Hci H2 Math P2

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The document discusses various topics in mathematics including algebra, calculus, geometry and statistics. It also covers concepts such as parametric equations, differentiation, integration, and probability.

Some of the main topics covered include functions, derivatives, integrals, parametric equations, areas and volumes of geometric shapes, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and sampling methods.

Key formulas or concepts discussed include the position vector, derivatives, integrals, volumes of tetrahedrons, functions, derivatives and integrals involving trigonometric substitutions, probability distributions such as normal and Poisson, and sampling methods such as systematic and simple random sampling.

Hwa Chong Institution 2011 9740 / 02 / JC2 Prelim 2011 [Turn Over


JC2 Preliminary Examinations
Higher 2

Paper 2 22 September 2011
3 hours

Additional Materials: Answer Paper
List of Formulae (MF15)


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Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.
Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the
case of angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.
You are expected to use a graphic calculator.
Unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are allowed unless a question specifically
states otherwise.
Where unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are not allowed in a question, you are
required to present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator
You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 6 printed pages.

Hwa Chong Institution 2011 9740 / 02 / JC2 Prelim 2011 [Turn Over


Section A: Pure Mathematics [40 marks]
1 The position vectors of points A, B and C are 8i , 4j and 2 4 6 + + i j k respectively
with respect to an origin O. The point D lies on the line segment AB such that
3 DB AD = . Find
(a) the position vector of D. [2]
(b) the angle between the line CD and the plane OAB . [3]
(c) the exact volume of the tetrahedron OABC. [1]
[The volume of a tetrahedron is
base area height

2 (a) The function f is defined by

f : 2 x x x + + , , 2 x x e s ,
where is a constant.
(i) Find the range of values of such that

exists. [2]
(ii) Given that 4 = , obtain

in a similar form. [3]

(b) The functions g and h are defined by

g: 1 x x kx + + , xe and k is a constant,

h: , x x
+ , 0 x x e > .
(i) Find the range of values of k such that hg exists. [3]
(ii) Given that 1 k = , find the range of hg. [2]

3 A curve is defined by the parametric equations
, x u =
2 y u
= , where 0 u > .
(i) Express
in terms of u . [2]
(ii) The tangent to the curve at 1 x = meets the x -axis at A and the y -axis at C ,
while the normal to the curve at 1 x = meets the x -axis at B and the y -axis at
D. Show that AB CD = . [5]
(iii) Given that u is increasing at a rate of 0.5 units per second, find the rate at which
is decreasing when 2 u = . [3]

Hwa Chong Institution 2011 9740 / 02 / JC2 Prelim 2011 [Turn Over


4 (i) Find the exact value of
2 1d x x
. [3]
(ii) By using the substitution 2sin x u = , show that

6 2
12 3
1 d sin
4 25 5

| |
= +
\ .
. [5]

(iii) The diagram above shows the curves with equations given by
2 1
y x = and
y + = . The two curves intersect at two points, where one of the points has
6 4
5 5
| |
\ .
. The region R is bounded by the two curves and the y -axis
as shown in the diagram. Find
(a) the exact area of R, [3]
(b) the volume of revolution formed when R is rotated through four right
angles about the y -axis. [3]

Section B: Statistics [60 marks]
5 In a particular country, 500 000 citizens are to elect a President. A magazine editor
wishes to predict the result of the election by conducting a pre-election poll.
(a) Describe how a sample of 100 citizens can be chosen using systematic sampling.
Suggest another sampling method that is more appropriate for this situation.
J ustify your answer. [1]
(b) The result of the pre-election poll, based on a random sample, predicts that
Candidate A will win the election. However, the actual election is won by
Candidate B. Give one possible reason why the prediction is inaccurate. [1]

y + =
2 1
y x =
6 4
5 5
| |
\ .


Hwa Chong Institution 2011 9740 / 02 / JC2 Prelim 2011 [Turn Over


6 A developer has recently completed a condominium project in HCI Valley. There are
5 blocks of buildings A, B, C, D and E as shown in the diagram below.

