Design of Machine Elements ME1302 2 Marks Question

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Design of Machine Elements

1.Define: Factor of safety
The ratio between maximum stresses to working stress is known as factor of safety.
Factor of safety = Maximum stress / Working stress

2. Define endurance limit.
Enurance !imit is the maximum "a!ue of com#!ete!y re"erse stress that the stanar
s#ecimen can sustain an infinite number $%&'( of cyc!es without fai!ure.

3. What is impact load?
If the time of !oa a##!ication is !ess than one thir of the !owest natura! #erio of
"ibration of the #art) it is ca!!e an im#act !oa.

4. What are the arious phases of design process?
i.*ecognition of nee. ii.+efinition of #rob!em iii.,ynthesis i".-na!ysis an o#timi.ation
".E"a!uation "i./resentation

!. What are the different types of loads that can act on machine components?
a.,teay !oa. b.0ariab!e !oa. c.,hock !oa .Im#act !oa.

". What are the factors affecting endurance strength.
Factors affecting enurance strength are i. 1oa ii. ,urface finish iii. ,i.e i".
Tem#erature ". Im#act "i. *e!iabi!ity

#. What are the types of aria$le stresses?
a.2om#!ete!y re"erse or cyc!ic stresses b.F!uctuating stresses c.*e#eate stresses
%. Differentiate $et&een repeated stress and reersed stress.
*e#eate stress refers to a stress "arying from .ero to a maximum "a!ue of same
nature. *e"erse stress of cyc!ic stress "aries from one "a!ue of tension to the same
"a!ue of com#ression.

'. What are the types of fracture?
a.+ucti!e fracture b.3ritt!e fracture

1(. Distinguish $et&een $rittle fracture and ductile fracture.
In britt!e fracture) crack growth is u# to a sma!! e#th of the materia!. In ucti!e
fracture !arge amount of #!astic eformation is #resent to a higher e#th.

11. Define stress concentration and stress concentration factor.
,tress concentration is the increase in !oca! stresses at #oints of ra#i change in cross
section or iscontinuities. ,tress concentration factor is the ratio of maximum stress at
critica! section to the nomina! stress

12. E)plain si*e factor in endurance strength. ,i.e factor is use to consier the effect
of the si.e on enurance strength. - !arge si.e ob4ect wi!! ha"e more efects com#are to
a sma!! one. ,o) enurance strength is reuce.
If 5 is the si.e factor)
-ctua! enurance strength = Theoretica! enurance !imit x 5

13. E)plain +riffith theory. ,-r. /tate the condition for crac0 gro&th.
- crack can #ro#agate if the energy re!ease rate of crack is greater than crack resistance.
14. What are the modes of fracture?
a.Moe I $6#ening moe( 7 +is#!acement is norma! to crack surface.
b.Moe II $,!iing moe( 7 +is#!acement is in the #!ane of the #!ate.
c.Moe III $Tearing moe( 7 6ut of #!ane shear.

1!. What are the factors to $e considered in the selection of materials for a machine
i.*e8uire materia! #ro#erties ii.Manufacturing ease iii.Materia! a"ai!abi!ity i".2ost
1". What are arious theories of failure?
i.Maximum #rinci#a! stress theory. ii.Maximum shear stress theory. iii.Maximum
#rinci#a! strain theory.
1#.1ist out the factors inoled in arriing at factor of safety
i.materia! #ro#erties ii.nature of !oas iii.#resence of !oca!i.e stresses
i".moe of fai!ures

1%. +ie some methods of reducing stress concentration.
i.-"oiing shar# corners. ii./ro"iing fi!!ets. iii.Use of mu!ti#!e ho!es instea of sing!e
ho!e i".Unercutting the shou!er #arts.

