Timeline of The History of Drama in The Philippines: Indigenous Period

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Sherry Lene S. Gonzaga

The literary culture of the

[Grab your reader’s attention with a
natives is through oral
great quoteThese
traditions. from the document
ethnic or
groups Indigenous
use this space to emphasize
early performances are called a key Period
point. To place
community this text
theatre. Theboxnatives
anywhere on the page,
had their own concept of just drag it.]
and spirits that ruled both the
spiritual and physical realms. It
involved ritualistic practices that Fr. Ignacio Francisco Alzina, a
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
expressed their faith and Spanish Jesuit, documented
great quote
poetic fromof
forms thethe
document or
depicted their life as a
1668 use this space to emphasize
Visayan people. One of these a key
point. To place
accounts wasthisoftextthat
box poetic
anywhere oncontest
courtship the page, just
or drag it.]
between male and female

Characteristics of Indigenous
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
great quote from the document or
1. The ritual was led by the tribal
use this space to emphasize a key
priest or priestess.
TheTo place this text box
rituals involved invoking
anywhere on the page, just drag it.]
the “spirits”. Spanish drama traces its roots
3. Rituals involved offering a to[Grab your reader’s
European drama,attention with a
it evolved
sacrifice. great quote from the document
to suit the taste, manners, or
use thisand
habits spacepeculiarities
to emphasize aofkeythe
point. To place
ancient Castilian.this text
Thebox objective
ofanywhere on the page,
early Spanish just dragwas
dramatists it.]
to emotionally affect their
viewers, harmonize their
opinions of Spanish traditions
Spanish catholic priests and customs and flatter the
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
popularized the religious plays. nobility.
great quote from the document or
These plays were staged during
use this space to emphasize a key
town fiestas to highlight
point. To place this text box
Catholic traditions. The main
anywhere on the page, drama
forms of Philippine just dragare
Senakulo/Sinakulo, Komedya
and Sarswela/Zarzwela.
Fr. Jeronimo Perez script was
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
first performed in Manila about
great quote from the document or
1637 the victory of Gov. Gen.
use this space to emphasize a key
Consueras over the Islamic
point. To place this text box
tribes in southern part of the
archipelago. on the page, just drag it.]

The sarswela theme and plot

[Grab your reader’s attention with a
during the American occupation
great quote
were strongly from the documentThe
nationalistic. or Early
use this space
Filipinos to emphasize
followed a key
and watched American
the To place this text boxfor its
more Occupation
anywhere on the page,
subversive stories rather just drag it.]
for aesthetic value. This led for
Americans to ban the
performances. It results to the
arrest of Pascual Poblete and As educational system in the
Aurelio Tolentino, the two most [Grab your reader’s attention with a
Philippines were established,
patriotic sarswela writers. great quote from the document or
the revolutionary drama slowly
Later use this space to emphasize
disappeared. Filipinos a key
American point. To place this text box drama
introduced to European
Occupation anywhere
and Bodabil such as onthe
the page, just drag it.]
production of
Shakespearean plays.

The evolution from vaudeville to

[Grab your reader’s attention with a
bodabil in the Philippines were
great quote from the document or 1920
started by Luis Borromeo, a
use this space
Filipino to emphasize
entertainer fresha keyfrom
his To place
stints thisUS
in the textreturned
box to
anywhere on the page, just
the country and started a local drag it.]
act. His shows are a mix of Filipino artists are equipped
with your reader’s attention
dramatic with a
songs, dances, comedy skits, greatstyles
and quote from
that the document the
broadened or
and romantic dramas ushering Contempo- use this space
horizon forto emphasize
growth a keyand
a new era of Filipino rary Period
expansionTo place this
of text box
anywhere on expression.
theatrical the page, just dragThe
drama revolved on Filipino
contemporary life and social
issues but told within a
Contemporary drama is classified framework of a love story.
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
based on its emphasis:
great quote from the document or use
melodrama, comedy, or drama
this space to emphasize a key point. To
simboliko. Moreover, Filipino
place this text box anywhere on the
artists learned more about folk
page, just drag it.] and beagan to
dramatic traditions
experiment with local and Asian
drama forms.

Sherry Lene S. Gonzaga

BSED-Filipino 3

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