Group 3 Avogadro Final Chap 1-4

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

School is the place where students’ mainstreams are

developed. Their performance is highly perceived to

determine their standing in class. Their position is

verified through various school activities.

Assignments and projects are two of the most

significant requirements in school. Both of which, if not

complied perfectly, can affect the students’ grade a

great deal. The amenability of these musts depends on the

approach of students towards it.

Different factors that are thought to influence

student’s compliance of school requirements have been

noted. It has been observed that some cases of point are

a student’s socio-demographic profile, attitude, health,

resource, time management, and environment.

The socio- demographic profile is the students

gender, age, marital status and educational background.

It has been thought that these contribute to the behavior


of students towards the requirements. Their attitude

affects submission greatly, too, depending if he or she

is hardworking or lazy, independent or dependent, careful

or careless and so on. Their health is also a major

factor for a student’s physical, mental, social and

emotional condition causes alterations of a learner’s

responsiveness to school obligations. A student’s source

of homework is also a concern in a student’s evaluation

depending on its quality and accuracy. The quantity of

resources also contributes to their compliance whether a

student is abundant or absent with them. How a student

manages his or her time also shapes his or her compliance

of requirements. Environment can also affect the

conformity of school requirements.

These factors will be used in conducting a survey

about the factors affecting students’ performance in

compliance to school requirements. Through this, problems

and approach of students towards school requirements will

be determined. This may help their family and teachers

understand their situation better.


Review of Related Literature

A student, by definition is a person engaged in a

course of study especially in a learning institution

(Webster Dictionary, 2005). A school is where a person’s

knowledge and thinking is formed. The progress of a

student’s learning is tracked by teachers through

different outputs from the students. These outputs are

graded by teachers and a student’s performance is

reflected on his or her grades. School requirements like

assignments and projects are outputs which greatly

affects grades of students. Different factors affect a

students compliance to school requirements. These include

socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors

(Hansen, J.B., 2000). Other factors include students ,

available resources, a students attitude towards

fulfilling requirements and how a student’s health,

available resources, a students attitude towards

fulfilling requirements and how a student manages his or

her time.

Attitude Factor

A student’s performance is affected by his or her

attitudes toward school requirements. An attitude is a

hypothetical construct that represents an individuals

degree of like or dislike for an item. It is a tendency

to act toward or against some environmental a positive or

negative value (Bogardus, 1965). Different definitions of

“attitude” exists but researchers would agree that

“attitude” can be best described as “a learned

predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or

unfavorable manner with respect to a given object”

(Fishbein and Ajzen,1975).

Attitudes of students affect how they perform and

comply school requirements. According to Christopher, G.

(1998) if children have positive attitudes and look

forward to attending, it stands to reason they will do

better in class.

Health Factor

The health of a student can also affect a student’s

performance. Health care providers often advise parents

and teachers that children can learn optimal levels only


if they are healthy (Taras,H.,2006). It has been found

that health affect performance in various ways poor sleep

for example, results to poor grades. According to Taras,

poor sleep was among the most unexpected and definitive

cause of poor academics. Other health factors include

exercise, chronic health problems,proper intake of meals.

Available Resources

A resource is only a physical or virtual entity of

limited availability or anything used to help one earn a

living. Resources of the students in their study really

affects their performance in school ( Osborne,

1998).Simple things like open computer labs for students

who cannot afford their own computer, financial services

and advice counseling, proper academic advising and other

tools. Availability of reference books such as sets of

encyclopedias, magazines, articles, thesaurus, atlas,

maps, novels and dictionaries at home are highly needed

by students in copying up their studies, assignments and

projects in school. Internet services are also of great

help in different research works.


Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are factors outside of the

classroom that affect performance inside the classroom.

According to Syed Tahir Hijaziand Raza Nagriz (2009),

environmental factors have the greatest potential impact

on students’ assessment and performance, and on that we

sometimes tend to overlook. The learner’s environment,

their life is what is going to impact the most on

student’s learning experience. Family characteristics are

a major source of disparity in students’ education

outcomes. Better- educated parents can contribute to

their children’s learning through day-to-day interactions

with their children and involve themselves in their

children’s work. Parent also have higher aspirations and

expectations for their children’s occupation and

education, which in turn can influence their commitment

to learning.

Time Management

Time management refers to a range of skill, tool and

techniques used to manage time when accomplishing

specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompass a


wide scope of activities and these include planning,

allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time

spent, monitoring, organizing and scheduling. Initially,

time management system is designed combination of

processes, tool and techniques (Fishbein & Aljzen, 1975).

Time Management skill are important for students who

often find themselves performing many different works

everyday. Time management will increase students’

productivity. Realizing that time management is

effective, students who implement a time management plan

have equal time for different requirements.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Teachers should consider that there are many factors

that can affect students performances towards school

work. Students’ performances are affected by different

factor such as learning abilities because new paradigm

about learning assumes that all students can and should

learn at higher levels but it should not be considered

constraint because there are other factors like race and

gender that can affect students performance( Hansen, Joe

B.,2000). It has been carried out on in- and out-of-


school variables affecting students performances in

school are school factors, self-concept, self-efficacy,

attribution, motivation and press

variable( Kiamanesh,2004).

Factors affecting
Students Performance
Socio- demographic towards school
profile of the Requirements:
Respondent: • Attitude
• Health
• Sex • Environment
• Age • Time Management
• Resources

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the common factors

affecting students’ performance towards school


Specifically, the study seeks to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of student

respondents in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Age

2. What are common factors that affect students

academic performance in compliance of their school

requirements when grouped according to:

a. Attitude

b. Health

c. Environment

d. Time Management

e. Resources

3. What is the factor which greatly affect the

compliance of students towards their school


4. Is there a significant difference on the different

factors which affects the compliance of students

toward school requirements when grouped according to

attitude, health, environment, time management and




There is no significant difference on the different

factors which affects the compliance of students towards

school requirements when grouped according to attitude,

health, environment, time management and resources.


