This document summarizes key concepts around concurrent task trees (CTTs) and wearable user interfaces (UIs). It discusses using CTTs to specify abstract UIs, and renderers that translate abstract UIs into concrete implementations for different devices and contexts. Renderers are discussed for desktop, mobile, and wearable platforms like head-mounted displays. The document also covers evaluating wearable UIs and adapting UIs based on changing environmental contexts.
This document summarizes key concepts around concurrent task trees (CTTs) and wearable user interfaces (UIs). It discusses using CTTs to specify abstract UIs, and renderers that translate abstract UIs into concrete implementations for different devices and contexts. Renderers are discussed for desktop, mobile, and wearable platforms like head-mounted displays. The document also covers evaluating wearable UIs and adapting UIs based on changing environmental contexts.
This document summarizes key concepts around concurrent task trees (CTTs) and wearable user interfaces (UIs). It discusses using CTTs to specify abstract UIs, and renderers that translate abstract UIs into concrete implementations for different devices and contexts. Renderers are discussed for desktop, mobile, and wearable platforms like head-mounted displays. The document also covers evaluating wearable UIs and adapting UIs based on changing environmental contexts.
This document summarizes key concepts around concurrent task trees (CTTs) and wearable user interfaces (UIs). It discusses using CTTs to specify abstract UIs, and renderers that translate abstract UIs into concrete implementations for different devices and contexts. Renderers are discussed for desktop, mobile, and wearable platforms like head-mounted displays. The document also covers evaluating wearable UIs and adapting UIs based on changing environmental contexts.
Recap Slide Context Toolkit: Context Toolkit Context Abstraction Design Methodology 1.1 Task Models Slide HCI Lecture Summary: Theories Levels-of-analysis Stages-of-action GOMS Widget-level Context-of-use Object Action Interface models 1 Slide Describing user interaction: Remember GOMS - Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection Rues The user wants to reach a Goal, he uses Operators and Methods that he selects via Selection Rules With GOMS, we can look at a sequence of Methods and analyze it. We can analyze a system using GOMS, but a GOMS model does not tell us how to implement a system Question: How can a GOMS-like system support development? A Task Model can be used to guide the implementation. Slide Task Model: Task models indicate the logical activities that an application should support to reach users goals.(Paterno, 1999) Goals are either state changes or inquiries Tasks can be highly abstract or very concrete Task models can be build for existing systems, future systems and for the users view of the system Task models are formalized, other methods are often informal Slide Whats the use of a Task Model?: Understand the application domain Record the result of user discussions Support effective design Support usability evaluation Directly support the user in using the system Documentation 2 Slide Task Model Representation: GOMS can represent a task model GOMS is mainly textual GOMS cannot represent concurrency, interruption, order independence, optionality and iteration. Alternative: ConcurTaskTrees (Paterno, 1999) 1.2 ConcurTaskTrees Slide ConcurTaskTrees: Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Features: Hierarchical structure Graphical Syntax Many temporal operators Focus on activities 3 1.2.1 Temporal Operators Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Hierarchy Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Enabling Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: 4 Choice Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Enabling with information passing Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Concurrent Tasks Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: 5 Concurrent Communicating Tasks Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Task Independence Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Disabling Image from Paterno, 1999 6 Slide CTT: Temporal Operators: Suspend-Resume Image from Paterno, 1999 1.2.2 Examples Slide CTT: iterative task: Task sequence with iteration: only the last transition ends the iteration Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: optional tasks: Optional Tasks are marked with [ and ] brackets 7 Image from Paterno, 1999 Slide CTT: inheritance of temporal constraint: ShowAvailability inherits the temporal constraint (executed after SelectRoomType) from its parent MakeReservation Image from Paterno, 1999 8 Chapter 2 Abstract and Wearable UIs Slide Wearable UIs: Supporting a primary task, i.e. UI driven by external task Context-dependent (primary task is one context source) Non-point-and-click, i.e. No WIMP-based UI Sometimes no graphical UI at all Rich set of in- and output devices Question: How to write (and reuse) code for generic wearable computer? 