Business Plan Template: (Source: WWW - - Au)

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Business Plan Template


Name: Dhruv Misra
Roll No. : GSEP13GLSCM071
Business Name: Trans Trainers

Business Plan Summary ................................................................................. 4
The Business ......................................................................................... 4
The Market ........................................................................................... 5
The Future ............................................................................................ 5
The Finances ......................................................................................... 6
The Business ................................................................................................. 7
Business details ..................................................................................... 7
Registration details ................................................................................ 8
Business premises ................................................................................. 8
Organisation chart ................................................................................. 9
Management & ownership ......................................................................10
Key personnel ......................................................................................11
Products/services ..................................................................................15
Insurance ............................................................................................19
Risk management .................................................................................20
Operations ...........................................................................................20
Sustainability plan ................................................................................21
Market research- NA .............................................................................22
Market targets ......................................................................................22
Environmental/industry analysis .............................................................22
Your customers ....................................................................................24
S.W.O.T. analysis .................................................................................26
Your competitors ..................................................................................27
Advertising & sales ...............................................................................28
The Future ...................................................................................................31
Vision statement ...................................................................................31
Mission statement .................................................................................31
Goals/objectives ...................................................................................31
Action plan ...........................................................................................31
The Finances ................................................................................................33
Key objectives & financial review ............................................................33
Start-up costs for [2015] .......................................................................34
Balance sheet forecast ..........................................................................35
Profit and loss forecast ..........................................................................36
Expected cash flow ...............................................................................37
Break-even analysis ..............................................................................38
Bibliography ..................................................................................................... 39

Business Plan

Business Plan Summary
The Business
Business name: Trans Trainers
Business structure: Sole Trader
Business location: Mumbai, India
Date established: 01/01/2015
Business owner(s): Dhruv Misra
Relevant owner experience: 6 years of work experience in Auto parts Design and Auto
1. B2B: Outsourcing Personal trainers to Gymnasiums and fitness clubs
2. B2C: Providing Personal trainers to individuals
3. Online Personal Trainers: Provision of customised plans to individual online.

Figure 1: Indian Beauty and wellness market
The Market
Target market:
Health conscious adults.
School and college going students
Marketing strategy:
Guerilla marketing strategies are applied. Affliated marketing strategies and print media
in the initial phase is used. Ord of mouth is a major strategic marketing approach.
The Future
Vision statement:
To be the best in personal trainers providing world class exercising techniques and
To raiser the capital for start-up, that is INR 1500000 to ensure the proper
execution of the business plan for the first financial year
To build a customer base of 2000 online personal training subscribers by end of
To have at least 20 customers for face-to-face personal trainers by 2015
To gain minimum 4 B2B client by end of 2015

The Finances
Finance Objective
Key financial objective for our firm is to have at least following goals covered in the 1

financial year.
A customer base of approx. 2500 people for online training program, 6 personal trainers
to be outsoured in the finaical year and a face to face personal training packages sales of
The profit targets related to the above sales figures are INR 4500000.
Finance required
The money which is required starting the business is INR 15,000,00. Self equity of INR
4,552,50 will be given by me, I will get INR from my silent investors INR 5,752,50 Silent
Investors being my friend and 2 family members. Govt Grant for INR 4,592,50 is already
being sanctioned which is every year given to innovative business plan. A Loan of INR
5,392,50 will be taken from State bank of India at an interest rate of 6%.

The Business
Business details
The Personal Training Service:
The wellness industry comprises of a wide umbrella that covers products and services
from Dietary Suppliments, Fitness equipments, Fitness services, Slimming services, Hair
and beauty care, Saloons and Spas etc. The industry has grown with a rate of 18% in the
year 2012-13 covering a market size of 700 Billion INR (5th Annual Wellness Conference,
The business idea paints a canvas of a fleet of certified personal trainers that will be
outsourced to the several gyms and fitness institutes. It is a service that will be provided
to clients with different fitness and health requirements. The service will include fitness
trainings including excersise and diet designs. The trainer also executes the exercise
routine planned for the client.
In the entire wellness industry the business fits in the below mentioned Personal Training
Business area.