There is a significant difference on the different

factors which affects the compliance of students towards

school requirements when grouped according to attitude,

health, environment, time management and resources.

Significance of the Study

The finding of this study may yield information or

give benefits regarding some fields to the following

groups and individuals.

Teachers. This study may give knowledge and more

things in teachers about particular aspect such as their


relationship towards students. This may affect their

concern and the way they treat students as their own and

how would they interact with them and this may also give

them ideas about what are the students main problems why

they sometimes fail and why are their school performances

towards school requirements are incomprehensively down,

often times. By this, they could help the students by

giving them appropriate things that must be done and give

comments that helps students to adjust and balance their

school life.

Students. Students would be able to know, by this

study the common factors, and also the problems that they

don’t seem to notice and are just taken advantage of.

Thus, they could find a way to minimize and balance these

problems. They could also be able to appreciate more on

what their teachers were trying to do or doing to help

cope with these factors that affects their performances.

They could open-up and develop their relationship towards

their teachers and parents. Also, if they balance these

factors in their student life, their school performances

and compliance of requirements most probably would be

affected. Perhaps, it would be better.


Parents. This study would be able to give knowledge

to the parent about the different factors which cab

affects their children’s performance in school. The study

could also give the parents some hint on what they can do

for their children about the problems they’ve been facing

in school. Parents could also help their children deal

with the different factors and encourage them to do

better in school. With this study, parents can be more

considerate on the performance of their children in

school and they will be more aware with the factors that

affects the compliance of their children’s school


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses mainly on the factors that

affects the performance of a student in accomplishing

his/her requirements. The factors that affects a

student’s performance will be based in the given

questionnaires and will be rated by the researchers. The

respondents of this study are 80 Third year CRACK

students to determine the common factors which affect


their performances towards their school requirements. The

personal factors---sex and age is needed in the

investigation. The factors that affects the performance

of a student towards their school requirements is rated

on how it greatly affects their performance.

Definition of Terms

To corroborate common understanding, the terms were

operationally defined for better understanding and

lucidity of the study.

Attitude. The term refers to the degree of like or

dislike for an item. It is the views and opinions of

individuals. It is one of the factors that can affect the

academic performances of students towards their

compliance of school requirements.

Environments. The term refers to the factors outside

the classroom which affects the performance of students

inside the classroom.

Health. The terms refers to the state or condition

of a person. This is also considered one of the factors

that have a great impact on the compliance of school

requirements among students.


Performances. The term refers to the effect of the

factors that can affect students performance in school.

It is also the accomplishment of a given task which is

measured against preset standards of accuracy,

completeness and speed.

Resources. The term refers to the things which

students use as references on their school requirements.

Lack of resources may make the students performance

toward school requirements poor.

Requirements. It is the necessities or demands that

is given by a teacher to their students. With these

requirements, students will be able to use their skills

in making and complying their requirements. These

requirements will also be able students to develop

positive attitude like passing the requirements on time

and diligence.

Time Management. The term refers to the organization

of tasks and using time wisely. The students’ management

of time greatly affect their compliance of school


Chapter II


Research Design

This study used the survey method of research, in

particular, the descriptive method. It make use of the

said method in as much as the main purpose of this

research was to determine the factors affecting the

compliance of school requirements among third year

students of Agusan National High School. A survey

questionnaire is being presented with 31 items each for

students to answer. The quantitative data research

techniques using scales to assess the factors affecting

the compliance of school requirements among students.

Research Locale

The respondents of this study were the Third Year

Crack students of Agusan National High School, an

institute located at A.D. Curato Street, Butuan City. The

school was first set up in Cabadbaran City as an

extension of the Cabadbaran Elementary School. In 1921,

the high school was relocated in Butuan, still a

municipality at that time. The high school was separated


from Butuan Central Elementary School in 1927 and made an

independent unit. It had a staff of six teachers as well

as a principal with an enrollment of about 268 students.

It shut down on the 8th of December 1941 due to the

occurrence of conflict in World War II. It reopened on

July 16, 1945 during the first days of liberty.

Matriculation was held at the Guingona Park. Most of the

school facilities were from charitable backers like Mr. &

Mrs. Jose C. Aquino, Democrito O. Plaza and his brother

Figurado O. Plaza, Consuelo V. Calo, Salvador L. Calo,

Guillermo R. Sanchez, and other individual alumnus. The

school’s current principal is Mr. Peter G. Esterioso who

supervised the learning center since 2006.

Agusan National High School is guided by the

following vision and mission.

Vision: “A school that produces learners with knowledge

and skills both academic and vocational, God-loving and

law abiding citizens.”

Mission: “The school must provide quality and relevant

education to the students through effective and relevant

teaching strategies, enriched instructional materials

with strong values orientation and a team of committed


and a team of committed and qualified teachers ably

supported by the PTA, LGU's and NGO's thus making them

productive in the society”.

This educational facility consists of various

curriculums. Among which includes the Science and

Technology Oriented High School (STOHS) implemented by

DepEd Order No. 41, S 2004. The Special Program in the

Arts (SPA) is a course for students with flairs in music,

visual arts, theater arts, media arts, creative writing,

and dance. The Restructured Basic Education Curriculum

(RBEC) offers formal basic education making use of

pioneering manner of instructional delivery. The

Technology Vocational Education Curriculum (Tech. Voc.)

trains high school graduated to be ready for college and

employment without the need of remediation.

