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J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90

L. Rahmani
S. Begag

Regular paper

H. Hamla

Development of Digital Hysteresis

Current Control with PLL Loop Gain
Compensation Strategy for PWM
Inverters with Constant Switching


Hysteresis current control is one of the simplest techniques used to control the magnitude and
phase angle of motor current for motor drives systems. However, this technique presents several
disadvantages such as operation at variable switching frequency which can reveal problems of
filtering, interference between the phases in the case of the three-phase systems with insulated
neutral connection or delta connection, and irregularity of the modulation pulses which especially
causes an acoustic noise on the level of the machine for the high power drive. In this paper, a new
technique is proposed for a variable-hysteresis-band controller based on dead beat control applied
to three phase voltage source PWM inverters feeding AC motors. Its main aim is firstly ensure a
constant switching frequency and secondly the synchronization of modulation pulses using the
phase-locked-loop with loop gain compensation in order to ensure a better stability. The behavior
of the proposed technique is verified by simulation.
Keywords- Digital Adaptive Hysteresis Current Control, Switching Frequency, Stability, Phase
Locked Loop, Voltage Source Inverter



In most applications of power electronics such as direct torque control (DTC), direct
power control (DPC), power factor correction (PFC) and active power filters (APF)etc.
The hysteresis current control techniques have been receiving increased attention,
especially for high speed electrical drives to provide a PWM signal control of the switches
converters, due to a several advantages such as its ease of implementation, fast current
control response, and inherent peak current limiting capability [1].

To date, many researches have been reported in the literature with particular interest
focused on fixed band hysteresis control for DC-AC converters [2-4]. However, a current
control by conventional hysteresis with fixed band has many inherent disadvantages such as
variable switching frequency, consequently a large amount contents harmonic distortion in
the load current, which affect the passive filter and hamper its proper design, interference
between the phases in the case of the three-phase systems with insulated neutral connection
or delta connexion, resulting in irregular operation, and the irregularity of modulation
pulses which causes a torque ripples in machine that result in speed oscillation, mechanical
vibration and acoustic noise. Thus, these problems reduce the drive performances.
To overcome these disadvantages, recently, many authors have been interested to
develop some algorithms to improve the characteristics of the hysteresis control technique
[5, 6]. In this paper and in the same way, a novel technique is developed for three phase
voltage source inverter feeding AC motors. The main objective of this technique is to
modify in adaptive way the hysteresis-band independently on load conditions, in order to
ensure a constant switching frequency, this Reasoning based on first order dead-beat
control, and to ensure a synchronization of modulation pulses, the phase locked loop (PLL)
Department of Electrotechnic, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ferhat Abbas Setif 19000 Algeria.
Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright JES 2008 on-line : http://journal/esrgroups.org/jes

N. Belhaouchet et al.: Development of Digital Hysteresis Current Control with PLL Loop Gain

is added. The conventional PLL presents a gain loop depending of the normalized voltage
which create stability problem during transient state. In order to ensure a better stability of
the system, a PLL loop gain compensation is introduced. For the three phase systems with
insulated neutral, the application of this novel technique requires the decoupling of the real
current error in order to avoid interference phenomena between the phases.
In this study, the mathematical development of this proposed technique followed by a
stability analysis is described, and its performances are confirmed through simulation
results using MATLAB/SIMULINK.


R 0 0
L 0 0
R = 0 R 0 , L = 0 L 0 , e = eb

0 0 R
0 0 L



The operation of a three-phase voltage-source inverter (VSI) feeding an AC motor is

described with reference to Fig.1 [7, 8], where the motor load is represented by a
symmetrical approximated equivalent scheme including R.L impedances and back-EMFs

Figure 1: Three phase inverter with insulated neutral motor load.

The load equations are:

u = L.


+ R.i + e + u

u0 =


(u a + u b + u c )



J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90

Where u and i are vectors of the inverter output voltages and currents, respectively, is
unity vector, and u0 is the load midpoint voltage. All voltages are referred to the supply
The vectors u , i and are defined as:

u = [ua ub uc ] , i = [ia ib ic ] , = 1 1 1 .