Figure 2: Welness Market Landscape (5th Annual Wellness Conference, 2013)

The demand for personal trainers can be for weight loss, stamina improvement, muscle
gain or flexibility improvement. The trainers can teach an individual or a group of people.
Another area where the personal trainers are required is the patients with physiotherapy
needs. These trainers deliver services such as knee and joints movements, shoulder and
spine exercises and other motions.
The trainer is also responsible to motivate the client to achieve their goals.
Registration details
Business name: Trans Trainers
The business name speaks for itself. Our aim to provide fitness training to the people and
transform their physical and mental well being.
Trading name(s): Trans Trainers
Date registered: To be done
Location(s) registered: Mumbai, India
Business structure: Sole Trader
Domain names:
Business premises
Business location:
Selected location for Business is the financial capital and the fastest city of India,
Mumbai.To start with one office will be set up in Bandra Kurla Complex. This is a planned
commercial complex in the South Mumbai. Total estimated space of the office is 600 sq.

The major landmarks are MCA Recreation Centre & Kotak Mahindra Headquarters. It is a
prime location with advantage of Universities, housing complexes and business centres
all around. The connectivity is through both road and rail.
The plan is to lease an office at the above mentioned location with a space of 500 sq. ft.
There is a requirement of basic amenities of electricity, water and parking space for
clients and employees. Apart from these no specific requirements are foreseen
Organisation chart
The organization will be lead by me. A marketing and promotion manager will be
recruited to plan and implement the strategic marketing planning process. A financial
accountant for overall finances from budgeting to salary to the emoployees will be
appointed. The third and most important is a Human Resource manager for recruiting
and staffing of the trainers. In order to save on manpower I myself will take charge of
the HR manager along with the lead role. Then the organization comprises of number of
trainers who are the skeleton of this business model. The number can vary from 10 to 30
depending on the client base and expansion of the business. These trainers need to have
either of certifications like Personal Trainer, group Instructor, Health Coach from
recognised associations like ACE( American council of Exercise), Crossfit, Zumba Fitness
The Organisation Chart is as shown

Figure 3: Organisation Chart

Management & ownership
Names of owners: Dhruv Misra
Details of management & ownership
The business will be under Sole ownership by me. This is an efficient business plan that
focuses on reducing costs by saving on the no. of people employeed. Apart from being
the business lead, I will also look after recruitment and staffing of the personal trainers.
I have total six years of work experience, three years as a designer in Mahindra Satyam
for General Electric and next three years in Mahindra & Mahindra ltd. as a Vendor
Developer for sheet metal parts. During these six years I have seen how businesses
work, the impact of external environment, internal functions and competitor and market
forces that act upon. With the second company I have learnt about sourcing suppliers
and costing different parts. At the role of a Deputy Manager I gained the basic skills of
managing Cross Functional Teams and subordinates.
One of my major achievement is Six Sigma Green Belt Certification during my tenure in
Mahindra Satyam. At Mahindra & Mahindra ltd. I have received the Mahindra Rise Award
for Integrated Material Cost Reduction 2012.
Key personnel
Required staff

Job Title Quantity Expected
Skills necessary Date required
Marketing &
[1] [2-3 years] MBA in Marketing
[1] [3-4 years] Experienced professional
with minimum experience
of 3 years. Minimum
Qualification B.Com in
10 [2-5 years] Experienced personnels
with minimum experience
of 2 years. Certifications
from various fitness
accociations like Crossfit,
Zumba, ACCC etc.

Recruitment options
In the Indian Business scenario following are the methods to recruit employees

The most cost effective method to start with is to create a page of Trans Trainers on
Facebook, which is free of cost and then advertise on the same. Next plan is to distribute
pamphlets with the adds. After one month trial of these ideas I will move on to a costly
method of recruitment i.e providing advertisements in Newspapers like Times of India

Training programs
Mumbai with a population of 12.5 MM (World Population Review, n.d.) and with a
continuous inflush of working population from all over India, there is no shortage of
physical fitness trainers looking for an apt job. There is complete ensurance that there
will not be any need of conducting trainings for imparting the required skills.
As a mitigation plan, yes trainings will be conducted by means of external providers.
Certification agencies will be referred to for the same. The fee will divided between the
firm and the individual, as the individual gains this certification and will use it further
even after leaving Trans Trainers.
Online Advertisements in Job Sites
Adds in Newspapers
Use of Other media like Social Forums, Pamphlets,
FM/Radios etc.
Direct Recruitment from College/Universities
As every business I have identified the core competency of my idea. Eminent trainers
with strong skills of training people for fitness and health is like an asset to organisation.
In order to keep them in sync with the market upgradation trainings will be provided to
the employees.
The following are a list of trainings that will be imparted to upgrade for current scenario
the trainers

