1951 24000 KVAR Series Capacitor in A 230 KV Transmission Line

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A ^, ^^^ 2|1 cW . r . .

be used merely for impedance matching

,4 , U 24,0 - K i ovar Series Capacitor in a purposes, to control the division of current
through parallel circuits. In such cases it
230-Kv Transmission Line
may be possible to de-energize the circuit
the series
when a
fault occurs on that portion of the cir-
R. E. MARBURY F. D. JOHNSON cuit. In such applications a protective
FELLOW AIEE MEMBER AIEE gap may be used to protect the capacitor
and this gap will recover its insulation
during the period while the line is de-
Synopsis: The necessity for long distance capacitor has been used in a high-voltage energized. However, tests have shown
transmission of electric power has grown transmission line in the United States. that in the case of relatively large series
rapidly during recent years. Line reactance The purpose of this paper is to describe
becomes a problem of increasing importance this equipment and its method of operation. capactors the period of de-energization
when transmission distances continue to required for satisfactory de-ionization of
increase. Long lines cannot be loaded gaps is longer than can be tolerated in
sufficiently for maximum over-all economy HE USE of series capacitors for line most cases.
if the gap restrikes
because of limitations imposed by transient .U
stablit an kion iremen. The
has been when the line is
it becomes
most important alternative to reduction in recognized for many years as a means of necessary to extinguish the arc by the
equivalent line impedance by further in- improving regulation and eliminating closing of a by-pass switch, thus removing
crease in transmission voltage, is the use of voltage dips caused by sudden changes in the series capacitor from service during a
line reactance compensation. Such com- load. Such an installation on a
line period when it may be badly needed. In
pensation can best be obtained through
the use of capacitors operating in series was described in a paper by Johnson, view of these facts there has been a need
with the line conductors. To permit the use Marbury and Arthur.'
Many other and for a more
satisfactory device,
of series capacitors rated on the basis of smaller series capacitors have been in- for the application where stability is in-
normal load conditions, it is necessary to stalled for this same purpose during the volved but even for those where it is pos-
protect them effectively during line fault lat1yer
T e
mximu use ofa
last 15 years. In these
sta- sible to
the line for a brief
reactance compensation with capacitors it is bility was not a problem and it was not period following each fault.
necessary to by-pass and protect them only necessary therefore to reinsert the series The protective device should not only
during line fault condition and reinsert capacitor instantly following the clearing protect the series capacitor while the line
them with minimum delay after the line
of a line fault. Failure to do so merely current is excessive but should restore it
fault is cleared. Lack of means for accom-
plishing the latter has prevented the use of introduces a short period of operation to service at the instant the fault is re-
capacitors for line reactance compensation
voltage dips
flicker are moved. In the case where the line is de-
where the primary objective is increasing present but can be tolerated. This fact energized, the protective device should
power transmission. While protective de- permitted the use of a by-pass switch to not function when the line is
vices have been developed which are ade-
qucsate fueewit seriesoe whcapacors when
transfer the current from the
circuit even
the line is
used toimprove voltagerregulation, theyare to a switch circuit, such that the opening only a few cycles. Such a protective
by far too slow in operation to meet the of the switch restores the series
capacitor device permits the use of capacitor units
requirements when series capacitors are to service. In applications where the having a voltage rating based on the
used to increase power transmission. A series capacitor is used to increase the maximum continuous load
protective means has now been developed...
wh.ic meetsthese r eents anda
that can be
of a
24,000-kilovar series capacitor has been required for these operations is far too tection level. This close
installed by the Bonneville Power Adminis- great to permit of effective use because the level may be used since the operation
tration in a 230-kv line at their Chehalis system usually becomes unstable unless of the protective device does not create
substation, for the purpose of compensat-
susain fo
the series capacitor is restored promptly risks as to system stability. Oper-
ing line reactance and increasing the power
limits of this line. This is the first installa- after the isolation of the fault on the line. ation of the protective device takes place
tion of this type, and the first time a series In some cases the series capacitor may only during the actual periods of excessive
Paper 51-304, recommended by the AIEE Trans- XC:25.l X0-25.I
mission and Distribution Committee and approved LI NE I _ LINE
by the AIEE Technical Program Committee for {F 1<
presentation at the AIEE Pacific General Meeting,
Portland, Oreg., August 20-23, 1951. Manuscript
submitted May i7, i951; made available for print-
ing July 9, i95i. Figure 1. Simplikied
R. E. MARBURY and F. D. JOHNSON are with schemai GAgamWP GAP
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pitts-
mai dagm
burgh, Pa. of series capacitors R.I.251A R-1.25.fL.
