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Fern Risttee C. Dungo

Bachelor of Agricultural Technology, Surigao del Norte State University, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

Study is the process of devoting time and attention to learning new things.
Unfortunately, a lot of students lack the skills necessary for effective study habits. The term "study
habit" refers to a variety of personal behaviours related to studying that combine study method and
competence. In other words, good study habits involve actions and skills that can boost motivation
and transform the study process into one that yields high returns and eventually improves learning.
In reality, successful study habits vary from person to person and are the key to success. The most
crucial indicator of academic achievement is study habits, and studies conducted around the world
have shown that study habits have an impact on academic performance.

Academic achievement represents an important component of the constellation of variables

influencing student success. It also has a huge impact on education, especially by serving as a
practical method to assess students' learning progress. Psychologists and researchers have utilized
numerous personality, attitudinal, mindsets, and ability measurements in an effort to understand
how individuals differ in how they process, retain, and recollect learning material. The impact of
the students' good study habits including doing their assignments, participating fully in class,
managing their time, remaining focused, and working hard—has significantly improved their
academic achievement.

An important factor in the growth of knowledge and perceptual abilities is study habits. A
person's study habits reveal how much they will learn, how far they want to go, and how much
money they want to make. All of these could be determined during the course of a person's life
with the aid of their study habits.

Study habits have always been a part of a student’s day-to-day experiences in

studying. They are practices that could allow a learner to somehow gain interest while studying
without having to feel pressured or bothered. Study habits are one of the most important
determinants of a student’s academic performance (Jafari, 2019). As further elaborated by Kumar
(2015), study habits are the habitual tendencies and practices that students depict during the
process of gaining information through learning.

According to Kaur and Pathania (2017), College students study habits were significantly
influenced by factors like age, family wealth, and education. The results of their investigation
showed a significant correlation between study habits and academic success. It suggests that age,
family income, and educational attainment all have an impact on how students develop their
learning practises and are connected to their academic success.

According to Marc (2011), However, it explains, students with learning difficulties may
still have generally poor and inefficient study habits and techniques. Students would better
comprehend why they occasionally become irritated with conventional study techniques if they
are aware of their learning patterns or styles. He says that as they help ensure a successful academic
future, effective study habits are crucial for academic achievement. Having strong study habits can
help you get better grades, and better grades will help you get into better colleges and institutions
and maybe even get a scholarship. This will then result in a successful career. No matter what
degree of education a student has, developing appropriate study habits is essential. It increases
pupils' capacity for self-discipline, self-direction, and eventually academic success.

According to Hills (2000), a very good and conducive learning environment encourages
students study habit and might have positive impact on their academic performances but students
reading in an unfavorable environment might find it difficult to study which may affect their
academic achievements. Students with financial constraints might also find it difficult to perform
excellently well in their academics. However, students study habit should contribute to their
academic performance. Some students do not attend classes, do not take down notes, do not do
their assignments, do not read their books or make use of the library. These attitudes may
negatively affect their academic performances especially in college subjects. This study intended
to identify various study habits used by the students and the relationship with their academic

Many studies have been carried out by researchers like Adeyemo (2005) and Gbore (2006)
on effective study habits. They argue that study habits have strong relationship with the academic
performance of students. A student who cultivates certain study habit will perform differently from
a student who has another set of study habit. It is believed that student who lacks effective and
efficient means of studying would be building on shaking foundation and consequently have weak

This study aims to determine the challenges of the college students to their study habits on
their academic performance. Specifically, this seeks to answers the following questions:

1.) What is the profile of the respondents in term of

1.1) Sex,
1.2) Grade level
1.3) Course and;
1.4) Socio-Economic status
2.) To what level do the respondents perceive the impact of study habits on academic
performance in terms of:
1.1) Time management
1.2) Learning Strategies
1.3) Consistency and persistence
3.) Are there differences in study habits and academic performance based on demographic
factors such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status?
4.) How do technological advancements and digital resources influence students' study habits
and academic performance?


1. To identify the level of academic performance of the students.

2. To examine the correlation between learning habits and academic performance.
3. Examine the challenges faced by students in developing learning habit for better
academic performance.
4. To determine the factor affecting adult learners.


On the basis of the problems of the study, the following hypothesis were formulated and
HO. There is a significant correlation between study habits and academic performance
among students. Specifically, we predict that students with consistent, effective study habits will
demonstrate higher academic achievement compared to those with irregular or ineffective study

The following individuals would benefit from this study.

School Administrators. School administrators gain valuable insights into the specific
challenges students face regarding study habits and academic performance. Understanding these
challenges allows administrators to tailor support services and resources to address students' needs

Teachers. Teachers and instructors play a crucial role in shaping students' study habits and
academic success. Your study can offer insights into the challenges students face in developing
effective study habits, allowing educators to tailor their teaching methods and strategies

Students. The study's results can benefit students by raising awareness of the importance
of cultivating good study habits for academic success. Students can use the findings to self-assess
their study habits and identify areas for improvement. By implementing effective study strategies,
students can enhance their learning experience and achieve better academic outcomes.

Parent. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in supporting students' academic
endeavors. Your study can provide them with valuable insights into the factors influencing their
children's study habits and academic performance.

Future Researchers. Your study can serve as a foundation for future research endeavors in the
field of education. Researchers can build upon your findings to explore additional factors
influencing study habits and academic performance, as well as the effectiveness of interventions
aimed at promoting positive study behaviors.

