Systems Programming With Standard C

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Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

Lecture 24
Systems Programming in C

A process is a currently executing instance of a program. All programs by default execute
in the user mode. A C program can invoke UNIX system calls directly. A system call can
be defined as a request to the operating system to do something on behalf of the program.
During the execution of a system call, the mode is change from user mode to kernel
mode (or system mode) to allow the execution of the system call. The kernel, the core of
the operating system program in fact has control over everything. All OS software is
trusted and executed without any further verification. All other software needs to request
kernel mode using specific system calls to create new processes and manage I/O. A high
level programmer does not have to worry about the mode change from user-mode to
kernel-mode as it is handled by a predefined library of system calls.

Unlike processes in user mode, which can be replaced by another process at any time, a
process in kernel mode cannot be arbitrarily replaced by another process. A process in
kernel mode can only be suspended by an interrupt or exception. A C system call
software instruction generates an OS interrupt commonly called the operating system
trap. The system call interface handles these interruptions in a special way. The C library
function passes a unique number corresponding to the system call to the kernel, so kernel
can determine the specific system call user is invoking. After executing the kernel
command the operating system trap is released and the system returns to user mode.
Unix system calls are primarily used to manage the file system or control processes or
to provide communication between multiple processes.
A subset of the system calls include

creat( ), open( ), close( ) -- managing I/O channels
read( ), write( ) handling input and output operations
lseek( ) for random access of files
link( ), unlink( ) aliasing and removing files
stat( ) getting file status
access( ), chmod( ), chown( ) for access control

exec( ), fork( ), wait( ), exit( ) --- for process control
getuid( ) for process ownership
getpid( ) -- for process ID
signal( ) , kill( ), alarm( ) for process control
chdir( ) for changing working directory

mmap(), shmget(), mprotect(), mlock() manipulate low level memory attributes

time(), gettimer(), settimer(),settimeofday(), alarm() time management functions

pipe( ) for creating inter-process communication

Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

System calls interface often change and therefore it is advisable to place system calls in
subroutines so subroutines can be adjusted in the event of a system call interface change.
When a system call causes an error, it returns -1 and store the error number in a variable
called errno given in a header file called /usr/include/errno.h. When a system call
returns an error, the function perror can be used to print a diagnostic message. If we call
perror( ), then it displays the argument string, a colon, and then the error
message, as directed by "errno", followed by a newline.

if (unlink("text.txt")==-1){
If the file text.txt does not exists, unlink will return -1 and that in
return will cause the program to print the message File does not

Managing the File System with Sys calls
File structure related system calls to manage the file system are quite common. Using file
structure related system calls, we can create, open, close, read, write, remove and alias,
set permission, get file information among other things. The arguments to these
functions include either the relative or absolute path of the file or a descriptor that defines
the IO channel for the file. A channel provides access to the file as an unformatted stream
of bytes. We will now look at some of the file related functions provided as system calls.

UNIX System I/O Calls
The high level library functions given by <stdio.h> provide most common input and
output operations. These high level functions are built on the top of low-level structures
and calls provided by the operating system. In this section, we will look at some low level
I/O facilities that will provide insight into how low level I/O facilities are handled and
therefore may provide ways to use I/O in ways that are not provided by the stdio.h. In
UNIX, I/O hardware devices are represented as special files. Input/Output to files or
special files (such as terminal or printers) are handled the same way. UNIX also supports
pipes a mechanism for input/output between processes. Although pipes and files are
different I/O objects, both are supported by low level I/O mechanisms.

Create System Call
A file can be created using the creat function as given by the following prototype.

#include <sys/file.h> // can be replaced by <fcntl.h>
int creat(char* filename, mode_t mode)

The mode is specified as an octal number. For example, 0444 indicates that r access for
USER, GROUP and ALL for the file. If the file exists, the creat is ignored and prior
content and rights are maintained. The library


provides following constants that can be used to set permissions.
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

S_IREAD --- read permission for the owner
S_IWRITE --- write permission for the owner
S_IEXEC --- execute/search permission for the owner
S_IRWXU --- read, write, execute permission for the user

S_IRGRP read for group
S_IWGRP write for group
S_IXGRP execute for group
S_IRWXG read, write, execute for the group

S_IROTH --- read for others
S_IWOTH write for others
S_IXOTH -- execute for others
S_IRWXO read , write , execute for others

For example, to create a file with read and write access only to user, we can do the

creat(myfile, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);

Open System Call

A file can be open using the open system call as follows.