Sport-specific training
Exercise and weight loss
Swiss ball
Functional fitness
Special fitness programs for older adults
Core training
Skill retention strategies
All the identified skills in the previous section will be the basis for recruitment of personal
trainers. The trainers can be expert in one or more of the fields. People with multiskills
will be given a preference during recruitment.
Market Surveys will be conducted to keep the firm updated with the latest trends. The
Marketing manager will be response for this data. Based on his analysis new skill sets will
be added to the list. The new recruitments being made will focus on these new skills.
Within the firm, in order to address to the current employees, a spider chart will be
maintained for every trainer. It will clearly define the areas where the trainer is an
expert, intermediate or a learner. This will also identify the skills that the trainer needs to
develop and accordingly training programs will be identified for him/her. When it comes
to imparting the latest skills to the trainer, a person who is close to this skill as per the
spider chart will be chosen instead of providing to a person completely new to this area.
There will be two main service options
Face to face training session
Online Person Training Session that will aslo include a sub-category of audio
The objective is to cater to the different training needs of different type of customers as
per their convenience. This flexibility of both online and face to face training will wnable
the firm for a larger target market.

Product/Service Description Price
Face to Face
Personal Training

1. B2C Model Directly to clients approaching us Rs. 300 per day for
2 hours
2. B2B Model Outsourcing Trainers to gymnasiums and
fitness clubs
Monthly basis of Rs.
30,000 per
Online Personal
Customised training schedule provided to
customers based on questionnaire
One Schedule for
Audio/Video Training An add on service to the Online training Per video/audio

Face-to-face Personal Training
1. The B2C Model
The organization will provide the traditional face-to-face personal training. In this service
option the customer will contact Trans Trainers and plan the first meeting. The first
meeting is just a consultation where the personal trainer and the client get together to
know each other and see if service is apt for their needs. This first consultation will be
free of cost. Once the client on the training, the personal trainer will works out a
completely personalized program for the client which will be done according to the needs
and wants of the customer. A timetable is made and the client and the trainer meet
accordingly at the place decided by the customer.

2. The B2B Model
Also Trans Trainer will outsource its trainers to various gym and fitness clubs all over
Mumbai. These trainers will be provide training to the clients of those gymnasiums and
fitness clubs.

Online Personal Training
This provides an option for the busy people have access to an instructed workout
program online that will also include an audio training program. The audio training
program plays instructions when the person is working out. The customers will have to
register on our web site and fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be designed to
get details on their personal heath, their preference of exercise, exercising experience
and lifestyle. This will lead to, the web site generating the right work-out option for the
client. Various options will be provided to the client with the opportunity to choose the
audio training that fits their work out the best. The online personal training system will
have detailed instruc-tions, video and picture
Audio/Video Training Service
This service comes along with the online personal training service. The website will have
options to choose different exercise plans like cardio, weight lifting, Zumba, yoga etc.
The audio option will be available for all the exercises. The client can choose the audio
options for the type of exercise thathas been provided to them in the online training
sessions. Both male and female voice options will be available so that the clients get
motivated. There will also be an option to choose the type of music that the client wants
to play in the background. This is a relatively new offering in the Indian fitness marjkjet
and will definitely broing in new customers, customers who do not have the time or
money to have a personal face-to-face trainer. The payment option will be online itself.

Market position:
The customers are divided into two groups.
1. The Adults and the senior citizens : These group require highly trained
professionals who can train them on building strength and improving health
conditions. For this group we have designed the face-to-face personal training.
This represents more luxurious service with professional and traditional training
model service. Customer retaining will be done by maintaining good relationship
with our customers and providing them quality service. The services offered build
up an image which concentrates on giving professional training advice based on
different situation people to satisfy their needs.

2. The young adults : This group focuses mor on time-saving and lower price
training program.The unique online personal training program represents lower
price, time-saving and high quality to this customer segment.

