Master Project Management Plan
Master Project Management Plan
Master Project Management Plan
Master Project
Management Plan
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Health and Human Services Agency, Oice o Systems Integration
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
Revision History
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Master Project Management Plan
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<2AM3>, OSI P+O4356 !I+356O+ !A63
<2AM3>, OSI P+O4356 MA2A73+ !A63
Tem+late Instr,ctions-
6his tem1late oers instructions, sam1le language, 8oiler1late language, and
hy1erlin9s :ritten in $"*1oint Arial ont and distinguished 8y color, 8rac9ets, and
italics as sho:n 8elo:;
Instructions or using this tem1late are :ritten in 1ur1le 8rac9eted te<t and
descri8e ho: to com1lete this document0 !elete instructions rom the inal
version o this 1lan0
Sample language is written in red italic font and may be used, or modified,
for completing sections of the plan. All red text should be replaced with
project-specific information and the font changed to non-italicized black.
Standard 8oiler1late language has 8een develo1ed or this 1lan0 6his
standard language is :ritten in 8lac9 ont and may 8e modiied :ith
1ermission rom the OSI Project Management Oice =PMO>0 Additional
inormation may 8e added to the 8oiler1late language sections at the
discretion o the 1roject :ithout PMO revie:0
Hy1erlin9s are :ritten in 8lue underlined te<t 0 6o return to the original
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<OSI Admin #5603> i
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
Ta.le of )ontents
/0 INTROD()TION000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1
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60 PRO3E)T )ONTRO'00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 /2
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<OSI Admin #5603> ii
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
/0/ P,r+ose
6he 1ur1ose o the Master Project Management Plan is to ca1ture Cho:? the
1roject :ill 8e managed throughout the 1roject lie cycle0
The purpose of the aster !roject anagement !lan "!!# document is to
pro$ide the project stakeholders with an appro$ed working guide for how the
%!roject &ame' !roject will manage the project. The !! describes how to
manage the acti$ities of the %!roject &ame' !roject, the prime contractor, and
other supporting organizations throughout the project life cycle phases to ensure
a timely, efficient, and effecti$e system ac(uisition as defined in the !roject
/02 Sco+e
6his Master Project Management Plan identiies the activities, 1rocesses, and
1rocedures used to manage <Project 2ame>0 !eine the 1arameters that this
1lan encom1asses0
The !! describes the o$erall purpose and scope of the !! as a document. *t
pro$ides how the !roject office will be organized, staffed, and describes who the
project stakeholders are. The !! further details the methodology for project
management that will be employed for each project life cycle phase, as well as a
brief description of each of the component plans of the !!.
/01 References
Project Management Institute =PMI>
Project Management Doo9 o Eno:ledge =PMDOE %
Institute o 3lectrical F 3lectronics 3ngineers =I333>
Sot:are 3ngineering Institute =S3I> at 5arnegie*Melon Gniversity
State:ide Inormation Management Manual =SIMM>
OSI Dest Practices :e8site =DPHe8> htt1;'':::08est1ractices0osi0ca0gov0
/010/ Project )entrali;e< Doc,ment Re+ository
+eer to the Hor9Site re1ository located at <1ath or server> or all 1roject*
s1eciic documentation0 I the 1roject is not using Hor9Site, indicate the location
o the 1roject?s electronic document re1ository as :ell as the 1roject?s hardco1y
li8rary0 I the 1roject is using a tool to trac9 sta inormation and the staing
1roile, indicate the name and location o the tool0
<OSI Admin #5603> %
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
/06 %cronyms
DPHe8 Dest Practices He8site
!7S !e1artment o 7eneral Services
!OA !e1artment o Ainance
!6S !e1artment o 6echnology Services
I333 Institute o 3lectrical F 3lectronics 3ngineers
MPP Master Project Plan
OSI Oice o Systems Integration
PMDOE Project Management Doo9 o Eno:ledge
PMP Project Management Plan
S3I Sot:are 3ngineering Institute =S3I> at 5arnegie*
Melon Gniversity
State:ide Inormation Management Manual
5aliornia 6echnology Agency
HDS Hor9 Drea9do:n Structure
/04 Doc,ment Maintenance
6his document :ill 8e revie:ed annually and u1dated as needed, as a 1roject
1roceeds through each 1hase o the system develo1ment lie cycle0 Lessons
learned as a result o continuing sta management eorts :ill 8e ca1tured at the
end o each 1roject 1hase and used to im1rove 1roject and OSI standards0 I the
document is :ritten in an older ormat, the document should 8e revised into the
latest OSI tem1late ormat0
6his document contains a revision history log0 Hhen changes occur, the version
num8er :ill 8e u1dated to the ne<t increment and the date, o:ner ma9ing the
change, and change descri1tion :ill 8e recorded in the revision history log o the
/07 Master Project Management Plan =MPP> vs0 Project Management Plan
The !! is de$eloped and controlled by the %!roject &ame' project office and
is the highest-le$el project management document. The !! is for the project
office to manage the entire system effort.
