Luštica Peninsula
Luštica Peninsula
Luštica Peninsula
Lutica Peninsula
by Saa Cvetkovi
A thesis
presented to the University of Waterloo
in fulllment of the
thesis requirement for the degree of
Master of Architecture
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 2006
Saa Cvetkovi 2006
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis.This is a true copy of the
thesis, including any required nal revisions, as accepted by my examiners.
I understand that my thesis may be electronically made available to the public.
This thesis creates an architectural vision for the future environmentally
and culturally healthy evolution of the Lutica peninsula, a very potent
and unique site along the Adriatic coast in Serbia and Montenegro. While
acknowledging the contemporary and increasingly important need
for ecological incentives in designing, planning and management of
our environments, the work utilizes a holistic ecosystems approach as
a methodological tool to ravel the sites inherent organizational and
operational complexities. Imagined and embodied in a Natural and
Cultural Heritage Park, the development vision is fundamentally driven
by the idea of the immortality and destiny of a place, often referred to
as the sense of a place. The focus of the thesis is embedded in the search,
discovery and eventual safeguarding and enhancement of Luticas
genius loci, thereby ensuring its ecological and economical sustainability,
and the overall health of its reconciled natural and cultural communities.
By proposing a resolution for existing problems and fostering intrinsic
potentials of the site, the thesis offers a new paradigm for developing
our environments wherein the spirit of a place plays a quintessential
role in dening their very identity and meaning.
I would like to thank all who made a difference in creation of this thesis. First
of all, my sincere gratitude goes to group of individuals from Serbia and
Montenegro: personnel from CEP ofce and from Department of Landscape
Architecture at University of Belgrade in Belgrade; Sanja Markovi from
Institute of Nature Protection in Podgorica; people from Public Library, City
Archives, Institute for Urbanism and Planning, and Tourist Centre in Herceg
Novi; people from Nautical Museum and EXPeditio in Kotor; Kaa Nikoli
and Sreko Krasan from Tivat; and special thanks to Svetlana Jele and other
people from Lutica. Without their invaluable assistance and support the
thesis would not be possible.
Thanks also to my supervisor Val Rynnimeri and my thesis advisors, Rick
Haldenby and Rick Andrighetti. Their valuable advices and experiences in
the eld helped me greatly during the thesis voyage. A special thanks to my
external reader Neno Kovaevi for his time and commitment.
Finally, I would like to thank my friends and especially my family for their
unconditional love, continual support and for constantly having faith in me
and my work.
vii my PARENTS...
Branko Cvetkovi and Mira Cvetkovi
Thesis Overture
introduction Thesis Exploration and Foundation
Thesis Site and Approach
Embryonic State
thesis contextual framework Lutica Peninsula Personal Narrative
Methodology Genius Loci
In Search for Spiritus Movens
analyticum Ecosystems Holarchy
Adriatic Sea
Montenegrin Littoral
Boka Kotorska
Lutica Peninsula
Narratives & Mapping
Historic & Landscape
Narratives - Problems & Potentials
Table of Contents
Heritage Park Lutica
syntheticum A Park Proposal
Lutica as a Heritage Park
Lutica as a Multipurpose Park
General Objectives
Spiritus Movens Re-visited
Heritage Park Design
Lutica Management
The Fortications of Lutica
specicum - a case study Background
Artefacts - Design
Experience - Spiritus Movens
Ukop Locus
Fort Arza
Design Guidelines
Towards a Healthy Architecture
conclusion Gestalt
Model, Polemic, Vision
Appendix Building Traditions
ECOlogical Revolution
List of Illustrations
All gures represent the work of the author, whether they are photos, maps
or tables, with exception of a few images that were borrowed, adopted and
adapted from various sources to support the thesis. For a detail list of all
gures refer to the back of the book in the section on Illustrations.
The gures on cover pages match the corresponding chapters in the book.
Since they are not labeled on the cover pages, they are included here as the
Into the Light
Fig. Introduction
The photo of the tunnel and the staircase as found on Gornja Arza artillery location.
Virgin Land
Fig. Embryonic Stage
The photo portrays the intact environment, unspoiled nature of the Zeta valley.
Holy Tree
Fig. Analyticum
The photo of an old olive tree in anjice. It represents one of Luticas essential qualities.
The Window
Fig. Syntheticum
The photo suggests the synergy of cultural and natural; duality substituted by unity.
The Opening
Fig. Case Study Analyticum
The view out through window of Fort Kabala. From a murky, dense past to a healthy future.
Ukop Mood
Figs. Case Study Syntheticum
The photos reveal the character of Ukop site. With Minimum to achieve Maximum.
Towards a Healthy Architecture
Fig. Conclusion
The photo of the gateway to Fortication Rose which was restored, renovated and reanimated.
Visuals - Note on Figures
Inspired by past and present environmental and ecological movements,
and by architectural philosophies that aspire towards the reconciliation of
man and nature, this thesis explores what denes the sense of a place of the
Lutica peninsula, an exceptional site found on the Adriatic coast of Serbia
and Montenegro. The process of unraveling and understanding its culturally
afuent past and complex present conditions becomes the kernel for
envisioning Luticas future - a prosperous, meaningful, and most importantly,
site development.
Beyond the academic rationale of nding the appropriate site that provides the
desired complexities (rich interlinked cultural and natural layers), and beyond
a set of goals that could address the problems and potentials of contemporary
architecture in response to its environment worldwide, there is also a very
strong personal motivation behind the site selection. The cultural ties, the
mentality and traditions, deeply rooted in the authors personality are the
primary motive responsible for choosing a site so remote and distant from the
present Canadian academic realm. For the land that nurtured generations of
his predecessors, the author feels a powerful sense of belonging and a burning
desire to do something for the country, something exemplary and progressive,
something innovative and visionary, something in accord with the local
potential that has never before been able to thrive to its fullest capacity due to
the politics of an historically tormented country.
On a broader more universal scale, this thesis site epitomizes the contemporary
struggle for an economically and environmentally sustainable development
in the time of a global ecological crisis. Exploring the possibilities and re-
evaluating the principles of planning, landscape architecture and architectural
design, this thesis attempts to establish a methodology, a fused and unied
axiom for a successful, and above all, healthy design development in all
spheres of world making, while strongly advocating for Nature as the key
guide and the chief partner in the overall process. Conversely, this thesis
could also be read as a personal quest into the natural and cultural realms
of a particular Mediterranean site with the purpose of dening a genuine
meaning of design as the governing principle of creation; to nd out what
truly constitutes a meaningful architecture.
healthy in the thesis is used
interchangeably with terms such
as sustainable, ecological,
harmonious, and natural. In
all these cases, the word means
pro-life and creation in its most
fundamental sense. Healthy, in
this context, means respectful and
friendly for the environment and
for the natural and cultural systems
involved. Healthy also means
prosperous, successful and future-
full in a more sustainable sense with
respect to the overall environment.
The anti-thesis of the term would
be un-healthy, meaning non-
beneting, parasitic even, and
utterly threatening to survival. The
unhealthy jeopardizes its own future
and all other entities in its realm as
well as those affected by it.
Healthy also means harmonious
as it promotes a symbiotic
relationship between the healthy
system and the surrounding
environment. It means that both,
if in tune with each other, benet
from this relationship. It also means
natural since this pro-life notion is
extensively found in nature and its
natural processes of evolution,
cyclical changes, preserving the
natural, dynamic balance or
homeostasis; natural also means
given in nature and objectied in
every aspect of existence.
2 Thesi s Over t ure
Thesis Overture
i nt roduct i on
3 i ntroducti on
We need to realize the powerful potential of architecture
to mediate between man and the environment, to both
alleviate the rootlessness of the Telematic Nomad and accept
responsibility for the health and well-being of the earth. We
need an architecture that works to ground us in place, to
provide us with a footing from which to evaluate contemporary
technology critically and embrace it selectively, rather than
one that celebrates dissolution and the placelessness of
telecommunications. We need an architecture of afliation,
engagement, and stewardship.
Without an architecture that bonds us to the earth and to
each other, our lives will be as empty as the rapacious sprawl
of exurbs and suburbs. We will become strangers to ourselves,
interlopers in our own homes, tourists in our own towns forever
cut off from public virtues and concern for our environment.
Without attention to the need for architecture to engender
love, pride, and cultural bonding to place, our most stylish
efforts, most pragmatic solutions, and most sincere critiques
will simply add to the decay of an already unhealthy planet.
Ellen Dunham-Jones, Losing Ground
4 Thesi s Over t ure
Thesis Incipient Stage
Fig. i.1(left)
The river case explored the ideas of
scale of nature and human, together
with the analogous relationship
between woman and the river
Fig. i.2(right)
The land case explored the ideas of
kinetic experiencing of an audio-
visual landscape; movement and
participation with a polarized
playful environment as essentials
for gaining an experience
3 i ntroducti on
This thesis began as a wish to address coastal architecture as a theme aspiring
to reconnect man with nature; to revisit the evolutional and philosophical
origin of life - the water and the sea. The edge between the land and the sea
became the focus of a personal experiential discovery in which the dichotomies
and contrasts fundamental to virtually any living condition were explored.
They comprised a series of experiences: the overwhelming scale of nature in
respect to the human factor, analogies between the female body and nature,
explorations of the audio-visual landscapes, the tensions created between the
sacral and the profane, the man and the woman, the traditional and patriarchal
versus the modern attitudes.
thesis exploration
and foundations
Thesis Incipient Stage
Fig. i.3
The consecrated case explored the
ideas of duality and polarization,
specically focusing on the unique
and very peculiar conditions at
the mount Athos - Holy Mountain
4 Thesi s Over t ure
The last inuential component was a more theoretical investigation into the
relationship between man and nature, historically a symbiotic one until the
industrial age and the advent of machinery, the creation of corporations, private
ownership, the capitalist notion of prot, and invention of capitalism itself.
Writings and essays discussing the issues of these relationships informed and
shaped the general architectural philosophy in the thesis and strengthened
the desire to attempt the creation of a practical framework; a methodological
process that would allow a reconciliation of man and nature to take place. The
rst and foremost step in this worrying process became the search for genius
loci - the sense of a place.
Parallel to this experiential exploration, the work started to move into a more
pragmatic realm of environmental and ecology-based issues pertaining to the
current world-wide crisis. New problem-solving strategies acknowledged
the complexities embedded in all living organisms, systems, designs, and
creation processes. As a result, the thesis shifted towards a more practical
direction of selecting a particular site that initially had carried much of the
portrayed experiential tensions and conicts. Simultaneously it provided
specic conditions charged with problems and potentials regarding the future
development and evolution of the selected place. This duality formed the basis
for the forthcoming thesis development.
Swimming pool, Leca de Palmeira,
Portugal, 1961-66
Fig. i.4
One of the inuential projects
for the thesis, where a fusion of
natural and man-made elements is
profoundly striking - hence
suggesting similar approach to the
Luticas coastal development
Piazza Metallica, Dunsburg-Nord,
Landscape Park, 1991
Fig. i.5
A former industrial park
represents one of the most
compelling contemporary landscape
projects with the similar healing
attitudes as envisioned for
Luticas revitalization.
5 i ntroducti on
6 Thesi s Over t ure
This thesis has started as a simple idea, a wish to make difference in the world.
As any other thesis, it began with the known, based on the works of others in
the eld of the subject matter, and then gradually it departed to an unknown
territory, to its own world of discovery and innovation. Since the world is not
a tabula rasa, everything new that is created has to originate on something old,
something that already exists. In order to understand this thesis entirely, it
is mandatory to identify its origins in literature. On this thesis subject there
is a plethora of signicant academic and non-academic work that has been
researched, explored and studied to a greater or lesser degree depending on
the importance, quality and relevance of the material. The following inuential
precedents are selected since they form the foundation for the evolution of
the thesis. These projects and works not only informed the imminent thesis
material, but served as reference models and at times, as the only guidance in
the development process of the thesis.
The beginnings of the written work which follows were characterized partly
by a difculty in nding the most adequate way to present the richness, the
multi-layering, the sheer complexity of the Lutica peninsula, its identity
and character. The decision was made to develop the thesis by attuning the
intuitive, introspective sounds of personal desires and aspirations with the
objectivity of the facts of the place, the external reality of the subject matter.
The two components, the personal and the factual tend to merge, intertwine
and enhance each other creating an integrated narrative which essentially
represents the story of Lutica, its body and its soul.
Themes covered in the thesis also reect the mosaic quality of the multi
layered content embedded in Luticas site narrative. Perhaps the path of their
discovery is the path of the story telling. Therefore, the thesis is not intended
to be read only in a standard linear progression, but also as a dictionary, a
journal, or a brochure in which the mosaic pieces in a form of various texts,
quotations, images and diagrams found on the margins and in the body-text,
are interdependent and interconnected into one integral whole. This idea
is also supported and aided by cross references which add an additional
navigation throughout the book. Although they may appear to be otherwise
separate and divergent, the mosaics parts, the linear narrative and the cross
references all compliment each other thereby providing a comprehensive and
gestalt outlook on the presented material.
Camp Pendleton, California, US
Fig. i.6
Political and Landscape Map
Sea Ranch, California, US
Fig. i.7
Olhson Recreation Centre with
the pool in the foreground and
the Pacic in the background
Biodiversity and Landscape
Planning project which proposed
alternative futures for the region
previously occupied by a military
base, has provided a solid
referential basis for envisioning
the Lusticas future evolution.
The Pendleton project has
offered an outstanding mapping
work which utilized GIS, and a
series of future development
scenarios with different impact
intensity on the surrounding
This successful model for a
sustainable and environmentally
friendly community planning,
management and living,
represents a true practical
embodiment of what constitutes
a healthy development. It is also
a direct inspirational example for
a new development on Lutica.
[Refer to Pg.170 in Chapter 3]
7 i ntroducti on
Magia Blanca,
La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica
Fig. i.8 (left)
Site-seeing of the natural wonders
A trail, Hacienda Baru, Costa Rica
Fig. i.9 (right)
Hiking and walking the trails
Toucan Flight, Hacienda Baru, Costa Rica
Fig. i.10 (bottom)
Educational and research expeditions
Tropical climate predisposed
Costa Rica to unique and
exceptional natural beauty and
richness. The country has invested
greatly in these resources. It
uses them as an ecological
and economic foundation in
the tourism development of
its regions. Accordingly, Costa
Rican government designed
and implemented eco-tourism
principles and practices which
have proven to be economically
and environmentally sustainable.
In the developing tourism
oriented regions such as the
Lutica peninsula, the ecotourism
locations and the techniques
found on Costa Rica thus serve
as a successful model for healthy
thriving of natural and cultural
systems. [refer to Zones of Eco-
tourism, Pg. 176, Chapter 3]
8 Thesi s Over t ure
Downsview Park, Toronto, Canada
Fig. i.11 (top)
Perspectival rendering of one of
the major public spaces
Fig. i.12 (bottom)
Proposed Site Plan
Downsview Park represents a
place of history, a model for the
future, where natural and urban
come together as a constructed
versatile ecosystem and a
sustainable community place,
to live, learn, work and play. As
such, this park proposal greatly
resembles the future vision
for the Luticas Heritage park.
Apart from the size difference,
Downsview Park is also set in
the heart of the urban fabric.
Unlike Luticas predominantly
natural environment, such urban
setting carries a whole new
different set of values, attributes
and intensities pertaining to
its design development and
9 i ntroducti on
Park Gell, Barcelona, Spain
Fig. i.13 (left)
Winding roads and paths and
the central seating area with
the supporting columns in the
Fig. i.14 (right)
Organic-looking support column
and railing details
Fig. i.15 (bottom)
The entrance to the park
with the main staircase
This is one of the largest urban
parks in Barcelona envisioned by
a legendary Catalonian architect
Antoni Gaudi. Originally intended
as an English style garden city, the
park today is a magical setting in
which natural and cultural are
wonderfully and compellingly
brought together. This incredible
inheritance of organic nature-
inspired architectural designs in
a form of curves, mosaic work,
colonnades and railings, directly
represent the embodiment of
Gaudis architectural design
vision and philosophy. For
Gaudi, profoundly immersed in
Nature and her design principles,
cultural has always been seen as
a part, an extension, of natural.
Similar organic approach and
design language with Nature
as a principle guide is intended
for the Lutica Heritage Park
design and development
- fortications renovation,
pavilions, shelters, trails, gates
and other programmatic
elements proposed for the Park.
[refer to Zones of Redevelopment,
Pg.164 in Chapter 3].
10 Thesi s Over t ure
Ta Cenc Heritage Park, Gozo, Malta
Fig. i.16 (top)
Aerial shot of the landscape patterns
created by agricultural land, ancient
cart routes and winding roads as
carved out of the rocky terrain
Fig. i.17 (bottom)
The Heritage Park Management Plan
showing the Ta Cenc site with the
surrounding context and topography
The management plan for this
Heritage Park addresses a series
of interlinked issues pertaining
to the future development of
this potent and complex site.
Central ideas such as natural and
cultural heritage conservation
and protection, scientic research,
tourism development and
recreation are very similar to the
concepts proposed for the Lutica
peninsula and its future evolution.
These management initiatives in
both scenarios are driven by an
essential motive for preservation
and enhancement of genius loci
the sense of a place. Although
promoting tourism, the strategies
tend to minimize its intensity
and impact on the surrounding
11 i ntroducti on
For detailed bibliography on
each section refer to the end
of the book where all sources
used are adequately grouped
and listed.
The Burning Man Festival, Nevada
Fig. i.18
The setting sun and the Burning
Man wooden structure
For the detail description, analysis,
and relationship between this fes-
tival and Lutica, refer to Pg. 256 in
Chapter 4
12 Thesi s Over t ure
Beside various case studies reviewed from all over the world (America,
Canada, Costa Rica, Portugal, Malta), the thesis would not be possible without
instrumental precedents found in Serbia and Montenegro, and the related
academic literature and mapping material which have proven to be its sine
qua none. Amongst many, the subsequent works of native Serbo-Montenegrin
authors were crucial for providing necessary information and documentations:
a PhD thesis on Anthropogenic Modication Types in the Landscape of Boka
Kotorska written by Goran Bozovi, Boka - an Anthropogenic study done by
the orthodox priest Sava Nakienovi, and BOKA, a collection of works in
arts, culture and science published annually by the Museum of Herceg Novi.
The majority of the mapping material came from the government maps of
the region with the Topographic Charts of Herceg Novi, Tivat and the Trate Bay
being the most useful ones. Boka Kotorska maps provided in the PhD thesis of
Goran Bozovi together with the mapping information gathered directly from
the site research and eld trips to Lutica were also essential for the analysis
Amongst many written works that have been read over the course of the
thesis development, the following two books are mentioned here due to their
tremendous inuence on the emerging thesis. They are: Design with Nature
by Ian McHarg and Practice of the Wild written by Gary Snyder.
13 i ntroducti on
One more inuential factor needs to be mentioned. Even though it is not part of
the stipulated literature search and has not been academically accredited, the
experience of the sites character and its corresponding narratives were vital
to the thesis from its beginnings. To verify and improve mapping information,
substantial amount of intrinsic material was gathered and acquired through
personal on site investigation, experiential exploration, and practical site
research during the two-months-visit to the Boka Kotorska region and the
Lutica peninsula in August and September of the summer 2004. Interviews,
conversations, expeditions and site-surveying were all instrumental in the
development of supplementary, and often essential, knowledge necessary for
the realization of the thesis. At times, these sources happen to be the only
available information and as such their credibility and relevance to the subject
matter have constantly shaped and guided the course of the thesis from its
incipient stage until the last conclusion.
The Club of the Most Beautiful
Bays in the World was established
in 1997 in Berlin with the registered
ofce in Vannes, France. The club
counts for 32 most beautiful bays
amongst which are the infamous
bays of Rio, Quebec, Venice,
San Francisco, and others. Boka
Kotorska Bay was accepted in the
club in the year 2000.
14 Thesi s Over t ure
Lutica is a hilly peninsula situated in the southeastern Adriatic region along
the northwest part of the Montenegrin coast of Serbia and Montenegro. From
a geomorphological and anthropological perspective, Lutica represents an
inseparable part of the larger region of the Boka Kotorska Bay. With its isolated
landmass Lutica shapes the southern edge of the Boka Kotorska bay and
separates it from the open Adriatic Sea. At the same time, with its rich cultural
history, it has also been an integral part of the historical continuum of the
surrounding region of Boka Kotorska.
The most striking aspect of Luticas landscape is the greenery that covers the
whole peninsula, contrasting the blueness of both the sky and the Adriatic
Sea. As the mediator in this natural dialogue, the Cretaceous white-grey
rocky terrain known as kras creates morphologically rich and complex relief
elements, which vary drastically from the northern part of the peninsula facing
the Boka Kotorska bay, to the southern coast which opens up to the Adriatic
sea and horizon. This variation is also evident from the low coastal region to
the hilly mainland terrain. The land and the surrounding sea host seemingly
endless numbers of faunal and oral species, some of which are endemic and
unique for the region. Due to its exceptional natural diversity on such a small
territory, Lutica contributes greatly to the quality of Boka Kotorska by being
one inimitable natural entity in the whole of the Adriatic. Furthermore, as
an integral part of the Boka Kotorska Bay, the Lutica peninsula shares the
privilege of being a part of the bay that has been recognized as one of the most
beautiful bays in the world.
thesis site
and approach
A Visual Taste of the Lutica Peninsula
Fig. i.19
A virgin land, the thriving native
vegetation, the crystal blue sky
and the endless horizon
15 i ntroducti on
Even though a pristine, natural environment dominates the peninsula, Lutica
also has a rich cultural heritage due to centuries of human activity tied to
this location and its even more active surrounding region. Past archeological
discoveries have shown that Lutica and the Boka Kotorska region have
been frequently inhabited by many different settlers for more than 4,000
years. Before and after the arrival of the Slavs, numerous states, countries,
kingdoms, and empires gravitated to the region of Boka Kotorska, to its
powerful strategic location in the southeastern Adriatic, near the Otrant Door
and the open Mediterranean Sea. The regions desirable living conditions a
serene environment, a mild climate, calm waters and bays that served as a
refuge from pirates and the open sea gave rise to many ancient cities and
coastal villages. Beside settlers, such a rich region also constantly attracted
many different invaders. As a result, the control of the region was passed from
one ruler to another, frequently inuencing conditions of the region. Borders,
administrations, and the overall political, social and economic situation have
been constantly changing. All civilizations and authorities - from Illyrians and
Greek colonists, Roman and Byzantine Empires, to post-Slavic Venetian and
Turkish rules, the brief Russian and French governance, and nally Austro-
Hungarian, Italian and German occupation in the past century - have left their
traces manifested in cultural and environmental modications of the area,
adding to its complex cultural heritage.
Old Stone Houses in Bijelila
Fig. i.20
The image reveals a magic
character and feeling of the
symbiotic relationship
between natural and
man-made elements.
16 Thesi s Over t ure
Genius loci is a particular quintessential characteristic of a place, its spirit, one
which consists of many interdependent underlying conditions crucial for the
understanding of that place. Luticas spirit lies directly in the symbiosis of two
aspects. Natural and man-made environments are impressively connected on
Lutica in one heterogenic and unique whole. The natural diversity, from sandy
and gravel beaches, small islands and capes, to completely inaccessible rocky
cliffs with caves and grottoes underneath, is often complemented by minimal
human intervention, in the past governed solely by utilization, nurturing,
and consequently adapting to the natural surrounding and its potentials. As
a result, there are many building artifacts and man-made elements such as
small docks, ports, urbanized beaches, observation and defense objects, even
little coastal villages, which, completely immersed in the natural setting, meet
the neighboring natural environment in a balanced and harmonious way. For
example, authentic Illyrian burial grounds called tumuli, medieval Christian
Orthodox churches, centuries-old small rustic villages, and even monumental
Austro-Hungarian fortications, all found throughout the Lutica mainland,
rest peacefully and in accord with the natural surrounding. Complimenting
the untouched slopes covered with native greenery and ancient olive groves,
barren and rocky hill tops, and small islands and coves, the cultural artifacts
appear as if they were there forever, not built by human hand but rather carved
by forces of nature, stone by stone out of its own terrain.
Old stone Guvno in Babunci
Fig. i.21
Historically Guvno is a place for
milling wheat and a place of
gathering for village people
17 i ntroducti on
In the past few decades, unfortunately, Lutica has been characterized by
severe disregard for its existing environmental condition, for this unique
treasury consisting of two complex symbiotic and well-integrated systems,
natural and man-made, which have co-existed and developed in this area
since the beginning of their recorded history. Not only does this disregard
the existence and preservation of the genius loci but it also threatens to
disrupt a dynamic, balanced relationship between human activity and its
surrounding environment underlying that spirit of place. Luticas cultural
and natural heritages are in great risk of neglect, disrepair and even complete
destruction. More signicantly, the natural eco-systems, including the diverse
and authentic ecology of the entire region, are becoming highly endangered.
In particular, unplanned and uncontrollable urban growth, unpredictable
tourism techniques based exclusively on protability, increasing environmental
pollution, dilapidation of cultural monuments and even degradation of in-land
medieval villages and adjoining horticultural lands, are just a few examples of
by-products of contemporary human activity and its ignorance for the cultural
balance of the environment and natural ecosystems of Lutica.
attractor - is the term adopted from
the ecosystem approach. It describes
specic current conditions of a certain
system as it strives for the state of
a dynamic equilibrium in constant
interaction with its surroundings.
At the core of an adaptive ecosystem
approach to sustainability and health
is the premise that a sustainable society
maintains itself in the context of the
larger ecological system that it is part
of. The formulation of a sustainable
society involves realizing a vision of
how the landscape of human and
natural ecosystems should co-evolve
as a self-organizing entity.
Monitoring is the activity of observing
the human and natural systems
and synthesizing the observations
together into a narrative of how the
situation has actually unfolded and
how it might unfold in the future.
This narrative is used as the basis for
governance and management, that is
for learning, revisioning, and adapting
human activities as the human and
natural ecosystems co-evolve as a self-
organizing entity.
Bunch, McCarthy,
Kay, Waltner-Toews
Management is the activity
[that] involves the development
and implementation of strategies
to promote or discourage specic
forms of self-organization in the
context of the communal vision
and plan. This means maintaining
the context for the self-organizing
complex (SOHO) systems, rather
than intervening in the system in a
mechanical way.
Kay and Schneider, 1994
18 Thesi s Over t ure
Before any measures and actions can be taken as an attempt to solve these
serious problems, one has to understand the complexity involved, not
only in the presented problematic conditions and their origins, but also the
complexities pertaining to the overall operational and organizational principles
and the interaction of the two interlinked ecosystems on Lutica. This thesis is
intended to initiate a comprehensive investigative method that will coherently
systematize and process a wide body of heterogeneous and seemingly
disparate information. By generating series of maps, diagrams, and narratives,
the analytical process will enable a thorough and apriori understanding
of Lutica. To this end, a new sophisticated approach will be utilized and
adapted for this thesis from ecological theoreticians and practitioners who
have attempted, in a wide range of work and research, to provide an intricate
and comprehensive framework with the principal purpose of understanding
the dynamics and complexities innate to all ecosystems. Monitoring stability,
planning, and estimating the implementations of interventions, represent vital
processes and sine qua non conditions for ecosystem management.
Such an
ecosystem approach with its sophisticated analytical and synthetic techniques
will become an appropriate and indispensable methodology for unraveling the
specic complexity and heterogeneity of Luticas interspersed ecosystems.
There are several distinguished steps in a comprehensive ecosystem approach
like that of James Kay and his collaborators. Initially, an organizational principle
or holarchy has to be established in order to provide necessary perspective and
reference points in the analytical process. In essence, the holarchy represents the
relational structure of the studied ecosystem in reference to the larger context
and to its smaller divisions (natural communities, populations and individuals).
At each level then, a detailed spatial and temporal interdisciplinary dissection
is developed integrating various elds of consideration and inuence such
as biological, economic, cultural, geographic, political, social, etc. However,
narrower the focus of the analysis in the holarchy, the more intensied and
detailed the information becomes. Based on the holarchy, systematic analysis
distills the most important behaviours and current conditions of the self-
organized ecosystems on the Lutica peninsula. These are dened as the
existing attractors
and their respective narratives. Origins are recognized,
as well as the anticipated future direction for these conditions. Whether the
classication is positive or negative, it is the very identication and thorough
understanding of the system and its attractors and narratives that establishes
the foundation for the adequate goals and strategic initiatives to unfold.
Composite Map of Lutica
Fig. i.22
Complexity and heterogeneity
innate to Lusticas ecosystems
19 i ntroducti on
Once the understanding is acquired from detailed exploration and investigation
and once the genius loci of Lutica is uncovered, it becomes a natural process to
follow the steps which will encourage its continuous thriving. The purpose of
the thesis then becomes the protection and enhancement of Luticas natural
and cultural heritage which will directly reinforce their interdependent
coexistence and a future symbiotic and above all, healthy evolution. Such an
idea is embodied as a concrete project for the Lutica peninsula - the proposal
for a Heritage Park formation. By denition, such a Heritage Park would be
multipurpose, representing a hybrid between a broader urban and bioregional
planning, and a standard park design for a national park or nature reserve. As
for every multifunctional strategy, the ecosystem approach further suggests
the formation and stipulation of a series of strategic initiatives aimed primarily
at the preservation and strengthening of the genius loci. Goals, management
principles and monitoring are prescribed in the plan as fundamental elements
which will ensure the parks stability and healthy future evolution. For their
easier and more effective implementation, the Lutica study area is further
divided into different areas and zones - Management Units - depending on
specic natural, cultural and landscape values and characteristics of specic
areas or places on the peninsula.
20 Thesi s Over t ure
The last part of the thesis is a case study. In this nal chapter of the book
The Fortications of Lutica are introduced and carefully explored as one of the
most important and inuential elements for the future development of the
peninsula. A complete understanding of the fortications present condition
is obtained by utilizing the same systematic principles of analysis and
synthesis as described and applied in a more general way with previous thesis
sections. The context, the design, and most importantly, the experience of the
fortications are vividly depicted in the rst part of this chapter revealing
the forts hidden spirit. Consequently, these narratives and the uncovered
genius loci become the essential prerequisites for envisioning the fortications
prospective evolution. Based on these specic narratives, and by providing
relevant and efcacious precedents, the second synthetic component of the
chapter develops the design language and the guidelines for attuning to the
genius loci which will eventually assure a healthy future for the fortications,
and equally the future of the entire peninsula.
21 i ntroducti on
Embr yoni c St age
Embryonic Stage
the contextual framework
23 the contextual framework
the prayer
Matter, of this is the cosmos, sun, earth and life made
Sun, shine that we may live
Earth home
Oceans ancient home
Atmosphere, protect and sustain us
Clouds, rain, rivers and streams, replenish us from the sea
Plants live and breathe that we may breathe, eat and live
Animals, kin.
Decomposers, reconstitute the wastes of life and death so
that life may endure.
Man, seek the path of benign planetary enzyme,
aspire to be the worlds physician.
Heal the earth and thyself.
Ian McHarg, Design with Nature
Embr yoni c St age
25 the contextual framework
The present condition of the Lutica peninsula epitomizes the conditions
in which most of the surrounding Montenegrin and other Adriatic coastal
regions are found as part of the global environmental crisis. Lutica shares
similar, site-specic potentials and problems as do many developing countries
and their undeveloped regions. Many presently struggle with a global hyper-
tourism and uncontrollable development. Ensuring a healthy future on Lutica
could indicate a success and health on the earth. If Lutica can be preserved as
a region of rich natural places and strong local histories and traditions, then
there is yet some hope for the regions of the globe in confrontation with the
impacts of global civilizations.
Living today means living in the environmental crisis which is omnipresent
and globally conceived as the major threat to our civilization, especially in the
years to come. It is thus apparent and quite easily ascertained that we live in a
decisive time burdened by not only our own life expectancies but also by that
of the generations to come. The way people of today live will determine how
and if the people of tomorrow will live. Therefore, our actions, our attitudes,
our everything now counts towards the future.
How we live implies desire for healthier modes of living, a less degraded and
defaced environment, and a generally more inspiring and uplifting cultural
milieu. Accordingly, a specic related terminology was established alongside
and within the extensive body of work of ecologist and environmentalist.
Terms such as green buildings, deep ecology, environmentalism, sustainability,
bioclimatic design, bioregional thinking and other thematic variations have
been coined one after another, and some even simultaneously with each
other, yet all of them portray the same essential urge to act upon the very
problematic situation our terrestrial environment currently encounters.
Both contemporary environmental theory and its parallel practices reect a
profound and fundamental aspiration for the culture to come to terms with
nature realizing that until ecology and healthy thinking enter all spheres of
our existence on the planet, there will be no rest, no comfort, no afuent future
guaranteed for our children.
Deep ecology - a philosophy that calls
for a profound shift in our attitudes
and behavior based on voluntary
simplicity; rejection of anthropocentric
attitudes; intimate contact with nature;
decentralization of power; support for
cultural and biological diversity; a
belief in the sacredness of nature; and
direct personal action to protect nature,
improve the environment, and bring
about fundamental societal change.
Green architecture or sustainable
architecture are simply different
terms for designing with nature and
designing in an environmentally
responsible way.
Ken Yeang, Designing with Nature
Sustainability - meeting the needs of
the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.