2.1 Abstract UIs Slide Characterizing Wearable UIs: Displaying information and changing state (like CTTs) Additionally: Context information Context-dependent presentation context includes input and output modes and devices available Context change triggers information display / state change Idea: 9 specify abstract UI using CTTs use context change triggers like input in CTTs decide context-dependent presentation during runtime Slide Context-dependent presentation: Example: a web browser with two presentation modes Desktop mode: Like refox Mobile mode: like opera small screen rendering Specication of UI (= html document, links) the same Rendering of UI different: Compress graphics, change positions, use different fonts Change interaction: no mouse click, but chose links via cursor keys Slide Abstract Specication: Simple Example: Write Aircraft Repair Report Input text of repair report Indicate that the repair report entered is complete i.e. use CTT to specify abstract model Web browser equivalent: Form Text input eld submit button [fragile] Slide AWT implementation: PDA: Java 1.2 (AWT) 10 1 Panel p = new Panel(); 2 p.add(new Label ("Enter Report"); 3 TextField tf = new TextField("Your Report Here",256); 4 p.add(tf); 5 Button b = new Button("Save"); 6 p.add(b);
private void makeTextInput( Container c, TextInputItem i, int depth ) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT ) ); if( depth == 0 ) { c.add( p ); } else { c.add( p, BorderLayout.NORTH ); } p.add( new Label( i.getDescription().getText() ) ); TextField tf = new TextField( i.getInput(), i.getExpectedLength() ); TextInputListener l = new TextInputListener( this, i, tf ); tf.addTextListener( l ); mActions.add( l ); p.add( tf ); }
[fragile] Slide Swing implementation: Desktop: Java 5 (Swing) 1 JPanel p = new JPanel(); 2 p.add(new JLabel ("Enter Report"); 3 JTextField tf = new JTextField("Your Report Here",256); 4 p.add(tf); 5 JButton b = new JButton("Save"); 6 p.add(b); [fragile] Slide QT implementation: QT 4 1 QLabel * reportLabel = new QLabel(tr("Enter report")); 2 QTextEdit * reportEdit = new QTextEdit; 3 QPushButton * saveButton = new QPushButton(tr("Save")); 4 myLayout = new QHBoxLayout; 5 myLayout->addWidget(reportLabel); 11 6 myLayout->addWidget(reportEdit); 7 myLayout->addWidget(saveButton); Slide Abstract to concrete: How to get from abstract to concrete? Idea 1: Use an expert programmer, give him the spec, let him program, use result How about different devices? Idea 1a: Use expert for every possible device, send to expert programmer, let them work together. How about different contexts? Idea 1b: Use domain expert to describe contexts, send to device expert to design context-dependent optimal display for specic device, send to programmer, program Only viable for small number of devices and huge sales. i.e. mobile phone games Slide Abstract to concrete (2): Can we do without all these experts? Idea 2: Divide the application programin two parts: The abstract UI and the renderer How about different devices? The renderer can be device-specic: It knows best how to use UI elements of the target device How about different contexts? The renderer itself can use context information in a device-specic way The abstract UI can choose from a number of available renderers. This choice can be based on device availability, user preference, context. [fragile] Slide AbstractUI implementation: 12 AbstractUI 1 mSave = new TriggerItem2( 2 new TextData( "Save" ), false, this ); 3 mComment = new TextInputItem2( 4 new TextData( "Comment" ), 5 20, "Your text here",this ); 6 mComment.setNext( mSave ); 7 mRoot = new GroupItem2( 8 new TextData( "Write Repair Report" ), 9 this ); 10 mRoot.setSub( mComment ); Slide Open questions: Fundamental question: What can the AbstractUI express? Speech-driven UI? How to deal with non-renderable objects? (picture on audio-UI) Technical question: How can we implement it? How can we specify an AbstractUI Model? XML? How can the renderer decide what subtree of the CTT it renders? on-demand query mechanism? 2.2 Wearable UIs Slide Wearable UI Methaphor: Output Mechanism Visual: HMD Audio Input Mechanism Keys: Keyboard, Twiddler Hands: gestures, direct manipulation Speech Interaction Methods 13 menu selection, direct manipulation, form llin command language, natural Speech Slide Winspect GUI: Java Implementation Uses HMD and hands-free interaction GUI elements optimized for wearable use Colors, font sizes, highlighting Interaction based on dataglove Direct Manipulation: Motion, Turn Gesture for selection Slide Winspect UI HMD: Image from T. Nicolai Slide Winspect Direct Manipulation: 14 Image from T. Nicolai Slide WearableUI: Renderer for AbstractUI Uses HMD and hands-free interaction GUI elements optimized for wearable use Colors, font