The !! is a contractually defined management document de$eloped by the
contractor to manage his obligations. The !! is subordinate to the !! and
must be integrated $ia the appropriate contracting $ehicles.
<OSI Admin #5603> )
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
The project management plan is based primarily on the project management
processes described in the !+,-, .
edition. The methodology for planning
the project utilizes the aspects of the !+,- where applicable to the %!roject
&ame' project based on its size, complexity, and staff resources.
20/ Sco+e Management
20/0/ Sco+e Statement
The scope of the %!roject &ame' project is to procure and implement a
centralized, integrated information management system at %insert location' to
ensure that conditions are monitored and tracked according to program
guidelines that meet the intent of the !roject.
The scope of the %!roject &ame' !roject is to/
Secure and retain project appro$al and funding
0efine business re(uirements for the %!roject &ame'
1pgrade facilities to implement %!roject &ame'
2nsure 3erification and 3alidation, and *ndependent !roject ,$ersight are
!rocure a $endor to design, customize, test and implement the %!roject
&ame', and the needed interfaces to and from existing ,S* systems
2nsure the program organization and staff are prepared for the %!roject
&ame' implementation
4etire the pre$ious system"s# software and documentation components
)omplete the %!roject &ame' !ost *mplementation and 2$aluation
The scope of the project does not include/
2xploring non-automated solutions, due to the court order.
*nstalling the system at locations other than %insert location'.
!ro$iding functions outside those re(uired
20/02 Sco+e Management
The %!roject &ame' project scope will be managed through the $arious
management plans, project documents, re$iews, and change control processes
established throughout the project5s phases. The project plans will be de$eloped
to ensure that the project scope baseline is maintained and consistent. !roject
documents will be re$iewed to ensure the scope as establish in the %!roject
&ame' !roject )harter, 6easibility Study 4eport, and in this !roject
anagement !lan is not inad$ertently altered or changed. The project scope will
primarily be managed through the project5s scheduled re$iews such as 7eekly
<OSI Admin #5603> #
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
Status eetings, +i-7eekly 3endor eetings, and monthly Steering )ommittee
eetings, and through the change control process. )ommunication will play a
key role in scope management. The project has establish se$eral forms of $erbal
and written communication described in the %!roject &ame' )ommunication
!lan to ensure stakeholders, sponsors, executi$e management, team members,
external agencies, and $endors in$ol$ed in the %!roject &ame' project ha$e a
clear understanding of the project scope. There are so many elements that could
affect a project5s scope within a project that the $ery nature of scope dictates that
its management is integrated in all aspects of the project.
Although the objecti$e is to ha$e little or no change to the project scope, some
changes should be anticipated. *n the e$ent that scope changes occur, the
changes will be identified through the )hange )ontrol process established in the
%!roject &ame' )onfiguration anagement !lan. As changes to technical and
business re(uirements, hardware, software, documents, and system design are
identified, the impact to the project5s scope will be assessed and addressed
during the formal )hange )ontrol process.