#include <sys/file.h> // can be replaced by <fcntl.h>
int open(char* filename, int flags, int mode);

The above code opens the filename for reading or writing as specified by the access and
returns an integer descriptor for that file. Descriptor is an integer (usually less than 16)
that indicates a table entry for the file reference for the current process. The
stdin(0), stdout(1) and stderr(3) are given. Other files will be provided with the next
available descriptor when opening. File name can be given as full path name, relative
path name, or simple file name. If the file does not exist, then open creates the file with
the given name. Let us take a detail look at the arguments to open.

filename : A string that represents the absolute, relative or filename of the file
flags : An integer code describing the access (see below for details)
mode : The file protection mode usually given by 9 bits indicating rwx permission

The flag codes are given by
O_RDONLY -- opens file for read only
O_WRONLY opens file for write only
O_RDWR opens file for reading and writing
O_NDELAY prevents possible blocking
O_APPEND --- opens the file for appending
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

O_CREAT -- creates the file if it does not exists
O_TRUNC -- truncates the size to zero
O_EXCL produces an error if the O_CREAT bit is on and file exists

If the open call fails, a -1 is returned; otherwise a descriptor is returned. For example, to
open a file for read and truncates the size to zero we could use,

open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_TRUNC, 0);

We assume that the file exists and note that zero can be used for protection mode. For
opening files, the third argument can always be left at 0.

Reading and Writing to Files
Reading and writing a file is normally sequential. For each open file, a current position
points to the next byte to be read or written. The current position can be movable for an
actual file, but not for stdin when connected to a keyboard.

Read System Call
#include <sys/types.h> // or #include <unistd.h>
size_t read(int fd, char *buffer, size_t bytes);
fd is the file descriptor, buffer is address of a memory area into which the data is read and
bytes is the maximum amount of data to read from the stream. The return value is the
actual amount of data read from the file. The pointer is incremented by the amount of
data read. Bytes should not exceed the size of the buffer.
Write System Call
The write system call is used to write data to a file or other object identified by a file
descriptor. The prototype is
#include <sys/types.h>
size_t write(int fd, char *buffer, size_t bytes);
fd is the file descriptor, buffer is the address of the area of memory that data is to be
written out, bytes is the amount of data to copy. The return value is the actual amount of
data written, if this differs from bytes then something may be wrong.
Example: Consider the C high level function readline(char [], int) that reads a line from
stdin and store the line in a character array. This function can now be rewritten using low
level read as follows
int readline(char s[], int size){
char* tmp = s;
while (--size>0 && read(0,tmp,1)!=0 && *tmp++ != '\n');
*tmp = '\0';
return (tmp-s);
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

Close System Call
The close system call is used to close files. The prototype is
#include <unistd.h>
int close(int fd);

When a process terminates, all the files associated with the process are closed. But it is
always a good idea to close a file as they do consume resources and systems impose
limits on the number of files a process can keep open.

lseek System Call
Whenever a read() or write() operation is performed on a file, the position in the file at
which reading or writing starts is determined by the current value of the read/write
pointer. The value of the read/write pointer is often called the offset. It is always
measured in bytes from the start of the file. The lseek() system call allows programs to
manipulate this directly by providing the facility for direct access to any part of the file.
In other words, the lseek allows random access to any byte of the file. It has three
parameters and the prototype is
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
long lseek(int fd,int offset,int origin)

origin position
0 beginning of the file
1 Current position
2 End of the file

Call Meaning
lseek(fd,0,0) places the current position at the first byte
lseek(fd,0,2) places the current position at EOF
lseek(fd,-10,1) Backs up the current position by 10 bytes

Other System Level Operations
Other system level operations include creating a file using

creat(filename, mode);

The mode can be selected from the following octal bit patterns

Octal Bit Pattern Meaning
0400 Read by owner
0200 Write by Owner
0100 Execute or search by owner
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

0070 Read, Write, Execute(search) by group
0007 Read, Write, Execute(search) by others

Other system calls include link a way to give alternative names to a file (aliases), and
unlink a way to remove an alias to a file. The prototypes for the link and unlink are

int link (char* file1, char* file2);
int unlink(char* name);

The link( ) function creates an alias name file2 for file1, that exists in the current
directory. Use of unlink with the original file name will remove the file.

Creating and removing Directories
Directories can be created and removed using mkdir and rmdir function calls. The
function prototypes are

int mkdir(char* name, int mode);
int rmdir(char* name);

returns 0 or 1 for success or failure. For example, creating a new directory called
newfiles with only the READ access for the user we can do the following.

mkdir(newfiles, 0400);

Later you can remove this directory by calling


Caution: Be very careful about removing directories. These are system calls that are
executed w/o further confirmation.

