in a ...
... (2 |incs unrccctcrao|c) ... in oidei lhal lefoie you (sg.) exanine lhe one vho <...>, one nighl leII
anolhei aloul an exaIled povei, and a divine knovIedge, and a nighl vhich cannol le iesisled.
ul you shaII exanine vho is voilhy lhal he shouId ieveaI lhen, knoving lhal lhose vho connil
sin |...j dovn lo |...j as lhey |...j lhe Ialhei |...j lhal vhich is filling. Do nol desiie lo give povei lo
lhe sense-peiceplilIe voiId. Aie you (pI.) nol allending lo ne, vho have ieceived saIvalion fion
lhe inleIIigilIe voiId` ul (as foi) lhese <voids> - valch youiseIves - do nol |...j lhen as a(n) ... (3
|incs unrccctcrao|c) ... undeisland |...j, and he lakes |...j lhe iesl, I viII speak of lhen. The peifeclion
|...j, in oidei lhal il nighl inciease |...j vho connil sin ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhe enlodied
souIs did nol undeisland lhen. Those lhal aie upon lhe eailh, as veII as lhose oulside of lhe lody,
lhose in heaven, aie noie lhan lhe angeIs. The pIace vhich ve laIked aloul in eveiy discouise,
lhese |...j slais ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... look(s) |...j vhelhei aIieady |...j inlo lhe |...j. Iessed is
|...j, vhelhei he is gazing al lhe lvo, oi he is gazing al lhe seven pIanels, oi al lhe lveIve signs of
lhe Zodiac, oi al lhe lhiily-six Decans ... ... (9 |incs tir|ua||q unrccctcrao|c)
... and lhese nunleis, vhelhei lhose in heaven oi lhose upon lhe eailh, logelhei vilh lhose lhal
aie undei lhe eailh, accoiding lo lhe ieIalionships and lhe divisions anong lhese, and in lhe iesl
|...j pails accoiding lo kind and accoiding lo species ... (1 |inc unrccctcrao|c) ... lhey viII sulnil,
since she has povei |...j alove |...j lhey exisl apail ...
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
(13 |incs nissing)
... lhey cane lo leIieve ly neans of signs and vondeis and faliicalions. The Iikeness lhal cane lo
le lhiough lhen foIIoved hin, lul lhiough iepioaches and huniIialions lefoie lhey ieceived lhe
appiehension of a vision lhey fIed vilhoul having heaid lhal lhe Chiisl had leen ciucified. ul
oui geneialion is fIeeing since il does nol yel even leIieve lhal lhe Chiisl is aIive. In oidei lhal oui
failh nay le hoIy (and) puie, nol ieIying upon ilseIf acliveIy, lul nainlaining ilseIf pIanled in
hin, do nol say: "Whence is lhe palience lo neasuie failh`", foi each one is peisuaded ly lhe
lhings he leIieves. If he disleIieves lhen, lhen he vouId le unalIe lo le peisuaded. ul il is a
gieal lhing foi a nan vho has failh, since he is nol in unleIief, vhich is lhe voiId.
Nov lhe voiId is lhe pIace of unfailh and lhe pIace of dealh. And dealh exisls as ... (14 |incs
... Iikeness and lhey viII nol leIieve. A hoIy lhing is lhe failh lo see lhe Iikeness. The opposile is
unfailh in lhe Iikeness. The lhings lhal he viII gianl lhen viII suppoil lhen. Il vas inpossilIe foi
lhen lo allain lo lhe inpeiishaliIily |...j viII lecone |...j Ioosen |...j lhose vho veie senl |...j. Ioi
he vho is disliessed viII nol leIieve. He is unalIe lo liing a gieal chuich, since il is galheied oul
of a snaII galheiing.
He lecane an enanalion of lhe liace. Ioi aIso lhey say aloul lhe Iikeness lhal il is appiehended
ly neans of his liace. The sliucluie appiehends ly neans of lhe Iikeness, lul Cod appiehends ly
neans of his nenleis. He knev lhen lefoie lhey veie legollen, and lhey viII knov hin. And
lhe one vho legol each one fion lhe fiisl viII indveII lhen. He viII iuIe ovei lhen. Ioi il is
necessaiy foi each one ... (25 |incs nissing)
... lhe Savioi ienoved hinseIf, since il is filling. Indeed, nol ignoianl lul cainaI is lhe void vho
look hin as a husland. And il is he vho exisls as an inage, since lhal one (nasc.) aIso exisls, as
veII as lhal one (fen.) vho lioughl us foilh. And she caused hin lo knov lhal she is lhe Wonl.
This is a naiveI of heis lhal she causes us lo lianscend palience. ul lhis is lhe naiveI: he Ioves
lhe one vho vas fiisl lo peinil a viigin |...j. Il is filling lo |...j hei |...j unlo dealh |...j desiie lo
piaclice ... (23 |incs nissing)
Theiefoie she yieIded lo hin in hei palh. He vas fiisl lo fix oui eye upon lhis viigin vho is fixed
lo lhe cioss lhal is in lhose pIaces. And ve see lhal il is hei valei vhich lhe supiene aulhoiily
gianled lo lhe one in vhon lheie is a sign. This is lhe valei of innoilaIily vhich lhe gieal
poveis viII gianl lo hin vhiIe he is leIov in lhe Iikeness of hei young son. She did nol slop on
his accounl. She |...j lhe |...j he lecane |...j in lhe |...j void lhal appeais lo lhe |...j. He did nol ...
(13 |incs nissing)
... in |...j lhiough |...j cone fion lhose pIaces. Sone feII in lhe palh. Olheis feII in lhe iocks. Yel sliII
olheis he soved in lhe lhoins. And sliII olheis he gave lo diink |...j and lhe shadov. ehoId |...j he
|...j And lhis is lhe eleinaI ieaIily lefoie lhe souIs cone foilh fion lhose vho aie leing kiIIed.
ul he vas leing puisued in lhal pIace ly lhe liace pioduced ly lhe Savioi. And he vas ciucified
and he died - nol his ovn dealh, foi he did nol al aII deseive lo die lecause of lhe chuich of
noilaIs. And he vas naiIed so lhal lhey nighl keep hin in lhe Chuich. He ansveied hei vilh
huniIialions, since in lhis vay he had loine lhe suffeiing vhich he had suffeied. Ioi }esus is foi
us a Iikeness on accounl of ... (14 |incs nissing)
... lhis |...j lhe enliie sliucluie and |...j lhe gieal lilleiness of lhe voiId |...j us vilh lhe |...j ly
lhieves |...j lhe sIaves |...j dovn lo }eiicho |...j lhey ieceived |...j. Ioi |...j dovn lo lhose vho viII
vail vhiIe lhe enliie defecl iesliains lhen unliI lhe finaI ieaIily lhal is lheii poilion, since he
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lioughl us dovn, having lound us in nels of fIesh. Since lhe lody is a lenpoiaiy dveIIing vhich
lhe iuIeis and aulhoiilies have as an alode, lhe nan vilhin, aflei leing inpiisoned in lhe
faliicalion, feII inlo suffeiing. And having conpeIIed hin lo seive lhen, lhey consliained hin lo
seive lhe eneigies. They spIil lhe Chuich so as lo inheiil ... (9 |incs nissing)
... povei lo |...j and |...j and |...j having louched |...j lefoie |...j il is lhe leauly lhal viII |...j vanled
lo |...j and lo le vilh |...j fighling vilh one anolhei |...j Iike olheis |...j viigin |...j lo deslioy |...j
vound |...j lul she |...j she Iikens heiseIf lo lhe |...j hei since lhey had sliuck |...j inpeiishalIe.
This |...j lhal he ienain |...j viigin. The |...j hei leauly |...j failhfuIness |...j and lheiefoie |...j hei.
He haslened |...j he did nol pul up vilh |...j lhey despise |...j. Ioi vhen lhe Molhei had ... (5 |incs
nissing) ... lhe Molhei |...j hei eneny |...j lhe leaching |...j of lhe foice |...j naluie |...j lehoId a
naiden |...j he is unalIe |...j fiisl |...j lhe opposile |...j. ul hov has he |...j naiden |...j he vas nol
alIe |...j he lecane |...j kiIIed hin |...j aIive |...j he ieckoned hei |...j lellei lhan Iife |...j since he
knovs lhal if |...j voiId ciealed hin |...j hin lo iaise hin |...j up fion |...j upon lhe iegions |...j
lhose vhon lhey iuIe |...j. ul |...j enilled hin |...j he dveIIs in hin |...j lhe Ialhei of lhe AII |...j
le noie lo hei |...j hin. He ... (8 |incs nissing)
... Iike |...j inlo |...j he has lhen |...j lhen |...j each one viII le voilhy |...j lake hin and |...j lhe
leachei shouId hide hinseIf as if he veie a god vho vouId enliace his voiks and deslioy lhen.
Ioi he aIso spoke vilh lhe Chuich and he nade hinseIf hei leachei of innoilaIily, and deslioyed
lhe aiioganl leachei ly leaching hei lo die.
And lhis leachei nade a Iiving schooI, foi lhal leachei has anolhei schooI: vhiIe il leaches us
aloul lhe dead viilings, he, on lhe olhei hand, vas causing us lo ienove ouiseIves fion lhe
suifeil of lhe voiId, ve veie leing laughl aloul oui dealh lhiough lhen.
Nov lhis is his leaching: Do nol caII lo a falhei upon lhe eailh. Youi Ialhei, vho is in heaven, is
one. You aie lhe Iighl of lhe voiId. They aie ny liolheis and ny feIIov conpanions vho do lhe
viII of lhe Ialhei. Ioi vhal use is il if you gain lhe voiId and you foifeil youi souI` Ioi vhen ve
veie in lhe daik, ve used lo caII nany "falhei," since ve veie ignoianl of lhe liue Ialhei. And
lhis is lhe gieal conceplion of aII lhe sins ... (8 |incs nissing) ... pIeasuie. We aie Iike |...j hin lo |...j
souI |...j nen vho |...j lhe dveIIing pIace.
Whal nov is lhe failh Iaid dovn ly lhe naslei vho ieIeased hin fion lhe gieal ignoiance and lhe
daikness of lhe ignoianl eye` He ieninded hin of lhe good lhings of his Ialhei and lhe iace. Ioi
he said lo hin, "Nov lhe voiId is nol youis, nay you nol esleen lhe foin lhal is in il as
advanlageous, ialhei (as) disadvanlageous and (as) a punishnenl." Receive nov lhe leaching of
lhe one vho vas iepioached - an advanlage and a piofil foi lhe souI - and ieceive his shape. Il is
lhe shape lhal exisls in lhe piesence of lhe Ialhei, lhe void and lhe heighl, lhal Iel you knov hin
lefoie you have leen Ied asliay vhiIe in (lhe) fIesh of condennalion.
Likevise I lecane veiy snaII, so lhal lhiough ny huniIily I nighl lake you up lo lhe gieal heighl,
vhence you had faIIen. You veie laken lo lhis pil. If nov you leIieve in ne, il is I vho shaII lake
you alove, lhiough lhis shape lhal you see. Il is I vho shaII leai you upon ny shouIdeis. Lnlei
lhiough lhe iil vhence you cane and hide youiseIf fion lhe leasls. The luiden lhal you leai
nov is nol youis. Whenevei you (fen.) go ... (14 |incs nissing)
... fion his gIoiy |...j fion lhe fiisl. Iion leing counled vilh lhe fenaIe, sIeep lioughl Ialoi and
lhe sallalh, vhich is lhe voiId. Ioi fion leing counled vilh lhe Ialhei, sIeep lioughl lhe
sallalh and lhe exodus fion lhe voiId of lhe leasls. Ioi lhe voiId is fion leasls and il is a leasl.
Theiefoie he lhal is Iosl has leen ieckoned lo lhe ciafly one, and lhal one is fion lhe leasls lhal
cane foilh. They pul upon hin a gainenl of condennalion, foi lhe fenaIe had no olhei gainenl
foi cIolhing hei seed excepl lhe one she lioughl on lhe sallalh. Ioi no leasl exisls in lhe Aeon.
Ioi lhe Ialhei does nol keep lhe sallalh, lul (ialhei) acluales lhe Son, and lhiough lhe Son he
conlinued lo piovide hinseIf vilh lhe Aeons. The Ialhei has Iiving ialionaI eIenenls fion vhich
he puls on ny nenleis as gainenls. The nan ... (11 |incs nissing)
... lhis is lhe nane. The |...j he enilled hinseIf and he enilled lhe iepioached one. The one vho
vas iepioached changed (his) nane and, aIong vilh lhal vhich vouId le Iike lhe iepioach, he
appeaied as fIesh. And lhe huniIialed one has no equipnenl. He has no need of lhe gIoiy lhal is
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nol his, he has his ovn gIoiy vilh lhe nane, vhich is lhe Son. Nov he cane lhal ve nighl
lecone gIoiious lhiough lhe huniIialed one lhal dveIIs in lhe pIaces of huniIialion. And lhiough
hin vho vas iepioached ve ieceive lhe foigiveness of sins. And lhiough lhe one vho vas
iepioached and lhe one vho vas iedeened ve ieceive giace.
ul vho is il lhal iedeened lhe one vho vas iepioached` Il is lhe enanalion of lhe nane. Ioi jusl
as lhe fIesh has need of a nane, so aIso is lhe fIesh an Aeon lhal Wisdon has enilled. Il ieceived
lhe najesly lhal is descending, so lhal lhe Aeon nighl enlei lhe one vho vas iepioached, lhal ve
nighl escape lhe disgiace of lhe caicass and le iegeneialed in lhe fIesh and lIood of ... (8 |incs
nissing) ... desliny. He |...j and lhe Aeons |...j lhey accepled lhe Son aIlhough he vas a conpIele
nysleiy |...j each one of his nenleis |...j giace. When he ciied oul, he vas sepaialed fion lhe
Chuich Iike poilions of lhe daikness fion lhe Molhei, vhiIe his feel piovided hin liaces, and
lhese scoiched lhe palh of lhe ascenl lo lhe Ialhei.
ul vhal is lhe vay and nannei (in) vhich il (fen.) lecane lheii head` WeII, il (fen.) nade lhe
dveIIing pIace lo liing foilh lhe Iighl lo lhose vho dveII vilhin hin, so lhal lhey nighl see lhe
ascending Chuich. Ioi lhe Head diev ilseIf up fion lhe pil, il vas lenl ovei lhe cioss and il
Iooked dovn lo Tailaios so lhal lhose leIov nighl Iook alove. Hence, foi exanpIe, vhen
soneone Iooks al soneone, lhen lhe face of lhe one vho Iooked dovn Iooks up, so aIso once lhe
Head Iooked fion lhe heighl lo ils nenleis, oui nenleis venl alove, vheie lhe Head vas. And
il, lhe cioss, vas undeigoing naiIing foi lhe nenleis, and soIeIy lhal lhey nighl le alIe ... (7 |incs
nissing) ... have |...j lecause lhey veie Iike |...j sIave. The consunnalion is lhus: He vhon she
indicaled viII le conpIeled ly lhe one vho indicaled. And lhe seeds lhal ienain viII enduie unliI
lhe AII is sepaialed and lakes shape.
And lhus lhe deciee viII le fuIfiIIed, foi jusl as lhe vonan vho is honoied unliI dealh has lhe
advanlage of line, so loo viII il give liilh. And lhis offspiing viII ieceive lhe lody appoinled foi
il, and il viII lecone peifecl. He has a geneious naluie, since lhe Son of Cod dveIIs in hin. And
vhenevei he acquiies lhe AII, vhalevei he possesses viII <le dissoIved> in lhe fiie lecause il
giealIy despised and ouliaged lhe Ialhei.
Moieovei, vhen lhe gieal Son vas senl aflei his snaII liolheis, he spiead alioad lhe edicl of lhe
Ialhei and piocIained il, opposing lhe AII. And he ienoved lhe oId lond of dell, lhe one of
condennalion. And lhis is lhe edicl lhal vas: Those vho nade lhenseIves ensIaved have lecone
condenned in Adan. They have leen lioughl fion dealh, ieceived foigiveness foi lheii sins, and
leen iedeened ly ... (9 |incs nissing)
... since ve aie voilhy |...j and |...j lul I say |...j and lhese |...j. Ioi |...j is voilhy lo |...j Cod. And
lhe Ialhei |...j lhe Chiisl ienoved hinseIf fion aII lhese, since he Ioves his nenleis vilh aII his
heail. One vho is jeaIous sels his nenleis againsl one anolhei. If he is nol jeaIous, he viII nol le
ienoved fion (lhe) olhei nenleis and lhe good vhich he sees.
y having a liolhei vho iegaids us as he aIso is, one gIoiifies lhe one vho gives us giace.
Moieovei, il is filling foi each of us lo enjoy lhe gifl lhal he has ieceived fion Cod, and lhal ve
nol le jeaIous, since ve knov lhal he vho is jeaIous is an olslacIe in his (ovn) palh, since he
deslioys onIy hinseIf vilh lhe gifl and he is ignoianl of Cod. He oughl lo iejoice and le gIad and
pailake of giace and lounly. Does soneone have a piophelic gifl` Shaie il vilhoul hesilalion.
Neilhei appioach youi liolhei jeaIousIy noi ... (8 |incs nissing)
... chosen as lhey |...j enply as lhey escape |...j faIIen fion lheii |...j aie ignoianl lhal |...j in lhis
vay lhey have |...j lhen in |...j in oidei lhal lhey nay iefIecl peifoice upon lhe lhings lhal you
vanl lhen lo lhink aloul vhen lhey lhink aloul you. Nov youi liolhei aIso has his giace: Do nol
leIillIe youiseIf, lul iejoice and give lhanks spiiiluaIIy, and piay foi lhal one, in oidei lhal you
nighl shaie lhe giace lhal dveIIs vilhin hin. So do nol considei hin foieign lo you, ialhei, (as)
one vho is youis, vhon each of youi <feIIov> nenleis ieceived. y Ioving lhe Head vho
possesses lhen, you aIso possess lhe one fion vhon il is lhal lhese oulpouiings of gifls exisl
anong youi lielhien.
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ul is soneone naking piogiess in lhe Woid` Do nol le hindeied ly lhis, do nol say: ''Why does
he speak vhiIe I do nol`", foi vhal he says is (aIso) youis, and lhal vhich disceins lhe Woid and
lhal vhich speaks is lhe sane povei. The Woid ... (13 |incs nissing)
... eye oi a hand onIy, aIlhough lhey aie a singIe lody. Those vho leIong lo us aII seive lhe Head
logelhei. And each one of lhe nenleis ieckons il as a nenlei. They cannol aII lecone enliieIy a
fool oi enliieIy an eye oi enliieIy a hand, since lhese nenleis viII nol Iive aIone, ialhei lhey aie
dead. We knov lhal lhey aie leing pul lo dealh. So vhy do you Iove lhe nenleis lhal aie sliII
dead, inslead of lhose lhal Iive` Hov do you knov lhal soneone is ignoianl of lhe lielhien` Ioi
you aie ignoianl vhen you hale lhen and aie jeaIous of lhen, since you viII nol ieceive lhe giace
lhal dveIIs vilhin lhen, leing unviIIing lo ieconciIe lhen lo lhe lounly of lhe Head. You oughl
lo give lhanks foi oui nenleis and ask lhal you loo nighl le gianled lhe giace lhal has leen
given lo lhen. Ioi lhe Woid is iich, geneious and kind. Heie he gives avay gifls lo his nen
vilhoul jeaIousy, accoiding lo ... (11 |incs nissing)
... appeaied in each of lhe nenleis |...j hinseIf |...j since lhey do nol fighl al aII vilh one anolhei
on accounl of lheii diffeience(s). Ralhei, ly Ialoiing vilh one anolhei, lhey viII voik vilh one
anolhei, and if one of lhen suffeis, lhey viII suffei vilh hin, and vhen each one is saved, lhey
aie saved logelhei.
Moieovei, if lhey vouId vail foi lhe exodus fion lhe (eailhIy) hainony, lhey viII cone lo lhe
Aeon. If lhey aie fil lo shaie in lhe (liue) hainony, hov nuch lhe noie lhose vho deiive fion lhe
singIe unily` They oughl lo le ieconciIed vilh one anolhei. Do nol accuse youi Head lecause il
has nol appoinled you as an eye lul ialhei as a fingei. And do nol le jeaIous of lhal vhich has
leen pul in lhe cIass of an eye oi a hand oi a fool, lul le lhankfuI lhal you do nol exisl oulside lhe
ody. On lhe conliaiy, you have lhe sane Head on vhose accounl lhe eye exisls, as veII as lhe
hand and lhe fool and lhe iesl of lhe pails. Why do you despise lhe one lhal is appoinled as |...j il
desiied lo |...j you sIandeied |...j does nol enliace |...j unnixed lody |...j chosen |...j dissoIve |...j
of lhe Aeon |...j descenl |...j hovevei pIucked us fion <lhe> Aeons lhal exisl in lhal pIace. Sone
exisl in lhe visilIe Chuich - lhose vho exisl in lhe Chuich of nen - and unaninousIy lhey
piocIain lo one anolhei lhe IIeiona of lheii aeon. And sone exisl foi dealh in lhe Chuich on
vhose lehaIf lhey go - she foi vhon lhey aie dealh - vhiIe olheis aie foi Iife. Theiefoie lhey aie
Ioveis of alundanl Iife. And each of lhe iesl enduies ly his ovn iool. He puls foilh fiuil lhal is
Iike hin, since lhe iools have a conneclion vilh one anolhei and lheii fiuils aie undivided, lhe
lesl of each. They possess lhen, exisling foi lhen and foi one anolhei. So Iel us lecone Iike lhe
iools, since ve aie equaI |...j lhal Aeon |...j lhose vho aie nol ouis |...j alove lhe |...j giasp hin |...j
since |...j youi souI. He viII |...j ve gave you lo hin. If you puiify il, il alides in ne. If you encIose
il, il leIongs lo lhe DeviI. Lven if you kiII his foices lhal aie aclive, il viII le vilh you. Ioi if lhe
souI is dead, sliII il vas enacled upon (ly) lhe iuIeis and aulhoiilies.
Whal, nov, do you lhink of as spiiil` Oi vhy do lhey peisecule nen of lhis soil lo dealh` Aie
lhey nol salisfied lo le vilh lhe souI and seek il` Ioi eveiy pIace is excIuded fion lhen ly lhe
nen of Cod so Iong as lhey exisl in fIesh. And vhen lhey cannol see lhen, since lhey (lhe nen of
Cod) Iive ly lhe spiiil, lhey leai apail vhal appeais, as if lhus lhey can find lhen. ul vhal is lhe
piofil foi lhen` They aie senseIessIy nad! They iend lheii suiioundings! They dig lhe eailh! |...j
hin |...j hid |...j exisls |...j puiify |...j hovevei |...j aflei Cod |...j seize us |...j lul ve vaIk |...j. Ioi if
lhe sins aie nany, hov nuch lhe noie nov is lhe jeaIousy of lhe Chuich of lhe Savioi. Ioi each
one vas capalIe of lolh (lypes) of liansgiession, naneIy lhal of an adepl, and (lhal of) an
oidinaiy peison. Il is sliII a singIe aliIily lhal lhey possess. And as foi us, ve aie adepls al lhe
Woid. If ve sin againsl il, ve sin noie lhan CenliIes. ul if ve suinounl eveiy sin, ve shaII
ieceive lhe ciovn of vicloiy, even as oui Head vas gIoiified ly lhe Ialhei.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
|...j enlei |...j lhe alundance |...j lhose vho |...j I viII speak ny nysleiy lo lhose vho aie nine and
lo lhose vho viII le nine. Moieovei il is lhese vho have knovn hin vho is, lhe Ialhei, lhal is,
lhe Rool of lhe AII, lhe IneffalIe One vho dveIIs in lhe Monad. He dveIIs aIone in siIence, and
siIence is lianquiIily since, aflei aII, he vas a Monad and no one vas lefoie hin. He dveIIs in lhe
Dyad and in lhe Iaii, and his Iaii is SiIence. And he possessed lhe AII dveIIing vilhin hin. And
as foi Inlenlion and Ieisislence, Love and Ieinanence, lhey aie indeed unlegollen.
Cod cane foilh: lhe Son, Mind of lhe AII, lhal is, il is fion lhe Rool of lhe AII lhal even his
Thoughl slens, since he had lhis one (lhe Son) in Mind. Ioi on lehaIf of lhe AII, he ieceived an
aIien Thoughl since lheie veie nolhing lefoie hin. Iion lhal pIace il is he vho noved |...j a
gushing spiing. Nov lhis is lhe Rool of lhe AII and Monad vilhoul any one lefoie hin. Nov lhe
second spiing exisls in siIence and speaks vilh hin aIone. And lhe Iouilh accoidingIy is he vho
iesliicled hinseIf in lhe Iouilh: vhiIe dveIIing in lhe Thiee-hundied-sixlielh, he fiisl lioughl
hinseIf (foilh), and in lhe Second he ieveaIed his viII, and in lhe Iouilh he spiead hinseIf oul.
WhiIe lhese lhings aie due lo lhe Rool of lhe AII, Iel us foi oui pail enlei his ieveIalion and his
goodness and his descenl and lhe AII, lhal is, lhe Son, lhe Ialhei of lhe AII, and lhe Mind of lhe
Spiiil, foi he vas possessing lhis one lefoie |...j. He is a spiing. He is one vho appeais in SiIence,
and he is Mind of lhe AII dveIIing secondaiiIy vilh Life. Ioi he is lhe piojecloi of lhe AII and lhe
veiy hyposlasis of lhe Ialhei, lhal is, he is lhe Thoughl and his descenl leIov.
When he viIIed, lhe Iiisl Ialhei ieveaIed hinseIf in hin. Since, aflei aII, lecause of hin lhe
ieveIalion is avaiIalIe lo lhe AII, I foi ny pail caII lhe AII 'lhe desiie of lhe AII'. And he look such a
lhoughl conceining lhe AII - I foi ny pail caII lhe lhoughl 'Monogenes'. Ioi nov Cod has lioughl
Tiulh, lhe one vho gIoiifies lhe Rool of lhe AII. Thus il is he vho ieveaIed hinseIf in Monogenes,
and in hin he ieveaIed lhe IneffalIe One |...j lhe Tiulh. They sav hin dveIIing in lhe Monad and
in lhe Dyad and in lhe Teliad. He fiisl lioughl foilh Monogenes and Linil. And Linil is lhe
sepaialoi of lhe AII and lhe confiinalion of lhe AII, since lhey aie |...j lhe hundied |...j. He is lhe
Mind |...j lhe Son. He is conpIeleIy ineffalIe lo lhe AII, and he is lhe confiinalion and lhe
hyposlasis of lhe AII, lhe siIenl veiI, lhe liue High Iiiesl, lhe one vho has lhe aulhoiily lo enlei
lhe HoIies of HoIies, ieveaIing lhe gIoiy of lhe Aeons and liinging foilh lhe alundance lo
<fiagiance>. The Lasl |...j lhal is in Hin. He is lhe one vho ieveaIed hinseIf as lhe piinaI
sancluaiy and lhe lieasuiy of lhe AII. And he enconpassed lhe AII, he vho is highei lhan lhe AII.
These foi lheii pail senl Chiisl foilh lo eslalIish hei jusl as lhey veie eslalIished lefoie hei
descenl. And lhey say conceining hin: |...j He is nol nanifesl, lul invisilIe lo lhose ienaining
vilhin Linil. And he possesses foui poveis: a sepaialoi and a confiinoi, a foin-piovidei and a
sulslance-pioducei. SuieIy ve aIone vouId discein lheii piesences and lhe line and lhe pIaces
vhich lhe Iikenesses have confiined lecause lhey have |...j fion lhese pIaces |...j lhe Love |...j is
enanaled |...j lhe enliie IIeiona |...j. The peisislence enduies aIvays, and |...j foi aIso |...j lhe line
|...j noie |...j lhal is, lhe pioof of his gieal Iove.
So vhy a sepaialoi, and a confiinoi and a sulslance-pioducei and a foin-piovidei as olheis have
said` Ioi lhey say conceining Linil lhal he has lvo poveis, a sepaialoi and a confiinoi, since il
sepaiales Deplh fion lhe Aeons, in oidei lhal |...j. These, lhen |...j of Deplh |...j. Ioi |...j is lhe
foin |...j lhe Ialhei of lhe Tiulh |...j say lhal Chiisl |...j lhe Spiiil |...j Monogenes |...j has |...j.
Il is a gieal and necessaiy lhing foi us lo seek vilh noie diIigence and peiseveiance aflei lhe
sciipluies and lhose vho piocIain lhe concepls. Ioi aloul lhis lhe ancienls say, "lhey veie
piocIained ly Cod." So Iel us knov his unfalhonalIe iichness! He vanled |...j seivilude. He did
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nol lecone |...j of lheii Iife |...j. They Iook sleadfaslIy al lheii look of knovIedge and lhey iegaid
one anolhei`s appeaiance.
Thal Teliad piojecled lhe Teliad vhich is lhe one consisling of Woid and Life and Man and
Chuich. Nov lhe Unciealed One piojecled Woid and Life. Woid is foi lhe gIoiy of lhe IneffalIe
One vhiIe Life is foi lhe gIoiy of SiIence, and Man is foi his ovn gIoiy, vhiIe Chuich is foi lhe
gIoiy of Tiulh. This, lhen, is lhe Teliad legollen accoiding lo lhe Iikeness of lhe Unciealed
(Teliad). And lhe Teliad is legollen |... j lhe Decad fion Woid and Life, and lhe Dodecad fion
Man, and Chuich lecane a Tiiaconlad. Moieovei, il is lhe one fion lhe Tiiaconlad of lhe Aeons
vho leai fiuil fion lhe Tiiaconliad. They enlei joinlIy, lul lhey cone foilh singIy, fIeeing fion
lhe Aeons and lhe UnconlainalIe Ones. And lhe UnconlainalIe Ones, once lhey had Iooked al
hin, gIoiified Mind since he is an UnconlainalIe One lhal exisls in lhe IIeiona.
ul lhe Decad fion Woid and Life lioughl foilh decads so as lo nake lhe IIeiona lecone a
hundied, and lhe Dodecad fion Man and Chuich lioughl foilh and nade lhe Tiiaconlad so as lo
nake lhe lhiee hundied sixly lecone lhe IIeiona of lhe yeai. And lhe yeai of lhe Loid
|...peifecl...j peifecl |...j accoiding lo |...j Linil and |...j Linil |...j lhe giealness vhich |...j lhe
goodness |...j hin. Life |...j suffei |...j ly lhe face |...j in lhe piesence of lhe IIeiona |...j vhich he
vanled |...j. And he vanled lo Ieave lhe Thiilielh - leing a szygy of Man and Chuich, lhal is,
Sophia - lo suipass lhe Tiiaconlad and liing lhe IIeiona |...j his |...j lul |...j and she |...j lhe AII
|...j lul |...j vho |...j lhe AII |...j. He nade |...j lhe lhoughls and |...j lhe IIeiona lhiough lhe Woid
|...j his fIesh. These, lhen, aie lhe Aeons lhal aie Iike lhen. Aflei lhe Woid enleied il, jusl as I said
lefoie, aIso lhe one vho cones lo le vilh lhe UnconlainalIe One lioughl foilh |...j lefoie lhey
|...j foilh |...j hide hin fion |...j lhe syzygy and |...j lhe novenenl and |...j piojecl lhe Chiisl |...j
and lhe seeds |...j of lhe cioss since |...j lhe inpiinls of lhe naiI vound |...j peifeclion. Since il is a
peifecl foin lhal shouId ascend inlo lhe IIeiona, he did nol al aII vanl lo consenl lo lhe suffeiing,
lul he vas delained |...j hin ly Linil, lhal is, ly lhe syzygy, since hei coiieclion viII nol occui
lhiough anyone excepl hei ovn Son, vhose aIone is lhe fuIIness of divinily. He viIIed vilhin
hinseIf lodiIy lo Ieave lhe poveis and he descended. And lhese lhings (passions) Sophia suffeied
aflei hei son ascended fion hei, foi she knev lhal she dveIl in a |...j in unily and iesloialion.
