Working Load To Break Load: Safety Factors in Composite Yacht Structures
Working Load To Break Load: Safety Factors in Composite Yacht Structures
Working Load To Break Load: Safety Factors in Composite Yacht Structures
Abstract. The loads imposed on yacht structures fall broadly into two categories: the distributed forces imposed by the action of the
wind and waves on the shell of the yacht, and the concentrated loads imposed by the rig and keel to their attachment points on the
structure. This paper examines the nature of the latter set of loads and offers a methodology for the structural design based on those
The loads imposed on a rig attachment point vary continuously while the yacht is sailing. Designers frequently quote "working load",
"safe working load", "maximum load" or "break load" for a rigging attachment, but the relationship of this value to the varying load is
not always clear. A set of nomenclature is presented to describe clearly the different load states from the "steady-state" value, through
the "peak, dynamic" value to the eventual break load of the fitting and of the composite structure.
Having defined the loads, the structure must be designed to carry them with sufficient stiffness, strength and stability. Inherent in
structural engineering is the need for safety factors to account for variations in load, material strength, geometry tolerances and other
uncertainties. A rational approach to the inclusion of safety factors to account for these effects is presented. This approach allows the
partial safety factors to be modified to suit the choice of material, the nature of the load and the structure and the method of analysis.
Where more than one load acts on an area of the structure, combined load cases must be developed that model realistically the worst
case scenario. In particular if the loading is quasi-static, the total loads on the structure must be in equilibrium. This is particularly
important for Finite Element Analysis since an unbalanced load case can lead to excessive reactions at the points of restraint of the
Finite Element Model. A method is presented for the development of a balanced load case for upwind sailing which allows
significant insight into the behaviour of a yacht structure under "real" sailing conditions. The keystone of this approach is a method
for constraining the model in a statically-determinate manner, to avoid adding unrealistic stiffness to the model.
Finally, once the structure has been built, it is sound practice to proof test it to give confidence in its reliability. The value of load for
proof testing is a difficult choice but is made more straightforward by the rational approach to load definition presented in the paper.
method or assumptions. For an aluminium airframe this
factor might be as low as 1.0[1]. Such a low safety factor
is justifiable only if the analysis methods are known from
test results to be accurate and conservative.
Figure 2: A comparison of methods for incorporating
safety factors in engineering analysis For yacht design, the time spent measuring loads and
designing the structure accurately enough to use such a
small safety factor is usually not worth the weight saving,
5. SIMPLIFIED LIMIT STATE DESIGN IN so the factor is usually much higher, perhaps 1.5 or more.
YACHT STRUCTURES d) The load on the composite structure cannot usually be
The steps required to apply the Simplified Limit State higher than the LIMIT load, since the rigging will break
Design approach to yacht structural analysis are at this load. For some structures therefore, it is sufficient
described below. The basic steps are: to make the composite strong enough not to break at
LIMIT load. In practice however, if the fitting does break
a) define all the loads that will act on the yacht in a Load (for some unforeseen reason), one does not want to have
Table to replace the hull structure in case it has been degraded
b) define the material properties to be used for analysis as in any way, even if it did not actually break apart. Thus it
a set of Design Allowables is usually wise to design for no degradation (e.g. resin
microcracking of composites, yield of metals, or other
c) analyse the structure non-catastrophic failure) at LIMIT load. This is
particularly important for composites as micro-structural
damage is so difficult to detect.
5.1 Definition of loads
e) An occasional local yield or microcracking failure is
At the start of the design process, a load table is drawn up
more acceptable than a catastrophic failure. To ensure
which gives the W1, W2, LIMIT and ULTIMATE values
that the statistical likelihood of a catastrophic failure is
for each loaded fitting (see Figure 1).
even lower than that of a LIMIT failure, some further
a) The starting point is the W1 (static working) load, factor of safety is required. The simplest way to do this is
which can usually be measured, estimated from to design the structure not to fail catastrophically at a
experience or calculated from first principles. The W1 hypothetical ULTIMATE load, which is greater than the
load is multiplied by a factor to get to the W2 (peak, LIMIT load by some factor. In aerospace, this factor is
dynamic) load. This factor varies according to the fitting typically around 1.5[1]. In an inshore raceboat, where the
under consideration. For instance it might be around 1.6 consequences of structural failure are less devastating
for a backstay chainplate, but only 1.2 for a forestay than they would be in an airliner, the factor might be
chainplate, since slamming into waves tends to tighten the reduced somewhat. On a blue-water cruiser, it might be
backstay but slacken the forestay, and because sudden significantly higher. Note that the ULTIMATE load
easing of the mainsheet will momentarily increase the cannot theoretically be reached because the rigging
load on the backstay. Given sufficient time and money, should break first, but it is a convenient tool for design
the W2 load could be calculated by measurement and purposes.
