The Soil Profile

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Group 1 July 10, 2013

Jonathan O. Hernandez
Fellice Gabrielle R. Catelo
Adriane B. Tobias
Ednoriwin T. Dela Cruz

1. To acquaint the students with the basic concepts of soil profile development;
2. To familiarize students with the morphological description of soil profiles in the field;
3. To enable the students to appreciate the significance of soil profile descriptions in

Exercise 2
The Soil Profile

Results and Discussion

Layer Depth Color Texture Structu
0 16
Granular Friable No stone Many fine
Few fine
h brown
Few fine
Table 1 Characteristics of the soil layers obtained in the field.

The table shows important characteristics of the soil at different layers which have
obtained from a 1m x 1m area and 1.5 in depth with rainy weather during the conduct of
the exercise. Each layer differs in properties such as color, structure, texture, consistence
and biological.
Soils have many features that help us in distinguishing between the various horizons.
The first layer of the soil presented in Table 1 is considered as A Horizon based on its
characteristics. Few of these characteristics are color; structure and texture that helped the group
classify it as A horizon. Firstly, the dark brown color is very noticeable as compare to the next
layers that is, according to Carmean (1957) because of the natural or only slightly disturbed
material that took centuries to develop. The group used Munsell Color Chart because everyone
does not perceive nor describe color in the same manner to identify its color; thus, its reading
was 7.5 YR 3/4. Next characteristic that really helped the group is the texture; whereas, the feel
method had been used. Hence, although has no experience yet, the group was able to estimate the
sand, silt, and clay content of a soil sample with this method. Consequently, the group decided
that it has a silty clay texture which makes it smooth because of its having the feel of flour and
somewhat sticky in which particles were not visible with the naked eye. Another characteristic is
the structure. Here, the group was able to determine the arrangement of sand, clay and silt of the
sample by means of breaking it into groups or aggregates and by means of throwing it into the
ground. These aggregates were approximately 2-6mm and were relatively spherical or rounded
in appearance and with curved or very irregular portion in the sample; then, the group decided
that it should be granular in structure.

Figure 1. Granular structure of Horizon A
Moreover, consistency of the soil sample also helped in determining the proper name of
horizon of the first layer. The consistency that we the group had been obtained was friable
because it broke even with a small amount of pressure.
The second layer has been classified as B Horizon or subsoil because of its characteristics
that were obtained in the field (See Table 1). Firstly, the Munsells Color Chart reading was 5YR
4/4 which means reddish brown. This only shows that color is also an indicator of certain
physical and chemical characteristics because this layer accumulates/incorporates materials from
the overlying layers hence also known as illuviation horizon. The reddish brown color, perhaps,
is because the iron found in the soil has been oxidized. Secondly, the structure is block like as it
has roughly cube shapes that are relatively flat with approximately 5-45 mm across in size (See
Figure 2). The structure, perhaps, is because of the materials accumulated or incorporated from
the underlying layers, so we concluded that indeed it is B Horizon. And lastly, the texture really
helped the group know that the second layer is a B Horizon; it has silty clay texture that is

The third layer has been classified as the BC Horizon. This horizon means that it is
dominantly B characteristics but contains C horizon attributes. It has dark yellowish brown color;
this because, perhaps, of the substantial alteration of the original parent material that eliminated
original rock structure and formed clays or oxides with a resultant change in color and structure
or because of the of the clay and iron oxides washed down from upper horizons. The structure is
same as of B Horizon which is block like but it is relatively angular blocky. It has also few
stones and few fine roots.
A fertile soil is required for the successful production of plant life; thus, knowing
information related to it is important because this would help classify the soil by means of
knowing its morphological characteristics and eventually would help, particularly in forestry
Horizon Characteristics

A surface mineral horizon; mixture of organic matter and mineral material; usually
darker in color than horizons below because of higher organic matter content
Has granular structure also known as spheroidal, rounded, common in soils with
high organic matter
Silty clay with floury feel


Mineral horizon withan increase in clay, iron, aluminum, and organic matter
that has been deposited from the underlying horizon above;
Irregular blocks that are usually 1.5 - 5.0 cm in diameter


dominantly B characteristics but contains C horizon constituents
Substantial alteration of the original parent material that eliminated original rock
structure and formed clays or oxides with a resultant change in color and
Irregular blocks that are usually 1.5 - 5.0 cm in diameter
Figure 2 Block like structure of B Horizon

Table 2. Horizons of the three layers in table 1 with a summary of the characteristics.