Unique selling position:
The competitors in Indian market focus on both the customers but the online audio and
video training is unique and is a value addition to the budget customers. Our unique
selling point is the cost efficient different customised models that are offered on online
physical training option that can be customised as per the required need and cost.

Anticipated demand:
The following figure the estimated demand for our services for the year 2015 to 2016 is
as shown in the following graph.

Pricing strategy
Price as defined by Kotler(2012), is the amount of money charged for a product or
service in order to cover production expenses and profit. Every company is sets a
minimum floor price which covers the cost of production, distribution, and sells, and
leave the business some profit.
Approach for Pricing
Value-based pricing is used here. It is because there is already a set customer value for
the service Trans trainer will provide. Here the prices are not set based on the cost of
services provided, rather the market perception of the service cost is reference point.
Prices are then set competitively with respect to this perceived value that the consumers
are willing to pay. Since the service is perceived as a luxury by the older and adult
population they are willing to pay higher. Hence we developed the face to face training
for them. For the young adults who see this service as a necessity and look for fast and
cost effective solutions the online and audio/vedio service is developed.
Trans Trainer uses the cost-plus pricing method, this means that the expenses are
calculated in the first step, and then a substantial amount representing the desired profit
as per the pricing done based on market standards for the services is added to it.
150 158
750 750
Estimated Customer Demand
Value to customer:
The following is the value preposition delivered to our target customers
1. Face to Face Personal training: This is a luxury service that is preferred by people
willing to spend on personal trainers to take care of their health or build strength
and stamina. The target customer here is the older generation and the adults.
2. Online Training with an add option of Audio/Video Training: This is designed to
deliver the value preposition of cost effectiveness, time saving and flexibility for
the younger adult population. These are basically the students who are perceive
fitness as a necessity in present India. They are also keen in a cheaper solution to
their needs with the flexibility of timings with respect to their study timings. The
online training caters to all these values demanded by our target customers.

Growth potential:
As mentioned in the earlier sections the fitness and well being industry is growing with a
fast rate of 18% per year. We expect a growth of our firm with the industry standards.
The reason to sustain this figure is the unique options of services provided to the
customers, wide business portfolio and the marketing efforts.
Workers compensation:
Insurance will be provided to all the employees as per the Workmen compensation Act
1923 and Employee State Insurance Act 1948 . For any accident or mishap happening
to our employees on duty, they will be completely insured for it.
Business assets:
General Insurance will be taken for fire & burgalry from a reputed bank like State Bank of
India, HDFC Bank or Axis Bank.

Risk management

Risk Likelihood Impact Strategy
Lack of Awareness in
market about the business
Likely High Strong strategic marketing
People have strong bonds
with existing personal
Likely Low Relationship Management,
Word of Mouth marketing
Existing Gyms at present
recruit their own trainers
Highly Likely Medium Our Value preposition suits
well for targeting them

Technology (Software):
Web Maintenance
Trans Trainers will establish its own website. Plan is to have a very appealing and health
promoting website which is easy to browse through and user friendly. Audio samples will
be provided for the customers trial. Investment will have to be done to ensure that the
server and software works without any problems. Since Online Training is one of our
unique selling point, any compromise on speed of downloading or loading of website will
not be done. The website design and maintenance will be outsourced. It will be regularly
updated on trainings at least two times a week. The approximate cost of this is expected
to be INR 50,000 for design and launch. Maintenance costs will be about INR 2000 per
Trading hours:
The trading hours will be 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Peak trading hours are expected to be 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Communication channels:
Modes of contact for the customers to the firm are
1. Website & email
2. Phone
3. Direct visit to the office
Payment types accepted:
The following are the acceptable payment modes
1. Cash
2. Credit
3. Cheque
4. Paypal
Credit policy:
A credit policy of 30 days will be applicable for the B2B clients only. For the B2C face to
face training clients and online it will be payment during enrolment itself.
Warranties & refunds: NA
Quality control:
Since the service provided is qualitative, a feedback methodology will be adopted. The
clients will be asked to fill regiular feedback forms regarding their expectations and
satisfaction levels achieved. Necessary actions to train and improve the trainers will be
taken based on the same.
Memberships & affiliations: NA

Sustainability plan
Environmental/resource impacts: NA

Community impact & engagement:
The business creates job opportunities for people.
Apart from this people are connected to each other when they come together to the
fitness clubs and gyms. The business creates strong health oriented culture in the
communities of different age groups.
Risks/constraints: NA
Strategies: NA
Action plan:NA
Market research- NA
Market targets
The following graph shows the expected sales target for the year 2015-2016. This
includes the summation of all the products and services provided by Trans Trainers.