If i are load reference currents. Consequently, the phase reference voltages may be
defined as:

u = L.



+ R.i + e



u = ua ub uc , i = ia ib ic

u are the voltages that should be applied to obtain currents i .



And the instantaneous current errors are the deviations between the actual currents i and

the reference currents i as:

= i i*


From (1), (3) and (4), we obtain:


+ R = u u u


Equation (5) shows that, due to the action of load midpoint voltage u0 , each phase
current error is affected by the commutations in the other phases. This interference [5, 7],
causes severe irregularities in the ordinary hysteresis operation. By introducing a

decoupling term such as:

d ''
+ R = u


An interference-free modulation can be obtained if the hysteresis control is performed on

the decoupled error terms.



Instead of total errors . Indeed, from (1) to (7), it results:


d '
+ R = u u


Which shows that terms are independent from u 0 .


Figure 2: Upper: Hysteresis-band and decoupled current error, Middle: output voltage,
lower: clock of synchronization.


N. Belhaouchet et al.: Development of Digital Hysteresis Current Control with PLL Loop Gain

Once decoupled, each phase control can be performed independently. The instantaneous
phase voltage has a rectangular waveshape of amplitude E / 2 , with duration Ton of the
positive pulse and Toff of the negative one, for a total period T (figure 2). Usually, the

effects of load resistance R can be neglected, and the term u u can be considered
constant during a modulation period; from (8), it results that current error has a triangular
behavior, as shown in Figure 2. In these assumptions, from (8), it also results that the

average of the phase voltage u over T is equal to u . By defining the normalized phase
un = u* /( E / 2)


And with reference to Figure 2, it can be derived:


E (1 un2 )

Ton = T

1 + un


, Toff = T

1 un


Equation (10) shows that, if u n is variable and is constant, a variable modulation

frequency is produced.
A. Constant switching Frequency
To obtain a constant switching frequency (1/T d ) , the hysteresis-band has to be
modified dynamically, according to equation (12) [7, 8]:


J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90

E Td
(1 un2 )


Figure 3: Bandwidth control algorithm.

From the figure 3, we deduce the following equations:

s+ .Ton = s .Toff =
k :


T +T



For a switching period corresponding to k , we have:

T (k ) =


The controller maintains its analog structure, but an adaptive bandwidth digital control is
added which ensures constant switching frequency. Figure 3 shows the adaptation of the
hysteresis-band for two successive modulation periods.

s (k )+ s (k )
(k ) (k )
= (k ). +
s+ (k ) s (k )
s+ (k ).s (k )


For a switching period corresponding to k+1, the equation (14) is written:

T (k + 1) = (k + 1).

s+ (k + 1) + s (k + 1)
s+ (k + 1).s (k + 1)


For two successive periods, we have the following simplifying assumption:

s+ (k ) = s+ (k + 1)
s (k ) = s (k + 1)
From (14), (15) and (16), we can get:
T (k )
T (k + 1) = (k + 1).
(k )




N. Belhaouchet et al.: Development of Digital Hysteresis Current Control with PLL Loop Gain

From (17), it is possible to derive the control equation:

(k + 1) = (k ). d
T (k )


Where Td = T ( k + 1) is the desired switching period.

B. Synchronization of modulation Pulses


It is worth noting that this reasoning leads to an algorithm which is equivalent to a first
order dead-beat control of the switching period, habitually a low-pass filter is added to
output of this algorithm to ensure the stability of its loop. The control algorithm is very
simple; unfortunately, the switching pulses are not phase-controlled. This means that the
allocation inside the modulation period of the switching pulses is random. To avoid this
problem, the solution is equivalent to the implementation of a digital phase locked loop

When locked to a suitable clock signal, the PLL not only ensures constant modulation
frequency, but also minimizes the phase displacement between the output voltage pulses
and the clock itself as shown in figure 4, with an accuracy limited only by the control loop
gain. This feature is of particular importance for three-phase insulated neutral system,
where the centered pulse condition results in optimal reduction of the current ripple [5,
9]. Thus, we have two cases to study:
- Case 1: non-compensated PLL loop gain

In controlling the hysteresis modulation, the ability of the PLL to limit the phase
displacement is restricted to slow variations of u n . This because its bandwidth is limited by
the wide variations of the loop gain in dependence of u n .