1951, VOLUME 70 MUarbury, Johnson-A 24,000-Kilovoar Series Capacitor 1621

_ | { LINE Figure 2. Schematic used. If this voltage is a
diagram showing air standard ratings, the standard units may
gap arrange-
also be used
means of series
xment For example each phase of a series capac-
itor may be made up of two groups
7,960-volt standard capacitor units. Units
with standard kilovar ratings and special
voltage ratings are sometimes required
ELECTRICALLY where the use of standard voltage units
involves too much sacrifice due to the
fact that the working voltage is too far
below their rated voltage.
currents. It is expected that since these the factors which influence a decision as This is the maximum expected line
requirements have now been met the to the amount of line reactance to be com- current associated with load fluctuations
series capacitor will become a practical pensated by the series capacitor in a par- such as motor starting. This value
means of increasing the power capacity ticular case. should not exceed 150 per cent of the
of existing transmission lines, and permit maximumcontinuous working current and
the use of longer lines. MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS LINE CURRENT no operation of the gaps should occur
The line current is determined
line under these conditions.
Rating of Series Capacitors requirements and is the maximum con-
tinuous current
to be
Five basic factors go to determine the the circuit in which the capacitor is in- DURATION
rating of a series capacitor as follows: stalled. The above line current when The
fault current
multiplied by the reactance gives the and duration affect the design of the by-
1. Reactance. rated voltage. The product of the current pass
and particularly the current
2. Maximum continuous line current..
3. Maximum momentary line current. squared and reactance gives rated kilovar limiting resistor which is used in con-
4. Maximum fault current and duration. per phase. The number of capacitor junction with the by-pass gap.
5. Line voltage. units required per phase may be deter-
mined by simply dividing this kilovar by First Transmission Line Installation
REACTANCE the rated kilovar of the standard capacitor
The reactance of each phase of a series units to be used. If the
The first installation of a series capac-
capacitor is determined by the line re- from the load current and
capacitor ohms itor in a transmission line for the pur-
actance and the degree of compensation is close to a standard shunt
pose of increasing the transmission of
necessary to meet the objectives. It is rating such as 4,160, 7,200
7,960, then
power was energized February 23, 1951.
not the purpose of this paper to discuss
the standard shunt capacitor units
This capacitor is located on the Bonne-
ville Power System at the Chehalis sub-
Figure 3. Schematic diagram showing by-pass switch arrangement
station, and is installed in a 230-kv line
\ 1
Figure 4. Schematic diagram showing means of detecting individual
fuse operation

Figure 5 (left).
One phase of
Chehalis series
capacitor during
showing the two
housed groups,
insulated from
Figure 6 (right).
Chehalis series
capacitor installa-
tion showing cir-
cuit connections
leading to the Longview Substation. The render the arc unstable so that it clears switch is a 15-kv indoor single-pole
rating of the initial installation was as at each current zero. Thus the gap re- switch, arranged to remain closed by
follows: strikes on each half cycle, and is extin- spring pressure, and to be opened by air
guished at each current zero so long as the pressure. The normal supply of air in the
1. Reactance 51
current exceeds 250 per cent of air blast reservoir keeps the switch nor-
2. Continuous working currenit 312 ani- normal. As soon as the system short is mally in the open position. The switch is
peres. removed (by high speed relays and circuit caused to close by shutting off the air
3. Momentary working current 468 aui-
and the line current is again from the switch operating cylinder and
peres. near normal the gap will cease to break dumping the air from this cylinder. The
4. Fault current 3,200 amperes; duration down and the resistor will no longer be previously mentioned operation of the
connected in parallel with the capacitor. inverse time relay performs this function.
