Uzbekistan S Energy Sector

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Uzbekistan’s energy sector

Opportunities for international cooperation

October, 2018

1 Oil and gas sector

2 Power sector

3 Appendix
Uzbekistan is the largest market in Central Asia;
stable and fast growing

Key information

Comparable to Spain Area Capital

or California 448,978 sq. km Tashkent
Uzbekistan map (2.3M – official data)
Largest in Population
the region 32.6M (72% under 40)

Zarafshan GDP Official currency

258K (gold and USD 30.6 billion "Sum" – UZS
Nukus (UZS/USD = 8’200)
copper mines)
51K Languages
51K Tashkent 475K
Uzbek (official), Russian
Khiva Namangan (commonly used)
Samarkand 333K
Gazli Political system
(UNESCO) Andijon
(500B sq. km 65K Presidential multi-party
Asaka democratic republic
gas field)
273K (Car production
Bukhara 250K)
XX size of population
Uzbekistan is rich in mineral resources and; the country
is actively investing in further value chain segments

Mineral resource diversity excludes the dependence Diversification of the

on a single resource type energy supply portfolio


Natural gas Gold Copper Uranium Coal Investments of USD 2.65 billion
& oil in 2017–2025 to develop 18
new projects and upgrade
14 existing plants
Reserves 24th 10th 10th 16th 29th


~51 billion tons of oil equivalent

Production 13th 9th 20th 7th 34th


x Uzbekistan's position in the world ~360 million tons of oil

equivalent for wind energy
Source: Natural gas & Coal: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2017; Gold & Copper: U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral 122modity Summaries 2017; Uranium: Uranium 2016: Resources,
Production and Demand, a Joint Report by the Nuclear Energy Agency and International Atomic Energy Agency; Uzbekistan State Committee on Geology and Mineral Resources
Uzbekistan have significant successful experience of joint
ventures with regional and international O&G companies

History of selected examples of JVs & PSAs

2004 2008 2013 2017 2018

Selection of Lukoil for Development of Karakul BP and SOCAR entering

world class Kandym investment block by CNPC Ustyurt region
group of field • Production started in 2017 • Exploration phase within
• Current production • Targeted plateau 1 Bcm of gas perspective region
• >$6B of investment

Creation of Uzkorgas-chemical Development of M25 field with

together with Korean consortium Gazprom
• Joint production and processing • Two-phased expansion with
facilities up to 4Bcm plateau production
• $4B of investment • $5.8B of investment`
Uzbekistan's reserves are developed both by state-owned
Uzbekneftegaz as well as by international JVs/PSAs
UNG subsidiaries
Ustyurtgas GazliNGD MubarekNG
• 2.4 Bcm • 5.2 Bcm • 23 Bcm JV and PSA

• 11.3 Bcm

• 0.03 Bcm
Urgench Chirchik
Tashkent Namangan
Shahpakhty (PSA)
• 0.3 Bcm Gasli
Bukara Fergana
Uzkorgas-chemical (JV)
• 3 Bcm

Lukoil Uzbekistan (PSA)

• 14.6 Bcm Gissarneftegaz (JV)
• 0.4 Bcm

New Silk Road (JV) Natural Gas-Stream (JV) Kokdumalak (JV)

• 0.7 Bcm • 1.2 Bcm • 1.2 Bcm
Uzbekistan's gas transportation system provides access to
China&Russia markets for local and international producers

Central Asia – China:
Central Asia – Center: to Kazakhstan
to Kazakshtan From Turkmenistan to China
From Turkmenistan to Russia Full capacity: 55 Bcm
Full capacity: 35 Bcm UZ share: 10 Bcm 2
UZ share: 6 Bcm