McDonough, 1992
Ecology - the study of the interactions of
organisms, populations, and biological
species (including humans) with their
living and nonliving environment;
ecosystem - the composition change
and stability of geographically
localized groups of species, and the
ow energy and matter within such
groups of species
Istock, 1973.
Bioclimatic Architecture - the
description of a more building-specic
term [that] means an approach to
design which is inspired by nature
and which applies a sustained logic to
every aspect of the project, focused on
optimizing and using the environment.
The logic covers conditions of setting,
economy, construction, building
management and individual health
and well-being, in addition to building
David Lloyd Jones,
Architecture and the Environment
The two paragraphs and the quotes
in the margins are the extracts from
the essay on ECOphilosophy behind
the thesis. [Refer to the Appendix for
the full version of the text.]
St. Nedelja Church, Zabre
Fig. 1.1
The high spiritual density felt on
Lutica is in large owed to a
multitude of Orthodox churches,
their exceptional positioning, and
their rich cultural inheritance
Embr yoni c St age
Lutica Peninsula
a personal narrative
27 the contextual framework
I visited Lutica for the rst time in 1994 as part of a day long eld-trip from
Herceg Novi. I traveled by boat as most tourists still do. Luticas presence
within the surrounding landscape could be described as silent yet salient.
Geographically, the Lutica peninsula forms the Bay of Boka Kotorska itself.
Not a lot of tourists know, however, what the name Lutica actually signies.
Most know of resort names such as Rose, anjice and Mirite, all situated
on the Lutica coastline, where they go on one day eld-trips usually by
boat from the town of Herceg Novi or its surroundings. In fact, one could
expect approximately two visits to Lutica during an affordable, and hence
average, two week vacation in the economically tormented country such as
In 1994, anjice could hardly bare the name of a tourist resort. Tourism
supporting services for the anjice beach did not exist, except for one
restaurant and one caf-bar located far apart from each other. Most of the
services were provided by the walking shops, i.e. people with mobile
freezers and stands who walked around the beach and sold goods such as
food, drinks, and souvenirs. More often than not, a tourist could get a freshly
made doughnut, or a pancake, with an ice-cold soft drink just pulled out of
the cooler. Nonetheless, many visitors/tourists would bring their own food
or drinks for the reason of not being sure what to expect from a seemingly
uninhabited and semi-urbanized beach resort. After all, it was a one-day-
eld trip to wilderness. Tourists tended to bring things with them as they
would bring to any other picnic or a similar type of activity.
Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 1.2
View of Bokas gateway looking
west from the belvedere
of St. Peters church
Embr yoni c St age
Today on the other hand, the pristine nature of the Lutica resorts provides
tourists with something unique in these modern times, where the rate of
the urban sprawl worldwide increases exponentially, rendering accessible
pristine sites as rarities. Until recently, on Lutica, the water, air, and the entire
natural environment were all pollutant free. The sea was extremely clean and
clear, the air was fresh and full of healthy sea iodine, and the sky was shiny
blue and cloudless most of the time. Nature on Lutica was at her best, intact
and unspoiled by human activity. Lutica appeared like a paradise on Earth.
There was yet something else about this idiosyncratic place. I remember
vividly the indescribable sensation I had felt the rst day I set foot on Luticas
land. It was a feeling of an unusual energy unknown to me, a sense of some
kind of a divine presence that permeated the vegetation, the beach, the people,
this entire pure and untouched setting. I was not sure what caused such an
exceptional phenomenon. Was this special feeling induced by being utterly
immersed into natural surrounding, by being so remote and isolated from
anything cultural? Was the feeling of content and unexplainable happiness the
sole result of just being at the beach, surrounded by the natural elements - the
blue sky, the crystal sea, with the sun in the eyes and the wind in the hair?
Luticas coast
Fig. 1.3
In-tact, unspoiled and virgin
beauty predominates Luticas
29 the contextual framework
I was not certain then. Nonetheless, I was absolutely sure that there was some
universal force, a high level of spiritual density that seemed to grow stronger
each time I came back. In the end I believed, one would get a completely
different feeling of the beach and the surrounding environment on the
peninsula, than one would in any urbanized beach of Herceg Novi just a
couple of miles away in the bay. A visitor on Lutica could somehow feel
utterly connected to nature herself, to its laws and principles, to the experience
of just being alive and integrated with the surrounding at that specic time
and at that particular place.
Such land seemed to me completely uninhabited. For most visitors like me,
this enchanting place appeared to be just a tourist resort, a place of escape from
an ordinary urban vacation, a place for recreation and pleasure, where nature
happens to be an integral part of rest, contemplation, and play a perfect place
for Roman otium. What I did not know at the time, however, was that there are
people who actually live on the peninsula throughout the year, although the
rustic, bucolic appearance of the very underdeveloped environment suggested
otherwise. There were no showers or public washrooms, nor any resort
services whatsoever. I was not aware of many medieval villages accompanied
by a multitude of humble local Orthodox churches, nor was I aware of ancient
olive groves, vineyards and astonishing belvederes that existed throughout
the Lutica mainland.
Until recently there persisted among
Europeans the obscure awareness of
a mystic solidarity with the land of
ones birth. It was not a commonplace
love of country or province; it was not
admiration of a familiar landscape
or veneration of ancestors buried,
generation after generation, around
the village church. It was something
entirely different: the mystic experience
of autochthony, of being indigenous,
the profound sense of having emerged
from the local ground, the sense that
the earth had given birth to us, much
as it had given birth, in its inexhaustible
fertility, to rocks and streams and
owers.The obscure memory of a
pre-existence in the womb of the earth
has had signicant consequences. It
has produced among men a women
a feeling of cosmic relatedness to the
environment; one could even say that
at one period men were less aware of
belonging to the human species than of
a kind of cosmic-biologic participation
in the life of their landscape. This sort
of experience produced a mystic link
with place, whose intensity is till echoed
in folklore and popular tradition.
Mircea Eliade
Embr yoni c St age
In the meantime, my interest in Lutica overall grew stronger, so I found
out more about the peninsula: its strategic value, its geomorphology, and a
bit of its cultural history. I started to more broadly grasp its genius loci. The
ndings made me realize the complexity and hence the beauty of the location,
and how signicant it is in relation to the rest of the Montenegro coast. Year
after year, the more I started to appreciate Lutica and its precious value, the
more its condition worsened. It was not only due to unplanned and extensive
urbanization, but also because of the actual consequences of irresponsible
human activities. To give just an example, I noticed the decreased number
of small sh boats that light up the sea surface at twilight. This could have
implied some deeper economic problems, but a more probable reason was the
depleted sh resources due to unregulated over-shing to feed an increasing
tourist demands. This was just one example of the indirect consequences of
human ignorance towards the surrounding environment.
With frequent annual visits to the peninsula, it almost came naturally that
I started noticing many changes that affected its development. There were
more and more touring boats in the bay, especially in the section between
Herceg Novi and Lutica, and consequently more and more tourists each
year on its resorts such as Rose and anjice. This increase in the number of
visitors directly inuenced the rise of numerous new structures/facilities, and
unfortunately, it explicitly brought the unavoidable by-products of tourism
environmental pollution, disturbance of local ecosystems and noise. The
Lutica resorts started to transform into something completely different,
something very undesirable and unattractive.
For my summer vacation I kept coming back to Herceg Novi every year due
to several reasons. First, no visa or passport were required. I would need
both to go to any other foreign sea resort. Secondly, domestic resorts were
always more affordable than the foreign ones, and I already knew the area,
the mentality and the local people. And nally, while acquiring appreciation
and admiration for both natural beauties of the region and its rich cultural
layering, I also started to grasp the most intriguing phenomenon found on the
peninsula, this mysterious presence of profound energy, a hovering spirit of
Erect, the building stands on its rock
base. The buildings repose highlights
the rocks obscure support, solid yet
unconstructed. Standing there, the
building holds its head high against
the swirling storm, revealing its
violence. The splendour and luminosity
of the stones, seemingly a gift from
the sun, underline the light of day,
the immensity of the sky, darkness of
night. Its steadfast silhouette makes
the invisible region of the sky visible.
The solidity of the object contrasts
the surge of the waves, its immutable
calm emphasizing their impetuous
onslaught. Tree and grass, eagle and
bull, snake and cricket thus assume
their outer form and reveal their true
Martin Heidegger
Twilight from Lutica
Fig. 1.4
Mirror-like surface of Bokas
waters sprinkled with ferali
- shermens boat lights
31 the contextual framework
Upon my immigration to Canada, I missed a couple of seasons on the Adriatic
coast of Montenegro. I went back two years ago, after former Yugoslavia
underwent many phases and changes in its political life and an overall
national restructuring. The environment along the coast of Montenegro had
changed as well. Bigger towns such as Herceg Novi experienced less drastic
changes than some other smaller towns and nearby tourist resorts. Many new
constructions were built devoid of any environmental awareness or respect
for the local traditions and, as a result, the character of some of these resorts
started to lose its original authenticity. Sadly, the transformational powers of
global culturalization left very apparent and undeletable traces on Luticas
resorts as well.
It is these changes (most for the worse), which has made me realize that
something has to be done to prevent the current deterioration of the
environment and to re-evaluate, reconsider and potentially redirect further
human development towards a more sustainable and ultimately more
environmentally healthy site evolution.
Embr yoni c St age
I saw the potential for the responsible and discreet response to natural beauty
that could begin to alter and reshape our mental, often insatiable, urges for
pleasure, control and conquest of the unknown. I felt the potential to educate
and to enhance the awareness and understanding for the natural principles
and systems. On Lutica I saw the potential for developing a strategic plan
for a sustainable community and healthy living in accord with nature; to
develop creative design solutions that could simultaneously serve our cultural
needs while still maintaining the respect and reverence for the natural ways.
Finally, I sensed the potential for the reconciliation between man and nature
whereby the illusive dichotomy and alienation dissipate and are replaced by
a new clear vision of symbiotic connection, interdependence, profound unity
between the two. Accordingly, I attempted to develop a method, a process,
upon which such an understanding and a respective shift could take place.
In fact, I tried to personify the aforementioned vision as an alternative way
of approaching design and planning, with an ultimate goal which results in
sensitive and sustainable site development, in accord with the natural and
cultural systems new environmentally healthy solutions for the prosperous
future development and implementation of eco-land-seascape architecture.
An old house in anjice
Fig. 1.5
The image suggests a sense of
harmonious and healthy co-existence
between natural and cultural - a true
reconciliation and balance between
humanity and nature
33 the contextual framework
People cannot live apart from
nature; that is the rst principle of
the conservationists. And yet, people
cannot live in nature without changing
it. But this is true of all creatures; they
depend upon nature, and they change
it. What we call nature is, in a sense, the
sum of all the changes made by the
various creatures and natural forces in
their intricate actions and inuences
upon each other and upon their places.
The making of these differences is
the making of the world. Humans,
like all other creatures, must make a
difference; otherwise, they cannot live.
But unlike other creatures, humans
must make a choice as to the kind and
scale of the difference they make. If they
choose to make too small a difference,
they diminish their humanity. If they
choose to make too great a difference,
they diminish nature, and narrow their
subsequent choices; ultimately, they
diminish or destroy themselves. Nature,
then, is not only our source but also our
limit and measure.
Wendell Berry
Getting Along with Nature, 1982
The eco-system approach -
addressing the complexity
[Dr. James Kay, 1999]
Embr yoni c St age
Designing is living
Every vital process, as every living being, has to have a certain operative
structure, a set of rules or principles that govern its way of existence. The
same is true for every research and design process. It is also true that one who
undertakes such a process is constantly looking for a certain framework, a
methodology which would govern the process of creation and enable him to
anticipate and inuence accordingly its future evolution, thereby assuring its
quality and success. In light of the statement above, designing should be seen
as a never-ending process. It cannot be linear and always predictable. At its
most desirable, it is dynamic, adaptable and continuously evolving process,
as life itself.
As a research and design process, this thesis also searched for its framework, its
generating structural tool. Complex and sophisticated ecosystems like Lutica
need a complex and sophisticated methodology which puts this thesis into an
even greater need for nding an adequate methodology whereby all necessary
issues addressing the sites future evolution would be adequately identied,
understood and realized. Conventional scientic approaches with linear
causality and stochastic properties
seem inappropriate and insufcient for
understanding the peninsula, its complexity, heterogeneity, organization and
the operating simultaneity of its systems.
g e n i u s l o c i
This type of hierarchical thinking and
holistic integrative approach is innate
to ecology and other environmental
sciences. As such, both can be easily
traced as the kernel in the work of
James Kay on holons, propensities and
canons where the holarchy [see Pg.44]
is dened as a generalized version of
a traditional hierarchy with reciprocal
power relationships between levels
rather than a preponderance of power
exerted from the top downwards
[J.J.Kay, 1999]. Similar structuring
concept is depicted in the book
Toward a Unied Ecology by Allen
and Hoekstra, when they describe the
ecological grain and extent as well as
the levels of organization pertinent to
all ecosystems.
35 the contextual framework
An ecosystem approach for Luticas future development represents an
alternative methodology that addresses the challenge of complexity and the
dynamics innate to any living and hence self-organized system. It originated as
a result of many theoretical and practical works in the realm of still emerging
and increasingly popular ecological and environmental sciences. Ian McHarg,
James Kay, Timothy Allen, Ken Yeang, and Thomas Hoekstra are just a few
inuential names amongst many scholars, ecologists and environmentalists
whose work, although created in different time periods and with various
impacts, has formed the basics for the present ecosystem methodology, and
has equally instigated this thesis development.
In the roots of the approach is the fact that every ecosystem is unique, and has
its own distinctive set of complexities and particular interconnectedness of
its elements. Thus the strength of the proposed approach for the thesis relies
intrinsically on multidisciplinary integration and analytical inspection of
ecosystems dynamic evolution in both space and time. As a result, it provides
a comprehensive understanding and crystallization of the overall complexity
as well as the organizational and operational fundamentals of the individual
For such a sophisticated process there has to be a certain structural plan
involved that assures accurate and relevant collection, identication,
classication and organization of researched information. In order to
understand the complexity of any sites organizational and operational
processes, one has to initiate the investigation by establishing the hierarchical
structure; that is, to analyze the site within larger contextual boundaries and
within its own sub divisions. Therefore, both the wider perspective (wider
environment, environment, and wider system) and the groups of integrated
smaller units (communities, populations, and individuals) are introduced as
integral parts of the ecosystem analysis.
Essentially, they provide a wider
context, a more inclusive perspective and an understanding of how individual
elements comprise the whole of a system, and equally how this system relates
to other systems and external factors of the larger environment. In fact, they
assist in acquiring the so-called big picture.
[A lake] forms a little world within
itselfNowhere can one see more
clearly illustrated what may be called
the sensibility of such an organic
complex, expressed by the fact that
whatever affects any species belonging
to it, must have its inuence of some
sort upon the whole assemblagea
comprehensive survey of the whole
[is] a condition to a satisfactory
understanding of any part.
Stephen A. Forbes,
The Lake as a Microcosm
This analytical and synthetic methodology is realized principally in a form of
mapping, a very effective visual method essential for generating a series of
corresponding narratives. In this case, mapping presents a consistent, clear
and very systematic organization, processing and layering of very disperse
and diverse information from various sources all unied under and integrated
into one whole with a sole purpose of a more comprehensive understanding
of the given data. This is also proven to be a very efcacious way to break
down the site complexities into smaller, manageable entities with their own
meaning and identity. At the same time, this method of mapping becomes a
fundamental prerequisite for nding new hidden relationships between the
whole and the parts, and between the parts themselves.
The ecosystem approach for the Lutica peninsula used in this thesis represents
a fusion of analytical and synthetic techniques. It is a methodological tool to
reveal all underlying factors, inuences and critical relationships within a wide
spectrum of layered information relevant to the study area. The information
is crucial for determining the direction of initiatives, goals, and adequate
management strategies, ultimately targeted toward the resilience and survival
of threatened ecosystems and/or the protection and improvement of healthy
ones. The ecosystem approach provides the backbone for the thesis work by
generating factual and technical information and the corresponding ecosystem
narratives. Similarly, it assists in ascertaining relevant social, economic,
political, cultural and ecological aspects embedded in the richly layered
conditions found on Lutica. Such a well structured and all encompassing
methodology enables the investigation and facilitates the process of nding
and uncovering the quintessential elements and underlying forces that shape
the peninsulas identity, which are thus essential for acquiring the sense of
Lutica, for determining its Genius Loci.
Similar mapping method aided
by a series of diagrams and sketches
was used by Ian McHarg in his book
Design with Nature in which
he outlined and comprehensively
illustrated the design principles
and guidelines for successful and
ecologically sustainable development
of our environments
Embr yoni c St age
Although systems analysis is most
commonly encountered in ecology as
a method, principally the mathematics
model, it has overtones of a
philosophyor evenan ideology.
McIntosh 1985
Genius Loci Image
Fig. 1.6 (top)
Silhouette of Prevlaka and
Mamula Island from the shade of
the trellis in the village Eraci
The words of a Native American
elder as recorded by Gary Snyder
in his book The Practice of the
Wild, pg.39
37 the contextual framework
You know, I think if people stay somewhere long enough
even white people the spirits will begin to speak to
them. Its the power of the spirits coming up from the land.
The spirits and the old powers arent lost, they just need
people to be around long enough and the spirits will begin
to inuence them.
In its open search for the essential dynamics of a place, the ecosystem approach
can co-incide with a search for a sites genius loci. The Latin origin of genius
loci or sense of place translates as the genius or the spirit of a place. (genius
= genius, spirit; loci = of place; a genitive of the Latin word locus). In ancient
Roman culture, strong mythological connotations were associated with the
term. It essentially meant the guardian spirit or generally the protective spirit
of a place. In this polytheistic period, mythology played an intrinsic role in
lives of ancient people. The gods were everywhere permeating both physical
and metaphysical realm and equally inuenced every aspect of human
existence. Therefore, Romans saw certain places inhabited by gods at all times.
It is evident how some of the contemporary meanings and associations with
genius loci still maintain this notion of divine presence and divinities involved
with particular places.
The exit from the humanized world,
whether voluntary or involuntary,
enables the recovery of vital forces led
astray or left dormant by society.
Franois Bguin
Embr yoni c St age
Since antiquity, the meaning of genius loci has not changed signicantly. It
has been used and applied in many different elds and in various capacities.
Alexander Pope, an English poet, advocated its importance in garden design
of 18th century England. In a modern context, Aldo Rossi in his book on The
Architecture of the City draws his denitions, descriptions and inspirations for
the locus directly from the idea of a local divinity, the situation of a particular
place, its Genius Loci. A more recent, and not so explicit, application of the
term is found in the work of Christophe Girot, a French landscapist. In his
essay Four Trace Concepts in Landscape Architecture he indirectly or perhaps
coincidently, refers to Genius Loci when he portrays his rst step in the
landscape investigation and design. He sees the landing as touching ground
and reaching for the connes of an unknown world, where one feels before
one thinks, and where everything is apprehended with wonderment and
curiosity, with subjective and interpretative eyes. The presence of subjectivity
in discovering and acquiring the sense of a place is also apparent in yet another
contemporary landscape work. Namely, in search for Ta Cenc sense of place on
Malta, Rick Haldenby overtly acknowledges that capturing of the main aspects
of genius loci is not rooted in factual, but rather is symbolic, intuitive and very
Like its historical precedents, the thesis also uses genius loci to refer to a
distinctive atmosphere of a place, its indescribable charm and quality. Genius
loci is dened in the work as a particular quintessential characteristic of a place,
one which consists of many interdependent, underlying conditions crucial for
the understanding of that place. Throughout the book, genius loci is also used
interchangeably with the long chain of translations and descriptions which
historically and conceptually have the same meaning, one referring back to
the original notion of the spirit, the deity of a place.
In the thesis work, however, genius loci is also associated with a genuine
personal feeling of content, cumulative energy, and a higher spiritual density
as a result of experiences directly drawn from the thesis site. For this purpose,
a new term is coined to address this widened spectrum, the plethora of new
added meanings. Spiritus Movens thus represents not only the spirit that
resides in a place, but rather a moving spirit, or spirit that animates.
Genius of place symbolizes the living
ecological relationship between a
particular location and the persons
who have derived from it and added
to it the various aspects of their
humanness. No landscape, however
grandiose or fertile, can express its full
potential richness until it has been
given its myth by the love, works, and
arts of human beings.
Ren Dubos
39 the contextual framework
In its most fundamental sense, Spiritus Movens is the sum of all forces, of all
visible and invisible traces of existence, of all stories told and untold, and all
that has passed through, lived on, left or vanished from the site. It is at once
a memory and an instant view towards future. Consequently it manifests
itself as a completely permeating and presiding energy of a place that affects
everything in its realm.
To discover Spiritus Movens, is to discover these inner forces of a place; to
decipher the murmur of the trees and the whisper of the buildings. To uncover
such potential is to feel the belonging, the synergic bonding and profound
unity with a place. In order to understand it, one has to look under every
stone, into every nest, glance between the doors and through windows of past
and present. One has to try to nd hidden structures, invisible webs, peculiar
phenomena and intrinsic anomalies. Ultimately, one has to search for secret
connections, underground pathways and streams of meaning, for an intimate
and honest response to its charming play between the earth, sea, wind and
sky; for the capacity upon which the site builds its way to eternity.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
In search of Spiritus Movens
anal yt i cum II
41 anal yt i cum
Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey
[...] And I have felt
A presence that disturbs me with the joy
Of elevated thoughts: a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,
And the round ocean, and the living air
And the Blue sky, and in the minds of man
A motion and a spirit that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought,
And rolls through all things. Therefore am I still
A lover of the meadows and the woods,
And mountains; and of all that we behold
From this green earth; of all the mighty world
Of eye, and ear,--both what they half create,
And what perceive; well pleased to recognize
In nature and the language of the sense,
The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse,
The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul
Of all my moral being. []
William Wordsworth, 1798
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Lutica Peninsula
Adriatic Sea
Mediterranean Sea
The context of the Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 2.1
The satellite image showing the
Lutica situation in relation to
the Mediterranean Sea and
the Adriatic Sea
43 anal yt i cum
To know the spirit of a place is to
realize that you are a part of a part
and that the whole is made of parts,
each of which is whole. You start
with the part you are whole in.
Gary Snyder
The Practice of the Wild
Lutica Peninsula
Adriatic Sea
Mediterranean Sea
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Every living organism consists of a complex set of interconnected and
interdependent processes. These processes also determine the direction
in which a living organism is going to change. At the same time, there are
many external factors that inuence an organism and its development with
various intensities. Internal processes and larger, external inuences add
to the complexity of understanding such a constantly evolving organism.
This is also true for any ecosystem. In order to understand the complexity
of ecosystems organizational and operational processes one has to initiate
the investigative expedition by establishing its t in a hierarchical structure,
and analyze the ecosystem both within the larger contextual boundaries and
within its own sub-divisions (Fig. 2.2). Therefore, the wider perspective (wider
environment, environment, and wider system) and the groups of integrated
smaller units (communities, populations, and individuals) will be considered
using an ABC (abiotic, biotic, cultural) analysis. The result of this hierarchical
method or the holarchy will ascertain their most signicant characteristics and
specic behaviours regarding their function, organization and their interactive
The Ecosystems Holarchy
Fig. 2.2
The Ecosytem Holarchy Diagram
45 anal yt i cum
Adriatic Sea
Fig. 2.3
Contextual Map
In Search for Spiritus Movens
The main study area for this thesis, Lutica peninsula, is situated in the
southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula along the Adriatic seacoast. The
Adriatic Sea is the largest ecosystem description and geomorphologic entity
directly relevant to the Lutica ecosystem. Mare Hadriaticum or the Adriatic
Sea is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea separating the Italian Peninsula from
the Balkan Peninsula and the Dalmatian hinterland (Fig. 2.3). The Apennine
Mountains and the Dinaric Alps, with its adjacent mountain ranges, form two
mountain spines situated on narrow coastal shorelines. The Adriatic western
coast is Italian, while the eastern coast is shared by former Yugoslavian
republics: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro,
and Albania at the very southeast end.
The Adriatic extends northwest from 40 to 45 45 N and 12 to 20 E., with
an extreme length of about 770 km (480 miles), and a mean width of about
160 km (100 miles). The narrowest distance, only 72 km (45 miles), is located
at the Strait of Otranto, or the Otrant Door, through which it connects at the
south with the Mediterranean Sea via the Ionian Sea. Many islands of the
very jagged eastern coast reduce the width of the open sea to 56km (90 miles)
in some areas. The Adriatics total surface area is about 160,000 km (60,000
square miles).
wider environment
Adriatic Sea
Tabl e #1
Fig. 2.4
ABC Analysis of the wider environment / Adriatic Sea & Eastern Adriatic Coast
47 anal yt i cum
Warm and dry Mediterranean climate zone characterized by abundant
sunshine and strong local winds
The main Adriatic current enters and exits through Otrant Door warmer
and slower along eastern coastal parts, cooler and faster along western
coastal parts
Sea bed is set between two ranges: Apennine and Dinaric Alps with
narrow coastal areas (except in southern Italy)
Division of Adriatic in two parts:
- northern Adriatic - shallow (max. depth - 50m)
- southern Adriatic - deep (max. depth -1300m)
Adriatic tidal movements are slight. The amphidromic point (tidal ampli-
tude is O) is just off the northwestern shore, near Ancona. Max. of 40cm in
southern and up to 1m in northern parts.
The average annual water temperature is 11C (low of 7C in the winter
to high of 25C in the summer) where southern parts usually have slightly
warmer temperatures throughout the year (due to a warm current that en-
ters from the Mediterranean sea)
Average wave heights oscillate 0.5m-1.5m, and rarely (during extreme
weather) exceed 5m.
Typical Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean ora and fauna, both land
and sea.
(Black pine, cedar, oak, Mediterranean macquis; lizard, snake, seagull; dol-
phin, sardine, oyster, lobster).
Coastal and insular: Gulf of Trieste, Gulf of Kvarner, Bay of Boka Kotorska;
Istria, Peljeac and Lutica peninsulas; Islands of Brioni, Kornati; Krk, Pag, Hvar,
Bra, Korula, Mljet, St. Marko, St. Nikola, St.Stefan,
Preserved natural ambiences uninhabited islands
Shape and interaction of coastal regions with the Sea.
Ethnicity and divisions - very mixed especially along the eastern ex-Yugo-
slavian territories.
Density (urban centers and migrations)
Tourism seasonal oscillations; foreigners
very active demographic zone as early as 1st millennium BC (Illyrians,
Greeks, Romans)
very dynamic history of continual conquests and socio-political changes
Tourism, transportation, shing
Denition of conservation and protection areas: National Parks, Nature Re-
serves, Nature Monuments.
Traditional Mediterranean building typology (stone houses) and new-
modern city developments various densities depending on the region
Terraced land cultivation; agriculture and cattle raising; Mediterranean
crops (potato, grape, olive, g, orange, lemon)
organizing principle system perspective inuences
Airshed - climatic
Watershade - aquatic
Human use
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Tectonically, the Adriatic basin is split into two parts: the northwestern, which
is shallow with a oor of sand and silt, generally no deeper than 100 meters;
and the southeastern, which is much deeper, slightly wider and that constitutes
more than 90 per cent of the total sea volume (Fig. 2.5). Unlike the northern
part of the Adriatic with many islands and shallow shoreline, the southern
Adriatic is characterized by great depths and virtually no islands.
There is one major sea current on the Adriatic. It enters through the Otrant
Door from the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean as a warm current and then
runs along the Albanian and the Montenegrin coast. From there, it travels
north along the Dalmatian archipelago, turns around to the west in the Bay of
Trieste cooling down slightly, and returns south along the Italian coast on the
western side of the Adriatic basin. The speed of the current varies between the
eastern and the western Adriatic due to the relief difference of the two coasts. It
is slower along the eastern, jagged coastline, and faster along the less indented
western coast which does not impede the ow of the current. Because of the
sea current and the profusion of water from the many rivers that empty into
the Adriatic, there are also slight discrepancies in temperature and salinity
of the sea between the two coasts, with eastern being slightly warmer with
higher salinity level.
There are many different winds dominating the Adriatic Sea. They are mainly
seasonal and all have different properties inuencing climate and the entire
biotic and abiotic spectrum. Namely, there is bura, a predominantly northeast
cold wind that makes navigation during winter dangerous. Sirocco, or jugo,
is a southern, mostly humid wind, which brings rain in the winter. Finally,
there is maestral, usually a western wind, which brings nice weather and helps
refresh the hot air during summer.
The Eastern Adriatic coastline geographically represents the bordering
region between high mountain ranges of the Dinaric Alps and the shoreline
of eastern Adriatic Sea (Fig. 2.6). This mostly narrow belt of low cretaceous
terrain shares the same tectonic history and the geological properties of the
Dinaric mountain ranges behind. Its predominantly bold and rocky land made
of porous limestone has resulted in a morphologic variety.
Eastern Adriatic
Adriatic Sea Map
Fig. 2.5
Bathymetric Base Chart with
other major inuential elements
49 anal yt i cum
Adriatic Sea Map
In Search for Spiritus Movens
With many islands, bays, capes and peninsulas, the coastline stretches in
the northwest-southeast direction parallel to the sea and is divided into the
following sections: the Gulf of Trieste, the Istria Peninsula, the Gulf of Kvarner,
Northern Dalmatia, Central Dalmatia, Southern Dalmatia, the Montenegrin
littoral, which is the coastline of the Lutica peninsula, and the Albanian
coastline. The coastlines length exceeds 5,000km with a jagged shoreline on
both the mainland and the island-fringe that extends from the Istrian Peninsula
in the northwestern part to as far south as Dubrovnik. There are more than one
thousand islands in this part of the Adriatic, 66 of which are inhabited. Most
of them are long and narrow following the same northwestern southeastern
stretch of the mainland. Rising abruptly to elevations of a few hundred feet,
the islands have similar relief characteristics to the mainland where even more
drastic elevation changes occur. Notably the Bay of Boka Kotorska (Bocche di
Cattaro named after the town of Kotor), in the southern part of the Eastern
Adriatic hosts lofty mountains that often fall directly to the sea creating
magnicent landscape contrasts.
The massive Dinaric Alps represent not only the eastern frontier of this area,
but also a physical barrier providing necessary protection from cold in-land air
penetration, and consequently allow for the preservation of warmer air-fronts
coming in from the Mediterranean. Therefore, the southern parts have a mild
Mediterranean climate while the northern parts have a slightly colder sub-
Mediterranean climate. The prevalent colour of the rocks is a light, dead grey,
contrasted with the dark vegetation in some areas, especially in the south.
From the beginning of ancient civilizations, the Adriatic has been heavily
populated as it was one of the major Mediterranean transport arteries. A target
for Greek colonists and later a popular and prosperous Roman province, this
area provided a foundation for the cultural developments on eastern and
western coasts. Major cities today are Trieste (Italy); Koper, Portoro, Piran
(Slovenia); Pula, Rovinj, Rijeka, Zadar, ibenik, Split, Dubrovnik (Croatia);
Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Bar (Serbia and Montenegro); and Durres
(Albania). Due to its unique geographical beauty, warm Mediterranean
climate, and rich cultural heritage, the Adriatic has also become a popular
tourist destination in Europe. Besides large coastal cities and cultural centres,
the eastern Adriatic coast hosts numerous smaller tourist towns and villages
that render and equally contribute to its unique landscape character.
Eastern Adriatic Coast Map
Fig. 2.6
Topographic Base Chart with
other inuential elements
51 anal yt i cum
Eastern Adriatic Coast Map
Montenegrin Littoral
Fig. 2.7
Contextual Map
Tabl e #2
Fig. 2.8 (opposite page)
ABC analysis of the environment
/ Montenegrin Littoral
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Montenegrin Littoral, the next scale down in the holarchy, occupies the
southeastern end of the Adriatic coast and sits along the coast of Montenegro,
a former Yugoslavian republic currently in federation with Serbia. Besides
the highlands of inland Montenegro and the plains of Lake Skadar, this coastal
region represents an idiosyncratic geomorphic entity within the political
borders of the Republic of Montenegro. Geographically and tectonically, the
Montenegrin littoral is an actual extension of the Dalmatian coast sharing
many of its natural and cultural characteristics. This long yet narrow strip of
land, only a few kilometers wide (southwest-northeast direction), stretches
from the end of a mountain range backdrop of Dubrovnik, in the northwest,
to the town of Ulcinj and the very end of Montenegros coast bordering with
Albania in the southeast. The length of the coastline is 294 km, 52 km of
which are beaches. Deep waters are typical for this part of the Adriatic. They
reach about 1330m southwest of Lutica where the Adriatic Sea, between the
Italian and the Montenegrin coast, is also the widest (211km or 114Nm). Bays,
inlets, capes and peninsulas of various sizes characterize the region. A high
indentation of the littoral is similar to the rest of the eastern Adriatic coast,
exception being the smaller number of islands due to respective increase in
sea depth. Another physiographic difference of this coast is the seas deep
penetration into the Dinaric mass of the mainland, creating a unique and
unmatched bay, Boka Kotorska (Fig. 2.10).
Montenegrin Littoral
53 anal yt i cum
General Climate: warm with abundant sunshine (summer) and rain (win-
ter); some regional variations - microclimates.
Winds: north bura, south jugo, sirocco and maestral.
Minimal tidal oscillations (greater depths of the southern Adriatic)
Sea current: moderate and in northwest direction along the coast.
