Korea Herald 20091103

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The following are the major
cultural and tourist festivals to
be held in November.

Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily Boseong Sori Festival

living of expatriates.
It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. When: Nov. 7-8
To share stories about your life abroad, send stories Where: Boseong, South Jeolla
or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at
[email protected] Province
Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.
Sori is a Korean word refer-
ring to the archetypal human
voices with which humans com-
municate with nature and the
universe. It also refers to the
combination of the human voice

Putting statistics A juxtaposition of all that is good: creamy egg

flan topped with a crisp salty parmesan chip
and instrumental sounds, which
form Korea’s musical heritage.
Boseong is home to pansori, a
one-person opera with a percus-

on foreign crime Wagyu Beef cooked Bleu

Smoked Salmon done two ways: topped with

sion accompaniment that has
been designated by the UN-
ESCO as a world cultural her-
a grapefruit sorbet and with orange zest Boseong is also a major pro-

into some context Photos by Daniel Gray ducing area of green tea. Music
lovers will have an opportunity
to experience music of Korea
and the taste of superb Korean
By Matt VanVolkenburg gration rules to ban foreigners green tea. More information is
found guilty of raping Korean available at http://www.
Public outrage in the wake children from re-entering boseong.go.kr/sorifastival or by
of a high-profile case of child Korea permanently,” and that calling 061-852-2181.
abuse has led members of the this was “the latest in a series
National Assembly to turn a of government measures to Korea Drama Festival
spotlight on possible threats to keep sexual predators away
children and end the lax judi- from society.” When: Nov. 21-29
cial treatment of sex offenders. It’s unfortunate that this Where: Gyeongnam Culture
While this is to be applauded, discussion of how to protect and Arts Center, Jinju, South
the manner in which this has Korean society from sex Gyeongsang Province
been carried out has at times crimes, when discussing for-
been careless. eigners, has focused only on Jinju is a historic city famous
On Oct. 19, National past and possible sex crimes for being the site of a major
Assembly Representative Woo committed by foreigners battle against Japanese in-
Yoon-keun said that the num- against Koreans and omitted vaders. The Korea Drama
ber of sexual crimes by foreign sex crimes that Koreans com- Festival is Asia’s first drama
nationals had tripled over the
past eight years, rising from
83 in 2001 to 242 in 2008.
While this information is trou-
bling, it would seem less so if
the Rep. Woo had bothered to
mit against foreigners.
A 2006 study, conducted on
the behalf of the National
Assembly Committee on
Gender Equality, looked at the
sexual activities of Korean
Slow food and video festival featuring
dramas from Asian nations.
Programs include “Korea dra-
ma awards,” “Night of Asian
Stars,” “New Korean Wave Star
Award” and drama OST con-
put any of this information in men visiting Thailand and the cert. There also will be exhibi-
context. Considering the for-
eign population at the end of
2008 was 1.15 million, those
242 crimes result in a sex
crime rate of 20.8 per 100,000.
When compared to statistics
Philippines and found that
Korean men were known for
habitually doing drugs and
seeking out underage girls to
have sex with.
The National Youth
at OK2 Kitchen tions, a world food festival and
many other events.
For more information, call
055-755-2363 or visit the Web
site at http://www.kdfo.org