Urgench Chirchik
Tashkent Namangan

Bukara Fergana

Карши 3
30 Bcm export from
Turkmenistan to China
Uzbekistan South
Production: Storage & transport: Refining & chemicals:
Gas Storage facilities Gas chemical
Full capacity: 3.2 Bcm
Gas & condensate Gas pipelines Gas processing Termez UZ usage: 2.5 Bcm
Oil Turkmenistan –- Refinery
China gas pipelines
Vision and priorities for further development of
Uzbekistan oil & gas industry (across the value chain)

O&G reserves exploration -

• Invite international O&G players to conduct exploration works in new
perspective territories & blocks to discover new gas reserves
• Use modern seismic processing tools to discover new formations (e.g.
under salt layers) in traditional territories & blocks

Oil & gas production -

• Invite international OFS players to bring modern EOR technologies (e.g.
horizontal drilling & fracking, artificial lift) to maintain current production levels
• Together with international O&G players jointly develop oil & gas fields

Gas processing & oil refining -

• Complete construction of the gas-to-liquid (GTL) plant to produce ecologically
clean diesel and jetfuel
• Build new capacities to produce monomers (ethylene, propylene) with further
production of locally consumed plastics, synthetic rubbers, chemical fibers
• Upgrade country's outdated oil refineries to produce ecologically clean fuel,
base oils and additives with Euro 5 quality

1 Oil and gas sector

2 Power sector

3 Appendix
Current situation: ~14 gigawatts capacity and
~60K GWh generation with gas as the main source

Total installed capacity for power Generation is ~60K GWh with 2/3
generation is ~14 gigawatts coming from gas

Power capacity, GW (Jan 1, 2018) Power generation, K GWh (2017)

20 80

8,1 0,7 60,7

15 1,9 0,1 14,1 60 1%
11,7 13%
10 40 With 1,85K
GWh (3%)
on export

5 20 66%

0 0
10 TPPs 37 HPPs Other (block Total Gas Coal Hydro Other Total 2017

Source: UZ electro energy concept 2030

Current situation: ~23K km of electric lines to distribute power
with core consumers in industrial and residential sectors

Power transmission system includes 86% of total power consumed by industry,

~23K km of lines residential and agro consumers

1850 500-kilovolt (kV) lines Industry 41%


Residential consumers 24%

Agricultural consumers 21%

6200 220-kilovolt (kV) lines
Commercial entities 12%

Transport 3%
15300 100-kilovolt (kV) lines
km 0 10 20 30 40 50

% of total power consumption (2017)

Source: UZ electro energy concept 2030

Current problems cover low efficiency and poor condition of
assets, high level of losses and low tariffs

• Low efficiency of TPPs. All TPPs run on steam turbine technology with a weight average
efficiency of 33%, compared to 55% for advanced combined-cycle gas turbine technology
• Poor assets condition. Most power generation assets are 40–50 years old, in poor
condition, and require replacement and/or rehabilitation
Power • Power assets are not strategically situated. About 70% of power generation occurs in the
north while over 90% of gas production occurs in the south

• Poor assets condition. Assets have not been properly maintained and upgraded, affecting
the delivery of reliable power supply to domestic customers, especially in the south regions
• High level of losses. Transmission system losses are officially reported at 18% and
distribution losses at 14%. Revenue collection rate is not more than 80% which may be
Power understated because of Uzbekenergo’s inability to collect information on the amount of
electricity supplied and inability to monitor the revenue collection

• Low tariffs. Uzbekistan’s electricity tariff has been low in absolute terms because of the low
domestic cost of natural gas relative to international prices ($66 per 1,000 m3, which is
substantially lower than its export price). This has discouraged demand-side energy efficiency

Source: ABD, EBRD

Vision of development covers capacity and operational
efficiency increase, regulatory environment improvement

• TPP capacity increase. Several TPPs with additional capacity of 2,5 GW are currently under
• HPP capacity increase. Uzbekistan embarked on the ambitious program of rehabilitation of
old and construction of new HPPs with estimated 27.4M MW/h annual hydropower generation
Power capacity. The plans are to develop 18 new HPPs and modernize 14 existing HPPs till 2025
• Renewable energy. Targeting up to 21% renewable energy by 2031, Uzbekistan also plans to
install at least 4 GW of solar capacity.
• Nuclear generation. In 2018, the government has announced plans to develop a nuclear
power generation starting with two units 1200 MW each.

