Early Age Marriages Presentation

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Child Marriage

A Violation of Human Rights

Presented by: Nabila Malick

Director Advocacy and Resource Mobilization

What is Child Marriage?

o Child marriage, also known as early marriage, is

defined as Any marriage carried out below
the age of 18 years, before the girl is
physically, physiologically, and
psychologically ready to shoulder the
responsibilities of marriage and child

Reference: The Inter-African Committee (IAC) on Traditional Practices

Affecting the Health of Women and Children. (1993) Newsletter,
December 2003

A Violation of Human Rights

o Child marriage is a violation of human rights
and is prohibited by a number of international
conventions and other instruments.
o The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(1948) states that men and women of full age
are entitled to equal rights as to marriage,
during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage
shall be entered into only with the free and full
consent of the intending parties.

Reference: international humanist and ethical


o The Convention on the Elimination of

All Forms of Discrimination of Women
States that the betrothal and the marriage of a child
shall have no legal effect, and all necessary action,
including legislation, should be taken to specify a
minimum age for marriage and to make the
registration of marriages in an official registry
compulsory. In their general recommendations of
1994, the Committee considers that the minimum
age for marriage should be 18 years for both men
and women.
Reference: international humanist and ethical

Factors that influence Child


o Poverty:
Giving a daughter in marriage allows parents
to reduce family expenses by ensuring they
have one less person to feed, clothe and

Reference: United Nations. (2000) Assessing the Status of Women:A

Guide to Reporting under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women. General Recommendation 21. New
York: United Nations

o Family ties :
Families may also marry daughters to
consolidate family ties, settle feuds and
reducing risk of losing honor through premarital relations.

Reference: United Nations. (2000) Assessing the Status of Women:A Guide to

Reporting under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women. General Recommendation 21. New York: United Nations

o Traditions and Customary practices:

Child marriage is a traditional practice that, in many
places, happens today simply because it has
happened for generations. Some practices are:

pait likkhi
Watta satta
Swara (KPK)
Vani (Punjab)
Sang chati (Sindh)
ljai (Balochistan)
Marriage to the Quran
Reference: United Nations. (2000) Assessing the Status of Women:A Guide to Reporting under the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. General
Recommendation 21. New York: United Nations

o Gender roles:
Where womens social standing is defined first and
foremost in terms of marrying and bearing children and
are seen as second class citizens child marriage is seen
as a key rite of passage and a girls moment to fulfil her
role in life.

Reference: United Nations. (2000) Assessing the Status of Women:A Guide to Reporting under the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. General Recommendation 21. New York:
United Nations

o Insecurity

Consequences of Child
1. Physical Health
o High death rate of Young mothers
o Horrific childbirth injuries to death
o High rate of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
and Infections among Girls.
o Effect on new born babies

Reference: Ministry of Health(www.health.gov.pk)

2. Psychological and mental



High rate of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Compromising girls development.
Social isolation and stress.
Limited mobility and autonomy.

Reference: Ministry of Health(www.health.gov.pk)


than 15 are
five times
more likely
to die in
child birth
than those in

Pakistan scenario
30% of the all marriages fall
into the category of Child
13% of girls in the country
are married by the time they
are 15 and 40% by age 18.
Maternal Mortality Rate
(MMR) is 276 per 100,000
live births.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is
63.26% per 100,000 live
Reference: Pakistan demographic and household survey
(PDHS), 2007 (www.mopw.gov.pk)

Legal perspective
Child Marriage Restraint Act -CMRA
minimum age for males is 18 years and for female is 16
Age of child and minor in conflict.
Over riding Sharia Law.
punishable with simple imprisonment which may extend to
one month, or with fine which may extend to one thousand
rupees, or with both.
Dissolution of marriage.

Reference: Ministry of Human Rights (www.mohr.gov.pk)

Ending Child Marriage means

girls will

Stay in school
Be healthy
Live in safety
Raise healthy children
Fulfill their potential

Maternal mortality is very



What does that

A woman dies every
20 minutes giving
birth to a child or
during pregnancy
Dengue people die.
It is an issue
Women dying daily .
No one is bothered

13% of girls in
Pakistan are
married by the
time they are 15
40% by age 18.
18% of Pakistani
women have
had their first
birth by age 18;
9% have begun
child bearing
between 15-19
years and
7% are already
mothers in
those ages

Married at 5

Pakistan has one of the

highest infant mortality
and under five mortality
rates in South Asia
Pakistans social and
gender indicators
continue to be poor.
It has been established
medically that the age
at which a woman gets
married has long term
consequences for
womens health-PDHS


How can media support the

campaign against Child Marriage?
News items- cases of Child Marriage
Features -Legal aspect, religious aspect,
Health aspect, social and cultural aspect,
human rights aspect
Forums with religious leaders, community
influencials, parents, child marriage
Talk shows, music shows etc

to ensure role

Registration of
nikkah and birth
Removal of
when it comes to
age of marriage.
procedures in Cr
PC to make it

Electronic Media
Radio rarely take up serious
issues like child marriage
TV one or two talk shows.
Mostly a mix of too many topics
diluting attention and focus form
serious issues
There is a need to link politics
with real life issues. With issues
of the people of this land and
give leaders challenges which
will make a difference in
peoples life

Media support
Engaged with media in Punjab, Sindh
and at the federal level.
Media coverage
20 articles in print media (English and
One Radio program (FM 97)
Coverage of child marriage issue from
various angles on television

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