Scope changes will be classified as internal or external, and project-le$el or
management-le$el. The following defines what constitutes an internal $ersus
external scope change/
*nternal Scope )hange 8 )hange that is generated or results within the
%!roject &ame' project organization and structure within the ,S*. 2xamples
are changes in business policies, ,S* policies, functionality, technical design,
resources, etc.
2xternal Scope )hange 8 )hange that is generated or results from entities
external to the %!roject &ame' project organization and structure. These
changes may be generated or result from external control agencies,
legislation, court orders, State mandates and policy, public sector, or
+oth the %!roject &ame' Team and the %!roject &ame' 3endor will identify any
potential internal scope changes. Any external scope changes will be identified
through the 2xecuti$e Steering )ommittee, !roject 0irector, sponsors, and the
%!roject &ame' !roject anagers.
The project-le$el scope changes, internal or external, are considered those
changes that meet the established criteria and can be appro$ed by the !roject
)hange )ontrol +oard as described in the )onfiguration anagement !lan.
anagement-le$el scope changes, internal and external, will constitute those
changes that re(uire the appro$al of the anagement or Steering )ommittee
)hange )ontrol +oard as described in the )onfiguration anagement !lan.
20/01 "or? @rea?<oAn Str,ct,re
6he HDS is a hierarchical decom1osition o the :or9 to 8e e<ecuted 8y the
1roject team, to accom1lish the 1roject o8jectives and create the reIuired
delivera8les0 6he HDS organiJes and deines the total sco1e o 1roject0 6he
HDS su8divides the 1roject :or9 into smaller, more managea8le 1ieces o :or90
<OSI Admin #5603> -
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
The %!roject &ame' !roject work breakdown structure is pro$ided in Appendix A.
20/06 &ormal %cce+tance of Sco+e
The formal acceptance of the project scope was accomplished through the
%!roject &ame' !roject )harter. The %!roject &ame' !roject )harter was
prepared and submitted by the %!roject &ame' !roject anagers and the
%!roject &ame' !roject 0irector. The charter was distributed and coordinated
through the project sponsors and executi$e management staff with final appro$al
by the !roject 0irector.
202 Time Management
6ime Management Plan includes the 1rocesses reIuired to accom1lish timely
com1letion o the 1roject0 6ime Management 1rocesses :ould 8e the schedule
develo1ment, management and control throughout the 1roject lie cycle0
The Time anagement !lan of the project centers on the o$erall project
schedule. The %!roject &ame' project used a top-down approach to de$elop the
project work breakdown structure that was used as the foundation for the
de$elopment of the o$erall project schedule. The project consists of six major
parts 9# *nfrastructure 1pgrades: ;# 0ata )enter *mplementation: .# %!roject
&ame' 3endor 0e$elopment: <# ,S* anagement: =# 3erification and
3alidation: and ># *ndependent !roject ,$ersight )onsultant as shown in the
work breakdown structure, Appendix A. These six major parts were then broken
down further into the major acti$ities that make up each of these parts. 7ith the
exception of the %!roject &ame' 3endor 0e$elopment acti$ities, all the major
acti$ities were broken down into subordinate acti$ities and finally down to the
task le$el. 2ach of the %!roject &ame' Team members was then assigned
specific areas to identify the acti$ities and tasks in their respecti$e areas. The
schedule pro$ided by %!roject &ame' 3endor was used to establish the
%!roject &ame'3endor 0e$elopment part and the 0ata )enter pro$ided a
schedule for the 0ata )enter *mplementation part.
A combination of bottom-up and top-down approach was taken to establish the
durations depending on the acti$ity, task, or dependency. Through se$eral
iterations and alignment of acti$ities and tasks, the o$erall %!roject &ame'
project schedule was produced and established.
