Four Months Project Based Training Proposal: Submitted by

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Four months Project based training proposal

Molecular characterization of SORGHUM
By SSR markers
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of
Agriculture and Technology

Submitted by:
Shaila Gupta

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology established on 2nd October
2000 has the honour of being First Agriculture University of the 21st century. It is a
professional University providing education, research and extension activities in integrated
manner. The University reflects a global outlook and is envisioned to set a revolutionary pace for
creating professional achievers in the field of Agriculture, Bio-Technology, Management and
other related Technologies/ Sciences. The University aims are assured prosperity of farmers and
rural community through diversification, intensification and linkage of agriculture to the market.
Research :
* To generate wealth and employment in the sector of agriculture and make Indian agriculture
globally competitive.
* To achieve economic and environmental sustainability through integrated management of
productivity, production, marketing, and end-use of farm produce.
* To develop separate strategies for optimum income to farmers with large,medium, small and
marginal farm holdings.
Ongoing projects:
There are numerous ongoing government funded projects ranging from 4 lakhs to 335 lakhs in
the university. Various funding agency like UPCAR, RKVY, NFSM, ICAR, etc provide funds to
the university. Some of the ongoing projects are:
1. Functional analysis of three-way interaction among trichoderma harzianum, tomato and
fusarium oxysporum f sp. Lycopersicae using transcriptomics approach.
2. Production and multiplication of superior germplasm of Murrah Buffalo
3. Conservation and Improvement of Sahiwal Cattle through conventional and
biotechnological tools.
4. Biotechnological interventions for genetic improvement in Basmati rice to suit the
changing climatic conditions of western U.P.
5. Development of high yielding disease resistant varieties of forage crops (Berseem, Oat,
Sorghum & Cow pea)
6. Development of an ideal module for the sustainable management of white grub of
sugarcane for western U.P.
7. Production of Breeder/Foundation seed and strengthening of seed farms of University
from local initiatives in rice under National Food Security Mission
8. Collection evaluation and modular characterization and gene mapping in tomato .
9. Giant fresh water prawn farming in western U.P., etc.

Collection, evaluation, hybridization of the germplasm of the different crops is being carried out
at the university by the Directorate of Research. Research Station Nagina has the special
importance an the research on rice where Nagina-10, Nagina-12 and Nagina-22 varieties of rice
has been developed so far. Nagina-22 is being adopted successfully by the breeders as a drought
tolerance/parent. In recent past, some other varieties of different crops have also been developed,
are as follows:
S.N. Crop
Silent Features for theVariety

Paddy Vallabh Basmati-
Long scented grain, matured in 120 days, yield 43 q/ha.
Vallabh Basmati-
This var. has been released by the SVRC. It is a promising
2 Chick pea

Vallabh Kallar
Superior than previous varieties. Mutant of var C-235.
Bold seeded semi spreading. Mature 120 days. Yield 20q/ha.
Dal recovery 70%
Surya (WCG-2)
Mutant of var. G 130, branching started from ground level.
Maturity period 135 days. Yield potential 21.0 q/ha.
W.C.G. 10
Bold seeded having hairy and green large pods. Mature in 175
days. Protein content 22.8%. Productivity 21.0q/ha.
Turmeric Vallabh Priya
Large tuber, high yielder, recommended for U.P. &
4 Collocassia Vallabh Nikki Yield 260-280 q/ha. Matured in 135-150 days
5 Urd Vallabh Urd 1 Yellow virus resistant, maturity 90 days
Fenugreek Vallabh Chinki
It is a variety of methi. Yield potential 19.04 qt./ha superior
than other varieties. Suitable for Western Plain Zone of U.P.
7 Taramira Vallabh Taramira
Released for unirrigated condition of U.P.
Vallabh Taramira
Released for unirrigated condition of U.P.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar is the principal coordinator and office in-charge if department of biochemistry
and physiology under college of biotechnology in Sardar Vallabbhai Patel University of
Agriculture and Technology.
His main objective is to:
To strengthen the existing teaching facilities of the department.
To improve infrastructure facility of the department.
Human resource development by means of training to the faculty and students.
To conduct research on Nutritional enrichment of Chickpea by expression and
incorporation of Phaseolingene.
Some of the government funded projects undertaken by him are:
1. Molecular, Biochemical & morphological characterization of lentil germ plam under
limited water condition funded by UPCST (6.02 lakhs).
2. Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Agric Bio-Tech funded by UPCST (59.96

Sorghum is a genus of numerous species of grasses, one of which is raised for grain and many
of which are used as fodder plants, either cultivated or as part of pasture. It is the fifth most
important cereal crop in the world. Its use as staple food and fodder confers it the status of a
failsafe crop in global agro-ecosystems. It is widely adapted to harsh environmental conditions,
and more specifically to arid and semi-arid regions of the world. It is currently a model crop for
tropical grasses that employ C
photosynthesis because of the availability of its complete genome
Biochemical genetic markers provided the first assessment of neutral genetic variation and
enabled demarcation of groups by race and origin. Several generations of DNA-based molecular
markers were then used and refined the assessment. In the early 1990 s, restriction fragment
length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were effectively utilized for sorghum diversity analysis .
SSRs were developed independently by several different research groups and were exploited for
genetic diversity analysis. Many of these diversity analyses focused on local collections trait-
specific genotypes [e.g. aluminum tolerance, sweet stalks, disease resistance, or a particular race
Microsatellites, also known as Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) or Short Tandem
Repeats (STRs), are repeating sequences of 2-6 base pairs of DNA. It is a type of Variable
Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR). Microsatellites are typically co-dominant. They are used
as molecular markers in genetics, for kinship, population and other studies. They can also be
used for studies ofgene duplication or deletion, marker assisted selection, and fingerprinting.
The variability of microsatellites is due to a higher rate of mutation compared to other neutral
regions of DNA. These high rates of mutation can be explained most frequently by slipped strand
mispairing (slippage) during DNA replication on a single DNA strand. Mutation may also occur
during recombination during meiosis, although genomic microsatellite distributions are
associated with sites of recombination most probably as a consequence of repetitive sequences
being involved in recombination rather than being a consequence of it.Some errors in slippage
are rectified by proofreading mechanisms within the nucleus, but some mutations can escape
repair. The size of the repeat unit, the number of repeats and the presence of variant repeats are
all factors, as well as the frequency of transcription in the area of the DNA repeat. Interruption of
microsatellites, perhaps due to mutation, can result in reduced polymorphism. However, this
same mechanism can occasionally lead to incorrect amplification of microsatellites; if slippage
occurs early on during PCR, microsatellites of incorrect lengths can be amplified.
NOTE: This is to bring to your kind notice that I, Shaila Gupta, is being charged Rs 10,000 as
training fees for the above mentioned project.

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