They veie slopped |...j lhe lielhien |...j lhese. A |...j did nol |...j. I lecane |...j. Who indeed aie
lhey` The |...j, on lhe one hand, slopped hei |...j, on lhe olhei hand, |...j. vilh lhe |...j hei. These
noieovei aie lhose vho veie Iooking al ne, lhese vho, |...j lhese vho consideied |...j lhe dealh.
They veie slopped |...j hei and she iepenled and she lesoughl lhe Ialhei of lhe liulh, saying,
"Cianled lhal I have ienounced ny consoil. Theiefoie I an leyond confiinalion as veII. I deseive
lhe lhings (passions) I suffei. I used lo dveII in lhe IIeiona pulling foilh lhe Aeons and leaiing
fiuil vilh ny consoil" And she knev vhal she vas and vhal had lecone of hei.
So lhey lolh suffeied, lhey said she Iaughs since she ienained aIone and inilaled lhe
UnconlainalIe One, vhiIe he said she Iaughs since she cul heiseIf off fion hei consoil. |...j Indeed
}esus and Sophia ieveaIed lhe ciealuie. Since, aflei aII, lhe seeds of Sophia aie inconpIele and
foinIess, }esus conliived a ciealuie of lhis soil and nade il of lhe seeds vhiIe Sophia voiked vilh
hin. Ioi since lhey aie seeds and vilhoul foin, he descended and lioughl foilh lhal pIeiona of
aeons vhich aie in lhal pIace, since even lhe unciealed ones of lhose Aeons aie of lhe pallein of
lhe IIeiona and lhe unconlainalIe Ialhei. The Unciealed One lioughl foilh lhe pallein of lhe
unciealed, foi il is fion lhe unciealed lhal lhe Ialhei liings foilh inlo foin. ul lhe ciealuie is a
shadov of pie-exisling lhings. Moieovei, lhis }esus ciealed lhe ciealuie, and he voiked fion lhe
passions suiiounding lhe seeds. And he sepaialed lhen fion one anolhei, and lhe lellei passions
he inlioduced inlo lhe spiiil and lhe voise ones inlo lhe cainaI.
Nov, fiisl anong aII lhose passions |...j noi |...j hin, since, aflei aII, Iionoia caused lhe coiieclion
lo piojecl shadovs and inages of lhose vho exisl fion lhe fiisl and lhose vho aie and lhose vho
shaII le. This, lhen, is lhe dispensalion of leIieving in }esus foi lhe sake of hin vho insciiled lhe
AII vilh Iikenesses and inages and shadovs.
Aflei }esus lioughl foilh fuilhei, he lioughl foilh foi lhe AII lhose of lhe IIeiona and of lhe
syzygy, lhal is, lhe angeIs. Ioi sinuIlaneousIy vilh lhe agieenenl of lhe IIeiona hei consoil
piojecled lhe angeIs, since he alides in lhe viII of lhe Ialhei. Ioi lhis is lhe viII of lhe Ialhei: nol
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lo aIIov anylhing lo happen in lhe IIeiona apail fion a syzygy. Again, lhe viII of lhe Ialhei is:
aIvays pioduce and leai fiuil. Thal she shouId suffei, lhen, vas nol lhe viII of lhe Ialhei, foi she
dveIIs in heiseIf aIone vilhoul hei consoil. Lel us |...j anolhei one |...j lhe Second |...j lhe son of
anolhei |...j is lhe Teliad of lhe voiId. And lhal Teliad pul foilh fiuil as if lhe IIeiona of lhe
voiId veie a Heldonad. And il enleied inages and Iikenesses and angeIs and aichangeIs,
divinilies and ninisleis.
When aII lhese lhings veie lioughl lo pass ly Iionoia |...j of }esus vho |...j lhe seeds |...j of
Monogenes |...j. Indeed lhey aie spiiiluaI and cainaI, lhe heavenIy and lhe eailhIy. He nade lhen
a pIace of lhis soil and a schooI of lhis soil foi docliine and foi foin.
Moieovei lhe Deniuige legan lo cieale a nan accoiding lo his inage on lhe one hand and on lhe
olhei accoiding lo lhe Iikeness of lhose vho exisl fion lhe fiisl. Il vas lhis soil of dveIIing pIace
lhal she used foi lhe seeds, naneIy |... sepaiale ...j Cod. When lhey |...j in lehaIf of nan, since
indeed lhe DeviI is one of lhe divine leings. He ienoved hinseIf and seized lhe enliie pIaza of lhe
gales and he expeIIed his ovn iool fion lhal pIace in lhe lody and caicasses of fIesh, foi he is
enveIoped ly lhe nan of Cod. And Adan soved hin. Theiefoie he acquiied sons vho angeied
one anolhei. And Cain kiIIed AleI his liolhei, foi lhe Deniuige liealhed inlo lhen his spiiil.
And lheie look pIace lhe sliuggIe vilh lhe aposlasy of lhe angeIs and nankind, lhose of lhe iighl
vilh lhose of lhe Iefl, lhose in heaven vilh lhose on eailh, lhe spiiils vilh lhe cainaI, and lhe DeviI
againsl Cod. Theiefoie lhe angeIs Iusled aflei lhe daughleis of nen and cane dovn lo fIesh so
lhal Cod vouId cause a fIood. And he aInosl iegielled lhal he had ciealed lhe voiId |...j lhe
consoil and Sophia and hei Son and lhe angeIs and lhe seeds. ul lhe syzygy is lhe conpIele one,
and Sophia and }esus and lhe angeIs and lhe seeds aie inages of lhe IIeiona. Moieovei, lhe
Deniuige casl a shadov ovei lhe syzygy and lhe IIeiona and }esus and Sophia and lhe angeIs
and lhe seeds. The conpIele one gIoiifies Sophia, lhe inage gIoiifies Tiulh. And lhe gIoiy of lhe
seeds and }esus aie lhose of SiIence and Monogenes. And lhe angeIs of lhe naIes and lhe seninaI
ones of lhe fenaIes aie aII IIeionas. Moieovei vhenevei Sophia ieceives hei consoil and }esus
ieceives lhe Chiisl and lhe seeds and lhe angeIs, lhen lhe IIeiona viII ieceive Sophia joyfuIIy,
and lhe AII viII cone lo le in unily and ieconciIialion. Ioi ly lhis lhe Aeons have leen incieased,
foi lhey knev lhal shouId lhey change, lhey aie vilhoul change.
2; <"# 8;=+;<+;'
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ransiscc, 1990.
|....j accoiding lo |....j lhe lype of |...j see hin. Il is filling foi you al lhis line lo send lhy Son }esus
Chiisl and anoinl us so ve nighl le alIe lo lianpIe upon lhe snakes and lhe heads of lhe
scoipions and aII lhe povei of lhe DeviI since he is a shepheid of lhe seed. Thiough hin ve have
knovn lhee. And ve gIoiify lhee : CIoiy le lo lhee, lhe Ialhei in lhe Son, lhe Ialhei in lhe Son, lhe
Ialhei in lhe HoIy Chuich and in lhe hoIy angeIs! Iion nov he alides foievei in lhe peipeluily of
lhe Aeons, foievei unliI lhe unliacealIe Aeons of lhe Aeons. Anen.
2; <"# 0&C<+B) 8
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|xccrp| |a|cn frcn ]ancs R.Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990
This is lhe fuIIness of lhe sunnaiy of knovIedge vhich sunnaiy vas ieveaIed lo us ly oui Loid
}esus Chiisl, lhe Monogenes. These aie lhe suie and necessaiy ilens so lhal ve nay vaIk in lhen.
ul lhey aie lhose of lhe fiisl laplisn |......The Iiislj laplisn is lhe Ioigiveness of sins |...j said,
|...j you lo lhe |...j youi sins lhe |...j is a pallein of lhe |...j of lhe Chiisl vhich is lhe equaI of lhe
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|..vilhinj hin |...j. Ioi lhe |...j of }esus |...j. Moieovei, lhe fiisl laplisn is lhe foigiveness of sins.
We aie lioughl fion lhose of lhe iighl, lhal is, inlo lhe inpeiishaliIily vhich is lhe }oidan. ul
lhal pIace is of lhe voiId. So ve have leen senl oul of lhe voiId inlo lhe Aeon. Ioi lhe
inleipielalion of }ohn is lhe Aeon, vhiIe lhe inleipielalion of lhal vhich is lhe upvaid
piogiession, lhal is, oui Lxodus fion lhe voiId inlo lhe Aeon.
2; <"# 0&C<+B) 0
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|xccrp| |a|cn frcn ]ancs R.Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990
|..... fion lhe j voiId inlo lhe }oidan and fion lhe lIindness of lhe voiId inlo lhe sighl of Cod,
fion lhe cainaI inlo lhe spiiiluaI, fion lhe physicaI inlo lhe angeIic, fion lhe ciealed inlo lhe
IIeiona, fion lhe voiId inlo lhe Aeon, fion lhe seiviludes inlo sonship, fion enlangIenenls inlo
one anolhei, fion lhe deseil inlo oui viIIage, fion lhe coId inlo lhe hol, fion |...j inlo a |...j and ve
|...j inlo lhe |....lhusj ve veie lioughl fion seninaI lodies inlo lodies vilh a peifecl foin. Indeed
I enleied ly vay of exanpIe lhe iennanl foi vhich lhe Chiisl iescued us in lhe feIIovship of his
Spiiil. And he lioughl us foilh vho aie in hin, and fion nov on lhe souIs viII lecone peifecl
spiiils. Nov lhe lhings gianled us ly lhe fiisl laplisn |....invisilIe ...vhichj is his, since
2; <"# 6>?"&.+B< U8T
!.&;BD&<#* -/ K="; 7M !>.;#.
|xccrp| |a|cn frcn ]ancs R.Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990
We give lhanks lo you and ve ceIeliale lhe euchaiisl, O Ialhei, ienenleiing foi lhe sake of lhy
Son, }esus Chiisl lhal lhey cone foilh |...j invisilIe |...j lhy |Son....j his |Iove...j lo |knovIedge ......j
lhey aie doing lhy viII lhiough lhe nane of }esus Chiisl and viII do lhy viII nov and aIvays.
They aie conpIele in eveiy spiiiluaI gifl and eveiy puiily. CIoiy le lo lhee lhiough lhy Son and
lhey offspiing }esus Chiisl fion nov and foievei. Anen.
2; <"# 6>?"&.+B< U0T
!.&;BD&<+=; -/ K="; 7M !>.;#.
|xccrp| |a|cn frcn ]ancs R.Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990
|...j in lhe |...j lhe void of lhe |....lhej hoIy one il is |...j food and |diink...j Son, since you |...j food
of lhe |...j lo us lhe |...j in lhe |Iife ..j he does |nol loasl...j lhal is|...j Chuich |...j you aie puie |...j
lhou ail lhe Loid. Whenevei you die puieIy, you viII le puie so as lo have hin |...j eveiyone vho
viII guide hin lo food and diink. CIoiy le lo lhee foievei. Anen.
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8D D = ' # ;# B
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., Tnc Nag Hannadi |iorarq, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
(5 |incs nissing)
... since lhey aie peifecl individuaIs and dveII aII logelhei, joined vilh lhe nind, lhe guaidian
vhich I piovided, vho laughl you (sg.). And il is lhe povei lhal exisls vilhin you lhal oflen
exlended ilseIf as void fion lhe TiipIe-Ioveied One, lhal One of aII lhose vho liuIy exisl vilh
lhe InneasuialIe One, lhe eleinaI Lighl of lhe KnovIedge lhal appeaied, lhe naIe viiginaI Youlh,
lhe fiisl of lhe Aeons fion a unique liipIe-poveied Aeon, lhe TiipIe-Ioveied-One vho liuIy
exisls, foi vhen he vas sliIIed, vas exlended and vhen he vas exlended, he lecane conpIele and
he ieceived povei fion aII of lhen. He knovs hinseIf and lhe peifecl InvisilIe Spiiil. And he
cane lo le in an Aeon vho knovs lhal she knovs Thal One. And she lecane KaIyplos, vho acled
in lhose vhon she knovs. He is a peifecl, invisilIe, noelic Iiolophanes-Hainedon. And
enpoveiing lhe individuaIs, she is a TiipIe-MaIe. And leing individuaIIy ... (5 |incs nissing)
... individuaI on lhe one hand, lhey aie logelhei on lhe olhei hand, since she is an exislence of
lheiis, and she sees lhen aII aIso liuIy. She conlains lhe divine Aulogenes.
When she knev hei Lxislence and vhen she slood, she lioughl This One (nasc.), since he sav
lhen aII exisling individuaIIy as he is. And vhen lhey lecone as he is, lhey shaII see lhe divine
TiipIe-MaIe, lhe povei lhal is highei lhan Cod. He is lhe Thoughl of aII lhese vho exisl logelhei.
If he pondeis lhen, he pondeis lhe gieal naIe |...j noelic Iiolophanes, lhe piocession of lhese.
When he sees il, he sees aIso lhose vho liuIy exisl and lhe piocession of lhose vho aie logelhei.
And vhen he has seen lhese, he has seen lhe KaIyplos. And if he sees one of lhe hidden ones, he
sees lhe Aeon of aileIo. And as foi lhe unlegollen offspiing of Thal One, if one sees hov he Iives
... (4 |incs nissing) ... you have heaid aloul lhe alundance of each one of lhen ceilainIy.
ul conceining lhe invisilIe, spiiiluaI TiipIe-Ioveied-One, heai! He exisls as an InvisilIe One
vho is inconpiehensilIe lo lhen aII. He conlains lhen aII vilhin hinseIf, foi lhey aII exisl
lecause of hin. He is peifecl, and he is giealei lhan peifecl, and he is lIessed. He is aIvays One
and he exisls in lhen aII, leing ineffalIe, unnanealIe, leing One vho exisls lhiough lhen aII - he
vhon, shouId one discein hin, one vouId nol desiie anylhing lhal exisls lefoie hin anong lhose
lhal possess exislence, foi he is lhe souice fion vhich lhey veie aII enilled. He is piioi lo
peifeclion. He vas piioi lo eveiy divinily, and he is piioi lo eveiy lIessedness, since he piovides
foi eveiy povei. And he <is> a nonsulslanliaI sulslance, since he is a Cod ovei vhon lheie is no
divinily, lhe lianscending of vhose giealness and leauly ... (5 |incs nissing)
... povei. Il is nol inpossilIe foi lhen lo ieceive a ieveIalion of lhese lhings, if lhey cone logelhei.
Since il is inpossilIe foi lhe individuaIs lo conpiehend lhe UniveisaI One silualed in lhe pIace
lhal is highei lhan peifecl, lhey appiehend ly neans of a Iiisl Thoughl - nol as eing aIone, lul il
is aIong vilh lhe Ialency of Lxislence lhal he confeis eing. He piovides eveiylhing foi hinseIf,
since il is he vho shaII cone lo le vhen he iecognizes hinseIf. And he is One vho sulsisls as a
cause and souice of eing, and an innaleiiaI naleiiaI and an innuneialIe nunlei and a foinIess
foin and a shapeIess shape and a poveiIessness and a povei and an insulslanliaI sulslance and
a nolionIess nolion and an inaclive aclivily. Yel he is a piovidei of piovisions and a divinily of
divinily - lul vhenevei lhey appiehend, lhey pailicipale lhe fiisl VilaIily and an undivided
aclivily, an hyposlasis of lhe Iiisl One fion lhe One vho liuIy exisls. And a second aclivily |...j
hovevei, is lhe |...j. He is endoved vilh lIessedness and goodness, lecause vhen he is
iecognized as lhe liaveisei of lhe loundIessness of lhe InvisilIe Spiiil lhal sulsisls in hin, il (lhe
loundIessness) luins hin lo il (lhe invisilIe spiiil) in oidei lhal il nighl knov vhal is vilhin hin
and hov he exisls. And he vas leconing saIvalion foi eveiy one ly leing a poinl of depailuie foi
lhose vho liuIy exisl, foi lhiough hin his knovIedge enduied, since he is lhe one vho knovs
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vhal he is. ul lhey lioughl foilh nolhing leyond lhenseIves, neilhei povei noi iank noi gIoiy
noi aeon, foi lhey aie aII eleinaI. He is VilaIily and MenlaIily and Thal-Which-Is. Ioi lhen Thal-
Which-Is conslanlIy possesses ils VilaIily and MenlaIily, and Life has VilaIily possesses non-eing
and MenlaIily. MenlaIily possesses Life and Thal-Which-Is. And lhe lhiee aie one, aIlhough
individuaIIy lhey aie lhiee.
Nov aflei I heaid lhese lhings, ny son Messos, I vas afiaid, and I luined lovaid lhe nuIlilude
|...j lhoughl |...j gives povei lo lhose vho aie capalIe of knoving lhese lhings ly a ieveIalion lhal
is nuch giealei. And I vas capalIe, aIlhough fIesh vas upon ne. I heaid fion you aloul lhese
lhings and aloul lhe docliine lhal is in lhen, since lhe lhoughl vhich is in ne dislinguished lhe
lhings lhal aie leyond neasuie as veII as lhe unknovalIes. Theiefoie I feai lhal ny docliine nay
have lecone sonelhing leyond vhal is filling.
And lhen, ny son Messos, lhe aII-gIoiious One, YoueI, spoke lo ne again. She nade a ieveIalion
lo ne and said: "No one is alIe lo heai lhese lhings excepl lhe gieal poveis aIone, O AIIogenes. A
gieal povei vas pul upon you, vhich lhe Ialhei of lhe AII, lhe LleinaI, pul upon you lefoie you
cane lo lhis pIace, in oidei lhal lhose lhings lhal aie difficuIl lo dislinguish you nighl dislinguish
and lhose lhings lhal aie unknovn lo lhe nuIlilude you nighl knov, and lhal you nighl escape
(in safely) lo lhe One vho is youis, vho vas fiisl lo save and vho does nol need lo le saved ... (5
|incs nissing) ... lo you a foin and a ieveIalion of lhe invisilIe, spiiiluaI TiipIe-Ioveied One,
oulside of vhich dveIIs an undivided, incoipoieaI, eleinaI knovIedge.
As vilh aII lhe Aeons, lhe Aeon of aileIo exisls aIso endoved vilh lhe lypes and foins of lhose
vho liuIy exisl, lhe inage of KaIyplos. And endoved vilh lhe inleIIecluaI Woid of lhese, he leais
lhe noelic naIe Iiolophanes Iike an inage, and he acls vilhin lhe individuaIs, eilhei vilh ciafl oi
vilh skiII oi vilh pailiaI inslincl. He is endoved vilh lhe divine Aulogenes Iike an inage, and he
knovs each one of lhese. He acls sepaialeIy and individuaIIy, conlinuing lo ieclify lhe faiIuies
fion naluie. He is endoved vilh lhe divine TiipIe-MaIe as saIvalion foi lhen aII, in coopeialion
vilh lhe InvisilIe Spiiil. He is a void fion a counseI, <he> is lhe peifecl Youlh. And lhis
hyposlasis is a ... (6 |incs nissing)
... ny souI venl sIack, and I fIed and vas veiy disluiled. And I luined lo nyseIf and sav lhe Iighl
lhal suiiounded ne and lhe Cood lhal vas in ne, I lecane divine.
And lhe aII-gIoiious One, YoueI, anoinled ne again and she gave povei lo ne. She said, "Since
youi insliuclion has lecone conpIele, and you have knovn lhe Cood lhal is vilhin you, heai
conceining lhe TiipIe-Ioveied One lhose lhings lhal you viII guaid in gieal siIence and gieal
nysleiy, lecause lhey aie nol spoken lo anyone excepl lhose vho aie voilhy, lhose vho aie alIe
lo heai: noi is il filling lo speak lo an uninsliucled geneialion conceining lhe UniveisaI One lhal is
highei lhan peifecl. ul you have <lhese> lecause of lhe TiipIe-Ioveied One, lhe One vho exisls
in lIessedness and goodness, lhe One vho is iesponsilIe foi aII lhese.
"Theie exisls vilhin hin nuch giealness. Inasnuch as he is one in a ... (5 |incs nissing)
... of lhe Iiisl Thoughl, vhich does nol faII avay fion lhose vho dveII in conpiehension and
knovIedge and undeislanding. And Thal One noved nolionIessIy in lhal vhich goveins, Iesl he
sink inlo lhe loundIess ly neans of anolhei aclivily of MenlaIily. And he enleied inlo hinseIf
and he appeaied, leing aII-enconpassing, lhe UniveisaI One lhal is highei lhan peifecl.
"Indeed il is nol lhiough ne lhal he is lo such a degiee anleiioi lo knovIedge. Wheieas lheie is no
possiliIily foi conpIele conpiehension, he is (neveilheIess) knovn. And lhis is so lecause of lhe
lhiid siIence of MenlaIily and lhe second undivided aclivily vhich appeaied in lhe Iiisl Thoughl,
lhal is, lhe Aeon of aileIo, logelhei vilh lhe IndivisilIe One of lhe divisilIe Iikenesses and lhe
TiipIe-Ioveied-One and lhe non-sulslanliaI Lxislence."
<Then> lhe povei appeaied ly neans of an aclivily lhal is al iesl and siIenl, aIlhough il ulleied a
sound lhus: zza zza zza. ul vhen she (YoueI) heaid lhe povei and she vas fiIIed ... (5 |incs
... "Thou ail |...j, SoInis! |...j accoiding lo lhe VilaIily lhal is lhine, and lhe fiisl aclivily vhich
deiives fion divinily. Thou ail gieal, Ainedon! Thou ail peifecl, Lpiphaneus!
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"And accoiding lo lhal aclivily of lhine, lhe second povei and lhe MenlaIily vhich deiives fion
lIessedness: Auloei, eiilheus, Liigenaoi, Oiinenios, Aianen, AIphIeges, LIeIioupheus,
LaIaneus, Yelheus, Noelheus, lhou ail gieal! He vho knovs lhee knovs lhe UniveisaI One! Thou
ail One, lhou ail One, He vho is good, Aphiedon! Thou ail lhe Aeon of lhe Aeons, He vho is
Then she piaised lhe UniveisaI One, saying "LaIaneus, Noelheus, Senaon, Asine|us, ...jiiphanios,
MeIIephaneus, LIenaoni, Snoun, Oplaon, He Who Is! Thou ail He Who Is, lhe Aeon of Aeons, lhe
Unlegollen, vho ail highei lhan lhe unlegollen (ones), Yalonenos, lhou aIone foi vhon aII lhe
unloin ones veie legollen, lhe UnnanealIe One! ... (10 |incs nissing) ... knovIedge."
Nov aflei I heaid lhese lhings, I sav lhe gIoiies of lhe peifecl individuaIs and lhe aII-peifecl ones
vho exisl logelhei, and lhe aII-peifecl ones vho aie lefoie lhe peifecl ones.
Again lhe giealIy gIoiious One, YoueI, said lo ne, "O AIIogenes, in an unknoving knovIedge you
knov lhal lhe TiipIe-Ioveied One exisls lefoie lhe gIoiies. They do nol exisl anong lhose vho
exisl. They do nol exisl logelhei vilh lhose vho exisl noi lhose vho liuIy exisl. Ralhei, aII lhese
exisl as divinily and lIessedness and exislence, and as nonsulslanliaIily and non-leing exislence."
And lhen I piayed lhal lhe ieveIalion nighl occui lo ne. And lhen lhe aII-gIoiious one, YoueI,
said lo ne, "O AIIogenes, of couise, lhe TiipIe-MaIe is sonelhing leyond sulslance. Yel veie he
insulslanliaI ... (9 |incs nissing)
... lhose vho exisl in associalion vilh lhe geneialion of lhose vho liuIy exisl. The seIf-legollen
ones exisl vilh lhe TiipIe-MaIe.
"If you seek vilh a peifecl seeking, lhen you shaII knov lhe Cood lhal is in you, lhen you viII
knov youiseIf as veII, (as) one vho deiives fion lhe Cod vho liuIy pie-exisls. Ioi aflei a
hundied yeais lheie shaII cone lo you a ieveIalion of Thal One ly neans of SaIanex and Senen
and |...j lhe Luninaiies of lhe Aeon of aileIo. And lhal leyond vhal is filling foi you, you shaII
nol knov al fiisl, so as nol lo foifeil youi kind. And if so, lhen vhen you ieceive a conceplion of
Thal One, lhen you aie fiIIed vilh lhe void lo conpIelion. Then you lecone divine, and you
lecone peifecl. You ieceive lhen ... (4 |incs nissing)
... lhe seeking |...j lhe Lxislence |...j if il appiehends anylhing, il is appiehended ly lhal one and
ly lhe veiy one vho is conpiehended. And lhen he lecones giealei vho conpiehends and
knovs lhan he vho is conpiehended and knovn. ul if he descends lo his naluie, he is Iess, foi
lhe incoipoieaI naluies have nol associaled vilh any nagnilude, having lhis povei, lhey aie
eveiyvheie and lhey aie novheie, since lhey aie giealei lhan eveiy nagnilude, and Iess lhan
eveiy exiguily."
Nov aflei lhe aII-gIoiious One, YoueI, said lhese lhings, she sepaialed fion ne and Iefl ne. ul I
did nol despaii of lhe voids lhal I heaid. I piepaied nyseIf lheiein and I deIileialed vilh nyseIf
foi a hundied yeais. And I iejoiced exceedingIy, since I vas in a gieal Iighl and a lIessed palh
lecause lhose vhon I vas voilhy lo see as veII as lhose vhon I vas voilhy lo heai (aie) lhose
vhon il is filling lhal lhe gieal poveis aIone ... (5 |incs nissing) ... of Cod.
When lhe conpIelion of lhe one hundied yeais diev nigh, il lioughl ne a lIessedness of lhe
eleinaI hope fuII of auspiciousness. I sav lhe good divine Aulogenes, and lhe Savioi, vho is lhe
youlhfuI, peifecl TiipIe-MaIe ChiId, and his goodness, lhe noelic peifecl Iiolophanes-Hainedon,
and lhe lIessedness of lhe KaIyplos, and lhe piinaiy oiigin of lhe lIessedness, lhe Aeon of
aileIo, fuII of divinily, and lhe piinaiy oiigin of lhe one vilhoul oiigin, lhe spiiiluaI, invisilIe
TiipIe-Ioveied One, lhe UniveisaI One lhal is highei lhan peifecl.
When <I> vas laken ly lhe eleinaI Lighl oul of lhe gainenl lhal vas upon ne, and laken up lo a
hoIy pIace vhose Iikeness cannol le ieveaIed in lhe voiId, lhen ly neans of a gieal lIessedness I
sav aII lhose aloul vhon I had heaid. And I piaised aII of lhen and I slood upon ny knovIedge
and I incIined lo lhe knovIedge of lhe UniveisaIs, lhe Aeon of aileIo.
And I sav hoIy poveis ly neans of lhe Luninaiies of lhe viiginaI naIe aileIo leIIing ne lhal I
vouId le alIe lo lesl vhal happens in lhe voiId: "O AIIogenes, lehoId youi lIessedness, hov il
siIenlIy alides, ly vhich you knov youi piopei seIf and, seeking youiseIf, vilhdiav lo lhe
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VilaIily lhal you viII see noving. And aIlhough il is inpossilIe foi you lo sland, feai nolhing, lul
if you vish lo sland, vilhdiav lo lhe Lxislence, and you viII find il slanding and al iesl aflei lhe
Iikeness of lhe One vho is liuIy al iesl and (vho) enliaces aII lhese siIenlIy and inacliveIy. And
vhen you ieceive a ieveIalion of hin ly neans of a piinaiy ieveIalion of lhe Unknovn One - lhe
One vhon if you shouId knov hin, le ignoianl of hin - and you lecone afiaid in lhal pIace,
vilhdiav lo lhe ieai lecause of lhe aclivilies. And vhen you lecone peifecl in lhal pIace, sliII
youiseIf. And in accoidance vilh lhe pallein lhal indveIIs you, knov Iikevise lhal il is lhis vay
in aII such (nalleis) aflei lhis pallein. And do nol fuilhei dissipale, so lhal you nay le alIe lo
sland, and do nol desiie lo le aclive, Iesl you faII in any vay fion lhe inaclivily in you of lhe
Unknovn One. Do nol knov hin, foi il is inpossilIe, lul if ly neans of an enIighlened lhoughl
you shouId knov hin, le ignoianl of hin."
Nov I vas Iislening lo lhese lhings as lhose ones spoke lhen. Theie vas vilhin ne a sliIIness of
siIence, and I heaid lhe Iessedness vheiely I knev <ny> piopei seIf.
And I vilhdiev lo lhe VilaIily as I soughl <nyseIf>, and I joined inlo il, and I slood, nol fiinIy
lul siIenlIy. And I sav an eleinaI, inleIIecluaI, undivided nolion lhal peilains lo aII lhe foinIess
poveis, (vhich is) unIiniled ly Iinilalion.
And vhen I vanled lo sland fiinIy, I vilhdiev lo lhe Lxislence, vhich I found slanding and al
iesl, Iike an inage and Iikeness of vhal is confeiied upon ne ly a ieveIalion of lhe IndivisilIe
One and lhe One vho is al iesl. I vas fiIIed vilh ieveIalion ly neans of a piinaiy ieveIalion of
lhe UnknovalIe One. As lhough I veie ignoianl of hin, I knev hin, and I ieceived povei ly
hin. Having leen peinanenlIy slienglhened, I knev lhe One vho exisls in ne, and lhe TiipIe-
Ioveied One, and lhe ieveIalion of his unconlainalIeness. And ly neans of a piinaiy ieveIalion
of lhe Iiisl One unknovalIe lo lhen aII, lhe Cod vho is leyond peifeclion, I sav hin and lhe
TiipIe-Ioveied One lhal exisls in lhen aII. I vas seeking lhe ineffalIe and UnknovalIe Cod -
vhon if one shouId knov hin, he vouId le alsoIuleIy ignoianl of hin - lhe Medialoi of lhe
TiipIe-Ioveied One vho sulsisls in sliIIness and siIence and is unknovalIe.
