of Depression Weve been there. We can help. 2 I n any given year, nearly one in 10 American adults will suffer from a mood disorder. These ill- nesses involve changes in mood that affect daily life. They include major depres- sive disorder, dysthymia (persistent, low-grade depression) and bipolar disorder (episodes of low mood that alternate with episodes of high mood or unusual levels of energy or activity). People with mood disorders might have trouble with work life, family life and social life, or they might have difficulty simply get- ting through the day. While most mood disorders have depression in common, only in bipolar disorder are there mood swings of depression and periods of hypo- mania (if the bipolar disorder is mild) or mania (if severe). Its important to know the difference between the different types of depression, because different types require different treatments. What is Depression? Depression is more than just feeling sad. Its a seri- ousbut treatablemedical illness characterized by an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Its not a character flaw or a sign of personal weakness. Just like you cant wish away dia- betes, heart disease or any other physical illness, you cant make depression go away by trying to snap out of it or pull yourself up by your boot straps. Early in peoples experience of a mood disorder, their episodes of depression often follow stressful events like marital problems or the death of a loved one. While depression sometimes runs in families, many with the illness have no family history of depression. The exact causes of depressionand mood disorders in generalstill are not clear. What we do know is that both genetics and a stressful environment, or life situation, contribute to the cause of mood disorders. Usually, its not one or the other, but a combination of both. 3 An estimated 18 million or more Americans experience a major depressive episode each year. Its the leading cause of disability for people ages 1544 in the United States. And for the majority of people, it is a recurrent illness which can become chronic (lasting for more than two years). People who have recurrent episodes of major depression are sometimes said to have unipolar depression (or what used to be called clinical depression), because they only experience periods of low, or depressed mood. Those living with chronic, low-grade depression have what is called dysthymia. When people experience both dysthymia and major depression, they are some- times said to have double depression. In addition, mood disorder symptoms can arise after a woman gives birth (postpartum depression). And they also can be accompanied by psychosis (psychotic depression) and can occur during the winter season (seasonal affective disorder, SAD). However, what most mood disorders have in common are major depressive episodes. Signs and Symptoms of Major Depressive Episodes n Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells n Significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns n Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety n Pessimism, indifference n Loss of energy, persistent lethargy, fatigue n Feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness n Inability to concentrate, difficulty making decisions n Social withdrawal n Inability to take pleasure in activities or hobbies once pleasurable n Unexplained aches and pains, or aches and pains that dont ease with treatment n Recurring thoughts of death or suicide What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is another type of mood disorder, dif- ferent from unipolar depression. People diagnosed with this illness have mood swings involving both lows (bipolar depression) and highs (called mania if severe or hypomania if mild). Its estimated that two 4 to five percent of American adults will suffer some form of bipolar disorder. When people go through the lows of bipolar disorder (bipolar depression), their symptoms are very similar to those that someone with unipolar depression might have. In a severe case of bipolar disorder, people expe- rience extreme highs known as mania. Signs and Symptoms of Mania n Restlessness, increased physical/mental activity and energy n Heightened or high mood, exaggerated optimism and self-confidence n Excessive and extreme irritability, aggressive behavior n Decreased need for sleep without feeling tired n Grandiose thoughts, inflated sense of self- importance and abilities n Racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas n Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractibility, inability to concentrate n Reckless behavior like spending sprees, drug use, sexual indiscretions n A period of unusual or uncharacteristic behavior n Denial that anythings wrong n In the most severe cases, delusions and hallucinations Some people with bipolar disorder can experience whats called a mixed state. When this happens, peo- ple have symptoms of both depression and mania at the very same time. Those who have had a mixed state often describe it as the very worst part of bipolar disor- der. They have all of the negative feelings that come with depression, but they also feel agitated, restless and activated, or wired. Just as there are different types of depressive disorders, there are also different types or patterns of bipolar dis- order, such as rapid cycling (more than four mood episodes in one year), cyclothymia (mild highs and lows), and bipolar not otherwise specified (NOS). The two most common types are bipolar I and bipolar II. Bipolar I disorder used to be called manic depres- sive illness. Its the classic form of the illness in which the individual experiences extreme highs (mania) and lows (bipolar depression) in mood. In contrast, people affected by bipolar II disorder dont have such extreme highs or manic symptoms. Instead, they expe- rience just mild highs, or hypomania. The symptoms of hypomania are similar to those of mania, but much less intense and severe. In fact, people who experience hypomania might not feel impaired at all. For example, people who are hypomanic might be more talkative than usual, but their speech makes sense and seems to follow a logical pattern. They dont experience halluci- nations or delusions. Hypomania might make them appear more energetic or productive. But if their illness goes untreated, they can become severely depressed. Those with bipolar II disorder tend to have more depressive episodes than those with bipolar I. In both types of the illness, though, bipolar depression (the lows) is more common than mania or hypomania (the highs). Bipolar depression is also more likely to be accompanied by disability and suicidal thinking and behavior. One thing that all types of bipolar disorder have in common is this: people with the illness spend the majority of their symptomatic lives below baseline in the low, depressed phase. Whats the Difference Between Unipolar and Bipolar Depression? The symptoms of unipolar depression and bipolar depression are very similar. The main difference is that someone with unipolar depression doesnt experi- ence the highs periods of mania (if severe) or hypo- mania (if mild). And this is extremely important, because the preferred treatments of the two can be quite different. 