The %!roject &ame' project uses icrosoft !roject as a tool to integrate,
monitor, manage and control the o$erall %!roject &ame' project schedule. The
%!roject &ame' schedule is password protected to allow only write access to the
!roject Scheduler and the Technical !roject anager. All other %!roject &ame'
!roject Team members ha$e read only access. This pre$ents any unauthorized
or inad$ertent changes to the schedule. The o$erall %!roject &ame' project
schedule is baselined and any changes or $ariations to the schedule are
reflected and captured in icrosoft !roject, and can be $iewed using the
<OSI Admin #5603> &
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
Tracking ?A&TT $iew function in the application. The !roject Scheduler will
assess schedule impacts on a weekly basis, monitor the progress, and identify
areas where the schedule is or may fall behind. The !roject Scheduler will bring
any items that potentially impact the schedule5s critical path to the %!roject
&ame' 1ser and Technical !roject anagers5 attention. The !roject Scheduler
will use icrosoft !roject to continually re-assess the project5s critical path and
recommend actions to a$oid schedule slips or mitigate impacts.
The schedule will follow a formal change control process for any proposed
changes to the schedule. The change control process for the project schedule is
described later in this document.
201 )ost Management
5ost Management Plan is to ensure the 1roject and its contractors :ill com1lete
the 1roject :ithin 8udget0 5ost management also includes analysis o o1tions
and issues to determine the 1otential eect on the 1roject?s 8udget and
The %!roject &ame' )ost anagement !lan will be pro$ided as a separate plan
and addresses the how project cost will be managed and controlled for the
%!roject &ame' project.
206 B,ality Management
Kuality Management Plan :ill deine, measure, and im1rove the Iuality o the
1roject?s 1rocesses and 1roducts in order to ulill the success criteria0 Kuality
management esta8lishes the 1rocesses 8y :hich 1roject 1roducts and 1rocesses
must adhere to s1eciied reIuirements and esta8lished 1lans throughout the
1roject lie cycle0
The %!roject &ame' @uality anagement !lan will be pro$ided as a separate
plan. The %!roject &ame' 3endor will pro$ide a @uality anagement !lan for
their portion of the project as a deli$erable product of the contract.
204 Staff Management
Sta Management Plan identiies the 1rocess and 1rocedures used to manage
sta throughout the 1roject?s lie0 6he 1lan descri8es the 1lanning and acIuisition
o 8oth state sta and consulting sta, descri8es the res1onsi8ilities assigned to
each sta, and discusses transition o sta to other assignments0
The %!roject &ame' Staff anagement !lan will be pro$ided as a separate plan
and addresses the how staff ac(uisition, training, tracking A management and
transition will be managed and controlled for the %!roject &ame' project.
<OSI Admin #5603> .
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
207 Ris? Management
6he +is9 Management Plan includes 1rocesses 8y :hich 1otential threats to
1roject success are identiied, mitigated, or eliminated0 +is9 considerations :ill
include technical, management, solicitation and contracting, 1erormance, 8udget
resources, 1olitical, natural disasters, security etc0 +is9 management is an
integral part of project management from project initiation through project
4efer to the %!roject &ame' 4isk anagement !lan for more information on risk
208 )omm,nication Management
6he 5ommunication Management Plan includes 1rocesses 8y :hich 1roject
inormation is develo1ed, maintained, and managed or 8oth internal and e<ternal
1roject sta9eholders0
4efer to the %!roject &ame' )ommunication anagement !lan for more
information on communication management.
20C )onfig,ration Management
5oniguration Management Plan esta8lishes the 1rocesses 8y :hich system
documentation items are deined, maintained, and managed0
4efer to the %!roject &ame' )onfiguration anagement !lan for more
information on configuration management.
20D )ontract Management
5ontract Management Plan identiies the activities to 8e 1erormed or initiated 8y
1roject sta to manage, trac9, amend, and close a contract0 5ontractor activities
and activities 1erormed 8y other state organiJations are discussed at a high
level only to acilitate an understanding o the com1lete 1rocess0
4efer to the %!roject &ame' )ontract anagement !lan for more information on
contract management.