The academic institution consists of different

departments: the Mathematics Department which is headed

by Mrs. Maria Rita D. Calo, the Science Department which

is supervised by Mrs. Julita N. Garcia, the English

Department led by Mrs. Merlina M. Dy, the Social Studies

Department with Mrs. Nenita M. Bacala as its department

head, the Values Education Department headed by Mrs.


Amelita M. Aquino, the MAPEH Department supervised by

Mrs. Asuncion D. Camacho, the Filipino Department led by

Mr. Froilan G. Borongan, and the TLE Department with Mr.

Buenaventura C. Camilosa, Jr..

The school presents numerous facilities and services

including three libraries: the Caridad Trillo Elumba

Library of English, the Youth environment Service

Organization (YES-O) Library and the Aklatang Filipino.

It also owns an amphitheatre to be used for affairs

applicable to students and teachers. Workrooms like the

speech laboratory, chemistry laboratory, and computer

laboratory are also found within this academe. It also

boasts a school museum, a clinic, and canteens.

Major organizations are abundant in the campus. The

Boy Scouts of the Philippines and its counterpart, the

Girl Scouts of the Philippines both serve the community

through different programs. The Citizenship Advancement

Training (CAT) which educates students responsibility and

self-respect, the Red Cross Youth (RCY), an alert bundle

who helps the clinic personnel during times of crisis,

the Rover Scouts, the Drum & Bugle Corps, School Choir,

Dance Troupe, and the Supreme Student Government (SSG), a


legal student organization tasked to pick up

consultations and recommendations of students and other

concerns that affect them, are more cases of point of

groups found in the grounds of Agusan National High


The Third Year Crack students, who sum up to a total

population of 215, are divided into four sections. Mr.

Angelito F. Agustin is the curriculum chairman for the

Third Year level.

Research Instruments

The research instruments used in conducting the

study were the following:

1. Questionnaire Checklist Form. The researchers

constructed this instrument to ascertain the socio-

demographic profile of the student respondents. The

instrument determined, among others, the sex and

gender of the respondents. The indicators on the

factors affecting students’ compliance on their

school requirements are also listed down to

determine the factor which greatly affects students

performance towards school requirements.


2. Survey Questionnaire for Students. This instrument

was applied to determine the factors, which greatly

affects the compliance of school requirements among


Data Gathering Procedure

Survey Questionnaire was prepared and was sent to 80

third year students randomly. The respondents were

requested to rate the different factors which greatly

affects their compliance of school requirements when

grouped according to attitude, health, environment, time

management and resources.

All accomplished questionnaires were retrieved,

processed, tabulated, and submitted for analysis of data.

Sampling Techniques

The research study used the simple random sampling

technique( F= n/N x 100% ). The researchers asked the

list of third year CRACK students of Agusan National High

School. With this list, the researchers will choose 80

student respondents randomly and they will be asked to

rate the different factors that greatly affects their

performance in complying school requirements.


Table 1.Distribution of Student Respondents in the Third

Year (CRACK) Sections of Agusan National High School

Population Sample
Total Total
Section Male Female Male Female
1. Diamond 7 43 50 3 16 19
2. Emerald 11 43 54 4 16 20
3. Amethyst 13 39 52 5 14 19
4. Aquamarine 18 41 59 7 15 22
Total 49 166 215 19 61 80

Table 1 shows the distribution of student

respondents in the third year (CRACK) sections of Agusan

National High School. With the use of sampling fraction,

the number of respondents in every section was obtained.

Section Aquamarine or item number 4 has the highest

respondents who took the survey questionnaire prepared by

the researchers. Twenty-two respondents were given the


In contrast, Diamond and Amethyst have the lowest

respondents who took the questionnaire. Nineteen were

asked to answer the said questionnaire.

The total population of the four section is 215 and

the total sample in the study is 80 respondents.


Data Analysis

The data gathered from the respondents will be

carefully evaluated and analyzed by the researchers. They

will conduct a careful distribution of the survey

questionnaires. The researchers used a scale with 5 point

rating scale as follows: (5) Always, (4) Mostly, (3)

Sometimes, (2) Rarely, (1) Never. The final form of the

survey questionnaires for the third year students contain

the personal information and a 31 item of the common

factors affecting the performance of students towards

their school requirements.

Socio-demographic Profile

A. Age

2 – 15-16 years old

1 – 13-14 years old

B. Gender

2 – Male

1 – Female

Factors that affect students’ compliance towards school


Descriptive Weight Scale Interval for Mean

Always 5 4.50 – 5.00

Mostly 4 3.50 – 4.49
Sometimes 3 2.50 – 3.49

Rarely 2 1.50 – 2.49

Never 1 0.50 – 1.49

Factors that affect students’ compliance towards school


Descriptive Weight Scale Interval for Standard

Always 5 4.50 – 5.00
Mostly 4 3.50 – 4.49
Sometimes 3 2.50 – 3.49
Rarely 2 1.50 – 2.49
Never 1 0.50 – 1.49

Statistical Treatment

1. Sampling Fraction. Using the formula F=n/N x 100%,

the sampling fraction can be obtained. To be able to

clarify the formula, the definition of the symbols

are as the following:

F = sampling fraction

N = the population of third year CRACK


n = the number of respondents

2. Mean. The mean for all the items in the factors

affecting the compliance of school requirements

among third year students of Agusan National High

School is obtained using the scale.

3. Standard Deviation. It is a measure of the

variability or dispersion of statistical data, a

data set, or a probability distribution from its


4. One-Way Analysis of Variance. This statistical

treatment is used to test if there is a significant

difference on the factors affecting the compliance

of school requirements among students when grouped

according to: Attitude, Health, Environment, Time

Management and Resources.


