Arama 2003

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Developmental Cell, Vol.

4, 687697, May, 2003, Copyright 2003 by Cell Press

Caspase Activity and a Specific Cytochrome C Are
Required for Sperm Differentiation in Drosophila
in spermatogenesis, cellular analyses have so far fo-
cused on the early stages of sperm development (Knud-
son et al., 1995; Rodriguez et al., 1997; Print et al., 1998;
Eli Arama,
Julie Agapite,
and Hermann Steller
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Strang Laboratory of Cancer Research
Honarpour et al., 2000; Furuchi et al., 1996). Therefore, The Rockefeller University
little is known about the exact role of apoptosis during 1230 York Avenue
sperm cell terminal differentiation. New York, New York 10021
Postmeiotic spermcell differentiation is characterized
Department of Biology
by a sequence of conserved changes in the morphology Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and structural organization of the spermatids. In Dro- 77 Massachusetts Avenue
sophila, these changes include elongation of the flagel- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
lum, fusion and subsequent elongation of the mitochon-
dria to the entire length of the spermatid, nuclear
condensation, and the expulsion of most of the sperma-
Summary tid cytoplasm (Fuller, 1993). Although spermatid bulk
cytoplasm elimination was already described more than
The final stage of spermatid terminal differentiation three decades ago, the molecular and cellular mecha-
involves the removal of their bulk cytoplasm in a pro- nisms that drive this process are still unknown (Fawcett
cess known as spermatid individualization. Here we and Phillips, 1969; Tokuyasu et al., 1972).
show that apoptotic proteins play an essential role We have investigated the role of apoptotic proteins
during spermatid individualization in Drosophila mela- during Drosophila spermatogenesis. We find that cas-
nogaster. Several aspects of spermterminal differenti- pase activity is required for spermatid individualization.
ation, including the activation of caspases, are remi- More generally, cystic bulges and waste bags, which
niscent of apoptosis. Notably, caspase inhibitors contain cytoplasmexpelledfromdifferentiatingsperma-
tids, display many features of apoptotic corpses and prevent the removal of bulk cytoplasm in spermatids
contain all the components required for a functional and block spermmaturation in vivo, causing male ste-
apoptosome. Activation of the effector caspase drICE rility. We further identified loss-of-function mutations
in spermatids requires one of the two cytochrome c in one of the two Drosophila cyt-c genes, cyt-c-d, which
genes of Drosophila, cyt-c-d. Interestingly, loss-of-func- block caspase activation and subsequent spermatid
tion mutants for cyt-c-d are male-sterile but viable and terminal differentiation. Finally, a giant ubiquitin-con-
have no other apparent defects in caspase activation,
jugating enzyme, dBruce, is required to protect the
apoptosis, cell vitality, and development. Therefore, cyt-
spermnucleus against hypercondensationanddegen-
c-d appears to be specifically required for caspase acti-
eration. These observations suggest that an apopto-
vation during spermatogenesis. Finally, loss-of-function
sis-like mechanism is required for spermatid differen-
mutants in dBruce, a giant ubiquitin-conjugating en-
tiation in Drosophila.
zyme (Chen et al., 1999; Hauser et al., 1998; Vernooy et
al., 2002), have spermatid nuclei that are hyperconde-
nsed and degenerate, leading to male sterility. These Introduction
findings are consistent with the idea that dBruce is re-
quired to protect the spermnucleus fromexcessive cas- Apoptosis is amorphologically distinct formof cell death
pase activity and degeneration. that usually serves to remove unwanted and potentially
dangerous cells (Meier et al., 2000a; Hengartner, 2000).
A key event during apoptosis is the activation of a spe-
cific class of cysteine proteases, termed caspases
Spermatid Individualization
(Thornberry and Lazebnik, 1998; Cryns and Yuan, 1998).
Spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster takes place
Caspases are expressed as inactive zymogens in virtu-
within individual units known as cysts. Each cyst con-
ally all animal cells and are specifically activated in cells
tains 64 spermatids that remain initially connected after
destined to undergo apoptosis. On the other hand, there
meiosis via cytoplasmicbridges anddifferentiate synchro-
are some examples where apoptosis-like events do not
nously. During terminal differentiation, the round-shaped
lead to the death, but rather the terminal differentiation
spermatids are transformed into thin, approximately 2
of certain cell types. For example, lens epithelial cells
mm long spermatozoa with highly elongated, needle-
and mammalian red blood cells lose their nucleus and
shaped nuclei. In the final stage of spermatogenesis,
other subcellular organelles during terminal differentia-
termed individualization (Figure 1A), the cytoplasmic
tion but continue to be metabolically active (Jacobson
bridges are disconnected and most of the cytoplasm is
et al., 1997). Likewise, spermcell terminal differentiation
expelled, leading to individual sperm. The individualiza-
involves complex changes in the cytoarchitecture, some
tion process involves the assembly of a cytoskeletal-
of which are reminiscent of apoptosis. Although mouse
membrane complex, referred to as the individualization
mutations in several apoptotic genes produce defects
complex (IC), which contains actin as its major cy-
toskeletal component. The IC can be detected by stain-
ing with phalloidin, which binds to actin (Figures 1B and *Correspondence: [email protected]
Developmental Cell
Figure 1. The Removal of Bulk Cytoplasm
during Sperm Differentiation Shares Similari-
ties with Apoptosis
(A) Schematic diagramof spermatid individu-
alization. In this diagram, a single cyst with
four representative spermatids is depicted at
increasingly advanced developmental stages
(from top to bottom). The first cyst contains
elongated spermatids prior to individualiza-
tion. In the second cyst, assembly of the indi-
vidualization complex (IC, red) has begun
around the nuclei. The ICprogresses caudally
from the nuclear region to the end of the tail
(in this figure from left to right). The third cyst
has a cystic bulge (CB, red), which contains
the progressed IC and the cytoplasm of the
postindividualized part of the spermatids. At
this point, many vesicles and organelles are
present in the CB. Finally, most of the sper-
matids syncytial cytoplasm is removed into
the waste bag (WB, red). The WB is pinched
off from the base of the cyst and eventually
degrades. Each sperm is now surrounded by
its own membrane and is largely devoid of
cytoplasm and organelles (with the excep-
tion of a single giant mitochondrion). Adapted
from Fabrizio et al., 1998. c.c., cyst cell;
ind., postindividualized; preind., preindividu-
(BG) Both actin and lamin Dm
are compo-
nents of the IC. In squashed testes prepara-
tions, the IC can be visualized either by
TRITC-phalloidin (red) that binds to actin, or
by anti-lamin Dm
(green) that detects the ma-
jor protein of the nuclear lamina. Bundles of
wild-type elongated spermatids (blue) are de-
picted either before IC assembly (B), associ-
ated with an IC ([B and D], IC in pink), or
after the IC translocation ([E], IC in green).
The CBs size increases as the spermatid in-
dividualization progresses; small CB is de-
tected right after the detachment of the IC
fromthe vicinity of the nuclei ([E], ICin green).
As the IC progresses, the CB increases invol-
ume ([C], IC in red, and [F], IC in green and red). Finally, the CB reaches the end of the spermatids, becoming a large WB ([G], IC in green).
(HJ) Micrographs of live testes stained with the apoptotic marker acridine orange (AO, green). AO, a specific marker for apoptotic cells in
Drosophila, specifically stained both CBs (H) and WBs (I).
(J) Scattered AO-positive spots at the base of the testis represent degrading WBs (arrowheads).
The scale bars represent 50 m.
1C, red; Fabrizio et al., 1998). In addition, we observed CB and WB with AO in spermatids undergoing individu-
alization suggests that the apoptotic program is acti- that lamin Dm
leaves the vicinity of the nucleus and
translocates as a component of the IC and thus can vated in the late stages of sperm differentiation, and
that CB and WB resemble apoptotic corpses without also be a useful marker of the IC (Figures 1D1G, green).
The IC is assembled at the nuclear end of the cyst and nuclei.
subsequently translocates caudally along the entire
length of the spermatid bundle, expelling most of the Activation of an Effector Caspase at the Onset
of Spermatid Individualization cytoplasm in the process. The discarded cytoplasm ac-
cumulates in a membrane-enclosed structure, termed A key feature of apoptosis is the activation of caspases.
To investigate whether Drosophila effector caspases the waste bag (WB; Figures 1A, 1G, and 1I; Tokuyasu
et al., 1972). The WBs eventually undergo fragmentation become activated during the individualization process,
testis preparations were stained with the CM1 antibody. and subsequent degradation (Figure 1J).
To investigate the possible occurrence of apoptosis CM1 was raised against the active form of mammalian
caspase 3 but also crossreacts with the caspase-3-like during Drosophila sperm differentiation, we stained live
wild-type testes with the vital dye acridine orange (AO), Drosophila effector caspase drICE (Baker and Yu, 2001;
Srinivasan et al., 1998; Yu et al., 2002; Ryoo et al., 2002). which specifically detects apoptotic cells (Abrams et al.,
1993). AO staining was observed in intact cystic bulges In addition, we also used an antibody that was raised
specifically against the active form of drICE (Dorstyn et (CBs) and WBs (Figures 1H and 1I). The staining of the
Role of Apoptotic Factors in Spermatogenesis
Figure 2. Activation of the Effector Caspase
drICE at the Onset of Individualization
(A) and its enlargement in (B). The assembly
of the IC (phalloidin, red) at the nuclear end
(DAPI, blue) of a cyst, which marks the begin-
ning of the process of spermatid individual-
ization, is followed by a steep gradient of
drICE activation (CM1, green). Active drICE
accumulates in the preindividualized part of
a cyst (arrows) and within the CB. After the
caudal translocationof the CB, active drICEis
no longer detectable in the postindividualized
part of the spermatids (arrowheads). C, elon-
gated spermatid cysts.
(CF) The activation of drICE during sperma-
tid individualization was detected either by
the anti-active mouse caspase 3 (CM1) anti-
body that crossreacts with drICE ([C and D],
green), or by the anti-active drICE antibody
([E and F], green). Both antibodies gave rise
to intense staining in the cytoplasmic parts
of the spermatids, namely the CB and distal
parts of the cell. Once all the cytoplasm is
stripped away, active drICEis detectable only
in the WB.