Average sea temperatures and salinity - slightly higher than in the north-
ern parts of the Adriatic
non-navigable rivers/streams (steep slopes and shallow riverbeds) most-
ly seasonalabundant with water due to high participation (fall through
spring); exception - Bojana river
narrow hilly bend of coastal land ringed by the extent of Dinaric alps as
backdrop (Mt. Loven, Mt Orijen, Mt Rumija); many bays, inlets, peninsulas,
few smaller islands
3 distinctive sub-regions:
- Riviera of Boka Kotorska
- Riviera of Budva
- Riviera of Bar, Ulcinj and Bojana River valley
Typical of the southeastern Adriatic coast:
- abundance of coniferous (pine, cypress), deciduous (oak, cedar,
Sweet bay), and macquis forests
- abundance of insects, birds, reptiles, and other smaller animals
adapted to the harsh Mediterranean climate and relief (spider,
seagull, snake, rabbit)
- rich marine wildlife: blue and white sh, shells, crabs, squids
Localized ragged areas, mostly forested
Grazing elds, slopes and valleys; dried marsh areas for cultivation pur-
poses; farm lands
Shoreline ambient diversity: alluvial plain, marsh, cliffs, sandy and rocky
beaches, steep slopes subjected to severe erosion
Archaeological evidences of different pre-historic and historic periods
( Illyrian, Greek and Roman settlements, Venetian and Austrian rule)
Ethnicity mainly Serbian Orthodox, some Catholic and Muslim
High density in urban centres
Seasonal migrations and changes (education, tourism)
Tourism: instrumental economic component seasonal with the excep-
tion of Igalo (healing bath-centre)
Fishing, salt industry, transportation-international airport and seaports
Terraced land and river valleys cultivation; agriculture and cattle raising;
Mediterranean crops (potato, grapes, olives, gs, oranges, lemons)
Conservation of natural and cultural heritage initiatives
Shoreline: urban, suburban, rural; few larger town centres
Inland: mostly rural; scattered villages and rural settlements
Air Pollution: international airport and road trafc
Water Pollution: towns sewage and agricultural runoff (steep mountain
slopes-erosion); rivers inltration during rain season
organizing principle system perspective inuences
Airshed - climatic
Watershade - aquatic
Human use
Montenegrin Littoral
Fig. 2.9
Photo of typical Montenegrin
coastal condition with the town
of Bar to the right
In Search for Spiritus Movens
As it is true for Dalmatia and the rest of the Adriatic, the proximity of the
sea has had a profound inuence on the cultural development of this coastal
Narrow bands of sea-adjacent lowland, a severe contrast between different
physiographic elements such as abrupt falls of the neighbouring mountain
ranges and often drastic elevation changes as well as related economic and
political problems in the recent past, have resulted in the development of
fewer and smaller coastal towns. These towns, mostly predetermined by their
historically important strategic location such as Herceg Novi, Risan, Kotor
and Budva, and by the evolving needs of the contemporary society (Tivat, Bar,
Ulcinj), are not only the cultural centres and the highest density areas where
the most of the regions people live and work, but are also now centres for
exponentially growing tourism and its by-products (Fig. 2.11). The remaining
population of the Montenegrin littoral lives in either the suburban areas
around towns or smaller, scattered settlements and villages mainly located
along the shoreline, or on gentler slopes of a mountainous terrain. Most of these
low density settlements constantly experience migration problems as people
gravitate towards larger local or regional centres. Although the majority of
the population is Serbian and Montenegrin, demographically Montenegros
coast matches the diversity of its geography.
Montenegrin Littoral Map
Fig. 2.10-2.11 (top&bottom)
Maps show major natural and
man-made elements
55 anal yt i cum
Tabl e #3
Fig. 2.13 (opposite page)
ABC analysis of the wider system
/ Boka Kotorska Bioregion
Boka Kotorska Bay
Fig. 2.12
Contextual Map
In Search for Spiritus Movens
The next scale down on the holarchy is the Boka Kotorska Bioregion which
occupies the northwestern part of the Montenegrin littoral and directly
corresponds to the geography of the Bay of Boka Kotorska. Situated along
the Adriatic coast, the entire region on remaining three sides is surrounded
by the massive Dinaric Alps stretching northwest-southeast parallel to the
Adriatic Sea. More specically, it is the sea that has penetrated deeply into this
Dinaric mass and virtually carved out this exquisite natural setting unique to
the entire Adriatic. The surrounding mountain ranges of Orien (1859m) and
Loven (1749m), separate Boka Kotorska from the highlands of Montenegro
but also create a magnicent shield-like backdrop that falls abruptly with its
steep slopes to meet the sea in a dramatic and distinctive way. At the foot
of the Loven Mountain in the southeastern part of this bioregion, there is a
plain called Grbalj that separates it from the rest of the Montenegrin littoral.
Besides the smaller valleys of Sutorina, Morinj and Kotor, depressed between
the robust mountain slopes, Grbaljs plain is a geographic rarity for the at
and fertile region. Moreover, it stretches parallel to the Adriatic coast and
further northwest gradually undulating and rising into a hilly peninsula
called Lutica. As the very south edge of this bioregion, Lutica splits the
waters of the Boka Kotorska bay from the open Adriatic Sea and signies its
instrumental role in dening the overall bioregional identity.
wider system
Boka Kotorska Bioregion
57 anal yt i cum
General Microclimate: moderate Mediterranean-subtropical with warm sum-
mers and mild winters with abundant rainfall; small temperature oscillations.
Climatic variations: average annual temperatures from 15-16C for the bays
coastal regions (Tivat, Herceg Novi) and around 10C for the higher in-land re-
gions (Crkvice). Similar oscillation in participation, humidity and hours of sun
exposure per year.
4 dominant Winds: north winter bura, south winter jugo, south all year long
scirocco and west summer maestral
Unknown water table of mostly seasonal river and streams; 5 smaller rivers:
kurda, Ljuta, iroka, Gradionica, and Sutorina
Sea temperatures oscillate between 9C (February) and 27C (July)
Summer Air temperatures (22-26C) allow for a 5 month tourist season.
Turbidity changes from min. of 3m (fall) to max. of 15m (summer) inside the
bay; 27m max. just outside of the bay
Daily tidal amplitude of 22cm (absolute of 125cm);
Salinity varies drastically from 6 to 38.2 %o
dramatic drop of surrounding mountains into the sea with a few smaller
river valleys, and hilly slopes of Lutica and Grbalj
4 distinctive bays with corresponding narrow bends of coastal lowland: Bay
of Kotor (average depth of 27.0m), Bay of Risan (25.7m), Bay of Tivat (25.5m),
Bay of Herceg Novi (31.0m).
Typical for the southeastern Adriatic region
- abundance of coniferous(pine, cypress), deciduous (oak, cedar, Sweet bay),
and macquis forests
- abundance of insects, birds, reptiles, and other smaller animals adapted to
the harsh Mediterranean climate and relief (spider, seagull, snake, rabbit)
- rich marine wildlife: blue and white sh, shells, crabs, squids
Naturalization of areas left or rarely used by man
Localized ragged areas, mostly forested;
Grazing elds and slopes, cultivated valleys and terraced slopes
Shoreline ambient diversity: alluvial plain, marsh, cliffs, sandy and pebble
beaches, steep slopes subjected to severe erosion
Rich layers of historical signicance: pre-historic caves, burial grounds, an-
cient foundations, medieval fortresses, churches
Mostly along the shoreline with high density in urban centres and low to
none in rural/natural areas
seasonal shifting due to tourism and education
Predominantly seasonal tourism; shing and other sea-oriented economies;
nautical activities (sports and recreation)
Industrial (Kotor, Tivat, Perast) and military (Kumbor, Lutica)
Agriculture and cattle raising; Mediterranean crops (potato, grape, olive, g,
orange, lemon); oyster and muscle farming
Air Pollution: international airport (Tivat) and road trafc
Water Pollution: waste waters/materials from sewage, industry, ships, erosive
agricultural surfaces, river inltration (rain season)
Regional highway; international airport; city marinas and docks
organizing principle system perspective inuences
Airshed - climatic
Watershade - aquatic
Human use
Boka Kotorska Bay
Fig. 2.14 (top)
Relief Model of Boka Kotorska
Fig. 2.15 (bottom)
Image of the Bay of Kotor in the
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Verige Straits
Fig. 2.16
View North of the narrowest
section of Boka Kotorska Bay
with the town of Perast and a
rocky moutain as a backdrop
prof. Bei, Zarija. Dr. Pavi, Andrija.
Geoloski Sastav Boke Kotorske i Njena
Geomorfologija. BOKA Vol. 10/II.
Herceg Novi. 1979.
59 anal yt i cum
Just like the Adriatic coast, the bay of Boka Kotorska is jagged. It consists of
four smaller interconnected bays: the Bay of Kotor, the Bay of Risan, the Bay
of Tivat and the Bay of Herceg Novi; the names are given according to the
corresponding coastal towns respectively. The total area of Boka Kotorska bay
is 87,3 km, the volume is 2,4 x 106 km with the maximum depth of 60 metres
measured in the bay of Herceg Novi and the average depth of 27.3 metres. The
overall perimeter of the bay is 105.7 km. It is believed that the bay was formed
by uvial erosion in Pleistocene.
Even though the bioregional climatic zone generally matches the Adriatic, and
its milder version of the Mediterranean climate, the high massive mountain
ranges that surround the Boka Kotorska region set the conditions creating a
micro-climate formation with its specic sub-tropic characteristics unique to
this area. Its most important feature is the great diversity of weather on such
a small territory. For example, in the mainland mountainous backdrop of the
Boka Kotorska bay, above a coastal town of Risan, there is a small place called
Crkvice, where the annual precipitation of 5317mm is the maximum recorded
in Europe. To contrast, the Lutica peninsula, which is in relative proximity,
has more than 2,400 hours of sun per year, with the maximum sun exposure
in the entire region. Similarly, the average annual temperature of Crkvice
is 9.4C whereas in Herceg Novi it is 16.2C. As a result of the described
richness of both relief and climatic characteristics, this region also hosts a quite
astonishing biodiversity.
Riviera of Herceg Novi
Fig. 2.17
View North to the town of Igalo
Riviera of Herceg Novi
Fig. 2.18
View South to the cape
of Sv. Nedelja
Geopolitically, the Boka Kotorska region borders with Croatia to the west
and Serbia to the northwest. Specically, this western edge consisting of the
Prevlaka peninsula and the Kobila hill (452m) is still under a territorial dispute
due to the recent civil war in 1991 to 1995, which resulted in the separation of
the Yugoslavian republics. Historically, this area has always been a powerful
strategic location and an integral part of Boka Kotorska. As the entrance to the
bay, it has been vital for control of the region, and as such, always a military
zone. Following the civil war, it eventually became no-mans land with an
uncertain future and unresolved political existence.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Herceg Novi in the Night
Fig. 2.20
The most compelling picture of the
symbiosis of man and nature in the
bay is during the night when the sea
surface along the edge, where the
land and water merge, reects the
coastline lights forming what appears
to be a glowing ring with two parallel
bends stretching around.
Village Kamenari
Fig. 2.19
Typical edge condition along the
coast of Boka Kotorska Bay with stone
houses and the perimeter road in the
immediate proximity of the shoreline
Administratively, the Boka Kotorska region is divided into three governing
municipalities with towns at their cultural, economic and political centres:
Herceg Novi, Kotor and Tivat. Most of the regions population inhabit these
towns situated along the coast. The remaining population either occupies
the periphery of suburban coastal areas or is scattered around small, rural
settlements and villages in the valleys or minor hills in the bays hinterland.
Throughout the ages man has gravitated towards the lower and coastal
regions of the bay. Today it is almost impossible to nd a single accessible
location along the coast devoid of human settlement or some trace of human
activity. The only exception is the Lutica peninsula due to its predominantly
uninhabited landscape.
61 anal yt i cum
Boka Kotorska
Fig. 2.21
View to northwest over
the town of Kotor
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Boka Mapping
n a t u r a l
Topography Map
Fig. 2.22
63 anal yt i cum
The sea is very deep along this part of the Montenegrin coast which results in only a few islands unlike
the rest of the Eastern Adriatic coast. Conversely, the shallow waters (avg. of 27.3m) deeply penetrate
Montenegrin highlands creating a drastic drop of terrain characteristic for the Boka Kotorska region. The
top of the mountain Loven (dark brown area to the right) is set at 1,749m and is only a few kilometers
away from the coastal town of Kotor. These astonishing contrasts in relief elements are the basis for all
other exceptional attributes, heterogeneity and uniqueness of Boka Kotorska.
Physiographic Regions Map
Fig. 2.23
In Search for Spiritus Movens
The topographic density on such a small territory predisposes a variety of different physiographic
regions with ranging slopes. Their distribution however, seems to be congruent with the stretch of the
Dinaric Alps in the northwest-southeast direction. The further the regions are from the Montenegrin
highlands (Carstic plateau), the lesser is the slope of the undulating terrain.
Soil Distribution Map
Fig. 2.24
65 anal yt i cum
The variety and distribution of the soils are mainly conditioned by the topographic variability and rich
geologic history of the Boka Kotorska region. The distribution often corresponds with the physiographic
regions. The most productive (fertile) soils are the alluvial, which directly match the alluvial planes and
river valleys.
Hydrography Map
Fig. 2.25
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Boka Kotorska does not have any large (navigable) rivers. This is characteristic for the limestone terrain
and steep slopes of the Dinaric Alps along the Eastern Adriatic coast. There are only a few smaller,
permanent water courses in the adjoining valleys. Also typical for this region is the abundance of run-off
seasonal streams and springs.
Vegetation Map
Fig. 2.26
67 anal yt i cum
The diversity and distribution of vegetation are inuenced primarily by already mapped geographic
factors, but also by anthropogenic ones. Two major zones are distinguished: Eu-Mediterranean - the
costal belt (lighter colours) and Sub-Mediterranean - hinterland (brown and two dark greens). The
primeval vegetation of the Eu-Mediterranean zone was the evergreen forest of holm oak (quercus ilex)
which almost entirely disappeared after centuries of clear cutting and coinciding decomposition of the
substratum. The majority of this impoverished terrain is now covered by macchia or macquis and related
plant coverings.
Boka Kotorska
Fig. 2.27
View of the ship cruising the
calm mirror-like waters of the bay
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Boka Mapping
c u l t u r a l
Administrative Situation Map
Fig. 2.28
69 anal yt i cum
The Boka Kotorska region is administrated by three municipalities with name-matching towns as their
cultural, economic and political centres: Herceg Novi, Tivat and Kotor. These municipal communities are
further divided into parishes.
Extent of TechnoEcosystem Map
Fig. 2.29
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Technoecosystem is a form of cultural ecosystem in the 20
century comprised of road and infrastructural
corridors, urban nuclei, extensive housing, leftover former agricultural land, large industrial, tourist and
military complexes, and, nally, wasteland composed of degraded and polluted soil [Boovi 1987]. It also
signies the urban development and its inuential systems. Notably, the affected areas are mostly found
in the coastal belt and valleys. The towns of Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat and Budva are the urban nuclei with
the highest density and intensity of urbanization which gradually dissipate towards the perimeters.
Tourism Map
Fig. 2.30
71 anal yt i cum
One of the major economies of the region is tourism. The tourist zone extends primarily along the coast,
closest to the sea. Naturally, major tourism centres and hotels are situated in the towns such as Herceg
Novi, Tivat and Budva utilizing the proximity of the international airport. Aside from the beautiful and
rich sea-scape as the kernel for tourism, there is also the National park Loven nearby as an additional
attraction of the region.
Infrastructure & Trafc Map
In Search for Spiritus Movens
The geography of Boka Kotorska predetermined its coastal areas to be the dominant infrastructural zone.
Aided by the ferry boats, the Adriatic Highway and other major roads follow the accessible valleys and the
jagged coastline of the bay. Marine trafc and sailing have always been the focus and favorable faculties
of this maritime region. Due to a generally impassable terrain there is no rail infrastructure. However, the
contact and access to the region is increased immensely by the international airport (Tivat).
Cultural Heritage Map
Fig. 2.32
73 anal yt i cum
Centuries of different cultural inuences on the region resulted in rich cultural layering. A noticeably
large number of sacral, profane and fortied monuments are grouped around the cultural centres, Kotor
being the most prominent and as such, included in the Worlds Heritage Sites protected by UNESCO.
However, not all monuments are included here and many are yet to be recorded and protected.
Ecology-Problems&Potentials Map
Fig. 2.33
Coastal condition
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Compactness and diversity is reected in the ecologic domain of Boka Kotorska as well. Even
though protected by UNESCO, the waters of Boka are polluted by sewage draining and run-
offs of ood currents identied as major problems in the coastal belt. This directly harms the
environment impeding also sea-oriented potentials such as tourism development and farming
marine cultures. In contrast, the areas with low or no urban development (Lutica), are considered
healthy, attractive and hence potent in various capacities (eco-tourism, sh breeding, etc.).
Zoning & Land Use Map
Fig. 2.34
75 anal yt i cum
The land use in Boka Kotorska reects the diversity of other related
components. Such is the Grbalj valley with marine culture, agricultural,
tourist, industrial and forested zones. The major characteristic for this
region, however, is the extent of the urban areas which spread along the
jagged coastline of the bay corresponding to the distribution of tourist
zones. The areas on Lutica and neighbouring Grbalj are almost completely
undeveloped (macquis zone) with numerous rural agglomerations.
Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 2.35
Contextual Map
Tabl e #4
Fig. 2.36 (opposite page)
ABC analysis of the system
/ Lutica Peninsula
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Lutica, the study area of this thesis, is a hilly peninsula situated along the
southeastern Adriatic coast in the southwest part of Montenegro. Its very
jagged coastline spreads in the southeast-northwest direction 13.2 km in
length. The total area of the peninsula is 47 km. The total perimeter is 35
km, and makes for 12% of the overall Montenegro coastline. Lutica is widest
between the coastal village Petrovii and Cape Veslo with the length of 5.9 km.
It is narrowest between the coastal village of Bazdan in the bay of Tivat, and
the inlet of Prno in the bay of Trate. This 2.3 km-wide narrow band of land
also represents the land connection to the mainland of Donji Grbalj valley.
Besides the Prevlaka peninsula and Mamula Island, Luticas powerful strategic
location marks the entrance to the bay of Boka Kotorska, easily controlled from
Luticas hill-tops. The highest point on the Lutica peninsula is at the Obosnik
hill with the height of 586m above sea level. The geographical location is,
therefore, one of the most important aspects of Luticas character, which has
in turn, greatly inuenced the shape of its cultural development.
Lutica Peninsula
77 anal yt i cum
Mostly undisturbed energy cycles and detrital matter ow via water/sea water, wildlife
Solar, wind, and sea water (tidal) energy potentials
Economic: revitalization of deteriorated agricultural land, olive groves, vineyards and medieval
Economic: recognition of eco-tourism potential and adequate techniques for implementation
Microclimate: shared characteristics of nearby Herceg Novi microclimate with some discrepancies
- warm sunny summers, mild rainy winters and very slight temperature oscillations; Sunniest place
in the Boka Kotorska region- min. 2426 h/year. Relative humidity uctuations: spring-69%; summer-
63%; fall-71%; winter-68%; Average annual temperature of 16.2C. Participation of 1920mm/year
(72.4% during fall and winter, and 27.6% during spring and summer months)
Inuential winds: cold and dry north wind bura and humid and warm south wind jugo (mostly
during cold seasons); periodic summer wind maestral is sometimes replaced at dusk by a small wind
from the land- burin
Average annual sea temperature: in-bay 19.4C; open-sea 18.5C; one of the warmest coastal
regions in the Adriatic
Salinity varies: in bay from 21.82 (April) to 37.72 (July); open- sea from 38.22 to 38.48
Turbidity varies: in-side from 5.74m (November) to 17m (June); open sea max. 56m;
bays entrance max. 23m
Sea waves: in side-max. 60cm (bura); open sea- max. 5m (jugo)
small tidal movements and mild sea currents in the bay (slightly bigger and stronger movements
along southern parts towards open sea). Northwest direction sea current - 1km/h
seasonal current (Rijeka), occasional streams and water wells
isolation of the peninsula from the mainland Dinaric massive
2 main regions: - southern moderately sloped exposition indents freely towards open sea;
northern with more drastic drop shapes Herceg Novi Bay and Tivat Bay; middle valley region
sea depth varies from several meter at smaller bays to drastic drops towards open sea (125m).
series of smaller bays, islands, inlets, and capes along the coast, and inland valleys; peak Obosnik
at 586m
porous lime stone; terra rossa
isolation of peninsula allows for potential development of endemic and unique species in both
ora and fauna, and less chances for migration of species (reduced exotics)
ora: mostly Holly oak macquis; areas of Hornbeam and Sweet bay trees, and semi-deciduous
forests of oak and pistache
fauna: spider, snake, eld mouse, rabbit, boar, seagull, and characteristic wild dog called agalj ; rich
in marine species: red porgy, mullet, sardine, shellsh, shrimp, oysters, squid, octopus
Signicant areas of pristine natural conditions
several relief specic landscape ambiences;
- insular (3 islands) with anthropomorphic elements
- Varied coastal and pre-coastal: sandy and pebble beaches, cliffs, grottoes, caves, small depressed
cultivated valleys
- Undulated inland: grazing valleys and hills, terraced land
archaeological sites; evidences of cultural continuum: Illyrian, Greek, Roman, medieval
settlements; rich cultural heritage
important role of churches as cultural centres and strongholds: 20 of Herceg Novi, and 7 of Tivat
community on Lutica
strategic important terrain: predetermined military activity for ages: fortications, tunnels,
submarine dig-outs
seasonal shifting due to tourism and education
Herceg Novi community: mostly in rural in-land areas: a dozen small villages with 327 permanent
residents (Zabre, Klinci, Mrkovi, Radovanii) including Rose urbanized coastal settlement
Tivat community: mostly urbanized areas with greater density, both coastal and in-land; 740
residents (Kraii, Goii and Radovii)
coastal areas: seasonal tourism, shing and nautical activities
in-land: cattle raising and agriculture: potatoes, olives, grapes
gradual demilitarization of strategically important locations
Potential change from uninhabited and degraded areas to seasonal cottage/tourist recreation
Vehicular: 1 lane paved roads; denser infrastructure of unpaved roads and pedestrian paths
Nautical: very dense due to tourist resorts and shing; many small docks (Rose, Dobre, anjice,
Mirite, Kraii, Bijelila)
organizing principle system perspective inuences
Airshed - climatic
Watershade - aquatic
Human use
Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 2.37
The geographic context of the
peninsula with the bay of Tivat
Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 2.38
View of the Obosnik hill and
eastern part of the peninsula
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 2.39
View of the coastal town Rose and
the western part of the peninsula
79 anal yt i cum
There is no etymological certainty regarding the word Lutica. According
to Sava Nakienovi, renowned historian and Orthodox priest of the Boka
Kotorska region, the peninsula is named after its egg shape Lutica meaning
egg-shell [ljuska - in Serbian]. However, there is more credibility in the
Latin origin of the word lustica, whose closest translation means shine or
illumination. Since Luticas sun exposure is higher than in other parts of
the region, and since it experienced a strong Roman inuence in the past,
there is enough evidence to believe in the latter etymological postulate.
The rst time Lutica had appeared in formal documents was in the early
part of the 13
Century. Due to its geographic location, Lutica was under
different occupation and rulers and thus it shared the cultural destiny of the
Boka Kotorska region. Administratively, Lutica was once an independent
community during the pre-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Today, Luticas
larger north-western part belongs to the Herceg Novi community, while the
south-eastern is administrated by the Tivat community.
The following pages contain natural, landscape and cultural maps of Lutica
and their corresponding narratives. They are an integral part of the ecosystem
approach and as such, their role is fundamental in the overall analysis of the
peninsula. Dissecting a complex and heterogeneous body of information into
a comprehensive set of illustrated maps and narratives, enables and facilitates
the search and discovery of Luticas Spiritus Movens.
Lutica Peninsula
Fig. 2.40
View of a natural pebble beach
in the inlet of Zlatna Luka
Fig. 2.41
View of the typical south coast
- macquis forest & rocky cliffs
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Narratives - mapping natural
As is truefor theEastern Adriatic
coast, thetopography of Lutica
stretches in the northwest-
southeast direction revealing
two distinct areas: the northern
elongated part consisted of
Obosnik hill (584m) and its
steep slopes, and the southern
rounded part characterized by
smaller undulating hills and
the central valley. The coasts
of the peninsula are steep;
the northern is accessible
and almost linear, whereas
the others, especially in the
south, are jagged, generally
inaccessible and indented by
many inlets and bays. The sea
depths increase drastically
towards the open sea.
LuticaTopography Map
Fig. 2.42
1: 30,000
81 anal yt i cum
82 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Lutica Physiography
Fig. 2.44
View of the Mirite inlet and its
hilly backdrop with Obosnik
Lutica Physiography
Fig. 2.43
View of the inland plato
covered in vegetation
Drawn directly from the
topographic features, several
physiographic zones are
distinguished on Lutica
with respect to their gradient
slope. With the exceptions
of centralized in-land valleys
and elds, and steep slopes of
Obosnik, the majority of the
peninsula is under moderately
sloped, undulating terrain.
Lutica Physiography Map
Fig. 2.45
1: 30,000
83 anal yt i cum
84 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Cretateous Limestone
Fig. 2.46-2.49
Images of limestone from
rocky mass to beach pebbles
Despite the geographic
complexity oftheBoka Kotorska
region, Luticas geologic
map is quite homogenous
and unied. Aside from the
northern heterogeneous parts
of ysche, layered dolomitic
limestone and dolomite, the
entire peninsula is made of
Cretaceous layered limestone.
Only some sporadic traces of
deluvial (anjice and Bijelila)
and terra rossa are evident.
Lutica Geology Map
Fig. 2.50
1: 30,000
85 anal yt i cum
86 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Red Brownized Soil - Terra Rossa
Fig. 2.51-2.53
Images show the scarcity of
the soil and the dominance
of the rocky limestone
Similar to the geology, the
soil distribution of Lutica is
consistent throughout. The
peninsula is covered with
shallow red brownized soil,
with patches of re-deposited
terra rossa.
Lutica Soil Distribution Map
Fig. 2.54
1: 30,000
87 anal yt i cum
88 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Water Features
Fig. 2.55 (top)
Image of the mouth of the
stream Rijeka in Bijelila
Fig. 2.56 (middle)
The well and the water cistern near
St. Nicholas church in Radovanii
Fig. 2.57 (bottom)
Surface water accumulation -
a pond - adjacent to the well
and the water cistern
89 anal yt i cum
Unlike other parts of Boka
Kotorska, Lutica is generally
dry, lacking in water sources.
There are no potable sources
or permanent water courses.
It is mainly due to the
porous limestone terrain and
extremely low water table. The
exceptions are one seasonal
water course Rijeka in Bijelila,
occasional streams, and a
few springs with naturally
accumulated water, mainly non
potable. Consequently, many
water cisterns have been built
throughout the peninsula as
the only source of potable
water, collecting and ltering
Lutica Hydrography Map
Fig. 2.58
1: 30,000
89 anal yt i cum
90 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Fig. 2.59-2.61
Images of various plant types
that together comprise
a thick macquis forest
As part of the Eu-Mediterranean
vegetation zone, Lutica was
originally covered with a
coniferous Holm Oak forest.
After centuries of de-forestation,
the low tapestry of macquis
predominates its impoverished
rocky terrain.Theexceptions are
two zones of semi-deciduous
and deciduous forests found in
the central and northern parts
of the peninsula.
Lutica Vegetation Map
Fig. 2.62
1: 30,000
91 anal yt i cum
92 In Search for Spiritus Movens
As noted earlier, the Lutica peninsula is one inseparable and integral part of
the Boka Kotorska region, although its geographical predisposition as being
an isolated peninsula suggests otherwise. The peninsula and the surrounding
bay region have been frequently inhabited for over 4,000 years. Painting
excavations and the accidental discovery of a Neolithic axe suggest the
presence of pre-historic man. Evidence of early Illyrian culture has been found
extensively throughout the area. Illyrians were Luticas rst scientically
proven inhabitants as well as the areas cultural founders the rst in many
layers of a very rich cultural heritage.
Geographic Map of Boka Kotorska
Fig. 2.63
The old map from 1716 drawn by
Antonio Zambella, an abbot
from the town of Perast
Narratives - mapping history & landscape
Roman Floor Mosaic from Risan
Fig. 2.64
Similar oor mosaic with traces
of red and white tiles was found
during the excavation of the
archaeological site at St. Johns
church in anjice. The existing
church is believed to be built
on the foundations of an early
Roman Christian basilica.
[Pui, Ilija. Arheoloki Lokalitet.
Boka, Vol.1. Pg. 15]
81 anal yt i cum
After the Illyrian dominion, and the occasional Greek colonization of coastal
regions based on the free naval-trade economy, the area fell under the Roman
rule at the beginning of the common era. Originally, the region was a part of
the Roman province of Dalmatia, and was later included in the Eastern Roman
Empire or Byzantine that continued to prosper imperially long after the fall
of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D. During that period, the Balkan
Peninsula became settled by Slavs, nomadic people constantly on the move in
search for fertile land and better living conditions. Spreading their territories,
Slavs gradually moved south until reaching the Adriatic coast. They gradually
accepted the Byzantine culture and the Christian religion, which both remained
strong in the East until the Turkish invasion.
93 anal yt i cum
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Since that time, Serbian predecessors started forming the rst local and regional
states, building the rst Orthodox churches and inhabiting the territories of
todays Serbia and Montenegro (Duklja and Raka). This region was in the hands
of the Serbian royal dynasty of Nemanjii in the year of 1185. From this year on,
the entire Boka Kotorska Bay, including the Lutica peninsula belonged to the
Serbian medieval state. The rst ofcial document mentioning Luticas name
dates back to the rule of the Serbian king Radoslav (1223-1234) who gave away
the peninsula to the town of Kotor as his royal gift along with the adjoining
territories of Krtoli and Donji Grbalj. Later, during the reign of the Serbian Tsar
Duan (circa 1351), this gift was ofcially conrmed by another royal document.
For years this area thrived in peace and prosperity. Numerous sacral artefacts
date back to this period between the 13
and 14
century, before the invasion
of Turks on the Balkan Peninsula, and before Venetian rule.
The political situation changed drastically in 15
century when the Venetian
Republic also became interested in this rich and strategically important region.
In the centuries that followed many wars were fought between the foreign
rulers, mostly between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire.
There were also some attempts of the local, mostly Serbian population, to
seek independence and freedom under much more powerful and relentless
invaders. The built infrastructure of many forts, castles and defense towers
from this period survives today and attests to the very active military history
of the region. After almost four centuries of a predominantly Venetian rule
(1420-1797), there were a few short periods of Austrian (1797-1806), Russian
(1806-1807) and French (1807-1813) occupations that resulted in the reign of
the Austrian monarchy for another century (1814-1918). After the First World
War, Lutica was part of a newly formed Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Following
the Second World War, Lutica became a part of the Republic of Montenegro
as it still is today.
The following maps illustrate the development of the Lutica landscape
within the larger Boka Kotorska region. A cross-section of historical landscape
transformation was taken at ve distinctive periods over a time span of 4,000
years. These ve scenarios represent clearly visible cultural and landscape
contours that had formed at the most inuential and peak moments of
communal prosperity in each time period.
94 In Search for Spiritus Movens
This historical period covers a landscape
conditions between the rst centuries of
the 2
millennium and 6
century B.C.
when the rst farming practices were
initiated in the region. Due mainly to
the Bronze Age traditions of a hunting-
gathering and nomadic lifestyle, there
is little or no evidence attesting to
any cultural or consequent landscape
development prior to this period.
Artifacts from burial mounds and other
archaeological discoveries, however,
conrm the existence of a stabilized
anthropogenic inuence and a well-
organized community starting in the 2
millennium B.C. in the area of Solila Field
and Gomilica (centre). Similar systems
are believed to be in the place of present-
day Budva (bottom right). Areas with the
lack of water in the limestone zone, such
as Lutica and Donji Grbalj, involved
substantially less human activity and no
impact on the cultural landscape.
95 anal yt i cum
Boka Kotorska Mapping
History & Landscape
Fig. 2.65
Preurban period
96 In Search for Spiritus Movens
This period describes the integrated
inuences of Illyrian settlements
and Greek colonies on the cultivated
landscape between 6
and 2
B.C. The cultural development and
corresponding landscape modications
culminating in the 4
and 3
B.C. were a direct result of ourishing
economies typical for the period and
for this region. These are the trade,
Mediterranean agriculture (growing
wheat, olives, and grapes with auxiliary
crops-gs, pomegranates, carob etc.), and
raising livestock. Many scattered artifacts
found throughout the region (especially
in the areas of Lutica, Krtoli, and Grbalj)
conrm predominantly independent
and self-sufcient settlements that only
started to function in the 3
century B.C.
as a network and lead to the formation
of communities resembling a Greek polis.
The prevailing economy of these densely
populated areas was livestock grazing on
pastures, although agricultural activities
were also practiced. Localities such as St.
Luka in Krtoli, Budva and Risan were the
most important centres in this period.
