REALity May 2014
REALity May 2014
REALity May 2014
National President
REAL Women of Canada
The 58
session of the United Nations Commission on
the Status of Women (CSW) was held in New York from
March 1021, 2014. The CSW consists of 45 member states,
and is a global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to
promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.
The 2014 priority theme was: Challenges and achievements
in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs ) for women and girls. The agreed conclusions at the
end of an annual CSW is called the outcome document.
The language in the outcome documents becomes known as
customary international law and will infuence the attitudes,
policies, and laws of countries around the world.
As a non-governmental organization (NGO) with special
consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of
the United Nations, REAL Women sends representatives to
the CSW. Karen Lilly, Saskatchewan Chapter Board member
and I attended the frst week because our NGO speaker
event was scheduled during that week.
NGOs from around the world sponsor information
programs with many different events at the same time
throughout a day at three different locations in New York City.
Competition for attracting a respectable audience is ferce.
We have learned that the most effective way to promote an
event is to hand out fyers on a one to one basis. We thank
Beth King-Howard and her 16 high school girls from Atlanta,
Georgia for their valuable assistance in distributing our fyers
at all three NGO sites.For the past three years, REAL Women
has co-sponsored an NGO speaker information program
with the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. Our
2014 event featured the award winning short flm, Crescendo,
with two guest speakersJason Jones, the flm producer, and
Arina Grossu from the Family Research Council.
We had an over fow attendance of 80 women with over
20 standing. Crescendo is an internationally acclaimed flm
with a powerful pro-life message. ( The
producer, Jason Jones, gave an inspiring talk on his personal life
story and on making the flm. At the age of 17, he committed
his life to the protection of human life after losing a child to
abortion. For more details, go to
Arina Grossu is a lovely young woman, who gave an
excellent power point presentation on maternal mortality.
She effectively dispelled the notion that abortion is necessary
to reduce maternal mortality. She clearly showed that
countries with loose abortion laws have higher rates of
maternal mortality than countries with restrictive abortion
laws. We ended the program with the statement, Abortion
harms women and kills babies. It is not a solution, and does
not belong in a UN document.
Since this CSW was to focus on the Millennium
Development Goals, which expire in 2015, and will be re-
written as post-2015 Sustainable Development goals, I
prepared a position paper on the eight goals for REAL
Women to present to the Canadian Embassy. Unfortunately,
we were unable to secure an appointment with anyone at
the Embassy offce, so we hand delivered the paper. Feminists
claim that gender equality and empowerment of women must
be foremost and will lead to achieving other goals. My position
was the opposite: It is poverty reduction, education, shelter,
water, genuine health care for women and girls, etc. that will
Realistic equal active LIFE
Volume XXXIII Issue No. 5 May 2014 REAL Women of Canada
may 2014 Page 1
THE STATUS OF WOMEN .................................................. PAGE 1
BIG MONEY MADE ON DRUG ADDICTS ............................ PAGE 3
THE WELL-FUNDED DRUG LOBBY....................................... PAGE 4
POPULATION CONTROL ......................................................... PAGE 5
BOOK REVIEWFREE AT LAST .............................................. PAGE 6
Page 2 Real Women of Canada
lead to equality and empowerment. To obtain an email copy
of our paper, please send a request to our national offce.
Canadas Minister of Status of Women, Ontario MP,
the Hon Dr. Kellie Leitch, was in New York while we were
there, but we did not see her. We know she did meet with
some Canadian NGO women for a Round Table Discussion
because the Canadian Embassy receptionist told me. Prior
to CSW, I phoned to follow-up my email, requesting an
appointment to discuss our paper on The UN Millennium
Development Goals. The woman who
answered the phone said, Oh, I saw your
name. You are scheduled for the Tuesday
afternoon Round Table Discussion. After, I
replied, I did not know anything about it,
she apologized for speaking out of turn.
Apparently, she had seen my name, but not
on the Round Table List. This is no surprise.
The pro-family NGOs are never invited to
Canadian functions or informed of the daily
UN Canadian delegation briefngs on the
UN negotiations.
Since 1994, pro-family NGOs have
joined forces, as the Pro-Family Coalition, to
support UN delegates to defend the interests
of the family, parental rights, marriage and
the sanctity of human life at UN Conferences. The radical
feminists and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and
Queer advocates were out in full force this year, especially
during the last two days of the session when they wore
paper masks, chanted, heckled and jeered to intimidate the
pro-family coalition and the UN delegates. There was an
orchestrated attempt by them and also some UN member
countries to promote sexual rights and water down language
relating to the natural family.
