X137daE560 IEC61850 Host R1

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Remote Terminal Unit

IEC61850 Server
Contents: This manual gives an overview of the RTU560 Host
Communication Interface with IEC61850 protocol.

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 iii


Document identity: 1KGT 150 702 V001 1
Revision: 0 Date: 06/2009
Base version
Revision: 1 Date: 01/2010
Corrections chapter 8 Limits and recommendations

We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly
Copyright 2010 ABB AG.

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 v
Host Communication Interface IEC61850 ...................................... i
Revision .......................................................................................... iii
Contents........................................................................................... v
Abbreviations ................................................................................ vii
Abbreviations ............................................................................... viii
Introduction .................................................................................... ix
Preface.......................................................................................................... ix
References ................................................................................................... ix
Conventions.................................................................................................. x
1 Physical Layer........................................................................ 1-1
2 Link Layer ............................................................................... 2-1
2.1 General ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Client/server services ..................................................................... 2-1
3 Application Layer................................................................... 3-1
4 Addressing ............................................................................. 4-1
5 Monitoring Direction.............................................................. 5-1
5.1 SPI Single Point Information....................................................... 5-1
5.2 DPI Double Point Information ..................................................... 5-3
5.3 STI Step Position Information..................................................... 5-5
5.4 BSI Bit String Information ........................................................... 5-6
5.5 ITI Integrated Totals Information................................................ 5-8
5.6 DMI Digital Measured Information.............................................. 5-9
5.7 AMI Analog Measured Information .......................................... 5-11
5.8 MFI Measured Float Information .............................................. 5-13
6 Controlling Direction ............................................................. 6-1
6.1 SCO Single Command Output .................................................... 6-1
6.2 DCO Double Command Output .................................................. 6-2
6.3 RCO Regulation Command Output ............................................ 6-3

vi 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
6.4 ASO Analog Setpoint Output ...................................................... 6-4
6.5 DSO Digital Setpoint Output ....................................................... 6-6
6.6 BSO Bit String Output ................................................................. 6-8
7 Internal Functions .................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Time Synchronization ..................................................................... 7-1
7.2 General Interrogation...................................................................... 7-1
7.3 System Events .................................................................................7-1
7.3.1 System Events of RTU560................................................... 7-1
7.3.2 System Events of GOOSE IEDs.......................................... 7-2
7.4 System Commands ......................................................................... 7-3
8 Limits and recommendations ............................................... 8-1
9 Conformance Statements...................................................... 9-1
9.1 Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) ..................... 9-1
9.1.1 ACSI Basic Conformance Statement................................... 9-1
9.1.2 ACSI Models Conformance Statement................................ 9-2
9.1.3 ACSI Service Conformance Statement ............................... 9-3
9.1.4 Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) ............ 9-4
9.2 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) ......... 9-5
9.2.1 Basic Profile Conformance .................................................. 9-5
9.2.2 MMS Conformance.............................................................. 9-5
9.3 Model Implementation Conformance Statement (MICS)............. 9-6
9.3.1 LN Group L: System logical nodes ...................................... 9-7
9.3.2 LN Group C: Logical nodes for control ................................ 9-8
9.3.3 LN Group G: Logical nodes for generic references............. 9-9
9.3.4 Monitoring status information.............................................9-10
9.3.5 Measured information ........................................................9-13
9.3.6 Controllable status information ..........................................9-14
9.3.7 LN Group M: Logical nodes for metering and measurement9-17
9.3.8 LN Group P: Logical nodes for protection functions..........9-19
9.3.9 LN Group R: Logical nodes for protection related functions9-23
9.3.10 LN Group S: Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring...9-24
9.3.11 LN Group X: Logical nodes for switchgear ........................9-25
9.3.12 LN Group Y: Logical nodes for power transformer ............9-26
9.3.13 LN Group Z: Logical Nodes for further power system equipment 9-27

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 vii
ACSI Abstract Communication Service Interface
AMI Analog Measured value Input
ASO Analog Setpoint command Output
BCU Bus Connection Unit
BSI Bit String Input (8, 16 bit)
CMU Communication and Data Processing Unit
CS Control System
CSC Command Supervision Channel
CS-Command Clock Synch Command
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DCO Double Command Output
DMI Digital Measured value Input (8, 16 bit)
DPI Double Point Input
DSO Digital Setpoint command Output (8, 16 bit)
EPI Event of Protection equipment Input (1bit)
FC Functional Constraint
GCD General Configuration Data
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Event
HCI Host Communication Interface
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
IOC I/O Controller (Controller on I/O Board)
IOD Input Output Data
IOM I/O Bus Master (Function of SLC)
ITI Integrated Totals Input

viii 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
MFI Analog Measured value Floating Input
MPU Main Processing Unit
NCC Network Control Center
PB Peripheral Bus
PBP Peripheral Bus Processor
PDP Process Data Processing
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PPP Point to Point Protocol
PSU Power Supply Unit
RCO Regulation step Command Output
RTC Real Time Clock
SBO Select before Operate
SCADA Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition
SCD Substation Configuration Description
SCI Sub-Device Communication Interface
SCL Substation Configuration description Language
SCO Single Command Output
SCSM Specific Communication Service Mapping
SEV System Event
SLC Serial Line Controller
SOC Strobe Output Channel
SPI Single Point Input
STI Step position Input (8 bit)
TSI Time Synch Input
TSO Time Synch Output

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ix
This document describes the functions of the host communication interface in RTU560
according to IEC61850.
[1] IEC61850-6:2004(E)
Communication networks and systems in substations
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical
substation related to IEDs
First edition 2004-03
[2] IEC61850-7-1:2003(E)
Communication networks and systems in substations
Part 7-1: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment
Principles and models
First edition 2003-07
[3] IEC61850-7-2:2003(E)
Communication networks and systems in substations
Part 7-2: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment
Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)
First edition 2003-05
[4] IEC61850-7-4:2003(E)
Communication networks and systems in substations
Part 7-4: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment
Compatible logical node classes and data classes
First edition 2003-05
[5] IEC61850-8-1:2004(E)
Communication networks and systems in substations
Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) Mappings to MMS
(ISO9506-1 and ISO9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
First edition 2004-05
[6] 1KGT150451 V004 1
RTUtil560 Users Guide
[7] 1KGT150589 V000 1
RTU560 Remote Terminal Unit
Function Description Release 8.0

x 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
In this document function codes of data types according to IEC61850 are marked with
angel brackets:
<Function code>
Italic fonts with the heading Parameter are references to configuration parameter in
RTUtil560. The parameter is followed by definitions in round brackets where to find this
parameter in RTUtil560.
Example: Parameter: Link address (RTU560 Line parameter)
In this document references to elements of the standard will be printed bold and in
brackets: [2, 7.4]
The tables in the next chapters include lists of functions, options and message types
supported according to the protocol structure given in IEC60870-5 (EPA three layer
model) for
the physical layer
the link layer
the application layer
This layered model is valid for the protocol [2].