Chapter 3


This chapter emphasizes the answers to the

investigation. The presentation, interpretation and


analysis of results of data is being shown in this


Problem 1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of sex and age?

Table 2. Distribution of Student Respondents by Sex


MALE 19 24%

FEMALE 61 76%

TOTAL 80 100%

Table 2 shows that majority of the student

respondents are female which is 61 or 76% of the total


The data shows that most of the student respondents

are females with a small fraction of it are male.

Table 3. Distribution of Student Respondents by Age



15-16 29 36%
13-14 51 64%

TOTAL 80 100%

Table 3 shows that most of the student respondents’

age belong to 13-14 years old which is 51 or 64% of the

total respondents being considered in the study


While the students with 15-16 years of age is 29 or

36% of the total population of the respondents in the


Problem 2. What are common factors that affect students

academic performance in compliance of their school

requirements when grouped according to Attitude, Health,

Environment, Time Management and Resources?

Table 4. Common Factors that Affect Students Compliance

of their School Requirements according to Attitude

Verbal Verbal
Indicators Mean Description SD Description
1. I do my school requirements
diligently 4.60 Always 0.60 Never
2. I submit my school requirements
on time 4.40 Mostly 0.70 Never
3. I make my school requirements
independently. I don't ask help from
my classmates 3.50 Mostly 0.70 Never
4. I take different actions to make my
school requirements at its best. 4.00 Mostly 1.00 Never

5. I wait for others to finish their

school requirements before I do mine. 2.00 Rarely 1.20 Never
6. I try to do my requirements at home
but if I find it difficult, I easily
give up and copy other work. 2.80 Sometimes 1.00 Never
7. I do my school requirements just
for compliance and never mind its
quality. 2.10 Rarely 1.10 Never
Over-all 3.34 Sometimes 0.90 Never

Table 4 shows the common factors that affect the

compliance of students towards their school requirements

according to Attitude. The data shows that Indicator No.

1 which is I do my school requirements diligently has the

highest mean among the indicators which is 4.6 with a

verbal description of Always. The students do their

school requirements diligently. This shows that students

really work hard in the compliance of their school

requirements. They work with it with all effort and this

shows a positive attitude.

The least rated item is indicator no. 5 which is I

try to do my requirements at home but if I find it


difficult, I easily give up and copy other work, has a

weighted mean of 2 and a verbal description of Rarely.

Students don’t wait for others to finish their school

requirements before they do theirs. This shows that

students work independently in doing their school

requirements. And this also shows a positive attitude of


The common factors that affect students’ compliance

towards their school requirements according to attitude

got an over-all mean of 3.34 and a verbal description of


Table 5. Common Factors that Affect Students Compliance

of their School Requirements according to Health
Verbal Verbal
Indicators Mean Description SD Description
1. I can't listen to teachers'
instructions clearly because of hearing
1.60 Rarely 0.90 Never
2. I can't see the writings on the
board clearly because of sight problems 1.50 Rarely 1.00 Never
3. I can't focus clearly on the
teachers' discussion due to health
problems. 2.00 Rarely 1.00 Never
4. I can't accomplish school
requirement at home because my body is
too weak or too tired. 1.90 Rarely 0.90 Never
5. I don't eat three meals a day which
results to less focus on the teacher’s
discussion. 2.00 Rarely 1.00 Never
6. Lack of sleep leads to less
concentration towards the compliance of
school requirements 3.00 Sometimes 1.00 Never
7. I can't have check-ups whenever I'm
sick. I bear with the sickness when I'm
doing my school requirements 2.00 Rarely 1.10 Never
Over-all 2.00 Rarely 0.99 Never

Table 5 shows the common factors that affect

students compliance towards school requirements according

to health. Indicator no. 6 which is Lack of sleep leads

to less concentration towards the compliance of school

requirements, got the highest mean of 3 with a verbal

description of Sometimes. The common factor which greatly

affects students’ compliance towards their requirements

is the lack of sleep which leads to less concentration.

This shows that lack of sleep has a great impact on the

performance of students in the compliance of their school


The least rated factor is Indicator no. 2 which is I

can't see the writings on the board clearly because of

sight problems, with a mean of 1.5 and a verbal

description of Rarely. It shows that not seeing the

writings on the board clearly because of sight

problems have a less impact on the compliance of school

requirements. Based on this, students may don’t have

sight problems that’s why this item got the lowest mean.

The common factors that affect students’ compliance

towards their school requirements according to health got

an over-all mean of 2 and a verbal description of Rarely.


Table 6. Common Factors that Affect Students Compliance

of their School Requirements according to Environment

Verbal Verbal
Indicators Mean Description SD Description
1. I live in a peaceful place, which
is suitable for making my school
requirements. 4.40 Mostly 0.90 Never
2. My parents don't have enough
money to buy materials for school
requirements 2.30 Rarely 1.10 Never
3. My siblings distracts me whenever
I do my assignments at home. 2.20 Rarely 1.10 Never
4. I have some problems about my
family that makes me unable to pass
my requirements 1.90 Rarely 1.10 Never
5. My friends persuade me to do my
assignments. 3.00 Sometimes 1.40 Never
6. I live near the squatters' area
where there are many quarrels
happening. 1.40 Never 0.90 Never
Over-all 2.53 Sometimes 1.08 Never

Table 6 shows the common factors that affect

students’ compliance of their school requirements

according to environment. The indicator which got the

highest mean is Indicator no.1 that states that student

live in a peaceful place, which is suitable for making

their school requirements. Its mean is 4.4 with a verbal

description of Mostly. This shows that most of the

student respondents live in a peaceful place. A peaceful

place is really suitable for making school requirements.