The Pro-family Coalition found the deception, dishonesty
and personal attacks around a resolution on Women, Girls
and HIV and AIDS very disturbing. The resolution put
forward by the South African Development Committee called
for the delay of sexual debut and for sex education as a
way to combat HIV/AIDS. The African countries view AIDS as
a serious public health issue, not a sexual rights issue.
The Netherlands proposed last-minute hostile
amendments to the African HIV/AIDS resolution. The
amendments deleted the delay of sexual debut and
changed sex education to comprehensive education on
human sexuality. The chair called for a
vote, which approved these changes. As a
result, the African countries withdrew their
sponsorship of the resolution, but the chair
ruled it approved.
Comprehensive sexuality education goes
far beyond sex education. The World Health
Organization (WHO) defnes sexuality as:
sexuality encompasses sex, gender identities
and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism,
pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality
is experienced and expressed in thoughts,
fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values,
behaviours, practices, roles and relationships.
We should defnitely be concerned about
the term comprehensive sexuality education. No wonder the
African countries refused to support it.
When marathon negotiating sessions did not produce an
agreed conclusion, it was up to the Chairman to prepare a
fnal document. The chair deleted all positive references to the
role of mothers. A new provision portrayed motherhood in a
negative way by calling for the elimination of gender stereotypes
that limit womens roles to being mothers and caregivers.
The good news is the fnal CSW outcome document
recognizes the family as a contributor to sustainable
development, including in the achievement of the
internationally agreed development goals for women and
girls. It also recognizes the need for appropriate direction
and guidance from parents and legal guardians with regard
to sexuality education. In addition, references to sexual
orientation and gender identity (SOGI) as well as various
forms of the family and references to diversity, which were
to advance the LGBT agenda, were removed from the fnal
text. Reproductive rights and reproductive health services
were limited in scope.
The devious methods of the anti-family forces, in ramming
through their ideologically based language on family issues,
expose their goal to achieve their radical sexual rights
agenda world-wide at any cost. The stakes are high for what
will be included in the UN post-2015 development agenda.
The pro-family coalition will continue its efforts to defend life
and the family at the CSW and other UN Conferences. q
This cartoon frst appeared in The Calgary Herald on March 28, 2014.
The devious methods
of the anti-family
forces, in ramming
through their
ideologically based
language on family
issues, expose their
goal to achieve their
radical sexual rights
agenda world-wide
at any cost.
may 2014 Page 3
Looking after drug addicts and the poorest of the poor
in the Vancouver downtown eastside (DTES) sure pays
well. The Portland Hotel Society (PHS), which manages the
Vancouver drug injection site, called Insite, and other social
services in that downtrodden area receives approximately
$21 million a year from the federal and provincial
governments, but receives less than $100,000 from private
donations, according to its 2012 fnancial statements.
In 2008, when the Conservative government was
considering shutting down Insite, PHS hastened to court to
prevent this from happening. Thanks to the Supreme Court
of Canada, it was successful in keeping Insite open, and the
government funds continued to fow uninterrupted. The
court costs, of course, were paid by the taxpayer, courtesy
of government grants.
Stories had been circulating for years about the
executives and directors at PHS living the high life from
these government funds.
In November, 2013 an audit of PHS fnally took place,
and it would appear that the rumours about the high-living
directors and executives at PHS do not begin to match
the reality of how they have abused government grants.
Wining, dining, travelling, staying at luxury hotels, fower
arrangements, hair salons, spas and limousines, all were put
on the business credit card of PHS.
Consequently, due to the continued use of drugs by
the addicts, which perpetuates the drug culture, Mark
Townsend, the co-executive of PHS, with his wife, Liz Evans,
and the other directors of PHS had a never-ending source
of funds to personally live the grand lifestyle. For example
the audit revealed:
$15,749 was spent on a trip to Paris, in May, 2010,
for undisclosed reasons on Mr. Townsends platinum
business credit card: no documentation or fnancial
oversight was provided for this trip;
Mr. Townsend and his wife, Liz Evans, each received
approximately $160,000 per annum in salary and perks
(a high for the industry). They then charged PHS $1,400
to $1,600 each month for the use of their home offce
in the basement of their home;
Mr. Townsend and Ms. Evans billed $11,000 each
year to have the basement space cleaned;
In November, 2009, Mr. Townsend and Ms. Evans
took a trip to New York City and stayed at the luxury
Plaza Hotel at a cost of $9,266. Ms. Evans spent another
$250 in New York city salons;
764 restaurant charges by PHS offcials totalled
approximately $69,000 over 3 years, averaging $1,927
per month;
$5,832 was spent on a Danube River cruise for a
PHS Manager;
A Disneyland vacation for another PHS Manager
and his wife and two children cost $2,700 in May, 2012;
Trips to Vienna, Paris and Istanbul, Los Angeles,
Banff and Ottawa, at a cost of $69,000 over three years
by PHS directors had no supporting documentation or
fnancial oversight;
In 2013, $8,600 was spent on limousine rides; and
A stay for undisclosed reasons, in 2013 in the UK,
by a director cost $900 per nightno documentation
There were many more such expenses revealed by this
audit. All these personal expenses, paid by PHS according to
the audit, left the organization in a weak fnancial condition
so that PHS had diffculty paying its obligations in 2013.
