BSD-102 Understanding Attic Ventilation Rev2013

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Building Science Digest 102

Understanding Attic Ventilation
2006-10-26 by Joseph Lstiburek

Attics or roofs can be designed and constructed to be either vented or unvented in any hygro-thermal
zone (Map 1). The choice of venting or not venting is a design and construction choice not a
requirement determined by the physics or by the building code. The model building codes allow both
vented and unvented roof assemblies. The applicable physics impacts the design of attic or roof systems
as does the applicable building code but neither limit the choice.

Throughout the balance of this digest the terms attic and roof will and can be used
In cold climates, the primary purpose of attic or roof ventilation is to maintain a cold
roof temperature to control ice dams created by melting snow, and to vent moisture
that moves from the conditioned space to the attic (ventilation acts to bypass the
vapour barrier created by most roof membranes). Melted snow, in this case, is caused
by heat loss from the conditioned space. The heat loss is typically a combination of air
leakage and conductive losses. The air leakage is due to exfiltration from the
conditioned space (often because a ceiling air barrier is not present) and from leaky
supply ductwork (often because ductwork located in attics is not well sealed) and from
penetrations like non-airtight recessed lights. The conductive losses are usually from
supply ductwork and equipment located in attic spaces above ceiling insulation
(ductwork is typically insulated only to R-6 whereas ceiling insulation levels are above
R-30). Conductive losses also occur directly through insulation, or where insulation is
missing or thin.
In hot climates, the primary purpose of attic or roof ventilation is to expel solar heated
hot air from the attic to lessen the building cooling load. The amount of cooling
provided by a well ventilated roof exposed to the sun is very small. Field monitoring of
numerous attics has confirmed that the temperature of the roof sheathing of a
unvented roof will rise by a few to no more than 10 F more than a well ventilated attic.
2006 Building Science Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
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Map 1: DOEs Climate Zones
The amount of attic cavity ventilation is specified by numerous ratios of free vent area
to insulated ceiling area ranging from 1:150 to 1:600 depending on which building code
is consulted, the 1:300 ratio being the most common.
Control of ice dams, moisture accumulation and heat gain can also be successfully
addressed by unvented attic or roof design.

Why Two Approaches Vented and Unvented?

Vented attic and roof construction has a long history of successful performance. Why
change a good thing?
As the complexity of attic and roof assemblies increases, the difficulty to construct
vented assemblies also increases. The more complex a roof geometry, the easier it is
to construct the assembly in an unvented manner. With complex roof designs,
multiple dormers, valleys, hips, skylights combined with cathedral construction with
interior soffits, trey ceilings and multiple service penetrations (Photograph 1) it is often
not practical to construct a vented roof assembly with an airtight interior air barrier at
the ceiling plane.
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Photograph 1: Ceiling Penetrations Swiss Cheese Services
Additionally, it is becoming more common to locate mechanical systems and ductwork
in attic spaces in all climate zones. When such ductwork is leaky significant problems
can occur (Figure 1). There are significant energy advantages and durability advantages
to move the thermal boundary and pressure boundary (air barrier) to the underside of
the roof deck (Rudd, Lstiburek, & Moyer; 1997) thereby locating these mechanical
systems and ductwork within the building conditioned spaces (Figure 2).
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Figure 1: Ductwork Exterior to Thermal and Pressure Boundary

Supply ductwork and air handler leakage can be more than 20 percent of the flow
through the system.
Leakage out of the supply system into the vented attic results in an equal quantity
of infiltration through the enclosure. In cold climates the heat loss can lead to ice
dam creation, in hot humid climates the infiltration leads to high latent loads due to
infiltration into the conditioned space. In all climates this leads to thermal
penalties increased energy consumption in the order of 20 percent of the total
space conditioning load (Rudd and Lstiburek, 1997).
In hot humid climates condensation on ductwork and air handlers located in
vented attics is common.
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Figure 2: Ductwork Interior to Thermal and Pressure Boundary

Duct leakage does not result in infiltration or exfiltration (air change) as ductwork
is located within the conditioned space.
This results in significant energy savings compared to Figure 1.