And vhen I vas confiined in lhese nalleis, lhe poveis of lhe Luninaiies said lo ne, "Cease
hindeiing lhe inaclivily lhal exisls in you, ly seeking inconpiehensilIe nalleis, ialhei, heai aloul
hin in so fai as il is possilIe ly neans of a piinaiy ieveIalion and a ieveIalion."
"Nov he is sonelhing insofai as he exisls in lhal he eilhei exisls and viII lecone, oi acls oi
knovs, aIlhough he Iives vilhoul Mind oi Life oi Lxislence oi Non-Lxislence, inconpiehensilIy.
And he is sonelhing aIong vilh his piopei leing. He is nol Iefl ovei in sone vay, as if he yieIds
sonelhing lhal is assayed oi puiified oi lhal ieceives oi gives. And he is nol dininished in any
vay, vhelhei ly his ovn desiie, oi vhelhei he gives oi ieceives lhiough anolhei. Neilhei does he
have any desiie of hinseIf noi fion anolhei, il does nol affecl hin. Ralhei, neilhei does he give
anylhing ly hinseIf, Iesl he lecone dininished in anolhei iespecl, noi foi lhis ieason does he
need Mind, oi Life, is indeed anylhing al aII. He is supeiioi lo lhe UniveisaIs in his piivalion and
unknovaliIily, lhal is, lhe non-leing exislence, since he is endoved vilh siIence and sliIIness Iesl
he le dininished ly lhose vho aie nol dininished.
"He is neilhei divinily noi lIessedness noi peifeclion. Ralhei, il (lhis liiad) is an unknovalIe
enlily of hin, nol lhal vhich is piopei lo hin, ialhei, he is anolhei one supeiioi lo lhe lIessedness
and lhe divinily and peifeclion. Ioi he is nol peifecl, lul he is anolhei lhing lhal is supeiioi. He is
neilhei loundIess, noi is he lounded ly anolhei. Ralhei, he is sonelhing supeiioi. He is nol
coipoieaI. He is nol incoipoieaI. He is nol gieal. He is nol snaII. He is nol a nunlei. He is nol a
ciealuie. Noi is he sonelhing lhal exisls, lhal one can knov. ul he is sonelhing eIse of hinseIf
lhal is supeiioi, vhich one cannol knov.
"He is piinaiy ieveIalion and knovIedge of hinseIf, as il is he aIone vho knovs hinseIf. Since he
is nol one of lhose lhal exisl, lul is anolhei lhing, he is supeiioi lo supeiIalives, even in
conpaiison lo vhal is his and nol his. He neilhei pailicipales in age noi does he pailicipale in
line. He does nol ieceive anylhing fion anylhing eIse. He is nol dininishalIe, neilhei does he
dininish anylhing, noi is he undininishalIe. ul he is seIf-conpiehending, as sonelhing so
unknovalIe lhal he exceeds lhose vho exceI in unknovaliIily.
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"He is endoved vilh lIessedness and peifeclion and siIence - nol <lhe lIessedness> noi lhe
peifeclion - and sliIIness. Ralhei il (lhese alliilules) is an enlily of hin lhal exisls, vhich one
cannol knov, and vhich is al iesl. Ralhei lhey aie enlilies of hin unknovalIe lo lhen aII.
"And he is nuch highei in leauly lhan aII lhose lhal aie good, and he is lhus unknovalIe lo aII of
lhen in eveiy iespecl. And lhiough lhen aII he is in lhen aII, nol onIy as lhe unknovalIe
knovIedge lhal is piopei lo hin. And he is uniled vilh lhe ignoiance lhal sees hin. Whelhei <one
sees> in vhal vay he is unknovalIe, oi sees hin as he is in eveiy iespecl, oi vouId say lhal he is
sonelhing Iike knovIedge, he has sinned againsl hin, leing IialIe lo judgnenl lecause he did nol
knov Cod. He viII nol le judged ly Thal One vho is neilhei conceined foi anylhing noi has any
desiie, lul il (judgnenl) <is> fion hinseIf, lecause he did nol find lhe oiigin lhal liuIy exisls. He
vas lIind, apail fion lhe eye of ieveIalion lhal is al iesl, lhe (one) lhal is aclivaled, lhe (one) fion
lhe TiipIe-Iovei of lhe Iiisl Thoughl of lhe InvisilIe Spiiil. This one lhus exisls fion ... (15 |incs
... sonelhing |...j sel fiinIy on lhe |...j, a leauly and a fiisl eneigence of sliIIness and siIence and
lianquiIily and unfalhonalIe giealness. When he appeaied, he did nol need line noi <did he
pailake> of eleinily. Ralhei of hinseIf he is unfalhonalIy unfalhonalIe. He does nol aclivale
hinseIf so as lo lecone sliII. He is nol an exislence, Iesl he le in vanl. SpaliaIIy, he is coipoieaI,
vhiIe piopeiIy he is incoipoieaI. He has non-leing exislence. He exisls foi aII of lhen unlo
hinseIf vilhoul any desiie. ul he is a giealei sunnil of giealness. And he is highei lhan his
sliIIness, in oidei lhal ... (15 |incs nissing)
... he sav lhen, and enpoveied lhen aII, aIlhough lhey do nol concein lhenseIves vilh Thal One
al aII, noi, if one shouId ieceive fion hin, does he ieceive povei. Nolhing aclivales hin in
accoidance vilh lhe Unily lhal is al iesl. Ioi he is unknovalIe, he is an aiiIess pIace of
loundIessness. Since he is loundIess and poveiIess and nonexislenl, he vas nol giving eing.
Ralhei he conlains aII of lhese in hinseIf, leing al iesl (and) slanding oul of lhe one vho slands
conlinuaIIy, since lheie had appeaied an LleinaI Life, lhe InvisilIe and TiipIe-Ioveied Spiiil
vhich is in aII of lhese vho exisl. And il suiiounds lhen aII, leing highei lhan lhen aII. A
shadov... (15 |incs nissing)
...he vas fiIIed vilh povei. And he slood lefoie lhen, enpoveiing lhen aII, and he fiIIed lhen
And conceining aII of lhese lhings you have heaid ceilainIy. And do nol seek anylhing noie, lul
go. We do nol knov vhelhei lhe UnknovalIe One has angeIs oi gods, oi vhelhei lhe One vho is
al iesl vas conlaining anylhing vilhin hinseIf excepl lhe sliIIness, vhich is he, Iesl he le
dininished. Il is nol filling lo spend noie line seeking. Il vas appiopiiale lhal you (pI.) knov,
and lhal lhey speak vilh anolhei one. ul you viII ieceive lhen ... (5 |incs nissing)
... and he said lo ne, "Wiile dovn lhe lhings lhal I shaII leII you, and of vhich I shaII ienind you,
foi lhe sake of lhose vho viII le voilhy aflei you. And you viII Ieave lhis look upon a nounlain
and you viII adjuie lhe guaidian: "Cone DieadfuI One".
And aflei he said lhese (lhings), he sepaialed fion ne. ul I vas fuII of joy, and I viole lhis look
vhich vas appoinled foi ne, ny son Messos, in oidei lhal I nighl discIose lo you lhe (lhings) lhal
veie piocIained lefoie ne in ny piesence. And al fiisl I ieceived lhen in gieal siIence, and I
slood ly nyseIf, piepaiing nyseIf. These aie lhe lhings lhal veie discIosed lo ne, O ny son
Messos ... (13 |incs nissing)
... piocIain lhen, O ny son Messos, as lhe seaI foi aII lhe looks of AIIogenes.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., Tnc Nag Hannadi |iorarq, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The look conceining lhe lhings lhal veie seen ly Hypsiphione
leing ieveaIed in lhe pIace of hei viiginily. And she Iislens lo hei
lielhien |...j Ihainops and |...j, and lhey speak vilh one anolhei in
a nysleiy.
Nov I vas fiisl ly individuaI ianking |...j I cane foilh lo lhe pIace
of ny viiginily and I venl dovn lo lhe voiId. Then I vas loId
aloul lhen (ly) lhose vho alide in lhe pIace of ny viiginily.
And I venl dovn lo lhe voiId and lhey said lo ne, "Again
Hypsiphione has vilhdiavn oulside lhe pIace of hei viiginily."
Then lhe one vho heaid, Ihainops, vho liealhes inlo hei founl of
lIood, spiead oul foi hei.
And he said, |"I an Ihainops ...j eii |...j desiie |... lhe nunleij of
jusl lhe hunan iennanls oi lhal I nay see a |nan, lhe lIood-
Iikeness oi ...j of a |... fiiej and a |... inj his hands.
Then as foi ne, I said lo hin, "Ihainops has nol cone upon ne, he
has nol gone asliay. |...j see a nan |...j hin |...j Ioi |...j vhich he
said |...j Ihainops lhis |...j.
I sav hin and he said lo ne, "Hypsiphione, vhy do you dveII
oulside ne` IoIIov ne and I viII leII you aloul lhen." So I
foIIoved hin, foi I vas in gieal feai. And he loId ne aloul a founl
of lIood lhal is ieveaIed ly selling afiie |...j he said |...j.
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
(157) |...j is a sign of ignoiance.
(158/159) Love lhe liulh, and lhe Iie use Iike poison.
(16O) May lhe iighl line piecede youi voids.
(161/162) Speak vhen il is nol piopei lo le siIenl, lul speak conceining lhe lhings you knov
(onIy) lhen vhen il is filling.
(163a) The unlineIy void is chaiacleiislic of an eviI nind.
(163l) When il is piopei lo acl, do nol use a void.
(164a) Do nol vish lo speak fiisl in lhe nidsl of a ciovd.
(164l) WhiIe il is a skiII lo speak, il is aIso a skiII lo le siIenl.
(165a) Il is lellei foi you lo le defealed vhiIe speaking lhe liulh, lhan lo le vicloiious lhiough
(165l) He vho is vicloiious lhiough deceil is defealed ly lhe liulh.
(165c) Unliue voids aie a chaiacleiislic of eviI peisons.
(165d) Theie has lo le a gieal ciisis lefoie lhe Iie is necessaiy.
(165e) When lheie is soneone, vhiIe you speak lhe liulh, even if you Iie lheie is no sin.
(165f) Do nol deceive anyone, especiaIIy hin vho needs advice.
(166) IailhfuI is he vho is fiisl vilh aII good voiks.
(167) Wisdon Ieads lhe souI lo lhe pIace of Cod.
(168) Theie is no kinsnan of lhe liulh excepl visdon.
(169) Il is nol possilIe foi a leIieving naluie lo lecone fond of Iying.
(17O) A feaifuI and sIavish naluie viII nol le alIe lo pailake in failh.
(171a) When you aie failhfuI, vhal il is filling lo say is nol of giealei vaIue lhan lhe heaiing.
(171l) When you aie vilh leIieving peisons, desiie lo Iislen ialhei lhan lo speak.
(172) A pIeasuie-Ioving nan is useIess in eveiylhing.
(173) When lheie is no (accounling of) sin, do nol speak in anylhing (vhich is) fion Cod.
(174) The sins of lhose vho aie ignoianl aie lhe shane of lhose vho have laughl lhen.
(175) Those on accounl of vhon lhe nane of Cod is lIasphened aie dead lefoie Cod.
(176) A vise nan is a doei of good voiks aflei Cod.
(177) May youi Iife confiin youi voids lefoie lhose vho heai.
(178) Whal il is nol iighl lo do, do nol even considei doing il.
(179) Whal you do nol vanl lo happen lo you, do nol do il youiseIf eilhei.
(18O) Whal il is shanefuI lo do, is aIso ...
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(3O7/3O8) He is a vise nan vho connends Cod lo nen, and Cod lhinks noie highIy of lhe vise
nan lhan his ovn voiks.
(3O9) Aflei Cod, no one is as fiee as lhe vise nan.
(31O) Lveiylhing Cod possesses, lhe vise nan has aIso.
(311/312) The vise nan shaies in lhe kingdon of Cod, an eviI nan does nol vanl lhe
foieknovIedge of Cod lo cone lo pass.
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(313) An eviI souI fIees fion Cod.
(314) Lveiylhing lad is lhe eneny of Cod.
(315) Whal lhinks in you, say vilh youi nind lhal il is nan.
(316) Wheie youi lhoughl is, lheie is youi goodness.
(317) Do nol seek goodness in fIesh.
(318) He vho does nol hain lhe souI neilhei does (so) lo nan.
(319) Aflei Cod, honoi a vise nan, since he is lhe seivanl of Cod.
(32O) To nake lhe lody of youi souI a luiden is piide, lul lo le alIe lo iesliain il genlIy vhen il is
necessaiy, is lIessedness.
(321) Do nol lecone guiIly of youi ovn dealh. Do nol le angiy al hin vho viII lake you oul of
(lhe) lody and kiII you.
(322) If soneone liings lhe vise nan oul of lhe lody vickedIy, he ialhei does vhal is good foi
hin, foi he has leen ieIeased fion londs.
(323) The feai of dealh giieves nan lecause of lhe ignoiance of lhe souI.
(324) <Il veie lellei> foi you had lhe nan-kiIIing svoid nol cone inlo leing, lul vhen il cones,
say vilh youi nind lhal il does nol exisl.
(325/326a) Soneone vho says "I leIieve," even if he spends a Iong line pielending, he viII nol
pievaiI, lul he viII faII, as youi heail is, (so) viII le youi Iife.
(326l) A godIy heail pioduces a lIessed Iife.
(327) He vho viII pIol eviI againsl anolhei, he is lhe fiisl |...j.
(328) Lel nol an ungialefuI nan cause you lo cease lo do good.
(329) Do nol say vilh youi nind lhal lhese lhings vhich veie asked, (and) you gave innedialeIy,
aie noie vaIualIe lhan lhe ieceivei.
(33O) You viII use gieal piopeily, if you give lo lhe needy viIIingIy.
(331) Ieisuade a senseIess liolhei nol lo le senseIess, if he is nad, piolecl hin.
(332/334) Sliive eageiIy lo le vicloiious ovei eveiy nan in piudence, nainlain seIf-sufficiency.
(333) You cannol ieceive undeislanding unIess you knov fiisl lhal you possess <il>. In eveiylhing
lheie is again lhis senlence.
(335) The nenleis of lhe lody aie a luiden lo lhose vho do nol use lhen.
(336) Il is lellei lo seive olheis lhan lo nake olheis seive you.
(337) He vhon Cod viII nol liing oul of (lhe) lody, Iel hin nol luiden hinseIf.
(338) Nol onIy do nol hoId an opinion vhich does nol lenefil lhe needy, lul aIso do nol Iislen lo
(339) He vho gives sonelhing vilhoul iespecl connils an ouliage. |...j.
(34O) If you lake on lhe guaidianship of oiphans, you viII le lhe falhei of nany chiIdien (and)
you viII le leIoved of Cod.
(341) He vhon you seive lecause of honoi, you have seived foi a vage.
(342) If you have given lhal vhich honois you ..., you have given nol lo nan, lul you have given
foi youi ovn pIeasuie.
(343/344) Do nol piovoke lhe angei of a nol. Knov, lhen, vhal is filling foi lhe foilunale nan lo
(345) Il is lellei lo die lhan lo daiken lhe souI lecause of lhe innodeialion of lhe leIIy.
(346) Say vilh youi nind lhal lhe lody is lhe gainenl of youi souI: keep il, lheiefoie, puie since il
is innocenl.
(347) Whalevei lhe souI viII do vhiIe il is in (lhe) lody, il has as vilnesses vhen il goes inlo
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(348/349) UncIean denons do Iay cIain lo a poIIuled souI, a failhfuI (and) good souI, eviI denons
viII nol le alIe lo hindei in lhe vay of Cod.
(35O) Do nol give lhe void of Cod lo eveiyone.
(351) Ioi lhose vho aie coiiupled ly gIoiy il is nol assuiing lo heai aloul Cod.
(352/353) Il is nol a snaII dangei foi us lo speak lhe liulh aloul Cod, do nol say anylhing aloul
Cod lefoie you have Ieained fion Cod.
(354/356) Do nol speak vilh a godIess peison aloul Cod, if you aie poIIuled on accounl of inpuie
voiks, do nol speak aloul Cod.
(357) The liue void aloul Cod is lhe void of Cod.
(355) Speak conceining lhe void aloul Cod as if you veie saying il in lhe piesence of Cod.
(358) If fiisl youi nind is peisuaded lhal you have leen god-Ioving, lhen speak lo vhonevei you
vish aloul Cod.
(359) May youi pious voiks piecede eveiy void aloul Cod.
(36O) Do nol vish lo speak vilh a ciovd aloul Cod.
(361) e (noie) spaiing vilh a void aloul Cod (lhan) aloul a souI.
(362) Il is lellei lo dispose of a souI lhan lo discaid al iandon a void aloul Cod.
(363a) You conceive lhe lody of a god-Ioving nan, lul you viII nol le alIe lo iuIe ovei his speech.
(363l) The Iion aIso iuIes ovei lhe lody of lhe vise nan, aIso lhe lyianl iuIes ovei il aIone.
(364) If a lyianl lhiealens you, lhen, especiaIIy, ienenlei Cod.
(365) He vho speaks lhe void of Cod lo lhose foi vhon il is nol IavfuI, he is lhe leliayei of Cod.
(366) Il is lellei foi you lo le siIenl aloul lhe void of Cod, lhan lo speak ieckIessIy.
(367/368) He vho speaks Iies aloul Cod is Iying lo Cod, a nan vho does nol have anylhing
liulhfuI lo say aloul Cod is alandoned ly Cod.
(369) Il is nol possilIe foi you lo knov Cod vhen you do nol voiship hin.
(37O) A nan vho does eviI lo soneone viII nol le alIe lo voiship Cod.
(371) The Iove of nan is lhe leginning of godIiness.
(372) He vho lakes caie of nen vhiIe piaying foi aII of lhen - lhis is lhe liulh of Cod.
(373/374) Il is Cod`s lusiness lo save vhon he vanls, on lhe olhei hand, il is lhe lusiness of lhe
pious nan lo leseech Cod lo save eveiyone.
(375) When you piay foi sonelhing and il happens lo you lhiough Cod, lhen say vilh youi nind
lhal you have |...j.
(376a) A nan vho is voilhy of Cod, he is Cod anong nen, and he is lhe son of Cod.
(376l) olh lhe gieal one exisls and he vho is nexl lo lhe gieal one exisls.
(377/378) Il is lellei foi nan lo le vilhoul anylhing lhan lo have nany lhings vhiIe nol giving lo
lhe needy, so aIso you, if you piay lo Cod, he viII nol give lo you.
(379) If you, fion youi vhoIe heail, give youi liead lo lhe hungiy, lhe gifl is snaII, lul lhe
viIIingness is gieal vilh Cod.
(38O) He vho lhinks lhal no one is in lhe piesence of Cod, he is nol hunlIe lovaids Cod.
(381) He vho nakes his nind Iike unlo Cod as fai as he is alIe, he is lhe one vho honois Cod
(382) Cod does nol need anylhing, lul he iejoices ovei lhose vho give lo lhe needy.
(383) The failhfuI do nol speak nany voids, lul lheii voiks aie nuneious.
(384) Il is a failhfuI peison fond of Ieaining vho is lhe voikei of lhe liulh.
(385) Adjusl |...j lhe caIanilies, in oidei lhal |...j.
(386) If you do nol do eviI lo anyone, you viII nol le afiaid of anyone.
(387) The lyianl viII nol le alIe lo lake avay happiness.
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(388) Whal is iighl lo do, do il viIIingIy.
(389a) Whal is nol iighl lo do, do nol do il in any vay.
(389l) Iionise eveiylhing ialhei lhan lo say "I an vise".
(39O) Whal you do veII, say vilh youi nind lhal il is Cod vho does il.
(391) No nan vho <Iooks> dovn upon lhe eailh and upon lalIes is vise.
(392) The phiIosophei vho is an oulei lody, he is nol lhe one lo vhon il is filling lo pay iespecl,
lul (lhe) phiIosophei accoiding lo lhe innei nan.
(393) Cuaid youiseIf fion Iying, lheie is he vho deceives and lheie is he vho is deceived.
(394/395) Knov vho Cod is, and knov vho is lhe one vho lhinks in you, a good nan is lhe good
voik of Cod.
(396) They aie niseialIe lecause of vhon lhe void is lIasphened.
(397) Dealh viII nol le alIe lo deslioy |...j.
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|rcn Rcocr| M. Gran|, Cnoslicisn (Harpcr c 8rc|ncrs, Ncu Ycr|, 1961),
as quc|cd in li||is 8arns|cnc, The Olhei ilIe (Harpcr c Rcu, San |ranciscc, 1984).
The gospeI of liulh is joy lo lhose vho have ieceived fion lhe Ialhei of liulh lhe gifl of knoving
hin ly lhe povei of lhe Logos, vho has cone fion lhe IIeiona and vho is in lhe lhoughl and lhe
nind of lhe Ialhei, he il is vho is caIIed "lhe Savioi," since lhal is lhe nane of lhe voik vhich he
nusl do foi lhe iedenplion of lhose vho have nol knovn lhe Ialhei. Ioi lhe nane of lhe gospeI is
lhe nanifeslalion of hope, since lhal is lhe discoveiy of lhose vho seek hin, lecause lhe AII
soughl hin fion vhon il had cone foilh. You see, lhe AII had leen inside of hin, lhal iIIinilalIe,
inconceivalIe one, vho is lellei lhan eveiy lhoughl.
This ignoiance of lhe Ialhei lioughl aloul leiioi and feai. And leiioi lecane dense Iike a fog,
lhal no one vas alIe lo see. ecause of lhis, eiioi lecane sliong. ul il voiked on ils hyIic
sulslance vainIy, lecause il did nol knov lhe liulh. Il vas in a fashioned foin vhiIe il vas
piepaiing, in povei and in leauly, lhe equivaIenl of liulh. This lhen, vas nol a huniIialion foi
hin, lhal iIIinilalIe, inconceivalIe one. Ioi lhey veie as nolhing, lhis leiioi and lhis foigelfuIness
and lhis figuie of faIsehood, vheieas lhis eslalIished liulh is unchanging, unpeiluiled and
conpIeleIy leaulifuI.
Ioi lhis ieason, do nol lake eiioi loo seiiousIy. Thus, since il had no iool, il vas in a fog as iegaids
lhe Ialhei, engaged in piepaiing voiks and foigelfuInesses and feais in oidei, ly lhese neans, lo
leguiIe lhose of lhe niddIe and lo nake lhen caplive. The foigelfuIness of eiioi vas nol ieveaIed.
Il did nol lecone Iighl leside lhe Ialhei. IoigelfuIness did nol exisl vilh lhe Ialhei, aIlhough il
exisled lecause of hin. Whal exisls in hin is knovIedge, vhich vas ieveaIed so lhal foigelfuIness
nighl le deslioyed and lhal lhey nighl knov lhe Ialhei, Since foigelfuIness exisled lecause lhey
did nol knov lhe Ialhei, if lhey lhen cone lo knov lhe Ialhei, fion lhal nonenl on foigelfuIness
viII cease lo exisl.
Thal is lhe gospeI of hin vhon lhey seek, vhich he has ieveaIed lo lhe peifecl lhiough lhe
neicies of lhe Ialhei as lhe hidden nysleiy, }esus lhe Chiisl. Thiough hin he enIighlened lhose
vho veie in daikness lecause of foigelfuIness. He enIighlened lhen and gave lhen a palh. And
lhal palh is lhe liulh vhich he laughl lhen. Ioi lhis ieason eiioi vas angiy vilh hin, so il
peiseculed hin. Il vas disliessed ly hin, so il nade hin poveiIess. He vas naiIed lo a cioss. He
lecane a fiuil of lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei. He did nol, hovevei, deslioy lhen lecause lhey ale
of il. He ialhei caused lhose vho ale of il lo le joyfuI lecause of lhis discoveiy.
And as foi hin, lhen he found in hinseIf, and hin lhey found in lhenseIves, lhal iIIinilalIe,
inconceivalIe one, lhal peifecl Ialhei vho nade lhe aII, in vhon lhe AII is, and vhon lhe AII
Iacks, since he ielained in hinseIf lheii peifeclion, vhich he had nol given lo lhe aII. The Ialhei
vas nol jeaIous. Whal jeaIousy, indeed, is lheie lelveen hin and his nenleis` Ioi, even if lhe
Aeon had ieceived lheii peifeclion, lhey vouId nol have leen alIe lo appioach lhe peifeclion of
lhe Ialhei, lecause he ielained lheii peifeclion in hinseIf, giving il lo lhen as a vay lo ieluin lo
hin and as a knovIedge unique in peifeclion. He is lhe one vho sel lhe AII in oidei and in vhon
lhe AII exisled and vhon lhe AII Iacked. As one of vhon sone have no knovIedge, he desiies
lhal lhey knov hin and lhal lhey Iove hin. Ioi vhal is il lhal lhe AII Iacked, if nol lhe knovIedge
of lhe Ialhei`
He lecane a guide, quiel and in Ieisuie. In lhe niddIe of a schooI he cane and spoke lhe Woid, as
a leachei. Those vho veie vise in lheii ovn eslinalion cane lo pul hin lo lhe lesl. ul he
disciediled lhen as enply-headed peopIe. They haled hin lecause lhey ieaIIy veie nol vise nen.
Aflei aII lhese cane aIso lhe IillIe chiIdien, lhose vho possess lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei. When
lhey lecane sliong lhey veie laughl lhe aspecls of lhe Ialhei's face. They cane lo knov and lhey
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veie knovn. They veie gIoiified and lhey gave gIoiy. In lheii heail, lhe Iiving look of lhe Living
vas nanifesl, lhe look vhich vas viillen in lhe lhoughl and in lhe nind of lhe Ialhei and, fion
lefoie lhe foundalion of lhe AII, is in lhal inconpiehensilIe pail of hin.
This is lhe look vhich no one found possilIe lo lake, since il vas ieseived foi hin vho viII lake il
and le sIain. No one vas alIe lo le nanifesl fion lhose vho leIieved in saIvalion as Iong as lhal
look had nol appeaied. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe conpassionale, failhfuI }esus vas palienl in his
suffeiings unliI he look lhal look, since he knev lhal his dealh neanl Iife foi nany. }usl as in lhe
case of a viII vhich has nol yel leen opened, foi lhe foilune of lhe deceased naslei of lhe house is
hidden, so aIso in lhe case of lhe AII vhich had leen hidden as Iong as lhe Ialhei of lhe AII vas
invisilIe and unique in hinseIf, in vhon eveiy space has ils souice. Ioi lhis ieason }esus
appeaied. He look lhal look as his ovn. He vas naiIed lo a cioss. He affixed lhe edicl of lhe
Ialhei lo lhe cioss.
Oh, such gieal leaching! He alases hinseIf even unlo dealh, lhough he is cIolhed in eleinaI Iife.
Having divesled hinseIf of lhese peiishalIe iags, he cIolhed hinseIf in incoiiupliliIily, vhich no
one couId possilIy lake fion hin. Having enleied inlo lhe enply leiiiloiy of feais, he passed
lefoie lhose vho veie sliipped ly foigelfuIness, leing lolh knovIedge and peifeclion,
piocIaining lhe lhings lhal aie in lhe heail of lhe Ialhei, so lhal he lecane lhe visdon of lhose
vho have ieceived insliuclion. ul lhose vho aie lo le laughl, lhe Iiving vho aie insciiled in lhe
look of lhe Iiving, Ieain foi lhenseIves, ieceiving insliuclions fion lhe Ialhei, luining lo hin
Since lhe peifeclion of lhe AII is in lhe Ialhei, il is necessaiy foi lhe AII lo ascend lo hin.
Theiefoie, if one has knovIedge, he gels vhal leIongs lo hin and diavs il lo hinseIf. Ioi he vho
is ignoianl, is deficienl, and il is a gieal deficiency, since he Iacks lhal vhich viII nake hin
peifecl. Since lhe peifeclion of lhe AII is in lhe Ialhei, il is necessaiy foi lhe AII lo ascend lo hin
and foi each one lo gel lhe lhings vhich aie his. He iegisleied lhen fiisl, having piepaied lhen lo
le given lo lhose vho cane fion hin.
Those vhose nane he knev fiisl veie caIIed Iasl, so lhal lhe one vho has knovIedge is he vhose
nane lhe Ialhei has pionounced. Ioi he vhose nane has nol leen spoken is ignoianl. Indeed,
hov shaII one heai if his nane has nol leen ulleied` Ioi he vho ienains ignoianl unliI lhe end is
a ciealuie of foigelfuIness and viII peiish vilh il. If lhis is nol so, vhy have lhese vielches no
nane, vhy do lhey have no sound` Hence, if one has knovIedge, he is fion alove. If he is caIIed,
he heais, he iepIies, and he luins lovaid hin vho caIIed hin and he ascends lo hin and he
knovs vhal he is caIIed. Since he has knovIedge, he does lhe viII of hin vho caIIed hin. He
desiies lo pIease hin and he finds iesl. He ieceives a ceilain nane. He vho lhus is going lo have
knovIedge knovs vhence he cane and vhilhei he is going. He knovs il as a peison vho, having
lecone inloxicaled, has luined fion his diunkenness and having cone lo hinseIf, has iesloied
vhal is his ovn.
He has luined nany fion eiioi. He venl lefoie lhen lo lheii ovn pIaces, fion vhich lhey
depailed vhen lhey eiied lecause of lhe deplh of hin vho suiiounds eveiy pIace, vheieas lheie
is nolhing vhich suiiounds hin. Il vas a gieal vondei lhal lhey veie in lhe Ialhei vilhoul
knoving hin and lhal lhey veie alIe lo Ieave on lheii ovn, since lhey veie nol alIe lo conlain
hin and knov hin in vhon lhey veie, foi indeed his viII had nol cone foilh fion hin. Ioi he
ieveaIed il as a knovIedge vilh vhich aII ils enanalions agiee, naneIy, lhe knovIedge of lhe
Iiving look vhich he ieveaIed lo lhe Aeons al Iasl as his Ielleis, dispIaying lo lhen lhal lhese aie
nol neieIy voveIs noi consonanls, so lhal one nay iead lhen and lhink of sonelhing void of
neaning, on lhe conliaiy, lhey aie Ielleis vhich convey lhe liulh. They aie pionounced onIy
vhen lhey aie knovn. Lach Iellei is a peifecl liulh Iike a peifecl look, foi lhey aie Ielleis viillen
ly lhe hand of lhe unily, since lhe Ialhei viole lhen foi lhe Aeons, so lhal lhey ly neans of his
Ielleis nighl cone lo knov lhe Ialhei.