Mark Townsend was one of the most prominent
promoters of harm reduction policies in Vancouver. Harm
reduction is the notion that addicts are going to take drugs
anyway, so we should just learn to live with the use of illicit
drugs and reduce the harms surrounding their use. That
is, under harm reduction, addicts are permitted continued
use of the drugs that are killing them, but harm comes from
the drug itself, not from controlling its use. Harm reduction
is a creative way to dismantle legal restrictions on the use
and sale of drugs.
Some of the harm reduction provided by PHS included
providing crack pipe kits in vending machines at a cost of
25; teaching alcoholics how to make their own beer; free
needles for drug injections (PHS cornered the market on
this) and placing addicts on the drug methadone for life,
thereby condemning them, without hope of recovery, for
the rest of their lives.
On May 29, 2008, Liz Evans, co-executive director of
PHS, testifed before the House of Commons Standing
Committee on Health, which was reviewing Insite, a major
part of the work of PHS. During her testimony, Ms. Evans
piously claimed that Insite offered real help to addicts to
stay healthy and stay alive. The truth is that Insite and the
other services provided by PHS were keeping her and the
other directors healthy, receiving entitlements on which
they lived the high life. Did these services help the addicts?
No, they just perpetuated their addiction.
It is a tragedy that people, who publicly champion
societys poorest, are permitted to privately live like kings
and queens on the public dime. q
It is a tragedy that people, who
publicly champion societys
poorest, are permitted to
privately live like kings and
queens on the public dime.
Page 4 Real Women of Canada
Many Canadians have accepted the widespread story
that drug use and, particularly, marijuana use, is not harmful.
They believe that the criminal justice consequences of drug
use, not the drug use itself, is the problem.
The fact is that the well-funded drug lobby has done
a great job of marketing this message. Hungarian born,
American billionaire, George Soros, is revered by some
because he has changed many of the publics perceptions on
drug use by sending out this wildly inaccurate message.
Mr. Soros and his enablers have also promoted the
notion that people are being locked up for long periods of
time because of their drug use. This is a complete distortion
of the facts. Few are imprisoned for possession of drugs.
Those imprisoned are there because of traffcking in drugs.
Individuals who are jailed for drug possession have invariably
committed other crimes and have prior criminal records. In
fact, in the U.S., only about 1.5% of people in jail are there for
possession of small amounts of drugs.
The criminal justice system today is the major engine to
get addicts into treatment and recovery. The drug courts play
an important role, making recovery possible for thousands of
offenders each year. In fact, according to experts in the feld in
the U.S., 50% of people in treatment are there because of referral
by the criminal justice system. This is because those arrested for
drug possession are given a choice of treatment or a criminal
record. Needless to say, treatment is usually the choice.
In November, 2012, the states of Colorado and
Washington were the frst places in the world to legalize
marijuana for recreational purposes. This vote was carried by
generous campaign funds provided by Mr. Soros and others,
amounting to millions of dollars.
Although the State of Washington has been authorized
to permit marijuana for recreational use, it has not yet
fully implemented this law to the degree that has occurred
in Colorado. The State of Colorado has acted quickly to
allow individuals to use and possess an ounce of marijuana
and to grow up to six plants. The amendment also permits
licensing marijuana in retail stores, cultivation operations, and
marijuana edible factories and testing facilities.
In just a few months, the product development, marketing
and advertising in Colorado have become alarming. It is big
business. For example, a group in Colorado, calling itself 420
Tours, offers to pick up travellers at the airport, bring them
to their marijuana friendly hotels and shuttle them around to
marijuana shops and events.
Further, although the implementation of the new marijuana
law in Colorado is only a few months old, since January, 2014,
half of the drivers involved in traffc fatalities have tested
positive for marijuana. This is an incredible increase.