In high wind regions particularly in coastal areas, wind driven rain is a problem with
vented roof assemblies. Additionally, during high wind events, vented soffit collapse
leads to building pressurization and window blowout and roof loss due to increased
uplift. Unvented roofs principally due to the robustness of their soffit construction -
outperform vented roofs during hurricanes they are safer.
In coastal areas salt spray and corrosion are a major concern with steel frames, metal
roof trusses and truss plate connectors in vented attics.
Finally, in wildfire zones, unvented roofs and attics have significant benefits in terms
of fire safety over vented roof assemblies.

The main strategy that should be utilized when designing roof or attics to be free from
moisture problems and ice dams along with control of heat gain or heat loss regardless
of ventilation approach is the elimination of air movement, particularly exfiltrating air
in cold climates and infiltrating air in hot and hot humid climates. This can be
accomplished by the installation of an air barrier system or by the control of the air
pressure difference across the assembly (depressurizing a building enclosure reduces
the exfiltration of interior air pressurizing a roof assembly with exterior air also
reduces the exfiltration of interior air).
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Air barrier systems are typically the most common approach, with air pressure control
approaches limited to remedial work on existing structures (Lstiburek & Carmody,
Vapor diffusion should be considered a secondary moisture transport mechanism
when designing and building attics. Specific vapor retarders are often unnecessary if
air movement is controlled or if control of condensing surface temperatures is
Vented Design

Vented attics should not communicate with the conditioned space they should be
coupled to the exterior. Therefore, an air barrier at the ceiling line such as sealed
gypsum board - should be present to isolate the attic space from the conditioned
space. Ideally, no services such as HVAC distribution ducts, air handlers, plumbing or
fire sprinkler systems should be located external to the air barrier (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Vented Roof Assembly

Roof insulation thermal resistance at roof perimeter should be equal or greater to
thermal resistance of exterior wall
1:300 ventilation ratio recommended
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The recommended ventilation ratio to provide for vented attic assemblies when an air
barrier is present, is the 1:300 ratio (as specified by most building codes). This is based
principally on good historical experience and simple psychrometric analysis
(Handegord & Giroux, 1984).
In vented cathedral ceiling assemblies a minimum 2-inch clear airspace is
recommended between the underside of the roof deck and the top of the cavity
insulation. This is not a code requirement but ought to be (only 1-inch is typically
specified in the model codes). It is the authors experience that typical installation
practices and construction tolerances do not result in an airspace of at least 1 inch and
rarely is it clear. Even when 2 clear space is provided, the rate of ventilation flow
will be significantly less than in an open ventilated attic.
In addition to an air barrier at the ceiling line, a Class II vapor retarder (see sidebar)
should be installed in Climate Zones 6 or higher (see Map 1).
Class I vapor retarders (i.e. vapor barriers see sidebar) can be installed in vented attic
assemblies in Climate Zones 6 or higher (see Map 1) but should be avoided in other
climate zones as top side condensation can occur in summer months during air
conditioning periods.
No interior attic assembly side vapor control is required or recommended in climate
zones other than Climate Zones 6 or higher (see Map 1) for vented attic assemblies
(note the distinction, this is not the case for unvented attic assemblies as will be
discussed later). With vented attic assemblies moisture that diffuses into the attic
space from the conditioned space is vented to the exterior by attic ventilation.
Unvented Design

Unvented attic design falls into two categories: systems where condensing surface
temperatures are not controlled (Figure 4) and systems where condensing surface
temperatures are controlled (Figure 5). The two categories essentially are the
demarcation between regions where cold weather conditions occur with sufficient
frequency and intensity that sufficient moisture accumulation from interior sources can
occur on an uninsulated roof deck to risk mold, corrosion and decay problems.
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Figure 4: Condensing Surface Temperature (underside of roof sheathing) Not Controlled

Potential For Condensation in Phoenix, AZ With Unvented Roof (see also curve)
No potential for condensation on the underside of the roof sheathing until interior
moisture levels exceed 50 percent RH at 70 degrees F.
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Figure 5: Condensing Surface Temperature Controlled

Potential For Condensation in Dallas, TX With Unvented Roof And Insulating
Sheathing (see also curve)
Rigid insulation installed above roof deck
No potential for condensation on the underside of the roof sheathing until moisture
levels exceed 40 percent RH at 70 degrees F. when rigid insulation is not present.
Rigid insulation is recommended in this roof assembly to raise the condensation
potential above 50 percent RH at 70 degrees F.
Ratio of R-value between rigid insulation and batt insulation is climate-dependant
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The key is to keep the roof deck the principle condensing surface in roof assemblies
(Figure 6) sufficiently warm throughout the year or to prevent interior moisture
laden air from accessing the roof deck. This can be accomplished in several ways: the
local climate may be such that the roof deck stays warm, or rigid insulation can
installed above the roof deck, or air-impermeable insulation (typically spray foam
Photograph 2) is installed under the roof deck in direct contact with it.