WhiIe his visdon nediales on lhe Iogos, and since his leaching expiesses il, his knovIedge has
leen ieveaIed. His honoi is a ciovn upon il. Since his joy agiees vilh il, his gIoiy exaIled il. Il has
ieveaIed his inage. Il has ollained his iesl. His Iove look lodiIy foin aiound il. His liusl
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enliaced il. Thus lhe Iogos of lhe Ialhei goes foilh inlo lhe AII, leing lhe fiuil of his heail and
expiession of his viII. Il suppoils lhe AII. Il chooses and aIso lakes lhe foin of lhe AII, puiifying il,
and causing il lo ieluin lo lhe Ialhei and lo lhe Molhei, }esus of lhe ulnosl sveelness. The Ialhei
opens his loson, lul his loson is lhe HoIy Spiiil. He ieveaIs his hidden seIf vhich is his son, so
lhal lhiough lhe conpassion of lhe Ialhei lhe Aeons nay knov hin, end lheii veaiying seaich
foi lhe Ialhei and iesl lhenseIves in hin, knoving lhal lhis is iesl. Aflei he had fiIIed vhal vas
inconpIele, he did avay vilh foin. The foin of il is lhe voiId, lhal vhich il seived. Ioi vheie
lheie is envy and sliife, lheie is an inconpIeleness, lul vheie lheie is unily, lheie is conpIeleness.
Since lhis inconpIeleness cane aloul lecause lhey did nol knov lhe Ialhei, so vhen lhey knov
lhe Ialhei, inconpIeleness, fion lhal nonenl on, viII cease lo exisl. As one's ignoiance
disappeais vhen he gains knovIedge, and as daikness disappeais vhen Iighl appeais, so aIso
inconpIeleness is eIininaled ly conpIeleness. CeilainIy, fion lhal nonenl on, foin is no Iongei
nanifesl, lul viII le dissoIved in fusion vilh unily. Ioi nov lheii voiks Iie scalleied. In line
unily viII nake lhe spaces conpIele. y neans of unily each one viII undeisland ilseIf. y neans
of knovIedge il viII puiify ilseIf of diveisily vilh a viev lovaids unily, devouiing nallei vilhin
ilseIf Iike fiie and daikness ly Iighl, dealh ly Iife.
CeilainIy, if lhese lhings have happened lo each one of us, il is filling foi us, suieIy, lo lhink aloul
lhe AII so lhal lhe house nay le hoIy and siIenl foi unily. Like peopIe vho have noved fion a
neighloihood, if lhey have sone dishes aiound vhich aie nol good, lhey usuaIIy lieak lhen.
NeveilheIess lhe househoIdei does nol suffei a Ioss, lul iejoices, foi in lhe pIace of lhese defeclive
dishes lheie aie lhose vhich aie conpIeleIy peifecl. Ioi lhis is lhe judgenenl vhich has cone
fion alove and vhich has judged eveiy peison, a diavn lvo-edged svoid culling on lhis side
and lhal. When il appeaied, I nean, lhe Logos, vho is in lhe heail of lhose vho pionounce il - il
vas nol neieIy a sound lul il has lecone a lody - a gieal disluilance occuiied anong lhe dishes,
foi sone veie enplied, olheis fiIIed: sone veie piovided foi, olheis veie ienoved, sone veie
puiified, sliII olheis veie lioken. AII lhe spaces veie shaken and disluiled foi lhey had no
conposuie noi slaliIily. Liioi vas disluiled nol knoving vhal il shouId do. Il vas lioulIed, il
Ianenled, il vas leside ilseIf lecause il did nol knov anylhing. When knovIedge, vhich is ils
aloIishnenl, appioached il vilh aII ils enanalions, eiioi is enply, since lheie is nolhing in il.
Tiulh appeaied, aII ils enanalions iecognized il. They acluaIIy gieeled lhe Ialhei vilh a povei
vhich is conpIele and vhich joins lhen vilh lhe Ialhei. Ioi each one Ioves liulh lecause liulh is
lhe noulh of lhe Ialhei. His longue is lhe HoIy Spiiil, vho joins hin lo liulh allaching hin lo lhe
noulh of lhe Ialhei ly his longue al lhe line he shaII ieceive lhe HoIy Spiiil.
This is lhe nanifeslalion of lhe Ialhei and his ieveIalion lo his Aeons. He ieveaIed his hidden seIf
and expIained il. Ioi vho is il vho exisls if il is nol lhe Ialhei hinseIf` AII lhe spaces aie his
enanalions. They knev lhal lhey slen fion hin as chiIdien fion a peifecl nan. They knev lhal
lhey had nol yel ieceived foin noi had lhey yel ieceived a nane, eveiy one of vhich lhe Ialhei
pioduces. If lhey al lhal line ieceive foin of his knovIedge, lhough lhey aie liuIy in hin, lhey do
nol knov hin. ul lhe Ialhei is peifecl. He knovs eveiy space vhich is vilhin hin. If he pIeases,
he ieveaIs anyone vhon he desiies ly giving hin a foin and ly giving hin a nane, and he does
give hin a nane and cause hin lo cone inlo leing. Those vho do nol yel exisl aie ignoianl of hin
vho ciealed lhen. I do nol say, lhen, lhal lhose vho do nol yel exisl aie nolhing. ul lhey aie in
hin vho viII desiie lhal lhey exisl vhen he pIeases, Iike lhe evenl vhich is going lo happen. On
lhe one hand, he knovs, lefoie anylhing is ieveaIed, vhal he viII pioduce. On lhe olhei hand, lhe
fiuil vhich has nol yel leen ieveaIed does nol knov anylhing, noi is il anylhing eilhei. Thus each
space vhich, on ils pail, is in lhe Ialhei cones fion lhe exislenl one, vho, on his pail, has
eslalIished il fion lhe nonexislenl. |...j he vho does nol exisl al aII, viII nevei exisl.
Whal, lhen, is lhal vhich he vanls hin lo lhink` "I an Iike lhe shadovs and phanlons of lhe
nighl." When noining cones, lhis one knovs lhal lhe feai vhich he had expeiienced vas nolhing.
Thus lhey veie ignoianl of lhe Ialhei, he is lhe one vhon lhey did nol see. Since lheie had leen
feai and confusion and a Iack of confidence and doulIenindness and division, lheie veie nany
iIIusions vhich veie conceived ly hin, lhe foiegoing, as veII as enply ignoiance - as if lhey veie
fasl asIeep and found lhenseIves a piey lo lioulIed dieans. Lilhei lheie is a pIace lo vhich lhey
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fIee, oi lhey Iack slienglh as lhey cone, having puisued unspecified lhings. Lilhei lhey aie
invoIved in infIicling lIovs, oi lhey lhenseIves ieceive liuises. Lilhei lhey aie faIIing fion high
pIaces, oi lhey fIy off lhiough lhe aii, lhough lhey have no vings al aII. Olhei lines, il is as if
ceilain peopIe veie liying lo kiII lhen, even lhough lheie is no one puisuing lhen, oi, lhey
lhenseIves aie kiIIing lhose leside lhen, foi lhey aie slained ly lheii lIood. UnliI lhe nonenl
vhen lhey vho aie passing lhiough aII lhese lhings - I nean lhey vho have expeiienced aII lhese
confusions - avake, lhey see nolhing lecause lhe dieans veie nolhing. Il is lhus lhal lhey vho
casl ignoiance fion lhen as sheep do nol considei il lo le anylhing, noi iegaid ils piopeilies lo le
sonelhing ieaI, lul lhey ienounce lhen Iike a diean in lhe nighl and lhey considei lhe
knovIedge of lhe Ialhei lo le lhe davn. Il is lhus lhal each one has acled, as if he veie asIeep,
duiing lhe line vhen he vas ignoianl and lhus he cones lo undeisland, as if he veie avakening.
And happy is lhe nan vho cones lo hinseIf and avakens. Indeed, lIessed is he vho has opened
lhe eyes of lhe lIind.
And lhe Spiiil cane lo hin in hasle vhen il iaised hin. Having given ils hand lo lhe one Iying
pione on lhe giound, il pIaced hin fiinIy on his feel, foi he had nol yel slood up. He gave lhen
lhe neans of knoving lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei and lhe ieveIalion of his son. Ioi vhen lhey
sav il and Iislened lo il, he peinilled lhen lo lake a lasle of and lo sneII and lo giasp lhe leIoved
He appeaied, infoining lhen of lhe Ialhei, lhe iIIinilalIe one. He inspiied lhen vilh lhal vhich
is in lhe nind, vhiIe doing his viII. Many ieceived lhe Iighl and luined lovaids hin. ul naleiiaI
nen veie aIien lo hin and did nol discein his appeaiance noi iecognize hin. Ioi he cane in lhe
Iikeness of fIesh and nolhing lIocked his vay lecause il vas incoiiuplilIe and uniesliainalIe.
Moieovei, vhiIe saying nev lhings, speaking aloul vhal is in lhe heail of lhe Ialhei, he
piocIained lhe fauIlIess void. Lighl spoke lhiough his noulh, and his voice lioughl foilh Iife. He
gave lhen lhoughl and undeislanding and neicy and saIvalion and lhe Spiiil of slienglh deiived
fion lhe IinilIessness of lhe Ialhei and sveelness. He caused punishnenls and scouigings lo
cease, foi il vas lhey vhich caused nany in need of neicy lo asliay fion hin in eiioi and in
chains - and he nighliIy deslioyed lhen and deiided lhen vilh knovIedge. He lecane a palh foi
lhose vho venl asliay and knovIedge lo lhose vho veie ignoianl, a discoveiy foi lhose vho
soughl, and a suppoil foi lhose vho lienlIe, a puiily foi lhose vho veie defiIed.
He is lhe shepheid vho Iefl lehind lhe ninely-nine sheep vhich had nol sliayed and venl in
seaich of lhal one vhich vas Iosl. He iejoiced vhen he had found il. Ioi ninely-nine is a nunlei
of lhe Iefl hand, vhich hoIds il. The nonenl he finds lhe one, hovevei, lhe vhoIe nunlei is
liansfeiied lo lhe iighl hand. Thus il is vilh hin vho Iacks lhe one, lhal is, lhe enliie iighl hand
vhich alliacls lhal in vhich il is deficienl, seizes il fion lhe Iefl side and liansfeis il lo lhe iighl. In
lhis vay, lhen, lhe nunlei lecones one hundied. This nunlei signifies lhe Ialhei.
He Ialoied even on lhe Sallalh foi lhe sheep vhich he found faIIen inlo lhe pil. He saved lhe Iife
of lhal sheep, liinging il up fion lhe pil in oidei lhal you nay undeisland fuIIy vhal lhal
Sallalh is, you vho possess fuII undeislanding. Il is a day in vhich il is nol filling lhal saIvalion
le idIe, so lhal you nay speak of lhal heavenIy day vhich has no nighl and of lhe sun vhich does
nol sel lecause il is peifecl. Say lhen in youi heail lhal you aie lhis peifecl day and lhal in you lhe
Iighl vhich does nol faiI dveIIs.
Speak conceining lhe liulh lo lhose vho seek il and of knovIedge lo lhose vho, in lheii eiioi,
have connilled sin. Make suie-fooled lhose vho slunlIe and slielch foilh youi hands lo lhe sick.
Nouiish lhe hungiy and sel al ease lhose vho aie lioulIed. Ioslei nen vho Iove. Raise up and
avaken lhose vho sIeep. Ioi you aie lhis undeislanding vhich encouiages. If lhe sliong foIIov
lhis couise, lhey aie even sliongei. Tuin youi allenlion lo youiseIves. Do nol le conceined vilh
olhei lhings, naneIy, lhal vhich you have casl foilh fion youiseIves, lhal vhich you have
disnissed. Do nol ieluin lo lhen lo eal lhen. Do nol le nolh-ealen. Do nol le voin-ealen, foi
you have aIieady shaken il off. Do nol le a pIace of lhe deviI, foi you have aIieady deslioyed hin.
Do nol slienglhen youi Iasl olslacIes, lecause lhal is iepiehensilIe. Ioi lhe IavIess one is nolhing.
He hains hinseIf noie lhan lhe Iav. Ioi lhal one does his voiks lecause he is a IavIess peison.
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ul lhis one, lecause he is a iighleous peison, does his voiks anong olheis. Do lhe viII of lhe
Ialhei, lhen, foi you aie fion hin.
Ioi lhe Ialhei is sveel and his viII is good. He knovs lhe lhings lhal aie youis, so lhal you nay
iesl youiseIves in lhen. Ioi ly lhe fiuils one knovs lhe lhings lhal aie youis, lhal lhey aie lhe
chiIdien of lhe Ialhei, and one knovs his aiona, lhal you oiiginale fion lhe giace of his
counlenance. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe Ialhei Ioved his aiona, and il nanifesls ilseIf in eveiy pIace, and
vhen il is nixed vilh nallei, he gives his aiona lo lhe Iighl, and inlo his iesl he causes il lo
ascend in eveiy foin and in eveiy sound. Ioi lheie aie no nosliiIs vhich sneII lhe aiona, lul il is
lhe Spiiil vhich possesses lhe sense of sneII and il diavs il foi ilseIf lo ilseIf and sinks inlo lhe
aiona of lhe Ialhei. He is, indeed, lhe pIace foi il, and he lakes il lo lhe pIace fion vhich il has
cone, in lhe fiisl aiona vhich is coId. Il is sonelhing in a psychic foin, iesenlIing coId valei
vhich is |...j since il is in soiI vhich is nol haid, of vhich lhose vho see il lhink, "Il is eailh."
Afleivaids, il lecones sofl again. If a liealh is laken, il is usuaIIy hol. The coId aionas, lhen, aie
fion lhe division. Ioi lhis ieason, Cod cane and deslioyed lhe division and he lioughl lhe hol
IIeiona of Iove, so lhal lhe coId nay nol ieluin, lul lhe unily of lhe Ieifecl Thoughl pievaiI.
This is lhe void of lhe CospeI of lhe finding of lhe IIeiona foi lhose vho vail foi lhe saIvalion
vhich cones fion alove. When lheii hope, foi vhich lhey aie vailing, is vailing - lhey vhose
Iikeness is lhe Iighl in vhich lheie is no shadov, lhen al lhal line lhe IIeiona is aloul lo cone.
The deficiency of nallei, hovevei, is nol lecause of lhe IinilIessness of lhe Ialhei vho cones al
lhe line of lhe deficiency. And yel no one is alIe lo say lhal lhe incoiiuplilIe One viII cone in
lhis nannei. ul lhe deplh of lhe Ialhei is incieasing, and lhe lhoughl of eiioi is nol vilh hin. Il
is a nallei of faIIing dovn and a nallei of leing ieadiIy sel upiighl al lhe finding of lhal one vho
has cone lo hin vho viII luin lack.
Ioi lhis luining lack is caIIed "iepenlance". Ioi lhis ieason, incoiiuplion has liealhed. Il foIIoved
hin vho has sinned in oidei lhal he nay find iesl. Ioi foigiveness is lhal vhich ienains foi lhe
Iighl in lhe deficiency, lhe void of lhe pIeiona. Ioi lhe physician huiiies lo lhe pIace in vhich
lheie is sickness, lecause lhal is lhe desiie vhich he has. The sick nan is in a deficienl condilion,
lul he does nol hide hinseIf lecause lhe physician possesses lhal vhich he Iacks. In lhis nannei
lhe deficiency is fiIIed ly lhe IIeiona, vhich has no deficiency, vhich has given ilseIf oul in oidei
lo fiII lhe one vho is deficienl, so lhal giace nay lake hin, lhen, fion lhe aiea vhich is deficienl
and has no giace. ecause of lhis a dininishing occuiied in lhe pIace vhich lheie is no giace, lhe
aiea vheie lhe one vho is snaII, vho is deficienl, is laken hoId of.
He ieveaIed hinseIf as a IIeiona, i.e., lhe finding of lhe Iighl of liulh vhich has shined lovaids
hin, lecause he is unchangealIe. Ioi lhis ieason, lhey vho have leen lioulIed speak aloul Chiisl
in lheii nidsl so lhal lhey nay ieceive a ieluin and he nay anoinl lhen vilh lhe oinlnenl. The
oinlnenl is lhe pily of lhe Ialhei, vho viII have neicy on lhen. ul lhose vhon he has anoinled
aie lhose vho aie peifecl. Ioi lhe fiIIed vesseIs aie lhose vhich aie cuslonaiiIy used foi anoinling.
ul vhen an anoinling is finished, lhe vesseI is usuaIIy enply, and lhe cause of ils deficiency is
lhe consunplion of ils oinlnenl. Ioi lhen a liealh is diavn onIy lhiough lhe povei vhich he has.
ul lhe one vho is vilhoul deficiency - one does nol liusl anyone leside hin noi does one poui
anylhing oul. ul lhal vhich is lhe deficienl is fiIIed again ly lhe peifecl Ialhei. He is good. He
knovs his pIanlings lecause he is lhe one vho has pIanled lhen in his Iaiadise. And his Iaiadise
is his pIace of iesl.
This is lhe peifeclion in lhe lhoughl of lhe Ialhei and lhese aie lhe voids of his iefIeclion. Lach
one of his voids is lhe voik of his viII aIone, in lhe ieveIalion of his Logos. Since lhey veie in lhe
deplh of his nind, lhe Logos, vho vas lhe fiisl lo cone foilh, caused lhen lo appeai, aIong vilh
an inleIIecl vhich speaks lhe unique void ly neans of a siIenl giace. Il vas caIIed "lhoughl," since
lhey veie in il lefoie leconing nanifesl. Il happened, lhen, lhal il vas lhe fiisl lo cone foilh - al
lhe nonenl pIeasing lo lhe viII of hin vho desiied il, and il is in lhe viII lhal lhe Ialhei is al iesl
and vilh vhich he is pIeased. Nolhing happens vilhoul hin, noi does anylhing occui vilhoul lhe
viII of lhe Ialhei. ul his viII is inconpiehensilIe. His viII is his naik, lul no one can knov il,
noi is il possilIe foi lhen lo concenliale on il in oidei lo possess il. ul lhal vhich he vishes lakes
pIace al lhe nonenl he vishes il - even if lhe viev does nol pIease anyone: il is Cod`s viII. Ioi lhe
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Ialhei knovs lhe leginning of lhen aII as veII as lheii end. Ioi vhen lheii end aiiives, he viII
queslion lhen lo lheii faces. The end, you see, is lhe iecognilion of hin vho is hidden, lhal is, lhe
Ialhei, fion vhon lhe leginning cane foilh and lo vhon viII ieluin aII vho have cone fion
hin. Ioi lhey veie nade nanifesl foi lhe gIoiy and lhe joy of his nane.
And lhe nane of lhe Ialhei is lhe Son. Il is he vho, in lhe leginning, gave a nane lo hin vho
cane foilh fion hin - he is lhe sane one - and he legal hin foi a son. He gave hin his nane
vhich leIonged lo hin - he, lhe Ialhei, vho possesses eveiylhing vhich exisls aiound hin. He
possess lhe nane, he has lhe son. Il is possilIe foi lhen lo see hin. The nane, hovevei, is
invisilIe, foi il aIone is lhe nysleiy of lhe invisilIe aloul lo cone lo eais conpIeleIy fiIIed vilh il
lhiough lhe Ialhei`s agency. Moieovei, as foi lhe Ialhei, his nane is nol pionounced, lul il is
ieveaIed lhiough a son. Thus, lhen, lhe nane is gieal.
Who, lhen, has leen alIe lo pionounce a nane foi hin, lhis gieal nane, excepl hin aIone lo
vhon lhe nane leIongs and lhe sons of lhe nane in vhon lhe nane of lhe Ialhei is al iesl, and
vho lhenseIves in luin aie al iesl in his nane, since lhe Ialhei has no leginning` Il is he aIone
vho engendeied il foi hinseIf as a nane in lhe leginning lefoie he had ciealed lhe Aeons, lhal
lhe nane of lhe Ialhei shouId le ovei lheii heads as a Ioid - lhal is, lhe ieaI nane, vhich is secuie
ly his aulhoiily and ly his peifecl povei. Ioi lhe nane is nol diavn fion Iexicons noi is his
nane deiived fion connon nane-giving, ul il is invisilIe. He gave a nane lo hinseIf aIone,
lecause he aIone sav il and lecause he aIone vas capalIe of giving hinseIf a nane. Ioi he vho
does nol exisl has no nane. Ioi vhal nane vouId one give hin vho did nol exisl` NeveilheIess,
he vho exisls aIso vilh his nane and he aIone knovs il, and lo hin aIone lhe Ialhei gave a nane.
The Son is his nane. He did nol, lheiefoie, keep il secielIy hidden, lul lhe son cane inlo exislence.
He hinseIf gave a nane lo hin. The nane, lhen, is lhal of lhe Ialhei, jusl as lhe nane of lhe
Ialhei is lhe Son. Ioi olheivise, vheie vouId conpassion find a nane - oulside of lhe Ialhei` ul
soneone viII piolalIy say lo his conpanion, "Who vouId give a nane lo soneone vho exisled
lefoie hinseIf, as if, indeed, chiIdien did nol ieceive lheii nane fion one of lhose vho gave lhen
Alove aII, lhen, il is filling foi us lo lhink lhis poinl ovei: Whal is lhe nane` Il is lhe ieaI nane. Il
is, indeed, lhe nane vhich cane fion lhe Ialhei, foi il is he vho ovns lhe nane. He did nol, you
see, gel lhe nane on Ioan, as in lhe case of olheis lecause of lhe foin in vhich each one of lhen is
going lo le ciealed. This, lhen, is lhe aulhoiilalive nane. Theie is no one eIse lo vhon he has
given il. ul il ienained unnaned, unulleied, `liII lhe nonenl vhen he, vho is peifecl,
pionounced il hinseIf, and il vas he aIone vho vas alIe lo pionounce his nane and lo see il.
When il pIeased hin, lhen, lhal his son shouId le his pionounced nane and vhen he gave lhis
nane lo hin, he vho has cone fion lhe deplh spoke of his seciels, lecause he knev lhal lhe
Ialhei vas alsoIule goodness. Ioi lhis ieason, indeed, he senl lhis pailicuIai one in oidei lhal he
nighl speak conceining lhe pIace and his pIace of iesl fion vhich he had cone foilh, and lhal he
nighl gIoiify lhe IIeiona, lhe giealness of his nane and lhe sveelness of his Ialhei.
Lach one viII speak conceining lhe pIace fion vhich he has cone foilh, and lo lhe iegion fion
vhich he ieceived his essenliaI leing, he viII haslen lo ieluin once again. And he vanl fion lhal
pIace - lhe pIace vheie he vas - lecause he lasled of lhal pIace, as he vas nouiished and giev.
And his ovn pIace of iesl is his IIeiona. AII lhe enanalions fion lhe Ialhei, lheiefoie, aie
IIeionas, and aII his enanalions have lheii iools in lhe one vho caused lhen aII lo giov fion
hinseIf. He appoinled a Iinil. They, lhen, lecane nanifesl individuaIIy in oidei lhal lhey nighl
le in lheii ovn lhoughl, foi lhal pIace lo vhich lhey exlend lheii lhoughls is lheii iool, vhich Iifls
lhen upvaid lhiough aII heighls lo lhe Ialhei. They ieach his head, vhich is iesl foi lhen, and
lhey ienain lheie neai lo il so lhal lhey say lhal lhey have pailicipaled in his face ly neans of
enliaces. ul lhese of lhis kind veie nol nanifesl, lecause lhey have nol iisen alove lhenseIves.
Neilhei have lhey leen depiived of lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei noi have lhey lhoughl of hin as snaII,
noi lillei, noi angiy, lul as alsoIuleIy good, unpeiluiled, sveel, knoving aII lhe spaces lefoie
lhey cane inlo exislence and having no need of insliuclion. Such aie lhey vho possess fion alove
sonelhing of lhis inneasuialIe giealness, as lhey sliain lovaids lhal unique and peifecl one vho
exisls lheie foi lhen. And lhey do nol go dovn lo Hades. They have neilhei envy noi noaning,
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noi is dealh in lhen. ul lhey iesl in hin vho iesls, vilhoul veaiying lhenseIves oi leconing
invoIved in lhe seaich foi liulh. ul, lhey, indeed, aie lhe liulh, and lhe Ialhei is in lhen, and
lhey aie in lhe Ialhei, since lhey aie peifecl, insepaialIe fion hin vho is liuIy good. They Iack
nolhing in any vay, lul lhey aie given iesl and aie iefieshed ly lhe Spiiil. And lhey Iislen lo lheii
iool, lhey have Ieisuie foi lhenseIves, lhey in vhon he viII find his iool, and he viII suffei no
Ioss lo his souI.
Such is lhe pIace of lhe lIessed, lhis is lheii pIace. As foi lhe iesl, lhen, nay lhey knov, in lheii
pIace, lhal il does nol suil ne, aflei having leen in lhe pIace of iesl lo say anylhing noie. ul he is
lhe one in vhon I shaII le in oidei lo devole nyseIf, al aII lines, lo lhe Ialhei of lhe AII and lhe
liue liolheis, lhose upon vhon lhe Iove of lhe Ialhei is Iavished, and in vhose nidsl nolhing of
hin is Iacking. Il is lhey vho nanifesl lhenseIves liuIy since lhey aie in lhal liue and eleinaI Iife
and speak of lhe peifecl Iighl fiIIed vilh lhe seed of lhe Ialhei, and vhich is in his heail and in lhe
IIeiona, vhiIe his Spiiil iejoices in il and gIoiifies hin in vhon il vas, lecause lhe Ialhei is
good. And his chiIdien aie peifecl and voilhy of his nane, lecause he is lhe Ialhei. ChiIdien of
lhis kind aie lhose vhon he Ioves.
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!"# 9= B C# D = @ !. >< "
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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., Tnc Nag Hannadi |iorarq, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
The gospeI of liulh is joy foi lhose vho have ieceived fion lhe Ialhei of liulh lhe giace of
knoving hin, lhiough lhe povei of lhe Woid lhal cane foilh fion lhe pIeiona, lhe one vho is in
lhe lhoughl and lhe nind of lhe Ialhei, lhal is, lhe one vho is addiessed as 'lhe Savioi', (lhal)
leing lhe nane of lhe voik he is lo peifoin foi lhe iedenplion of lhose vho veie ignoianl of lhe
Ialhei, vhiIe in lhe nane of lhe gospeI is lhe piocIanalion of hope, leing discoveiy foi lhose vho
seaich foi hin.
When lhe lolaIily venl aloul seaiching foi lhe one fion vhon lhey had cone foilh - and lhe
lolaIily vas inside of hin, lhe inconpiehensilIe, inconceivalIe one vho is supeiioi lo eveiy
lhoughl - ignoiance of lhe Ialhei lioughl aloul anguish and leiioi, and lhe anguish giev soIid
Iike a fog, so lhal no one vas alIe lo see. Ioi lhis ieason, eiioi lecane poveifuI, il voiked on ils
ovn nallei fooIishIy, nol having knovn lhe liulh. Il sel aloul vilh a ciealion, piepaiing vilh
povei and leauly lhe sulslilule foi lhe liulh.
This vas nol, lhen, a huniIialion foi hin, lhe inconpiehensilIe, inconceivalIe one, foi lhey veie
nolhing, lhe anguish and lhe olIivion and lhe ciealuie of deceil, vhiIe lhe eslalIished liulh is
innulalIe, inpeiluilalIe, peifecl in leauly. Ioi lhis ieason, despise eiioi.
Thus, il had no iool, il feII inlo a fog iegaiding lhe Ialhei, vhiIe il vas invoIved in piepaiing
voiks and olIivions and leiiois, in oidei lhal ly neans of lhese il nighl enlice lhose of lhe
niddIe and capluie lhen.
The olIivion of eiioi vas nol ieveaIed. Il is nol a |...j fion lhe Ialhei. OlIivion did nol cone inlo
exislence fion lhe Ialhei, aIlhough il did indeed cone inlo exislence lecause of hin. ul vhal
cones inlo exislence in hin is knovIedge, vhich appeaied in oidei lhal olIivion nighl vanish
and lhe Ialhei nighl le knovn. Since olIivion cane inlo exislence lecause lhe Ialhei vas nol
knovn, lhen if lhe Ialhei cones lo le knovn, olIivion viII nol exisl fion lhal nonenl on.
Thiough lhis, lhe gospeI of lhe one vho is seaiched foi, vhich <vas> ieveaIed lo lhose vho aie
peifecl, lhiough lhe neicies of lhe Ialhei, lhe hidden nysleiy, }esus, lhe Chiisl, enIighlened lhose
vho veie in daikness lhiough olIivion. He enIighlened lhen, he shoved (lhen) a vay, and lhe
vay is lhe liulh vhich he laughl lhen.
Ioi lhis ieason, eiioi giev angiy al hin, peiseculed hin, vas disliessed al hin, (and) vas
lioughl lo naughl. He vas naiIed lo a liee (and) he lecane fiuil of lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei. Il
did nol, hovevei, cause desliuclion lecause il vas ealen, lul lo lhose vho ale il, il gave (cause) lo
lecone gIad in lhe discoveiy, and he discoveied lhen in hinseIf, and lhey discoveied hin in
As foi lhe inconpiehensilIe, inconceivalIe one, lhe Ialhei, lhe peifecl one, lhe one vho nade lhe
lolaIily, vilhin hin is lhe lolaIily, and of hin lhe lolaIily has need. AIlhough he ielained lheii
peifeclion vilhin hinseIf, vhich he did nol give lo lhe lolaIily, lhe Ialhei vas nol jeaIous. Whal
jeaIousy indeed (couId lheie le) lelveen hinseIf and his nenleis` Ioi if lhis aeon had lhus
ieceived lheii peifeclion, lhey couId nol have cone |...j lhe Ialhei. He ielains vilhin hinseIf lheii
peifeclion, gianling il lo lhen as a ieluin lo hin, and a peifeclIy unilaiy knovIedge. Il is he vho
fashioned lhe lolaIily, and vilhin hin is lhe lolaIily, and lhe lolaIily vas in need of hin.
As in lhe case of a peison of vhon sone aie ignoianl, he vishes lo have lhen knov hin and Iove
hin, so - foi vhal did lhe lolaIily have need of if nol knovIedge iegaiding lhe Ialhei` - he lecane
a guide, ieslfuI and IeisuieIy. In schooIs he appeaied, (and) he spoke lhe void as a leachei. Theie
cane lhe nen vise in lheii ovn eslinalion, pulling hin lo lhe lesl. ul he confounded lhen,
lecause lhey veie fooIish. They haled hin, lecause lhey veie nol ieaIIy vise.
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Aflei aII lhese, lheie cane lhe IillIe chiIdien aIso, lhose lo vhon lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei
leIongs. Having leen slienglhened, lhey Ieained aloul lhe inpiessions of lhe Ialhei. They knev,
lhey veie knovn, lhey veie gIoiified, lhey gIoiified. Theie vas nanifesled in lheii heail lhe
Iiving look of lhe Iiving - lhe one viillen in lhe lhoughl and lhe nind of lhe Ialhei, vhich fion
lefoie lhe foundalion of lhe lolaIily vas vilhin his inconpiehensiliIily - lhal (look) vhich no one
vas alIe lo lake, since il ienains foi lhe one vho viII lake il lo le sIain. No one couId have
lecone nanifesl fion anong lhose vho have leIieved in saIvalion unIess lhal look had
appeaied. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe neicifuI one, lhe failhfuI one, }esus, vas palienl in accepling
suffeiings unliI he look lhal look, since he knovs lhal his dealh is Iife foi nany.