Boka Kotorska
Mapping History & Landscape
Fig. 2.66
Protourban period
Lutica Mapping
History & Landscape
1: 30,000
Fig. 2.67
Protourban period
97 anal yt i cum
98 In Search for Spiritus Movens
This period brought the most inuential
characteristic for the regions landscape
in the form of an agrarian dispersed city,
reaching its maturity in the 2
and 3
century A.D. Initially, Romans selected
the coastal bends and alluvial planes as
the most productive land for intensive
cultivation thereby increasing the level
of resource utilization. Similarly, they
increased the overall integration of the
spaces around the bay by creating a
powerful network of roads, dispersing
the settlements and by utilizing
marine transportation as an easy all-
year round access. This improved
the communication, distribution of
resources and created a linear, dispersed
network of interconnected settlements
and corresponding agrarian landscape
wherein the city centres lost their
original primacy. The exception was
Butua (Budva) sustaining the cultural
importance it had during the Hellenistic
period and emerging Acruvium (debatable
ancient location) taking over the central
role from the Illyrian Risnium.
Boka Kotorska
Mapping History & Landscape
Fig. 2.68
Roman period
Lutica Mapping
History & Landscape
1: 30,000
Fig. 2.69
Roman period
99 anal yt i cum
100 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Technically, this period covers times
from the 5
to 15
century. However,
the period of signicant cultural and
landscape changes began in the 9
and 10
century with the thriving of
pre-Romanic church constructions,
general inclination towards the resource
optimization and with the gradual
emergence of municipal communities
which climaxed in the 13
and 14
century. The initial transformation
process was contained within particular
districts, fertile basins and river valleys
with their immediate surroundings. The
four medieval districts of Boka were
situated around Budva, Grbalj , Risan
and Herceg Novi. Clear evidence of
rapid landscape changes emerged in the
century with the clear-cutting and
deforestation of these areas in favour of
intensive cultivation. Consequently, city
centres such as Kotor grew and prospered
on the complementing relationship
between city-trade and manufacturing,
and livestock raising and agricultural
food production in the surrounding
villages. The nal stage was decadent
and regressive for the landscape. This
city-village symbiosis deteriorated as
a result of excessive land exploitation,
socio-political turmoil and increased
instability of the Serbian state arisen by
the invasion of Turks.
Boka Kotorska
Mapping History & Landscape
Fig. 2.70
Medieval period
Lutica Mapping
History & Landscape
1: 30,000
Fig. 2.71
Medieval period
101 anal yt i cum
102 In Search for Spiritus Movens
This period corresponds to cultural
landscape changes from the 18
up until the 1960s. During the distinctive
transformational phases of Venetian,
Austrian and post-Austrian periods,
and despite respective uctuations,
the cultural ecosystem signicantly
expended and took control over the entire
landscape of Boka Kotorska by utilizing
all available resources. The ourishing
period between the years 1850 and 1890
constituted a drastic population increase,
densication of coastal areas and
intensication of road infrastructure and
sea trafc driven by military-oriented
politics. This resulted in an integrated
dispersed network of settlements and
cultivated landscape reminiscent of the
Roman period with historic nuclei and
emergent agglomerations as dominant
cultural nodes. The culmination of this
newly formed techno-ecosystem strained
the surrounding landscape beyond the
point of natural rejuvenation. The model
failed and the consequences are still
evident in the presently degraded, in-
balanced and neglected landscape (only
around 20% of available land actively
used) where current anthropogenic
inuences driven by tourism, urban
sprawl and industrialization further
deteriorate the environment.
Boka Kotorska
Mapping History & Landscape
Fig. 2.72
Prodoindustrial period
Lutica Mapping
History & Landscape
1: 30,000
Fig. 2.73
Protoindustrial period
103 anal yt i cum
104 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Cultural Traces
Fig. 2.74 (top)
The village Babunci - a typical
homestead fenced with stone wall
Cultural Traces
Fig. 2.75 (bottom)
19th c. Austrian fortication - an
artillery location at the roof terrace
Narratives - mapping cultural
The Lutica peninsula is
divided in two administrative
municipalities. The western
part belongs to the Herceg
Novi community and is further
split into six parishes with
name- matching settlements
as centres. Similarly, the eastern
part is divided into three
parishes and is administrated
by the Tivat community.
Lutica Administration Map
Fig. 2.76
1: 30,000
105 anal yt i cum
106 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Archaeology of Lutica
Fig. 2.77 (top left)
century B.C. amphora found
in the anjice inlet
Fig. 2.78 (top right)
Remains of a preromanic church
found in Malo Rose (Little Rose)
Archaeology of Lutica
Fig. 2.79 (bottomleft)
Artefacts from 6
century found near
the island Mala Gospa, Mirite inlet
Fig. 2.80 (bottomright)
Image of one of many marine
archaeological sites around Lutica
Numerous archaeological sites
from different time periods
found on Lutica attest to its
rich historic layering. From the
Neolithic axe and Illyrian burial
mounds, to Byzantine basilica
[see Fig. 2.101] and shipwreck
artifacts, these scattered
archaeological remains speak
clearly of cultural continuum
and human activity on the
peninsula originated more
than 4,000 years ago.
Lutica Archaeology Map
Fig. 2.81
1: 30,000
107 anal yt i cum
108 In Search for Spiritus Movens
The Paths of Lutica
Fig. 2.82 (top)
The major paved road going
downhill to the hamlet Rose
Fig. 2.83 (middle)
A typical unpaved route
Fig. 2.84 (bottom)
A typical overgrown and
unpaved route used
only by pedestrians
For communication, the
undeveloped Lutica peninsula
relies on low-prole land
infrastructure and intensied
marine transportation. The
land trafc is regulated by
a paved primary ring road,
about 3m wide, branching
minor roads, and a network of
secondary unpaved paths and
trails which are denser around
the in-land villages. The major
docking areas on Lutica are
in the hamlet Rose, anjice
and Mirite resorts in the west;
and in the coastal settlements
of Kraii and Bijelila in the
eastern part of the peninsula.
Lutica Infrastructure Map
Fig. 2.85
1: 30,000
109 anal yt i cum
110 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Luticas Built Environment
Fig. 2.86 (top)
St. Sava church in the village Klinci
Luticas Built Environment
Fig. 2.87 (bottom)
A courtyard of the homestead
in the village Babunci
The dominant natural
environment of Lutica
has been gradually but
continuously inuenced by
the built form throughout the
centuries of cultural activity.
Prevailing is a system of stone
walls particularly intensied
in the areas of cultivation
and around the village house
complexes. The impact of
the recent urbanization is
substantially greater in the
administrative sector of Tivat
(Kraii and Radovii) than
in the western parts of the
peninsula, with Rose and
anjicebeingthemost affected
areas. Individual fortications
and fragmented military zones
are also a signicant part of the
built environment.
Lutica Built Environment Map
Fig. 2.88
1: 30,000
111 anal yt i cum
112 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Luticas land use
Fig. 2.89 (top)
Arable land is in the central
inland area of the peninsula
Luticas land use
Fig. 2.90 (bottom)
Restricted arable land in Zabre
due to steep slopes of Obosnik
Most areas suitable and used
for growing crops on Lutica
are relatively at lands of the
central plane of the peninsula.
Some additional arable land
is found around the village
of Zabre where the steep
slopes of Obosnik inside the
bay restricted land use to
terraced cultivation. Natural
areas associated with the in-
land villages serve as typical
Mediterranean pastures.
Lutica Land Use Classes Map
Fig. 2.91
1: 30,000
113 anal yt i cum
114 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Luticas land coverage
Fig. 2.92 (top)
A typical inland landscape -
olive groves and piled stone walls
Luticas land coverage
Fig. 2.93 (bottom)
The quarry zone in the Trate bay
Although predominantly in-
tact, Luticas land has a mosaic
quality. Tapestry of macquis
vegetation is interspersed
by chains of stone walls, and
patches of agricultural land,
vineyards, olive groves and
cleared pasture areas grouped
mainly around the at lands
of the peninsulas elds and
valleys. Military and quarry
zones together with tourist
and congruent urbanization
zones also have a considerable
impact on the land of the
Lutica Land Coverage Map
Fig. 2.94
1: 30,000
115 anal yt i cum
116 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Holy tree
Fig. 2.95
The image shows the ancient
olive tree, one of the oldest on
Lutica, that happens to be
in the middle of a poorly
designed and inadequate
restaurant - the immediate
proximity to the nearby church
of St. John, anjice
Our is a time that would have sent
the Greeks to their Oracles. We fail at
our peril to consult our own.
H.C. Goddard
Narratives - problems & potentials
83 anal yt i cum
The main impetus of the presented site analysis and mapping and the respective
narratives that have been developed is to apprehend the multifaceted and
layered character of the Lutica peninsula. This process of methodological
dissection of such a complex system into smaller, singular and easier-to-
understand elements is crucial, not only for ascertaining Luticas past, but more
importantly, for distilling the most inuential elements affecting the direction
of its future evolution. This section will specically focus on determining and
classifying those current conditions as a necessary prerequisite to designing a
development proposal for the peninsulas healthy future.
From the preceding analysis, it could be deduced that Lutica represents a
unique whole consisted of two historically interdependent systems, natural
and man-made. Only fairly recently has the peninsula started to experience a
series of critical changes to its environment that have severely compromised
this historically interconnected and mutually benecial relationship. Namely,
drastic changes imposed by the man-made (cultural) domain have resulted
in consequent changes in the natural realm and the complete disruption
of the corresponding ecosystems. At the moment, the old, well established
and dynamically stabilized conditions of Luticas interactive systems, its
long term attractors, are on the verge of instability and collapse, while new
undesirable ones have already emerged and are leading the entire system
towards alienating and ecologically disturbing conditions. Thus, it is crucial to
describe and evaluate both of these scenarios, the old and the new attractors,
in order to assure an accurate assessment of a possible ecologically stable,
environmentally unthreatening and culturally prosperous future development
of the Lutica peninsula.
117 anal yt i cum
St. Hariton Church in Gornji Klinci
Fig. 2.96
This image epitomizes the
present Luticas condition as
being both profoundly potent
and increasingly problematic.
This church represents a
valuable heritage building set
in a powerful natural location,
isolated and left to dissipation
and the time erosion.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
In this approach, it is of prime importance to maintain the historically inherited
symbiotic relationship between the two systems typical of the historic
attractor. By safeguarding and encouraging the potentials (conditions that
enhance Spiritus Movens) and by determining and eliminating the problems
or conditions that hinder it by promoting a harmful environment, the Lutica
peninsula will have an opportunity to grow and evolve into a safe, proactive
and healthy site for all interdependent systems involved without abandoning
its rootedness. The Ecology Map of Lutica (Fig. 2.96) clearly distinguishes the
zones of potential from the problematic areas of the peninsula.
118 In Search for Spiritus Movens
An unique situation of Luticas
ecology is primarily owed to a
special integration of natural
and anthropogenic elements.
Problematic areas are sporadic
and somewhat negligible in
comparison to vast, ecologically
unspoiled areas of the peninsula.
Aside from the quarry zone,
environmentally disturbing are
the urbanized areas around
Rose, Kraii, and Radovii, and
increasingly tourism-strained
zones around Mirite and Arza
(;see Pg. 263). The potential lies
in the symbiotic integration of
natural and cultural systems and
healthy utilization of natural
resources such as sustainable
land cultivation and eco-tourism.
Lutica Ecology Map
Fig. 2.97
1: 30,000
119 anal yt i cum
120 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Before new rapid changes started to occur approximately 10 to 15 years
ago, Lutica was in a state of dynamic equilibrium between the natural and
cultural activity for many years. Village people, the only inhabitants of the
peninsula, cultivated the land, raised cattle, nurtured vineyards and olive
groves producing enough goods for their own local needs. They dwelled
modestly, lightly, and hence, in an environmentally sustainable way. They
lived in accord with a natural organization of life and its laws, the same way
their ancestors had lived for centuries.
Old Stone Olive Mill in the
basement of a house in Zabre
Fig. 2.99
The image illustrates one of a
few old stone mills, still in use.
It has been graining olives for
more than three centuries and
only recently its use has started
to diminish gradually
A House in the rock, Bijelila
Fig. 2.98
A symbiosis between man and
nature is rooted in old building
traditions which were not only
climate responsive but
also site specic
Lutica and its
Spiritus Movens
85 anal yt i cum
By building climatically responsive buildings and by cherishing old traditions
of carpentry, stone craftsmanship, shing, sailing, olivery, and wine making,
they have established a historical balance with the natural laws and principles
of the site, while cherishing old cultural traditions inherited from their
ancestors. Such a long term attractor is represented mostly by these vernacular
practices preserved and rooted in local customs and traditions.
At the same time, much of the Lutica peninsula remained an intact
environment, left to be governed by natural self-organizing systems. The
sea water was crystal clear, clean, and pollutant free. During the summer
the beaches were lightly occupied, mostly by locals or an occasional tourist
on a eld trip. Minimal infrastructure also did not impede with the needs
of the locals. Narrow, one-lane roads, some dating from the end of the 19
century and many still unpaved, served the purpose of the light trafc of
the local population. The air was also clean because there were no excessive
vehicular air pollutants. The off-coast condition was similar. Bucolic scenery
predominanted the inland with scattered old stone houses grouped in small
villages, isolated churches, and a profusion of dry stone walls. Centuries-
old olive groves, vineyards and cultivated land grew in harmony with the
surrounding native macquis vegetation and the undulated rocky terrain. The
entire built environment was surrounded and permeated by nature. They
complimented each other and co-existed symbiotically.
Unfortunately today, after almost two decades of modernization, only
fragments are left of the once healthy biotic and cultural attractor. Old building
traditions are being increasingly neglected. Other vernacular practices such as
traditional carpentry and stone craftsmanship are almost completely forgotten
as they are being gradually substituted by new technologies. Nonetheless, the
old, long term underlying conditions have been strong enough to maintain
the balance between the built and natural environments. They sustained
the original symbiosis in the development of the two systems. If adequately
protected and fostered, these desirable and positive conditions of unthreatened
ecosystems and their remaining fragments represent the potential necessary
for the future healthy evolution of the peninsula.
Man is a product of nature.He has been
created according to the laws of nature.
If he is sufciently aware of those laws,
if he obeys them and harmonizes his
life with the perpetual ux of nature,
then he will obtain [for himself] a
conscious sensation of harmony that
will be benecial to him.
Le Corbusier, Paris 1967
121 anal yt i cum
Historical Conditions
Fig. 2.100
View of the back stone terrace
with wine trellis of an old house
in Zabre
Historical Conditions
Fig. 2.101
View of the old stone house in
Bijelila, built on a small island.
The image suggests the idea of
historic symbiosis of natural
and man-made elements.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
122 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Historical Conditions
Fig. 2.102
St. Johns church in anjice,
and the surrounding context.
It is believed that the church
was built on the foundations
of an old basilica from
the Byzantine period.
[Crnogorevi, Churches in Lutica
Pg. 9-10]
87 anal yt i cum 123 anal yt i cum
An Urban Locus
Fig. 2.103
The coastal hamlet of Rose
and its historic nucleus. Since
Roman times, this area has
been frequently occupied
St. Nicholas Church in Radovanii
Fig. 2.104
The oldest church in Lutica
and one of the oldest in Boka
Kotorska, is believed to be built
in 13
century, although the
oral tradition suggests that
it was consecrated by
St. Sava, the rst Serbian
Archbishop in 1117.
[Crnogorevi, Pg. 4]
A Rural Locus
Fig. 2.105
The village of Mardari -
a typical agglomeration of old
stone houses occupied by the
same family usually comprised
of several generations living
Cultural Heritage Map of Lutica
Fig. 2.105 (opposite side)
In Search for Spiritus Movens
124 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Both archaeology and the
mapping of the cultural
heritage conrm rich layering
over thecourseof four millennia
of human activity in the area.
Aside from burial mounds, the
network of stone walls is one
of the rst and still prevailing
cultural imprints on Lutica.
Invaluable cultural wealth
is preserved in the form of
numerous Orthodox churches
dating back to the medieval
period. They were spiritual
and cultural hearts of the
surrounding village complexes
which also represent a cultural
heritage worth protecting and
enhancing.The fortications on
Lutica are the most recently
built edices but equally
potent and valuable as cultural
Lutica Cultural Heritage Map
Fig. 2.106
1: 30,000
125 anal yt i cum
124 In Search for Spiritus Movens
An attractor, like the historical balance between nature and culture on Lutica,
becomes destabilized once exposed to a new set of external factors. After its
equilibrium is disrupted, an ecosystem inevitably seeks ways to recover it by
adapting to the newly imposed underlying conditions. Such a basic theoretical
ecosystem scenario precisely portrays the current situation of the ecosystems
found on the Lutica peninsula. A new attractor has started to appear as a result
of drastic and rapid changes in the realm of the built environment and modern
tourism. Logically, the natural, unbuilt environment has also become affected.
Since this attractor has already emerged and is currently being integrated into
the dynamics of the peninsulas ecosystems, the modernization pressures for
the entire bay region are termed as modern conditions of recent origin.
Regrettably, such underlying conditions which affect Lutica today mirror the
same conditions which many coastal regions of the Adriatic and Mediterranean
are dealing with at present. These conditions lead Luticas system and its
environment into an unpredictable, unstable and above all, environmentally
threatening future. They represent an undesirable and negative attractor. As
such, the following conditions in this section constitute the problems that
Lutica currently experiences. They require a proper diagnosis and healing
solutions in order to ensure a healthy evolution of the peninsulas ecosystems
and the overall environment.
A NewHouse in Zambelii
Fig. 2.107
The image reveals the
problematic character of new
constructions. With no site
integration, with no consideration
to tradional building techniques
and with no climatic response
these buildings rather promote a
modern Tabula Rasa approach
Our ultimate failure as humans, is
to become not a crowning glory of
the earth, but the instrument of its
Thomas Berry,
The Dream of the Earth
A New Lutica
P a t h o l o g y
a modern attractor
of recent ori gi n
126 Heritage Park Lutica
The Coastal Town of Kraii
Fig. 2.108
The image portrays the urban
density of both planned and
unplanned buildings along the
coast of the peninsula. These are
mainly seasonal residences built
as a result of a recent booming
of tourism in the area
89 anal yt i cum
Even though Lutica is geographically quite isolated from other parts of the
Boka Kotorska bay and the rest of the Montenegrin Littoral, its current and
predominately rural condition shares similar problems with more urbanized
parts of the surrounding coastal region. Popular summer vacation homes and
cottages are being built rapidly every year without zoning or building permits,
and often without established urban plans. Motivated only by speculation, and
with no professional assistance, the owners are usually completely unaware
of many threatening consequences of their actions. Following this trend of
hyper tourism, besides residential houses, many other tourism building types
are being constructed such as bars, cafs, restaurants, and hotels, all without a
much-needed professional vision of an urban plan. The roots of this problem
partly lie in the politics of the former Yugoslavia, its tourism techniques and
the overall economic policies of a post-war socialist and nonaligned-nation.
The current government, seeking tourist revenue, is also partly responsible for
not taking any measures, or perhaps ones not strong enough to resolve or to
control this negative phenomenon.
127 anal yt i cum
Problematic Urbanization
Fig. 2.109-2.112
The images show the current
building practices in the area.
They are characterized by a
complete neglect and disregard
for the pre-existing site
conditions, natural
environment and the overall
inherited potential.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
The problem of lack of government will is exacerbated by lack of a proper
legal body that would ensure adequate implementation of its by-laws and
control urban-growth particularly that affecting the immediate coastal areas.
Presently Lutica is experiencing unauthorized privatization of beaches and
public land immediately adjoining the sea, especially in the coastal hamlet of
Rose and its growing urban surrounding. Although the narrow bands of land
next to the sea are under the legal provisions of the government organization
of Morsko Dobro that protects, controls, and develops these natural or built
areas, there are many situations when these otherwise publicly accessible
areas become illegally fenced and privatized. Not only does this prevent
responsible public actors, in this case the Morsko Dobro organization, to
provide a consistent, environmentally conscious and consequently desirable
coastal development in these built areas, but it also breaks the continuity and
integrity of this delicate band of land bordering the sea.
128 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Money is our measure, convenience
is its cohort, the short term is its
span, and the devil may take the
hindmost is the morality.
Ian McHarg
Design with Nature
91 anal yt i cum
Next to an uncontrollable sprawl of privately managed public properties and
illegal privatization of public beaches and coastal areas, another problematic
issue is the creation of what is here referred to as a tomato tourism syndrome
- an informal but generally accepted term in the economics of the region. This
term is associated with several descriptions. The rst one implies a complete
anarchy pertaining to an independent, unofcial and hence unauthorized
market run by individuals who set up mobile shops , usually small stands,
selling merchandise to tourists. More often than not, especially in the recent
past, a mobile shop included only a cardboard box that served as product
shelves (or any other improvised stand). If cold drinks or fresh fruits were
sold, freezers were often used. Therefore, tourists could buy virtually any
goods on the beach, including vegetables such as tomatoes (hence the term
tomato tourism). The sellers would usually walk along the beach, along the
promenade or sea water front or localize in one place for some time.
Aesthetic appearance and lack of market professionalism aside, there is a
positive connotation to this syndrome. Seemingly chaotic, unsupervised and
unprofessional, tomato tourism carries a certain charm. It adds a special avour
to the region, to a particular mentality and culture, and is what distinguishes
this place from many other tourist regions worldwide. Resembling the practice
of bargaining in countries such as Greece and Turkey, this non-conventional
situation symbolizes a local custom and integral part of everyday local
By contrast, however, there is yet another, more problematic description of
the same syndrome. It refers to the situation in which tourists bring their
own goods to the beach even though there are restaurants and other food
facilities to serve their needs. Sometimes they bring along full meals and even
vegetables such as onions and tomatoes. Consequently, there are many tourists
who picnic in the middle of the beach where no picnic setting is available or
prescribed. Besides obvious economic drawbacks for the local business owners,
this popular but undesired syndrome, without any supporting planning or
facilities, directly increases litter and pollution of beach areas and the sea. The
cause of both scenarios could be traced to the economic turmoil of a war-torn
country where standards and nancial struggles do not allow most domestic
tourists to afford alternatives.
129 anal yt i cum
Village houses in Mrkovi
Fig. 2.113
The image shows an abandoned
stone house with no roof and its
front courtyard, both in a very
neglected and dilapidated state.
Yet to the left is another building
complex, occupied and fully
functional. This condition is
typical for many villages
throughout Luticas inland.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Probably, the most problematic issue concerning the built environment
on Lutica is the dilapidation of historically valuable monuments. Several
building typologies are being compromised by severe disregard and decay.
The rst are the deserted old village houses most of which are left empty due
to another negative condition, the continuous migration of rural population
towards urban centres. Many are centuries-old, representing a valuable
cultural heritage. A large number of the houses is in a dilapidated state also
because of the powerful earthquake that hit the entire region in 1979, leaving
many in complete ruins. Some, however, have simply been neglected and left
abandoned for ages.
The second type of monuments in crisis is a group of Orthodox churches.
Most of them were built in medieval times, some as early as 13
They are in a slightly better condition than the village houses. This is partly
because they have been more frequently used - some were even renovated -
but most importantly, because these sacred monuments symbolize the Serbian
Orthodox religion and small community centres of cultural heritage. The lack
of nancing, however, and absence of proper care and maintenance due to a
population decrease, leave these invaluable heritage monuments in danger of
being completely neglected and exposed to the mercy of time erosion.
of valuable
130 In Search for Spiritus Movens
a more comprehensive descrip-
tion of a ruinous state and other
more specic issues regarding the
fortications on Lutica can be
found later in the book - Chapter 4
St. Hariton Church in Gornji Klinci
Fig. 2.114
This is the only church in Lutica
that is completely neglected
and non functional. Its ruinous
state seeks immediate attention.
Fort Mamula and Mamula Island
Fig. 2.115
Built at the end of 19
this fortication has no
current occupation. It has been
abandoned for more than 60
years and is now completely
overgrown with vegetation.
[refer to Chapter 4]
93 anal yt i cum
A third group of valuable monuments left in complete state of neglect are
military artifacts. Most are fortications built at the end of 19
and the
beginning of 20
century by the Austro-Hungarian army that had control over
the region. All of them share the destiny of the aforementioned monuments;
they are dead and ruinous objects that currently serve no function; left to
natural processes of overgrowing and the ultimate decay; yet they still carry a
great potential for future use and occupation.
131 anal yt i cum
Pollution and Litter
Fig. 2.116-2.117 (top )
The images show the sea pollution
as a result of a complete disregard
and irresponsibility of humans
who constantly perceive the sea as
a garbage disposal.
Fig. 2.118-2.119 (bottom)
These images show historically
and economically valuable
locations of Kreane that
recently have been converted
into garbage depots.
In Search for Spiritus Movens
Another aspect inuenced and directly related to uncontrollable urbanization
and expansion of tourism on Lutica is the pollution of the natural environment.
Unfortunately, it is an inevitable by-product of almost all human activities.
Not only do tourists litter and pollute the environment, especially in the
incipient resorts where proper cleaning and maintenance procedures are not
yet established, but the irresponsible and often ignorant changes humans
impose on the surrounding landscape and seascape disrupts local ecosystems.
For example, the breeding ground for local, edible sh species coincides with
the local scuba diving resort. As well, building the camp ground or a hotel
complex in the middle of a nesting ground for local birds, or on the favorable
location for migratory bird species, is irresponsible and threatening for the
surrounding ecosystems. Any changes made without sophisticated systemic
understanding of local ecosystems could cause irreversible and even fatal
consequences to parts or to the entire natural ecosystems of Lutica.
Pollution and
destruction of
n a t u r a l
132 In Search for Spiritus Movens
refer to The Fortications of
Lutica in Chapter 4, for additional
information on military activity
95 anal yt i cum
An additional example of disregard for natural systems and bio-diversity
is excessive impoverishing of the natural marine resources, predominantly
sh, squid and oysters. As tourism grows in Boka Kotorska, more produce is
required and there appears to be no time for natural replenishing processes to
take place, especially when the breeding grounds are being depleted as well. A
more environmentally threatening specic problem is the practice of a shing
technique using under-water explosives. Although this kind of shing is illegal,
many shermen continue to practice this traditional, yet uncontrollable and
dangerous technique. Sadly, this activity not only excessively impoverishes
Luticas coastal sh resources, but it destroys their breeding grounds, and
even worse, destroys the rest of what is known to be extremely rich marine
ora and fauna at the bottom of the sea.
Throughout history Luticas very prominent strategic location predestined
its lands to constantly be under military occupation. Luticas hilltops
have been repeatedly used for defense and protection purposes, as well as
military control over the entire Boka Kotorska Bay. Many old fortication
artifacts, tunnels, and some other more recent modern constructions are
scattered throughout Lutica. Ironically, on one hand, the military zone
has hindered almost all activities on the peninsula and left many areas
undeveloped, especially the western and southwestern parts. On the other
hand, monumental military constructions and related activities have imposed
a huge stress on the surrounding landscape unavoidably leading to pollution
and disturbance of its natural ecosystems. At present, the Lutica area is in
the process of demilitarization, meaning that military maneuvers or any other
military activities that could further harm the environment are no longer
Nevertheless, due to the fact that Lutica was still considered to
be an active military zone in 1999, the NATO peacekeeping campaign heavily
and needlessly bombed some areas on the peninsula with depleted uranium, a
dangerous radioactive substance. Contaminated areas, especially around the
Mirite inlet and Cape Arza, experienced a very high level of radiation. Even
though the decontamination process took place in the following years, the
health level of affected areas is still debated in the public sector.
133 anal yt i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Heritage Park Lutica
synt het i cum III
135 synt het i cum
[Let this be] a personal testament to the power and
importance of sun, moon, and stars, the changing seasons,
seedtime and harvest, clouds, rain and rivers, the oceans and
the forests, the creatures and the herbs. They are with us now,
co-tenants of the phenomenal universe, participating in
that timeless yearning that is evolution, vivid expression of
time past, essential partners in survival and with us now
involved in the creation of the future.
Our eyes do not divide us from the world, but unite us with it.
Let this be known to be true. Let us then abandon the simplicity
of separation and give unity its due. Let us abandon the self-
mutilation which has been our way and give expression to the
potential harmony of man-nature. The world is abundant,
we require only a deference born of understanding to fulll
mans promise. Man is that uniquely conscious creature
who can perceive and express. He must become the steward
of the biosphere. To do this he must design with nature.
Ian McHarg, Design with Nature
Heritage Park Lutica
Genius Loci Diagram
Fig. 3.1
An intuitive sketch of the
underlying factors that shape,
inuence and determine
Spiritus Movens of
the Lutica peninsula
137 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Based on the analysis of the Lutica peninsula, it is evident that many
underlying conditions of recent origin do not lead towards the desired state
of a culturally, economically, and especially ecologically thriving dynamic
system. It has also been established that some remaining fragments of the
old, long term, attractor should be conserved and recovered in order to keep
the existing ecosystems in their desirable state. A strategic planning and
design proposal should be recognized and created accordingly to permit the
occurrence of these changes on the peninsula while ensuring a healthier and
environmentally responsible future development. Derived directly from the
search for Luticas genius loci or spirit of the place, the proposed initiatives,
on the most general level, should entail the preservation and strengthening of
the Spiritus Movens and the conditions essential for its existence. At the same
time, these initiatives should address specic problems and attempt to resolve
them in consultation with Luticas sense of a place.
For the moment, it seems,
we have lost touch. Perhaps,
before we can progress, we
must look back. We must return
to the fundamental wisdom of
the gopher building a home
and village and the beaver
engineering a dam. We must
apply the planning approach
of the farmer working from
day to day in the elds, fully
aware of natures forces,
forms, and features, respecting
and responding to them,
adapting them to a purpose.
We must develop a deeper
understanding of our physical
and spiritual ties to the earth.
We must rediscover nature.
John O. Simonds,
Landscape Architecture
Lusticas uniqueness needs preserving. The only feasible solution that could
potentially deal with all complexities relevant to the Lutica peninsula and its
past, present and future conditions, is a proposal for a Natural and Cultural
Heritage Park. Aside from being heritage-oriented, the park should also
be diagnosed as a multipurpose park because of a multitude of underlying
factors composing the peninsulas invaluably rich character. Natural diversity,
exceptional beauty, vegetation preservation, traditional cultivation of the
land, rich cultural heritage in the form of abundant archaeological sites and
historic edices, are just a few examples of factors that comprise Luticas
complex layering. A park proposal, therefore, attempts to address all these
issues in a very conscious, cohesive and integrative way, providing solutions
for current problems and strengthening, as well as promoting existing healthy
and benecial conditions.
A Park Proposal for Lutica
Heritage Park Lutica
Fig. 3.2
Proposed signage for Lutica
Park derived from the
existing National Park sign
139 synt het i cum
Initially, the proposal for the Cultural and Natural Heritage Park Lutica has
a strong incentive to maintain the prevailing centuries-old harmony between
man and nature; to enhance and propagate this culture-nature symbiosis on
the peninsula in sympathy with pre-industrial and pre-modern principles.
It also aspires to restore and revive structures now in a ruin state, prevent
their further dilapidation, and strictly control further urbanization. The park
formation promotes ecological consciousness in an organized, purposeful and
practical way by enforcing a healthy community development and sustainable
living models. Similarly, it reinforces and re-introduces gradually dissipating
ideas of stewardship, connection and engagement with the local environments,
thereby facilitating a desirable process of understanding and re-discovery of
nature and its principles. Ideologically, the park tends to reconcile not only
man and nature but also man with man to mediate between two opposing
political regimes, capitalism and communism, by providing an economic
prosperity, public services and community-oriented policies. In essence, the
park strives for a successful future evolution of Lutica solely in accord with the
already existing and authentic Spiritus Movens. This implies both conservation
and development strategies which, in a deliberate, altruistic, naturalistic, and
above all, adequate way, ensure the overall health and thriving of integrated
cultural and natural systems and their inheritance.
T Cenc Heritage Park, Gozo, Malta
Report and Management Plan
[Rick Haldenby, 1999]
Heritage Park Lutica
Due to its unique nature, Lutica should be given special consideration when
it comes to a park classication. According to its size, the peninsula should
fall under the category of a National Park. Since its natural biodiversity
and potentially exceptional ecological values are neither researched nor
assessed yet, its known characteristics would logically put Lutica into the
next category of protected sites in Serbia and Montenegro - Nature Reserves.
However, this nomenclature of being a Nature Reserve is not appropriate as
it does not address all the complexities and riches of the peninsula, especially
not those with respect to its cultural aspect and present phenomena. Thus,
Lutica aspires to be a new typology that is a combination of existing park
categories. This hybrid acquires the title of a Natural and Cultural Heritage Park.
According to the denition of the park T Cenc, in Gozo, Malta, a Heritage
Park is dened as:
a relatively large rural area or wilderness area which contains
features of outstanding archaeological, ecological, geological
or landscape value signicant enough to justify protection, to
which restricted access is allowed for the appreciation of these
features for educational, touristic or research purposes. The
title Heritage Park carries with it the full responsibility for
conservation, enhancement and interpretation of the natural,
archaeological, and scenic resources of the area, emphasizing
the indivisibility of the natural park and the archaeological
park and thus the integrity of the natural and cultural
Lutica as a Heritage Park
pr ogr ammat i c t heme 1
Heritage Park Lutica
Fig. 3.3
Stone walls and terraced olive
groves typical for the Lutica
hinterland are one of the
natural/cultural features of
traditional interaction between
man and nature. It is a cultural
heritage of a distinct character
with signicant aesthetic and
representative value.