5 6 Why Bipolar Disorder is Often Misdiagnosed Because the illness has such a wide range of symptoms and behaviors, bipolar disorder can be misdiagnosed. Its possible for bipolar disorder to hide and go unno- ticed, because patients and/or providers dont recog- nize the highs. Many people actually see these highs as an idealized norm. To complicate things further, it might be several years before a patient even experi- ences the highs. Many people who are correctly diagnosed with bipolar I disorder were diagnosed during a crisis associated with full-blown manic behavior. But hypomaniathe mild highs experienced by those with bipolar II disor- deris especially difficult to recognize. Hypomania might not have negative side effects for the individual at first. And sometimes, people actually function better during a hypomanic episode. They often see them- selves as being more productive. Most people with bipolar disorder arent inclined to seek psychiatric treatment when theyre experiencing the highs of mania or hypomania. In fact, many dont even realize that the highs arent normal. Many folks would like to keep their highs, because they feel outgo- ing, extroverted and friendly like the life of the party. The problem, though, is that periods of depres- sion eventually follow most highs. After episodes of hypomania or mania, people begin to feel fatigued and down. They become aware that theyre gradually slip- ping into depression. Its during this low phase of bipolar disorderbipolar depressionthat most peo- ple seek professional help and receive a diagnosis. In fact, the majority of people with bipolar disorder in the outpatient setting are initially seen forand diagnosed withunipolar depression. The highs theyve experi- enced are ignored. Its estimated that many people with bipolar disorder wait about 10 years between their first contact with a mental health provider and receiving the correct diag- nosis. Folks who have bipolar disorder along with alco- hol or drug use problems often go undiagnosed for even longer: 1520 years. Studies show that, in the primary care setting alone, 1025 percent of people 7 diagnosed with unipolar depression may actually have bipolar disorder. The percentage is even higher among patients in the psychiatric setting. And incorrect treat- ment for bipolar disorder can actually lead to episodes of mania and other problems. Whats Different about Treatments for Bipolar Disorder and Unipolar Depression? Treatment for bipolar disorder usually includes counseling (psychother - apy) and a medication called a mood stabilizer. Counseling helps people learn how to live with, or manage, the leftover symp- toms of the illness. And mood stabilizers prevent, or delay, future episodes of depression, hypomania or mania. Often, other medica- tions like traditional antidepressants are also necessary. But for some people with bipolar disorder, taking a tra- ditional antidepressant alone, or along with a mood sta- bilizer, can make the illness worse by causing the symp- toms of hypomania to return. (This can happen to peo- ple with unipolar depression, too. Such cases, though, arent very common.) Antidepressants can sometimes also make bipolar depression worse by causing suicidal thoughts. If that happens, the traditional antidepressant should be discontinued immediately. So that these things dont happen, its important to know whether someones depression stems from bipo- lar disorder or is instead unipolar depression. For that reason, its important to see a mental health provider who has experience distinguishing between regular unipolar depression and bipolar depression. With a thorough medical and psychiatric history (including any possible manic or hypomanic symptoms), as well as a comprehensive physical exam, these providers can re - duce the number of misdiagnoses. And this means peo- ple get the treatment they need and get it sooner. 8 How Do I Know If I Have Unipolar or Bipolar Depression? Even with excellent health care, sometimes bipolar depression can still be mistaken forand misdiagnosed asunipolar depression. Why? Because many people with bipolar disorder only have recurrent episodes of depression during the early years of their illness. The hypomanic or manic episodes often dont start right away. When people are misdiagnosed, treatment might seem to work for only a short time, and then the mood epi sodes return. Or maybe treatment doesnt work at all. If you or a loved one has received more than one adequate course of treatment for unipolar depression (including both counseling and medica- tion), and havent responded, ask your doctor to con- sider whether you may actually have bipolar disorder. Even the best and most experienced clinicians might make an incorrect diagnosis at first, because the highs dont always occur during the first few years of the illness. How you progress in your treatment will help you and your provider determine the next steps for your recovery. No clinician or tool can diagnose unipolar depression or bipolar disorder with 100 percent accuracy. Be patient with yourself and your health care provider. If youre not getting better, make sure your provider knows this. Illnesses are sometime impossible to diag- nose right away. Research does point to some clues that whats mistaken for depression might actually be bi - polar depressionthe depression phase of bipolar dis- order. Studies show that people incorrectly diagnosed with unipolar depression often have n the perception that people are unfriendly n a co-occurring anxiety disorder n a recent (in the last five years), initial diagnosis of unipolar depression n a family history of bipolar disorder n legal troubles These signs could indicate that providers need to reevaluate your initial diagnosis, as well as screen for bipolar disorder. To do this, your doctor might ask you 9 to take a short survey, like the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) found on DBSAs website at www.DBSAlliance.org/MDQ. The MDQ is a series of questions designed to help your health care provider distinguish unipolar from bipolar depression. If youre not responding