MD2 Pineapple

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Customer Brief for JP Pineapples

Tips for Selection:

Customers should select JP pineapples over all other varieties because our fruit is heavier
(because it is juicier) and more symmetrical for its size.
When youre shopping just loo for cro!n leaves that are fresh and green
"niff the pineapple and pic one that has a s!eet fragrant smell# !hich means it is ripe.
$nsure that the pineapple is free from soft spots and does not smell fermented.
Nutrition: JP Pineapples are
% &ood source of vitamin C and manganese
JPs Pineapple is an e'tra s!eet variety !hich has up to four times more vitamin C than
traditional varieties of pineapples.
(he pineapple fruit has vitamins# minerals# fiber# and enzymes that are good for the digestive
system and help in maintaining an ideal !eight and balanced nutrition.
Pineapple contains the protein digesting enzyme mi'ture called bromelain. (his enzyme is
naturally anti)inflammatory !hich promotes healing.
Pineapple also strengthens the bones of people as !ell as the gro!th of bones in youths.
(he juice is also found to be effective in dissolving mucus and aiding recovery in persons !ith
Pineapple destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines.
Uses & Benefits
Pineapple is eaten fresh# and served sliced# chuned or as juice. *t is also a favourite !hen
processed into marmalades# jam# jellies or candies. Pineapple oil or essence is also used as
Prepared by + ,lorence -eid Page .
flavouring for confectionery. /eat dishes and curries become tastier !ith the fruit of the pineapple
added. Pineapple juice can be used as a tenderizer for meats.
Customer Questions on Pineapples
.. Where does JPs pineapple come from0
%ns!er ) (he JP pineapple is gro!n in "t. /ary Jamaica West *ndies on the
companys 122 acre farm.
3. Why should * buy this pineapple instead of the other types !hich are available0
%ns!er ) 4ecause JP pineapples are s!eeter# more juicy and more flavourful
than all other varieties on the maret.
5. Where can * get JP pineapples to buy0
%ns!er 6 %t our depots and from any supermaret.
7. 8o! much does a pineapple cost0
%ns!er 6 (he pineapples are sold based on !eight# the bigger the pineapple the
more it costs# the smaller the pineapple the less it costs. JPs pineapple is priced
at a better value than all other pines on the maret. ((ell customer price)
1. Why do the pines loo green and not ripe0
%ns!er 6 (he JP pines are a special variety because even !hen they are green
they are s!eet. 9ou !ill no! they are mature !hen the bottoms start turning
orange and !hen the orange colour is up to half the pine that is !hen they are
:. Why do some pines have a cro!n and other have the cro!n cut off0
%ns!er 6 We started cutting the cro!n off the pines because some of them !ere
too large to fit : in a bo'. /ost customers have come to prefer them !ithout the
cro!n so !e continued to do it.
;. "ometimes pineapples scratch my mouth and tongue !hy isthis happening0
%ns!er 6 Pineapples contain an enzyme !hich is contained mostly in the centre
core# the sin and eyes of the pineapple. *f the pineapple isnt peeled properly it
!ill scratch your tongue. 9ou can get relief by rinsing your mouth !ith !ater and
by drining some mil directly after.
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<. 8o! long can * eep pineapples before they go bad0
%ns!er 6 (he JP pineapple lasts longer than any other variety before going bad.
,rom the time it is reaped from the tree the JP pineapple lasts for 5 !ees before
going bad.
=. 8o! do you store the pineapple0
%ns!er 6 9ou should not store the pineapple !hole in the fridge. (he pineapple
should be peeled and cut before storing in the refrigerator.
.2. Can pineapples be frozen0
%ns!er 6 Pineapples can be peeled# cut in chuns and then frozen !hen they
are tha!ed they can be used in cooing and for maing juices and smoothies.
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