141 synt het i cum
Although it is internally heterogeneous, Lutica has a general coherence based
on its strategic location, geography and geology. It also has a predominantly
undeveloped state of its natural environment. In addition to the evident
consistency in natural conditions, there is also a cultural continuum that
enriches Lutica enabling it to fall simultaneously under several IUCN (The
World Conservation Union) classications for National Parks and Protected
Areas. Since the peninsula includes areas with one, or more, specic natural or
natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent
rarity, representative or aesthetic qualities or cultural signicance, therefore by
denition Lutica falls into Category III - Natural Monument: protected area
managed mainly for conservation of specic natural features. It also could fall
under Category IV as there is an area of land, with coast and sea as appropriate,
where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct
character with signicant aesthetic, ecological and/or cultural value, and often with
high biological diversity. Safeguarding the integrity of this traditional interaction
is vital to the protection, maintenance and evolution of such an area. While the
above denitions clearly reveal unique qualities of Lutica Park, they also hint
towards a versatile and hybrid nature of its development, organization and
these classications and the
forthcoming denitions are all
acquired from the following web
Heritage Park Lutica
According to the IUCN Multiple Classications:
protected areas of different categories are often contiguous; sometimes one category
nests within another. Thus many Category V (Protected Landscape/Seascape) areas
contain within them Category I (Strict Nature Reserve: protected area managed
mainly for science) and Category IV (Habitat/Species Management Area) areas; some
will adjoin Category II areas (National Park: protected area managed mainly for
ecosystem protection and recreation). This is entirely consistent with the application of
the system, providing such areas are identied separately for accounting and reporting
purposes. Although there are obvious benets in having the entire area within the
responsibility of one management authority, this may not always be appropriate; in
such cases, close cooperation between authorities will be essential.
The Lutica Park is clearly a multipurpose park. It promotes healthy living,
environmental education, ecological consciousness, scientic research, leisure
and recreation. It also allows for future sustainable development of the
entire peninsula and its communities culturally, economically, socially and
politically. It is a place where people live, work, learn, teach, research, visit and
spend their vacation. It is a place for contemplation, spiritual emancipation,
meditation, introspection and mind-and-body-recreation. It preserves
old, authentic traditions embracing new sustainable technologies for the
improvement of natural and cultural environmental conditions. It advocates
their mutual coexistence and maintains their inherited symbiosis. As a result,
it aspires to become a new paradigm for sustainable development of sub-
Mediterranean coastal regions, compromising thriving tourism economies and
generally, cultural aspirations with a desired natural balance and management
of healthy environments. Therefore, the park in its true nature represents a
hybrid of bio-regional planning, ecological site development and evolution,
as well as heritage park formation.
Lutica as a Multipurpose Park
p r o g r a mma t i c t h e me 2
Multipurpose Park Lutica
Fig. 3.4
anjice beach and its
surroundings are no longer
considered as a habitat, a nature
reserve or a protection area since
it has recently been under a
tremendous impact of the
urbanization and booming tourism
which diminished its biodiversity
and ecological potential. Presently,
its multipurpose quality involves a
more culturally acceptable variety
of purposes such as recreation,
work, development and cultivation.
143 synt het i cum
The etymology of the word park is important to ensure the precision in this
particular nomenclature. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners
dictionary, the term park has several meanings:
1) a public garden or area of land in a town where
people go to walk, play, relax, etc.
2) an enclosed area of land, usually with elds and
trees, attached to a large country house.
3) (in compounds) an area of land used for
a particular purpose: an industrial park (See
also amusement park, ballpark, car park, national
park, safari park, theme park)
4) a piece of land for playing sports, especially
The Lutica Park would fall in the category of national parks, that is, an area
of land used for a particular purpose. In the scenario of this work, however,
Lutica has many purposes ascribed to its area of land: work, play, recreation,
protected areas, restricted access areas, development areas, etc. Consequently,
it signies an area with multiple purposes - a multipurpose park.
Heritage Park Lutica
To determine the optimum occupancy load for the peninsula
and design techniques for developing the park so it can serve
as a self-sufcient mechanism for conservation, protection and
development of its assets, i.e. to maintain the corresponding
economic and ecologic sustainability
To provide effective and efcient services and necessary resource
utilization for local communities in Lutica encouraging their
healthy thriving
To promote education programs and greater appreciation by
visitors of the values of the park and its heritage
To design appropriate park infrastructure and adjoining facilities
in accord with the desired enhancement of Luticas Spiritus
To outline specic guidelines and principles upon which the park
will be designed, organized, and managed
Given that a Heritage Park provision does not yet exist in the constitution
and classication for protection and management of natural/cultural sites
in Serbia and Montenegro, it is important to specify the principal purpose
behind its formation. Before venturing into design and management policy
of the Lutica Heritage Park, general objectives and specic goals have to
be clearly dened to ensure the validity and credibility of its creation. The
following stipulations, therefore, should be viewed as a principal set of rules
whose realization is crucial for the successful fulllment of the vision invested
in Luticas future. The major objectives for the Lutica Heritage Park proposal
General Objectives
Symbiosis of man and nature
Fig. 3.6
Image of the Montenegrin
medieval town of Ulcinj. It appears
as if a fortied walls and the entire
town emerged from the local
rocky terrain and the sea;
natural forces complimented
by human activity
Symbiosis of man and nature
Fig. 3.5
Image of the Montenegrin coastal
settlement where natural and
man-made elements are in tune
with each other. It seems that nature
was re-discovered rst, and than
enhanced by human interventions.
145 synt het i cum
[W]e belong here because human
beings are part of the natural order,
related to all other forms of life,
responding to much the same laws,
and no less dependent on a healthy
and diverse environment. This
condition of being part of nature
brings with it certain responsibilities
and restraints. To damage a system
which allows an innite number of
life forms to coexist, to destroy what
we cannot possible replace, would not
only be irresponsible, it would threaten
our own survival. Therefore, the rst of
our obligations is to discover the laws
of nature and follow them; we can
then lead secure and creative lives
and contribute to the well-being of
the earth and its inhabitants.
J.B Jackson,
A Pair of Ideal Landscapes
Heritage Park Lutica
Extending the Spiritus Movens of the whole Lutica site, by strengthening
all the elements, natural and man-made that promote its character,
and eliminate those that hinder it
Building regulations pertaining to building size, height,
typology, materiality, building practices and technologies,
purpose (zoning)
Policies/ guidelines for urban development control - and
a site master plan
Bylaws and bylaw enforcement to prevent privatization
of public coastal areas, beaches, water fronts - the
unique relationship between areas of historic man-made
development and its natural surroundings
specic goals
Conceptual Diagram for the
Lutica Heritage Park proposal
Fig. 3.7
An intuitive sketch of the
primary systems in interaction.
Ecological and environmental
(cultural and natural)
sustainability as well as the overall
healthy future of the peninsula
could be achieved through
integration and dynamic balance
between the three inuental
147 synt het i cum
Propose a heritage park stressing the preservation of the peninsulas
identity consisting of natural and man-made elements and their co-
Heritage Park Lutica
Promote educational prospects to integrate natural beauty and
historic heritage into the life of the region
Heritage Park Lutica
This section focuses on the portrayal and re-capturing of important attributes
of the Spiritus Movens and its propensities from the previous chapter. They
are directly or indirectly addressed in a set of composite maps with the main
purpose of illustrating the process of concept development and goals behind
the Heritage Park design. The following maps should be seen as a prerequisite
for understanding the hidden relationships between various components
and elements comprising the Lutica Heritage Park and its Spiritus Movens.
However, the maps are not in any particular order nor do they show all
possible ways of superimposing different elements. They are presented here
merely to exemplify the method for integration and synthesis of inuential
factors and their potential.
Spiritus Movens Revisited
compos i t e mappi ng
The topography of Lutica
has signicantly inuenced
the historical development
of its built environment and
infrastructure. Aside from
coastal settlements of Rose
and Kraii, the majority of
old villages were formed in
the central planes and valleys
between the hill tops. A
major road was developed to
connect the village nuclei; it
primarily extended along the
topographic features. Although
a network of stone walls
appears irregular and chaotic,
it is more intensied in the
central areas of the peninsula
and around the villages and
arterial roads.
Lutica Composite Map 1
Fig. 3.8
1: 30,000
151a synt het i cum
128 In Search for Spiritus Movens
The physiography of Lutica
has signicant impact on the
land coverage distribution
and typology. The majority
of cultivated and settled land
occupies inland valleys and
elds with a gradient slope of
0%-15% (central and western
parts of the peninsula), while
coastal at lands and beaches
are predominantly tourism-
oriented, urbanized areas such
as Rose, anjice and Kraii.
The remaining undulated
terrain with hilltops and a
gradient slope of 15%-45% are
mainly covered with macquis
forests and scattered cultivated
areas, with the exception of
an elongated section in the
northern part of the peninsula
which is terraced and intensely
cultivated around the village
Lutica Composite Map 2
Fig. 3.9
1: 30,000
151c synt het i cum
130 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Cultivated land along with
vineyards and olive groves
tend to overlap with the most
productive soil on Lutica
(re-deposited terra rossa)
especially in the area of Zabre
(northern bend of fertile land).
It is interesting to observe the
congruence of these areas with
specic vegetation species.
Namely, the central inland and
predominantly cultivated areas
are covered with the semi-
deciduous forest of oak and
pistache, while the northern
part of the peninsula, including
the terraced cultivated land
of Zabre is under Oriental
Hornbeam and Sweet Bay tree
Lutica Composite Map 3
Fig. 3.10
1: 30,000
151e synt het i cum
132 In Search for Spiritus Movens
The majority of the peninsulas
arable land corresponds with
the most productive soil, re-
deposited terra rossa. This
shows how the central and
western areas of Lutica were
used and settled not only
because of the atness of the
land but also because of the
fertility of the soil. Similarly,
the zone around the Zabre
village directly corresponds to
the re-deposited terra rossa
soil. However, this arable land
is used with restrictions due
to steep slopes of the Obosnik
Lutica Composite Map 4
Fig. 3.11
1: 30,000
151g synt het i cum
134 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Although heritage sites
and ecologically important
locations are mainly scattered
around the peninsula, they
appear organized and
interconnected once an
infrastructure network of
roads, paths and trails is
superimposed. Simultaneously,
several culturally valuable
sites are also topographically
accentuated. A few isolated
churches and Illyrian burial
mounds are situated on
prominent locations such as hill
tops or natural belvederes. The
most historically active areas
with an important cultural
inheritance harmonize with
present attractive locations
of intensely occupied tourist
resorts (Rose and anjice).
These coastal zones are also
an ecological imperative, since
they carry much potential
while being very conicting
and problematic for the
Lutica Composite Map 5
Fig. 3.12
1: 30,000
151i synt het i cum
136 In Search for Spiritus Movens
This map shows a clear
distinction between man-
made, political and natural
boundaries created by
hydrographic, topographic and
physiographic predispositions
and by vegetation and soil
distribution. This overlapping
characterizes the relationship
between corresponding
administrative management
units (culture-based) and
proposed alternative -
landscape management units
(nature-based) to be formed in
relation to ecology and natural
features of the peninsula.
Lutica Composite Map 6
Fig. 3.13
1: 30,000
151k synt het i cum
138 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Park Size Context Diagram
Fig. 3.14
Heritage Park Design
par k si ze cont ext
Algonquin Park Ontario, Canada
765,345 ha 7,725 km
Rouge Park Greater Toronto Area, Canada
4,750 ha 49 km
Lutica Heritage Park 4,260 ha 43 km
Pinery Park Ontario, Canada
2,532 ha 26 km
T Cenc Heritage Park Gozo, Malta
153 ha 1.6 km
Algonquin Park Ontario, Canada
765,345 ha 7,725 km
152 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Heritage Park Lutica
Fig. 3.15
1: 30,000
153 synt het i cum
140 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Table #5
Fig. 3.16
Multipurpose Zones of Lutica
Prescribed Zones of the Multipurpose Park
restricted human activity
strict prohibitions on environmentally
threatening activities (dynamite shing)
exceptions: archaeological / scientic
research and monitoring;
isolated ascetic sites
organizing principle description regulation
Zones of
High Protection
nature reserves
biodiversity / endemic
species protection
ecologically sensitive
mainly coastal regions
(sea & land, S & SE rocky
cliffs of the peninsula)
highly erosive areas (Obosnik)
protection of locations with exceptional natural
and cultural value (ecological, historic, aesthetic)
creation of buffer zones and natural corridors
record & report all non-protected monuments
design rules & regulations for their future use
Zones of
cultural & natural
individual monuments with
a determined heritage value
scattered and/or grouped
throughout the peninsula
planting of original native vegetation (ancient)
rejuvenation and rehabilitation of affected areas
creation of buffer zones and natural corridors
record & report all non-protected monuments
design rules & regulations for their future use
reviatlization precedents (old villages near Tivat)
Zones of
renovation &
restauration of natural
and cultural areas
cultural old villages
Orthodox churches
natural areas under erosion
areas degraded by
1999NATO bombing & 2003 re
prioritize urbanized areas in accordance with
General (GUP) and Detailed (DUP) Urban Plan
design and strictly implement specic
architectural guidelines and regulations
consider new environmentally friendly
community oriented and economically
sustainable developments
site specic design (Spiritus Movens) based on
succesful precedents (Sea Ranch, Dewees Island)
Zones of
Highly Limited
eco-tourism &
controlled urbanization
already existing structures &
areas found throughout
the peninsula (Rose & anjice)
locations with an incipient
urbanization and a very few
new areas predisponed for
mixed rural & urban growth
old customs and traditional trades revival
implementation of new technologies based
on mandatory consultation with past traditions
revitalization and reinhabitation of rural areas in
accordance with re-development principles as
perscribed for old village zones)
develop economic and sustainable models for
increased and more efcacious production
Zones of
olivery &
mainly central in-land areas
around old villages ( areas of
historic settlements)
areas of the best cultivation
conditions (soil, physiography
water and topography)
containment of threatening, uncontrolled urban
sprawl driven by tourism
introduction of new tourism techniques, more
sustainable and ecology-driven models: ethno
tourism; educational tours; recreational facilities
creation of buffer zones
Zones of
leisure &
major tourist areas
(Rose, anjice) - with higher
yet controlled intensity
site seeing throughout the
peninsula - lower intensity
proposal for research centre within the Heritage
Park (Marine, oral and faunal, archaeological)
stipulate procedures for constant monitoring of
local ecosystems to ensure their protection and
enhancement as well as the potential discovery
of endemic and rare oral and faunal species
detect potent areas for experimentation
Zones of
Future Enterprise
exploration &
mainly in undeveloped and
degraded areas of Lutica
coastal areas with rich marine
around existing and new
archaeological sites
154 Heritage Park Lutica
Lutica Multipurpose Park Map
Fig. 3.17
1: 30,000
155 synt het i cum
142 In Search for Spiritus Movens
Zones of Conservation
nat ur al monument s
An ancient olive tree
Fig. 3.21
This olive tree is believed to be the
oldest on the peninsula. According
to the oral tradition of the villagers,
it is apparently more than 800
years old. Its age, however would
have to be determined by a
professional olive horticulturist
159 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
To protect and preserve nationally signicant cultural features because of their
special interest or unique characteristics. These are relatively small areas focused on
protection of specic features
These are singular cultural monuments of exceptional historic value for the
region. Their safeguarding and protection is crucial for the maintenance of the
cultural integrity, historic continuum and the preservation of old traditions.
Zones of Re-development
n a t u r a l s e c t o r
Natural Redevelopment Areas
Fig. 3.23 (top)
The quarry zone is in a continuously
degrading state of the landscape
Natural Redevelopment Areas
Fig. 3.24
The coastal hamlet of Rose and
the landscape scar of the 2003 re
163 synt het i cum
The entire section of the thesis book
is dedicated to this particular theme of
the fortications on Lutica. For more
details and specic issues in relation to
this particular zone refer to Chapter 4
Heritage Park Lutica
Cultural re-development areas include notable existing structures, individual
or grouped, whose present condition suggests an immediate need for
revitalization, renovation or restoration. As many of the edices are also
monuments, these re-development zones and their elements partially coincide
with the cultural monuments outlined in the preceding section. The following
are specic areas of re-development focus:
Reconstruction and renovation of houses and lots found within the villages
throughout Lutica have cultural priority. Once renovated and fully functional,
these revitalized artifacts will be considered as new potential for permanent or
seasonal residences. Special consideration should be given to the prospective
revival of old, traditional artistries such as olivery, winery, carpentry, stone
and lime production and land cultivation. These activities represent potential
for ethno-tourism.
Reconstruction, renovation and re-animation of old Austro-Hungarian
fortications and deserted military objects
The forts and military artifacts of Lutica are presently found in a dilapidated
and abandoned state. They carry, however, an extraordinary potential for the
future development of the park and their own individual evolution. Their
contemplative qualities, for example, should be strongly considered and
adequately encouraged so that possibly some of them remain unoccupied
- functionless per se. The following suggestions for future usage of the
fortications are hence just an indication of their prospective which offers an
unofcial, intuitive idea for their re-animation.
Revitalization of old villages
Zones of Re-development
c u l t u r a l s e c t o r
A house court in Babunci
Fig. 3.25
Many old houses are abandoned
and left to dilapidation because
new generations are
migrating to urban areas leaving
no one to maintain these
centuries old households.
165 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Restoration and maintenance of old Orthodox churches
The churches on Lutica represent an invaluable cultural heritage. Besides
the historic signicance, the spirituality of these sacred monuments greatly
contributes to the peninsulas sense of a place. It is therefore crucial, to prescribe
the initiatives for their protection, rejuvenation and management.
Initially, all churches on Lutica should be thoroughly surveyed in order to
create a comprehensive database pertaining to their present condition and
characteristic features. This is a necessary and fundamental step for their
accreditation and recognition as important cultural heritage sites of the region.
Specic examples of the initiatives for safeguarding and future development
of the churches are:
Zones of Cultivation
Zones of Cultivation
Fig. 3.32 (top)
View of the typical inland
condition - at plains covered in
agricultural land and olive groves
Fig. 3.33 (bottom)
A typical village complex
surrounded by vegetation and
cultivated terraced land
173 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Similar to the region of Langhe, south of Turin in Italy, where wine making is
still treated as artisan process, and where people continue to depend on the
wine-making economy, Lutica should embrace its centuries-old traditions
and its artistry of olivery an art of growing olives and making olive oil. As
in the Langhe region, the quality and type of soil, the position and climatic
characteristics of the Lutica peninsula, as well as the techniques for growth,
treatment, production and storage of olive oil, have endowed the people
and the land of Lutica with centuries of admiration and reputation for this
artistry. Thus, the major agricultural-related economy on Lutica should be
olivery, as in the times of its past prosperity. This will not only enhance the
economic strength of the region, but also keep Lutica timeless and sustainable,
regardless of the changes that globalization, tourism and its politics might
impose. After all, olivery is one of essential facets of Luticas Spiritus Movens,
and its preservation and enhancement would indisputably preserve and
strengthen the spirit of the place.
Secondary related horticultures such as grapes and bearberries should be
regarded in a similar manner. The former is also a renowned and distinguished
culture of Luticas past that has only recently fallen to dissipation. The latter
culture could represent another future potential as it is endemic for Lutica
and because of its abundance and labor-free cultivation (still considered as a
wild-culture which grows on its own).
olivery &
An Old Olive Grove, anjice
Fig. 3.34
True nature of Lutica Heritage
Park, its hybrid and versatile nature,
is revealed in this particular area of
the anjice resort. It is an ancient
settlement location, a at
cultivation land, one of the oldest
olive groves on the peninsula, an
archaeological site, an Orthodox
church locality and a tourist resort.
175 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Aside from densely urbanized areas of Kraii, there are two other major urban
tourist areas, Rose and anjice. Rose is an ancient coastal town with a rich
cultural background that has only recently became a target for tourism. anjice
is an ancient location which lately has become a popular tourist destination
due to its pebble beaches, at backdrop-setting, ancient olive groves and its
exceptional scenery of islands, coves, greenery, and land-seascape. Urban
sprawl is now present around these two areas. The containment of this
threatening, uncontrolled growth needs to take place immediately, and their
future development should be in accord with the local ecologies and the spirit
of the place.
Buffer zones should be established between the two concentrated areas of
tourism and neighboring zones. First, this means keeping tourism
development to a focused minimum not impinging on the sense of remoteness
and isolation that prevails as the dominant characteristic of the rest of the
peninsula. Secondly, the buffer zones should be designed in the form of
controlled park areas to gradually introduce a complete natural surrounding
to visitors. Consequently, the buffer zones not only serve as outer limits of
tourist, urban development, but also as a mediator or transitional areas where
nature is kept intact by structuring with man-made elements in the form of a
designed garden or parkscape. Agricultural land, olive groves and vineyards
could represent these zones where, again, urban development is kept to an
absolute minimum. Similar buffer zones are also proposed between other
distinguished areas within the heritage park, for example, between natural
reserves and inland village zones.
Intensive tourism is referring
to the areas with high density and
concentration of tourism. The opposite
would be extensive tourism which
means less denser, not centralized
and generally widespread tourism
over the larger area. This terminology
was adopted from the intensive and
extensive modes of raising cattle.
Zones of Eco-tourism
A Restaurant in Rose
Fig. 3.35
One of three restaurants in Rose is
situated along the narrow
promenade right next to
the sea shore.
177 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Conict zones where incompatible uses collide should be recognized and
analyzed separately. One such zone is the Mirite cove and beach where only,
in recent years new commercial and tourist developments have started to
appear. Such obvious land use conicts disturb the tranquility of the natural
environment. In the areas around the Mirite cove, such developments destroy
the sense of remoteness and solitude required for the nearby monastery and
its monk, who lives in accord with ascetic and natural rhythms.
Pedestrian trails and adjoining recreational artifacts such as pools, shelters,
monuments, and services should also enrich the existing tourist potential,
facilitating movement throughout the site with priority given to pedestrian
trafc. Eco-tourism potential should be identied and fostered within the
following disciplines: ethno tourism in villages, religious touring church
visits and respective educational tours; guided tours incorporating visits to
various cultural monuments, and also recreational activities such as scuba
diving, anchoring, paragliding, water skiing, bicycling, walking, and hiking.
New tourism-based initiatives, aside from being eco-tourism oriented, should
primarily maintain the existing character of being a day resort, a place to visit,
a one day eld-trip from the surrounding high-tourism areas of Herceg Novi
(by sea) or Tivat (by land). Special promotions should not be encouraged. It is
crucial to keep eco-tourism development as low-prole as possible, instead
promoting its high-quality level in keeping with the existing sense of the place
in the recreation-centered areas around attractive beaches such as anjice and
Rose. In essence, any Lutica tourism initiatives should sustain a medium-
to-high-intensity day-to-day use within the controlled and contained tourism
centres, and a very-low-intensity level in the areas of the wilderness spread
over the peninsula. The exception is the nature reserves and other specically
enforced areas where human activities are limited or prohibited.
Mirite Beach
Fig. 3.36
Beside the anjice beach, this is
one of the most attractive resort
locations on Lutica, where all
necessary tourism facilities
are already provided
The Main Sea Dock in Rose
Fig. 3.37
This is the main sea dock in Rose
that is also often used by tourists
as a shing outpost
179 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
These are the areas of future research, exploration and experimentation on
Lutica. Since there is a lot to be researched on the peninsula, a research centre
could be part of the Heritage Parks proposal. Archaeological sites have to
be explored and investigated in greater depth. There is also high potential
for new ones yet to be found due to the rich cultural history of the area.
Marine research would be another highly recommended new enterprise since
the coastal areas of the Lutica peninsula conceal a rich marine biodiversity
in addition to already mentioned archaeological sites and an abundance of
lost underwater artefacts. Smaller research stations along the coast could be
installed, un-installed and repositioned in accord with the location of research
initiatives and material required.
The majority of Lutica wildlife is preserved in its intact condition, so there
is a wide spectrum of possible research areas in the habitats as well as in
organization and operational principles of the existing ecosystems. There is also
a potential for the discovery of endemic or rare species due to the peninsular
semi-isolated character and corresponding predispositions. For example, locals
believe that the rare plant yellow bedstraw [ivancvijet] only grows on Lutica
and in Jerusalem. Therefore, there is a strong need for a detailed investigation
and research of oral and faunal species on the peninsula in order to prove
such claims and possibly nd similar endemic conditions.
Zones of Future Enterprise
Aloa Vera Plant
Fig. 3.38
Many plant species on Lutica are
not native to the region but were
rather brought by
local sailors from different parts
of the globe. They successfully
adjusted and found home on the
peninsula due to mild
(Eu-Mediterranean) climate.
A Spider
Fig. 3.39
A thick, intact macquis forest on
Lutica is inundated by
numerous insects. There is a strong
reason to believe some unique
and endemic species exist on the
peninsula because of its
geographic isolation from the rest
of the region.
181 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
The main goals of Lutica Park management are:
Scientic research
Wilderness protection
Preservation of species and genetic diversity
Maintenance of environmental services
Protection of specic natural and cultural features
Tourism and recreation
Sustainable use of resources from natural
Maintenance and enhancement of cultural and
traditional attributes
Lutica Management
183 synt het i cum
The rst step in implementing strategic goals for Lutica is to nd an
appropriate governing body and a consequent authority with the power,
credibility and competence for their successful realization. The implementation
process should include more than management through the local heritage
administration. Preparing a thorough analysis and a consequent proposal for
political and economic approval support of UNESCO for Lutica and its future
development campaign would be the most favored strategy. Before that,
however, public consensus and a unifying governing body would have to
be formed among actors on all governing levels and in different professional
disciplines, some of whom already have some authority over the peninsula. On
the municipal level, they would include city halls from Herceg Novi and Tivat
and their departments for urban planning. On the regional level, the Institute
for Cultural Monument Conservation from Kotor is another party that should
be involved. The Morsko Dobro organization and other professional rms
are already preparing detailed plans for the development of coastal regions.
Many other parties such as the ministries of Tourism, Cultural and Natural
Heritage, Environmental Development and Transportation, would have great
input in the process. On a more individual level, teams and smaller groups of
specialists in many different disciplines would also be a vital component in the
overall implementation process. Finally, the responsibilities would be shared
not only by ofcial governing organizations and by teams of professionals,
but equally by the members or representatives of the local communities, both
permanent and seasonal inhabitants.
Heritage Park Lutica
Everything about the Lutica peninsula is complex. Its uncertain future
appears to be tied to its past and present conditions. Finding answers to
countless questions would mean solving all problems at once, which is
unrealistic. An alternative to living with the ongoing problems pressuring
on the peninsulas natural and cultural heritage created by urban and rural
migration and uncontrollable tourism and its side effects, would be a vision
that would address all issues pertaining to the current situation on Lutica in
an open-ended and exible way. In this case, a most viable and potent solution
would be to convert the peninsula into a Natural and Cultural Heritage Park,
one governed by a controlling and operational management body. Under
park legislation many issues of control, regulations, laws and by-laws would
be addressed, if not immediately resolved. For example, the governing body
would be responsible for producing a general urban plan and its implementation
and regulation. It would curtail present, and prevent further uncontrollable
and unplanned development in urban areas. It would provide more jobs in
park maintenance, tourism, construction and garner groups of professionals
for various restoration and renovation projects. Lastly, it would present a
great opportunity for diverse research teams, ranging from environmentalists
interested in further exploration of local ecosystems, potential endemic
and indigenous species, to cultural historians and archaeologists primarily
occupied with recreation of a rich and densely layered past of the area. This is
all to be added to the amount of work needed in order to preserve the cultural
heritage solely carried by Orthodox churches. The new governing body would
also be required to re-establish and re-assess existing tourism techniques and
propose new ones founded on ecological and environmental thinking. This
brings teams of professionals together; it enhances collaboration and leads
up to an integrated system of individuals and groups working towards the
same goal initial preservation and consequent management of all natural
and cultural heritages found on the peninsula, as well as assurance of their
future healthy symbiotic evolution.
185 synt het i cum
In order to perform the previously described research steps and implement
proposed initiatives and goals, the Lutica peninsula is to be split into a series
of management units (MUs); areas that are smaller and easier to manage. In the
past, the peninsula was divided into small parish communities with villages
as their centres. This political division based solely on cultural organization,
with no reference to natural environments and their ecosystems still prevails
today. Nevertheless, nature-based systems and corresponding landscapes
should be equally incorporated into a management organism to ensure the
realization of proposed objectives and goals for the Heritage Park. Integrated
political and landscape management units would thus enhance reconciliation
and symbiosis of cultural and natural systems, thereby providing means for a
dynamic and healthy future development of the Lutica peninsula.
Management Units
refer to the ecosystems
holarchy in Chapter 2 , Pg. 44
Heritage Park Lutica
The culture-based management units correspond to the existing parish
boundaries around the major rural or urban settlements which they are also
named after. They vary in size and have unique characteristics despite their
seemingly homogeneous land coverage and context. The present condition of
each MU will be the basis for the developing and monitoring of the cultural
environments, their status and processes. Interventions, if required, will
be allowed with regards to each MU condition at the various levels of the
hierarchical ecosystem scale
, the systems communities, populations and
individuals such as village settlements, individual buildings, property lines
and stone walls, roads and paths. This is already used for data collection and
creation of various statistics necessary for the culture-oriented management.
In addition, these culture-based MUs can be employed in tourism-development
to provide a comprehensive overview of various park elements found in each
parish. The management units are as follows:
Herceg Novi Municipality
1. Rose Management Unit
2. Klinci Management Unit
3. Zabre Management Unit
4. Radovanii Management Unit
5. Brguli Management Unit
6. Babunci Management Unit
Tivat Municipality
7. Kraii Management Unit
8. Goii Management Unit
9. Radovii Management Unit
Management Units
c u l t u r e - b a s e d
Lutica Administrative MUs
Fig. 3.40
1: 30,000
187 synt het i cum
144 In Search for Spiritus Movens
It is important to note that the described administrative units are intended
predominantly for political and economic control/management over the land
and other culturally derived purposes. More appropriate and sustainable
alternatives for the management and monitoring of ecosystems, however,
would be nature-based or landscape management units. The newly proposed
MUs are benecial for land use, environmental control, natural ecosystems
analysis and generally, for ecologic initiatives in the future development of
the peninsula. They are based on the natural characteristics and physical
predisposition of each unit, rather than on articially created boundaries of
municipal territory. Within the nature-based MUs, priority would be given
to natural systems and their propensities. As such, their realization would
endow the current management organism with additional and often crucial
information pertaining to the natural environments, ecosystems and their
corresponding organizational and operational principles, that are often left
neglected in planning and development projects. The MUs are the following:
Northern Sector
1. Coastal ysche shoreline MU
2. In-land Oriental Hornbeam & Sweet Bay Tree
Forest MU
3. In-land Macquis Forest MU (Obosnik slopes)
Southern Sector
4. Costal cliffs MU
5. In-land Semi deciduous Oak & Pistache Forest MU
6. In-land Macquis Forest MU (undulating hills)
7. Urbanized bays and inlets MU
Management Units
n a t u r e - b a s e d
188 Heritage Park Lutica
Lutica Landscape MUs
Fig. 3.41
1: 30,000
189 synt het i cum
146 In Search for Spiritus Movens
The Rose Management Unit covers the north-west corner of the peninsula
and has the coastal town of Rose as its centre and only coastal settlement.
Historically, Rose played a signicant role in the destiny of the peninsula.
It was originally a settlement of Greek colonists, and later in Roman times
became the town of Resinum. Rose was also a ferry centre with an ancient road
connecting Roman cities of Epidaurum (Cavtat) and Agruvium (believed to be
in the location of todays Goii village), and further down to Butua (Budva) to
Ulcinium (Ulcinj) and even further to Scodr (Scutari).
Many archeological sites can be found in this area, both on land and in pre-
coastal areas at the bottom of the sea, attesting the rich and very active cultural
history. The majority of its land is covered with macquis forest typical to
Lutica, with some arable land around the inland villages and completely
uninhabited coastal regions with the exception of Rose. Characteristic for this
MU is its powerful strategic location predetermining this area for military
activity. Most of Luticas abandoned fortications are situated here with
some still active military zones in the close proximity. In addition, there are
seven churches and several important archaeological sites that make this MU
interesting with respect to its cultural heritage.
management unit
190 Heritage Park Lutica
191 synt het i cum
The Klinci Management Unit borders the Rose MU on the south and its coastal
region extends from the inlet of Dobre to the inlet of anjice in a pristine, natural
condition of steep and inaccessible rocky cliffs. The exceptions are the already
mentioned inlets and corresponding beaches of Dobre and anjice. Most of
the MU boundaries are dened by natural topographic characteristics like the
north border with Zabre MU, where the border line follows the ridge of the
Obosnik hill and similarly corresponds to the topographic catchment line.
