170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA http://www.cisco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference October 2012 Text Part Number: OL-23376-02 THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCBs public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright 1981, Regents of the University of California. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference 20102012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Send document comment s t o nexus7k- docf eedback@ci sco. com. iii Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 C O N T E N T S New and Changed Information ix Preface xi Audience xi Organization xi Document Conventions xi Related Documentation xii Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request xiv Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands FND-1 attach cmp FND-2 attach module FND-3 allow feature-set FND-4 banner motd FND-6 boot auto-copy FND-8 boot kickstart FND-9 boot system FND-11 cd FND-13 clear attach sessions FND-14 clear cli history FND-15 clear debug-logfile FND-16 clear inactive-config acl FND-17 clear inactive-config acl qos FND-18 clear inactive-config qos FND-19 clear install all failed-standby FND-20 clear install failure-reason FND-21 clear license FND-22 cli alias name FND-23 cli var name FND-25 clock set FND-27 clock protocol FND-28 clock summer-time FND-29 Send document comment s t o nexus7k- docf eedback@ci sco. com. OL-23376-02 Contents iv Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clock timezone FND-31 configure terminal FND-32 copy FND-33 copy running-config startup-config FND-37 databits FND-38 delete FND-40 diff-clean FND-41 dir FND-42 echo FND-43 end FND-45 exec-timeout FND-46 exit FND-48 feature pong FND-49 feature-set FND-50 find FND-52 flowcontrol hardware FND-53 format FND-54 gunzip FND-55 gzip FND-56 hostname FND-57 install all FND-59 install all epld FND-61 install all parallel FND-64 install fan-module epld FND-65 install feature-set FND-67 install license FND-68 install module epld FND-69 install xbar-module epld FND-71 line com1 FND-73 line console FND-74 line vty FND-75 modem connect line FND-76 modem in FND-77 modem init-string FND-79 modem restart line FND-81 Send document comment s t o nexus7k- docf eedback@ci sco. com. Contents v Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 modem set-string user-input FND-82 move FND-84 parity FND-86 ping FND-88 ping6 FND-90 pong FND-92 pop FND-95 power redundancy-mode FND-96 purge module running-config FND-98 push FND-99 reload FND-100 reload cmp module FND-102 reload module FND-103 rmdir FND-104 run-script FND-105 send FND-106 setup FND-107 session-limit FND-109 show banner motd FND-110 show boot FND-111 show cli alias FND-113 show cli history FND-114 show cli list FND-116 show cli syntax FND-118 show cli variables FND-120 show clock FND-121 show copyright FND-123 show feature-set FND-124 show file FND-125 show hostname FND-126 show incompatibility system FND-127 show install all FND-128 show license FND-131 show license feature package mapping FND-133 show license host-id FND-136 Send document comment s t o nexus7k- docf eedback@ci sco. com. OL-23376-02 Contents vi Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show license usage FND-137 show line FND-139 show running-config FND-141 show running-config diff FND-143 show startup-config FND-145 show switchname FND-147 show tech-support FND-148 show terminal FND-150 show version FND-151 sleep FND-154 slot FND-155 sscp FND-157 stopbits FND-158 switchname FND-160 tail FND-162 tar append FND-164 tar create FND-166 tar extract FND-168 tar list FND-170 terminal alias FND-171 terminal color FND-173 terminal dont-ask FND-175 terminal edit-mode vi FND-176 terminal history no-exec-in-config FND-178 terminal length FND-179 terminal log-all FND-181 terminal redirection-mode FND-182 terminal session-timeout FND-183 terminal type FND-184 terminal width FND-185 traceroute FND-186 traceroute6 FND-187 update license FND-188 where FND-190 write erase FND-191 vii Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 New and Changed Information This chapter provides release-specific information for each new and changed feature in the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference. To check for additional information about Cisco NX-OS Release 6.x, see the Cisco NX-OS Release Notes available at the following Cisco website: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9402/prod_release_notes_list.html Table 1 summarizes the new and changed features for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference, and tells you where they are documented. Table 1 New and Changed Information for Release 6.x Feature Change Description Changed in Release Where Documented POAP This command was introduced. 6.1(2) copy scheduled-config This command was introduced. 6.1(2) source pong service Changed the command output. 6.1(1) pong Clear inactive configurations: ACL, QoS You can delete the inactive ACL and QoS configuration from the Cisco NX-OS device 5.2(1) clear inactive-config acl clear inactive-config acl qos clear inactive-config qos Pong service You can monitor the delay between two switches or two ports in a network with the latency metrics provided by the Pong service. 5.2(1) feature pong pong Clock manager You can set the protocol for the clock on a virtual device context. 5.2(1) clock protocol Licensing You can view the license information of the packages that are available for the features on a Cisco NX-OS device. 5.2(1) show license feature package mapping Concurrent line cards upgrade You can upgrade up to three line cards concurrently. 5.2(1) install all parallel feature-set Introduced a new high-level functionality, feature set, which performs a specific set of functions. 5.1(1) allow feature-set feature-set install feature-set show feature-set Transferring files securely You can transfer configuration and image files to or from Cisco devices. 5.0(2) sscp viii Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 New and Changed Information Installation failure log You can clear the installation failure log on the standby supervisor module. 4.2(1) clear install all failed-standby Command syntax You can display the syntax of available commands for the command mode. 4.2(1) show cli syntax Running configuration You can exclude the configuration information for features when you display the running configuration. 4.2(1) show running-config Startup configuration You can exclude the configuration information for features when you display the startup configuration. 4.2(1) show startup-config I/O module commands You can send commands to an I/O module from the supervisor module session. 4.2(1) slot tar files You can create and manage tar files. 4.2(1) tar append tar create tar extract tar list Command aliases You can create aliases only for your user account. 4.2(1) terminal alias Terminal display colors You can configure the colors of the information on the terminal session. 4.2(1) terminal color Command confirmation prompts You can enable or disable the display of command confirmation prompts. 4.2(1) terminal dont-ask Command edit mode You can set the command edit mode to emacs or vi. 4.2(1) terminal edit-mode vi Command history You can exclude EXEC commands when you display the command history from a configuration mode. 4.2(1) terminal history no-exec-in-config Command logging You can enable or disable logging of all command in the accounting log. 4.2(1) terminal log-all Output redirection format You can set the format of show command output to either ASCII or zipped. 4.2(1) terminal redirection-mode Licensing You can specify the name of the file when you update a Cisco NX-OS software license. 4.2(1) update license Modem connections You can bring up or restart a modem connection. 4.1(2) modem connect line modem restart line Command mode context You can save and restore a command mode context. 4.1(2) pop push Table 1 New and Changed Information for Release 6.x (continued) Feature Change Description Changed in Release Where Documented ix Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference New and Changed Information Displaying version information You can display build information for the system and kickstart images running on your device. 4.1(2) show version Echoing text to command-line prompt Changed the -e to backslash-interpret in the echo command. 4.0(2) echo Table 1 New and Changed Information for Release 6.x (continued) Feature Change Description Changed in Release Where Documented x Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 New and Changed Information xi Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Preface This preface describes the audience, organization, and conventions of the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference. It also provides information on how to obtain related documentation. This chapter includes the following sections: Audience, page xi Organization, page xi Document Conventions, page xii Related Documentation, page xii Documentation Feedback, page xiv Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xiv Audience This publication is for experienced users who configure and maintain Cisco NX-OS devices. Organization This reference is organized as follows: Chapter and Title Description New and Changed Information Describes the new and changed information for each Cisco NX-OS software release. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands Describes the Cisco NX-OS fundamentals commands. xii Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Preface Document Conventions Command descriptions use these conventions: Screen examples use these conventions: This document uses the following conventions: Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the manual. Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data. Tip Means the following information will help you solve a problem. Related Documentation Cisco NX-OS includes the following documents: Release Notes Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Release Notes, Release 6.x Convention Description boldface font Commands and keywords are in boldface. italic font Arguments for which you supply values are in italics. [ ] Elements in square brackets are optional. [ x | y | z ] Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. string A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string or the string will include the quotation marks. screen font Terminal sessions and information that the switch displays are in screen font. boldface screen font Information you must enter is in boldface screen font. italic screen font Arguments for which you supply values are in italic screen font. < > Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets. [ ] Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets. !, # An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code indicates a comment line. xiii Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Preface NX-OS Configuration Guides Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender Software Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Configuration Examples Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS FabricPath Configuration Guide Configuring Feature Set for FabricPath Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS High Availability and Redundancy Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS IP SLAs Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS LISP Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS MPLS Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Multicast Routing Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS OTV Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series OTV Quick Start Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Quality of Service Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Virtual Device Context Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Unicast Routing Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Verified Scalability Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Virtual Device Context Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Virtual Device Context Configuration Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Getting Started with Virtual Device Contexts Cisco NX-OS FCoE Configuration Guide for Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco MDS 9500 NX-OS Command References Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Command Reference Master Index Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS FabricPath Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference Cisco NX-OS High Availability and Redundancy Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS IP SLAs Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Layer 2 Switching Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS LISP Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS MPLS Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Multicast Routing Command Reference xiv Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Preface Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS OTV Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Quality of Service Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Security Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Unicast Routing Command Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Virtual Device Context Command Reference Cisco NX-OS FCoE Command Reference for Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco MDS 9500 Other Software Documents Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Licensing Guide Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS MIB Quick Reference Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide Cisco NX-OS System Messages Reference Cisco NX-OS XML Management Interface User Guide Documentation Feedback To provide technical feedback on this document, or to report an error or omission, please send your comments to [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback. Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly Whats New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/general/whatsnew/whatsnew.html Subscribe to the Whats New in Cisco Product Documentation as an RSS feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service. Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0. FND-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands This chapter describes the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS fundamentals commands. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands attach module FND-2 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 attach module To start a command session on an I/O module, use the attach module command. attach module slot-number Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To exit the I/O module session, use the exit command. To abort the session, press the $ character sequence. You can also use the slot command to send commands to an I/O module from the supervisor module session. Use the question mark character (?) to obtain context-sensitive help. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to start a command session on an I/O module: switch# attach module 2 Attaching to module 2 ... To exit type 'exit', to abort type '$.' module-2# Related Commands slot-number Slot number in the chassis for the I/O module. The range is from 1 to 10. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description slot Sends commands to an I/O module. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands allow feature-set FND-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 allow feature-set To allow a virtual device context (VDC) to enable a feature set, use the allow feature-set command. To disable a feature set on a VDC, use the no form of this command. allow feature-set [fcoe | fex | l2mp] no allow feature-set [fcoe | fex | l2mp] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes config-vdc Supported User Roles network-admin network-operator vdc-admin vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable a feature set on a VDC: switch(config)# vdc 1 switch(config-vdc)# allow feature-set l2mp switch(config-vdc)# This example shows how to disable a feature set on a VDC: switch(config)# vdc 1 switch(config-vdc)# no allow feature-set l2mp switch(config-vdc)# Related Commands fcoe (Optional) Specifies Fibre Channel over Ethernet. fex (Optional) Specifies the Fabric Extender (FEX). l2mp (Optional) Specifies FabricPath. Release Modification 5.1(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands allow feature-set FND-4 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Command Description install feature-set Installs a feature set. feature-set Enables a feature set. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands banner motd FND-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 banner motd To configure the message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner that displays when the user logs in to the device, use the banner motd command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. banner motd delimiting-character message delimiting-character no banner motd Syntax Description Defaults User Access Verification Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To create a multiple-line MOTD banner, press Enter before typing the delimiting character to start a new line. You can enter up to 40 lines of text. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure a single-line MOTD banner: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# banner motd #Unauthorized access to this device is prohibited!# This example shows how to configure a multiple-line MOTD banner: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# banner motd #Welcome to authorized users! > Unauthorized access prohibited.# delimiting-character Delimiting character that you choose. This character indicates the start and end of the message and is not a character that you use in the message. Do not use " or % as a delimiting character. message Message text. The text is alphanumeric, case sensitive, and can contain special characters. It does not contain the delimiting character you have chosen. The text has a maximum length of 80 characters and can have a maximum of 40 lines. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands banner motd FND-6 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to revert to the default MOTD banner: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no banner motd Related Commands Command Description show banner motd Displays the MOTD banner. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands boot auto-copy FND-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 boot auto-copy To enable automatic copying of boot image files to the standby supervisor module, use the boot auto-copy command. To disable automatic copying, use the no form of this command. boot auto-copy no boot auto-copy Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults Enabled Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines When automatic copying of image files is enabled, the Cisco NX-OS software copies the image files referred to by the boot variable to the standby supervisor module. These image files must be present in local memory on the active supervisor module. For kickstart and system boot variables, only those image files that are configured for the standby supervisor module are copied. For module images, all modules present in the corresponding locations (bootflash: or slot0:) of the standby supervisor module will be copied. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable automatic copying of boot image files to the standby supervisor module: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# boot auto-copy Auto-copy administratively enabled Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description boot kickstart Configures the kickstart boot variable. boot system Configures the system boot variable. copy Copies files. show boot Displays boot variable configuration information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands boot kickstart FND-8 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 boot kickstart To configure the boot variable for the Cisco NX-OS software kickstart image, use the boot kickstart command. To clear the kickstart image boot variable, use the no form of this command. boot kickstart [filesystem:[//directory] | directory]filename [sup-1] [sup-2] no boot kickstart Syntax Description Defaults Can be configured for both the supervisor modules. Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The Cisco NX-OS software uses the boot variable for loading images when booting up using the reload or install all command. You must copy the kickstart image to the device before you set the kickstart boot variable. You must also set the system boot variable using the boot system command. Note We recommend that you use the install all command to update the system image on your device. For information on upgrading and downgrading images on your Cisco NX-OS device, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide, Release 5.x. This command does not require a license. filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. Valid values are bootflash or slot0. //directory (Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive. filename Name of the kickstart image file. The filename is case sensitive. sup-1 (Optional) Configures the kickstart boot variable for the supervisor module 1 (Sup-1) only. sup-2 (Optional) Configures the kickstart boot variable for supervisor module (Sup-2) only. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands boot kickstart FND-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to configure the kickstart boot variable for both supervisor modules: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# boot kickstart bootflash:kickstart-image This example shows how to configure the kickstart boot variable for the sup-1 supervisor module: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# boot kickstart bootflash:kickstart-image sup-1 This example shows how to clear the kickstart boot variable: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no boot kickstart Related Commands Command Description boot system Configures the system boot variable. copy Copies files. install all Installs the software on the physical device. reload Reloads the device with new Cisco NX-OS software. show boot Displays boot variable configuration information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands boot system FND-10 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 boot system To configure the boot variable for the Cisco NX-OS software system image, use the boot system command. To clear the system image boot variable, use the no form of this command. boot system [filesystem:[//directory] | directory]filename [sup-1] [sup-2] no boot system Syntax Description Defaults Can be configured for both the supervisor modules. Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The Cisco NX-OS software uses the boot variable for loading images when booting up using the reload or install all command. You must copy the system image to the device before you set the system boot variable. You must also set the kickstart boot variable using the boot kickstart command. Note We recommend that you use the install all command to update the system image on your device. For information on upgrading and downgrading images on your Cisco NX-OS device, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide, Release 5.x. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the system boot variable for both supervisor modules: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# boot system bootflash:system-image filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. Valid values are bootflash or slot0. //directory (Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive. filename Name of the system image file. The filename is case sensitive. sup-1 (Optional) Configures the system boot variable for supervisor module (Sup-2) only. sup-2 (Optional) Configures the system boot variable for supervisor module (Sup-2) only. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands boot system FND-11 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to configure the system boot variable for the sup-1 supervisor module: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# boot system bootflash:system-image sup-1 This example shows how to clear the system boot variable: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no boot system Related Commands Command Description boot kickstart Configures the kickstart boot variable. copy Copies files. install all Installs the software on the physical device. reload Reloads the device with new Cisco NX-OS software. show boot Displays boot variable configuration information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands cd FND-12 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 cd To change the current working directory in the device file system, use the cd command. cd [filesystem:[//directory] | directory] Syntax Description Defaults bootflash Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the pwd command to verify the current working directory. You can change only the directories that reside on the active supervisor module. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to change the current working directory on the current file system: switch# cd my-scripts This example shows how to change the current working directory to another file system: switch# cd slot0: This example shows how to revert back to the default working directory (bootflash): switch# cd Related Commands filesystem: (Optional) Name of the file system. Valid values are bootflash, slot0, volatile, usb1, or usb2. //directory (Optional) Name of the directory. The directory name is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description pwd Displays the current working directory name. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear cli history FND-13 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear cli history To clear the command history, use the clear cli history command. clear cli history Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the show cli history command to display the history of the commands that you entered at the command-line interface (CLI). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear the command history: switch# clear cli history Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show cli history Displays the command history. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear debug-logfile FND-14 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear debug-logfile To clear the contents of the debug logfile, use the clear debug-logfile command. clear debug-logfile filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear the debug logfile: switch# clear debug-logfile syslogd_debugs Related Commands filename Name of the debug logfile to clear. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description debug logfile Configures a debug logging file. debug logging Enables debug logging. show debug logfile Displays the contents of the debug logfile. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear inactive-config acl FND-15 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear inactive-config acl To clear inactive access control list (ACL) configurations, use the clear inactive-config acl command. clear inactive-config acl Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear inactive ACL configurations: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# clear inactive-config acl switch(config)# Related Commands Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description clear inactive-config acl qos Deletes the inactive ACL configurations for QoS. clear inactive-config qos Deletes the inactive QoS configurations. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear inactive-config acl qos FND-16 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear inactive-config acl qos To clear inactive access control list (ACL) configurations for quality of service (QoS), use the clear inactive-config acl qos command. clear inactive-config acl qos Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear inactive ACL configurations for QoS: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# clear inactive-config acl qos switch(config)# Related Commands Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description clear inactive-config acl Deletes the inactive ACL configurations. clear inactive-config qos Deletes the inactive QoS configurations. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear inactive-config qos FND-17 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear inactive-config qos To clear inactive quality of service (QoS) configurations, use the clear inactive-config qos command. clear inactive-config acl qos Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear inactive QoS configurations: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# clear inactive-config qos switch(config)# Related Commands Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description clear inactive-config acl Deletes the inactive ACL configurations. clear inactive-config acl qos Deletes the inactive ACL configuration for QoS. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear install all failed-standby FND-18 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear install all failed-standby To clear the software installation failure log on the standby supervisor module, use the clear install all failed-standby command. clear install all failed-standby Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear the software installation failure log on the standby supervisor module: switch# clear install all failed-standby Related Commands Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show install all Displays status information for the software installation. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear install failure-reason FND-19 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear install failure-reason To clear the reason for software installation failures, use the clear install failure-reason command. clear install failure-reason Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear the reason for software installation failures: switch# clear install failure-reason Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show install all Displays status information for the software installation. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clear license FND-20 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clear license To uninstall a license, use the clear license command. clear license filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to clear a specific license: switch# clear license Enterprise.lic Clearing license Enterprise.lic: SERVER this_host ANY VENDOR cisco Do you want to continue? (y/n) y Clearing license ..done switch# Related Commands filename Name of the license file to be uninstalled. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show license Displays license information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands cli alias name FND-21 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 cli alias name To configure a command alias, use the cli alias name command. To delete a command alias, use the no form of this command. cli alias name alias-name alias-text no cli alias name alias-name alias-text Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the command to create aliases for commands that you use frequently. The Cisco NX-OS software has one predefined command alias called alias. You can use it to display the currently configured command aliases. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure a command alias: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# cli alias name crun This example shows how to delete a command alias: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no cli alias name crun alias-name Name of the command alias. The alias name is an alphanumeric string that is not case sensitive and must begin with an alphabetic character. The maximum length is 30 characters. alias-text Alias text string. The command is alphanumeric, not case sensitive, can contain spaces and special characters, and has a maximum of 100 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands cli alias name FND-22 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description show cli alias Displays information about the command alias configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands cli var name FND-23 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 cli var name To define a command-line interface (CLI) variable for a terminal session, use the cli var name command. To remove the CLI variable, use the no form of this command. cli var name variable-name variable-text cli no var name variable-name Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can reference a CLI variable using the following syntax: $(variable-name) Instances where you can use variables include the following: Command scripts Filenames You cannot reference a variable in the definition of another variable. The Cisco NX-OS software provides predefined variable TIMESTAMP, which you can use to insert the time of day. You cannot change or remove the TIMESTAMP CLI variable. You must remove a CLI variable before you can change its definition. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to define a CLI variable: switch# cli var name testinterface interface 2/3 variable-name Name of the variable. The name is alphanumeric, case sensitive, and has a maximum of 31 characters. variable-text Variable text. The text is alphanumeric, can contain spaces, and has a maximum of 200 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands cli var name FND-24 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to reference a CLI variable: switch# cd slot0: This example shows how to reference the TIMESTAMP variable: switch# copy running-config > bootflash:run-config-$(TIMESTAMP).cnfg This example shows how to remove a CLI variable: switch# cli no var name testinterface interface 2/3 Related Commands Command Description show cli variables Displays the CLI variables. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clock set FND-25 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clock set To set the system clock of the Cisco NX-OS Nexus 7000 Series switch to a user-defined value, use the clock set command. clock set HH:MM:SS day month year Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the clock set command to set the supervisor clock. Use the clock protocol none command before using the clock set command. When you use the clock set command, NTP and PTP synchronization of the clock stops. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to set the system clock of the Cisco NX-OS Nexus 7000 Series switch to a user defined value: switch# clock set 01:27:00 21 february 2011 Mon Feb 21 01:27:00 UTC 2011 switch# Related Commands HH Hour of the day. The range is from 00 to 24. MM Minute of the hour. The range if from 0 to 60. SS Second of the minute. The range is from 0 to 60. day Day of the month. The range is from 1 to 31. month Month of the year. The range is from January to December. day Calender year. The range is from 2000 to 2030. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description clock protocol Sets the system clock on a Cisco NX-OS Nexus 7000 Series switch. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clock protocol FND-26 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clock protocol To set the protocol for the clock on a virtual device context (VDC), use the clock protocol command. To remove the protocol settings of the clock on the VDC, use the no form of this command. clock protocol {ntp | ptp | none} vdc vdc-id no clock protocol {ntp | ptp |none} vdc vdc-id Syntax Description Defaults Clock set protocol ntp vdc 1 Command Modes Gloval configuration mode (config) Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to set the PTP for a clock on a VDC: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# clock protocol ptp vdc 1 This example shows how to remove the PTP from a clock on a VDC: switch(config)# no clock set protocol ptp vdc 1 Related Commands ptp (Optional) Specifies the Precision Time Protocol (PTP). ntp (Optional) Specifies the Network Time Protocol (NTP). none (Optional) Specifies the user configured time vdc Specifies the VDC. vdc-id VDC ID. The range is from 1 to 8. Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description clock set Sets the system clock to a user-defined value. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clock summer-time FND-27 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clock summer-time To configure the summer-time (daylight saving time) offset, use the clock summer-time command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. clock summer-time zone-name start-week start-day start-month start-time end-week end-day end-month end-time offset-minutes no clock summer-time Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. zone-name Zone name. The name is a three-character string that indicates a time zone (for example, PST or EST). start-week Week of the month to start the summer-time offset. The range is from 1 to 5. start-day Day of the month to start the summer-time offset. Valid values are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. start-month Month to start the summer-time offset. Valid values are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. start-time Time to start the summer-time offset. The format is hh:mm. end-week Week of the month to end the summer-time offset. The range is from 1 to 5. end-day Day of the month to end the summer-time offset. Valid values are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. end-month Month to end the summer-time offset. Valid values are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. end-time Time to end the summer-time offset. The format is hh:mm. offset-minutes Number of minutes to offset the clock. The range is from 1 to 1440. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clock summer-time FND-28 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to configure the offset for summer-time or daylight saving time: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# clock summer-time PDT 1 Sunday March 02:00 1 Sunday November 02:00 60 This example shows how to remove the summer-time offset: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no clock summer-time Related Commands Command Description show clock Displays the clock summer-time offset configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands clock timezone FND-29 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 clock timezone To configure the time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), use the clock timezone command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. clock timezone zone-name offset-hours offset-minutes no clock timezone Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use this command to offset the device clock from UTC. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the time zone offset from UTC: switch# clock timezone EST 5 0 This example shows how to remove the time zone offset: switch# no clock timezone Related Commands zone-name Zone name is a three-character string that indicates a time zone (for example, PST or EST). offset-hours Number of hours offset from UTC. The range is from 23 to 23. offset-minutes Number of minutes offset from UTC. The range is from 0 to 59. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show clock Displays the clock time. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands configure terminal FND-30 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 configure terminal To enter global configuration mode, use the configure terminal command. configure terminal Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the configure terminal command to enter global configuration mode. The commands that you enter in this mode are written to the running configuration file after you press the Enter key. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enter global configuration mode: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description where Displays the current configuration mode context. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands copy scheduled-config FND-31 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 copy scheduled-config To configure a file containing cli commands to be applied on the next reboot, use the copy scheduled-config command. copy filename scheduled-config Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command need to be called explicitly within the poap script to allow the poap boot-up process to continue at the next reboot. When PowerOn Auto-Provisioning (POAP) is in progress, any important information or errors are displayed over the serial console aiding the administrator to troubleshoot in case of problems. This command does not require a license. Note This is used in POAP script. Examples This example shows how to specify file abc to be applied to running-config at the next switch reload: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# copy asdf scheduled-config switch(config)# Related Commands scheduled-config Specifies the schedule configuration at the specified source to be applied at next switch reload. Release Modification 6.1(2) This command was introduced. Command Description dir Displays the directory contents. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands copy FND-32 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 copy To copy one file from another, use the copy command in . copy source-url destination-url Syntax Description Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3, list the URL prefix keywords.
source-url Location uniform resource locator (URL) or variable of the source file or directory to be copied. The source can be either local or remote, depending upon whether the file is being downloaded or uploaded. destination-url Destination URL or variable of the copied file or directory. The destination can be either local or remote, depending upon whether the file is being downloaded or uploaded. Table 1 URL Prefix Keywords for Local Writable Storage File Systems Keyword Source or Destination bootflash:[//module/] Source or destination URL for boot flash memory. The module argument value is sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. slot0:[//module/] Source or destination URL of the external PCMCIA Flash memory device. The module argument value is sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. usb0:[//module/] usb1:[//module/] Source or destination URL for the external Universal Serial Bus (USB) Flash memory devices. The module argument value is sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. Table 2 URL Prefix Keywords for Remote File Systems Keyword Source or Destination ftp: Source or destination URL for an FTP network server. The syntax for this alias is as follows: ftp:[//server][/path]/filename scp: Source or destination URL for a network server that supports Secure Shell (SSH) and accepts copies of files using the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP). The syntax for this alias is as follows: scp:[//[username@]server][/path]/filename sftp: Source or destination URL for an SSH FTP (SFTP) network server. The syntax for this alias is as follows: sftp:[//[username@]server][/path]/filename tftp: Source or destination URL for a Trivial FTP (TFTP) network server. The syntax for this alias is as follows: tftp:[//server[:port]][/path]/filename Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands copy FND-33 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Defaults The default name for the destination file is the source filename. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The copy command allows you to copy a file (such as a system image or configuration file) from one location to another location. The source and destination for the file is specified by using a Cisco NX-OS file system URL, which allows you to specify a local or remote file location. The file system being used (such as a local memory source or a remote server) determines the syntax used in the command. You can enter on the command line all necessary source- and destination-URL information and the username to use, or you can enter the copy command and have the CLI prompt you for any missing information. The entire copying process may take several minutes, depending on the network conditions and the size of the file, and differs from protocol to protocol and from network to network. The colon character (:) is required after the file system URL prefix keywords (such as bootflash). In the URL syntax for ftp:, scp:, sftp:, and tftp:, the server is either an IPv4 address or a hostname. Table 3 URL Prefix Keywords for Special File Systems Keyword Source or Destination core: Local memory for core files. You can copy core files from the core: file system. debug: Local memory for debug files. You can copy core files from the debug: file system. log: Local memory for log files. You can copy log files from the log: file system. logflash: External memory for log files. You can copy log files from the logflash: file system. nvram: Local NVRAM. You can copy the startup configuration to or from the nvram: file system. The nvram: file system is optional when referencing the startup-config file in a command. system: Local system memory. You can copy the running configuration to or from the system: file system. The system: file system is optional when referencing the running-config file in a command. volatile: Local volatile memory. You can copy files to or from the volatile: file system. All files in the volatile: memory are lost when the physical device reloads. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands copy FND-34 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 The format of the source and destination URLs varies according to the file or directory location. You can enter either a command-line interface (CLI) variable for a directory or a filename that follows the Cisco NX-OS file system syntax in this format: filesystem:[/directory][/filename]. The following tables list URL prefix keywords by the file system type. If you do not specify a URL prefix keyword, the switch looks for a file in the current directory. Table 1 lists URL prefix keywords for local writable storage file systems. Table 2 lists the URL prefix keywords for remote file systems. Table 3 lists the URL prefix keywords for nonwritable file systems. This command does not require a license. Copying Files from a Server to Bootflash Memory Use the copy source-url bootflash: command (for example, copy tftp:source-url bootflash:) to copy an image from a server to the local bootflash memory. Copying a Configuration File from a Server to the Running Configuration Use the copy {ftp: | scp: | sftp: | tftp:}source-url running-config command to download a configuration file from a network server to the running configuration of the device. The configuration is added to the running configuration as if the commands were typed in the CLI. The resulting configuration file is a combination of the previous running configuration and the downloaded configuration file. The downloaded configuration file has precedence over the previous running configuration. You can copy either a host configuration file or a network configuration file. Accept the default value of host to copy and load a host configuration file containing commands that apply to one network server in particular. Enter network to copy and load a network configuration file that contains commands that apply to all network servers on a network. Copying a Configuration File from a Server to the Startup Configuration Use the copy {ftp: | scp: | sftp: | tftp:}source-url startup-config command to copy a configuration file from a network server to the switch startup configuration. These commands replace the startup configuration file with the copied configuration file. Copying the Running or Startup Configuration on a Server Use the copy running-config {ftp: | scp: | sftp: | tftp:}destination-url command to copy the current configuration file to a network server that uses FTP, SCP, SFTP, or TFTP. Use the copy startup-config {ftp: | scp: | stfp: | tftp:}destination-url command to copy the startup configuration file to a network server. You can use the copied configuration file as a backup. Examples This example shows how to copy a file within the same directory: switch# copy file1 file2 This example shows how to copy a file to another directory: switch# copy file1 my_files:file2 This example shows how to copy a file to another file system: switch# copy file1 slot0: Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands copy FND-35 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to copy a file to another supervisor module: switch# copy file1 bootflash://sup-remote/file1.bak This example shows how to copy a file from a remote server: switch# copy scp:// bootflash:image-file.bin Related Commands Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. cli var name Configures CLI variables for the session. dir Displays the directory contents. move Moves a file. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands copy running-config startup-config FND-36 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 copy running-config startup-config To copy the running configuration to the startup configuration, use the copy running-config startup-config command. copy running-config startup-config Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the copy running-config startup-config command to save your configuration changes in the running configuration to the startup configuration in persistent memory. When a device reload or switchover occurs, the saved configuration is applied. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to save the running configuration to the startup configuration: switch# copy running-config startup-config [########################################] 100% Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show running-config Displays the running configuration. show running-config diff Displays the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. write erase Erases the startup configuration in the persistent memory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands databits FND-37 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 databits To configure the number of data bits in a character for the COM1 port or console port, use the databits command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. databits bits no databits bits Syntax Description Defaults 8 bits Command Modes COM1 port configuration Console port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the databits command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console and COM1 ports only from a session on the console port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the number of data bits for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# databits 7 This example shows how to configure the number of data bits for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# databits 7 This example shows how to revert to the default number of data bits for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# no databits 7 bits Number of data bits in a character. The range is from 5 to 8. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands databits FND-38 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to revert to the default number of data bits for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# no databits 7 Related Commands Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands delete FND-39 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 delete To delete a file, use the delete command. delete [filesystem:[//directory/] | directory/]filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the dir command to locate the file that you want to delete. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to delete a file: switch# delete bootflash:old_config.cfg Related Commands filesystem: (Optional) Name of the file system. Valid values are bootflash, slot0, usb1, usb2, or volatile. //directory/ (Optional) Name of the directory. The directory name is case sensitive. filename Name of the file. The name is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description dir Displays the contents of a directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands diff-clean FND-40 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 diff-clean To remove the temporary files created automatically when you use diff filtering in show commands, use the diff-clean command. diff-clean [all-sessions | all-users] Syntax Description Defaults Removes the temporary files for the current session of the current user. Command Modes All command modes Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to remove the temporary files for the current session of the current user: switch# diff-clean This example shows how to remove the temporary files for the current session and all past sessions of the current user: switch# diff-clean all-sessions This example shows how to remove the temporary files for the current session and all past sessions of all users: switch# diff-clean all-users all-sessions (Optional) Removes the temporary files for all sessions, current and past, for the current user. all-users (Optional) Removes the temporary files for all sessions, current and past, for all users. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands dir FND-41 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 dir To display the contents of a directory, use the dir command. dir [filesystem:[//directory/] | directory/] Syntax Description Defaults Displays the contents of the current working directory. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines Use the pwd command to verify the current working directory. Use the cd command to change the current working directory. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the contents of the root directory in bootflash: switch# dir bootflash: This example shows how to display the contents of the current working directory: switch# dir Related Commands filesystem: (Optional) Name of the file system. Valid values are bootflash, debug, log, logflash, slot0, usb1, usb2, or volatile. //directory/ (Optional) Name of the directory. The directory name is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands echo FND-42 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 echo To display a text string on the terminal session, use the echo command. echo [backslash-interpret] [text] Syntax Description Defaults Displays a blank line. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the echo command in a command script to display information while the script is running. Table 4 lists the formatting keywords that you can insert in the text when you include the backslash-interpret keyword. backslash-interpret (Optional) Interprets any character following a backslash character (\) as a formatting option. text (Optional) Text string to display. The text string is alphanumeric, case sensitive, can contain spaces, and has a maximum length of 200 characters. The text string can also contain references to CLI variables. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. 4.0(3) Replaced the -e keyword with the backslash-interpret keyword. Table 4 Formatting Options for the echo Command Formatting Option Description \b Back spaces. \c Removes the new line character at the end of the text string. \f Inserts a form feed character. \n Inserts a new line character. \r Returns to the beginning of the text line. \t Inserts a horizontal tab character. \v Inserts a vertical tab character. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands echo FND-43 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display a blank line at the command prompt: switch# echo This example shows how to display a line of text at the command prompt: switch# echo Script run at $(TIMESTAMP). Script run at 2008-08-12-23.29.24. This example shows how to use a formatting option in the text string: switch# echo backslash-interpret This is line #1. \nThis is line #2. This is line #1. This is line #2. Related Commands \\ Displays a backslash character. \nnn Displays the corresponding ASCII octal character. Table 4 Formatting Options for the echo Command (continued) Formatting Option Description Command Description run-script Runs command scripts. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands end FND-44 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 end To exit a configuration mode and return to EXEC mode, use the end command. end Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to return to EXEC mode from global configuration mode: switch(config)# end switch# This example shows how to return to EXEC mode from interface configuration mode: switch(config-if)# end switch# Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description exit Returns to the previous command mode. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands exec-timeout FND-45 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 exec-timeout To configure the inactive session timeout on the console port or the virtual terminal, use the exec-timeout command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. exec-timeout minutes no exec-timeout Syntax Description Defaults 0 minutes Command Modes Console port configuration Line configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the exec-timeout command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console ports only from a session on the console port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the inactive session timeout for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-com1)# exec-timeout 30 This example shows how to configure the inactive session timeout for the virtual terminal: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line vty switch(config-line)# exec-timeout 30 minutes Number of minutes. The range is from 0 to 525600. A setting of 0 minutes disables the timeout. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands exec-timeout FND-46 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to revert to the default inactive session timeout for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-com1)# no exec-timeout This example shows how to revert to the default inactive session timeout for the virtual terminal: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line vty switch(config-line)# no exec-timeout Related Commands Command Description show running-config Displays the running configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands exit FND-47 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 exit To exit a configuration mode and return to the previous configuration mode, use the exit command. exit Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to return to EXEC mode from global configuration mode: switch(config)# exit switch# This example shows how to return to global configuration mode from interface configuration mode: switch(config-if)# exit switch(config)# Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description end Returns to the EXEC command mode. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands feature pong FND-48 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 feature pong To enable the Pong feature, use the feature pong command. To disable the Pong feature, use the no form of this command. feature pong no feature pong Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable the Pong feature: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# feature pong This example shows how to disable the Pong feature: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no feature pong Related Commands Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description pong Starts the pong service on the current virtual device context (VDC). feature ptp Enables the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature. This command is documented in the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Command Reference, Release 5.x. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands feature-set FND-49 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 feature-set To enable a feature set on a virtual device context (VDC), use the feature-set command. To disable a feature set on a VDC, use the no form of this command. feature-set [fcoe | fex | l2mp] no feature-set [fcoe | fex | l2mp] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes config-vdc Supported User Roles network-admin network-operator vdc-admin vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable a feature set on a VDC: switch(config)# vdc 1 switch(config-vdc)# install feature-set l2mp switch(config-vdc)# allow feature-set l2mp switch(config-vdc)# feature-set l2mp switch(config-vdc)# This example shows how to disable a feature set on a VDC: switch(config)# vdc 1 switch(config-vdc)# no feature-set l2mp switch(config-vdc)# fcoe (Optional) Specifies Fibre Channel over Ethernet. fex (Optional) Specifies the Fabric Extender (FEX). l2mp (Optional) Specifies FabricPath. Release Modification 5.1(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands feature-set FND-50 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description install feature-set Installs a feature set. allow feature-set Allows a virtual device context (VDC) to enable a feature set. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands find FND-51 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 find To find filenames beginning with a character string, use the find command. find filename-prefix Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The find command searches all subdirectories under the current working directory. Use the cd and pwd commands to navigate to the starting directory. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display filenames beginning with ospf: switch# find ospf /usr/bin/find: ./lost+found: Permission denied ./ospf-gr.cfg ./ospfgrconfig ./ospf-gr.conf Related Commands filename-prefix First part or all of a filename. The filename prefix is a case sensitive, alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands flowcontrol hardware FND-52 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 flowcontrol hardware To enable flow control on the COM1 port, use the flowcontrol hardware command. To disable flow control, use the no form of this command. flowcontrol hardware no flowcontrol hardware Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults Enabled Command Modes COM1 port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the flowcontrol hardware command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the COM1 ports only from a session on the console port or COM1 port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable flow control for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# flowcontrol hardware This example shows how to disable flow control for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# no flowcontrol hardware Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands format FND-53 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 format To format an external Flash device to erase the contents and restore it to its factory-shipped state, use the format command. format filesystem: Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use this command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). Note For information about formatting and recovering a corrupted bootflash, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.x. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to format an external Flash device: switch# format slot0: Related Commands filesystem: Name of the file system. The valid values are slot0, usb1, or usb2. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. dir Displays the directory contents. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands gunzip FND-54 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 gunzip To uncompress a compressed file, use the gunzip command. gunzip filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The compressed filename must have the .gz extension. You do not have to enter the .gz extension as part of the filename. The Cisco NX-OS software uses Lempel-Ziv 1977 (LZ77) coding for compression. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to uncompress a compressed file: switch# gunzip run_cnfg.cfg Related Commands filename Name of a file. The filename is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description dir Displays the directory contents. gzip Compresses a file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands gzip FND-55 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 gzip To compress a file, use the gzip command. gzip filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines After you use this command, the file is replaced with the compressed filename that has the .gz extension. The Cisco NX-OS software uses Lempel-Ziv 1977 (LZ77) coding for compression. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to compress a file: switch# gzip run_cnfg.cfg Related Commands filename Name of a file. The filename is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description dir Displays the directory contents. gunzip Uncompresses a compressed file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands hostname FND-56 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 hostname To configure the hostname for the device, use the hostname command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. hostname name no hostname Syntax Description Defaults switch Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The Cisco NX-OS software uses the hostname in command-line interface (CLI) prompts and in default configuration filenames. The hostname command performs the same function as the switchname command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the device hostname: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# hostname Engineering2 Engineering2(config)# This example shows how to revert to the default device hostname: Engineering2# configure terminal Engineering2(config)# no hostname switch(config)# name Name for the device. The name is alphanumeric, case sensitive, can contain special characters, and can have a maximum of 32 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands hostname FND-57 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description switchname Configures the device hostname. show hostname Displays the device hostname. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install all FND-58 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install all To install the kickstart and system images on your Cisco NX-OS device, use the install all command. install all [kickstart {bootflash: | ftp:[//server][/path] | scp:[//[username@]server][/path] | sftp:[//[username@]server][/path] | slot0: | tftp:[//server[:port]][/path] | volatile:}kickstart-filename] [system {bootflash: | ftp:[//server][/path] | scp:[//[username@]server][/path] | sftp:[//[username@]server][/path] | slot0: | tftp:[//server[:port]][/path] | volatile:}system-filename] Syntax Description Defaults If you do not enter any parameters, the boot variable values are used. The path is the default for the user on the remote server. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History kickstart (Optional) Specifies the kickstart image file. bootflash: Specifies the internal Flash memory. ftp: Uses FTP to download the file. //server (Optional) Server IPv4 address or name. The name is case sensitive. /path (Optional) Path to the file. The name is case sensitive. scp: Uses Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) to download the file. username@ (Optional) Username on the server. The name is case sensitive. sftp: Uses Secure Shell FTP (SFTP) to download the file. slot0: Specifies external Flash memory. tftp: Uses Trivial FTP (TFTP) to download the file. port (Optional) Port number. volatile: Specifies the volatile memory on the device. kickstart-filename Name of the kickstart image file. The name is case sensitive. system (Optional) Specifies the system image file. system-filename Name of the system image file. The name is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install all FND-59 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Usage Guidelines If you do not enter the information about the server or username when downloading and installing the image files from a remote server, you will be prompted for the information. This command sets the kickstart and system boot variables and copies the image files to the redundant supervisor module. You can use the install all command to downgrade the Cisco NX-OS software on the device. To determine the incompatibility of the downgrade Cisco NX-OS software with the current Cisco NX-OS configuration on the device, use the show incompatibility system command. This command installs Cisco NX-OS software only on devices with dual supervisor modules. To install new Cisco NX-OS software on a device with a single supervisor, you must use the reload command to boot the system after you use the install all command. For information on upgrading and downgrading images on your Cisco NX-OS device, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide, Release 5.x. The install all command does not install electronically programmable logical device (EPLD) images. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to install the Cisco NX-OS software from the bootflash: directory: switch# install all kickstart bootflash:nx-os_kick.bin system bootflash:nx-os_sys.bin This example shows how to install the Cisco NX-OS software using the values configured in the kickstart and system boot variables: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# boot kickstart bootflash:nx-os_kick.bin switch(config)# boot system bootflash:nx-os_sys.bin switch(config)# exit switch# copy running-config startup-config switch# install all This example shows how to install the Cisco NX-OS software from an SCP server: switch# install all kickstart scp://[email protected]/nx-os_kick.bin system bootflash:scp://[email protected]/nx-os_sys.bin Related Commands Command Description boot kickstart Configures the boot variable for the kickstart image. boot system Configures the boot variable for the system image. reload Reloads the device with the new Cisco NX-OS software. show incompatibility system Displays configuration incompatibilities between Cisco NX-OS system software images. show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install all epld FND-60 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install all epld To upgrade the electronic programmable logical device (EPLD) image, use the install all epld command. install all epld [bootflash: epld-image-name | slot0: epld-image-name | volatile: epld-image-name] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Follow these guidelines when you upgrade or downgrade the EPLD: You can perform an upgrade from the active supervisor module only. All the modules, including the active supervisor module, can be updated individually. You can individually update each module whether it is online or offline as follows: If you upgrade EPLD images on an online module, only the EPLD images with version numbers that differ from the new EPLD images are upgraded. If you upgrade EPLD images on an offline module, all of the EPLD images are upgraded. On a switch that has two supervisor modules, upgrade the EPLDs for the standby supervisor and then switch the active supervisor to standby mode to upgrade its EPLDs (the supervisor switchover is not disruptive to traffic on Cisco Nexus 7000 switches). On a switch that has only one supervisor module, you can upgrade the active supervisor, but this will disrupt its operations during the upgrade. If you interrupt an upgrade, you must upgrade the module that is being upgraded again. The upgrade process disrupts traffic on the targeted module. Do not insert or remove any modules while an EPLD upgrade is in progress. This command does not require a license. bootflash: (Optional) Specifies the internal flash memory. epld-image-name Name of the EPLD image file. The name is case sensitive. slot0: (Optional) Specifies the external flash memory. volatile: (Optional) Specifies the volatile memory on the device. Release Modification 4.2 (1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install all epld FND-61 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to upgrade a Cisco NX-OS EPLD image: switch# install all epld bootflash:n7000-s1-epld.4.2.1.img Compatibility check: Module Type Upgradable Impact Reason ------ ---- ---------- ---------- ------ 3 LC Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 5 SUP Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 7 LC Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 9 LC Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 1 Xbar Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 2 Xbar Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 3 Xbar Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 1 FAN Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 2 FAN Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 3 FAN Yes disruptive Module Upgradable 4 FAN Yes disruptive Module Upgradable Retrieving EPLD versions... Please wait. Images will be upgraded according to following table: Module Type EPLD Running-Version New-Version Upg-Required ------ ---- ------------- --------------- ----------- ------------ 3 LC Power Manager 5.4 5.6 Yes 3 LC IO 2.11 2.13 Yes 3 LC Forwarding Engine 1.6 1.6 No 5 SUP Power Manager 3.7 3.9 Yes 5 SUP IO 3.26 3.28 Yes 5 SUP Inband 1.7 1.8 Yes 5 SUP Local Bus CPLD 3.0 3.0 No 5 SUP CMP CPLD 6.0 6.0 No 7 LC Power Manager 4.6 4.8 Yes 7 LC IO 1.14 1.15 Yes 7 LC Forwarding Engine 1.6 1.6 No 7 LC FE Bridge(1) 186.3 186.3 No 7 LC FE Bridge(2) 186.3 186.3 No 7 LC Linksec Engine(1) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(2) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(3) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(4) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(5) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(6) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(7) 1.8 2.2 Yes 7 LC Linksec Engine(8) 1.8 2.2 Yes 9 LC Power Manager 5.4 5.6 Yes 9 LC IO 2.11 2.13 Yes 9 LC Forwarding Engine 1.6 1.6 No 1 Xbar Power Manager 2.9 2.10 Yes 2 Xbar Power Manager 2.9 2.10 Yes 3 Xbar Power Manager 2.9 2.10 Yes 1 FAN Fan Controller (1) 0.5 0.7 Yes 1 FAN Fan Controller (2) 0.5 0.7 Yes 2 FAN Fan Controller (1) 0.5 0.7 Yes 2 FAN Fan Controller (2) 0.5 0.7 Yes 3 FAN Fan Controller (1) 0.5 0.7 Yes 3 FAN Fan Controller (2) 0.5 0.7 Yes 4 FAN Fan Controller (1) 0.4 0.7 Yes 4 FAN Fan Controller (2) 0.4 0.7 Yes The above modules require upgrade. Do you want to continue (y/n) ? [n] Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install all epld FND-62 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description install all Installs the kickstart and system images on the Cisco NX-OS device. reload Reloads the device with the new Cisco NX-OS software. show incompatibility system Displays configuration incompatibilities between Cisco NX-OS system software images. show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install all parallel FND-63 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install all parallel To upgrade the line cards in the system concurrently, use the install all parallel command. install all parallel Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can upgrade up to three line cards concurrently by using the install all parallel command. The parallel install all parallel is supported only when you are upgrading from Cisco NX-OS Release 5.2 to a later release. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to upgrade the line cards in the system concurrently: switch(config)# install all parallel Related Commands Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description boot kickstart Configures the boot variable for the kickstart image. boot system Configures the boot variable for the system image. reload Reloads the device with the new Cisco NX-OS software. show incompatibility system Displays configuration incompatibilities between Cisco NX-OS system software images. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install fan-module epld FND-64 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install fan-module epld To install an electronically programmable logical device (EPLD) image on a fan module, use the install fan-module epld command. install fan-module slot epld {bootflash: | slot0: | volatile:}filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must copy the EPLD image file to local storage before you can install it. Enter the install fan-module epld command from the active supervisor module to update any other module. Use the show version fan slot epld command to display the EPLD version for a fan module. Caution Do not insert or remove any modules while an EPLD upgrade or downgrade is in progress. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to install an EPLD image on a module: switch# install fan-module 1 epld bootflash:n7000-s1-epld.4.0.2.bin slot Slot number in chassis. bootflash: Specifies the internal Flash memory. slot0: Specifies the external Flash memory. volatile: Specifies the volatile memory. filename Name of the EPLD image file. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install fan-module epld FND-65 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description copy Copies files. show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install feature-set FND-66 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install feature-set To install a feature set on a module, use the feature-set command. To uninstall a feature set from a module, use the no form of this command. install feature-set [fcoe | fex | l2mp] no install feature-set [fcoe | fex | l2mp] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes config-vdc Supported User Roles network-admin network-operator vdc-admin vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to install a feature set: switch(config)# install feature-set l2mp switch(config)# This example shows how to uninstall a feature set: switch(config)# no install feature-set l2mp switch(config)# Related Commands fcoe (Optional) Specifies Fibre Channel over Ethernet. fex (Optional) Specifies the Fabric Extender. l2mp (Optional) Specifies FabricPath. Release Modification 5.1(1) This command was introduced. Command Description allow feature-set Allows a feature set on a virtual device context (VDC). feature-set Enables a feature set. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install license FND-67 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install license To install a license, use the install license command. install license {bootflash: | slot0: | usb0: | usb1:}src-filename [target-filename] Syntax Description Defaults No license is installed. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines If a target filename is provided after the source location, the license file is installed with that name. Otherwise, the filename in the source uniform resource locator (URL) is used. This command also verifies the license file before installing it. For information on installing licenses on your Cisco NX-OS device, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Licensing Guide, Release 5.x. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to install a file named license-file that resides in the bootflash: directory: switch# install license bootflash:license-file Related Commands bootflash: Specifies the internal Flash memory source location for the license file. slot0: Specifies the external Flash memory source location for the license file. usb0: Specifies the external USB memory source location for the license file. usb1: Specifies the external USB memory source location for the license file. src-filename Name of the source license file. target-filename (Optional) Name of the target license file. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show license Displays license information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install module epld FND-68 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install module epld To install an electronically programmable logical device (EPLD) image on an I/O module, use the install module epld command. install module slot epld {bootflash: | slot0: | volatile:}filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must copy the EPLD image file to local storage before you can install it. Enter the install module epld command from the active supervisor module to update any other module. Use the show version module slot epld command to display the EPLD version for a fabric module. Caution Do not insert or remove any modules while an EPLD upgrade or downgrade is in progress. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to install an EPLD image on a fabric module: switch# install module 2 epld bootflash:n7000-s1-epld.4.0.2.bin slot Slot number in chassis. The range is from 1 to 18. bootflash: Specifies the internal Flash memory. slot0: Specifies the external Flash memory. volatile: Specifies the volatile memory. filename Name of the EPLD image file. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install module epld FND-69 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description copy Copies files. show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install xbar-module epld FND-70 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 install xbar-module epld To install an electronically programmable logical device (EPLD) image on a fabric module, use the install xbar-module epld command. install xbar-module slot epld {bootflash: | slot0: | volatile:}filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must copy the EPLD image file to local storage before you can install it. Enter the install xbar-module epld command from the active supervisor module to update any other module. Use the show version xbar slot epld command to display the EPLD version for an I/O module. Caution Do not insert or remove any modules while an EPLD upgrade or downgrade is in progress. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to install an EPLD image on an I/O module: switch# install xbar-module 2 epld bootflash:n7000-s1-epld.4.0.2.bin slot Slot number in chassis. The range is from 1 to 18. bootflash: Specifies the internal Flash memory. slot0: Specifies the external Flash memory. volatile: Specifies the volatile memory. filename Name of the EPLD image file. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands install xbar-module epld FND-71 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description copy Copies files. show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands line com1 FND-72 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 line com1 To specify the COM1 port and enter COM1 port configuration mode, use the line com1 command. line com1 Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can configure the COM1 line from a console port session or a COM1 port session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enter COM1 port configuration mode: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands line console FND-73 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 line console To specify the console port and enter console port configuration mode, use the line console command. line console Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the line console command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console line only from a console port session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enter console port configuration mode: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands line vty FND-74 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 line vty To specify the virtual terminal and enter line configuration mode, use the line vty command. line vty Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enter the line configuration mode: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line vty switch(config-line)# Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem connect line FND-75 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 modem connect line To notify the Cisco NX-OS device that you connected a modem, use the modem connect line command. modem connect line {com1 | console} Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the modem connect line command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to notify the device that you have connected a modem to the COM1 port: switch# modem connect line com1 This example shows how to notify the device that you have connected a modem to the console port: switch# modem connect line console Related Commands com1 Specifies that you have connected the modem to the COM1 port. console Specifies that you have connected the modem to the console port. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. Command Description modem in Enables the modem connection on the COM1 port or console port. show line Displays information about the COM1 and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem in FND-76 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 modem in To enable the modem connection on the COM1 or console port, use the modem in command. To disable the modem connection, use the no form of this command. modem in no modem in Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults Disabled Command Modes COM1 port configuration Console port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the modem in command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console and COM1 ports only from a session on the console port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable a modem connection on the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# modem in This example shows how to enable a modem connection on the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# modem in This example shows how to disable a modem connection on the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# no modem in Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem in FND-77 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description line com1 Enters COM1 port configuration mode. line console Enters console port configuration mode. show line Displays information about the COM1 and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem init-string FND-78 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 modem init-string To download the initialization string to a modem connected to the COM1 or console port, use the modem init-string command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. modem init-string {default | user-input} no modem init-string Syntax Description Defaults The default initialization string is ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015. Command Modes COM1 port configuration Console port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the modem init-string command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console and COM1 ports only from a session on the console port. The default initialization string ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015 is defined as follows: ATAttention E0 (required)No echo Q1Result code on &D2Normal data terminal ready (DTR) option &C1Enable tracking the state of the data carrier S0=1Pick up after one ring \015 (required)Carriage return in octal Use the modem set-string command to configure the user-input initialization string. This command does not require a license. default Downloads the default initialization string. user-input Downloads the user-input initialization string. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem init-string FND-79 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to download the default initialization string to the modem connected to the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# modem init-string default This example shows how to download the default initialization string to the modem connected to the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# modem init-string default This example shows how to download the user-input initialization string to the modem connected to the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# modem init-string user-input This example shows how to download the user-input initialization string to the modem connected to the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# modem init-string user-input This example shows how to revert to the default initialization string for the modem connected to the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# no modem init-string This example shows how to revert to the default initialization string for the modem connected to the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# no modem init-string Related Commands Command Description line com1 Enters COM1 port configuration mode. line console Enters console port configuration mode. modem set-string user-input Configures the user-input initialization string for a modem. show line Displays information about the COM1 and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem restart line FND-80 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 modem restart line To restart a modem connection on the COM1 port or console port, use the modem restart line command. modem restart line {com1 | console} Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the modem restart line command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to restart a modem connected to the COM1 port: switch# modem restart line com1 This example shows how to restart a modem connected to the console port: switch# modem restart line console Related Commands com1 Restarts the modem on the COM1 port. console Restarts the modem on the console port. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. Command Description modem in Enables the modem connection on the COM1 port or console port. show line Displays information about the COM1 and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem set-string user-input FND-81 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 modem set-string user-input To configure the user-input initialization string to download to a modem connected to the COM1 or console port, use the modem set-string user-input command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. modem set-string user-input string no modem set-string Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes COM1 port configuration Console port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the modem set-string user-input command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console and COM1 ports only from a session on the console port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the user-input initialization string for the modem connected to the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# modem set-string user-input ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=3\015 This example shows how to configure the user-input initialization string for the modem connected to the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# modem set-string user-input ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=3\015 string User-input string. This string is alphanumeric and case sensitive, can contain special characters, and has a maximum of 100 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands modem set-string user-input FND-82 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to revert to the default user-input initialization string for the modem connected to the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# no modem set-string This example shows how to revert to the default user-input initialization string for the modem connected to the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# no modem set-string Related Commands Command Description line com1 Enters COM1 port configuration mode. line console Enters console port configuration mode. modem init-string Downloads the user-input initialization string to a modem. show line Displays information about the COM1 and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands move FND-83 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 move To move a file from one directory to another, use the move command. move [filesystem:[//module/][directory/] | directory/]source-filename {{filesystem:[//module/][directory/] | directory/}[destination-filename] | target-filename} Syntax Description Defaults The default name for the destination file is the same as the source filename. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can make a copy of a file by using the copy command. Tip You can rename a file by moving it within the same directory. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to move a file to another directory: switch# move file1 my_files:file2 This example shows how to move a file to another file system: switch# move file1 slot0: filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. The name is case sensitive. //module/ (Optional) Identifier for a supervisor module. Valid values are sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. The identifiers are case sensitive. directory/ (Optional) Name of a directory. The name is case sensitive. source-filename Name of the file to move. The name is case sensitive. destination-filename (Optional) Name of the destination file. The name is alphanumeric, case sensitive, and has a maximum of 64 characters. target-filename (Optional) Name of the target file. The target-filename argument is alphanumeric, case sensitive, and has a maximum of 64 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands move FND-84 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to move a file to another supervisor module: switch# move file1 bootflash://sup-remote/file1.bak Related Commands Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. copy Makes a copy of a file. dir Displays the directory contents. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands parity FND-85 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 parity To configure the parity for the COM1 port or console port, use the parity command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. parity {even | none | odd} no parity {even | none | odd} Syntax Description Defaults The none keyword is the default. Command Modes COM1 port configuration Console port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the parity command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console and COM1 ports only from a session on the console port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the parity for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# parity even This example shows how to configure the parity for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# parity even even Specifies even parity. none Specifies no parity. odd Specifies odd parity. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands parity FND-86 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to revert to the default parity for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# no parity even This example shows how to revert to the default parity for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# no parity even Related Commands Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands ping FND-87 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 ping To determine the network connectivity to another device using IPv4 addressing, use the ping command. ping {dest-ipv4-address | hostname} [count {number | unlimited}] [df-bit] [interval seconds] [packet-size bytes] [source src-ipv4-address] [timeout seconds] [vrf vrf-name] Syntax Description Defaults For the default values, see the Syntax Description section for this command. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To determine the network connectivity to another device using IPv6 addressing, use the ping6 command. This command does not require a license. dest-ipv4-address IPv4 address of the destination device. The format is: A.B.C.D. hostname Hostname of the destination device. The hostname is case sensitive. count (Optional) Specifies the number of transmissions to send. number Number of pings. The range is from 1 to 655350. The default is 5. unlimited Allows an unlimited number of pings. df-bit (Optional) Enables the do-not-fragment bit in the IPv4 header. By default, it is disabled. interval seconds (Optional) Specifies the interval in seconds between transmissions. The range is from 0 to 60. The default is 1 second. packet-size bytes (Optional) Specifies the packet size in bytes to transmit. The range is from 1 to 65468. The default is 56 bytes. source scr-ipv4-address (Optional) Specifies the source IPv4 address to use. The format is A.B.C.D. The default is the IPv4 address for the management interface of the device. timeout seconds (Optional) Specifies the nonresponse timeout interval in seconds. The range is from 1 to 60. The default is 2 seconds. vrf vrf-name (Optional) Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) name. The default is the default VRF. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands ping FND-88 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to determine connectivity to another device using IPv4 addressing: switch# ping vrf management PING ( 56 data bytes Request 0 timed out 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.799 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.597 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.711 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=0.67 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 20.00% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 0.597/0.694/0.799 ms Related Commands Command Description ping6 Determines connectivity to another device using IPv6 addressing. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands ping6 FND-89 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 ping6 To determine the network connectivity to another device using IPv6 addressing, use the ping6 command. ping6 {dest-ipv6-address | hostname} [count {number | unlimited}] [interface intf-id] [interval seconds] [packet-size bytes] [source ipv6-address] [timeout seconds] [vrf vrf-name] Syntax Description Defaults For the default values, see the Syntax Description section for this command. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To determine the network connectivity to another device using IPv4 addressing, use the ping command. This command does not require a license. dest-ipv6-address IPv6 address of the destination device. The format is: A.B.C.D. hostname Hostname of the destination device. The hostname is case sensitive. count (Optional) Specifies the number of transmissions to send. number Number of pings. The range is from 1 to 655350. The default is 5. unlimited Allows an unlimited number of pings. interface intf-id (Optional) Specifies the interface to send the IPv6 packet. The valid interface types are Ethernet, loopback, port channel, and VLAN. interval seconds (Optional) Specifies the interval in seconds between transmissions. The range is from 0 to 60. The default is 1 second. packet-size bytes (Optional) Specifies the packet size in bytes to transmit. The range is from 1 to 65468. source ipv6-address (Optional) Specifies the source IPv6 address to use. The format is A:B::C:D. The default is the IPv6 address for the management interface of the device. timeout seconds (Optional) Specifies the nonresponse timeout interval in seconds. The range is from 1 to 60. The default is 2 seconds. vrf vrf-name (Optional) Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) name. The default is the default VRF. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands ping6 FND-90 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to determine connectivity to another device using IPv6 addressing: switch# ping6 2001:0DB8::200C:417A vrf management Related Commands Command Description ping Determines connectivity to another device using IPv4 addressing. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-91 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 pong To start the pong service on the current virtual device context (VDC), use the pong command. pong {source mac destination mac} vlan vlan-id count numbers cos | details | inject | interface interface-id | interval seconds | timeout seconds] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Global configuration mode (config) Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. source Specifies the source ID. mac MAC address. The format can be: E.E.E, EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE, EE:EE:EE:EE:EE:EE, or EEEE.EEEE.EEEE. destination Specifies the destination ID. vlan Specifies the VLAN over which the packets go through. vlan-id VLAN ID. The range is from 1 to 4094. count numbers Specifies the number number of packets to send. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. cos 802.1Q class of service value. The range is from 0 to 7. details (Optional) Specifies details of all timestamps. inject (Optional) Specifies the injection of packets through an interface. interface interface-id (Optional) Specifies the interface to send Pong messages. The valid interface types are Ethernet. interval seconds (Optional) Specifies the interval for sending the Pong messages. The range is from 1 to 5. timeout seconds (Optional) Specifies the timeout for receiving Pong replies. The range is from 2 to 10. Release Modification 6.1(1) Changed the command outputs. 