Indicator no. 6 which states, I live near the

squatters' area where there are many quarrels happening

got the least rating. Its mean is 1.4 with a verbal

description of Never. Most of the student respondents


don’t live in the squatter’s area where there are many

quarrels happening. Students’ may don’t like living there

because this place is not suitable in doing their school


The common factors that affect students’ compliance

towards their school requirements according to

environment got an over-all mean of 2.53 and a verbal

description of Sometimes.

Table 7. Common Factors that Affect Students Compliance

of their School Requirements according to Time Management

Verbal Verbal
Indicators Mean Description SD Description
1. I am usually late for classes
and appointment 2.00 Rarely 1.10 Never
2. I am putting off big tasks and
requirements until the last
minutes. 2.40 Rarely 1.20 Never
3. I forget appointments and I have
to reschedule them. 2.00 Rarely 0.90 Never
4.I have daily planner and schedule
tasks to be done. 3.00 Sometimes 1.00 Never
5. I am always in a rush doing my
school requirements. 2.70 Sometimes 1.00 Never
Over-all 2.42 Rarely 1.04 Never

Table 7 shows the common factors that affect

students’ compliance of their school requirements

according to Time Management. Indicator no.4, I have

daily planner and schedule tasks to be done, got the mean

of 3 and a verbal description of Sometimes which is the


highest mean of all the indicators. Having a daily

planner and scheduling tasks to be done is commonly done

by the student respondents in the research study. Most of

the student respondents in this project are well-

organized and time-managed.

The indicator having a mean of 2 is indicator no. 1

and 3 which states, I am usually late for classes and

appointment, I forget appointments and I have to

reschedule them, respectively with a verbal description

of Rarely. The student respondents rarely get late or

forget classes and appointments. Students are serious on

their classes and appointments. They don’t take advantage

on their studies.

The common factors that affect students’ compliance

towards their school requirements according to time

management got an over-all mean of 2.42 and a verbal

description of Rarely.

Table 8. Common Factors that Affect Students Compliance

of their School Requirements according to Resources

Verbal Verbal
Indicators Mean Description SD Description
1. I use different references in
making school requirements. 3.94 Mostly 0.89 Never
2. Use books as references in doing
my homework. 4.10 Mostly 0.90 Never
3. I use the Internet to gather
information about my school
requirements. 4.00 Mostly 1.00 Never
4. I only have limited resources and
destroyed books as references. 2.00 Rarely 1.00 Never
5. I ask different people about my
school requirements. 3.00 Sometimes 1.10 Never
6. I visit educational websites in
correspondence to school requirements
like researches and assignments. 4.00 Mostly 1.00 Never
Over-all 3.51 Mostly 0.98 Never

Table 8 shows the common factors affecting the

students’ compliance towards their school requirements.

Indicator no.1 which is the use of books as reference in

doing homework got the highest mean which is 4.1 having a

verbal description of Mostly. The student respondents in

the study use books as reference for their homeworks or

school requirements. Students nowadays still trust books

for their reference despite the modernization.

Indicator no. 4 which is having limited resources

and destroyed books as references got the lowest mean

among the indicators. Its mean is 2 with a verbal

description of Rarely. This shows that students have

sufficient resources as reference for the compliance of

school requirements.

The common factors that affect students’ compliance

towards their school requirements according to resources

got an over-all mean of 3.51 and a verbal description of


Problem 3. What is the factor which greatly affects the

compliance of students towards their school requirements?

Table 9. Factors Affecting the Compliance of Students

towards their School Requirements

Indicators Mean Description
1. Attitude 3.34 Sometimes
2. Health 2.00 Rarely
3. Environment 2.53 Sometimes
4. Time Management 2.42 Rarely
5. Resources 3.51 Mostly
Over-all 2.76 Sometimes

Table 9 shows the factors affecting the compliance

of students towards their school requirements when

grouped according to attitude, health, environment, time

management and resources. Resources which is indicator

number 5 got the highest mean of 3.51 with a verbal

description of Mostly. Resources which is one of the

factors in this study greatly affects the compliance of

students towards their school requirements. The lack and


availability of resources has a great impact on the

performance of students.

Item no. 2 which is Health got the lowest rating. It

has a mean of 2 with a verbal description of Rarely. This

just shows that Health has a less impact on the

compliance of school requirements. Most of the student

respondents are not affected by their health in their

compliance of the school requirements.

Problem 4. Is there a significant difference on the

different factors which affects the compliance of

students toward school requirements?

Table 10.Factors Affecting the Compliance of School

Requirements among Third Year (CRACK) Students
Mean of the F-
Source of Sum of Degree of Sum of Computed
Variation Squares Freedom Squares Value
Columns 7702.59 4 1925.65
Within 139.44
Columns 5454.89 395 13.81
TOTAL 13157.48 399

Table 10 shows that the F- tabular value, which is

2.37, is lesser than the computed value which is, 139.44

Therefore, we have to reject Ho and Accept Ha. There is a

significant difference on the different factors which


affects the compliance of students towards school

requirements when grouped according to attitude, health,

environment, time management and resources.

Thus, the factors presented can really affect the

performance of students towards their school

requirements. The performance of students can be based on

how they cope with these factors.

Chapter 4


Summary of Findings

The study conducted used the survey approach of

research. It exploit the said approach in as much as the

main purpose of this research study was to determine the

factors affecting the compliance of school requirements

among third year(CRACK) students of Agusan National High


A survey questionnaire for the students was

formulated and floated by the researchers. This

instrument was used to determine the factors affecting

the compliance of school requirements among third year

students. The said questionnaire has 31 items as

indicators. The first part contains the socio-demographic

profile of the respondents which consist the age and sex

of the student respondents. The second part of the

questionnaire was subdivided into five to represent the

different factors that affect the compliance of school

requirements which is attitude;7 items health;7 items,

environment;6 items, time management;5 items and

resources;6 items.