Environmental/industry analysis
The Macro environment can be analysed using PESTLE analysis where Pollitical forces,
Economic forces, Socio-cultural forces, and Technological forces, Environmental and
Legal forces are considered.
Mumbai is a politically stable city.
150 158
750 750
New Customer Retained Customers
It is the financial capital of India and is a business hub.
The government of India is working on this city for more diversification in the type
of upcoming business.
Promotion of Special Economic Zones (SEEPZ) by the Government (Ministry of
Commerce & industry, 2014).


Economic downturns and booms can have both positive and adverse effects. The
luxury service offered by Trans Trainers will get affected during a downturn, as
the people will cut down on expenses. But during an economy boom as the
spending power of the people increases we will experience increased sales.

Since the online personal training is affordable, an economic downturn could
improve its sales, while imposing a negative effect on the more expensive face-to-
face personal training.


Young Indian customers are interested in trying out new products/services. Here
there is a wide scope for Trans Trainers new online personal training service with
audio training.
Today people have less time to spend and leisure time is important for them. Thus
the programs offered need to be modified to their schedule. Flexible
communication and distribution channels are required.


Technology has a great role to play in any industry today. It has been a major
disruptive factor. In this industry technological advancements can cause both
positive and negative effects. For instance replacement of trainers by machines is
a threat posed by technology. On the other hand development of new exercises
that can be taught by our trainers is an area of growth.
Connecting with customers is made easy due to technological advancements. Also
storing client data on a larger scale is possible.
Reduction in marketing costs is another benefit.

Legal factors come into picture only during registering the firm and having
contracts with the fitness clubs and gymnasiums.

The population of Mumbai is growing at a fast pace. As metioned in detail in the first
section, clear indications are given on the market sie and where our business fits in the
wellness industry. The growth rate of the industry is also mentioned above.

Your customers
Customer demographics & Key customers
Market Segmentation is done on the basis of geography, demogra-phy, psychographic
and behavioral variables.
Geography: Personal training program mainly targets customers who live in great
capital area. Hence Mumbai is the selected region. Apart from this the online personal
training will reach more potential customers.
Demography: The target age is between 18 50 years. Flexibility in the type of
programs, face to face and online makes it easy to manage different type of
customers.. Students can prefer the innovative and cost effective and flexible online
option. Whereas customers who love the traditional training process that also costs
high, can be afforded by them.
Psychographic: Here the customers are divided into groups based on various
factors like lifestyle, social groups etc. Trans Trainers focus on health care. We focus
on persons who value fitness and health to the most. They do not consider cost while
selecting right trainer for them. Professional training is all they need. These
customers believe in trying the product first and then adopt it. Hence Trans Trainers
will start its own website which portrays the kind of service that we provide. Trial
option will be provided to these customers. Once the image is created in the minds of
customers then we retain them.
Customer management
Customer Relationship Management is the key to success of our business. The
retention of customers is very important. Business is based on retaining the existing
customers and creating new customers. Word of mouth is one of our marketing
methods. If the existing customers are satisfied then we expect them to create more
customers for us. Hence the company will follow a decoram of Customer
A database for the customers will be maintained and accordingly their feedbacks will
be taken on regular intervals. Continuous improvements will be done based on the
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S.W.O.T. analysis
Assesing the business environment before starting any business is a crucial task. The environment is divided into two Micro and the
Macro. Micro environment relates to the business internal and the nearest proximity. It can be assessed using SWOT analysis.