The scale bars represent 50 m.
al., 2002; Yoo et al., 2002). Using either antibody, active appeared flat (Figure 3B) as compared to the full, oval
shape of CBs in the control (Figure 3A). This suggests drICE became detectable immediately after a mature
IC was formed (Figures 2A and 2B). During the caudal that caspase activity is required for the efficient collec-
tion of cytoplasminto the CBs. Furthermore, the translo- translocation of the IC, active drICE became completely
depleted from the newly individualized portion of the cation of the ICs appearedtobedefective inthe absence
of caspase activity. In controls, only a fewearly ICs were spermatids. The staining remained abundant, however,
in the preindividualized portion of the spermatids, with associated with the nuclear complexes because the IC
translocates caudally in the process of spermatid differ- the highest levels within the CB (Figures 2B, 2C, and
2E). At the end of this process, the newly formed WBs entiation (Figure 3C). In contrast, in the presence of a
caspase inhibitor, most of the ICs remained in the vicin- contained high levels of active drICE (Figures 2D and
2F). These observations indicate that caspase activation ity of the nuclei (Figure 3D), indicative of a defect in IC
translocation. Therefore, caspase activity appears to be and apoptosis-like events are intimately associated with
the terminal differentiation of spermatids in Drosophila. required for proper IC movement and the removal of
bulk cytoplasm from differentiating spermatids.
In order to extend these observations to spermato- Caspase Activity Is Required for
Spermatid Individualization genesis in vivo, we expressed the baculoviral broad-
spectrumcaspase inhibitor p35 (Hay et al., 1994) in male In order to examine whether caspase activation is nec-
essary for spermatid differentiation, we inhibited cas- gonads using the GAL4-UAS system (Brand and Perri-
mon, 1993). Transgenic flies were generated that carry pase activity both in cultured testes and in vivo. Under
in vitro culture conditions, each cyst accomplishes indi- the GAL4 gene fused downstream of the Drosophila
Hsp83 promoter, which directs strong expression in the vidualization within 12 hr (Noguchi and Miller, 2003).
To test the effect of caspase inhibition on the caudal germ cells throughout spermatogenesis (Yue et al.,
1999). The Hsp83-Gal4 driver line was crossed to the movement of the IC in vitro, testes from young adults
were isolated. One testis of a pair fromthe same individ- UAS-p35 line and male progeny were subjected to a
fertility test. Whereas the parental lines that bear two ual was cultured in the presence of the caspase inhibitor
Z-VAD, while the other testis served as a control. Z-VAD copies of either construct alone were fertile, males with
both the driver and the UAS-p35 construct were sterile. was previously shown to block the activity of drICE in
vitro and drICE-inducedcell death of Drosophila S2 cells Cytological analyses of these males revealed that the
translocation of the IC was severely impaired (Figure (Fraser and Evan, 1997). After 26 hr of culture, testes
were fixed and analyzed. In testes that were cultured 3E). Although the initial assembly of the IC appeared
normal (datanot shown), therewas afailureof cytoplasm with the caspase inhibitor, the already advanced CBs
Developmental Cell
to collect into a normal CB (Figure 3E). These observa-
tions demonstrate that caspase activity is required for
proper individualization, cytoplasmic exclusion, and
male fertility.
Caspase Activation at the Onset of Spermatid
Individualization Is Independent
of Terminal Differentiation
To distinguish whether caspase activation is the cause
or the consequence of sperm cell differentiation, we
examined mutants that disrupt the individualization pro-
cess. In purity of essence (poe
) spermatids, the ICs
are significantly reduced (arrowheads in Figure 4A), and
oftenare not detectedat all (arrows inFigure 4A; Fabrizio
et al., 1998). However, active caspases are clearly de-
tected in elongated spermatids that lack the IC, sug-
gesting that the activation of caspases at the onset of
individualization is independent of IC assembly. In jag-
uar (jar
) male flies, IC assembly and movement are
impaired due to a mutation in a class VI myosin (Hicks
et al., 1999). Interestingly, in jar
flies, active drICE could
only be detected in mature cysts, which contain needle-
shaped and condensed nuclei (Figure 4B). Therefore,
the completion of spermatid morphogenesis rather than
the assembly of a functional ICtriggers drICE activation.
To test whether caspase activation is dependent on
the completion of nuclear morphogenesis, we examined
testes of fuzzy onions (fzo) mutant flies. fzo flies are
defective in the process of mitochondrial fusion during
spermatogenesis (Hales and Fuller, 1997), and hence
they arrest at mid-spermatid elongation stage. Active
drICEaccumulatedin several immature elongatingsper-
matid cysts containing undifferentiated nuclei (Figure
4C). Thus, we conclude that drICE activation is indepen-
Figure 3. Inhibition of Caspase Activity Blocks Individualization In
dent of nuclear maturation.
