WordPress Training

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IISME Summer 2007 Fellowship

Educational Transfer Plan

Websites with WordPress:

How to design, create, and manage your own website

Created by Michael Allen

Sponsor Company: eMeter Corporation

Mentor: Cherie Chan

Table of Contents

Training Modules.................................................................................................................4
1: Introduction to Blogging & WordPress..................................................................4
2: Tour of WordPress....................................................................................................4
3: Plan a Website...........................................................................................................5
4: Create a Website.......................................................................................................5
Create an account.........................................................................................................5
Update Profile..............................................................................................................6
Create Title and Tagline...............................................................................................6
Manage Categories.......................................................................................................6
Manage Pages..............................................................................................................6
Manage Posts...............................................................................................................7
Change Theme.............................................................................................................7
Manage Widgets...........................................................................................................7
Manage Comments......................................................................................................7
Manage Blogroll..........................................................................................................8
5. Explore Some Websites............................................................................................8
6: Manage Your Website...............................................................................................8
Planning Your Site Form......................................................................................................9
Workshop Evaluation.........................................................................................................13
Workshop Survey...............................................................................................................14
Presentation Slide Deck.....................................................................................................15

This project provides teachers with an introduction to website creation and training in the
online software tool WordPress. Instruction and support will be given to teachers on how
to create, update and manage their individual classroom websites using WordPress.


• Identify the major components of a blog

• Locate and describe the key features of WordPress
• Plan and design a website
• Use WordPress to create a website


“Websites with WordPress” was designed to introduce, provide practice with, and
create a website using the on-line software application WordPress. Presentation,
demonstration/exercises, and Q & A will be the instructional methods used to achieve the
stated objectives.
The workshop has been divided into 6 training modules. Each module contains a brief
introduction, a list of objectives, and specific content. Each module, each will contain a
combination of screenshots, procedures, and text to deliver the information.
The first module provides an introduction to blogs and an overview of WordPress.
The second module is tour of WordPress user interface and illustrates its key features and
functions. The third module is guide to gathering the information needed to create a
website plan. The fourth module provides instruction and practice for a series of
individual tasks to complete. Step by step procedures and illustrations are used to
demonstrate how to complete each task. The fifth module is designed to provide time in
viewing the other workshop participants’ WordPress websites. Practice in how to leave
comments and review comments left by others will be given. The last module contains a
workshop summary, time for Q & A, and a list of WordPress resources.
The most effective method for the delivery of the content would be a face to face
training session. The training has been designed so that it can be completed individually.
By the end of the workshop participants will have learned the basics of blogging, the key
features of WordPress and how to plan, design, and create a website. The workshop
materials and a list of additional WordPress resources can be used by participants. The
instructor will be available throughout the year to offer assistance and help participants
manage their classroom websites.


The project addresses two ISTE National Technology Standards: Standard IB-
demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of
current and emerging technologies and Standard IV D- use technology to communicate
with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student understanding.

My fellowship responsibilities were to update content on the company's website and to

create training materials. Since the use of websites is standard in industry and business
sectors, schools should implement the same practice and help teachers to create
individual classroom websites. I will use the skills I developed during my fellowship to
create and implement a training workshop on website design. The training will focus on
how to create, edit, and manage a website using WordPress.


Computers with internet access,

LCD projector
Plan a Website worksheets
Workshop evaluation forms
Pre and post-survey forms


The WordPress site itself offers a variety of free tutorials, documents, and forums that can
be accessed for help:

This is a free blogging community site that provides tools, examples and support for
educational blogging:

• Ask teachers to complete “Pre-Workshop Survey”
• Plan, schedule, and invite teaches to “Websites with WordPress” workshop
• Conduct workshop
• Ask teachers to complete “Post-Workshop Survey” and “Workshop Evaluation” forms
• Provide help and guidance throughout the year to teachers who are managing their
classroom website
Training Modules

1: Introduction to Blogging & WordPress

Abbreviation of the words Web and Log

Ongoing chronicle of information
Frequently updated with many focuses and purposes
Main content area with posts
Archive of older posts
A way for people to leave comments
Links to other sites “Blog roll”
One or more RSS Feeds (Real Simple Syndication)
Content: Updated continuously
Comments: interactive feature that allows the visitor to leave comments

History of WordPress
Started in 2003 with a bit of code to enhance typography
Now it’s the largest self hosting blogging tool in the world
Open Source
Can download and customize but easiest way is to use the WordPress.com site

