Kalasarpa Dosham

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Kalasarpa Dosham

What is Kalasarpa dosha?

In any native's chart, the remaining seven houses are in the clutches of Rahu and Ketu is called
Kalasarpa dosha.
Savya Kala Sarpa Dosham:

From Rahu to Ketu all the houses are filled it is Savya Kalasarpa Dosham

Apasavya Kala Sarpa Dosham

From Ketu to Rahu all the houses are filled, it is called Apasavya Kala Sarpa Dosham.

In Astrological science, Rahu is termed as the Head and Ketu is termed as tail of Sarpa. The
Vedic pundits terms that the Kalasarpa yogam is most dangerous one in ones life span.

In the natal chart from lagna to seventh house if this yoga is there the first half is more
miserable and from seventh house to twenth house, the second half of the life is harmful. In
the natal chart if other yogas are not there, the native will be jobless; habitituated to bad
habits leads miserable life, unmarried. etc.,

If in the natal chart:

1. From Ravi is placed from Rahu in 8th house it is termed as Sarpa Dosha.

2. From Chandra to 8th house, Rahu or Ketu it is termed as Sarpa Dosha

3. From natives' horoscope, from lagna 6, 7, and 8 houses is Rahu is there it is Sarpa

4. From lagna of either Rahu or Ketu are placed in Trokona it is Sarpa dosha.

Different Types of Kala Sarpa Yogams
1. From lagna to seventh house the planets are (Ravi,Chandra,Kuja,Budha,Guru,Sukra and Sani) are
placed between Rahu and Ketu is know Ananta Kala Sarpa Dosham.

EFFECTS: Troubles in family life, and chronic health problems.

2.From Second house to seventh house if these planets are placed it is known as GULIKA KALASARPA

EFFECTS: Financial and domestic troubles.

3. From third house to ninth house, it is known as VASUKI KALA SARPA DOSHAM.

EFFECTS: Problems with brothers and sisters

4.From Forth house to tenth house, it is known as SANKAPALA KALA SARPA DOSHAM.

EFFECTS; Problems with mother, vehicles and at residence.

5. From Fifth house to eleventh house, it is known as PADMAKALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS: Problems with spouse/husband and with children.

6.From Sixth house to twelfth house it is known as MAHA PADMA KALA SARPA DOSHAM.

EFFECTS: Health problems, debts, problems with enemies.

7. From seventh house to lagna, it is known as TAKSHAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS: Loss in business and problems in matrimonial life.

8. From eight house to second house, it is known as KARKOTAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS: Problems with wife and accidents.

9. From ninth house to third house, it is known as SANKACHOODA KALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS: Problems with father, heavy bad luck etc.,

10. From tenth house to fourth house, it is known as GHATAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS: Problem in business and job fonts.

11. From eleventh house to fifth house, it it known as VISHADHARA KALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS:: Problems in financial business terms.

12. From twenth house to sixth house, it is known as SESHANAGA KALA SARPA YOGAM.

EFFECTS: Mounting expenditure and severe problems with enemies.