This MU also has inland rural developments and is centered around the village
of Mrkovi. The major road in Lutica passes through villages of Mrkovi and Tii,
and splits the entire management unit in two almost equal parts. The most arable
land and cultivated areas are gathered around that road in the central area and
to the west and to the south towards the coastal region intermingling with
thick macquis forests. The eastern part of the management unit is completely
natural, covered in macquis and gradually sloped northwards. Besides
interesting and traditional old stone houses and one Turkish observation and
defense tower, there are also three medieval Orthodox churches and a couple
of burial mounds from the Illyrian period.
management unit
Heritage Park Lutica
The Zabre Management Unit is the only one of Herceg Novis parishes that,
geographically speaking, entirely belongs to the inside of the Boka Kotorska
Bay, directly overlooking the Kumbor Strait and the bays of Herceg Novi and
Tivat. The MU is located on the steep, consistent slope of the Obosnik hill and
is mostly covered in Oriental Hornbeam and Sweet Bay tree forests. The rural
areas and primarily terraced cultivated land are located along the major road
Rose-Radovii, crossing the management unit diagonally on its way down to
the coast of Kraii. The village and rural community of Zabre are formed by
three elongated joined-house complexes.
There are also two areas that belong to the military zone in this MU. One is the
Obosnik hill-top and the other is Pristan, a coastal military area directly across
the Kumbor military zone. This MU is the least populated when compared
to the number of inhabitants per area it occupies. There are, however three
Orthodox churches situated on a terraced land above the main road, offering
astonishing vistas towards the bays hinterland. In addition, one of the house
complexes still has an old medieval olive mill and press in operation.
management unit
193 synt het i cum
The Radovanii Management Unit is territorially
the largest. It occupies most of the southwestern
edge of the peninsula as well as a large portion of the
central in-land valley that stretches in a northwest
- southeast direction. It can be divided in two
distinct zones: the coastal zone and the inland zone.
In the coastal zone, there are two different areas of
interest; the tourist area between anjice beach and
Cape Arza which is one of the most attractive areas
on the peninsula, and the remaining, longer coastal
section of inaccessible steep rocky cliffs that hosts
several caves and grottoes, and is therefore also an
appealing natural region.
Similar to the Rose MU, this MU has the most multi layered characteristics
typical to Lutica; it is rich with monuments from all cultural periods of Luticas
history, from Illyrian burial mounds to Austro-Hungarian fortications built
at the beginning of the 20
century. There are four Orthodox churches and
one monastery situated on the small island in the inlet of Mirite near the Cape
Arza. The Mamula Island is another natural element with cultural imprints
that plays an important role in the peninsulas overall narrative, and hence
deserves special attention within this MU.
The in-land zone is dominated mostly by Luticas typical rural landscape
of scattered villages and agricultural land mixed with vineyards and olive
groves. The particularly dense areas are in the central part of this MU along
the meandering Lutica road. Most of the MU is covered with macquis forests
except the central area where semi-deciduous forests of oak and pistache
management unit
Heritage Park Lutica
The Brguli Management Unit is located in the south and central part of Lutica.
It mostly occupies the inland terrain of the peninsula and only its southern
part borders with the open Adriatic Sea. Geographically, this coastal area has
the same characteristics as the neighboring Radovii MU. Steep rocky cliffs
predominate its coastal zone with the exception of the larger inlet of Dobra Luka
that is still in its intact natural condition. Most of the rural areas are located in
the north and northwestern parts of the management unit in Luticas inland
valley. The villages of Brguli and Mardari represent the rural nuclei with the
surrounding mix of agricultural land, vineyards, olive groves and cleared
pasture lands. Central to the area is the hill Blizanstik (374m) that separates the
northern, denser rural area from cultivated parcels in the southern more intact
natural parts. It is fully covered with thick macquis forests, with the exception
of an eastern part of the MU which is populated by semi-deciduous forests of
oak and pistache.
This area also has some traces of cultural activity from as early as the Illyrian
periods. There are two Orthodox churches in this MU, both recently renovated.
Ecological and environmental signicance in the Brguli MU is focused on the
area around the hill whose southern slopes currently suffer severe erosion due
to neglect and irresponsible human activity.
management unit
195 synt het i cum
The Babunci Management Unit is small territorially and the only parish that
does not have access to the sea. It is located in the centre of the peninsula, on
the southern and eastern slopes of the Obosnik hill (584m) and has the highest
overall altitude above sea level. Topographically, it is split in two parts: the
southern part with an altitude between 150m and 300m where rural landscape
dominates and the only village of Babunci is situated, and the northern part
with an altitude between 300m and 580m where most of the land is in a
natural state, covered with thick macquis forest and smaller sporadic pastures
or cultivated clearances.
This is the only MU that does not have a church. However, it has one of the
best preserved and authentic village house complexes dating back several
hundred years to the medieval period. Some houses, although abandoned, are
well preserved and others still inhabited by villagers. In addition, there are a
couple of Illyrian burial mounds found in this MU.
management unit
Heritage Park Lutica
The Kraii Management Unit is situated along the northern coast of the Lutica
peninsula on the gradual but steep slopes of the Obosnik hill. Territorially,
this MU belongs to the inside of the Boka Kotorska Bay and hence has similar
predispositions to the neighboring Zabre MU, which it borders to the west.
It is split in two distinguished zones: the southern inland, mostly natural zone,
and the northern coastal, mainly urban zone. The southern part is covered
with thick macquis forests with cultivated land and clearings gathered around
the only in-land village of Kraii located in the centre of the management
unit. The northern coastal zone has recently become highly urbanized and
consists mostly of seasonal houses and cottages built along and around the
major road that runs down the coast and connects Rose and Zabre villages
with other coastal in-bay settlements and the town of Tivat.
In comparison to other MUs, this one is densely populated in the Kraii urban
zone, especially during the tourist season. It belongs to the Tivat municipality
and consequently has different governing regulations that ultimately have led
this area to its current urban state. In terms of cultural heritage, there is only
one church found in the proximity of the Kraii village and one Illyrian burial
management unit
197 synt het i cum
The Goii Management Unit also belongs to the Tivat municipality and
is located in the eastern-central part of the peninsula. Most of its area is in-
land with the exception of a kilometer-long coastal section in the northern
part. It could also be divided in two distinguished areas: the southwestern,
mostly natural, and the northeastern, consisting of rural and urban zones.
The southwestern part has rare clearings and almost no cultivated areas. It
is fully covered in macquis forests, whereas the northwestern part is covered
with many cultivated areas and hosts Oriental Hornbeam and Sweet Bay tree
This MU is unique since it has both rural and urbanized areas in close vicinity.
The Goii village, too, recently became highly urbanized and tourism
oriented by municipal politics of Tivat. However, the coastal area of Bijelila
has maintained its rural ambience and preserved the old medieval houses that
represent an important cultural heritage. Environmental signicance is placed
on the area around Bijelila where the only seasonal stream, Rijeka, is found
with two wells, Ubli and Vir that require special attention.
Archaeologically, this area is very rich because it has been populated since
the early pre-Illyrian time. In addition, the ancient Roman town of Agruvium
was believed to have been located in the present location of Goii. Many
archaeological sites were found in this area including remains of Illyrian
settlements and burial mounds, as well as ancient Roman material, all attesting
to its very active history. There is also one of the oldest Orthodox churches (St.
Luke) on the peninsula found in close vicinity to Goii, believed to be have
been built on the foundations of an early Christian basilica.
management unit
Heritage Park Lutica
This Radovii Management Unit is located in the southeastern part
of the peninsula. It is very long and is the only MU that has coastal
areas both along the inside and outside of the Boka Kotorska Bay.
Consequently, it is divided in three distinctive parts: the hinterland
and coastal area of the Trate Bay, the coastal area within the bay of
Tivat, and the in-land part around the urbanized area Radovii. The
western coastal hinterland of the Trate Bay is characterized by a
mostly natural environment, covered with macquis forests and very
little cultivated areas. The greenery is broken by a winding, major
road of Lutica and by some minor (unpaved) roads that connect
two other signicant zones of this sub-region: the beach area Oblatno
and the quarry. The Oblatno beach is still in its incipient tourist
development stage while the quarry deserves special attention and
re-assessment due to its strong environmental imposition.
The coastal area in the north part of the MU, however, has quite a different
character from the one described in the south. Its rustic and more tamed
landscape character with a coastal settlement is similar to the neighboring
Bijelila area in the Goii MU. Well preserved old stone houses are found
clustered in the immediate proximity of the coast with a typical macquis forest
backdrop. The central inland sub-region is organized around and mostly
covered by the urban development of Radovii. It is the most populated area
of the peninsula and its current state is a result of identiable political and
economic strategies, mostly tourism driven, of the Tivat municipal government.
On the outskirts of the southern part of Radovii, there is a military zone which
shares the destiny of other military zones on the peninsula. It is in the process
of demilitarization and a partial dilapidation of its built form. The cultural
heritage of this particular MU is mainly represented by traditional old stone
houses, while other historically valuable and archaeologically signicant sites
are yet to be researched.
management unit
199 synt het i cum
Heritage Park Lutica
Before any planning, design or built interventions, extensive documentation
of the area should be gathered. Much of the historical documentation and
artefacts are scattered around the neighboring cultural centres such as Herceg
Novi, Tivat and Kotor in a variety of institutions. Some of the materials are
even found in the international city centres due to the fact that the entire region
was under different foreign occupations throughout the course of its history.
This, however, represents only a small portion of what needs to be gathered,
updated, measured, investigated and researched.
The entire peninsula of Lutica needs to be surveyed. Special consideration
should be given to the seldom documented built environment of rural in-
land villages and fortication objects found on the periphery of the western
peninsular part. Similarly, the natural environment should also be fully
documented and researched, especially the pristine sites on the land, the
underwater ecosystems and their rich biodiversity. Data will be gathered
upon nishing these extensive surveys, then classied and organized in both
a larger map and a management unit format to allow planners and designers
to draw conclusions.
There would be two main categories of research with different analytical
components. Each should require a detailed investigation performed by
specialists and professionals in their specic eld of study.
201 synt het i cum
Man-made information to be assembled
Building typologies
Type and state of the monuments
Architectural quality and state of the buildings
Level and health standards or residential buildings
Renewal, renovation and revitalization plans
Type and state of ground
Statistics about the land use
Archaeological investigations
Past and present urban strategies
Building and other inherited traditions
Tourism techniques and alternatives
Sustainable modes of life
Renewable Energy Sources
Natural ecosystems information to be assembled
Relief map
Hydrologic maps
Soil and terrain maps
Climatic properties
Vegetation patterns; species
Animal kingdom; species
Endemic spices locations
Natural wonders (caves, grottoes)
Water retention and ltration techniques
Marine biodiversity; colonies;
Ecologically signicant areas; sensitivities
The Fortications of Lutica
The Fortications of Lutica
speci f i cum
Whether one explores Lutica by foot or travels by boat, it is quite
certain that sooner or later he will notice monumental stone
buildings rising from the ground like giant creatures overlooking
the surrounding terrain. Their crippled bodies, the multitude of
wrinkles on their stone faces, their proud foreheads stained with
washed-up rust are a painful reminder of blood spilled for an
unknown cause. Moreover, the mysterious shadows that stream
out of their rectangular eyes evoke their bold military past. One
cannot help but think of them as audacious soldiers frozen in
the moment of their post-battle agony or relief, their victorious
defeat or their defeated victory. It is hard to read their faces or
penetrate their murky eyes.
One thing is for certain though, they are the standing witnesses
of Luticas erce past. Within these pompous, robust stone
giants, the dark side of Luticas character is both hidden and
revealed. Their thick walls, their plenteous small windows
and doors, their pure geometric forms all tell stories of wars,
destruction, power, violence, imprisonment, injustice, cruelty
and death. Yet there exist other resonating stories of patriotism,
sacrice and ghts for freedom. These stories, intertwined and
perplexed, have probably never been written, nor have they
been told. They are rather somehow passed on by whispers of
the wind, by murmurs of the sea. While standing in the defense
chambers, leaning against their walls, walking on their roofs, or
resting on their stone stairs, one feels; one does not see. One
hears screams of the past, gunshots and cannonades, the
unbearable sounds of silence in anticipation of a battle for life
or death.
203 speci f i cum 203
The Fortications of Lutica
205 speci f i cum
As noted in the thesis introduction, this chapter on the Fortications of Lutica
is a case study on a particular element found within the Lutica Heritage Park.
It exemplies a specic, comprehensively created strategy as a model of how
to design and plan a successful and healthy evolution of the Lutica peninsula
and its comprising elements.
This chapter could also be viewed as a small thesis in itself. It has both analytic
and synthetic components that form a powerful tool for any research and
corresponding design development within the proposed Lutica Heritage
Park. The chapter begins with a historic and contextual investigation of
the fortications found on Lutica and its surroundings: background
information and the purpose of their conception, their original design and
most importantly, the experience associated with a visit to the forts spaces
and their setting. These narratives provide a better and clearer picture of the
fortications, their present state and future potential. The synthesis section
of this chapter reveals the hidden Spiritus Movens of the forts, and with the
attunement section and relevant examples, it lays down the foundations for
the future evolution and consequent initiatives. The chapter goes into an even
more detailed exploration by focusing on two specic sites, followed by the
general design guidelines for the future development of the fortications and
their practical implementation.
Within these narratives rests the main reason for selecting the fortications
as a model for a healthy development. Their characteristic conditions, with
particular stress on the experiential component are what makes the forts
exceptional in relation to other park elements. As such, they are the most
compelling artifacts on Lutica with the greatest potential and suitability
for the realization of the Heritage Park proposal and overall vision for the
peninsula as portrayed in the previous chapter. Carrying the most promising
prospective, the fortications of Lutica are the leading elements towards a
healthy architecture and future healthy evolution of the peninsula.
Boka Kotorska Entrance
Fig. 4.1
Key Map
The Fortications of Lutica
Most of the fortications on Lutica date from the second half of the 19
century when the Boka Kotorska region was under occupation of the Austro-
Hungarian Empire (1815-1918). They were originally conceived as a series of
defense objects deliberately positioned at the entrance of the bay to ensure
military protection, total control of access, as well as marine-trade supervision
of the Boka Kotorska waters. Keeping in mind the geographic, and very
powerful strategic location of the Lutica peninsula, it is not surprising to nd
most of the defence fortied objects and other military infrastructure, such
as tunnels, dig-outs and artillery locations placed along the perimeter of the
western coast. The Austro-Hungarian fortication system in this area can be
divided in two major groups of defence objects. The rst group marks the entry
to the Boka Kotorska Bay and includes three fortications and one adjoining
artillery location. This represents the rst defence line, also referred to as the
Gateway of Boka. The second group consists of military objects situated further
in the bay along both coasts, supported by another fortication positioned in
Luticas hinterland as a back-up artillery stronghold.
List of Military Defence Objects
1. Fort Otro
2. Fort Mamula
3. Fort Arza
3a Gornja Arza artillery location
4. Fort Lutica
5. Fort Oskorua
5b Kabala Barrack
6. Fort Kabala
6a Kabala artillery location
7. Fort Klinci
8. Fort Kobila
8* Fort Tursko originally built by Turks
during their reign of Herceg Novi region
Topographic Map
Fig. 4.2
Strategic Defence and Control System
207 speci f i cum
The forts in the rst line of defence utilize circular or partially rounded
volumes strategically designed for radial control and better defense efciency,
whereas the forts inside the bay are predominantly rectangular in form. All of
them, however, are characterized by true monumentality, striking precision
of building techniques and efciency of architectural forms. At the same time,
they are specically positioned and designed to directly correspond to the
surrounding topography and consequently maximize their strategic potential
and military capacity.
The Gateway of Boka -
The First Line of Defence
Fig. 4.3
Topographic Map
Individual Panoramic Views of
Boka Gateway Triad
Fig. 4.4
Fort Otra and Prevlaka Peninsula
The Fortications of Lutica
Topographically, the entrance to the bay is shaped by three distinct relief
elements: a long, narrow peninsula known as Prevlaka, the Mamula Island and
Cape Mirite. As a response to these natural features and their strategic military
conditions, three fortication objects have been positioned and designed
respectively - Fort Otro, Fort Mamula, and Fort Arza.
Individual Panoramic Views of
the Boka Gateway Triad
Fig. 4.5 (left)
Fort Mamula and Mamula Island
Fig. 4.6 (right)
Fort Arza and Cape Mirite
209 speci f i cum
This triad of forts represents not only a powerful infrastructure for the rst
defense line and immediate access control to the bay, but also a harmonious
marriage between the surrounding land-seascape and architectural form driven
by geometry and military efciency. In essence, they become monumental
landmarks, an authentic gateway to the Boka Kotorska Bay.
Details of Gornja Arza Artillery Location
Fig. 4.8, 4.9
(left top&bottom)
Remains of the cannon infrastructure
Fig. 4.10 (top-right)
Stairs and the tunnel
Fig. 4.11 (bottom-right)
Interior of the bunker
The Triad Markers
Fig. 4.7
The view on Boka Gateway
looking west from Gornja Arza
The Fortications of Lutica
Comparatively smaller than the other two, Fort Arza was not conceived as a
heavy artillery stronghold. As defence support, an additional artillery position
was established up-hill from Cape Mirite, in the area of Gornja Arza. From
this prominent location, the entire Boka Gateway can be easily controlled and
Fort Mamula and Mamula Island
Fig. 4.12
View northwest
Fort Arza
Fig. 4.13
View east - from the boat
211 speci f i cum
The Second Line of Defence
Fig. 4.14
Topographic Map
Fig. 4.15
Panoramic View to south of Prevlaka
Peninsula and the entrance bay
from the roof of Fort Oskorua
The Fortications of Lutica
Further in the bay, nature has created yet another geographically distinct element in
the form of straits between Cape Kobila and the most indented western part of the
Lutica peninsula. This powerful strategic location is also marked by a series of defence
fortications positioned on both sides of the straits. This second line of defence is
established by Fort Kobila and Fort Tursko, found on the western face of the strait, and
Fig. 4.16
View to west, from Fort Oskorua
to Fort Tursko and Fort Kobila
positioned along the ridge
of the adjacent Cape Kobila
Fig. 4.17
View to southeast, from Fort
Oskorua to Fort Lutica buried
in the surrounding terrain
213 speci f i cum
by Fort Lutica or Fort Lazine,
Fort Oskorua, and a smaller
defence building Fort Kabala
located on the eastern side of
the strait.
Fig. 4.18
View of Fort Oskorua
looking southeast
Detail Views of Fort Oskorua
Fig. 4.19 (left)
Defence trench, building corridor
and the roof stone wall parapet
Fig. 4.20 (right)
Forts entrance buried into
the surrounding terrain
The Fortications of Lutica
In the Lutica peninsula domain, the rst two fortications are similar as they
have a rectangular central building, circumscribed by a wide and tall defense
trench. Both Fort Lutica and Fort Oskorua are positioned further inland,
corresponding to the surrounding topography. They are partially buried into
the summits of the local hills, at 97m and 134m respectively overlooking the
entrance to the bay and establishing a vital control point for the inner bay
of Herceg Novi. Both fortications, therefore, represented crucial positions,
not only as the foundation for the second defense line, but also as a backup
support for the fortications in the rst line.
View of Fort Kabala looking southwest
Fig. 4.21
Surrounding Context
Fig. 4.23
Fort Kabala from the path downhill
View of Fort Kabala looking southwest
Fig. 4.22
Close up
215 speci f i cum
The third fortication, Fort
Kabala, is smaller and also
rectangular in shape. It is
situated on the slope of a
hill much closer to the sea
at about 50m above sea
level. Similar to the Arza
condition, this fortication
does not have any
artillery positions within
its building envelope.
Nonetheless, there is a
special location near the
fort designed as an artillery
stronghold. Further up the
hill, along the road, a stone
barrack was also built.
Fig. 4.24
Kabala artillery position
near Fort Kabala
Fig. 4.25
Stone Barrack near Fort Oskorua
The Fortications of Lutica
Fort Klinci
Fig. 4.26 (left)
The access road and
the surrounding context
Fig. 4.27 (right)
The entrance and the north facade
Fort Klinci
Fig. 4.28
View of the south-facing
hexagon terrace
217 speci f i cum
The chain of military defense objects built by the Austro Hungarian army is
completed by another, differently designed fort located further inland, up-hill
from the village Klinci. Like the other fortications, Fort Klinci is also situated
on the summit of a local hill. However, this location is on a higher elevation at
240m, providing this fort with an even better overview of the surroundings,
both inland and sea-born. The forts base is also rectangular, although it has a
rather unusual half-hexagon open terrace on its south side, used as an artillery
stronghold from which the entire west end of the peninsula could be observed,
controlled, and protected.
The Fortications of Lutica
219 speci f i cum
This modied Heritage Park map
accentuates the fortications
and military locations as a
group of very important and
equally inuential elements in
the park formation. Other park
components such as Orthodox
churches, village and urban
nuclei, along with the parks gates
and a network of roads, paths and
stone walls are also included to
indicate the afliations between
them and the fortications
within the Heritage Park context.
The relationship between the
churches and the forts is of
particular importance due to
their sacredness as described
further in the experience section
of this chapter.
Lutica Heritage Park Map
Fig. 4.29
1: 30,000
Fig. 4.30
Fort Lutica
the trench wall detail
Fig. 4.31
Fort Klinci
The Fortications of Lutica
d e s i g n
Fig. 4.32 (bottom)
Sketch ground plan of Fort Klinci
Interior views of the forts
Fig. 4.34 (left)
Spiral stone stairs at Fort Arza
Fig. 4.35 (top-right)
Fort Kabala typical room detail
Fig. 4.36 (bottom-right)
Prussian Vault Detail
221 speci f i cum
Although varying in size and formal geometric morphology, the Austro-
Hungarian fortications share many typological and other similarities in
addition to the obvious functionality. All forts are built of regular, hand-
carved white and gray stone blocks locally quarried. Most walls are very thick,
ranging from 0.5m to 1m in width for the external walls - and have numerous
openings carefully designed to maximize defense efciency. The majority
of the structures were built on two oors. The intermediate oor structures
(oors and ceilings) are usually made of stone, wood or steel and the ceiling
structures are Prussian vaults (Fig.4.36). They combine a steel I-beam system
with intermittent concrete vaulting employed in between. The stairs were
typically built out of hand-carved stone and also designed efciently to
facilitate the defense. They are normally large in size to allow for easier and
faster circulation between the oors.
Fig. 4.33
Sketch ground plan of Fort Kabala
The Roof of Fort Oskorua
Fig. 4.38 (left)
View southeast
Fig. 4.39 (right)
View northwest overlooking the
bay and the town of Herceg Novi
The Water Elements
Fig. 4.40 (left)
A pipe to subterranean water cistern
in the corridor of Fort Oskorua
Fig. 4.41 (right)
A well and subterranean water
cistern in the centre of Fort Arza
The Fortications of Lutica
Most defense buildings such as Fort Mamula and Fort Oskorua have roof
access, where heavy artillery is often located. Roof occupancy is a simple issue
of maximization of defense purposes.
It is also important to mention that these forts were permanently occupied with
soldiers who fought, slept, ate, kept watch and lived there during their military
involvement. In addition to sleeping quarters, dining areas and kitchens,
architects and engineers also included large water accumulation chambers.
Given the lack of water sources on Lutica, large cisterns were historically the
main source of water for the soldiers and consequently, crucial in the overall
design of forts. Usually they were integrated as part of the defense towers
and placed in the basements or as subterranean structures adjoining the main
Fig. 4.37 (top)
Sketch ground plan of semi-buried
Forts Oskorua and Lutica
Ex-military submarine tunnel Ukop
Fig. 4.42
The entrance to the abandoned
140m long tunnel was used as a
submarine shelter and repair loca-
tion during military activity in the
area. The channel in the middle is
covered with a temporary wood
platform for local festival purposes.
[refer to the forthcoming section on
the Ukop scenario for more details]
223 speci f i cum
The forts of Lutica were also occupied and heavily used, especially during
the two World Wars. Some even changed their original function. Fort Mamula
on the island of Mamula, for example, became a high security jail for political
prisoners, domestic revolutionaries, and local freedom ghters. After the
Second World War, when the peninsula became part of the newly formed
Yugoslav Republic, the Yugoslavian army also recognized the strategic
importance of the peninsula and therefore continued its military activity. In
response to fast growing military progress, especially in the marine domain,
new submarine shelters, subterranean structures, and tunnels were built. Only
some of the older artillery locations were kept operational. Over time, however,
most of the old Austro-Hungarian fortications became less functional and
were eventually abandoned in the years to come. Despite attempts to renovate,
reconstruct, and repair partially destroyed forts after the Second World War,
the present ruins testify otherwise. Many were left to dilapidate and erode up
to this very day. At present, these buildings are overgrown with vegetation, in
a ruinous state as a result of years of neglect and no newly found purpose.
Fig. 4.43
Entrance to Fort Lutica
The Fortications of Lutica
Seldom do we have the chance to see
virgin darkness, unmarred by electric
light pollution. Seldom do we have
the chance to be taken out of our little
selves into the larger self of the whole
universe. To see the universe thus, as
an unbroken whole, is to conceive, or
to vividly remember, the metaphysical
foundations of our being, an experience
which normally evokes awe, humility
and respect. This kind of knowledge,
of the order enfolded into the universe,
comes only from direct ecstatic experi-
ence and cannot be transferred from
one person to another.
Suzi Gablik
The Ecological Imperative
ge ni us l oc i
Fig. 4.44
Fort Kabala north wing
225 speci f i cum
Despite their obsolescence and abandonment, there is something extraordinary
about the fortications in their present state. Most of them have been deserted
for more than 60 years. During this period, barely any feet have walked their
stairs, oors or their roofs. Only Fort Arza is frequently visited by tourists
during summer seasons due to its dominant location and closeness to recently
widely accessed tourist areas. This abandonment of once heavily used buildings
has been fully embraced by the hands of Nature. She has taken over and
almost completely redesigned the complexes into wondrous magical settings
where rigorous rough stone surfaces and bold, erce, man-made gestures
are smoothed and subdued by gentle, subtle and soft interventions of leafy
vegetation. It is quite astonishing to see how Nature has literally swallowed
some of the stone structures, whereas some of them she almost deliberately
left intact revealing their graceful and proud postures.
Fig. 4.45
Eyes of Fort Oskorua
Fig. 4.46
Gate to the main complex
of Fort Oskorua
Fig. 4.47
Front entrance to Fort Kabala
The Fortications of Lutica
To see this play between
the rectilinear white and
gray stone mass intertwined
and enmeshed by irregular
dispersed bands, patches
and piles of greenery; to see
the masses virtually move
around as you approach
and pass by them, is surreal
and exhilarating. It directly
triggers the imagination,
evoking enchanted castles
from fairy tales and legends,
or even brings to mind
Buddhist shrines and temples
of the Far East, consumed
by Indonesian jungles and
left deserted for centuries.
Mythically isolated and long
forgotten, the edices have
supernatural qualities and a
certain mystery while hiding
within them either a great
danger or a great treasure...
Harmonious Sun-ergizing
Fig. 4.48-4.53
The Sun Set from Fort Arza
227 speci f i cum
The only danger in these forts, however, is
to get scratched by thorny bushes that seem
to follow you around, get bitten by insects
which inundate the shady exterior spaces, or
become nervous about the bats that inhabit
most of the gloomy interiors. The treasure, on
the other hand, is immeasurable. The treasure
is an experience, a quite extraordinary
experience. It is the feeling that overwhelms
you as you walk the hallways, chambers and
rooms, as you scale the stairs, lean against
the walls, as you look through windows and
openings, once you jump over the holes in the
damaged oors, and nally, as you climb the
roof tops, stand there, inhale deeply and look
around. It is the feeling that surpasses the
initial eeriness and even fear of dark places,
bringing to mind ghting, destruction and
death. Once you reach the top, once the sun
shrinks your pupils, once Nature opens up
and embraces you - the luxuriant greenery,
the endless blueness of the sky and the sea -
all remaining shivers, all shouts, cannonades
and gunshots, all past echoes are gone. You
begin to hear the sound of silence, the sound
of nature, the sounds of inside and outside
merging into one. You become harmonious
with the surroundings, the building, the
landscape, the sky, and the sea; you become
one with Nature. As you inhale, the wind
whispers. You exhale, the sea murmurs. Then
you pause for a second and everything
stops eternity opens. Time and space merge
within your next breath. You enjoy the mere
existence, deep in contemplation, unied with
time and space. No meanings, no reasoning.
No questions asked, no answers given Just
mere existence Life as is
The separation that occurs in a gallery
between spectator and artwork is
impossible when the work surrounds
you and extends for a hundred miles
in all directions. For me, art isnt
something you carry up to an East Side
Manhattan apartment in an elevator.
James Turrell,
Roden Crater in Arizona desert
Fig. 4.54 & Fig. 4.55
Piranesis etchings of Roman ruins
The Fortications of Lutica
Experiencing the fortications of Lutica - looking at them, walking through
them, listening to them - they carry some of the poetic grandeur of Roman
antiquities as convincingly captured by Giovanni Battista Piranesi in his
etchings. Tumbling ruins overgrown by vegetation recall the buildings long
forgotten past. Their overwhelming monumentality impressively conjures
past magnicence, hinting towards the notion that these extraordinary places
possess something beyond the Romantic setting, something unreal and
perhaps surreal.
The sensuous mood embodied by Piranesi is similar to the feeling awakened
while being on the roof tops of the fortications. It is a feeling of remoteness,
separation from the ordinary, being far away from reality, in a dreamlike world,
where anything is possible and where the sense of wonder is omnipresent.
While Piranesis utilization of these imaginative settings can be understood as
the architectural backdrops framing the spaces for public display, the Lutica
fortications can be seen as natures background for the revelation of her
fecundity and healing powers, providing us with lessons of life and creation.
Or rather, the forts represent a stage, a setting, where the public display of
Piranesian wandering characters is substituted by solitude, contemplation
and veneration. They represent special spaces where nature and culture are
brought together in a unique way, or better yet, where culture was brought
and then retreated, thus enabling one to retain cultural ties while being utterly
immersed in the natural surroundings, in the wilderness itself; absolutely free
of any human activity, away from civilized tepidness and cultural tameness.
It is the wilderness portrayed in the words of Wendell Berry:
a place where nature is given a free hand, where people go only
as guests, [a place that] functions whether we intend it or not, as
a sacred grove a place we respect and leave alone, not because we
understand well what goes on there, but because we do not.
Fig. 4.56-4.59
The Greenery - The Wilderness
229 speci f i cum
Fig. 4.60
The Sky
Fig. 4.61
The Sanctuary
Fig. 4.62
The Sea
The Fortications of Lutica
Kabala Barrack
Fig. 4.63
Within the temple beneath the sky
231 speci f i cum
Since the beginning of human history, there have always been places on earth
which radiated with strong forces, perceived to carry high energy elds. These
profoundly unusual locations in nature have always been revered as sacred.
Men would go there to observe the stars and the moon, to communicate with
the omnipresent gods, to admire the magic of the universe, or to contemplate
life and meaning of their terrestrial existence. Since Stonehenge such places
were marked in our physical world as shrines or temples, and carried forward
in our collective sub-consciousness as special locations of high spiritual
intensity. The sacredness of Luticas fortication sites seems predictable and
comes naturally only if they are seen through the light of their characteristic
identity, their situation, and their condition. In this sacredness they vastly
resemble the churches in Lutica and their consecrated spaces.
The churches and fortications of Lutica elevate their stone structures from
particular locations in the landscape. Their unique building typologies,
founding, and grounding make them meditative spots. It is reasonable to
conclude they all possess Genius Locus, spirit of the place, the spirit of the
Lutica peninsula that seems to inhabit them. The buildings were given enough
time to adjust to the surroundings and consequently, for the surroundings to
accept them, allowing the Genius Locus to freely permeate. It feels as though
the spirit hovers above these sites, like an aura or some other radiating energy
manifestation usually perceived as charm or sacredness. This oating spirit is
reminiscent of an aureole above a saints head found on Orthodox frescos or
the sun above an open sea horizon.
Certain places are perceived
to be of high spiritual density
because of plant or animal habitat
intensities, or associations with
legend, or connections with human
totemic ancestry, or because of
geomorphological anomaly, or some
combination of qualities. These places
are gates through which one can it
would be said more easily be touched
by a larger-than-human, larger-than-
personal, view.
Gary Snyder
The Practice of the Wild
The Fortications of Lutica
Despite their similarities, there is one difference between fortications
and churches, especially when it comes to their sacredness. In essence, the
difference could be understood by considering the difference between two
very alike terms, sacred and spiritual. In their difference lies the fundamental
distinction between the sanctity of fortications and church sites in Lutica.
According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, sacred has three
1 - connected with God or a god or considered to be holy;
2 - regarded with great respect;
3 - regarded as very important, solemn
The forts might be seen less as a destination for spirituality, as churches are
commonly referred to, but rather as a vehicle for acquiring the deep state of
the body-mind and surrounding harmony. Their sacredness has a sensuous,
more carnal, context and consequently it reminds one of the sacred groves of
old polytheist cultures, native groups of North America, Africa and Australia,
even the pre-Christian pagan tribes of Europe, where nature was revered as
the omnipresent goddess.
Similarly, the dictionary provides the following meanings for the word
1 - of the human spirit or soul, not of physical things
2 - of the Church or of religion
From the two denitions it can be concluded that there is some strictness
to religious connotations felt in the word spiritual. It is a matter of human
condition, of church and evidently of the non-physical, whereas, sacred
may have more secular connotations. It could mean both of physical and
non-physical, of material as well as holy, in the context of a God. Therefore,
the major phenomenological difference between the fortications and the
churches is that the churches represent spiritual places that are religiously
charged, where certain dogmas and traditions must be revered and cannot be
refused. In contrast, the fortications can be seen as sacred places where there
is room for the secular, physical, and even profane. The fortications are more
comfortable locations for contemplation because they represent spaces devoid
of any institutional church-based connotations and meanings. They do not
impose the rigor, austerity and norms of the religion. On the contrary, they are
recognized as less limiting and more liberating sacred experiences.