20/E *overnance Plan an< Iss,e Escalation Process
7overnance Plan identiies the 9ey governance roles and res1onsi8ilities or the
1roject and covers :ho 8y role, is res1onsi8le or a11roving 1roject documents,
esta8lishing contracts in su11ort o the 1roject, a11roving contractor delivera8les,
and ma9ing the inal decision to acce1t the automated system and contractor
1roducts0 6he 3<ecutive Steering 5ommittee is the 1rimary entity :ithin this
1roject guiding the governance 1rocesses0 6he Issue 3scalation Process
<OSI Admin #5603> /
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
identiies the governance and escalation 1rocess that :ill 8e used to manage
issues, 1ro8lems, change, or a11rovals0
4efer to the %!roject &ame' ?o$ernance !lan and *ssue 2scalation !rocess for
more information.
20// <Project Name> Organi;ational Str,ct,re
The following is a list of internal and external organizations impacted by the
%!roject &ame' !roject. ,ther entities include ,S* "for project management#,
0epartment of Technology Ser$ices "0TS# "for system A network hosting#,
0epartment of ?eneral Ser$ices "0?S# "for procurement support#, 0epartment
of 6inance "budgetary# and the )alifornia Technology Agency "TA# "for project
List organiJational structure here
20/2 Project %ss,m+tions an< )onstraints
20/20/ Project %ss,m+tions
*n order to execute and accomplish the project within the time constraints is
based on the following assumptions/
)ontrol Agencies ha$e appro$ed an accelerated schedule of appro$al and
)ontrol agencies pro$ide appro$als by B00BCCCC and funding by
!otential $endor has a de$eloped system that contains the majority of the
components to satisfy the business re(uirements.
3endors do not contest the procurement and ultimate award of contract.
3endors will clearly understand the re(uirements defined in the 46!.
20/1 Project )onstraints
The major constraints facing the project are/
Time constraint ordered by the !rogram.
The system must operate within the electrical capacity and en$ironment
pro$ided or planned at the %location' facilities.
The system must be implemented and maintained with the funds
appro$ed by the State.
4esources to support the %!roject &ame' project are limited to existing
staff and skill le$els a$ailable.
)ontrol Agencies ")alifornia Technology Agency "TA#, 0epartment of
6inance "0,6#, and 0epartment of ?eneral Ser$ices "0?S# must re$iew
<OSI Admin #5603> $(
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
and appro$e key deli$erables before proceeding to the next phase of the
The %!roject &ame' 3endor "the selected +idder# will conform to *222 or
e(ui$alent and !* or e(ui$alent standards "per direction from the 0,6,
,)*,, and 0?S#.
10/ Project Management Plan EFec,tion
!escri8e the Project Management Plan e<ecution 1hase and the activities
The !roject anagement !lan execution will be initiated through a %!roject
&ame' !roject -ick-,ff eeting. The !roject -ick-,ff eeting pro$ides the
forum to integrate all parties in$ol$ed in the project and focus e$eryone toward a
common set of project objecti$es. The objecti$e of the kick-off meeting is to
pro$ide background and an o$er$iew of the project, and to establish a common
set of management processes and procedures that the project will use to
execute the project through implementation. )ompletion of this meeting
constitutes the formal execution of the !roject anagement !lan.
The !roject anagement !lan will continue to be executed throughout the
project through the established processes and procedures documented in the
$arious management plans de$eloped by the %!roject &ame' Team and the
%!roject &ame' 3endor. The %!roject &ame' !roject anager is responsible to
monitor the execution of the plan and will use status meetings, reports, and
project metrics to ensure that the project management plan is being executed.
The $arious meetings and reports are described in the %!roject &ame'
)ommunication !lan.
102 Information Distri.,tion
!escri8e ho: inormation :ill 8e distri8uted throughout the 1roject lie cycle0
The %!roject &ame' )ommunication !lan describes how the information
distribution will be executed for the project. *n addition, the %!roject &ame'
)onfiguration !lan identifies the $arious project records and describes how these
items will be accessed and maintained.