Note: For remedies please be in touch with our team
Kalasarpa Dosha to the natives on date and year wise
As we are aware that all the planets are under the clutches of Rahu and Ketu is called Kalasarpa
Dosha. The native who born during this period may not get benefits especially when its' especially
during Rahu or Ketu Dasa. It is our endeavor to give the dates and years who are are subjected to
Kalasarpa Dosha. If proper remedies are made, it will bless the native with all benefits and take them
to higher positions.
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1980:
From January 15 to January 25, 1980
From April 11 to April 26, 1980
From May 9 to May 23, 1980
From September 5 to September 21, 1980
From October 3 to October 18, 1980
From October 30 to December 12, 1980
From December 24 to December 31, 1980
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1981:
From January 1, 1981 to January 8, 1981
From January 21, 1981 to January 26, 1981
From August 27, 1981 to September 11, 1981
From September 23, 1981 to October 9, 1981
From October 20, 1981 to November 5, 1981
From November 17, 1981 to December 2, 1981
From December 14, 1981 to December 22, 1981
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1982:
From August 17, 1982 to August 28, 1982
From September 12, 1982 to September 26, 1982
From October 9, 1982 to October 22, 1982
From November 6, 1982 November 20, 1982
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1983:
From July 13, 1983 to July 21, 1983
From August 3, 1983 to August 17, 1983
From September 1, 1983 to September 14, 1983
From September 27, 1983 to October 11, 1983
From October 14, 1983 to November 7, 1983
From November 20, 1983 to November 27, 1983
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1984:
There is no kalasarpa dosha during the year 1984
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1985:
From January 18, 1985 to January 28, 1985
From February 12, 1985 to February 26, 1985
From March 10, 1985 to March 25, 1985
From April 6, 1985 to April 15, 1985
From December 8, 1985 to December 23, 1985
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1986:
From January 5, 1986 to January 19, 1986
From February 1, 1986 to February 16, 1986
From February 28, 1986 to March 15, 1986
From March 28, 1986 to April 11, 1986
From September 18, 1986 to September 20, 1986
From October 3, 1986 to October 17, 1986
From October 30, 1986 to November 13, 1986
From November 26, 1986 to December 11, 1986
From December24, 1986 to December 31, 1986
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1987:
From January 1, 1987 to January 7, 1987
From January 20, 1987 to February 3, 1987
From November17, 1987 to December , 1987
From December14, 1987 to December 28, 1987
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1988:
From January 10, 1988 to January 21, 1988
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1989:
There is no kalasarpa dosha during the year 1989
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1990:
There is no kalasarpa dosha during the year 1990
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1991:
From February 12, 1991 to February 27, 1991
From March 12, 1991 to March 26, 1991
From April 8, 1991 to April 11, 1991
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1992, 1993,
There is no kalasarpa dosha during the year 1992, 1993, 1994
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1995:
From November 1, 1995 to November 7, 1995
From November 20, 1995 to December 4, 1995
From December 16, 1995 to December 30, 1995
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1996:
From January 12, 1996 to January 26, 1996
From February 8, 1996 to February 22, 1996
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1997:
From February 1, 1997 to February 12, 1997
From February 24, 1997 to March 11, 1997
From March 24, 1997 to March 26, 1997
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1998:
From April 1, 1998 to April 9, 1998
From April 22, 1998 to May 6, 1998
From May 19, 1998 to May 31, 1998
From June 15, 1998 to June 30, 1998
From July 13, 1998 to July 27, 1998
From August 10, 1998 to August 23, 1998
From September 6, 1998 to September 17, 1998
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 1999:
There are no Kalasarpa Dosha during the year
The natives born during the under noted period are subjected to Kalasarpa Dosha during 2000:
From February 14, 2000 to February 19, 2000
From March 2, 2000 to March 13, 2000
From March 30, to April 13, 2000
From April 26, 2000 to May 11, 2000
From May 23, 2000 to June 7, 2000
From July 17, 2000 to July 30, 2000
Man who has a natural tendency to do a lot of mistakes (sins) is always afraid of the after-
effects of his sins. When it appears as KSD, he is completely shaken. Rahu-Ketu axis does matter
much. Karmic seed enters through Ketu and comes out of Rahu with reward or punishment.
Many of us love to read about Kalasarpa dosha(KSD). Inspite of lack of reference in the classical
treatises, many kinds of interpretations, remedial measures etc do make rounds amongst us.
Here are quite convincing explanations, given by the learned Dr. N. Jnanasekaran about
Kalasarpa Dosha. He has got a Ph.D. in the Civil Engineering field. He has specialized in
Structural Engineering. He took up teaching as his profession. After retirement, Dr. N.
Jnanasekaran (mobile:9443552698; email:njnanasekaran @yahoo.com) wanted to learn
Astrology and passed Diploma in Astrology in 2000. Then onwards, he kept enriching his
knowledge in astrology day-by-day and has been helping his friends and relatives in this field. A
few of his articles are published in EST also.
Why do people generally fear about Kalasarpa Dosha(KSD)?
Man has freedom of choice in his action. The reward or punishment for his action is with God.
Karmic effect come to a person through Rahu and Ketu. Man who has a natural tendency to do
a lot of mistakes (sins) is always afraid of the after-effects of his sins. When it appears as KSD,
he is completely shaken.
Classical treatises hardly refer to KSD. Then how did the evolution of KSD theory happen?
The theory might have been developed from our mythology. Devas and Asuras got succeeded
in getting Nector from Milky Ocean. It was served to Devas first. One Asura by name Suvarbam
managed to get a share of it. Moon and Sun exposed his act to Lord Vishnu. He chopped his
head off from the body for his act. Since he had overcome death, by partaking the Amrit, the
head was attached to the tail of a snake and body was attached to the head of the snake. One
Asura has become two persons. They are Rahu and Ketu. They prayed Brahma and got included
with the other seven planets and the concept of Navagrahas evolved
Scientifically, the two meeting points of Suns orbit and Moons orbit are called Rahu and Ketu.
They are also called Shadow planets.
Please explain in detail, with case-studies, the working of KSD as various types.
Kala Sarpa Dosha (KSD) is said to be caused, when all the planets are within Rahu and Ketu. It
requires further explanation
There are three parameters in this Dosha