Origin of the name:

Developer wanted to associate the new software with printing presses
Press- refers to journalists, photographers, columnists
Serves as a printing press for users to publish their words

2: Tour of WordPress

Administration panel: where the organization of your site begins

View site: see the actual site
Header: title placeholder
Sidebar/Navigation: Widgets- pages, categories, links, calendar, etc.
Post: title, content, meta data
Footer: blog source
Home Page: features most recent posts, which link to actual post page
Posts: stored in categories
Archives: organizes previous posts
The Dashboard: “Your Stuff” and “What’s Hot”
Users: Authors and Users, your profile
Presentation: Themes- presentation style, features, and feel
Write: Write new posts and create pages
Manage: manage posts, pages, uploads, categories, import/export files
Blogroll: links to other websites
Comments: moderate comments left by others
3: Plan a Website

Mission Statement:
What am I going to do with this?
Who is going to read this?
What kinds of information will I be posting?
Why am I doing this?
Who am I doing this for?
How often am I going to be posting and adding information?

This website will be dedicated to X, Y, and Z. and cover the topics of A, B, and C. The
audience will be_____________________. I will be adding posts
every_________________ about_____________________. I am doing this because

X, Y, and Z: purpose
A, B, C: categories

Title and Tag Line

Sidebar: What information do you want in the sidebar
Blogroll: http://www.epa.gov/kids, http://www.scholastic.com/kids
RSS Feed: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/rss/SNK.asp
Categories: Ask the Teacher, Homework, Weekly Bulletins, Special Announcements
Pages: About, Daily Schedule
Biographical Statement
Username and Password
Welcome Message

4: Create a Website

Create an account
Open browser and type in http://www.wordpress.com
Click Start your free WordPress Blog
Type in your “username” in the Username Box
Type in your “email address” in the Email Box
Check the box next to Legal flotsam
Click Next
Identify your site’s domain name
Enter your “Blog Title”
Click Sign Up
Open the email sent by WordPress and locate your password
Return to http://www.wordpress.com type in your “username” and “password”
Click Enter
Update Profile

Click Users on the topic menu bar

Click Your Profile in sub-topic bar
Type your “first name, last name, and nickname” in the Name section
Type your “autobiographical statement” in the About Yourself section
Type your “email” and “website address” in the Contact Info section

Type your “new password” twice in the Password section

Click Update Profile

Create Title and Tagline

Click Options in the topic menu bar

Type your “website’s title” in the Weblog Title box
Type your “website’s tagline” in the Tagline box
Click Update Options

Manage Categories

Add a Category
Click Manage in the topic menu bar
Click Categories in the sub-topic menu bar
Click Add New

Type “Ask the Teacher” in the Category Name box

Type a brief description of the category in the Description box
Click Add Category

Repeat the steps above to create these categories:

“Homework” “Weekly Bulletins” “Special Announcements”

Manage Pages

Click Manage in the topic menu bar

Click Pages in the sub-topic menu bar

Edit Page
Click Edit for the page About
Delete the text in the Page Content section
Type your “Mission Statement”
Click Save

Create Page
Click Create Page
Type Daily Schedule in the Page Title box
Click Publish
Manage Posts

Delete a Post
Click Manage in topic menu bar
Locate the example post
Click Delete for the post
Click OK in dialogue box

Write a Post
Click Write in the topic menu bar
Click Write Post in the sub-topic menu bar
Type your “welcome message title” in the Title box
Type your “welcome message” in the Post box
Use the tool bar to edit and format your message
Click Uncategorized in the Categories box
Click Publish to publish your post to your website

Change Theme

Click Presentation in the topic menu bar

Scroll down to find a theme you like
Click on the “theme title”
(website is automatically updated with new theme)
Scroll to the top and click View Site
Click your browser’s back button

Manage Widgets

Click Presentation in the topic menu bar

Click Widgets in the sub-topic menu bar

Add RSS Feed

Find the widget RSS 1 in the Available Widgets box
Drag the widget RSS 1 to the sidebar box
Double click on the Configure Icon on the right side of the widget
Locate the pop-up dialogue box
Type the URL address: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/rss/SNK.asp in the RSS/Feed
Type “Science Right Now!” in the Title box

Manage Comments
Click Comments
Delete comment
Email is received when new comments are written and posted
Manage Blogroll