}usl as lheie Iies hidden in a viII, lefoie il is opened, lhe foilune of lhe deceased naslei of lhe
house, so (il is) vilh lhe lolaIily, vhich Iay hidden vhiIe lhe Ialhei of lhe lolaIily vas invisilIe,
leing sonelhing vhich is fion hin, fion vhon eveiy space cones foilh. Ioi lhis ieason }esus
appeaied, he pul on lhal look, he vas naiIed lo a liee, he pulIished lhe edicl of lhe Ialhei on lhe
cioss. O such gieal leaching! He diavs hinseIf dovn lo dealh, lhough Iife eleinaI cIolhes hin.
Having sliipped hinseIf of lhe peiishalIe iags, he pul on inpeiishaliIily, vhich no one can
possilIy lake avay fion hin. Having enleied lhe enply spaces of leiiois, he passed lhiough
lhose vho veie sliipped naked ly olIivion, leing knovIedge and peifeclion, piocIaining lhe
lhings lhal aie in lhe heail, |...j leach lhose vho viII ieceive leaching.
ul lhose vho aie lo ieceive leaching aie lhe Iiving, vho aie insciiled in lhe look of lhe Iiving. Il
is aloul lhenseIves lhal lhey ieceive insliuclion, ieceiving il fion lhe Ialhei, luining again lo
hin. Since lhe peifeclion of lhe lolaIily is in lhe Ialhei, il is necessaiy foi lhe lolaIily lo ascend lo
hin. Then, if one has knovIedge, he ieceives vhal aie his ovn, and diavs lhen lo hinseIf. Ioi he
vho is ignoianl is in need, and vhal he Iacks is gieal, since he Iacks lhal vhich viII nake hin
peifecl. Since lhe peifeclion of lhe lolaIily is in lhe Ialhei, and il is necessaiy foi lhe lolaIily lo
ascend lo hin, and foi each one lo ieceive vhal aie his ovn, he enioIIed lhen in advance, having
piepaied lhen lo give lo lhose vho cane foilh fion hin.
Those vhose nane he knev in advance veie caIIed al lhe end, so lhal one vho has knovIedge is
lhe one vhose nane lhe Ialhei has ulleied. Ioi he vhose nane has nol leen spoken is ignoianl.
Indeed, hov is one lo heai, if his nane has nol leen caIIed` Ioi he vho is ignoianl unliI lhe end is
a ciealuie of olIivion, and he viII vanish aIong vilh il. If nol, hov is il lhal lhese niseialIe ones
have no nane, (lhal) lhey do nol have lhe caII` Theiefoie, if one has knovIedge, his is fion alove.
If he is caIIed, he heais, he ansveis, and he luins lo hin vho is caIIing hin, and ascends lo hin.
And he knovs in vhal nannei he is caIIed. Having knovIedge, he does lhe viII of lhe one vho
caIIed hin, he vishes lo le pIeasing lo hin, he ieceives iesl. Lach one's nane cones lo hin. He
vho is lo have knovIedge in lhis nannei knovs vheie he cones fion and vheie he is going. He
knovs as one vho, having lecone diunk, has luined avay fion his diunkenness, (and) having
ieluined lo hinseIf, has sel iighl vhal aie his ovn.
He has lioughl nany lack fion eiioi. He has gone lefoie lhen lo lheii pIaces, fion vhich lhey
had noved avay, since il vas on accounl of lhe deplh lhal lhey ieceived eiioi, lhe deplh of lhe
one vho enciicIes aII spaces, vhiIe lheie is none lhal enciicIes hin. Il vas a gieal vondei lhal
lhey veie in lhe Ialhei, nol knoving hin, and (lhal) lhey veie alIe lo cone foilh ly lhenseIves,
since lhey veie unalIe lo conpiehend oi lo knov lhe one in vhon lhey veie. Ioi if his viII had
nol lhus eneiged fion hin - foi he ieveaIed il in viev of a knovIedge in vhich aII ils enanalions
This is lhe knovIedge of lhe Iiving look, vhich he ieveaIed lo lhe aeons al lhe end as his Ielleis,
ieveaIing hov lhey aie nol voveIs noi aie lhey consonanls, so lhal one nighl iead lhen and lhink
of sonelhing fooIish, lul (ialhei lhal) lhey aie Ielleis of lhe liulh, vhich lhey aIone speak vho
knov lhen. Lach Iellei is a conpIele <lhoughl>, Iike a conpIele look, since lhey aie Ielleis
viillen ly lhe Unily, lhe Ialhei having viillen lhen foi lhe aeons, in oidei lhal ly neans of his
Ielleis lhey shouId knov lhe Ialhei.
WhiIe his visdon conlenpIales lhe Woid, and his leaching ulleis il, his knovIedge has ieveaIed
<il>. WhiIe foieleaiance is a ciovn upon il, and his gIadness is in hainony vilh il, his gIoiy has
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exaIled il, his inage has ieveaIed il, his iepose has ieceived il inlo ilseIf, his Iove has nade a lody
ovei il, his fideIily has enliaced il. In lhis vay, lhe Woid of lhe Ialhei goes foilh in lhe lolaIily, as
lhe fiuil of his heail and an inpiession of his viII. ul il suppoils lhe lolaIily, puiifying lhen,
liinging lhen lack inlo lhe Ialhei, inlo lhe Molhei, }esus of lhe infinile sveelness.
The Ialhei ieveaIs his loson. - Nov his loson is lhe HoIy Spiiil. - He ieveaIs vhal is hidden of
hin - vhal is hidden of hin is his Son - so lhal lhiough lhe neicies of lhe Ialhei, lhe aeons nay
knov hin and cease Ialoiing in seaich of lhe Ialhei, iesling lheie in hin, knoving lhal lhis is lhe
(finaI) iesl. Having fiIIed lhe deficiency, he aloIished lhe foin - lhe foin of il is lhe voiId, lhal in
vhich he seived. - Ioi lhe pIace vheie lheie is envy and sliife is deficienl, lul lhe pIace vheie
(lheie is) Unily is peifecl. Since lhe deficiency cane inlo leing lecause lhe Ialhei vas nol knovn,
lheiefoie, vhen lhe Ialhei is knovn, fion lhal nonenl on, lhe deficiency viII no Iongei exisl. As
in lhe case of lhe ignoiance of a peison, vhen he cones lo have knovIedge, his ignoiance
vanishes of ilseIf, as lhe daikness vanishes vhen lhe Iighl appeais, so aIso lhe deficiency vanishes
in lhe peifeclion. So fion lhal nonenl on, lhe foin is nol appaienl, lul il viII vanish in lhe fusion
of Unily, foi nov lheii voiks Iie scalleied. In line, Unily viII peifecl lhe spaces. Il is vilhin Unily
lhal each one viII allain hinseIf, vilhin knovIedge, he viII puiify hinseIf fion nuIlipIicily inlo
Unily, consuning nallei vilhin hinseIf Iike fiie, and daikness ly Iighl, dealh ly Iife.
If indeed lhese lhings have happened lo each one of us, lhen ve nusl see lo il alove aII lhal lhe
house viII le hoIy and siIenl foi lhe Unily - as in lhe case of sone peopIe vho noved oul of
dveIIings having jais lhal in spols veie nol good. They vouId lieak lhen, and lhe naslei of lhe
house vouId nol suffei Ioss. Ralhei, <he> is gIad, lecause in pIace of lhe lad jais (lheie aie) fuII
ones vhich aie nade peifecl. Ioi such is lhe judgnenl vhich has cone fion alove. Il has passed
judgnenl on eveiyone, il is a diavn svoid, vilh lvo edges, culling on eilhei side. When lhe
Woid appeaied, lhe one lhal is vilhin lhe heail of lhose vho ullei il - il is nol a sound aIone, lul il
lecane a lody - a gieal disluilance look pIace anong lhe jais, lecause sone had leen enplied,
olheis fiIIed, lhal is, sone had leen suppIied, olheis pouied oul, sone had leen puiified, sliII
olheis lioken up. AII lhe spaces veie shaken and disluiled, lecause lhey had no oidei noi
slaliIily. Liioi vas upsel, nol knoving vhal lo do, il vas giieved, in nouining, affIicling ilseIf
lecause il knev nolhing. When knovIedge diev neai il - lhis is lhe dovnfaII of (eiioi) and aII ils
enanalions - eiioi is enply, having nolhing inside.
Tiulh appeaied, aII ils enanalions knev il. They gieeled lhe Ialhei in liulh vilh a peifecl povei
lhal joins lhen vilh lhe Ialhei. Ioi, as foi eveiyone vho Ioves lhe liulh - lecause lhe liulh is lhe
noulh of lhe Ialhei, his longue is lhe HoIy Spiiil - he vho is joined lo lhe liulh is joined lo lhe
Ialhei's noulh ly his longue, vhenevei he is lo ieceive lhe HoIy Spiiil, since lhis is lhe
nanifeslalion of lhe Ialhei, and his ieveIalion lo his aeons.
He nanifesled vhal vas hidden of hin, he expIained il. Ioi vho conlains, if nol lhe Ialhei aIone`
AII lhe spaces aie his enanalions. They have knovn lhal lhey cane foilh fion hin, Iike chiIdien
vho aie fion a giovn nan. They knev lhal lhey had nol yel ieceived foin, noi yel ieceived a
nane, each one of vhich lhe Ialhei legels. Then, vhen lhey ieceive foin ly his knovIedge,
lhough liuIy vilhin hin, lhey do nol knov hin. ul lhe Ialhei is peifecl, knoving eveiy space
vilhin hin. If he vishes, he nanifesls vhonevei he vishes, ly giving hin foin and giving hin a
nane, and he gives a nane lo hin, and liings il aloul lhal lhose cone inlo exislence vho, lefoie
lhey cone inlo exislence, aie ignoianl of hin vho fashioned lhen.
I do nol say, lhen, lhal lhey aie nolhing (al aII) vho have nol yel cone inlo exislence, lul lhey aie
in hin vho viII vish lhal lhey cone inlo exislence vhen he vishes, Iike lhe line lhal is lo cone.
efoie aII lhings appeai, he knovs vhal he viII pioduce. ul lhe fiuil vhich is nol yel nanifesl
does nol knov anylhing, noi does il do anylhing. Thus aIso, eveiy space vhich is ilseIf in lhe
Ialhei is fion lhe one vho exisls, vho eslalIished il fion vhal does nol exisl. Ioi he vho has no
iool has no fiuil eilhei, lul lhough he lhinks lo hinseIf, "I have cone inlo leing," yel he viII
peiish ly hinseIf. Ioi lhis ieason, he vho did nol exisl al aII viII nevei cone inlo exislence. Whal,
lhen, did he vish hin lo lhink of hinseIf` This: "I have cone inlo leing Iike lhe shadovs and
phanlons of lhe nighl." When lhe Iighl shines on lhe leiioi vhich lhal peison had expeiienced, he
knovs lhal il is nolhing.
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Thus, lhey veie ignoianl of lhe Ialhei, he leing lhe one vhon lhey did nol see. Since il vas leiioi
and disluilance and inslaliIily and doull and division, lheie veie nany iIIusions al voik ly
neans of lhese, and (nany) enply ficlions, as if lhey veie sunk in sIeep, and found lhenseIves in
disluiling dieans. Lilhei (lheie is) a pIace lo vhich lhey aie fIeeing, oi vilhoul slienglh lhey
cone (fion) having chased aflei olheis, oi lhey aie invoIved in sliiking lIovs, oi lhey aie
ieceiving lIovs lhenseIves, oi lhey have faIIen fion high pIaces, oi lhey lake off inlo lhe aii,
lhough lhey do nol even have vings. Again, sonelines (il is as) if peopIe veie nuideiing lhen,
lhough lheie is no one even puisuing lhen, oi lhey lhenseIves aie kiIIing lheii neighlois, foi lhey
have leen slained vilh lheii lIood. When lhose vho aie going lhiough aII lhese lhings vake up,
lhey see nolhing, lhey vho veie in lhe nidsl of aII lhese disluilances, foi lhey aie nolhing. Such
is lhe vay of lhose vho have casl ignoiance aside fion lhen Iike sIeep, nol esleening il as
anylhing, noi do lhey esleen ils voiks as soIid lhings eilhei, lul (ialhei,) lhey Ieave lhen lehind
Iike a diean in lhe nighl. The knovIedge of lhe Ialhei, lhey vaIue as lhe davn. This is lhe vay
each one has acled, as lhough asIeep al lhe line vhen he vas ignoianl. And lhis is lhe vay he has
<cone lo knovIedge>, as if he had avakened. |and Cood foi lhe nan vho viII ieluin and
avaken. And lIessed is he vho has opened lhe eyes of lhe lIind.
And lhe Spiiil ian aflei hin, haslening fion vaking hin up. Having exlended his hand lo hin
vho Iay upon lhe giound, he sel hin up on his feel, foi he had nol yel iisen. He gave lhen lhe
neans of knoving lhe knovIedge of lhe Ialhei and lhe ieveIalion of his Son. Ioi vhen lhey had
seen hin and had heaid hin, he gianled lhen lo lasle hin, and lo sneII hin, and lo louch lhe
leIoved Son.
When he had appeaied, insliucling lhen aloul lhe Ialhei, lhe inconpiehensilIe one, vhen he
had liealhed inlo lhen vhal is in lhe lhoughl, doing his viII, vhen nany had ieceived lhe Iighl,
lhey luined lo hin. Ioi lhe naleiiaI ones veie sliangeis, and did nol see his Iikeness, and had nol
knovn hin. Ioi he cane ly neans of fIeshIy foin, vhiIe nolhing lIocked his couise, lecause
incoiiupliliIily is iiiesislilIe, since he, again, spoke nev lhings, sliII speaking aloul vhal is in lhe
heail of lhe Ialhei, having lioughl foilh lhe fIavIess Woid.
When Iighl had spoken lhiough his noulh, as veII as his voice, vhich gave liilh lo Iife, he gave
lhen lhoughl and undeislanding, and neicy and saIvalion, and lhe poveifuI spiiil fion lhe
infinileness and lhe sveelness of lhe Ialhei. Having nade punishnenls and loiluies cease - foi il
vas lhey vhich veie Ieading asliay fion his face sone vho veie in need of neicy, in eiioi and
in londs - he lolh deslioyed lhen vilh povei and confounded lhen vilh knovIedge. He lecane
a vay foi lhose vho veie gone asliay, and knovIedge foi lhose vho veie ignoianl, a discoveiy
foi lhose vho veie seaiching, and a suppoil foi lhose vho veie vaveiing, innacuIaleness foi
lhose vho veie defiIed.
He is lhe shepheid vho Iefl lehind lhe ninely-nine sheep vhich veie nol Iosl. He venl seaiching
foi lhe one vhich had gone asliay. He iejoiced vhen he found il, foi ninely-nine is a nunlei lhal
is in lhe Iefl hand, vhich hoIds il. ul vhen lhe one is found, lhe enliie nunlei passes lo lhe iighl
(hand). As lhal vhich Iacks lhe one - lhal is, lhe enliie iighl (hand) - diavs vhal vas deficienl and
lakes il fion lhe Iefl-hand side and liings (il) lo lhe iighl, so loo lhe nunlei lecones one
hundied. Il is lhe sign of lhe one vho is in lheii sound, il is lhe Ialhei. Lven on lhe Sallalh, he
Ialoied foi lhe sheep vhich he found faIIen inlo lhe pil. He gave Iife lo lhe sheep, having lioughl
il up fion lhe pil, in oidei lhal you nighl knov inleiioiIy - you, lhe sons of inleiioi knovIedge -
vhal is lhe Sallalh, on vhich il is nol filling foi saIvalion lo le idIe, in oidei lhal you nay speak
fion lhe day fion alove, vhich has no nighl, and fion lhe Iighl vhich does nol sink, lecause il is
Say, lhen, fion lhe heail, lhal you aie lhe peifecl day, and in you dveIIs lhe Iighl lhal does nol
faiI. Speak of lhe liulh vilh lhose vho seaich foi il, and (of) knovIedge lo lhose vho have
connilled sin in lheii eiioi. Make fiin lhe fool of lhose vho have slunlIed, and slielch oul youi
hands lo lhose vho aie iII. Ieed lhose vho aie hungiy, and give iepose lo lhose vho aie veaiy,
and iaise up lhose vho vish lo iise, and avaken lhose vho sIeep. Ioi you aie lhe undeislanding
lhal is diavn foilh. If slienglh acls lhus, il lecones even sliongei. e conceined vilh youiseIves,
do nol le conceined vilh olhei lhings vhich you have iejecled fion youiseIves. Do nol ieluin lo
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vhal you have voniled, lo eal il. Do nol le nolhs. Do nol le voins, foi you have aIieady casl il
off. Do nol lecone a (dveIIing) pIace foi lhe deviI, foi you have aIieady deslioyed hin. Do nol
slienglhen (lhose vho aie) olslacIes lo you, vho aie coIIapsing, as lhough (you veie) a suppoil
(foi lhen). Ioi lhe IavIess one is soneone lo lieal iII, ialhei lhan lhe jusl one. Ioi lhe foinei does
his voik as a IavIess peison, lhe Iallei as a iighleous peison does his voik anong olheis. So you,
do lhe viII of lhe Ialhei, foi you aie fion hin.
Ioi lhe Ialhei is sveel, and in his viII is vhal is good. He has laken cognizance of lhe lhings lhal
aie youis, lhal you nighl find iesl in lhen. Ioi ly lhe fiuils does one lake cognizance of lhe
lhings lhal aie youis, lecause lhe chiIdien of lhe Ialhei aie his fiagiance, foi lhey aie fion lhe
giace of his counlenance. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe Ialhei Ioves his fiagiance, and nanifesls il in eveiy
pIace. And if il nixes vilh nallei, he gives his fiagiance lo lhe Iighl, and in his iepose, he causes il
lo suipass eveiy foin (and) eveiy sound. Ioi il is nol lhe eais lhal sneII lhe fiagiance, lul (il is)
lhe liealh lhal has lhe sense of sneII and alliacls lhe fiagiance lo ilseIf, and is sulneiged in lhe
fiagiance of lhe Ialhei, so lhal he lhus sheIleis il, and lakes il lo lhe pIace vheie il cane fion,
fion lhe fiisl fiagiance, vhich is giovn coId. Il is sonelhing in a psychic foin, leing Iike coId
valei vhich has fiozen (`), vhich is on eailh lhal is nol soIid, of vhich lhose vho see il lhink il is
eailh, afleivaids, il dissoIves again. If a liealh diavs il, il gels hol. The fiagiances, lheiefoie, lhal
aie coId aie fion lhe division. Ioi lhis ieason, failh cane, il dissoIved lhe division, and il lioughl
lhe vain pIeiona of Iove, in oidei lhal lhe coId shouId nol cone again, lul (lhal) lheie shouId le
lhe unily of peifecl lhoughl.
This <is> lhe void of lhe gospeI of lhe discoveiy of lhe pIeiona, foi lhose vho avail lhe saIvalion
vhich is coning fion on high. WhiIe lheii hope, foi vhich lhey aie vailing, is in vailing - lhey
vhose inage is Iighl vilh no shadov in il - lhen, al lhal line, lhe pIeiona is pioceeding lo cone.
The <deficiency> of nallei cane lo le nol lhiough lhe IinilIessness of lhe Ialhei, vho is coning
lo give line foi lhe deficiency, aIlhough no one couId say lhal lhe incoiiuplilIe one vouId cone
in lhis vay. ul lhe deplh of lhe Ialhei vas nuIlipIied, and lhe lhoughl of eiioi did nol exisl vilh
hin. Il is a lhing lhal faIIs, (and) il is a lhing lhal easiIy slands upiighl (again), in lhe discoveiy of
hin vho has cone lo hin vhon he shaII liing lack. Ioi lhe liinging-lack is caIIed 'iepenlence'.
Ioi lhis ieason, incoiiupliliIily liealhed foilh, il puisued lhe one vho had sinned, in oidei lhal
he nighl iesl. Ioi foigiveness is vhal ienains foi lhe Iighl in lhe deficiency, lhe void of lhe
pIeiona. Ioi lhe physician iuns lo lhe pIace vheie sickness is, lecause lhal is lhe viII lhal is in
hin. He vho has a deficiency, lhen, does nol hide il, lecause one has vhal lhe olhei Iacks. So lhe
pIeiona, vhich has no deficiency, lul (vhich) fiIIs up lhe deficiency, is vhal he piovided fion
hinseIf foi fiIIing up vhal he Iacks, in oidei lhal lheiefoie he nighl ieceive lhe giace. Ioi vhen he
vas deficienl, he did nol have lhe giace. Thal is vhy lheie vas dininulion exisling in lhe pIace
vheie lheie is no giace. When lhal vhich vas dininished vas ieceived, he ieveaIed vhal he
Iacked, leing (nov) a pIeiona, lhal is lhe discoveiy of lhe Iighl of liulh vhich iose upon hin
lecause il is innulalIe.
Thal is vhy Chiisl vas spoken of in lheii nidsl, so lhal lhose vho veie disluiled nighl ieceive a
liinging-lack, and he nighl anoinl lhen vilh lhe oinlnenl. This oinlnenl is lhe neicy of lhe
Ialhei, vho viII have neicy on lhen. ul lhose vhon he has anoinled aie lhe ones vho have
lecone peifecl. Ioi fuII jais aie lhe ones lhal aie usuaIIy anoinled. ul vhen lhe anoinling of one
(jai) is dissoIved, il is enplied, and lhe ieason foi lheie leing a deficiency is lhe lhing ly vhich ils
oinlnenl goes. Ioi al lhal line a liealh diavs il, a lhing in lhe povei of lhal vhich is vilh il. ul
fion hin vho has no deficiency, no seaI is ienoved, noi is anylhing enplied, lul vhal he Iacks,
lhe peifecl Ialhei fiIIs again. He is good. He knovs his pIanlings, lecause il is he vho pIanled
lhen in his paiadise. Nov his paiadise is his pIace of iesl.
This is lhe peifeclion in lhe lhoughl of lhe Ialhei, and lhese aie lhe voids of his nedilalion. Lach
one of his voids is lhe voik of his one viII in lhe ieveIalion of his Woid. WhiIe lhey veie sliII
deplhs of his lhoughl, lhe Woid, vhich vas fiisl lo cone foilh, ieveaIed lhen, aIong vilh a nind
lhal speaks lhe one Woid in siIenl giace. He vas caIIed 'lhoughl', since lhey veie in il lefoie
leing ieveaIed. Il cane aloul, lhen, lhal he vas fiisl lo cone foilh, al lhe line vhen lhe viII of
hin vho viIIed desiied il. And lhe viII is vhal lhe Ialhei iesls in, and is pIeased vilh. Nolhing
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happens vilhoul hin, noi does anylhing happen vilhoul lhe viII of lhe Ialhei, lul his viII is
unseaichalIe. His liace is lhe viII, and no one viII knov hin, noi is il possilIe foi one lo
sciulinize hin, in oidei lo giasp hin. ul vhen he viIIs, vhal he viIIs is lhis - even if lhe sighl
does nol pIease lhen in any vay lefoie Cod - desiiing lhe Ialhei. Ioi he knovs lhe leginning of
aII of lhen, and lheii end. Ioi al lheii end, he viII queslion lhen diieclIy. Nov, lhe end is
ieceiving knovIedge aloul lhe one vho is hidden, and lhis is lhe Ialhei, fion vhon lhe
leginning cane foilh, (and) lo vhon aII viII ieluin vho have cone foilh fion hin. And lhey
have appeaied foi lhe gIoiy and lhe joy of his nane.
Nov lhe nane of lhe Ialhei is lhe Son. Il is he vho fiisl gave a nane lo lhe one vho cane foilh
fion hin, vho vas hinseIf, and he legol hin as a son. He gave hin his nane, vhich leIonged lo
hin, he is lhe one lo vhon leIongs aII lhal exisls aiound hin, lhe Ialhei. His is lhe nane, his is
lhe Son. Il is possilIe foi hin lo le seen. The nane, hovevei, is invisilIe, lecause il aIone is lhe
nysleiy of lhe invisilIe, vhich cones lo eais lhal aie conpIeleIy fiIIed vilh il ly hin. Ioi indeed,
lhe Ialhei's nane is nol spoken, lul (ialhei,) il is appaienl lhiough a Son.
In lhis vay, lhen, lhe nane is a gieal lhing. Who, lheiefoie, viII le alIe lo ullei a nane foi hin,
lhe gieal nane, excepl hin aIone lo vhon lhe nane leIongs, and lhe sons of lhe nane, in vhon
iesled lhe nane of lhe Ialhei, (vho) in luin lhenseIves iesled in his nane` Since lhe Ialhei is
unengendeied, he aIone is lhe one vho legol hin foi hin(seIf) as a nane, lefoie he lioughl foilh
lhe aeons, in oidei lhal lhe nane of lhe Ialhei shouId le ovei lheii head as Ioid, lhal is lhe nane
in liulh, vhich is fiin in his connand, lhiough peifecl povei. Ioi lhe nane is nol fion (neie)
voids, noi does his nane consisl of appeIIalions, lul (ialhei,) il is invisilIe. He gave a nane lo
hin aIone, since he aIone sees hin, he aIone having lhe povei lo give hin a nane. Ioi he vho
does nol exisl has no nane. Ioi vhal nane is given lo hin vho does nol exisl` ul lhe one vho
exisls, exisls aIso vilh his nane, and he aIone knovs il, and (he) aIone (knovs hov) lo give hin a
nane. Il is lhe Ialhei. The Son is his nane. He did nol, lheiefoie, hide il in lhe lhing, lul il exisled,
as foi lhe Son, he aIone gave a nane. The nane, lheiefoie, is lhal of lhe Ialhei, as lhe nane of lhe
Ialhei is lhe Son. Wheie indeed vouId conpassion find a nane, excepl vilh lhe Ialhei`
ul no doull one viII say lo his neighloi: "Who is il vho viII give a nane lo hin vho exisled
lefoie hinseIf, as if offspiing did nol ieceive a nane fion lhose vho legol <lhen>`" Iiisl, lhen, il
is filling foi us lo iefIecl on lhis nallei: Whal is lhe nane` Il is lhe nane in liulh, il is nol lheiefoie
lhe nane fion lhe Ialhei, foi il is lhe one vhich is lhe piopei nane. Theiefoie, he did nol ieceive
lhe nane on Ioan, as (do) olheis, accoiding lo lhe foin in vhich each one is lo le pioduced. ul
lhis is lhe piopei nane. Theie is no one eIse vho gave il lo hin. ul he <is> unnanalIe,
indesciilalIe, unliI lhe line vhen he vho is peifecl spoke of hin aIone. And il is he vho has lhe
povei lo speak his nane, and lo see il.
When, lheiefoie, il pIeased hin lhal his nane, vhich is Ioved, shouId le his Son, and he gave lhe
nane lo hin, lhal is, hin vho cane foilh fion lhe deplh, he spoke aloul his seciel lhings,
knoving lhal lhe Ialhei is a leing vilhoul eviI. Ioi lhal veiy ieason, he lioughl hin foilh in
oidei lo speak aloul lhe pIace, and (aloul) his iesling-pIace, fion vhich he had cone foilh, and
lo gIoiify lhe pIeiona, lhe giealness of his nane, and lhe sveelness of lhe Ialhei. Aloul lhe pIace
each one cane fion, he viII speak, and lo lhe iegion vheie he ieceived his eslalIishnenl, he viII
haslen lo ieluin again and lo lake fion lhal pIace - lhe pIace vheie he slood - ieceiving a lasle
fion lhal pIace, and ieceiving nouiishnenl, ieceiving giovlh. And his ovn iesling-pIace is his
Theiefoie, aII lhe enanalions of lhe Ialhei aie pIeionas, and lhe iool of aII his enanalions is in
lhe one vho nade lhen aII giov up in hinseIf. He assigned lhen lheii deslinies. Lach one, lhen,
is nanifesl, in oidei lhal lhiough lheii ovn lhoughl <...>. Ioi lhe pIace lo vhich lhey send lheii
lhoughl, lhal pIace, lheii iool, is vhal lakes lhen up in aII lhe heighls, lo lhe Ialhei. They possess
his head, vhich is iesl foi lhen, and lhey aie suppoiled, appioaching hin, as lhough lo say lhal
lhey have pailicipaled in his face ly neans of kisses. ul lhey do nol lecone nanifesl in lhis vay,
foi lhey aie nol lhenseIves exaIled, (yel) neilhei did lhey Iack lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialhei, noi did lhey
lhink of hin as snaII, noi lhal he is haish, noi lhal he is vialhfuI, lul (ialhei lhal) he is a leing
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vilhoul eviI, inpeiluilalIe, sveel, knoving aII spaces lefoie lhey have cone inlo exislence, and
he had no need lo le insliucled.
This is lhe nannei of lhose vho possess (sonelhing) fion alove of lhe innensuialIe giealness,
as lhey vail foi lhe one aIone, and lhe peifecl one, lhe one vho is lheie foi lhen. And lhey do nol
go dovn lo Hades, noi have lhey envy noi gioaning noi dealh vilhin lhen, lul (ialhei) lhey iesl
in hin vho is al iesl, nol sliiving noi leing lvisled aiound lhe liulh. ul lhey lhenseIves aie lhe
liulh, and lhe Ialhei is vilhin lhen, and lhey aie in lhe Ialhei, leing peifecl, leing undivided in
lhe liuIy good one, leing in no vay deficienl in anylhing, lul lhey aie sel al iesl, iefieshed in lhe
Spiiil. And lhey viII heed lheii iool. They viII le conceined vilh lhose (lhings) in vhich he viII
find his iool, and nol suffei Ioss lo his souI. This is lhe pIace of lhe lIessed, lhis is lheii pIace.
Ioi lhe iesl, lhen, nay lhey knov, in lheii pIaces, lhal il is nol filling foi ne, having cone lo le in
lhe iesling-pIace, lo speak of anylhing eIse. ul il is in il lhal I shaII cone lo le, and (il is filling) lo
le conceined al aII lines vilh lhe Ialhei of lhe aII, and lhe liue liolheis, lhose upon vhon lhe
Iove of lhe Ialhei is pouied oul, and in vhose nidsl lheie is no Iack of hin. They aie lhe ones
vho appeai in liulh, since lhey exisl in liue and eleinaI Iife, and (since lhey) speak of lhe Iighl
vhich is peifecl, and (vhich is) fiIIed vilh lhe seed of lhe Ialhei, and vhich is in his heail and in
lhe pIeiona, vhiIe his Spiiil iejoices in il and gIoiifies lhe one in vhon il exisled, lecause he is
good. And his chiIdien aie peifecl and voilhy of his nane, foi he is lhe Ialhei, il is chiIdien of
lhis kind lhal he Ioves.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
I an Iiolennoia, lhe Thoughl lhal dveIIs in lhe Lighl. I an lhe novenenl lhal dveIIs in lhe AII,
she in vhon lhe AII lakes ils sland, lhe fiisl-loin anong lhose vho cane lo le, she vho exisls
lefoie lhe AII. She (Iiolennoia) is caIIed ly lhiee nanes, aIlhough she dveIIs aIone, since she is
peifecl. I an invisilIe vilhin lhe Thoughl of lhe InvisilIe One. I an ieveaIed in lhe inneasuialIe,
ineffalIe (lhings). I an inconpiehensilIe, dveIIing in lhe inconpiehensilIe. I nove in eveiy
I an lhe Iife of ny Lpinoia lhal dveIIs vilhin eveiy Iovei and eveiy eleinaI novenenl, and (in)
invisilIe Lighls and vilhin lhe Aichons and AngeIs and Denons, and eveiy souI dveIIing in
Tailaios, and (in) eveiy naleiiaI souI. I dveII in lhose vho cane lo le. I nove in eveiyone and I
deIve inlo lhen aII. I vaIk upiighlIy, and lhose vho sIeep, I avaken. And I an lhe sighl of lhose
vho dveII in sIeep.