1'. E)plain notch sensitiity.
/tate the relation $et&een stress concentration factor2 fatigue stress concentration
factor and notch sensitiity.
Notch sensiti"ity $8( is the egree to which the theoretica! effect of stress
concentration is actua!!y reache.
The re!ation is) 5f = % 9 8 $5t:%(

2(. What are the factors that effect notch sensitiity?
i.Materia! ii.Notch raius iii.,i.e of com#onent i".Ty#e of !oaing ".;rain ,tructure
<%. What is the use of ;ooman = ,oerberg iagrams>
They are use to so!"e the #rob!ems of "ariab!e stresses.
22 Define machina$ility
It is the #ro#erty of the materia!) which refers to a re!ati"e case with which a materia! can
be cut. It is measure in a number of ways such as com#aring the too! !ife for cutting
ifferent materia!
23. What is an /34 5ure?
-n ,: N cur"e has fatigue stress on ? axis an number of !oaing cyc!es in
@ axis. It is use to fin the fatigue stress "a!ue corres#oning to a gi"en number of

24. Define Ductility
It is the #ro#erty of the materia! enab!ing it to be rawn into wire) with the a##!ication of
tensi!e force. It must be both strong an #!astic. It is usua!!y measure in terms of
#ercentage e!ongation an reuction in area. $eg( Ni) -!) 2u

2!.Define fatigue
When a materia! is sub4ecte to re#eate stress) it fai!s at stresses be!ow the yie! #oint
stressA such ty#e of fai!ure of the materia! is ca!!e fatigue.
2". What is cured $eam?
In cur"e beam the neutra! axis oes not coincie with the centroia! axis.

2#. +ie some e)ample for cured $eam.
2 frame) crane hook
2%. What is principle stress and principle plane?
- #!ane which has no shear stress is ca!!e #rinci#!e #!ane the corres#oning stress is
ca!!e #rinci#!e stress.

2'. Write the $ending e6uation.
M/I = E/* = Fs/?.
M 7 3ening moment
I : Moment of intertia
E : ?oungs mou!us
* : *aius of the shaft
Fs 7 ,hear stress
? : +istance from neutra! axis
3(. Write the torsion e6uation.
T/B = 2C/1 = Fs/*
T 7 Tor8ue B : /o!ar moment of intertia 2: *igiity mou!us C 7 -ng!e of twist 1 7
1ength of the shaft Fs 7 ,hear stress * : *aius of the shaft
7489 88
1.Define the term critical speed.
The s#ee) at which the shaft runs so that the aitiona! ef!ection of the shaft from the
axis of rotation becomes infinite) is known as critica! or whir!ing s#ee.

2. Factor is considered to design a shaft?
i.strength ii.stiffness
3.What is a shaft?
- shaft is a rotating machine e!ement)which transmits #ower from one #oint to another
4.What are the types of shafts?
i.1ine shaft ii.,#in!e iii. ,tub shaft i". 2ounter shaft
!.What is 0ey?
- key is e"ice) which is use for connecting two machine #arts for #re"enting re!ati"e
motion of rotation with res#ect to each other.

".What is 0ey?
5ey is a e"ice which is use for connecting tow machine #arts for #re"enting re!ati"e
motion of rotation with res#ect to each other.

#. What are the types of 0eys?
i. ,a!e key ii.Tangent key iii.,unk key i".*oun key an ta#er #ins.
%. :o& are sun0 0ey designed?
,unk keys are esigne to fit in a sunk key way. Whose be is #ara!!e! to the axis of the
'. What is the main use of &oodruff 0eys?
- wooruff key is use to transmit sma!! "a!ue of tor8ue in automoti"e an machine too!
inustries. The keyway in the shaft is mi!!e in a cur"e sha#e whereas the key way in
the hub is usua!!y straight.