Figure 6: First Condensing Surface

Photograph 2: Spray Foam Insulation
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Where rigid insulation is installed above the roof deck, or air impermeable insulation
(spray foam) is installed under the roof deck condensing surface temperatures are said
to be controlled.
The climate demarcation is a distinction between regions where the monthly average
temperature remains above 45 degrees F. throughout the year and where it drops
below 45 degrees F. during the year. An additional criteria is also necessary that of
keeping the interior relative humidity below 45 percent during the coldest part of the
These criteria were selected for two reasons. First, by keeping the roof deck above 45
degrees F., condensation will not occur unless the dewpoint temperature of the interior
air exceeds 45 degrees F. and this air contacts the roof deck. This interior dewpoint
temperature is approximately equal to an interior conditioned space temperature of 70
degrees F. at an interior relative humidity of 45 percent. Higher interior moisture
conditions can easily be avoided with air change/ventilation or the avoidance of over
humidification during the coldest month of the year in the climate zones specified.
Second, a monthly average temperature was selected, rather than a design heating
temperature, as it is more representative of building enclosure performance. Short
term, intermittent spikes in parameters/environmental loads are of significant
interest to structural engineers and in the sizing of space-conditioning equipment, but
are not typically relevant to moisture induced deterioration. Wood-based roof
sheathing typical to residential construction has sufficient hygric buffer capacity to
absorb, redistribute and re-release significant quantities of condensed moisture should
intermittent condensation occur during cold nights when sheathing temperatures
occasionally dip below 45 degrees F. The average monthly temperatures more
accurately reflect moisture content in wood-based assemblies.
The temperature criteria was also based on tile roofing systems not membranes and
asphalt shingles. Membrane , metal, and shingle roofs can experience night sky
cooling that can depress roof deck temperatures significantly below ambient air
temperatures, especially in arid and high-altitude locations. When membrane , metal or
shingles are used it is typically necessary install rigid insulation above the roof deck or
install air impermeable insulation below the roof deck.
The demarcation between regions that require the control of condensing surface
temperatures and regions that do not can be obtained by consulting climate
information or from Map 1. Note that both hot-humid and hot-dry climate zones
meet the 45 degree F. roof deck criteria. However, the high interior relative humidities
found in buildings located in hot-humid climate zones during the winter months do
not always meet the 45 percent interior relative humidity criteria. Therefore, the only
zone that meets both of these requirements is the hot-dry hygro-thermal region. Only
hot-dry climates do not require the control of condensing surface temperatures or the
use of air impermeable insulation at the underside of the roof deck (Photograph 3).
All other regions require some form of control.