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 1-1
1 Physical Layer

See documentation Interfaces and Protocols (1KGT150714)

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 2-1
2 Link Layer
2.1 General
The IEC61850 Server provides support for Server services as described in [5].
GOOSE/GSE Management Services and GSSE Services are supported as well.
Services like Sampled Values described in IEC61850-9 are not supported.
2.2 Client/server services
The IEC61850 Server acts in IEC61850 station busses as a server.
Following services as described in [3] are supported:
IEC61850-7-2 model IEC61850-7-2 service HCI support
Server GetServerDirectory X
Associate X
Abort X
Release X
Logical Device GetLogicalDeviceDirectory X
GetLogicalNodeDirectory X Logical Node
GetAllDataValues X
GetDataValues X
GetDataDirectory X
GetDataDefinition X
GetDataSetValues X
Data Set
GetDataSetDirectory X
GetDataValues Substitution
Setting Group Control Block
Report X
GetBRCBValues X
SetBRCBValues X
GetURCBValues X
Report Control Block
SetURCBValues X
LOG Control Block
Link Layer RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

2-2 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
SendGOOSEMessage X
GetGoReference X
GetGOOSEElementNumber X
Select X
SelectWithValue X
Cancel X
Operate X
CommandTermination X
FILE transfer
Table 2-1: Supported IEC61850-7-2 services

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 3-1
3 Application Layer
In IEC61850 information are grouped according to the process needs in logical nodes.
Logical nodes consist of attributes of common data classes. Conversion of information is
done on common data class basis. This gives the possibility to support also logical nodes
probably defined in the future or for special process purposes.
Compatible logical nodes and data classes can be found in [4]. The supported logical
nodes types are listed in the table below. Detailed information about the logical node
could be found in chapter 9.3 Model Implementation Conformance Statement (MICS).
LN type Description
LPHD Physical device information
LLN0 Logical node zero
CSWI Switch controller
CILO Interlocking
CRSV Reservation
CALH Alarm handling
GAPC Generic automatic process control
GGIO Generic process I/O
MMTR Metering
MMXN Measurement
MMXU Measurement
PTOC Time over current protection
PDIS Distance protection
PDIF Differential protection
PTOF Over frequency protection
PTUF Under frequency protection
PTOV Over voltage protection
PTUV Under voltage protection
PSDE Sensitive directional earth fault protection
PTEF Transient earth fault protection
PSCH Protection scheme
PTRC Protection trip conditioning
RBRF Breaker failure
RREC Auto reclosing
RSYN Synchronism-check or synchronizing
SIMG Insulation medium supervision (gas)
SIML Insulation medium supervision (liquid)
XCBR Circuit breaker
XSWI Circuit switch
YLTC Tap changer
YEFN Earth fault neutralizer (Petersen coil)
ZAXN Auxiliary network
Table 3-1: Supported IEC61850-7-4 logical node types
Application Layer RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

3-2 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
The conversion of information is described in detail for every RTU560 data point type in
the chapters below. As reference the following table summarizes the supported common
data classes, their attributes and the possible mappings to RTU560 data point types.
Common Data
Attribute Name Default RTU560
data point type
Other RTU560
data point type
ACD dirGeneral DPI BSI
ACD general SPI DPI, SEV
ACT general SPI DPI, SEV
BCR actVal ITI -
BCR frVal ITI -
BSC Oper.ctlVal RCO -
BSC valWTr.posVal STI -
CMV cVal.mag.f MFI AMI
DPC Oper.ctlVal DCO -
INC Oper.ctlVal ASO BSO, DSO
ISC Oper.ctlVal BSO -
ISC valWTr.posVal STI -
MV mag.f MFI AMI
SPC Oper.ctlVal SCO -
Table 3-2: Mapping common data classes RTU560 data point types
The common data classes WYE and DEL (Logical nodes MMXU) are not stated in the
table above because the data attributes of these classes are modeled with the common
data class CMV.
The data attribute stSeld of the controllable common data classes are handled by the
host interface itself. There is no need (or possibility) to convert this data attribute to a
RTU560 data point.

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 4-1
4 Addressing
For addressing of IEC61850 object references are used. These references are a
concatenation of the following names (see [2]):

Abbreviation Name Description
LDName Logical device instance name Unique name of a logical device
LNName Logical node instance name Concatenation of
LN Prefix
LN name
LN Instance number
DataName Name of common data class in
logical node

DataAttribute Attribute name in common data

FC Functional Constraint

References can not be modified with RTUtil560. The server data points with IEC61850
objects are defined in the Excel import file only. The GOOSE data points are
synchronized from a SCD file to the Excel Import file of RTUtil560 without modifications.
Beside the IEC61850 object reference the address contains an In use flag. This flag set
in the Excel import file or RTUtil560 defines whether a data point is used in the IEC61850
host interface or not. If not set the data point is no part of the IEC61850 server data
The complete engineering process in RTUtil560 is described in [6].