Vitro and In Vivo
Under in vitro culture conditions, spermatids become individualized
within 12 hr. Two testes from the same wild-type individual were
Components of the Apoptosome Are Expressed
cultured for 26 hr under identical conditions, except that the caspase
during Spermatogenesis
inhibitor Z-VAD was added to one of them. Nuclei were visualized
In mammals, mitochondria play an important role in the
with DAP1 (blue), ICs with phalloidin (red), and active drICE with the
activation of the apoptosome, a multiprotein complex CM1 antibody (green). Whereas testes that were cultured without
Z-VAD displayed the typical oval appearance of CBs (A), the treated that includes caspases, Apaf-1, and cytochrome c
testes displayed flat, irregular CBs, indicating that the bulk cyto-
(Salvesen and Renatus, 2002). Because orthologs of
plasm was not collected properly in the CBs (B).
caspase-9, Apaf-1, and cytochrome c have been identi-
(C) After 26 hr of culture, most of the mature cysts underwent individ-
fied in Drosophila (Meier et al., 2000b; Zhou et al., 1999),
ualization in the absence of Z-VAD (note that only a few ICs remain
we examined whether they are expressed during Dro-
associated with nuclei at the base of the testis).
sophila spermatogenesis. Using an antibody against (D) Testes that were cultured in the presence of Z-VAD displayed
many early stages of IC assembly, but no evidence of IC transloca- full-length Dronc, a caspase-9 homolog (Meier et al.,
tion, indicating that caspase activity is necessary for the movement
2000b), revealed that it was expressed along the length
of the IC.
of elongated spermatids (arrowheads in Figures 5A and
(E) Ectopic expression of the baculoviral broad-spectrum caspase
inhibitor p35 blocks individualization. Flies containing two copies
of HSP83-Gal4 and at least one copy of UAS-p35 were sterile. Stain-
ing of their testes for ICs (red) andactive drICE(CM1, green) revealed
severe defects in individualization, including scattered ICcones and called WB, whereas in mammals the spermatid cytoplasm ends up
flat CBs and WBs. Note that inhibition of drICE by p35 does not in a structure named residual body (RB). On the right is a scanning
block CM1 staining, as previously reported (Baker and Yu, 2001; Yu electron micrograph (SEM) of a human spermatozoon that displays
et al., 2002; Ryoo et al., 2002). a cytoplasmic droplet (CD) morphological abnormality. This abnor-
(F) Overall similarities of sperm differentiation in Drosophila and mality is characterized by the failure to eliminate spermatid cyto-
mammals. On the left is a schematic presentation of the last step plasm, a phenotype that is very similar to the individualization de-
of the individualization process in Drosophila and mammals (rat). fects seen in (B), (D), and (E). Reproduced from Hollanders and
Like in Drosophila, mammalian spermatids are also connected by Carver-Ward, 1996 with permission from Parthenon Publishing, UK.
cytoplasmic bridges, which are eliminated together with most of N, nucleus; WB, waste bag; RB, residual body.
the cytoplasm and organelles during terminal differentiation. In Dro- The scale bars in (A)(E) represent 50 m; in (F), the scale bar
sophila, the cytoplasm of 64 spermatids accumulates in a structure represents 1 m.
Role of Apoptotic Factors in Spermatogenesis
Figure 5. Expression of the Drosophila Orthologs of the Apopto-
some Complex during Spermatogenesis
Nuclei are stained blue, and the IC is either pink or yellow.
(A) Dronc (green), a caspase-9 ortholog, accumulates along fully
elongated spermatid cysts (arrowheads) and is depleted from indi-
vidualized spermatozoa (arrow).
Figure 4. Caspase Activation Is Independent of Nuclear Differentia-
(B) As the ICprogresses caudally, Dronc expressionincreases within
tion or IC Assembly
the CB (arrowhead).
(C) The Drosophila ortholog of Apaf-1, hac-1, is expressed in sper- Mutants that disrupt sperm differentiation retain CM1 staining.
matocytes. Transcription of hac-1 was visualized using the (A) purity of essence (poe
) spermatids contain significantly fewer
l(2)k11502 line containing a P-lacZ insertion in the hac-1 promoter. ICs (arrowheads), and often the ICs cannot be detected at all
In this line, lacZ expression (green) mimics the mRNA pattern of (arrows). Although caspase activation normally occurs only after IC
hac-1 (Zhou et al., 1999). assembly, CM1 staining (green) can be readily detected in elongated
(D) Full-length inactive drICE (green) is expressed uniformly in prein- spermatids that lack an IC.
dividualizing spermatid cysts (arrowheads), demonstrating that pro- (B) In jaguar (jar
) male flies, IC assembly and movement are im-
drICE is expressed in early stages of spermatogenesis. However, paired. Active drICE (green) accumulates independently of func-
drICE becomes activated by posttranslation modification only after tional ICassembly in jar
testes, but is correlated with the differentia-
the assembly of the IC. The scale bar represents 50 m. tion stage of nuclei (blue). The black and white panels of nuclear
bundles on the right correspond to the blue nuclei on the left; cas-
pase activation was only detected in spermatid bundles with thin,
fully differentiated nuclei (see asterisks). in testes of the enhancer-trap line l(2)k11502, which
(C) fzo spermatids arrest at the mid-spermatid elongation stage and
mimics the mRNA pattern of expression of hac-1 (Zhou
do not complete nuclear condensation. In fzo
mutants, active
et al., 1999). As shown in Figure 5C, hac-1 accumulated
drICE (green) accumulates in the more advanced elongating sper-
in late primary spermatocytes. Finally, antibody staining
matid cysts despite the immature nuclei (blue), demonstrating that
for full-length drICE revealed that pro-drICE accumu-
drICE activation can occur independently from nuclear differenti-
lated in primary spermatocytes and was uniformly dis- ation.