There are 80 student respondents from the third

year(CRACK)sections who took the formulated and floated

questionnaire of the researchers.

Based on the findings of the researchers, as to sex,

majority of the student respondents are female which is

61 or 76% of the total respondents. Most of the student

respondents belong to the age bracket of 13-14 which is

51 or 54% of the total population of the respondents..

As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

attitude, Indicator No. 1 which is I do my school

requirements diligently has the highest mean among the

indicators which is 4.6 with a verbal description of

Always. The students do their school requirements

diligently. This shows that students really work hard in

the compliance of their school requirements. They work

with it with all effort and this shows a positive


As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to health,

Indicator no. 6 which is Lack of sleep leads to less

concentration towards the compliance of school

requirements, got the highest mean of 3 with a verbal


description of Sometimes. The common factor which greatly

affects students’ compliance towards their requirements

is the lack of sleep which leads to less concentration.

This shows that lack of sleep has a great impact on the

performance of students in the compliance of their school


As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

environment, The indicator which got the highest mean is

Indicator no.1 that states that student live in a

peaceful place, which is suitable for making their school

requirements. Its mean is 4.4 with a verbal description

of Mostly. This shows that most of the student

respondents live in a peaceful place. A peaceful place is

really suitable for making school requirements.

As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to time

management, Indicator no.4, I have daily planner and

schedule tasks to be done, got the mean of 3 and a verbal

description of Sometimes which is the highest mean of all

the indicators. Having a daily planner and scheduling

tasks to be done is commonly done by the student

respondents in the research study. Most of the student


respondents in this project are well-organized and time-


As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

resources, Indicator no.1 which is the use of books as

reference in doing homework got the highest mean which is

4.1 having a verbal description of Mostly. The student

respondents in the study use books as reference for their

homeworks or school requirements. Students nowadays still

trust books for their reference despite the modernization.

Based on the over-all mean of the factors affecting

the compliance of students when grouped according to

attitude, health, environment, time management and

resources, item number 5 which is Resources got the

highest mean of 3.51 with a verbal description of Mostly.

Resources which is one of the factors in this study

greatly affects the compliance of students towards their

school requirements. The lack and availability of

resources has a great impact on the performance of


Based on the computation of the Analysis of Variance

in the study, the F- tabular value which is 2.37 is


lesser than the computed value of the study which is

139.44. Thus, there is a significant difference on the

different factors which affects the compliance of

students towards school requirements when grouped

according to attitude, health, environment, time

management and resources. These factors greatly affect

the performance of students in the compliance of school



In the basis of the results of the study conducted,

the following conclusions were drawn by the researchers:

1. Female student respondents are 61 or 76% of the

total population of the student respondents.

2. Majority of the student respondents’ age bracket

belongs to 13-14 years of age which is 51 or 54%

of the total respondents

3. As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

attitude, Indicator No. 1 which is I do my school

requirements diligently has the highest mean among

the indicators which is 4.6 with a verbal

description of Always.

4. As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

health, Indicator no. 6 which is Lack of sleep

leads to less concentration towards the compliance

of school requirements, got the highest mean of 3

with a verbal description of Sometimes.

5. As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

environment,the indicator which got the highest


mean is Indicator no.1 that states that student

live in a peaceful place, which is suitable for

making their school requirements. Its mean is 4.4

with a verbal description of Mostly.

6. As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

time management, Indicator no.4, I have daily

planner and schedule tasks to be done, got the

mean of 3 and a verbal description of Sometimes

which is the highest mean of all the indicators.

7. As to the factors affecting the compliance of

students towards school requirements according to

resources, Indicator no.1 which is the use of

books as reference in doing homework got the

highest mean which is 4.1 having a verbal

description of Mostly.

8. Based on the over-all mean of the factors

affecting the compliance of students when grouped

according to attitude, health, environment, time

management and resources,Resources got the highest

mean of 3.51 with a verbal description of Mostly.


9. There is a significant difference on the different

factors which affects the compliance of students

towards school requirements when grouped according

to attitude, health, environment, time management

and resources.


Based on the findings and conclusions derived from

the study, the following recommendations are proposed by

the researchers:

1. The students should learn to balance the factors

affecting the compliance of students towards

school requirements presented by the researcher in

the study so that their performance will not be


2. The school should organize a seminar regarding the

different factors that affect the performance of

students towards the compliance of their school

requirements. By this, students’ mind will be more

aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Through

this, they can strengthen their weaknesses and

build our strengths further.


3. This study should be improvised by adding more

factors that affects the compliance of school

requirements. Respondents of the study should be

divided into 2 groups; the highest and the lowest

sections of the school. Through this, comparisons

between the respondents’ results can be easily




Feldman, Robert (2003) Power Learning: Strategies for

Success in College Life. Second Edition © 2003.

Hijazi, Syed Tahir and Naqvi, S.M.M Raza(2006) Factors

Affecting Students’ Performance: A Case of Private

Colleges. Volume 3, Number 1.

B.Internet Resources



Microsoft ® Student 2007[DVD].Redmond,WA: Microsoft

Corporation, 2006.