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-1
5 Monitoring Direction
5.1 SPI Single Point Information
Binary process information indicated by one bit:
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
ACD general ST A
ACD neut ST A
ACT general ST A
ACT neut ST A
SPC stVal ST A
Data Types
SPS stVal ST A
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-2 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -
RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Monitoring Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-3
5.2 DPI Double Point Information
Binary process information indicated by two bits.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
ACD dirGeneral ST A
ACD dirNeut ST B
ACD dirPhsA ST B
ACD dirPhsB ST B
ACD dirPhsC ST B
DPC stVal ST C
DPS stVal ST C
ACD general ST D
ACD neut ST D
ACT general ST D
ACT neut ST D
SPC stVal ST D
Data Types
SPS stVal ST D
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Intermediate Unknown
Off Forward
On Backward
Indeterminate Both
Conversion of value (Type B)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Intermediate Unknown
Off Forward
On Backward
Indeterminate -
Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-4 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
Conversion of value (Type C)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Intermediate intermediate-state
Off Off
On On
Indeterminate bad-state
Conversion of value (Type D)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Intermediate Off
Off Off
On On
Indeterminate Off
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -

RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Monitoring Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-5
5.3 STI Step Position Information
Binary process information indicated by 8 bit.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
BSC valWTr.posVal ST A
Data Types
ISC valWTr.posVal ST A
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -63 -63
... ...
Range max. +63 +63
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow q.detailQual.overflow == TRUE
q.detailQual.outOfRange == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
T Transient Bit -
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -

Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-6 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
5.4 BSI Bit String Information
Binary process information indicated by 8, 16 or 32 bit.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
ACD dirGeneral ST A
ACD dirNeut ST B
ACD dirPhsA ST B
ACD dirPhsB ST B
ACD dirPhsC ST B
DPC stVal ST C
DPS stVal ST C
INC stVal ST D
Data Types
INS stVal ST D
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
0 unknown
1 forward
2 backward
3 both
Conversion of value (Type B)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
0 unknown
1 forward
2 backward
Conversion of value (Type C)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
0 intermediate-state
1 off
2 on
3 bad-state
RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Monitoring Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-7
Conversion of value (Type D)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. 0 0
... ...
BSI8: Bit mask of 8 bit;
range ... 255
BSI16: Bit mask of 16 bit;
range ... 65 535
65 535
Range max.
BSI32: Bit mask of 32 bit;
range ... 4 294 967 295
4 294 967 295
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow q.detailQual.overflow == TRUE
q.detailQual.outOfRange == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -
Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-8 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
5.5 ITI Integrated Totals Information
Binary process information indicated by 32 bit as a counted value.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
BCR actVal ST A
Data Types
BCR frVal ST A
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -2147483648 -2147483648
... ... ...
Range max. +2147483647 +2147483647
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SEQ Sequence number -
CY Carry q.detailQual.overflow == TRUE
CA Adjusted -
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -

RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Monitoring Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-9
5.6 DMI Digital Measured Information
Binary process information indicated by integer values, used as a measured value from
digital inputs.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
INC stVal ST A
Data Types
INS stVal ST A
Additional Maximum Value
Maximum Value in the external protocol to be converted to +100 % on
RTU560 internal communication
Maximum Value (DMI Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: - 2147483648 .. 2147483647]
Minimum Value
Minimum Value in the external protocol to be converted to -100 % on
RTU560 internal communication.
Minimum Value (DMI- Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: -2147483648 .. 2147483647]
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -100% Parameter: Minimum Value
... ...
Range max. +100% Parameter: Maximum Value
Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-10 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow q.detailQual.overflow == TRUE
q.detailQual.outOfRange == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
T Transient Bit valWTr.transInd
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -
Measured Value,
External Protocol
(Max. Value)
Value on internal
Maximum Value = 2047
Minimum Value = -2048
Scaling of Measurands, Host Communication Interface
- 100 % + 100 %
+ Range
- Range
- 2048
(Min. Value)
RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Monitoring Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-11
5.7 AMI Analog Measured Information
Analog process information indicated by integer or floating point values, used as a measured
value from analog inputs.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
CMV cVal.mag.f MX A
INC stVal ST A
INS stVal ST A
Data Types
MV mag.f MX A
Additional Maximum Value
Maximum Value in the external protocol to be converted to +100 % on
RTU560 internal communication
Maximum Value (AMI Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: - 2147483648 .. 2147483647]
Minimum Value
Minimum Value in the external protocol to be converted to -100 % on
RTU560 internal communication.
Minimum Value (AMI- Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: -2147483648 .. 2147483647]
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -100% Parameter: Minimum Value
... ...
Range max. +100% Parameter: Maximum Value
Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-12 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow q.detailQual.overflow == TRUE
q.detailQual.outOfRange == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
T Transient Bit valWTr.transInd
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -
Measured Value,
External Protocol
(Max. Value)
Value on internal
Maximum Value = 2047
Minimum Value = -2048
Scaling of Measurands, Host Communication Interface
- 100 % + 100 %
+ Range
- Range
- 2048
(Min. Value)
RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Monitoring Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 5-13
5.8 MFI Measured Float Information
Analog process information indicated by 32 bit used as measured value from analog inputs
in float format.
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
CMV cVal.mag.f MX B
INC stVal ST A
INS stVal ST A
Data Types
MV mag.f MX B
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -3.410
38 (*)
Range max. + 3.410
38 (*)
(*) Floating point value is truncated in the conversion
Conversion of value (Type B)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -3.410

Range max. + 3.410
+ 3.410

Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
OV Overflow q.detailQual.overflow == TRUE
q.detailQual.outOfRange == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
BL Blocked q.operatorBlocked == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
SB Substituted q.source == substituted
NT Not Topical q.detailQual.oldData == TRUE
q.validity == invalid
IV Invalid q.validity == invalid
Monitoring Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

5-14 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test q.test == TRUE
P/N Positive/negative confirmation - Irrelevant -
Cause Spontaneous -
Requested -
Interrogated -

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 6-1
6 Controlling Direction
6.1 SCO Single Command Output
Binary process command (one bit)
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
Data Types
SPC Oper.ctlVal CO A
Additional Signal Support select before operate
Select before operate (SCO Protocol Address and Parameter)
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SE Select / Execute ACSI control service: SBO/SBOw request /
ACSI control service: Operate request
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test ACSI control service:
Test parameter
P/N Positive/negative confirmation ACSI control service:
response +/-
Cause Activation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate request
Activation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate response
Deactivation ACSI control service:
Cancel request
Deactivation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Cancel response
Activation Termination Report with termination information