The scale bars in (A) and (C) represent 50 m; in (B), the scale bar tributed in preindividualized elongated spermatids (data
represents 25 m.
not shown and Figure 5D). Interestingly, a significant
proportion of cellular Dronc and drICE appears to local-
ize near the mitochondria (Dorstyn et al., 2002). These 5B). To investigate whether the Drosophila Apaf-1 ho-
molog hac-1/dark/dapaf is expressed during spermato- observations suggest that Drosophila apoptosomes
may form at the surface of mitochondria. However, the genesis, we examined the -galactosidase distribution
Developmental Cell
Figure 6. Molecular Genetic Analysis of the
Drosophila Cytochrome C Genes
(A) Genomic organization of the two cyto-
chrome c genes and transposon insertions.
The map illustrates the cyt-c-d and cyt-c-p
exons (thick lines in black and gray), introns
(thin lines), and insertion points of the P ele-
ment transposons in strains EP(2)2305,
EP(2)2049, bln
, and l(2)k13905 (triangles).
Three independent insertions were identified
in the 5 UTR of cyt-c-d (exon-1). The p[Z]
element of the bln
allele is inserted 2 bp up-
stream of the last nucleotide of exon-1, while
the EP
and EP
insertions are 83 bp and
77 bp upstream of the last nucleotide of
exon-1. The predicted ORF for cyt-c-d (ATG-
TAG within exon-2) encodes a protein 105
amino acids long. The cyt-c-p gene is located
241 bp downstreamof cyt-c-d. The predicted
ORF for cyt-c-p (ATG-TAA within exon-2) en-
codes a protein of 108 amino acids. The
l(2)k13905 allele is a P-lacW insertion in the
first nucleotide of the cyt-c-p intron.
(B) Transcript analysis of the cyt-c-d gene.
Northern blot analysis of adult male poly(A)
RNA of wild-type and bln
mutant. A probe
unique for the 3 UTR region of cyt-c-d de-
tected a single band of the predicted size for
cyt-c-d (0.87 kb) in wild-type (wt, right lane),
but not in the bln
mutant (left lane). The Dro-
sophila rp49 gene was used as a loading con-
trol marker.
role of cytochrome c for caspase activation in Dro- revealed that the bln
allele complemented the lethality
sophila has remained unclear, as no release from mito- of the l(2)k13905 allele, and that the latter complemented
chondria was seen in previous studies, and RNAi ex- the sterility of bln
. l(2)k13905/DF(2L)H20 trans-hetero-
periments in SL-2 cells produced negative results as zygotes are also recessive embryonic lethal, demonstra-
well (Dorstyn et al., 2002; Varkey et al., 1999; Wang, ting that this phenotype is due to the loss of cyt-c-p
2001; Zimmermann et al., 2002). function. Significantly, one of the cyt-c-d alleles, blanks
), was previously reported as a male-sterile mutant
(Castrillon et al., 1993). Detailed phenotypic analyses
Caspase Activation Requires a Specific
(see below) revealed that these various insertions and
Cytochrome C
trans-heterozygous combinations can be arranged into
To critically examine the requirement of cytochrome c
an allelic series, with bln
behaving as a genetic null.
for caspase activation and sperm cell differentiation in
Furthermore, in order to verify that the mutant pheno-
Drosophila, weexaminedthe phenotypeof loss-of-func-
types are causedby thetransposon insertions, we mobi-
tion mutants. Drosophila contains two closely linked but
lized the P elements in all three lines and generated
distinct cytochrome cgenes, termedcyt-c-dandcyt-c-p
revertants (see Experimental Procedures). Finally, North-
(Limbach and Wu, 1985). The cyt-c-p gene encodes the
ern blot analysis with a probe directed against the unique
major form of cytochrome c and is expressed at much
3 UTR of cyt-c-d identified one band of the predicted
higher levels than cyt-c-d. Searching FlyBase for possi-
size in wild-type, but no transcript was detected in bln
ble mutations, we identified three independent P ele-
mutants (Figure 6B). Therefore, bln
appears to be a com-
ment insertions located in cyt-c-d (bln
, EP
, and
plete loss-of-function allele for cyt-c-d. EP
), and one insertion in cyt-c-p (Figure 6A). The P
Next, we stained mutant testes from all cyt-c-d alleles insertion in cyt-c-p was homozygous lethal, and all three
as homozygotes andall thedifferent trans-heterozygous P insertions into the cyt-c-d gene were homozygous
combinations for active drICE using the CM1 antibody. viable but male-sterile. All three cyt-c-dalleles produced
Strikingly, there was no CM1 immunoreactivity in bln
male sterility when placed in trans with each other, and
over the DF(2L)H20 deletion. Complementation analysis homozygotes and bln
/DF(2L)H20 flies (Figures 7B, 7D,
Role of Apoptotic Factors in Spermatogenesis
Figure 7. Mutations in cyt-c-d Block Cas-
pase Activation at the Onset of Spermatid
(A and B) Visualization of active drICE with
CM1 in wild-type (A) and bln
testes (B).
(A) Whereas CM1-positive cysts at different
individualization stages can be readily seen
in wild-type testes (black arrows pointing at
CBs and WBs), no CM1-positive cysts were
detected in testes of flies homozygous for the
allele (B).
(CF) Nuclei, blue; IC, red; active drICE, green.