The Pilgrimage
Fig. 4.64
Road to St. Pantelija Church
Fig. 4.65
Road to Fort Arza
The Gateway
Fig. 4.66
St. Trifun Church
Fig. 4.67
Fort Lutica
The Meaning
Fig. 4.68
Cross in St. Sava Church
Fig. 4.69
Sunset over the dip in the landscape
233 speci f i cum
Fig. 4.70
Oculus in the centre of Fort Arza
The Fortications of Lutica
This is not to say the fortications do not possess any spiritual qualities of
churches. Despite their secular appearance, they can be very inspirational and
extremely up-lifting, given the exibility of imagination and introspective
freedom. The liberation of thoughts, intuitions, feelings and sensations all
stirred up by dusk or dawn reminds one of the transcendentalists and their
search for the higher truth of deity in Nature. Being completely absorbed by
the natural world in the fort-setting, one is able to become part of the spiritual
reality latent in the matter of the surroundings; of years passed, of moments
present, of intuitions and foresights - all suspended in the air, suspended
introspectively between feelings, consciousness, perceptions and thoughts.
Here, one is given the opportunity to transcend these realities, to indulge in
the world of invisible spiritual reality, surpassing sensuous perceptiveness,
experiential qualities of time, space and matter; or rather to acknowledge
the higher truth of being inseparable from Nature, from God, from the
235 speci f i cum
The Fortications of Lutica
The rst task of art consists in giving shape to what is objective in itself, i.e. the physical world of nature, the external environment of the spirit, and so to build into what has no
inner life of its own a meaning and a form which remains external to it because this meaning and form are not immanent in the objective world itself.
G.W.F. Hegel, from sthetik, 1818
237 speci f i cum
The rst task of art consists in giving shape to what is objective in itself, i.e. the physical world of nature, the external environment of the spirit, and so to build into what has no
inner life of its own a meaning and a form which remains external to it because this meaning and form are not immanent in the objective world itself.
G.W.F. Hegel, from sthetik, 1818
Fig. 4.71
A stone tablet inscription
above the entry door to Fort Kabala
The Fortications of Lutica
Currently there is a great deal of debate within the Herceg Novi municipality
in the realm of urban and tourism planning, conservation and protection
agencies, cultural heritage institutions and ofces. Presumably, politicians and
bureaucrats are considering the future destiny of the dilapidated fortications
on Lutica. According to one side, a new purpose should be found for these
objects, and thus, they should be renovated, reconstructed, restored and
adapted accordingly to suit the new, mainly tourism driven economies of
the region. Yet the other side sees the fortications as cultural monuments
worth preserving and advocates their renovation but to a different end.
Conservation authorities see them as museum pieces seated in the intact,
unspoiled landscape. Luticas future development, however, is probably still
set aside as a less prioritized cultural concern. These two views still present
the existent dialogue, the two opposing forces that radiate from the issue of
the future destiny of these monuments.
Undoubtedly, the fortications should be given special consideration because
of their unique condition. On the one hand, they had an important past, a
particular function and consequently, a specic character that developed over
time. These structures bear strong cultural connotations given their imperative
role in the history of the region, being heavily used and built by man.
Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy
Fig. 4.72
A post card suggesting the
cultural continuum - connection
of the past and the present as a
way of maintaining the identity
and hence assuring a
meaningful future
239 speci f i cum
On the other hand, their current state suggests otherwise. Presently they are
abandoned and desolated, in a ruinous state, entirely taken over by natural
forces and eaten by vegetation. Simply, they are reverted to a wild state
representing nature itself, a wilderness in a sense they are completely devoid of
human use or activity.
The difculty in nding an appropriate solution for the existing condition lies
in the compromise or in the satisfaction of both sides. How does one nd a
new use, within the context of tourism-oriented, prot-driven politics, and
still maintain the forts ecological and nature friendly environment, while
preserving their historic and heritage values? How does one nd a new
function and maintain their compelling charm? The ultimate question is: what
is the new vision for the fortications wherein their present Spiritus Movens
will not be lost, but rather enhanced?
Given these two aspects, one can conclude that the monuments today do not
belong to any of the two systems, natural or man-made. They are not entirely
part of the natural environment, but they could not be considered a built
environment either, as they no longer have a function. They are rather a bit of
both. Formerly cultural constructions with a specic function, today they are a
naturalized habitat of autochthon vegetation, representing the middle ground
between the two. They symbolize the potential for reconciliation, symbiosis
and coexistence of the two historically and presently conicting sides - the
natural and the cultural.
Teatro di Marcello
Fig. 4.73 & Fig. 4.74
A model of Theatre of Marcellus in
the urban context of Imperial Rome
Teatro di Marcello
Fig. 4.75
Piranesis etching of the theatre
showing its urban context and
condition in the 18
century Rome
The Fortications of Lutica
Similar scenarios, in which old, abandoned artefacts are in need of new
meanings, or a continuation of their identity, can be found in any culturally
charged and historically rich area. If we look at the city of Rome, for example,
we recognize its historic struggle. After being destroyed repeatedly throughout
history it found its post-imperial identity and re-established itself as the new
centre within the constantly evolving cultural continuum. A more specic
example within the historic centre of Imperial Rome would be Teatro di Marcello
- the old Imperial theatre of Marcellus found at the bottom of Capitoline Hill
close to the Tiber Island. This monument underwent many functional and
formal changes throughout its two-millennial existence. In the early Christian
times, after the fall of the Roman Empire, its robust structural vaults, arcades,
and peripheral ground related spaces were used as a market place. The upper
structures and theatre spaces were modied and converted into a fortied,
castle-like home for wealthy medieval families in the 12
Teatro di Marcello
Fig. 4.76
Present day theatre in the context of
surrounding archaeological site.
Northern facade reveals different
building components attesting its
cultural continuity through centuries
241 speci f i cum
The following centuries brought further modications and alterations to the
original structure so that the entire south side - original theatrical spaces with
stage and seating areas - was converted into residential and living quarters.
Finally, new structures were added; rst to the west side utilizing what were
then contemporary, neoclassical courtyard type buildings, and recently to the
east side hosting more modern residential typologies of the mid 20
Only the north side has preserved its original look with the theatre faade still
intact. Nonetheless, due to aesthetic and structural reasons, there was a recent
faade addition/restoration to its north-western part that recreated an identical
appearance of the theatres original faade. Different colour and texture of
the stone were deliberately used to emphasize and distinguish the new from
the old. The entire northern part of the theatre building was incorporated in
the surrounding archaeological site, and its original museum-like vaults and
arcades occasionally host small concerts by local soloists.
This theatre building is an excellent example of how a structure can become
virtually a living organism that evolves and changes through time
. The most
effective part of this process is to see all the historic layers of the structure;
to recognize its various parts within the building complex and how they
correspond to its rich and active past. In order for a building to be successful,
to justify its existence and presence, it is crucial for it to continue its life, and
not necessarily its function alone. A true and genuine piece of architecture
continues to live, while being uninterruptedly incorporated into the life of
its surrounding, responding to its contemporary needs and desires, and most
importantly, being in tune with its own identity.
This notion of building being
an organism is evident in many
architectural philosophies of the past
and present, but it is explicit in Organic
architecture which denition many
architects have individually distill.
Organism is not. In organism it is
Louis Sullivan, Wrights mentor
An organic approach to architecture,
therefore, suggests the idea of an
intuitive and poetic response to nature,
augmented by the passage of time.
Gothic cathedral architecture can be
seen as organic in form and expression
- in part because of its relatively free
compositional possibilities as oppose
to the symmetrical rules of Classicism,
but more importantly because these
cathedrals took many decades to
build and, in most cases, were the
outcome of many minds. Traditionally,
architecture that appears most organic
is that which has evolved, changed,
grown and shrunk through time. A
building, down the years, does not only
change its shape, form and internal
arrangements, it somehow seems to
become settled into the landscape. This
integration into a setting can be both
the result of familiarity - a building
becomes, in the subconscious, a feature
in the recognition or the recollection
of a particular place - and of physical
absorption : materials submit to
weathering, vegetation grows up,
neighboring buildings are introduced
and accommodated, and borders are
The Roots of Green Architecture organic architecture I mean an
architecture from within, outward in
harmony, with the conditions of its
being as distinguished from one that is
applied without.
Frank Lloyd Wright, 1914
Boka Context Map
Fig. 4.77
Similar scenarios of inhabiting and
reviving historical monuments,
such as medieval fortications, are
practiced in the medieval town of
Herceg Novi and other fortied
historic centres of Boka Kotorska
- Kotor and Budva. Proximity
of tourism destinations and
ex-military objects on Lutica
presumably sets the future lives
of these deserted monuments in
motion as well.
The Fortications of Lutica
Additional illustrations could be utilized here to further portray the notion
of attunement of the buildings potential occupancy and anticipated future
with its existing identity. The examples, however, will represent territorially
closer and typologically more comparable buildings. Medieval fortications
found in the historic cultural centres of the Boka Kotorska Bay were originally
designed and constructed solely for protection and defense purposes. Though
their monumental appearance still dominates the surrounding land-seascape
of costal towns, the medieval forts of Herceg Novi, Kotor and Budva play a
completely different role at present. After years of neglect, virtually all of them
were revived and re-occupied. In a tourism thriving region this means they
function mainly as tourism supporting artefacts hosting a variety of uses, from
restaurants and cafes to night clubs, cinemas and theatres.
Forte Mare in the Herceg Novi context
Fig. 4.78
South fortication of the town in the
foreground with cinema and night
club established at its roof tops
Kanli Fort in the Herceg Novi context
Fig. 4.79
North fortication of the town in the
foreground with the auditorium
and stage at its roof terrace
243 speci f i cum
This revival scenario of nding a tourism-based purpose for old structures
is practiced most effectively in the town of Herceg Novi, in proximity of the
Lutica peninsula. For example, the roof of the Forte Mare fort, previously used
as a south watch tower of the town, has been converted into an open-air cinema
and night club with scenic views of the entire town and its surroundings.
Another example is the Kanli Fort, the northern defense tower of the town,
whose interior spaces were adapted to facilitate an auditorium with more
than 500 seats. This place is also used as an open air cinema and its large
stage accommodates a variety of performances, from theatre plays to musical
concerts. One of the most popular summer festivals in the Montenegrin Littoral
is organized annually in the spaces of Kanli Fort.
Teatro di Marcello original Roman
column within the wall of a new
1950s apartment building
Fig. 4.81
Preserving the historic identity
even in its fragmentary form
seems to pay due respect to its
past and somehow enlightens
the present to ensure a
meaningful future evolution
Traditional Folklore Performance
Fig. 4.80
During on of the most popular
festival in Herceg Novi, the
dancers get together and
perform traditional
Montengrin folklore
The Fortications of Lutica
As pointed out earlier, being true
to its identity means in these cases
that people have to recognize the
building potential, its fundamental
characteristics, its past and its
present condition - the sense of
the place - in order to predict
or envision its successful future
evolution. In the example of the
Teatro di Marcello, the robust and
heavy enclosed structures and
spaces of the theatre offer security,
durability and permanence.
Therefore, they were predestined
to become medieval castle-like
fortications. They were a secure
resort for wealthy families, later
transformed into residential spaces
in the times of densication of
Romes historic centre.
Herceg Novi Close-up Context Map
Fig. 4.83
The map shows the proximity of
the cultural and tourist centre
of Herceg Novi and Luticas
fortications with Ukop Locus and
Fort Arza being the focus of the
succeeding investigation
Medieval Town of Herceg Novi
Fig. 4.82
The famous, old Clock Tower and
the steps are amongst the most
popular locations found in the
central square of the tourism-
oriented town of Herceg Novi.
245 speci f i cum
Similarly, large open spaces,
interior volumes and exterior
terraces of Forte Mare Fort,
Kanli Fort, and other similar
historic monuments situated
in the medieval town of
Herceg Novi - a very dynamic
cultural centre with thriving
tourism - could also take on
a cultural and tourism based
occupation with adequate
To put this into perspective, Luticas Austro-Hungarian fortications and
some of the newly abandoned military locations also carry the potential to
continue their existence, to nd new meanings and consequently to keep on
living their own destinies. As such, they should be dealt with in a similar manner
to the examples portrayed previously.
The Fortications of Lutica
Entrance Festival at Ukop
Fig. 4.84
Photo-montage unveiling the
merging character of the setting
and the newly established event
Ukop Locus context
Fig. 4.85
Extended between the hill and the
sea atness of the site as a
cultural pocket in the natural
247 speci f i cum
Entrance, a multi-day rave festival, is organized every summer during the
rst week of August at the abandoned ex-military submarine tunnel in the
close proximity of Rose - small coastal settlement in the north-western part of
the peninsula overlooking the bay of Herceg Novi and its Riviera. Every night
of the festival fans come by boats from all over the place to experience the
renowned electronic music played by some of the best domestic and foreign
DJs. They rave until the break of dawn and then leave to rest while the festival
site is cleaned and prepared for the subsequent night. The festivity site - Ukop
- consists of a large tunnel previously used as a submarine shelter/repair
location, two adjoining smaller tunnels, and the dock area in front. These
structures were built for military purposes and as such were purely functional
and devoid of any aesthetic considerations. Their infrastructural spaces suggest
they should be looked at as engineering rather than architecture.
In order to better understand the character of Ukops spaces and its connection
to the festival, one should consider the subway tunnels in our major cities.
Their sole purpose is to be structurally sound and to allow movement of trains
underground. Left alone and deserted, however, these volumes have capacity
to offer a completely different dimension. It seems they can acquire a character
of their own, become entirely transformed and start anew.
At times, the project takes on a life
of its own. It then transforms into a
volatile animal, with restless legs and
insecure eyes. If its transformations
are not understood, or if its desires are
not satised beyond the most basic, it
becomes a monster. If everything that
seems evident or beautiful about it is
xed, it looks ridiculous. If it is overly
restrained, it stops breathing and dies.
Alvaro Siza, Daidalos 5, 1982
Ukop Locus
s c e n a r i o I
The Fortications of Lutica
Specically at Ukop, almost soulless personality of concrete forms became
a fully rendered armature in the hands of nature after ages of neglect and
seclusion. Its abandonment and loss of functionality allowed the submarine
tunnel to gain a new identity and to connect to nature. Previously sharp,
sterile cuts of concrete forms in the natural landscape are now characteristic,
naturally colored facets that do not juxtapose their surroundings but rather
harmoniously assimilate into them.
Ukop land-seascape context
Fig. 4.86
Fragmented panorama showing
the built environment surrounded
by natural environment
The cut in the landscape
Fig. 4.87
The submarine tunnel with the wood
platform bridging the two sides
Assimilation or camouage
Fig. 4.88 (top left)
Matching colours of concrete
and the surrounding terrain
Fig. 4.89 (bottom left)
Detail of naturally coloured
green concrete
Fig. 4.90 (right)
The entry to the pedestrian tunnel
carved out of stone/built into the hill
249 speci f i cum
The colour of the concrete now matches the colour of the adjacent stone and
earth. They look like the rectilinear forms despite the contrasting amorphous
stone and earth mass that surround them - belonging to the site as if they were
built in the same time in its geologic history. Also, the vegetation similarly
integrates and blurs the distinction between built and natural elements. It
gradually grows around the perimeter of the tunnels, softening the edges
between concrete forms and its immediate wild surrounding.
Ukop close-up landscape context
Fig. 4.91
Panoramic view of the tunnels,
the hill, and Fort Kabala
The Fortications of Lutica
251 speci f i cum
Entrance Main stage
Fig. 4.94
Sea of ravers in front of the DJ stage
with the rocky hill as a backdrop
Tunnel - Womb - Cave
Fig. 4.92 (left)
The interior of the submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.93 (right)
The interior of Sybils cave, Cuma, Italy
The Fortications of Lutica
At the same time, there is something mysterious and uncanny about this
submarine tunnel. The interior darkness hides the stories of a military
past, stripped of any function or activity; it becomes a playground for our
imagination and subconsciously unfolding material explicitly enriching the
tunnels perception. Mythologies of the cave and of the womb, for example,
are the rst connotations brought to light while our senses are being provoked
by their mesmerizing appearance. This setting seems only appropriate to host
a similarly perceived cultural phenomenon such as a multi-day rave festival.
Lusciousness, sensuality and seduction combined with intrigue, apprehension
and even a certain level of discomfort are only a few experiences associated
with the rave festivity and the submarine tunnel.
...It was a very calm summer night and
the stone we were walking on was still
hot from the sun that had recently
vanished behind the dark silhouette
of the hill in the west. The boat was
already full and we were looking for
the last available spots at the top of
the deck, standing in soothing anxiety.
While the lights of Herceg Novi behind
us gradually faded away, the darkness
in front of us grew. It had already
swallowed the boats ahead of us. The
humming sound of the motor was
ripping apart not only the smooth sea
surface but also the impeccable silence
of the night above and around. The
anxiety swelled... It seemed as if we
were not moving at all, as if time and
space had stopped. Only the light dots
of Herceg Novi behind us, like hundreds
of blinking eyes, were the proof of
our movement, of our existence. All
of a sudden, a new sound started to
synchronize with the constant motor
roar. It grew bigger, stronger, bolder.
Finally, the source was revealed in front
of us in the form of a spectacular game
of lights. Very colorful and moving, they
grew bigger, stronger and bolder as
well. And there it was, ENTRANCE 2004
rave party...
Entrance electronic music festival
Fig. 4.95 (top-left)
Lutica, Rose and Ukop at night
Fig. 4.96-4.100
Fusion images of the setting,
people and the festivity
253 speci f i cum
Integrated into one manifestation, they seem to feed of each other and amplify
the portrayed experiences resulting in our absolute submission to their
overwhelming powers. Therefore, the success of re-inhabiting the abandoned,
obsolete space explicitly lies in the congruence between that space and its
newly animated content. As with the previously described forts, the sense of
the place, its spirit, was understood and somehow consulted.
...the music was overpowering. The
setting was enchanting. One side was
bordered by the sea, and the other
by a rocky hill covered with thick
Mediterranean macquis vegetation.
The concrete podium was packed
with people, all in motion, all dancing
to the beat like a raving sea. There
was something both disturbing and
yet compellingly beautiful about this
dance, about these body movements.
There was something of primeval
quality to it, pagan, carnal, seductive,
but again honest, spontaneous and
beautiful... like a a ritual.
Was it the setting that provided such
an atmosphere? Was the tribal - trance
-techno music fusion? Or was it both? the distance, further down the
concrete dock extended between the
mountain and the sea, across this
body-saturated dance podium, there
was a dimly lit monumental cave-
like opening - a submarine dig-out.
It looked like a gigantic rectilinear
mouth of the hill within which colorful
lights inhabited the enormous void
between the heads of the crowd and
the vaulted concrete ceiling. And
under the rumble of dancing feet,
below the vibrating wooden deck, the
dark sea was splashing the concrete
banks of the tunnel... surrounded by
nature, swallowed by nature, a part
of nature, with the music as the only
guide, parameter, reference point, the
beginning and the end
Besides the matching personalities of the festivity and the setting, attuning
to underlying conditions of the place, its topos, is also supported by their
interlinked temporal and spatial scales in respect to their natural surrounding.
Namely, the festival happens only once a year for the duration of several days.
In 2002, the rst year of the festival, the party lasted for two days, whereas the
last one, Entrance 2004, lasted for ve. This directly imposes a transient quality
to this event and hence a periodical celebration of this very potent location.
Ukop site - a few days after the festival
Fig. 4.101
Landseascape view along the edge
of the concrete padio from the
wood platform. Tranquility replaces
the traces of previous
tumultuous nights
The transformational impact of the
bridge on the entrance of
the submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.102 (left)
The interior view with the bridge
Fig. 4.103 (right)
The interior view without the bridge
The Fortications of Lutica
Being at Ukop a few days after the rave festival, when traces of the previous
tumultuous nights could still be seen, felt, and touched, one is given an
extraordinary opportunity to experience the site in a completely different light.
Particularly the wood platform went virtually unnoticed during the festival
since it was perceived as a continuation of the concrete podium stretching
between the hill and the sea. Without thousands of ravers from the previous
nights, a visitor can clearly appreciate its unique character - its simplicity of
design and construction, and yet its compelling impact.
A purely functional gesture of bridging the submarine channel and connecting
the two sides has imposed an incredible transformation on the tunnel and its
surrounding. This spatial and perceptive change is fully realized a week later,
once the entire platform is removed, once everything goes back to normal.
Then, one is able to admire the boldness of the tunnels forms cutting through
the hill above, penetrating the sea below. One is able to enjoy the interactive
play of the glittering turquoise sea in the channel, casting reections on the
reddish brown concrete surfaces around.
The Game of shadows and forms at
the mouth of the submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.104 (top)
View from the tunnel looking out
through the unbridged entrance
Fig. 4.105 (middle)
Bridged entrance
Fig. 4.106 (bottom)
Unbridged entrance
255 speci f i cum
From the preceding portrayals it could be deduced that the temporary changes
to the site and the periodic occurrences of the festival are appropriate. First,
the temporal scale of the festival and the site are synchronized with the natural
orders, since they evoke periodic changes found in all natural cycles. Secondly,
this transience of the festival and changes to the site represent the temporal
mediator between the existing and the emerging meaning of this former
military locus. Essentially, the rave festival has initiated and now facilitates
the transitional phase in nding a new meaning for the abandoned site.
Going back to normal also meant
going from one side of Ukop to
the other, crossing the width of a 6
meter channel. In reality, without
a bridge platform, one would have
to walk all the way to the end of
the 140 meter tunnel and come out
on the other side, or alternatively
climb the steep hill around the
mouth of the 10 meter long tunnel,
crossing it above the entrance
where the hill and the surrounding
landscape are undisturbed and
continuous. Consequently, it feels
like the channel does not want
to be bridged permanently for it
would potentially compromise
its predetermined character. The
tunnel rather wants to be true to
its original identity to maintain
its existing dialogue with the
natural surroundings and to keep
its genuine presence of being a
substantial man-made construct,
a deep submarine cut into the
natural landscape, very proud of
its military past.
Submarine tunnel and the bridge
Fig. 4.107
Photo-montage shows only a portion
of the wood platform/bridge installed
for Entrance festival suggesting the
transformative powers, versatility and
exibility, it has over the setting
The Fortications of Lutica
257 speci f i cum
Ukops podium - the stretch
between the hill and the sea
Fig. 4.108 (left)
During the festival
Fig. 4.109 (right)
After the festival
The Entrance to the submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.110 (left)
Multitude of ravers during the
festival diminish the scale
of the tunnel
Fig. 4.111 (right)
A couple of days later, a few visitors
inhabiting the interior reveal
its true character
The Fortications of Lutica
As mentioned earlier, the spatial scale plays a crucial role in harmonizing the
existing sense of the place and the new animation. It is a completely different
experience being at Ukop with thousands of ravers and apprehending its
dimensions alone a few days later. Enclosed by a steep rocky hill, a massive
dynamic sea and endless sky, one initially becomes overshadowed by natural
forces. Simultaneously, the size of the tunnel and the overall infrastructure are
also responsible for the overpowering effect on a visitor.
Built for submarines, the tunnel appears to be monumental in relation to man.
It is however, a void space and an object in scale of the surrounding landscape.
Therefore, constructed by man and yet in complete natural ambience, Ukops
rudimentary appearance now happens to be a spatial mediator between man
and nature, a place of their potential reconciliation. Such uniquely rendered
space - its scale and character - becomes a stage for the rave of the festival and
the rave of the natural forces colliding, merging and synergizing.
The submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.112 - 4.115
Colossal scale and semi-naturalized
semi-man-made state of the tunnel
and its immediate surroundings
259 speci f i cum
In conclusion, the appropriateness of the festival - its crude nature, its spatial
and temporal scale in response to the site and the surrounding - allows
man to reconnect with nature, while appreciating its cultural and natural
environments. The reconciliation between man and nature epitomizes the
way in which Lutica should be considered and envisioned. It means bringing
life back to Lutica by animation and reviving its abandoned spaces, ensuring
the protection and enhancement of its Spiritus Movens. This means raising
the awareness of its military past and, on a more general level, revealing other
cultural and natural potentials currently hidden or neglected, in order to assist
and encourage a more responsible development, so that both environments
benet, evolve symbiotically and ultimately reconcile.
Entrance festival thus represents a valuable example of how new energies and
visions have found a suitable location in need for new meanings, and how in
accord with the places own characteristics, its identity, and its spirit. They
consequently re-created the place, provided it with a new meaning and a new
life as the continuation and integration with the old.
The Burning Man Festival
Fig. 4.116 (bottom left)
Man-made city/camp in the natural
setting of the desert
Fig. 4.117 (bottom right)
the last night of the festivity -
the re (works) of the Burning Man
The Fortications of Lutica
Although a potent model, Entrance festival at Ukop is far from being fully
realized given its present state and the potential buried in the site. The
experientially based arguments in the previous paragraphs were targeted
towards the portrayal of the incipient stage in which this potent site is currently
found. Instigating the revival by the re-inhabitation of an abandoned site
becomes the rst and foremost step in the long process of the sites evolution.
However, it would be necessary to constantly monitor the process of change in
respect to both environments; the response of the natural surroundings, i.e.
the ecological consequences on the natural environment as well as the response
of the local community and the festival participants. For instance, the Entrance
festival produces lots of garbage due to the large volume of attendants, creating
a potential threat to the natural surroundings. The major concern of the local
community of Rose is ensuring a high level of sanitation during and after the
festival. The measures dealing with such problems should raise the level of
the ecological awareness among people, especially students who attend the
festival the most. Some of these measures could be the following: installation
of eco-mobile toilets, use of disposable and decomposing materials (paper
instead of plastic cups) and the eco-environmentally oriented advertisement
for the festival. Conversely, the visitors would in general like to have more
room for seating, socializing and dancing. In addressing these issues, future
initiatives will have to incorporate architectural interventions as well. All
strategic initiatives should reect these responses and concerns and be in tune
with the evolving sense of the place. In the future, other benecial concepts,
not limited to music, including ecological awareness and community building
could be borrowed from similarly envisioned festivals already occurring
throughout the world, such as The Burning Man, in Nevada, US.
Similar to ENTRANCE, the Burning
Man is also an annual festival in
Black Rock Desert near Gerlach,
Northwestern Nevada, US. Although
for many outsiders it represents a
week-long, extravagant rave in the
middle of the desert, The Burning Man,
for most participants, symbolizes a way
of life; an educational process: a self-
sustaining community, an experiential
socio-cultural manifesto. This arts
festival stands for the individuality of
people, the opportunity for everyone to
be free and to express their own desires.
It also allows people to reconnect
to nature regardless of how hostile
and perilous the desert may be. Away
from everyday life and civilization, the
desert and the festival indisputably
offer a transcending experience for all
involved. In tandem, the festival allows
for environmental awareness to come
to life. Aside from self-sustainability, the
Leave no Trace rule is fully enforced,
resulting in a stunning disappearance
of the magical world that was built for
the festival. A few weeks later, the desert
is renewed as if nothing happened to
the site.
Voof Festival, Germany
Fig. 4.118
Similar festivals are organized
throughout Europe where this rave
culture has its peak especially in
Germany. The multi-day festivals are
quite frequent during summers and
are usually situated deliberately in
the natural intact environments or
areas away from civilized everyday
life. Voof festival, for example, is
organized annually in the forested
countryside of a small German
village between Berlin
and Hamburg.
261 speci f i cum
Whether as a direct functional initiative reecting participants responses or
as necessary aesthetic site improvements - permanent or temporary - some
landscape-architecture interventions are necessary on the site. The preceding
analysis strongly advocates festivals temporary, annual recurrence, so the
bridge should remain as a removable installation. Perhaps in the future, the
scale of the manifestation and the frequency might change. As a result, Ukop
might become the host for a variety of cultural events, a unique setting for
multipurpose performances with nature as an inseparable backdrop and hence
an inalienable participant. To this end, the stage - or even a few smaller ones,
depending on the performance - would maintain its mobile quality of always
changing its location, size and character, imitating changing natural cycles.
Yet perhaps some permanent infrastructure could be incorporated to support
this idea. Presumably the seating podiums, step-up platforms, terraces, stairs
and ramps could be integrated in the existing landscape. They could be
permanently built in the sides of the hill, incorporated and designed in accord
with the existing site conditions, tunnels infrastructure and concrete docks as
well as with the existing landscape, so that the harmonious integration would
facilitate the notion of an out-door performance or auditorium space.
The interior of the submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.119 (top) & 4.120 (bottom)
A few days after the festival, the
wood platform was still not
removed so the coolness and
shade of the tunnels interior
were used by a group of local
sports enthusiasts for the kockice
tournament. A cool, at, and softer
wood surface serves as a great
alternative to the hot and hard
concrete surface outside of the
tunnel or at any other suitable area
for the game. Kockice [squares] is
a popular sport game which is a
mixture of volleyball, tennis and
soccer. This suggests another type
of activity that could take place in
the submarine tunnel and its
The Fortications of Lutica
Due to its extremely potent aural qualities and enchanting setting, the
submarine tunnel could also be used for sonic experimentation as a unique
architectural installation space situated close to Rose, a thriving tourism
destination. As a result, the Ukop site could become an exhilarating exhibition
space, not only for audio installations but also for a variety of visual arts, set
on the threshold between the cultural and natural realms. This cultural event
set in nature could enhance the present process of revival, complimenting the
newly found animation of the space, thus creating an entity with a prosperous
The mouth of the submarine tunnel
Fig. 4.121 & 4.122
In the absence of the woo platform,
the 6m deep channel and the
surrounding concrete structure
become a very practical diving
setting. The two projecting wings
of the tunnel provide
approximately 5m high diving
platforms, while the top of the
tunnel podium is set at about 10m
above the water level. Similar to
the previous Kockice example, this
animation suggests yet another
incidental scenario that could be
organized into a more frequent
public event occurring at this
potent location.
263 speci f i cum
Finally, in the long run, the idea of contextual and conceptual interconnection
and integration of individual elements should be considered at the scale of
surrounding sites, even at the scale of the entire peninsula. This would entail a
creation of interconnected infrastructure of usable and non-usable, functional
and nonfunctional, outdoor and indoor, experiential spaces for recreation,
leisure, contemplation, education and spiritual elevation. The vision also
includes a formation of park amenities where cultural and natural merge,
thereby creating genuine spaces of reconciliation between man and nature.
The Fortications of Lutica
Fort Arza Context
Fig. 4.123
Photo-montage unveils the
conicting condition of the forts
setting. In resolution of this
problematic condition lies a
new meaning for the forts future
265 speci f i cum
Before venturing into a detailed forts portrayal, it is important to acknowledge
that Fort Arza lies in a very characteristic zone which exemplies Luticas
present condition in general. The area carries much potential but it is also
recognized by local authorities as a problematic site due to many different and
rather conicting prospects put forward by different interest parties.
Although a detailed urban plan for this area does not exist yet and it is currently
put into the consideration for development by local planning authorities, some
developers and private planning rms have already established their initiatives
and consequently created proposals targeted towards the urbanization of the
entire area and the conversion of this extraordinary natural setting into a
tourist resort with the beach as a central amenity. Serbian Orthodox Church,
on the other hand, strongly believes in the sanctity of the island nearby and
its monastery of St. Virgins Presentation. Thus the church authorities advocate
the protection of this holy land by keeping its surrounding in its intact natural
condition with as least disruption as possible. This would promote desired
solitude, isolation, and serenity of the ascetic life necessary for the monk who
inhabits the island and any other pious visitor seeking such qualities in the
place. Similarly, some heritage institutes suggest protection and conservation
of the cultural heritage of the area, but in a more tourism oriented way. In
addition, there are some other independent parties seeking their own interests
which are, unfortunately, self and prot oriented and as such they do not
ensure the prosperous, i.e. sustainable future of the area. From this, there is a
strong reason to believe that the solution rests in the compromise between the
two extremes the safeguarding of the present natural and cultural heritage
with a very low-prole and low-impact development such as a camp-ground.
The proposed solution would be in tune with new site tendencies and the
existing conditions - Spiritus Movens - since a form of a camp-ground already
exists in the area but rather in a free, disorganized and unplanned manner. Its
sensitive, low-impact and site-specic improvement and development could
also represent an economically and environmentally sustainable embodiment
of principles outlined for the natural and cultural heritage park proposal.
Fort Arza
scenari o I I
Fort Arza
Fig. 4.124
The path leading from Mirite to
Fort Arza intersects thick
The Fortications of Lutica
Given this problematic condition and inherent potential, Fort Arza is another
exemplar scenario pertinent to the idea of reinterpreting and reinvigorating the
fortications on Lutica. Similar to the Ukops case, Fort Arza and its specic
present conditions also address the issues of change, transition between original
and newly unfolding meanings, conceptual and scalar appropriateness, and
attunement in respect to the building, the surrounding, and their shared future
vision. Providing another illustration would be benecial for two major
reasons. First, Fort Arza is the only other abandoned former military location
on Lutica, besides Ukop, that is frequently visited and still used. Secondly, if
another prospect is provided with a full range of similarities and differences, a
potent dialogue between the two forts could emerge. Consequently, parallels
drawn from this dialogue would facilitate strategies designed to implement
the suggested integration and incorporation of other sites into one harmonious
complementing whole - the natural and cultural heritage park.