Controlling Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

6-2 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
6.2 DCO Double Command Output
Binary process command (two bits)
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
Data Types
DPC Oper.ctlVal CO A
Additional Signal Support select before operate
Select before operate (DCO Protocol Address and Parameter)
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SE Select / Execute ACSI control service: SBO/SBOw request /
ACSI control service: Operate request
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test ACSI control service:
Test parameter
P/N Positive/negative confirmation ACSI control service:
response +/-
Cause Activation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate request
Activation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate response
Deactivation ACSI control service:
Cancel request
Deactivation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Cancel response
Activation Termination Report with termination information

RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Controlling Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 6-3
6.3 RCO Regulation Command Output
Regulation process command (two bits)
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
Data Types
BSC Oper.ctlVal CO A
Additional Signal Support select before operate
Select before operate (RCO Protocol Address and Parameter)
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Lower lower
Higher higher
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SE Select / Execute ACSI control service: SBO/SBOw request /
ACSI control service: Operate request
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test ACSI control service:
Test parameter
P/N Positive/negative confirmation ACSI control service:
response +/-
Cause Activation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate request
Activation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate response
Deactivation ACSI control service:
Cancel request
Deactivation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Cancel response
Activation Termination Report with termination information

Controlling Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

6-4 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
6.4 ASO Analog Setpoint Output
Analog process command (16 bit signed number)
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
Data Types
INC Oper.ctlVal CO A
Additional Signal Support select before operate
Select before operate (ASO Protocol Address and Parameter)
Maximum Value
Maximum Value in the external protocol to be converted to +100 % on
RTU560 internal communication
Maximum Value (ASO Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: -32768 .. 32767]
Minimum Value
Minimum Value in the external protocol to be converted to -100 % on
RTU560 internal communication.
Minimum Value (ASO- Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: -32768 .. 32767]
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -100% Parameter: Minimum Value
... ...
Range max. +100% Parameter: Maximum Value

RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Controlling Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 6-5
Setpoint Value,
External Protocol
(Max. Value)
Value on internal
Maximum Value = 2047
Minimum Value = -2048
Scaling of Setpoints, Subdevice Communication Interface
- 100 % + 100 %
+ Range
- Range
- 2048
(Min. Value)

Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SE Select / Execute ACSI control service: SBO/SBOw request /
ACSI control service: Operate request
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test ACSI control service:
Test parameter
P/N Positive/negative confirmation ACSI control service:
response +/-
Cause Activation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate request
Activation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Operate response
Deactivation -
Deactivation Confirmation -
Activation Termination -
Controlling Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

6-6 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
6.5 DSO Digital Setpoint Output
Binary process command (8 or 16 bit signed number)
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
Data Types
INC Oper.ctlVal CO A
Additional Signal Support select before operate
Select before operate (DSO Protocol Address and Parameter)
Maximum Value
Maximum Value in the external protocol to be converted to +100 % on
RTU560 internal communication
Maximum Value (DSO Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: -32768 .. 32767]
Minimum Value
Minimum Value in the external protocol to be converted to -100 % on
RTU560 internal communication.
Minimum Value (DSO- Protocol Address and Parameter)
[Range: -32768 .. 32767]
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. -100% Parameter: Minimum Value
... ...
Range max. +100% Parameter: Maximum Value
RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Controlling Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 6-7
Setpoint Value,
External Protocol
(Max. Value)
Value on internal
Maximum Value = 2047
Minimum Value = -2048
Scaling of Setpoints, Subdevice Communication Interface
- 100 % + 100 %
+ Range
- Range
- 2048
(Min. Value)

Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SE Select / Execute ACSI control service: SBO/SBOw request /
ACSI control service: Operate request
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test ACSI control service:
Test parameter
P/N Positive/negative confirmation ACSI control service:
response +/-
Cause Activation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate request
Activation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Operate response
Deactivation -
Deactivation Confirmation -
Activation Termination -
Controlling Direction RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

6-8 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
6.6 BSO Bit String Output
Binary process command (1, 2, 8, 16 bit unsigned number)
Common Data
Attribute Name Functional
Conversion of
Value Type
INC Oper.ctlVal CO A
Data Types
ISC Oper.ctlVal CO B
Additional None
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. 0 0
... ...
32767 32767

32768 -32768

Range max. 65535 -1
Protocol specific value range is mapped to BSO8 and BSO16 in 2s complement
Conversion of value (Type A)
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific (Attribute value)
Range min. 0 0
... ...
63 63

65471 -64

Range max. 65535 -1
Protocol specific value range is mapped to BSO8 and BSO16 in 2s complement
Conversion of quality descriptors
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
SE Select / Execute ACSI control service: SBO/SBOw request /
ACSI control service: Operate request

RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850 Controlling Direction

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 6-9
Conversion of cause of transmission
RTU560 internal communication Protocol specific
T Test ACSI control service:
Test parameter
P/N Positive/negative confirmation ACSI control service:
response +/-
Cause Activation ACSI control service:
Select/Operate request
Activation Confirmation ACSI control service:
Operate response
Deactivation -
Deactivation Confirmation -
Activation Termination -

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 7-1
7 Internal Functions
7.1 Time Synchronization
Time synchronization of subordinated devices is done using SNTP time synchronization
protocol. SNTP time synchronization protocol is a general function of RTU560 and must
be configured with RTUtil560. The configuration of SNTP is described in document
Function Description (1KGT 150 582) of RTU560.
7.2 General Interrogation
The general interrogation to subordinated devices is part of the report control block
handling defined in IEC61850. There is no specific general interrogation command
7.3 System Events
7.3.1 System Events of RTU560
The host communication interface manages internal status messages of the RTU560.
These status messages can be created from the HCI itself or other activities of the
RTU560. The system events of other activities are sent via internal communication and
are processed by the HCI.
The system events could be mapped to IEC61850 status data attributes of type
BOOLEAN. See chapter 3 Application Layer for common data classes and attributes
convertable to system events.
The following table shows the system events supported by the host communication
interface IEC61850:
Internal Functions RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