This chapter contains the research methodology and procedure used in this study. It
includes the research design, research locale, population and participants of the study, sampling
design, research instrument, validity and reliability of instrument, data gathering procedures,
scoring and quantification of data, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researchers utilized the quantitative research method, specifically the descriptive
design using survey technique in the gathering of data. This research design is appropriate as the
study sought to determine the challenges perceived by the college students in SNSU- Mainit
campus in the impact of study habits on academic performance.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Surigao del Norte State University Mainit Campus, a public
school located at Purok 3 Barangay Magpayang Mainit, Surigao del Norte Philippines.
Specifically, this study accommodated all students of SNSU Manit Campus. It can be riding a
tricycle, motorcycle and even a motor bike.

Figure 1. The Map of the Study

Participants of the study

The participants of the study of Surigao del Norte State University Mainit Campus, College
Students. The researcher catered random students as the participants. Table 1 shows the
distribution of population and participants of the study.

Table 1. Distribution of Participants of the Study



Sampling Design

Selected College students of Surigao del Norte State University were made participants in
this study. The researcher used Stratified Random Sampling method in determining the number of
participants of the study where the population is divided into four-year levels and course.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers used a researcher-made questionnaire data or survey

questionnaire as the main instrument for data gathering.

The entire instrument was composed of two parts. Part 1 determines the profile of the
respondents as to sex, year level, course, and Socio- economic class. Part 2 consisted of items that
determine the perception of the respondents on the challenges in the study habits on academic
performance in terms of time management, learning strategies and consistency and persistence.
The mean parameters and verbal interpretation of the gathered data based on the level of perception
of the participants were interpreted using the four-point Likert scale to compare their measures of
The overall mean of each level of perception indicator were acquired for conclusion, as assessed
in the indicators, verbal interpretation, and qualitative description, as shown in the table below.

Scale Interval Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Very high

3 2.50-3.24 Agree High
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Very low

Table 2. Level of Perception Indicator, Verbal Interpretation, and Qualitative Description

Data Analysis

The following statistical tools was used in treating the data:

Frequency Count and Percent. This was used to determine the distribution in the
demographic profile of the respondents.

Mean and Standard Deviation. These tools were used to determine the respondents' level
of perception of the challenges in study habits on academic performance of students based on the
components in the questionnaire.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This was used in identifying the variance in the challenges
perceived by the respondents according to their profile variables.

Data Gathering procedure

The researcher asked permission from the campus director of Surigao Del Norte State
University and the officer in-charge to gather data to be used in the study. After the approval of
campus director, the researchers immediately set the data to be used in the study and for the
conduct of questionnaires, the researcher administered the questionnaires personally which were
collected afterwards. Then researcher tabulated the data gathered and forwarded to the statistical
experts for interpretation purposes, and draw conclusion from the results.

Appendix A. Survey Questionnaire

Analyzing the Impact of Study Habits on Academic Performance of Students

in SNSU-Mainit Campus

This study aims to determine the challenges of study habits on academic performance.
This survey is open to all students in SNSU- Mainit campus, The entire survey will only take 5 to
10 minutes to complete. It is recommended for you to answer the survey completely. By answering
the survey, you consent to providing your personal information to the study investigators. The
researchers will maintain the confidentiality of data and all data will be de-identified prior to
For questions you may email one of our researchers, Mr, Fern Risttee Dungo,
[email protected]. Thank you in advance for your participation!
Informed Consent

o I have read the study description and AGREE to participate in the survey
o I do NOT wish to participate in the survey.

Direction: Check the appropriate cells that correspond to your answer.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Name (Optional):
o Female
o Male

Grade/Year Level:
o 1st Year
o 2nd year
o 3rd year
o 4th year

Course :


Socio-economic Class:
o Low-income class
o Middle- income class
o High-income class

Part II. Classifying the impact of study habits on academic performance

Direction: Please read each item about the possible circumstances college students face in study
habits on academic performance in terms of Time management, learning strategies, and
consistence and persistence.
4 SA Strongly Agree
3 A Agree
2 D Disagree
1 DA Strongly Disagree
A. Time management
4 3 2 1
1 I prioritize my study tasks based on their importance and
2 I allocate specific time slots for studying each day.
3 I set clear goals and objectives for each study session.
4 I avoid procrastination by starting my assignments well
ahead of the deadline.
5 I use tools or techniques such as calendars or planners to
organize my study schedule.

B. Learning Strategies
4 3 2 1
1 I regularly use mnemonic devices or memory aids to help
me retain information
2 I often engage in self-testing or practice quizzes as part of
my study routine to reinforce my learning
3 I often engage in self-testing or practice quizzes as part of
my study routine to reinforce my learning
4 I make use of various resources such as textbooks, online
articles, and supplementary materials to enhance my
understanding of subjects
5 I find it helpful to discuss course material with peers or join
study groups to gain different perspectives and deepen my

A. Consistency and Persistence

4 3 2 1
1 I adhere to a regular study routine, even on weekends and
2 Even when facing setbacks or difficulties, I persevere in my
study efforts until I achieve my learning goals
3 I maintain a consistent study schedule throughout the
semester, regardless of other commitments.
4 I persistently revisit challenging topics until I understand
them thoroughly
5 I maintain consistency in attending study sessions or group
study meetings

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