Add a Link
Click Blogroll in the topic menu bar
Click Add Link in the sub-topic menu bar
Type “Environmental Kids Page” in the Title box
Type “http://www.epa.gov/kids” in the Address box
Check Blogroll in the Categories box
Click Add Link

Repeat the steps above to create links for the following:

“Scholastic Kid page” “http://www.scholastic.com/kids”

“Yahooligans” “http://www.yahooligans.com”

5. Explore Some Websites

Website Addresses
Identify the web addresses of the WordPress sites created by workshop participants
Make a list of these websites to use as a resource
Trade your website address with one other participant

Leave a Comment
Open up a new web browser window
Type in the “web address” of your partner’s site
Read the Introduction Post
Click Comment
Type “your name”
Type “your email address”
Type “your comment”
Click Submit Comment

Award Winning Sites

Open a new web browser
Type in: http://www.incsub.org/awards
Scroll to view different sites
Click on a site you would like to see
Continue to choose other sites to visit

6: Manage Your Website

Here are two excellent resources to help you expand, modify, and manage your website:
Planning Your Site

A good website comes from a good plan. It is now time for you to think about your own
classroom website. This form will help you plan, design, and develop your site.

Mission Statement

The first step in designing your site is to determine the purpose, content, and audience.
To help you identify these things, read the questions below and write a brief answer for
each one.

1. What am I going to do with this? __________________________________________


2. Who is going to read this? _______________________________________________


3. What kind of information will I be posting? _________________________________


4. Why am I doing this? ___________________________________________________


5. Who am I doing this for? ________________________________________________


6. How often am I going to be posting and adding information? ___________________


Compile the information from your answers to write a paragraph. This will be your
mission statement. Use the following template as a guide.

This website will be dedicated to X, Y, and Z. and cover the topics of A, B, and C. The
audience will be_____________________. I will be adding posts
every_________________ about_____________________. I am doing this because

X, Y, and Z: purpose for the website

A, B, and C: categories of information
My Mission Statement





Title and Tagline

Now that you have your mission statement, think about what the title of your site should
be. Be creative but keep it simple. After you have decided on the title, you need to write
a tagline. A tagline is a short catchy phrase or slogan that describes the essence,
character, or attributes of your site.

Title: __________________________________________________________________

Tagline: ________________________________________________________________


You can personalize your site and deliver information you want by customizing your
sidebar. The information is organized into widgets, which are links the reader can use to
navigate within and to outside web addresses outside of your site. Here are just a few of
the widgets that can be added to your sidebar.

Calendar Archives Blogroll RSS Feed

Tag Cloud Top Posts Search Vod: Pod Videos
Categories Plug-ins Del.iciou.us Recent Comments
Recent Posts Search Flikr Pages

Circle these six widgets: Calendar, Archives, Blogroll, RSS Feed, Categories, Pages

Pages: In addition to your Home Page identify 2 other pages

1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________

Blogroll: Identify three other websites that will be linked to yours:

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________
Categories: Identify four different categories of posts

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

RSS Feed: Identify one RSS Feed

1. ________________________________



Biographical Statement

Write a brief biographical statement. Include any personal, professional, or educational

information about yourself. This will be used as an introduction of yourself to viewers of
your web site.




Create Username and Password

Choose a username and a password that you can easily remember

Username: _______________________ Password: ______________________

Welcome Message

Write a brief message that welcomes viewers to your website:

Title: _____________________________________



Websites with WordPress
Workshop Evaluation

Please rate your satisfaction with the training

Use this scale:

1- Very Dissatisfied
2- Dissatisfied
3-Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
4- Satisfied
5- Very Satisfied

Usefulness 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

Format 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

Organization 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

Activities 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

Handouts/materials 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

Presenter’s skills 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

Overall rating 1-----------------2-----------------3-----------------4-----------------5

How could this workshop be improved?

Any other comments or suggestions?

Websites with WordPress
Workshop Survey

Please circle one: pre-training post-training

Please rate your ability in each of the following skills:

I think I I have
Skill I can do it
know how no idea

Internet and Blogging

Navigate to websites on the internet
Identify a browser
Define the term “blog”
Identify the key features of a “blog”

Website Design
Write a mission statement
Write a title and tagline
Identify and create a navigation sidebar
Write a biographical statement
Write a welcome message

WordPress Software
Create an account
Update your profile
Create a Title and Tagline
Manage Categories
Manage Pages
Manage Posts
Change Theme
Manage Widgets
Manage comments
Manage Blogroll