Figure 4: Digital hysteresis current control with non-compensated PLL loop gain.

From the figure 4 and with reference to PLL loop as shown in the upper part, we deduce
the following equations:
The phase detector transfer function can be modeled as an integrator as:

J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90


d 2


The filter has a proportional-integral characteristic to ensure a zero steady-state phase

PI =

d 1
1 + sTz
= kp.


Being k p the high frequency gain and Tz the zero of the filter.
From (10) and (12), the differential gain H c of the Hysteresis comparator turns out to be:

.(1 un2 ) = d




Hc =

Were f = 1/ T is the actual frequency and in the last term it is assumed that the system
is locked at f d = 1/ Td .
The closed loop gain GP in lock conditions is obtained from (12), (19), (20) and (21):
GP =

8 k p L

f d2
[1 un2 ]

1 + sTz

s Tz

= 2 k p

1 + sTz f d
s 2Tz


The equation (22) shows that GP varies with the normalized voltage un , becoming very
large as its absolute value approaches unity. On the contrary, the gain decreases for small
values of u n near zero. This behavior is shown in figure 5, where asymptotic Bode plots of
GP are reported, for un = 0 and un = 0.8 .

Figure 5: Bode diagrams.

The large variations of GP may result in instability, especially if unity crossing
approaches the switching frequency f d . This instability affects the switching regularity and


N. Belhaouchet et al.: Development of Digital Hysteresis Current Control with PLL Loop Gain

the current error. The instability occurs near to the maximum positive and to the minimum
negative values of u , where is minimum, according to (12).
To avoid instability, it is customary to set a lower limit to the band . This corresponds

to an upper limit for u n , beyond which the PLL loses the lock and the modulation
frequency slows down.
From the diagram of figure 5, it can be seen that, in order to ensure good stability
margins and to keep the unity-gain crossing well below the switching frequency, the PLL
bandwidth is reduced appreciably at low values of u n .
- Case 2: PLL loop gain compensation


To improve the PLL characteristics, a solution is suggested by the expression of GP

given by the last term of (22). A constant gain, independent of and thus of un , can be
obtained if a multiplicative factor proportional to is introduced in the loop as shown in
figure 6.

Figure 6: Digital hysteresis current control with compensated PLL loop gain.

The expression (22) of the loop gain becomes:

GP = 2 k p .

1 + sTz

s Tz


. f d .K

Where k is a proper constant. As a result, GP is independent of u n and , this


behavior is shown in figure 5. In practice, if the absolute value u n approaches unity,

particularly higher gain is obtained which does not depend on u n . Thus, to ensure a correct
operation, u n must be limited by a limit strictly lower from 1 ( un < 1 ).
Finally, with reference to figure 6, it can be derived:


J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90

= 1 + 2
1 = K p .

1 + sTz





The equation (26) shows the first order Dead-Beat control with correction by PLL with
compensated loop gain, which allows to obtain a constant switching frequency and a
synchronization of modulation pulses of inverter with a better stability.

2 =

In this simulation, we used the parameters which are shown in table 1.

Table 1: Design specifications and circuit parameters
Desired Switching Frequency

f d = 5 KHz

Fundamental Frequency


Inverter DC Voltage

E = 500V

Load resistance

R = 1

Load inductance

L = 10mH

The magnitude of EMFs


The magnitude of reference currents

10 A

PLL parameters

f z = 500 Hz k p = 0.5

The constant

k = 0.3



To verify the performances of the proposed technique compared to the conventional

fixed band hysteresis current control, the simulation results will be shown as follows.