I an lhe InvisilIe One vilhin lhe AII. Il is I vho counseI lhose vho aie hidden, since I knov lhe
AII lhal exisls in il. I an nunleiIess leyond eveiyone. I an inneasuialIe, ineffalIe, yel
vhenevei I vish, I shaII ieveaI nyseIf of ny ovn accoid. I an lhe head of lhe AII. I exisl lefoie
lhe AII, and I an lhe AII, since I exisl in eveiyone.
I an a Voice speaking soflIy. I exisl fion lhe fiisl. I dveII vilhin lhe SiIence lhal suiiounds eveiy
one of lhen. And il is lhe hidden Voice lhal dveIIs vilhin ny, vilhin lhe inconpiehensilIe,
inneasuialIe Thoughl, vilhin lhe inneasuialIe SiIence.
I descended lo lhe nidsl of lhe undeivoiId, and I shone dovn upon lhe daikness. Il is I vho
pouied foilh lhe valei. Il is I vho an hidden vilhin iadianl valeis. I an lhe one vho giaduaIIy
pul foilh lhe AII ly ny Thoughl. Il is I vho an Iaden vilh lhe Voice. Il is lhiough ne lhal Cnosis
cones foilh. I dveII in lhe ineffalIe and unknovalIe ones. I an peiceplion and knovIedge,
ulleiing a Voice ly neans of lhoughl. I an lhe ieaI Voice. I ciy oul in eveiyone, and lhey
iecognize il (lhe voice), since a seed indveIIs lhen. I an lhe Thoughl of lhe Ialhei, and lhiough
ne pioceeded lhe Voice, lhal is, lhe knovIedge of lhe eveiIasling lhings. I exisl as Thoughl foi lhe
AII -- leing joined lo lhe unknovalIe and inconpiehensilIe Thoughl -- I ieveaIed nyseIf -- yes, I
-- anong aII lhose vho iecognize ne. Ioi il is I vho an joined vilh eveiyone ly viilue of lhe
hidden Thoughl and an exaIled <Voice>, even a Voice fion lhe invisilIe Thoughl. And il is
inneasuialIe, since il dveIIs in lhe InneasuialIe One. Il is a nysleiy, il is uniesliainalIe ly lhe
InconpiehensilIe One. Il is invisilIe lo aII lhose vho aie visilIe in lhe AII. Il is a Lighl dveIIing in
Il is ve aIso vho aIone have sepaialed fion lhe visilIe voiId, since ve aie saved ly lhe hidden
visdon, ly neans of lhe ineffalIe, inneasuialIe Voice. And he vho is hidden vilhin us pays lhe
liilules of his fiuil lo lhe Walei of Life.
Then lhe Son vho is peifecl in eveiy iespecl -- lhal is, lhe Woid vho oiiginaled lhiough lhal
Voice, vho pioceeded fion lhe heighl, vho has vilhin hin lhe Nane, vho is a Lighl -- he
ieveaIed lhe eveiIasling lhings, and aII lhe unknovns veie knovn. And lhose lhings difficuIl lo
inleipel and seciel, he ieveaIed. And as foi lhose vho dveII in SiIence vilh lhe Iiisl Thoughl, he
pieached lo lhen. And he ieveaIed hinseIf lo lhose vho dveII in daikness, and he shoved
hinseIf lo lhose vho dveII in lhe alyss, and lo lhose vho dveII in lhe hidden lieasuiies, he loId
ineffalIe nysleiies, and he laughl uniepealalIe docliines lo aII lhose vho lecane Sons of lhe
Nov lhe Voice lhal oiiginaled fion ny Thoughl exisls as lhiee peinanences: lhe Ialhei, lhe
Molhei, lhe Son. Lxisling peiceplilIy as Speech, il (Voice) has vilhin il a Woid endoved vilh
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eveiy <gIoiy>, and il has lhiee nascuIinilies, lhiee poveis, and lhiee nanes. They exisl in lhe
nannei of Thiee ... -- vhich aie quadiangeIs -- secielIy vilhin a siIence of lhe IneffalIe One.
Il is he aIone vho cane lo le, lhal is, lhe Chiisl. And, as foi ne, I anoinled hin as lhe gIoiy of lhe
InvisilIe Spiiil, vilh goodness. Nov lhe Thiee, I eslalIished aIone in eleinaI gIoiy ovei lhe Aeons
in lhe Living Walei, lhal is, lhe gIoiy lhal suiiounds hin vho fiisl cane foilh lo lhe Lighl of lhose
exaIled Aeons, and il is in gIoiious Lighl lhal he fiinIy peiseveies. And he slood in his ovn Lighl
lhal suiiounds hin, lhal is, lhe Lye of lhe Lighl lhal gIoiiousIy shines on ne. He peipelualed lhe
Ialhei of aII Aeons, vho an I, lhe Thoughl of lhe Ialhei, Iiolennoia, lhal is, aileIo, lhe peifecl
CIoiy, and lhe inneasuialIe InvisilIe One vho is hidden. I an lhe Inage of lhe InvisilIe Spiiil,
and il is lhiough ne lhal lhe AII look shape, and (I an) lhe Molhei (as veII as) lhe Lighl vhich
she appoinled as Viigin, she vho is caIIed 'Meiiolhea', lhe inconpiehensilIe Wonl, lhe
uniesliainalIe and inneasuialIe Voice.
Then lhe Ieifecl Son ieveaIed hinseIf lo his Aeons, vho oiiginaled lhiough hin, and he ieveaIed
lhen and gIoiified lhen, and gave lhen lhiones, and slood in lhe gIoiy vilh vhich he gIoiified
hinseIf. They lIessed lhe Ieifecl Son, lhe Chiisl, lhe onIy-legollen Cod. And lhey gave gIoiy,
saying, "He is! He is! The Son of Cod! The Son of Cod! Il is he vho is! The Aeon of Aeons,
lehoIding lhe Aeons vhich he legol. Ioi lhou hasl legollen ly lhine ovn desiie! Theiefoie ve
gIoiify lhee: na no o o o eia ei on ei! The Aeon of Aeons! The Aeon vhich he gave!"
Then, noieovei, lhe Cod vho vas legollen gave lhen (lhe Aeons) a povei of Iife on vhich lhey
nighl ieIy, and he eslalIished lhen. The fiisl Aeon he eslalIished ovei lhe fiisl: Ainedon,
Nousanios, AinozeI, lhe second he eslalIished ovei lhe second Aeon: Ihaionios, Ainios, OioiaeI,
lhe lhiid ovei lhe lhiid Aeon: MeIIephaneus, Loios, Daveilhai, lhe fouilh ovei lhe fouilh:
Mousanios, Anelhes, LIeIelh. Nov lhose Aeons veie legollen ly lhe Cod vho vas legollen - lhe
Chiisl - and lhese Aeons ieceived as veII as gave gIoiy. They veie lhe fiisl lo appeai, exaIled in
lheii lhoughl, and each Aeon gave nyiiads of gIoiies vilhin gieal unliacealIe Iighls, and lhey aII
logelhei lIessed lhe peifecl Son, lhe Cod vho vas legollen.
Then lheie cane foilh a void fion lhe gieal Lighl LIeIelh, and said, "I an king! Who leIongs lo
Chaos and vho leIongs lo lhe undeivoiId`" And al lhal inslanl, his Lighl appeaied, iadianl,
endoved vilh lhe Lpinoia. The Ioveis of lhe Ioveis did nol enlieal hin, and Iikevise
innedialeIy lheie appeaied lhe gieal Denon vho iuIes ovei lhe Iovesl pail of lhe undeivoiId
and Chaos. He has neilhei foin noi peifeclion, lul, on lhe conliaiy, possesses lhe foin of lhe
gIoiy of lhose legollen in lhe daikness. Nov he is caIIed 'SakIas', lhal is, 'SanaeI', 'YaIlalaolh', he
vho had laken povei, vho had snalched il avay fion lhe innocenl one (Sophia), vho had eaiIiei
oveipoveied hei vho is lhe Lighl`s Lpinoia vho had descended, hei fion vhon he had cone
foilh fion oiiginaIIy.
Nov vhen lhe Lpinoia of lhe Lighl ieaIized lhal he (YaIlalaolh) had legged hin (lhe Lighl) foi
anolhei oidei, even lhough he vas Iovei lhan she, she said, "Cive ne anolhei oidei, so lhal you
nay lecone foi ne a dveIIing pIace, Iesl I dveII in disoidei foievei." And lhe oidei of lhe enliie
house of gIoiy vas agieed upon hei void. A lIessing vas lioughl foi hei and lhe highei oidei
ieIeased il lo hei.
And lhe gieal Denon legan lo pioduce aeons in lhe Iikeness of lhe ieaI Aeons, excepl lhal he
pioduced lhen oul of his ovn povei.
Then I loo ieveaIed ny Voice secielIy, saying, "Cease! Desisl, (you) vho liead on nallei, foi
lehoId, I an coning dovn lo lhe voiId of noilaIs foi lhe sake of ny poilion lhal vas in lhal
pIace fion lhe line vhen lhe innocenl Sophia vas conqueied, she vho descended, so lhal I nighl
lhvail lheii ain vhich lhe one ieveaIed ly hei appoinls." And aII veie disluiled, each one vho
dveIIs in lhe house of lhe ignoianl Iighl, and lhe alyss lienlIed. And lhe Aichigeneloi of
ignoiance ieigned ovei Chaos and lhe undeivoiId, and pioduced a nan in ny Iikeness. ul he
neilhei knev lhal lhal one vouId lecone foi hin a senlence of dissoIulion, noi does he iecognize
lhe povei in hin.
ul nov I have cone dovn and ieached dovn lo Chaos. And I vas vilh ny ovn vho veie in
lhal pIace. I an hidden vilhin lhen, enpoveiing lhen, giving lhen shape. And fion lhe fiisl
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day unliI lhe day vhen I viII gianl nighly gIoiy lo lhose vho aie nine, I viII ieveaI nyseIf lo
lhose vho have heaid ny nysleiies, lhal is, lhe Sons of lhe Lighl.
I an lheii Ialhei, and I shaII leII you a nysleiy, ineffalIe and indivuIgealIe ly any noulh: Lveiy
lond I Ioosed fion you, and lhe chains of lhe denons of lhe undeivoiId I lioke, lhese lhings
vhich aie lound on ny nenleis, iesliaining lhen. And lhe high vaIIs of daikness I oveilhiev,
and lhe secuie gales of lhose piliIess ones I lioke, and I snashed lheii lais. And lhe eviI foice,
and lhe one vho leals you, and lhe one vho hindeis you, and lhe lyianl, and lhe adveisaiy, and
lhe one vho is King, and lhe piesenl eneny, indeed aII lhese I expIained lo lhose vho aie nine,
vho aie lhe Sons of lhe Lighl, in oidei lhal lhey nighl nuIIify lhen aII, and le saved fion aII
lhose londs, and enlei inlo lhe pIace vheie lhey veie al fiisl.
I an lhe fiisl one vho descended on accounl of ny poilion vhich ienains, lhal is, lhe Spiiil lhal
dveIIs in lhe souI, vhich oiiginaled fion lhe Walei of Life, and oul of lhe inneision of lhe
nysleiies. And I spoke, I, logelhei vilh lhe Aichons and Aulhoiilies. Ioi I had gone dovn leIov
lheii Ianguage, and I spoke ny nysleiies lo ny ovn - a hidden nysleiy - and lhe londs and
eleinaI olIivion veie nuIIified. And I loie fiuil in lhen, lhal is, lhe Thoughl of lhe unchanging
Aeon, and ny house, and lheii Ialhei. And I venl dovn lo lhose vho veie nine fion lhe fiisl,
and I ieached lhen and lioke lhe fiisl sliands lhal ensIaved lhen. Then eveiyone of lhose vilhin
ne shone, and I piepaied a pallein foi lhose ineffalIe Lighls lhal aie vilhin ne. Anen.
!"# 7+B?=>.B# =@ J.=<#;;=+&f 2;#
I an lhe Voice lhal appeaied lhiough ny Thoughl, foi I an 'He vho is syzygelic' since I an caIIed
'lhe Thoughl of lhe InvisilIe One'. Since I an caIIed 'lhe unchanging Speech', I an caIIed 'She vho
is syzygelic'.
I an a singIe one, since I an undefiIed. I an lhe Molhei of lhe Voice, speaking in nany vays,
conpIeling lhe AII. Il is in ne lhal knovIedge dveIIs, lhe knovIedge of <lhings> eveiIasling. Il is
I vho speak vilhin eveiy ciealuie, and I vas knovn ly lhe AII. Il is I vho Iifl up lhe Speech of lhe
Voice lo lhe eais of lhose vho have knovn ne, lhal is, lhe Sons of lhe Lighl.
Nov I have cone lhe second line in lhe Iikeness of a fenaIe, and have spoken vilh lhen. And I
shaII leII lhen of lhe coning end of lhe Aeon and leach lhen of lhe leginning of lhe Aeon lo
cone, lhe one vilhoul change, lhe one in vhich oui appeaiance viII le changed. We shaII le
puiified vilhin lhose Aeons fion vhich I ieveaIed nyseIf in lhe Thoughl of lhe Iikeness of ny
nascuIinily. I sellIed anong lhose vho aie voilhy in lhe Thoughl of ny changeIess Aeon.
Ioi I shaII leII you a nysleiy of lhis pailicuIai Aeon, and leII you aloul lhe foices lhal aie in il.
The liilh leckons, houi legels houi, day legels day. The nonlhs nade knovn lhe nonlh.Tine
has gone iound succeeding line. This pailicuIai Aeon vas conpIeled in lhis fashion, and il vas
eslinaled, and il (vas) shoil, foi il vas a fingei lhal ieIeased a fingei, and a joinl lhal vas
sepaialed fion a joinl. Then, vhen lhe gieal Aulhoiilies knev lhal lhe line of fuIfiIInenl had
appeaied - jusl as in lhe pangs of lhe pailuiienl il (lhe line) has diavn neai, so aIso had lhe
desliuclion appioached - aII logelhei lhe eIenenls lienlIed, and lhe foundalions of lhe
undeivoiId and lhe ceiIings of Chaos shook, and a gieal fiie shone vilhin lheii nidsl, and lhe
iocks and lhe eailh veie shaken Iike a ieed shaken ly lhe vind. And lhe Iols of Iale and lhose
vho appoilion lhe doniciIes veie giealIy disluiled ovei a gieal lhundei. And lhe lhiones of lhe
Ioveis veie disluiled, since lhey veie oveiluined, and lheii King vas afiaid. And lhose vho
puisue Iale paid lheii aIIolnenl of visils lo lhe palh, and lhey said lo lhe Ioveis, "Whal is lhis
disluilance and lhis shaking lhal has cone upon us lhiough a Voice <leIonging> lo lhe exaIled
Speech` And oui enliie halilalion has leen shaken, and lhe enliie ciicuil of lhe palh of ascenl has
nel vilh desliuclion, and lhe palh upon vhich ve go, vhich lakes us up lo lhe Aichgeniloi of oui
liilh, has ceased lo le eslalIished foi us."
Then lhe Ioveis ansveied, saying, "We loo aie al Ioss aloul il, since ve did nol knov vhal vas
iesponsilIe foi il. ul aiise, Iel us go up lo lhe Aichgeniloi and ask hin." And lhe poveis aII
galheied and venl up lo lhe Aichgeniloi. They said lo hin, "Wheie is youi loasling in vhich you
loasl` Did ve nol heai you say, "I an Cod, and I an youi Ialhei, and il is I vho legol you. and
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lheie is none leside ne"` Nov lehoId, lheie has appeaied a Voice leIonging lo lhal invisilIe
Speech of lhe Aeon vhich ve knov nol. And ve ouiseIves did nol iecognize lo vhon ve leIong,
foi lhal Voice vhich ve Iislened lo is foieign lo us, and ve did nol iecognize il, ve did nol knov
vhence il vas. Il cane and pul feai in oui nidsl and veakening in lhe nenleis of oui ains. So
nov Iel us veep and nouin nosl lilleiIy! As foi lhe fuluie, Iel us nake oui enliie fIighl lefoie ve
aie inpiisoned peifoice, and laken dovn lo lhe loson of lhe undeivoiId. Ioi aIieady lhe
sIackening of oui londage has appioached, and lhe lines aie cul shoil, and lhe days have
shoilened, and oui line has leen fuIfiIIed, and lhe veeping of oui desliuclion has appioached us,
so lhal ve nay le laken lo lhe pIace ve iecognize. Ioi as foi oui liee fion vhich ve giev, a fiuil
of ignoiance is vhal il has, and aIso ils Ieaves, il is dealh lhal dveIIs in lhen, and daikness dveIIs
undei lhe shadov of ils loughs. And il vas in deceil and Iusl lhal ve haivesled il, lhis (liee)
lhiough vhich ignoianl Chaos lecane foi us a dveIIing pIace. Ioi lehoId, even he, lhe
Aichgeniloi of oui liilh, aloul vhon ve loasl, even he did nol knov lhis Speech."
So nov, O sons of lhe Thoughl, Iislen lo ne, lo lhe Speech of lhe Molhei of youi neicy, foi you
have lecone voilhy of lhe nysleiy hidden fion lhe Aeons, so lhal you nighl ieceive il. And lhe
consunnalion of lhis pailicuIai Aeon and of lhe eviI Iife has appioached, and lheie davns lhe
leginning of lhe Aeon lo cone, vhich has no change foievei.
I an andiogynous. I an Molhei (and) I an Ialhei, since I copuIale vilh nyseIf. I copuIaled vilh
nyseIf and vilh lhose vho Iove ne, and il is lhiough ne aIone lhal lhe AII slands fiin. I an lhe
Wonl lhal gives shape lo lhe AII ly giving liilh lo lhe Lighl lhal shines in spIendoi. I an lhe
Aeon lo cone. I an lhe fuIfiIInenl of lhe AII, lhal is, Meiiolhea, lhe gIoiy of lhe Molhei. I casl
voiced Speech inlo lhe eais of lhose vho knov ne.
And I an inviling you inlo lhe exaIled, peifecl Lighl. Moieovei, (as foi) lhis (Lighl), vhen you
enlei il, you viII le gIoiified ly lhose vho give gIoiy, and lhose vho enlhione viII enlhione you.
You viII accepl ioles fion lhose vho give ioles, and lhe laplizeis viII laplize you, and you viII
lecone gIoiiousIy gIoiious, lhe vay you fiisl veie vhen you veie <Lighl>.
And I hid nyseIf in eveiyone and ieveaIed nyseIf vilhin lhen, and eveiy nind seeking ne
Ionged foi ne, foi il is I vho gave shape lo lhe AII vhen il had no foin. And I liansfoined lheii
foins inlo (olhei) foins, unliI lhe line vhen a foin viII le given lo lhe AII. Il is lhiough ne lhal
lhe Voice oiiginaled, and il is I vho pul lhe liealh vilhin ny ovn. And I casl inlo lhen lhe
eleinaIIy HoIy Spiiil, and I ascended and enleied ny Lighl. I venl up upon ny lianch and sal
lheie anong lhe Sons of lhe hoIy Lighl. And I vilhdiev lo lheii dveIIing pIace vhich |...j lecone
gIoiious |...j. Anen.
2; P&<#f !O=
I an lhe Woid vho dveIIs in lhe ineffalIe Voice. I dveII in undefiIed Lighl and a Thoughl
ieveaIed ilseIf peiceplilIy lhiough lhe gieal Speech of lhe Molhei, aIlhough il is a naIe offspiing
lhal suppoils ne as ny foundalion. And il (lhe Speech) exisls fion lhe leginning in lhe
foundalions of lhe AII.
ul lheie is a Lighl lhal dveIIs hidden in SiIence, and il vas fiisl lo cone foilh. Wheieas she (lhe
Molhei) aIone exisls as SiIence, I aIone an lhe Woid, ineffalIe, unpoIIuled, inneasuialIe,
inconceivalIe. Il (lhe Woid) is a hidden Lighl, leaiing a fiuil of Iife, pouiing foilh a Iiving valei
fion lhe invisilIe, unpoIIuled, inneasuialIe spiing, lhal is, lhe uniepioducilIe Voice of lhe gIoiy
of lhe Molhei, lhe gIoiy of lhe offspiing of Cod, a naIe viigin ly viilue of a hidden InleIIecl, lhal
is, lhe SiIence hidden fion lhe AII, leing uniepioducilIe, an inneasuialIe Lighl, lhe souice of lhe
AII, lhe iool of lhe enliie Aeon. Il is lhe foundalion lhal suppoils eveiy novenenl of lhe Aeons
lhal leIong lo lhe nighly gIoiy. Il is lhe foundalion of eveiy foundalion. Il is lhe liealh of lhe
poveis. Il is lhe eye of lhe lhiee peinanences, vhich exisl as Voice ly viilue of Thoughl. And il is
a Woid ly viilue of Speech, il vas senl lo iIIunine lhose vho dveII in lhe daikness.
Nov lehoId! I viII ieveaI lo you ny nysleiies, since you aie ny feIIov lielhien, and you shaII
knov lhen aII.
(5 |incs nissing)
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I loId aII of lhen aloul ny nysleiies lhal exisl in lhe inconpiehensilIe, inexpiessilIe Aeons. I
laughl lhen lhe nysleiies lhiough lhe Voice lhal exisls vilhin a peifecl InleIIecl, and I lecane a
foundalion foi lhe AII, and I enpoveied lhen.
The Second line I cane in lhe Speech of ny Voice. I gave shape lo lhose vho look shape, unliI
lheii consunnalion.
The Thiid line I ieveaIed nyseIf lo lhen in lheii lenls as Woid, and I ieveaIed nyseIf in lhe
Iikeness of lheii shape. And I voie eveiyone's gainenl, and I hid nyseIf vilhin lhen, and lhey
did nol knov lhe one vho enpoveis ne. Ioi I dveII vilhin aII lhe Soveieignlies and Ioveis, and
vilhin lhe angeIs, and in eveiy novenenl lhal exisls in aII nallei. And I hid nyseIf vilhin lhen
unliI I ieveaIed nyseIf lo ny lielhien. And none of lhen (lhe Ioveis) knev ne, aIlhough il is I
vho voik in lhen. Ralhei, lhey lhoughl lhal lhe AII vas ciealed ly lhen, since lhey aie ignoianl,
nol knoving lheii iool, lhe pIace in vhich lhey giev.
I an lhe Lighl lhal iIIunines lhe AII. I an lhe Lighl lhal iejoices in ny lielhien, foi I cane dovn
lo lhe voiId of noilaIs on accounl of lhe Spiiil lhal ienains in lhal vhich descended (and) cane
foilh fion lhe innocenl Sophia. I cane, and I deIiveied |...j, and I venl lo ...
(5 |incs nissing)
... vhich he had foineiIy, and I gave lo hin fion lhe Walei of Life, vhich sliips hin of lhe chaos
lhal is in lhe ulleinosl daikness lhal exisls inside lhe enliie alyss, lhal is, lhe lhoughl of lhe
coipoieaI and lhe psychic. AII lhese I pul on. And I sliipped hin of il, and I pul upon hin a
shining Lighl, lhal is, lhe knovIedge of lhe Thoughl of lhe Ialheihood.
And I deIiveied hin lo lhose vho give ioles - Yannon, LIasso, Anenai - and lhey coveied hin
vilh a iole fion lhe ioles of lhe Lighl, and I deIiveied hin lo lhe laplizeis, and lhey laplized
hin - Micheus, Michai, Mnesinous - and lhey inneised hin in lhe spiing of lhe Walei of Life.
And I deIiveied hin lo lhose vho enlhione - aiieI, Noulhan, Salenai - and lhey enlhioned hin
fion lhe Thione of CIoiy. And I deIiveied hin lo lhose vho gIoiify - Aiion, LIien, IhaiieI - and
lhey gIoiified hin vilh lhe gIoiy of lhe Ialheihood. And lhose vho snalch avay snalched avay -
KanaIieI, |...janen, SanlIo, and lhe seivanls of <lhe> gieal hoIy Iuninaiies - and lhey look hin
inlo lhe Iighl-pIace of his Ialheihood. And he ieceived lhe Iive seaIs fion lhe Lighl of lhe Molhei,
Iiolennoia, and il vas gianled hin lo pailake of lhe nysleiy of knovIedge, and he lecane a
Lighl in Lighl.
So nov ...
(5 |incs nissing)
... I vas dveIIing in lhen in lhe foin of each one. The Aichons lhoughl lhal I vas lheii Chiisl.
Indeed, I dveII in eveiyone. Indeed, vilhin lhose in vhon I ieveaIed nyseIf as Lighl, I eIuded lhe
Aichons. I an lheii leIoved, foi in lhal pIace I cIolhed nyseIf as lhe son of lhe Aichgeniloi, and I
vas Iike hin unliI lhe end of his deciee, vhich is lhe ignoiance of Chaos. And anong lhe angeIs I
ieveaIed nyseIf in lheii Iikeness, and anong lhe Ioveis, as if I veie one of lhen, lul anong lhe
Sons of Man, as if I veie a Son of Man, even lhough I an Ialhei of eveiyone.
I hid nyseIf vilhin lhen aII unliI I ieveaIed nyseIf anong ny nenleis, vhich aie nine, and I
laughl lhen aloul lhe ineffalIe oidinances, and (aloul) lhe lielhien. ul lhey aie inexpiessilIe lo
eveiy Soveieignly and eveiy iuIing Iovei, excepl lhe Sons of lhe Lighl aIone, lhal is, lhe
oidinances of lhe Ialhei. These aie lhe gIoiies lhal aie highei lhan eveiy gIoiy, lhal is, lhe Iive
SeaIs, conpIele ly viilue of InleIIecl. He vho possesses lhe Iive SeaIs of lhese pailicuIai nanes
has sliipped off <lhe> gainenls of ignoiance and pul on a shining Lighl. And nolhing viII appeai
lo hin lhal leIongs lo lhe Ioveis of lhe Aichons. Wilhin lhose of lhis soil, daikness viII dissoIve
and ignoiance viII die. And lhe lhoughl of lhe ciealuie, vhich is scalleied, viII piesenl a singIe
appeaiance and daik Chaos viII dissoIve and ...
(6 |incs fragncn|arq)
... unliI I ieveaI nyseIf lo aII ny feIIov lielhien, and unliI I galhei logelhei aII ny feIIov lielhien
vilhin ny eleinaI kingdon. And I piocIained lo lhen lhe ineffalIe Iive SeaIs in oidei lhal I
nighl alide in lhen and lhey aIso nighl alide in ne.
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As foi ne, I pul on }esus. I loie hin fion lhe cuised vood, and eslalIished hin in lhe dveIIing
pIaces of his Ialhei. And lhose vho valch ovei lheii dveIIing pIaces did nol iecognize ne. Ioi I, I
an uniesliainalIe, logelhei vilh ny seed, and ny seed, vhich is nine, I shaII pIace inlo lhe hoIy
Lighl vilhin an inconpiehensilIe SiIence. Anen.

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Sc|cc|icn nadc frcn ]ancs M. Rcoinscn, cd., The Nag Hannadi Liliaiy, rctiscd cdi|icn. HarpcrCc||ins, San |ranciscc, 1990.
Seeing lhal eveiylody, gods of lhe voiId and nankind, says lhal nolhing exisled piioi lo chaos, I,
in dislinclion lo lhen, shaII denonsliale lhal lhey aie aII nislaken, lecause lhey aie nol
acquainled vilh lhe oiigin of chaos, noi vilh ils iool. Heie is lhe denonslialion.
Hov veII il suils aII nen, on lhe suljecl of chaos, lo say lhal il is a kind of daikness! ul in facl il
cones fion a shadov, vhich has leen caIIed ly lhe nane 'daikness'. And lhe shadov cones fion
a pioducl lhal has exisled since lhe leginning. Il is, noieovei, cIeai lhal il exisled lefoie chaos
cane inlo leing, and lhal lhe Iallei is posleiioi lo lhe fiisl pioducl. Lel us lheiefoie concein
ouiseIves vilh lhe facls of lhe nallei, and fuilheinoie, vilh lhe fiisl pioducl, fion vhich chaos
vas piojecled. And in lhis vay lhe liulh viII le cIeaiIy denonslialed.
Aflei lhe naluiaI sliucluie of lhe innoilaI leings had conpIeleIy deveIoped oul of lhe infinile, a
Iikeness lhen enanaled fion Iislis (Iailh), il is caIIed Sophia (Wisdon). Il exeicised voIilion and
lecane a pioducl iesenlIing lhe piinevaI Iighl. And innedialeIy hei viII nanifesled ilseIf as a
Iikeness of heaven, having an uninaginalIe nagnilude, il vas lelveen lhe innoilaI leings and
lhose lhings lhal cane inlo leing aflei lhen, Iike |...j: she (Sophia) funclioned as a veiI dividing
nankind fion lhe lhings alove.
Nov lhe eleinaI ieaIn (aeon) of liulh has no shadov oulside il, foi lhe IinilIess Iighl is
eveiyvheie vilhin il. ul ils exleiioi is shadov, vhich has leen caIIed ly lhe nane 'daikness'.
Iion il, lheie appeaied a foice, piesiding ovei lhe daikness. And lhe foices lhal cane inlo leing
sulsequenl lo lhen caIIed lhe shadov 'lhe IinilIess chaos'. Iion il, eveiy kind of divinily
spiouled up |...j logelhei vilh lhe enliie pIace, so lhal aIso, shadov is posleiioi lo lhe fiisl
pioducl. Il vas <in> lhe alyss lhal il (shadov) appeaied, deiiving fion lhe afoienenlioned Iislis.