sector, determine the capability of a certain layer in tree growth development. Understanding of
how soils are formed can help forest managers maintain healthy, productive and sustainable
forests. The structure for example, according to Carmean (1957), determines the number, size,
and continuity of soil pores and is important to both forest and agricultural land because it is
related to the quantity, quality, and periodicity of water yield. Hence, it largely determines the
ways in which it can be used. The structure of A Horizon (See Table 1) is granular. This means
that it is loosely packed. According to NRCS (2006), soil structure should have a proportion of
medium sized aggregates to facilitate better absorption of water and circulation of air. So,
structure of both B Horizon and A Horizon would be crucial to infiltration and productivity.
Next is the color, knowing the color is important as it is very relevant chemical
constituents of the soil that has a significant effect on trees. Chemical properties of soils can
regulate the nutrient availability in plant and without these nutrients from the soil plant growth
would be affected. The color of A horizon for example, it is dark brown that can tell the soils
composition because darker color can indicate more organic matter is present compared to soil of
a lighter color. Another example is the texture. Knowing the texture is probably an important
physical property that can determine the fertility, susceptibility to erosion and the plant water
availability. The A Horizon has silty clay texture (See Table 1) which can tell the horizons
fertility. According to Kincheloe (n.d), Fine textured soil has more pore space than coarse
textured because you can pack more small particles into a unit volume than larger ones.
Basically, knowing the morphological characteristics of the soil would help foresters
determine whether the soil is disturb and undisturbed and still have the capability to supply
mineral elements and water for the tree growth and reproduction and to serve as anchorage for
the tree especially during catastrophic situations like typhoons and floods.
Moreover, knowing the information of each horizon in the soil profile aids in
understanding the genesis of the soil and the processes involved in soil formation.
The Soil texture, structure, color and other physical characteristics as well as the
chemical composition of each horizon of the soil profile can change only over very long periods
of time through erosion and other environmental factors. It also evident that the soil indeed is not
inert does not change. It is undergoing many simultaneous physical, chemical, and biological
changes; thus, forming different horizons with different characteristics suited for different uses
particularly in plant growth development. It is advisable as it is fundamental, therefore, that
foresters or whoever undergoes tree plantation for forest rehabilitation should invest in studying
the soil prior prescription of tree species to be planted to avoid significant failure because every
plant species has its own adaptation especially in terms of water and nutrients availability,
drought and catastrophic tolerance, root penetration requirement and many others.
Guide Questions
2. a. Bca it has accumulated concretions or nodules and highly decomposed organic material.
b. Bt- This symbol indicates an accumulation of silicate clay that either has formed within a
horizon and subsequently has been translocated within the horizon or has been moved into the
horizon by illuviation, or both. At least some part of the horizon should show evidence of clay
accumulation either as coatings on surfaces of peds or in pores, as lamellae, or as bridges
between mineral grains.
c. Bg- This symbol indicates either that iron has been reduced and removed during soil formation
or that saturation with stagnant water has preserved it in a reduced state. Most of the affected
layers have chroma of 2 or less, and many have redox concentrations. The low chroma can
represent either the color of reduced iron or the color of uncoated sand and silt particles from
which iron has been removed. The symbol g is not used for materials of low chroma that have no
history of wetness, such as some shales or E horizons. If g is used with B, pedogenic change in
addition to gleying is implied.
d. Bs- This symbol is used with B to indicate an accumulation of illuvial, amorphous, dispersible
complexes of organic matter and sesquioxides if both the organic-matter and sesquioxide
components are significant and if either the color value or chroma, moist, of the horizon is 4 or
more. The symbol is also used in combination with h as "Bhs" if both the organic-matter and
sesquioxide components are significant and if the color value and chroma, moist, are 3 or less.
e. AC Soil- used for transitional horizons; it has a characteristic of an overlying A and an
underlying C horizon but it is more of an A Horizon.
3. a. Soil Monolith- sample of a soil profile with undisturbed structure, including several or all
the basic genetic horizons. These samples are used as visual aids for the study of soils at
educational institutions, for demonstrating the external characteristics of soil types and species at
exhibitions and in museums, and for laboratory experiments. The standard soil monolith is
considered to be a sample placed in a wooden box with dimensions (in centimeters) of 100 20
68. Film soil monoliths up to 1 cm thick are also common; they are used only for
demonstration purposes.
b. Soil series- A family of soils having similar profiles, and developing from similar original
materials under the influence of similar climate and vegetation.
c. Podzolization- The process by which a soil becomes more acid because of the depletion of
bases, and develops surface layers that have been leached of clay.
d. Laterization- The weathering process by which soils and rocks are depleted of soluble
substances, such as silica-rich and alkaline components and enriched with insoluble substances,
such as hydrated aluminum and iron oxides. Laterization is especially common in tropical
regions that have a pronounced dry season and a water table that is close to the surface.
e. Melanization- The development of a dark, usually brownish color in a soil as a consequence of
the incorporation of organic matter. A significant soil-forming process in the formation of mollic
surface horizons in soils of the grasslands.
f. Color attributes:
hue- gradation of color
value- brightness
chroma- Short for chrominance; The dimension of the Munsell system of color that corresponds
most closely to saturation, which is the degree of vividness of a hue.
4. Horizon A also called the topsoil s found below the O horizon and above the E horizon. Seeds
germinate and plant roots grow in this dark-colored layer. It is made up of humus (decomposed
organic matter) mixed with mineral particles while Horizon B also called the subsoil is beneath
the E Horizon and above the C Horizon. It contains clay and mineral deposits (like iron,
aluminum oxides, and calcium carbonate) that it receives from layers above it when mineralized
water drips from the soil above.

Carmean, W.H. (1957). The Structure of Forest Soils. Ohio Journal of Science, 57 (3).

Galang, M. A. (2003). Lecture Syllabus on Physical Geology. College of Forestry and Natural
University of the Philippines Los Banos.

Kincheloe, J (n.d). Forest Soils. Forest Resources of the United States.

Natural Resource Conservation Services. (2006). Soil: Fundamental Concepts.

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