(C) CM1-positive spermatids were easily de-
tected in wild-type individualizing cysts
(green, white arrow). However, no CM1 stain-
ing was detected in bln
mutant testis (D) and
(F), although bln
spermatids showed noobvi-
ous morphological defects. Note that the
spermatids appeared elongated (F), that the
nuclei differentiated and acquired a normal
needle-like shape, and that the IC was as-
sembled normally ([D], arrowheads).
(E) Spermatids of the hephaestus (heph
) mu-
tant showed strong immunoreactivity with
CM1 despite other severe defects in the indi-
vidualization process. Similar results were
obtained for ten additional different mutants
that show defects in spermatid individualiza-
tion process (data not shown).
(G) mAB 2G8, which detects cytochrome c
only in apoptotic cells, stains the mitochon-
dria of round spermatids (arrowheads) and
then acquires a punctate expression pattern
in elongated spermatids typical of mitochon-
drial protein expression at this stage (H). Note
that the giant mitochondrion of round sper-
matids can be easily visualized by DAPI due
to staining of the mitochondrial DNA.
The scale bars represent 50 m.
and 7F), even though bln
testes contained elongated cyt-c-p. Because cyt-c-p has no apparent function in
caspase activation/apoptosis but is expressed at much spermatids with an intact IC and with the characteristic
needle-shaped nuclei that are typical for advanced higher levels than cyt-c-d, this may explain the previous
difficulties in detecting cytochrome c release during stages of spermatid differentiation (arrowheads in Fig-
ure 7D). Furthermore, whereas in wild-type the IC trans- apoptosis in Drosophila. Alternatively, it is possible that
cytochrome c is only required for caspase activation locates caudally (arrows in Figures 7A and 7C), in bln
mutants the ICdoes not separate fromthe nuclei (Figure during spermatogenesis.
We also examined 11 other mutants that displayed 7D). Very similar observations were made for the other
allelic combinations. EP
and EP
homozygotes severe defects in individualization, and all of them had
intense CM1 staining (see, for example, the hephaestus showed some occasional CM1 staining and more pro-
gressed ICs, but all allelic combinations were male-ster- mutant in Figure 7E). These results demonstrate that
the lack of CM1 staining is not simply the consequence ile, although we observed some occasional escapers in
/ and EP
flies (data not shown). All P of defective individualization, but rather reflects a spe-
cific requirement of the minor cytochrome c protein element revertants that we generated were fertile and
had normal CM1 staining and individualization, demon- in Drosophila. Therefore, we conclude that cyt-c-d is
required for caspase activation and for the subsequent strating that the phenotypes reported here are caused
by the transposon insertions into the cyt-c-d locus. IC translocation during spermatid individualization.
Finally, we stained testes with the mAB2G8 anti-cyto-
chrome c antibody (Varkey et al., 1999). As previously Role of dBruce during Sperm Terminal Differentiation
Effector caspases, such as drICE, normally cleave a reported for apoptotic cells, we saw increased mAB2G8
immunoreactivity in elongated spermatids of both wild- variety of nuclear targets and thereby destroy the nu-
cleus and chromosomal DNA (Hengartner, 2000). There- type and bln
mutants (Figures 7G and 7H). We attribute
this to the expression of the major cytochrome c, fore, somehow the sperm nucleus must be protected
Developmental Cell
Figure 8. Spermatids in dbruce / Mutants Have Hypercondensed Nuclei and Degenerate
Nuclei are stained in blue (DAPI), and ICs are stained in red (phalloidin).
(A) Wild-type cysts. Normally, the elongated spermatid nucleus acquires a highly elongated, needle shape morphology; each cyst contains a
bundle of 64 needle-shaped nuclei located at one end.
(B) dbruce
/cysts. dbruce /mutants are homozygous viable but male-sterile. Mutant spermatid nuclei are significantly more condensed
(arrowheads) and rounded (arrows and arrowheads) and are scattered throughout the cyst. In addition, there are fewer nuclei, and many
nuclei are stained faintly (yellow arrows and enlargement in the inset), presumably because they undergo degeneration. Although an IC forms,
it is highly reduced and scattered (red).
The scale bars represent 20 m.
against this lethal activity of drICE. One candidate for apoptosis-like process. However, unlike in regular
apoptosis, this process is restricted to the cytoplasmic such a protective function is dBruce, the Drosophila
orthologof mammalian Bruce/Apollon (Chen et al., 1999; compartment. An apoptotic marker, acridine orange
(AO), specifically stains the CBs and WBs, indicating Hauser et al., 1998; Vernooy et al., 2002). Bruce/Apollon
proteins are giant E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes that these structures resemble apoptotic corpses. Fur-
thermore, we find that effector caspases, such as drICE, that are thought to inhibit apoptosis. The presence of
the BIR domain, a domain also found in IAPs, suggests are activated during Drosophila spermatogenesis and
are necessary for the removal of cytoplasm and the that these proteins may bind to caspases (Salvesen and
Duckett, 2002). We identified many mutations in dBruce generation of functional sperm. Other key proapoptotic
proteins are also expressed and become upregulated from a screen for genetic modifiers of Reaper-induced
apoptosis (J.A., K. McCall, and H.S., unpublished re- during Drosophila spermatogenesis. Our observations
suggest that an apoptosome-like complex is assembled sults). These alleles are homozygous viable but male-
sterile, and they behave genetically like loss-of-function prior to individualization and is important for the removal
alleles. In all dBruce / mutants, we saw evidence for of bulk cytoplasm from spermatids.