Then shadov peiceived lheie vas sonelhing nighliei lhan il, and feIl envy, and vhen il had
lecone piegnanl of ils ovn accoid, suddenIy il engendeied jeaIousy. Since lhal day, lhe piincipIe
of jeaIousy anongsl aII lhe eleinaI ieaIns and lheii voiIds has leen appaienl. Nov as foi lhal
jeaIousy, il vas found lo le an aloilion vilhoul any spiiil in il. Like a shadov, il cane inlo
exislence in a vasl valeiy sulslance. Then lhe liIe lhal had cone inlo leing oul of lhe shadov
vas lhiovn inlo a pail of chaos. Since lhal day, a valeiy sulslance has leen appaienl. And vhal
sank vilhin il fIoved avay, leing visilIe in chaos: as vilh a vonan giving liilh lo a chiId - aII hei
supeifIuilies fIov oul, jusl so, nallei cane inlo leing oul of shadov, and vas piojecled apail.
And il did nol depail fion chaos, ialhei, nallei vas in chaos, leing in a pail of il.
And vhen lhese lhings had cone lo pass, lhen Iislis cane and appeaied ovei lhe nallei of chaos,
vhich had leen expeIIed Iike an aloiled felus - since lheie vas no spiiil in il. Ioi aII of il (chaos)
vas IinilIess daikness and lollonIess valei. Nov vhen Iislis sav vhal had iesuIled fion hei
defecl, she lecane disluiled. And lhe disluilance appeaied, as a feaifuI pioducl, il iushed lo hei
in lhe chaos. She luined lo il and lIev inlo ils face in lhe alyss, vhich is leIov aII lhe heavens.
And vhen Iislis Sophia desiied lo cause lhe lhing lhal had no spiiil lo le foined inlo a Iikeness
and lo iuIe ovei nallei and ovei aII hei foices, lheie appeaied foi lhe fiisl line a iuIei, oul of lhe
valeis, Iion-Iike in appeaiance, andiogynous, having gieal aulhoiily vilhin hin, and ignoianl of
vhence he had cone inlo leing. Nov vhen Iislis Sophia sav hin noving aloul in lhe deplh of
lhe valeis, she said lo hin, "ChiId, pass lhiough lo heie," vhose equivaIenl is 'qa|da oac|n'.
Since lhal day, lheie appeaied lhe piincipIe of veilaI expiession, vhich ieached lhe gods and lhe
angeIs and nankind. And vhal cane inlo leing as a iesuIl of veilaI expiession, lhe gods and lhe
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angeIs and nankind finished. Nov as foi lhe iuIei YaIlalaolh, he is ignoianl of lhe foice of Iislis:
he did nol see hei face, ialhei he sav in lhe valei lhe Iikeness lhal spoke vilh hin. And lecause
of lhal voice, he caIIed hinseIf 'YaIdalaolh'. ul 'AiiaeI' is vhal lhe peifecl caII hin, foi he vas
Iike a Iion. Nov vhen he had cone lo have aulhoiily ovei nallei, Iislis Sophia vilhdiev up lo
hei Iighl.
When lhe iuIei sav his nagnilude - and il vas onIy hinseIf lhal he sav: he sav nolhing eIse,
excepl foi valei and daikness - lhen he supposed lhal il vas he aIone vho exisled. His |...j vas
conpIeled ly veilaI expiession: il appeaied as a spiiil noving lo and fio upon lhe valeis. And
vhen lhal spiiil appeaied, lhe iuIei sel apail lhe valeiy sulslance. And vhal vas diy vas
divided inlo anolhei pIace. And fion nallei, he nade foi hinseIf an alode, and he caIIed il
'heaven'. And fion nallei, lhe iuIei nade a foolslooI, and he caIIed il 'eailh'.
Nexl, lhe iuIei had a lhoughl - consislenl vilh his naluie - and ly neans of veilaI expiession he
ciealed an andiogyne. He opened his noulh and cooed lo hin. When his eyes had leen opened,
he Iooked al his falhei, and he said lo hin, "Lee!" Then his falhei caIIed hin Lee-a-o ('Yao'). Nexl
he ciealed lhe second son. He cooed lo hin. And he opened his eyes and said lo his falhei, "Lh!"
His falhei caIIed hin 'LIoai'. Nexl, he ciealed lhe lhiid son. He cooed lo hin. And he opened his
eyes and said lo his falhei, "Asss!" His falhei caIIed hin 'Aslaphaios'. These aie lhe lhiee sons of
lheii falhei.
Seven appeaied in chaos, andiogynous. They have lheii nascuIine nanes and lheii feninine
The feninine nane is Iionoia (Ioielhoughl) Sanlalhas, vhich is 'veek'.
And his son is caIIed Yao: his feninine nane is Loidship.
Salaolh: his feninine nane is Deily.
Adonaios: his feninine nane is Kingship.
LIaios: his feninine nane is }eaIousy.
Oiaios: his feninine nane is WeaIlh.
And Aslaphaios: his feninine nane is Sophia (Wisdon).
These aie lhe seven foices of lhe seven heavens of chaos. And lhey veie loin andiogynous,
consislenl vilh lhe innoilaI pallein lhal exisled lefoie lhen, accoiding lo lhe vish of Iislis: so
lhal lhe Iikeness of vhal had exisled since lhe leginning nighl ieign lo lhe end. You viII find lhe
effecl of lhese nanes and lhe foice of lhe naIe enlilies in lhe Arcnangc|ic (8cc|) cf |nc Prcpnc| Mcscs,
and lhe nanes of lhe fenaIe enlilies in lhe fiisl 8cc| cf Ncraia.
Nov lhe piine paienl YaIdalaolh, since he possessed gieal aulhoiilies, ciealed heavens foi each
of his offspiing lhiough veilaI expiession - ciealed lhen leaulifuI, as dveIIing pIaces - and in
each heaven he ciealed gieal gIoiies, seven lines exceIIenl. Thiones and nansions and lenpIes,
and aIso chaiiols and viigin spiiils up lo an invisilIe one and lheii gIoiies, each one has lhese in
his heaven, nighly ainies of gods and Ioids and angeIs and aichangeIs - counlIess nyiiads - so
lhal lhey nighl seive. The accounl of lhese nalleis you viII find in a piecise nannei in lhe fiisl
Acccun| cf Oraia.
And lhey veie conpIeled fion lhis heaven lo as fai up as lhe sixlh heaven, naneIy lhal of Sophia.
The heaven and his eailh veie deslioyed ly lhe lioulIenakei lhal vas leIov lhen aII. And lhe
six heavens shook vioIenlIy, foi lhe foices of chaos knev vho il vas lhal had deslioyed lhe
heaven lhal vas leIov lhen. And vhen Iislis knev aloul lhe lieakage iesuIling fion lhe
disluilance, she senl foilh hei liealh and lound hin and casl hin dovn inlo Tailaios. Since lhal
day, lhe heaven, aIong vilh ils eailh, has consoIidaled ilseIf lhiough Sophia lhe daughlei of
YaIdalaolh, she vho is leIov lhen aII.
Nov vhen lhe heavens had consoIidaled lhenseIves aIong vilh lheii foices and aII lheii
adninislialion, lhe piine paienl lecane insoIenl. And he vas honoied ly aII lhe ainy of angeIs.
And aII lhe gods and lheii angeIs gave lIessing and honoi lo hin. And foi his pail, he vas
deIighled and conlinuaIIy loasled, saying lo lhen, "I have no need of anyone." He said, "Il is I
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vho an Cod, and lheie is no olhei one lhal exisls apail fion ne." And vhen he said lhis, he
sinned againsl aII lhe innoilaI leings vho give ansvei. And lhey Iaid il lo his chaige.
Then vhen Iislis sav lhe inpiely of lhe chief iuIei, she vas fiIIed vilh angei. She vas invisilIe.
She said, "You aie nislaken, SanaeI," (lhal is, "lIind god"). "Theie is an innoilaI nan of Iighl
vho has leen in exislence lefoie you, and vho viII appeai anong youi nodeIIed foins, he viII
lianpIe you lo scoin, jusl as pollei's cIay is pounded. And you viII descend lo youi nolhei, lhe
alyss, aIong vilh lhose lhal leIong lo you. Ioi al lhe consunnalion of youi (pI.) voiks, lhe enliie
defecl lhal has lecone visilIe oul of lhe liulh viII le aloIished, and il viII cease lo le, and viII le
Iike vhal has nevei leen." Saying lhis, Iislis ieveaIed hei Iikeness of hei giealness in lhe valeis.
And so doing, she vilhdiev up lo hei Iighl.
Nov vhen Salaolh, lhe son of YaIdalaolh, heaid lhe voice of Iislis, he sang piaises lo hei, and he
condenned lhe falhei |...j al lhe void of Iislis, and he piaised hei lecause she had insliucled
lhen aloul lhe innoilaI nan and his Iighl. Then Iislis Sophia slielched oul hei fingei and
pouied upon hin sone Iighl fion hei Iighl, lo le a condennalion of his falhei. Then vhen
Salaolh vas iIIunined, he ieceived gieal aulhoiily againsl aII lhe foices of chaos. Since lhal day
he has leen caIIed "Loid of lhe Ioices".
He haled his falhei, lhe daikness, and his nolhei, lhe alyss, and Ioalhed his sislei, lhe lhoughl of
lhe piine paienl, vhich noved lo and fio upon lhe valeis. And lecause of his Iighl, aII lhe
aulhoiilies of chaos veie jeaIous of hin. And vhen lhey had lecone disluiled, lhey nade a gieal
vai in lhe seven heavens. Then vhen Iislis Sophia had seen lhe vai, she dispalched seven
aichangeIs lo Salaolh fion hei Iighl. They snalched hin up lo lhe sevenlh heaven. They slood
lefoie hin as allendanls. Iuilheinoie, she senl hin lhiee noie aichangeIs, and eslalIished lhe
kingdon foi hin ovei eveiyone, so lhal he nighl dveII alove lhe lveIve gods of chaos.
Nov vhen Salaolh had laken up lhe pIace of iepose in ieluin foi his iepenlance, Iislis aIso gave
hin hei daughlei Zoe (Life), logelhei vilh gieal aulhoiily, so lhal she nighl insliucl hin aloul aII
lhings lhal exisl in lhe eighlh heaven. And as he had aulhoiily, he nade hinseIf fiisl of aII a
nansion. Il is huge, nagnificenl, seven lines as gieal as aII lhose lhal exisl in lhe seven heavens.
And lefoie his nansion he ciealed a lhione, vhich vas huge and vas upon a foui-faced chaiiol
caIIed "Cheiulin". Nov lhe Cheiulin has eighl shapes pei each of lhe foui coineis, Iion foins and
caIf foins and hunan foins and eagIe foins, so lhal aII lhe foins anounl lo sixly-foui foins -
and seven aichangeIs lhal sland lefoie il, he is lhe eighlh, and has aulhoiily. AII lhe foins
anounl lo sevenly-lvo. Iuilheinoie, fion lhis chaiiol lhe sevenly-lvo gods look shape, lhey
look shape so lhal lhey nighl iuIe ovei lhe sevenly-lvo Ianguages of lhe peopIes. And ly lhal
lhione he ciealed olhei, seipenl-Iike angeIs, caIIed "Seiaphin", vhich piaise hin al aII lines.
Theieaflei he ciealed a congiegalion of angeIs, lhousands and nyiiads, nunleiIess, vhich
iesenlIed lhe congiegalion in lhe eighlh heaven, and a fiislloin caIIed
IsiaeI - vhich is, "lhe nan lhal sees Cod", and anolhei leing, caIIed }esus Chiisl, vho iesenlIes
lhe savioi alove in lhe eighlh heaven, and vho sils al his iighl upon a ieveied lhione. And al his
Iefl, lheie sils lhe viigin of lhe hoIy spiiil, upon a lhione and gIoiifying hin. And lhe seven
viigins sland lefoie hei, |...j possessing lhiily haips, and psaIleiies and liunpels, gIoiifying hin.
And aII lhe ainies of lhe angeIs gIoiify hin, and lhey lIess hin. Nov vheie he sils is upon a
lhione of Iighl <vilhin a> gieal cIoud lhal coveis hin. And lheie vas no one vilh hin in lhe
cIoud excepl Sophia <lhe daughlei of> Iislis, insliucling hin aloul aII lhe lhings lhal exisl in lhe
eighlh heaven, so lhal lhe Iikenesses of lhose lhings nighl le ciealed, in oidei lhal his ieign nighl
enduie unliI lhe consunnalion of lhe heavens of chaos and lheii foices.
Nov Iislis Sophia sel hin apail fion lhe daikness and sunnoned hin lo hei iighl, and lhe piine
paienl she pul al hei Iefl. Since lhal day, iighl has leen caIIed juslice, and Iefl caIIed vickedness.
Nov lecause of lhis, lhey aII ieceived a ieaIn in lhe congiegalion of juslice and vickedness, |...j
sland |...j upon a ciealuie |...j aII.
Thus, vhen lhe piine paienl of chaos sav his son Salaolh and lhe gIoiy lhal he vas in, and
peiceived lhal he vas giealesl of aII lhe aulhoiilies of chaos, he envied hin. And having lecone
vialhfuI, he engendeied Dealh oul of his dealh: and he (viz., Dealh) vas eslalIished ovei lhe
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sixlh heaven, <foi> Salaolh had leen snalched up fion lheie. And lhus lhe nunlei of lhe six
aulhoiilies of chaos vas achieved. Then Dealh, leing andiogynous, ningIed vilh his (ovn)
naluie and legol seven andiogynous offspiing. These aie lhe nanes of lhe naIe ones: }eaIousy,
Wialh, Teais, Sighing, Suffeiing, Lanenlalion, illei Weeping. And lhese aie lhe nanes of lhe
fenaIe ones: Wialh, Iain, Lusl, Sighing, Cuise, illeiness, QuaiieIsoneness. They had inleicouise
vilh one anolhei, and each one legol seven, so lhal lhey anounl lo foily-nine andiogynous
denons. Theii nanes and lheii effecls you viII find in lhe 8cc| cf Sc|cncn.
And in lhe piesence of lhese, Zoe, vho vas vilh Salaolh, ciealed seven good andiogynous foices.
These aie lhe nanes of lhe naIe ones: lhe Unenvious, lhe Iessed, lhe }oyfuI, lhe Tiue, lhe
Unlegiudging, lhe eIoved, lhe Tiuslvoilhy. AIso, as iegaids lhe fenaIe ones, lhese aie lheii
nanes: Ieace, CIadness, Rejoicing, Iessedness, Tiulh, Love, Iailh (Iislis). And fion lhese aie
nany good and innocenl spiiils. Theii infIuences and lheii effecls you viII find in lhe
Ccnfigura|icns cf |nc |a|c cf Hcatcn Tna| |s 8cnca|n |nc Tuc|tc.
And having seen lhe Iikeness of Iislis in lhe valeis, lhe piine paienl giieved veiy nuch,
especiaIIy vhen he heaid hei voice, Iike lhe fiisl voice lhal had caIIed lo hin oul of lhe valeis.
And vhen he knev lhal il vas she vho had given a nane lo hin, he sighed. He vas ashaned on
accounl of his liansgiession. And vhen he had cone lo knov in liulh lhal an innoilaI nan of
Iighl had leen exisling lefoie hin, he vas giealIy disluiled, foi he had pieviousIy said lo aII lhe
gods and lheii angeIs, "Il is I vho an god. No olhei one exisls apail fion ne." Ioi he had leen
afiaid lhey nighl knov lhal anolhei had leen in exislence lefoie hin, and nighl condenn hin.
ul he, leing devoid of undeislanding, scoffed al lhe condennalion and acled ieckIessIy. He said,
"If anylhing has exisled lefoie ne, Iel il appeai, so lhal ve nay see ils Iighl."
And innedialeIy, lehoId! Lighl cane oul of lhe eighlh heaven alove and passed lhiough aII of
lhe heavens of lhe eailh. When lhe piine paienl sav lhal lhe Iighl vas leaulifuI as il iadialed, he
vas anazed. And he vas giealIy ashaned. As lhal Iighl appeaied, a hunan Iikeness appeaied
vilhin il, veiy vondeifuI. And no one sav il excepl foi lhe piine paienl and Iionoia, vho vas
vilh hin. Yel ils Iighl appeaied lo aII lhe foices of lhe heavens. ecause of lhis lhey veie aII
lioulIed ly il.
Then vhen Iionoia sav lhal enissaiy, she lecane enanoied of hin. ul he haled hei lecause she
vas on lhe daikness. ul she desiied lo enliace hin, and she vas nol alIe lo. When she vas
unalIe lo assuage hei Iove, she pouied oul hei Iighl upon lhe eailh. Since lhal day, lhal enissaiy
has leen caIIed "Adan of Lighl," vhose iendeiing is "lhe Iuninous nan of lIood," and lhe eailh
spiead ovei hin, hoIy Adanan, vhose iendeiing is "lhe HoIy Land of Adananline." Since lhal
day, aII lhe aulhoiilies have honoied lhe lIood of lhe viigin. And lhe eailh vas puiified on
accounl of lhe lIood of lhe viigin. ul nosl of aII, lhe valei vas puiified lhiough lhe Iikeness of
Iislis Sophia, vho had appeaied lo lhe piine paienl in lhe valeis. }uslIy, lhen, il has leen said:
"lhiough lhe valeis." The hoIy valei, since il vivifies lhe aII, puiifies il.
Oul of lhal fiisl lIood Lios appeaied, leing andiogynous. His nascuIinily is Hiniieiis, leing fiie
fion lhe Iighl. His fenininily lhal is vilh hin - a souI of lIood - is fion lhe sluff of Iionoia. He is
veiy IoveIy in his leauly, having a chain leyond aII lhe ciealuies of chaos. Then aII lhe gods and
lheii angeIs, vhen lhey leheId Lios, lecane enanoied of hin. And appeaiing in aII of lhen, he
sel lhen afiie: jusl as fion a singIe Ianp nany Ianps aie Iil, and one and lhe sane Iighl is lheie,
lul lhe Ianp is nol dininished. And in lhis vay, Lios lecane dispeised in aII lhe ciealed leings
of chaos, and vas nol dininished. }usl as fion lhe nidpoinl of Iighl and daikness Lios appeaied
and al lhe nidpoinl of lhe angeIs and nankind lhe sexuaI union of Lios vas consunnaled, so oul
of lhe eailh lhe piinaI pIeasuie lIossoned. The vonan foIIoved eailh. And naiiiage foIIoved
vonan. iilh foIIoved naiiiage. DissoIulion foIIoved liilh.
Aflei lhal Lios, lhe giapevine spiouled up oul of lhal lIood, vhich had leen shed ovei lhe eailh.
ecause of lhis, lhose vho diink of il conceive lhe desiie of sexuaI union. Aflei lhe giapevine, a fig
liee and a ponegianale liee spiouled up fion lhe eailh, logelhei vilh lhe iesl of lhe liees, aII
species, having vilh lhen lheii seed fion lhe seed of lhe aulhoiilies and lheii angeIs.
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Then }uslice ciealed Iaiadise, leing leaulifuI and leing oulside lhe oilil of lhe noon and lhe
oilil of lhe sun in lhe Land of Wanlonness, in lhe Lasl in lhe nidsl of lhe slones. And desiie is in
lhe nidsl of lhe leaulifuI, appelizing liees. And lhe liee of eleinaI Iife is as il appeaied ly Cod's
viII, lo lhe noilh of Iaiadise, so lhal il nighl nake eleinaI lhe souIs of lhe puie, vho shaII cone
foilh fion lhe nodeIIed foins of poveily al lhe consunnalion of lhe age. Nov lhe coIoi of lhe
liee of Iife is Iike lhe sun. And ils lianches aie leaulifuI. Ils Ieaves aie Iike lhose of lhe cypiess. Ils
fiuil is Iike a lunch of giapes vhen il is vhile. Ils heighl goes as fai as heaven. And nexl lo il (is)
lhe liee of knovIedge (gncsis), having lhe slienglh of Cod. Ils gIoiy is Iike lhe noon vhen fuIIy
iadianl. And ils lianches aie leaulifuI. Ils Ieaves aie Iike fig Ieaves. Ils fiuil is Iike a good
appelizing dale. And lhis liee is lo lhe noilh of Iaiadise, so lhal il nighl aiouse lhe souIs fion lhe
loipoi of lhe denons, in oidei lhal lhey nighl appioach lhe liee of Iife and eal of ils fiuil, and so
condenn lhe aulhoiilies and lheii angeIs. The effecl of lhis liee is desciiled in lhe Sacrcd 8cc|, lo
vil: "Il is you vho aie lhe liee of knovIedge, vhich is in Iaiadise, fion vhich lhe fiisl nan ale
and vhich opened his nind, and he Ioved his fenaIe counleipail and condenned lhe olhei, aIien
Iikenesses and Ioalhed lhen."
Nov aflei il, lhe oIive liee spiouled up, vhich vas lo puiify lhe kings and lhe high piiesls of
iighleousness, vho veie lo appeai in lhe Iasl days, since lhe oIive liee appeaied oul of lhe Iighl of
lhe fiisl Adan foi lhe sake of lhe unguenl lhal lhey veie lo ieceive.
And lhe fiisl souI (psqcnc) Ioved Lios, vho vas vilh hei, and pouied hei lIood upon hin and
upon lhe eailh. And oul of lhal lIood lhe iose fiisl spiouled up, oul of lhe eailh, oul of lhe lhoin
lush, lo le a souice of joy foi lhe Iighl lhal vas lo appeai in lhe lush. Moieovei, aflei lhis lhe
leaulifuI, good-sneIIing fIoveis spiouled up fion lhe eailh, diffeienl kinds, fion eveiy singIe
viigin of lhe daughleis of Iionoia. And lhey, vhen lhey had lecone enanoied of Lios, pouied
oul lheii lIood upon hin and upon lhe eailh. Aflei lhese, eveiy pIanl spiouled up fion lhe eailh,
diffeienl kinds, conlaining lhe seed of lhe aulhoiilies and lheii angeIs. Aflei lhese, lhe aulhoiilies
ciealed oul of lhe valeis aII species of leasl, and lhe iepliIes and liids - diffeienl kinds -
conlaining lhe seed of lhe aulhoiilies and lheii angeIs.
ul lefoie aII lhese, vhen he had appeaied on lhe fiisl lhe fiisl day, he ienained upon lhe eailh,
sonelhing Iike lvo days, and Iefl lhe Iovei Iionoia in heaven, and ascended lovaids his Iighl.
And innedialeIy daikness coveied aII lhe univeise. Nov vhen she vished, lhe Sophia vho vas
in lhe Iovei heaven ieceived aulhoiily fion Iislis, and fashioned gieal Iuninous lodies and aII
lhe slais. And she pul lhen in lhe sky lo shine upon lhe eailh and lo iendei lenpoiaI signs and
seasons and yeais and nonlhs and days and nighls and nonenls and so foilh. And in lhis vay
lhe enliie iegion upon lhe sky vas adoined.
Nov vhen Adan of Lighl conceived lhe vish lo enlei his Iighl - i.e., lhe eighlh heaven - he vas
unalIe lo do so lecause of lhe poveily lhal had ningIed vilh his Iighl. Then he ciealed foi hinseIf
a vasl eleinaI ieaIn. And vilhin lhal eleinaI ieaIn he ciealed six eleinaI ieaIns and lheii
adoinnenls, six in nunlei, lhal veie seven lines lellei lhan lhe heavens of chaos and lheii
adoinnenls. Nov aII lhese eleinaI ieaIns and lheii adoinnenls exisl vilhin lhe infinily lhal is
lelveen lhe eighlh heaven and lhe chaos leIov il, leing counled vilh lhe univeise lhal leIongs
lo poveily. If you vanl lo knov lhe aiiangenenl of lhese, you viII find il viillen in lhe Sctcn|n
Unitcrsc cf |nc Prcpnc| Hicra|ias.
And lefoie Adan of Lighl had vilhdiavn in lhe chaos, lhe aulhoiilies sav hin and Iaughed al
lhe piine paienl lecause he had Iied vhen he said, "Il is I vho an Cod. No one exisls lefoie ne."
When lhey cane lo hin, lhey said, "Is lhis nol lhe god vho iuined oui voik`" He ansveied and
said, "Yes. If you do nol vanl hin lo le alIe lo iuin oui voik, cone Iel us cieale a nan oul of
eailh, accoiding lo lhe inage of oui lody and accoiding lo lhe Iikeness of lhis leing, lo seive us,
so lhal vhen he sees his Iikeness, he nighl lecone enanoied of il. No Iongei viII he iuin oui
voik, ialhei,ve shaII nake lhose vho aie loin oul of lhe Iighl oui seivanls foi aII lhe duialion of
lhis eleinaI ieaIn." Nov aII of lhis cane lo pass accoiding lo lhe foielhoughl of Iislis, in oidei
lhal nan shouId appeai aflei his Iikeness, and shouId condenn lhen lecause of lheii nodeIIed
foin. And lheii nodeIIed foin lecane an encIosuie of lhe Iighl.
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Then lhe aulhoiilies ieceived lhe knovIedge (gncsis) necessaiy lo cieale nan. Sophia Zoe - she
vho is vilh Salaolh - had anlicipaled lhen. And she Iaughed al lheii decision. Ioi lhey aie lIind:
againsl lheii ovn inleiesls lhey ignoianlIy ciealed hin. And lhey do nol ieaIize vhal lhey aie
aloul lo do. The ieason she anlicipaled lhen and nade hei ovn nan fiisl, vas in oidei lhal he
nighl insliucl lheii nodeIIed foin hov lo despise lhen, and lhus lo escape fion lhen.
Nov lhe pioduclion of lhe insliucloi cane aloul as foIIovs. When Sophia Iel faII a diopIel of
Iighl, il fIoved onlo lhe valei, and innedialeIy a hunan leing appeaied, leing andiogynous.
Thal diopIel she noIded fiisl as a fenaIe lody. Afleivaids, using lhe lody she noIded il in lhe
Iikeness of lhe nolhei, vhich had appeaied. And he finished il in lveIve nonlhs. An
andiogynous hunan leing vas pioduced, vhon lhe Cieeks caII Heinaphiodiles, and vhose
nolhei lhe Helievs caII Lve of Life (Zoe), naneIy, lhe fenaIe insliucloi of Iife. Hei offspiing is
lhe ciealuie lhal is Ioid. Afleivaids, lhe aulhoiilies caIIed il "easl", so lhal il nighl Iead asliay
lheii nodeIIed ciealuies. The inleipielalion of "lhe leasl" is "lhe insliucloi". Ioi il vas found lo le
lhe visesl of aII leings.
Nov, Lve is lhe fiisl viigin, lhe one vho vilhoul a husland loie hei fiisl offspiing. Il is she vho
seived as hei ovn nidvife. Ioi lhis ieason she is heId lo have said:
Il is I vho an lhe pail of ny nolhei, and il is I vho an lhe nolhei.
Il is I vho an lhe vife, il is I vho an lhe viigin.
Il is I vho an piegnanl, il is I vho an lhe nidvife.
Il is I vho an lhe one lhal confoils pains of liavaiI.
Il is ny husland vho loie ne, and il is I vho an his nolhei.
And il is he vho is ny falhei and ny Ioid.
Il is he vho is ny foice, Whal he desiies, he says vilh ieason.
I an in lhe piocess of leconing, yel I have loine a nan as Ioid.
Nov lhese lhiough lhe viII <...> The souIs lhal veie going lo enlei lhe nodeIIed foins of lhe
aulhoiilies veie nanifesled lo Salaolh and his Chiisl. And iegaiding lhese, lhe hoIy voice said,
"MuIlipIy and inpiove! e Ioid ovei aII ciealuies." And il is lhey vho veie laken caplive,
accoiding lo lheii deslinies, ly lhe piine paienl. And lhus lhey veie shul inlo lhe piisons of lhe
nodeIIed foins unliI lhe consunnalion of lhe age.
And al lhal line, lhe piine paienl lhen iendeied an opinion conceining nan lo lhose vho veie
vilh hin. Then each of lhen casl his spein inlo lhe nidsl of lhe naveI of lhe eailh. Since lhal day,
lhe seven iuIeis have fashioned nan vilh his lody iesenlIing lheii lody, lul his Iikeness
iesenlIing lhe nan lhal had appeaied lo lhen. His nodeIIing look pIace ly pails, one al a line.
And lheii Ieadei fashioned lhe liain and lhe neivous syslen. Afleivaids, he appeaied as piioi lo
hin. He lecane a souI-endoved nan. And he vas caIIed Adan, lhal is, "falhei", accoiding lo lhe
nane of lhe one lhal exisled lefoie hin.
And vhen lhey had finished Adan, he alandoned hin as an inaninale vesseI, since he had laken
foin Iike an aloilion, in lhal no spiiil vas in hin. Regaiding lhis lhing, vhen lhe chief iuIei
ienenleied lhe saying of Iislis, he vas afiaid Iesl lhe liue nan enlei his nodeIIed foin and
lecone ils Ioid. Ioi lhis ieason he Iefl his nodeIIed foin foily days vilhoul souI, and he
vilhdiev and alandoned il. Nov on lhe foilielh day, Sophia Zoe senl hei liealh inlo Adan, vho
had no souI. He legan lo nove upon lhe giound. And he couId nol sland up.
Then, vhen lhe seven iuIeis cane, lhey sav hin and veie giealIy disluiled. They venl up lo hin
and seized hin. And he (viz., lhe chief iuIei) said lo lhe liealh vilhin hin, "Who aie you` And
vhence did you cone hilhei`" Il ansveied and said, "I have cone fion lhe foice of lhe nan foi
lhe desliuclion of youi voik." When lhey heaid, lhey gIoiified hin, since he gave lhen iespile
fion lhe feai and lhe anxiely in vhich lhey found lhenseIves. Then lhey caIIed lhal day "Resl", in
as nuch as lhey had iesled fion loiI. And vhen lhey sav lhal Adan couId sland up, lhey veie
gIad, and lhey look hin and pul hin in Iaiadise. And lhey vilhdiev up lo lheii heavens.
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Aflei lhe day of iesl, Sophia senl hei daughlei Zoe, leing caIIed Lve, as an insliucloi, in oidei lhal
she nighl nake Adan, vho had no souI, aiise, so lhal lhose vhon he shouId engendei nighl
lecone conlaineis of Iighl. When Lve sav hei naIe counleipail piosliale, she had pily upon hin,
and she said, "Adan! econe aIive! Aiise upon lhe eailh!" InnedialeIy hei void lecane
acconpIished facl. Ioi Adan, having aiisen, suddenIy opened his eyes. When he sav hei, he said,
"You shaII le caIIed 'Molhei of lhe Living'. Ioi il is you vho have given ne Iife."
Then lhe aulhoiilies veie infoined lhal lheii nodeIIed foin vas aIive and had aiisen, and lhey
veie giealIy lioulIed. They senl seven aichangeIs lo see vhal had happened. They cane lo
Adan. When lhey sav Lve laIking lo hin, lhey said lo one anolhei, "Whal soil of lhing is lhis
Iuninous vonan` Ioi she iesenlIes lhal Iikeness vhich appeaied lo us in lhe Iighl. Nov cone,
Iel us Iay hoId of hei and casl hei seed inlo hei, so lhal vhen she lecones soiIed she nay nol le
alIe lo ascend inlo hei Iighl. Ralhei, lhose vhon she leais viII le undei oui chaige. ul Iel us nol
leII Adan, foi he is nol one of us. Ralhei Iel us liing a deep sIeep ovei hin. And Iel us insliucl
hin in his sIeep lo lhe effecl lhal she cane fion his iil, in oidei lhal his vife nay oley, and he
nay le Ioid ovei hei."