sizes, highlighting Few elements displayed shows in the area of visual focus Interaction based on dataglove Hand gestures to navigate and select Additional keyboard for text entry Slide Wearable UI Gesture: 15 Image from H. Witt Slide Wearable UI Glove: Image from H. Witt Slide Wearable UI HMD: Image from H. Witt 16 Chapter 3 Wearable Evaluation Recap Slide Abstract/Wearable UI: AbstractUI Device-independent Context-aware WearableUI Uses AbstractUI Wearable interaction mode 3.1 Adaptive UIs Slide WUI-Development: 17 Image from H. Witt Slide WUI-Structure: Image from H. Witt Slide Adaptive UIs: Why adapt an UI? UI can be optimized due to changes in environmental context Light conditions User motion Environmental noise UI cannot be controlled anymore under current context affected by user activities interaction device failure (e.g. low battery) 18 Slide Layers of adaptation: Image from H. Witt Slide Finding adaption rules: How to nd rules for adaptation? Whats the user reaction on adaptation? 3.2 Wearable Evaluation Slide Wearable Evaluation: How to measure the performance of a wearable system? Remember: Supporting a primary task Idea: measure the performance in the primary task. Example: Wearable Maintenance support 19 Time Quality Slide Wearable Evaluation (2): Drawbacks: Long time needed Variation in users/Tasks: Even more time needed System has to be built and integrated to be evaluated What if evaluation outcome is negative? Real-world evaluations are rare Slide Wearable Evaluation (3): Idea: Implement parts of the system in a lab. Living Lab approache Question: How to simulate primary task in the lab? Aspects of the primary task: Physical Task Cognitive Task Attention Slide Physical tasks: Simple tasks: Walking, running, biking Strenuous tasks: running fast, carrying loads Manipulative tasks: push buttons, operate machines, use tools, select tools Precision tasks: handle tools carefully, avoid damage and spills 20 Also physical tasks: input (e.g. gesture input) Body has physical limits: accuracy, force, energy limits Slide Cognitive tasks: Simple tasks: Reading, Listening, Identify objects, following signs, matching tasks Complex tasks: calculations, translations, geometric tasks (see your favourite IQ test) Also cognitive tasks: input, understanding output Analog to physical limits: cognitive load limit cognitive load varies with age, familiarity with task, between persons Slide Matchingtask: Image from H. Witt Slide Attention !: Both physical and cognitive tasks need attention Attention is limited 21 e.g.: you can only memorize a small (5-11) Number of things at the same time in your short time memory Some brain functions have limits: Humans only have one motor cortex Degrading attention leads to degraded performance: Precision lowers, reaction time rises, task execution takes longer Divided attention: affected by task similarity, task difference, practice Slide Measuring performance: Idea: Use this information to craft articial tasks to measure performance Cognitive taks: simple but measurable tasks, measure execution time and correctness Examples: Matching tasks, nd repetitions in letter sequences, . . . Physical tasks: Not too easy, but easy to measure Examples: Pushing buttons , Hotwire experiment Experiment: Measure physical task w/o cognitive task Measure cognitive task w/o physical task Measure both together Slide The Hotwire experiment: Origin: Childrens game, used to train hand-eye-coordination Conductive wire, bent in different shapes Conductive loop tool Task: move the loop tool over the wire without touching the wire Slide Hotwire: 22 Image from H. Witt Slide Interruption by cognitive task: Interruption studies: Well-known approach in HCI evaluation Matching task is presented to the user on a HMD Answer is given with gesture interface Different ways to present cognitive task Immediate Negociated Scheduled Mediated Slide Hotwire-Task: 23 Image from H. Witt Slide Measuring Hotwire performance: Time (to complete wire task) Contacts (tool-wire) Error rate (in matching task) Average age (Answer time for matching task) Slide Results: 24 Image from M. Drugge, H. Witt, ISWC06 Slide Results: Tasks have an inuence to eachother Matching error rate almost unchanged Effect of the interruption methods on Time: negotiated methods take longer on Contacts: negociated methods have more errors (additional interaction) on Error: nothing on Average Age: unclear, side effects disturbe result Slide Larger Hotwire (on CeBit): Image from mrc Slide Summary: Task Trees Formal specication of user interaction Can be used to support development 25 ConcurTaskTrees Temporal Operators Examples AbstractUI Device-independent Context-aware WearableUI Uses AbstractUI Wearable interaction mode Evaluating wearable interfaces simulate primary task study effects of wearable use use standardized experiments and measures for comparable results 26
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