1(. 1ist the arious failures occurred in sun0 0eys.
%.,hear fai!ure <.2rushing fai!ure
11. What is simple torsion?
When a shaft is sub4ecte to #ure torsiona! moment M) the shaft iameter can be foun
from torsiona! shear strength e8uation.
,hear strength = %'M/D.%E
12.What is simple $ending moment?
When a shaft is sub4ect to a #ure bening !oa)the #rinci#a! stress inuce in the shaft are
tension an com#ression.The maximum stress inuce in the shaft can be etermine by
the theory of sim#!e bening moment re!ation .
13.What are the types of rigidity?
i.Torsiona! rigiity ii. 1atera! rigiity.
14.What are the different measures follo&ed to control the lateral deflection?
i. *eucing the s#an !ength ii. Increasing the number of su##orts iii. ,e!ecting the cross:
section in which the area moment of inertia as in case of ho!!ow shaft.
1!.Define the term critical speed?
The s#ee at which the shaft runs so that the aitiona! ef!ection of the shaft from the
axis of rotation becomes infinite) is known as critica! s#ee.
1". What is the function of a coupling $et&een t&o shafts?
2ou#!ings are use to connect sections of !ong transmission shafts an to connect the
shaft of a ri"ing machine to the shaft of a ri"en machine.

1#. 7nder &hat circumstances fle)i$le couplings are used?
They are use to 4oin the abutting ens of shafts when they are not in exact a!ignment.
They are use to #ermit an axia! misa!ignment of the shafts without uner absor#tion of
the #ower) which the shafts are transmitting.
1%. What are the purposes in machinery for &hich couplings are used?
%.To #ro"ie the connection of shafts of units those are manufacture se#arate!y such as
motor an generator an to #ro"ie for isconnection for re#airs or a!terations.
<.To #ro"ie misa!ignment of the shafts or to introuce mechanica! f!exibi!ity.
D.To reuce the transmission of shock from one shaft to another.
E.To introuce #rotection against o"er !oa.
1'.What are the types of ;igid coupling?
i.,!ee"e) ii.F!ange) iii.2!am# cou#!ing.
2(. What are the types of Fle)i$le coupling?
i.Uni"ersa!) ii.6!hamFs)iii./ushe #in ty#e cou#!ing.

21.What are the main functions of the 0nuc0le <oints?
It is use to transmit axia! !oa from one machine e!ement to other.
22.What material used for flange coupling?
2ast iron
23. Define helical springs.
The he!ica! s#rings are mae u# of a wire coi!e in the form of a he!ix an is #rimari!y
intene for com#ressi"e or tensi!e !oa.

24. What are the different types of helical springs?
The ifferent ty#es of he!ica! s#rings are
a.6#en coi! he!ica! s#ring b 2!ose coi! he!ica! s#ring
2!. What are the differences $et&een helical torsion spring and tension helical
Ge!ica! torsion s#rings are woun simi!ar to that of tension s#rings but the ens are
sha#e to transmit tor8ue. The #rimary stress in he!ica! torsion s#ring is bening stress
whereas in tension s#rings the stresses are torsiona! shear stresses.
7489 888

1 :o& is a $olt designated?
- bo!t is esignate by a !etter M fo!!owe by nomina! iameter an #itch in mm.

2. What factors influence the amount of initial tension?
i.Externa! !oa ii.Materia! use iii.3o!t iameter
3. What is $olt of uniform strength?
- bo!t of uniform strength has e8ua! strength at the threa an shank #ortion.
E. What are the ways to #rouce bo!ts of uniform strength>
i.*eucing shank iameter e8ua! to root iameter. ii.+ri!!ing axia! ho!e
!. What stresses act on scre& fastenings?
i.Initia! stresses ue to screwing u# ii.,tresses ue to externa! forces iii.2ombine
". What are the different applications of scre&ed fasteners?
The ifferent a##!ications of screwe fasteners are
a.For reai!y connecting = isconnecting machine #arts with out amage
b.The #arts can be rigi!y connecte
c.Use for transmitting #ower
#. What are the adantages of scre&ed fasteners?
The a"antages of screwe fasteners are
a.They are high!y re!iab!e in o#eration
b.They are con"enient to assemb!e = isassemb!e
c.- wie range of screws can be use for "arious o#erating conitions
.They are re!ati"e!y chea# to #rouce.
%.Define pitch.
/itch is efine as the istance from a##oint on one threa to the corres#oning on the
a4acent threa in the same axis #!ane.