1. Rahu and Ketu

2. Other seven planets and lagna.

3. Direction of movement of planets mentioned in 2 above.

A schematic diagram covering the above three aspects are shown below:

A person with KSD is experiencing obstacles in life. Progress is retarded and marriage is
delayed. However after 30 years. Dosha becomes Yoga and his growth is enhanced. Two
reasons can be attributed to the above Dosha.
1. When Rahu or Ketu is with one planet, the planet becomes weak. It is known that Venus with
Rahu affects the family life. When all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu, it is a sort of
hemming between the malefic. In such a case, the adverse effect may be more.
2. Karma of a person enters though Ketu and comes out of Rahu with reward or punishment.
The person with KSD experiences much greater struggle compared to the influence of a single

Four types are to be considered when deciding KSD
Type 1: All the planets are within Rahu and Ketu, and moving towards Ketu (Anuloma). This is
typical KSD.

Type 2: All the planets are within Rahu and Ketu, and moving towards Rahu (Viloma).

Type 3: One planet is with Rahu or Ketu and others are within Rahu and Ketu. Planet with Rahu
or Ketu is to be carefully studied and decided, whether it is KSD or not.

Type 4: More planets are outside Rahu and Ketu. This is not obviously KSD.
Example for Type 1 (Anuloma KSD