You can also reset the file/dir permission with chmod function. The prototype is given by

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode);

For example, the directory that was created above called newfiles has only read access
on the owner. But if you decided to change the read access from owner to all groups, then
you can call:

chmod(newfiles, 0444);

Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

Accessing Directories
A UNIX directory contains a set of files that can be accessed using the sys/dir.h library.
We include the library with

#include <sys/dir.h>

And the function

DIR *opendir(char* dir_name)

Opens a directory given by dir_name and provides a pointer to access files within the
directory. The open DIR stream can be used to access a struct that contains the file
information. The function

struct dirent *readdir(DIR* dp)

returns a pointer to the next entry in the directory. A NULL pointer is returned when the
end of the directory is reached. The struct direct has the following format.

struct dirent {
u-long d_ino; /* i-node number for the dir entry */
u_short d_reclen; /* length of this record */
u_short d_namelen ; /* length of the string in d_name */
char d_name[MAXNAMLEN+1] ; /* directory name */

Using system libraries, we can write our own find function for example. The following
function, search (char* file, char* dir) returns 0 if the file is found in the directory and
returns 1 otherwise.

#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>

int search (char* file, char* dir){
DIR *dirptr=opendir(dir);
struct dirent *entry = readdir(dirptr);
while (entry != NULL) {
if ( strlen(entry->d_name) == strlen(file) && (strcmp(entry->d_name, file) == 0)
return 0; /* return success */
entry = readdir(dirptr);
return 1; /* return failure */

Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

Accessing File Status
Status of a file such as file type, protection mode, time when the file was last modified
can be accessed using stat and fstat functions. The prototypes of stat and fstat functions

stat(char* file, struct stat *buf);
fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf);

stat and fstat functions are equivalent except that former takes the name of a file, while
the latter takes a file descriptor. For example, we can get the status of a file as follows.

struct stat buf; // defines a struct stat to hold file information
stat(filename, &buf) ; // now the file information is placed in the buf

The status of the file that is retrieved and placed in the buf has many information about
the file. For example, the stat structure contains useful information such as

st_atime --- Last access time
st_mtime --- last modify time
st_ctime --- Last status change time
st_size --- total size of file
st_uid user ID of owner
st_mode file status (directory or not)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>

struct stat statbuf;
char dirpath[256];
DIR *dir = opendir(dirpath);
struct dirent *dp;
for (dp=readdir(dir); dp != NULL ; dp=readdir(dir)){
stat(dp->d_name, &statbuf);
printf("the file name is %s \n", dp->d_name);
printf("dir = %d\n", S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode));
printf("file size is %ld in bytes \n", statbuf.st_size);
printf("last modified time is %ld in seconds \n",
printf("last access time is %ld in seconds \n",
printf("The device containing the file is %d\n", statbuf.st_dev);
printf("File serial number is %d\n\n", statbuf.st_ino);
More can be found at
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

Working Directory
The working directory of the program can be found using getcwd. The prototype is given

#include <unistd.h>
char* getcwd(char * dirname, int );

This copies the full path name of the current working directory into the dirname and
returns a pointer to it. The description can be found

This section summarizes the how to use standard functions when doing system
programming. This is only a subset of things that can be done. But a basic list that may be
needed for many common tasks

How to Functions Example Libraries
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Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena

1. Write a function foo(int fd, char* buf, int b_size, int n, int skip) that reads to buf
from file with file descriptor fd, n blocks of size b_size each. The last argument
specifies how many bytes to skip after reading each block. Return -1 if the
operation is unsuccessful. Else return total number of bytes read.

2. Write a program to read all txt files (that is files that ends with .txt) in the current
directory and merge them all to one txt file and returns a file descriptor for the
new file.

3. Write a program that takes a string as an argument and return all the files that
begins with that name in the current directory and its sub directories. For example
> ./a.out foo will return all file names that begins with foo.

4. Write a program that will categorize all files in the current folder based on their
file type. That is all .txt file in one folder called txt, all .bmp files in another folder
called bmp etc. The argument to the program is a folder name.

5. Given a directory, write a program that will find all files with the same name in
the directory and its sub directories. Show their name, which folder they are in
and what day they were created. Expand the program to remove all duplicate
copies based on user input. That is, ask user if each one of the file is to be kept or
deleted. Based on user input, perform the appropriate action.

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