5. Line voltage 230 kv. The flow of air through the gap chamber Voltmeters are also provided to permit
The housings provide additional space is initiated by gap current. Termination reading the voltage across the series
for adding capacitor units to bring the of gap current de-energizes the solenoid capacitor. These are mounted so they
reactance to 31.84 ohms, for a working
operated air valves and allows them to can be read from the ground. See Figure
current of 500 amperes and a 3-phase
close. A time delay inherent in the design 3 for general arrangement of switches.
kilovar rating of 23,800 kilovars. of these air valves allows the air to con-
tinue to flow and
the deioniza- FUSE INDICATION
General Requirements tion of the gap and fully restore the gap If several capacitor units are discon-
insulation value. The
circuit con- nected from the
due to fuse
FAULT CURRENT PROTECTION nections are shown in Figure 2. tion the impedance of this group in-
The operation is the same whether sys-
Since a tenfold increase in voltage oil tem relays and circuit breakers function or
the capacitor is expected corresponding if the fault is self
to a line fault of 3,200 amperes, it was
necessary to protect the capacitors from OVERLOAD PROTECTION
voltages in excess of a predetermined Since the capacitor units must not be
amount. This was accomplished by operated continuously above a predeter-
shunting the capacitor with a gap and re- mined voltage for thermal reasons it was
sistor. The gap shown in Figure 1 breaks considered necessary to provide overload
down when the voltage across the capac- protection. The capacitors may be
itor exceeds 21/2 times the capacitor con-
operated continuously at the rated cur-
tinuous rated voltage. The resistor in rent of 312 amperes plus 5 per cent cor-
series with the gap is nominally 11/4 ohms responding to standard practice for shunt
and is used to limit the capacitor dis- capacitors. They may be operated for
charge current when the gap breaks down. periods of 30 minutes at 135 per cent and
This permits repetitive discharges to oc- 5 minutes at 150 per cent voltage. Means
cur for duration of the line fault without were provided to prevent operation of the
harm to the capacitors. series capacitor in excess of these estab-
After the fault current no longer exists lished limits. This was accomplished by
and the current in the line is again normal, the use of an inverse time relay arranged
the resistor must be permanently dis- to detect overvoltage across the series AIR INLET
connected. This is accomplished by the capacitor through a potential transformer.
use of a special gap designed in a manner Completion of contact by the relay ini- l
to permit the use of a constant blast of air tiates the closing of a by-pass switch
during the period current flows. The which then shorts out the series capacitor
volume of air is made sufficiently large to until manually reset. This by-pass Figure 7. Detail construction of gap
1951, VOLUME 70 AMarbury, Johnson-A 24,000-Kilovar Series Capacitor 1623

to determine if some fuses had reconnected for parallel operation, giving
operated before such a condition reached one-fourth the reactance and twice the
where the operation
of the capac-
rated working
current. When so operated
itors was seriously affected with respect one gap
is disconnected.
~;to working votg.The3-phase lesare
plcdside byside
This is accomplished by dividing the as shown in Figure 6, on 25 foot centers.
capacitor into two equal branches as The three
of the series
gr r 0 |shown
4 and
providing relays to
are located within a fenced
compare the current in these branches. enclosure
feet wide and 135 feet long.
of these relays operates
an air Another larger
fence encloses associated
8 g Pvalve which in turn closes the by-pass equipment consisting
of by-pass
~~~ ~ switch, connects and air supply equipment.
r rgg L r E The closed position of the by-pass outside fence encloses an area 125 feet
switch is indicated at ground level by wide and approximately 260 feet long.
