The Role of Tourism in Bangladesh Economy.

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The Role of Tourism in Bangladesh Economy

In recent years, the role of tourism in the economic development of a country has been the focus of study
and research. It is the general consensus that tourism has been pivotal in social progress as well as an
important vehicle of widening socio-economic and cultural contacts throughout human history. Over the
past years, many developing and developed countries have considered tourism as an option for
sustainable development of their nations. The importance of tourism as a contributor to economic growth
is so widely accepted that year after year throughout the world a massive investment continues to pour in
its development. It is with this backdrop, this paper is an attempt to investigate the dynamics of the
relationship between tourism sector development and economic growth of Bangladesh.
Tourism is a major social phenomenon of modern society. Today tourism is not just about sightseeing and
entertainment but also an agent of economic development of the country. Tourism as an industry is the
largest in terms of revenue generation as well as an employer in the world. It plays a very significant role
in accelerating the pace of economic development by generating employment opportunities, enhancing
social progress and strengthening communities, encouraging the protection of environment and
contributing actively to conservation. s such if proper infrastructures are built and access to the !tate is
thrown open, then tourism can bring millions of people to the region.
The international tourist arrivals were ""# million and the corresponding international tourism receipts
was $!% "&' million in '##(. The $nited )ations *orld Tourism Organi+ation ,*TO- has predicted
that the number of international arrivals will reach ../ billion by the year '#'#, with ..' billion of those
being intra-regional travelers and 01" million being long-haul travelers. Today tourism is the largest
service industry in Bangladesh, with a contribution of '..percent to the national 2ross 3omestic 4roduct
,234- and providing '.1 million of the total employment. The tourism industry in Bangladesh generated
about $!%.# billion in '##" and that is e5pected to increase to $!% .## billion by '#." at a &.' per cent
annual growth rate.
4romotion of sustainable tourism, through the development of policy tools, capacity building and
awareness-raising programmers, local involvement, guidelines for good practice and actual
implementation remain essential goals. !ustainable tourism should aim to directly support poverty
eradication and sustainable production and consumption. 6aking progress on a larger scale will be a fine
balancing act and will re7uire a massive 8sea-change9 in approach from the entire Travel and Tourism
industry but it is an approach that is clearly worthy of support from all stakeholders interested and
involved in the industry.
Bangladesh is a beautiful and e5otic country with colorful traditions and centuries of history. :owever,
the country can be difficult to maneuver for a tourist visiting Bangladesh. 6uch of Bangladesh;s
infrastructure has not been updated since the British left in .(<1, so transportation and facilities, while
available, have yet to be moderni+ed. If Bangladesh wants to establish itself as a solid travel destination
and increase tourism, government and business should take steps to make the country more hospitable to
foreign travelers. mong the various service industries, tourism in Bangladesh is the largest and fastest-
growing in the country. It has a vast impact on the national economy and plays a major role in other
aspects of the country=s growth and development, especially the creation of jobs. Throughout the world,
tourism brings money to cities and countries. Tourism also provides jobs for the local residents, further
benefiting the destination. Bangladesh has reali+ed the profits available from this sector. Thanks to its
growing economy and promoting itself as a culturally rich and diverse nation, Bangladesh=s tourism
industry now brings millions of dollars into the economy each year.
The 6inistry of Tourism in Bangladesh reported in '#.' that tourism contributed '..percent of the
country=s gross domestic product ,234-. It is e5pected that it will increase into 1.1 percent in the year of
'#.0 and <.. percent in the year of '#'# ,ccording to the *orld Travel and Tourism >ouncil-. Tourism
was also responsible for 0.' percent of the country=s total employment. This translated to roughly '.1
million jobs and recorded earnings of appro5imately /### million ,Tk-.
Rational of the study
1. This research will be helpful for the concern academic discipline of economics, ?inance, International
relation and development of the real estate business.
2. The policy maker of the government and investors may be benefited by the finding of the research for
taking decision.
3. This research would point out the problems or impediments which is the prevail for the strengthen
economy and overall development of the country.
Aims and Objecties
The objectives of tourism development are to foster understanding between people, to enlarge @eal estate
business for the infrastructural development of the country, to increase the industry, trade and commerce
across the country, to spread local cultureAhomemade product around the world, to earn huge foreign
currency for the strengthen of the economy B attracts investors, to inflow of foreign currency B
contribute to the national income, to create employment opportunities and bring about socio-economic
benefits to the community, particularly in the interior and remote areas and to strive towards balanced and
sustainable development and preserve, enrich and promote Bangladeshi cultural heritage. One of the
major objectives is the preservation and protection of natural resources and environment to achieve
sustainable development. 2iven the low cost of employment creation in the tourism sector and the low
level of e5ploitation of Bangladeshi tourism potential, the new tourism policy seeks to e5pand foreign
tourist arrivals and facilitate domestic tourism in a manner that is sustainable by ensuring that possible
adverse effects such as cultural pollution and degradation of environment are minimi+ed. The )ew
Tourism 4olicy also aims at making the stay of foreign tourists in Bangladesh, a memorable and pleasant
one with reliable services at predictable costs, so that they are encouraged to undertake repeated visits to
Bangladesh, as friends. This would be in tune with Bangladesh traditional philosophy of giving the
highest honor to a guest ,tithi-.
The proposeApresent study has been completed by survey method.
Research design
The propose study period will be taken last ten years data from '##0 to '#.0.Cvery data that will be
include in this proposal totally authentic and accurate, there will be no any hypocrisy and fake.
Data collection
!urvey is the primary method of data collection. Internet survey would be used. Internet surveys have
been both hyped for their capabilities and critici+ed for the security issues it brings. Internet surveys
re7uire less finance since there would be no printing of paper and there would be no need to travel just to
gather data. Internet surveys would also re7uire less time for the researchers and the respondents.
Data analysis
?or the analy+ing of the above data, the paper will be divided into the demographic profiles of the
respondents and the ideas of respondents. The data that will be ac7uired will be put into graphs and tables
for getting at glance information.
"iterature reie#
In the past decade, tourism has become one of Bangladesh=s fastest growing markets, contributing to
millions of service industry jobs. The 6inistry of Tourism launched various campaigns in '##',
promoting as a premier vacation spot. The campaign was successful, and now Bangladesh is one of the
top destinations for travelers from the $.!. and >anada. In ugust '##( outbreaks of swine flu threatened
Bangladesh=s late summer tourist season. 6any travelers canceled trips rather than risk infection. !till,
fears have now subsided and tourism seems to be growing steadily. ,ssadu++aman !iddiki-The 3aily
!tar, '#.#-
Bangladesh=s crumbling infrastructure is another hurdle to the successful growth of the tourism sector.
The Bangladesh government is allocating funds to improve the infrastructure of the nation, improving
access to rural areas so they become attractive to visitors. One such improvement has been the installation
of heliports, where visitors can easily travel from a major metropolitan area to a rural area by helicopter.
6any visit Bangladesh seeking signs of the ancient culture founded there. popular heritage site is the
6ahastangaur in Bogura which attracts millions of visitors each year. Bangladesh=s 6inistry of Tourism
attempts to implement sustainable practices, promoting the ideals of ecotourism to its partner sites and
tour guides. The 6inistry also is integrating the ideals of conservation and preservation of the local
ecology and culture to the greatest e5tent possible. The 6inistry is working to create uni7ue tourist
e5periences in rural Bangladesh that promote local culture and have a low impact on the environment.
,hsan ahmed sisir-'##1-
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The Cnd

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