C.Published Material

Gerwertz, Catherine ( 2007 ). States Mull Best Way to

Assess Their Students for Graduation. Education Week

v. 26 no. 37 (May 16 2007) p. 1,17

Appendix A
Letter to the Respondents

Republic of the Philippines


Department of Education
Division of Butuan
Butuan City

October 11,2009

Dear Respondents,

The researcher are 3rd year student in Agusan

National High School at Science and Technology Oriented
High School Curriculum is conducting a study entitled
NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL”. This research determines the
factors which affect the compliance of students on their
school requirements.
In this connection, I would like to solicit your
honest and sincere answers to the attached
questionnaires. I assure you that information shared will
be treated in the strictest level of confidence.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Ma. Abigale C. Felicio
Michelle Mikiko S. Pagaran
Tanya Marie G. Sanchez
Jaynee D. Sacote
Maryrose Joy T. Aparece
Jana Alyssa L. Aala
Christal Jean F. Saldia
JC Linnor M. Oraiz
John Michael M. Pitogo




Head, Mathematics Department Principal IV
Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire


Statistical Data
Respondents A B C D E A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
1 26 7 13 7 21 676 49 169 49 441
2 26 8 15 13 25 676 64 225 169 625
3 27 7 14 15 25 729 49 196 225 625 51
4 25 14 18 13 24 625 196 324 169 576
5 23 12 10 10 23 529 144 100 100 529
6 21 18 16 12 21 441 324 256 144 441
7 23 13 13 11 21 529 169 169 121 441
8 25 12 11 13 19 625 144 121 169 361
9 23 12 17 13 19 529 144 289 169 361
10 24 19 12 17 22 576 361 144 289 484
11 23 14 16 12 23 529 196 256 144 529
12 21 8 16 10 22 441 64 256 100 484
13 24 14 17 7 18 576 196 289 49 324
14 27 27 26 24 27 729 729 676 576 729
15 26 8 17 10 23 676 64 289 100 529
16 25 24 22 19 26 625 576 484 361 676
17 22 13 15 12 24 484 169 225 144 576
18 21 16 16 11 17 441 256 256 121 289
19 23 12 17 11 18 529 144 289 121 324
20 23 8 12 12 19 529 64 144 144 361
21 26 7 12 12 28 676 49 144 144 784
22 21 13 14 11 23 441 169 196 121 529
23 23 8 11 10 19 529 64 121 100 361
24 23 17 15 12 17 529 289 225 144 289
25 21 19 23 21 24 441 361 529 441 576
26 24 14 14 11 23 576 196 196 121 529
27 19 9 12 15 15 361 81 144 225 225
28 24 13 16 14 20 576 169 256 196 400
29 30 12 12 8 23 900 144 144 64 529
30 22 13 14 15 19 484 169 196 225 361
31 23 16 15 14 18 529 256 225 196 324
32 26 11 10 11 22 676 121 100 121 484
33 22 9 12 9 19 484 81 144 81 361
34 26 17 19 15 19 676 289 361 225 361
35 26 7 13 7 21 676 49 169 49 441
36 34 9 15 7 14 6 81 225 49 196
37 22 12 14 11 19 484 144 196 121 361
38 25 11 10 11 21 625 121 100 121 441
39 19 15 16 12 16 361 225 256 144 256
40 21 17 18 16 25 441 289 324 256 625
41 18 16 11 11 17 324 256 121 121 289
42 24 11 20 12 25 576 121 400 144 625
43 25 7 20 11 20 625 49 400 121 400
44 33 15 29 20 25 9 225 841 400 625
45 20 10 15 13 20 400 100 225 169 400
46 27 9 14 11 19 729 81 196 121 361
47 25 7 14 15 22 625 49 196 225 484
48 25 21 18 9 25 625 441 324 81 625
49 22 14 15 10 18 484 196 225 100 324
50 20 8 12 13 24 400 64 144 169 576
51 25 21 16 9 25 625 441 256 81 625
52 27 7 20 15 28 729 49 400 225 784
53 22 8 14 9 26 484 64 196 81 676
54 31 13 10 10 22 961 169 100 100 484
55 23 16 11 15 23 529 256 121 225 529
56 25 12 16 14 18 625 144 256 196 324
57 25 11 14 13 20 625 121 196 169 400
58 22 19 20 15 28 484 361 400 225 784
59 22 13 15 16 21 484 169 225 256 441
60 23 8 15 10 16 529 64 225 100 256
61 17 15 14 15 13 289 225 196 225 169
62 22 9 15 9 15 484 81 225 81 225
63 21 15 14 17 19 441 225 196 289 361
64 20 17 15 15 24 400 289 225 225 576
65 22 7 17 12 21 484 49 289 144 441
66 20 8 14 7 19 400 64 196 49 361
67 19 18 18 11 20 361 324 324 121 400
68 22 15 11 12 16 484 225 121 144 256
69 27 10 13 12 22 729 100 169 144 484
70 22 17 15 13 26 484 289 225 169 676
71 19 15 12 11 24 361 225 144 121 576
72 18 14 11 8 12 324 196 121 64 144
73 23 14 11 11 17 529 196 121 121 289
74 22 19 19 13 20 484 361 361 169 400
75 26 8 8 5 14 676 64 64 25 196
76 16 11 18 11 15 256 121 324 121 225


Statistical Treatment Computation

dfc= c-1 dft= rc-1 dfw= c(r-1) L of S= 5%
= 5-1 =80(5)-1 =5(80-1) Ft=2.37
dfc= 4 =400-1 =5(79)
dft=399 dfw=395

SSt =44238+14842+19470+13011+35604
= 127165
SSt&SSc Σ(Σ�) = 1864+1030+1212+985+1662
= 6753
SSc =(1864)²+(1030)²+(1212)²+(985)²+(1662)²
= 3474496+1060900+1468944+970225+2762244
S3 S6 I Fc I I Ft I