Website Exploration
Locate a WordPress created site
Submit a comment on a WordPress site
Locate award winning WordPress sites

Website Management
Identify an online WordPress reference site
Presentation Slide Deck

Websites with WordPress

Design, create, and manage your own website

Created by Michael Allen

 Introductions
 Objectives/Purpose
 Course Structure
 Rules of Engagement
 Surveys/Evaluations
 Learning Modules
 Questions and Answers
 Please introduce yourself:
 Name
 Previous experience with blogs and websites
 What you want to gain from the workshop

After this training you will be able to:
 Identify the major components of a blog
 Locate the key features of WordPress
 Plan and design a website
 Use WordPress to create a website
Course Structure


Demonstrations/ Questions/Answers

Rules of Engagement
 Please do not access your personal email

 Turn off cell phones and pagers

 Please honor break time limits

 Participate, this is your class

 Ask questions at any time

 Still don’t get it – ASK AGAIN

 Be willing to experiment new ideas and techniques

 Offer suggestions for improvements

 You will be asked to complete two surveys
 Pre-Workshop Survey
 Post-Workshop Survey
 You will be asked to complete a workshop

 Please complete the Pre-Workshop Survey

Learning Modules

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan
5. Explore

4. Create
Introduction to Blogs & WordPress

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan
5. Explore

4. Create

What is a Blog?
 Abbreviation of the words “Web and Log”
 Ongoing chronicle of information
 Frequently updated
 Commonalities:
 Main content area with posts
 Archive of older posts
 A way for people to leave posts
 Links to other sites
 One or more RSS Feeds (Real Simple Syndication)
History of WordPress
 Started in 2003 with a bit of code
 Created as a personal publishing software
 The largest self hosting blogging tool in the
 Open Source:
 Everyone has access to it
 Everything is written by and for the community
 Free to use
 Can download and customize

Origin of the name

 Wanted to associate the new software with
printing presses
 “Press” refers to journalists, photographers,
 Serves as a “printing press” for users to
publish their “words”
Tour of WordPress

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan
5. Explore

4. Create

The Dashboard
To see the actual site Topic menu bar

Sub-topic menu bar

Recent activity on your site Popular posts and sites

Presentation: Themes

Style, look, and feel

Presentation: Widgets

Items in your sidebar navigation

Site Management

Manage all of your posts, pages, uploads, categories


Moderate comments left by others

Home Page
Title and header
Sidebar navigation

Most recent posts

Plan a Website

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan

5. Explore

4. Create
Mission Statement
 First step is to determine the purpose, content, and
audience of your website
 Think about the following questions:
 What am I going to do with this?
 Who is going to read this?
 What kind of information will I be posting?
 Why am I doing this?
 Who am I doing this for?
 How often am I going to be posting and adding

Title and Tagline

 Title
 Think about the title of your site should be
 Be creative but keep it simple
 Tagline
 Short phrase or slogan
 Describes the essence, attributes, & character
 Customize your site by determining the
information you want to have accessible
 Organized into links called “widgets”
 Used to navigate within and outside of your

 Here are just a few of the widgets you can add:
Calendar Archives Blogroll
RSS Feed Tag Cloud Top Posts
Search Vod: Pod Categories
Plug-ins Comments Flikr
Del.iciou.us Recent Posts
Search Pages
Identified Sidebar Widgets
 Pages:
 “About”, “Daily Schedule”
 Blogroll:
 “http://www.epa.gov/kids”, http://www.scholastic.com/kids
 “http://www.yahooligans.com”
 Categories:
 “Ask the Teacher”, “Homework”,
 “Weekly Bulletins”, “Special “Announcements
 RSS Feed:
 http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/rss/SNK.asp
 Calendar
 Archives

Biographical Statement
 A brief history of yourself
 Include any professional, personal, or
educational information
 What you want viewers of your site to know
about you
Username and Password
 Words used to access your site
 Choose ones that you can easily remember

Welcome Message
 A brief message that welcomes viewers to
your site
Create a Website

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan

5. Explore

4. Create

Create an Account
 Open browser and type in
 Click Start your free
WordPress Blog
Create an Account
 Type in your
“username” in the
Username Box
 Type in your “email
address” in the Email
 Check the box next
to Legal flotsam
 Click Next

Create an Account
 Identify your site’s
domain name
 Enter your “Blog Title”
 Click Sign Up
Create an Account
 Open the email sent by WordPress
and locate your initial password
 Return to http://www.wordpress
 Type in your “username” and
“initial password”
 Click Enter