• New PPs to optimize network. To reduce gas and power transmission losses, CCGT power
plants will be constructed in Talimarjan and Navoi in the south, close to gas fields
• Operational efficiency improvement. To improve the efficiency of dispatch operation and
energy management, a modern and automated supervisory control and data acquisition
transmission system will be developed

• A set of regulatory measures, including1: Long-term master plan development, Investment

program 2030, Institutional and structural reforms, Promoting PPP and regulatory environment
preparation, New tariff methodology, Corporate governance improvement, Renewable energy

1. Detailed description is on the next slide

Source: ABD, EBRD
Vision of development: 7 core regulatory initiatives
developed with international organizations
№ Regulatory Initiative Short description / goals Leader
1. Develop long-term master plan in • Address peak demand growth while improving operational efficiency of power ADB
the power sector system in Uzbekistan
• Prioritize the least cost investments and financing needs in power generation,
transmission and distribution subsectors for the next 20 years.
2. Consolidated investment program • Increase investment attractiveness of Uzbekenergo for IPP and PPP arrangements EBRD
up to 2030 • Enhance Uzbekenergo’s financial positions as a credible off-taker (more below).
3. Prepare a proposal on • Review the policy, legal and regulatory, institutional, and governance framework in WBG
institutional and structural the power sector
reforms • Benchmark international practices for power sector institutional reform
• Help define key objectives and intermediate objectives for power sector institutional
reform and formulate a power sector institutional reform strategy and roadmap
4. Prepare legal and regulatory base • Improve the legal and regulatory framework for PPP through the development of a EBRD
for promoting PPP in the energy modern policy, legal and institutional framework for PPP projects
sector • Develop a capacity building workshop on PPP for renewable energy
development/competitive procurement of renewable projects
5. Financial recovery of power • Implement sustainable debt management for Uzbekenergo, which will prioritize ADB
sector future investments and tariff levels
• Develop the new tariff setting methodology to ensure gradual full cost recovery as
well as a strategy to implement it in a time bound manner while at the same time
identifying and mitigating adverse social impacts
6. Develop proposals to improve • Incorporate governance as part of its review of options and preparation of a EBRD
corporate governance system of roadmap and an implementation package for attracting investment
UE • Adopt and fully implement Corporate Governance Rules based on 2015 OECD
Corporate Governance Guidelines for SOEs
7. Develop renewable energy • Support the Government to prepare solar PV projects, and attract and select private WBG
sector investors through a competitive and transparent process
• Support preparation of renewable energy by laws and regulations that need to be
• Provide capacity development support through workshops and study tours.

Source: ABD, EBRD


1 Oil and gas sector

2 Power sector

3 Appendix
The URDF1 founded to provide financial support for major
industrial projects in Uzbekistan (incl. O&G)

Established in 2006 by a Decree of the Areas of Financing

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
with the major objectives to…
Oil & Gas

Chemical &
• Accumulate export Petrochemical
Energy & Power
• Finance and co-finance
strategic industrial Metals & Mining
investment projects
Transport &

Equity has grown from USD 1 billion in 2006 to

USD 20 billion in 2018
1 The Uzbekistan Reconstruction and Development Fund is a co-investor in the Uzbekistan O&G industry
The URDF’s portfolio includes >100 projects with the total
value exceeding $35 billion; primary focus on O&G

Over 120 projects with total project cost of $36.4B

40 23 40
projects projects under projects
completed implementation being prepared

Oil & Gas 37% 33%

Aircraft, transportation,
infrastructure 27% 9%

Power 19% 28%

Mining 10% 22%

Chemicals 7% 8%

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