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-92 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows the Pong service between FabricPath switch-ids: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# pong destination-swid 2811 destination-mac 18ef.63e9.ee43 vlan 2 Packet No. 1 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4928 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (2811) 0 530568408* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4872 Round trip time: 0sec 15624 nsec Packet No. 2 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4896 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (2811) 0 536461272* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4808 Round trip time: 0sec 15544 nsec Packet No. 3 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4848 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (2811) 0 534087176* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4888 Round trip time: 0sec 15544 nsec Packet No. 4 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4880 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (2811) 0 541281528* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4824 Round trip time: 0sec 15544 nsec Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-93 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Packet No. 5 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4880 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (2811) 0 543347528* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4856 Round trip time: 0sec 15576 nsec Summary: Packets sent on vlan : 2 Total packets sent : 5 Total packets received: 5 Maximum round trip time in ns: 15624 Minimum round trip time in ns: 15544 Average round trip time in ns: 15566 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-94 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows the Pong service using static MAC for injection: switch(config)# configure terminal switch(config)# pong source 1.2.3 destination 18ef.63e9.ee43 interface ethernet 1/10 inject Packet No. 1 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4304 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4288 3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 540653528* #4 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4760 #5 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4816 Round trip time: 0sec 23984 nsec Packet No. 2 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4328 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4800 3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 543289656* #4 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4776 #5 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4816 Round trip time: 0sec 24552 nsec Packet No. 3 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4304 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4816 3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 532286984* #4 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4760 #5 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4816 Round trip time: 0sec 24512 nsec Packet No. 4 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-95 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4240 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4816 3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 532730344* #4 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4792 #5 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4832 Round trip time: 0sec 24480 nsec Packet No. 5 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4360 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4832 3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 542201864* #4 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 (NA) 0 4760 #5 18-ef-63-e9-ee-41 (NA) 0 4784 Round trip time: 0sec 24568 nsec Summary: Packets sent on vlan : 1 Total packets sent : 5 Total packets received: 5 Maximum round trip time in ns: 24568 Minimum round trip time in ns: 23984 Average round trip time in ns: 24419 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-96 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows the CE Pong with source MAC specified: switch(config-if)# pong source 18ef.63e9.ee41 destination 18ef.63e9.ee43 Packet No. 1 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4256 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 539622256* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4264 Round trip time: 0sec 14360 nsec Packet No. 2 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4832 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 533784720* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4808 Round trip time: 0sec 15448 nsec Packet No. 3 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4768 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 538628976* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4808 Round trip time: 0sec 15384 nsec Packet No. 4 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4800 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 533690096* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4792 Round trip time: 0sec 15416 nsec Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pong FND-97 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Packet No. 5 Legend: (*) - software delay(not hardware latency) (#) - reverse path (NA) - not available --- ------------------------- -------------------------- Hop System-mac (switch-id) Switching time (sec, nsec) --- ------------------------- -------------------------- 1 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4832 2 18-ef-63-e9-ee-43 (NA) 0 544597072* #3 18-ef-63-e9-ee-42 ( 456) 0 4792 Round trip time: 0sec 15448 nsec Summary: Packets sent on vlan : 1 Total packets sent : 5 Total packets received: 5 Maximum round trip time in ns: 15448 Minimum round trip time in ns: 14360 Average round trip time in ns: 15211 Related Commands Command Description feature pong Enables the Pong feature. feature ptp Enables the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature. This command is documented in the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Command Reference, Release 5.x. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands pop FND-98 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 pop To restore a saved command mode context, use the pop command. pop [name] Syntax Description Defaults The recent saved mode context Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can save a command mode context using the push command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to restore an unnamed command mode context: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# role name test switch(config-role)# push switch(config-role)# end switch# pop switch(config-role)# This example shows how to restore a named command mode context: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# push com1 switch(config-com1)# end switch# pop com1 switch(config-com1)# Related Commands name (Optional) Name for the command mode context. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. Command Description push Saves a command mode context. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands power redundancy-mode FND-99 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 power redundancy-mode To configure the power supply redundancy mode, use the power redundancy-mode command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. power redundancy-mode {combined | insrc-redundant | ps-redundant | redundant} no power redundancy-mode {combined | insrc-redundant | ps-redundant | redundant} Syntax Description Defaults ps-redundant Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the power redundancy-mode command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the power supplies with the following modes: Combined modeThis is the simplest power mode, but it does not provide power redundancy. The available power for this mode is the total power capacity of all power supplies. Power supply redundancy modeThis mode provides an extra power supply in case an active power supply goes down. With this mode, the power supply that can supply the most power operates in the standby mode. The other one or two power supplies are active. The available power is the amount of power provided by the active power supply units. Input source redundancy modeThis mode uses two electrical grids, each one powering a half module within each power supply. If one power grid goes down, each power supply continues to draw power through its other half module. The available power is the amount of power by the lesser of the two grids through the power supplies. Full redundancy modeThis mode combines power supply redundancy and input source redundancy, which means that the chassis has an extra power supply and each half of each power supply is connected to one electrical grid while the other half of each power supply is connected to the other electrical grid. The available power is the lesser of the available power for the power supply mode and input source mode. combined Specifies the combined power supply mode. insrc-redundant Specifies the input source redundancy mode. ps-redundant Specifies the power supply redundancy mode. redundant Specifies the full redundancy mode. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands power redundancy-mode FND-100 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the full power supply redundancy mode: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# power redundancy-mode redundant This example shows how to disable the full power supply redundancy mode: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no power redundancy-mode redundant Related Commands Command Description show environment Displays information about the device hardware environment. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands purge module running-config FND-101 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 purge module running-config To remove the configuration for a missing module from the running configuration, use the purge module running-config command. purge module slot running-config Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the purge module running-config command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). Use the show hardware command to verify which modules are missing. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to remove the configuration for a missing module from the running configuration: switch# purge module 1 running-config Related Commands slot Slot in the chassis. The range is from 1 to 18. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show running-config Displays the running configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands push FND-102 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 push To save a command mode context, use the push command. push [name] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can save only one command mode context. Use the pop command to restore a saved command mode context. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to save an unnamed command mode context: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# role name test switch(config-role)# push This example shows how to save a named command mode context: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# push com1 Related Commands name (Optional) Name for the command mode context. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. Command Description pop Restores a command mode context. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands reload FND-103 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 reload To reload the entire Cisco NX-OS device, use the reload command. reload [soft] Syntax Description Defaults Reloads the entire device. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the reload command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). The reload command uses the kickstart and system images referenced in the boot variables to reboot the device. Use the show boot command to verify the contents of the kickstart and system boot variables. To set the boot variables to reference the correct images, use the boot kickstart and boot system commands. If the boot variables do not reference images on the device, the device comes up at the loader> prompt after you enter the reload command. For information about recovering from the loader> prompt, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.x. Caution The reload command disrupts traffic on the device. Note The reload command does not save the running configuration. Use the copy running-config startup-config command to save the current configuration on the device. For information on upgrading and downgrading images on your Cisco NX-OS device, see the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide, Release 5.x. This command does not require a license. soft (Optional) Specifies to not reload the Connectivity Management Processor (CMP) on the active supervisor module. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands reload FND-104 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to reload the Cisco NX-OS device: switch# copy running-config startup-config [########################################] 100% switch# reload This command will reboot the system. (y/n)? [n] y Related Commands Command Description boot kickstart Configures the kickstart boot variable. boot system Configures the system boot variable. copy running-config startup-config Copies the current running configuration to the startup configuration. install all Installs the software on the physical device. show boot Displays boot variable configuration information. show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands reload cmp module FND-105 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 reload cmp module To reload the Connectivity Management Processor (CMP), use the reload cmp module command. reload cmp module slot Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the reload cmp module command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). Use the show hardware command to determine the location of the CMPs on your device. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to reload the CMP on the supervisor module on a slot: switch# reload cmp module 5 Related Commands slot Chassis slot number. The range is from 9 to 10. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands reload module FND-106 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 reload module To reload a module in the device, use the reload module command. reload module slot [force-dnld] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the reload module command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). Use the show hardware command to display information about the hardware on your device. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to reload a module: switch# reload module 2 Related Commands slot Chassis slot number. The range is from 1 to 18. force-dnld (Optional) Forces the download of software to the module. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show version Displays information about the software version. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands rmdir FND-107 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 rmdir To remove a directory, use the rmdir command. rmdir [filesystem:[//module/]]directory Syntax Description Defaults Removes the directory from the current working directory. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to remove a directory: switch# rmdir my_files Related Commands filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. The name is case sensitive. //module/ (Optional) Identifier for a supervisor module. Valid values are sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. The identifiers are case sensitive. directory Name of a directory. The name is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. dir Displays the directory contents. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands run-script FND-108 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 run-script To run a command script file at the command-line interface (CLI), use the run-script command. run-script [filesystem:[//module/]][directory/]filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must create the command file on a remote device and download it to the Cisco NX-OS device by using the copy command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to run a command script file: switch# run-script script-file Related Commands filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. The name is case sensitive. //module/ (Optional) Identifier for a supervisor module. Valid values are sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. The identifiers are case sensitive. directory/ (Optional) Name of a directory. The name is case sensitive. filename Name of the command file. The name is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. copy Copies files. dir Displays the directory contents. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands send FND-109 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 send To send a message to the active user sessions, use the send command. send [session line] text Syntax Description Defaults Sends a message to all active user sessions. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the show users command to display information about the active user sessions. The send command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to send a message to all active user sessions on the device: switch# send The system will reload in 15 minutes! The system will reload in 15 minutes! This example shows how to send a message to a specific user session: switch# send session pts/39 You must log off the device. Related Commands session line (Optional) Specifies a user session. text Text string. The text string can be up to 80 alphanumeric characters and is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show users Displays the active user session on the device. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands setup FND-110 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 setup To enter the basic device setup dialog, use the setup command. setup Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults Factory settings Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines When you use the setup command to change your device configuration, the setup utility uses the factory-default values, not the values that you have configured, when you accept the default values in the dialog. You can exit the setup utility dialog at any time by pressing Ctrl+C. The setup command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enter the basic device setup script: switch# setup ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog VDC: 1 ---- This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system. *Note: setup is mainly used for configuring the system initially, when no configuration is present. So setup always assumes system defaults and not the current system configuration values. Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime to skip the remaining dialogs. Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands setup FND-111 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description show running-config Displays the running configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands session-limit FND-112 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 session-limit To configure the maximum number of the concurrent virtual terminal sessions on a device, use the session-limit command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. session-limit sessions no session-limit sessions Syntax Description Defaults 32 sessions Command Modes Line configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the maximum number of concurrent virtual terminal sessions: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line vty switch(config-line)# session-limit 48 This example shows how to revert to the default maximum number of concurrent virtual terminal sessions: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line vty switch(config-line)# no session-limit 48 Related Commands sessions Maximum number of sessions. The range is from 1 to 64. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show running-config Displays the running configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show banner motd FND-113 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show banner motd To display the message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner, use the show banner motd command. show banner motd Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the MOTD banner: switch# show banner motd Unauthorize access prohibited! Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description banner motd Configures the MOTD banner. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show boot FND-114 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show boot To display the boot variable configuration, use the show boot command. show boot [auto-copy | module [slot] | sup-1 | sup-2 | variables] Syntax Description Defaults Displays all configured boot variables. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines Sup-1 refers to the top supervisor module in a chassis with two supervisor modules, and sup-2 refers to the bottom supervisor module. For example, in the Cisco NX-OS 7010 device, sup-1 is in slot 5, and sup-2 is in slot 6. This command does not require a license. auto-copy (Optional) Displays the boot auto-copy status. module (Optional) Displays the boot variable configured for an I/O module. slot (Optional) Slot number in the chassis. The range is from 1 to 18. sup-1 (Optional) Displays the boot variables configured for supervisor module 1 (sup-1). sup-2 (Optional) Displays the boot variables configured for supervisor module 2 (sup-2). variables (Optional) Displays a list of boot variables. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show boot FND-115 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to display all configured boot variables: switch# show boot sup-1 kickstart variable = bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin system variable = bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin sup-2 kickstart variable = bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin system variable = bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin No module boot variable set This example shows how to display the boot variables for supervisor module 1: switch# show boot sup-1 sup-1 kickstart variable = bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin system variable = bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin This example shows how to display the list of boot variable names (see Table 5 for field descriptions): switch# show boot variables ssi system asm-sfn kickstart Related Commands Table 5 show boot variables Field Descriptions Field Description ssi Not supported. system Name of the variable for the system image filename. asm-sfn Not supported. kickstart Name of the variable for the kickstart image filename. Command Description boot auto-copy Enables automatic copy of boot images to the standby supervisor module. boot kickstart Configures the boot variable for the kickstart image. boot system Configures the boot variable for the system image. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli alias FND-116 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show cli alias To display the command alias configuration, use the show cli alias command. show cli alias [name alias-name] Syntax Description Defaults Displays all configured command alias variables. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display all configured command aliases: switch# show cli alias CLI alias commands ================== ethint :interface ethernet shintbr :show interface br shintupbr :shintbr | include up | include ethernet alias :show cli alias crun :copy running-config startup-config This example shows how to display a specific command alias: switch# show cli alias name ethint ethint :interface ethernet Related Commands name alias-name (Optional) Specifies the name of a command alias. The alias name is not case sensitive and it can be up to 30 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cli alias name Configures command aliases. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli history FND-117 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show cli history To display the command history, use the show cli history command. show cli history [lines] [unformatted] Syntax Description Defaults Displays the entire formatted history. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display all of the command history: switch# show cli history 0 22:59:13 show boot 1 23:00:05 show boot sup-1 2 23:01:23 show boot variables 3 23:20:28 config t 4 23:22:16 end 5 23:22:25 show cli alias 6 00:00:10 show cli alias name ethint ... lines (Optional) Number of lines at the end of the command history to display. unformatted (Optional) Displays the commands without line numbers or time stamps. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli history FND-118 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the last 10 lines of the command history: switch# show cli history 10 42 00:42:54 ip route 43 00:42:54 interface mgmt0 44 00:42:54 ip address 45 00:42:54 no shutdown 46 00:42:54 aaa group server radius aaa-private-sg 47 00:42:54 use-vrf management 48 00:42:54 telnet server enable 49 00:42:54 logging server 50 00:42:54 power redundancy-mode combined 51 00:43:28 show cli history 10 This example shows how to display unformatted command history: switch# show cli history unformatted config t vrf context management ip route interface mgmt0 ip address no shutdown aaa group server radius aaa-private-sg use-vrf management telnet server enable logging server power redundancy-mode combined show cli history unformated Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli list FND-119 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show cli list To list the Cisco NX-OS commands available in a command mode, use the show cli list command. show cli list [combinations] [component-name] [recurse] Syntax Description Defaults Displays the commands for the command mode in a single-line format. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines To exit a long listing generated by this command, press Ctrl-C. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display all commands available in EXEC mode: switch# show cli list MODE exec show system internal modlock-info show system internal usd errors show system internal usd isr show system internal usd mts show system internal usd timeslice show system internal usd wd show system internal aaa event-history errors show system internal aaa event-history msgs ... ^C combinations (Optional) Displays the number of combinations to show per command. The range is from 0 to 2147483647 combinations. The default is 100. component-name (Optional) Name of the component. Currently components are restricted to routing commands. recurse (Optional) Displays the children commands within a command mode. Release Modification 4.0(2) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli list FND-120 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display all commands related to the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) available in configuration command mode: switch(config)# show cli list arp MODE configure no ip arp timeout no logging level arp <uint:0-7> no ip arp event-history packet size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history event size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history ha size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history errors size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history lcache size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history lcache-errors size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history client-event size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history client-errors size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history snmp size <small|medium|large|disabled> no ip arp event-history cli size <small|medium|large|disabled> logging level arp <uint:0-7> ip arp event-history packet size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history event size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history ha size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history errors size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history lcache size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history lcache-errors size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history client-event size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history client-errors size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history snmp size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp event-history cli size <small|medium|large|disabled> ip arp timeout <int:60-28800> This example shows how to display commands related to Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) available in the loopback interface command mode: switch(config)# interface loopback 0 switch(config-if)# show cli list ospf MODE if-loopback no ip ospf network point-to-point no ip ospf network Related Commands Command Description show cli syntax Displays the Cisco NX-OS command syntax available in a command mode. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli syntax FND-121 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show cli syntax To display the Cisco NX-OS command syntax available in a command mode, use the show cli syntax command. show cli syntax [component-name] [long] [mode mode-name] [recurse] Syntax Description Defaults Displays the command syntax for the command mode in a single-line format. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. component-name (Optional) Name of the component. long (Optional) Displays the syntax in a tree format with more than one line per command. mode mode-name (Optional) Displays the command syntax for only the specified command mode. recurse (Optional) Displays the syntax of the commands within a command mode for the children of the current mode. Release Modification 4.0(2) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added the mode keyword. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli syntax FND-122 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to display the command syntax for commands available in the role configuration command mode in the default format: switch(config-role)# show cli syntax MODE role (0) description <line> | no description (1) description <line> | no description (2) rule <number> { <action> } { { <permission> [ <featuretype> <name> ] } | { c ommand <cmd_line> } } | no rule <number> (3) rule <number> { <action> } { { <permission> [ <featuretype> <name> ] } | { c ommand <cmd_line> } } | no rule <number> (4) [ no ] vlan policy deny (5) [ no ] interface policy deny (6) [ no ] vrf policy deny This example shows how to display the command syntax for commands available in the role configuration command mode in long format: switch(config-role)# show cli syntax long MODE role ***(0) description <line> | no description ***(1) description <line> | no description ***(2) rule <number> { <action> } { { <permission> [ <featuretype> <name> ]} | { command <cmd_line> }} | no rule <number> ***(3) rule <number> { <action> } { { <permission> [ <featuretype> <name> ]} | { command <cmd_line> }} | no rule <number> ***(4) [no] vlan policy deny ***(5) [no] interface policy deny ***(6) [no] vrf policy deny This example shows how to display the command syntax for commands and subcommands available in the role configuration command mode in the default format: switch(config-role)# show cli syntax long recurse MODE role ***(0) description <line> | no description ***(1) description <line> | no description ***(2) rule <number> { <action> } { { <permission> [ <featuretype> <name> ]} | { command <cmd_line> }} | no rule <number> ***(3) rule <number> { <action> } { { <permission> [ <featuretype> <name> ]} | { command <cmd_line> }} | no rule <number> ***(4) [no] vlan policy deny ***(5) [no] interface policy deny ***(6) [no] vrf policy deny MODE vlan ***(7) [no] permit vlan <vlan-mrange> MODE interface ***(8) [no] permit interface <if0> MODE vrf ***(9) [no] permit vrf <vrf-name> Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show cli variables FND-123 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show cli variables To display the configuration of the CLI variables, use the show cli variables command. show cli variables Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the CLI variables: switch# show cli variables VSH Variable List ----------------- TIMESTAMP="2008-06-13-01.14.09" testinterface="ethernet 2/3" Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cli var name Configures CLI variables. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show clock FND-124 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show clock To display the clock configuration, use the show clock command. show clock [detail] Syntax Description Defaults Displays all configured command alias variables. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the clock setting: switch# show clock Fri Jun 13 02:19:20 PDT 2008 This example shows how to display the clock setting and the summer-time (daylight saving time) configuration: switch# show clock detail Fri Jun 13 02:19:02 PDT 2008 summer-time configuration: -------------------------- timezone name: PDT starts : 1 Sunday March at 02:00 hours Ends : 1 Sunday November at 02:00 hours Minute offset: 60 detail (Optional) Displays the summer-time (daylight saving time) offset configuration. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show clock FND-125 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description clock set Sets the clock time. clock summer-time Configures the summer-time (daylight saving time) offset. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show copyright FND-126 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show copyright To display the Cisco NX-OS software copyright information, use the show copyright command. show copyright Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the Cisco NX-OS copyright information: switch# show copyright Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac Copyright (c) 2002-2008, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are owned by other third parties and used and distributed under license. Certain components of this software are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each such license is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show feature-set FND-127 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show feature-set To display the status of a feature set, use the show feature-set command. show feature-set Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin network-operator vdc-admin vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the status of a feature set: switch# show feature-set Feature Set Name ID State -------------------- -------- -------- fcoe 1 disabled l2mp 2 enabled fex 3 disabled switch# Related Commands Release Modification 5.1(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show install all Displays information related to the operation of the install all command. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show file FND-128 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show file To display the contents of a file on the local memory, use the show file command. show file [filesystem:][//directory/]filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the contents of a file: switch# show file scriptfile configure terminal interface $(testinterface) no shutdown end show interface $(testinterface) Related Commands filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. Valid values are bootflash, debug, logflash, slot0, usb1, usb2,or volatile. //directory/ (Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive. filename Name of the file. The filename is case sensitive. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. dir Displays the directory contents. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show hostname FND-129 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show hostname To display the hostname for the device, use the show hostname command. show hostname Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines The show switchname command also displays the device hostname. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the hostname for the device: switch# show hostname Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description hostname Configures the hostname for the device. show switchname Displays the hostname. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show incompatibility system FND-130 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show incompatibility system To display the configuration incompatibilities between the running system image and an earlier system image prior to downgrading the Cisco NX-OS software, use the show incompatibility system command. show incompatibility system {bootflash: | slot0: | volatile:}filename Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the show incompatibility system command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the configuration incompatibilities: switch# show incompatibility system bootflash:old_image.bin The following configurations on active are incompatible with the system image 1) Service : eth_port_channel , Capability : CAP_FEATURE_AUTO_CREATED_PORT_CHANNEL Description : active mode port channels, auto create enabled ports or auto created port-channels are present Capability requirement : STRICT Disable command : 1.Convert Active mode port channels to On mode port channels (no channel mode active). 2.Disable autocreate on interfaces (no channel-group auto). 3.Convert autocreated port channels to be persistent (port-channel 1 persistent). bootflash: Specifies the internal Flash memory. slot0: Specifies the external Flash memory. volatile: Specifies the volatile memory on the device. filename System image filename to compare with the loaded software image. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show install all FND-131 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show install all To display information related to the operation of the install all command, use the show install all command. show install all {failed-standby | failure-reason | impact [kickstart | system] | status} Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the show install all command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the installation failure reason: switch# show install all failure-reason No install all failure-reason failed-standby Displays the software installation failure log on the standby supervisor module. failure-reason Displays the software installation failure reason. impact Displays the impact of installing the images referred to in the boot variables. kickstart (Optional) Displays the impact of installing the kickstart image referred to in the kickstart boot variable. system (Optional) Displays the impact of installing the system image referred to in the kickstart boot variable. status Displays the status of the software installation process. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added the failed-standby keyword. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show install all FND-132 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the impact of installing new images: switch# show install all impact Verifying image bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin for boot variable " kickstart". [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Verifying image bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin for boot variable "system ". [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Verifying image type. [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Extracting "lc1n7k" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin. [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Extracting "bios" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin. [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Extracting "system" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin. [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Extracting "kickstart" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.gb in.S22. [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS Compatibility check is done: Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason ------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------ 2 yes non-disruptive none 6 yes non-disruptive none Images will be upgraded according to following table: Module Image Running-Version(pri:alt) New-Versi on Upg-Required ------ ---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------ -- ------------ 2 lc1n7k 4.0(2) 4.0( 2) no 2 bios v1.10.5(02/27/08): v1.10.5(02/27/08) v1.10.5(02/27/0 8) no 6 system 4.0(2) 4.0( 2) no 6 kickstart 4.0(2) 4.0( 2) no 6 bios v3.17.0(03/23/08): v3.17.0(03/23/08) v3.17.0(03/23/0 8) no Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show install all FND-133 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the status of a software installation: switch# show install all status There is an on-going installation... Enter Ctrl-C to go back to the prompt. Verifying image bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin -- SUCCESS Verifying image bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin -- SUCCESS Extracting "system" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.2.bin. -- SUCCESS Extracting "kickstart" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin. -- SUCCESS Extracting "loader" version from image bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.2.bin. -- SUCCESS Related Commands Command Description clear install all failed-standby Clears the software installation failure log for the standby supervisor module. install all Installs the software on the physical device. show boot Displays the boot variable configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license FND-134 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show license To display license information, use the show license command. show license [brief | file filename] Syntax Description Defaults Displays information about the installed licenses. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display a specific license installed on a device: switch# show license file Enterprise.lic Enterprise.lic: SERVER this_host ANY VENDOR cisco INCREMENT LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent uncounted \ VENDOR_STRING=<LIC_SOURCE>MDS_SWIFT</LIC_SOURCE><SKU>N7K-LAN1K9=</SKU> \ HOSTID=VDH=TBC10412106 \ NOTICE="<LicFileID>20071025133322456</LicFileID><LicLineID>1</LicLineID> \ <PAK></PAK>" SIGN=0CC6E2245FBE This example shows how to display a list of license files installed on a device: switch# show license brief Enterprise.lic: brief (Optional) Displays a list of license files installed on a device. file filename (Optional) Displays information for a specific license file. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license FND-135 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display all licenses installed on a device: switch# show license Enterprise.lic: SERVER this_host ANY VENDOR cisco INCREMENT LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent uncounted \ VENDOR_STRING=<LIC_SOURCE>MDS_SWIFT</LIC_SOURCE><SKU>N7K-LAN1K9=</SKU> \ HOSTID=VDH=TBC10412106 \ NOTICE="<LicFileID>20071025133322456</LicFileID><LicLineID>1</LicLineID> \ <PAK></PAK>" SIGN=0CC6E2245FBE Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license feature package mapping FND-136 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show license feature package mapping To display license information of the packages that are available for the features on a Cisco NX-OS device, use the show license feature package mapping command. show license feature package mapping Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin network-operator vdc-admin vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display license information about the packages that are available for the features: switch# show license feature package mapping ------------------------ Feature-Name: fcoe ------------------------ Linecard-Type :AIDA Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :FCOE-N7K-F132XP(1.0) ------------------------ Feature-Name: lisp ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :TRANSPORT_SERVICES_PKG(1.0) ------------------------ Release Modification 5.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license feature package mapping FND-137 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Feature-Name: mpls_te ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :MPLS_PKG(1.0) ------------------------ Feature-Name: l3vpn ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :MPLS_PKG(1.0) ------------------------ Feature-Name: ldp ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :MPLS_PKG(1.0) switch(config)# show license feature ^ % Incomplete command at '^' marker. switch(config)# show license feature package ^ % Incomplete command at '^' marker. switch(config)# show license feature package mapping ------------------------ Feature-Name: fcoe ------------------------ Linecard-Type :AIDA Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :FCOE-N7K-F132XP(1.0) ------------------------ Feature-Name: lisp ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :TRANSPORT_SERVICES_PKG(1.0) ------------------------ Feature-Name: mpls_te ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :MPLS_PKG(1.0) ------------------------ Feature-Name: l3vpn ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :MPLS_PKG(1.0) ------------------------ Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license feature package mapping FND-138 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Feature-Name: ldp ------------------------ Linecard-Type :SUP Package All or Any :any Package-Name(ver) :MPLS_PKG(1.0) switch# Related Commands Command Description show license Displays license information. show license usage Displays license usage information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license host-id FND-139 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show license host-id To display the serial number for the chassis to use for licensing, use the show license host-id command. show license host-id Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines The serial number is the entire string that appears after the colon (:). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the host ID, which is required to request node-locked licenses: switch# show license host-id License hostid:VDH=4C0AF664 Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license usage FND-140 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show license usage To display license usage information, use the show license usage command. show license usage [vdc-all] [LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES_PKG | LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG] Syntax Description Defaults Displays license usage information for the local VDC. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display information about the current license usage for the local VDC: switch# show license usage Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments Count -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES_PKG No - In use Grace 116D 20H LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG No - In use Grace 116D 20H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vdc-all (Optional) Displays license information for all VDCs. LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES_PKG (Optional) Displays a list of licensed features in use for the Advanced Services license package. LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG (Optional) Displays a list of licensed features in use for the Enterprise Services license package. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show license usage FND-141 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Table 6 describes the significant fields shown in the display. This example shows how to display a list of features in use for a specific license: switch# show license usage LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG Application ----------- bgp ospf ----------- This example shows how to display a list of features in use for a specific license for all VDCs: switch# show license usage vdc-all LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG Application ----------- bgp ospf bgp@2 ospf@2 ----------- Note The @2 characters after the feature name in the command output indicate that the feature is enabled in VDC 2. Use the show vdc command to display the VDC name and identifier information. Table 6 show license usage Field Description Field Description Feature Name of the license package. Ins License installation status. No indicates that the license is not installed, and Yes indicates that the license is installed. Lic Count License count. - indicates that the count is not used for this license package. A number in this field indicates the number of current usages of the license by features. This field is not supported. Status License status. Unused indicates that no features that require the license are enabled. In use indicates that one or more features are using the license. Expiry Date License expiry date. The field is blank if the license is not installed. If the license is installed, the field displays Never to indicate that the license has no time limit or displays the date of expiry for the license. Comments Additional information. Grace with a time period remaining in days (D) and hours (H) indicates that the grace license is in use, and license missing indicates that an error has occurred. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show line FND-142 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show line To display COM1 and console port configuration information, use the show line command. show line [com1 | console] Syntax Description Defaults Displays information about the COM1 port and the console port configuration. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. com1 (Optional) Displays only information about the COM1 port configuration. console (Optional) Displays only information about the console port configuration. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show line FND-143 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to display information about the console port and COM1 port configuration: switch# show line line Console: Speed: 115200 baud Databits: 8 bits per byte Stopbits: 1 bit(s) Parity: none Modem In: Disable Modem Init-String - default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015 Statistics: tx:26197 rx:805 Register Bits:RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RI line Aux: Speed: 9600 baud Databits: 8 bits per byte Stopbits: 1 bit(s) Parity: none Modem In: Enable Modem Init-String - default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015 Hardware Flowcontrol: ON Statistics: + e+ Register Bits:RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RI This example shows how to display only information about the console port configuration: switch# show line console line Console: Speed: 115200 baud Databits: 8 bits per byte Stopbits: 1 bit(s) Parity: none Modem In: Disable Modem Init-String - default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015 Statistics: tx:26197 rx:805 Register Bits:RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RI Related Commands Command Description line com1 Enters the COM1 port configuration mode. line console Enters the console port configuration mode. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show running-config FND-144 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show running-config To display the running configuration, use the show running-config command. show running-config [all | exclude component-list] Syntax Description Defaults Displays only the configured information. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the context-sensitive command-line interface (CLI) help to display the list of valid component names. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the changes that you have made to the running configuration: switch# show running-config This example shows how to display the entire running configuration, including the default values: switch# show running-config all This example shows how to exclude the ACL manager and Control Plane Policing (CoPP) components from the command output: switch# show running-config exclude aclmgr copp all (Optional) Displays all the default and configured information. exclude component-list (Optional) Removes the components from the command output. The component-list argument is a space-separated list and can contain a maximum of four component names. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added the exclude option. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show running-config FND-145 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description copy running-config startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. show running-config diff Displays the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show running-config diff FND-146 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show running-config diff To display the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration, use the show running-config diff command. show running-config diff Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines Table 7 describes the notations used in the command output. This command does not require a license. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Table 7 show running-config diff Notations Notation Description ******************* line1, line2 *** line1, line2 **** Indicates ranges of lines where differences occur. The range of lines indicated with asterisks (*) is for the startup configuration, and the range indicated with dashes () is for the startup configuration. + text Indicates that the line is not in the running configuration but is in the startup configuration. text Indicates that the line is in not the running configuration but it is in the startup configuration. ! text Indicates that the line exists in both configurations but in a different order. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show running-config diff FND-147 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to display the difference between the running configuration and the startup configuration: switch# show running-config diff *** Startup-config --- Running-config *************** *** 48,76 **** --- 48,83 ---- username foo role network-admin username x password 5 ! role network-operator username user-op password 5 $1$ykZCz5Y2$npXjKVQhpa4U7EtwMauQG1 role network-o perator telnet server enable ssh key rsa 768 force + ssh key dsa force ip domain-lookup ip host kernel core target ... Related Commands Command Description copy running-config startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. show running-config Displays the running configuration. show startup-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show startup-config FND-148 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show startup-config To display the startup configuration, use the show startup-config command. show startup-config [exclude component-list] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the context-sensitive command-line interface (CLI) help to display the list of valid component names. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the startup configuration: switch# show startup-config This example shows how to exclude the ACL manager and Control Plane Policing (CoPP) components from the command output: switch# show startup-config exclude aclmgr copp exclude component-list (Optional) Removes the components from the command output. The component-list argument is a space-separated list and can contain a maximum of four component names. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added the exclude option. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show startup-config FND-149 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description copy running-config startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. show running-config Displays the running configuration. show running-config diff Displays the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show switchname FND-150 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show switchname To display the hostname for the device, use the show switchname command. show switchname Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines The show hostname command also displays the device hostname. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the hostname for the device: switch# show switchname Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show hostname Displays the hostname. switchname Configures the hostname for the device. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show system internal dir FND-151 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show system internal dir To display the files using up filesystem space (temp directory), use the show system internal dir command. show system internal dir dir-path Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines Use this command show system internal dir /var/tmp to check what files are there in tmp directory. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the CLI to check temp directory: switch# show system internal dir /var/tmp Related Commands dir-path Specifies the use /var/tmp to check files in tmp directory. Release Modification 4.2(3) This command was introduced. Command Description show hostname Displays the hostname. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show tech-support FND-152 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show tech-support To display information about Cisco technical support, use the show tech-support command. show tech-support [brief | commands | details | feature] Syntax Description Defaults Displays information for all features. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines The output from the show tech-support command is very long. To better manage this output, you can redirect the output to a file (for example, show tech-support > bootflash:filename). If you need to contact your customer support representative or Cisco TAC to resolve an issue, use the show tech-support details command to collect system information and configuration details. Redirect the output of the show tech-support details command to a file using the tac-pac command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display technical support information and redirect it to a file: switch# show tech-support > bootflash:tsupport_file This example shows how to display the brief technical support information for the device: switch# show tech-support brief brief (Optional) Displays information only about the status of the device. commands (Optional) Displays the complete list of commands that are executed by the show tech-support command. details (Optional) Displays detailed information for troubleshooting. feature (Optional) Specific feature name. Use the command-line interface (CLI) context-sensitive help (for example, show tech-support ?) for the list of features. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show tech-support FND-153 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the technical support information for a feature: switch# show tech-support aaa This example shows how to display the commands to generate the technical support information: switch# show tech-support commands Related Commands Command Descriptioin tac-pac Saves system information in a compressed .gz file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show terminal FND-154 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show terminal To display information about the terminal configuration for a session, use the show terminal command. show terminal Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display information about the terminal configuration for a session: switch# show terminal TTY: /dev/pts/41 Type: "ansi" Length: 31 lines, Width: 80 columns Session Timeout: None Related Commands Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description terminal length Configures the terminal display length for the session. terminal session-timeout Configures the terminal inactive session timeout for a session. terminal type Configures the terminal type for a session. terminal width Configures the terminal display width for a session. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show version FND-155 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 show version To display information about the software version, use the show version command. show version [build-info [all] | epld filename | fan fan-number epld | image filename | module slot [epld] | xbar xbar-number epld] Syntax Description Defaults Displays software version information for the running kickstart and system images. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin network-operator vdc-operator Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. build-info (Optional) Displays the build information for the currently running system image. all (Optional) Displays the build information for the currently running system image and the corresponding kickstart image. epld filename (Optional) Displays the version information for an electrically programmable logic device (EPLD) image file. fan fan-number epld (Optional) Displays the EPLD version information for a fan. image filename (Optional) Displays the version information for a system or kickstart image file. module slot (Optional) Displays the version information for an I/O module image and BIOS. epld (Optional) Displays the version information for EPLD images on an I/O module. xbar xbar-number epld (Optional) Displays the EPLD version information for a fabric module. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. 4.1(2) Added the build-info keyword. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show version FND-156 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to display the version information for the kickstart and system images running on the device: switch# show version Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac Copyright (c) 2002-2008, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are owned by other third parties and used and distributed under license. Certain components of this software are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each such license is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php Software BIOS: version 3.17.0 loader: version N/A kickstart: version 4.0(1a) [gdb] system: version 4.0(1a) [gdb] BIOS compile time: 03/23/08 kickstart image file is: bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.4.0.1a.bin kickstart compile time: 5/8/2008 13:00:00 [05/20/2008 07:52:26] system image file is: bootflash:/n7000-s1-dk9.4.0.1a.bin system compile time: 5/8/2008 13:00:00 [05/20/2008 08:35:00] Hardware cisco Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis ("Supervisor module-1X") Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU with 2063436 kB of memory. Processor Board ID JAB10380101 Device name: switch bootflash: 1023120 kB slot0: 0 kB (expansion flash) Kernel uptime is 1 day(s), 3 hour(s), 48 minute(s), 20 second(s) Last reset at 761445 usecs after Wed May 21 11:46:23 2008 Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload System version: 4.0(1.51) Service: plugin Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin CMP (Module 6) no response CMP (Module 5) no response This example shows how to display the version information for an image file: switch# show version image bootflash:old_image image name: old_image bios: v3.15.0(03/04/08) system: version 4.0(1a) compiled: 4/3/2008 8:00:00 [04/18/2008 08:26:29] Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands show version FND-157 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the version information for an I/O module: switch# show version module 2 ModNo Image Type SW Version SW Interim Version BIOS Version 2 SLC 4.0(1a) 4.0(1a) 1.10.5 This example shows how to display the version information for the EPLD images on an I/O module: switch# show version module 2 epld EPLD Device Version --------------------------------------- Power Manager 2.9 IO 1.17 Forwarding Engine 1.4 This example shows how to display the version information for the EPLD images on a fabric module: switch# show version xbar 1 epld EPLD Device Version --------------------------------------- Power Manager 2.4 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands sleep FND-158 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 sleep To cause the command-line interface (CLI) to pause before displaying the prompt, use the sleep command. sleep seconds Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the sleep command scripts to delay the execution of the script. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to cause the CLI to pause before displaying the prompt: switch# sleep 5 seconds Number of seconds. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands slot FND-159 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 slot To issue commands to an I/O module from the supervisor module session, use the slot command. slot slot-number {command-string | quoted command-string} Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the slot command instead of starting a session on the I/O module with the attach command. By default, the keyword and arguments in the command-string argument are separated by a space. To send more than one command to a module, separate the commands with a space character, a semicolon character (;), and a space character. The quoted keyword indicates that the command string begins and ends with double quotation marks ( ). Use this keyword when you want to redirect the module command output to a filtering utility, such as diff, that is supported only on the supervisor module session. This command does not require a license. slot-number Chassis slot number for the I/O module. The range is from 1 to 18. command-string Commands to send to the I/O module. If you want to send more than one command to the I/O module, separate the commands with a space, a semicolon (;), and a space. quoted Indicates that the command string is enclosed in double quotation marks. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands slot FND-160 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to send commands to an I/O module from the supervisor module session: switch# slot 1 show system uptime ; show version System start time: Tue Aug 4 15:09:49 2009 System uptime: 6 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes, 55 seconds Kernel uptime: 6 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes, 7 seconds RAM 516692 kB lc1 Software BIOS: version 1.10.6 system: version 4.2(1) [build 4.2(1)] BIOS compile time: 11/04/08 system compile time: 7/3/2009 2:00:00 [08/02/2009 07:15:39] Hardware bootflash: 0 blocks (block size 512b) uptime is 6 days 17 hours 53 minute(s) 7 second(s) This example shows how to send a quoted command to an I/O module from the supervisor module session: switch# slot 1 quoted "show system uptime" | diff switch# slot 1 quoted "show system uptime" | diff -c *** /volatile/vsh_diff_1_admin_4849_slot__quoted_show_system_uptime.old Tue Aug 11 09:16:14 2009 --- - Tue Aug 11 09:16:14 2009 *************** *** 1,3 **** System start time: Tue Aug 4 15:09:49 2009 ! System uptime: 6 days, 18 hours, 6 minutes, 13 seconds ! Kernel uptime: 6 days, 18 hours, 8 minutes, 25 seconds --- 1,3 ---- System start time: Tue Aug 4 15:09:49 2009 ! System uptime: 6 days, 18 hours, 6 minutes, 36 seconds ! Kernel uptime: 6 days, 18 hours, 8 minutes, 48 seconds Related Commands Command Description attach module Starts a command session on an I/O module. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands source FND-161 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 source To run a tcl/python script, use the source command. source filename [argument ...] Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. filename Specifies the file in bootflash:scripts directory (or sub-dir of it). The first line of the file has to start with either #!/bin/env tclsh #!/bin/env python depending on the language of the script. The TCL or Python script can run CLI commands with the new TCL/Python command cli. argument Specifies some arguments. Release Modification 6.1(2) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands source FND-162 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples switch# show file bootflash:scripts/test.py #!/bin/env python f=open("/bootflash/test.out", "w+") f.write("hello\n"); try: r=cli("show clock") except: print "got an exception: ", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value; exit(-1) f.write("time %s\n" % r) print "time %s\n" % r r=clid("show version") for k in r: print "%40s %s" % (k, r[k]) switch# source test.py time 08:44:38.590 UTC Wed Sep 12 2012 kern_uptm_secs 9 kick_file_name bootflash:///kick rr_service module_id Supervisor module-1X slot0_size 2044854 kick_tmstmp 09/07/2012 20:36:23 isan_file_name bootflash:///full sys_ver_str 6.1(2) [gdb] bootflash_size 2000880 kickstart_ver_str 6.1(2) [gdb] kick_cmpl_time 12/25/2020 12:00:00 chassis_id Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot)Chassis proc_board_id JAF1417AGCB memory 4110232 manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc. kern_uptm_mins 10 bios_ver_str 3.22.0 cpu_name Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU bios_cmpl_time 02/20/10 kern_uptm_hrs 12 switch# show file bootflash:test.out hello time 08:44:38.590 UTC Wed Sep 12 2012 switch# Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands sscp FND-163 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 sscp To copy command output to or from Cisco devices securely, use the sscp command. command | sscp mybox /users/user-name/host-name Syntax Description Defaults None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must create a Secure Shell (SSH) connection before using the sscp command. You can create an SSH connection by using the ssh name command. Password is specified only once at the time of creation of the ssh-master-connection. So, you do not have to enter the password again. If the SSH server is running on a Windows system, you must copy the cat.exe file from the binutils of GNU into the Windows path. The sscp command is used at the end of the pipe (|). This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to use the Streaming Secure Copy Protocol (SSCP) as the transfer mechanism: switch# ssh name mybox admin WARNING!!! READ THIS BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO LOGON
This System is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer without authority, or in excess of their ...
[email protected]'s password: switch# show version | sscp mybox /users/admin/tada switch# command Specifies a command that produces command-line interface (CLI) output. mybox Name of the Secure Shell (SSH) connection. /users/user-name/host-name Path and name of the file on the remote host. Release Modification 5.0(2) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands stopbits FND-164 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 stopbits To configure the stop bits for the COM1 port or console port, use the stopbits command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. stopbits {1 | 2} no stopbits {1 | 2} Syntax Description Defaults 1 stop bit Command Modes COM1 port configuration Console port configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You can use the stopbits command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). You can configure the console and COM1 ports only from a session on the console port. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the number of stop bits for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# stopbits 2 This example shows how to configure the number of stop bits for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# stopbits 2 1 Specifies one stop bit. 2 Specifies two stop bits. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands stopbits FND-165 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to revert to the default number of stop bits for the COM1 port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line com1 switch(config-com1)# no stopbits 2 This example shows how to revert to the default number of stop bits for the console port: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# line console switch(config-console)# no stopbits 2 Related Commands Command Description show line Displays information about the COM1 port and console port configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands switchname FND-166 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 switchname To configure the hostname for the device, use the switchname command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. switchname name no switchname Syntax Description Defaults switch Command Modes Global configuration Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The Cisco NX-OS software uses the hostname in command-line interface (CLI) prompts and in default configuration filenames. The switchname command performs the same function as the hostname command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the device hostname: switch# configure terminal switch(config)# switchname Engineering2 Engineering2(config)# This example shows how to revert to the default device hostname: Engineering2# configure terminal Engineering2(config)# no switchname switch(config)# name Name for the device. The name is alphanumeric, case sensitive, can contain special characters, and can have a maximum of 32 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands switchname FND-167 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description hostname Configures the device hostname. show switchname Displays the device hostname. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tac-pac FND-168 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 tac-pac To save system information in a compressed .gz file at a specific location, use the tac-pac command. tac-pac [bootflash: | ftp: | scp: | sftp: | slot0: | tftp: | volatile:] Syntax Description Command Default None Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the tac-pac command to redirect the output of the show tech-support details command to a file, and then gzip the file. If you do not specify a filename, Cisco NX-OS creates the file as volatile:show_tech_out.gz. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to save the output of the show tech-support details command to the bootflash:. switch# tac-pac bootflash://showtech.switch1 Related Commands bootflash: (Optional) Specifies the internal Flash memory. ftp: (Optional) Uses FTP to download the file. scp: (Optional) Uses Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) to download the file. sftp: (Optional) Uses Secure Shell FTP (SFTP) to download the file. slot0: (Optional) Specifies the external Flash memory. tftp: (Optional) Uses Trivial FTP (TFTP) to download the file. volatile: (Optional) Specifies the volatile memory on the device. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show tech-support Displays information about Cisco technical support. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tail FND-169 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 tail To display the last lines of a file, use the tail command. tail [filesystem:[//module/]][directory/]filename lines] Syntax Description Defaults 10 lines Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display the last 10 lines of a file: switch# tail bootflash:startup.cfg ip arp inspection filter marp vlan 9 ip dhcp snooping vlan 13 ip arp inspection vlan 13 ip dhcp snooping ip arp inspection validate src-mac dst-mac ip ip source binding 0f00.60b3.2333 vlan 13 interface Ethernet2/46 ip source binding 0060.3454.4555 vlan 100 interface Ethernet2/10 logging level dhcp_snoop 6 logging level eth_port_channel 6 filesystem: (Optional) Name of a file system. The name is case sensitive. //module/ (Optional) Identifier for a supervisor module. Valid values are sup-active, sup-local, sup-remote, or sup-standby. The identifiers are case sensitive. directory/ (Optional) Name of a directory. The name is case sensitive. filename Name of the command file. The name is case sensitive. lines (Optional) Number of lines to display. The range is from 0 to 80. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tail FND-170 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the last 20 lines of a file: switch# tail bootflash:startup.cfg 20 area 99 virtual-link router rip Enterprise router rip foo address-family ipv4 unicast router bgp 33.33 event manager applet sdtest monitor session 1 monitor session 2 ip dhcp snooping vlan 1 ip arp inspection vlan 1 ip arp inspection filter marp vlan 9 ip dhcp snooping vlan 13 ip arp inspection vlan 13 ip dhcp snooping ip arp inspection validate src-mac dst-mac ip ip source binding 0f00.60b3.2333 vlan 13 interface Ethernet2/46 ip source binding 0060.3454.4555 vlan 100 interface Ethernet2/10 logging level dhcp_snoop 6 logging level eth_port_channel 6 Related Commands Command Description cd Changes the current working directory. copy Copies files. dir Displays the directory contents. pwd Displays the name of the current working directory. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar append FND-171 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 tar append To append files to a tar archive file, use the tar append command. tar append {bootflash: | volatile:}archive-filename [absolute] [remove] [verbose] filename-list Syntax Description Defaults Adds the tar.gz extension to the archive filename if you do not enter an extension. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must create an archive file using the tar create command before you can append files to it. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to append two files to the end of an archive file: switch# tar append bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz newfile1 newfile2 bootflash Specifies the internal CompactFlash memory located on the active supervisor module used for storing image files, configuration files, and other miscellaneous files. The initial default directory is bootflash. volatile Specifies the volatile random-access memory that is located on a supervisor module used for temporary or pending changes. archive-filename Name of an existing tar archive file. absolute (Optional) Uses the filenames without stripping leading backslashes (/). remove (Optional) Removes the files after adding them to the archive file. verbose (Optional) Displays the filenames when the Cisco NX-OS software appends them to the archive file. filename-list Space-separated list of filenames. The files must be only on bootflash: or volatile:. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar append FND-172 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to append two files to the end of an archive file and display the filenames as they are appended: switch# tar append bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz verbose newfile1 newfile2 /bootflash/newfile1 /bootflash/newfile2 This example shows how to append two files to the end of an archive file and remove those files from the device: switch# tar append bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz remove newfile1 newfile2 Related Commands Command Description tar create Creates an archive file. tar extract Extracts the files from an archive file. tar list Displays the contents of an archive file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar create FND-173 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 tar create To create a tar archive file, use the tar create command. tar create {bootflash: | volatile:}archive-filename [absolute] [bz2-compress] [gz-compress] [remove] [uncompressed] [verbose] filename-list Syntax Description Defaults gz-compress Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History bootflash Specifies the internal CompactFlash memory located on the active supervisor module used for storing image files, configuration files, and other miscellaneous files. The initial default directory is bootflash. volatile Specifies the volatile random-access memory that is located on a supervisor module used for temporary or pending changes. archive-filename Name of an existing tar archive file. absolute (Optional) Uses the filenames without removing the leading backslashes (/). bz2-compress (Optional) Compresses the files when they are added to the archive file by using the bzip 2 utility. With this option, the archive file extension is .tar.bz2. gz-compress (Optional) Compresses the files when they are added to the archive file by using the gzip utility. With this option, the archive file extension is .tar.gz. remove (Optional) Removes the files after adding them to the archive file. uncompressed (Optional) Adds the files to the archive file without compression. With this option, the archive file extension is .tar. verbose (Optional) Displays the filenames when the Cisco NX-OS software appends them to the archive file. filename-list Space-separated list of filenames. The files must be only on bootflash: or volatile:. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added the absolute, bz2-compress, and uncompressed optional keywords. Changed the compress keyword to gz-compress. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar create FND-174 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Usage Guidelines This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to create a tar archive file and add two files: switch# tar create bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz newfile1 newfile2 This example shows how to create a tar archive file, add two files, and display the filenames as they are appended: switch# tar create bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz verbose newfile1 newfile2 /bootflash/newfile1 /bootflash/newfile2 This example shows how to create a tar archive file, add two files, and remove those files from the device: switch# tar create bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz remove newfile1 newfile2 Related Commands Command Description tar append Appends files to the end of an archive file. tar extract Extracts the files from an archive file. tar list Displays the contents of an archive file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar extract FND-175 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 tar extract To extract files from a tar archive file, use the tar extract command. tar extract {bootflash: | volatile:}archive-filename [keep-old] [screen] [to {bootflash: | volatile:}filename] [verbose] Syntax Description Defaults Adds the tar.gz extension to the archive filename if you do not enter an extension. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must create an archive file using the tar create command before you can extract files from it. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to extract files from an archive file: switch# tar extract bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz bootflash Specifies the internal CompactFlash memory located on the active supervisor module used for storing image files, configuration files, and other miscellaneous files. The initial default directory is bootflash. volatile Specifies the volatile random-access memory that is located on a supervisor module used for temporary or pending changes. archive-filename Name of an existing tar archive file. keep-old (Optional) Specifies to not overwrite existing files. screen (Optional) Extracts only to the terminal session screen. to (Optional) Extracts to another tar archive file. The target archive file must exist on the device before you can extract files to it. filename Name of the file that you want to create. verbose (Optional) Displays the filenames when the Cisco NX-OS software appends them to the archive file. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added the keep-old and to optional keywords. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar extract FND-176 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to extract files from an archive file and display the filenames as they are extracted: switch# tar extract bootflash:testarchive.tar.gz verbose newfile1 newfile2 /bootflash/newfile1 /bootflash/newfile2 Related Commands Command Description tar append Appends files to the end of an archive file. tar create Creates an archive file. tar list Displays the contents of an archive file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands tar list FND-177 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 tar list To list the files in a tar archive file, use the tar list command. tar list {bootflash: | volatile:}archive-filename Syntax Description Defaults Adds the tar.gz extension to the archive filename if you do not enter an extension. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines You must create an archive file using the tar create command before you can list files. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to list files in an archive file: switch# tar list bootflash:testfile.tar.gz bootflash/newfile2 bootflash/newfile1 Related Commands bootflash Specifies the internal CompactFlash memory located on the active supervisor module used for storing image files, configuration files, and other miscellaneous files. The initial default directory is bootflash. volatile Specifies the volatile random-access memory that is located on a supervisor module used for temporary or pending changes. archive-filename Name of an existing tar archive file. Release Modification 4.1(2) This command was introduced. Command Description tar append Appends files to the end of an archive file. tar create Creates an archive file. tar extract Extracts the files from an archive file. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal alias FND-178 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal alias To display and define command aliases for the user session, use the terminal alias command. To remove the alias definition, use the no form of this command. terminal alias [persist] [alias-name alias-definition] no terminal alias [persist] [alias-name alias-definition] Syntax Description Defaults Displays the command aliases available to the user session. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Aliases that you define with the terminal alias command are available only to the current user. Other users cannot use these command aliases. To create aliases that other users can access, use the cli alias name command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to define a command alias only for the current user session: switch# terminal alias shint show interface brief This example shows how to define a command alias to persist across sessions for the current user: switch# terminal alias persist shver show version persist (Optional) Makes the setting persistent for the current and future sessions for the current user. alias-name (Optional) Name of the alias. alias-definition Alias definition. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal alias FND-179 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to display the command aliases available to the current user session: switch# terminal alias CLI alias commands ================== shint :show interface brief ------------------ alias :show cli alias This example shows how to remove a temporary command alias for the user session: switch# no terminal alias shint Related Commands Command Description cli alias name Configures command aliases for all user sessions. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal color FND-180 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal color To change the colors used when displaying the commands and output on the command-line interface (CLI) for the user session, use the terminal color command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal color [persist] no terminal color [persist] Syntax Description Defaults All CLI prompts, commands, and command outputs display in colors that are defined by the terminal emulator. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The terminal color command changes the CLI colors as follows: Displays the command prompt in green if the previous command was successful. Displays the command prompt in red if an error occurred in the previous command. Displays the command in blue. Displays the output in the default color defined by the terminal emulator. The terminal colors setting applies only to the current user session. Use the persist keyword to change the setting for the current and future sessions for the current user. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to change the terminal display colors for the current user session: switch# terminal color persist (Optional) Makes the setting persistent for the current and future sessions for the current user. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal color FND-181 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 This example shows how to change the terminal display colors for the current and future sessions for the current user: switch# terminal color persist This example shows how to revert to the default for the current user session: switch# no terminal color This example shows how to revert to the default for the current and future sessions for the current user: switch# no terminal color persist Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal dont-ask FND-182 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal dont-ask To disable confirmation prompts on the command-line interface (CLI), use the terminal dont-ask command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal dont-ask [persist] no terminal dont-ask [persist] Syntax Description Defaults Confirmation prompts are enabled. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The terminal confirmation prompt setting applies only to the current user session. Use the persist keyword to change the setting for the current and future sessions for the current user. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to disable the CLI confirmation prompts for the current user session: switch# terminal dont-ask This example shows how to disable the CLI confirmation prompts for the current and future sessions for the current user: switch# terminal dont-ask persist This example shows how to enable the CLI confirmation prompts for the current user session: switch# no terminal dont-ask This example shows how to enable the CLI confirmation prompts for the current and future sessions for the current user: switch# no terminal dont-ask persist persist (Optional) Makes the setting persistent for the current and future sessions for the current user. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal edit-mode vi FND-183 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal edit-mode vi To enable vi editing of recalled commands, use the terminal edit-mode vi command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal edit-mode vi [persist] no terminal edit-mode vi [persist] Syntax Description Defaults emacs Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The edit mode setting applies only to the current user session. Use the persist keyword to change the setting for the current and future sessions for the current user. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to change the edit mode for recalled commands to vi for the current user session: switch# terminal edit-mode vi This example shows how to change the edit mode for recalled commands to vi for the current and future sessions for the current user: switch# terminal edit-mode vi persist This example shows how to revert the edit mode for recalled commands to emacs for the current user session: switch# no terminal edit-mode vi This example shows how to revert the edit mode for recalled commands to emacs for the current and future sessions for the current user: switch# no terminal edit-mode vi persist persist (Optional) Makes the setting persistent for the current and future sessions for the current user. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal edit-mode vi FND-184 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal history no-exec-in-config FND-185 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal history no-exec-in-config To remove the EXEC commands from the show history command output, use the terminal history no-exec-in-config command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal history no-exec-in-config no terminal history no-exec-in-config Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults The show history command always displays EXEC commands. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The terminal history setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to remove the EXEC commands when recalling the command history from a configuration command mode: switch# terminal history no-exec-in-config This example shows how to revert to the default: switch# no terminal history no-exec-in-config Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal length FND-186 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal length To set the number of lines of output to display on the terminal screen for the current session before pausing, use the terminal length command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal length lines terminal no length Syntax Description Defaults The initial default for the console is 0. The initial default for virtual terminal sessions is 31. The default for the no form is 24 lines. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The session pauses after displaying the number of lines set in the terminal length. Press the space bar to display another screen of lines or press the Enter key to display another line. To return to the command prompt, press Ctrl+C. The terminal length setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to set the number of lines of command output to display on the terminal before pausing: switch# terminal length 28 This example shows how to revert to the default number of lines: switch# terminal no length lines Number of lines to display. The range is from 0 to 511. Use 0 to not pause while displaying output. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal length FND-187 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal log-all FND-188 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal log-all To enable logging of all commands, including the show commands, to the accounting log, use the terminal log-all command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal log-all terminal no log-all Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults Does not log the show commands. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The terminal log setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to enable logging of all commands in the accounting log: switch# terminal log-all This example shows how to disable logging of all commands in the accounting log: switch# terminal no log-all Related Commands Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal redirection-mode FND-189 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal redirection-mode To configure the format of the output from show commands, use the terminal redirection-mode command. terminal redirection-mode {ascii | zipped} Syntax Description Defaults ascii Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Some of the show commands have lengthy outputs, especially the debugging show commands such as the show tech-support command. You can use the terminal redirection-mode command to reduce the size of the file when you redirect the output from the command. The terminal redirection mode setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to configure the zipped format for the terminal redirection mode: switch# terminal redirection-mode zipped This example shows how to configure the ASCII format for the terminal redirection mode: switch# terminal redirection-mode ascii Related Commands ascii Specifies the standard character format when redirecting show command output. zipped Specifies the zipped format when redirecting show command output. Release Modification 4.2(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal session-timeout FND-190 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal session-timeout To set the terminal inactivity timeout for the current session, use the terminal session-timeout command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal session-timeout minutes terminal no session-timeout Syntax Description Defaults 0 minutes Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines A value of 0 minutes disables the session timeout. The terminal session inactivity timeout setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to set the terminal inactivity timeout for the session: switch# terminal session-timeout 10 This example shows how to revert to the default terminal inactivity timeout for the session: switch# terminal no session-timeout Related Commands minutes Number of minutes. The range is from 0 to 525600 minutes (8760 hours). Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal type FND-191 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal type To set the terminal type for the current session, use the terminal type command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal type type terminal no type Syntax Description Defaults ansi Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The terminal type setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to set the terminal type: switch# terminal type xterm This example shows how to revert to the default terminal type: switch# terminal no type Related Commands type Type of terminal. The type string is case sensitive, must be a valid type (for example, vt100 or xterm), and has a maximum of 80 characters. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands terminal width FND-192 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 terminal width To set the number of character columns on the terminal screen for the current line for a session, use the terminal width command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command. terminal width columns terminal no width Syntax Description Defaults 80 columns Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The terminal width setting applies only to the current session. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to set the number of columns to display on the terminal: switch# terminal width 70 This example shows how to revert to the default number of columns: switch# terminal no width Related Commands columns Number of columns. The range is from 24 to 511. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description show terminal Displays the terminal session configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands traceroute FND-193 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 traceroute To discover the routes that packets take when traveling to an IPv4 address, use the traceroute command. traceroute {dest-ipv4-addr | hostname} [vrf vrf-name] [show-mpls-hops] [source src-ipv4-addr] Syntax Description Defaults Uses the default VRF. Does not show the MPLS hops. Uses the management IPv4 address for the source address. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To use IPv6 addressing for discovering the route to a device, use the traceroute6 command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to discover a route to a device: switch# traceroute vrf management traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ( 0.746 ms 0.595 ms 0.479 ms 2 ( 0.592 ms 0.51 ms 0.486 ms 3 ( 0.701 ms 0.58 ms 0.486 ms 4 ( 0.495 ms 0.43 ms 0.482 ms Related Commands dest-ipv4-addr IPv4 address of the destination device. The format is A.B.C.D. hostname Name of the destination device. The name is case sensitive. vrf vrf-name (Optional) Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) to use. The name is case sensitive. show-mpls-hops (Optional) Displays the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) hops. source src-ipv4-addr (Optional) Specifies a source IPv4 address. The format is A.B.C.D. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description traceroute6 Discovers the route to a device using IPv6 addressing. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands traceroute6 FND-194 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 traceroute6 To discover the routes that packets take when traveling to an IPv6 address, use the traceroute6 command. traceroute6 {dest-ipv6-addr | hostname} [vrf vrf-name] [source src-ipv6-addr] Syntax Description Defaults Uses the default VRF. Uses the management IPv6 address for the source address. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To use IPv4 addressing for discovering the route to a device, use the traceroute command. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to discover a route to a device: switch# traceroute6 2001:0DB8::200C:417A vrf management Related Commands dest-ipv6-addr IPv6 address of the destination device. The format is A:B::C:D. hostname Name of the destination device. The name is case sensitive. vrf vrf-name (Optional) Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) to use. The name is case sensitive. source src-ipv4-addr (Optional) Specifies a source IPv4 address. The format is A:B::C:D. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Command Description traceroute Discovers the route to a device using IPv4 addressing. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands update license FND-195 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 update license To update an existing license, use the update license command. update license {bootflash: | slot0: | usb0: | usb1:}filename license-filename Syntax Description Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin Command History Usage Guidelines To view the existing license file name, use the show license command. Note After installing the license, the system copies it to a hidden location. You can delete the license file from bootflash after installing it on the system. You can use the update license command only in the default virtual device context (VDC). This command does not require a license. bootflash: Specifies the license file location in the internal bootflash memory. slot0: Specifies the license file in the CompactFlash memory or PCMCIA card. usb0: Specifies the license file in the external USB memory. usb1: Specifies the license file in the external USB memory. filename Name of the license file that needs to be installed. license-filename Name of the existing license file that needs to be updated. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. 4.2(1) Added license filename argument. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands update license FND-196 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Examples This example shows how to update a specific license: switch# update license bootflash:Advanced2.lic Advanced1.lic Updating Advanced1.lic: SERVER this_host ANY VENDOR cisco Advanced1.lic: FEATURE LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES cisco 1.000 permanent 30 HOSTID=VDH=4C0AF664 \ SIGN=24B2B68AA676 with bootflash:/Advance2.lic: SERVER this_host ANY VENDOR cisco Advanced2.lic: FEATURE LAN_ADVANCED_SERVICES cisco 1.000 permanent uncounted HOSTID=VDH=4C0AF664 \ SIGN=CB7872B23700 Do you want to continue? (y/n) y Updating license ..done Related Commands Command Description show license Displays the license information. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands where FND-197 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 where To display your current context in the command-line interface (CLI), use the where command. where [detail] Syntax Description Defaults Displays summary context information. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines The where command helps you to keep track of where you are in the CLI and how you got to that place. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to display summary context information: switch(config-if)# where ?conf; interface Ethernet2/3 admin@switch%default This example shows how to display detailed context information: switch(config-if)# where detail ?conf; interface Ethernet2/3 admin@switch%default mode: conf interface Ethernet2/3 username: admin vdc: switch routing-context vrf: default detail (Optional) Displays detailed context information. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands write erase FND-198 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 write erase To erase configurations in persistent memory areas, use the write erase command. write erase [boot | debug] Syntax Description Defaults Erases all configuration in persistent memory except for the boot variable, mgmt0 interface, and debug configuration. Command Modes Any command mode Supported User Roles network-admin vdc-admin Command History Usage Guidelines Use the write erase command to erase the startup configuration in the persistent memory when information is corrupted or otherwise unusable. Erasing the startup configuration returns the device to its initial state, except for the boot variable, mgmt0 interface, and debug configurations. You have to explicitly erase those configurations with the boot and debug options. This command does not require a license. Examples This example shows how to erase the startup configuration: switch(config-if)# write erase Warning: This command will erase the startup-configuration. Do you wish to proceed anyway? (y/n) [n] y This example shows how to erase the boot variable and mgmt0 interface configuration in the persistent memory: switch(config-if)# write erase boot This example shows how to erase the debug configuration in the persistent memory: switch(config-if)# write erase debug boot (Optional) Erases only the boot variable and mgmt0 interface configuration. debug (Optional) Erases only the debug configuration. Release Modification 4.0(1) This command was introduced. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands write erase FND-199 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02 Related Commands Command Description copy running-config startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. show running-config Displays the startup configuration. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Commands write erase FND-200 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Fundamentals Command Reference OL-23376-02