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Your competitors
At present there is no firm in Mumbai that outsources Personal Trainers to the Gymnasiums and
Fitness Clubs.
Hence when we speak about the competitors at present the following is considered
1. All the Gyms and Health Clubs: This is so because they recruit their own personal trainers
on their own efforts. The focus of our business is to become an intermediate in this
market. Trans Trainers needs to do strong marketing and create a place for itself in the
fitness market where all the gymnasiums and clubs come to us for recruiting trainers for

2. Online Programs: Yes, there are many websites available online that provide workout
plans and schedules. But our service is customised for every individual contacting us.
Hence, we are on a better edge with reference to these websites.
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Advertising & sales
Advertising & promotional strategy

Planned promotion
/advertising type
Expected business improvement Cost ($) Target
Business Fairs and Fitness
Fairs enable very strong public relations
and personal sellingopportunity. It enables
delivery of details of our business and
products and services to the customers. It
helps create future customers and build
personal contacts. It allows the people to
ask questions about the products and
services and will help in explaining our
new concept of Online Personal Training.
INR 300
ion Fee
per Expo
or Fair
Magazines like Prevention This is a very reputed Health Magazine
followed by majority of health conscious
population in India. Articles will be
published for the introduction of our
business. Later ads will be published. This
is mass marketing and will create
4400 for
article of
size 434
x 280
Pamphlets distribution Create awareness in the mass. Will be
done in the initial phase.
ng INR 2
News Paper Ads Ads published in Business journals to
target the gymnasiums and Fitness Clubs
for the B2B Business.
INR 600 8/02/20

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Planned promotion
/advertising type
Expected business improvement Cost ($) Target
Google Ad words Ads in google creates a huge market.In
this method the adds are seen in google
pages and when people click it they are
dirtected to our webpage. It is an Affliate
Marketing method worth adopting when its
Google, a page that every person visits
numerous times daily.
INR 76
per click
Sales & marketing objectives
As a start up company I have just one sales and marketing manager.
The marketing plan is mentioned in above sections. All the above mentioned marketing methods
will be used as per the proposed timelines.
Objectives of the marketing team is to create awareness, generate customers by networking,
increase sales both for face to face and for online personal training.

Unique selling position
When the customer has a need for our services or recognizes a problem in his health, the buying
process starts. The desire to be fit is the problem recognised in our customers. After this problem
is identified, the customer refers the internet and various print media to satisfy his needThen the
collected data is compared to find the best fit for him in terms of various parameter like cost,
flexibilkity, quality of training etc. The final decision is to buy or not to buy our product.
Trans Trainres Online personal training is highly differentiated in the fitness market. There are no
competitor in this sector. The competitive advantage lies here. The audio/Video add on is another
specialised feature that is new in this industry. The competitor websites that sell pre planned
workout schedules lack the customisation we offer. Hence we stand aside offering a better and
greater value preposition to our customers at an efficient cost.
Sales & distribution channels

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Channel type Products/serv
of sales
Advantages Disadvantages
Internet Online
40 % It is designed for the
people who need
flexibility and do not
have time to workout
at fixed schedules.
Only challenge is that
the product is new. It
will take time to
create awareness.
Shopfront B2C Face to
face personal
30% This is for individuals
who require personal
trainers for
themselves. These
people are very
conscious and willing
to pay high.
Only challenge is that
the product is new. It
will take time to
create awareness.
Shopfront B2B Face to
face personal
30% Reduction of the
burden of fitness
centres and
gymnasiums to
recruite their own
personal trainers.
Awareness of our
business model.
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The Future
Vision statement
To be the best in personal trainers providing world class exercising techniques and trainings.
Mission statement
Trans Trainers is committed to create a culture of health and fitness in the Indians by offering its
services based on flexibility of time and exercises. Trans Trainers understands that exercising
daily is a challenge and we make it more fun by our product offerings and motivation.
The short term objectives for Trans trainers are as follows:

To raiser the capital for start-up, that is INR 1500000 to ensure the proper execution of
the business plan for the first financial year
To build a customer base of 2000 online personal training subscribers by end of 2015.
To have at least 20 customers for face-to-face personal trainers by 2015
To gain minimum 4 B2B client by end of 2015
The long term objectives are as follows
To gain 10% market share by year 3.
To have a trainer base of 80 by year 5