This legalization of marijuana has also created problems
that no one had anticipated. For example, the number
of emergency room admissions for children, related to
marijuana, has increased. The number of emergency visits
to veterinary clinics for pets, related to marijuana, has also
increased. The level of intoxication and impairment from
marijuana is approaching that of heroin.
It has been said that the worst thing that can happen for
those pushing for the legalization of marijuana is that they get
their way. This may well be the case. q
This cartoon frst appeared in the Toronto Star on January 9, 2014.
Making a gift under your Will to REAL Women of Canada is a lasting gift, not just to REAL Women itself, but
also to Canada as a whole.
Canada needs strong families, especially now, when the fabric of society is being torn apart by materialism,
selfsh individualism, and disrespect for human life.
REAL Womens efforts on behalf of the traditional family have never waivered. Through turmoil and adversity,
we have put forward our voice on behalf of the family in a clear and uncompromising manner. We can only
continue this vital work for many generations to come with your help.
When preparing your Will, please consider assisting REAL Women by making a bequest to our organization so
that we can continue with our crucial work. q
may 2014 Page 5
The push for population control isnt coming from
ordinary folks. It is coming from enormously wealthy men in
the U.S. who believe that the elimination of the poor, as fast
and furiously as possible, is much more effcient and effective
than trying to eliminate poverty itself. There is more than a
whiff of ruthless control and self-interest being exerted by
these men, who have decided that babies conceived in poverty
should be dead babies.
Who are these rich, elite men? They include:
Warren Buffett: He is the 83 year old, second
richest man in the world, worth $63.4 billion. He has a vast
empire of fnancial interests world-wide. He is the CEO and
largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway.
Mr. Buffett formed the Buffett Foundation to which
he pledged most of his wealth. In June 2006, however, he
announced that 83% of his fortune would go to the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation. (See below)
Mr. Buffett gave $115 million to organizations advocating
abortion, more than $21 million of which went directly to
poor women to pay the cost of aborting their babies.
He is the father of three children.
George Soros: He is a Hungarian born, U.S. citizen.
He uses his money as a tool to manipulate public policy
globally, in order to overturn any laws which he believes are
restrictive. Such laws include any restrictions on abortion,
drug use, assisted suicide, etc. It is ironic, therefore, that the
only laws he seems to want in place are those restricting the
birth of the children of the poor.
In 2003, it was estimated that Mr. Soros had given away $4
billion. In recent years he spent approximately $500 million
annually on his favourite projects.
Mr. Soros is the father of fve children.
Bill Gates III: He is a U.S. business magnate,
philanthropist, investor and the former chief executive and
chairman of Microsoft, the worlds largest personal-computer
software company. He is consistently ranked in the Forbes
list of the worlds wealthiest people. In 2013 and 2014 he
became the worlds richest person.
In 2000, Mr. Gates and his wife Melinda formed the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Gates Foundation has pledged $1 billion over the
next ten years to fund contraceptives and abortions for
population control purposes in developing countries.
In 2012, the Foundation organized a huge family planning
conference in London, England to push governments and
other philanthropic organizations to target the developing
world for population control. This conference raised $4.6
billion to carry out population control policies.
Mr. Gates is the father of three children.
Chuck Feeney: An Irish-American, 82-year old
billionaire who kept his philanthropy secret for 15 years has
given away $7.5 billionand plans for it all to go to charity
before he dies. He made his money on duty-free stores. In
1982, he formed the Atlantic Philanthropies and has given
99% of his fortune to health, science, education and civil
rights causes around the world.
Mr. Feeney is the father of fve children.
Henry Ross Perot: Mr. Perot was born on June 27,
1930. He is an American businessman best known for being an
independent presidential candidate in 1992 and 1996. During
his election campaigns, he took a frm pro-abortion stance and
advocated environmental protection. With an estimated net
worth of about U.S. $3.5 billion in 2012, Mr. Perot is ranked by
Forbes as the 134
-richest person in the U.S.
He formed the Perot Foundation to provide medical
research, for improving public education and for assisting
wounded soldiers and their families.
Mr. Perot is the father of fve children.
Ted Turner: Ted Turner is 78 years of age. His
company, the Turner Broadcasting Company, founded the
frst 24-hour cable news network, CNN, which debuted in
1980. Time Warner purchased Turner Broadcasting for $7.5
billion in 1996.
In 1990, Mr. Turner created the Turner Foundation to
support environmental and population causes. In 1998, Mr.