to your treat- ment, you might want to fill out the questionnaire and take it to your next visit. Remember, only qualified health care providers can diagnose you. Your job is to make sure that they have all of the information they need to treat you. Often, the best way to get quickly and accu- rately diagnosed is to go to a health care provider for an evaluation with a loved one or significant other, someone you trust and who can shed light from a different perspective. Having some- one else with you during a first-time evaluation improves your chances of getting the very best diagno- sis and treatment. It also helps your loved one learn about, and understand, your illness. Keep in mind, though, that if youre not responding to your treatment, it doesnt necessarily mean youve been misdiagnosed. If your treatment isnt working but you havent had any symptoms of mania or hypomania, it might be that you simply need a change in your dosage and/or type of medication or psychotherapy. Recent studies show that many people who dont start feeling better after one adequate course of antidepressants will benefit from a different medication. How Do I Talk to My Doctor About My Diagnosis and Treatment? Many people are reluctant to talk to their doctor if they think they might have been incorrectly diagnosed or treated. Theyre afraid their doctor will be offended or think theyre questioning his/her expertise or authority. Its important to remember, though, that the best treat- ment results from a partnership between provider and patient. This means that both of you are working to gether to achieve the best possible results. The pro - vider is responsible for gathering and analyzing the nec- essary information. And you are responsible for provid- ing that information. The provider may be the expert on the illness, but you are the expert on your life. If you think you might have been incorrectly diagnosed or treated, talk with your provider about it. Be sure to include the specific reasons that you think this. A good clinician will listen to you and address your concerns. The fact that you have concerns might mean that you would benefit from further information or changes in your treatment plan. Hope, Help and Support Depression and bipolar disorder are complicated ill- nesses with complex and challenging symptoms. But its important to remember that youre not alone, and that there is hope, help and support. These illnesses are treatable, and treatment does work. The majority of people who get diagnosed and treated experience some degree of recovery. Work together with your health care providers to come up with the treatment plan that is best for you. You might also consider attending a DBSA support group, where people with mood disorders and their loved ones can share experi- ences, discuss coping skills and offer hope to one another. In time, with treatment and support, youll see that recovery is possible. 10 11 Please help us continue our education efforts. We hope you found the information in this brochure useful. To help us continue our eduction efforts, please fill in and mail or fax the donation form below, call (800) 826-3632 or visit www.DBSAlliance.org. Yes, I want to make a difference. Enclosed is my gift of: o $100 o $50 o $20 o Other NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP DAYTIME PHONE E-MAIL o Check or money order (payable to DBSA) o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o AmEx ACCOUNT NUMBER EXP. DATE SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) o I wish my gift to remain anonymous. o Please send me donation envelopes to share. o Please send me information on including DBSA in my will. o I have enclosed my companys matching gift form. If you would like to make your gift a Memorial or Honorary Tribute, please complete the following: o In memory of/In honor of (circle one): PRINT NAME o Please send an acknowledgment of my gift to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP Please send this form with payment to: DBSA, 730N. Franklin St., Ste. 501, Chicago, IL 60654-7225 USA Questions? Call (800) 826-3632 or (312) 642-0049. Fax credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx) to (312) 642-7243. Make secure online donations at www.DBSAlliance.org. DBSA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Illinois corporation. All donations are tax deductible based on federal and state IRS regulations. Consult your tax advisor for details. All information is held in strict confidence and will never be shared with other organizations. Thank you for your gift! The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the leading patient-directed national organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses. The organization fosters an environment of understanding about the impact and manage- ment of these life-threatening illnesses by providing up-to-date, scientifically based tools and information written in language the general public can understand. DBSA supports research to pro- mote more timely diagnosis, develop more effective and tolerable treatments and discover a cure. The organization works to ensure that people living with mood disorders are treated equitably. Assisted by a Scientific Advisory Board comprised of the leading researchers and clinicians in the field of mood disorders, DBSA has more than 1,000 peer-run support groups across the country. Nearly five million people request and receive information and assistance each year. DBSAs mission is to improve the lives of people living with mood disorders. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance 730 N. Franklin Street, Suite 501 Chicago, Illinois 60654-7225 USA Phone: (800) 826-3632 or (312) 642-0049 Fax: (312) 642-7243 Website: www.DBSAlliance.org Visit our updated, interactive website for important information, breaking news, chapter connections, advocacy help and much more. This brochure was reviewed by DBSA Scientific Advisory Board member Joseph R. Calabrese, MD, professor of psychiatry at Case Western University and director of the University Hospitals of Cleveland's Mood Disorders Program. DBSA Director of Scientific Affairs Brenda Bergeson, MD, also reviewed this publication. DBSA does not endorse or recommend the use of any specific treatment, medication or resource mentioned in this brochure. For advice about specific treatments or medications, individuals should consult their physicians and/or mental health professionals. This brochure is not intended to take the place of a visit to a qualified health care provider. 2008 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance MD1208 Models used for illustrative purposes only. Weve been there. We can help.