7-2 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
Description of system event Shortcut
At least one indication faulty #016
At least one analog value faulty #017
At least one digital value faulty #018
At least one pulse counter faulty #019
At least one command is faulty #020
At least one setpoint is faulty #021
At least one digital output is faulty #022
RTU is faulty #023
RTU is active #024
RTU is synchronized #025
External clock is inoperable #026
Local printer offline #027
At least one indication oscillating #028
System battery low (RTU560E only) #029
AC power supply failed (RTU560E only) #030
At least one DCE faulty #044
Device connected #045
At least one PLC function not running #046
At least one PLC function cycle time exceeded #047
RTU inoperable #048
RTU out of service #049
Power supply failure in CSR subrack #059
Command supervision circuit z disconnected or faulty, 1 z 32 #064 ... #095
SNTP client 1 is synchronized #096
SNTP client 2 is synchronized #097
Local control authority active #100
Host x Online, 1 x 8 #101 ... #108
Host interface x: At least one change of information lost, 1 x 8 #117 ... #124
Host interface x: At least one pulse counter lost, 1 x 8 #133 ... #140
CMU in rack 0, slot x is inoperable, 1 x 8, 10 #149 #156
CMU in rack 1, slot x is inoperable, 1 x 8 #157 #164
Device reachable on redundant line x, 1 x 4 #180 #183
Device active on redundant line x, 1 x 4 #184 #187
Device preferred on redundant line x, 1 x 4 #188 #191
Network element x is operable, 1 x 32 #192 #223
CMU in rack 0, slot x is active, 1 x 8 #224 #231
CMU in rack 1, slot x is active, 1 x 8, 10 #232 #239
7.3.2 System Events of GOOSE IEDs
The host communication interface manages internal status messages for every GOOSE
IED that sends data to the HCI. These status messages are created from the host
communication interface itself for every GOOSE IED.
The host communication interface supports the following system events for GOOSE
Description of system event Shortcut
Device active #024
Device inoperable #048

Internal Functions RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 7-3
Conversion of value

Description RTU560
Protocol specific
off Device not active Device active
on Device active
off All GOOSE data points valid Device inoperable
on At least one GOOSE data point invalid
While initialization the value of system event Device is active (#024) is set to ON. On a
running system this system event doesnt change anymore.
The system event Device inoperable (#048) is set in dependency of the GOOSE data
points received from the IED. If all data points are received and valid the system event is
set to operable (state off). If at least one data point is not received or invalid the system
event is set to inoperable (state on).
7.4 System Commands
System commands are not supported.

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 8-1
8 Limits and recommendations
Following table specifies the system limits of IEC61850 Server in RTU560:
Description Limit
Maximum number of IEC61850 Server per RTU560 16

Maximum number of host communication interfaces IEC61850
per CMU
Maximum number of control stations (IEC61850 clients) per
host communication interface IEC61850

Maximum number of process data points supported by host
communication interface IEC61850

Table 8-1: System limits

For a temporarily connected client like a monitoring or an engineering workplace one
additional connection is supported
Depending on the used license

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-1
9 Conformance Statements
9.1 Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI)
9.1.1 ACSI Basic Conformance Statement
The ACSI basic conformance statement for RTU560 IEC61850 server is defined in Table

Client-server roles
B11 Server side
- c1 YES
B12 Client side
c1 - -
SCSMs supported
B21 SCSM: IEC 61850-8-1 used YES
B22 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-1 used -
B23 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-2 used -
B24 SCSM: other -
Generic substation event model (GSE)
B31 Publisher side - O YES
(GOOSE only)
B32 Subscriber side O - YES
(GOOSE only)
Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)
B41 Publisher side - O -
B42 Subscriber side O - -
c1 shall be M if support for LOGICAL-DEVICE model has been declared.
O Optional
M Mandatory
Table 9-1: ACSI basic conformance statement
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-2 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.1.2 ACSI Models Conformance Statement
The ACSI models conformance statement for RTU560 IEC61850 server is defined in
Table 9-2.

If Server side (B11) supported
M1 Logical device c2 c2 YES
M2 Logical node c3 c3 YES
M3 Data c4 c4 YES
M4 Data set c5 c5 YES
M5 Substitution O O -
M6 Setting group control O O -
M7 Buffered report control O O YES
M7-1 sequence-number YES
M7-2 report-time-stamp YES
M7-3 reason-for-inclusion YES
M7-4 data-set-name YES
M7-5 data-reference YES
M7-6 buffer-overflow YES
M7-7 entryID YES
M7-8 BufTm YES
M7-9 IntgPd YES
M7-10 GI YES
M8 Unbuffered report control O O YES
M8-1 sequence-number YES
M8-2 report-time-stamp YES
M8-3 reason-for-inclusion YES
M8-4 data-set-name YES
M8-5 data-reference YES
M8-6 BufTm YES
M8-7 IntgPd YES
M9 Log control O O -
M9-1 IntgPd -
M10 Log O O -
M11 Control M M YES
If GSE (B31/B32) is supported
M12-1 entryID YES
M12-2 DataRefInc YES
M13 GSSE O O -
If SVC (B41/B42) is supported
M14 Multicast SVC O O -
M15 Unicast SVC O O -
M16 Time M M -
M17 File Transfer O O -
c2 shall be M if support for LOGICAL-NODE model has been declared.
c3 shall be M if support for DATA model has been declared.
c4 shall be M if support for DATA-SET, Substitution, Report, Log Control, or Time model has been declared.
c5 shall be M if support for Report, GSE, or SV models has been declared.
O Optional
M Mandatory
Table 9-2: ACSI model conformance statement

Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-3
9.1.3 ACSI Service Conformance Statement
The ACSI service conformance statement for RTU560 IEC61850 server is defined in
Table 9-3 (depending on the statements of Table 9-2).
Server (Clause 6)
S1 ServerDirectory TP M YES
Application association (Clause 7)
S2 Associate M M YES
S3 Abort M M YES
S4 Release M M YES
Logical device (Clause 8)
S5 LogicalDeviceDirectory TP M M YES
Logical node (Clause 9)
S6 LogicalNodeDirectory TP M M YES
S7 GetAllDataValues TP O M YES
Data (Clause 10)
S8 GetDataValues TP M M YES
S9 SetDataValues TP O O -
S10 GetDataDirectory TP O M YES
S11 GetDataDefinition TP O M YES
Data set (Clause 11)
S12 GetDataSetValues TP O M YES
S13 SetDataSetValues TP O O -
S14 CreateDataSet TP O O -
S15 DeleteDataSet TP O O -
S16 GetDataSetDirectory TP O O YES
Substitution (Clause 12)
S17 SetDataValues TP M M -
Setting group control (Clause 13)
S18 SelectActiveSG TP O O -
S19 SelectEditSG TP O O -
S20 SetSGValues TP O O -
S21 ConfirmEditSGValues TP O O -
S22 GetSGValues TP O O -
S23 GetSGCBValues TP O O -
Reporting (Clause 14)
Buffered report control block (BRCB)
S24 Report TP c6 c6 YES
S24-1 data-change (dchg) YES
S24-2 qchg-change (qchg) YES
S24-3 data-update (dupd) YES
S25 GetBRCBValues TP c6 c6 YES
S26 SetBRCBValues TP c6 c6 YES
Unbuffered report control block (URCB)
S27 Report TP c6 c6 YES
S27-1 data-change (dchg) YES
S27-2 qchg-change (qchg) YES
S27-3 data-update (dupd) YES
S28 GetURCBValues TP c6 c6 YES
S29 SetURCBValues TP c6 c6 YES
Logging (Clause 14)
Log control block
S30 GetLCBValues TP M M -
S31 SetLCBValues TP O M -
S32 QueryLogByTime TP c7 M -
S33 QueryLogAfter TP c7 M -
S34 GetLogStatusValues TP M M -
Generic substation event model (GSE) (
S35 SendGOOSEMessage MC c8 c8 YES
S36 GetGoReference TP O c9 YES
S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber TP O c9 YES
S38 GetGoCBValues TP O O -
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-4 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
S39 SetGoCBValues TP O O -
S40 SendGSSEMessage MC c8 c8 -
S41 GetGsReference TP O c9 -
S42 GetGSSEElementNumber TP O c9 -
S43 GetGsCBValues TP O O -
S44 SetGsCBValues TP O O -
Transmission of sampled value model (SVC) (Clause 16)
Multicast SVC
S45 SendMSVMessage MC c10 c10 -
S46 GetMSVCBValues TP O O -
S47 SetMSVCBValues TP O O -
Unicast SVC
S48 SendUSVMessage TP c10 c10 -
S49 GetUSVCBValues TP O O -
S50 SetUSVCBValues TP O O -
Control (17.5.1)
S51 Select TP M O YES
S52 SelectWithValue TP M O YES
S53 Cancel TP O O YES
S54 Operate TP M M YES
S55 Command-Termination TP M O YES
S56 TimeActivated-Operate TP O O -
File transfer (Clause 20)
S57 GetFile TP O M -
S58 SetFile TP O O -
S59 DeleteFile TP O O -
S60 GetFileAttributeValues TP O M -
Time (5.5)
T1 Time resolution of internal clock Nearest
negative power
of 2 in seconds
T2 Time accuracy of internal clock T1
T3 Supported TimeStamp resolution Nearest value
of 2**-n in
according to
c6 shall declare support for at least one (BRCB or URCB)
c7 shall declare support for at least one (QueryLogByTime or QueryLogAfter)
c8 shall declare support for at least one (SendGOOSEMessage or SendGSSEMessage)
c9 shall declare support if TP association is available
c10 shall declare support for at least one (SendMSVMessage or SendUSVMessage)
O Optional
Table 9-3: ACSI service conformance statement
9.1.4 Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM)
See B21 Table 9-1 and [IEC61850-7-2].
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-5
9.2 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
9.2.1 Basic Profile Conformance PICS for A-Profile support
The PICS for A-Profile support for RTU560 IEC61850 server are defined in Table 9-4.
Profile Description Server
A1 Client/server A-Profile c1 YES
A2 GOOSE/GSE management A-Profile c2 YES
(GOOSE only)
A3 GSSE A-Profile c3 -
A4 TimeSync A-Profile c4 -
c1 Shall be m if support for any service specified in [IEC61850-8-1] Table 2 are declared within the ACSI basic
conformance statement (see Table 5).
c2 Shall be m if support for any service specified in [IEC61850-8-1] Table 6 are declared within the ACSI basic
conformance statement (see Table 5).
c3 Shall be m if support for any service specified in [IEC61850-8-1] Table 9 are declared within the ACSI basic
conformance statement (see Table 5).
c4 Support for at least one other A-Profile shall be declared (e.g. in A1-A3) in order to claim conformance to
Table 9-4: PICS for A-Profile support PICS for T-Profile support
The PICS for T-Profile support for RTU560 IEC61850 server are defined in Table 9-5.
Profile Description Server
T1 TCP/IP T-Profile c1 YES
T2 OSI T-Profile c2 -
T3 GOOSE/GSE T-Profile c3 YES
(GOOSE only)
T4 GSSE T-Profile c4 -
T5 TimeSync T-Profile O -
c1 Shall be m if support for table 9-4 A1 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i'.
c2 Shall be o if support for table 9-4 A1 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i'.
c3 Shall be m if support for table 9-4 A2 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i'.
c4 Shall be m if support for table 9-4 A3 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i'.
i out-of-scope: The implementation of the item is not within the scope of this standard