Turner pledged $1 billion to the UN and its agencies for
activities, which include the promotion of abortion, sex
education and contraception for minors, and homosexuality
and same-sex marriage. Mr. Turner advocates that Americans
have no more than two children.
Mr. Turner is the father of fve children.
There is no question that these men have been generous
with their money to support causes that they care about.
However, their generosity has been directed at so-called social
justice, politically correct matters, including homosexuality,
abortion rights and contraception, and population control, while
excluding the humanity of the unborn. Their generosity also
excludes the rights of couples to decide themselves, according
to their faith and culture, the number of children they want.
This is a right which these wealthy men certainly have asserted
for themselves. The UN, in its many documents since 1968, e.g.
There is more than a whiff of ruthless control
and self-interest being exerted by these men,
who have decided that babies conceived in
poverty should be dead babies.
By: Lynne Cohen Published By: Freedom Press,
12-111 Fourth Ave., Suite 185, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3P5
Cost: $21.36 CDN, $9.99 Kindle edition
What the author calls an out-of-the-wreckage story
is a chronicle of her break from the seductions of liberalism,
feminism, communism, hedonism, drug addiction and intense
anger. Addiction recovery programs directed her towards God
and truth, a return to her orthodox Jewish faith, and eventually
to a political transformation from a liberal to a political
conservative. This change rewarded her with sobriety, a more
peaceful life and an appreciation of family and her religious faith.
The author, who is a journalist and lawyer, uses her
considerable writing talent, energy, insight and intelligence
to defend traditional positions on a whole range of
contemporary controversiesthe death penalty, abortion
and demographic decline, redefnition of marriage, legalization
of drugs, euthanasia, environmentalism, and more.
The book is candid, humorous, and quick-paced. What comes
through, among countless anecdotes, is the amazing resilience
and joys that old-fashioned family life provided Lynne during her
early years, but from which she was deprived in her adolescence.
Her feminist mother encouraged Lynnes promiscuity, alcohol
consumption and drug usethe very activities that the mother
herself was indulging in. Lynnes parents divorced, and the suicide
of both her mother and her 16 year old brother had a devastating
impact on her. Her reaction through all these tragedies was to
become depressed, and to become increasingly angry as the
inner chaos and confusion in her life increased.
The family is the bulwark against the onslaught of
unreasonable ideologies and lifestyles that the young generations
are facing, such as liberalism, which is overturning centuries
of family stability and learned values. Lynne did not have this
stability for much of her life and suffered intense pain as a result.
Lynne quotes William John Bennett, Ronald Reagans
Secretary of Education, on drug use: ... drug use is wrong because
it is immoral, and it is immoral because it enslaves the mind and
destroys the soul, as the author has personally experienced.
Her recognition of the contribution made to society
by chaste celibates, using examples of an aunt and uncle, is
unpretentious and charminga unique tribute to such valuable
individuals, who are ignored in our sex obsessed society.
Among her many memorable statements, one stands
out: Abortion crushes these munchkins before theyve had a
chance to make us fall in love.
This is a book which offers hope to those snagged by the
perils of our modern, rudderless culture of liberalism, feminism
and hedonism, which leads to such unhappiness and destruction.
The book, too, is a tribute to the human spirit because,
despite such an unhappy, desperate background, Lynne was
able to fnally pull her life together to become a strong and
faithful woman with much to contribute to society. q
Page 6 Real Women of Canada
REALity is a publication of REAL Women of Canada
PO Box 8813 Station T Ottawa ON K1G 3J1 Tel 613-236-4001 Fax 613-236-7203 [email protected]
Membership $30/year Groups $50/year Donation ____________
Being a political lobby group, contributions are not tax deductible.
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Send online at or by mail. Thank you.
Cecilia Forsyth announces her retirement as
president after serving for fve years: I will still
volunteer for facebook, website, and other
activities. I have many wonderful memories of
the people I have met and worked with.
A special thank you to members for your
fnancial donations. We deeply appreciate
your support of our work to build a society
that values life and family. As we near summer,
please remember our needs.
UN General Assembly, 1969 Resolution on Social Progress and
Development, has supported the right of parents to determine
the number of their children. The 1969 Resolution provided:
Parents have the exclusive right to determine freely
and responsibly the number and spacing of their
children. (Italics added.)
No UN document refers to abortion or sexual orientation.
These wealthy men are using their money for measures
that undermine the dignity and humanity of men, women and
children, born and unborn. Their actions, although, perhaps,
well-intended, refect the selfsh, hedonistic culture that
is on the rise today. Their charity is being used to impose
this western culture on the developing world and thereby
undermining their culture and values. q