101 %++lication ),stomi;ation
!escri8e the a11lication customiJation that may 8e a11lica8le to your 1roject
during the e<ecution 1hase0
The %!roject &ame' project is solution with some customization. The %!roject
&ame' 3endor is accomplishing the customization to the application. As such
the methodology being used for the technical de$elopment on the %!roject
&ame' project is primarily utilizing the %!roject &ame' 3endor5s processes with
%!roject &ame' technical staff pro$iding o$ersight of the %!roject &ame'
<OSI Admin #5603> $$
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
The detailed areas of the technical execution will be found and described in the
following documents/
System 4e(uirement Specification
0etailed 0esign Specification
0atabase Schema
Test and 2$aluation aster !lan
0ata )on$ersion !lan
1ser 4eference ?uides
Training !lan
*mplementation !lan
*n addition to these documents being de$eloped o$er the course of the project,
se$eral technical re$iew meetings and work sessions are scheduled to re$iew,
assess, and monitor the technical aspects of the project.
!escri8e the change control 1rocess that is necessary or controlling actors that
create changes to ma9e sure those changes are 8eneicial, determining :hether
a change has occurred, and managing the a11roved changes, including :hen
they occur0
60/ Integrate< )Gange )ontrol
The description on how integrated change control is accomplished can be found
in the )onfiguration anagement !lan.
602 Sco+e )Gange )ontrol
The Scope )hange )ontrol !lan will follow the processes and procedures
described in the %!roject &ame' )onfiguration anagement !lan. The project-
le$el scope changes, internal or external, are considered those changes that
meet the established criteria and can be appro$ed by the !roject )hange )ontrol
+oard as described in the %!roject &ame' )onfiguration anagement !lan.
anagement-le$el scope changes, internal and external, will constitute those
changes that re(uire the appro$al of the anagement or Steering )ommittee
)hange )ontrol +oard as described in the %!roject &ame' )onfiguration
anagement !lan. 4efer to the %!roject &ame' )onfiguration anagement
!lan for the formal change control process.
The magnitude and o$erall impact as a result of scope $ariation needs to be
identified to assess the impact to the project in terms of cost, schedule, or
performance. The %!roject &ame' !roject anagers and Team members will
e$aluate and assess the magnitude and o$erall impact for each change
proposed, initiated or imposed. The performance measurement in terms of the
degree "magnitude# and the se$erity "o$erall impact# of the indi$idual scope
changes will be used to assess the $ariation in scope. The scope $ariation will be
<OSI Admin #5603> $"
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
monitored and tracked through each phase of the project using the measured
impact of cost, schedule, and performance attributed to scope changes.
601 ScGe<,le )ontrol
The %!roject &ame' !roject schedule will be monitored, tracked, and controlled
by the %!roject &ame' !roject Scheduler. The %!roject &ame' !roject
Scheduler will establish and maintain the o$erall project schedule using icrosoft
!roject. ,nce the final project schedule is established and appro$ed, the
baseline will be set. !rogress and schedule changes will be tracked against the
baseline to identify $ariances.
As part of the time management process and procedures, the %!roject &ame'
!roject Scheduler will use established forums within the project to manage the
%!roject &ame' !roject schedule. The following will be utilized to monitor and
track the project schedule/
7eekly %!roject &ame' Team Status eetings
+i-7eekly %!roject &ame' TeamB3endor Status eetings
3endor onthly Status 4eports
0aily communication "as re(uired#
All potential impacts to the project schedule must be reported "$erbally or written#
to the %!roject &ame' !roject Scheduler prior to a schedule slip occurring. ,nly
acti$ities and tasks on the o$erall project schedule must be reported to the
%!roject &ame' !roject Scheduler.