'. Define lead.
1ea is efine as the istance) which a screw threa a"ances axia!!y in one rotation of
the nut.
1(. What are the different types of metric thread?
%. 3,W $3ritish stanar Whit worth( <. 3,E $3ritish stanar En

11. Define &elding.
We!ing can be efine as a #rocess of 4oining two simi!ar or issimi!ar meta!s with or
without a##!ication of #ressure a!ong with or without aition of fi!!er materia!.

12. What are the types of &elded <oints>
i.3utt 4oint ii.1a# 4oint iii.T 7 4oint i".2orner 4oint ".Ege 4oint.
13. What are the t&o types of stresses are induced in eccentric loading of loaded
<oint? %.+irect shear stress. <.3ening or torsiona! shear stress.

14 Define $utt and lap <oint
3utt 4ointH
The 4oint is mae by we!ing the ens or eges of two #!ates.
1a# 4ointH
The two #!ates are o"er!a##ing each other for a certain istance. Then we!e. ,uch
we!ing is ca!!e fi!!et we!.

1!.When &ill the edge preparation need?
If the two #!ates to be we!e ha"e more than 'mm thickness) the ege #re#aration
shou! be carrie out.

1" What are the t&o types of fillet &eld?
i.1ongituina! or #ara!!e! fi!!et we! ii.Trans"erse fi!!et we!

1# /tate the t&o types of eccentric &elded connections.
i.We!e connections sub4ecte to moment in a #!ane of the we!.
ii.We!e connections sub4ecte to moment in a #!ane norma! to the #!ane of the we!.
1% What are the practical applications of &elded <oints?
It has em#!oye in manufacturing of machine frames) automobi!e boies) aircraft) an
structura! works.
1'.What is 9ee3<oint?
The two #!ates are arrange in T sha#e which means the #!ates are !ocate at right ang!es
to each other.
2(.What is corner <oint?
Two #!ates are arrange at right ang!es such that it forms an ang!e.
21.What are types of fillet &eid?
i. 1ongituina! or #ara!!e! fi!!et we!. Ii.Trans"erse fi!!et we!.
22.When &ill the &eld deposit $e &ea0er?
When the com#onents are mae of high carbon stee! or a!!oy stee!) the we! becomes

23.Define eccentrically loaded &elded <oints?
The externa! !oae where a##!ie may not #ass through the geometric centre in
structura! 4oints are ca!!e as eccentrica!!y !oae 4oints.
24.What are the t&o types of stress are induced in eccentric loading of loaded <oint?
i.+irect shear stress ii.3ening shear stress.
2!./tate the t&o types of eccentric &elded connections.
i. We!e connections sub4ecte to moment in a #!ane of the we!.
ii. We!e connections sub4ecte to moment in a #!ane norma! to the #!ane of the we!.
7489 8=
1. What is a spring?
- s#ring is an e!astic member) which ef!ects) or istorts uner the action of !oa an
regains its origina! sha#e after the !oa is remo"e.

2. /tate any t&o functions of springs.
i.To measure forces in s#ring ba!ance) meters an engine inicators. ii.To store energy.

3. What are the arious types of springs?
i.Ge!ica! s#rings ii.,#ira! s#rings iii.1eaf s#rings i".+isc s#ring or 3e!!e"i!!e s#rings

4. 5lassify the helical springs.
a.2!ose 7 coi!e or tension he!ica! s#ring. b.6#en 7coi!e or com#ression he!ica! s#ring.
!. Define : 1eaf springs
- !eaf s#ring consists of f!at bars of "arying !engths c!am#e together an su##orte at
both ens) thus acting as a sim#!y su##orte beam.
". Define : >elleille /prings
They are mae in the form of a cone isc to carry a high com#ressi"e force. In orer to
im#ro"e their !oa carrying ca#acity) they may be stacke u# together. The ma4or
stresses are tensi!e an com#ressi"e.

#. What is spring inde) ,5.?
The ratio of mean or #itch iameter to the iameter of wire for the s#ring is ca!!e the
s#ring inex.
%. What is pitch?
The axia! istance between a4acent coi!s in uncom#resse state.