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Photograph 3: Netted Cellulose Air and vapour permeable insulation in hot-dry climate
Control of condensing surface temperatures typically involves the installation of
insulating sheathing above the roof deck. In residential wood frame construction this
involves installing rigid insulation between the roof shingles and the roof plywood or
OSB. The installation of the rigid insulation elevates the temperature of the roof deck
during cold weather and hence minimizes condensation.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 illustrate the difference between two fundamental systems.
Figure 4 shows the potential for condensation of an unvented roof assembly in
Phoenix, AZ. Phoenix, AZ is located in a hot-dry climate zone. This roof assembly
has no insulating sheathing installed above the roof deck.
Figure 5 shows the potential for condensation of an unvented roof assembly in Dallas,
TX. Dallas, TX is located in a mixed-humid climate zone. Note that this roof
assembly has rigid insulation installed above the roof deck in order to control the
condensation potential. The thermal resistance of the rigid insulation (thickness)
necessary to control condensation depends on the severity of the climate. The colder
the climate, the greater the resistance of the rigid insulation required.
Figure 7 shows a roof design that is not dependant on controlling interior moisture
levels as the other roof designs previously discussed have been. The absence of
cavity insulation in this design yields the highest condensing surface temperature of all
of the designs presented. Note that all of the insulation is installed over the top of the
roof deck. In this particular design, the condensing surface is the air barrier membrane
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installed over the wood decking (Photograph 4). The design and configuration of the
roof in Figure 7 is consistent with and based on typically constructed flat compact
roofs common in commercial construction it is just that the roof assembly is tilted
or constructed with a slope (Figure 8). This is the type of roof design most appropriate
for swimming pools or other humidified building types in cold climates. It is also one
that provides the most durability to the primary components of the structure by
keeping these warm and dry.
Figure 7: Compact Unvented Roof Assembly
All insulation located above air barrier membrane
Optimum roof design for pool and spa enclosures
Timber rafter or exposed joist
Minimum R-50 rigid insulation
in two or more layers with horizontal
and vertical joints staggered
Roofing paper
Nail base for shingles (plywood or OSB)
screwed through rigid insulation
to wood decking or timber rafters
Wood decking
Air barrier membrane
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Photograph 4: Compact Roof For Pool Enclosure
- All insulation located above roof deck
- Structure exposed to interior inside air barrier and thermal barrier

Figure 8: Typical Commercial Compact Unvented Roof Assembly
Historically successful performance not affected if constructed with a

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In extreme snow regions it is necessary to add a vented air space between the roof
cladding (shingles) and the rigid insulation to avoid ice damming (see the digest on ice
dams for more information). The vented air space is needed to flush heat away trapped
by the insulating value of relatively thick snow (the snow becomes an insulating
blanket). This approach creates a vented-unvented hybrid roof assembly (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Unvented- Vented Hybrid Roof
In extreme climates such as high snow load mountain regions a vented space should be
provided between the roof cladding and the thermal layer to vent heat.
Note that in these types of unvented roof assemblies (except Figure 7, Figure 8 and
Figure 9), interior vapor barriers (Class I vapor retarders see sidebar) are not
recommended as these assemblies are expected to be able to dry towards the
Instead of installing rigid insulation above the roof deck to control condensing surface
temperature, air-impermeable insulation can be installed in direct contact with the
underside of the structural roof deck (Figure 10). Air-impermeable insulations are
typically low density or high-density spray foams (Photograph 5). Netted or blown
cellulose, fiberglass or rockwool insulation are not considered air impermeable.
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Figure 10: Air Impermeable Spray Foam Insulation
In Climate Zones 5 or higher a Class II vapor retarder is required on the interior of
the spray foam layer.
If a high density foam is used in this assembly, a Class II vapor retarder is not
required in Climate Zones 5 or higher as the high density foam itself qualifies as a
Class II vapor retarder.
A thermal barrier is required to separate spray foams from occupiable spaces due
to the fire performance of spray foam insulations.

In Climate Zones 5 or higher (see Map 1) the air-impermeable insulation, including any
covering adhered continuously to the bottom side should have a vapor permeance of 1
perm or less (i.e. have the characteristics of a Class II vapor retarder or lower see
sidebar). This can be achieved by applying a vapor retarder paint over the interior
surface of the low density spray foam or by installing a material layer in contact with
the foam that has a vapor permeance of 1 perm or less.
High density spray foam insulation due to its impermeability properties can be installed
directly under roof decks in any climate zone without any additional provision for
vapor diffusion resistance - including Climate Zones 5 or higher (see Map 1).
High density spray foam insulation which is considered an air impermeable
insulation (air permeance of not more than 0.02 L/s-m2 at 75 Pa pressure differential
tested according to ASTM E 2178 or E 283 identical to the definition of an air
barrier material in the National Building Code of Canada) can be used in combination
with other insulation systems that are not air impermeable (Figure 11). In this
particular instance the high density foam insulation controls the access of interior
moisture to the roof deck by air movement and by diffusion. This approach is similar
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in effect to the approach described in Figure 12 where rigid insulation is placed above
the roof deck.

