Aluminum Activation Gallium Mechanism
Aluminum Activation Gallium Mechanism
Aluminum Activation Gallium Mechanism
which subsequently led to the formation of metallic gallium at
the surface. But the deposition of Ga achieved by this process is not sucient to provide
complete activation. The authors suggested that the role of Ga is to bias the surface
charge in the direction of activation. This biased condition facilitates the adsorption
of halide anions at more electronegative potentials than those observed with unalloyed
Al. El Shayebet al. have also considered that the activating eect of Ga was related with
the increased adsorption of Cl
ions [11]. The possible inuence of Ga in this process was analysed. Fig. 1
shows the potentiodynamic anodic polarisation at 0.001 V s
for an Al electrode
after cathodic polarisation at 2.0 V in 0.5 M Cl
, the pres-
ence of metallic contact between Ga and Al and cathodic species like protons and
dissolved oxygen results in a very active surface. In this state, the Al
exothermic reaction (DH
= 1406.7 kcal mol
) [13], help to produce a surface
temperature high enough to promote liquid gallium formation, facilitating its
Fig. 9. EDX spectrum of the particle shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 10. Open-circuit potential (OCP) vs. time plot of Al with metallic Ga mechanically attached in 0.1 M
HAc. The temperature was increased from 22 C and after 570 s reached 30 C.
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wetting action and surface diusion. The presence of spherical particles of Ga in the
corrosion products (Figs. 4h and 6) and at the bottom of the cell, supports the liquid
Ga formation.
The present results resemble those obtained when aluminium is in contact with
mercury. It is known that Al in contact with a solution of a mercury salt forms
Fig. 11. Open-circuit potential (OCP) vs. time plot of Al with metallic Ga mechanically attached in 0.1 M
HAc at 50 C.
Fig. 12. Potentiodynamic polarisation of Al with metallic Ga mechanically attached in 0.1 M HAc, at
v = 0.001 V s
, after reaching 1.050 V in the OCP measurement shown in Fig. 10.
1422 D.O. Flamini et al. / Corrosion Science 48 (2006) 14131425
metallic mercury, which then amalgamates the aluminium [14,15]. The amalgama-
tion occurs immediately when the Al oxide lm is broken by mechanical or chemical
action. Aluminium amalgam reacts with moisture to form a metal oxide lm (feath-
ers like) plus free mercury, which then can continue the corrosion process. It has
been found that Hg surface diusion undermined and detached the Al oxide [15
17]. As a consequence, the amalgam formed is exposed, attaining a potential similar
to that of bare aluminium. The formation of a surface GaAl alloy was postulated
by Tuck to explain the activation of AlGa alloys in chloride media. A rapid diu-
sion of Al through the agglomerated Ga prior to its oxidation and direct chemical
reduction of water by aluminium atoms have been suggested.
Bearing in mind the above discussion, it seems reasonable to assume that the
mechanism of Hg-activation can be applied successfully to interpret the activation
behaviour by Ga. Considering the corrosion products coming from the particle
(Fig. 5a), the presence of Al in the Ga particle (Fig. 9) and the hydrogen evolution
observed in particles that had fallen to the bottom of the cell, the formation of an
amalgam in the case of Ga can be proposed.
Several experiences show dierent degree of activation followed by a quasi-passiv-
ation process characterized by a potential of approximately 1.050 V. In the pres-
ence of Ga mechanically attached to the Al surface a very active OCP was
measured in HAc at 50 C (Fig. 11) and then the electrode surface slowly passivates
till the potential reaches 1.050 V. If the HAc solution was heated from room tem-
perature, a quick activation occurred when 30 C was attained (Fig. 10). Afterwards
repassivation was observed, reaching again the potential a value of 1.050 V. When
Ga is deposited in the cracks of the oxide lm from an acetic solution and the tem-
perature is high enough to maintain Ga liquid (Fig. 3), an activation was observed
but the potential only reached 1.050 V. Coming either from a passive state
(Fig. 3) or a very active one (Fig. 11) a gradual return to a dened potential was al-
ways observed (1.050 V). At this potential, it is likely that the amalgam becomes
saturated due to the rapid diusion of Al through it. To explain this process, losses
of Ga and Ga lm thinning have to be considered. All these results suggest that the
degree of activation depends on the amount of Ga accumulated on the Al surface
and its liquid or solid state. Under the experimental conditions used, the activation
state ranged from 1.500 to 1.050 V. The most active potential is obtained when
sucient amount of liquid Ga allows a quick Al diusion from the metal matrix.
If this amount is small, the rapid atomic diusion of Al will become inactive in
the amalgam by saturation. The following facts contribute to Ga losses: (i) lateral
surface diusion (Fig. 7), which is favoured when Ga is liquid; (ii) bulk intergranular
diusion [79]; (iii) surface turbulence, given by mechanical agitation (strong hydro-
gen evolution) and convective forces (exothermic hydrolysis reaction of Al
), evi-
denced by tiny spherical Ga particles observed in between the corrosion product
(Figs. 4h and 6) and also at the bottom of the cell. Thus, when Ga actually wets
Al these losses produce a Ga lm thinning which facilitates amalgam saturation.
At this stage, a quasi-solid state is attained, and as a consequence the atomic Al dif-
fusion and the Al oxidation rate at the amalgam/media interface diminish. The inter-
face temperature produced by the exothermic Al
hydrolysis reaction lowers, and
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the amalgam nally solidies. Through this process, the evolution of hydrogen
diminishes, decreasing the local pH. All these conditions favour passivation and
the OCP evolves to more noble values (1.050 V). This explains why, although a
huge amount of Ga (particle) is placed on Al in acetic media, after a long period
of time, amalgam solidication occurred and the corrosion potential is shifted from
approximately 1.500 to 1.050 V. The ohmic control observed (Fig. 12) is proba-
bly exerted by the slow atomic Al diusion through the quasi-solid GaAl amalgam
and/or the Al
transport across the oxide formed at the amalgam/solution interface.
It is interesting to note here, that when Ga is in chloride solution and in true con-
tact with Al but in solid state, the active potential reached tends to 1.1 V (Figs. 1
and 2). According to Frumkin et al. [18] the potential of zero charge, E
, measured
for Ga in a 1.0 M KCl solution was 1.10 V. This means the possibility of a dual
activation mechanism produced by Ga on Al: (i) when a liquid GaAl amalgam is
formed, a very active dissolution of Al is possible, whose corrosion potential is about
1.5 V, and a smooth-wide cavities attack is expected (Fig. 7); (ii) when this amal-
gam is inactive, either due to saturation and/or solidication, Ga presence facilitates
the Cl