Fort Arza Context
Fig. 4.125 (top)
View looking southwest from the
Inlet Mirite and its pebble beach
Fig. 4.126 (bottom-left)
View looking north from the open
sea to the cape Mirite
Fig. 4.127 (bottom-right)
Close-up of Fort Arza, the cape, and
its surrounding rocky terrain
Nakienovi, Sava. Boka,
Antropogeografska Studija.
Beograd. 1918. Pg.203
Fort Arza Context
Fig. 4.128 (left)
An ancient locality - present
monumentality - beneath the sky
Fig. 4.129 (right)
The greenery and the path
of pilgrimage
267 speci f i cum
Geographically, Fort Arza is located on the south-western part of the peninsula,
at the cape Mirite. With two other fortications, Fort Otra and Fort Mamula, this
rounded stone building was designed as a gateway and rst defense line for the
Boka Kotorska Bay during the second half of the 19
century. Archaeological
discoveries in this area have shown that this potent location had a previous
historic signicance as well. The location of the ancient archaeological nd
matches the present fortication location wherein some remains of artefacts
and scattered skeletons were found attesting to its ancient occupation.
Research has not ascertained whether this was a military outpost, burial
mound or a place of worship - a shrine.The fact is, that Spiritus Movens hides
largely in the powerful natural setting of this predominantly rocky terrain and
less so in a type of occupation it carries.
Fort Arza context
Fig. 4.130
View looking southeast to the
island and monastery of St. Virgins
Presentation, the inlet, the beach
and the cape Mirite.
Spontaneous evolution of the place
Fig. 4.131
The roof and the terrace of Fort
Arza beside miraculous
out-of-stone-grown vegetation
provides a perfect contemplative
setting for the visitors seeking
tranquility and solitude
The Fortications of Lutica
After the Second World War, Fort Arza has shared the identical destiny of
all other Austro-Hungarian forts. This fortication has been abandoned, left
alone to nature and its processes. No further use has been established for its
spaces. Nevertheless, the prominent location and easy access to this building
have greatly inuenced its present state. Years of non-functionality and
accessibility have primarily allowed for the spontaneous and hence successful
evolution of the place. Human occupation and utilization - often shortsighted
when it comes to historically valuable monuments - have not been impatiently
imposed on the building and its current condition. Instead, its present semi-
naturalized state and the spirit of the place have started to dictate and shape
the way for its future use. The symbiosis with the surrounding landscape,
the monumentality and the powerful topos of Fort Arza - the essentials to its
genius loci have therefore created a stage on which new meanings and new
activities will form as a direct result of a continuous and gradually increasing
engagement of its visitors.
The Panorama from Arza
Fig. 4.132
Tranquility, stillness, and spiritual
growth are offered in the natures
rhythms, gestures, and mimicry
269 speci f i cum
Framing Windows
Fig. 4.134
Beside roof tops, there are shaded
interior spaces which also provide
spectacular panoramic views of
the surrounding landseascape
seen and experienced vis-a-vie
building openings
Meditation Spot
Fig. 4.133
On the roof top of Fort Arza
sky is the limit
The Fortications of Lutica
No formal functionality is yet prescribed to Fort Arza and its spaces. No
developer has invested money and turned this monument into a usable, prot
making space; no modus operandi of any kind was yet given to this fortication.
Nonetheless, people continue to use it frequently during the summer. It
serves as a temporary shelter from the hot summer sun, strong occasional
winds and the rain. Its robust, large interior volumes are often occupied by
homeless people during the summer. It acts as a sleeping quarter, but it is also
a lookout point. The roof top and terrace offer a unique panoramic view of the
surroundings and the entrance to the bay of Boka Kotorska. People go there
to rest, to be alone, contemplate, enjoy natural beauty, sleep, to cool down, to
read a book, or just to be there, to experience something extraordinary.
The Living Room
Fig. 4.135
Improvised beds and table; large
opening providing light,
Shaded Playing Ground
Fig. 4.136
Massive interior vaults provide
enough room even for the game
of badminton
271 speci f i cum
Therefore, the future use, the formal etiquette - of any that were to be given to
this location - should be in accord with these already existing uses. The new
function should embrace all currently occurring conditions, enhancing and
extending them further into one integrated and meaningful entity; it should
consider them as a basis for the future building development as they are a
spontaneous continuation of the forts broken past, a natural progression in
the evolution of the place. In essence, consulting with them represents the
consultation with the sense of the place, with Spiritus Movens. Consequently,
this process is both mandatory and necessary to ensure the prosperous and
harmonious future for the building and its location.
One with the surrounding
Fig. 4.138
Harmonization of the fort with
the surrounding is accentuated by
its special positioning as it is well
experienced from its roof tops
One with Nature
Fig. 4.137
Fort Arza represents a natural
extension of the surrounding
terrain by virtue of its materiality,
vertical positioning between the
earth and the sky
as if the time has cured the darkness
with forgetfulness
as if voices of soldiers are echoing in
the whistle of the wind...
stories of wives and children at home...
prayers, whispers and laughs...
while sitting or leaning against the
robust stones,
they rest their eyes, their spirit, their
over the green fury giants, they drift
astray; lost between the blueness, from
above and below, from far away...
even when its dark, windy and stormy
even with the raving sea around,
the warmth on the inside
the calm and the comfort amongst the
thick walls are found
The Fortications of Lutica
One just has to be able to listen carefully, to be attuned with the Spiritus Movens;
to listen to the whisper of the spirit and to hear the wind of the hear
the storytelling it is a massive stone monument. It marks the entrance to the
bay alongside with two other fortications. It was used as a defence fort in
times of turmoil and occupation of this region. It needs to be seen during the
day and night like a lighthouseit is already a shelter from wind, rain and
sun It is another man-made element left for nature to re-inhabit. Plants seem
to like it. They want to climb it. The greenery wants to stretch its soothing leafy
arms and embrace it like all other rough stone surfaces aroundThe greenery
wants to continue its stretch upwards towards sky, towards heavenslike a
treean olive treethe oldest of allthe wise onethe holy one
G.W.F. Hegel, from Philosophy of Nature
Finding a new genuine meaning
Fig. 4.139-4.141
Natural merging of the fort, its
context, and the surrounding
273 speci f i cum
Arza wants to be worthy and powerful again... it likes people too, and not
only the birds and the wind which frequently visit its roofsit wants to be
inhabited, but not in multitudes; rather individually, because then it maintains
its monumentality, its superiority and dominance over the siteonly then can
it easily communicate with the visitoronly than can it enjoy its sunrises and
sunsets... Arza is proud, she is bold and even pretentious. She deserves itshe
has a sacred and courageous past to prove itlet then her be, what she desires
to be... let Arza be what it already is...
...a special place a sanctuary, a shrine... a modern shrine. Let Arza be a place
where one feels the geological time, where man-made time seems to stop;
a place where one easily harmonizes with the physical world around and
strongly feels belonging and communion with it. Let Fort Arza remain as a
place where one feels a high spiritual density, and equally understands the
deeper meanings and the grand harmonies of the universe by simply standing
rmly on the surface of the earth, by simply breathing...
let her be the rustle of Natures life silenced in the stillness of thought. ...
Game of Shadows
Fig. 4.142
Simple trellis design with rich &
mesmerizing experiential results
The Fortications of Lutica
Your Genius, the Genius of the Place,
and the GREAT GENIUS have at last
prevaild. I shall no longer resist the
passion growing in me for Things of a
natural kind; where neither Art nor the
Conceit or Caprice of Man has spoild
their genuine Order, by breaking in
upon that primitive State. Even the
rude Rocks, the mossy Caverns, the
irregular unwrought Grottos and
broken Falls of Waters, with all the
horrid Graces of the Wilderness itself,
as representing NATURE more, will be
the more engaging, and appear with
a Magnicence beyond the formal
Mockery of princely Gardens.
The Moralists,
a Philosophical Rhapsody
3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, 1709
Design Guidelines
275 speci f i cum
Instead, if time permits new meanings and directions to take form, Lutica
and the timeless quality
innate to its sense of the place offer a great potential
for the alternative.
From the two preceding scenarios, it is evident that fortications on Lutica
are very potent locations, historically charged and experientially prolic. They
are a future potential carrying a rich source of new meanings, content and
programs. These can be envisioned and realized only if in accord with the
existing conditions. At times, fortication initiatives are purposely left open-
ended, while many are being regulatory and very specic. The distinction and
balance between the two cases however, is brought by the aforementioned
attunement principles and in consultation with the sense of the place. Therefore,
the following paragraphs should be seen less as a project design proposal per
se, bur rather as a set of guidelines for the future reuse and revitalization of
Luticas fortications - a prescribed vision for their healthy evolution.
On this journey to new animation, it is crucial to let all fortications become
accessible, and let people spontaneously nd their new meaning. This
interaction between people and the buildings will allow for a new destiny of
these edices to take shape. If the buildings are rushed into new investments,
nding them a new function without prior, comprehensive understanding of
the place and its meaning, they will fall into the trap of being no different
from other, current re-development practices where historical monuments
are turned into facilities for individual benet and prot making or left as
museum pieces, conserved and frozen in time, only to be viewed and with
no future use. These practices lead the monuments towards discontinuity
with their past and to a problematic, meaningless future. It is because time
is essential in acquiring deeper meaning and understanding of the spirit of
the place and simultaneously time represents the hardest to afford of all
commodities in the present fast-paced, prot oriented culture. Thus in rushed
pre-conceptualizations for monuments re-development, current practices
have no time to allow natural consultation with Spiritus Movens leaving the
objects to become disjointed from their identity and potentially great future.
These notions of a sufcient time-
allowance and the sense of the place
as being the essential precursors to a
design are also sensed in the quoted
paragraph below.
[Also see the side note on Organic
Approach to architecture - Pg. 239]
In America, rightly or wrongly, we
planners approach our problems in a
less contemplative frame of mind. We
are less sensitive (of which fact we are
proud) and more practical (a pathetic
misnomer). We are rushed by pressure
of time, economics, and the present
public temperament. The planning
process is accelerated, sometimes to
the point of frenzy. But the principle
remains the same to realize a project
on a site effectively, we must fully
understand the program, and we must
be fully aware of the physical properties
of the site and of the total site environs.
Our planning then becomes the science
and art of arranging the best possible
John O. Simonds
Landscape Architecture
The Fortications of Lutica
1) The fortications should be entirely cleaned of all pollutants,
garbage and any foreign object that might compromise the safety,
health, and appearance of their environments
2) A park-trail system of existing and newly proposed pedestrian
paths should be implemented to allow easy access to the
3) Excessive, undesired vegetation should be removed to reveal
important building sections and prevent further deterioration of
parts severely damaged by its wild growth.
4) All instances of threatening or dangerous building conditions,
such as sharp rusted metal pieces or ruinous structures in danger
of collapse should be resolved to ensure safety while preserving
the buildings original features
5) Restore, re-build and renovate building parts in dire need of
immediate assistance (either found as unsafe, as per Step 4,
or to prevent their further deterioration). Ensure that these
modications do not alter the original appearance and overall
layout of the building components
6) Provide sufcient lighting, garbage dispensers and other required
equipment necessary for the future safety, continuous protection
and basic maintenance of the fortications and their immediate
Abandoned fortications on Lutica should be given a sufcient time for the
sense of the place to emerge, communicating the future destiny of these objects.
Once sufcient time is passed, people can adjust their needs (mostly tourism-
based), and nd a compromise for the forts future use. As argued before, time
and accessibility are required for a spontaneous and successful evolution of
the place to occur. This gradual shift from its military function to abandoned
naturalized objects, and eventually to their new meaning and occupancy
requires special attention. The following steps should be followed before
any further investigation into the future of the fortications is considered. a HOUSE...
Therefore, let us build houses that
restore to man the life-giving, life-
enhancing elements of nature. This
means an architecture that begins with
the nature of the site.Which means tak-
ing the rst great step toward assuring
a worthy architecture, for in the right-
ness of a house on the land we sense a
tness we call beauty.
Frank Lloyd Wright a GARDEN...
I have found it helpful to think of a
garden as sculpture. Not sculpture
in the ordinary sense of an object to
be viewed. But sculpture that is large
enough and perforated enough to
walk through. And open enough to
present no barrier to movement, and
broken enough to guide the experience
which is essentially a communion with
the sky. This is a garden.
James C. Rose, 1958
Present Conditions on the Exterior
- in a dire need for immediate actions
Fig. 4.143 (top-left)
Exterior terrace and a ruinous
concrete platform at Fort Klinci
Fig. 4.144 (top-right)
Roof top/terrace at Fort Oskorua
Fig. 4.145 (bottom-left)
Garbage depot at Gornja Arza
Artillery Location
Fig. 4.146 (bottom-right)
Overgrown entrance to Fort Lutica
Present Conditions on the Interior
- in a dire need for immediate actions
Fig. 4.147 (top-left)
Obstructed stairway
to the fallen roof of Fort Lutica
Fig. 4.148 (top-right)
Ruinous spiral stairs of Fort Arza
Fig. 4.149 (bottom-left)
A hole in the ruinous oor
at Fort Kabala
Fig. 4.150 (bottom-right)
Ruinous Prussian Ceiling
at Fort Oskorua
277 speci f i cum
The Fortications of Lutica
The completion of these fundamental steps would set the stage for any
subsequent investigation or design initiative to ascertain the forts future
usage, new occupancy and their functionality. This process would serve as
an initial step in nding new meanings and means of inhabiting the desolated
spaces. By frequent interaction between the environment, buildings and
visitors, and ensuring that no rapid shortsighted initiatives are taking place,
the new events will eventually occur. Subsequently, new natural meanings
will appear in accord with the sense of the place, as described in the scenarios
of Ukop and Arza. These emerging energies will determine the new vision
and the genuine future of these objects.
The forts may turn into building programs and tourism-based facilities, such
as residential apartments, restaurants, cafes and performance spaces. They
could also be converted into research or tourist park-orientation centres.
Another possibility for their animation is to remain as contemplation spots
and garden spaces. Whatever the function and re-inhabiting program may be,
the matter rests in their individual characteristics and existing needs of the
local population. Despite the versatility and wide spectrum of opportunities
for their future re-development, the following guidelines should be observed
in order to initially safeguard their Spiritus Movens, and then set a foundational
background for new strategies, ideas and architectural implementations could.
These should also be seen as mandatory steps before any design initiatives are
1) Keep the original building design its plans, sections and
elevations organization and distribution of the openings as
well as the roof tops and their characteristics
2) Adapt new programs to suit the existing exterior and interior
3) Ensure the buildings are seismically and statically sound
4) Repair all ruinous parts, sections of the buildings on the exterior
while maintaining the original design
5) Safeguard original stone steps and oors, and restore the
removed or destroyed stone oors in the interiors
6) Ensure protection and restoration of the original Prussian ceilings
in all interiors
7) Maintain the existing native greenery and all valuable vegetation
species found on site, and incorporate them with the future
functions/new usages of the spaces
279 speci f i cum
Fairly recently, the entire military
activity on the peninsula has
started to diminish drastically,
and most military buildings
and locations will soon be
abandoned. If not properly taken
care of, they will share the destiny
of previously described, desolate
fortications. Consequently, their
future use should be modeled
after Ukop and Arza sites,
although their aesthetic and
historic value may be questioned
as a cultural heritage.
Pristan military zone
Fig. 4.151-4.153
North coast of Lutica harbors a
military zone soon to be completely
demilitarized. The entire building
complexes are planned to be sold
to private investors and potential
Looking outward from within
Fig. 4.154
View from Fort Arza towards the
beach and the inlet of Mirite.
Introspection is the most
fundamental component and the
initial step in designing anything.
Why do we humans always have to prescribe a certain usage to everything
and anything, as if without a label it would not exist; as if it would not have an
identity or meaning? What would be the etiquette given to nature? Or perhaps
one should essentially ask what is the use or function of nature? Is there any other
than just to be, to change, to cycle, to evolve and to be alive; to be something
rather than nothing as it relates to the governing principal of creation? What
would be, then, the etiquette given to nature? This preoccupation seems to
be pointless, if not completely delusional. It is a misconception we created as
a pure result of our alienation from nature, as an inevitable consequence of
both our phenomenological and physiological separation from her recurring
cycles, her laws and her natural ways that go far beyond our often limited
anthropocentric comprehension. We belong to nature; we are part of nature
no matter what we do, no matter what point of view we take - theological,
Darwinian, transcendentalists, or any other. There is no doubt that we humans
have our own natural processes and that we, whether willingly or not, follow
the natural cycles of birth, death and rebirth. In this, we are no different from
any plant or animal life on Earth. However, it seems that it is also in our nature
to try to name everything and to give a certain meaning to everything; and
what fundamentally distinguishes us from the natural world are our mental
appetites and specically, our obsession with control and power. Yet it seems
that in nature there is no meaning other than the one we invest. It also seems
that no other form of life desires the control over any other, nor is there any
living being seeking to part itself from the natural realm. Things and beings
out there follow their natural path, this invisible omnipresent directive. They
obey the unwritten rules of cyclical processes and laws of evolution, natural
selection, of Nature herself. So should we, even more so if and when we are in
her realm. We should be able to recognize these higher forces of nature - this
invisible principle by which everything and anything is governed. Then we
should be able to understand the Spiritus Movens of the world, an enduring
code of nature, to accept it and to obey it. Ultimately, we should reverence
nature and only then are we going to be capable of reuniting with her and
forming a new partnership, a symbiotic relationship wherein we are, indeed,
an integral part of it...only then will we stop seeing nature as a place to visit,
bur rather see it as our home!
So much emphasis can be put on the
individual as maker and perceiver that
the external world loses the objective
standing; reality out there seems to be
only a human construct.
Yi-Fu Tuan
280 The Fortications of Lutica
speci f i cum
The Old Man and the Sea
Fig. 4.155
There is a certain yet unexplainable
quality in sensing the natural cycles...
listening to its sounds, watching
its colours... there is a certain yet
unexplainable feeling of being a part
of this natural wonder - unbelievably
simple yet so sublime and beautiful
- the setting of the sun...
With this philosophy as a main precursor and design impetus, with
this ecology of mind, therefore, the initiatives for revitalization of
the fortications should be developed and fully realized. No pre-
conceptualized meaning, etiquette nor function should be given to any
of the forts until the meaning itself as a natural path and the spontaneous
next step in the evolution of the place is suggested to us by the existing
site qualities, by Spiritus Movens... until the rebirth of the forts anima
comes forth and unfolds by the buildings themselves...
[since] under capitalism [it] has no choice but to serve the interest
of the status quo, architecture today [is] obliged to return to pure
architecture, to form without utopia; in the best cases to sublime
Manfredo Tafuri, Italian historian and critic
282 The Fortications of Lutica
Boka Gateway in the Twilight
Fig. 4.156
Photomontage showing the proposed condition for the forts marking the entrance to the Bay of
Boka Kotorska. Electricity for the proposed lighting design would be produced locally by building
integrated solar panels thus supporting the idea and the overall philosophy of sustainable and
healthy development
283 speci f i cum
Towards a Healthy Architecture
Towards a Healthy Architecture
concl usi on
285 concl usi on
We need to step outside the man-made environment not in
order to leave the technological world behind, but so that we
may nd the right path of development, more in tune with
natural processes than with the will to dominate and destroy.
It is to serve the shift in our ways of seeing and valuing from
the Cartesian self tothe ecological self-the individual plus
environment, the species plus environment for they are
essentially symbiotic.
The historic mission of our time is a new cultural coding for
the ecological age - a new, more integral language of being
and value that can overcome the devastating consequences
of the existing mode of cultural coding. Creating art which
is integral with this new coding may well be the next phase
of our aesthetic tradition, but the creation of an ecological
context for every aspect of life for all professions occupations
and activities is the primary task now facing our entire
Suzi Gablik, The Ecological Imperative
Towards a Healthy Architecture
287 concl usi on
Although geographically isolated and situated on the periphery of the Bay of
Boka Kotorska, Lutica has never been on the periphery of historical events. On
the contrary, the peninsula participated equally in the dynamic life of the Boka
Kotorska region due to its powerful strategic location. As a result, a very rich
inheritance has been left in the form of a built environment and a corresponding
modied land and seascape. Aside from a few exceptions, changes to both
environments to date have been slow and gradual. Maintaining an evolving
balance between two symbiotic systems for centuries, the peninsula has been
in an ecologically healthy and stable state, that is, in a dynamic environmental
equilibrium. Despite the continual inuence of culture, Lutica has sustained
its predominantly intact natural heritage and character. Recent political
and economical changes, however, have started to affect this well-balanced
condition. The future development of the peninsula is being led towards a
problematic uncertainty with a potential threat to both cultural and natural
In order to analyze, understand and consequently propose the initiatives
for effective problem solving and subsequent management, the ecosystem
approach has been offered as a relevant methodology. By its very nature, an
ecosystem approach provides sophisticated perspectives on both natural and
cultural environments, their individual complexities and their interdependent
development. Such a systematically structured approach dissects the existing
site conditions into essential components, and then reassembles them to
reveal the hidden interrelationships between the processes, their functions,
and their characteristic inclinations. This search and consequent unveiling of
Luticas sense of the place have inspired the proposal for a Heritage Park
formation a vision for future development, organization and operation of
the peninsula. Essentially, the idea of a park provides a means to guarantee
the preservation and enhancement of what has been named in this thesis
work as Spiritus Movens, a fundamental conception for maintaining the overall
identity, integrity, and sustainability of the peninsulas environments.
Towards a Healthy Architecture
The notion for the Heritage Park formation has also offered the opportunity
to mediate, reconcile and synergize currently opposing cultural and natural
demands: prot-driven tourism, expanding urban development, and protection
and conservation of ecologically important areas that are crucial for sustaining
vitality, biodiversity and recurring cycles of natural environments. Ultimately,
the parks hybrid nature and its multipurpose quality not only offer solutions
for the present problems and the retrieval and enhancement of the dynamic
culture-nature equilibrium, but they also substantially improve the resilience
and adaptability of Luticas systems to future changes, thereby ensuring their
healthy evolution and management.
This vision of a vigorous and efcacious development is explicitly elaborated
and embodied in the case study on the fortications of Lutica. Found in an
ambivalent state as naturalized-cultural objects, the fortications represent
the most potent and promising element within the Lutica Heritage Park,
i.e. the most suitable for the culture-nature (cultinature) reconciliation
and implementation of the non-dualistic ideology advocated throughout
the thesis. Accordingly, these deserted military objects were thoroughly
inspected and evaluated pertaining to their background, original design and
experience in order to acquire the apriori understanding of their individual
and collective Spiritus Movens. Following the fortication narratives, the
attunement principles of an evolution in architectural approach emerged
in the work. Rooted in the harmonization of a building and its site, context,
and surroundings, and synchronized with its past identity, and present and
future afnities, these new design principles have served as the foundation in
creating planning and project guidelines for the forts culturally meaningful
and environmentally respectful re-development. The portrayed fortication
scenarios should also be viewed as a paradigm for successful re-animation,
revitalization and re-engagement of obsolete and neglected objects into the
life of their surroundings. As such, they are true protagonists of the overall
Lutica Heritage Park vision. With the forts new proposed use, their potential
for sustainability, clearly stated ecological, economic and cultural values,
their re-discovered deeper meaning and intrinsic sacredness, their inspiring
qualities, and nally, their synergistic (cultinature) tendencies, the process of
their re-development symbolizes a step forward, or rather a journey in itself
towards a healthy architecture.
289 concl usi on
Towards a Healthy Architecture
Fig. c.1
The image captures the symbiosis, harmony and communion between culture and
nature in the village Bijelila - a genuine taste of cultinature on Lutica
Towards a Healthy Architecture
The map depicts the coastal area of Lutica and Grbalj, their similar cultural and natural
predispositions and hence considers their integration into one larger area. Potentially in the
future, the marked area could be one integrated heritage park.
Park Boundary Context Map
Fig. c.2
291 concl usi on
This thesis rmly establishes the ecosystems approach as a necessary and
powerful analytic tool in any design or planning process. It is also valuable
as a research and development model for amelioration and improvement
of our struggling global environments. The same method of gathering and
processing of disperse and varied information exercised in both the Heritage
Park proposal and in the fortication initiatives, could be applied to Luticas
neighbouring regions with similar predispositions and characteristics (Fig. c.2).
Such a wide ranging methodology should not be limited to the Adriatic coast.
Instead, it could be employed anywhere in the world where environmental
crisis, threatened cultural and natural heritage sites and hyper-urbanization
are rather a rule than exception. Essentially, the thesis philosophy and the
overall ecology-centred attitude propose a new healthy prototype of how our
environments should be perceived, investigated, designed, developed, and
managed. In this sense, the thesis reads as an universal and very useful
methodology rooted in the idea of a places genius loci as well as being one
integrative humanistic approach fusing scientic with poetic, philosophic
with pragmatic, and factual with subjective. Consequently, the entire Lutica
work could also be interpreted as a holistic, all-encompassing and cross-
disciplinary approach towards design and development which has a potential
to be utilized and implemented in various bordering elds of architecture,
landscape architecture and planning.
...model, polemic, vision...
Towards a Healthy Architecture
The Sun setting over Prevlaka
Fig. c.3
A visitor on Lutica could somehow feel
utterly connected to nature herself,
to its laws and principles, to the
experience of just being alive and
integrated with the surrounding at that
specic time and at that particular place
Polemically, the most important aspect of the thesis should be sought in its
relevance to the global environmental crisis penetrating both the physical and
phenomenological realms of our global existence. It is imperative to see the
big picture of the thesis in light of an ecological revolution and awakening,
and as an attempt to make a difference, to be the desired change we want
so passionately to see in the world. Namely, the Heritage Park is proposed
as a vision for a future healthy evolution of the Lutica peninsula facilitating
the healing of its stressed environment and the regaining of a faith in Nature.
Ideologically and practically, this means a return to long forgotten, yet innate,
qualities of stewardship, deference, and genuine partnership with nature; a
return to sensuality, spiritually, humility, environmentally friendly modes of
production and work, to modesty and tradition which could equally be the
return to our true selves and to Nature.
Living lightly, utilizing old customs
and traditional cultivation methods, as well as walking and experiencing the
cultural and intact natural environments of the peninsula, are all prescribed
activities for the multipurpose Lutica Heritage Park. They would inevitably
lead the way to the healing of Luticas communities and their environments
with regained respect for Nature and her ways.
293 concl usi on
The fortications, along with other potent park elements, are envisioned and
depicted as places where one is able to listen, understand and attune to the
natural sources, to cosmic energies and their hovering spirits. They bring one
closer to the desired harmony and communion with the world. Experiencing
these places imbues one with genuine discovery of meaning and the higher
truths of our terrestrial existence. Consequently, they bring back the vital
sense of reverence necessary for the well-being of our surroundings and our
own sustenance.
Walking the trails of the Lutica Heritage Park, climbing up
the local hill, sitting on the Illyrian burial mound and looking out towards
the horizon where the sky and the sea collide, one understands that the blue
sphere some righteously call Mother Earth is our limit; it is our cradle and our
grave. Making a way down to the coast and its pristine, rocky beach through a
thick macquis forest, one avoids breaking a fragile spider web. One is careful,
entering the waters, of rare sea urchins inundating such undisturbed sites.
While listening to the continuous song of the wind and crickets, one realizes
that this is not only our home and the home of our children, but equally the
home of all other creatures and life forms that exist on this planet. Resting
under an ancient olive tree, next to an emptied restaurant with the shadow
of an Orthodox church belfry crouching towards his arms, one observes how
the raging sea clashes the rocks in the distance. People rush to their departing
boats which struggle with the high waves. Finally, one acknowledges that
love and reverence for the earth shall no longer be seen as mere beautication
and preservation of sceneries.
Love and reverence are instead based on the
awareness of our symbiotic and interdependent relationship with Nature;
for our survival is less likely to depend on our manipulative and controlling
capacities over nature, but rather on our own ability to synchronize with it.
Once these individual mental images and principles become the collective
actuality on the Lutica peninsula and in every segment of our global physical
environments, the real world will then reveal itself and unfold before our
revived senses. Only then we will be able to see, hear and feel the natural
wonders for what they truly are, no longer obscured by our own subjective
and limited anthropocentric tendencies. Only then we will realize that heaven
is not only something we walk under but also something we walk onto;
only then we will become the children of nature, the genuine children of the
These narrative sections
are a few extracts taken
from the polemic narrative
on the ecological crisis and
the current condition of our
global environments. Refer to
ECOphilosophy found in the
Appendix for the full version
of the text.
294 Appendix
295 additional material
additional material A
296 Appendix
297 additional material
The Lutica peninsula generally shares climatic characteristics with the
surrounding areas of the Boka Kotorska Bay, especially those of neighbouring
Herceg Novi, yet with some discrepancies. There is a reason to believe in the
formation of a certain microclimate on Lutica due to its geographic isolation
in relation to the other parts of the Boka Kotorska region. This version of sub-
Mediterranean climate is characterized by warm sunny summers, mild rainy
winters, very slight temperature oscillations, and different winds throughout
the year.
Air temperature
The lowest median monthly temperature is in January, 8.7C;
and the highest is in July, 25.OC; these bring to 16.2C as an
average annual temperature.
Relative humidity
The humidity fluctuates throughout the year: spring - 69%;
summer - 63%; fall - 71%; winter - 68%
Solar exposure
Lutica is the sunniest place in the Boka Kotorska region with
2426 h/year of sunshine or about 6.6h per day
The area receives around 1920mm/year (72.4% during fall
and winter, and 27.6% during spring and summer months).
It rarely, almost never snows.
Characteristic are the cold and dry north wind bura and
the humid and warm south wind jugo (mostly during cold
seasons); the periodic summer wind maestral is sometimes
replaced at the dusk by the small wind from the land- burin
Building Traditions
c l i ma t i c r e s p o n s e s
An Old Stone House in the village
complex Mitrovii, Zabre
Fig. A.1
A typical two story stone house
with the utility rooms at the
lower and residential
at the upper level
298 Appendix
Typology &
299 additional material
Before a detailed survey of old building traditions and practices on Lutica is
provided, it is important to distinguish them from more recent, modern ones
that started to occur in the last few decades along with the modernization,
tourism and urban development of the entire region. As pointed out on many
occasions throughout the thesis, the old building and living traditions were
result of a symbiotic co-existence of man and nature practiced over the past
centuries. These traditions were characterized by environmentally sound and
friendly modes of land use and production, climatically responsive building
practices and the overall sustainability of living. On the other hand, the new,
modern lifestyle has brought a completely different scenario: protability
driven economy followed by environmentally threatening models of urban
growth, hyper tourism development, neglect for land, natural resources and
ecosystems, and climatically irresponsive and hence problematic building
practices. Therefore, the focus of the following pages will be the former ones.
Illustrating these old sustainable practices will lead to re-evaluation and
reconsideration of our present very critical condition. Re-integration and
revival of the old practices will stress their importance and necessity for a
healthy future development of the region. Finally, by encouraging and
establishing them as foundations, there will be room for the innovation and
incorporation of new technologies and practices which should still be in
accord with the traditional notion of sustainability and the Spiritus Movens of
developed areas.
A Stone House in Rose
Fig. A.2
The old house of Rako family is
one of the best preserved
historic houses in the coastal
village of Rose. It is over 200 years
old and is inhabited mostly
during the summer months.
300 Appendix
In the investigation of building responses to the characteristic sub-
Mediterranean climate on Lutica, the following are considered:
Retaining walls
Exterior building walls
Building openings
Shading devices
The notion of sustainability in the building sense is closely related to practices
involving stone as a building material, especially on Lutica. Stone is a very
durable natural material with good thermal capacities. It is locally quarried
on the peninsula since the terrain is entirely made of a rocky calcareous mass.
Due to the abundance of stone on Lutica, its constant and extensive use is
expected. Beside durability and practicality of this material, the last aspect of
stone indirectly associated with the sustainability is its aesthetics. Most of the
buildings on Lutica, such as old village houses, churches, fortications, and
even retaining walls are all made of stone. Surrounded by the natural often
rocky landscapes, these stone artifacts appear to be harmonious with them
and aesthetically pleasing. As such they could be considered sustainable.
301 additional material
Retaining Walls
Fig. A.4
A typical retaining wall along
the major road serves both as a
protective fence and a physical
boundary for pasture control
Retaining Walls
Fig. A.3
This retaining wall is of more
recent origin. It holds the earth
in place on a very steep slope
creating a set of terraces usually
used for cultivation
retaining walls
Retaining walls or mee are
the most common stone
artifacts found throughout
the Lutica. The entire inland
terrain is interspersed with
these piled-stone undulating
structures which tend to
follow the topography.
They are most intensied
in the areas around village
complexes, roads, agricultural
land and olive groves. Their
age cannot be accurately
identied since they have
been forming continuously
and parallel to human activity
on the peninsula for more
than a couple of millennia.
The retaining walls are hence
considered to be an integral
part of the Lutica landscape,
a natural rather than a human
construct. They have three
major functions:
They detain erosion on the steep slopes forming terraced landscape
(Fig. A.3) characteristic for this climate and the region
They represent natural boundaries conveniently utilized for a
pasture control (similar to English ha-ha).
They are also used as the physical lines and boundaries between
properties. Often they serve as a fence between the roads and the
cultivated land (Fig. A.4).