Action plan
Please note: This table does not include sustainability milestones as they are listed in the
sustainability section above.
Milestone Date of
Person responsible
Location Finalisation 12/07/14 Myself
Loan from the bank 10/08/14 Myself
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Milestone Date of
Person responsible
Registration of Trans Trainers 01/08/14 Myself
Facilities set up(internet connections, computers,
furniture, interior design)
01/09/12 Myself
Recordings to be done for online training 01/05/14 Trainers(min 3)
Website and domain 01/05/13 Outsourced
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The Finances
Key objectives & financial review
Financial objectives
Key financial objective for our firm is to have at least following goals covered in the 1
A customer base of approx. 2500 people for online training program, 6 personal trainers to be
outsoured in the finaical year and a face to face personal training packages sales of 50.
The profit targets related to the above sales figures are INR 4500000.
Finance required
The money which is required starting the business is INR 15,000,00. Self equity of INR 4,552,50
will be given by me, I will get INR from my silent investors INR 5,752,50 Silent Investors being
my friend and 2 family members. Govt Grant for INR 4,592,50 is already being sanctioned which
is every year given to innovative business plan. A Loan of INR 5,392,50 will be taken from State
bank of India at an interest rate of 6%.
The financial tables on the subsequent pages are based on the assumptions listed below:
Interest rates for bank loan will remain 6% for the subsequent years.
The sales figures are conservative as the business model is new. Hence we have taken a
very avg growth of 8% whereas the expected growth rate of the industry is 12%
We have considered seasonality only in the starting of the year because as per survey that
is time after new year that people join gyms as a new year resolution.
Trans Trainers Business Plan [2014]
Page 34
Registrations Business purchase price N/A
Business name INR 5,000.00 Franchise fees N/A
Licences INR 12,000.00 Start-up capital INR 500,000.00
Permits INR 25,000.00 Plant & equipment
Domain names INR 3,500.00 Vehicles INR 220,000.00
Trade marks/designs/patents INR - Computer equipment INR 25,000.00
Vehicle registration INR 22,000.00 Computer software INR 1,000.00
More Phones INR -
Membership fees Fax machine INR -
Accountant fees INR 7,000.00 More
Solicitor fees INR - Security system INR 25,000.00
Rental lease cost (Rent advance/deposit) INR 390,000.00 Office equipment
Utility connections & bonds (Electricity, gas, water) INR 12,000.00 Furniture INR -
Phone connection INR 3,100.00 Shop fitout INR -
Internet connection INR - More
Computer software INR 25,000.00
Training INR -
Wages INR 900,000.00
Stock/raw materials INR -
Building & contents INR 35,000.00
Vehicle INR 12,000.00
Public liability INR -
Professional indemnity INR -
Product liability INR -
Workers compensation INR 60,000.00
Business assets INR -
Business revenue INR -
Printing INR 2,500.00
Stationery & office supplies INR 2,000.00
Marketing & advertising INR 25,000.00
More N/A
Total start-up costs INR 1,541,100.00 Total equipment/capital costs INR 771,000.00
Start-up costs for [2015]

Trans Trainers Business Plan [2014]
Page 35
Balance sheet forecast

Amount Amount
220000 455250
50000 575250
50000 539250
15000 459250
2029000 2029000
2 Vehicles
Website design and Launch
Audio Mixer
Owners Equity
Self Equity
Silent Partners Investments
Balance Sheet as of Janauary 2015
Assets Equity and Liabilities
Non Current Assets
Loan Capital
Computer + Software
Personal Training tools and clothing
Current Assets
Govt Grant
Total Non Current Assests
Total Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketing Budget
Office Premise
(3month Down Payment + 3 month
Cash Reserve for first 3 months of
active partner salaries
Start-Up grant from
Total Current Assests
Trans Trainers Business Plan [2014]
Page 36
Profit and loss forecast

