Ex8 1

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Example 8-1

In this example, the test induction motor is speed controlled using encoder-less DTC.
It is initially operating in steady state as described in Chapter 1.

At time 0.4 t s = , a load-torque disturbance causes it to reduce to one-half of its initial
value. The objective is to keep the load speed constant at its initial value.

The crossover-frequency for the speed controller is 25 rad/s and the phase margin is 60

Simulate the above system using Simulink, assuming the following additional

Maximum simulation time
1.0 T s =
Sampling time in the stator voltage vector selection portion 25 T s =
Sampling time in the speed estimation portion 500 T s

Hysteresis band for torque 5%* (0)
em em
T T =
Hysteresis band for flux

0.5%* (0)
s s
DC-bus voltage of the inverter 700
V V =
Switching frequency 10
f kHz =
Triangular waveform peak

V V =

Note that tables in Simulink have zero-based indices. However, the tables in MATLAB
have unity-based indices.

Selection of Stator Voltage Vector. To increase torque in the torque controller, a non-
zero voltage vector is applied whose selection is based on the output of the flux controller
(see Table 8-1 in Chapter 8). However, a zero voltage vector (
) is applied to
decrease torque unless the estimated torque exceeds the reference torque by 2*
T , in
which case a non-zero voltage vector is applied to decrease torque, taking the output of
the flux controller into account (see Table 8-1 in Chapter 8). If the torque controller
determines to apply a zero voltage vector, this is done regardless of the output of the flux

Plot various results such as 1) torque (reference and estimated), 2) speed (reference,
actual and estimated), and 3) stator flux (reference and estimated).

Modify the simulation to get the alfa and the beta components of the estimated stator and
rotor fluxes. Plot them on X-Y plots.


Fig. 1 shows the lop-level diagram of the system simulation. Torque waveforms are
shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the speed waveforms. Fig. 4 shows the stator flux. Plots
of stator and rotor fluxes in coordinates (fl_s_a versus fl_s_b and fl_r_a versus
fl_r_b) are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 2 Torque Waveforms.
Fig. 1 Top Level Diagram of the System Simulation.
Fig. 3 Speed Waveforms.
Fig. 4 Stator Flux.

Fig. 5 Stator and Rotor Fluxes.

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