from the Supreme Prosecutors Commission found in 2005 By Daniel Gray to traditional ways of cooking, In the center of the soup was a course six was three amazing Seoul Performing Arts
Office which show the sex that Korean fishermen were so he and his followers perfect piece of potato gnocchi desserts. The first was a Festival
crime rate of Korean citizens largely responsible for the exis- OK2 Kitchen near Itaewon protested by standing outside which harmonized the pump- molten chocolate cake topped
in Korea to be 108 per tence of a teen prostitution in- Station is more than just O.K. the McDonald’s with bowls of kin and creamy flavors. This with chocolate ice cream. The When: Oct. 13-Nov. 21
100,000, we see that the for- dustry in the South Pacific na- Originally, I thought the penne. Chefs, restaurants, soup was a refined alteration second was a butterscotch Where: Arko Arts Theater,
eign sex-crime rate is five tion of Kiribati. A 2003 survey name was a play on the and diners embraced this ide- of the Korean pumpkin “juk,” caramel pudding. And the Seoul Arts Center and other
times less. conducted by the National Korean name for traditional al and many make their food pumpkin and rice porridge. third was a beet brulee cake venues in Seoul
But this is not an entirely Human Rights Commission house, “hanok,” because the using traditional ways. This was followed by two with Gorgonzola cheese ice
accurate portrayal of these found that 12.5 percent of fe- restaurant is set in a Korean Chef Susumu Yonaguni and slices of smoked salmon. One cream and crisp cookie The SPAF 2009 will feature
statistics. If it can be agreed male foreigners working in traditional house. But after his wife, food-artist, Oh Jeong- slice was topped with a strings. Initially, the last about 40 breathtaking perfor-
that children and the elderly Korea said they had been sex- speaking to the owner, I mi are heading a quiet revolu- grapefruit sorbet while the dessert sounded utterly dis- mances, including plays, dances
tend not to commit crimes, ually harassed by Korean su- learned it was named after his tion. They grow many of their other had orange zest and ca- gusting, but one taste made and combination works.
then it’s worth looking at the periors or colleagues. One won- wife: Oh Jeong-mi. own herbs, they salt their own pers. The smoked salmon was me a believer. The beet flavor Participants will come from
demographics of the Korean ders why more consideration Oh Jeong-mi, known as cod, and they even smoke their richly flavored with the of the brulee cake was accent- Russia, Hungary, Britain,
and foreign populations in isn’t being given to such sex Jamie Oh, is a famous food own salmon and duck. Every sticky-savory taste of hickory ed by the caramel flavor of the France, Italy, Poland, Norway,
Korea. crimes against foreigners and stylist, teacher, artist, and cu- day the restaurant makes smoke. burned sugar. This was then Canada, Australia, Japan,
According to the CIA, chil- the need to prevent and punish rator. Her works have been fresh bread and puff pastry. The next course was a heav- heighted by the creamy, per- China and Korea. For further
dren under 15 and elderly them. displayed around the world. While I was there, they were enly parmesan flan with a plexing notes of Gorgonzola information, visit the Web site
people over 64 make up 27.6 While every effort should Most recently she was the cu- they working on making their crispy, crumbly parmesan cheese and the fragile, snap- at www.spaf21.com or call 02-
percent of the population of be taken to protect Korean rator of the Gwangju own prosciutto, which I was chip. Oh, this dish was a jux- ping flavor of the cookie 3673-2561.
Korea. According to Korean children from sex crime and Biennale. The owner is chef told would be ready in two taposition of all that is good. threads.
Immigration Service figures, punish its perpetrators, it is Susumu Yonaguni of the pio- weeks. (I marked it in my cal- The creamy egg and cream Amazing. Gunsan International
children under 16 and elderly troubling that the only avail- neering Korean/Japanese endar). Of course, two people hugged the salty, bold taste of Migratory Bird Festival
over 60 make up 8.2 percent of able role for foreigners in the restaurant “Eat and Drink” in couldn’t do all this on their parmesan. I could have simply
the foreign population. If current debate is as potential New York City. The New York own. Chef Yonaguni is not just stopped at this dish and it’s a OK2 Kitchen When: Nov. 11-15
these low crime demographics criminals. Reading such Times Food critic, Ruth a restaurateur — he is an edu- dish I wake up craving. Where: Geumgang Bird Park,
are removed when making alarming statements about Reichel said, “Eat and Drink cator. He teaches the 12 young Looking back, I think I slowly Web: www.ofoodart.com Gunsan, North Jeolla Province
calculations, the foreign sex foreigners being made in the has the feel of a restaurant cooks that work in his kitchen. ate this in order to enjoy every Phone: (02) 797.6420
crime rate is 22.7 per 100,000 National Assembly, one won- created by artists for artists.” The menu is seasonal, so last bit. Prices: A la Cart: 14-36,000 Visitors will have the chance
foreigners, and 151.7 per ders of Korea’s elected repre- These two are truly artists items change based on avail- Then my steak came. I had won per dish. The lunch set to take field trips to observe mi-
100,000 Koreans — meaning sentatives truly want, as and they bring their art and ability and freshness. You ordered it bleu because I (20,000, 35,000 won) and the gratory birds up close, see
in this case that the foreign Justice Minister Lee Kwi- skill to Seoul. OK2 Kitchen could start out with a pump- wanted to see how skilled dinner sets (50,000, 60,000 movies on migratory birds and
sex-crime rate is 6.6 times nam recently put it, “to real- reinvents traditional norms kin soup one day, or a sushi their kitchen was. A bleu won) are recommended. enjoy cultural events, sympo-
lower. ize a genuinely mature cos- with an emphasis on quality, tasting appetizer with yellow steak is covered in oil and Directions: Go out Exit 1 of siums and exhibitions. Guided
While some news media re- mopolitan nation,” or if they art, and doing things the “slow tail tartar, mackerel, and cer- cooked over a very hot flame Itaewon Station and make the bus tours will also be available.
ports in the past have been re- see foreigners as a threat in food” way. viche on another. so the outside is seared, but third right (it’s the one near The bird watching corridor
sponsible in pointing out that much the same manner as the So what is the “slow food” I went on a Saturday with a the inside of the steak is quite the traffic light). You’ll see (known as Tamjohoerang in
the rising crime rate among country north of the 38th par- movement? friend and I ordered Lunch rare — almost raw. If you Pacific Shopping on the corner Korean), built on the embank-
foreigners in Korea is still allel. Slow food is an idea that Set B with the Wagyu steak. have a good cut of meat, this is and OK2 Kitchen to the left. ment of the Geum River, is the
much lower than that of was started by Carlo Petrini My meal cost 35,000 won the best way to have steak. only facility of its kind in Korea.
Korean citizens, Rep. Woo has in Italy to combat the com- ($29.50), while my friend’s Again, they didn’t fail to im- Children can also learn about
not put his worrying figures The opinions express here mercializing and mass pro- cost 20,000 won. Each lunch press, for the steak was per- Daniel Gray is a food writer the ecology of birds at Napo
into context. Unfortunately, are the author’s only and do duction of fast food. In 1986, set has six courses, and each fectly seared and it didn’t lose and consultant in Seoul. The Cross fields.
Rep. Woo is not the sole politi- not necessarily represent those the first McDonald’s was set to course is well thought out. any of its moistness. The opinions expressed here are For more information, call
cal voice guilty of this. On Oct. of The Korea Herald. For more open in the historic Piazza Our meal started out with a steak was paired with a light only those of the author. For 063-453-7213 or visit the event’s
22, it was reported that the of Matt VanVolkenburg’s writ- Spagna in Rome. Carlo saw creamy pumpkin soup topped salad and potatoes. more of his writings, go to Web site at www.gsbird.co.kr
Ministry of Justice had an- ings, go to http://popu- this as the harbinger of death with cream and fresh oregano. Course five was coffee and www.seouleats.com — Ed. (Yonhap News)
nounced it would “revise immi- largusts.blogspot.com — Ed.