The developer has 4 colours available to paint the buildings. Each block can only be
painted using a single colour. Find the number of ways to paint all the 5 blocks if
(i) there are no restrictions, [1]
(ii) block A and block B cannot be painted with the same colour, [2]
(iii) all 4 colours must be used. [2]

7 On average, 9 out of 10 and 2 out of 9 accidents occur due to drivers negligence in
City X and City Y respectively.
(a) Suppose n accidents occur in City X in a day. Given that the probability that all
these accidents occur due to drivers negligence is at most 0.03, find the set of
possible values of n . [2]
(b) Suppose 60 and 50 accidents occur in City X and City Y respectively in a day.
Use a suitable approximation to find the probability that the total number of
accidents occur due to drivers negligence in both cities is at most 60. [3]

8 A horticulturist claims that his new breed of fruit bush produces a higher yield of fruit
than the old breed. It is known that the old breed has an average yield of 5 kg per bush.
A random sample of 10 bushes of the new breed is taken and the yield of each bush,
x kg, is recorded. The data are summarized by
( 5) 9 x =

( 5) 19.96 x =

(i) Calculate unbiased estimates of the population mean and variance. [2]
(ii) Test the horticulturist's claim at 5% level of significance, stating any assumption
necessary for the test to be valid. [4]
The horticulturist realizes that the value of
( 5) x

is recorded wrongly and the

actual value is less than 19.96. State, with a reason, whether your conclusion in
part (ii) is still the same. [2]

Hwa Chong Institution 2011 9740 / 02 / JC2 Prelim 2011 [Turn Over


9 A cab company charges its customers according to the distance travelled and the
waiting time when the cab is stationary. The distance travelled, in km, and the waiting
time, in minutes, of a customer who travels from Statistics Road to Pure Math Street
in a single trip, are modelled as having independent normal distributions with means
and standard deviations as shown in the table below.

Mean Standard deviation
Distance travelled, in km 8 0.7
Waiting time, in minutes 5 2.1
(a) Find the probability that the total distance travelled in three randomly chosen
trips differs from thrice the distance travelled in another randomly chosen trip by
at least 3 km. [4]
Customers pay $0.50 for every km travelled and $0.30 for each minute of waiting
time. In addition, customers have to pay a fixed flag down charge of $2.80 per trip.
(b) (i) State the mean and variance of the total fare paid in a randomly chosen trip.
(ii) Find the probability that out of 10 randomly chosen trips, a customer is
charged less than $8 in at least 6 trips. [3]

10 A box contains four red and eight blue balls of which two of the red and six of the
blue balls have the number 2 printed on them. The remaining balls have the number 3
printed on them. Three balls are randomly drawn from the box without replacement.
Find the probability that
(i) at least one blue ball is drawn, [1]
(ii) at least one ball of each colour is drawn, [2]
(iii) the sum of the numbers on the balls drawn is at least 8, [2]
(iv) the sum of the number on the balls drawn is at least 8 given that at least one blue
ball is drawn. [3]
State, with a reason, whether the events 'the sum of the numbers on the balls drawn is
at least 8' and 'at least one blue ball is drawn' are independent. [1]

Hwa Chong Institution 2011 9740 / 02 / JC2 Prelim 2011 [Turn Over


11 Research is done to investigate how the probability p of a woman having pregnancy
complications varies with the woman's age x, in years. The table gives observed
values of p for 7 different values of x.
x 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
p 0.00021 0.00067 0.00125 0.00333 0.01000 0.03330 0.07020
(i) Draw a scatter diagram for the data. [1]
(ii) Explain which of p a bx = + or
p ab = , where a and b are constants, is the more
appropriate model for the data. Calculate the least squares estimates of a and b
for the more appropriate model. [4]
(iii) Using the more appropriate model in part (ii), find the expected number of
women having pregnancy complications out of a sample of 5000 randomly
chosen pregnant women of age 32. [2]
(iv) One student uses the model of the form
p ab = and finds it troublesome to
handle values of p with so many decimal places, so he introduces another
variable q such that 1000 . q p = By considering the model of the form
q o| = ,
find o and | in terms of a and b . [2]

12 A banks customer service hotline receives enquiry calls on accounts services and
credit cards. On average, 1 enquiry call on accounts services is received every 40
minutes and 1 enquiry call on credit cards is received every 15 minutes. The duration
of each call, in minutes, is a random variable with the distribution N(12, 3).
(a) Use a Poisson distribution to find the probability that in an hour, there are at least
4 enquiry calls on accounts services given that the total number of enquiry calls
received is less than its expected number. [3]
State an assumption required for your working to be valid. [1]
(b) (i) If the probability that the average duration of n randomly chosen calls
exceeds 12.3 minutes is at most 0.03, find the least value of n. [3]
(ii) Explain whether the answer in part (i) is still valid if the duration of each call
does not follow a normal distribution. [1]
(c) If the hotline receives 100 enquiry calls in a day, find the most likely number of
calls with duration between 10 minutes and 15 minutes on that day. [3]

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