means of a
pneumatically operated relay
located in the
The Compressed Air Gap
General Construction The gap consists of an inverted cup
electrode of special graphite, a cylin-
The capacitor units are single bushing, drical porcelain insulator, and a second
7,960-volt 15-kilovar outdoor units. One- graphite electrode located along the axis
half of the total quantity of capacitors of the porcelain tube. The central elec-
are standard shunt capacitor
units. The trode forms a gap
in the cavity
of this in-
other half are of special design with ap- verted electrode, see Figure 7.
gpr . 1 iproximately
cent added dielectric
When a flow of current
to gain
field experience
in the event mo-
gap is initiated by the breakdown of the
tality rate should prove to be high with
gap, air is supplied to the bottom cham-
Figure S. Gap and air tank assembly standard units. Subsequent experience ber from which it flows into the porcelain
however indicates that the protective tubular insulating body. The only out-
equipment will adequately protect stand- let for this air is down through the hole in
creases, and the remaining capacitors in ard
capacitor units. the center electrode, from which it may
the group operate at a higher voltage for Each unit is connected to the bus
escape to the outside air.
the same current flowing in the line. through
a fuse
especially designed
to in-
The two portions of each phase leg of
Since the series capacitor is insulated terrupt
the stored energy
in the large the series capacitor are each protected by
from ground, it is not possible to inspect
number of
units. No fault cur-
as described above, with a resistor
the fuses conveniently as with a shunt
interruption problem
exists, but the
connected in series with each gap. One
capacitor, so it was felt desirable to pro-
quite large. tank supplies the air to these two gaps,
vide some indicating means to enable the
One hundred and
of the 15-
Fi 8
kilovar units are assembled in an outdoor gure
steel housing and arranged in two groups
of 83 units each as shown in Figure 4
with a current transformer to compare the
current in each group
of 83 units. These
have space
for 288 capacitor
units to provide
for later change
in the
rating of the series capacitor
to 23,000-
kilovars and 520 amperes
line current.
X Two of these housings are mounted
on a platform 12'/2
feet wide and 80 feet
which is in turn supported
on 24
columns of insulators. On a platform
tween the two housings is located a tank
for gap air supply,
two gaps
and two re-
Figure 5 shows the two metal enclosures
during installation, with the compressed
air supply tank, two gaps
and resistors in
the center between the housings.
The S aAA
two housed groups shown are operated
series to give the rating of 51 ohms for 312
or the contemplated rating
31.84 ohms for 500 amperes,
in which case
each group
is protected by a gap and re-
sistor, with one compressed
air supply
Figure 9. Air blast valve the two gaps. The two groups may he Figure 10. Cross section of blast valve
Series Capacitor AIEE

r - 5 ~-172
Figure I1 (left.) sulated air column, containing three air
Air column
lines: one to supply air to the gap res-
ervoirs, one to reset the by-pass switches,
and one to operate
pneumatic relay to
show whether the by-pass switches were
Figure 12 (above.) in the open or closed position.
Oscillogram of gap All three of these hose lines are as-
operation sembled in a porcelain stack as shown in
Figure 11. This stack has ample wet and
dry flashover to withstand the line to
Air Blast Valves large valve operated by a diaphragm. ground voltage. Three outlets are pro-
The use of a diaphragm eliminates any vided at the bottom and top castings for
One of the most important detail problem of lubrication as would be the continuing these three air lines. The
pieces of equipment is the air blast valves. case with a piston. The solenoid lifts a bottom connections go to the compressor
These may be seen on either side of the magnetic member which has a slideable house, while the top connections go to the
assembly shown in Figure 8. These relation to a needle valve stem. The im- air tank and proper air valves. Each
rather large air valves
pipe pact of this magnetic member against the hose line consists of a 3/8 inside diameter
size) must be operated from a current stop on this valve pin jerks the seat open X3/4 outside diameter special high-pres-
transformer. The current corresponding and admits air to the chamber above the sure synthetic rubber hose 57 feet long giv-
to low load current in the line and even diaphragm. Air enters this chamber ing a stress of about 2,300 volts per foot.