Figure 11: Unvented Flat Roof Assembly High Density Spray Foam
High density spray foam insulation does not require an interior vapor retarder in
any climate
Membrane, metal, and shingle roofs can experience night sky cooling that can
depress roof deck temperatures significantly below ambient air temperatures.
When membrane roofs and asphalt shingles are used it is typically necessary
install rigid insulation above the roof deck or install air impermeable insulation
below the roof deck.

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Figure 12: Unvented Flat Roof Assembly Rigid Insulation
The thermal resistance (thickness) of the rigid insulation is climate dependant and
moisture load dependant
The colder the climate the higher the thermal resistance required for the rigid
The higher the interior moisture load the higher the thermal resistance required for
the rigid insulation
Membrane roofs and shingle roofs can experience night sky cooling that can
depress roof deck temperatures significantly below ambient air temperatures.
When membrane roofs and asphalt shingles are used it is typically necessary
install rigid insulation above the roof deck or install air impermeable insulation
below the roof deck.

Effect on Shingle Life

In general, shingles installed on unvented attic assemblies operate at a slightly higher
temperature. This has impacts on the durability of roof assemblies. A 2 or 3 degree F.
rise in average temperature is typical for asphalt shingles and a corresponding 10
degree F. rise in average temperature for sheathing (Parker & Sherwin, 1998; Rudd &
Lstiburek, 1998; TenWode & Rose, 1999)
All other things being equal, applying the Arrhenius equation (Cash, 2005), a 10
percent reduction in useful service life should be expected. This is comparable to the
effect of the installation of radiant barriers. What is more significant to note is that the
color of shingles and roof orientation have a more profound effect on the durability of
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shingles than the choice of venting or not venting (Rose, 1991) double or triple the
effect of venting/non venting.
Both vented and unvented attic/roof designs can be used in all hygro-thermal regions.
However, the designs need to be climate sensitive.
Control of ice dams, moisture accumulation and heat gain can be successfully
addressed by both vented and unvented attic or roof design.
The choice of the venting approach is up to the designer.
Vented attic/roof designs have the advantage of a long, proven historical track-record.
However, they work best with airtight ceiling/attic interfaces and where ductwork and
air handlers are not located within attic spaces. The increase in the use of complex roof
shapes and cathedral ceilings has resulted in problems with vented roofs.
Unvented attic/roof designs have the advantage of providing conditioned spaces for
ductwork and air handlers. However, they require different approaches in different
climate locations.
Cash, C.G., D.M. Bailey, et al, Predictive Service Life Tests for Roofing Membranes,
10DBMC International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and
Components, Lyon, France, April 2005.
Handegord, G.O. and G. Giroux, An Attic Condensation Ventilation Model,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada,
Lstiburek, J.W. and J. Carmody, Moisture Control Handbook, ISBN 0-471-31863-9,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1994.
Parker, D.S and J.R. Sherwin, Comparative Summer Attic Thermal Performance of
Six Roof Constructions, ASHRAE Transactions, June 1998.
Rose, W. B., More Data on Shingle Overheating with Unvented Roofs, Energy
Design Update, March 1991.
Rudd, A.F. and J.W. Lstiburek, Vented and Sealed Attics In Hot Climates ASHRAE
Transactions, TO-98-20-3, June 1998.
Rudd, A.F., J.W. Lstiburek, and N.A. Moyer, Measurement of Attic Temperatures
and Cooling Energy Use In Vented and Sealed Attics in Las Vegas, Nevada, EEBA
Conference, Minneapolis, MN, March 1997.
TenWolde, A. and W.B.Rose, Issues Related to Venting of Attics and Cathedral
Ceilings, ASHRAE Transactions, CH-99-11-4, June 1999.
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Building Science Digests are information articles intended for professionals. The author and the publisher of this article have used their
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The information presented in this article must be used with care by professionals who understand the implications of what they are
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and publisher shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, the use of the
information contained within this Building Science Digest.
Joseph Lstiburek , Ph.D., P.Eng., is a principal of Building Science Corporation in
Westford, Massachusetts. He has twenty-five years of experience in design,
construction, investigation, and building science research. Joe is an ASHRAE
Fellow and an internationally recognized authority on indoor air quality, moisture,
and condensation in buildings. More information about Joseph Lstiburek can be
found at
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