nuclear hypercondensation and degeneration, indica-
tive of excessive caspase activity (Figure 8). Whereas
A Specific Cytochrome C Is Required
nuclei in wild-type acquire a highly elongated, needle
for Caspase Activation
shape morphology, nuclei in dBruce / mutants ap-
In mammals, mitochondria are an important organelle
peared much more condensed and rounded, and were
for the induction of apoptosis, and it has been shown
scattered throughout the cyst. In addition, many nuclei
that they can release several proapoptotic proteins into
stained very faintly, and eventually they degenerated.
the cytosol in response to apoptotic stimuli (Green and
These observations are consistent with a role of dBruce
Reed, 1998; Meier et al., 2000a; van Loo et al., 2002).
in protecting spermatids against excessive caspase ac-
The best-studied case is the release of cytochrome c, tivity and death.
which binds to and activates Apaf-1, which in turn leads
to the activation of caspase-9 (Wang, 2001). However, Discussion
no comparable role of mitochondrial factors for caspase
activation has yet been established in invertebrates. Removal of the Bulk Cytoplasm during Sperm
Here, we present evidence that a specific form of cyto- Differentiation Resembles Apoptosis
chrome c, encoded by the cyt-c-d gene, is required for Generation of functional sperm in all metazoan animals
the activation of the effector caspase drICE at the onset requires the elimination of most of the cytoplasm to
of spermatid individualization. Loss-of-function mutants generate a highly condensed, compact cell. The mole-
for cyt-c-d are homozygous viable but male-sterile. Sig- cular and cellular mechanisms that drive this process
nificantly, these mutants were defective in drICE activa- are poorly understood. In this study, we provide evi-
tion and failed to exclude the bulk cytoplasm, producing dence that the elimination of the cytoplasmduringtermi-
nal differentiation of elongated spermatids involves an phenotypes virtually identical to the ones resulting from
Role of Apoptotic Factors in Spermatogenesis
the application/expression of caspase inhibitors. This the cytoplasmic compartment that will be eliminated.
One plausible mechanism for locally restricting drICE provides compelling evidence for a role of the cyt-c-d
gene for caspase activation during spermatogenesis in activation may be the local release of the minor cyto-
chrome c from mitochondria, which are known to un- Drosophila. Interestingly, it was previously suggested
that only cyt-c-p, but not cyt-c-d, functions in respiration dergo dramatic morphological changes only in the post-
individualized portion of the cyst (Fuller, 1993). (Inoue et al., 1986). Consistent with an essential role of
cyt-c-p in respiration, a P element insertion into this
locus resulted in recessive lethality (data not shown). Similarities between Drosophila and Mammalian
Likewise, targeted gene inactivation of the murine cyto- Sperm Differentiation
chrome c gene causes very early embryonic lethality, Terminal differentiation of sperm shares many morpho-
and this has precluded functional studies on the role logical and biochemical features with apoptosis. How-
of cytochrome c for caspase activation during normal ever, rather than causing the death of the entire cell,
development in mammals (Li et al., 2000). We propose in this case apoptotic proteins are used to specifically
that the two cytochrome c genes in Drosophila fulfill eliminate cytoplasmic components, thereby producing
distinct functions in respiration (cyt-c-p) and cas- a highly specialized living cell. Interestingly, a similar
pase activation/apoptosis (cyt-c-d). Previous argu- phenomenon is observed in mammals. As in Drosophila,
ments against a role of cytochrome c for caspase activa- intracellular bridges between spermatids and the bulk
tion in Drosophila were largely based on the failure to of the spermatidcytoplasmneed to be eliminated during
detect releaseof cytochromec frommitochondria. How- mammalian spermatogenesis. In mammals, the cyto-
ever, because cyt-c-d is expressed at much lower levels plasm collects in the residual body (RB), which is func-
than cyt-c-p(Figure 6B; Limbach andWu, 1985), it would tionally homologous to the WB in Drosophila (Figure
be virtually impossible to detect the release of the rele- 3F). Consistent with this idea, mammalian RBs display
vant protein in the absence of highly specific antibodies. several features of apoptosis (Blanco-Rodriguez and
Furthermore, because cyt-c-d null flies are viable and, Martinez-Garcia, 1999). Although a role of caspases for
apart from male sterility, have no obvious anatomical the removal of bulk cytoplasm during mammalian sper-
defects, it is unlikely that this gene is broadly required matogenesis remains to be established, we have prelim-
for the activation of apoptosis. A complete block of inary data showing that active caspase-3 is present in
apoptosis in Drosophila interferes with normal em- RBs in the testes of mice (H. Kissel, E.A., and H.S.,
bryogenesis, and mutants with significantly reduced unpublished results). Consequently, there are both ana-
apoptosis canbe viablebut arephenotypically abnormal tomical and biochemical similarities between insects
(White et al., 1994; Grether et al., 1995; Peterson et al., and mammals that warrant more detailed studies. This
2002). Therefore, although we cannot rule out that the is not only of academic interest, as various types of
loss of cyt-c-d function may affect and/or delay apopto- caspase inhibitors are being considered as drugs for
sis in somatic tissues, the main function of this gene therapeutic purposes, and effects on human fertility
appears to be in caspase activation during spermatid have not been studied. Furthermore, the abnormal sper-
differentiation. matozoa with residual cytoplasmresultingfromcaspase
inhibition in Drosophila (Figure 3E) bear a striking resem-
blance to one of the most commonly seen abnormalities Protection of the Sperm Nucleus
of human spermatozoa, known as cytoplasmic droplet Effector caspases, such as drICE, Dcp-1, and cas-
sperm (Figure 3F, right panel; Hollanders and Carver- pase-3, normally can cleave a variety of nuclear targets,
Ward, 1996). Therefore, it is possible that defects in including lamins, I-CAD, and PARP (Hengartner, 2000).