Update Profile
 Click Users on the topic menu bar
 Click Your Profile in sub-topic bar
Update Profile
 Type your “first name, last
name, and nickname” in the
Name section
 Type your “autobiographical
statement” in the About
Yourself section
 Type your “email” and
“website address” in the
Contact Info section
 Type your “new password”
twice in the Password section
 Click Update Profile

Create Title and Tagline

 Click Options in the
topic menu bar
 Type your “website’s
title” in the Weblog
Title box
 Type your “website’s
tagline” in the Tagline
 Click Update Options
Manage Categories
 Add a Category
 Click Manage in the topic menu bar
 Click Categories in the sub-topic
menu bar
 Click Add New
 Type “Ask the Teacher” in the
Category Name box
 Type a brief description of the
category in the Description box
 Click Add Category

 Repeat the steps above to create

these categories:
 “Homework”
 “Weekly Bulletins”
 “Special Announcements”

Manage Pages
 Click on Manage in the topic
menu bar
 Click on Pages in the sub-
topic menu bar

 Edit Page
 Click Edit for the page About
 Delete the text in the Page
Content section
 Type your “Mission
 Click Save
Manage Pages
 Create Page
 Click Create Page
 Type Daily Schedule in
the Page Title box
 Click Publish

Manage Posts
 Delete a Post
 Click Manage in topic
menu bar
 Click on Posts
 Locate the example
 Click Delete for the post
 Click OK in dialogue
Manage Posts
 Write a Post
 Click Write in the topic menu
 Click Write Post in the sub-
topic menu bar
 Type your “welcome message
title” in the Title box
 Type your “welcome
message” in the Post box
 Use the tool bar to edit and
format your message
 Click Uncategorized in the
Categories box
 Click Publish to publish your
post to your website

Change Theme
 Click Presentation in the
topic menu bar
 Scroll down to find a theme
you like
 Click on the “theme title”
 (website is automatically
updated with new theme)
 Scroll to the top and click
View Site
 Click your browser’s back
 Locate and click the theme
Manage Widgets
 Click Presentation in the topic
menu bar
 Click Widgets in the sub-topic
menu bar

 Add RSS Feed

 Find the widget RSS 1 in the
Available Widgets box
 Drag the widget RSS 1 to the
sidebar box

Manage Widgets
 Double click on the Configure
Icon on the right side of the
 Locate the pop-up dialogue box
 Type the URL address:
org/rss/SNK.asp in the
RSS/Feed box
 Type “Science Right Now!” in
the Title box
Manage Widgets
 Add Calendar
 Find the widget Calendar in the
Available Widgets box
 Drag the widget Calendar to the
sidebar box

 Repeat the steps above to

create these widgets
 Archives
 Links
 Pages
 Categories

 Click Save Changes

Manage Comments
 Click Comments
 Click Delete on “test
 Click OK in dialogue box
 Edit, delete, approve and un-
approve comments
 Email is received when new
comments are written and
Manage Blogroll
 Add a Link
 Click Blogroll in the topic menu
 Click Add Link in the sub-topic
menu bar
 Type “Environmental Kids
Page” in the Title box
 Type “http://www.epa.gov/kids”
in the Address box
 Check Blogroll in the
Categories box
 Click Add Link

Manage Blogroll
 Repeat the steps above to
create links for the following:
 “Scholastic Kid page”
 “Yahooligans”

Explore Some Websites

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan

5. Explore

4. Create

Website Addresses
 Identify the web addresses of the WordPress
sites created by workshop participants
 Make a list of these websites to use as a
 Trade your website address with one other
Leave a Comment
 Open up a new web browser
 Type in the “web address” of your
partner’s site
 Read the Introduction Post
 Click Comment
 Type “your name”
 Type “your email address”
 Type “your comment”
 Click Submit Comment

Award Winning Sites

 Open a new web browser
 Type in: http://www.incsub.org/awards
 Scroll to view different sites
 Click on a site you would like to see
 Continue to choose other sites to visit
Manage Your Website

1. Introduction

2. Tour
6. Manage

3. Plan

5. Explore

4. Create

 Here are two excellent resources to help you
expand, modify, and manage your website
 http://edublogs.org/features/
 http://codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page
Question and Answer
 Please ask questions for additional:
 Clarification
 Help
 Support
 Concerns
 Guidance

 Please complete the Post-Workshop

 Please complete the workshop evaluation form

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