'. What is solid length?
The !ength of a s#ring uner the maximum com#ression is ca!!e its so!i !ength. It is
the #rouct of tota! number of coi!s an the iameter of wire.
1s = nt x Where) nt = tota! number of coi!s.

1(. What are the re6uirements of spring &hile designing?
a.,#ring must carry the ser"ice !oa without the stress exceeing the safe "a!ue.
b.The s#ring rate must be satisfactory for the gi"en a##!ication.

11 What are the end conditions of spring?
a./!ain en. b./!ain an groun en c.,8uare en .,8uare an groun en.
12. What is $uc0ling of springs?
The he!ica! com#ression s#ring beha"es !ike a co!umn an buck!es at a com#arati"e sma!!
!oa when the !ength of the s#ring is more than E times the mean coi! iameter.

13. What is surge in springs?
The materia! is sub4ecte to higher stresses) which may cause ear!y fatigue fai!ure. This
effect is ca!!e as s#ring surge.

14. What is a laminated leaf spring?
In orer to increase) the !oa carrying ca#acity) number of f!at #!ates are #!ace an
be!ow the other.
1!. What semi ? elliptical leaf springs?
The s#ring consists of number of !ea"es) which are he! together by U: c!i#s. The !ong
!eaf fastene to the su##orte is ca!!e master !eaf. *emaining !ea"es are ca!!e as
grauate !ea"es.

1". What is nipping of laminated leaf spring?
/restressing of !eaf s#rings is obtaine by a ifference of raii of cur"ature known as

1#. What are the arious application of springs?
The s#rings are use in "arious a##!ications) they are
a.Use to absorb energy or shocks $e.g. shock absorbers) buffers) e.t.c.(
b.To a##!y forces as in brakes c!utches) s#ring:!oae "a!"es) e.t.c.
c.To measure forces as in s#ring ba!ances an engine inicators
.To store energy as in watches
1%. Define free length.
Free !ength of the s#ring is the !ength of the s#ring when it is free or un!oae
conition. It is e8ua! to the so!i !ength #!us the maximum ef!ection or com#ression
#!us c!ash a!!owance.
1f = so!i !ength 9 ?max 9 &.%I ?Max
1'. Define spring inde).
,#ring inex $2( is efine as the ratio of the mean iameter of the coi! to the iameter of
the wire.
2 =+/
2(. Define spring rate ,stiffness..
The s#ring stiffness or s#ring constant is efine as the !oa re8uire #er unit ef!ection
of the s#ring.
5= W/y Where W:!oa y:ef!ection
21. Define pitch.
/itch of the s#ring is efine as the axia! istance between the a4acent coi!s in
uncom#resse state.
Mathematica!!y /itch = free !ength/ n:%

22. What are the points to $e ta0en into consideration &hile selecting the pitch of
the spring?
The #oints taken into consieration of se!ecting the #itch of the s#rings are
a.The #itch of the coi! shou! be such that if the s#ring is accienta!!y com#resse the
stress oes not increase the yie! #oint stress in torsion.
b.The s#ring shou! not be c!ose u# before the maximum ser"ice !oa is reache.
23. Define actie turns.
-cti"e turns of the s#ring are efine as the number of turns) which im#art s#ring action
whi!e !oae. -s !oa increases the no of acti"e coi!s ecreases.