SSt= [(Σx)]² MSSc= SSc I 139.44 I I 2.37 I

rc dfc 139.44 > 2.37

=127165-(6753)² = 7702.59 Reject Ho, Accept Ha

80(5) 4

=127165-45603009 = 1925.65
S5 S7
SSc = – MSSw = SSw

= 9736809 - 114007.52 = 5454.89

80 395

= 121710.11 – 114007.52 =13.81

= 7702.59

S6 S8

SSw = SSt-SSc Fc= MSSc


= 13157.48-7702.59 =1925.65
=5454.89 13.81



Name: Ma. Abigale C. Felicio
Age:14 years old
Birthday: June 2, 1995
Address: P-4 Balantiyong, Maon, Butuan City
Mother’s Name: Lilibeth C. Felicio
Occupation: Government Employee
Father’s Name: Noel I. Felicio
Occupation: Government Employee


Nursery: Christian Kiddie Care, Surigao City
Kinder II: Light and Life Learning Center
(Bancasi, Butuan City)
Elementary: Butuan Central Elementary School
Grade 1: 6th Honors
Grade 2: 2nd Honors
Grade 3: 4th Honors
Grade 4: 2nd Honors
Grade 5: 4th Honors
Grade 6: 5th Honorable Mention

Secondary: Agusan National High School(STOHS)

First Year: 9th Honors Banner Roll
Second Year: 9th Honors Banner Roll


YECS – IT Specialist
YES-O – Sgt. at Arms
Girl Scouts of the Philippines
Rotary Interact- Metro Butuan
K-PSEP- Secretary


Name: Jana Alyssa L. Aala
Age: 14 years old
Birthday: February 15, 1995
Address: 353 T. Calo St., Butuan City
Mother’s Name: Jill Veronica L. Aala
Occupation: Businessman
Father’s Name: Andres S. Aala
Occupation: Businesswoman


Preschool: Butuan United Christian School
10th Honors
Elementary: Butuan Central Elementary School
Secondary: Agusan National High School (STOHS)


Girl Scouts of the Philippines
Rotary Interact- Metro Butuan



Name: J.C. Linnor M.Oraiz

Age: 15
Birthday: July 19,1994
Address: R. Calo st. Butuan City
Mothers name: Jinky M. Oraiz
Occupation: Housewife
Fathers name: Charito Carlo V. Oraiz
Occupation: Private employee


Pre-school: Light & Life Learning Center

Kinder I -2nd honors
Kinder II-2nd honors

Elementary: Butuan Central Elementary School

Grade I-9th honors
Grade II-6th honors
Grade III-9th honors
Grade IV-10th honors
Grade V-4th honors
Grade VI-1st honors
Secondary: Agusan National High School
2nd year-1st honors


YECS member
RCY member



Name: Jaynee D. Sacote

Birthday: November 24, 1994
Age: 14 years old
Mother: Lorijane D. Sacote
Occupation: Government Employee
Father: Jonnie M. Sacote
Occupation: Government Employee


Butuan Doongan Day Care Center- Outstanding Student

Grade 1 (Butuan United Christian School)-4th honors
Grade 2 (BCES)-3rd honors
Grade 3 (BCES) - 6th honors
Grade 4 (Butuan City SPED Center)-11th honors
Grade 5 (SPED)- 7th honors
Grade 6 (SPED)- 10th honorable mention

1st year-present(ANHS)
2nd year (10th honors banner roll)


Red Cross Youth
P.I.O. (MATH CLUB, 3rd year chapter)



Name: Tanya Marie G. Sanchez

Age: 15 years old
Birthday: May 18, 1994
Address: 256 Dar Subdivision, Butuan City
Mother’s name: Mary Anne G. Sanchez
Occupation: Government Employee
Father’s Name: Rudyard P. Sanchez
Occupation: Self- employed


Preschool: Timber City Academy

6th honors
Elementary: Butuan Central Elementary School
Grade I: 9th honors
Grade II: 6th honors
Grade III: 15th honors
Grade IV: 11th honors
Grade V: 9th honors
Grade VI: 15th honorable mention


Girl Scout of the Philippines



Name: John Michael Angeles Pitogo

Age: 15
Date of Birth: Feb. 27, 1994
Address: P-12 lemon, San Vicente, Butuan City
Mother’s name: Amalia A. Pitogo
Occupation: Teacher
Father’s name: Angel A. Pitogo Sr.
Occupation: Teacher


Elementary – San Vicente Elem. School

Honors and Awards Received:

Grade 1 to Grade 5- 1st honors
Grade 6- Valedictorian

Secondary – Agusan National High School

2nd year- (3rd section honor)


RCY- 1st aider
Ang Narra- Editorial Cartoonist
Interact Metro Butuan- Member



Name: Michelle Mikiko S. Pagaran

Birthday: January 19, 1995
Age: 14
Address: 895 Herminia St. Luz Village, Butuan City
Mother: Susan S. Pagaran
Occupation: Housekeeper
Father: Brielgo O. Pagaran
Occupation: Government Employee


Pre-School: Butuan Doctors Nursery and Kindergarten
Elementary: Butuan City SPED Center
Secondary: Agusan National High School


Member, Youth Entrepreneurship Cooperatives in
Member, Girl Scout of the Philippines



Name: Christal Jean F. Saldia

Birthday: July 30,1994
Age: 15
Address:P1-A Brgy. 17 Fort Poyohon, Butuan City
Mother: Lina F. Saldia
Father: Jose Saldia
Occupation: Company Driver


Elementary: Obrero Elementary School
Grade 1:6th Honors
Grade 2:5th Honors
Grade 3:8th Honors
Grade 4:5th Honors
Grade 5:3rd Honors
Grade 6:3rd Honors
Secondary: Agusan National High School
1st Year: 2nd Honors
2nd Year: 13th Honors


Member, Girl Scout of the Philippines



Name: Maryrose Joy T. Aparece



Grade 1:
Grade 2:
Grade 3:
Grade 4:
Grade 5:
Grade 6:
Secondary: Agusan National High School
1st Year:
2nd Year:


Member, Girl Scout of the Philippines

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