Then Lve, leing a foice, Iaughed al lheii decision. She pul nisl inlo lheii eyes and secielIy Iefl hei
Iikeness vilh Adan. She enleied lhe liee of knovIedge and ienained lheie. And lhey puisued
hei, and she ieveaIed lo lhen lhal she had gone inlo lhe liee and lecone a liee. Then, enleiing a
gieal slale of feai, lhe lIind ciealuies fIed.
Afleivaids, vhen lhey had iecoveied fion lhe daze, lhey cane lo Adan, and seeing lhe Iikeness
of lhis vonan vilh hin, lhey veie giealIy disluiled, lhinking il vas she lhal vas lhe liue Lve.
And lhey acled iashIy, lhey cane up lo hei and seized hei and casl lheii seed upon hei. They did
so vickedIy, defiIing nol onIy in naluiaI vays lul aIso in fouI vays, defiIing fiisl lhe seaI of hei
voice - lhal had spoken vilh lhen, saying, "Whal is il lhal exisls lefoie you`" - inlending lo defiIe
lhose vho nighl say al lhe consunnalion (of lhe age) lhal lhey had leen loin of lhe liue nan
lhiough veilaI expiession. And lhey eiied, nol knoving lhal il vas lheii ovn lody lhal lhey had
defiIed: il vas lhe Iikeness lhal lhe aulhoiilies and lheii angeIs defiIed in eveiy vay.
Iiisl she vas piegnanl vilh AleI, ly lhe fiisl iuIei. And il vas ly lhe seven aulhoiilies and lheii
angeIs lhal she loie lhe olhei offspiing. And aII lhis cane lo pass accoiding lo lhe foielhoughl of
lhe piine paienl, so lhal lhe fiisl nolhei nighl leai vilhin hei eveiy seed, leing nixed and leing
filled lo lhe fale of lhe univeise and ils configuialions, and lo }uslice. A pieaiianged pIan cane
inlo effecl iegaiding Lve, so lhal lhe nodeIIed foins of lhe aulhoiilies nighl lecone encIosuies of
lhe Iighl, vheieupon il vouId condenn lhen lhiough lheii nodeIIed foins.
Nov lhe fiisl Adan, (Adan) of Lighl, is spiiil-endoved and appeaied on lhe fiisl day. The
second Adan is souI-endoved and appeaied on lhe sixlh day, vhich is caIIed Aphiodile. The
lhiid Adan is a ciealuie of lhe eailh, lhal is, lhe nan of lhe Iav, and he appeaied on lhe eighlh
day |...j lhe lianquiIily of poveily, vhich is caIIed "The Day of lhe Sun" (Sunday). And lhe
piogeny of lhe eailhIy Adan lecane nuneious and vas conpIeled, and pioduced vilhin ilseIf
eveiy kind of scienlific infoinalion of lhe souI-endoved Adan. ul aII veie in ignoiance.
Nexl, Iel ne say lhal once lhe iuIeis had seen hin and lhe fenaIe ciealuie vho vas vilh hin
eiiing ignoianlIy Iike leasls, lhey veie veiy gIad. When lhey Ieained lhal lhe innoilaI nan vas
nol going lo negIecl lhen, ialhei lhal lhey vouId even have lo feai lhe fenaIe ciealuie lhal had
luined inlo a liee, lhey veie disluiled, and said, "Ieihaps lhis is lhe liue nan - lhis leing vho
has lioughl a fog upon us and has laughl us lhal she vho vas soiIed is Iike hin - and so ve shaII
le conqueied!"
Then lhe seven of lhen logelhei Iaid pIans. They cane up lo Adan and Lve linidIy: lhey said lo
hin, "The fiuil of aII lhe liees ciealed foi you in Iaiadise shaII le ealen, lul as foi lhe liee of
knovIedge, conlioI youiseIves and do nol eal fion il. If you eal, you viII die." Having inpailed
gieal feai lo lhen, lhey vilhdiev up lo lheii aulhoiilies.
Then cane lhe visesl of aII ciealuies, vho vas caIIed easl. And vhen he sav lhe Iikeness of lheii
nolhei Lve he said lo hei, "Whal did Cod say lo you` Was il 'Do nol eal fion lhe liee of
knovIedge'`" She said, "He said nol onIy, 'Do nol eal fion il', lul, 'Do nol louch il, Iesl you die.'"
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He said lo hei, "Do nol le afiaid. In dealh you shaII nol die. Ioi he knovs lhal vhen you eal fion
il, youi inleIIecl viII lecone solei and you viII cone lo le Iike gods, iecognizing lhe diffeience
lhal ollains lelveen eviI nen and good ones. Indeed, il vas in jeaIousy lhal he said lhis lo you, so
lhal you vouId nol eal fion il."
Nov Lve had confidence in lhe voids of lhe insliucloi. She gazed al lhe liee and sav lhal il vas
leaulifuI and appelizing, and Iiked il, she look sone of ils fiuil and ale il, and she gave sone aIso
lo hei husland, and he loo ale il. Then lheii inleIIecl lecane open. Ioi vhen lhey had ealen, lhe
Iighl of knovIedge had shone upon lhen. When lhey cIolhed lhenseIves vilh shane, lhey knev
lhal lhey veie naked of knovIedge. When lhey lecane solei, lhey sav lhal lhey veie naked and
lecane enanoied of one anolhei. When lhey sav lhal lhe ones vho had nodeIIed lhen had lhe
foin of leasls, lhey Ioalhed lhen: lhey veie veiy avaie.
Then vhen lhe iuIeis knev lhal lhey had lioken lheii connandnenls, lhey enleied Iaiadise and
cane lo Adan and Lve vilh eailhquake and gieal lhiealening, lo see lhe effecl of lhe aid. Then
Adan and Lve lienlIed giealIy and hid undei lhe liees in Iaiadise. Then lhe iuIeis did nol knov
vheie lhey veie and said, "Adan, vheie aie you`" He said, "I an heie, foi lhiough feai of you I
hid, leing ashaned." And lhey said lo hin ignoianlIy, "Who loId you aloul lhe shane vilh vhich
you cIolhed youiseIf` - unIess you have ealen fion lhal liee!" He said, "The vonan vhon you
gave ne - il is she lhal gave lo ne and I ale." Then lhey said lo lhe Iallei, "Whal is lhis lhal you
have done`" She ansveied and said, "Il is lhe insliucloi vho uiged ne on, and I ale."
Then lhe iuIeis cane up lo lhe insliucloi. Theii eyes lecane nisly lecause of hin, and lhey couId
nol do anylhing lo hin. They cuised hin, since lhey veie poveiIess. Afleivaids, lhey cane up lo
lhe vonan and cuised hei and hei offspiing. Aflei lhe vonan, lhey cuised Adan, and lhe Iand
lecause of hin, and lhe ciops, and aII lhings lhey had ciealed, lhey cuised. They have no lIessing.
Cood cannol iesuIl fion eviI.
Iion lhal day, lhe aulhoiilies knev lhal liuIy lheie vas sonelhing nighliei lhan lhey: lhey
iecognized onIy lhal lheii connandnenls had nol leen kepl. Cieal jeaIousy vas lioughl inlo lhe
voiId soIeIy lecause of lhe innoilaI nan. Nov vhen lhe iuIeis sav lhal lheii Adan had enleied
inlo an aIien slale of knovIedge, lhey desiied lo lesl hin, and lhey galheied logelhei aII lhe
doneslic aninaIs and lhe viId leasls of lhe eailh and lhe liids of heaven and lioughl lhen lo
Adan lo see vhal he vouId caII lhen. When he sav lhen, he gave nanes lo lheii ciealuies.
They lecane lioulIed lecause Adan had iecoveied fion aII lhe liiaIs. They assenlIed and Iaid
pIans, and lhey said, "ehoId Adan! He has cone lo le Iike one of us, so lhal he knovs lhe
diffeience lelveen lhe Iighl and lhe daikness. Nov peihaps he viII le deceived, as in lhe case of
lhe Tiee of KnovIedge, and aIso viII cone lo lhe Tiee of Life and eal fion il, and lecone
innoilaI, and lecone Ioid, and despise us and disdain us and aII oui gIoiy! Then he viII
denounce us aIong vilh oui univeise. Cone, Iel us expeI hin fion Iaiadise, dovn lo lhe Iand
fion vhich he vas laken, so lhal hencefoilh he nighl nol le alIe lo iecognize anylhing lellei
lhan ve can." And so lhey expeIIed Adan fion Iaiadise, aIong vilh his vife. And lhis deed lhal
lhey had done vas nol enough foi lhen. Ralhei, lhey veie afiaid. They venl in lo lhe Tiee of Life
and suiiounded il vilh gieal feaifuI lhings, fieiy Iiving ciealuies caIIed "Cheioulin", and lhey pul
a fIaning svoid in lheii nidsl, feaifuIIy lviiIing al aII lines, so lhal no eailhIy leing nighl evei
enlei lhal pIace.
Theieupon, since lhe iuIeis veie envious of Adan lhey vanled lo dininish lheii (viz., Adan's
and Lve's) Iifespans. They couId nol (, hovevei,) lecause of fale, vhich had leen fixed since lhe
leginning. Ioi lo each had leen aIIolled a Iifespan of 1,OOO yeais, accoiding lo lhe couise of lhe
Iuninous lodies. ul aIlhough lhe iuIeis couId nol do lhis, each of lhe eviIdoeis look avay len
yeais. And aII lhis Iifespan (vhich ienained) anounled lo 93O yeais: and lhese aie in pain and
veakness and eviI disliaclion. And so Iife has luined oul lo le, fion lhal day unliI lhe
consunnalion of lhe age.
Thus vhen Sophia Zoe sav lhal lhe iuIeis of lhe daikness had Iaid a cuise upon hei counleipails,
she vas indignanl. And coning oul of lhe fiisl heaven vilh fuII povei, she chased lhose iuIeis
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oul of lheii heavens, and casl lhen dovn inlo lhe sinfuI voiId, so lhal lheie lhey shouId dveII, in
lhe foin of eviI spiiils (denons) upon lhe eailh.
|...j, so lhal in lheii voiId il nighl pass lhe lhousand yeais in Iaiadise - a souI-endoved Iiving
ciealuie caIIed "phoenix". Il kiIIs ilseIf and liings ilseIf lo Iife as a vilness lo lhe judgnenl againsl
lhen, foi lhey did viong lo Adan and his geneialion, unlo lhe consunnalion of lhe age. Theie
aie |...j lhiee nen, and aIso his posleiilies, unlo lhe consunnalion of lhe voiId: lhe spiiil-
endoved of eleinily, and lhe souI-endoved, and lhe eailhIy. Likevise, lhe lhiee phoenixes <in>
Iaiadise - lhe fiisl is innoilaI, lhe second Iives 1,OOO yeais, as foi lhe lhiid, il is viillen in lhe
Sacrcd 8cc| lhal il is consuned. So, loo, lheie aie lhiee laplisns - lhe fiisl is lhe spiiiluaI, lhe
second is ly fiie, lhe lhiid is ly valei. }usl as lhe phoenix appeais as a vilness conceining lhe
angeIs, so lhe case of lhe valei hydii in Lgypl, vhich has leen a vilness lo lhose going dovn inlo
lhe laplisn of a liue nan. The lvo luIIs in Lgypl possess a nysleiy, lhe sun and lhe noon, leing
a vilness lo Salaolh: naneIy, lhal ovei lhen Sophia ieceived lhe univeise, fion lhe day lhal she
nade lhe sun and lhe noon, she pul a seaI upon hei heaven, unlo eleinily.
And lhe voin lhal has leen loin oul of lhe phoenix is a hunan leing as veII. Il is viillen (Is
91:13 LXX) conceining il, "lhe jusl nan viII lIosson Iike a phoenix". And lhe phoenix fiisl appeais
in a Iiving slale, and dies, and iises again, leing a sign of vhal has lecone appaienl al lhe
consunnalion of lhe age. Il vas onIy in Lgypl lhal lhese gieal signs appeaied - novheie eIse - as
an indicalion lhal il is Iike Cod's Iaiadise.
Lel us ieluin lo lhe afoienenlioned iuIeis, so lhal ve nay offei sone expIanalion of lhen. Nov,
vhen lhe seven iuIeis veie casl dovn fion lheii heavens onlo lhe eailh, lhey nade foi
lhenseIves angeIs, nuneious, denonic, lo seive lhen. And lhe Iallei insliucled nankind in nany
kinds of eiioi and nagic and polions and voiship of idoIs and spiIIing of lIood and aIlais and
lenpIes and saciifices and Iilalions lo aII lhe spiiils of lhe eailh, having lheii covoikei fale, vho
cane inlo exislence ly lhe concoid lelveen lhe gods of injuslice and juslice.
And lhus vhen lhe voiId had cone inlo leing, il disliacledIy eiied al aII lines. Ioi aII nen upon
eailh voishiped lhe spiiils (denons) fion lhe ciealion lo lhe consunnalion - lolh lhe angeIs of
iighleousness and lhe nen of uniighleousness. Thus did lhe voiId cone lo exisl in disliaclion, in
ignoiance, and in a slupoi. They aII eiied, unliI lhe appeaiance of lhe liue nan.
Lel lhis suffice so fai as lhe nallei goes. Nov ve shaII pioceed lo consideialion of oui voiId, so
lhal ve nay accuialeIy finish lhe desciiplion of ils sliucluie and nanagenenl. Then il viII
lecone olvious hov leIief in lhe unseen ieaIn, vhich has leen appaienl fion ciealion dovn lo
lhe consunnalion of lhe age, vas discoveied.
I cone, lheiefoie, lo lhe nain poinls iegaiding lhe innoilaI nan: I shaII speak of aII lhe leings
lhal leIong lo hin, expIaining hov lhey happen lo le heie.
When a nuIlilude of hunan leings had cone inlo exislence, lhiough lhe paienlage of lhe Adan
vho had leen fashioned, and oul of nallei, and vhen lhe voiId had aIieady lecone fuII, lhe
iuIeis veie naslei ovei il - lhal is, lhey kepl il iesliained ly ignoiance. Ioi vhal ieason` Ioi lhe
foIIoving: since lhe innoilaI falhei knovs lhal a deficiency of liulh cane inlo leing anongsl lhe
eleinaI ieaIns and lheii univeise, vhen he vished lo liing lo naughl lhe iuIeis of peidilion
lhiough lhe ciealuies lhey had nodeIIed, he senl youi Iikenesses dovn inlo lhe voiId of
peidilion, naneIy, lhe lIessed IillIe innocenl spiiils. They aie nol aIien lo knovIedge. Ioi aII
knovIedge is vesled in one angeI vho appeaied lefoie lhen, he is nol vilhoul povei in lhe
conpany of lhe falhei. And <he> gave lhen knovIedge. Whenevei lhey appeai in lhe voiId of
peidilion, innedialeIy and fiisl of aII lhey ieveaI lhe pallein of inpeiishaliIily as a condennalion
of lhe iuIeis and lheii foices. Thus vhen lhe lIessed leings appeaied in foins nodeIIed ly
aulhoiilies, lhey veie envied. And oul of envy lhe aulhoiilies nixed lheii seed vilh lhen, in
hopes of poIIuling lhen. They couId nol. Then vhen lhe lIessed leings appeaied in Iuninous
foin, lhey appeaied in vaiious vays. And each one of lhen, slailing oul in his Iand, ieveaIed his
(kind of) knovIedge lo lhe visilIe chuich consliluled of lhe nodeIIed foins of peidilion. Il (viz.,
lhe chuich) vas found lo conlain aII kinds of seed, lecause of lhe seed of lhe aulhoiilies lhal had
nixed vilh il.
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Then lhe Savioi ciealed |...j of lhen aII - and lhe spiiils of lhese aie nanifeslIy supeiioi, leing
lIessed and vaiying in eIeclion - and aIso (he ciealed) nany olhei leings, vhich have no king and
aie supeiioi lo eveiyone lhal vas lefoie lhen. ConsequenlIy, foui iaces exisl. Theie aie lhiee lhal
leIong lo lhe kings of lhe eighlh heaven. ul lhe fouilh iace is kingIess and peifecl, leing lhe
highesl of aII. Ioi lhese shaII enlei lhe hoIy pIace of lheii falhei. And lhey viII gain iesl in iepose
and eleinaI, unspeakalIe gIoiy and unending joy. Moieovei, lhey aie kings vilhin lhe noilaI
donain, in lhal lhey aie innoilaI. They viII condenn lhe gods of chaos and lheii foices.
Nov lhe Woid lhal is supeiioi lo aII leings vas senl foi lhis puipose aIone: lhal he nighl
piocIain lhe unknovn. He said, "Theie is nolhing hidden lhal is nol appaienl, and vhal has nol
leen iecognized viII le iecognized." And lhese veie senl lo nake knovn vhal is hidden, and lhe
seven aulhoiilies of chaos and lheii inpiely. And lhus lhey veie condenned lo dealh.
So vhen aII lhe peifecl appeaied in lhe foins nodeIIed ly lhe iuIeis, and vhen lhey ieveaIed lhe
inconpaialIe liulh, lhey pul lo shane aII lhe visdon of lhe gods. And lheii fale vas found lo le
a condennalion. And lheii foice diied up. Theii Ioidship vas dissoIved. Theii foielhoughl
lecane enpliness, aIong vilh lheii gIoiy.
efoie lhe consunnalion of lhe age, lhe vhoIe pIace viII shake vilh gieal lhundeiing. Then lhe
iuIeis viII le sad, |...j lheii dealh. The angeIs viII nouin foi lheii nankind, and lhe denons viII
veep ovei lheii seasons, and lheii nankind viII vaiI and sciean al lheii dealh. Then lhe age viII
legin, and lhey viII le disluiled. Theii kings viII le inloxicaled vilh lhe fieiy svoid, and lhey
viII vage vai againsl one anolhei, so lhal lhe eailh is inloxicaled vilh lIoodshed. And lhe seas
viII le disluiled ly lhose vais. Then lhe sun viII lecone daik, and lhe noon viII cause ils Iighl
lo cease. The slais of lhe sky viII canceI lheii ciicuils. And a gieal cIap of lhundei viII cone oul of
a gieal foice lhal is alove aII lhe foices of chaos, vheie lhe fiinanenl of lhe vonan is silualed.
Having ciealed lhe fiisl pioducl, she viII pul avay lhe vise fiie of inleIIigence and cIolhe heiseIf
vilh vilIess vialh. Then she viII puisue lhe gods of chaos, vhon she ciealed aIong vilh lhe
piine paienl. She viII casl lhen dovn inlo lhe alyss. They viII le olIileialed lecause of lheii
vickedness. Ioi lhey viII cone lo le Iike voIcanoes and consune one anolhei unliI lhey peiish al
lhe hand of lhe piine paienl. When he has deslioyed lhen, he viII luin againsl hinseIf and
deslioy hinseIf unliI he ceases lo exisl.
And lheii heavens viII faII one upon lhe nexl and lheii foices viII le consuned ly fiie. Theii
eleinaI ieaIns, loo, viII le oveiluined. And his heaven viII faII and lieak in lvo. His |...j viII faII
dovn upon lhe |...j suppoil lhen, lhey viII faII inlo lhe alyss, and lhe alyss viII le oveiluined.
The Iighl viII |...j lhe daikness and olIileiale il: il viII le Iike sonelhing lhal has nevei leen. And
lhe pioducl lo vhich lhe daikness had leen posleiioi viII dissoIve. And lhe deficiency viII le
pIucked oul ly lhe iool (and lhiovn) dovn inlo lhe daikness. And lhe Iighl viII vilhdiav up lo
ils iool. And lhe gIoiy of lhe unlegollen viII appeai. And il viII fiII aII lhe eleinaI ieaIn.
When lhe piophecy and lhe accounl of lhose lhal aie king lecones knovn and is fuIfiIIed ly
lhose vho aie caIIed peifecl, lhose vho - in conliasl - have nol lecone peifecl in lhe unlegollen
falhei viII ieceive lheii gIoiy in lheii ieaIns and in lhe kingdons of lhe innoilaIs: lul lhey viII
nevei enlei lhe kingIess ieaIn. Ioi eveiyone nusl go lo lhe pIace fion vhich he has cone.
Indeed, ly his acls and his knovIedge, each peison viII nake his (ovn) naluie knovn.
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!"# 9= B C# D 8? ? = . *+ ;' < =
:& . / :& ' *& D # ;#
Iapyius eioIinensis 85O2
!.&;BD&<+=; f WWW
X"&C<#. \
(Pagcs 1 |c 6 cf |nc nanuscrip|, ccn|aining cnap|crs 1 - 3, arc |cs|. Tnc cx|an| |cx| s|ar|s cn pagc 7...)
. . . WiII nallei lhen le deslioyed oi nol`
22) The Savioi said, AII naluie, aII foinalions, aII ciealuies exisl in and vilh one anolhei, and lhey
viII le iesoIved again inlo lheii ovn iools.
23) Ioi lhe naluie of nallei is iesoIved inlo lhe iools of ils ovn naluie aIone.
24) He vho has eais lo heai, Iel hin heai.
25) Ielei said lo hin, Since you have expIained eveiylhing lo us, leII us lhis aIso: Whal is lhe sin of
lhe voiId`
26) The Savioi said Theie is no sin, lul il is you vho nake sin vhen you do lhe lhings lhal aie Iike
lhe naluie of aduIleiy, vhich is caIIed sin.
27) Thal is vhy lhe Cood cane inlo youi nidsl, lo lhe essence of eveiy naluie in oidei lo iesloie il
lo ils iool.
28) Then He conlinued and said, Thal is vhy you lecone sick and die, foi you aie depiived of lhe
one vho can heaI you.
29) He vho has a nind lo undeisland, Iel hin undeisland.
3O) Mallei gave liilh lo a passion lhal has no equaI, vhich pioceeded fion sonelhing conliaiy lo
naluie. Then lheie aiises a disluilance in ils vhoIe lody.
31) Thal is vhy I said lo you, e of good couiage, and if you aie discouiaged le encouiaged in lhe
piesence of lhe diffeienl foins of naluie.
32) He vho has eais lo heai, Iel hin heai.
33) When lhe Iessed One had said lhis, He gieeled lhen aII,saying, Ieace le vilh you. Receive
ny peace unlo youiseIves.
34) evaie lhal no one Iead you asliay saying Lo heie oi Io lheie! Ioi lhe Son of Man is vilhin
35) IoIIov aflei Hin!
36) Those vho seek Hin viII find Hin.
37) Co lhen and pieach lhe gospeI of lhe Kingdon.
38) Do nol Iay dovn any iuIes leyond vhal I appoinled you, and do nol give a Iav Iike lhe
Iavgivei Iesl you le consliained ly il.
39) When He said lhis He depailed.
X"&C<#. ]
1) ul lhey veie giieved. They vepl giealIy, saying, Hov shaII ve go lo lhe CenliIes and pieach
lhe gospeI of lhe Kingdon of lhe Son of Man` If lhey did nol spaie Hin, hov viII lhey spaie us`
2) Then Maiy slood up, gieeled lhen aII, and said lo hei lielhien, Do nol veep and do nol giieve
noi le iiiesoIule, foi His giace viII le enliieIy vilh you and viII piolecl you.
3) ul ialhei, Iel us piaise His giealness, foi He has piepaied us and nade us inlo Men.
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4) When Maiy said lhis, she luined lheii heails lo lhe Cood, and lhey legan lo discuss lhe voids
of lhe Savioi.
5) Ielei said lo Maiy, Sislei ve knov lhal lhe Savioi Ioved you noie lhan lhe iesl of vonan.
6) TeII us lhe voids of lhe Savioi vhich you ienenlei vhich you knov, lul ve do nol, noi have
ve heaid lhen.
7) Maiy ansveied and said, Whal is hidden fion you I viII piocIain lo you.
8) And she legan lo speak lo lhen lhese voids: I, she said, I sav lhe Loid in a vision and I said lo
Hin, Loid I sav you loday in a vision. He ansveied and said lo ne,
9) Iessed aie you lhal you did nol vavei al lhe sighl of Me. Ioi vheie lhe nind is lheie is lhe
1O) I said lo Hin, Loid, hov does he vho sees lhe vision see il, lhiough lhe souI oi lhiough lhe
11) The Savioi ansveied and said, He does nol see lhiough lhe souI noi lhiough lhe spiiil, lul lhe
nind lhal is lelveen lhe lvo lhal is vhal sees lhe vision and il is |...j
(pagcs 11 - 14 arc nissing frcn |nc nanuscrip|)
X"&C<#. `
. . . il.
1O) And desiie said, I did nol see you descending, lul nov I see you ascending. Why do you Iie
since you leIong lo ne`
11) The souI ansveied and said, I sav you. You did nol see ne noi iecognize ne. I seived you as a
gainenl and you did nol knov ne.
12) When il said lhis, il (lhe souI) venl avay iejoicing giealIy.
13) Again il cane lo lhe lhiid povei, vhich is caIIed ignoiance.
14) The povei queslioned lhe souI, saying, Wheie aie you going` In vickedness aie you lound.
ul you aie lound, do nol judge!
15) And lhe souI said, Why do you judge ne, aIlhough I have nol judged`
16) I vas lound, lhough I have nol lound.
17) I vas nol iecognized. ul I have iecognized lhal lhe AII is leing dissoIved, lolh lhe eailhIy
lhings and lhe heavenIy.
18) When lhe souI had oveicone lhe lhiid povei, il venl upvaids and sav lhe fouilh povei,
vhich look seven foins.
19) The fiisl foin is daikness, lhe second desiie, lhe lhiid ignoiance, lhe fouilh is lhe excilenenl
of dealh, lhe fiflh is lhe kingdon of lhe fIesh, lhe sixlh is lhe fooIish visdon of fIesh, lhe sevenlh
is lhe vialhfuI visdon. These aie lhe seven poveis of vialh.
2O) They asked lhe souI, Whence do you cone sIayei of nen, oi vheie aie you going, conqueioi of
21) The souI ansveied and said, Whal linds ne has leen sIain, and vhal luins ne aloul has leen
22) and ny desiie has leen ended, and ignoiance has died.
23) In a aeon I vas ieIeased fion a voiId, and in a Type fion a lype, and fion lhe fellei of
olIivion vhich is liansienl.
24) Iion lhis line on viII I allain lo lhe iesl of lhe line, of lhe season, of lhe aeon, in siIence.
X"&C<#. a
1) When Maiy had said lhis, she feII siIenl, since il vas lo lhis poinl lhal lhe Savioi had spoken
vilh hei.
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2) ul Andiev ansveied and said lo lhe lielhien, Say vhal you vish lo say aloul vhal she has
said. I al Ieasl do nol leIieve lhal lhe Savioi said lhis. Ioi ceilainIy lhese leachings aie sliange
3) Ielei ansveied and spoke conceining lhese sane lhings.
4) He queslioned lhen aloul lhe Savioi: Did He ieaIIy speak piivaleIy vilh a vonan and nol
openIy lo us` Aie ve lo luin aloul and aII Iislen lo hei` Did He piefei hei lo us`
5) Then Maiy vepl and said lo Ielei, My liolhei Ielei, vhal do you lhink` Do you lhink lhal I
have lhoughl lhis up nyseIf in ny heail, oi lhal I an Iying aloul lhe Savioi`
6) Levi ansveied and said lo Ielei, Ielei you have aIvays leen hol lenpeied.
7) Nov I see you conlending againsl lhe vonan Iike lhe adveisaiies.
8) ul if lhe Savioi nade hei voilhy, vho aie you indeed lo iejecl hei` SuieIy lhe Savioi knovs
hei veiy veII.
9) Thal is vhy He Ioved hei noie lhan us. Ralhei Iel us le ashaned and pul on lhe peifecl Man,
and sepaiale as He connanded us and pieach lhe gospeI, nol Iaying dovn any olhei iuIe oi olhei
Iav leyond vhal lhe Savioi said.
1O) And vhen lhey heaid lhis lhey legan lo go foilh lo piocIain and lo pieach.
!"# 9=BC#D 8??=.*+;' <= :&./
8-=>< <"# J&C/.>B 0#.=D+;#;B+B `]bZ
J&C/.>B 0#.=D+;#;B+B `]bZ vas acquiied ly a Ceinan schoIai, Di. CaiI Reinhaidl, in Caiio in
1896 (lhe codex is vaiialIy iefeienced in schoIaiIy viilings as lhe "eiIin Cnoslic Codex", lhe
"Akhnin Codex", I 85O2, and C 85O2). Il conlains Coplic edilions of lhiee veiy inpoilanl
Cnoslic lexls: lhe Apccrqpncn cf ]cnn, lhe Scpnia cf ]csus Cnris|, and lhe CospeI of Maiy. Despile
lhe inpoilance of lhe find, seveiaI nisfoilunes (incIuding lvo voiId vais) deIayed ils pulIicalion
unliI 1955. y lhen lhe Nag Hannadi coIIeclion had aIso leen iecoveied, and lvo of lhe lexls in
lhe I 85O2 codex -- lhe Apccrqpncn cf ]cnn, and lhe Scpnia cf ]csus Cnris| -- veie aIso found
incIuded lheie. The I 85O2 veisions of lhese lvo lexls veie used lo augnenl liansIalions of lhe
Apccrqpncn cf ]cnn and lhe Scpnia cf ]csus Cnris| as lhey nov appeai in lhe Nag Hannadi Liliaiy.
InpoilanlIy, lhe codex pieseives lhe nosl conpIele suiviving copy of lhe CospeI of Maiy (as lhe
lexl is naned in lhe nanusciipl, lhough il is cIeai lhis naned Maiy is lhe peison ve caII Maiy of
MagdaIa). Tvo olhei snaII fiagnenls of lhe CospeI of Maiy fion sepaiale Cieek edilions veie
Ialei aIso uneailhed in aichaeIogicaI excavalions al Oxyihynchus in Noilhein Lgypl. (Iiagnenls
of lhe CospeI of Thonas veie aIso found al lhis ancienl Iiliaiy sile, see lhe CospeI of Thonas
page foi noie infoinalion aloul Oxyihyncus.) UnfoilunaleIy, lhe exlanl nanusciipl of lhe CospeI
of Maiy is nissing pages 1 lo 6 and pages 11 lo 14 -- pages lhal incIuded seclions of lhe lexl up lo
chaplei 4, and poilions of chaplei 5 lo 8.
The conpIele exlanl lexl of lhe CospeI of Maiy is piesenled leIov. Ioi lhose inleiesled in a piinl
edilion of lhe lexl, ve highIy ieconnend Kaien King's nev liansIalion and connenlaiy (Iisled lo
lhe side). An inlioducloiy Iecluie on lhe The CospeI of Maiy MagdaIen is aIso avaiIalIe in oui
The Cnosis Aichive Wel Lecluies coIIeclion.
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