light load currents, if diverted through the faster than it can escape through the The hose is coiled on a core approximately
gap must pick up these air valves so as to calibrated vent to the discharge side of the 8-feet long, and compounded into the
quench the arc if initiated by a surge. valve, consequently the pressure on the porcelain column. Activated Alumina
In addition, the valve solenoids must not diaphragm opens the main valve. dryers are provided at the compressor
suffer any damage on the fault current of When the current stops flowing in the location to eliminate moisture condensa-
3,200 amperes through the gap. This solenoid the needle valve closes. The air tion in this hose line and maintain high
wide range of requirements was met by pressure on the diaphragm then dies down level of insulation in the hose itself. The
the use of a saturating current trans- at a rate governed by the escape path, complete assembly was given a 485-kv, l-
former and surge damping resistor, with thus closing the main valve with a time minute 60-cycle test.
the solenoid coil designed for very low delay. The time delay used is 7 to 10
voltage. cycles. Compressor House
In addition to these requirements it
was necessary to use a valve which would Insulating Air Column Only one compressor is required for the
open in about 2 cycles after the solenoid complete series capacitor installation.
is energized, and close with a delayed ac- In this series capacitor installation it This compressor supplies air to a reservoir
tion to insure thorough removal of ionized was considered desirable to locate the located in the compressor house. From
gases following termination of the arc in compressor at ground potential and this reservoir air flows through a filter,
the gap. operate it from a local 230-volt power and pressure regulator and dryer. The
It was also felt necessary to provide a supply. Also it was considered desirable latter regulates the air supply to the gap
type of valve that would not foul up and to be able to reset the by-pass switches to air supply tanks. Three air pushbuttons
stick if it remains in one position for long the open position from the ground, and to are also located in the compressor house,
periods of time. provide an indicating means to show for resetting the by-pass switches pre-
The valve shown in Figure 9 is a modi- whether the by-pass switches, not visible viously mentioned. Interlocks are pro-
fied form of a standard air valve. The de- from the ground, were in the closed or vided to prevent resetting these by-pass
tail construction of this valve is shown in open position. switches unless the main by-pass dis-
Figure 10, and may be seen to consist of a These requirements necessitated an in- connect is operated first to remove voltage
1951, VOLUME 70 Marbury, Johnson-A 24,000-Kilovar Series Capacitor 1625

from the series capacitor. The three air voltage on the capacitor to approximately portant operations and relaying impor-
operated signal relays are also located in 21/2 times its rated voltage. The low arc tant information to the ground. It also
the compressor house. These indicate drop of the gap holds the capacitor volt- provides means of remotely controlling
when operation of by-pass switches has age down thereafter until the compressed switches located at high potential to
occurred. air comes on. The energization of the air ground. Considering the over-all prob-
blast solenoid occurs when the gap breaks lem, the use of a compressed air system is
Other Protective Features down as indicated by the trace second justified even for applications where it is
from the bottom. The effectiveness of not necessary to quickly reinsert the
In addition, provisions were made to the air is shown by the third trace from series capacitor following a fault.
automatically close the by-pass switch in the top where the discharge air from the Compressed air operated gaps may be
the event of loss of air in the reservoirs, or gap is made to operate a micro-switch. used without the necessity for supplying
prolonged arcing of the gaps due to inade- It will be noted that the air was dis- air from the ground, by the use of com-
quate air supply or failure of air valve to charging 21/2 cycles after the coil was pressors operated directly from the series
open. Also to close the switch in the energized, and the gap started to restrike capacitor voltage drop. Such an arrange-
event of flashover the auxiliary back-up at this time. About a cycle later the ment is practical where the line current
gaps. current through the series capacitor was remains within a range of 25 to 100 per
A ground switch is provided for ground- reduced to the normal value of 1,150 am- cent of normal. This provides a simpler
ing the platforms of the series capacitor peres and the arc immediately went out. arrangement and when visible indicators
and thus avoid the collection of static The termination of the arc is shown by the are used on the by-pass switches, the
charges on the large housings and plat- top trace and the de-energizing of the air transmission of switch position informa-
forms. blast valve solenoid as shown on the tion to the ground is no longer necessary,
second trace from the bottom. The air unless the installation is remotely located
Operation of Protective Gap actually shut off about 9 cycles later as from an attended substation.