proper caspase activation may be responsible for this Therefore, the spermnucleus must be protected against
pathology, and further studies of apoptotic proteins may this potentially lethal activity of drICE. Our data indicate
shed light on the etiology of some forms of human male that dBruce, which encodes a giant E2 ubiquitin-conju-
infertility. gating enzyme, may exercise this function (Chen et al.,
1999; Hauser et al., 1998; Vernooy et al., 2002). Loss of
Experimental Procedures
dBruce function results in nuclear hypercondensation,
degeneration, and male sterility, consistent with a role of
Fly Strains
dBruce to restrain or limit caspase activity. Interestingly,
Canton S and yw were used as wild-type controls. fuzzy onions (fzo)
dBruce contains a BIR domain, a motif also found in mutant alleles were obtained from M.T. Fuller (Stanford University),
jaguar (jar
), purity of essence (poe
), hephaestus (heph
), blanks IAPs. This suggests that dBruce may bind to either cas-
), Df(2L)H20, l(2)k13905, and 2-3 jumpstart lines from the
pases or Reaper/Hid/Grim-like (RHG) proteins (Salvesen
Bloomington Stock Center, and EP(2)2305 and EP(2)2049 lines from
and Duckett, 2002). Previous work has argued against
Exelixis and Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre, respectively. dbruce
RHG proteins as direct targets for dBruce (Vernooy et
alleles were isolatedinour lab (J.A., K. McCall, andH.S., unpublished
al., 2002). Therefore, it is attractive to speculate that
results). HSP83-Gal4 lines were generated by using CasperR-HSP83
dBruce functions by directly binding to and degrading (Horabin and Schedl, 1993; Hicks et al., 1999) to drive GAL4 (Brand
and Perrimon, 1993). caspases. Obviously, this proposedfunction wouldhave
to be spatially restricted during spermatogenesis, for ex-
ample, by localizing dBruce to protected compartments,
Primary antibodies used in this study were anti-lamin Dm
or by spatially limiting its E2 activity. An additional possi-
ADL84; P. Fisher; 1:100), rabbit CM1 antiserum (IDUN Pharmaceuti-
bility is that drICE activation occurs only locally, in the
cals; 1:1000), rabbit anti-FL-DRICE and rabbit anti-active DRICE
affected compartment. Consistent with this idea, strong
(B. Hay; 1:500 to 1:1000; Dorstyn et al., 2002), anti-cytochrome c
(mAb2G8; R.J. Jemmerson; 22 g/ml; Varkey et al., 1999), guinea CM1 staining was only observed distal to the nuclei, in
Developmental Cell
pig anti-Dronc (H.D. Ryoo and H.S., unpublished, 1:2000), and rabbit Acknowledgments
anti--galactosidase (Cappell; 1:1000). All secondary antibodies
were from Jackson Laboratories (1:500). We are grateful to M.T. Fuller, R. Jemmerson, B. Hay, K.G. Miller,
the Bloomington Stock Center, Exelixis, and the Szeged Drosophila
Stock Centre for providing stocks and reagents. We thank Steller Antibody Staining
lab members for advice and criticism, T. Noguchi for advice on At least 20 testes were examined for each experiment. Testes of
primary culture of cysts, T. Gorenc, B. Mollereau, H.D. Ryoo, S. young adults were dissected in testis buffer (TB; 10 mM Tris-HCl
Sampath, S. Shaham, and A. Tang for critically reading the manu- [pH 6.8], 183 mM KCl, 47 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, and 1 mM PMSF),
script, and R. Cisse and A. Persaud for technical assistance. E.A. transferred to a 2.5 l drop of TB on a siliconized coverslip (GOLD
is a postdoctoral associate and H.S. is an investigator with the SEAL), opened using thin forceps, and sandwiched with a poly-L-
Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Part of this work was supported lysine-coated slide. The sandwich was frozen in liquid nitrogen, the
by NIH grant RO1 GM60124. coverslip was removed with a razor blade, and the slide was placed
in ice-cold absolute ethanol. The slides were drained and a hy-
Received: January 23, 2003 drophobic ring surrounding the opaque tissue was drawn using a
Revised: April 7, 2003 PAP PEN (Zymed Laboratories). The tissue was fixed in 4% formal-
Accepted: April 7, 2003 dehyde in PBS for 20 min, rinsed twice with PBS for 5 min, incubated
Published: May 5, 2003 in PBT (PBS 0.1% Triton X-100) for 30 min, and rinsed twice
again. The fixed testes were then blocked with PBS/BSA (1% BSA
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