24. Define inactie turns.
Inacti"e turns of the s#ring is efine as the number of turns which oes not contribute to
the s#ring action whi!e !oae. -s !oa increases number of inacti"e coi!s increases from
&.I to % turn.
<I. What are the different 0inds of end connections for compression helical
The ifferent kins of en connection for com#ression he!ica! s#rings are
a./!ain ens b.;roun ens c.,8uare ens .;roun = s8uare ens
2". Write a$out the eccentric loading of springs?
If the !oa acting on the s#ring oes not coincie with the axis of the s#ring) then s#ring
is sai to be ha"e eccentric !oa. In eccentric !oaing the safe !oa of the s#ring ecreases
an the stiffness of the s#ring is a!so affecte.
2#. E)plain a$out surge in springs?
When one en of the s#ring is resting on a rigi su##ort an the other en is !oae
suen!y) a!! the coi!s of s#ring oes not ef!ect e8ua!!y) because some time is re8uire
for the #ro#agation of stress a!ong the wire. Thus a wa"e of com#ression #ro#agates to
the fixe en from where it is ref!ecte back to the ef!ecte en this wa"e #asses
through the s#ring inefinite!y. If the time inter"a! between the !oa a##!ication an that
of the wa"e to #ro#agate are e8ua!) then resonance wi!! occur. This wi!! resu!t in "ery
high stresses an cause fai!ure. This #henomenon is ca!!e surge.
2%.What are the methods used for eliminating surge in springs?
The methos use for e!iminating surge are
a.3y using am#ers on the center coi! so that the wa"e #ro#agation ies out
b.3y using s#rings ha"ing high natura! fre8uency.
2'. What are the disadantages of using helical spring of non3circular &ires>
a.The 8ua!ity of the s#ring is not goo
b.The sha#e of the wire oes not remain constant whi!e forming the he!ix. It reuces the
energy absorbing ca#acity of the s#ring.
c.The stress istribution is not fa"orab!e as in circu!ar wires. 3ut this effect is neg!igib!e
where !oaing is of static nature.
3( Why concentric springs are used?
a.To get greater s#ring force with in a gi"en s#ace
b.To insure the o#eration of a mechanism in the e"ent of fai!ure of one of the s#ring
31.What is the adantage of leaf spring oer helical spring?
The a"antage of !eaf s#ring o"er he!ica! s#ring is that the en of the s#ring may be
guie a!ong a efinite #ath as it ef!ects to act a structura! member in aition to energy
absorbing e"ice.

32. Write notes on the master leaf @ graduated leaf?
The !ongest !eaf of the s#ring is known as main !eaf or master !eaf has its ens in the
form of an eye through which bo!ts are #asse to secure the s#ring. The !eaf of
the s#ring other than master !eaf is ca!!e the grauate !ea"es.

33. What is meant $y nip in leaf springs?
3y gi"ing greater raius of cur"ature to the fu!! !ength !ea"es than the grauate !ea"es)
before the !ea"es are assemb!e to form a s#ring thus a ga# or c!earance wi!! be !eft
between the !ea"es. This initia! ga# is ca!!e ni#.

34. What is the application of leaf spring?
The !eaf s#rings are use in automobi!es as shock absorbers for gi"ing sus#ension to the
automobi!e an it gi"es su##ort to the structure.

3!. Define flat spiral spring.
- f!at s#ira! s#ring is a !ong thin stri# of e!astic materia! woun !ike a s#ira!. These
s#rings are fre8uent!y use in watch s#rings) gramo#hones) e.t.c
7489 3 =
1.What is $earing?
3earing is a stationery machine e!ement which su##orts a rotating shafts or ax!es an
confines its motion.

2. 5lassify the types of $earings.
i. +e#ening u#on the ty#e of !oa coming u#on the shaftH
a.*aia! bearing b.Thrust bearings.
ii. +e#ening u#on the nature of contactH
a.,!iing contact b.*o!!ing contact bearings or -ntifriction bearings.
3. What are the re6uired properties of $earing materials?
3earing materia! shou! ha"e the fo!!owing #ro#erties.
i.Gigh com#ressi"e strength ii.1ow coefficient of friction iii.Gigh therma! conucti"ity
i".Gigh resistance to corrosion ".,ufficient fatigue strength "i.It shou! be soft with a !ow
mou!us of e!asticity "ii.3earing materia!s shou! not get we! easi!y to the 4ourna!
4. What is a <ournal $earing?
- 4ourna! bearing is a s!iing contact bearing which gi"es !atera! su##ort to the
rotating shaft.

!. What are the types of <ournal $earings depending upon the nature of contact?
%.Fu!! 4ourna! bearing <./artia! bearing D.Fitte bearing.
". What are the types of <ournal $earing depending upon the nature of lu$rication?
%.Thick fi!m ty#e <.Thin fi!m ty#e D.Gyrostatic bearings E.Gyroynamic bearing.