In focus: Develop a relationship with subject

The Photo Challenge is spon- This relationship could take central Seoul for developing, and — acquiring a benign profile or
sored by Hyosung Camera many different forms, but let me while waiting the hour or so to developing some kind of rela-
(English: 010-7203-9599) and give you a couple of examples to pick up the negatives, I enjoy a tionship with people or a partic-
Babo Shirts (www.baboshirts. illustrate what I mean. beverage at a nearby convenience ular area, camera prominent,
com). Winners of the weekly com- I was talking to another mem- store (as one does). Directly oppo- will present opportunities that
petition receive a 50,000 won store ber of the SPC from Busan last site where I relax in a blue plas- when captured will powerfully
credit at Hyosung Camera and a Korea. One of the topics we dis- week. He spends a bit of time in tic chair is a very small men’s and meaningfully reflect the
Babo Shirt. To take part in the cussed was how difficult it is to his local traditional market being clothing store. Because I am time you have spent in this
competition, simply upload your capture Korea meaningfully in perfectly visible with his camera, there once or twice a week, cam- country. In addition, the char-
photo at www.flickr.com/ a photographic sense. even if he’s not actively taking pic- era prominent on the blue plastic acter and atmosphere of your
groups/seoulphotoclub — Ed. It was difficult to put a finger tures. Over time he’s become part table, the 74-year-old proprietor photographs will set them apart
exactly on why this is. After all, of the furniture and is able to take of that shop knows what I’m from the usual vacation fare.
By Aaron Raisey we all have Korea with plenty of photos comfortably with the will- about. Recently he asked me to Also, keep that camera visible.
temple shots, palaces and tradi- ing consent of the locals — cap- take his picture standing in front Often just the act of extracting a
On Saturday evening I had tional markets. But as good as turing them naturally and getting of the suit-festooned facade of his camera out of a bag will send a sig-
dinner with several friends that they might be, these photos of- images not normally available to little shop and we shared a drink nal for people to be on their guard
included a couple of fellow Seoul ten aren’t much different from the furtive outsider. after. — a visible camera tempers this
Photo Club members. These what any tourist with a camera He had developed a relation- These situations are photo- natural reaction in many people.
guys were photographers with might capture. ship over time with a group of graphic gold and are next to im- Visit the Seoul Photo Club on
much more experience than I, The consensus seemed to be people. possible to get if you are just Flickr and experience the many
PHOTO CHALLENGE — Weekly Winner — The entrance of a Naval with time spent behind cameras that vacation-style snaps will be I’ve had numerous experiences breezing by or attempting to op- different relationships photog-
Museum in Gangneung, Gangwon-do, where there is a battle all over Asia and the sub-conti- all you produce until you actual- like this myself and I can relate a erate in stealth mode. raphers from all around Korea
cruiser and a North Korean submarine on display. The hardhats nent. The conversation turned ly develop some kind of relation- very recent example. I take my These two examples reinforce have with this country.
are for visitors entering the submarine. Brad Church to (surprise) photography in ship with this country. film to a lab in Chungmuro in what we discussed over dinner ([email protected])

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