O Optional
Table 9-5: PICS for T-Profile support
9.2.2 MMS Conformance
All needed services supporting the ACSI services stated to be supported in chapter 9.1.3
ACSI Service Conformance Statement are supported by the MMS stack used.
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-6 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.3 Model Implementation Conformance Statement (MICS)
Table 9-5 defines the list of logical nodes supported by RTU560 IEC61850 server.
LN Group L: System logical nodes
LPHD Physical device information
LLN0 Logical node zero
LN Group C: Logical nodes for control
CSWI Switch controller
CILO Interlocking
CRSV Reservation
CALH Alarm handling
LN Group G: Logical nodes for generic references
GAPC Generic automatic process control
GGIO Generic process I/O
LN Group M: Logical nodes for metering and measurement
MMTR Metering
MMXN Measurement
MMXU Measurement
LN Group P: Logical nodes for protection functions
PTOC Time over current
PDIS Distance
PDIF Differential
PTOF Over frequency
PTUF Under frequency
PTOV Over voltage
PTUV Under voltage
PSDE Sensitive directional earth fault
PTEF Transient earth fault
PSCH Protection scheme
PTRC Protection trip conditioning
LN Group R: Logical Nodes for protection related functions
RBRF Breaker failure
RREC Auto reclosing
RSYN Synchronism-check or synchronising
LN Group S: Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring
SIMG Insulation medium supervision (gas)
SIML Insulation medium supervision (liquid)
LN Group X: Logical Nodes for switchgear
XCBR Circuit breaker
XSWI Circuit switch
LN Group Y: Logical Nodes for power transformer
YLTC Tap changer
YEFN Earth fault neutralizer (Petersen coil)
LN Group Z: Logical Nodes for further power system equipment
ZAXN Auxiliary network
Table 9-6: Logical nodes supported by the RTU560 IEC61850 server
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-7
9.3.1 LN Group L: System logical nodes LN type: LPHD
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
PhyNam DPL Physical device name plate
PhyHealth INS Physical device health
Proxy SPS Indicates if this LN is a proxy
Table 9-7: Logical node type LPHD LN type: LLN0
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Loc SPS Local operation for complete logical device
Table 9-8: Logical node type LLN0
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-8 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.3.2 LN Group C: Logical nodes for control LN type: CSWI
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Loc SPS Local operation
Pos DPC Double point controllable status output
Table 9-9: Logical node type CSWI LN type: CILO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status Information
EnaOpn SPS Enable Open
EnaCls SPS Enable Close
Table 9-10: Logical node type CILO LN type: CALH
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status Information
GrAlm SPS Group alarm
Table 9-11: Logical node type CALH
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-9
9.3.3 LN Group G: Logical nodes for generic references LN type: GAPC
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-12: Logical node type GAPC
Table 9-12 defines the specific logical nodes extensions for generic process I/O.
LN Group G: Logical nodes for generic references
GGIO: Generic process I/O
LN Prefix LN Class LN Type Description
Status information
SP GGIO SPGGIO Generic single point status
SP8 GGIO SP8GGIO Generic single point status (8 inputs)
SP16 GGIO SP16GGIO Generic single point status (16 inputs)
DP GGIO DPGGIO Generic double point status
DP8 GGIO DP8GGIO Generic double point status (8 inputs)
INS GGIO INSGGIO Generic integer status
BCR GGIO BCRGGIO Generic binary counter reading
Measured information
MV GGIO MVGGIO Generic measured value input
MV8 GGIO MV8GGIO Generic measured value input (8 inputs)
CMV GGIO CMVGGIO Generic complex measured value input
Controllable status information
SC GGIO SCGGIO Generic single command
SC8 GGIO SC8GGIO Generic single command (8 outputs)
SC16 GGIO SC16GGIO Generic single command (16 outputs)
DC GGIO DCGGIO Generic double command
DC8 GGIO DC8GGIO Generic double command (8 outputs)
INC GGIO INCGGIO Generic integer status output
BSC GGIO BSCGGIO Generic binary controlled step position output
Table 9-13: Generic logical node supported by RTU560 server
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-10 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.3.4 Monitoring status information LN type: SPGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Ind SPS General indication (binary input)
Table 9-14: Logical node type SPGGIO LN type: SP8GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Ind1 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind2 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind3 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind4 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind5 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind6 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind7 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind8 SPS General indication (binary input)
Table 9-15: Logical node type SP8GGIO

Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-11 LN type: SP16GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Ind1 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind2 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind3 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind4 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind5 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind6 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind7 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind8 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind9 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind10 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind11 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind12 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind13 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind14 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind15 SPS General indication (binary input)
Ind16 SPS General indication (binary input)
Table 9-16: Logical node type SP16GGIO LN type: DPGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
DPI DPS Double point input
Table 9-17: Logical node type DPGGIO
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-12 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG LN type: DP8GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
DPI1 DPS Double point input
DPI2 DPS Double point input
DPI3 DPS Double point input
DPI4 DPS Double point input
DPI5 DPS Double point input
DPI6 DPS Double point input
DPI7 DPS Double point input
DPI8 DPS Double point input
Table 9-18: Logical node type DP8GGIO LN type: INSGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
IntIn INS Integer status input
Table 9-19: Logical node type INSGGIO LN type: BCRGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
ITI BCR Integrated totals input
Table 9-20: Logical node type BCRGGIO
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-13
9.3.5 Measured information LN type: MVGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Measured vlaues
AnIn MV Analog input
Table 9-21: Logical node type MVGGIO LN type: MV8GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Measured vlaues
AnIn1 MV Analog Input
AnIn2 MV Analog Input
AnIn3 MV Analog Input
AnIn4 MV Analog Input
AnIn5 MV Analog Input
AnIn6 MV Analog Input
AnIn7 MV Analog Input
AnIn8 MV Analog Input
Table 9-22: Logical node type MV8GGIO LN type: CMVGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Measured vlaues
CVIn CMV Complex analog value Input
Table 9-23: Logical node type CMVGGIO
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-14 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.3.6 Controllable status information LN type: SCGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
SPCSO SPC Single point controllable status output
Table 9-24: Logical node type SCGGIO LN type: SC8GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
SPCSO1 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO2 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO3 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO4 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO5 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO6 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO7 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO8 SPC Single point controllable status output
Table 9-25: Logical node type SC8GGIO LN type: SC16GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
SPCSO1 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO2 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO3 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO4 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO5 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO6 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO7 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO8 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO9 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO10 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO11 SPC Single point controllable status output
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-15
SPCSO12 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO13 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO14 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO15 SPC Single point controllable status output
SPCSO16 SPC Single point controllable status output
Table 9-26: Logical node type SC16GGIO LN type: DCGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
DPCSO DPC Double point controllable status output
Table 9-27: Logical node type DCGGIO LN type: DC8GGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
DPCSO1 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO2 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO3 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO4 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO5 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO6 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO7 DPC Double point controllable status output
DPCSO8 DPC Double point controllable status output
Table 9-28: Logical node type DC8GGIO LN type: INCGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
ISCSO INC Integer status controllable status output
Table 9-29: Logical node type INCGGIO
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-16 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG LN type: BSCGGIO
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
RCO BSC Regulation step command output
Table 9-30: Logical node type BSCGGIO
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-17
9.3.7 LN Group M: Logical nodes for metering and measurement LN type: MMTR
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Metered values
TotVAh BCR Net apparent energy since last reset
TotWh BCR Net Real energy since last reset
TotVArh BCR Net Reactive energy since last reset
Table 9-31: Logical node type MMTR LN type: MMXN
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Measured values
Amp MV Current I (rms) not allocated to a phase
Vol MV Voltage V (rms) not allocated to a phase
Watt MV Power (P) not allocated to a phase
VolAmpr MV Reactive Power (Q) not allocated to a phase
VolAmp MV Apparent Power (S) not allocated to a phase
PwrFact MV Power Factor not allocated to a phase
Imp CMV Impedance
Hz MV Frequency
Table 9-32: Logical node type MMXN
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-18 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG LN type: MMXU
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Measured values
TotW MV Total Active Power (Total P)
TotVAr MV Total Reactive Power (Total Q)
TotVA MV Total Apparent Power (Total S)
TotPF MV Average Power factor (Total PF)
Hz MV Frequency
PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages (VL1VL2, )
PhV WYE Phase to ground voltages (VL1ER, )
A WYE Phase currents (IL1, IL2, IL3)
W WYE Phase active power (P)
Var WYE Phase reactive power (Q)
VA WYE Phase apparent power (S)
PF WYE Phase power factor
Z WYE Phase Impedance
Table 9-33: Logical node type MMXU
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-19
9.3.8 LN Group P: Logical nodes for protection functions LN type: PTOC
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-34: Logical node type PTOC LN type: PDIS
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-35: Logical node type PDIS LN type: PDIF
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-36: Logical node type PDIF
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-20 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG LN type: PTOF
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-37: Logical node type PTOF LN type: PTUF
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-38: Logical node type PTUF LN type: PTOV
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-39: Logical node type PTOV
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-21 LN type: PTUV
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-40: Logical node type PTUV LN type: PSDE
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-41: Logical node type PSDE LN type: PTEF
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Str ACD Start
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-42: Logical node type PTEF
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-22 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG LN type: PSCH
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
ProTx SPS Teleprotection signal transmitted
ProRx SPS Teleprotection signal received
Str ACD Carrier Send
Op ACT Operate
Table 9-43: Logical node type PSCH LN type: PTRC
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Op ACT Operate (combination of subscribed Op from protection
Str ACD Sum of all starts of all connected Logical Nodes
Table 9-44: Logical node type PTRC
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-23
9.3.9 LN Group R: Logical nodes for protection related functions LN type: RBRF
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
OpEx ACT Breaker failure trip (external trip)
OpIn ACT Operate, retrip (internal trip)
Table 9-45: Logical node type RBRF LN type: RREC
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Op ACT Operate (used here to provide close to XCBR)
AutoRecSt INS Auto Reclosing Status
Table 9-46: Logical node type RREC LN type: RSYN
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
Rel SPS Release
Table 9-47: Logical node type RSYN
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-24 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.3.10 LN Group S: Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring LN type: SIMG
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
InsAlm SPS Insulation gas critical (refill isolation medium)
PresAlm SPS Isolation gas pressure alarm
DenAlm SPS Isolation gas density alarm
TmpAlm SPS Isolation gas temperature alarm
Table 9-48: Logical node type SIMG LN type: SIML
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Status information
InsAlm SPS Insulation gas critical (refill isolation medium)
TmpAlm SPS Insulation liquid temperature alarm
PresTr SPS Insulation liquid pressure trip
PresAlm SPS Insulation liquid pressure alarm
Table 9-49: Logical node type SIML
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-25
9.3.11 LN Group X: Logical nodes for switchgear LN type: XCBR
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Loc SPS Local operation (local means without substation automation
communication, hardwired direct control)
EEHealth INS External equipment health
OpCnt INS Operation counter
Pos DPC Switch position
BlkOpn SPC Block opening
BlkCls SPC Block closing
Status information
CBOpCap INS Circuit breaker operating capability
Table 9-50: Logical node type XCBR LN type: XSWI
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
Loc SPS Local operation (local means without substation automation
communication, hardwired direct control)
EEHealth INS External equipment health
OpCnt INS Operation counter
Pos DPC Switch position
BlkOpn SPC Block opening
BlkCls SPC Block closing
Status informaton
SwTyp INS Switch type
SwOpCap INS Switch operating capability
Table 9-51: Logical node type XSWI
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

9-26 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 ABB AG
9.3.12 LN Group Y: Logical nodes for power transformer LN type: YLTC
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
EEHealth INS External equipment health
TapChg BSC Change Tap Position (stop, higher, lower)
Status informaton
EndPosR SPS End position raise reached
EndPosL SPS End position lower reached
Table 9-52: Logical node type YLTC LN type: YEFN
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
EEHealth INS External equipment health
Loc SPS Local operation
Measured Values
ECA MV Earth coil current
ColTapPos ISC End position raise reached
Table 9-53: Logical node type YEFN
Conformance Statements RTU560 Host Communication Interface IEC61850

ABB AG 1KGT 150 702 V001 1 9-27
9.3.13 LN Group Z: Logical Nodes for further power system equipment LN type: ZAXN
Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation
LNName Shall be inherited from LN Class (see [IEC61850-7-2])
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode
Beh INS Behaviour
Health INS Health
NamPlt LPL Name plate
EEHealth INS External equipment health
Table 9-54: Logical node type ZAXN

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