shown on the third trace from the top. The series capacitor described was
Figure 12 shows an oscillogram of a The model used for this test is consider- energized February 23, 1951, and was
laboratory test which illustrates the ably lower in reactance and has a much found to be quite free from noise or
operation of the compressed air protective higher continuous working current than visible corona. Tests were made to ob-
device. In this test a 31/2 ohm series the series capacitor installation described, serve the operation of the protective de-
capacitor was connected in a circuit making the gap working conditions con- vices by placing faults on the circuit or
which would produce a large current siderably more severe. Actual tests on associated circuits and observing the
through the capacitor, and a current the Chehalis installation are covered by operation of the gaps. The gap protection
which would develop a voltage across the an unpublished AIEE paper by C. C. Dia- operated in a manner quite similar to the
capacitor many times the breakdown mond, E. J. Harrington, and J. R. Curtin. laboratory test, Figure 12. The speed
setting of the gap, which was 2'/2 times with which air became effective at the gap
the continuous voltage rating of the series Conclusions was such as to insure fast re-insertion of
capacitor. The bottom trace shows the the series capacitor even in the case of
fault current which was allowed to flow The use of compressed air makes pos- faults that are cleared in very short
for 31/2 cycles, and then reduced to the sible a very effective type of self clearing periods such as 3 cycles.
normal continuous current rating of this gap. With this type of gap the series
capacitor which is 1,150 amperes. capacitor will be by-passed only during Reference
The voltage across the capacitor is the period of the fault, or when there is
shown on the trace second from the top. sufficient current to break down the gap 1
When the fault was applied to the capac- on each half cycle. Compressed air also A. A. Johnson, R. E. Marbury, J. M. Arthur.
AIEE Transactions, volume 67, part I, 1948, pages
itor the gap broke down and limited the provides a means of performing other im- 363-68.
Discussion from the circuit without interruption of load excessive accumulation of moisture in the
in the 230-kv circuit. air line, but final analysis disclosed that the
I would like to suggest that the authors trouble was entirely due to defective hose
describe their air column failure, its cause material. The hose material receiving
E. J. Harrington (Bonneville Power Ad- and the measures they have taken to insure engineering approval contained only small
ministration, Portland, Oreg.): Since its against similar failures in future equipment. traces of free carbon and measured well over
installation this series capacitor has not been 50,000 megohms per foot, while the ma-
subjected to line faults other than those terial actually used was found to contain up
during the staged tests. It has been and is R. E. Marbury and F. D. Johnson: Mr. to 50 per cent of free carbon and measured
still being operated with the capacitor Harrington has mentioned a case of trouble 10 to 40 megohms per foot. The resulting
groups in parallel. with this series capacitor installation in- accumulation of heat resulted in excessive
We hope to soon fill the housings to the full volving the air column used to maintain air heating of the hose and the failure in service.
24,000-kvar capacity and operate the groups pressure in the reservoirs mounted on the The rebuilt air columns were entirely
in series thereby obtaining approximately insulated platforms. The leakage current satisfactory on leakage and overvoltage
24 ohms of capacitive reactance compensa- through one of the air columns became ex- tests, with or without the presence of con-
tion. cessive and resulted in a failure in one air densate.
Operation so far has been trouble free line. The air line burned open at one point In view of the above there is no reason to
with one exception. This was a failure of permitting a low current arc which ignited expect future trouble and the design is
one of the air columns. This failure re- the compound in which the hose was em- entirely adequate when manufactured as
sultedl in a fire in the column which ulti- bedded. The escape of air at this point intended. Steps have been taken to rigidly
mately caused the capacitor protective released pressure sufficient to rupture the control the manufacture in the future, and
equipment to function. This resulted in by- porcelain casing. the physical and electrical properties of the
passing of the capacitors and their removal At first this condition was attributed to hose itself.
1626 Marbury, Johnson-A 24,OOO-Kilovatr Series Capacitor AJEE TRANSACIIONS

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