statistical extrapolation, but for most yacht projects the
only practical method is to factor up from W1 based on
experience. 5.2 Material design allowables
b) Whilst the W2 load is theoretically the highest load Test results will give a spread of values that can be
that the structure will see, it is prudent to specify rigging assumed to follow some statistical distribution (Normal[2]
and fittings that are somewhat stronger than this, to or Gaussian[1]) – see Figure 3. With sufficient test data,
account for fatigue, ageing, and uncertainty in the load statistical methods allow material property values to be
data. Hardware suppliers (e.g. Harken) tend to use a chosen which it can be assumed that nearly all future
factor of 2.0 or more above the steady-state (W1) load[6]. samples will exceed (say 90% or 99%) with a reasonable
Rig designers typically specify rigging that is at least 2.5 level of confidence (say 95%). In general, at least 5 test
times stronger than the W1 load[7]. The break load of the samples are required to give a reasonable level of
confidence in the results[3]. Of course, even if 99% of the on. Thus the analysis will show that if the structure is
material in a real structure is stronger than assumed, 1% strong or stiff enough to satisfy the chosen safety factor,
will be weaker. However, even if a small percentage of it will in fact usually be slightly stronger or stiffer still,
the material is slightly weaker than the assumed strength, and this extra is called the Reserve Factor (R.F.) or
the chances of this causing catastrophic failure are small, Margin of Safety (M.o.S.)[4]. These are defined as:
particularly where there are several (redundant) load Reserve Factor = (actual strength / required strength)
paths and if it can be considered that the ULTIMATE
safety factor includes a small margin to cover under- Margin of Safety* = (actual strength / required strength)
strength material[1]. – 1.0
*M.o.S. is usually expressed as a percentage
45 Thus a structure with a Reserve Factor of 1.05 could be
Test data
40 said to have a Margin of Safety of 5%.
No. of occurrences, n
A Safety Factor is a number that is chosen by the
designer before the structure is designed or analysed. In
practice, structural materials come in discrete sizes: there Figure 4: Illustration of Reserve Factors and Margins of
are standard ply thicknesses, sizes of extrusions and so Safety for a hypothetical keel grillage structure consisting
of longitudinal and transverse beams. The deflection be restrained by putting it into a virtual sea and letting it
under 30° heeling load is critical for the transverse sail along until it reaches a steady state; in any case such
members and close to optimum. The ultimate strength in a model would take a long time to converge on a stable
grounding is critical for the longitudinal members, and solution. In essence, what is required is a mathematical
insufficient. way to represent the force of the water on the hull, such
that the buoyancy generated exactly balances the
“weight” of the model, the drag exactly balances the
7. COMBINED LOADS AND FINITE ELEMENT driving force from the rig, and the lift of the foils exactly
ANALYSIS balances the side-force.
One way to achieve this is to represent the water by a
7.1 Combined load cases number of spring elements connected between the yacht
model and the ground. As the boat is pulled forward and
With loads clearly defined in terms of W1, W2, LIMIT sideways by the rig forces and downwards by its own
and ULTIMATE, it becomes reasonably straightforward weight, the springs will stretch to react against the
to specify combined load cases. For instance, a shroud movement, and if there are enough springs, the net effect
chainplate with the D1 and V1 shrouds attached to it must will be something like the distributed forces due to
be able to withstand the break load of either rod. When buoyancy and drag. However the springs also add
one rod breaks, there will also be some load on the other stiffness to the boat, so as the forestay and backstay tend
rod, but probably not its break load. It would be to bend the hull, the springs will resist that bending and
reasonable to assume W2 load on the D1 shroud when the give the impression that the boat is stiffer than she really
V1 breaks, so the combined LIMIT load case would be is. To minimise this effect the springs must be made very
LIMIT V1 shroud load (i.e. the break load of the rod) “soft”, but the movement of the model in sink and pitch is
plus W2 load on the D1 shroud. This LIMIT case can then very large under the imposed forces.
then be factored up as usual to get the combined
ULTIMATE load on the chainplate. A better way is to restrain the boat with just enough
restraints to take out the six rigid-body degrees of
freedom (translation and rotation in each of the X, Y and
7.2 Load cases for FEA Z directions). If only enough points on the model are
restrained to remove the six degrees of freedom, no
This approach can be extended to specify load cases for stiffness will be added to the model.