Sarpa dosha and planetary dispositions:
Rahu occupying the eighth from lagna, identical with a malefic sign, in conjuction with or aspected by
Sani, Rahu and Gulika in the eighth, Rahu occupying the badhaka Rasi in conjuction with Sani or
aspected by Sani and Rahu and Gulika in the badhaka Rasis. If Rahu or Ketu is in the lagna, 2nd, 5th,
7th or 8th house, it is generally said to have Sarpa dosha. Ketu in the lagna called Manglya Sarpa
Dosha causes delay in marriage. Ketu in the 2nd house called Aayurbhava Sarpa dosha creates
longevity problems. Ketu in the 11th house called Putra bhava Sarpa dosha causes progency related
problems. Rahu occupying the 8th from lagna, identical with a malefic sign, in conjuction with or
aspected by Sani. Rahu and Gulika in the eighth, Rahu occupying the badhaka Rasi. 11th for moveable
signs of Mesha, Karkataka, Tula and Makara, 9th house for fixed signs of Vrushaba, Simha, Dhannus
and Kumba and 7th for dual signs Mithuna, Kanya, Dhannus and Meena Rasis.
It is widely believed that the childless couples will be blessed with a child, if they observe the Naga
Panchami vratra. Those who read the story from the Mahabharata on the day of Nagapanchami after
worshipping Sarpas will be greatly relieved from the problems due to Sarpa dosha. The impact of
Sarpa dosha is so severe that it may create early curtailment of wedlock, by death of spouse or
divorce, delay in progency or no progency and unexpected accidents.
The Role of Seventh House in Matrimonial Life
In the natal chart, seventh house decides the matrimonial affairs of a native according to astrological
texts. In the natal chart, if Kalasarpa yogam is there, the foundations of the matrimonial life will be
weak. Due to Kalasarpa yogam, there may be difference of opinion with couples, separation, disputes
are very much likely. If the native is under the grip of Kalasarpa yogam and Rahu happens to be in
lagna or in the seventh house, the native may lead a miserable life. After marriage, the native have to
face so many problems. In the natal chart if Rahu is in lagna or in the seventh house, the adverse
affects of Kalasarpa yogam has to be faced the by the native till necessary remedial measure are
taken. If Rahu or Ketu in saptama stana and the lord of the seventh house is weak, there may be
some disturbances in the married life and mars the married life. Even separation is also possible.
In the natal chart, if Kalasarpa yogam happens, the native has to face so many problems during Rahu
dasa or antar dasa. If there is aspect on the seventh house, the adverse affects will be less. If the lord
of the seventh house is strong, he will lead a happy life. If Rahu is in the second house and aspects
saptamadipati, it creates pressures, tensions and disputes are foreseen in married life. In the third
house, if Rahu aspects the seventh, the natives will not have any cordial relations with family
members and may have extramarital life. In the fourth house, the native will not have cordial
atmosphere and under severe mental tension. In the fifth house, the native spends money for love
affairs and luxuries and due to this the domestic life is at threat. In the sixth house, the native may
face financial hurdles and may go for severe borrowings. Health will be spoiled. In the seventh
house, the native's wife will have severe temper and anger that causes the life in turmoil. In
the eighth house, the couples may have to lead a disputed atmosphere life. Frequent exchange of
words mars life miserable. It also leads to financial downtrend. In the ninth house, the natives leads a
miserable life and in the tenth house, the native may not have the desired social status. After
marriage, the native may not progress in any area. Rahu in the twelfth house causes disputed life and
even physical violence is ruled out.
To minimize the negative effects, the natives have to consult an eminent astrologer and take up
necessary remedial measures to pave way for smooth life.
In As per principles of Vedic Astrology, no single yoga or dosha can make or mar the horoscope. One of the most
feared dosha now a days is Kaal Sarpa. One shall be surprised to know that ancient classics of astrology have not
mentioned a word about this dosha. Learned ancient astrologers like Maharshi Parashar, Varahmire, Bhrigu, Kalyan
Varma, Badraya Garga, Manitha etc. have talked about 'Sarpa Yoga'. Only some works of the 20th century mentions
about this Dosha. This dosha is an issue of debate among astrologers even today.

Kaal Sarpa as the name imply consist of two words-Kaal (death) and Sarpa (snake). In Astrology Rahu is considered
as Dragon Head or Snake head and ketu as Dragon tail. Thus Kaal sarpa dosha is believed to form in a chart when
this serpentine axis entangles itself around other planets and hence constrict and disrupt the planetary radiations. In
other words when all seven planets are hemmed in Rahu-Ketu axis in their natural motion direction Kaal Sarpa dosha
is formed. This dosha is often associated with troubles and posing death like situations for native.

Further based on placement of Rahu-Ketu axis 12 types of Kalasarpa doshas can be formed which is named after 12
fearful sounding snakes: Anant, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhapal, Padma, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karkataka,
Shankhanaad, Patak, Vishakata and Sheshanag. Many misconceptions has been associated with Kaal Sarpa. To
name a few among these

The Misconceptions-

If planets are hemmed on either side of Rahu-Ketu Axis, Kaal Sapa Dosha is formed.
If one planet is out of this axis or in conjunction Partial Kaal Sapra is formed.
It can destroy and ruin life of native.

Based on these Misconceptions Some celebrities having Kaal Sarpa Dosha in there charts are Dhirubhai Ambani,
Sachin Tendulkar, Lata Mangeshkar, PT. Jawaharlal Nehru, Padmashree Gaura pant Shivani (writer), Morarji
Desai, Nelson Mendela, Gyani Zail Singh, Ajit Singh . Who does not want to be the one like these?