Figure 7 shows the a-phase current waveform, its harmonic spectrum and PWM
switching frequency for the conventional fixed band hysteresis current control with
interference phenomena (the current error is not decoupled), where the hysteresis-band is
fixed to 2.5 A. The phase current has a high current ripple, its harmonic components are
widely distributed with Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) is equal to 11.64%, and thus the
switching frequency varies widely and randomly.
Figure 8 shows the a-phase current waveform, its harmonic spectrum, PWM switching
frequency and phase error between the switching signal and the extern clock for digital
hysteresis current control with non-compensated PLL loop gain. In this case, the phase
current waveform has almost negligible current ripple, its harmonic components are
negligible with THD is weak equal to 1.05%, the switching frequency is always almost held
in 5 KHz, and the phase error varies around zero, between almost 10 and -10.


(a). Phase current.

(b). Spectrum harmonic of phase current.

(c). PWM inverter switching frequency.

Figure 7: Simulation results for conventional hysteresis-band controller with interference



N. Belhaouchet et al.: Development of Digital Hysteresis Current Control with PLL Loop Gain

J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90


(a). Phase current.

(b). Spectrum harmonic of phase current.

(c). PWM inverter switching frequency.

(d). Phase error.

Figure 8: Simulation results for digital hysteresis current control with non-compensated
PLL loop gain.


N. Belhaouchet et al.: Development of Digital Hysteresis Current Control with PLL Loop Gain

(b). Spectrum harmonic of phase current.

(c). PWM inverter switching frequency.

(d). Phase error.

Figure 9: Simulation results for digital hysteresis current control with compensated PLL
loop gain.



(a). Phase current.

J. Electrical Systems 4-1 (2008): 77-90

The a-phase current waveform, its harmonic spectrum, PWM switching frequency and
the phase error waveform for digital hysteresis current control with compensated PLL loop
gain are shown in Figure 9. In this case, the phase current waveform has almost negligible
current ripple, its harmonic components are negligible with THD is very weak equal to
0.91%, , the switching frequency is always almost held in 5 KHz, and the phase error varies
around zero, between almost 5 and -5. We observe that there is an important
improvement of the load current quality for the digital hysteresis technique with
compensated PLL loop gain compared to the digital hysteresis technique with noncompensated PLL loop gain, this improvement is explained by the reduction of the THD
from 1.05% to 0.91% and thus of the maximum phase error from 10 to 5.
Figure 10 shows the variation of the maximum phase error as a function of
normalized voltage u n for compensated and non-compensated PLL loop gain. For the case


of non-compensated PLL loop gain, the phase error undergoes a great variation when the
normalized voltage varies, especially around of unity ( un > 0.8 ). For the case of
compensated PLL loop gain, the variation of the normalized voltage does not have a great
effect on the phase error. Thus the digital hysteresis technique with compensated PLL loop
gain shows a better stability compared to the digital hysteresis technique with noncompensated PLL loop gain. But for the two cases, to ensure a correct operation of the
system, the normalized voltage must be strictly lower of unity.

Figure 11 shows the variation of the THD of load current as a function of switching
frequency for compensated and non-compensated PLL loop gain. It is noted that the PLL
with gain compensation presents a better THD compared to the PLL with non-compensated
gain, especially for the low switching frequency.

This paper has presented a digital adaptive hysteresis current control with PLL loop gain
compensation which is shown to be particularly simple and effective in achieving both a
constant switching frequency and the phase control of the inverter voltage pulses. This
technique is characterized by a better stability; it allows also an improvement of the load
current waveform in term of total harmonics distortion (THD). The performances of the
proposed digital hysteresis current control are verified by simulation.

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Compensated PLL loop gain

maximum phase error (Deg)







Figure 10: Maximum phase error as a function of normalized voltage for two cases:
compensated and non-compensated PLL loop gain.

Non-compensated PLL loop gain

Compensated PLL loop gain







Switching frequency(Hz)

Figure 11: THD of load current as a function of switching frequency for two cases:
compensated and non-compensated PLL loop gain.



Non-compensated PLL loop gain

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