Finite Element (FE) models. A useful system is to run
one “realistic” loadcase which includes all the W1 loads However, unless the applied forces are perfectly
acting on the structure under some steady-state sailing balanced, there will be some non-zero reaction forces at
situation, perhaps sailing upwind, as this is usually the these restraints, which could lead to unrealistic local
case with the greatest global bending moment on the stresses.
boat. In addition to this W1 loadcase, several LIMIT A successful solution to this problem is to restrain the
loadcases can be run, with LIMIT load applied to one model using the rigging (see Figure 5). It will be
fitting or rig attachment and W1 loads applied to assumed that the FE model consists of the hull and
everything else. That way, the stresses due to the LIMIT appendages, with the influence of the rig represented by
load are superimposed on the basic stresses due to the forces applied at the rigging attachments. Five of the six
global bending of the boat, the rig pretension and so on. degrees of freedom can be eliminated by restraining:
These two types of load case are explored in more detail a) The two V1 chainplates in the direction of the V1
below. shrouds
b) The forestay chainplate in the direction of the forestay
7.3 W1 Equilibrium Load Case c) The keel and rudder centres of lift in the direction of
Because all the W1 loads on the boat are maximum the lift vectors
“steady-state” loads, they should all balance out so that This leaves the boat unrestrained longitudinally. In
the model is in equilibrium, i.e. not accelerating in any reality the boat accelerates until its drag balances the net
direction. Thus the sideforce on the sails should balance driving force from the rig. The drag force when the boat
the lift from the keel, the mast compression should is at full speed can usually be assumed to act evenly on
balance the tension in the shrouds and the sheets, and so the wetted surface of the boat. Since the keel top is
on. This load case could therefore be called an approximately at the centre of the wetted surface for most
equilibrium loadcase. boats, and the drag force is small compared to the other
forces on the keel, restraining the keel top longitudinally
is a simple way to eliminate the remaining degree of
7.4 Restraints freedom. The stiffness of the keel structure means that
Finite Element models need to be restrained in space the small reaction force at this restraint causes only small
even if all the forces acting on them are in equilibrium. additional stresses on the model.
There is as yet no FEA code that allows a yacht model to
Fortunately for the FE analyst, the pressure distribution
on a yacht hull in flat water is approximately hydrostatic;
Y the local variations due to dynamic pressure head make
up a relatively small proportion of the net force.
V1 LWD Thus for the purposes of the FE model, the water can
usually be represented by a hydrostatically varying
V1 WWD pressure field. The water plane must be inclined to a
suitable angle of heel and trim to balance the assumed rig
forces and at sufficient sinkage so that the buoyancy
DRAG balances the weight of the yacht.
Note that the water pressure distribution assumed can
give a net force that balances the applied rig loads, but is
not locally an accurate representation of the water
pressure. In particular, the yacht’s own wave system will
KEEL LIFT reduce the pressure amidships and increase it towards the
bow and stern, tending to increase the global bending of
the boat slightly. This should be taken into account by
RUDDER LIFT modifying the pressure field if it is likely to be a
significant effect compared to the global bending due to
the rig (e.g. on a ketch or a schooner). Much more
Figure 5: A statically determinate set of restraints for a yacht serious for the hull shell itself are the slamming loads
FE model from external wave systems; these need to be analysed
separately and are beyond the scope of this paper.
Once the six degrees of freedom have been restrained,
provided that all the forces on the boat are in equilibrium,
there will be little or no reaction forces at the restraints. 7.6 Limit load cases and restraints
In addition to the equilibrium load case described above,
to check the strength of local parts of the structure it will
usually be necessary to subject the model to a LIMIT
load case. This will almost by definition be a dynamic,
i.e. non-equilibrium situation, so the system of loads and
restraints used for the equilibrium load case will not be
applicable. However, St Venant’s principle[8] states that,
provided the model is restrained sufficiently remotely
from the area of interest, the method of restraint will have
little effect on the local results. Thus it is usually
sufficient simply to “clamp” the model away from the
area of application of load, and ignore the stresses around
the restraints[9].