The Reality

For determination of Kaal Sarpa Dosha one shall take into account only Natal charts.

When all the seven planets are hemmed in Rahu and Ketu axis and not Ketu-Rahu axis in their natural motion Kaal
Sarpa Dosha is formed.

Even if a single planet is out of this axis or is on the other side, Kaal Sarpa does not exist in the chart.

If a planet is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, but is outside this axis (one shall take note of planetary degrees and
not mere conjunction) Kaal Sarpa dosha is not formed in the chart.

There is nothing like Partial Kaal Sarpa. Death or Kaal cant be Partial.

Depending upon the kind of Kaal Sarpa Dosha existent in horoscope, the effects shall differ from person to person.
For ex. some may face concerns related to marriage and marital life, some may face professional concerns, some
may have health or child related concerns and so on.

Further based on planetary placement, yogas, Dasha and transit factor the impact of Kaal Sarpa shall differ from
time to time and from person to person.

Rahu-ketu is always portrayed as strong malefic. But like Saturn, Rahu-Ketu can also generate good effects for
natives. If these planets are immensely good in chart malificance of this dosha shall be reduced. Similarly, if these
planets are immensely weak in chart these shall not deliver much malefic impact. Kaal sarpa has the power to make
person dedicated, brave and honest. Kaal sarpa afflicted natives can also attain dizzy heights in life.

Through experience it has been seen that most of the horoscopes dont have the Kaal Sarpa dosha, or they are not
powerful enough that can have harsh impact on life of native. Only 1 out of 100 horoscopes has adverse strength to
harm the natives and the adverse effect to such Dosha can be regulated to a great extent by Astrological remedies.

When rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yoga operates. Natives who have this yoga in
the chart have many ups and down in life. They have a habit of speaking lies. They are also short tempered.

Type of Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu is in the first House and Ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis the Yoga
which arises is the Anant Kalsarp Yoga. This is also called as Vipareeta Kaalsarp Yoga opposite Kaalsarp yoga.
Though this yoga has the power to give windfall gains to the native, it is bad for marital life. Generally natives with this
yoga get married late in life

1. Shankachood Kaalsarp Dosha

When rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yoga operates. Natives who have this yoga in
the chart have many ups and down in life. They have a habit of speaking lies. They are also short tempered

2.Vasuki Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the
Rahu Ketu axis this yoga is born. The native is burdened with problems relating to job and business.

3.Shankpal Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yoga is Formed. The native gets trouble relating to work
sphere and has to go through stress and anxiety. Sometimes the native has an illegitimate child or can be an
illegitimate child. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains.

4. Padam Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu occupies the fifth house and Ketu the eleventh house this Yoga is formed. The native is worried on
account of children. There is difficulty in getting a progeny. If the moon is also afflicted then there is the possibility of
being troubled by spirits. In this case if a native falls ill the recovery time is slow. There are also chances of being let
down by friends in this case.

5.Mahapadam Kaalsarp Dosha
This yoga is formed when rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the twelfth house. The native has many enemies
and has problems on account of diseases. However if this yoga acts beneficially it has the power to confer power and
political success.

6. Takshak Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house this yoga is formed. The native has got speculative
tendencies and can lose wealth by way of wine, women and gambling. There is marital discord in the life of the

7. Karkotak Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house this yoga is formed. The native is short tempered
and has many enemies. Such a native has friendship with the anti social elements. The native does not get paternal

8. Vishdhar Kaalsarp Dosha
When rahu occupies the eleventh house and ketu the fifth house the yoga which arises is the Vishdhar Kaalsarp
Yoga. The native travels frequently and is never fixed at on place. Problems also arise from children. However these
natives get some peace in the latter half of their life.

9. Sheshnag Kaalsarp Dosha
When Rahu occupies the twelfth house and ketu the 6th house this yoga arises. The native has problems relating to
litigation. There are may enemies and health problems. The Kaalsarp Yoga is not always bad. It has the power to
confer gains too. All planets must be hemmed between rahu and ketu. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu
axis there is no Kaalsarp Yoga. Rahu equals moon's north node. Ketu equals moon's south nod.

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