#. What is 0no&n as self ? acting $earing?
The #ressure is create within the system ue to rotation of the shaft) this ty#e of bearing
is known as se!f 7 acting bearing.
%. What is fly&heel?
F!ywhee! is a machine e!ements use to minimi.e the f!uctuation of s#ee in a engine.

'. What is the function of fly&heel?
- f!ywhee! use in machine ser"es as a reser"oir which stores energy uring the #erio
when the su##!y of energy is more than the re8uirement an re!eases it u!!ing the #erio
when the re8uirement of energy is more than the su##!y.

1(. Define the term Afluctuation of speedB and Afluctuation of energyB.
The ratio of maximum f!uctuation of s#ee to the mean s#ee is ca!!e co efficient of
f!uctuation of s#ee. The ratio of f!uctuation of energy to the mean energy is ca!!e
coefficient of f!uctuation of energy.

11. /tate the type of stresses induced in a rim fly&heel?
%.Tensi!e stress ue to centrifuga! force <.Tensi!e bening stress cause by the restraint of
the arms an D.The shrinkage stresses ue to une8ua! rate of coo!ing of casting.

12. What are the stresses induced in fly&heel arms?
%.Tensi!e stress ue to centrifuga! force. <.3ening stress ue to tor8ue. D.,tress ue to
be!t tension.

13. :o& does the function of fly&heel differ from that of goernor?
- go"ernor regu!ates the mean s#ee of an engine when there are "ariations in the mean
!oas. It automatica!!y contro!s the su##!y of working f!ui to engine with the "arying
!oa conition = kee#s the mean s#ee with contain !imits. It oes not contro! the s#ee
"ariation cause by the "arying !oa. - f!ywhee! oes not maintain const s#ee.
14. What is the nature of contact inoled in a $all $earing element?
Instea of s!iing) the contact between the bearing e!ements is ro!!ing.
1!. Define antifriction $earing?
The contact between the bearing e!ements is ro!!ing) this ty#e has "ery sma!! friction.
1". What are the types of rolling contact $earing?
+e#ening u#on the ty#e of ro!!ing e!ement)
i. 3a!! bearing
ii. *o!!er bearing
+e#ening u#on the !oa to be carrie)
i. *aia!
ii. -ngu!ar contact
iii. Trust bearing
1#. /tate the components of rolling contact $earings?
i. 6uter race ii. Inner race iii. *o!!ing e!ement i". ,e#erator.
1%. What are the seeral types of radial $all $earing?
i. +ee# groo"e ba!! bearing ii. ,e!f a!igning ba!! bearing iii. -ngu!ar contact ba!! bearing
i". Fi!!ing notch bearing ". +oub!e row bearing.
1'. What are the types of trust $all $earings?
i.6ne irectiona! f!at race ii. 6ne irectiona! ;roo"e race iii. Two irectiona! ;roo"e
2(. What is load rating?
The !oa carrying ca#acity of a ro!!ing e!ement bearing is ca!!e !oa rating.

21. What is $asic static load rating?
It is efine as !oa acting on a non rotating bearing uner which #ermanent eformation
is &.&&&% times the ba!! of ro!!er iameter.
22. E)plain the term dynamic load carrying capacities of rolling contact $earing?
+ynamic !oa rating is efine as the raia! !oa in raia! bearing that can be carrie for a
minimum !ife of one mi!!ion re"o!ution.

23. 1ist the types of $earing materials?
i. 1ea base babbit ii. Tin base babbit iii. 1eae bron.e i". 2o##er !ae a!!oy ". ;un
meta! "i. /hos#hor bron.e.
24. /tate the theory of lu$rication?
i. Gyrostatic theory of !ubrication.
ii. Gyroynamic theory of !ubrication.
2!. Define Cinematic iscosity?
The kinematic "iscosity is efine as the ratio of abso!ute "iscosity to the ensity of oi!.

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