Total Revenue 37355818.5 100%
Cost of Revenue 15000000 40.15%
Gross Profit 22355818.5 59.85%
Insurance 530400 1.42%
Other Insurance 240000 0.64%
Salary 1200000 3.21%
Rent 780000 2.09%
Communication,phone,Internet 180000 0.48%
Accounting 120000 0.32%
Office Supplies 60000 0.16%
Travel Expenses 600000 1.61%
Advertising 2898000 7.76%
Employee Insurance 180000 0.48%
Website Maintenance 600000 1.61%
Total Operating Expense 7388400 19.78%
Net Operating Income 14967418.5 40.07%
Depreciation 33500 0.09%
Loan Payment 32355 0.09%
Earning before tax & Income (EBIT) 14901563.5 39.89%
Interest Expense 45925 0.12%
Net Income 14855638.5 39.77%
Dividend Payout to Silent Members 1485563.85 3.98%
Income after Dividend Payout 13370074.65 35.79%
Non Operating or Others
Income Statement for Year 2015
Operating Expense
Other Expenses
Trans Trainers Business Plan [2014]
Page 37
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
OPENING BALANCE INR - INR 234,800.00 INR 480,100.00 INR 724,400.00 INR 1,014,209.38 INR 1,311,918.75 INR 1,610,728.13 INR 2,067,778.13 INR 2,534,828.13 INR 3,001,878.13 INR 3,486,678.13 INR 3,983,478.13
Cash incoming
Sales INR 586,500.00 INR 586,500.00 INR 586,500.00 INR 640,509.38 INR 640,509.38 INR 640,509.38 INR 807,750.00 INR 807,750.00 INR 807,750.00 INR 838,500.00 INR 838,500.00 INR 838,500.00
Asset sales INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Debtor receipts INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Other income INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Total incoming INR 586,500.00 INR 586,500.00 INR 586,500.00 INR 640,509.38 INR 640,509.38 INR 640,509.38 INR 807,750.00 INR 807,750.00 INR 807,750.00 INR 838,500.00 INR 838,500.00 INR 838,500.00
Cash outgoing
Purchases (Stock
etc) INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Accountant fees INR 10,000.00 INR - INR - INR 10,000.00 INR - INR - INR 10,000.00 INR - INR - INR 10,000.00 INR - INR -
Solicitor fees INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Advertising &
marketing INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00 INR 25,000.00
Bank fees &
charges INR -
Interest paid INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00
Credit card fees INR -
Utilities (electricity,
gas, water) INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 1,000.00
Telephone INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00 INR 2,500.00
payments INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00 INR 35,000.00
Rent & rates INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00 INR 45,000.00
Motor vehicle
expenses INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,000.00
Repairs &
maintenance INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Stationery &
printing INR 1,000.00 INR 500.00 INR 1,500.00 INR - INR 2,100.00 INR 1,000.00 INR - INR - INR - INR 3,000.00 INR 1,000.00 INR 2,000.00
Membership &
affiliation fees INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Licensing INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR - INR -
Insurance INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00 INR 44,200.00
Superannuation INR -
Income tax INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00 INR 50,000.00
Wages (including
PAYG) INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00 INR 100,000.00
Total outgoing INR 351,700.00 INR 341,200.00 INR 342,200.00 INR 350,700.00 INR 342,800.00 INR 341,700.00 INR 350,700.00 INR 340,700.00 INR 340,700.00 INR 353,700.00 INR 341,700.00 INR 342,700.00
Monthly cash
balance INR 234,800.00 INR 245,300.00 INR 244,300.00 INR 289,809.38 INR 297,709.38 INR 298,809.38 INR 457,050.00 INR 467,050.00 INR 467,050.00 INR 484,800.00 INR 496,800.00 INR 495,800.00
CLOSING BALANCE INR 234,800.00 INR 480,100.00 INR 724,400.00 INR 1,014,209.38 INR 1,311,918.75 INR 1,610,728.13 INR 2,067,778.13 INR 2,534,828.13 INR 3,001,878.13 INR 3,486,678.13 INR 3,983,478.13 INR 4,479,278.13
Expected cash flow

Trans Trainers Business Plan [2014]
Page 38
Break-even analysis
Timeframe (e.g. monthly/yearly) YEARLY
Average price of each product/service sold INR 1,500.00
Average cost of each product/service to make/deliver INR 750.00
Fixed costs for the month/year INR 7,388,400.00

Percentage of price that is profit INR 0.50
Total sales needed to break-even INR 14,776,800.00
Number of units sold needed to break-even 9851.20

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]
Page 39
5th Annual Wellness Conference. (2013). Imperatives for growth. Mumbai: pwc.
Retrieved March 15/03/14, 2014
Ministry of Commerce & industry. (2014, MArch 26). Special Economic Zones in India.
Retrieved from Special Economic Zones in India:
World Population Review. (n.d.). World Population Review. Retrieved from World
Population Review:

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]
Page 40
Table of Figures

Figure 1: Indian Beauty and wellness market ............................................................ 5
Figure 2: Welness Market Landscape (5th Annual Wellness Conference, 2013) .............. 7
Figure 3: Organisation Chart ..................................................................................10

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