!roject Schedule change re(uests must be submitted to the %!roject &ame'
!roject Scheduler and include the following/
the acti$ityBdeli$erableBmilestone impacted
how and why the change is being re(uested
alternati$es to meet the original end date
re$ised end date
action plan to meet the re$ised end date
Appro$al, through the )hange )ontrol !rocess described in the )onfiguration
anagement !lan is re(uired to change the o$erall project schedule andBor
606 Performance Re+orting
The project performance reporting will be accomplished through established
status meetings, reports, and internal project tracking systems. The following
are a list of mechanisms used that pro$ide performance reporting/
%!roject &ame' 7eekly Status eeting
%!roject &ame' 3endor +i-7eekly Status eeting
<OSI Admin #5603> $%
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
onthly Steering )ommittee eeting
%!roject &ame' onthly Status 4eport
TA onthly !roject Status 4eport
3endor onthly Status 4eport
Action *tem Tracking System
4isk 0atabase Tracking System
0eli$erable Tracking System
The two major performance metrics being reported are cost and schedule. The
cost is being tracked in terms of $ariances to the appro$ed budget and spend
plan. The schedule is being monitored in terms of $ariances to the established
As the project e$ol$es, items may arise which would cause unanticipated tasks,
scope changes, or enhancements that may be beyond the original contract. The
process for addressing unanticipated tasks, scope changes, or enhancements
that are beyond the scope of the original contract will be to follow the Scope
)hange and )ontract )hange procedures described. 2nhancements beyond the
original contract will be prioritized and postponed until after the implementation of
the %!roject &ame' !roject unless the enhancement is critical to the successful
implementation. *f the enhancement is critical to the success of the %!roject
&ame' implementation, then the Scope, )ost, and Schedule )ontrol procedures
will be followed.
4efer to the %!roject &ame' !roject Schedule for the detailed o$erall project
acti$ities, tasks, and milestones. The high-le$el depiction of the major acti$ities
and milestones can be found in Appendix +.
!hase )lose-,ut A 6ormal Dessons Dearned are project management
acti$ities performed at the end of each ,S* life cycle phase to ensure the
proper closure of a current life cycle phase before proceeding to the next
phase. )lose-out acti$ities include re$iew of all goals and objecti$es of the
phase, final status and closure of issues and risks related to the phase, and
re$iew of documentation and files for archi$al or destruction.
80/0/ )on<,cting &ormal 'essons 'earne<
At the close of each life cycle phase, the project prepares a lessons learned
report. This includes an analysis of project objecti$es achie$ed during the
completed phase. Dessons Dearned reports are imported into the +est !ractices
<OSI Admin #5603> $)
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan
7orkSite 4epository for use by other projects and identifying areas for process
impro$ement action.
80/02 )ontract )lose O,t
The following close out items referenced in the )ontract anagement !lan
Template for this function should be re$iewed for applicability, tailored, and
summarized. The summary should describe actions taken by the project office in
performing close out for each of the items below "as applicable#.
)ontract 6inal 4eports
)ontractor 2$aluation
*n$oices and 0isencumbering 6unds
Archi$ing )ontractor 4ecords
The following items from the )ontract anagement !lan are established for
specific instruction related to contract closeout.
The following tracking and execution items referenced in the )ontract
anagement !lan Template "for consultants# should be re$iewed for
applicability, tailored, and summarized. The summary should describe actions to
be taken by the project office in performing close out for each of the following
items "as applicable#.
9. )ontract 6inal 4eports
;. )ontractor 2$aluation
.. *n$oices and 0isencumbering 6unds
<. Archi$ing )ontractor 4ecords
The following items from the )ontract anagement !lan "for consultants# are
established for specific instruction related to contract closeout.
80/01 %<ministrative )los,re
The Administrati$e )losure is the process of preparing closure documentation of
the project deli$erables for the customer as well as taking other administrati$e
actions to ensure that the project and its asset are redistributed.
6inancial )losure and Audit 8 completing and terminating the financial
and budgetary aspects of the project being performed.
Archi$ing- creating and storing a hard andBor soft copy of all
documentation related to the project
!ersonnel and 6acilities 8 reassignment and reallocation of personnel and
e(uipment that ha$e been used during the project
<OSI Admin #5603> $#
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan Instr,ctions
<OSI Admin #5603>
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan Instr,ctions
<Insert the Hor9 Drea9do:n Structure here>
<OSI Admin #5603>
<Project Name>
Office of Systems Integration
Master Project Management Plan Instr,ctions
<Insert the Project Schedule here>
<OSI Admin #5603> $